#5 thousand years later I've finally finished it
chacswins · 6 months
This should not have been as difficult as it was, just to walk into his own house. He skipped his father's funeral, as many did as he later found out, but this he couldn't ignore. For reasons he cannot fathom, Damien's childhood home was left entirely in his name. He arrived to the old, damned house nearly an hour ago and has been sitting on the steps leading up to the patio ever since.
His head is in his hands, for so long there's probably a mark, but when he hears footsteps he doesn't have to look up to see who it is.
"You didn't have to come, Luca."
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those70scomics · 2 months
Hi hi hi!
So, since you watched the show as it was airing I wanted to ask if Hyde and Jackie were always intended to become a ship and if they were, how do you know? Also, how do you know the original intention was for them to get engaged at the end of season 7, before it was renewed? (Outside from the obvious) I'm so curious
Hi! 😊
I'll start with how I know what I know. The T7S message board at Fan Forum was created very shortly after T7S began airing. When I became co-moderator of the board (less than ten years ago? Around ten?), I read every single post. Including those that were lost in what was called "the purge" by using the Internet Wayback Machine when Fan Forum was called Forum 4 Fans. These are the earliest posts one can find about the show.
This effort took me weeks. I read tens upon tens of thousands of posts and T7S / T7S fandom history. Followed links to defunct T7S fansites (again, the Internet Wayback Machine). This includes reading articles and transcripts of interviews with the cast, producers, writers, and showrunners. Press releases. News about cast negotiations.
Within these posts and fansites are people who went to tapings and wrote thorough reports. People who spoke to producers at tapings. People who (were) connected to people who worked on the show. Wilmer Valderrama posted himself in the board and interacted with fans. Remember, this forum existed before Twitter/X, before Facebook, before Tumblr. These forums were where social media started.
This was also the time of Myspace, and some of the cast posted there, too, which was reported on the message board.
As I found all the info through my research, I posted it in fresh threads on the message board. I also inherited my grandfather's eiditic memory and have partial highly superior autobiographical memory -- which is, thankfully, nowhere near Marilu Henner's complete HSAM. Of course, if I place a pen down and I'm distracted, I'll forget where I put the pen a second later 😂.
Facts stick in my head. Once I know it, I remember it. For example, I used to recite one of my college classes from start to finish to my friends (those who were interested). I've forgotten half the class by now. I learned how to let go of certain info so it wouldn't drive me 🤪. But not autobiographical memories. Those I re-experience like I'm watching a movie but with all thoughts and feelings attached. It's a visceral trip. A blessing and sometimes not so much. 😅
Anyway, there's the how.
Jackie and Hyde weren't always intended to endgame. The Filgos were writers on the show a few years before they were chosen as showrunners. During Jackie and Hyde's season 2-3 arc, the Filgos became enamored of the chemistry between the characters.
When the Filgos were chosen sometimes during season 4 to be the showrunners moving ahead (season 5 through the original end of the show, season 7), they asked the current showrunners to break up Jackie and Kelso by the end of season 4 because they wanted to pair Jackie and Hyde in season 5.
In the second half of season 4, one can see the change in Jackie and Kelso's relationship. It grows more and more toxic, a turn from their previous growth away from their original toxicity. It's written in stages rather than a sudden shift, so it's grounded in story and character.
From season 5, Jackie and Hyde were intended to be endgame. During the press for season 7 before it aired, the cast made clear this was the final season.
The Filgos were contracted through season 7. They got their next job since T7S was ending. Topher was moving into his movie career fully. The scripts, including the series finale, were written. Shows were filmed and began to air
Then Fox decides to renew the show (safer to continue a popular series than to risk $$$ on a new show). But the Filgos already had a new job lined up. They couldn't break that contract. They hoped whoever was hired after them would follow through on their vision for the show and reasonably expected the new showrunners to respect the past seven years of character a d relationship development.
But the showrunners hired were a) probably cheaper to pay because this was their first showrunning gig and b) presented their vision for season 8, which was to "bring it back to the humor and feel of season 1" -- the only season they liked, clearly, but didn't watch very carefully or with any depth of understanding.
W.V. also had in his contract changes for his character, including him ending up with one of the principal female characters. It wasn't going to be Donna, obviously, so that left Jackie. Not a problem for the S8 showrunners who hated J/H and, very evidently, Jackie as a character.
So instead of following through on the storyline the Filgos left them (i.e. reconcile fan-favorite couple Jackie and Hyde for good) to ease them into the role, they destroyed Jackie and Hyde's relationship because [partially direct quotation, partially close paraphrase from a magazine interview published before season 8 aired], "We never understood it. We never liked it. We think it was a mistake for the show to pair them romantically, so we're returning them to their season 1 dynamic. They were originally antagonists, and they should have stayed that way. That's where the humor is."
Fortunately, frustratingly, and sadly, someone connected to the show revealed Jackie's endgame from the original series finale, the original season 7 finale: Hyde proposes to Jackie, and they get engaged. Their season 7 arc is built around this endgame. Despite the script revisions and rewrites made when season 8 was greenlit, their original endgame remains evident throughout the second half of season 7.
Hyde tells Eric peacefully and happily (for Hyde) that he's decided [to marry Jackie]. Jackie would have actually left for Chicago, leaving Hyde the note he reads shortly after his decision. Kelso was not involved. But the rewrite, I believe, changed Jackie to having pretended to leave. It's messy writing, but it sets up that Kelso must now drive Jackie to Chicago. He's in her motel room, etc.
The original scripts likely have Jackie go to Chicago before the deadline she set for the ultimatum. Hyde is naturally upset and angry because he'd decided within her deadline to propose, but she deprived him of the chance after forcing the choice.
Hyde's conversation with Eric and Donna about his feelings (in Hyde's way) was probably in the original script. Donna calls out Hyde, realizing he was going to propose. Later, Eric tells Hyde he recognizes that Hyde became happy once he and Jackie got together.
All of the above is easily discernable. The following is conjecture based on the facts, foreshadowing, the Filgos' intended endgame for Jackie and Hyde, and my education and experience as a writer.
These conversations lead Hyde to break out of his misery and go to Chicago (with a ring) and follow-through with the proposal -- a huge character moment for him. He's going to fight for Jackie even if she ultimately rejects him (a parallel to "Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You" in season 5, where Jackie professes her love and doesn't care if Hyde says it back).
Hyde would have knocked on Jackie's motel door. She would've been shocked and asked Hyde what he's doing there. He would have entered and gotten on one knee. The audience would have squealed. Hyde would have proposed in a way true to himself -- not sentimentally but touching nonetheless.
She'd be in shock. "I can't believe you came to Chicago ... "
Hyde says his knee is starting to hurt, so she better make up her mind before he's forced to stand up.
Jackie: "Yes! Steven, yes, I'll marry you!"
Hyde blows out a heavy breath in all kinds of relief, stands up, and puts the ring on Jackie's finger. Jackie and Hyde kiss and embrace. Then Jackie examines the ring and is surprised he didn't go on the cheap like Eric.
Hyde: "Yeah, well, I asked W.B. for help."
Jackie: "But you hate hand-outs!"
Hyde: "It's not a hand-out! It's a loan. I'm gonna pay him back."
Jackie stares at Hyde lovingly.
Hyde: "What?"
Jackie: "This is our first fight as fiancés!"
Hyde laughs quietly then kisses Jackie again.
Fade out.
Other scenes to finish off the series, including the reveal to Jackie and Hyde's friends and family about their engagement.
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heli-writes · 11 months
Seven summers, part 4.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x female!reader
Summary: Every summer, Draco and y/n meet. First, by pure coincidence, then intentionally. Unbeknown to Draco, y/n's a muggle who has no clue he's a wizard. With the rise of the dark lord, how long can this go well?
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Series Masterlist
Fifth summer, July. (still)
Suffocating warmth. Y/n tries to shift, desperate for fresh air, but something is holding her into place. One of Draco's arms is wrapped around her firmly. She can feel how he snuggles his face into her hair. She manages to turn around in his arms. Draco groans in protest. Y/n starts peppering soft kisses along his jaw and then pushes her face into his chest. "Mornin'", Draco says groggily. "Good morning.", y/n chirps in a muffled voice. "What time is it?", Draco asks and reaches for his watch at the nightstand. "I don't care.", y/n mumbles and pulls him closer. When Draco finally gets hold of his watch, he groans in annoyance. "We need to get up or we'll miss breakfast.", he tells y/n. "I don't care.", y/n repeats, "I don't want to get up". Draco chuckles and ruffles her already messy hair. "C'mon, we can't spend our last day here laying around.", he tells her. "Actually, yes, we can. And actually, maybe that's exactly what we should do. I mean we don't get to do this again until... until whenever we can lie to our parents again, I guess.", y/n argues. "We can meet again some other time this summer.", Draco soothes her. Y/n immediately rips away from his soft embrace. "Really?!", she asks him excitedly. Draco smiles. "I mean... yes, right? We're boyfriend and girlfriend now. We should see each other as often as we can, right?", he asks her mischievously. Y/N nods frantically. "Absolutely!", she agrees. Draco sits up, as does y/n. "Then let's make the best of today and meet again soon for everything we didn't get to do today!", he tells her. Y/n sighs dramatically. "I guess so.", she says and rolls out of bed. After brushing her teeth and quickly putting on some fresh clothes, y/n follows Draco to the breakfast room. They're served by floating tableware and y/n has to suppress her instinct to gawk at the self-filling cups and plates in awe.
"So, what are you up for today? Anything you'd like to do or see?", Draco asks her while shoving some baked beans into his mouth. Y/n puts down her fork and thinks about it for a minute. "We could take a look around Stonehenge.", she proposes then. Draco nods in agreement. "Sounds like a good plan.", he says. They quickly finish their breakfast. Y/n proposes to take the bus at which Draco snorts. However, considering that he hasn't learned apparition yet and also wouldn't be allowed to use magic outside of school, he eventually agrees. On their way to the bus station, they stop at Tesco and get some sandwiches and snacks to have a picnic later. On the bus, Draco is surprisingly anxious even though he would never admit it. "Have you never been on a bus before?", y/n snickers. Draco shrugs. "I've been in a car before, though not voluntarily.", he tells her. Y/n grabs his hand in reassurance and tells him about a trip she took with her parents on a bus.
Little over half an hour later, they arrive at the historic site. At the ticket office, they pay the entrance fee at the ticket office. "They make us pay for this? Unbelievable.", Draco huffs. "Well, somehow they need to maintain the place.", y/n says. "That's crap. They're turning a profit. No muggle should have the right to exploit a magical site like that.", he grumbles. Y/n almost chokes. Stonehenge? A magical place?, y/n thinks to herself and looks at the giant stones. "Draco, I'm actually not familiar with British history. Can you tell me a bit about the place?", she asks him. She's too curious about how the place connects with magic. "Well, about 4000 to 5000 thousand years ago, witches and wizards that settled in the South of England erected the stones. It was a place for magical rituals and magical culture. Even today, at midsummer night, witches and wizards from all over the world travel here to perform magic.", he tells her. "Wow, I had no idea.", she tells him in awe. Draco nudges her. "Don't you feel the buzzing of magic all around you? It's ancient, I can feel it.", he points out to her. Y/n stares at the stones intensively. Nothing. They're just a bunch of big stones to her. She turns around to him. "This place is amazing!", she beams.
They spend some time walking around the area designated for tourists. Y/n spends her time reading the little information signs that inform the visitors about the history of the place. Of course, witches are not mentioned in any of them. Draco keeps spacing off while looking at the stones. Y/n guesses he connects to the place differently than her. In the afternoon, the two have a picnic at one of the picnic sites. Draco sneers at the sight of the muggle families and y/n feels uncomfortable about it. She really wants to tell him about the muggle thing but she feels like she's into deep now. She's afraid he'd break up with her and they never see each other again. After lunch, Draco pulls her to a less crowded place. They wander around and joke around until the sun starts to set and the tourist leave the place. They get comfortable close to the stones and watch the sunset. When it has gotten dark, they build a small campfire and roast marshmallows over the open flame. Meanwhile, Draco tells her all kinds of fantastic stories about the place his mother used to tell him before going to bed. Y/n snuggles up to him and listens to his stories like a child who's been told fairytales for the first time. She can't help but feel jealous that Draco gets to live in this fantastic, magical world while she's stuck in a world that sucks the fantasy and imagination out of children during their very early years.
