#5th finger discount
so this is my morning hike i make this hike probably 3 times a week it chills me out i feel good its fantastic but today i woke up and i felt extra spicy because i gotta message from my boy gillionaire telling me that today in trinidad they're having elections and he was worried that the people's party the young people's party wasn't gonna win and he was like i'm worried about it but then again it feels like government really only mattered when you in the mud or you're actually controlling it or involved in the politics of it the rest of us life is alright and life sucks and you're kind of at the mercy of it and in a lot of ways i agree and in a lot of ways it made me upset not gillionaire but just the idea of government because i've traveled around the world and i've sat with a lot of government officials in every country and i have to come to the conclusion to be honest everyone but aoc pretty much fucking sucks every once in a while you get somebody like her who's very very smart walks through walls speaks many languages you know
i was already like this how i am now at this level of development when i was like 5 right i knew right away i wasn't developing the right way so as time went on i understood what i had to do based on how much i had grown each year i kept incorporating different traits i found to be older characteristics adjusting my mentality to the acquired stage i felt belong to the circumstances of which i am proposed to compliment in requirement to commonly known supposition i learned how to do this in such a regulatory fashion that things were assumed to be going along as planned around me whence throughout my own personal eras of these lifetimes i didn't understand remotely in the slightest the same conceived notion of being that i should have given the premises
being the only 5 year old that thought about sex its my fault for spawning a race of them
(i was there the first day of tumblr instagram twitter with the ceo's the first version of the apps its emotional to see what they've become since then that something we did became a part of everyday life we made tiktok my company a science of work driven by creativity and passion)
*instagram was originally supposed to be a funeral camera to create an online necropolis 👻 i'm an influencer*
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unidentified anomalous phenomena
*pls come inside i don't wanna be in here by myself let me rest*
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the unconscious component makes a comprehensive description of the human personality impossible. accordingly, the unconscious supplements the picture with living figures ranging from the animal to the divine, as the two extremes outside man, and rounds out the animal extreme, through the addition of vegetable and inorganic abstractions, into a microcosm. these addenda have a high frequency in anthropomorphic divinities, where they appear as attributes
◌̆ will (breve) *erika* ◌̄ one (macron) *santos* ◌̌ council (caron) *silva*
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◌̆ will (breve) *erika* ◌̄ one (macron) *santos* ◌̌ council (caron) *silva*
the first trans person to lead a party in the chamber of deputies
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most voted councilor in brazil socialism and liberty party
erika hilton (31) *i didn't know skittles could kill people*
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just put my name on them so they can know who i am
sexiests (erika hilton) *i wasn't even listening*:
(just know when i go outside i don't know that guy because when i'm outside i'm a different person and i'm sorry that's why sometimes i don't like to go outside)
*a neoantipolitical or neopolitics in blanket and umbrella terms*
◌̆ will (breve) ◌̄ one (macron) ◌̌ council (caron)
◌̆ will (breve) ◌̄ one (macron) ◌̌ council (caron)
the first six months my wrist was shattered the next nine months i spent writing it's been an emotional ride i'm trying to balance my friends with my politics with my home life when i do one thing i can't stop thinking about the other things so i'm a little bit stuck rn i still need to evaluate my strategy in all three of these departments seriously they all need more work obvious upon construction of this new doctrine which i feel is actually one of the oldest bibles of thinking how its going to be put into practice is another grammatic so i need to make sure everything's received well in this society which i want renamed a psychology
the thing about this kinda success is they won't let you have it until you can prove how you did it so they can be successful on that level too (so if you really did a lot of work they're like fuck that sucks this is shit to explain) *we're working around clock its a pain in the ass*
