#5sos fanfction
findcalums · 5 years
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Shoutout to the old me.
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aesthetiqueash · 7 years
perfect storm.
i don’t want to spend a minute, day, or hour with another, you’re my favorite kind of lover, wouldn't have it any other way
your head fell against ashton’s shoulder, humming along to the melody softly playing from the radio. he hardly reacted to your change in position, taking one hand off of the steering wheel and placing it on your knee, but keeping his amber eyes focused solely on the open road in front of him. since you had cracked the windows in the back, his hair ruffled against your forehead, and you could notice the subtle honey scent from his shampoo.
where were you going? wherever the wind wanted, really, and that was the best part. for the longest time, you had been on a mapped trip with ashton, a new city every night, go go go. you loved him, he loved the tour, he loved you, you loved being with him while he did what he loved. but tour was over, and suddenly, all the time in the world belonged to the two of you. the past months had been so hectic, it felt strange just lounging around home, and both of you knew that ashton’s travel bug would never really go away.
and so you both packed a few duffel bags, loaded up the hatchback and set off chasing the sun. the farther you drove, the clearer your brains got. you stopped when you wanted, explored the small towns and city corners, and when it was time for bed, you’d google the nearest motel and buy a room for the night. who knew where you’d end up, or when you’d come back. didn’t matter where you were; anywhere with ashton was home.
“hey now, honey,” ashton murmured after your eyes had closed. his fingers started tapping against your thigh to draw your attention away from sleep. “if you wanna turn in, find me a motel. you know that when you fall asleep, i fall asleep. let’s go, phone out.”
reluctantly, you pulled yourself up and picked your phone up from the cupholder and groaned tiredly as you searched. luckily for you, the nearest bed and breakfast was only about five minutes away, and in what looked like a pretty cute town. you’d explore it in the morning, but for now… a bed to lay down in with the love of your life next to you was the only thing on your mind.
it was a mom and pop kind of place, with what was clearly a daughter manning the desk. she definitely recognized ashton, but must’ve realized that he’d still be there in the morning. she rang us up with a smile and handed over the key to the nice room with a park view even though you had paid for the cheapest one in the corner. she told us it was on the house, as was breakfast in the courtyard the next morning and 24 hour coffee in the lounge.
the army green duffel had pajamas and toothbrushes, so that was the only one you needed. while you sifted through it looking for a pair of adidas shorts and a tank, ashton unmade the bed and took a very fast shower, so fast you knew he hadn’t washed his hair. must be saving that for tomorrow morning.
“so babe,” he said, after emerging from the bathroom. “i think i’m gonna run and get some coffee, i got this melody in my head and i wanna get back before the rain starts. i’ve been hearing thunder.”
“ash, you hear thunder all the time and it never rains,” you grumbled, situating the pillows underneath your head. “it’s dry season, it’s been weeks.”
“my wrist hurts,” he replied simply, pulling a new shirt over his head. “it twinges when there’s humidity, and it’s really been killing me.”
you bit your tongue instead of reminding him he was just in a steamy shower, and instead blew him a kiss as he jogged out the door. no matter how stubborn he was, god, you loved him, he made you smile. you were smiling, settling your back into the little dip in the bed. before you knew it, your eyes were falling closed, your fingers were curling up around the corner of the pillow, and you were out.
when ashton came back in, he swung the door open with the news on his lips that not only was coffee 24/7, but muffins were too. however, once his eyes fell onto your face, eyes closed, mouth only slightly ajar, he swallowed the news, rolling his eyes instead. he leaves you alone for a few minutes and you go ahead and fall asleep on him. it’s a good thing he loves you, he thought to himself, chuckling.
he bit into his muffin, sitting down in the chair in the corner of the room and pulling his laptop up. he quick jotted down the notes so far, and focused mostly on brainstorming matching chords. he put on his headphones, really getting lost in the music, when suddenly, in his peripheral vision, he saw you shoot up, looking around confusedly.
“love, what’s happening?” he asked, pulling one side of his headphones away from his ear.
“you didn’t hear that?” you asked groggily.
“massive thunderclap,” you answered. “guess your wrist was right, mr. weatherman.” he could literally hear the smile in your voice as you laid back down, which made him shut his laptop, set it on his bedside table, and climb in next to you. instinctually, your arm wound itself over his abdomen, and his arm wrapped up around your shoulders. he pulled you nice and close, planting a kiss on your temple before nestling his head into the pillow.
as he drifted off, all he could think of was that the two of you were really the perfect storm. he wouldn’t change it for the anything. he never thought he could take home all around the world, but now it was all he knew.
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edlikescoldcoffee · 7 years
“You need sleep.”
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Just felt like writing so here it is.
After partying all night and then playing a show, Ashton had been up for without sleep for a long time and you could see it on his face. 
As the boys were all about to go on stage you and the crew were all wishing them luck before they walked up the stairs . Since Ashton was the first to go out, he was the first to come up to you. He had big bags under his eyes and he seemed a bit off from his usual self. Ashton came up to embrace you into a hug. You began to talk into his ear.
“You look tired Ash, you going to be ok?” You asked him.
“No I’m good. I promise.” He responded back into your ear. He pulled away, gave you a kiss on the forehead, and got on stage.
During the whole show you watched from the side. The on stage adrenaline seemed to be the only thing keeping him going up there. Every time you looked up at the screen you could see how visibly tired he was. Although he didn’t act like it, you could tell that your boyfriend was extremely exhausted. 
Once the show was over all the guys came running off stage. Once Ashton came down the stairs he immediately found you and threw his arm around your shoulder pulling you closer to him. He was really sweaty but you didn’t mind too much.
“Great show Ash.” You mentioned looking up at him.
“The crowd was-” He said before a yawn over took his words.
“Amazing.” He said.
“Ashton, when was the last time you really went to sleep, you look drained out.” You mentioned in a concerned tone.
“I don’t know, over a day ago, I think.” He replied, opening the door for you to their backstage dressing room. 
“Ashton.” You said sternly.
“What?” He questioned, plopping down onto the couch. The other boys began to trickle through the door to gather their stuff to take back to the tour bus.
“We’ll continue this conversation later, get your stuff together.” You said grabbing his camera off the table.
After getting onto the bus and taking a quick shower in the venue locker room, everyone was back in the tour bus getting ready to go to sleep. You all were hanging out in the back playing some video games and just chatting. You were sitting on the couch with Ashton, the both of you snuggled up together. Ashton was watching videos on his phone while you were watching the boys play FIFA.
“SHIT!” Calum yelled which caused Ashton to jump.
“Were you sleeping?” You laughed looking up at Ashton.
“No.” He replied, tightly blinking his eyes.