She sighs and shivers. It's suddenly become quite cold and the fire does little to warm her. Draco's going on about a story of a witch who supposedly resurrected her child among the stones in front of them. Y/n snuggles closer to Draco and lets her eyes wander over the scenery. Suddenly, a flickering shadow above them catches her eye. It looks like a man in a long cape, she thinks. No, actually it looks like a ghost but instead of a white bedsheet, it's wearing a black one. Suddenly every hair on y/n's body bristles. She's having a really bad feeling. "Draco, what's that?", she asks him and points towards the ghostly silhouette above them. "What do you mean? There's noth-". Draco's sentence gets stuck in his throat. Immediately, he jumps up and pulls y/n with him. "Dementor!", he hisses breathlessly, "What is this thing doing here?". Y/n watches the black creature in terror. That's the thing that can suck your soul out of your body, she remembers. Draco immediately pulls out his wand and raises it in defense. The dementor notices them and swooshes down to them but doesn't attack them. Y/n feels like throwing up. "Y/n, quick! Your wand! Do you know the patronus spell?", Draco hisses. Y/n is paralyzed. She's incapable of moving and she doesn't know if it's her own fear or the creature in front of her or both. "Fuck, why don't they teach us apparition earlier!", Draco swears. He starts rummaging through his pockets. "Y/n, quickly, distract it. With a fire or ice spell.", he orders her. "Y/n!", he yells again but y/n remains unresponsive. "Fuck!", he swears and pulls her along. He throws an opened bottle with something green inside at the campfire and green fire erupts from the small fireplace. "This is probably not part of the floor network but hopefully we get out somewhere. Y/n think about the inn, then jump into the fire.", he says. This rips y/n out of her trance. Jump into the fire? Is he crazy?, she thinks. The dementor floats closer and seems to take a deep breath. "Y/n, go! Go!", Draco yells and pushes her into the bursting flames.
When y/n was little she loved to watch all kinds of cartoons. She always thought it was very funny when characters were shrunk and flushed down the toilet. Right now, she doesn't find it funny at all. Because she feels like she's been flushed down a toilet. She tries to focus on the inn, like Draco told her. Before she can fully realize what is happening to her, the green fire is gone and she stumbles out of a fireplace. "What the heck? What are you kids doing?", an agitated voice complains. Behind her, Draco also falls out of the fire. Y/n scrambles onto her knees and tries not to throw up. "What do you think this place is? It's a bed and breakfast, not a playground for you kids to do as you please!", the voice continues to scold them. It's Goover, y/n realizes after a second. Draco is quicker to get onto his feet. "There was a dementor!", Draco yells, "We must inform the ministry!". Y/n manages to find footing and lifts herself off the ground. "Dementors? What are you talking about, boy? This isn't Azkaban!"", Goover continues his rambling. "It's true, I swear! We just managed to get out of there. Why else do you think we ended up in your living room?", Draco says angrily. Y/n takes a closer look at her surroundings. They're actually in a living room that looks like it's located in the inn. "You are talking nonsense, boy! Now get out of my living room before I contact your father!", Goover threatens. Draco's face goes white and he grabs y/n's arm harshly. He pulls her out of the room and up the stairs. Y/n just follows him. Somehow, she dreads what comes next.
"What the hell, y/n! What were you thinking?", Draco starts yelling at her when they're back in their room. "I-i don't know...", y/n stutters. She still feels so unbelievably cold even though she literally traveled through fire just mere minutes ago. "Yes, clearly you didn't know. What on earth are they teaching you in Ilvermorny? Don't you know any basic defense spells?", Draco hisses. His hand is still wrapped around y/n's arm painfully strong. Y/n pulls at her arm and Draco lets go of her. "Seriously, you didn't even pull out your wand. What kind of witch does not think to do that?", he argues. "I-i was scared...", y/n tries to argue back but her voice sounds meager. "Oh, I'm sorry, y/n, you were scared, of course!", Draco says. His voice is harsh and angry. "It's the first thing you learn in school! Always keep your wand close!", he says and crosses his arms, still holding his own wand. "Where do you even keep it? Don't tell me you keep it somewhere you don't have immediate access to!", he continues to scold her. Y/n's heart sinks. Please don't ask me to show you, y/n begs internally. "Show me! You can't be this defenseless!", Draco orders. Y/n looks like a deer in headlight. "Draco... I-i don't...", she starts but doesn't know how to end her sentence. How can she explain to him that she lied to him all this time? "What? Y/n, where's your wand?", Draco continues to demand. He can see that something's wrong. He suspiciously observes her. Y/n kneads her own hand nervously. "Draco, you see... I don't have one...", y/n finally manages to choke out. Draco looks at her dumbfoundedly. "What?", is all he gets out. Y/n shrugs helplessly. "What do you mean you don't have one? Every witch has one. Where is it y/n?", he says, suddenly feeling nauseous. Y/n doesn't meet his eyes and just lowers her head in defeat. "Y/n... you're a witch, right? You go to Ilvermorny School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, right? Your father works for the Macusa, doesn't he? You said he works at the embassy!", he says almost horrified and desperate at the same time. Y/n can feel tears burning in her eyes. This is not how she thought it would be. She hoped that she could let him down gently. "Y/n! Say something!", Draco croakes and shoves her shoulder. Helplessly, y/n just looks at him with tear-filled eyes.
Draco looks at her for a solid minute before saying in disbelief: "You're a muggle". Y/n can only nod in silence. Draco rubs his hand over his face. "N-no... that can't be right...", he mumbles to himself and starts pacing the room. "I can't... This cannot... My parents will...", he rambles to himself and y/n can't help to watch him silently. Draco abruptly stops. "I can't do this.", he announces and starts rummaging through his bag that he dropped by his bed last night. He pulls out another bottle and puts some green powder into his hand. He shoulders his backpack and leaves his suitcase unnoticed on the other side of the room. "Draco!", y/n finally gets out. Her voice sounds hoarse. Draco finally turns to her. His face contorted in anger. "D-don't! You're not even supposed to be here! You can't be here! If anybody finds out...", he says not finishing his last sentence. "I won't tell anybody!", y/n argues desperately, "I haven't told anybody the past years!". Draco balls his hand into a fist. "That doesn't matter! I-i... I need to go.", he says and turns towards the fireplace. "Wait, you can't leave!", y/n yells but Draco already threw the green powder into the fire. The room is suddenly illuminated by green light and before y/n has a chance to say something else, he's gone.
Slowly, the green fire goes back to normal and warm, orange flames brizzle in the dark room. Y/n chokes and tears start to overflow. She sinks onto her knees and presses her arm against her mouth in an attempt to silence her sobs. She starts to sob uncontrollably and doesn't manage to calm down for a while. When she eventually gets a hold of herself, she loudly says into the empty room: "I need to get out of here". She quickly grabs all her things and carelessly pushes them into her suitcase. She shoulders her bag and then rushes to the door. Before she pushes down the door handle, she stops. I need to be quiet, she thinks. She looks around the room for a last time and then pushes the handle down as silently as she can. She tiptoes through the hallway. When she walks down the stairs, she stops at every squeak of the old wood beneath her feet. Her heart is beating a thousand miles per minute. She can't face Goover. Who knows what that guy will do when he finds out she isn't a witch. Probably hand her over to the magic police or something. When she manages to reach the front door, she bolts. She doesn't stop running until she reaches the train station. She sits onto her suitcase in front of the building. What on earth is she supposed to do now?, she thinks. She takes out her phone and checks her appearance in the reflection of her dark screen. She rummages through her bag until she finds some makeup wipes. She quickly cleans her face and slaps her cheeks. In an attempt to wake up from the nightmare she just experienced or to redden up her ghostly-white cheeks, she doesn't know. She checks her train app. There's one last connection to London, thank god! She'll call her parents when she arrives in London. If she calls them now, they will try to persuade her to go back to 'Olivia'.
She buys a ticket via the app and waits between two columns for the train. She really hopes no security guides are patrolling. They will definitely ask questions on why a minor is outside alone this late. She probably makes a pretty miserable sight. Looking all disheveled with her red eyes and everything. While waiting for the train, y/n's thoughts are racing. What will happen now? Will she see Draco again? Will he tell anybody? Will some wizards come to her house and get her and her family in trouble? Y/n can feel another crying fit coming. She swallows it down. During the train ride, she stares out of the window numbly and tries her best to dissociate. Upon her arrival in London, she phones her parents. The second she hears her father answering the phone, she's sobbing. Eventually, she makes clear to him where she is and they come to pick her up. Her mother stays on the phone with her the entire ride and when she finally sees their car pulling up, she practically throws herself into her mother's arms. She sobs uncontrollably and can't get any coherent sentences out. Her father is angry, she can see that. However, upon seeing his daughter's disruptive behaviour, he bites down his anger and helps her into the car. There's no conversation during the car ride home. Her mother takes her upstairs to her room when they arrive at home. While y/n is lying in her bed wide awake, she can hear her parents having an angry conversation downstairs. She'll have to come up with a good explanation until tomorrow morning.
She presses her pillow against her chest. She's been in trouble before but somehow it never felt like this. Suddenly, she feels incredibly alone. Hiding her face in the pillow, she wishes for nothing more but that Draco was with her. She can still smell his cologne lingering in the shirt she's wearing. You stupid, stupid idiot, she tells herself. Of course, it would end like this. You know how he thinks about muggles since the very beginning. You're such a fool. Did you really think he was so in love with you that all of this wouldn't matter? You lied to him and you probably could get him into serious trouble. Y/n can feel her pillow get wet with her tears. She didn't know her heart could feel like this. She read a bunch of books about tragic love stories. Nevertheless, no story in the world can prepare you for a real heartbreak. By the ache in her heart, y/n is sure about two things: firstly, y/n's feelings for Draco were true and secondly, she will never ever feel like that for a person again.
Tag list: @gypsylilim @caffeine-addict-slug @huiiline @rclector @am0iur
[Please leave a note if you'd like to be tagged too.]
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nobodylikety · 8 months
Puppy dinner 🦴
I've been thinking about puppy! yujin having the palate of a 5 year old,,, cause' she's super picky though in short, for Yuj veggies are meanie, and puppy snacks are goodie 🥺 sooo here some more thoughts on puppy yuj before I go on with the rest of hybrid! IVE, and the fics I have yet to write, so hope you enjoy it 🩷
tags: puppy! yujin x fem! reader, fluff, hybrid AU.
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Yujin is sitting at the dining table, wearing one of your baggy hoodies. Her tail wags gently, expectantly, finally picking up speed as soon as you place the dinner in front of her, served on a deep plate. Yujin rises slightly from her seat to see what she'll be eating that night.
Broccoli, she thinks with a pout as she lowers her ears, a gesture that quickly transforms into an adorable grimace of distaste as she sees the contents of the plate. She barks in a whiny tone, making puppy eyes. 
Yujin doesn't particularly like vegetables (she prefers puppy treats, especially cookies, a thousand times over, or a nice little piece of roast beef), although she is able to tolerate some like lettuce and peas, but broccoli... she can't tolerate it. She hates it, even considers it her worst enemy.
"Come on, puppy, it's time for dinner," you say in a honeyed, almost motherly tone as you take a seat across from her. Yujin is grouchy in her own cute way; scowling, ears flat and barking plaintively. But you ignore her gestures, because it's a tantrum like any other.
Using your fork, you take a piece of broccoli, and bring it up to Yujin's mouth. "Come on, Yujinnie. You have to eat."
Yujin shakes her head, pursing her lips now, refusing to open her mouth. No way in hell is she going to eat that wicked broccoli. You are aware of the puppy's attitude, so you decide to take another approach and start feeding her the other vegetables on the plate, to make it easier.