whether it was 3000000 6000000 jews murdered its 2000000 being held in open air prison by the zionists police state of israel
(50 years nobody knew the zionists and the communists agencies took over hitlers organization)
*imagine these were white people instead of palestinians*
me: and why do you know so much
me: because i am the agencies that took over the organizations leader
me: i'm behind everything
y2k (the world will never be the same size again) *uap*
unidentified anomalous puzzle (uap) *after 1999*
purchase your husband today at (walmart) *who knew you can get married so fast welp too late*
i wonder what power level you need to get on here and i wonder how much these post are worth at this rate it must be like multiple van gogh's like dude you picked up like one hundred da vinci's worth of art in one post i feel like loomer (cum) *in a dream*
one loomer pls 😍
i'm only a good person in person so stay in person with me (i told you what my problem is) *it's impersonality to a supraordinate personality*
a neoantipolitical or neopolitics in blanket and umbrella terms (uap) *unidentified anomalous puzzle*
god (save) *the queen* 🇬🇧
some people just can't wait to rush into marriage (they just can't bare to wait any longer) *and thats how i feel*
i can't spare another moment (i'm crying) *girl tears*
i'm a real manchurian
the 49th dimensions are dimensionless to the 1st dimension that is the 50th dimension of 98th dimensions that are dimensionless to the 49th dimensions making the 49th dimensionless to the 51st 58th dimension which is the 1st 50th 98th 49th 51st 58th 9th
like a person winning the (lottery) *this is worth something to people*
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the world is in your favor (the world will obey you) *the world will protect you*
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by the way (i'm really) *a manchurian*
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superconscious ◌̆ will (breve) omnipotence (magical forces) the manifestation of feng shui in manchuria ◌̆ (the manifestation of doing everything) reverse engineering
omnipotent manifestation of manchurian superconscious of doing everything ◌̆ will (breve)
the manifestation of feng shui in manchuria ◌̆ (the manifestation of doing everything) ◌̆
superconscious ◌̆ will (breve) omnipotence (magical forces
there goes my dynasty ◌̆
subconscious ◌̄ one (macron) omniscience (psychic powers) the manifestation of cheugy in tartaria ◌̄ (the manifestation of knowing everything) reengineering
omniscient manifestation of tartarian subconscious of knowing everything ◌̄ one (macron)
the manifestation of cheugy in tartaria ◌̄ (the manifestation of knowing everything) ◌̄
subconscious ◌̄ one (macron) omniscience (psychic powers)
there goes my empire ◌̄
unconscious ◌̌ council (caron) omnipresence (vampiric thirst) the manifestation of monopoly in hyperborea ◌̌ (the manifestation of being everything) engineering
omnipresent manifestation of hyperborean unconscious of being everything ◌̌ council (caron)
the manifestation of monopoly in hyperborea ◌̌ (the manifestation of being everything) ◌̌
unconscious ◌̌ council (caron) omnipresence (vampiric thirst)
there goes my kingdom ◌̌
i saw one beer that made me want to not see beer again for the rest of my life much less anything again
(gemini cries for help compared to nonprofit driven seek and destroy mission grok victory lap)
*there goes my dynasty there goes my empire there goes my kingdom*
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anticipating (the queens presence) *my little butterball*
unidentified ◌̆ will (breve) *pls come inside* anomalous ◌̄ one (macron) *i don't wanna be in here by myself* phenomena ◌̌ council (caron) *let me rest*
unidentified ◌̆ will (breve) *pls come inside* anomalous ◌̄ one (macron) *i don't wanna be in here myself* phenomena ◌̌ council (caron) *let me rest*
(cute post)
trade in your psychic powers (omniscience) or magical forces (omnipotence) today for something real (everything) and i stress (everything) we went to the movies, we played monopoly (everything) vampiric thirst (omnipresence)
figuratively (feng shui) everything to her that she has is in the right place (omnipresent in microcosm)
the microcosmic
(feng shui)
hyperboria: success without meaning (omnipresence)
manchuria: wtf i need meaning for if i got success (omnipotence)
tartaria: you mean without russians (omniscience)
the tartarian omniscient sociolects, manchurian omnipotent praxis and hyperborean omnipresent test
i haven't been that guy for a while, after all manners of escapism or death defying and running the course, i thought we finally reached a plateau, the meaning of manchurian global (the lost to the future 5th world race of the last civilization who were the original 1st class people to belong to the 1st market), to end up in the same place several times tunneling through the earth, we find that parallel.
