#55 days at peking
seduccionarte · 1 year
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Ava Gardner, en la película "55 días en Pekín" (55 days at Peking) en 1963, dirigida por Samuel Bronston
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colorhollywood · 3 months
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55 Day's at Peking (1955)
Title painting by Dong Kingman
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missholson · 8 months
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John Ireland being visited by John Ford on set of 55 Days at Peking (1963), 1963. Ford had previously directed Ireland's first Western movie My Darling Clementine (1946).
© Courtesy Everett Collection [X]
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lifes-commotion · 2 years
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Happy heavenly Birthday Ava Lavinia Gardner (24 December 1922 – 25 January 1990)! She starred in films like The Barefoot Contessa, Show Boat, The Snows of Kilimanjaro, The Killers, Bhowani Junction, The Night of the Iguana, Mogambo, and Knights of the Round Table. Ava was married to Mickey Rooney, Artie Shaw, and Frank Sinatra.
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pepperbag76 · 2 years
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“ Ava Gardner in a publicity still for 55 Days at Peking (1963) “
Source: @TheOldHollywood
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rwpohl · 7 days
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55 days at peking, nicholas ray, guy green, andrew marton 1963
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yosoycrawford · 7 months
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misternizz · 1 year
55 Days at Peking playtest
BLUF: a nice, simple tactical game of the siege of the Siege of the Legations in Peking, 1900. The most dramatic event of the Boxer Rebellion. 55 Days at Peking box As I mentioned in my post about Historicon 2023, one of my recent acquisitions is a purchase of 55 Days at Peking, from The Historical War Game Company, published by Blue Panther Games. Right up front, I’ll say I do love their…
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silver-screen-divas · 5 months
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Films from the next decade or so include The Hucksters (1947), Show Boat (1951), The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1952), Lone Star (1952), Mogambo, nominated for a Best Actress Academy Award (1953), The Barefoot Contessa (1954), Bhowani Junction (1956), The Sun Also Rises (1957) and On the Beach (1959). Off-camera, she could be witty and pithy, as in her assessment of director John Ford, who directed Mogambo ("The meanest man on earth. Thoroughly evil. Adored him!"). In The Barefoot Contessa, she played the role of doomed beauty Maria Vargas, a fiercely independent woman who goes from Spanish dancer to international movie star with the help of a Hollywood director played by Humphrey Bogart, with tragic consequences. Gardner's decision to accept the role was influenced by her own lifelong habit of going barefoot.  Gardner played the role of Guinevere in Knights of the Round Table (1953), with actor Robert Taylor as Sir Lancelot. Indicative of her sophistication, she portrayed a duchess, a baroness and other women of noble lineage in her films of the 1950s.
Gardner played the role of Soledad in The Angel Wore Red (1960) with Dirk Bogarde as the male lead. She was billed between Charlton Heston and David Niven for 55 Days at Peking (1963), which was set in China during the Boxer Rebellion in 1900. The following year, she played her last major leading role in the critically acclaimed The Night of the Iguana (1964), based upon a Tennessee Williams play, and starring Richard Burton as an atheist clergyman and Deborah Kerr as a gentle artist traveling with her aged poet grandfather. John Huston directed the movie in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, insisting on making the film in black-and-white – a decision he later regretted because of the vivid colors of the flora. Gardner received billing below Burton, but above Kerr. She was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama and BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role for her performance.
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citizenscreen · 2 years
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David Niven and Ava Gardner in a publicity portrait for Nicholas Ray’s 55 DAYS AT PEKING (1963).
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pulpsandcomics2 · 1 year
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55 Days at Peking September 1963
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cinema-tv-etc · 2 years
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Ava Gardner(1922-1990)
Ava Lavinia Gardner (24th December 1922 - 25th January 1990) was an American actress and singer. 
She was signed to a contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in 1941 and appeared mainly in small roles until she drew attention with her performance in The Killers (1946). She was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress for her work in Mogambo (1953), and also received BAFTA Award and Golden Globe Award nominations for other films. 
