#454 bruce the just
Bracket H Round 1
Poll 3
NERF (@nen-kaii) vs. Bruce the Just (@bruce-stan)
453. NERF (@nen-kaii)
he/him or ne/ner/neir
He has a zipper that exposes his skull because he thought it was silly, he drinks led water, ne blows stuff up with neir rocket launcher for funsies, and ne makes cookies for neir friends. He's so silly it borders on stupid. Gonna squisch him. Squinch.
4'11" little guy, with a shaved head that's split open by a zipper to expose his skull. Sometimes wears a mint-colored helmet with googly eyes pasted on.
454. Bruce the Just (@bruce-stan)
     Bruce is a were-shark Barbarian from a pathfinder campaign im in. he is my precious baby boi and the sole reason I'm on tumblr is to shill for him in this bracket. He was abandoned as a child due to his family thinking him a monster and fending for himself till one day while trying to rob a family for food, he goes too far and kills the dad. Stricken with the weight of his actions he seeks to save as many people as possible to make up for his terrible deed.
     He is the definition of a himbo. The kindest of beans and loves nature especially the water. He is allo-aro as he loves everyone as his ever growing number friends but just can't hold romance in his heart, but still is distracted by boobs; can your really blame him boobs bouncy. He is autistic coded and has PTSD from his past actions, hating loud sounds as they remind him of the child and mothers wails of grief at what he did. He is self sacrificing to a fault and will no hesitate to throw himself into any danger for any reason.
     This is reflected in his weapon "Penance". which he spells (penents). A metal shark tooth macuahuitl with one half cold iron and the other half adamantine. It is enchanted to deal extra dmg at the cost of backlash upon himself, which has been the cause of his many scars across his body. Bruce doesn't care however as his weapon is just as much penance for himself as for his enemies.
     He serves as both the heart and big guy for our groups five man band. While he is obviously the dumb muscle, he is the emotional core of our group that makes a cold-hearted assassin, a conniving theif, a vengeance possesed psychopath, a shadowfell raised Dryder, and an apathetic druid, all want to be better people because of his unrelenting love and kindness.
    He hates killing and will even in battle go out of his way to avoid it and violence in general as much as possible. Their is but a single exception to this rule and that is to put any of his new found family in danger. That makes a woman by the name of Valentina a dead girl walking, as she callously murdered his dear friend Ms. S. An ex school teacher who would hand out gold stars to the party. He still has the stars on his macuahuitl as a reminder of his late friend and debt to settle.
     His caring nature has gotten the party into many adventures as he is always willing to help anyone. From hauling wood, to hunting fish for a starving child, to collecting cat skeletons for a friendly necromancer, to even facing down a 40ft tall face stealing monstrosity, all one must do is ask.
     Now a list of my favorite Bruce quotes:
" I got my info from a trustworthy source....... ya know a crab from that creek over there".
"NO STEALING! I will buy you the shiny".
"I would never kill him, just break a few ribs".
"I've fought plenty of trees and I only lost twice".
"You can be gay just don't do crimes........ok maybe a little crime since he's was mean".
"BRUCE IS INDOMITABLE" ( after holding back a bullete from his unconscious friends.)
"violence doesn't just break a man's nose, it breaks his spirit.............I've seen how terrible that truly is."
     I could go on for days about my precious lad, so if anyone wants to hear more hmu. That being said though reckless, naive, and certainly buried in his own sins; his unyielding sense of kindness and do-goodery make no one more fitting of the name Bruce The Just.
Taylor Lautner from twilight as to add to the shark meme since he also played sharkboy.
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zahri-melitor · 5 months
for the DC ask meme - Riddler? I feel like I don't see people bringing up best works for him much
Oh, Eddie is a character who is all over the place and you need to embrace a spectrum of stories for.
If you want to know how dark Riddler can get, get thee to Dark Knight, Dark City: Batman #452-454. I know I bang on about it a lot but it's an incredible combination of a bunch of aspects of Riddler's character: his drive to make things fit the plan he has; his utterly amoral nature, exploiting knowledge of 'what makes people react' without confronting WHY they react that way; his glee that even while being foiled he's forced Batman to do things his way. You will never look at him the same way afterwards.
If you want a redeemed Eddie trying his hardest, and still just endlessly frustrating to those around him, can I introduce you to Detective Comics #845. I adore this comic. My favourite aspect of it is that Eddie even while acting as a consulting detective is smug and overconfident; Bruce and Bobo are able to run circles around him (the Detective chat room!!!).
I'm also going to put in a plug for Batman: Riddler and the Riddle Factory, which I've only just read but is a really solidly told Riddler story. It's his classic shtick of setting clues, of forcing the people around him to guess the answers, and of wanting to be acknowledged as clever. It's just everything you expect to see in a story about him concentrated into a single plot, and that doesn't happen a lot post-Crisis, as he tends to not be used to tell straight stories on his own anymore.
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half-dead-ham · 2 years
(Tw: talk of sacrifice, death by burning, starvation, and asphyxiation, knives, cults, and skeletons)
Y'know how the Batpham community has made all these great headcanons about the Spirit of Gotham? How she's either this regal heiress from the city's founding or a pretty flapper from the 20's? Well I got some news for you!
Meet Dominique!
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I was reading the Batman comics to figure out when Tim came onto the scene (for curiosity) and stumbled onto this dame in issue #454!
Behold, the Spirit of Gotham!
So, for those not interested in reading this lovely little piece, Batman is on the way to stop the Riddler, who has been making Batsy do some weird things for clues; Mouth to mouth on a hanged man, Dancing with a corpse, Dancing in front of a horned goat, to name a few.
And why is he doing this you ask? Why to summon the Demon Barbathos, of course! And the book that good ol' Eddie got has been telling him (yes telling him, the creepy black magic book is telling him that batman is the perfect sacrifice and he's just going with it) that to summon Barbathos he needs a "Human bat", and ofc Bruce fits that pretty damn well.
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And then he pulls this out!
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He says "the first Bat", as in, someone who has been put through this ritual before. Except, she didn't get to complete the right either (and from what I know about Barbathos, thank the gods for that). Just before the people who were using her to preform the ritual were gonna actually, y'know, they got spooked, sealed the cellar they were doing the ritual in, and moved to Canada.
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Leaving her in the cellar to die of either oxygen deprivation or starvation. (There is a panel I the comic for that, but she's nude and I ain't gonna show that here.) And until the Riddler opens that cellar to preform the summoning with Batsy, it was sealed for 200 years (her being in there from 1765, a lot older than that flapper ver of her.)
