#44 my new fed
yanderes-galore · 11 months
Can I request Bayverse Leo with your prompts 4, 44, and 45?
I'll see what I can do! Just saw the second movie so I may make this take place around that time or after? Hope you enjoy regardless :) As usual, the build up is poor but I was trying. I'm better with in the moment kind of stuff.
Yandere! Bayverse! Leonardo Prompts 4, 44, 45
"My heart belongs to you, I'll adore anything you do to it."
"Your tongue is so sharp... wouldn't it be a shame if I had to silence it?"
"Stop screaming! I can't take it!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, His brothers accidentally encourage him one time and things go wrong, Stalking, Slight overprotective behavior, Kidnapping, Threats, Forced relationship, OOC Leonardo, I struggle with Bayverse Ig 🤷‍♀️
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Leo knew it was wrong to fall for a human as a mutant. He used to think it was bad news when Mikey showed feelings for April. At the time, he didn't get it.
Now he did.
Leonardo had met you through April and Casey. A human friend who managed to be a good help to them against the battle of the Technodrome incident. It was this big event that made the stoic leader grow curious of you.
After the battle the turtles were accepted by the community for the most part. This made interactions with you easier, which only fed into his growing feelings. He's happy he doesn't have to hide himself from you.
Although there is certain aspects he does hide from you.
Leonardo tried to keep his attraction to you hidden. For now, he's fine being a friend and a hero to you. He often got to speak with you during hang outs with April and Casey.
Leo may be able to hide his attraction from you, but his brothers know him well. Leonardo doesn't try to be impressive or stutter around anyone. It may have partially been Donnie and Mikey's fault for encouraging Leo....
After all, the two encouraged Leonardo to get your number.
It was innocent for the most part! Leonardo passed it off as just wanting to keep in touch. You're friends and a great team... might as well call and text once in awhile?
Being used to the mutants after the Technodrome incident, you accepted Leo's request with a smile. After all he is nice to talk to.... You trust him and his brothers as heroes of New York, after all.
You didn't expect much to come of it.
Phone calls were often exchanged back and forth. Hang out sessions were often set up late at night. You two became close.
Leo's brothers often overheard him talking to you around their home. Leonardo often shed off his stoic leader persona to talk to you casually. Based on the amount of chuckles and compliments, they knew their brother enjoyed his time with you.
They also knew he's leave late at night to meet you. Sure, he could see you in the day now, but night felt so much more natural. You two would still talk and have fun for hours regardless.
For months after the big battle Leonardo stuck beside you. It's been going on for so long his brothers saw it as normal. They can't tell much if Leonardo is doing anything bad at first.
He is.
Leonardo's behavior around you appears relatively normal. He still leaves late at night, he still texts and calls, he's done so for months!
Leo... tends to be secretive.
His brothers, your friends, even you don't see the pictures on his phone. No one ever sees him watching you in the shadows. With his growing feelings... his obsession... he's stealthy with it all.
Leo feels comforted when he watches you at night through your window. There's times he wishes to slip in and watch you closer. He promises he won't do anything weird.
Leonardo wishes you'd be susceptible to his feelings someday. Whenever he looks at you... he feels a yearning in his chest. He doesn't care if he sees you from afar, his phone, or right in front of him... he still wishes you could be closer.
It's a crush, a similar crush he thought was strange with Mikey. Although, his was much stronger than those small feelings. Leo's feelings drove him.
Drove him to do... dishonorable things.
There's signs that slowly start to bleed through. Leo's more touchy when you hang out, often trying to excuse it. He just... wants to hug you, is all.
He also just gets... upset when you turn away. He's upset when you look at one of his brothers or your friends with more affection than him. Do you... not like him? You talk all the time! Surely you must feel similar to how he does by now, right?
He tries to hide things but truthfully... he can't much longer.
You have no idea what he'd do for you... he wants to be yours so bad...
Maybe... it's time you learn just how much he loves you?
This is love... isn't it?
This... wasn't how love was supposed to go for all. He knew he was being eager yet... ugh, this isn't how a leader is supposed to act! He's... kidnapped you.
The worst thing?
The only thing he hates is your screaming.
He was just trying to show you how much he loved you! It wasn't meant to be kidnapping! He just... brought you home to hang out-
Then he confessed to you in his room... you turned him down. Something snapped in him and he ended up locking the door.... Then you wouldn't stop screaming.
Even when he moved you to a more secure and hidden place to work things out, you kept screaming... calling him a monster over and over again.
You wanted to be let go... he couldn't bring himself to do it.
Your screaming makes him so upset. He hates that he's scaring you but he also wishes you went along with this. Why didn't you accept him...
Now he really is a monster to you.
"Stop screaming! I can't take it!" Leo snaps, gaze staring down your frightened body. He... didn't know he could get so angry. You had the right to be scared....
"No! Let me go you freak! I TRUSTED you! You were my FRIEND! Now look at you! Kidnapping me because of what!? Let me go-!"
"Stop it!" Leo growls, stalking closer. He grips your chain and pulls down. You freeze when you see the gleam of a katana, the turtle in front of you grins. "Your tongue is so sharp... wouldn't it be a shame if I had to silence it?"
Leo looks into your crying eyes and quivering lips. Oh... he was only getting worse, wasn't he? He couldn't handle you not loving him to the point he was hurting you...
This isn't him...
This isn't the Leonardo you should love.
"... I'm sorry, baby...." Leonardo murmurs, releasing his grip to stroke the top of your head. "I scared you... you scared me, too. I promise I'll be gentle now. I didn't mean to lose my cool.... This isn't how a leader should act... this isn't how I should act towards the one I love, huh?
"Leo..." You whine softly. "Let me go... please...."
"I can't, baby... you know that." He kisses the top of your head and you cringe. "Not in the meantime, at least."
"You're scaring me...."
"I'm sorry." He holds you in a rough hug. "I just... love you more than anything." He then pulls away and holds your face with a smile.
"My heart belongs to you, I'll adore anything you do to it." Leo sighs, pulling away to look at you in your binds... your tear stained face engraving itself in his mind. "Even if you hate me after all of this..."
Leonardo holds your hands, blue eyes glinting with adoration. It looks to innocent to be coming from him. He's betrayed you, after all....
"I'll love you no matter what happens."
The kiss he forces onto your lips afterwards feels like poison dripping into your mouth.
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headgehug · 7 months
beat generation dash simulator
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📝 windblownworld
I need to run away and live on a mountain fr
#jack.txt #my buddy gary @ dharmabum has a good gig lined up for me next summer. #feels like forever away #fuck my life
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���️This post has been flagged for the following community warnings: mature
📚 starvinghystericalnaked
okay, you know what, fuck you. fuck. you. there's nothing "obscene" about my poem. in fact the bible is more "obscene" than this. maybe if you had the guts to read it you'd understand that YOU are the problem. WE are the movement WE are the people WE are the answer.
🔁 🐒 oldbulllee14
Allen, I completely agree with you. Customs officials are a load of cock-sucking bastards. Next time you are in town, come over. I just got back from Mexico if you know what I mean.
🔁 📚 starvinghystericalnaked
say less 👀🍃
#like for real say less LMFAO if the feds are on tumblr we are so fucked
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🚗 coloradocarjacker-deactivated04011948
"Well it's about time you wrote, I was fearing you farted out on top that mean mountain or slid under while pissing in Pismo, beach of flowers, food and foolishness, but I knew rhe fear was ill-founded for balancing it in my thoughts of you, much stronger and valid if you weren't dead, was a realization of the experiences you would be having sown there, rail, home, and the most important, climate, by a remembrance of...
read more
🔁📝 windblown world
needed this right now. missing you, brother.
#does anyone know if neal remade or is he just gone? #did he say anything to anyone? he told me he was just remaking
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🎶 bopaholicedie Follow
happy 1 year anniversary of the official annulment of my marriage
#if you're reading this jack go to hell. I wish you'd rotted to death in jail with that m*rderer #after all these years and not even a fucking thank you
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📝 windblownworld
logging off indefinitely. my editor needs a draft of my book by the new year and I already blew my advance so there's no way I can ask for an extension. if you see me online tell me to fuck off
#mutuals can still send letters
Pinned post
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❤️‍🔥 lucienspress
feeling blessed for all of my good friends today. real ones know — rip d.k. '44 — keep the hustlers and parasites at arms length, we'll get through this!
#this one goes out to you jack! 🙌 hit me up sometime
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🛤 railmanmoriarty Follow
what's up motherfuckers! remade from @coloradocarjacker
🔁 📝 windblownworld
neal? holy shit. is that you? are you busy tonight?
🔁 🛤 railmanmoriarty Follow
kerouac my boy my lad my good man for you I am never busy I have to just drop carolyn off at the motel and procure a fine feast dinner for her and the kids and then maybe an hour two just setting around making sure she's and they're alright and then if you pick me up at 10 no I better say 10:45 not a minute later than ten forty five pm jack I will be fired up and ready to go out with you
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📝 windblownworld
SAL AND DEAN ON THE PROWL TONIGHT JUST LIKE THE OLD DAYS!!! if you want to party with the OGs first rounds on me.
#NYC beat scene #jack.txt
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❤️‍🔥 lucienspress
"Make 'em laugh, make 'em cry, make 'em horny."
#quotes #beatnik #beat literature #deep #counterculture #new york city #on the road core #kerouaquette #writer #writing advice
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openheartfanfics · 1 month
Newly Added Fics
May 11 - 17, 2024  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Bryce x F!MC
Unexpected - @eadanga ☁
Casey has some unexpected news for Bryce. [Domestic; Pregnancy]
Ethan x F!MC
Gen’s “First” Mother’s Day - @genevievemd 📸🌸
McRam has arrived in Miami for their babymoon and to celebrate their anniversary on Tuesday.
It Happened One Miami Night - @liaromancewriter 📚
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Part 5
Jealous - @cariantha ☁
Sawyer and Ethan react when they find themselves in situations that stir up feelings of jealousy. [Jealous]
Two Years Later… - @genevievemd 📸
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A Special Gift - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Raf surprises Casey with a charm with Florence’s birth stone in the days before their daughter’s birth.
Final Scan - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Casey & Raf attend Casey’s final scan ( hopefully ) before their daughter arrives.
Hurry Up Little One - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Casey begins to feel fed up with being pregnant & desperate for Florence to arrive.
Lucy Plays Mama - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Lucy takes her “baby” for a walk in the garden when she won’t stop “crying.”
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[extended: wip] Follow up to We Belong Together. Set a few years into the future. Feat. Sienna Trinh x M!OC
CH 42 - Meeting Someone Special
CH 43: Why Won't She Leave Us Alone? Part One
CH 43: Why Won’t She Leave Us Alone? Part Two
CH 44: Boy Oh Boy, Here They Come!
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Sienna is almost as miserable as Casey & desperate for the babies to come.
So Blessed - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Sienna has her 34 week scan to check on the twins.
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netherworldpost · 4 months
To give you a nicer message in your inbox:
Thank you for posting about all of the things that you do! Your enthusiasm is infectious! I can't think of another blog that could both
A) inspire me to work on little personal zine projects as part of my burnout recovery
B) inspire me to research and open a high interest savings account instead of being tepidly satisfied with the interest rates on the timed CD at my credit union
You have the range!
And I am eternally delighted that you share so many pieces of your joy with the world!
Ah you are very kind :) You needn't worry about ol' atty, I remain unphased by tantrums.
I have a big, flowery, open personality that is unfortunately seen as a vulnerability by the emotionally unavailable.
Unfortunately for them, I have both a block button and a big, flowery, open personality not rooted in seeking resolution with those whom disapprove of me.
A) This is very exciting! I hope your zine project helps tremendously. The low cost of entry (both in terms of financial price as well as structural making a zine) make them amazing things.
Start small as can be, scale up literally as big and vivid as you want. I hope you have a magnificent time.
Expand, grow, shrink, cut up, redo.
Go go go!
B) Fantastic re: high yield savings!!
CDs can be great, the increase of interest rate adds up, and if you're not going to use the money for something else (and have buffers in place), it's a great way to take advantage of the increase in funds.
In a very deeply underlined "this is not financial advice" sort of way, the main advantage (in my opinion, not advice, again stated) you can pull from them is watching the interest rate in the coming year or so.
The highest rate I can quickly find is 5.4% with a minimum of $1000, so we'll use that as a base.
5.4% after 12 months on $1000 is $1054 (+$54)
Let's say you lock that in tomorrow.
Some folks are trying to tell the feds "hey your interest rate... it's too high."
For the sake of discussion not a prediction in any way, shape, or form say the feds agree and lower the interest rate, by 0.25%, twice
CD rates in this extremely linear simplified absolutely goddamn hypothetical example reduce by 0.25% and then 0.25% again -- for new customers, but not you, because your rate is locked.
5.4% - 0.25% - 0.25 = 4.9% on new customers, not you, you're locked in, on $1000 is $1049 after their CD matures.
You made $5 more than them because you locked in your rate in a higher interest rate environment.
Conversely if the interest rate goes up, you don't get the new premium, because you're locked in. Thems the risks. I have no idea what the feds are going to do -- and neither does anyone else, including the feds better data is available.
My main vigilance on CDs is the increased return is... very small.
5.4% interest rate on a 12 month CD, $1000 base: $54 return.