Gardner appeared in several high-profile films from the 1940s to 1970s, including The Hucksters (1947), Show Boat (1951), Pandora and the Flying Dutchman (1951), The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1952), The Barefoot Contessa (1954), Bhowani Junction (1956), On the Beach (1959), 55 Days at Peking (1963), Seven Days in May (1964), The Night of the Iguana (1964), The Bible: In the Beginning... (1966), The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (1972), Earthquake (1974), and The Cassandra Crossing (1976). 
Gardner continued to act regularly until 1986, four years before her death in London in 1990 at the age of 67.
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
The Meloni government appears to be not only nostalgic of fascism but also of the 55 days at Peking, hoping perhaps to achieve some "glory" as the imperialists before her. But times have changed, and now Italy is weak and China is strong
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🇮🇹 Dopo aver deciso di inviare Navi da Guerra in Oriente, verso il Mar Cinese Meridionale, e aver programmato l'invio della Portaerei Cavour, con un Cacciatorpediniere, una Fregata e una Nave da Rifornimento nel Pacifico, in funzione anti-Cinese, e aver dialogato - tramite il Ministro Adolfo Urso - con il regime-fantoccio di Taiwan per il rafforzamento dei rapporti commerciali, la "sovranista", la "patriota" è pronta a prendere posizioni sempre più aggressive e anti-Cinesi, interferendo pesantemente negli Affari Interni della Cina, e sciorinando distorsioni della realtà e falsità contro la Repubblica Popolare Cinese 🤮
😡L'ipocrisia del Governo Italiano, che invia Navi da Guerra contro la Cina, e calpesta il Principio dell'Unica Cina, ma poi «dichiara il suo sostegno alla Pace e alla Stabilità nello Stretto di Taiwan», non ha proprio fine 🤮
🤡 A rendere il tutto ancora peggiore, però, vi è la firma del Memorandum d'Intesa pro-regime-fantoccio tra Giorgia Meloni e Rishi Sunak, una delle figure più anti-Cinesi e pro-Colonialismo in assoluto, che in passato ha promesso di di sciogliere e bandire ogni "Istituto Confucio" in Gran Bretagna, bollandoli come "strumento di propaganda del Partito Comunista Cinese", dichiarando l'inizio di una guerra culturale ad un paese - la Cina - che ha oltre 5.000 anni di storia 🇨🇳
🤡 Giorgia Meloni e Sunak hanno «riaffermato la condivisa opposizione alle modifiche unilaterali allo status quo» nello Stretto, e dichiarato che Italia e Regno Unito continueranno a coordinarsi per «sostenere l'ordine internazionale basato sulle regole», ovvero - come spiegato dal Ministro Lavrov e dal Compagno Wang Wenbin - l'ordine egemonico a guida USA 🇺🇸
🇮🇹 Non contenta, però, la "patriota" ha deciso di interferire negli Affari Interni della Cina, sciorinando la ridicola e colonialista retorica anti-Cinese sulla Questione dello Xinjiang, del Tibet e di Hong Kong ❗️
🤹‍♂️ Ironico come, ad attaccare la Cina sulla Questione dello Xinjiang, non vi sia neanche un Paese Musulmano, ma solo Paesi Occidentali (i più islamofobi in assoluto) del "Collective West", che portano avanti una retorica menzognera che attinge a piene mani dal pericoloso concetto di Goebbels «Accusa l'altro di ciò di cui tu sei colpevole» ❗️
🤔 Per comprendere al meglio la Questione dello Xinjiang, del Tibet e di Hong Kong è necessario rifarsi a questi contenuti:
🌺 Master-Post sullo Xinjiang 🌃
🧾 Documenti da leggere: La CIA in Tibet, 1957 - 1969 🔥| Dalai Lama, figura schiavista 🤢 | Tibet dal 1951: Liberazione, Sviluppo e Prosperità 💕
🤔 Cosa intende l'Occidente quando parla di "disgregazione" della Russia e di Separatismo anti-Cinese mascherato da Democrazia? ⚔️
🇨🇳 Per Hong Kong e i tentativi di Rivoluzione Colorata degli USA, rifarsi a questi post del Collettivo Shaoshan: I, II, III, IV, V 🌺
🇮🇹 Giorgia Meloni è da sempre anti-Cinese, così come è legata a doppio filo agli Stati Uniti e alla NATO, qui sotto per approfondire:
🔺Provocazione guerrafondaia dell'Italia nei confronti della Cina | La Cavour ⚔️
🔺Giorgia Meloni, il suo "Taiwan First" e le posizioni anti-Cinesi ⚔️