“Suuree you weren’t.” You said going back to watching the boys playing.
After a few minutes you noticed Ashton was beginning to nod off to sleep, his head was beginning to tilt back. His head then jerked back causing him to jump out of his slumber. You giggled to yourself while Ashton was blankly staring at you.
“You awake sweetie?” You asked him, bringing your hand to his cheek, You were rubbing circles on his scruffy cheek with your thumb. The soothing gesture was beginning to put Ashton to sleep again, his eyes getting heavy.
“What?” He asked in a daze.
“You need sleep.” You said to him. 
“No….I…”He muttered.
“C’mon babe.”You stood up, took his phone out of his hand and set it on the table. Then you grabbed his hand and tried to pull him so he would stand up. Ashton stood up as you held onto his hand and guided him to his bunk.
“Say goodnight Ash.” 
“Night guys.” Ashton muttered to the boys, his eyes half opened.
“See yah buddy.” Replied Michael.
“Night.” Said Calum.
“See you tomorrow. “ Responded Luke.
Ashton lifted his free arm up and waved as he left the room.
“Here we are, your bunk.” 
Ashton pulled him self up into his bunk. Then he scooted in and got under the covers, leaving a space for you to lay with him.
“Come….come lay with me.” He mumbled, his eyes closed.
You hopped in and snuggled into Ashton.
“Love you (Y/N)” Ashton whispered. 
You turned your head to kiss him on his jawline. Seconds later you could hear small snores coming from his mouth.
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dewika · 7 years
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Fact about Ashton, he's really awsome, really ..
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lovejoshua · 7 years
dark red // lrh
based off dark red by steve lacy
Something bad is ‘bout to happen to me
I don’t know what, but I feel it coming
Might be so sad, might leave my nose running
I just hope she don’t want to leave me
“What do you mean you can’t go?”
“I’m sorry Luke but two of my professors moved their finals to next week and they’re worth more than 40% of my grade.” She replied. It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve seen Y/N and she was planning on coming to Moscow for a week so we can spend time with each other. We don’t have much time to hang out since I’m usually touring or in California and she’s attending college in Florida.
“Babe, you promised you could come.”
“I know but this is out of my control. I can’t even take it earlier because they don’t print the exams until the day before.”
“Are you just saying this because we got into an argument a couple days ago and you don’t want to see me? Because if it is-”
“Luke, don’t be silly, you know I would never miss an opportunity to see you even if we’re not on good terms.”
“Yeah but- “
“Listen darling, I have to study. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Bye.”
Before I could even say anything, she hung up on me. I sighed and threw my phone to the other couch. My relationship with Y/N has been somewhat of a roller coaster once tour started. What’s worse is we find it difficult to communicate because of the time zones. I’ve tried my best to talk to her when it’s noon where she is but she gets so overworked sometimes that she dodges my calls. I’ve heard stories from other bands where their relationships would always end because of touring and I never wanted that to be me and Y/N. I am genuinely in love with her and to lose her would tear me apart. I just hope that she still feels the same way and wants to stay with me together.
What if she’s fine
It’s my mind that’s wrong
And I just let bad thoughts
Linger for far too long
It’s been four days since I’ve last talked to Y/N. I know that school can be a pain so I tried not to bother her and sent her messages from time to time just telling her that I hope she was doing good and wish her luck on her exams. Usually I would calm her down and help her study but it’s not that easy to when we’re thousands of miles away.
I still have a feeling that she might leave me. I know that dating someone who you barely see is hard and I wouldn’t blame her if she wanted to end ties with me. What hurts is if that happens, then 3 years of dating would go down the drain. Y/N is my first love and I just can’t imagine a future with anyone else. She treats me so well and she gets along with my friends and family. Shit, even my mom calls me asking if she can talk to her instead of me. I don’t want her to give up on us and everything that we’ve built just because we can’t always be there for each other. I want her to have faith in us.
“Luke?” Ashton said.
I shook my head and looked at Ashton. I didn’t even know he was talking to me.
“Dude, you need to stop overthinking.”
“What do you mean?”
“Whenever you get into an argument with Y/N, you always think that she might leave you.” He answered. I can’t even defend myself because he’s right. “Let me ask you this, don’t you think Y/N would have left you earlier if she didn’t love you and wasn’t okay with what you do?”
I started to think about it and Ashton was right. Maybe I still have a big place in Y/N’s heart. Maybe she still loves me even after everything that we’ve been through. Maybe it’s just my bad thoughts that are making me think she’s going to leave when in reality, she would stay with me through anything. This made me feel so much better and it made me want to message Y/N just one last time.
To: My Love
Hey! Just wanted to tell you that I love you and that I appreciate you staying with me forever. I know that you deserve someone who can always be there for you and yet I am so grateful that you chose me. No matter where I am or what time it is, you are always on my mind. Good luck on those exams, I know you’ll do amazing.
Don’t you give me up
Please don’t give up on me
I belong, with you, only you, baby
Only you, my girl, only you, babe
Only you, darling
“Alright, thank you Santiago! You guys did amazing and we can’t wait to come back! Buenas noche everyone!!”
Another day, another show finished. The boys and I have been doing this for 3 years and it still doesn’t tire us. Every show and every city is a unique experience. I couldn’t stop thinking about Y/N. I wonder what she’s doing right now and if she’s thinking of me. I was walking back to our tour bus until I felt something tap my shoulder.
“Hey, you did really great today.”
I turned around to check if I wasn’t dreaming and I sure wasn’t. There she was, standing right next to me and flashing a huge smile. I picked her up and spun her around. “You actually came.”
“Yeah, well I decided to check up on my boyfriend since I’m done with finals. Ashton also kind of convinced me to come.”
“I’m sorry about our recent arguments. I just feel like we belong together and I would never want to kiss anyone but you.”
She chuckled. “I would hope so. Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere without you nor will I ever give up on us.” She replied before kissing me.
I feel eh about this but it’s whatever. Check out oh, calamity// afi or see you again// cth if you want to read more of my imagines. If you want me to add gender neutral pronouns to this imagine or if you want to request for a personal one, just go to my ask and I will do it as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!
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hopelessash · 7 years
Roots Part 2
Band Member: Calum
Type: Soulmate AU
Description: When your father walked out with his soulmate, you realised that soulmates were nothing but ugly things that ruined your life. You couldn't understand how people dedicated their lives to finding “the one when there were dreams to be chased. But then you meet him and maybe a soulmate wouldn’t be too awful after all.
Author's Note: No, you are not hallucinating, I am finally finishing off this story. I am so sorry this took so long. I hope you accept about 4,000 words as an apology.
Please read Part One first!