The broccoli will come later, for last.
So for a while, Yujin eats the peas one by one, followed by the lettuce and carrots. You smile in amusement, because your puppy is such a good girl (when she's not upset about eating broccoli, of course), and in a matter of a few minutes she finishes her vegetables almost completely. All that's left in the bowl are the little pieces of broccoli, waiting to be eaten by the adorable hybrid.
"Can I get off? I've finished my dinner, owner," asks Yujin in a soft, affectionate tone. You know she's using her secret weapon, tenderness, to distract you and make you forget about the broccoli. But you're not going to let her beat you so easily. 
"Baby," you just have to utter that word, in a firm tone, to get her attention. Yujin turns, and suspects she's been spotted, but her adorable facial expression doesn't change, so as not to give herself away, and she prefers to continue her mischievous little lie.
"Yes, owner?"
"Aren't you forgetting something?" you raise an eyebrow, looking directly at her. Then your eyes briefly glance at the bowl, as if to say ‘eh, you're forgetting that,’ but Yujin doesn't take any notice. She's still adorable, making an innocent face, as if she doesn't understand what you mean.
"I don't think so, owner," Yujin replies, her tone sincere. For a moment, as you look at her, you get the slight impression that she's going to start giggling, which will give her away for good. But Yujin is determined to see this lie through to the end, because she's not going to give in and agree to eat that awful broccoli. Never.
"Pup, you and I both know you're missing something. It starts with B, and ends in Broccoli" you take your fork and prick a piece of the said vegetable, showing it to her and waving it slowly in front of her eyes.
And Yujin can't pretend any longer, and ends up giving herself away when she starts her tantrums and pouting. It's a sequence of puffing her lips and pouting, wagging her tail and twitching her ears, and finally just making little whiny noises. You find it all genuinely adorable, and though you smile inwardly, you can't change your position, as you must remain steady, so that Yujin can eat her vegetables.
"Come on, angel, you must eat the broccoli. You know the doctor said you should eat more vegetables, because of your puppy diet," you put the broccoli back in her mouth, and she again refuses to eat it, pursing her lips.
That's when you start to despair, because Yujin's doctor told you that you can't keep letting her eat so many puppy treats, as her hybrid organism is different from that of a human, and in the long run it will affect her health. And you, who don't want to see your little angel like that, feeling sickly, is the reason why you try so hard to make her eat. 
But now you're worried that you don't have a plan B, while on the other side of the table Yujin just throws a tantrum, until a miraculous idea practically springs to life.
Out of the panic of the moment, it hadn't occurred to you.
"Okay, fine, pup. Let's make a deal."
Hearing that, and seeing you put down your fork and no longer try to give her the alien broccoli, Yujin relaxes. She doesn't let her guard down completely, though, and remains vigilant in case you try again.
"Yuj listen, owner."
"Look, baby, for every broccoli you eat, I'll reward you with kisses or stuffed animals, whatever you decide." Yujin knows you can't reward her with doggy cookies for some time, at her doctor's request. And Yujin is a good girl at least most of the time, so she has to listen to the doctor, so she doesn't insist. "Do you agree...?"
You're practically praying for your hybrid puppy to accept, as that's your ultimate plan. You have no choice (or you do, but that one ends with you throwing the broccoli in the trash, and you hate to throw away perfectly good food).
"Yuj doesn't like alien broccoli..." the hybrid begins to speak as a blush take over her cheeks, calmly wagging her tail. She looks shy and adorable, which is the side you like best. "But the doctor says Yuj should eat more vegetables and less puppy cookies. And Yuj is a good girl, and as a good girl I must listen to Miss Doctor."
Relieved, you sigh and sketch a smile, calm at last. It is then that, after pouting and protesting, Yujin agrees to eat the broccoli, slowly and with a few whiny noises, but she does.
"That's it, puppy, you're so good, my love. You deserve all the stars as a reward." You love praising her (you have been doing it since the first day you met her), and you know it's well received, as the puppy hybrid becomes into a cute, giggly, cuddly little pup, her cheeks flushing and her tail wagging restlessly.
And that's the kind of thing that makes your heart race, thudding against your ribs, because you love Yujin, you love your puppy even with her sulks, tantrums and refusals to eat vegetables. 
Because at the end of the day, despite everything, you love Yujin with every part of your being.
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capybaraonabicycle · 5 months
Omg I will of course leave the final fic choice up to you, but doesn't "True hate’s kiss (only kissing your enemy can break a curse)" sound like the perfect setup to a Twissy fic 👀
Thank you, love!
~1.5 k words, so much for "let me just write 5 sentences for you real quick". But it's, of course, because you are right, this prompt was made for twissy 🥰
I have not actually read this again, so beware. But here you go :)
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[ID: gif of Missy's face in close up, smiling down like she is pitying someone mockingly. end ID]
“Can't you move a bit faster?”
If silly little companion pulled on her sleeve any more roughly, he was going to lose that new hand of his. Or maybe his nose, she wasn't really picky. The nose might taste better, Missy mused. She was quite sure it was the original one and not some cyborg-technology the Doctor had partly scavenged, partly cooked up himself. But that reasoning implied she had paid attention to the egg-head's babblings and she had a general policy never to do that.
It was lucky, comic relief had paid closer attention to her, however, because she didn't even need to voice her threat. Breathing out her nose audibly and baring her teeth sufficed easily and he squeaked, jumped, dropped her hand and hurried on a few inches further away from her.
“I am a time lady, snickerdoodle” she drawled, making a point of walking a tad more measuredly instead of hurrying up. “I always walk at the exact right speed.”
The Doctor's snack had the audacity to huff but he wisely chose not to talk back.
“It- it is just” he stuttered instead, “the Doctor, he is -”
“-dying?” she finished, already bored. “That's his usual Thursday, pup.”
“He asked for you!” the idiot-in-training blurted out and despite herself, Missy stopped and blinked.
“He did?” Now that were exciting news for a change. A bright smile grew on her face, simultaneously with the rising panic in plucky assistant's eyes.
“He said you could save him” he whispered, somehow managing to have his voice creak when he wasn't even properly using it.
“He did?” Missy repeated and by now her smile was positively giddy. Eggy started whimpering softly.
Missy didn't give him time to gather his bearings, instead grabbing his arm forcefully in turn, making him jump again. She brought her face close to his for good measure, revelling at the terror in his expression.
“Why. Didn't. You. Say. So. Immediately?” she asked, her voice stuck on the same note throughout the words, too high, too cheerful to be anything but disconcerting. “Hurry up, pet: I've got a day to save!”
He shuddered away from her and picked up the pace again, not looking back. But this time she was right there with him, excitement surging through her veins. The Doctor was in actual danger, helpless, pathetic and he had asked for her. Because he loved her. Because he needed her. And – most importantly – she would get to gloat. Once she had saved him. Which she obviously would. No matter what idiotic thing he had done, her silly sausage, she would get him up and running in no-time. She was his best friend, after all. His very best friend.
They reached the Doctor's office only a few minutes later, and Missy immediately noticed how serious the situation was. The psychic waves coming from him were all over the place – and not in the fun, chaotic way they usually were – they usually were a lot subtler as well, some things he had learnt in his thousand years of spacetravel – they were hurtful almost, full of pain and distress. She knew he was lying on the ground before she saw him, knew he was still conscious, too, even though his other little munch was convinced of the opposite. Missy paid her little mind how she was sitting on the floor with him, crying and mumbling affirmations. She only got in the way, really, with the way she was cradling the Doctor's head in her lap, she couldn't help him after all.
“I am here, oh, apple of my eye” Missy exclaimed dramatically, dropping to the floor at his side with great flourish.
“I don't, I don't think, he can hear you” girl-companion hiccuped through her tears, but Missy waved her interjection away.
“Of course he can, silly-billy” she huffed, reaching for the Doctor's hand that had come to lie on his stomach. She pressed it to her chest, holding on tightly.
“I am here” she whispered. “Tell me, Doctor, what do you need?”
Oh, she liked playing the hero. Being the one who held the Doctor's life in their hands. Being the one everyone looked at with those worshippy, wide eyes. She thought, right now, she could fathom why he had gotten addicted to it.
“We think he got cursed” supplementary fuss said behind her back. “We were on Tigella, and there was this sceptre. The Doctor touched -”
The last of the words died in his throat when Missy whirled around to him.
“Do you know what you're talking about?” she asked sweetly, but didn't give him a chance to answer. “No, you don't. So shut up before I change my mind and make a nice soup out of the three of you instead of helping. - okay?”
She fluttered her eyelids to emphasize the point and his mouth snapped shot, his jaw tightening.
“Thank you, much appreciated.” Missy turned towards the Doctor again, nearing her ear to his mouth. “Doctor, what do you need?”
“I need -” he rasped and french-fries-friendywend gasped when she heard him speak, almost making Missy miss his next words. Did these bumbling humans ever learn? “- a kiss. From – my worst enemy.”
“Awww” Missy bit her lip, drawing back. He needed his arch-enemy! And he had thought of her. “How very touching! I am so honoured, I am not even gonna bargain.”
He didn't answer or open his eyes, but there was a pleased twitch around his mouth that made her press his hand.
“I have to say though, Doctor,” she purred, leaning in again, “if you wanted for me to kiss you, there would have been easier ways to ask than going through the trouble of getting cursed.”
Now he snorted and measured by the state he was in, this tiny bit of banter was the greatest love confessions out of all the ones he had bestowed upon her today already.
“Come on, now - “ he coughed, “Missy. You would – have never – been content with – any – thing less – elaborate.”
“True” she smirked. She was hovering right above him now. “And I appreciate the effort, darling.”
His lips moved, searching hers, and she waited just another second, savouring the moment. Then human-thingy coughed pointedly and she drew it out yet another second, simply to antagonise her. But his breath was getting visibly shallower and there was a slight tremble in his hand. Plus, his lips looked chapped like burnt Earth and just as inviting. So, finally, she led their mouths together, her hand slipping across the extra's leg to support his head.
The moment their lips touched, it was like the life flooded back into him, his mouth's movement becoming more purposeful and his tongue meeting hers cordially when she slipped it past his teeth. His free hand even twitched, like he was trying to grasp her frock.
Of their own accord, Missy's eyes closed and for a moment she lost herself in the feeling of their lips meeting, the familiar taste of his tongue, the desperate way his breath fanned her chin and cheek, reminiscent of many breathless nights spent together, oh so long ago.
But then, his movement slowed, a distressed sound escaping his throat. Before Missy could decide whether to draw back – finally killing the Doctor by kissing him to death would have been an end she could have deemed worthy of their friendship – a rough hand was on her shoulder, pulling her away from him. She hissed and whirled around, biting hard into the offending limp. So, the sniveller had decided he didn't need this body part, after all, it seemed.
He cried out, pulling his hand away from her mouth with a pathetic whine. Missy spat out some blood and fake skin with a huff. It tasted as horribly as she had expected.
“What did you do that for?” he sobbed.
“Don't touch me, crybaby” she huffed, turning back around to the Doctor.
He was still lying motionless, if possible even paler now.
“Why didn't this work?” his pillow croaked, close to tears again. Missy drew her eyebrows together in agreement. Indeed. Why hadn't it? It should have worked, she had been supposed to save the day!
For some reason, the Doctor was smiling. Mind, it was barely visible, frail as he was, but Missy could read his face like a book in every incarnation and that so was his satisfied smile.
“Seems like,” he mumbled, “we aren't – strictly – enemies anymore, love.”
“Of course, we are, don't be stupid” she pressed out. Only now she noticed how desperately she was clutching his hand, it was almost like she was trying to imitate spare-parts over at the door who was licking his own injured paw.
“Don't smile” she told the Doctor off, and she was sounding more serious than she had any right to be. “You are dying and I am your enemy. You don't get to smile at that.”
She was sure, if he had had any strength left, his smile would have grown now.
“I am – sorry, Missy” he breathed instead, “but I must – ask you – to fetch – Da – Davros.”