Now, why do I bring all this up when she's just a memory and a skeleton for the Riddler to base his plans off of? Because she and Bruce talk. And she calls herself the Spirit of Gotham.
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She's been trapped in that cellar for 200 years, waiting for Batman to free her from it. And as Riddler sets fore to the warehouse under it she tells him of how she died in there.
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Now, all this is really cool in of itself. Batman knows the spirit of Gotham is real, and has talked to her. But the kicker? Bruce feels a kinship with her. When Bruce is seeing these images of her they become real. And the spirit tells batman they are "brother and sister of the bat."
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(Also Dominique asks if Bruce's a demon, and I find that just a little funny.)
So they get out with a little help from Alfred, and Bruce is holding Dominique's skeleton. Kinda melancholy way to end. But what does Bruce do to honor this girl and spirit? He puts her next to his parents in their family mausoleum.
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And that's pretty sweet, right? Letting her rest with the Wayne's so she could have a proper grave?? But wait, it gets better. Bruce decides to put this on her stone:
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AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH Holy flying furballs Batman! You just called Dominique your sister! The spirit of Gotham is Bruce's spiritual sister and its confirmed canon! This has so much fukkin potential and we as a community have been sleeping on it!
Just. Please. I need to see Dominique the spirit of Gotham and spiritual aunt to the Batkids in a fic, please!
Thank you for coming to my 1:30 am ted talk.
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motleyfam · 2 years
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#thinking of that ‘superman wrecking a whole ass train to save a child on the tracks who he could have just swooped away from danger’ post
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hey! so its 4am and ive just finished my, um... fifth(?) reread of world's saddest breakfast club and like! aaahhhh!!!
do u got abything to tell us abt this story? like sbt the writing proccess or things u thought that did not make it in or hc or anything really. i dont have a question exactly, just wanted to hear you talk about it. im a bit. well. obssesed.
Oooh cool question! I definitely do!
World's Saddest Breakfast Club: Fun Facts
The opening line is a result of me angsting to @batmoniker about how I couldn't figure out how to start my fic, and her jokingly being like "I got you, bro. Ready? 'It was a dark and stormy night'" and then me just being stubborn and committing to the bit.
The story started with a vague idea of "everyone in the kitchen at 3am for different reasons and Jason channeling his inner short order cook." All I knew going in was the order I wanted people to appear, what was wrong with them (sick, hurt, insomnia, etc) and what food Jason would be making for them. Everything else I made up as I went.
If I could go back and change one thing about this fic, I'd reduce how long Jason was kidnapped to like, 6-8 days, max. 16 days seemed funny when I wrote it, but in hindsight, I feel like he'd be a little more fucked up in the story if he were really escaping from that many days of captivity lmao
I headcanon Dick as the kind of person who straight-up forgets to eat when he's preoccupied, and Jason as the kind of person who cannot FATHOM this concept. Jason absolutely will miss a meal if the situation calls for it, don't get me wrong, but he's aware the entire time he's doing it and it makes him super antsy. (This once turned into A Thing™ when Jason was like, 13 years old and staying with Dick for the weekend for some brotherly bonding and Dick forgot about lunch and by 5pm, Jason maybe sorta kinda had a minor panic attack about it. Dick was a lot more mindful of that moving forward)
Bruce's favorite food being lobster thermidor is a reference to the Lego Batman movie
I wrote this whole fic with Julia Child's recipe pulled up in one tab and my google doc in the other
At some point I realized that since I started with fresh lobsters, I was going to have to write Jason killing them, and it derailed me so hard that the fic nearly became about meatloaf instead. (Never mind the fact that Jason canonically kills human beings — that's totally fine. I just draw the line at him killing lobsters 😰)
(in the end I just kinda glossed over it and made sure they were already cooked before Damian appeared so I wouldn't have to address it 😬)
Dick's reoccurring shoulder injury is a reference to the DCAU where I swear that man has dislocated his shoulder/injured his arm at least 4x
The line about Tim being allergic/throwing up when he eats eggs was inspired by a line in chap 11 of @goldkirk's fic Hymn, which I've reread about 37x
Jason is correct— grits are fucking delicious and definitely not baby food.
My favorite line is "Okay there’s self-sacrificial bullshit, and then there’s whatever the fresh hell that is."
The idea for Cass being a big meat-eater comes from a comic panel where Steph offers her a plate of rice and beans and Cass says needs meat and starts mischievously eying Steph's hamster. Can't find the panel to save my life, but I promise it's out there.
EDIT: finally found it!
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Steph's nickname of "Zombie Boy" for Jason is borrowed from @audreycritter's Cor Et Cerebrum series (which is a fucking masterpiece, btw)
This fic was gonna be called "Creatures of the Night" until batmoniker said Steph's line made for a better title
Several people have asked me whether Jason was really cooking Bruce's lobster to spite him, or if he was actually intending to make it for him all along. The answer is... both? Like Jason's kind of an unreliable narrator in that he's trying to convince himself that he's just doing what he's doing to be a little shithead when deep down it's all stemming from his need to take care of his family, you know? Like he'll never admit it, but that's where his heart is at.
To everyone who's asked for a part 2 where the family finds out Jason was kidnapped, I'm gonna be honest: the main reason I don't think I'm ever going to write that scene is because I can't come up with a good enough joke for him to make to accidentally out himself ☠️
90 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
Imagine Bruce starting therapy and learning about all these cool new tricks and gadgets that can help with emotional regulation and getting super invested (because I mean, c’mon, the dude’s like the king of gadget hoarding, he’s got a utility belt for goodness sake)
Then imagine the learning curve of him realizing that just because something works great for one of his kids, doesn’t mean it works for all of them, as illustrated by this memorable incident:
Jason gets really upset and starts having a minor panic attack about something
Bruce, proud owner of 14 new weighted blankets (in various styles, weights, and sizes), tries to wrap his adult son up in one to ground him
After all, Bruce himself finds them super comforting because it’s basically a socially acceptable alternative to wearing a massive Kevlar cape 24/7 like he’d do if he could
(Tim loves them too, so like, kid tested, parent approved™️)
Ends up totally backfiring when the added weight & restricted movement sends Jason into a full-blown flashback of digging out of his own grave, taking this panic attack from like a 4 to a 10
130 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
Sometimes I get really hung up on trying to make all the logistics and time frame work out in my fanfics
Then I see how the professionals handle this dilemma:
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211 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
I have a headcanon that Dick doesn’t actually like cereal nearly as much as he pretends to.