“Calum?” your assistant repeated with a frown. “What does he have to do with this? It’s a disaster of epic proportions, the business… I need to call PR and decide how we handle this. They’re saying how irresponsible you are, God, this is a catastrophe.”
You looked over at her and sighed loudly in place of the words you did not have.
You could hardly deny that the whole situation was a mess and all of it happening just because you trusted a guy who said he loved you. If only you’d stuck to being your old cynical self who didn’t fall for the whole soulmate bullshit, you wouldn’t have just wrecked your quiet life.
Resting your head in your hands, you groaned purely out of frustration.
“What do you need me to do? Get the team to deny everything?” Christina asked frantically as she flicked through the stack of papers on your desk. “We could claim it’s a rumour from a disgruntled employee? Should I call your father? He’s handled this before, maybe he—”
“There’s no point denying it, Christina, they have pictures,” you pointed out.
She looked back at you hopelessly, resting her hands on the scattered papers. You felt bad for the woman. After all, if you were going down, she was going with you in her mind at least. You rolled your chair over to the old cherry oak liquor cabinet your father had left behind. You pulled out a bottle from the back. You read the label and moved back over to the desk with it.
“You can’t be serious,” Christina said coldly when she saw the bottle.
“Why not?” you asked her with a sarcastic frown. “Champagne’s for celebrating, I’d have a martini but we don’t seem to have any olives.”
“The company is hanging in the balance and you want to toast to that?” she said slowly like you might have lost your mind.
You laughed as you placed the vintage champagne down. It was about the same age as you which suddenly made it sweeter when you realised your dad probably intended to drink it when you took over the company voluntarily and now you were drinking it to celebrate sinking your own career.
“It’s not going to ruin us, Christina. The company will still be fine, Dad has enough money to keep this place floating through an apocalypse. The only thing that will be ruined is me.”
“Then why is that something to celebrate?” she questioned, her eyes were wild with confusion. “You’ll be forced out of the business!”
“Maybe it’s for the best,” you said with a defeated shrug. “This isn’t what I want to do for the rest of my life. I guess I’ll have to hire a new CEO and retire to my chalet in Spain or somewhere. Honestly, Christina, I’m going to be fine and so is everything else.”
Christina rubbed her temples like you were the physical embodiment of a headache. Perhaps you were. But what could you do about the whole situation now? Your dad couldn’t swoop in and save you this time – even if you could get hold of him. He was always busy with Hanna, renewing his commitment to her or something. Your mother wouldn’t be much help either, some days she didn’t leave her bed for marvelling at her soulmate. Soulmates rendered you useless or they just destroyed you, which brought you back to Calum.
How could you have been so stupid? After a few drinks, you were convinced it wasn’t such a bad idea. Maybe Calum could be different to the soulmates you had known. Maybe you wouldn’t lose your sense of identity if you let yourself love him. Maybe you wouldn’t repeat your father’s mistakes. But you’d let yourself trust the wrong boy. Calum wasn’t some meaningless guy you’d met in the dark of the night, he was your soulmate and that’s what made the sting even worse. He had sold the story that had made you the way you were and that hurt you the most.
You weren’t angry and that’s what surprised you the most as you drove home later that night when you had sobered up. Christina had cancelled your meetings and PR had put out a statement that you were shocked about the allegations and needed time to process them with your father. Your media team had come up with the last part, apparently it showed Jet Studios as a united front with an excellent support system. You wanted to laugh when Christina read it to you, how could your father support you from overseas when he didn’t even bother to call on your birthday anymore?
Your stomach dropped when you saw Calum’s car in the driveway. You’d hoped he’d be long gone so you didn’t have to deal with the fallout of the nuclear bomb that had wrecked your day. But here you were, scared to walk into your own damn house like you were when you were a kid again. You hated arguments, they made you feel eight-years-old again when your parents screamed at each other because they were miserable together.
You shook your head to get rid of the memories that kept you awake at night, you weren’t strong enough tonight. You weren’t convinced you’d ever be strong enough but you knew you had to confront him, even if it was just so you could crawl into bed and stare at the ceiling hopelessly.
As you left the car and walked to your front door, you were trying to work out what the hell you were going to say to the soulmate you hardly knew.
“Just get it over with,” you muttered yourself as you turned the key in the lock.
Calum was waiting by the door, pacing nervously before he realised you were staring at him. His hair was damp and he’d changed his clothes, replacing his t-shirt with a crisp, white dinner shirt.
“Are you okay? I saw the news,” he said quickly. “I thought I’d take you out for dinner but then the news broke and I just – I don’t know what to say.”
He moved towards you like he was going to try to comfort you but you took a step back, putting your hands up defensively. He froze then frowned at you before the confusion flooded his face when he saw the anger and sadness reflecting in your bloodshot eyes.
“How about sorry?” you snapped. “That’s where I’d start if I had fucked up on this kind of scale. You’ve ruined my life, Calum. What the fuck did I do to you to deserve that? This is why the soulmate bullshit ruins lives, Cal.”
The hurt look spread across his face like a drop of ink in water, it spread out and blurred all his features as he tried to understand what you were thinking. Finally, it hit him. His forehead creased in anguish, in upset, at the idea he could have done this to you.
“No,” he said fiercely. “No, I wouldn’t do that to you! I’m not the monster who you seem to think I am, your soulmate doesn’t have to be your worst enemy.”
You laughed, but it wasn’t how you’d laughed last night – there wasn’t any humour in it. “You’re the only person that I’ve ever told apart from my family, Calum. It’s just a fucking coincidence that the day after I tell you, it’s all over the news.”
“I swear to you—” he started but you had very little strength left.
“I trusted you, Calum, it might have been the stupidest thing I’ve ever done because look where trusting my soulmate got me, hm? Just get out, I can’t deal with this right now,” you remarked, exhaling slowly.
He moved forward again as if he was going to argue with you over your conclusion.
“Please, Calum. Just go.”
Then what hurt you most was watching him nod silently and walk out of your life for good, knowing that was the only shot at love you had and it was just as bitter as you expected.
“So why are you really here, pumpkin?” your father asked, a cocktail in his hand as he stared out to sea before his eyes found Hanna who was paddling in the shallows. “I love the fact you’re finally here but you’ve never visited us before. Is this because of the studios? Honey, I’m trying everything I can to find out who did that to you. I will find out who sold the story.”
You glanced over at him, he looked happier than he ever had done with your mother. His eyes lit up with hope and life when he saw his soulmate, it almost brought tears to your eyes at how pure his love was for Hanna. Yet you still shivered when her eyes surveyed you from the chill of her stare, her eyes didn’t smile like her cherry red lips when she saw you.
“I found my soulmate,” you said as you fixed your gaze on the waves.