4.4% interest rate on 12 months in a savings account, $1000 base: $44 return. (This can probably be beaten but it's good for easy math)
A $10/year difference... or $0.8333... ($10/12) per month.
You acquire an additional $0.83 - $0.84, per month, per $1000, by locking up your funds for a year.
Is this a good deal?
As always, depends entirely on your situation now and how likely it is to change in the timeframe (this example: 1 year) discussed.
I'm not anti any financial product, unless it takes advantage of someone. I am very "understand risk/reward and assess to your financial situation. Maximize your return, minimize your risk."
On both art, and money, I refuse to tolerate bullies who gate keep knowledge because it makes it easier to be a predator or to be a snob.
They are both complex subjects with deeply rooted moving parts and I'll never attempt to undercut the work needed to take the most advantage possible of either.
A very basic, general, elementary understanding of either covers somewhere between 90 - 95% of the entire landscape.
I firmly believe that the more accessible knowledge of art and finances are, the more common benefit can be found.
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thewizardingtoad · 6 months
Time, Chess, and the Tower of Magic
(novel: 29-35)
(manhwa: 44-45)
I just reread the scene in the novel, and I'm kind of obsessed with it, but also am in awe of how well it established the dynamic between Desir and Zod, something that I feel like the manhwa didn't really do, so, I'm doing a bit of comparing under the cut.
Also, if you like these characters in the manhwa, then you should 100% read at least these few chapters, because, as I said before, they are amazing.
So the manhwa starts us off with how Zod is an "odd fellow", he's always been that, and how he lead civilization into a new era of magic, he's achievements are endless, and is Desir's irreplaceable friend.
Now, in the novel, Desir says that Zod accepted his request because he was intrigued by it. (True) He says that Zod single-handedly renewed interest in magic.
(Also, fun-fact: someone wrote a book about all of his accomplishments, and it's thicker than most encyclopedias.)
(Also also, in the manhwa he looks like 40, in the novel that's 30)
The next scene plays out almost the same, except that we learn, in the novel, that Zod has an 'archaic feeling to his words'.
While in the manhwa he's all nice, and smiley etc. novel!Desir points out that until the North Sea's rules are mentioned, Zod's so impatient to get on with the match that it can almost be heard in his tone, which for this old man is VERY impatient.
And then of course Desir drops the bomb, that yeah, he wants to play the Rule set that originates from Zod's homeland and n!Desir immediately points out how much more relaxed Zod gets from hearing that.
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The chess match starts, and in both mediums Zod's like, this kid is pretty good, but he's still just a kid, and "[He's] too hasty with [his] moves"
Desir, when he's on the verge of losing, makes the bet. It goes in the novel as it goes in the manhwa, except that a) Zod's like, 'I know that everything you did so far was to make this wager, and I hope you see how suspicious you are.' and b) At this Desir's just like, 'Wow, you're very interested, huh? Then I won't tell you until I win.'
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And then the whole 'you play like a whole different person' thing happens in the manhwa, 'oh, well, I played against him in the future so of course I know how he plays', 'I've been the same person this entire time' etc. etc.
So. That does not happen in the novel.
What happens instead is we get the explanation as to why is Desir losing:
He's been playing with Zod for 6 years, yes,
However, this Zod plays differently than other Zod
In the future, his play style is more aggressive
Now he focuses on counter-play and he's more reserved
And Desir deduced this in the first few steps in their game, and been sacrificing pieces since then to analyze Zod's play style.
And also, yes, Desir did figure the greatest mage of all time out in what? 20 minutes?
And Desir might be losing, but because of the time limit Zod's going to make some stupid moves, which Desir deducted will happen, then he makes even worse moves, and the next thing Zod knows is that he got ripped to shreds in 3 minutes.
In the novel, Desir mentions that in the last minutes of the match, Zod's straight up panicking over how bad the situation has gotten for him.
Then, when Desir mentions the trade, Zod tries to calmly explain to him why that's not possible "You're asking to exchange a bar of gold for a peanut"
Desir of course doesn't budge and after a bit of "bartering" it's clear just how fed up with this "boy"'s bs Zod is and reading this scene after the manhwa is kind of shocking
Zod expressed disdain at the boy's choice. "I expected you to choose more wisely. You've rejected my offer, and I can't accept your deal. With that, the negotiations are over." The man rose to get up from his seat.
"So you think this is a fair deal." The Tower Master was audibly upset by Desir's words.
And I'm very sad that this scene in this form didn't make it to the manhwa, because while we see Zod being dismissive and uninterested in Desir's idea before he sees it to himself, we don't see him being, well, like this.
Prideful, kind of cocky, and straight up offended that a mere student would even dare to suggest that his idea worth as much as support from the Tower of Magic, upset to the point that Desir has to actively put out 'fires' during the conversation so that it can progress.
Which is a beautiful way of showing us how, yes, Desir does know this guy, he knows why he's upset he knows what to say to get him to calm down enough to listen and also how to say it.
What in the manhwa is essentially just 'Well if I show you that my idea is worth it then it will be fine, right? Let me show you then.' in the novel is Desir going on first about how of course what he's saying is outrageous, and Zod is right to be upset, but shouldn't Zod know that impossible things are sometimes real? And then he starts explaining how 20 years old Zod Exarion becoming the Tower Master was an impossible feat, or maybe, perhaps, even more impossible, a student defeating him in chess! Which happened just now, and That is when Zod tells him to show him his idea.
This scene alone reaffirms to the reader, that Desir doesn't just know Zod as a tactician, but as a person, he knows how to talk to him, he knows how to talk sense into him, and that Desir did this enough in the past that this comes like second nature to him.
Zod being stone headed and stuck to his ways until Desir reminds him that he's been just like this boy in the past is also one of the most Old Person Thing TM Zod does in the entire novel, showing and not just telling us that the G is not just for show in that GILF he is actually old.
After that the "reveal" scene plays out pretty similarly except that Zod gets a bit more info out of Desir, one of them is that he didn't necessarily discover the technic but he "knows of it", and Desir lets the reader know that the person who discovered it was in fact Zod, just 3 years into the labyrinth, and as he starts explaining the theory Zod catches up extremely quickly, actually taking over Desir's explanation of how resonance is better than the enchant method.
When Desir mentions that he has more ideas like this, Zod tells his secretary to cancel every plan he has until he says otherwise, which is a very entertaining turn of events in my opinion.
So to wrap it up, while I love how the manhwa did this scene, (this is probably my favorite two chapters from it) I'm kind of sad that most of the little tidbits of building up the relationship between Zod and Desir, that would be important later got lost in adaptation.
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yesyourstalker · 19 hours
Ikkan: warabie wake up!
Warabie:mmmmmm.. what? I thought it was our day off?
Ikkan: it is. Get up and get dressed
Noji: we have to go to church!
Warabie: church!?!
Ikkan: yeah. Our dad wants us to go at least once while we're here
Warabie: ugh ..really? You guys don't seem like you're the... Religious type
Noiji: we're not religious. It's just something we do
Ikkan: we only go just to catch up with other people in the town you know and just talk to each othr while listening to service
Noiji: I like going to church, learning a lesson of the day, singing solms, talking to our neighbors and then we have a nice dinner with everyone.
Ikkan: it's only an hour sermon.
Merv: boys hurry up! Hope you have your Sunday. Best on. Cirrina sweetheart, oh look at you! The dress fits perfectly
Cirrina: I didn't think I'd look cute in this, but I like it. Though it does look a little dated
Ikkan: you kept my old clothes?
Merv: we weren't just going to throw it away. We keep all of your clothes yours too Noiji. We have all your things in boxes
Noiji: why?
Merv: just in case we had another baby. we didn't want to buy all new stuff....... I didn't want to buy new stuff... Shimi do you have the dish?
Shimi: yeah... warabie get dressed we need to leave in 15 minutes
Warabie:.*sigh* .. . Mr Kane do you have any dress clothes that I can fit in?
Pastor: so Pikaia looked to Cod still wet from the salt water he emerged from. He looked upon them and asked what his purpose was and why he was here. Cod looked down with nothing but love and said to Young pikaia 'I give my children of the Sea no purpose, no goal and no reason' meaning?
Church: "we are free we"
Pastor: yes we are free to roam and grow and make our own choices. But with those choices comes with?
Church: "effects and consequences"
Pastor: yes. So let's turn to Gideons 12:44
Warabie: what page is that?
Ikkan: here...[flips]
Pastor: I bring up choices today because that is what we will be discussing today the act of choice and the reasons behind those choices. This lecture will start with a squid named malamar..............
Cirrina: *sigh*
Octoling: I know it seems boring now. But give it a couple more minutes and it'll start to get interesting. father Berg is a really good storyteller
Cirrina: ugh I hope so..
Octoling: You're not from around here are you? hehehe.....
Cirrina: no.... I'm here to visiting... I'm just working on my grandpa's farm
Octoling: Kane is your grandfather? That's pretty neat he delivers milk to our shop week
Octoling mother: bayou! No talking during the sermon!
Bayou: sorry ma.... Talk more during dinner. My name is bayou by the way
Cirrina: name's Cirrina
Bayou: Nice to meet you Cirrina
[Hour later]
Pastor: malamar looked upon Cod with tears of sorrow. 'why! Why? Why have you abandoned me so? why have you forsaken me for so long? for I have done all that you've wanted me to do. I was kind, I was generous, I've given to the poor and I fed the hungry and yet you still turned your back on me for why?
Cod stared down at their lost child and they said 'for you've only done those not out of kindness, not out of generosity but for a reward. If it wasn't for my desire to help those who were not able to help themselves you would have walked past them if I didn't vocalize my dismay seeing my children in pain you would have done nothing.' malamar looked on cod dried and frail with nothing else to say forced to work another 100 years...... alright so that's the end of our sermon. Let's all catch up with each other.... I see some new faces and some old ones. Let's all talk to our neighbors.
Old lady: look at you so handsome just like your father.
Old man: just lik em ye gott yea long nek an evythig. Why havnt yav fixed ya beak yet? Looken odd whit it ben off centered. Ya need ta gu to the dentist. Cant be looken lik that at yur age
Noiji: aww come on... I like my beak
Old lady: ohhhh is your twin still in school? I heard they dropped out poor things
Noiji: he just graduated actually...... ikkan come on and say hi to the Flanigans
Ikkan: hi Mrs Flanagan
Old lady: well look at you! Ya so tall....nice broad shoulders too
Old man: too tall fa music tel yu that! Yu coud be a hell of athlete ya coud. 3 pointers and such If it wasnt for yur klutzy and awkward demeanor
Old lady: oh he's so quiet like usual
Pastor's wife: so how's living in haddaido? I'm sure you're sick of the city.
Merv:ehhh it has its charm. I like the food and environment. Noiji really likes it there. it's more...it's more technologically advanced. I can barely use my shell phone he's making music with one.
Pastor's wife: how's your wife? I haven't seen her in a while? Has she retired yet?
Merv: nope she's currently on vacation right now. Having her own......girls trip
Pastor's wife: hmm
Merv: hmm
Pastor: how did you enjoy the sermon?
Shimi: I actually quite enjoyed it actually it was very eye opening. I haven't been in church since I was a boy
Pastor: well we're open to more volunteers if you're welcome to join us every Sunday
Shimi: well I might invest in that
Warabie: since when you were a religious type dad?
Shimi: hush up and help setup the table ....... I would like some advice tho father.
Bayou: so you actually use real weapons?
Cirrina: yeah
Bayou: and you don't.... die?
Cirrina: no the weapons aren't powerful enough to kill you. It's just to...... splat you
Bayou: Does it hurt?
Cirrina: it really depends on the weapon. Some hurt more than others, guns like splattershot or a dual weapon they can leave small marks sometimes. Charges, surprisingly aren't that bad. Depending on how far away they are it can feel like a pinch when you're hit. The worst ones are brushes and rollers, I got a headache after someone splatted me with a carbon roller
Bayou: and you do that for fun?
Cirrina: yeah it's more of a sport where I live I'm actually the captain of my turf war team so hehe
Bayou: you must be really good I've never picked up a weapon before. We're actually not allowed to have them here. We don't believe in the glorification of warfare or the mimicry of violence
Cirrina:....oh..... that's cool..... I mean I wouldn't say it's violent It's mostly just painting...... Trying to get most coverage
Bayou: oh yeah Yeah yeah I understand heh I just meant as a culture and our history in krillarney we don't really want to be reminded of those events......... yeah........
Cirrina:.. yeah I get that uhheh. .. . ........
Bayou: I like your tentacles. I like the ink color. Is it natural?
Cirrina: yeah actually this is my natural ink
Bayou: It's very beautiful. It reminds me of a sunrise
Cirrina: (blush).........thank you. I like yours too is it. It's a nice, deep blueish purple. It's a really pretty color
Bayou: oh thank you...
Pastor: dinner is ready!
Bayou: come on they're serving roasted snapper.
Friend 1: hello
Cirrina: hey girl
Friend 1: oh my cosh Cirrina! How's your trip abroad? What's the food like? How's the fashion? are the boys cute?
Cirrina: That's why I called you.....so there's this guy
Friend 1: I'm listening
Cirrina: He's super cute. His tentacles are like a dark bluish purple, he has a really nice smile....huuu...he smells like vanilla and honey! ahhhh! he's so charming I could die! He said my tentacles look like a sunrise
Friend: a romantic ohhhh and he likes you?