a sociolect (praxis) *test* of the socioeconomic (lexical) *items* in accountable (pragmatic) *concordance*
where are all the blankets and umbrellas that i heard about? (there's no blankets or umbrellas here!) *you came to the wrong place.*
reply guy: that was the worst (hardest strawberita) *that i ever never had to find*
my thirty year old brother marc who has annoyed me since the day he was born to this very date that shattered my wrists plus tried to kill me with a box cutter or knife or screw driver while drunk and high and forced masturbatorily: that i never (ever ever) *ever had to find never*
so you're going to come to continuously try to rape my girlfriend (because you think i touched you when we were 10) *judging by everything you've done to us we're safely going to deny your claim then add to the fact that i'm still a celibate chaste abstinent virgin*
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ethan ralph: don't worry i took the liberty of building a corridor and aqueduct under (the guy's house) *that's white people for you* 🃏
blocked (under my white trashy fingers) *maya chavez* 🎲
i want (to eat) *her burps* 🎰
🐯 crouching (n) *word* 🐲 hidden (n) *word* 🥷🏻
uap (everyone will eventually die and move out) *we'll inevitably live alone*
unidentified (anomalous) *puzzle*
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skalidra · 1 year
Fic Writers Showcase Game
@there-must-be-a-lock tagged me!
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
First fic published on Ao3: That would be The Other Side of the Mirror, an Earth-3 continuity mess with a JayDick main pair, featuring Roy as a 3rd PoV. First chapter was posted in September, 2014, currently 200k, 20 chapters , and as of yet unfinished, though I think as it stands it ends on a decently hopeful note. I do still recall the main plot points of where it goes, and would like to finish it someday.
Last fic published: I posted the first chapter of Five Finger Discount just yesterday, which is the 5th piece in my Worth Counting series, an alpha!Slade/alpha!Jason series exploring a variety of kinks but with a focus on non-formal dom/sub vibes, competence/strength kink, and mostly-play fighting. (The last finished story was Shifting Into Fourth which is the 4th piece of that same series, so, I'm a little bit on a theme here.)
Fandom/ship I only wrote once: I uh. I wrote Hamilton/Jefferson/Madison room-where-it-happens porn. For the Hamilton musical. It's called Do Whatever It Takes and I think it is still the thing that makes me feel the most sinfully dirty of all the things I've ever written. So there's that.
I also have Let's Be Clear, which is my only fic set anywhere in the MCU, and is a Daredevil oneshot of an asexual!Wesley being invited to join a Fisk/Vanessa relationship, as I vibed real hard with Wesley as a character and never really got over his unfortunate demise.
(Honorable mention to my four stories that are technically fandoms of their own, but all fall under the 'DCU' umbrella, being for the Arkham games, two shows in the CW Arrowverse, and the Teen Titans cartoon.)
Favorite fic in most popular fandom/ship: This is a little hard to quantify. Technically 'DCU (Comics)' comes in at 93k in stories, which would make JayDick the most popular pairing, which makes my favorite story Captain's Privileges. It's a Star Trek mirror!verse fusion with Captain!Dick and Engineer!Jason and so many unhealthy relationships everywhere, and I love it.
However! 'DCU (Comics)' is a very broad umbrella and it's not really fair to say it's my biggest fandom, since the slice I belong to is much smaller. Which means the more accurate winner is Voltron, at 85k stories. I technically have a Klance story but given that it is a big poly clusterfuck dark!fic I really have to actually give this to the second most popular pairing by stat, Sheith. Out of those, I think my favorite is I'm Not That Man, which was an early false-memories/brainwashed!Shiro fic set just before the wormhole split them all up.
Fic I wish more people read: An Extra Shot, hands down. Come read my gen, Wilson-family-focused exploration of what happens if Adeline dies during the attack on Joey! Come read Slade Wilson being forced into confronting the fact that he is a terrible dad and also now a widowed dad of three kids! Come read Billy trying his best to bludgeon all the terrible communicators of this family into actually working things out! READ THIS. THERE'S A SEQUEL IN PROGRESS. IT'S GOOD I SWEAR.