Missy felt her mouth drop open in shock and humiliation. Davros? Fucking Davros got to save her Doctor??
This was rock bottom.
Thank you for reading, I hope it is about what you envisioned <3
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lunathebee · 1 year
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Pairing: Namor x mermaid princess!reader
Warning: none
A/n: I finally finish this! Thank you for sending in a rq @shadowynutsuit, and no hate to the Namor fandom, but are you guys okay? This is the fourth fic I've written that has dialogue #9
Dialogue prompts:
5. "You will be safe here, with me...I'm devoting my heart to you".
9. "Open your eyes, my love, my moon. I'm begging you...please. The war is over; we won... but without you, it doesn't matter to me anymore."
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"You're sad again" Namor said when he saw Y/n's face, his hand cupping her soft cheeks, slowly turning her face so that their eyes met. "Have you been crying?" The phrase that left his lips almost sounded like a whisper.
Although Namor is glad Y/n has trusted him more, it hurts him to see that when she comes to him, it's when she's seeking comfort. The world has always been so cruel to the princess; it's not fair at all.
"I just...I hate it here! Not having beauty is like the death sentence for a mermaid. Do you understand Namor? DO YOU?!" Y/n screams at the man in front of her; she doesn't care anymore; he will leave her sooner or later. That's what people do to her; they come and go, and some never come back.
The question was always "when will they leave" and never "how long will they stay" for Y/n. The mermaid princess has long understood how cold and empty the ocean could get until Namor showed her his kingdom and the sun he has there.
"You can hit me all you want; you can scream at me all you want; just let me be with you." The king said this, taking Y/n's hand and placing it on his chest. "Can you feel my heartbeat? It beats for you."
The woman is too stunned to speak; never in a million years would she think that the king of Talokan is wrapped around her finger willingly. Y/n tries to open her mouth to protest, but no words come out,the king then wastes no time in continuing to express his love.
"Y/n...My pearl... Do you know why I called you that? Because pearls are imperfect, yet they stand out on their own and shine brightly." Namor knows he has captured the heart of the mermaid princess right after saying that. People can say he is flirty all they want, but for Y/n, only the truth
"I- ... Please let me have some time to think about it." Y/n's answer makes Namor's heart skip a beat; he doubts she wouldn't feel it; her hand isn't on his chest anymore. More importantly, their hands aren't intertwined, and there is nothing Namor can do but watch the mermaid swim away, waiting for her answer.
===𓆝 𓆟 𓆞===
How little did the king know that the war was one step ahead of him, taking Y/n away.
"HEAL HER" Namor's voice can be heard even from a thousand miles; there is even a hint of despair in his voice. "DO SOMETHING"
"My king, we are trying to do everything" A group of Talokanil speaks up; they're knealing on the floor, trying to keep the blood from flowing out of Y/n's injured wounds. "It's too risky; she is a mermaid, and we don't know if the technology we have is suitable!"
A long moment of silence felt like enternity for Namor; he knows what they're saying is right; he was foolish. In a moment of distress, seeing Y/n in pain, he brought her to Talokan and not her kingdom. It's too late to ever bring her there now; even with his superspeed, every movement would result in Y/n crying out of pain.
Namor demands all the Talokanil leave for a suitable potion; let him be here with Y/N. But it's only half the truth; he doesn't want to let them see how weak he could get.
"Open your eyes, my love, my moon. I'm begging you...please. The war is over; we won... but without you, it doesn't matter to me anymore."
Namor waited for an answer; he waited, and he vowed to forever wait for one.
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A timeline of every time a Spacelander has visited Flatland! Starting with...
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Flatland's Year 0!
My friend @frau-line had the idea of a messiah and an apostle that fell in love and lived in Spaceland together. I also saw an idea for a god myth that included a picture of a sphere with a line orbiting around it and thought that that was a banger design for a god(s). Though I cant for the life of me find it now... its a small fandom I'll see it eventually.
With that out of the way, heres these two nameless but lovely ladies. I think at this point Flatland would be in like, caveman times or something, but the line is a fast learner and quickly absorbed all information that the sphere gave her.
As for Spacelands society, theyre far ahead of Flatland, but still not nearly as technologically advanced as they are in the film. Maybe like aztec times...?
Theyve just found Flatland and know exactly nothing about it. They sent the sphere to go check it out, and when she came back a month later they had a Flatlander with them.
They study the line and Flatland and they find out... something... that makes it so they set a concrete rule to only ever visit once every thousand years to impart knowledge upon the primitive Flatlanders.
I have no idea why they decide to do this every 1000 years. Perhaps the line dies shortly after her ascension to Spaceland (due to gravitational forces) and the sphere is heartbroken and bitter and shes like "Flatland is extremely fragile we must only interact with it rarely or we will FUCK UP and KILL things"
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Year 1000
frau-line fuels this scenario and the next as well. Her ideas are some of the most interesting and compelling I've seen so its hard not to steal :P
The messiah of the Year 1000 wasnt exactly thrilled to do this job, but the first official visit was something highly anticipated and that he was specifically taught to do, so he studied hard and practiced well. He thought it easy and simple until, well...
Unfortunately, the year 1000 apostle must have been at least a little unhinged before enlightenment, so this messiahs mission went wildly off the rails. As soon as he finished his geometry homework, he started a massive country-wide riot, and martyred himself before anyone could ask what he was rioting for.
As for his shape I think he was either a hexagon or an octagon i cant remember im so sorry frau line 😖😖😖
Any fucking ways the messiah is like
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And he has some like. Idk not trauma, but he is a little fucked up by it and thinks he should have taken it more seriously or whatever. Who cares though
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Year 2000
Saturnius and Areia. Thanking frau-line every day for creating these guys, their plot is so captivating and I have a huge soft spot for Ariea specifically.
Saturnius is a noble sphere prince that takes his job deathly seriously, and Areia is a low class line determined to spread the gospel no matter the cost. The cost ends up being a holy war that is far more destructive than the year 1000 apostle could have even imagined...
Nothing I could say about them could live up to Suovetaurilia, so please give it a read!
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Year 3000
You know who these guys are.
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Year 4000
Finally, my home grown boys!
Xerxes is very lacking in the self confidence department and is trying to be the best most effective messiah to date to prove himself. His hopes are shattered when he happens to pick Claude, an average pentagon working an average 9-5 job, who doesn't give a singular shit about the third dimension at all. Xerxes doesn't give up easily, and secretly interacts with Claude even after the millennial visit in order to convince Claude to become an apostle. Unfortunately, it turns out Claude is just as stubborn.
...And thats all I have! This is all just my personal headcanon, so I'd really love to hear what you all think the timeline looks like!!
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fieldsofview · 2 months
Spider-Man: Homesickness UPDATE
The following text is copied from my AO3
Hey, y'all. This is going to be a long and rambling life update for a moment. TLDR: The epilogue won't be posted until mid/late August, but it is coming. Keep reading if you're so interested in the *why*, otherwise, I'll see you then.
I know that, until now, I've been very consistent in keeping updates on time. And I know it's likely frustrating for you all to have to wait for the epilogue, and for that I apologize. It's coming, I promise. I just want to make sure I do it justice and do my best, and my life has not allowed for that right now. My personal life has been kind of a wreck these last few weeks. To start, I had a long stretch of time where I was covering extra shifts for my coworker who was in the hospital, which meant a lot of doubles (My usual 4PM-midnight followed by the midnight-8AM shift, with only a few hours after to go home and sleep before doing it all over again.) This is when I was drafting the previous chapter, and I did do my best to keep working on all of this but I was drastically limited in the time I had. During and following all of this, my cat, Aya, got very sick very fast. Within about 2 weeks, she went from being a perfectly healthy 5-year-old cat at her yearly physical exam, to having such extreme symptoms from a mystery illness that she was interned in a specialty Vet clinic's ICU for several days, needing a feeding tube, intravenous medication, and 24-hour care. Ultimately, despite the thousands of dollars I spent, four different veterinarians, and countless tests, no one could figure out what was wrong with her. She has since passed and her ashes should hopefully return to me within the week. Because of the timing of it all, just a few days later I left for a trip out of state to visit my elderly grandparents for their 85th birthday celebration with my extended family (There are nearly 40 of us) that I could not reschedule or miss, and I've been there for the last week. It's a 18-hour journey each way and I've spent most of the trip assisting my father with care of my younger brother or assisting my cousin with her three kids under 5. I've had no time for writing whatsoever. I've barely had time to breathe, let alone grieve the loss of my cat who I have had since she was a tiny kitten and who passed so suddenly and so violently that it has stuck with me in a way that previous pet deaths have never done. Her sister and her were so closely bonded and it's been heartbreaking to see her so confused as to why Aya has never come home. And now I've had to leave her with my roommates while I'm gone and she's been acting skittish and scared around them in a way she never has before. I only hope when I return in a few days she'll forgive me. I haven't started writing the epilogue yet. As many of you pointed out in the comments here and on my Tumblr (that I truly haven't had the capacity to respond to), the last chapter did not quite feel right or sit in the way you wanted. I stand by the events of the chapter, but because it was basically my rough draft with almost no editing, it's lacking the subtlety and nuance it deserves, and it's missing some details it should have had. I love this fic with all my heart and I want it to be a project I can finish and leave in a way that I am proud of. So, I will be spending the next few weeks taking the time I need for myself, and then I will be spending the time to make any edits to the entire story that I feel are necessary for it to be its best. Once that's done, I'll publish the epilogue. A version that is final and that I can be proud of, whether or not anyone else likes it. Because I know the last chapter was not my best work, it's been hard to sit with those comments and accept them, despite knowing the circumstances surrounding them. Thank you to everyone who has supported me through this project, and thank you for your patience as I make sure this is the best it can be. My hope is that I can post the epilogue in about one month, as I approach the year mark from when I first started drafting this fic, but I will take it day by day to ensure it's the best it will be. I will delete this "chapter" once the epilogue is posted. 
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booksandabeer · 1 year
Is the hundred year old playlist worth it?
Hello stranger!
You guys sure do love asking me about THYP, huh? Not that I mind. I've talked about my love for this series several times in the past, and I'll gladly do it again. So, short answer to your question: Yes, it's worth it.
Longer answer (because I simply can't help myself): Also yes.
Is it perfect? No, but what is? Are there maybe certain characters, relationships, situations in this 300K(!) series that I wish had been handled differently? Sure. But (1) the author didn’t write this for me and to satisfy every single one of my personal preferences and headcanons and (2) in light of the epic scope of this series, I’m willing to overlook some gripes I have (so magnanimous of me, I know!). Because the good parts? Are really fucking good. And there are so, so many of them. There’s also a creative confidence and a technical skill to the writing and in the way this series is structured that is just a delight to read.
At any given point in the story, you can feel that this is an author who was On Fire, on A Mission, who had A Plan, and who executed that plan masterfully. Whether or not that's actually true doesn't matter. Maybe it was a disaster behind the scenes, who knows, the point is, you can't tell. To give you just one example, the way the author uses flashbacks and foreshadowing (and the way she pays it off!) throughout the series is absolutely fantastic—all while working within the confines of a very inconsistent and often downright contradictory canon. Also, and without spoiling it, the "finally-getting-together" scene in this remains one of my all-time faves to this day, and after a build-up of 5½ parts and hundreds of thousands of words my expectations were sky-high. Somehow, the author managed to not only meet them but surpass them.
If you're worried about the series' incomplete status—don't be. The last part (pre-IW) ends in a very, very satisfying place. In fact, the very last scene is as close to perfection as it gets and I still remember reading it for the first time and how my heart nearly exploded with joy and hopefulness, even while I was bawling my eyes out at the bittersweetness of it all.
But that's my opinion. In the end, I cannot tell you if it’s worth it for you. I can only say, yes, definitely give it a try. There’s no rule that states once you get started you must finish it. If you find the slow burn is too slow for you or there are things in it that you simply don’t like, you can always just stop and find something that is more to your taste. After all, that's the beauty of Stucky fanfic. There's so much and such a great variety of it that sooner or later you will find something that is perfect for you.  