Friend 2: I thought you were dating Paul!
Cirrina: I'm not dating Paul!
Friend 2: well you said you liked Paul!
Cirrina: I can't like two guys?!
Friend 2: not when you know I like one of them!
Cirrina: how is that my problem?!
Friend 3: how tall is he
Cirrina: around 4'11
Friend 3: ohhhh he's short hehehe you should send a picture of him later
Cirrina: what are you guys even doing anyway
Friend 1: we're at Cassidy's place.
Cirrina: ew why are you at her place..... she's such a catty bitch
Friend 3: We're planning on seeing ink-fast together. Are you still going?
Cirrina: I don't know I still need money for tickets
Friend 1: well you better hurry up ticket sales start at the end of the month and they're probably going to be sold out by the time you get back. We might just go without you
Cirrina: (scoff)
Friend 2: so just being clear you don't like Paul?
Cirrina:...... Nina.......... I have to go. I need to go feed some calves
Ikkan: morning babe... yeah I'm about to head in for today. You found a best man?............oh she's a nice choice. Yeah I asked her why?.........well you should have asked first not my fault you procrastinate.....hehehe..... you'll be fine..... I'll see it on our wedding day. Yeah love you too..... yes.... I'm alone........... Neta......stop....*sigh*..hehe..... I'm wearing a black tank top and briefs. No I'm not the purple ones..... I'm wearing the Mr shrug ones........... what do you mean I ruined the vibe?!? Hehehehehe I'm hanging up... oh really what are you wearing?........take a pic, let me see........................ that's worse than what I'm wearing!........ because it has a hole in it!...
Warabie: HEY IKKAN!!
Ikkan: *gasp*. .. warabie knock! Cod!
Warabie: I.... I..... just wanted to ask.....if you're.... you're still planning on marrying Neta..... .. If.....if.... you're not willing I'd gladly take him..... I'd-I'd-I'd gladly take him if you don't want him
Ikkan: are you drunk?
Warabie: also what am I wearing as a groomsmen? Do we have to match? Can I pick out your suit? No offense but you have terrible taste
Ikkan: warabie go to sleep......how much did he drink?
Noiji: just 2 and a half pints he's a real light weight...... I put your two in the fridge
Ikkan: hm...... yeah I'm still here it's just warabie being a jackass..........*sigh*....... You know what we can do. We can watch a movie like we used to do... Long distance movie night........ yeah I'm heading down stairs...... You got finnflex open?..... All right, I'm all set up too...... Let's put you on speaker......
Neta: All right, I got you on the speaker too. What do you want to watch? I was thinking of "the kraken 2 sunken ship"
Ikkan: they don't have that on finnflex krillarney.
Neta: fuck. what do they have?
Ikkan: mostly documentaries
Nets: do they have wahoo land documentary? A big dream with with even bigger lawsuits?
Ikkan:.......... yeah
Neta: let's watch that one I heard someone actually fell off one of the coasters
Ikkan: wait we actually perform there in the grand opening I think Murasaki is in this.
Warabie: can I watch with yooooooooou? *Boop*
Ikkan: No fuck off
Warabie: I don't like it when you're so mean to me!
Ikkan: and I don't like it when you hit on my boyfriend but we can't get what we want all the time can we? Go upstairs!......... sorry
Neta: It's fine. I have my own personal nuisance with me
Mahi: why are you up so early! It's 5am!
Neta: Don't you have like college to go to or some shit? Leave me alone. I'm on a date!.... Okay, let's watch the documentary
Mahi go home already @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
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saurongorthaur9 · 11 days
For the "Wanna be nosy" ask game! 36 and 44?
36. Where I would like to live
The absolute utter dream for me would be to one day move to New Zealand. I fell in love with it the two weeks I got to visit there. Not only is the landscape beautiful, the culture rich, and it's freaking Middle-earth, but it's a lot more progressive than the US in terms of stuff like healthcare and work-life balance. A more realistic dream is to live in the north-west of the US (Washington, Oregon, Idaho). I've always loved that part of the US and had the dream of moving there one day since I graduated from college. (And there's the possibility that I may be moving there soon!)
44: A random fact about anything
Praying mantises have personalities, likes cats or dogs. I raised praying mantises for 14 years, and the range of personalities was just amazing. I had one mantis named Maedhros (so named because he was missing part of his right front arm) who was the chillest mantis I've ever had. Would let me take pictures, hold him, pet him, etc. I had another mantis named Skadi who was the exact opposite of chill; she would attack my hands whenever I fed her or tried to take her out or even if I bumped the branch she was on. And then I had another mantis named Astaldo who loved riding on my shoulders and was absolutely obsessed with our TV. Every mantis I had was a completely different individual, just as much as different cats or dogs.
Thanks for the asks!
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voraciousvore · 8 months
Bucky's (30/44)
***Contains soft, safe, willing vore***
Chapter 30: Back to Bucky's
Bianca wondered, in the back of her mind, if she was making a bad decision by returning to Bucky’s, but at this point she didn’t care. She was over it. The one thing she had learned from her “Maneaters Anonymous” session was that her relationship with Gio wasn’t going to last if she had to hold herself back and keep secrets. She was fed up with ignoring her insatiable hunger. She wanted to indulge, since she had the means to do so. And why not? She wasn’t hurting anything. Those humans were at the restaurant to be eaten. That was their purpose there. 
Even as she ruminated over her thoughts, though, a seed of doubt sprouted in her mind. Her ex claimed he was there against his will. Bianca wasn’t really sure if she believed him, or if he was lying because he sensed she was angry. She debated with herself whether she wanted to select him as her entrée again, or opt for another human male. She thought to herself she’d prefer to try someone new, someone fresh and delicious. Her mouth watered at the tantalizing possibilities. 
The restaurant with its blaring neon red sign appeared on the horizon. Bianca stepped inside with confidence. She demanded a seat at the bar before the seating hostess got the chance to prompt her. She sat down, ordered a beer, and checked out the menu, trying to decide what to get. She ultimately decided on some chicken wings and fries—with a human entrée on top, of course. She placed her order, specifying she wanted a human male. She chugged her beer as she waited in good spirits. She wasn’t as anxious or conflicted as the last time she patronized the establishment. In fact, she felt almost carefree. 
The waitress who wrote down her order came over with an apologetic grimace. “Excuse me, miss,” she addressed Bianca, “I’m sorry to say I just checked our stock of humans, and we’re all out of men right now.” 
“What? Are you serious?” Bianca balked.  
“We have plenty of fine ladies available for ingestion-” 
“No! Not good enough!” she snapped. “I’m outta here-” She started to get out of her seat before the waitress stopped her. 
“Just—hold on a second. Let me talk to the owner. Maybe he can fix this…” The waitress rushed off. Bianca sat back down in a huff, tapping her nails on the table impatiently, until Bucky showed up, wringing his hands. 
“We do have one human male in stock,” he admitted. Bianca lit up. “But, the catch is, he does not taste good. Do you still want to order him? I can give you a discount.” 
“It doesn’t matter, I’ll take him,” Bianca declared. Bucky grinned and left to fetch the human. He lumbered into the back room and pulled open the ceiling. 
“Cesar!” he bellowed. “It’s finally your turn to be eaten, you lucky dog!” 
Cesar had been lounging out on one of the gray couches, staring at the walls and slowly slipping into madness, when Bucky’s yell snapped him back into reality. He looked up in surprise as Bucky’s massive sausage fingers coiled around him and he was lifted out in a pudgy fist. 
“Wait, for real?” Cesar gasped, hardly containing his excitement. “You’re not pulling my leg?” Bucky didn’t deign to respond, but carried him into the kitchen and handed him off to Chef Gore. Cesar let out a small squeal of joy. He was beyond ecstatic. Finally, he was able to escape his life of drudgery and boredom for some good fun. 
“Change into this,” Chef Gore grunted, throwing Cesar a rubbery pair of acid-proof shorts. Since Cesar usually didn’t get served as food, he was wearing normal clothes that wouldn’t survive digestion. Cesar, still standing in the chef’s palm, stripped naked with alacrity and pulled on the shorts. 
“Hey there, babygirl,” he flirted with the husky redheaded chef, rubbing his nipples on his bare chest with a wink. “Like what you see? If you ever get a hankering for a tasty hunk of man flesh, I’m right here.” The chef glared at him and rolled his eyes before plopping him onto a mountain of chicken wings with a shake of his head. He drizzled a hearty amount of sauce on the diminutive man, to conceal his distasteful natural flavor, and gave him a pill before sending him out to be eaten on a platter. 
Cesar couldn’t wait to see who had ordered him as an entrée. He hoped it was somebody hot. His whole body prickled with anticipation, and perhaps the spiciness of the wing sauce. The waitress, balancing the plate in one hand, ferried him into the bar section. Cesar spied Bianca and his jaw dropped with amazement. He had hoped for the best, but this Giantess was a fucking goddess. She was divinely gorgeous, from her long, glossy black hair to her smoldering hazel eyes behind glasses that gave her an intellectual air. Her facial structure was perfectly sculpted, matching her ideal feminine form, with gigantic breasts, a slender waist, and supple curves in all the right places. If Cesar was excited before, now he was completely enraptured. The waitress set him down in front of the beautiful Giantess and he gaped up at her with stars in his eyes. 
“God damn, what a fine woman!” Cesar praised out loud. He was too awestruck to care about social mores. “Oh, please, baby, eat me up!” He struck a dramatic, seductive pose on his perch of chicken wings, bit his lip, and winked at Bianca flirtatiously. He couldn’t stop himself from stroking the outside of his bulging crotch with one hand. 
Bianca started and blushed, not expecting this reaction from her dinner. She had never met a human who wasn’t initially afraid of her and actually wanted to be eaten. “Are… are you serious?” she stammered, scarcely believing her good fortune. She regarded the man on her plate, with his brown skin, wavy dark hair, emerald eyes, and brilliant smile. Bucky claimed he didn’t taste good, but he certainly looked appetizing. 
“Oh, babe, I couldn’t be more serious! I’m all yours!” Cesar sang. “Let me see those pearly whites.” Bianca gave him an uncertain smile, and he swooned with delight. “Ah! Such perfect teeth, to match a perfect smile!”  
Bianca giggled and flushed again. She enjoyed Cesar’s zest, so unlike the other humans she had met. She plucked him up off the chicken wings and drew him in towards her mouth. He traced the sensual curve of her luscious lip, plump and soft like a body pillow, with his hand. Bianca quivered under his touch, her lips parting with hungry anticipation. To her surprise, Cesar vaulted over her lower lip and climbed up into her mouth. Bianca slurped his legs all the way inside and sampled his flavor. Underneath the sauce, her tongue detected a sort of canned, meaty taste, not exactly good but not terrible either. Bianca didn’t care about that, though. She could feel his small body shaking slightly in the curve of her tongue, but with exhilaration instead of fear. His excitement was infectious. Her mouth watered, drenching him with drool. 
Cesar never thought the day would come, when he could indulge in his wildest fantasy. And it was better than he had ever imagined. He was surrounded by wet, fleshy warmth, in the intimate embrace of the massive tongue beneath him. He lamented that he didn’t taste better, but at least the Giantess hadn’t spat him out in disgust. She seemed to be enjoying herself regardless, judging by the low hum of satisfaction that emanated from her throat and vibrated through his body. She rolled him around on her tongue, cleaning every drop of sauce off his body. Cesar went limp as he allowed himself to be eaten, indulging in the sensual experience. He admired all the details of the inside of her mouth, that were so familiar and yet so foreign when blown up on such a vast scale: the cage of gargantuan white teeth around him, the elegant pink arch of the roof of her mouth, the gullet swooping down into the dark abyss of the throat, the moist red tonsils and uvula. Cesar was nudged back by the tongue, his legs sliding down the curve into the fleshy chute below. He prepared himself as the powerful throat muscles gripped his legs and dragged him down. He plunged down her throat, squeezed tightly on all sides as her colossal body throbbed around him. 
Cesar was momentarily filled with an instinctive panic at the crushing force confining him as he slid down into the depths. However, he swiftly regained his wits and basked in the thrill of the new sensations. His feet suddenly entered an open space, wriggling freely, and the rest of his body passed through a ring of muscle and dropped into the hollow cavity below. His journey was complete; he was inside the stomach. He marveled at the fact that he was inside a much larger person, far closer and more intimate than he had ever been before, in tune with the rhythm and movements of her body. He waded through the acid, exploring the Giantess’s inner world. He groped his hands along the slimy, pulsing walls, fascinated and enthralled, and settled himself in. 
Bianca could feel his every movement and caress from within. She squirmed in her chair with delight, forgetting entirely about the rest of her meal as she savored the feeling she’d been longing for. She had eaten a man whole before, obviously, but this time was different. She experienced a unique connection or union that was unprecedented for her. His comforting presence in her gut, full and alive, made her feel less unwanted. Finally, she had found someone who was willing to fulfill her voracious impulses. 