🔺Giorgia Meloni: "Con me al Governo, l'Italia uscirà dalla Nuova Via della Seta" 🤦‍♀️
🔺Avventurismo anti-Cinese dell'Italia: Navi da Guerra verso la Cina ⚔️
🔺Gli USA chiedono all'Italia una rottura dei rapporti con la Cina nell'ambito della Nuova Via della Seta 🇺🇸
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇮🇹 After having decided to send Warships to the East, towards the South China Sea, and having planned to send the Cavour Aircraft Carrier, with a Destroyer, a Frigate and a Supply Ship to the Pacific, in an anti-Chinese function, and having dialogued - through Minister Adolfo Urso - with the puppet regime of Taiwan to strengthen trade relations, the "sovereign", the "patriotic" is ready to take ever more aggressive and anti-Chinese positions, heavily interfering in Internal Affairs of China, and spreading distortions of reality and falsehoods against the People's Republic of China 🤮
😡 The hypocrisy of the Italian Government, which sends Warships against China, and tramples on the One China Principle, but then "declares its support for Peace and Stability in the Taiwan Strait", has no end 🤮
🤡 To make it even worse, however, there is the signing of the pro-regime-puppet Memorandum between Giorgia Meloni and Rishi Sunak, one of the most anti-Chinese and pro-colonial figures ever, who in the past promised to disband and ban every "Confucius Institute" in Britain, branding them as a "propaganda tool of the Communist Party of China", declaring the start of a culture war on a country - China - which has over 5,000 years of history 🇨🇳
🤡 Giorgia Meloni and Sunak "reaffirmed their shared opposition to unilateral changes to the status quo" in the Strait, and declared that Italy and the United Kingdom will continue to coordinate to "uphold the rules-based international order", i.e. - as explained by Minister Lavrov and Comrade Wang Wenbin - the US-led hegemonic order 🇺🇸
🇮🇹Not happy, however, the "patriot" decided to interfere in China's internal affairs, pouring out the ridiculous and colonialist anti-Chinese rhetoric on the Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong issues ❗️
🤹‍♂️ Ironic how, to attack China on the Xinjiang issue, there is not even a Muslim country, but only Western countries (the most Islamophobic ever) of the "Collective West", which carry on a lying rhetoric that draws on full hands from the dangerous concept of Goebbels «Accuse the other of what you are guilty of» ❗️
🤔 To better understand the Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong issue, it is necessary to refer to the following contents:
🌺 Xinjiang Master-Post 🌃
🧾 Documents to read: The CIA in Tibet, 1957 - 1969 🔥 | Dalai Lama, slave figure 🤢 | Tibet since 1951: Liberation, Development and Prosperity 💕
🤔 What does the West mean when it talks about the "breakup" of Russia and anti-Chinese separatism masquerading as Democracy? ⚔️
🇨🇳 For Hong Kong and US Color Revolution attempts, refer to these posts from the Shaoshan Collective: I, II, III, IV, V 🌺
🇮🇹Giorgia Meloni has always been anti-Chinese, just as she is closely linked to the United States and NATO, read more below:
🔺 Italy's warmongering provocation against China | The Cavour ⚔️
🔺Giorgia Meloni, her "Taiwan First" and anti-Chinese positions ⚔️
🔺Giorgia Meloni: "With me in government, Italy will exit the New Silk Road" 🤦‍♀️
🔺Anti-Chinese Adventurism of Italy: Warships to China ⚔️
🔺The USA asks Italy to break relations with China in the context of the New Silk Road 🇺🇸
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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names-neriah · 16 days
very proud to have spent 55 days (about an hour or two) working on this in fl studio
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travischessie1990 · 5 months
I just remembered that my blog name is still a "55 days at Peking" reference.
Anyway, images for engagement.
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rwpohl · 1 month
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wuhan, deutsches konsulat und ketteler bogen
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