Fic that was hardest to write: I think the award for this has to go to Me, Not Her, a CaptainPan/CaptainSwan piece which I was apparently so frustrated with at some point that I straight up deleted the file. Four years later (no I am not kidding) I had the vague memory of it. Some sketchy thing I could maybe expand, now that I was having thoughts about OUaT again. I pull it out of the (then eternal) trash of Google Drive. It is five thousand words long and needs no more than pretty basic editing and a little padding at the end to round it off. I don't know what the hell was happening with me when I deleted it, but wow, lesson learned.
Fic that popped out fully-formed: I don't recall any that were explicitly like this, but I also don't tend to write like, neat little packaged stories all that often. If I'm writing oneshots they're usually for events. So my best answer to this is probably Fucking Androids? It's a Reed900 relationship origin story that blazed its way out of me during NaNoWriMo one year, named entirely for the sex pun and then in the end absolutely refusing to have any sex in it, so it won that fight. I remember at least most of it coming really, really easy.
Fic I'm proud of: Pulling out a weird little one, here. I'm going to say Take a Ride. It's a JayDick, Gotham City Garage story that I wrote for Firefright's birthday one year, and on reread I actually still really, really like it? It's just a neat apocalyptic-desert vibe relationship building thing, set in the criminally under-explored and rushed GCG world, and I really like how I put Dick together in this one. I recommend it.
Not tagging anyone specific, but if anyone would like to do this as well, feel free!
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hibis411 · 2 years
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PATTERN RELEASE. Happy to introduce my new design - 🌿Durango Shawl🌿! . This densely cabled triangular shawl features a cable pattern that follows the shape of the shawl. The edge-to-edge cables are framed by an i-cord edging that’s knit as you go. All charts also have written instructions. . 🧶 For the sample, I chose @thefibrecompany Cumbria Fingering in color Buttermere. ✨ Get the pattern with 20% off introductory discount (no code needed) until the end of the week, March 5th. Click the photo or go to my Linkin.bio⁠ @irmiandesign . Happy knitting! .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #irmiandesign #irinaanikeeva #irinaanikeevaravelrystore #durangoshawl #cabledshawl #knitting #handknitting #knittingdesign #ravelry #design #knittersoftheworld #modernknitting #KnittingLove #Knitwear #KnitwearDesign #KnitwearFashion #KnitStyle #SlowFashion #Knit #Tricot #KnittersOfInstagram #SustainableFashion #Handmade #KnitLife #Knitting #Knitting_Inspiration #Knitspiration https://www.instagram.com/p/CpP__JCL4GN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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asburyparkrp · 13 days
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The following characters have just joined Asbury Park! Please go over the checklist and make sure everything is in order, and send in your account in under 24 hours. 