Bianca relaxed in bliss until it was time to let Cesar out. The waitress stopped by to give her the rope and bowl. As Bianca swallowed one end of the rope to pull the man out of her stomach, Bucky regarded her pensively. He had an idea. Cesar had been mostly useless to him up to this point, since the human lacked the sufficient quality required to be a restaurant-grade food ingredient. He saw an opportunity to offload the defective ingredient and perhaps make some money in the process. He casually sauntered over after Bianca had dropped the human into the bowl. The two were gazing upon each other with a sort of tender awe over the special time they had shared. 
Cesar went rigid upon Bucky’s arrival. Bucky circled his huge hand around the bowl, signaling his ownership of the tiny being within. Cesar shifted with discomfort away from his hand, clearly unsettled. He was fully aware of the barbarity that Bucky was capable of.  
“I have a proposition for you,” Bucky said smoothly to the Giantess with the shadow of a smirk on his lips. Bianca listened. “I’m willing to offer you a discount to purchase this human, since he is not very useful to me. Normally, the price for fatal ingestion is astronomical, as you know, but I’ll sell him to you for... let’s say... 8,000 Big Bucks?” Cesar perked up with astonishment at this suggestion that he might have a chance to go free and escape his lamentable fate. 
However, Bianca balked at the quoted price. “I can’t afford that,” she confessed. She glanced down with regret at Cesar, who looked back at her, with those bright emerald orbs, with desperate longing. Her chest twisted into knots. She realized her ex had been telling the truth: The humans really were prisoners at the restaurant, treated like food instead of people. 
Bucky suspected Bianca was not rich enough, so he anticipated he would have to lower his price. “4,000 Big Bucks.” 
Bianca shook her head. “1,000 BB,” she counteroffered.  
Bucky scoffed. “Absolutely not.” He scooped up the bowl in his meaty paw and started to walk away. 
“Wait!” Bianca cried. “How about... 2,000?” She winced. 
Bucky raised an eyebrow. “3,000.” 
“2,700 and I’ll throw in some human pills as a bonus.” 
Bianca gritted her teeth. She looked down at Cesar again. “Alright. 2,700 Big Bucks.”  
Bucky grinned, pleased to be making a quick buck. He briskly waddled to the back to wash off the human while Bianca reluctantly shelled out the huge sum of cash. Cesar was in shock. He couldn’t believe his fortune had changed so abruptly. He was going to be free of this hideous place, once and for all. Bucky carried him back out to the dining area, still dripping in his thick calloused hand. Cesar suddenly found himself in slimmer, more elegant hands, pleasant and soft. He looked up into the hazel eyes, shining with fondness, of the attractive Giantess. 
She carried him outside, and Cesar’s vision blurred with tears as he beheld the sun and sky for the first time in who knew how long. The sun was setting, sinking down towards the horizon and painting the sanguine sky with glowing streaks of gold, orange, and purple. The scene was striking, possibly the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, excluding the Giantess who had freed him. Her towering form glowed with light and shadow from the sunset. 
“You don’t have to stay with me, if you don’t want to,” Bianca uttered solemnly. “I’ll be happy to take you wherever you need to go.” 
“Girl, don’t you worry about that!” Cesar laughed. “My life was a total train wreck before I got sent to Bucky’s. I don’t want to go back.” He turned around in her palm to focus on her face. “I’m more than happy to go to your house and be your little man-slave! You can do whatever nasty little things you want to me!” He winked and licked his full lips. 
Bianca laughed. She loved his sense of humor and adventure. She walked off into the resplendent sunset, towards the dazzling light, casting long shadows behind her. 
Chapter 31
Chapter 1
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nadiegesabate1990 · 13 days
Long before, radio stations already broke my Nadiege listener's heart with their songs. The melody reigned supreme. At first, however, the idea did not arouse enthusiasm because of the commercials. I hated listening to the radio for this reason. And the program or the announcer announced; Here comes a DJ returning from a season in Europe, he brought songs in his luggage, which he tries to sell without success. And another DJ was hired to run the radio, I was already fed up and decided to invest in something new, buy a cell phone and look for commercial-free radio apps. Before, however, Rádio OiFM, in Rio de Janeiro (English music), was already starting to say goodbye, "and my happiness ended". And two more stations went on air and would return my happiness with the European dance music genre, one of the DJs was the most played.
Nightcrawlers - Push the feelin
Stereo Bros. - Disco Bus
O2 - Breathe
04 - Carolina Marquez - The Killer's Song
12 - David Guetta - The World Is Mine.
13 - Infected Mushroom - I Wish
14 - Inaya Gray - Free
Shake it
Shinig star - Get Far
You cgonna want me - Tiga (05:17)
Walking away - Tocadisco remix - The Eyy (05:21)
Same man - Till West & Dj Delicius (04:42)
Dirty funk - Stero music (02:42)
Love at first sight - Delicious (04:58)
Ibiza vibes - Paradise island (03:26)
Dj Joe K. - Born Slippy
Alex Gaudino & Crystal Waters - Destination Calabria (03:42)
House Boulevard - Everybody's Grooving (03:34)
Global Deejays & Technotronic - Get Up (03:35)
Martijn Ten Velden - - I Wish U Would (03:32)
Tiesto & Christian Burns - - In the Dark (03:51)
Ida Corr & Fedde Le Grand - Let Me Think About It (02:31)
David Guetta - Love Is Gone (03:20)
Mason - Princess Superstar - Perfect ( Exceeder ) (04:04)
Yves Larock - Rise Up (04:33)
Chriss Ortega - Separated (06:51)
Yanou ft. Mark Daviz - A Girl Like You (04:52)
Sharam - The One (07:00)
Openhouse - Lessons in Love (04:34)
Axwell - It's True (05:29)
Robbie Rivera - Aye Aye Aye (06:26)
R.i.o. - De Janeiro (03:57)
Fragma - Tocas Miracle 2008 (05:55)
House Boulevard ft. Samara - Set Me Free (03:44)
Samantha - U Turn (04:13)
Kasino - Go Higher (04:36)
David Guetta Feat Kelly Rowland - When Love Takes Over.mp3 (04:52)
Axwell, Ingrosso, Angello, Laidback Luke ft. Deborah Co.mp3 (06:43)
Alexxa - Give To Me.mp3 (03:23)
Desaparecidos - Fiesta Loca.mp3 (03:07)
Kid Cudi - Day n Night.mp3 (03:40)
Dj Tom Hopkins feat Samara - Destiny.mp3 (05:58)
Spyzer - I Feel So Free.mp3 (05:47)
Swedish House Mafia Feat. Phar - One (06:56)
Yolanda Be Cool Vrs Dcup - We no Speak Americanoo (03:00)
Katy Perry featuring Snoop Dog - California Gurls (03:56)
Alex Gaudino - IM In Love (I Wanna Do It) (03:39)
Edward Maya - Stereo Love (03:35)
Ke$ha - Tik Tok (03:19)
Armin Van Buuren Vs. Sophie El - Not Giving Up On Love (06:50)
Akcent - That's My Name (04:05)
Eliza G. - Summer Lie (06:01)
Tikos Groove feat. Gosha - I Dont Know What To Do (03:43)
Desaparecidos - Follow You (05:03)
Tv Rock & Zoe Badwi - Release Me (06:46)
Inna - Hot (03:36)
04 - Afrojack Feat. Eva Simons - Take Over Control. ( 3:28)
05 - Bingo Players Cry (Just A Little). ( 6:19)
06 - Nause Made Of (Original Mix). ( 6:36)
08 - Tim Berg - Seek Bromance ( 3:20)
10 - Britey Spears - I Wanna Go ( 3:30)
11 - Alexandra Stan - Mr Saxo Beat ( 4:17)
13 - Duck Sauce - Barbara Streisand ( 2:43)
15 - Alex Gaudino feat. Kelly Rowland - What a Feeling
16 - Ask2Quit feat. Colonel Red - Got Me Going Over ( 3:20)
It was an immense success - especially among housewives like me - the radio stations guaranteed my happiness and had high audience ratings and soon became privileged showcases for sponsors. The production brought together a huge contingent of professionals - professionals from Rádio JP alone brought together more than 15 DJs per week, some coming from other countries, others trained by the radio itself. The most powerful vehicle of mass communication, radio ended up functioning as a fertile source of talent that would be recruited by tv?
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automatonne · 1 year
I have several new OCs for something original I’m cookin 👀
I don’t let the fact I can’t draw stop me… I used He/ro Forge to make approximate models of my new girls!
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Meet Dolly the centaur, Jade the naga, Lyra the minotaur, Berry the slime girl, and Nessa the dragon girl!
Dolly is the owner of the Monstere Cafe, a place where half-humans and full monsters alike can gather to eat. She’s got that Southern hospitality charm but is a little no-nonsense. She’s an owner of a small business, above all, and she’s here to make sure her customers get what they want, whether they end up in a belly or cram someone else in theirs. She may be an older horse (44 and counting), but she’s still got it!
Jade is a refined lady of more luxurious tastes. She’s 23 and a recent graduate of a prestigious academy for naga women, Goldscale. (Top of her class, too, mind.) Nagas are expected to enter society as magic wielders and alchemists and are known for their slender, sleek beauty. Jade takes pride in her lovely green scales, but she bears a secret… she really wishes she could put on some weight. She bemoans a metabolism much too high for a half-snake. She’s also had this reoccurring dream where she’s slurped down like a noodle by a human she keeps waking up from blushing like a fool…
Lyra is a lady who knows what she wants and coyly reminds you of that every step of the way. She is not for the easily embarrassed. (Or maybe she is, if you’re into that.) She’s an apprentice at a store that caters to monsters with bodies that do not accommodate human clothes very well. She is a warm presence, even if that warmth occasionally spreads to your cheeks as she teases you for staring at her outrageous bust…
Berry is everyone’s cheerleader. She’s bubbly and a touch airheaded, but hey, slimes don’t have brains anyway. Cut her a break. She runs a self-help podcast for monsters with poor body image and shyness about their roles in the pred/prey system, and she is a HUGE supporter of gainers trying to develop the body they want. As overenthusiastic as she is, though, if you find yourself hungry, you may end up with a mouthful of strawberry slime and fed much more than you bargained for.
Nessa has opinions, and you’re going to hear them. Loud and brash, this biker girl is fed up with the stereotyping of the monster world. Nessa is staunchly a prey 99% of the time and very blunt about it. She may bully you if you hesitate in your decision to put her on the menu. She’s been known to cram herself into people’s mouths, too, out of pure frustration… Despite her argumentative and pushy tendencies, her dream is to become a professional tattoo artist, and she enjoys volunteering at local bestiaries.
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casspurrjoybell-27 · 7 months
Claimed by the Beast - Chapter 44
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*Warning Adult Content*
Before The Storm
As the credits of an unremembered movie scroll across the TV screen, Knox awakens to the sound of music... a ringtone, maybe? playing.
Everett's head rests comfortably against Knox's chest, their breaths no longer in sync as Knox's eyes flutter open, his senses sharpening when he spots Everett's cell phone ringing and vibrating on the nightstand.
A frown creases his brow as he carefully reaches for the phone and reads the name on the screen.
Who the fuck is Michael?
And why the fuck does Michael have a purple heart emoji beside his name?
A flash of jealousy explodes within Knox as he starts to imagine all the different ways to make a man's murder look like an accident.
Then rationality kicks in to remind him that Michael is the name of one of Everett's best friends.
Knox chuckles quietly to himself as the call ends, his jealousy and anger fading with it. 
"Whose phone is going off?" Everett's voice is groggy and muffled against Knox's chest as he stirs awake.
"Yours. It was Michael."
Knox hands over the phone, suppressing the residual twinge of jealousy that dares to linger.
"That's your friend, right? Or is there another Michael that I need to be made aware of?"
Everett laughs and sits up to stretch.
"I only know one Michael and yes he's my best friend, so tell your beast to relax. I told Michael and Alissa that I was coming back into town for a bit, so they probably want to hang out before I leave again."
"Don't let me stop you," Knox says, though the most selfish and needy part of him screamed to do exactly that... keep Everett all to himself.
"I know they're probably fed up with not having seen you in so long."
"Seriously... Who even are you anymore?"
Everett's brows lift in surprise.
"You'd really let me go out alone with them?"
"Why not? You deserve a break from all the bullshit we've been in."
"Yeah, you keep saying that..." Everett pauses, considering.
Knox's usual overprotectiveness has been notably absent these last two weeks, making Everett question if the man's soul really did get swapped with someone else's as Keith fought to keep him alive.
Every other confession and encouraging word that comes out of Knox's mouth has Everett wanting to scream 'Snap out of it' and 'Please, keep this new version of yourself.' 
"They live just a few blocks away from here, right? I can send my guys home and keep watch for the day."
Knox's tone is nonchalant but his gaze is intense in a way that feels comforting rather than intimidating.
"Thanks for offering but I can't and won't have you do that."
Everett kisses his shoulder, smiling warmly.
"I can hang out with them tomorrow and... if you want, you can join us. No pressure. Do you think we can stick around town for another day?"
Knox's response is immediate.
"Whatever you want, kitten."
"Whatever, huh?"
Everett's grin is a combination of affection and mischief as he leans down, his lips grazing Knox's.
"I like it when you give me what I want."
The moment shifts.
Knox's hands reach out to pull Everett on top of him, his voice a low rumble filled with a playful challenge.
"And what is it that you want right now?"