Your father turned to face you, his hands clasped together and you could see his grin out of the corner of your eye. “That’s wonderful! Is that why you’re here? Have you brought them to meet us? This is such a special thing, I’m—”
“He was the one who sold me out,” you added with a pinched voice. “He was the one who broke the story.”
“How can you be so sure, sweetheart?” your father questioned. “Soulmates are rarely so… malicious.”
You shot him a side glance to see if he was being serious. His own soulmate had systematically cut him off from his only child just so she didn’t have to acknowledge the “mistakes” he’d made in the life he had before her.
“Where is he now?”
You shrugged, staring down at your feet. The last you’d heard from Calum was he’d left the keys he’d borrowed with Christina and that he understood you needed some time to realise it wasn’t him, that was two months ago.
“Have you tried talking to him? He might have made a mistake or somebody who helped cover it up finally decided it was worth the pay-out to sell the story.” He sat forward and took one of your hands gently in his. “You can’t run away from fate because you’re scared you’ll turn the relationship into what your mother and I had. We weren’t soulmates, we were doomed from the start but soulmates are designed to succeed. Your mother and I are happy with our soulmates now, we have found where we belong.”
He smiled at you weakly. “I know it seems like the end of the world now but you’ll figure it out. If he was honestly responsible for selling such a personal story, I don’t know if I’d want him in my life but that’s not my decision. You’re a bright kid, that’s why I left the company to you. You’ll work it out.”
“No, you left the company to me because Hanna wanted your undivided attention,” you muttered, pulling your hand away from him.
“I’m trying to be supportive, you could at least try to like her,” your father replied brusquely.
You rolled your eyes as you sank back into your chair, you’d only escaped here because it was the last place anybody would consider finding you when they knew your dislike of Hanna. You didn’t need your mother’s endless questioning or Christina’s never-ending attempts at calling you.
From somewhere in the villa, a phone rang and your father didn’t bother excuse himself from the bitter atmosphere. You watched him walk into the house before turning back to see Hanna stood at the end of your sun lounger. She walked over and sat down where your father had been moments ago.
She gave you the cold stare but didn’t bother with the smile. Her hair was scraped up into a bun and her sunglasses perched on the top of her head.
“You know, if I’d have known this breakdown finding its way into the news would drive you come here, I wouldn’t have bothered,” she said with a sigh as she glanced towards the house.
“What?” you said in disbelief, wondering if Hanna had just confessed or if you’d been sat outside in the sun for too long.
Hanna tilted her head and smiled slyly. “You heard me, I was the one who gave the press a little tip off. Your father was considering moving back because you had taken the pressure from Jet studios for him so he could do the fun side of music. So, I needed to give him a reason to stay as far away from that company as possible. If he saw the company in ruins, especially because of you, I’d finally get a clean break and have his undivided attention again.”
Your jaw dropped as your mind whirled with how badly you’d fucked up your future with your soulmate, all because of this spiteful bitch.
“I guess you were just collateral damage,” she said with a small shrug. “Though I can’t say I regret it, at least not until you showed up here and your father hasn’t shut up about how well you’re handling it all.”
You swallowed hard and looked at her. “What’s stopping me from telling him?”
She laughed darkly. “As if he’d believe you over his soulmate. You’d just sound crazy.”
It took everything you had not to get up and slap her but you bit your lip and stood up which took more planning than usual. You turned to walk towards the house to pack your bags, to get the hell out of here and go somewhere that didn’t remind you of this mess.
But your father was stood behind the loungers, his mouth open slightly in shock. You wanted to feel something, maybe sympathy for his discovery, but right now, you struggled to feel anything at all.
London had always felt like home to you. You could be anybody here. It was the anonymity you’d longed for during your teenage years, an escape from being the heiress of Jet Studios. Here, the possibilities were endless and you took every single chance to be somebody else. You liked pretending, you didn’t have to carry the memories around like a ball and chain if you were a new person for a few hours. Even your brief time as Calum Hood’s soulmate faded into the background when you weren’t yourself until missing him disappeared for a while. You’d researched why you ached for somebody you hardly knew and found that was a side effect of finding your soulmate – it was hard to leave them for prolonged periods of time. It only ached more now it had been a year and it was still hard to remember the night that you’d felt like you truly belonged. You hated yourself for not believing him.
You glanced around the hotel bar as the various guests began to appear in their finery for the evening, you bit your lip and looked back down at your cocktail. You took a little satisfaction in it being a place that Calum would have hated – he’d told you how pretentious people dripping in diamonds, each of them as dishonest as the next got under his skin. He would have been begging you to leave if you remembered him correctly, the thought brought a small smirk to your lips. But Calum was probably oceans away with his band, somewhere new and not giving you a second thought. You wanted to forget him, at least that’s what you told yourself in order to justify a part of you still loving him when you had been the one who had told him to leave. You had been the one who had ignored his calls and texts out of the shame that you hadn’t believed him, you only listened to his voicemails when he filled it and you were forced to hear the opening words of his calls, begging for you to believe him and you couldn’t find the words to apologise. Then one day he stopped and you thought you’d be grateful until you found yourself missing his voice and aching to tell him you were wrong about him.
“Fuck, is it really you?”
You froze into place. Your fingers were wrapped tightly around your glass as you questioned if you had started to go crazy. It couldn’t be him; your mind was just playing tricks on you in your lonely state. But still you turned to the source of the voice and stared at it for a moment.
“You had me thinking I’d got the wrong person for a second there,” Calum laughed, his eyes were focused on just you. “I never thought I’d see you again.”
It took you a moment to recover from the initial surprise. He still looked as good as the final time you had laid eyes on him, the night after the story broke and he tried to convince you it wasn’t him who had sold you out. Tonight, he was all dressed up and you wanted to laugh at your previous notions that he wouldn’t be here. It was like the world was trying to throw everything you knew about your soulmate into the wind to remind you that he was no longer your Calum and he was never really yours anyway.
“Calum Hood,” you said, trying to make it sound more like a statement than a reflection of your shock. “And at a cocktail party too, I guess we’re both seeing things we never thought would happen.”
He laughed, sitting next to you on the bar stool. “I thought I’d find you in a city one day, but I always imagined it years into the future when we were both in too much pain to be apart any more. I always wanted you to be happy though, even without me.”
“And are you happy, Calum?” you asked boldly, longing for his answer to be yes.
Calum nodded weakly. “Maybe.”
The bartender took his order, pouring him some cherry red cocktail that reminded you of how his bandmate’s hair had looked once during their recording sessions just after you’d stepped down as CEO and had given one of your father’s trusted friend’s the position instead.
“Why only maybe? You should be happy, Calum.”