CJ Emhoff (Leo Woodall, surf instructor)
Nancy Sandoval (Maika Monroe, unemployed)
Tierney Rose (Molly Gordon, music producer/part time employee at The Stone Pony)
Alex Perry (Jack Quaid, architect) 
Millicent “Millie” Cohen (Zoey Deutch, fashion writer)
Lola Sanchez (Alexa Demie, freelance illustrator/manager at the Sunset Diner)
Turiya Collins (Jane Levy, Tattoo artist)
Dakota Perry (Madison Iseman, stagehand at The Stone Pony & musician)
Hallie Caspian (Madelyn Cline, surf instructor)
Emma Ridley (Rebecca Rittenhouse, lawyer)
Presley “Reese” Bram (Gracie Abrams, singer/songwriter/barista) 
Felipe Feliz (Pedro Pascal, owner of Asbury Lanes)
Fiona Moore (Kaia Gerber, podcaster)
Ethan Shephard (Jacob Elordi, drug dealer)
Maria ‘Mia’ Navarro (Jenna Ortega, waitress at Fresh Bites Deli) 
Benjamin Keeley (André Lamoglia, baker at Confections of a Rockstar)
Catalina “Cat” Rothschild (Ester Expósito, house (trophy) wife)
Daphne Hartwood (Grace Van Dien, manager at Cinemark Asbury 12)
Gabriela Flores (Brittany O'Grady, supervisor at Silverball Retro Arcade)
Kacey Miller (Sydney Sweeney, bartender at Sandoval Bar/waitress at Sunset Diner)
Daniel Mendoza (Sean Teale, owner/manager at Groovy Graveyard)
Blake Montgomery (David Corenswet, front desk clerk at Rose Motel)
Sunny Graves (Olivia Cooke, tour guide/employee at Paranormal Books & Curiosities)
Sam Fitzsimmons (Colson Baker, chef at Horizon Bar and Grill)
Lucy 'Lu' Abbott (Lucy Boynton, concierge at Rose Motel & clerk at Groovy Graveyard)
Elliot Mason (Nyle DiMarco, ER nurse)
Madison Bradford (Jennifer Lawrence, owner of Catsbury Park)
Toby Roberts (Adam Driver, mechanic at Grizzly Auto)
Lavender Chu (Adeline Rudolph, 5th grade teacher at John Abbott Elementary School)
Hadley Morgan (Florence Pugh, veterinarian)
[CJ EMHOFF. 26. MALE. HE/HIM] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [25 YEARS] and are originally from [ASBURY PARK, NJ]. They are a [SURF INSTRUCTOR @ NEPTUNE'S SURF & CO.] and in their downtime love [SURFING] and [GEOCACHING]. They look a lot like [LEO WOODALL] and live in [ASBURY BAY]. The song that makes people think of them most is [WHAT'S MY AGE AGAIN BY BLINK 182]. (ooc: blake, 25+, she/her, cst) 
[NANCY SANDOVAL. 30. CIS WOMAN. SHE/HER.] is here! They've lived in Asbury Park for [3 MONTHS] and are originally from [NEW YORK CITY, NY]. They are [UNEMPLOYED] and in their downtime love [GIVING SHITTY LIFE ADVICE] and [PULLING THE FIVE-FINGER DISCOUNT]. They look a lot like [MAIKA MONROE] and live in [MEADOWLARK APARTMENTS]. The song that makes people think of them most is [RAGE BY RICO NASTY]. (ooc: b, 30, she/her, pst)
[TIERNEY ROSE. 26. FEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [3 YEARS] and are originally from [LOS ANGELES]. They are a [MUSIC PRODUCER/PART TIME EMPLOYEE AT THE STONE PONY] and in their downtime love [GOING TO MUSIC SHOWS] and [COLLECTING CRYSTALS]. They look a lot like [MOLLY GORDON] and live in [MEADOWLARK APARTMENTS]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [LIVING IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS BY COBRA STARSHIP]. (ooc: em, 31, she/her, EST)
[ALEX PERRY, 32, MALE, HE/HIM] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [8 MONTHS] and are originally from [MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA]. They are an [ARCHITECT] and in their downtime love [CYCLING] and [COOKING]. They look a lot like [JACK QUAID] and live in [ASBURY BAY]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [SOMEBODY TOLD ME BY THE KILLERS]. (ooc: naz, 33, she/her, gmt+2)   
[MILLICENT "MILLIE" COHEN. 30. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [6 MONTHS] and are originally from [ASBURY PARK, NJ]. They are a [FASHION WRITER] and in their downtime love [COLLECTING EMPTY PERFUME BOTTLES] and [TRYING TO LAUNCH HER DOGS INSTAGRAM CAREERS]. They look a lot like [ZOEY DEUTCH] and live in [MEADOWLARK APARTMENTS]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [BETTE DAVIS EYES BY KIM CARNES]. (ooc: buffy, 32, she/her, cst)