"I think you already know exactly..." Everett's sentence is interrupted by a loud crack of thunder.
"Shit, that sounded a little too close for comfort. Did you know it was going to rain today?"
Knox shakes his head.
"Sky was clear when we left home. Didn't have a reason to check the weather."
"This sucks," Everett pouts.
"I don't like driving in the rain." 
Knox laughs.
"But I'm the one driving."
"To be honest, I'd rather just sleep here tonight."
"Me too. I'm sure Dad won't mind but I'll ask him anyway if we can stay here for the night."
He plants a quick kiss on Knox's lips and hops off the bed, calling over his shoulder.
"Be right back..." the words are absorbed by the patter of rain as he goes upstairs.
In the living room, Everett finds his father fast asleep in his favorite chair, the TV casting flickering shadows around the room.
Everett's lips curve into a smile at the sight.
He tiptoes over and grabs the remote out of his father's hand, clicking off the TV.
Leaning down, he gently shakes his father awake.
"Time for bed, old man."
Gary's eyes open with a hint of disorientation before focusing on Everett.
"Damn, I guess that steak really hit the spot and knocked me right out," he chuckles, his voice rough with sleep.
"What'd I miss?"
"Nothing. You're up just in time for a storm," Everett says.
"Knox and I just woke up from a nap, too."
"Oh. Are you two getting ready to head out?" Gary asks, slowly pulling himself into a more upright position.
Another thunderclap splits the air, rain now pelting against the windows.
"It's really coming down out there," Gary adds.
"I don't remember it calling for storms today."
"Mother Nature does what she wants," Everett laughs.
"I don't want Knox driving in this mess, so I was going to ask you if we could stay the night here."
"Remember when I used to tell you that there is no such thing as a stupid question?" Gary asks.
Everett nods.
"I take it back. That was a very stupid question, son. Of course, you two can stay here."
"Thanks, Dad."
They move together, Gary pushing himself up from the chair with a groan of effort.
As they walk towards the hallway, Gary's voice lowers, a more serious note creeping in.
"I really do like Knox," he says, and Everett senses the 'but' before it's even spoken.
"But?" Everett prompts.
"But..." Gary pauses, turning to face Everett.
"There's a darkness about him. Something there beneath the surface that I can't quite put my finger on. Doesn't mean I don't trust him to take care of you or treat you right..."
He shakes his head as if trying to dispel the concern.
"I'm sorry if I sound a little loopy but that's how I feel."
"It's okay. I appreciate the honesty."
"I love you no matter the decisions you make in life and no matter who it is that you choose to give your heart to. But... what I never want to see is my son getting dragged down by someone else's bullshit."
"AKA, in this scenario, Knox's darkness."
Everett's stomach twists in knots, the same fears he harbors reflecting in his father's words.
More than once, he's seen episodes of Knox's darkness in action.
It's frightening, quite literally murderous.
Everett is certain he's lost a little bit of his sanity along the way because even now as his father turns the spotlight on Knox, he chooses to push all negative thoughts away and lock them up tight behind a faux smile.
"How do you know Knox is going through something?"
"Call is a father's intuition," Gary jokes.
"Is that a thing? I think it might be a thing."
As the storm intensifies outside, his thoughts swirling with new fears and desires, Everett wishes his father a goodnight and then makes his way back down the hall.
He double-checks that the front door is locked before heading back downstairs.
Everett forces himself to focus only on the present, on the fact that Knox is here with him now.
That was all that mattered tonight.
But as he stepped into his room, his heart stuttered... Knox wasn't there.
"Knox?" he calls out, a trace of worry bleeding through in hopes that there wasn't another random emergency which required his presence.
"Where'd you go?"
Knox steps out of Everett's bathroom clad only in his underwear.
The sight sends more than one current of heat through Everett, setting off a hunger that thrums violently beneath his skin.
"When..." Everett swallows hard, his brain not catching up quick enough for his mouth to get the right words out.
"Why are you naked?"
"Out of respect for your father, I'm not naked."
From his smirk to his rippled abs, Knox was pure sin walking, and he damn well knew it.
"You see I have underwear on."
"You know what I fucking meant."
Stepping closer, Everett sheds his shirt and jeans.
His gaze is playful, eyes teasing.
"Why are you almost naked?"
"Because I was 99.9% sure your father wasn't going to kick us out in the rain," Knox chuckles.
He climbs into bed and pats the empty spot next to him.
"I figured I'd get ready for bed. Sorry for not waiting for you."
Accepting the response, Everett flips off the light switch, flooding the room with moonlight.
He takes his time climbing into bed, admiring Knox's features, their limbs interlocking like perfect puzzle pieces.
"I'm not sleepy anymore. Want to watch another movie?" Everett asks but they both know that's the farthest thing on his mind right now.
To hell with TV.
"Not really..."
"So what do you want to do?"
"Rhetorical question, isn't it?"
Knox's fingers gently untangle the curls at the nape of Everett's neck, a touch that belied the power in his hands.
"You already know exactly what I want to do," he murmurs, his deep voice sending shivers down Everett's spine.
"Humor me."
Everett lets one hand trail down Knox's taut abdomen, lower and lower, until it ventures beneath the elastic of his underwear.
"What exactly do you want to do? Go to sleep?"
In answer, Knox shifts their positions so that he's hovering above Everett.
His muscles ripple with controlled strength that matches the growing intensity in Everett's pretty brown eyes, the latter's breath catching in his throat as he makes a failed attempt to speak again.
"Fucking you to sleep is more along the lines of what I was thinking," Knox smirks.
He purposefully grinds his hips down, pulling a moan from the boy.
"That's what you want, too. You need my cock as badly as I need to be inside you... don't you, kitten?"
Everett's heart races with anticipation, desire pooling low in his belly as his body aches for more of Knox's touch.
"Lube is in the nightstand. Hurry."
"Careful. Don't rush me," Knox warns with another thrust of his hips.
"You'll get my cock when I give it to you. Understood?"
Too horny to combat him, Everett merely nods.
"That's better," Knox says.
"I like it when you beg."
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dontforgetoctober3rd · 8 months
Life Eternal (Chapter 3)
This is an HOTD fanfic based off *another* fanfic, Second Sons by @avengingangelfanfic (I highly recommend reading their amazing fic first! )
Read the beginning of Life Eternal here : Prologue , Chapter 1 , Chapter 2
Rating: M (graphic depictions of violence, mentions of depression, death, depictions of war)
Word Count: 3600
Summary: Set 44 years after the initial events of Second Sons, Daemon Targaryen, son of Aemond and Lyanna, struggles to find his way due to his parents' fame. Who will he go to in order to solve this problem?
Disclaimer: The events in this fic are NOT canon to the canon events of AvengingAngel's story! It was just an idea bouncing around and I asked for permission, which was graciously given (thank youuuu), to put it in words. Gif credits for any gifs used will be in the images themselves. With that in mind, thank you for reading.
The war had not been very long, only about half a year, but the losses were devastating.
Most of it had been fending off raider parties and executing spies while amassing the necessary soldiers to match the Dothraki army’s numbers.  Khal Drogo’s advisors had estimated it would take the new King on the Iron Throne over a year to persuade his subjects to form a force as formidable as he had, and so victory had all but been guaranteed to him.  It had only taken the King Jacaerys a little over a month to gather a force of 400,000 to match Drogo’s 450,000.  
A witch who had fled to King Jacaery’s side, her two children in tow, had provided a way for the Northern armies of Lord Cregan Stark to arrive in time: a magic portal that they would arrive with, but not return (whatever remained of them after would have to go back home on foot).  Khal Drogo had his advisors executed.  
King Jacaerys had appealed to the people not only as their ruler, but as a man.  “I want what any man and woman in my kingdom would: to avenge my mother and stepfather, to protect my children and to live free of the cruel yoke of slavery.”  It had stirred the people, to know that their King considered slavery a threat to even himself, having dragons and all.  Many lamented they had to stay where they were, unable to do any “real fighting”.
“No.” King Jacaerys had said firmly.  “We need you just as much as the most fearsome berserker on the battlefield.  We need our fields tended, our animals cared for.  We need a home to come back to.” 
He had repeated the same words he spoke in the giant, majestic Dragonpit of King’s Landing in every village he and Baela flew to.  Eschewing the large cities where the great houses resided (sending family members on dragonback to them instead), they had descended upon the surrounding farming villages and tiny trading hamlets.  Many a tavern owner had been honored to host them, stories of such things sure to be passed down their families in the years to come, how they had once fed Jacaerys the Defender and Brave Baela a pint of ale with a meat pie.
To deal with this threat to his kingdom, Jacaerys favored a more direct type of approach: take out the leader in an attempt to splinter his army.  Many failed assassinations followed, the bloodriders’ numbers dwindling down to a mere four, but Khal Drogo himself evaded the Stranger and arrived on Westeros.  Swimming giants made landfall first, and the first fight of the war began, occupying the dragonriders in a section of land away from where Khal Drogo then flooded the shores with his screamers and elephants for a couple of months. 
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Khal Drogo had planned a sort of pincer attack, but Prince Aemond had relayed this information to the King in time via his own planted spies.  Half of the enemy forces had been waiting in Essos to set sail so they might arrive a few days after a planned battle with all of the Dothraki army together, to replenish the ones who were the first wave arriving on Westeros, in an effort to exhaust King Jacaery’s assembled army with a sustained attack.  
Princess Rhaenys, The Queen Who Never Was, fell first.  She had been tasked with leading the initial assault on the elephant hordes in the first enemy arrival on Westerosi lands and managed to take out most of the scorpions and catapults before being blindsided by a flying wizard’s blast.  King Jacaerys and Queen Baela had still been occupied in dealing with the giants a ways away. 
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Prince Aegon the elder and Crown Prince Aemon had been with Rhaenys.  
They finished the job she had started, Aegon’s twins following their lead on their own dragons, bathing what remained of the elephant army in a blinding wall of fire.  The wizard who had killed Rhaenys had attempted to blast Jahaerys as well, only to be stopped by Aegon the Elder’s sword flying through the air and impaling itself through his throat.   Prince Aegon had launched it like a javelin using momentum from his dragon Sunfyre, stopping the assailant midair and sending him careening to the ground.  A long ribbon of blood had escaped from the body as it fell. Prince Daeron’s dragon, Tessarion, had just arrived and snatched another wizard who had sprung into the air behind Aegon, a blast already sizzling in his hand and aimed at him. Prince Aemon’s dragon had latched onto the unfortunate man at the same time, the two dragons ripping him apart with ease, splattering their riders with the entrails and blood.  The group had then allowed themselves a small moment of joy, cheering and laughing with relief at Aegon II’s close brush with death. 
Oversees, Prince Aemond and Princess Lyanna rained hellfire upon the remaining forces that were waiting to set sail, focusing on taking out the remaining giants and elephants. Queen Rhaenyra’s four children by Daemon (Aegon The Younger, Viserys, Visenya and Aemma) gladly helped with their own dragons.  Prince Lucerys and Princess Rhaena provided air support to the thousands of slaves that defected to the assisting forces of Braavos and Pentos. Prince Joffrey and Prince Valerion ambushed the last of the enemy soldiers attempting to flee.  It was a quick battle, but losses still came.  
Gendry, Princess Lyanna’s much loved sworn shield, died on the ground along with hundreds of foot soldiers.  Prince Lucerys lost a leg, but kept his life. Lord Rickon Tully fell, along with both Cargyll brothers.  It was not a happy trip back to Westeros to rejoin the rest of King Jacaery’s army.  
Back in Westeros, the dragonriders could only do so much after the first battle without risking killing their own people also.  Defending from the ground was also not an area that Khal Drogo expected much of a fight in but a fight is what he got as he tried to converge his massive horde into one area.  Prince Doran of Dorne and Lord Royce Baratheon of Storm’s End commanded the ground forces. Men and women numbering in the hundreds of thousands spread out over the Crownlands to fight for their King and defend their homes.  The efforts of Rhaenys were not in vain, having no catapults or spear launchers of any sort to use themselves, Drogo’s land army struggled mightily.  
The soldiers of King Jacaerys' took every opportunity they could to weaken Drogo's forces. Flaming walls of bagged up livestock feces were used to suffocate sleeping enemy camps.  Enemy battalions making their way to the location of battle through the Kingswood were ambushed constantly.
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Over and over, the Dothraki were baited and chipped away at, until the day of the final battle.  
Lord Corlys handled the enemy on the ocean, making short work of Drogo’s shoddy fleet of mercenaries and inexperienced Dothraki sailors.  They had thought to keep their supplies off land in order to better protect them, but House Velaryon decimated them. There had been moment where the Velaryon fleet seemed to have reached a wall of ships, but soon all hope disappeared for the opposing side: on the horizon, roaring and spewing huge plumes of flames, were Caraxes and Syrax flying towards them.  It was a short fight and Lord Corlys had his revenge for Princess Rhaenys, whose dragon he had seen fall from the sky in the distance those first few days of the war.
Back on land, no terms were offered on either side.  The armies had at last come together in a sea of soldiers across from each other. 
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Villagers had long since fled the area, under protection of the rest of the Dragon Blade’s daughters, Lady Alicent Tully leading them away.  
The carnage immediately began on the fields and went on through the night. 