He raised his eyebrows at you before he accepted his drink, telling the bartender to add it to a room tab. He looked back at you as if the interruption or your remark had never happened, his smile was still as addictive as it was when he charmed you before.
You gripped onto your glass and stared at the ice at the bottom before you spoke. “Sometimes I wish we hadn’t have met, you know? It might have been easier that way, I wouldn’t have to sit and wonder what it would have been like if I could have carried on without missing you.”
Calum turned to face you, you wanted to kick yourself for admitting it but the alcohol made your mouth reveal thoughts you never wanted to tell anybody, never mind Calum. You glanced up and tried to ignore the hurt look in his eyes.
“I sometimes feel the same,” he confessed. “But I wonder if it would have been easier without you kicking me out when it wasn’t me. I wish I could take credit for you being in a better place but I can’t, I didn’t sell the story.”
You stared at the bottom of your glass as you willed yourself to say everything you’d never found the words to say. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath.
“I know.”
There was a moment of silence that fell between you as Calum looked at you with disbelief painted across his face. He sat up, straightening his back from leaning on the bar. His forehead creased as he processed the news.
When he still hadn’t spoken, you panicked and started throwing everything you knew at him a year after he should have found out.
“It was my stepmother if I can still call her that since my dad has left her to take some time away from her to reconnect with who he is or whatever you do on those overpriced retreats in the middle of nowhere,” you rambled, afraid of looking at his expression.
“How long have you known?” he asked with an indifferent expression.
You picked up your room key card and began to fiddle with it. “A couple of months after the news broke, I escaped to my dad’s villa until Hanna told me. I know I should have called but how the hell do you recover from accusing your soulmate of ruining your life less than twenty-four hours after meeting them?”
He drained the last of his drink before speaking. “You should have just called.”
“I know, Cal, I know I’ve fucked up. I ran for cover at the first chance I had so I could protect myself from being hurt but all I did was hurt us both. Look, I can’t blame you if you never want to see me again but I just want to say I’m so sorry for being broken. Sorry I couldn’t be the matching trees-on-wrist soulmate you could show off to the world. Someone will love you, Cal, and I know that won’t be me, not after I’ve fucked up so badly.”
You pushed your glass away from you as you slipped off the stool. You brushed your dress down and smiled weakly at Calum before you picked up your key card and clutch. Your eyes burned with the tears as you turned and began to walk out of the bar with your head bent towards the floor so no pretty woman dripping in jewellery tried to speak to you.
But his hand caught your scarred wrist.
“Please don’t leave,” he said quietly.
You turned to face him but never looked him in the eye. He slipped his hand down your wrist and gently held your hand in his own.
“I don’t want a cookie-cutter soulmate and I don’t want to let you walk away so I can live a half-life with somebody who isn’t you. You’re not perfect and neither am I. But you can’t walk away without at least giving me a chance to tell you how I feel.”
Your eyes flickered to his face and he smiled at you.
“I want to start over,” he said boldly. “Forget everything that happened the first time we met, tonight can be the first time we’ve ever met.”
You tilted your head and frowned at him but it quickly fell away for a smile to dawn across your face.
“I guess tonight is the first time we’ve met in a way, it’s the first time we’ve met this version of each other,” you pointed out. “Are you sure about this, Cal?”
Calum brought your wrist to his lips and pressed a kiss against the broken soulmate mark.
“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.”
He guided you back to the seats at the bar but he never let go of your hand, he looked at you like you were the one who had hung the stars in the night sky.
Calum caught the bartender’s attention and asked for a bottle of champagne.
The bartender came back over with a grin. “Are we celebrating something?”
“Yes,” Calum said as he looked at you with a sparkle in his eye. “I’ve met my soulmate and she’s amazing.”
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Finally updated!!
@ I’m sure I forgot something buts it’s much better ☺️
updated 05/30/22
One Shots
Harry Styles
Mafia Harry x Virgin y/n smut part1 part2
Part3 part4 extras
Something Wicked Comes this Way
Finally found you part1 part 2 part3 part4
After Work
That Boy
The Last Option Part 1 | Part 2
A Dark Love Teaser | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4  A DARK LOVE EXTRA PT1
Mated to Twin Alphas Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Twitter Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Babygirl Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 2.5
Open Door Policy  Part 1  Part 2
The Last Option  Part 1  Part 2
Waste The Night Part 1 | Part 2 I part 3 part 4
Luke Hemings
Yoongi part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
Finally 18
Do I ever cross your mind
Jungkook and jimin x reader
Own it pt2
Works I’m not sure about …….
I’ve been here all along
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babylon-irwin · 7 years
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when am i not michael
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bellaxdean-blog · 7 years
have i mentioned today how lucky i am to be in love with you?
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calsgirll · 4 years
Paris - Ashton Irwin
Ashton Irwin X Reader
word count: 1711
authors note: this is based around the song Paris by the chainsmokers! I heard the song for this first time in a while and this immediately hit me so here it is!❤️
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  We were staying in Paris To get away from your parents
It had been a rough year for you and Ashton, with him on tour and you still living at home with your parents. You felt like he’d had no time for you since he started touring with the guys. Due to your past relationships your brain didn’t settle thinking of all the things he could be doing and you wouldn’t even know. One morning you woke up to the sound of your phone going crazy with text messages from the whole band telling you to open your front door. As you padded downstairs at 3am you tried to keep it quiet knowing your parents where probably asleep, you unlatched the door and peeked out not knowing what it would be and being very wary but you looked down and all you saw was a heart shaped foil balloon with a note and rose attached. You picked it up reading the note which said
‘pack your bags and be ready for 6 am. We’re going somewhere special’- Ash
you smiled rubbing your thumb over the small sticker of the Eiffel tower in the corner of the note.
And I thought, "Wow If I could take this in a shot right now I don't think that we could work this out"
“fuck you ash” you scream at him throwing a mug at the wall in anger “are you serious right now y/n, you really believe a few shitty rumours you saw on twitter?” Ashton asks trying to keep calm while you stand in front of him with puffy eyes and damp cheeks “the paparazzi has photos of you leaving a club with her what am I supposed to think” you say trying to collect yourself “do you trust me at all? Because I’m starting to get the hint that you don’t. you knew what you were getting into when we started dating” he snaps back at you now visibly angry at the fact you’re questioning his fidelity. You grab his hand as he tries to walk out “Ash im sorry, it just gets a lot knowing your out there being an amazing drummer with millions of girls throwing themselves at you” you squeak trying to hold in the tears that are threatening to fall any second, he looks at you with a sympathetic smile and sighs “I know its hard not being together all the time but please stay strong because you know I love you” he pulls you into his large frame.