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astramthetaprime · 11 months
Putting the 'Function' in Executive Functioning
Lots of stuff going on and ongoing.
Number One -- Google Tasks is the bomb. Seriously. I'm, like, getting shit done. I'm remembering to do things because my exobrain is remembering it for me. If I can get one thing done around the house each day, on consecutive days, for days at a time, dagnabbit I'm getting shit done. You put it on the Tasks app, it fragging puts it on your Calendar, I keep it open on the phone, it stays in the back of my mind because I see it multiple times in a day, and it gets done. Schedule dog walks, schedule washing dishes, schedule writing, schedule whatever, it's there, you see it, it gets done. Between Tasks, Keep, Gmail and Calendar, I've got the means to keep up with dang near anything. The danger is not overdoing it, because here be burnout yo.
Number Two -- I never got the hang of drinking coffee, y'know? I tried, when I was younger, but it always messed up my stomach and I wasn't thrilled with the taste. My thing was Diet Coke, which I love with the force of a thousand exploding suns. And, later, I developed a love of fine Chinese black teas. (I freely and cheerfully direct your attention to Upton Tea Imports for further information. I loves me some good Chinese Keemuns, that's fine drinking.)
However, in the last week I have discovered a coffee drink I can actually stomach. And it has been educational.
It goes like this: 1 tbsp instant espresso powder, 3 tbsp your choice of creamer powder, 1/4 cup or more chocolate syrup, 8 ounces boiling water. Mix well, with a milk frother mixer thing if you have one but spoon's fine. It's a sort of half-assed mocha thing. I call it 'hellbrew' or Liquid Mania depending on my mood. And speaking of mood ...
The first one I drank it kept me up to 3 AM despite the fact I drank it at least twelve hours earlier.
I've had several since then (I'm afraid to have more than 1 a day), and yesterday it cranked me up so high that I spent more than an hour unable to sit still and stimming like you would not believe. I don't stim physically. Usually. But yesterday dear gods I stimmed. I stimmed so freaking much and suddenly I understand the whole thing now and oh yeah my skin felt like it was vibrating. All over. MY ENTIRE BODY WAS VIBRATING.
I was working at the time. Like I said, educational.
Speaking of ...
Number Three -- I have finally finished training for my job so Monday morning I am turned loose on my own recognizance. It's been 5 weeks? Or six? Five, I think. Regardless, I am working full time and funds are available in abundant supply. Just in time to replace all 4 tires on my car. But still, there have been groceries bought and eaten, and I was able to replace my earbuds when the case on my old ones got messed up. And last night I signed up for health insurance for the new year. And I'll be able to start paying my mortgage again. The reduction of stress has been restful. I am on the verge of not just surviving, but thriving.
Number Four -- Pathfinder Progress. Two nights ago I wrote what is probably the exact midpoint of the book, my protagonist and antagonists finally met face to face. Still not able to speak to each other, but it's only a matter of time. The Taelai have survived the Surprise Asteroid and now outright treachery from some of their own people. They're halfway back to civilization, given their means of travel they've got at least a week to ten days til they reach a friendly port and another week to ten days after that to their throneworld system of Daitengu. There's a lot still left to do. But I am making progress. It's getting done.
And beyond Pathfinder, I now have a third story planned. Tentative title: Cinder. There is a preliminary outline, and because this is me and the theater of the mind has no budget, Imma imagine Tom Cruise starring in it.
Because he's pretty, that's why.
Number Five -- I briefly considered attending the Saga Writer's Conference which is scheduled for July 2024 as my birthday present for my 55th birthday, but honestly I don't think I can justify the expense. I estimate I'd be spending at least $1k if one includes lost wages, and I just can't afford that. I have no doubt it would be a great time and I'd learn a lot of stuff I desperately need to know, plus it's being held at ConGregate and that would be just gravy on the potato cake so to speak. But alas, no.
However! I have been looking in to what I could learn on Skillshare, and the answer is quite a lot. Copyediting, social media marketing, Wordpress skillz, creating author platforms, AI art generation (yeah I know, but professional artists don't work for free and you guys have noticed I'm starting from zero, right?). Also, fiction writing. There's also a lot just for free on YouTube and various podcasts such as the excellent Writing Excuses.
Speaking of ...
Number Six -- ChattaCon is coming up in January, and Imma determined to stalk Mary Robinette Kowal, pin her down and massage her brain.
Number Seven -- I'm actually participating in a local speculative fiction writer's group, a subsect of the Chattanooga Writer's Guild. Like, I went to a real-time, real-life meeting (usually it's over video). This was at a coffee shop but pre- Liquid Mania so there was not 'dance a jig in your chair' or vibrating eyeballs. Next time, I will know what to order to make the proceedings much more entertaining.
Number Eight -- Tom Cruise. Because he's pretty.
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Feel like i gotta put an edgy title, even if I'm not feeling as edgy at this moment in time. its been a little while, a little over two years in fact, last i posted was August 7th 2022, now its August 30 2024.
I've graduated university now, and was lucky enough to have snagged a job before I finished that pays decent and has alright upward mobility. I'm wondering if I should feel happy now or if that will come later? it feels all a little too empty. Although I am not in the depths of despair that I used to always be in when I posted on here, i am feeling slightly empty on is this all life is now. I'm moving in with Hung next year, so theres that to look forward to, and also the Japan trip is finally happening, of which I have done my best to plan and organise, I realise now that if I want to do something, I should organise it, otherwise nobody will do it, since the people I tend to surround myself with are very low maintenance people who therefore aren't really planners much with the exception of like Kass I guess, who enjoys this sort of thing of being organised and planning for things. But I do have Japan to look forward to I guess, I am excited for that, but a part of me does wonder if all I will do now in life is just make money so that I can go on holiday, and then work, then go on holiday. I dont really have many aspirations to own a house or even relationship stuff much at the moment, though next year maybe ill try to date again to see if im any different to it, and if im alright to date now. Its more that in my future I see other people getting together with other people, and i feel like i should follow suit, like i should have myown person that im with too, since at a certain point of our lives i assume we wont see eachother as much since they'll be preoccupied with their significant others.
All this talk of is this all life amounts to and tangentially being related to that, the worth and happiness of a life made me go back and read an old manga that I really liked when i first read it back in the day called "I sold my life for ten thousand yen per year." which is about a guy who does just what the title says, he sells his remaining life til just three months, since he has nothing to live for but not a lot of money, so why not live a few months in luxury at least. I won't regurgitate the entire story but its worth a read again future Andrew if you're still there, thats quite touching and gets you thinking about the worth and happiness of a life.
This is probably the most mentally healthy I've ever typed into my blog, materialistically things are looking up for me, I'm gonna be making decent starting wage with benefits at a (allegedly) good company, Ill be doing hybrid so work from home some days and work in office other days. I have a group of friends online that i frequently join the voice calls daily to hang out and game if that occurs or watch things. These extend to real life too, seeing friends in real life and interacting with them. Its all going in a way, materialistically very well, and yet I can't help but feel, "is this it?". Like am I supposed to just do this for another 40 years til I retire, to then just rot away and die?
Something I did do this year which I really enjoyed was travelling, I went to morocco with oogin + HABS people which was an amazing short trip, a 8/10 experience could only be made better if we were there longer, paris with chrystal and josh 💀 was a 5/10 but mainly cause of being a third wheel of a couple that I don't think should be together, maybe I'll keep a record of their thing later if I can be bothered, and also went to the peak district to try outdoor climbing for the first time, and then to manchester recently for a wellness chec kinda thing for chrystal, since she always visited us but we never visited her but i said i wanted to, so i said fuck it ill organise it, when are you guys off and so 4 of us went up north to manchester for two days. But all this to say, I really do enjoy travelling, I finally understood why those hippie sorts of people spend their entire lives travelling, I used to think oh it must get so tiring and so boring so fast, wouldnt you want to just sit down and chill? but you can! you can sit down and chill underneath a blanket of stars, or sit by a warm fire, and just look out into the distant deserts of morocco. I really enjoy travelling and I hope to do a lot more this next year.
Something else i took up in the last two years is bouldering, its a hobby that i genuinely enjoy, I've been climbing for two years, on and off, (maybe like 6 months total where i didnt climb so technically one and a half years) but its what inspired me to then go outdoor bouldering with puru armaan and yossi which was a fun trip, though it was humbling how difficult it is! currently I can climb v4-v5 indoors but i could barely only climb V0+ outdoors, which is like beginner grading, which is pathetic 😭 hopefully next time will be better.
I'm not really here to say much else, If i think of something Ill post again soon, but its 8 am and ive stayed up all night to watch LE SSERAFIM's comeback "CRAZY" which is really fucking good. Thats another thing I've done in the last two years, is gone back to my kpop roots cept this time i have the disposable income to irresponsibly spend money on merch and albums for LE SSERAFIM. the music and obsession as a hobby has really helped though, it gets me through the hard times seeing the behind the scenes and watching the live streams and hearing them talk about their lives. Bias is Miyawaki Sakura since I already kinda was biased for her in IZONE when she streamed gaming content on youtube and made videos for gaming.
I would say to end this post that LE SSERAFIM and Bouldering funnily enough have saved me, in the last two years. Two years ago i was hurt fairly badly by people who i thought i was close to, though perhaps i never was since its an online friendship, how close can a online friendship be? obviously an online friendship can be very close, but it depends alot, and it seems perhaps this was not one of those times. I dont recall if i ever actually outlined what happened from my point of view as a record, so maybe ill do that. haha i always say ill write these things and never get round to doing it. it does help somewhat though, clear my thoughts by writing in this blog, so i really should do it more often, maybe now im more mentally well ill do it???? who knows. we shall see in the next one.
I shall leave with le sserafims latest song that got released 4 hours ago, which is the cuntiest thing i have heard in a while, and will defo be a bop to remember, and so future andrew!! relearn your roots!!! go back to listening to le sserafim and rest up!!!
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sleepymarmot · 7 months
BG3 diary: Underdark, part 1 out of ?
I am finally level 5! Leveled up after the big fight with the duergar (had to look up how to spell it) and spent a lot of time later sorting everyone's abilities and hotbars.
I am so, so broke. I spend all of my gold on filling out Gale's spellbook. I have about a thousand gold's worth of spells queued up but I have no gold to pay for them.
Clearly I'm not attuned to this game's manner of environmental storytelling, because I spent the entire Arcane Tower mildly confused and thinking "Is this going somewhere?" From the quest giver's description, I assumed that the owner of the tower had locked herself in there, but the place seems to have been abandoned for years. I had to read the wiki page about Lenore to have the story pieced together for me. I didn't realize all of the lightning equipment I'd been picking up had been made by the same person! (I'm already trying to plan how much of it is going to be worn by my lightning mage when I play as her.)
There's a bit of companion reactivity to the environment, but it doesn't feel enough:
Lae'zel has two lines when you first meet Omeluum and can explain the githyanki disc for you, but she doesn't have any further reactions to you asking an illithid for help and even drinking his dangerous potion. Does she hate all mind flayers no matter what? Does she respect him for breaking free? Does she resent him for still being nostalgic of his people?
Gale had a couple of lines about wizard towers. It didn't seem to interest him that the wizard was a cleric of Mystra.
Shadowheart was inspired by me destroying the moonstone that powered the defenses of the Selunite outposts, but didn't have a single line about anything in it.
Speaking of Omeluum: to end the quest and open the trading option, you have to accept the ring that, he says, is hiding him from the mind flayer hive mind. Does that mean we're putting him in danger? I tried to refuse the ring, but the quest just remains unfinished in that case.