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Several times, Royce Baratheon maneuvered his men to corral the Dothraki into spots the dragons could target with ease.  His wife Catelyn would then burn them to a crisp on her dragon Alduin.
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Lord Cregan Stark with his men did the same for King Jacaerys on Vermax, Prince Doran’s soldiers repeating the method for Queen Baela on Moondancer.
A smaller faction of Khal Drogo’s army had thought to steal away towards King’s Landing, planning to loot the city and then flee back to Essos. 
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Prince Maelor and Princess Helaena, tasked with defending the city,  met them on their dragons.   Scores of Dornish archers pelted the Dothraki continuously with arrows from all over the walls, many smallfolk stationed beside them spraying those who came close with boiling hot oil. After a time, Maelor came back to the Red Keep victorious.  Helaena had flown off to join her husband in the final fight.  
The turning point in the battle came with the arrival of Prince Aemond and the rest of the dragonriders who had gone to Essos to do away with the threat of a second wave. 
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It seemed since they saw the cause was lost, Khal Drogo’s army (what was left of it) fought even more fiercely.  They knew they were all to die and were intent on taking as many as they could with them. 
 As morning came, the battle slowed and came to a full stop when King Jacaerys rode his dragon into a skirmish, quickly dismounting and slowly raised the head of Khal Drogo himself to what was left of the Dothraki army.  They tried to flee.  Vermax burned them from the ground where he stood by Jacaerys, with Moondancer showering them in fire from above as she flew by, Queen Baela yelling enthusiastically. 
Victory had come, but at a grievous cost.  Catelyn Baratheon had been wounded, seemingly mortally so.  In his desperation, Lord Royce had taken her unconscious body and declared he would take her to better maesters in King’s Landing.  To everyone’s shock, Catelyn’s fearsome beast Alduin let Royce mount him.  He shot to the sky and flew so swiftly many wondered if they had really seen it happen.
Many of Prince Doran’s family had fallen in the battle.  He had only his wife, children and one sister left. Lord Cregan and his lady wife had also fallen in battle.  So many great houses now had new, younger Lords and Ladies stepping up to take charge.
The most heart wrenching loss of all had yet to be widely known, many dismissing the rumors flying around.  In a secluded group of tents, Prince Aegon the Elder was holding the hand of Prince Aemond, who was fading fast.  Aemond held onto the hand of Princess Lyanna beside him, who was too injured to speak but kept her eyes upon Aemond. 
Aemond looked into her eyes as well, speaking to Aegon the entire time.  Aegon took no issue with this, they were saying goodbye after all. Let their final memory be of each other. 
“Our boy, Aegon…our son..please..!”
“You do not even have to say it, brother!” Aegon spoke angrily, tears flowing freely.“Helaena and I will look after Daemon.”
Aemond began to cry as Lyanna suddenly lay stiff.  She was gone from this world.  At least she had heard Aegon promise…hadn’t she?
“Aegon, please..love him-” Aemond gasped.  He was pale and sweaty, bloodfever having long since set in.  His skin was the same ghostly shade as his hair, no color left in his lips.
“Like I said, Helaena and I will care for him.” Aegon promised fiercely, clutching his brother’s limp hand to his chest. He had noticed Lyanna and knew Aemond was not far behind in following her.  His chest felt like it was on fire with the grief but he had to get the words out before it was too late.  “Of course we will!  He is our blood, born of the little brother and good sister who we love with all our hearts, love more than anything.  He will never suffer what you both suffered in childhood!  We will tell him of you both, we will teach him the sword! We will drag him to the library, to your favorite reading spots, to the very place where you asked for Lyanna’s hand!  We will-” Aegon suddenly went silent, looking at what used to be his brother and Lyanna.  They were no more. Aegon screamed and screamed until Heleana came running, and then she too joined in the screaming.  The next tent over, King Jacaerys and Queen Baela were being tended to.  Jacaerys looked to Baela, their faces shattering with the realization upon hearing the horrible wailing.  Circling above the sky, Vhagar and Skydancer roared in agony.  
“He is here, my Lord.”
“Make ready the chambers.  I can’t see him staying the night, but the gods might gift us another lovely storm and I’d rather not have our new king calling for my head for sending his uncle home in such weather. Inform the cooks to butcher a lamb.”
Lord Royce Baratheon looked at the scene outside his walls.  Prince Aegon the Elder, calming Sunfyre, greeting the guards who came up to him and then making his way towards the castle.  
Royce reflected about the war while he left the balcony and went to the nursery to wait for Aegon…
The entire kingdom was just pulling themselves from the ashes of the Great War against Khal Drogo’s army, rebuilding their homes and healing their wounds.  Catelyn had not been the same since learning of her parents’ deaths. Everyday, she wasted away in their chambers, eating only when Royce fed her himself. The maester had informed them both she would never carry another child again.  Her sisters visited in turns, but rarely so.  Their own families needed them. 
Little Daemon would not stop his sniffling, his older nephew Alphonse his only comfort aside from nurses. 
The children clung to Royce whenever he visited the nursery, crying all the while that they wanted their mother.  Alphonse, in particular, had sensed something was very wrong. 6 years old, Lyanna herself had tasked him with protecting Daemon, a job he had taken very seriously.  Everywhere the little lord-to-be went, he carried his uncle with him.  He had kept asking his father these past months when Lyanna and Aemond would be back for Daemon and could he please go visit King’s Landing with him when they did.  He wanted to keep teaching Daemon how to hold various practice weapons, he was showing promise with the sword and would surely know how to properly swing one by his second nameday.
He asked again today when his uncle’s parents would be back.  It broke his heart, but Royce had to finally be straightforward with his eldest son. 
“Do you remember our old hound?  The one with a gimp leg?”
“Biscuithead! I miss him.” Alphonse had learned of death before the start of the war, thankfully though things that weren’t quite as violent and traumatic.  He looked at his father expectantly, swaying his sleeping uncle in his arms from left to right.  He looked far older than he should, bearing such a responsibility.  Royce hated to be the one to be changing his son’s view of the world for the worse yet again, but it had to be done.  He had shielded him from everything for far too long. 
“Aemond and Lyanna have gone the way of the dog, my boy.  They are dead.  They will not be coming back.  Not ever.”
Alphonse immediately teared up, worry in his whispery voice.  The lad was still afraid of waking Daemon. “...but they are Daemon’s mother and father.  How can a mother and father die?”  Alphonse choked back a sob, trying to be brave but quickly spiraling into distress.  At Royce’s nod, a nearby maid claimed a sleeping Daemon from Alphonse, spiriting him away to a different room in the nursery. “Father…are you going to die?!  Is mother going to die?!”
Royce quickly embraced his crying son.  “No, no, no…I am not dying, my sweet boy, I am not dying.”
“I don’t want you to die!” 
“Hush, now!  Your mother and I have many many years ahead of us.  We are not dying.”
Royce looked to the doors opening, guards announcing Prince Aegon.  
Alphonse had not even noticed, he was still sobbing, face buried in his father’s chest.  Royce met the gaze of a very haggard and tired looking man.  Aegon had come for little Daemon, finally.  He had been told in the ravens he did not even need to ask it, but Aegon would keep his son safe as well, until Catelyn was well enough. 
More than likely until Alphonse felt ready to leave, Royce thought.  He did not see his son betraying a promise made to the Princess of Hearts.
“Alphonse, come!  Daemon has business he needs to see to without you hovering about.” Royce called, already mounted on his horse, ready to ride away with the rest of the remaining Lords in the keep to the hunting camp.  His two other sons laughed at Alphonse, though not in a bad-natured way (Orys had been chosen to remain at Storm’s End with his dragon and so was not present).
Daemon smirked at Alphonse.  “Go on, then, nephew.  An honorable son always obeys his father.”
Alphonse scoffed as he mounted his own horse.  “Hmph.  As if you obey yours without question?  Have you yet spoken with him?”
Daemon laughed.  Others might take it to mean as a jest against his dead father, but he knew who Alphonse spoke of.  “Never you mind.  Off with you, and do not forget what we talked of a few days past.” he admonished. “You know what will happen if you do not take action.”
“Yes, yes…” Alphonse rode away smiling.
Daemon watched as the large party left the courtyard.  It was the final group to leave to the hunting camp, before Aegon and Heleana made to arrive with the twins to get the celebrations going.  They would leave tomorrow.  A full day with them to himself, Daemon thought.  He made a note to thank the King later, for surely it was his doing that the hosts themselves would be staying here for a whole day.  Lady Alicent Tully was also staying behind.  She had difficulty walking now, at her great age, and preferred to spend her days in the library or being wheeled around the paths in the Godswood.
A great deal had occurred upon his return from Storm’s End.  Daenerys, for one, had been nowhere to be found.  Helaena had informed him she had gone ahead to the site, to “help set up”. 
To avoid my nephew, more like…Daemon had thought.  No matter.  He had persuaded (and slightly threatened) Alphonse to finally seek her hand.  His mother’s dagger had been of some help. 
“Present it to her as your betrothal gift.  Do not make it seem like duty or an obligation.  Tell her the choice is entirely in her hands, and mean it.”  Alphonse had looked a bit panicked at this. “No, do not give me that look. When my father asked for my mother’s hand, he made it clear it was she who would be deciding if they would be wed.  He didn’t even tell her that he was her potential betrothed until that was understood.  No You must marry me! None of that.” His nephew had grumbled at the time, but now he was on his way at least he had seemed more agreeable and Daemon was satisfied with things.
To truly love someone, you had to be at peace with the idea that their happiness might not lie in being with you.  It had been a tough tonic for Alphonse to swallow, but swallow it he did.  Daenerys was the only one who held his heart, and he wanted her to be happy. 
Daemon walked through the keep, steeling himself for what was coming next.   He hadn’t been the easiest child to care for, but his aunt Helaena and uncle Aegon had managed. They both treated him well and reassured him they needed no apologies but he still felt extremely guilty.   Every childhood tantrum had been met with punishment, but also gentle patience. 
“I HATE YOU!!” he had screamed one day, just shy of 8.  The dragon keepers had declared Paarthurnax large enough to ride and Daemon had wanted to fly immediately, wanting to visit Alphonse who had been on his yearly visit home for the harvest.  Nevermind the fact that a saddle still needed to be made and fitted properly.  Helaena had not allowed it.  They had been breaking their fast and Daemon had thrown his pumpkin juice at her in response.  The maids had frozen in horror, not sure what to do, but Aegon had sighed and simply dragged a screaming Daemon from the table by the wrist. 
“I HATE YOU!  Let me go!  I HATE YOU!!” With each yell from Daemon, a curious face turned to look.  Aegon nodded greetings to the stunned passersby, as if nothing was amiss. 
“Yes, yes, you may hate me all you like, but do so from the nursery.”  Aegon had said.  “You are not to leave the area for the rest of today.  Supper will be brought to you.  This will be your punishment for what you have done.  We do not throw things at others, especially our own kin, we use our words.”
Daemon had been sure an injustice had been done to him.  “I’m not stupid!  You won’t let me ride because you HATE ME.  You and aunt Helaena HATE ME!!”
At this, Aegon had issued a vehement denial “We do not hate you and we never will.  We both love you with all our hearts.”
“Then why can I not call you kepa and aunt Helaena muña?”
He still remembered how sad Aegon had looked when he had asked that. It had caught him completely off guard.  Only now as a man did Daemon understand how much it probably tore at his uncle’s heart.  
Stopping right before the library, he saw the doors were wide open, Ser Tommen standing guard right by. Daemon went in to speak with the two people who had raised him.