It felt like that was yesterday, the first real fight you’d both had with each other. It was almost as if it was like a polaroid that was constantly hung up in your head. You where so grateful for him and the fact he stayed with you and allowed you both to get to this point.
Out on the terrace I don't know if it's fair but I thought "How Could I let you fall by yourself While I'm wasted with someone else"
Ashton glanced around at the Paris skyline as you both sat on the balcony. The glimmering Eiffel tower caught his eye, a thought popped into his head as he stifled a giggle you looked at him confused as to what he was so amused about “are you a tower? because Eiffel for you” he says with a smug smirk on his face like he’d came up with the line. You smile at him knowing how much of a idiot he was, you were both glad you had this time together, it felt like you were in a relationship with a ghost as he was almost never home and you were waiting around for someone who was out there with a load of other people probably not even having a second thought about you but he was extremely quick to reassure you that wasn’t the case and if it was as much as it would hurt you both he would break it off knowing that it wouldn’t be fair to you.
If we go down then we go down together They'll say you could do anything They'll say that I was clever
You sipped your latte as you sat on a small metal table in front of a small café. Ashton’s scrolling through his phone while you admire the city around you “what are we gonna do today?” you ask Ash like he’s your personal tour guide since he’s been here before. “whatever you want to do, anything you can think of we’ll do it” he says looking up from his phone and squinting when the harsh sunlight hits his hazel eyes. His eyes where like honey in the sun, he always claimed he hated the colour of his eyes whereas you believed they were the most amazing things you’d ever seen “you know I’m bad at making decisions Irwin” you smirk at him “we could go to the Louvre?” he looks up at you once again, you hum in response as you take another sip of your latte “even though they don’t have the best masterpiece, you” he snickered you kicked his shin under the table “youre so lame you know” you state he nods his head gazing back down at his phone.
You look so proud Standing there with a frown and a cigarette Posting pictures of yourself on the internet
You snapped a shot of Ashton next to the Eiffel tower he looked amazing as always he stays stood in the same spot for a while just staring at you, cigarette between your fingers fumbling with your phone he presumed you were adding filters etc. to the picture you just took he strolled over to you resting his chin on your shoulder watching your phone as you tap away at different things trying to make the picture match the theme of your Instagram. As you add the finishing touches to the photo you switch to Instagram before stamping out your cigarette and post it with a rose emoji as the caption and tagging him in it. He turns his head placing a kiss on your cheek “I love you so much” he states, you turn around facing him putting your hand inside his leather jacket wrapping them tightly around his waist “I love you too Ash, thank you” you say breathing in his citrusy cologne “thank you for what?” he asks with a confused look on his face “just being you and sticking with me through all my crazy meltdowns, there’s no one else id rather be with here than you” you say, you feel him kiss the top of your head as he holds you even tighter.
Out on the terrace We breathe in the air of this small town On our own cuttin' class for the thrill of it
Getting drunk on the past we were livin' in
You and Ashton found yourselves back out on the balcony in only your robes in a comfortable silence, tipsy and tired. Your mind began to wonder to where it all started.
“no you didn’t even get close to the bullseye, take a shot” you laugh as you watch him swallow down another shot after missing a dart yet again “I’m starting to think you’re cheating” he mutters “how can you even cheat in darts? You’re just a sore loser who’s to drunk to know I’m the best darts player ever” you giggle slightly slurring your words. It was nearly 2 am and all your friends had left after a drunken night of embarrassing ourselves which left you in a bar on your own with the one and only Ashton Irwin who you recognised from that one underwear song a few years back. He was quick to correct you that it was called she looks so perfect and was also quick to tell you he had changed a lot since then. You both started talking also noticing how his friends also left one bye one “and then there where two” he giggles “I guess so what are the plans then” you ask him sipping the tiny straws that are floating in your mojito glass “back to my hotel to watch some shitty lifetime movie?” he ask studying your face to see your reaction by the way it lit up he knew that you were in “watching shitty lifetime movies is actually my favourite past time” you say grabbing your bag and drinking the last of your cocktail.
You thought it was strange how that one night you spent with him ended up becoming such an amazing relationship. Youre glad it happened so naturally because online dating wasn’t your thing it felt kinda forced. The story was definitely one to tell the grandchildren you though smiling looking down at the empty beer bottle in your hand.
We'll get away with everything Let's show them we are better
It was your last night in Paris and you and Ashton decided to go on a walk around the beautiful city, it was almost 9pm and the sky was sparkling almost as much as the Eiffel tower in front of you “shall we go up?” Ashton asks quietly “Ash you know I’m afraid of heights” you whined wondering why your boyfriend would ask such a dumb question after knowing you for so long “come on please it’ll be worth it I promise” he pleads and after around 10 minutes of bargaining you find yourself half way up the tower waiting to get to the top. Your tight grip on Ashtons hand not releasing in fear you may just drop and fall without his strong arm holding you. You make it to the top and see the twinkling city which makes you forget how high up you are because of its beauty. You speed walk to railing wanting to get a closer look not noticing Ashton wasn’t by your side anymore “Ash have you seen how beautiful this is?” you ask expecting him to come to your side but he didn’t “ashton?” you say turning around to find him down on one knee with the biggest smile on his face ever. Your hands instantly fly to cover your mouth which was agape in shock. “y/n will you marry me?”
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findcalums · 5 years
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Bringing this back for Old Me
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edlikescoldcoffee · 7 years
“You came to my room at 4am...to cuddle?”
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Just felt like writing something cute so this might be a lil short
Hearing a loud bang of thunder, you jolted awake. The rain was hitting against your window which added to the noise. After a few seconds a big bolt of lighting shone through your blinds and a loud bang of thunder followed. It was so loud that it shook the house which scared you a bit. Sitting up in your bed you grabbed your phone off the night stand to check the time. It read 3:54 am. You got up from your bed and went to the only person who would bring you comfort, Ashton. 
Sharing a house with four guys was something you thought would never happen but somehow it did when they begged you to come be one of their room mates. Ashton, Luke, Michael, and Calum all asked you if you wanted to move into the spare bed room they had left in their shared house. Although you were pretty close to all the guys before you moved in, you and Ashton began to form a special bond after hanging out on nights or days when he didn’t feel like going out and you still had to work on your college work at home. You guys weren’t dating, you were just in a “close” relationship. To be fair though, you both had feelings for each other.
When you got to Ashton’s door you debated on whether or not if you should interrupt his sleep but he would probably understand. You slowly turned the door knob and creaked open his door. When you opened it you were sure the light from the hallway would wake him up but he was still fast asleep with soft snores coming from his mouth.
“Ash, Ashton.” You whispered a bit wobbly.