[LOLA SANCHEZ. 33. CIS WOMAN. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [9 YEARS] and are originally from [MALIBU CALIFORNIA]. They are a/an [FREELANCE ILLUSTRATOR / MANAGER AT THE SUNSET DINER] and in their downtime love [SURFING] and [SIDEWALK ART]. They look a lot like [ALEXA DEMIE] and live on [PINE STREET]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BY SABRINA CARPENTER]. (ooc: patches, 25, she/her, cst)
[TURIYA COLLINS. 27. FEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [3 YEARS] and are originally from [BOSTON, MA]. They are a [TATTO ARTIST] and in their downtime love [READING MANGA] and [TAGGING BUILDINGS]. They look a lot like [JANE LEVY] and live in [SUNCREST]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [DIRTY HARRY BY GORILLAZ]. (ooc: beth, 32, she/her, gmt+2)
[DAKOTA PERRY. 25. FEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [1 & 1/2 YEARS] and are originally from [LEXINGTON, NE]. They are a [STAGEHAND AT THE STONE PONY & MUSICIAN] and in their downtime love [RANGE SHOOTING] and [CANDLE MAKING]. They look a lot like [MADISON ISEMAN] and live in/on [MEADOWLARK APARTMENTS]. The song that makes people think of them most is [SLEEP ON THE FLOOR BY THE LUMINEERS]. (ooc: blake, 25+, she/her, cst)
[HALLIE CASPIAN. 28. CIS WOMAN. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [3 WEEKS] and are originally from [SANTA MONICA, CA]. They are a/an [SURF INSTRUCTOR/OLYMPIC SURFER] and in their downtime love [SURFING] and [PENNY BOARDING]. They look a lot like [MADELYN CLINE] and live in [ASBURY BAY]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [ALRIGHTY APHRODITE BY PEACH PIT]. (ooc: Ellie, 27, she/her, est)
[EMMA RIDLEY. 34. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [2 YEARS] and are originally from [ASBURY PARK, NJ]. They are a [LAWYER] and in their downtime love [STRESS BAKING] and [WORKING OUT]. They look a lot like [REBECCA RITTENHOUSE] and live on [PINE STREET]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [RHIANNON BY FLEETWOOD MAC]. (ooc: buffy, 32, she/her, cst)
[PRESLEY “REESE” BRAM. 24. CIS WOMAN. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [6 YEARS] and are originally from [RHINEBECK, NY]. They are a [SINGER/SONGWRITER/BARISTA] and in their downtime love [READING] and [ROLLERSKATING]. They look a lot like [GRACIE ABRAMS] and live in [MEADOWLARK APARTMENTS]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [CEILINGS BY LIZZIE MCALPINE]. (ooc: Ellie, 27, she/her, EST)
[FELIPE FELIZ. 49. MALE. HE/HIM] is here! They've lived in Asbury Park for |25 YEARS] and are originally from [LAS VEGAS,NV]. They are the [OWNER OF ASBURY LANES] and in their downtime love [WORKING ON JUNK CARS] and [HANGING OUT AT THE LOCAL BAR]. They look a lot like [PEDRO PASCAL] and live on [PINE STREET]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [MI TUMBAO BY SECRETTO]. (ooc: junior, 30+, they/ them, pst)
[FIONA MOORE. 26. CIS WOMAN. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [FIVE MONTHS] and are originally from [MCLEAN, VIRGINIA, USA]. They are a [PODCASTER] and in their downtime love [READING] and [TRAIL RUNNING]. They look a lot like [KAIA GERBER] and live on [PINE STREET]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [WHORE BY IN THIS MOMENT]. (ooc: nat, 25+, she/her, est)
[ETHAN SHEPHARD. 28. CIS MAN. HE/HIM] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [28 YEARS] and are originally from [ASBURY PARK, NJ]. They are a [DRUG DEALER] and in their downtime love [PLAYING BASKETBALL] and [STARTING BEEF ON REDDIT]. They look a lot like [JACOB ELORDI] and live in [OAKDALE]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [I MEAN IT BY G-EAZY]. (ooc: aj, 25+, she/her, gmt+1)