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morguemaw · 2 years
1. I saw an ad for burial plots, but that’s the last thing I need.
2. Did you hear about the silk worm race? It ended in a tie.
3. I got fired from the calendar factory, just for taking a day off.
4. Q: What’s the best thing about Switzerland? A: Well, the flag is a big plus.
5. Clones are people two.
6. I wanted to learn how to drive a stick shift, but I couldn’t find a manual.
7. Napoleon may not have designed his coat, but he did have a hand in it.
8. I put up a high-voltage electric fence around my house. My neighbor is dead against it.
9. What are windmills’ favorite genre of music? They’re big metal fans.
10. The past, present, and future walk into a bar. It was tense.
11. Shopping centers, you’ve seen one, you’ve seen the mall.
12. My ceiling isn’t the best, but it’s up there.
13. I love whiteboards. They’re re-markable.
14. Which country’s capital has the fastest-growing population? AIreland. Every day it’s Dublin.
15. The machine at the coin factory just suddenly stopped working. It doesn’t make any cents.
16. I tried to make a belt out of watches. It was a waist of time.
17. I went to a new mechanic. They came highly wreck-a-mended.
18. What’s the difference between a hippo and a Zippo? A hippo is really heavy, and a Zippo is a little lighter.
19. Yesterday a clown held the door open for me. It was such a nice jester.
20. Why can’t you run through a campground? You can only ran, because it’s past tents.
21. Becoming a vegetarian is a big missed steak.
22. Why can’t Harry Potter tell the difference between his potion pot and his best friend? They’re both cauld ron.
23. An atom lost an electron. It really should keep an ion them.
24. What’s the best time on a clock? 6:30, hands down.
25. Please don’t make my funeral too early. I’m not really a mourning person.
26. I got fired from the bank. A man asked me to check his balance, so I pushed him over.
27. Why did the lizard say he named his baby “Tiny?” Because he’s my newt.
28. Someone stole the police station’s toilets. They have nothing to go on.
29. Having sex in an elevator is wrong on so many levels.
30. What’s the difference between a poorly dressed man on a bicycle and a nicely dressed man on a tricycle? Attire.
31. What does C.S. Lewis keep in his wardrobe? Narnia business.
32. I put all my cash into an origami business. It folded.
33. I was worried about being in a long-distance relationship. But so far so good.
34. I suffer from kleptomania. But I take something for it.
35. I’m afraid of negative numbers. I’ll stop at nothing to avoid them.
36. Acupuncture is a jab well done.
37. Two antennas got married. The ceremony wasn’t much, but the reception was excellent.
38. I quit my job at the donut factory. I was fed up with the hole business.
39. I once ate a watch. It was time consuming.
40. RIP boiling water. You will be mist.
41. Why did the monk refuse novocaine when he had his tooth pulled? He wanted to transcend dental medication.
42. Just found out sticks float. They would.
43. My boat was cold, I tried to make a fire but it sank. I guess you can’t have your kayak and heat it too.
44. I went to that new restaurant, Karma. There’s no menu, you just get what you deserve.
45. Why do cows have bells? Because their horns don’t work.
46. You can’t trust atoms, they make up everything.
47. I met a criminal with a bounty on his head. That was a weird place to keep paper towels.
48. A psychic tried to sell me information on my past lives. I hate used karma dealers.
49. I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down.
50. I met my wife on a dating site. We just clicked.
51. I did a theatrical performance about puns. It was a play on words.
52. Thanks for explaining the word “many” to me. It means a lot.
53. My roommates suspect I’m stealing their kitchen utensils. But that’s a whisk i’m willing to take.
54. I’m going to try velcro instead of shoe laces. Why knot?
55. I decided to get rid of my spine. It was holding me back.
56. Long fairy tales have a tendency to dragon.
57. Knowing how to pick locks has opened a lot of doors for me.
58. No matter how kind you are, German children are kinder.
59. Architects are good at coming up with concrete plans.
60. I should have been sad when my flashlight batteries died, but I was delighted.
61. Who designed King Arthur’s round table? Sir Cumference.
62. What happened when the semi-colon broke grammar laws? He was given two consecutive sentences.
63. I recently took a pole and found out 100% of campers were angry when their tent collapsed.
64. I couldn’t remember how to throw a boomerang. Eventually it came back to me.
65. A friend said he didn’t understand cloning. I told him that makes two of us.
66. I had a pun about amnesia, but I forget how it goes.
67. Santa Claus’s elves are subordinate clauses.
68. I’m designing a reversible jacket. I’m excited to see how it turns out.
69. A man went to the hospital with eight plastic horses in his stomach. His condition is stable.
70. To the guy who invented Zero, thanks for nothing!
71. There’s a new type of broom out. It’s sweeping the nation.
72. I tried to draw a circle, but it was pointless.
73. Getting paid to sleep would be my dream job.
74. There’s a fine line between numerator and denominator.
75. Velcro… what a rip-off.
76. I gave away my dead batteries, no charge.
77. One-fifth of people are just too tense.
78. After the birth of your child, your role in life will become apparent.
79. A backwards poet writes inverse.
80. Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead to know basis.
81. My kid swallowed some coins, the doctor told me to just wait. No change yet.
82. My friend’s bakery burned down. Now his business is toast.
83. You should wear glasses while doing math. It improves division.
84. I’m glad I learned sign language. It’s really handy.
85. Bad gardeners are rough around the hedges.
86. A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.
87. This girl thought she recognized me from vegetarian club, but I’ve never met herbivore.
88. Why can’t you explain puns to kleptomaniacs? They always take things literally.
89. Did you hear about the man who lost his left side? He’s all right now.
90. I make apocalypse puns like there’s no tomorrow.
91. A cartoonist was found dead. Details are sketchy.
92. I removed the shell from my racing snail to make it faster. It just got more sluggish.
93. Life as a professional yo-yoer has its ups and downs.
94. I don’t trust stairs. They’re always up to something.
95. My wife told me to stop speaking in numbers. But I didn’t 1 2.
96. I failed my Braille class. It’s a touchy subject.
97. I used to hate facial hair, but it grew on me.
98. The shovel was a ground-breaking invention.
99. My leaf blower doesn’t work, it just sucks.
100. Need an ark? I Noah guy.
101. A plateau is the highest form of flattery.
i wish to shit on your computer.
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gascon-en-exil · 2 years
Have Some More Three Hopes Story Predictions
Based this time on the datamined joining levels of recruited characters, and building from my earlier predictions.
I'll assume for this that Seteth, Flayn, and Manuela are exclusive to their respective routes; the dataminers have been using characters' age data to figure this stuff out, and their ages being listed as ??? makes that much harder to determine. At any route I do think it's safe to assume that Seteth and Flayn are AG-exclusive especially as Catherine also is. Manuela could go either way at this point. I'd prefer her to be available on other routes because flexibility is essential to her kind of work *ahem* and because I just enjoy her character, but at the same time I can see her being SB-exclusive particularly if something bad happens to Hanneman early on like some have been predicting.
I'm also not going to be talking about the characters at the bottom whose join levels are listed as 50 (and also Gatekeeper). People are saying these are likely either story-independent Renown rewards - how else could Rhea be playable in SB? - or unused unit data like Three Houses also had with a few characters. For most of them I'm hoping it's the latter; Gatekeeper may be fine for a meme in Heroes, but I'd much rather do without him being anything more than a goofy NPC in a game that's trying to take itself somewhat seriously.
Scarlet Blaze
10: Constance and Hapi
16: Ashe
22: Lorenz, Ignatz, and Balthus
27: Raphael, Lysithea, and Marianne
32: Mercedes
33: Shamir
37: Yuri, Byleth, and Jeralt
43: Leonie
Constance joining SB early isn't surprising, but she's also with Hapi. Maybe they're fleeing the monastery in Chapter 5 after the Empire conquers it and Constance uses her Imperial connections to talk her and Hapi's way into the army? Ashe is probably tied to the continued unrest among the western lords of Faerghus.
Most of the Deer come in two big waves in the 20s, suggesting that this is around the time that Claude makes his big political move to dissolve the Alliance (~Chapter 9, based on GW chapter titles). Lorenz would be the most pissed among the playables, so he shows up first along with his knight and also Balthus.
The rest feel like stragglers, although extremely-late-joining Leonie made me raise an eyebrow. This just about confirms my suspicion that lategame SB will include an incursion into Leicester, probably to hunt down Thales in Shambhala. Knowing Leonie, you'll probably have had to recruit Jeralt first and maybe even use him directly for the recruitment. Also, is Yuri working with Jeralt's Mercenaries in this route, or is that just coincidence?
Azure Gleam
9: Petra, Seteth, Flayn, and Hapi
16: Dorothea
20: Bernadetta
26: Balthus
33: Lorenz, Raphael, Ignatz, Marianne, Catherine, Shamir, and Yuri
41: Linhardt and Constance
44: Byleth and Jeralt
46: Jeritza
AG gets a bunch of new characters right away, starting with Petra apparently being fed up with Hubert using her as cannon fodder in Ailell. This may also be the case later on with Dorothea and Bernadetta. Seteth and Flayn coming in right away isn't surprising, although having to wait so much longer for Catherine is. Hapi...is also here, all of one level earlier than in SB. The first battle map of Chapter 5?
The Alliance implodes a little later here it seems, and while Balthus gets out a bit earlier everyone else comes in a massive clump. I'd be curious if Shamir's recruitment were tied to Catherine, but she comes in at the same level in SB so probably not. The AG chapter titles are not very helpful when it comes to figuring out how this story will handle what happens in Leicester, if it even does at all apart from taking in these recruits.
Linhardt and Constance must be recruitable out of the Empire's lategame defenses, possibly while attending Hubert and Ferdinand's demented drag ball (at least Constance is dressed for the occasion). The thought of such an all-around awful character as Jeritza hanging out with the Lions makes me dry heave, but he appears to be the latest normally-recruited character on any route so hopefully he'll just stand in a corner mumbling about bloodlust and murder while Mercedes feeds him ice cream or something. (Also, if I do go for 100% for this game, I'm not touching Jeritza on AG and will instead do everything with him on SB. I've more than had my fill of his awful availability from CF, thank you very much.)
Golden Wildfire
9: Linhardt
15: Balthus and Holst
21: Bernadetta
25: Petra
30: Constance and Hapi
33: Yuri, Byleth, and Jeralt
36: Ashe
42: Dorothea
Linhardt must be at Myrddin and defects to the Alliance there. Balthus and Holst joining early is unsurprising, and I expect to see a lot of boisterously no-homo'ed gay undercurrents from those two (can they single-handedly save the GW men from dull heterosexuality?). It seems like prolonged conflict with the Empire may be what pushes Claude to his big power grab based on the steady trickle of Eagles and also Constance bringing in Hapi again.
Again, Yuri joins at the same level as Byleth and Jeralt so I really have to wonder if there's something to that. Some have noted that Yuri joins as a trickster in SB and GW (where he's at the same level as those two) but as an assassin in AG (where he joins at the same level as a bunch of Deer), but I'm not sure if that's meant to say anything as in Three Hopes trickster appears to be the master class upgrade to assassin. He just isn't promoted yet in AG for some reason.
No idea what's going on in GW lategame, just that it involves Ashe and Dorothea. Chapter 12 being "Two Kings" could either be Claude and Dimitri fighting or teaming up, which seems like around the time Ashe would join. Dorothea...I got nothing right now, unless the final chapter being "Field of Beginnings" means the route will end with Claude taking down Edelgard for good at Gronder.
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cartoonlover16 · 2 years
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I posted 64 times in 2022
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#writing - 23 posts
#ducktales 2017 - 21 posts
#dt17 - 17 posts
#disney - 14 posts
#ducktales - 11 posts
#della duck - 10 posts
#donald duck - 9 posts
#oneshot - 9 posts
#tumblr - 6 posts
#huey dewey louie - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 36 characters
#we cant all be webbigail vanderquack
My Top Posts in 2022:
I love to write.
Writing is my life. It has been my life for a long time now. I like to write fanfiction. And its Ducktales fanfiction I like to write right now.
3 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
Could you write a story about Della finding out she's going to have babies?
Sure, I can. Just give me a few days to write another one-shot that I thought of and then write this one.
4 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
Would you mind writing one about Huey and Boyd taking the other kids camping in the backyard?
Sure I can. I just need a little time to write it out.
4 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
Donald Duck wished that these triplet boys were easier to handle. They were almost a year old, and he felt like he needed a break. He had a parent burnout. He called his grandmother to help him. He needed to rest for a couple of days. He wanted the boys to sleep through an entire night. He had not slept an entire night in so long. He can’t remember the last time he did anything for himself. He can’t remember when he took a shower, ate, or slept an entire night. He needed a break for a few days. He also wanted his grandmother to see the boys once in a while.
“Grandma,” Donald said. “Oh dear, you look like you’re about to pass out,” Elvira said. “I haven’t slept much in the last year,” he said. “Come in, I want to see my great grandsons,” she said. Donald came in with the boys in his arms. Louie started to whimper. Elvira took him into her arms to calm him down before upsetting the other two boys. “You have Louie, the one in blue is Dewey, and the one in red is Huey,” he said. The boys were being raised well by Donald.
“Hey Donaldo,” Gladstone said, coming into the house. “Shh Gladstone, the babies are asleep,” Elvira said. “Sorry,” Gladstone said. “Gladstone, this is Huey, Dewey, and Louie,” Donald said. Elvira was holding Louie, while the other two boys were sleeping in the playpen in the living room. Elvira was trying to soothe Louie to take a nap along with his brothers. He seemed to like being held a lot. She held him until he was drowsy enough to fall asleep on his own. She put him into the playpen with the other two triplets. Louie peacefully fell asleep for a nap. He knew that he would be safe while taking a nap. It was quiet at the farm because it was in the country just outside of Duckburg. Elvira took Donald to a bedroom so he could get some rest.
“Get some rest, Donald, you look like you need it,” Elvira said. “What about the boys?” Donald said. “They’ll be fine, I’ll take care of them so you can rest,” she said. “The boys need me to take care of them,” he said. “Donald, they’ll be fine, trust me. I know what I’m doing,” she said. Donald laid down and closed his eyes. He fell asleep until dinner. His mind was at ease while he was asleep. Elvira, Gladstone, and Fethry took care of the boys while Donald was asleep. The boys were well taken care of while he was asleep. Gladstone fed Louie, Fethry fed Huey, and Elvira fed an overly excited Dewey when they were all hungry. Donald said that he kept them all on one schedule during the day and night. Elvira couldn’t feed the triplets on her own because there were three of them. The boys needed to be fed at the same time. She was a great grandmother to the boys. She knew that she just met the boys, but she loved them already.
“There we go,” Elvira said as Dewey finished his lunch. “Huey won’t eat,” Fethry said. “Here, you take Dewey and I’ll feed Huey,” she said. She gave Dewey over to Fethry and took Huey into her arms to feed him his lunch. Louie ate his lunch for Gladstone with no trouble at all. Louie had to be fed his lunch because he was lazy and didn’t want to do stuff for himself.