He just knew that Bruce felt bad about his own cooking ineptitude in the early days after taking his new ward in, so whenever Alfred had the night off, the 9-year-old insisted cereal was his ‘favorite food on the planet’ because it was something that Bruce could actually handle preparing for him without setting off the smoke alarms and it made him happy to do it
372 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tim hardly ever wears seatbelts.
It’s not a conscious choice at this point really, he just never got into the habit. When he outgrew his last car seat at age five, his parents didn’t bother getting him a booster and just let him sit in the normal seat, so the belt always felt like it was cutting into his neck and he hated it. He put up a big fuss about it once on the way to some important event, and his parents just huffed, “Fine, don’t wear it then. Fly out the window for all I care” and that was that. They never forced him again.
He just so rarely has to wear one that it slips his mind. Buses don’t have seatbelts. Motorcycles don’t have seatbelts. The Batmobile has them, but they’re rarely used due to the necessity for split-second drop ins and getaways.
It’s not until he’s 17 and driving with Jason somewhere that he finally gets called out on it. Not only called out, but told in a no nonsense sort of way “This car ain’t moving till I hear a fucking click. What, did they stop showing ‘Red Asphalt’ in drivers ed while I was dead??”
(They do still show it. Tim just slept through that class)
557 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
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archtroop · 2 years
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Longest Tag: 138 characters
#if you even sneeze a bit weird in that universe you might accidentally send your grandma flying imagine what faulty pronunciation would do
My Top Posts in 2022:
So.... Who's writing me that Teen Wolf AU where two werewolf twins leave Beacon Hills to work as Bouncers in Gotham
42 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
You know that this Bruce is done RIGHT, when his first public appearance in a long time is at a funeral.
44 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
Killer Croc in The New Batman Adventures is seriously such a mood
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58 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
Wincest opening the list at 10th place is actually so impressive, we're talking about a relatablely mainstreamish listing that straight up opens with one of the most controversial ships out there, that mere mention of it can pull out aggressive responses from mainstream ppl, and wow 10th?! I am hearing the idea of Taboo in Shipping crashing down falling from the 10th floor.
Also Supernatural opening AND closing the list (DeanCas being first largest fic count/slash-traffic on AO3, which is hardly surprising... ), I'm just like, whoa Go SPN Fandom, that's frickin impressive!
73 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You know that realities are finally colliding when Bruce Battinson is wearing a black turtleneck to a high profile event,
237 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 months
The Nightingale
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/niNlOkB by kcat10 Tim’s day was going fine until Oracle told him about the tags that keep popping up in upper east side, when he goes to investigate he finds the new vigilante, Nightingale, chaos issues ————————————- Nyx was having a good day she just got another commission for a tag, then Red Robin fell on top of her Words: 454, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon Relationships: Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Duke Thomas & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, OC & Batfam Additional Tags: OC insert, I have know idea what I’m doing, first fic on this website, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Duke Thomas is Signal, Cassandra Cain is Black Bat, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Damian Wayne is Robin, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Am I doing this right?, Stephanie Brown is Spoiler, Barbara Gordon is Oracle read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/niNlOkB
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mdccanon · 3 years
Marvel Ships, 2021
A comprehensive guide of raw data on Marvel ships (MCU, FOX X-Men, and comics) based on AO3 # of romantic fanfics.
I have made this list to clear up misconceptions and improve awareness of the preferences of the Marvel Fanbase. This list is arranged for maximum comparison ability and easy referencing.
Also: the establishment of "canon" couples and friends is based on how often they are referenced as such by both movies and comics on AO3. Therefore, Nat/Bucky and Nat/Bruce are both treated as equally canon couples, as AO3 Nat/Bucky fanfics are often written using comic canon.
Actual canon heterosexual couple
Actual canon queer couple
Deeply hated rival/nemesis
Conflicted feelings ex-friend/rival/enemy
Friends should kiss more often, just sayin’
No canon reason, it just sounds cool
No canon reason, but it fulfills my kink, don’t shame me
Notes on the Legend: Which ships go under which category is entirely based on my criteria of why their audience likes the ship. Instead of having a category for "problematic" ships, I would rather have the categories based on if the characters fulfill a kink for the reader or if they are hated enemies and that conflict excites the reader. What constitutes as "problematic" is entirely subjective conjecture. Some of these kinky ships you may find problematic, but some of these enemy ships you may not find problematic.
1. Cap/Peggy: 5,693
2. Cap/Bucky: 53,142
3. Bucky/Tony: 5,233
4. Cap/Tony: 39,189
5. Pepper/Tony: 18,943
6. JARVIS/Tony: 431
7. Bruce/Tony: 4,696
8. Loki/Tony: 10, 488
9. Loki/Thor: 13,357
10. Thor/Jane: 5,367
11. Thor/Cap: 1,303
12. Cap/Natasha: 5,048
13. Bruce/Natasha: 2,971
14. Bucky/Natasha: 5,014
15. Darcy/Natasha: 454
16. Darcy/Bucky: 2,731
17. Darcy/Cap: 3,054
18. Darcy/Tony: 316
19. Darcy/Thor: 176
20. Darcy/Loki 1,558
21. Darcy/Jane: 215
22. Darcy/Clint: 1,093
23. Clint/Natasha: 11,686
24. Clint/Laura Barton: 2,054
25. Clint/Pietro: 830
26. Clint/Phil Coulson: 10,813
27. Phil Coulson/Melinda May: 3,448
28. Melinda May/Grant Ward: 145
29. Daisy Johnson/Grant Ward: 2,198
30. Jemma/Daisy: 1,751
31. Fitzsimmons: 7,484
32. Fitz/Daisy: 203
33. Daisy Johnson/Phil Coulson: 1,997
34. Phil Coulson/Tony Stark: 268
35. Steven Strange/Tony Stark: 5,404
36. Baron Mordo/Steven Strange: 150
37. Loki/Steven Strange: 451
38. Steven Strange/Everett Ross: 156