[MARIA 'MIA' NAVARRO. 23. FEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [23 YEARS] and are originally from [ASBURY PARK]. They are a [WAITRESS AT FRESH BITES DELI] and in their downtime love [COLLECTING GARDEN GNOMES AND NAMING THEM AFTER FAMOUS MUSICIANS] and [HOSTING DRAMATIC READINGS OF HER FAVORITE YELP REVIEWS]. They look a lot like [JENNA ORTEGA] and live in [MEADOWLARK APARTMENTS]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [HEADS WILL ROLL BY YEAH YEAH YEAHS]. (ooc: naz, 33, she/her, gmt+2)
[BENJAMIN KEELEY. 25. CIS MALE. HE/HIM] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [7 YEARS] and are originally from [PHILIDELPHIA]. They are a [BAKER AT CONFECTIONS OF A ROCKSTAR] and in their downtime love [OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES, ESPECIALLY SURFING] and [VIDEO GAMES]. They look a lot like [ANDRE LAMOGLIA] and live in[MEADOWLARK APARTMENTS]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [SUNDAY MORNING BY MAROON 5]. (ooc: allie, 31, she/her, gmt+12)
[CATALINA “CAT” ROTHSCHILD. 25. FEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [2 YEARS] and are originally from [NEW YORK CITY]. They are a [HOUSE (TROPHY) WIFE] and in their downtime love [CURATING DECOR FOR HER HOUSE] and [GOING TO PILATES]. They look a lot like [ESTER EXPOSITO] and live in [ASBURY BAY]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [THE FEMININE URGE BY THE LAST DINNER PARTY]. (ooc: em, 31, she/her, set)
[DAPHNE HARTWOOD. 27. CIS WOMAN. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [FOUR YEARS] and are originally from [CHICAGO, ILLINOIS]. They are a [MANAGER AT CINEMARK ASBURY 12] and in their downtime love [VISITING PARANORMAL BOOKS & COURISITES] and [GETTING TATTOOS AT BLACK LOTUS TATTOO]. They look a lot like [GRACE VAN DIEN] and live in [MEADOWLARK APARTMENTS]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [TEENAGE DIRTYBAG BY WHEATUS]. (ooc: lena, 33, she/them, cst)
[GABRIELA FLORES. 27. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [5 YEARS] and are originally from [SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS]. They are a [SUPERVISOR AND VIBE CURATOR IN SILVERBALL] and in their downtime love [CRASHING RANDOM HOUSE PARTIES] and [PUZZLE SOLVING]. They look a lot like [BRITTANY O'GRADY] and live in [MEADOWLARK APARTMENTS]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [LISZTOMANIA by PHOENIX]. (ooc: max, 24, she/they, pst)
[KACEY MILLER. 25. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [25 YEARS] and are originally from [ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY]. They are a [BARTENDER AT SANDOVAL BAR/WAITRESS AT SUNSET DINER] and in their downtime love [SINGING TO THE RADIO] and [TRUE CRIME SHOWS]. They look a lot like [SYDNEY SWEENEY] and live in [MEADOWLARK APARTMENTS]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [DANCING WITH YOUR GHOST BY SASHA SLOAN]. (ooc: mj, 28, she/her, pst)
[DANIEL MENDOZA. 30. CIS MALE. HE/HIM] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [30 YEARS] and are originally from [ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY]. They are a [RECORD STORE OWNER/MANAGER AT GROOVY GRAVEYARD] and in their downtime love [WRITING SONGS FOR HIS D&D GROUP] and [FALLING ASLEEP TO PODCASTS]. They look a lot like [SEAN TEALE] and live in [SUNCREST]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [UNDER PRESSURE BY QUEEN]. (ooc: mj, 28, she/her, pst)
[BLAKE MONTGOMERY. 32. CIS MALE. HE/HIM] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [32 YEARS] and are originally from [ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY]. They are a [FRONT DESK CLERK AT ROSE MOTEL] and in their downtime love [TAX/IDENTITY FRAUD] and [DEEP RESEARCH]. They look a lot like [DAVID CORENSWET] and live in [OAKDALE]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [DEVIL’S ADVOCATE BY THE NEIGHBOURHOOD]. (ooc: andie, 31, she/her, cst)