Ashton began to stir in his bed. You could see him sit up and move his hand in front of his eyes to block the light that was leaking into his room.
“(Y/N)? What is it?” He said, his voice husky.
“Can I cuddle with you?” You timidly said.
You could see Ashton squint his eyes to look over at his bedside clock.
“You came to my room at 4am…to cuddle?” He asked. Just after he brought up the question a jolt of thunder shook through the house causing you to jump. Ashton now realized why you were in his door way asking to “cuddle”. 
“C’mon.” He whispered, motioning for you to join him in his king sized bed.
You pushed the door shut and got under the side of the duvet Ashton lifted up so you could scoot in. Ashton let you lay down in the crook of his arm, letting you rest you head on his arm while his hand rested on your shoulder.
“You alright?” He questioned.
“Just a bit scared. Sometimes I’m scared one of the trees outback will get struck by lightning and it’ll fall right onto our house.” You answered, grabbing his hand and playing with his fingers.
“I didn’t even hear the storm, sorry.” He was playing with your hair, trying to soothe you.
Another jolt of thunder shook the house followed by a bolt of lighting lit up his room. You turned into Ashton’s chest for comfort. Ashton held onto you kissing the top of your head.
“It’s ok, I’ve got you.”
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bts5sosqueen · 5 years
Help Me Pick A Fic!
I’m thinking about starting to post one of the 5sos fics. They’re both going to be multi-chapter, but they are two VERY different genres. Neither have titles yet, because that’s usually the last thing I think up, lol. Here are the summaries:
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1. This is a 5sos one, meaning that they exist as a band in this reality. The story revolves around their encounters with an R&B girl group (who I created YEARS ago and have a couple of their own stories). This story starts around 2016-2017, during 5sos’ break and almost immediately after Luke’s breakup with whatsherface. The two groups are supposed to be collaborating, but they initially clash, and shenanigans ensue as they start to learn more about each other. Expect some romantic tension, angst, and tons of sarcasm. Oh, also...mentions of drug use and difficult topics.
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2. This is a supernatural/Immortal one, and will involve some background posts about the guys and how they met before the story opens in the present day (I’m actually really excited about doing the posts!) 5sos as a band does not exist in this story. The four guys are each from a different Immortal clan/species, but they come together after a series of unusual events. They are essentially an anti-Vampire squad, sent in by the other Immortal clans to “neutralize” Vampiric threats. I actually have several stories that are centered in this Immortal world, so it’s pretty fleshed out at this point. This is also the story where BTS shows up (not as a K-Pop group, but as an Immortal “squad” of their own). Note: If you’ve ever heard of/saw Hellsing Ultimate Abridged by TeamFourStar and liked it, you’ll probably like this story.
So let me know which number you’d want me to do, 1 or 2. I’m not gonna lie, I’m personally leaning towards number 2...not to sway you or anything...just sayin’...
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lovejoshua · 7 years
see you again // cth
based off see you again by tyler the creator ft. kali uchis
You live in my dream state
We’re lowkey my fantasy
Everything about Y/N was perfect. Everything about us was perfect. I always dreamed of dating someone who would always be there for me whether I was home or on tour and Y/N came at the right moment. I was hesitant about getting into a relationship when I was going to tour in a couple of months but I couldn’t let Y/N get away. Y/N is the type of person that you would think only shows up in your dreams. Someone who laughs at all your jokes and who calms you down whenever you have a breakdown. Someone who you can never kiss properly because they’re too busy looking at you and showing that big dumb smile. That was Y/N.
“Honey, Are you alright?” Y/N asked. That was when I realized that I dozed off thinking about my significant other. We were currently laying down by the pool at night, looking at the stars and talking about whatever. I pulled Y/N closer to me and kissed their forehead. “I was just admiring your beauty.” They rolled their eyes while smiling. “Please don’t tell me that ‘the scenery is beautiful’ and then say that I’m the scenery.” I chuckled. “But you are.” I replied as I kissed them.
Can I get a kiss?
And can you make it last forever?
I said I’m about to go to war
I don’t know if I’ma see you again
“Are you sure you can’t go this time?” I pouted. “Baby, you know I have classes. I’ll call and facetime you whenever I can.” Y//N said while hugging me. One of the worst things about touring was that Y/N couldn’t come along. I tried convincing them but Y/N still has one more year of college to complete. These past four months with Y/N have been so magnificent that I totally forgot I had to take a plane across the globe to meet tons of fans. Although I love the thought of going to unfamiliar places and meeting new people, it just doesn’t seem right anymore if I don’t have Y/N by my side.
“I’ll call you when we land, alright?” I said while caressing Y/N’s cheek. A tear fell from their eye as they smiled and nodded. I kissed them passionately and something was different about it. I would always kiss Y/N whenever I had the chance but this one had a spark to it. I took one last glance at Y/N and reminisce about the past few months with her. They were the best months of my life and I’m already excited to come back and spend more time with them. I couldn’t stop thinking about Y/N and our last kiss during the plane ride. I felt an unfamiliar feeling inside and it made me want to vomit for some reason.
That’s when I realized that I have fallen in love.
I said, okay, okay, okay, okidokie, my infatuation
Is translating to another form of what you call it? --Love
Two weeks into the tour and I’m still freaking out. No matter what I do, this feeling would never leave me. I haven’t been able to talk to Y/N normally and I don’t think they’ve noticed me acting weird. I can’t be in love. I never even believed in love but here I am now, infatuated with Y/N. I couldn’t deny this feeling. I should’ve known that a person like Y/N would have me whipped. I couldn’t stop thinking about my future with them and how our wedding is going to be planned and how our kids are going to look like and what their names should be. I don’t even know if she feels the same way about me which kills me. Ashton has been bugging me to tell Y/N how I feel but I’m scared of their reaction. I didn’t want to lose what we have and if it means that I must hide this feeling until they feel the same way, then so be it.
But it’s been eating me alive. I thought that maybe telling Ashton that I was in love with Y/N would make me feel a little less weird but it didn’t do anything. Now I’m currently in my bunk, thinking about Y/N while the other guys are fast asleep, not worrying about anyone. I decided to grow some guts and tell Y/N how I feel. No matter what their reaction is, I must accept their feelings as well.
I got out of my bunk and went to the back room of the tour bus for privacy. I dialed Y/N’s number without even thinking about what time it is back home. “Calum?” Y/N said after the third call. I can tell that they’re tired by their groans. “Is there something- “
“I love you.” I cut Y/N off. “Fuck, I’m so in love with you and I didn’t realize it until I was in the clouds. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. I didn’t believe in forever but you changed that. You’re so beautiful in every way possible. I can’t stop thinking about you and all the new memories I want to make with you. I was afraid of telling you because I didn’t know what you would say but fuck it hurts so much to keep this bottled up inside. Just tell me how you feel and I will be okay with it.”