39. Everett Ross/T’Challa: 185
40. T’Challa/Nakia: 308
41. T’Challa/Storm: 89
42. M’Baku/T’Challa: 140
43. T’Challa/Killmonger: 552
44. Killmonger/Shuri: 35
45. Peter Parker/Shuri: 161
46. Peter/Harry Osborn: 1,197
47. Peter/Mary Jane Watson 774
48. Peter/Gwen Stacy: 795
49. Peter/Matt Murdock: 290
50. Matt/Foggy: 2,392
51. Matt/Karen: 883
52. Karen/Frank: 1,911
53. Matt & Jessica Jones (as friends): 241
54. Luke Cage/Jessica Jones: 289
55. Carol Danvers/Jessica Drew: 233
56. Jessica Drew/Peter Parker: 21
57. Mysterio/Peter: 723
58. Venom/Peter: 122
59. Peter/Deadpool: 7,678
60. Cable/Deadpool: 752
61. Scott Summers/Jean Grey: 1,117
62. Scott Summers/Logan: 1,022
63. Victor Creed/Logan: 169
64. Victor Creed/Mystique: 13
65. Beast/Mystique: 650
66. Beast/Havoc: 478
67. Havoc/Polaris: 53
68. Magneto/Mystique: 287
69. Rogue/Magneto: 31
70. Rogue/Gambit: 637
71. Erik/Charles: 15,380
72. Erik/Magda: 347
73. Wanda/Vision: 3,607
74. Carol Danvers/Maria Rambeau: 878
75. Teddy Altman/Billy Kaplan: 1,750
76. America Chavez/Kate Bishop: 491
77. Carol/Yon-Rogg: 250
78. Carol Danvers/Peter Parker: 103
79. Carol Danvers/Peter Quill: 18
80. Quill/Ronan the Accuser: 106
81. Quill/Gamora: 1,665
82. Nebula/Gamora (as lovers): 105
83. Quill/Tony Stark: 309
84. Victor von Doom/Tony Stark: 117
85. Doom/Susan Storm: 24
86. Susan Storm/Johnny Storm: 17
87. Peter Parker/Johnny Storm: 888
88. Johnny/Reed: 42
89. Susan/Reed: 294
90. Doom/Reed: 126
91. Doom/Loki: 141
92. Loki/Wanda: 74
93. Wanda/Agatha: 58
94. Wanda/Pietro: 377
95. Wanda/Natasha: 955
96. Natasha/Carol: 262
97. Carol/Wanda: 87
98. Wanda/Bucky: 449
99. Sam/Bucky: 3,866
100. Zemo/Bucky: 43
This concludes my exhaustive look into the tastes and preferences of the Marvel Fanbase.
Out of 100 ships, how many ships are:
Canon hetero: 26
Canon queer: 1
Enemies: 15
Conflicted: 10
Friends: 23
Just Seem Cool: 17
Kinky: 8
Out of 27canon couples, how many times was there a fan-preferred alternative: 17.
Which canon couples do more fans prefer over ships alternatives:
Susan and Reed Richards
Quill and Gamora
Rogue and Gambit
Frank Castle and Karen
Luke Cage and Jessica Jones
Wanda and Vision
Scott Summers and Jean Grey
Beast and Mystique
Teddy and Billy
How many ships have more than 1,000 fanfics: 37
Out of the Top 37, how many ships are:
Canon hetero: 12 (32%)
Canon queer: 1 (3%)
Enemies: 3 (8%)
Conflicted: 6 (16%)
Friends: 9 (24%)
Just Seem Cool: 5 (14%)
Kinky: 2 (6%)
With bold for categories that increased and italics for decreases from the percentages of the original 100. It seems like the most common ships in Marvel tend to be canon, friends to lovers and conflicted feelings to lovers more often that the spicier enemies to lovers and kinky ships.
It is at this point that I realized that I forgot one important ship, and it is such an egregious error on my part that I almost felt ashamed. I say almost because knowing this ship exists proves I have no shame.
· Peter Parker/Tony Stark (as lovers): 7,168
· Peter Parker & Tony Stark (as mentor/protégé): 20,928
So, I'll make a second post that is just the Top 25, with more friendships added. Friendships are a difficult measure to use, as people will tag romance stories as also friendship stories, as if they can't understand the difference... But, its not so wholly inaccurate that it doesn't give some insight.
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I posted 16,735 times in 2021
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#anyways the man reason events make money is because of people who are reading for the events it's a cheap way to up sales on bad selling boo
My Top Posts in 2021
my latest adventures in “DC should hire me”
Okay so the fact is that at this point, Bruce growing up raised only by a butler who does not formally adopt him and still treats him like he’s the one in charge despite having at least one active branch of the Kanes in Gotham? doesn’t make sense
ergo, I propose a series of YA graphic novels about Bruce’s adventures bouncing around between various branches of his family, ala A Series of Unfortunate Events
That time he moves in next door to Zatanna and learns stage magic and then uses slight of hand to steal important documents that prove his third uncle twice remove is embezzling from Wayne Enterprises
That time he nearly gets kidnapped by the Court of Owls and no one believes him and so he ends up robbing a museum to get historical evidence of their existence
That time that he lives with Kate’s family for a while and things are actually really good but then Kate’s mom and sister die and he has to leave while they’re dealing with that
That time that he learns to deep-sea dive and accidentally meets Arthur and learns about Atlantis while solving a mystery about a yacht that was sunk for insurance money
That time he moves next door to Ted Grant’s gym and Ted teaches him to throw a punch and he becomes Wildcat’s sidekick for a week before they discover his fourth cousin’s ex wife’s niece is actually a supervillain
That time he lives in Smallville for a week and almost discovers Clark’s secret identity years early before getting distracted by his petty grudge against Lex Luthor and spending the rest of his time there trying to engage in industrial espionage
That time when Leslie finally manages to get him fostered with her for a whole six months because she and Alfred have gotten married and committed like six kinds of fraud to get themselves listed as his legal guardians.
The time where Bruce goes to the same boarding school as Oliver Queen and makes fun of his burgeoning career as a goatee model
Look there’s just so much potential for an grumpy traumatized orphaned Bruce Wayne bouncing around the DCU learning new skills, solving mysteries, and accidentally meeting people decades early.
359 notes • Posted 2021-03-28 23:54:00 GMT
I think people need to realize that Bruce actually isn’t that good at keeping his secret identity: most of the teams he’s ever been on know who he is, and plenty of his friends and allies know too, both in and out of his civilian life. He’s cagey and careful, sure, but he does expose himself, and he does so willingly with a decent regularity, and SEVERAL of his greatest enemies know or at least suspect who he is. It’s actually... not that big of a deal to know that Bruce Wayne is Batman (in the preboot at least, I’m just ignoring everything else). It’s a big deal to figure it out, sure, but Bruce does tell people his secret identity.
But do you know who doesn’t tell people his secret identity, who most people, even his closest friends have no idea that he has a double life, despite all of our collective razzing about how bad of a cover story it is???