The journal was clearly not programmed to account for the order in which I was doing things. I went to the Underdark via the Zhentarim hideout, did a bunch of quests there, and only then circled back and discovered the Selunite outpost. I had Lae'zel super-jump onto the wall and discover the waypoint inside, then teleported the rest of the party in. In the middle of the outpost, under the big statue, was the orange-bordered book that suggested where to look for the Nightsong next. To my surprise, there were no cutscenes or journal updates in reaction to that. Then I walked up to the far wall of the outpost, and the journal updated to say that the trail to the Nightsong went cold (when in fact the opposite just happened...) I clicked on the ladder there, and it made me climb up to the Selunite puzzle in the goblin camp which I had completely forgotten about, then updated the journal to say I found the way to the Underdark. And I couldn't exit, because the devs didn't put a lever on the inner wall. So now I am stuck in that room and can only go back down or teleport somewhere.
After that, I realized that I'll have to backtrack to the surface to do several things I've missed... I didn't do the temple puzzle; I didn't do the spider tunnels and the spider matriarch fight, and it seems like I can't get up there from the Underdark; I didn't find the mechanic for Karlach in the grove and I've no idea if he is still in there or already left with the tieflings; I now have the sussur bark for the masterwork weapon, whatever that's supposed to be. Oh, and I'll have to go to the creche eventually, but I thought I'd finish the Underdark before that.
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The Great Ruler / The Great Master
Year : 2020 | Country : CN | Nb of episodes: 48
My rate: 5/10
Synopsis :
Five thousand years ago, after being suppressed, the Evil Deity turned into Nine Evil Eyes, lurking in the world, waiting for the time of resurrection. Five thousand years later, Nine Evil Eyes is about to become a being. Young boy Mu Chen meets Luo Li, the goddess of the Luo God Clan, and is connected with Jiuyou Bird's blood in chance. They support each other and grow together. After the battle of Baima City, Mu Chen takes over the burden of revenge for the dragon people and fighting against the Evil Deity. Luo Li is promoted to be the Saintess. Finally, Mu Chen and Luo Li work together to defeat the Evil Deity and restore peace to the whole world.
Main cast :
Roy Wang as Mu Chen
Ouyang Nana as Luo Li
My thoughts on this drama :
I read some mixed reviews about this one. Some people said it was lacking because the actors were very young. Other said there was not enough martial arts fights to make it interesting. Well I watched the trailer and the CGI were so beautiful that I just started right away. Here is my conclusion after finishing it. Regarding the actors: yes they are young, the main cast was born in 2000. But they are not bad. I've seen actors with 10 years behind them doing worse than these "kids". The CGI: incredible, beautiful, magical, etheral. Superb, really. That was a feast for my eyes who are used to very poor special effects in wuxia dramas. The scenery and costumes: beautiful. Fantastically so. Again, a feast for the eyes. The cinematography and coloring are soft and beautiful, the editing was impressive. The OST: amazing. The story: quite predictable, but with some orignality, as it's a kind of "powers" that was pretty new in my own Wuxia universe. The plot remains quite deja-vu however, and as I said, predictable. The 5 points I removed really are cause by this predictability that made the story pretty boring at some point, with always the same tropes coming back. All in all, it's a beautifully made drama, and really pleasing on the eyes. I would not recommend it to people who are not absolute fans of Wuxia genre however, you might find it hard to get into the story. Once more, they made 48 episodes when 25-30 would have been enough.
A Favorite ?
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bonnymori · 3 years
𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐲
Word count: 2760+ (i'll try to keep bigger lengths such as this one!)
Synopsis: You meet a new classmate who's working along Nanami, you think he's fun to be around, it stands the same to him about you. Later, feelings unravel.
Contents/Warnings: (1) Itadori Yuuji x gn!reader (2) FLUFF, TONS OF FLUFF - and some comfort (3) With the small participation of... Ino Takuma!! I really like him too, that's why <33333 (4) This is pretty platonic, but also not? (5) Ending turned sorta cliché... but I liked it u.u
A/N: This boy made me run rampant... to fhe point it's not single attraction anymore I just wish him happiness (smh if only my parents knew...) also next post will be Toji's fic pt. 2! Y'all see the first part is almost reaching 100 kudos????? I'M SO HAPPY EHSODJWKDKSJD- thanks for all the new followers and the support!! <33
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Ever since his fake death, Itadori has been training alone with the help of Gojo - and now, he works along a freshly new face, who belongs to a senior, founds out ex-salaryman named Nanami Kento. He's far a thousand times more strict than Gojo. Itadori doesn't really likes the change, because Nanami is a person he can't get along. This whole guy's appearance scream "work 4 life"; he has proved different, now he screams "work is shit - but I gotta do it because others won't".
They've just finished cleansing the outside of a movie theater off a few curses, when Itadori hears shouting from far behind them. Two figures approach, waving excessively. He quickly picks on Nanami's tired sigh beside him.
"Nanami! We figured out you'd be here! Our mission has been finished and we wanted to catch up to have lunch together!" A male clad in a full black outfit shouts, he has brown hair and a beanie on top of his head, looking quite content.
The other person simply trots next to him in silence, approaching with a friendly smile. They notice Itadori faster than the male, smile widening and quickly waving hello, suddenly eager to reach up to them. The gesture makes the pink haired boy perk up, curious to why the other person looked so joyful. His question is easily answered, when they tug on the man's sleeve and motion to him.
"Ino, we have a third buddy!" The dude looks at him with widened eyes. "So nice to meet you, I'm Y/N L/N! It's great to see new faces around!"
Itadori smiles at your energy, knowing already he would click with you very well.
"I'm Ino Takuma, sorry for not noticing you before! Your uniform looks cool." Itadori exchanges a few compliments with Ino, before the man turns to talk with Nanami, leaving him and you together.
"Yes! I'm Sukuna's vessel, Itadori Yuuji-desu! My type of woman is Jenn-"
You turn to him. "So, are you a first year?"
"Geh? Weren't you dead though?!"
"I was!- I am!- Please keep secret."
"Ahem." Nanami coughs, drawing attention. "I requested you two to not come after me today. Itadori here is the reason why."
"That's no problem, we're very capable of keeping secrets." You threw your arm over Itadori's shoulder, him nodding along with you.
"Oh really, then remember to keep quiet about it. I'll let this slide." The group of students nervously at Nanami's intimidating tone. "But, I'll get to have my break alone."
"Gah!" Ino exclaimed, watching Nanami walk away; he also left the responsability of taking care of Itadori for you two, leaving without a word. "It really had to be today, when Nanami would take us to his favorite bakery..."
"Crybaby." You teased. "Itadori here can't go outside where anyone can see him, he's dead. So, we were to order food either way because he shouldn't be left out."
"Augh okay, it would be unfair."
"So, where are you staying Itadori?"
"At Gojo's state!"
"Whoa, I've never been there before." Ino commented, waiting as you sent a message to Ijichi to pick them up.
"He's my teacher, a very cool one!"
"I imagine! Ooookay, once we get there I'll get the food."
Itadori felt as his chest would burst of excitement, finally there was people around him again, he couldn't be less happy about it.
"Sharing is caring!"
Itadori laughed as you wrestled with Takuma for some fries, netflix long forgotten in the background, as watching the banter was way more entertaining. Most of the time, Ino rambled a lot about Nanami, while he rambled a lot about Gojo. The guy even showed him the cool scar under his beanie. He felt kinda upset after explaining the exchange was just temporary, his stay under Nanami's wing wasn't decisive, and therefore, he was more like a classmate than a partner.
Itadori also learned a lot about you. He was surprised to find out that you, although energetic, was the one to speak the lesser in conversations. His surprisement grew even bigger when you told him you're a exchange student from Kyoto, arriving Tokyo about the same month as him - thankfully, you were to say for good.
Conversations flowed easily in the air, until a voice from the doorway barged in.
"Yuuji-kun! Don't forget about your lessons! Hi kids! Bye kids!" Gojo said playfully, throwing the familiar punching bear to Itadori before leaving.
"What's this thing?" Ino asked.
"It's to help me control my cursed energy. So while I watch the movies, if I don't charge it with cursed energy it punches me square in the face. I thought I had mastered this thing already, but he insist I keep training with it." Itadori grumbles.
"At least it's cute." You commented, taking a sip of your drink.
"Until it punches you in your face without warning!" The pink haired boy barks.
The talks died down, the three of you eating quietly when another movie is played on the screen. Itadori didn't bother reading the title, it was a plain one about a zombie apocalypse that got him extremely bored, yet he kept watching still so the plushie didn't punch him in the face again; he's been keeping a record since all his last cursed energy training lessons were a sucess to this day. When his head started nodding and eyelids dropping Itadori can't remember well, about fourty five minutes of movie perhaps? Make it fifty, the second slumber took over his body completely.
When he awoke once again, it was near midnight, the clock on the wall told him so. He also noticed a soft and warm surface supporting his head, figures, it's your shoulder he's resting into, he feels an arm around his own shoulders and your cheek placed upon his hair.
"Hey, it's late." You immediately notices he's awake, calling out softly. "You should sleep on your room, or something, better to your spine."
He chuckles when you poke his side. "But I'm comfortable here."
"I'm surprised, you just met me today, and now is sleeping on my shoulder."
"I'm not, that happens often to me."
"Sleeping on people's shoulders?"
"No! Making friends quickly." Itadori likes your gentle warmth, your hug, everything makes him feel at home. "I met two more people before you for two weeks, but they can't see me, because I'm dead."
"So I'll keep you company, that's my new mission."
His eyes widen at that, a oh so little blush covering the tip of his ears.
"For how many time I slept anyway?" He asks.
"About two- no, three hours. You missed two movies, and this one is about to end."
"And you stayed here the whole time?" He motions to your shoulder.
"Yep. That reminds me I gotta pee."
Itadori grumbles, but quickly lifts himself off you, respecting your needs. That gives him some time to look around, he notices Ino is gone, and the plushie sits quietly at the other side of the couch, unmoving.
"Y/N! How did you manage to make it quiet down?" He's beyond bafflet.
"I said!" You arrive quickly at the doorframe, hands still wet from when you washed them. "I used my innate technique."
"Oh! How is it like?"
"It's kinda funny, gimme a moment." You left to wipe off your hands, coming back in a second. "So, just like Shoko, I produce reverse curse energy, but it's quite different than hers, I can't heal people. That's why we often call it positive energy instead. I can use it to soothe off negative energy, so the bear has no cursed energy right now."
"How does it works on people?" He felt very curious about everything, asking away like a kid.
"Since everyone has negative energy, it just makes you sleepy really. But when it comes to curses it's really practical, I can either weaken it or, if the curse is like grade three or four, I can slap them off existence completely by wiping all their energy." You were naturally proud of having a such versatile power, your own energy swirling with pride around you.
"That sounds amazing! Is it why I fell asleep though?"
"Nah, only if I did it on purpose. I guess you were just tired, hope you don't mind I decided to let you rest today."
"No way, it was a good nap."
You nodded. "By the way, Ino left to attend to a drinking party, he paid for our food."
"Drinking? Is he old?"
"Yeah, he's twenty." You chuckled, already expecting that kind of reaction.
"No way! He looks young just like us!"
"That's totally my reaction after I learned he's twenty!"
After that day, you started visiting Itadori weekly to daily, after exchanging numbers he made a little group with you and Ino, naming it the "Nanami trio". But really, he exchanges more texts with you in private, be them memes, cool images he wish to share, etcetera. Although, Ino wasn't left excluded, he ofter brough his xbox to connect to Itadori's tv room and you all would spend hours playing together; he just didn't spend much time with both of you as much. And that was okay.
For a few days, your connection with Itadori died down when he didn't reply to your texts. They would remain unread for some time, the longest being half a day, until he would spam apologies then move on with the topic. That became a routine until one day when you came over to check on Itadori unnanounced, needin to ease off your worries about the boy, only to find him sobbing in the middle of a hallway, staring ahead and beyond, his back to you.
"Egh!" Startled, he scrambled to wipe his eyes, turning to you. "H-hey, um, hi."
"What happened?"
"I- he-" His eyes didn't met yours, knuckles white in a death grip. You notice he has a few bandages thrown over his face and arms. The way his shoulders are drawn, as if he wants to shrink into himself is something you've experienced before.
"Something hard to talk about?"
He nods almost immediately, head still facing down.