Donald woke up after the boys had lunch. He came into the living room where the boys were playing. Louie came toddling over to him and hugged him. He reached up wanting to be picked up. “It’s about time you woke up; you must’ve been exhausted,” Elvira said. “Raising three boys by myself is exhausting,” Donald said. “You should come over once a week and let yourself get some sleep,” she said. “I think I should,” he said. “You can and you will,” she said.
That evening, Elvira bathed the boys. She bathed them all at the same time. She gave them a warm bath. After their bath, she dried them off and each of them in their color-coded onesies. She gave each of them back rubs to help each of them fall asleep for the night. She put each of them in the playpen in the living room. Donald tucked them in for the night. They were all asleep for once in their lives since they hatched. The boys were happy, healthy, and safe.
4 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Della had not been feeling well for a few days. Scrooge had called her mother to take her to the doctor to see what the matter with her was. There was nothing that could stop Della Duck. Della knew that her mother was coming by that day, but she didn’t know why. It was a surprise for both of the twins when Scrooge told them that their mother was coming by that day. They had not seen their parents in such a long time, and they needed to see them once in a while.
“Hello, Hortense,” Scrooge said, coming into the foyer. “Hi Scroogie. Where are my twin babies?” Hortense said, walking into the living room followed by Scrooge. Della was laying down on the couch with a bucket by her face. “You poor girl,” Hortense said, kneeling down next to Della. “Mom, I don’t feel good at all,” Della said. “Why do you think that I’m here? I’m here to take you to the doctor,” Hortense said. “Mom,” Donald said, coming into the living room and pushing past Scrooge. “Oh, there’s my boy,” Hortense said, hugging Donald tightly.
“Lad, your father and I are taking you out of the house for the day, while your mother is dealing with your sister,” Scrooge said after Hortense had left with Della. “You know how twins can feel each other’s pain?” Donald said. “That’s not going to work, son, you’re going with us,” Quackmore said. “You need to not be so focused on your twin sister’s safety and health all the time, lad. I’m sure that whatever is wrong with her, she’ll be fine in a few days or so,” Scrooge said. “Alright,” Donald said. “Come on lad,” Scrooge said, jabbing Donald on the back with the end of his cane. They went down to the bay, and they got on a boat. Quackmore drove the boat out onto the water where it was safe for them to start fishing. “This should take your mind off of your sister,” Quackmore said, handing Donald a fishing pole. They started to fish in the water.
Della sat on the examination table in the little examination room of the doctor’s office. Della couldn’t sit still. “Sit still, Della,” Hortense said. “I can’t sit still, mom. I’m nervous,” Della said. “You’re nervous about becoming a mother, aren’t you?” Hortense said. “I am,” Della said. The doctor came in with the results. “Congratulations, you’re pregnant, Della,” the doctor said. “Thank you, Dr. Thrasher,” Della said. “Now, let’s see how far along you are,” Dr. Thrasher said. He set up an ultrasound and Della unzipped her jacket and pulled her shirt up from her stomach. Dr. Thrasher put some ultrasound gel on her stomach and then the probe. Dr. Thrasher gasped. “You’re going to have triplets, you’re pregnant with three eggs,” Dr. Thrasher said, gasping. “What?” Della said. “See? You’re having three eggs,” Dr. Thrasher said, pointing at the ultrasound screen. Della started internally freaking out, but she kept her cool while at the doctor’s office. She waited until her and Hortense were in the car to express her concerns.
“Mom, I’m scared,” Della said. “It’s going to be alright, Della, I know how you feel,” Hortense said. “You do?” Della said. “When I was expecting you and your brother, I was nervous as well. I had your father by my side and your grandmother helped me a lot as well,” Hortense said. Hortense took Della home to get something to eat and to relax for a little while.
“Mom, do you really think I’ll be a good mother to my three kids?” Della said. “What do you mean, sweetie? I think you’ll be an amazing mother,” Hortense said. “I mean there’s three of them and I’m a single mother,” Della said. “You’ve got a family that will help you with your kids,” Hortense said. “But, what about their father?” Della said. “Ack, who cares about him? He wasn’t the one that was meant for you. He cheated on you after he had sex with you,” Hortense said. “He probably doesn’t want anything to do with me or the kids,” Della said. “You shouldn’t have to tell him if you don’t want to because you are these kids’ mother. You should do what you think is best for you and the kids,” Hortense said. “Thank you, mom, I love you,” Della said, leaning her head on Hortense’s shoulder. “You’re welcome, sweetheart, I love you too,” Hortense said, wrapping her arm around Della, giving her a hug. “I want to have these babies, but I’m so nervous about being a mother,” Della said. “I know Della,” Hortense said.
Donald soon came back with Quackmore and Scrooge. Quackmore came into the living room and saw Della cuddling with Hortense. Della seemed to be asleep. He came closer to them and gave Hortense a gentle kiss. “How is she?” he said. “She’s fine, but she’s got something to tell you all,” Hortense said. Della opened her wide eyes. Quackmore had to hold onto Donald to keep him calm and not jump on his sister. “Della, what do you have to tell everyone?” Hortense said. “I’m pregnant with triplets. We don’t know what gender they are yet,” Della said, with a few tears running down her face. She dug her face into Hortense’s shoulder as she cried.
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” Quackmore said. “No, it’s not, daddy,” Della said. “Why’s that?” Quackmore said, letting Donald go and sitting down with Hortense and Della. “Lucas left me after we had sex together, he probably won’t want the kids,” Della said. “Come here,” Quackmore said, with his arms open. Della leaned over to Quackmore. “You’re going to be alright, sweetheart, you’ve got a family to help you with these kids,” Quackmore said, stroking his hand through her hair. “I love you mom and dad,” Della said. “We love you too,” Hortense said. “Yes, we do,” Quackmore said. “You are going to be a great mother,” Hortense said. “Yes, you are,” Quackmore said. Della continued to cry until she fell asleep on the couch. Duckworth brought a blanket and a pillow for Della to make her more comfortable while she slept for a nap.
Five and a half months later, Della went into labor. She went into labor two weeks early. She often went to the doctor to make sure that everything was perfect during the pregnancy and the doctor said that she was pregnant with three boys. She was going to be a mom. She had to go in for a C-section to deliver the boys’ eggs. She was loopy after the birth because of the medication she was given. She was put to sleep during the procedure because it was an emergency C-section. Della couldn’t hold her eggs when they were brought into her room.
“Della, are you feeling alright?” Scrooge asked. “I don’t know, I’m probably going to just lay down and get some rest,” Della replied. “Alright, let someone know if something’s wrong,” he said. “I will,” she said. She laid down on the couch in the living room. She couldn’t get comfortable. She knew that she was pregnant with triplets, and she was due in two weeks.
Hortense quietly came into the living room. Della looked up and saw her mother. “Mom, something’s wrong,” Della said. “What’s wrong, sweetie?” Hortense said. “I don’t know; I’m just feeling a lot of pain in my stomach,” Della said. “How long has it been going on for?” Hortense said. “Every five minutes for the last hour,” Della said. “We need to get you to the hospital,” Hortense said. “Why?” Della said. “You might be in labor,” Hortense said. “Now? I’m not due for another two weeks,” Della said, starting to panic. “Don’t panic; it’s not good for you or these babies of yours,” Hortense said. Della went with Hortense to the hospital. Della was miserable during the contractions. She wanted the labor and the pregnancy to be over already.
“Mom, it hurts so much,” Della said. “I know, sweetie, it’s all going to be over soon,” Hortense said. Dr. Thrasher came into the room. “Della, since you’re two weeks early and you’re having triplets, we’re going to need to do a C-section for you to lay them safely,” Dr. Thrasher said. “I’ll do anything to have these babies,” Della said. “Alright,” Dr. Thrasher said. Della signed all the consent papers for the C-section, and she went into the operating room.
After the laying of the triplets eggs, Donald, Quackmore, and Scrooge came to see Della. Della was awake, but she was loopy from being put to sleep during the laying of the triplets. Della started crying when her brother, father, and uncle came into the room. Hortense explained to Donald that Della’s hormones are still crazy because she had just laid the boys’ eggs not that long ago. He also couldn’t run up and roughly hug her because she had a large incision on her stomach. She needed time for it to heal before she got rough with her brother or anyone really. Della wasn’t awake for very long before falling asleep. Hortense tucked Della in a little.
A week later, Della went home with the eggs. She couldn’t wait to be home with her family. She was happy to have her baby boys. Donald and Scrooge knew that once the boys hatched, no one would get any sleep because the babies would be constantly crying and needing constant care. Duckworth came to the hospital to pick Della up when she was ready to leave.
“This is so exciting, I’m about to become a mother,” she said. “You’re going to be quite a mother, Della,” Duckworth said. “I am,” Della said. Della couldn’t jump up off the couch because of the incision in her lower abdomen. She had the eggs in front of her on the ottoman. They were nestled in a nest that Hortense had crocheted. The next was large enough for Della’s three eggs. Donald came into the room and shuffled the eggs in the nest and pulled the blankets tighter around them. “Donald, the eggs are fine,” Della argued from her spot on the couch. “You might think that they’re fine,” Donald said. “Why do you have to be just like mom? Ugh!” she said, frustrated. “Mom wasn’t that bad,” he said. “She was so restricting,” she said. “Twins, quite fighting,” Hortense said, coming into the living room where the twins were. “Mom!” the twins said. “Donald, those eggs aren’t yours so stop being overprotective of the eggs and Della, you know that I wasn’t that restricting,” Hortense said. “Sorry,” both twins chorused simultaneously.
6 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
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immrbrightsideeee · 2 years
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#delete later - 44 posts
#asks - 24 posts
#random rambles - 15 posts
#nickapocalypse - 9 posts
#cagepocalypse - 8 posts
#maneskin - 8 posts
#nick cage - 7 posts
#our flag means death - 5 posts
#goncharov - 5 posts
#umbrella academy - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#this is a really interesting thing for me (christian) to read cause like these are some solid points? that really makes sense? i'm confused
My Top Posts in 2022:
nick, where's the treasure?
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Oh, please. I am the national treasure
62 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
Are you open for a tiny request, Love? It's cool if you're not but in case you are (and that's entirely too many words there lol), could you do something fluffy with Remington? Like a movie night with lots of cuddles and fun and comfort? I need a hug lol
I also wouldn't say no to some smut but that's your decision
Anyway, you're amazing <3
Love you
OK I'm sorry it took so long!!! Anyway there might be a fluffy smutty part 2 idk :)
Movie Night
Remington Leith x reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: none, just fluff.
Summary: Remington and Y/N have a fun movie night
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It had been a week. A long week. The kind of long, endless week that had you lying face down on the couch groaning the moment you got home. You wanted your snuggliest PJs, your best friends, boyfriend, movies and some pizza. But people were busy. And there was work to do. And cleaning. And a tonne of other responsibilities falling down onto your shoulders, and you were exhausted.
When your cat came up to give you an affectionate headbutt, you couldn't help but think why couldn't life for humans be as simple as a house cat? You get fed, loved, you play all day and night and do what you want? It was while you were pondering philosophies and cats that you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket. You frowned. Please don't be anyone important, please don't be stressful, please don't...
Oh. It was your boyfriend, Remington. You shuffled yourself around on the couch, rolling over and barely avoiding tumbling off as you answered the phone.
“Hey Y/N, how are you doing?” Remington's voice was a comforting sound on the other end of the phone.
“I'm good, you??” You shot back immediately, so quick that Remington got suspicious.
“..Riiight, I don't believe that but I'm not gonna push you right now. I'm actually not doing so good,” he said, slowly, “Today has just been shitty, and anyway I was wondering if you're free?”
“Ah, yeah, when?”
“Um, now? It's OK if not, I get that there's a lot going on it's just that, I dunno, I miss you.” His voice was so soft and sweet and you could almost picture him scrunching up his face a little and rubbing the back of his neck. The image melted your heart. How was he so impossibly cute all the time?
“I'm free, and I miss you too, trust me.”
It had been a few weeks since the two of you had seen each other, Remington was busy writing and recording his and his brother's new album, and you were busy with work and family responsibilities. There wasn't much time to see each other, and it was breaking both of your hearts. But you tried not to think about it, you talked every day anyway. But seeing him tonight would definitely revive you.
“So, got any ideas?” you asked, changing the mood to something lighter.
“Would it be OK if I come over? I just feel like staying in, but I also can't stand being away from you any longer, and I really can't handle another hour alone with my brothers.” Remington laughed a little and you smiled without meaning to, only able to imagine the nonsense the boys had gotten up to that day, let alone week.
“'Course! Just, um, give me a few, OK? I'm a bit of a mess at the moment.” You thought of the pile of clothes all around your room and the stack of dishes.
“Aw baby, you know I don't care about any of that, but if it makes you feel better would half an hour be good?”
“Yeah, it should be.” There was silence as the conversation started to end, then you spoke. “Oh! Wait, would it be annoying if I ask you to bring some dinner? I don't have it in me to cook.”
“Sure! What do you feel like?”
“Ah, surprise me, I trust you.” You smiled into the phone and could just about feel him smiling back. He let out a slight laugh of delight and you both said your good byes and got ready.
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77 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
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this has the same vibes as this
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112 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
nick caged
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