Clark. He has been on ENTIRE TEAMS that have no idea who he is, that he even had a double life, and a major sign of “something is VERY VERY WRONG” in Infinite Crisis is that Max Lord knows who Clark is, because Clark’s identity is super protected and no one thinks he has one. Even under the influence of things like truth serum or the lasso, he can honestly say that his “real name” is Kal-El, they think he lives at the Fortress of Solitude and just no one fucking questions a damn thing! The villains of Clark’s who are aware of his double life are the ones who don’t care about it. And it’s because of this that Clark protects it so fiercely and why it takes him so long to confide even in Lois and why he almost never tells even Jimmy or Perry and anyways I just have a lot of feelings about how it’s such a big deal when Clark tells someone about being Superman.
506 notes • Posted 2021-02-15 13:42:19 GMT
How do you see Stephanie Brown, and what do you think that others get wrong?
I see Stephanie Brown as someone who has always, always refused to break.
I think that's the first thing that people always lose sight of with her. In the Nu52, Steph's trauma and history and stubbornness ended up being erased in favor of her being a fish-out-of-water newcomer to the scene.
Steph has not had an easy time of things. She is an abuse survivor, who had to deal with her mother's struggles with opioid addiction. Friends and family of her parents couldn't be trusted, and so she grew up, alone, longing for someone to come along, to understand, to help. She built up an idea of Batman as that perfect adult she never had, of the person who actually could help her, could understand her, and would.
But no one came. No one helped. Therapy and jail and stints on the Suicide Squad only made her father more dangerous, rather than helping him, and she was becoming more and more aware of the full extent of his abuse towards her mother.
So she saves herself.
First, and foremost, Steph saves herself.
Steph is kind, and happy, but what I think people don't understand is that her kind of joy is a choice. It's a fight, every day, and she is fighting tooth and nail for it, every day. It's not always easy, she doesn't always succeed. But she is, at the heart of herself, railing against the cycles and systems of abuse that has defined her life, has defined the lives of her friends and the people she is trying to help.
Her life is, fundamentally, an attempt to break that cycle, and to help others break it to. She believes in second-chances, because you need them, because people make mistakes, and stumble, but if you are going to heal, if you are going to improve, you need those chances. To break a vicious cycle, you need an exit, and she is fighting hard for those exits.
And I think people struggle to understand that, to understand that her happiness, her kindness, are a choice made in spite of the cruelty of Gotham and the world. It's not that it doesn't affect her; it shapes her entire life, and she burns with that injustice, burns with the fact that every system failed her, failed her mother, failed Cass.
And that's why she stays, that's why she keeps fighting, because if Stephanie Brown is ever going to be more than the daughter of a supervillain, the girl who looks just like Arthur Brown, the teenaged mom, the girl who was Robin for seventy-one days... she has to.
And she is. She's Batgirl. She's Robin. She's Spoiler.
And that's something worth smiling about.
579 notes • Posted 2021-09-05 23:14:54 GMT
VOTE FOR THE NAME FOR DICK’S NEW PUPPY!!! (U.S. only apparently, sorry non-US readers :()
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580 notes • Posted 2021-03-23 18:09:40 GMT
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It’s official! We have a canon trans Amazons. <3
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1112 notes • Posted 2021-10-21 17:14:44 GMT
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skippyv20 · 5 years
Ok....all the pictures are gone.....but the descriptions are there....
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beastlondoninfo · 4 years
The Best Horror Movies of 2020
All of us love films, irrespective of how previous or how new or what kind all of us love films. Why? As a result of films are entertaining they provide us story. Now there have been many automobile films made, however which one is the perfect automobile film? We'll choose automobile films primarily based on the automobiles within the film, the automobile scenes, and the racing. The Best Horror Movies of 2020
10. Sizzling Rod Lady (1956) - I'm not certain whether or not this film was meant to be an anti-hot rodding film or not. The plot is not a lot guys brother dies, town needs to cease scorching rodding and the children nonetheless need to race. Since that is 1956 there needs to be a rooster sport proper (it was a legislation in 50's Hollywood). Within the film there are a couple of 32 Fords (really plenty of 32 Fords), a 56 Chevy, a 56 Ford, 55 T-bird, and an Olds 88.
9. Dying Proof (2007)- The primary half of this film possibly appear a bit boring, its largely speaking and only a bunch of women consuming in a bar (not even a wild bar social gathering, only a group of three ladies consuming) however then it will get good, with a 71 Chevy Nova used as a weapon and later a automobile chase with a 69 Charger and a 70 Vanishing Level Challenger. The film is supposed to really feel like a 70's Slasher film crossed with Vanishing Level. Should you're a Mopar man test this one out!
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eight. Street Racers (1994)- This film is named Street Racers nevertheless they is just one quick race within the film, and a pair of Automobile Chases. The film opens with a Automobile chase between a 56 Chevy being chased by the cops 56 Buick all to a badass Rockabilly music! There may be greaser violence (not Grease greaser violence however just like the Outsiders with a 90's humor twist), there may be nice Rockabilly music from Glen Glenn, Hasil Adkins and Johnny Reno!
7. Thunder Street (1958) - Let me inform the story, I can inform all of it... Really let's let Robert Mitchum inform you the story he can do it higher. This film starring Mitchum is about Operating Moonshine in Tennessee within the 50's and making an attempt to not get caught be the revenuers. It has plenty of loopy automobile chases that includes a 50 Ford Coupe, 57 Ford Fairlane, a 56 Chevy undercover automobile that may rip off automobiles bumpers and a music in regards to the film carried out by Mitchum himself! 6. Dazed and Confused (1993) - I have been Dazed and Confused for thus lengthy its not true! Which sadly that music just isn't on this film (it was suppose to be and Jimmy Paige was for it however Plant wasn't). This film is form of just like the 70's model of American Graffiti besides it is the primary evening of summer time not the final and the principle character is getting into Excessive College. Anyway they is a automobile chase between a 64 Buick and 72 Chevy Truck, there's a 70 Chevelle SS 454, 70 GTO Decide, Ford Maverick, 37 Oldsmobile and a 74 Trans Am!
5. Tales of the Crypt: King of the Street (1992) - OK I lied this one just isn't a film; it's an episode from HBOs horror collection Tales of the Crypt. Why is that this film on the record? WHY ISN'T ON THE LIST? As quickly because the episode opens we're greeted with a 69 yellow Chevelle SS road racing a 69 Crimson Dodge Charger to a rocking music by Warren Zevon. Later we get a automobile chase with the Chevelle SS and a police automobile and on the finish a Road race with the Chevelle SS vs. a 57 Chevy Gasser! There's a nice soundtrack by Warren Zevon, nevertheless solely one of many songs "Roll with the Punches" has been launched the opposite "Dangerous Street, Wretched Street" is simply discovered as a canopy by a band known as Insurgent Son.