"It's alright, come with me." You reach for his hands, grimacing slightly when his forceful grip is now on your hand, yet you don't comment on it. He follows you through the state wordlessly.
You two stop on the same tv room, sitting down on the couch. You then guide his head to your shoulder, gently massaging his scalp with the free hand.
"It's alright."
Those two words are chanted like a prayer for the next half hour, at some point, Itadori twisted his body towards yours and unknowingly caged you between him and the sofa arm. He embraced you with a force you didn't have in you, like he didn't want to lose one another. Painful or not, not a muscle moved on your body. He needed a shoulder to cry on.
Thirty minutes passed like seconds, you peered down only to find the boy confortably napping against your bosom; at some point you just became the cold side of the pillow to him. That's alright. It brings you joy to be the mom friend anyways. So you decided to join the sleepland aswell, arms still secured around his shoulders and the back of his head.
It feels like the nap hasn't been long, though, because you can feel Itadori's grip loosening and therefore, you're awake.
"Sorry if I broke any bones, in advance."
"Wow, and you only warn me now."
He laughs at your comeback, hands still secured around your waist.
"I'm surprised you let me uh, cuddle you for comfort - and sleep. I don't understand it? You just make me sleepy." He rambled, keeping eye contact with you while his head still rests on your chest.
"That's a piece of cake when you have younger siblings who seek for you every night they get a nightmare."
"Does that mean I can come to you again if I have a nightmare?" There it is, his togepi-kirby cutesy face.
"Are you four?"
"That's mean!" Itadori blushed, squeezing you on his arms. "I like the contact. It puts me at ease."
"Mm, do you want to talk about it?"
He gulped. "No, not really."
Your peach haired friend remained silent, and so did you. It seems he doesn't intend in letting you go soon, or he just really forgot to mention it. It gives them time to think, your younger sisted used to do that sometimes, back in Kyoto.
"Y/N, wanna watch anything?"
"Sure, have you watched Parasyte before?"
"No, let's give it a try then!" Itadori glances at the remote, then back at you - making you confused over his hesitation to move. He notices you noticed it, chuckling nervously. "To be honest, I don't wanna let go."
"It's hurting my back."
"SORRY I'M SORRY!" He jumped away from you like a cat would jolt away from a cucumber, making you snicker.
"It's okay, I just wanted to change positions."
And to tease you, but he didn't need to know that part.
He glared at you with a small pout, typing the initials of Parasyte on the search bar. Outside his line of vision, you were grinning like a idiot, his sweeteness took a tow on you. All the people of Tokyo you met really held a way different spirit from your classmates in Kyoto, Itadori being the nicest of all. It's surprising him being Sukuna's vessel to begin with; being honest, you felt drawn by it.
"Y/N, it's startiiiiing." He cut your daydreaming short, slumping on your side and propping his head on your shoulder.
"This again?" You throw an arm around his shoulders, very much like the first time he cuddled himself on you.
"Don't blame me, you're the one who wanted to change positions. Guess I'll just make some alterations since I'm awake this time!" One of his arms went behind your back and circled your waist, hand resting at your hip.
"It's definely different, since the other time you drooled on me."
"Hhgh, okay okay! Let me enjoy this." For perhaps the actual first time, you're able to watch without exchanging words with one another.
And this time, it's you who's head loll to the side, nose buried on his soft rose perfumed hair. Itadori doesn't comment on it yet, his free hand moves under your legs to lift your whole body up efortlessly when he senses you have fallen asleep.
"I remember you said it's bad for my spine, I wouldn't mind it... yours however."
The boy makes a beeline to the guest room, he sighs when there is no choice but open the door with his foot. Inside, he places you carefully in the soft bed.
Before he could leave, a hand reaches up for his sleeve.
"Itadori," He turned, looking at you. "Make me company?"
He giggles softly - you think it sounds like a highschool girl. "You should start calling me by my first name!" Itadori rambles as he climbs on the bed, arms wrapping around your waist in a motion you're familiar with.
"Yuuji, I'm tired, let me sleep."
"But I wanna talk more..." He pouts. "Also, are we, um, dating?"
You wriggle around, bringing his head down to peck on his forehead, teasing. "Correction, I want to date you."
"Uh, oh." A blush coats his face so quickly, you'd say someone dumped a bucket of red paint on his face.
"Is that a no?"
"So it is a no."
"Christ, will you stop teasing for a second, I'm trying to talk here." He makes an angry version of his togepi-kirby face, you can't help but grin.
"You amuse me, but okay. I'll do it for you."
"Thanks." He blinks, the blush slowly fading away. "You know, I lied, not about the contact, I like the contact nonetheless-"
His hand moves to play with yours, such as tapping his tips against yours, or meassuring the palms.
"-it's you who brings me comfort."
It's also your turn to blush, that line was seriously charming.
"Yes, we're dating now." You respond, a little eagerly. "Can I kiss you?"
This is the best person I could ask for, Itadori thinks, keeping his eyes open as yours shut during the kiss, whom I won't change for anything else in this world.
When you both separate, Itadori feels drowsy and sleepy. His face fits perfectly on your shoulder as always.
"Goodnight, my favorite person."
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
All Night
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Jooheon x Reader
Warning: Smut
Word Count: 2.7k
Commissioned by: @h0n3ybr3
A/N: I really hope you like it! Avsjsh
For the last year of your relationship with Jooheon he never let you set foot in any of the concert venues that he was playing. He always told you that now wasn't the right time to tell people about your relationship, or there was always some reason why you couldn't go. You knew he was only trying to protect you but you really wanted to be there for him in person for once, even if he couldn't make any direct contact with you. 
"Please. Please please pleaaaaseeee." You beg Jooheon. He had a show tonight and you desperately wanted to attend and show your love and support for him and the boys. 
"Absolutely." He grins. 
"Really?" You ask, excitedly. 
"Not." He smiles, showing off those adorable dimples of his. "Baby, trust me when I say, I'm doing this for us, and for you. You know how fans can get. I just wanna protect you, plus I get all sweaty and gross. You don't wanna see that." 
"You know I love when you get sweaty." You pout. 
"I know you do, which is why you can't come because then you'll get horny, and I'll get horny and neither of us will be able to get off until after the show." He says, grabbing your arms while staring at you. "It's just not a good time for either of us." He sighs, giving you a pat on the arm before walking away. 
"Well to fucking bad, cause I'm going." You secretly whisper to yourself as he walks back towards you. 
"What?" He asks. "Did you say something?" 
"Me? Ha, noo." You say, turning to walk away. "Enjoy yourself tonight." 
"I'll see you when I get back baby." He smiles, giving you a small peck on the lips before heading for the door. 
"Or sooner." You murmur under your breath. 
"What'd you say?" Hr asks, turning around. 
"I said nothing." You smile. "Love you." You say as he closes the door behind him. 
How dare he. You wanted to be included with his sweat, why did everyone else get to see him in person at a concert like that and you were stuck watching videos? You wanted him to drip on you from the stage, you wanted to go deaf from standing next to the speaker while he played the rapped and did whatever else he was going to do. And dammit, that was exactly what you were planning on doing tonight. 
You happily took your time getting ready, making sure to wear Jooheon's favorite lingerie set underneath your clothes, since you already knew how tonight was going to end either way. You wore a low cut white top along with a black skirt and a pair of flat shoes that Jooheon loved. You knew he was going to be pissed with you when he saw you there, so you figured wearing some of his favorite things would ease his annoyance with you. 
Once you were happy with your makeup look you went downstairs, got in your car and drove off to the venue. When you got there you had texted Hyungwon who came and let you in the side door and then gave you a backstage pass to make sure no one gave you any grief about being there. 
"Thanks for helping me." You say as you follow him through the narrow halls. 
"Any chance I get to piss off Jooheon, I will take it." Hyungwon laughs. "We're heading on stage in about 5 minutes, once you see us pass by then pop out and stand by the speaker, he'll be sure to see you." He snickers. 
You thank him one last time before he leaves, leaving you standing there awkwardly while your stomach does flips. You hoped Jooheon was going to be happy to see you. 
"Let's do this!" You hear Shownu yell as they all cheer. They all run onto the stage and you can hear the crowd already starting to go wild. You quickly slip out of your spot, moving to where Hyungwon told you too and watched as they started the set. 
Watching Jooheon rap in person was a whole other experience in your mind. You had seen his videos, music videos, lives and those things but to see him physically do what he loved to do was amazing. You were annoyed at yourself for taking so long to come to one of these but even more annoyed at Jooheon for keeping you from it. You couldn't be too mad at him though, he looked damn fine doing what he was doing. 
You stood there swaying and dancing to the music as the song changed, forgetting that Jooheon still didn't know you were here. You opened your eyes when the music stopped, and looked directly into the eyes of your boyfriend who looked surprisingly happy to see you, but also pretty shocked that you were there. You weren't quite nervous anymore now that he knew you were there and you could enjoy yourself a bit more. 
A while later they called for a short 15 minute intermission while other things were getting prepared for their next set. Jooheon rushes over to you, grabbing your hand and pulling you away and into a small dressing room. 
"Is this yours?" You ask, looking around.
"God no." He scoffs. "What are you doing here?" He asks, looking you in the eyes. 
"I wanted to see you in concert. Real live concert." You whisper. 
"I know." He smiles. "Hyunwon told me everything." 
"Motherfucker." You growl, knowing you're going to have to torture him later for this. 
"I've got to go back on, but come on." He smiles, grabbing your hand and pulling you from the small room. "I've got something to show you." 
You run behind him as he pulls you closer and closer to the stage, you think he'll let go of your hand before he goes on but you're most definitely mistaken. 
Jooheon pulls you onto the stage where there are thousands of screaming fans. You stand there with your eyes wide as you listen to everyone scream while you're shocked. He leaves you standing beside a drum set, letting go of your hand to sit behind the drums. 
Grabbing the microphone, he yells loudly into it. "I want you all to give a warm, special applause to this beautiful lady right here. She is my light, she is my life, and she is mine." He says before putting the microphone down and begins playing the drums. 
You stand there with tears in your eyes as you watch the love of your life playing a song dedicated to you, in front of thousands of his fans. As he continues to play, he looks over at you, giving you a side smile with a small wink before going back to concentrating on playing. A few minutes later the rest of the boys come onto stage, microphones in hand. Jooheon steps away from the drums, grabbing his microphone to join them. Someone from backstage runs out a stool for you to sit on as the boys surround you and begin serenading you. You couldn't describe the emotions you were feeling so overwhelmed with happiness. Your eyes couldn't leave Jooheon as he sang to you, his voice so sweet and soothing. 
As the song ended, everyone in the crowd began screaming and clapping for them. Jooheon rushed over to you, pulling you into his arms and whispering "I love you." Into your ear. It was the thousandth time he had told you that, but somehow it felt the most special in that moment. 
Jooheon walks you off stage, his arm wrapped around your waist as he presses his lips to yours before heading back out to finish the now interrupted concert. You watched them perform, but your mind was more so thinking about everything you were going to do to that man when you got home. 
The concert ended and the boys were all in the dressing room, getting ready to go home. You walk in as the rest of them are leaving, leaning against the doorway as Jooheon sat in front of the mirror wiping his face. 
"Hey you." He smiles, throwing the towel into a basket. 
"Hey." You blush, looking at the ground. "I can't believe you did that." You laugh, thinking back. 
"I'm full of surprises." He grins. 
You walk over to him, he opens his legs pulling you in closer to him. "Thank you." You whisper, leaning down to give him a peck. You move your face away, both of you staring at each other before you lean in again, pressing your lips against his harder this time. Your lips move against his, his arms wrap around you, holding you against him as your kiss heats up. 
You pull away, catching your breath and let out a little giggle. "Let's go home." You whisper, grabbing his hand to pull him behind you. 
The entire car ride was silent. Your eyes glanced over to Jooheon who was looking straight ahead, his finger tapping on his thigh. You looked up slightly, seeing his semi hard cock bulging against his jeans. 
You squirm in your seat as your pussy begins to drip, thinking about his cock sliding in and out of you, and how badly you wanted him to make you cum. 