There was a 3 second silence until I heard a little chuckle. “I never had someone confess their love to me at 4:47 in the morning. I remember watching old 5sos videos and being mesmerized by you. I always told myself ‘man I wish he could be my soulmate’ and now I feel like you are. I love you so much Calum, don’t ever think that I don’t.”
Tears that I didn’t know I was holding back started to fall as I let out a hug smile. “I love you too, soulmate.”
first time doing this after like a year or two. currently going through some things so I thought maybe I could do this in order to get things off of my mind. I tried to make this imagine gender neutral so sorry if there’s a mistake somewhere. If you want a personal preference just tell me which guy, your name, and your pronouns in my ask
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dimpled-gukkie · 6 years
Ghost of you
a.n: Feel free to input whoever you want in this story. I wrote this with 5sos and bts in mind so you’ll see references to all of them since there’s no physical description or names. :)
Buried under blankets I was warm; however nothing could compare to the warmth of being in his arms. He always claimed that I made him too hot, but that never stopped him from pulling me close. I felt safest there, in a world solely our own. The sun was the soft smile he gave me when I caught him staring and gravity was his arms wrapped tightly around me keeping me from getting lost in reality. The blankets replaced the warmth but I found nothing could replace the emptiness in my chest, which was previously constantly swelling with adoration. I tried filling the void with liquor like my friends suggested. However the bitterness of the alcohol matched the bitterness I felt when I woke up. I then turned to ice cream, crying over pint after pint but soon turned away from its momentary comfort. It was too sweet. I missed the occasional salty taste of an argument that kept our love thriving as we learned to work through our problems. I then tried to replace him with people except that didn’t work either. I often found myself making comparisons in the back of my mind. It would be over little things though, like how his eyes shown brighter in the dim light of a street lamp or how he had a scar on the top of his thumb from the time he tried to cook breakfast but burned himself on the stove. I realized then that it’s the little things that mean the most to you. The way his gaze always softened when we made eye contact even if he was pissed at me, how whenever he lied he scrunched his nose slightly, and how he couldn’t wink to save his life. They were all insignificant idiosyncrasies to everyone else, but to me they made me love him even more. As I moved on from person to person, I realized that I was looking for others to have these traits. I was looking for someone who’s eyes resembled fall when caught in the sun, someone who ran to greet every dog they saw on the street, I was looking for him. Upon this realization I felt myself spiraling down the pit of despair because he could never be mine again. I felt darkness surround me the same way it clouded my heart. It was suffocating and I scratched my throat raw just trying to breathe. My body shook against its hold as panic seeped its way into my veins. My heart sped up to try and combat against my sadness but it quickly gave up.  The sadness crashed over me sending my body toppling to the ground where I stayed submerged in its depths. It acted as a cloak surrounding me entirely to the point where I could no longer see the light. I woke up sprawled across the floor of my bathroom looking around for the empty bottle that was almost a given. However instead of a bottle I found a bunch of forget-me-nots. The petals were wilted and droopy resembling what was left of my heart. I clutched onto them as if they were my lifeline, like they were defibrillators. Maybe they could restart my life the same way they restart hearts? A tear fell down on the floor and the quiet ping as it landed on the tile startled me from my jumbled thoughts. Looking up, I let out a shrill scream meeting a pair of familiar eyes. They still looked the same however now the fall in them contrasted with the spring outside. My breath hitched because I knew it wasn’t possible. The last time I looked into those eyes they matched the world outside; their warm hues mimicking the oranges, yellows, and browns of autumn. “What are you doing here?” My voice cracked even though it was barley above a whisper. He grabbed my hand in response and only then did I notice they were shaking. “I came here for you.” His sunshine smile was now dim, resembling a flicker of a light rather than a star. “It’s... It’s been so long.” I’d always dreamt of seeing him again but like a cliche I had no words. “I know. You were supposed to forget me by now.” He forced a laugh but the noise was strangled. “I could never. I love you too much.” My chest ached and I tried to get rid of the pressure by taking a deep breath but the attempt was futile. Instead I choked on a sob and my body shuddered trying to suppress it. “Dance with me?” “To what?” “Our song.” I don’t think he’s realized I haven’t listened to it since that day. The once calming melody now makes my pulse race and my heart break over thoughts of unfulfilled promises. “Baby?” “Oh- okay.” Palms sweaty I was almost reluctant to place my hands in his. I didn’t want him to know how much I was struggling. How instead of finding comfort in him I was only waiting anxiously for him to leave again. My phone crackled to life and began to play our song through the speaker. I squeezed my eyes shut to try and block out the tears. Even if he wasn’t really here I didn’t want our last memory to be plagued by me. He gently took my hand and pulled me up spinning us around the house. He’s always been a good dancer, was even majoring in it at university. I found myself getting lost in everything that was him. His touch, his smile, even the faint smell of his favorite cologne. The song ended and he pulled away quickly. “I need you to move on baby. I need you to let me go.” Winter seemed to set in in his eyes as they grew cold but I knew he was only trying to be strong. “I can’t. I still love you. What about-“ he cut me off before I could finish my panicked rambling. Maybe if I kept talking he wouldn’t fade away?  “No buts baby. It’s time.” His eyes softened as mine watered and I could feel myself breaking all over again. He sighed before pulling me against his chest and rocking me back and forth. He hummed lightly knowing I got distracted by his voice. I’ve never met anyone with so many talents as he was good at basically everything. When I stopped sniffling he pulled away and stared into my eyes again like he was trying to do something. What exactly I’ll never know. When his plan didn’t work he ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “I love you. Always have always will.” He stared and before I could say anything back he kissed me. Behind my closed eyelids I saw every moment we’d ever had together. First date, first kiss, first everything. The memories were both good and bad and after each one ended I felt lighter and lighter. After the last memory of the day he died played I couldn’t feel anything. He pulled away after that giving me a sad smile. “I’ll be waiting for you on the other side. For now live your life without me baby.” “What- what did you do?” I was confused. I knew who he was but didn’t at the same time. “I made you forget me for now. You’ll remember me later when it matters the most but for now I need you to live.” He stroked my cheek lovingly before taking a step back. “I love you.” Then he disappeared into thin air. I blinked a few times before looking around. What was I doing? I must’ve zoned out. Taking a deep breath I noticed I felt empty again. The feeling was familiar but I couldn’t remember why.
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I wanted to let everyone know I'm taking requests. I've also decided to expand into BTS . Feel free to send me any requests. I have also decided to write some one shots based on songs so if you have a song your welcome to send it to me and I'll write from the song title.
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