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four. Sizzling Rod (1979) - This film is difficult to search out, it was a made for TV made out of 1979. It in all probability has essentially the most Drag Racing scenes out of any film I've seen! The film has a Road race between a 65 Hemi Plymouth and a 69 Olds Cutlass at first, later a hemi powered 41 Willys Coupe Gasser, a couple of humorous automobiles, and rocket powered Humorous Automobile and tons of Drag Racing scenes on this film!
three. Vanishing Level (1971) - Kowalski is a supply driver who's delivering a 1970 White Dodge Challenger from Colorado to San Francisco. He does it by rushing the entire time and creates the world's largest automobile chase! Being pursued by the police the entire time!
2. Two-Lane Blacktop (1971) - Who wants plots? This film would not! All we want is a Driver, a Mechanic, a Lady, a man with a GTO, a 55 Chevy gasser and some random hitch hikers to make a terrific automobile film! This film is all about automobiles and nothing else! You get to see and listen to a pleasant 55 Chevy nearly each scene in addition to a GTO. The film opens with a Drag Race and ends with one!
1. American Graffiti (1973) - Was this actually a shock to any of you? Nothing however traditional automobiles, cruising, nice music, humor, a couple of races and plenty of enjoyable! We get a pleasant however piss yellow 32 Ford powered by a 327, a 58 Chevy Bel Air additionally powered by a 327, a woman in a 56 T-bird and a Black 55 Chevy (really the identical one from Two Lane Blacktop). This film actually is all about automobiles, not coming of age. The film ends with a terrific showdown between the 32 Ford and the 55 Chevy!
Irrespective of how a lot we concern, we hold coming again for extra. Moviegoers for over a century now have change into more and more demanding, and moviemakers have by no means stopped stretching the chances of visible leisure. There are two the reason why the cinema display screen is so huge, defined one film critic. One: it is as a result of there's lots of people watching it. Second: it is to place every particular person into film itself, as if he had been carrying a pair of digital actuality goggles and it was him within the lead function. Think about if this know-how had been utilized to the horror style.
Think about placing your self within the lead function of those horror movies, identified for his or her most artistic plots of sudden twists. Shall you survive the digital realm of terror?
In 2007, a movie adaptation of the comedian e-book mini-series "30 Days of Evening" (IDW Publishing, 2002) despatched shudders up and down the backbone of viewers throughout the US. It starred U.S. heartthrob Josh Hartnett and Australian actress Melissa George. The story begins within the northernmost city of Barrow, Alaska, identified for its 67 days of winter darkness. A tribe of vampires aboard a seaborne tanker stranded amidst thick ice floes stumble into the peaceable city and, profiting from the extended darkness, wreak havoc and feast upon its inhabitants. A handful of survivors trapped in Barrow huddle and scurry to flee detection by hiding within the attic of one of many deserted houses. What makes this movie very fascinating just isn't the vampires, however the predicament that compels the human spirit to protect and defend its personal even when bleached underneath insurmountable supernatural odds. This Senator Worldwide-Columbia Photos movie was directed by David Slade and Sam Raimi, the director who labored on the "Spiderman" footage starring Tobey McGuire and such horror classics just like the "Evil Useless" trilogy and "The Grudge."
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Within the 2006 film "Silent Hill" (TriStar Photos), think about your self a mom frantically trying to find her lacking youngster. You skulk round a mysterious city you thought was empty however, when darkness falls, brings out malevolent creatures that solely exist to inflict sadistic torture. The darkness, in contrast to within the regular world that guidelines the evening, unpredictably is available in intervals after a couple of hours of daylight. Though the film merely made delicate success within the field workplace, critics hailed it for its beautiful imagery and visible results. However its most spectacular characteristic is its rendition of the afterlife. Whereas we now have at all times envisioned Hell in chaotic fireplace and brimstone, "Silent Hill" portrayed it as an deserted mining city of rising poisonous fumes dominated by a vindictive evil spirit.
Whereas within the topic of malevolent and vindictive evil spirits, how lengthy would you final in a home out within the backwoods haunted by one? Within the film Evil Useless (New Line Cinema, 1981), written, directed, and produced by Sam Raimi, just one out of 5 Michigan State College associates made it out alive. In its sequel Evil Useless II (Rosebud Photos, 1987), Ash, the survivor in its prequel, performed by Bruce Campbell, nearly didn't.
"Is there actually a Blair Witch?" This query continues to be raised at occasions each time the film "The Blair Witch Challenge" (Artisan Leisure, 1999) comes up in conversations. The story was offered in a type of a documentary that leaves the viewer guessing and shocked as to what occurred to its makers. The movie was an revolutionary success: from a finances of $500,000 to $700,000, it grossed a worldwide $248,639,099 within the field workplace together with worldwide acclaim. This film actually brings the viewer into the scene, maybe greater than any superior visible results and imagery can accomplish. The fashion of "The Blair Witch Challenge" may be related to the 1938 Orson Welles radio traditional "Battle of the Worlds" that despatched the United States-earth's strongest nation-into mass hysteria.
Think about your self touring within the Yorkshire moors of England and getting attacked by a werewolf. You miraculous survive. However entailing the survival resides the remainder of your life underneath the werewolf curse: that each full moon you endure a change that seeks to feed on the blood and flesh of humankind. How do you reside a life irrevocably cursed, powerlessly feeding on the flesh of these you're keen on and similtaneously a lot a prey to your individual situation because the hapless victims you might have and shall ever devour? In 1981, legendary movie director John Landis got here up with the cult traditional "An American Werewolf in London" (Common Photos/Polygram Filmed Leisure) profitable a Saturn Award for Greatest Horror Film and an Academy Award for Excellent Achievement in Make-up.
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i got u some bruce propaganda! (because i was also in that campaign as both the ex school teacher ms s (pictured above) and the drider from the shadowfell after ms s died).
since bruce lived alone in the woods for most of his life, he didn’t know how to read very well, and ms s only knew how to do a handful of things (most of them relating to teaching kindergarten), so she took it upon herself to teach him how to read as well as new words like “terrorism,” “dictatorship,” and “antidisestablishmentarianism”
vote bruce to teach him new fun words since ms s is gone!