As the driver pulled up to your place, Jooheon threw some money at him before ushering you out of the car, making you hurry into the building. The two of you silently wait for the elevator to come, and when it does you press the close door button so no one else can get on. The moment those doors close, Jooheon has you pressed against the wall, pushing his hard clothes cock into you, his lips latching onto your neck as he grinds himself on you. 
He moves up your neck, kissing up your jaw, moving to your lips, pulling you in for a hard, passionate kiss. The elevator dings, leaving the both of you breathless as you stand apart, waiting for the doors to open on your floor. You run down the hallway to your apartment, struggling to get the key into the lock. Jooheon stands behind you, pressing himself into you, his hot breath radiating down your neck. His hands reach around, cupping your breasts, squeezing before groaning. 
"Hurry up." He growls. 
You finally get the key into the lock, opening up your door. He pushes you inside, slamming the door closed behind him. He stands there, his chest heaving, he licks his lips as he eyes you up and down. 
He stalks towards you, his hand wrapping around the back of your neck, pulling you into him as his lips crash onto yours. He slides his tongue in your mouth, deepening the kiss before pulling away, and moving away from you. He stands there for a moment, eyeing you up again. 
"Strip." He demands. You're a little caught off guard, but holy fuck, your pussy is dripping. You slide off your shoes, your eyes never leaving his. You hook your thumbs into the waist of your skirt, slowly shimmying it down your legs, revealing your thong. You can hear Jooheon hiss as you pull your shirt over your head, leaving you standing before him in his favorite set. 
"Get on the counter." He tells you. 
You walk over to the counter, hopping up you sit there facing him, your legs crossed. "Spread em, baby." 
You slowly open your legs, your panties barely covering your pussy. Jooheon kneels down, placing your legs over his shoulders before he pulls you closer to the edge. He takes a finger, moving your panties to the side before his two fingers, spreading your pussy lips open, before licking a long strip up with the flat of his tongue, and pulling back. You let out a small moan as you yearn for more contact. He leans in again, licking a strip up again, slower this time, teasing your clit with the tip of his tongue. 
Your hands grip the edge of the counter as Jooheon wraps his lips around your clit, very slowly sucking, making you cry out loudly. 
"Please.. faster." You beg. Jooheon keeps at his pace for a few minutes, making you moan and beg. He loved to hear you beg. 
"Oh god, please." You groan. "Please make me cum, baby." 
Jooheon releases your clit, looking up at you with a smile on his face. "Not yet." He whispers, licking your pussy one more time before standing up and pulling you off the counter. 
"Suck my cock." He demands. 
You quickly turn around, dropping to your knees. You unbutton his pants, pulling them down, allowing his cock to spring free. Precum drips from his red tip, his cock throbbing to be touched. You place your hand on his shaft, pumping his cock a few times, causing him to throw his head back as he lets out a few moans. 
You smirk as you open your mouth, taking in as much of him as you could at once, his tip hitting the back of your throat. Jooheon pulls himself out before he thrusts back into your mouth, making you gag on his cock. You look up at him as he continues thrusting his hips, increasing his speed. Your eyes water as his hands get tangled in your hair, keeping his rhythm while fucks your mouth.
“Fuck you feel so amazing" he grunts, his breathing becoming staggered. He quickly pulls out of your mouth, stumbling back. "I can't cum yet." He breathes.
Jooheon moves towards the couch, sits down, ready for you to straddle him. You climb on top of him, lining yourself up with his cock and he slowly lifts his hips, pushing his cock into your pussy, stretching you out in the most pleasurable way. Jooheon reaches behind you, unhooking your bra, sliding it down your arms and discarding it somewhere in the living room. He cups one of your breasts, pinching your nipple before rolling it in between his fingers, making you throw your head back. "Fuck." You gasp, rocking yourself back and forth on Jooheon's cock. 
He lets go of your breast, leaning forward to take the other one in his mouth, wrapping his lips around your perky nipple, tugging and sucking. Your rock yourself harder on his cock, you clit rubbing against him perfectly. 
"Oh fuck." You cry out, your hands gripping onto his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin. Jooheon quickly stands up, you wrap your legs around his waist, his cock still buried inside you. He moves swiftly through your apartment to your bedroom, tossing you both onto the bed. He lifts your legs straight into the air, and pulls his cock out of you before pounding himself back into you. He wraps a hand around your neck, squeezing tightly as he snaps his hips, his cock hitting all the right spots. You gasp for breath as his grip tightens, his thrusts becoming erratic. 
He releases your throat, moving his hand between your legs, his thumb pressing your throbbing clit. He starts rubbing, making you arch your back and moan loudly. 
"Please don't stop." You gasp, your hands gripping your sheets as your orgasm builds so quickly. "I'm gonna cum." You cry out as you tighten yourself around his cock. 
"Fuck." He groans, thrusting faster. 
"I'm cumming, I'm cumming." You scream, your orgasm pulsating through your entire body, your eyes rolling back into your head as you work through your high. 
Jooheon moves his hands to your legs, holding them tightly as he pounds into you, chasing his own release. 
"Fuck, fuck." He yells as he spills himself into you, filling you up with his warm cum. 
The two stay still for a moment as you catch your breath. Jooheon pulls himself out of you, his warm cum leaking out from your pussy onto the bed sheets. 
He smiles as he pulls you up, your naked body pressed against his. He takes your hand pulling you towards the bathroom for a shower. 
"Baby, I'm gonna fuck you all night." He smirks, dragging you behind him.
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mesozoic-system · 3 years
Bakugou Katsuki is not as bad as he seems.
Okay, fine. That's a lie. Bakugou is a loud and obnoxious asshole with little to no character development and will snap at anyone who breathes on him the wrong way.
Now that that's out of the way, let's move on to why he's like that.
You all know what PTSD is, yeah? If not, it stands for "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder". It's something that causes panic attacks, unnecessary aggression, trust issues, nightmares, anxiety, depression, and more. People will develop it after a traumatic experience. It takes years of therapy to recover... actually, most people never recover from it.
Fun fact: Katsuki canonically has PTSD. It's confirmed, and you know what? After everything he's been through, it's not much of a surprise. He's been through one tragedy after another and never seems to get a break.
When we first met Bakugou Mitsuki (Katsuki's mother) in chapter #96, we instantly realized how aggressive she was. I mean come on! She talked smack right in front of him and his teachers- in front of All Might who she knew her son was very fond of. Katsuki may be irritable, but to have your own mother backhand you in front of your own role model is a little much.
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Later on in chapter #165 during the Provisual License Exams, we get a little more information that only points towards more abuse- and this time it's not so verbal.
Most people paid no real attention nor gave it a second thought in these panels, but remember when Katsuki suggested to use violence against the kids? Of course, you'd look at it and wave it off as "normal Bakugou behavior", but what he says next took me by surprise:
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That's right. He was raised that way.
Which means either Mitsuki or Masaru (or both) had struck him in some way multiple times as he was growing up, and I doubt it was Masaru.
"Spoiled" my ass. He might have a strong quirk, but people don't turn into little monsters just by being praised. It'll definely boost his confidence, but not dramatically. This could also explain his aggression toward Midoriya. He realized how helpless he was and had power over someone else for once. But that's just a theory.
Okay, let's fast forward a bit. He's finishing up his third year of Middle School and is preparing for the UA entrance exams. He's pushed away his childhood friend to follow his own dreams and tells him to jump off the roof.
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And then he walks out the door only to regret it much, much, muuuch later in the series- y'know. The "character development" I was talking about.
Next time we see him though, he gets what he deserves.
One panel he's tramping through an alley with his friends, and the next, he's being swallowed alive by the most perverted-looking slime monster I've ever laid my eyes on.
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While Izuku's dreams are being crushed by his own hero, Katsuki is fighting for his life in the middle of town. He's struggling, but all he could do was look back at all the dozens of fearful eyes...
Right there. Right now. Look at him:
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He's terrified. He's humiliated and afraid and hurt and despite all of the heroes that were there, none of them had even attempted to save him.
And this is where it really starts. This is where it all begins. Next thing we know, Izuku's running straight for him... The boy Katsuki's bullied almost all of his life is risking his own in order to save him.
You know the story from there; All Might trains Izuku to withhold his power, they get accepted into UA, and then comes the Sports Festival.
Katsuki's already made up his mind: he's gonna win. He's willing to give everything he has to show the country what he's made of, and this may be his only chance to make up for the mishap several months ago. And Monoma, being a professional at making things worse by opening his mouth, rubs salt in the wound.
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It was pretty easy to predict Katsuki's reaction: pissed off and more than ready to prove him wrong. He does, but it cost him his "first place" during the Calvary Battle. But that's okay 'cuz it's not over yet!
Welcome to the next and last stage of the festival: The Battle Tournament, where all the kids get to beat the shit out of each other until only one remains.
Turns out, Katsuki does win. It was a foolproof plan: get Todoroki to go all out on him so he can make a final impression before the end of the day. But it was obvious that Shouto was still unsure of himself, so Katsuki did what he did best:
He had to piss him off.
But instead of getting angry and bursting into flames like he had planned, Shouto threw away the battle at the last second, and everything Katsuki had worked for with it.
No shit he's gonna be upset! He worked his ass off to get where he was, and the whole point was to leave himself a footprint! His entire life had been dedicated to that moment, and it faded away right in front of him.
Midnight put him to sleep and he woke up and threw a temper tantrum.
Now this is was UA did wrong:
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Why would you do that?! They were all aware of what happened to him only a few months ago, he obviously hasn't properly recovered from it, and they restrain him in front of thousands of people. They cover his mouth and gag him, lock his hands in a tiny metal box and expect him not to go insane. Helloooo?! Wake up! He's just a kid!
Several months go by and now it's time for camp. Katsuki is tired. They all are. It's been a long day of training and training and training, and suddenly villains come out of nowhere, and nobody is prepared. And who shows up? The League of Villains, and they're after certain students...
Tokoyami escapes safely, but Katsuki isn't so lucky.
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Just think about that for a second. When we see Shigaraki holding a picture of him, it's the one where UA tied him up. He knows what this child has gone through and he pities him. To be honest, I think the LoV treated him much better than anyone ever has (except maybe Kirishima). They're hesitant, but they treat him with kindness. They didn't just want him for his quirk. They saw what the heroes did to him and wanted to help him get the revenge he deserved.
But when All Might showed up (more like "burst through the wall like the Cool Aid man"), Katsuki is instantly teleported in the strangest way possible... and the most traumatizing.
He chokes out this weird slime-like substance that devours him within seconds. Thankfully it only last that long, but then again, the Sludge Incident, remember?
Yeah, bet that brings back some memories.
But what must have hurt him the most was All Might's downfall and early retirement. He said it himself:
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After several chapters, he finally burst. He's been holding all the pain inside of him until it bubbled over and he couldn't take it anymore. So he went to the only person he could- the person he hated and yet trusted the most.
Maybe the Class 1A concert helped him in a way. It seemed like it brought him down and maybe even relaxed him a little. And something incredible happens. Something we haven't seen from him at all until now...
(From here, I'll try to keep it short to avoid as many manga spoilers as I can. That and I'm tired...)
He began to change; started to support Izuku... in his own twisted way, of course. As chapters went by, he started to open up little by little. He admitted what he had done to Izuku in middle school to All Might, which had brought him some peace of mind. It wasn't quite the apology we had hoped for, but I guess it'll do.
And during the war, he made the greatest sacrifice, finally unlocking his quirk's full potential. Despite being unable to move, he used his quirk to throw himself in front of Izuku without thinking, taking a blow to his stomach. To his stomach.
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He was impaled.
Holy shit.
Last time someone had been impaled was Nighteye, and he died from his wounds.
But Katsuki somehow managed to survive... And woke up ready to beat Izuku's ass if he didn't wake up.
Anyway, that's all I have to say (so far). However, I'm excited for Season 5 of the anime series! Can't wait to see our new story animated! I mean, I've been watching the episodes as they come out, but still.
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