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zahri-melitor · 1 year
I mean I AM impressed with my procrastination technique on Batman RIP, in that I’ve now read a whole lot of “inspiration” material for it and I’m at a stage where it’s more recent material and so the storylines make coherent sense, rather than having a twist in the third last panel to explain the situation.
Batman: Dark Knight, Dark City - this is Batman 452-454, plus ‘Tec 633.
Finally something I can actually 100% say “yeah that wasn’t a waste of my effort reading”.
The Batman story is about Riddler performing the Barbathos/Barbatos ritual. OH LOOK SOMETHING WHERE I KNOW WHY IT WILL BE RELEVANT. Also it was written in 1990 so it’s just so so so much more readable? Containing a coherent plot?
The ‘Tec is ye olde Identity Crisis, aka yet another time Bruce hallucinates he’s not Batman and can’t find the cave. Read this one before. Same basic plot happens over in Batman 112 as well. I am getting the signal here, Morrison.
Now onto Batman Gothic (LOTDK 6-10): some Bruce boarding school stuff (it was traumatic). Mobsters being so scared they make a deal to keep things straight while Batman finds the killer. Batman in a trap with a Rube Goldberg machine trying to kill him??? Mr Whisper here is apparently proto Dr Hurt.
Ok. My conclusions after going through all of this material: DON'T. If you're a normal person. If you really feel the need to get some additional background information, go through Batman 112, 113, 156, and 452-454. 'Tec 633 will feel like a rerun but at least it's somewhat modern.
Or be sensible, unlike me, and just assume you can pick up the context from the page, because I went hunting and yeah, none of these villains have appeared before, and so now I want to have WORDS with Grant Morrison over calling a villain dressed as Ned Kelly (yawn) 'Swagman'. Way to lazily mash separate cultural concepts together.
Mate, you didn't even have the excuse that someone drew it in the 1950s to get you over that one. And all the others look equally bad and offbase stereotypes.
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 5 years
jfc, spidey
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2sVWOxY
by Shleapord
Tony Stark: HEllo Tony Stark: *hello
Steve Rogers: HEllo
Clint Barton: HEllo
Bucky Barnes: HEllo
James Rhodes: HEllo
Tony Stark: shut y’alls fuck
Scott Lang: why is scott on the floor passed out
  Just another groupchat fic that I'm doing for fun
Words: 454, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Scott Lang, Stephen Strange, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, James Rhodes, Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner
Additional Tags: i typed all of these in the character category and now i have to do it ALL OVER AGAIN, im salty, here we FUCKING GO AGAIN, Group chat, groupchat, avengers groupchat, ive been wanting to make this forever, like three days, if somebody hasnt appreared in three chapters or more, ive forgotten about them, so remind me, steve is not americas golden boy, he grew up in brooklen durin the depression, (I think?), his mom was an irish immigrant, (i think), im saying he has a backstory that does not in any way shape or form, make him a golden boy?, (why do yall headcanon him that?), Anyways, civil war whats that, infinity war? endgame? HA, putty in my fists, they say yall because im from the south, and im not a coward, idk how old wanda is here, very young adult, grammer whats grammer, scott lang is very much a fanboy, tags change and update as fic progresses
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2sVWOxY
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Meet Billy Whitehurst – the growling, bare-knuckle-fighting striker
Billy Whitehurst was the most feared footballer in the country during the 1980s, terrifying opponents and even teammates to earn him a reputation as the
He scored 99 times at spells at Hull, Oxford and Newcastle, where he signed the club's record for £ 232,000 in 1985.
But it is the halves of the center and not the goals for which he can best be remembered, as he recalled in an interview with Sportsmail in 2015. Vinnie Jones was once asked what it was like to be the most difficult man in the football. Jones pointed to Whitehurst and said: & # 39; Just ask the man. & # 39;
Today, the introduction of VAR would not be the taste of Whitehurst, and his combative approach and stories of his type are unfortunately the thing.
Here, those who played against and with Whitehurst reflect on their encounters with the terrifying frontman …
Billy Whitehurst, photographed by Grasm Chadwick of Sportsmail, has a terrifying reputation. My father was a manager and we won 4-0. He said to me, "You go on, just avoid that Whitehurst maniac."
I remember thinking "this is going to be great". Then I looked at Billy and he had steam coming out of his ears because they were beaten and he was after everyone.
The ball was played in me. I heard these sounds coming just behind me, like someone sniffing.
We had a left back named Paul Morrell, who was a big boy, so I gave it to him as quickly as I could … but sold him a bit short.
Paul played it in line and Billy came in and beat him so high. Paul stood up with the thought: "Oh yes, he wants a piece …", before he realized that it was Billy who had just lifted him into the air.
The next thing was a massive fight, and I am there as a 16-year-old who thought in my debut: & # 39; I caused all of this & # 39 ;. It was a baptism of fire.
But it was a lesson, because if you Google "the hardest player in the world" now, it's Billy Whitehurst. He was certainly the scariest person I played against.
Whitehurst had a nomadic career but was notorious for his ultra-physical style of play; here he clatters in West Ham goalkeeper Tom McAllister, one of his favorite tactics, in 1987
Martin Keown
I played only once against Billy Whitehurst, but once was enough . I tried to make a name for myself at Aston Villa and because of my age Whitehurst saw it as an opportunity to bully a young player. He probably thought: & # 39; Who is this child? Let's show him what it's all about. & # 39;
Before the game, my teammate Allan Evans warned me to remove the rough stuff because Whitehurst was going to eliminate me. But at that age, ignorance is bliss and I started playing my normal game.
Early on Whitehurst sat in my ear with the reports and constantly waved his elbows at my head. He was on a mission. I had to take evasive action and kept yelling at the linesman, but he just ignored me.
Name: William (Billy) Whitehurst
Age: 59
Born: Thurnscoe, South Yorkshire
Playing position: Striker
Clubs: Hull City (1980-85), Newcastle United (1985-86), Oxford United (1986-88), Reading (1988), Sunderland (1988), Hull City (1988 -90), Sheffield United (1990-91), Stoke City (1990 – loan), Doncaster Rovers (1991-92), Crewe Alexandra (1992 – loan), St George-Budapest ( 1992), Hatfield Main (1992), Kettering Town (1992), Goole Town (1992), Stafford Rangers (1992), Mossley (1992), Glentoran (1993), South China (1993)
Late in the first half there was a bouncing ball between us. I was never a favorite to reach it, but went on in case Whitehurst had a bad touch. Then I got the chance to make it and suddenly I won the ball comfortably.
That was because he was waiting for me. He let me win so he could go through me with everything he had. One shin broke and the other flew away. I had tram lines from my knee to my ankle and I was lucky not to break my leg.
I went on and during the break Graham Taylor told me to go on with it. Then I showed him the scar and he told the physio as well as possible that he could patch me up.
I have never been at the end of such a malicious approach, but I learned a lesson that day.
Playing against Whitehurst was tough and it was good for the future – looking ahead like John Fashanu was easy in comparison.
It was the first time I ever had played against someone who didn't play by the rules, but I didn't step back.
Although I was lucky he didn't end my career before he started.
He is by many of those with whom he played the toughest soccer player ever called
Mark Lawrenson
The most difficult attacker I have ever played against was absolutely Billy Whitehurst. He had more clubs than hot dinners, including Oxford, Hull and Newcastle.
If you had a problem with constipation, then knowing that Whitehurst in the opposite dressing room was an immediate remedy. I remember going to Oxford (March 1987) after they were promoted. Alan Hansen saw his name on the team magazine and asked: & # 39; Who is Billy Whitehurst? & # 39 ;. I told him he would find out soon.
He would eliminate defenders, hard as nails. You would go to war with him and appear seriously injured.
We kicked off in Oxford, someone pushed the ball forward. Whitehurst went straight to Hansen, missed him and finally put his own back back and had to be taken away.
That was a rare off day. Whitehurst was in its own class at the time.
Alan Hansen
No center defender can come to get you (today) like Billy Whitehurst did. He was crazy!
It was Boxing Day 1987, he played for Oxford with nine stitches. He wasn't meant to play – it was in the newspapers – and I was very happy. But he did it. Ten minutes to go, winning 2-0, I heard him growl as we tried to pass the ball over the back four.
He had a collision with Bruce Grobbelaar, his stitches burst, the blood went everywhere. The physio said: & # 39; It's bad Billy, you gotta get rid of it & # 39 ;. He said: & # 39; You are trying to oust me and I will kill you! & # 39;
Whitehurst has been described as & # 39; crazy & # 39; and was even heard growling on the field
John Anderson, former Newcastle teammate
I remember we signed Billy and we went to Oxford, Peter Jackson, a good boy was not shy, he did a piece on the back of the Evening Chronicle, & # 39; Big Billy Doesn & # 39; t Frighten Me & # 39 ;.
It was attached to the door of the dressing room and yes, Mally Shotton's first ball was forever in the air and Billy left and explained Jacko, putting his nose all over his face. He looked at Jacko and growled: & # 39; Are you scared now? & # 39;
But Billy was terrifying, you wouldn't even come close to his training!
Niall Quinn, former Arsenal and Man City Attacker
Billy Whitehurst was crazier and worse than Gary Briggs and Malcolm Shotton (the frightening defensive duo of Oxford) together. He hissed at me in the corner: & # 39; Whoever notices me will regret it, I'm going to smash them. & # 39;
I caught the attention of David O & # 39; Leary and called to him: & # 39; You pick him up for this, Dave & # 39; … and walked away casually.
I went to a corner and Steve Sutton (Nottingham Forest goalkeeper) caught my face – it was open. I enjoyed it and went back outside. I had a hole in my face, but you go out, don't you?
Read the unforgettable interview of Craig Hope with Billy Whitehurst here.
Paul Lake, former defender of Manchester City
I felt that my elbow made full contact with the bridge of another player's nose and to my horror I realized that it was Whitehurst. "Oh Christ, everyone except that monster," I thought.
I looked nervously at my partner Brian Gayle who just smiled, made the sign of the cross and walked away.
Dave Beasant, former goalkeeper of Wimbledon
Billy Whitehurst was tough. Every cross you came for, you knew you'd be hit, even if he had the chance to win the ball. If you didn't come anymore, he would have won, so you just had to keep hitting!
Gareth Ainsworth, former QPR midfielder
Billy Whitehurst at Sheffield United didn't care who you were or how old you were. He would smash you to pieces, & # 39; This is what I do, son, do you want to compete and be at the same level? & # 39;
Sir Bobby Charlton
I came to St James Park to see Paul Gascoigne and Peter Beardsley, but by far the best player on the field was Billy Whitehurst!
Whitehurst met Sportsmail in a pub to talk about his team in football and aggressive style
In bare knuckle fights …
I was offered two bare knuckle battles for a large piece. I took them. The first was simple. I just hit him and he went. Easy money. The second dragged on for a while and I was torn apart a little. I told Maurice Evans (manager of Oxford) that I had a car accident. He still placed me on the team. I had stitches all over my face.
In a competition for Sheffield United …
We were in Southampton and I went on when we got a corner. As I ran to the penalty area, Vinnie Jones shouted to Neil Ruddock: & # 39; Why don't you call him a big b, d Razor? & # 39 ;. Ruddock turned white, he panicked, & I said nothing Billy, to be honest. & # 39;
About his contribution to tactics …
I remember my first game at Stoke. We had a team discussion and (manager Alan Ball) said: & # 39; The first turn we get, play it to the far post and get the knockdown & # 39 ;. I raised my hand and said: & # 39; Gaffer, if you float the first corner on top of the keeper, I will never hit him and he will never again come for another cross & # 39 ;. Bally looked around the dressing room and said: & # 39; OK, we'll do that & # 39 ;. And we did!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 months
The Nightingale
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/vH5LJnS by kcat10 Tim’s day was going fine until Oracle told him about the tags that keep popping up in upper east side, when he goes to investigate he finds the new vigilante, Nightingale, chaos issues ————————————- Nyx was having a good day she just got another commission for a tag, then Red Robin fell on top of her Words: 454, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon Relationships: Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Duke Thomas & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, OC & Batfam Additional Tags: OC insert, I have know idea what I’m doing, first fic on this website, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Duke Thomas is Signal, Cassandra Cain is Black Bat, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Damian Wayne is Robin, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Am I doing this right?, Stephanie Brown is Spoiler, Barbara Gordon is Oracle read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/vH5LJnS
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ao3feed-batcat · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Ejxl49
by BiteMeTechie (The_Injustice_Trinity)
Just another night of Batman trying to keep Catwoman out of trouble, and out of other people's stuff.
Words: 454, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, Batman: The Animated Series
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Pamela Isley
Relationships: Pamela Isley/Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Flirting, Manipulation, Suspense, Tags Contain Spoilers
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Ejxl49
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