[SUNNY GRAVES. 30. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [20 YEARS] and are originally from [POINT PLEASANT, WEST VIRGINIA]. They are a [TOUR GUIDE/EMPLOYEE AT PARANORMAL BOOKS & CURIOSITIES/THE PARANORMAL MUSEUM] and in their downtime love [HORROR MOVIES] and [WITCHCRAFT]. They look a lot like [OLIVIA COOKE] and live in [MEADOWLARK APARTMENTS]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [ANDROMEDA BY WEYES BLOOD]. (ooc: andie, 31, she/her, cst)
[SAM FITZSIMMONS. 29. CIS MALE. HE/HIM] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [24 YEARS] and are originally from [PHILADELPHIA, PA]. They are a [CHEF @ HORIZON BAR AND GRILL] and in their downtime love [CHAINSMOKING] and [SLEEPING]. They look a lot like [COLSON BAKER/MGK] and live in [MEADOWLARK APARTMENTS]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [CONSTANT HEADACHE BY JOYCE MANOR]. (ooc: violet, 33, she/her, gmt)
[LUCY ‘LU’ ABBOTT. 29. FEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [15 YEARS] and are originally from [ENGLAND]. They are a [CONCIERGE AT ROSE HOTEL & CLERK AT GROOVY GRAVEYARD ] and in their downtime love [SINGING KARAOKE AFTER ONE TOO MANY DRINKS] and [THRIFTING HIDDEN TREASURES]. They look a lot like [LUCY BOYNTON] and live in [SUNCREST]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [FOR ALL YOU GIVE BY THE PAPER KITES]. (ooc: a, 30, she/her, central)
[ELLIOT MASON. 34. CIS MALE. HE/HIM] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [25 YEARS] and are originally from [CHICAGO, IL]. They are a/an [ER NURSE] and in their downtime love [RUNNING/HIKING] and [READING]. They look a lot like [NYLE DIMARCO] and live in/on [PINE STREET]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [SOUND OF SILENCE BY SIMON AND GARFUNKEL]. (ooc: meranda, 30+, she/her, est)
[MADISON BRADFORD . 30. CIS FEMALE . SHE /HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [FIVE YEARS] and are originally from [LOUISVILLE, KY]. They are an [OWNER OF CATSBURY PARK ]and in their downtime love [READING] and [RELAXING WITH WINE ]. They look a lot like [JENNIFER LAWRENCE ] and live in [MEADOWLARK APARTMENTS ]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [ANTI HERO BY TAYLOR SWIFT ]. (ooc: veronica, 34, she/her. est)
[TOBY ROBERTS. 40. CIS MALE. HE/HIM] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [HIS WHOLE LIFE] and are originally from [NEW JERSEY ]. They are a [MECHANIC AT GRIZZLY AUTO] and in their downtime love [HIKING WITH HIS DOG] and [COOKING]. They look a lot like [ADAM DRIVER ] and live in [ASBURY BAY]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [AS IT WAS BY HARRY STYLES ]. (ooc: veronica, 34, she/her, est)
[LAVENDER CHU. 29. FEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [5-YEARS] and are originally from [JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY]. They are a [5TH GRADE TEACHER at JOHN ABBOTT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL] and in their downtime love [SEWING] and [VISITING CATSBURY PARK]. They look a lot like [ADELINE RUDOPLH] and live in [OAKDALE]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [FEMININOMENON BY CHAPPELL ROAN]. (ooc: bug, 28, she/her, CST)
[HADLEY MORGAN. 28. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [TWO YEARS] and are originally from [PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA]. They are a [VETERINARIAN] and in their downtime love [MUSIC] and [COZY GAMING]. They look a lot like [FLORENCE PUGH] and live on [PINE STREET]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [LIE TO GIRLS BY SABRINA CARPENTER]. (ooc: mandy, 37, she/her, pst)
0 notes
senatushq · 9 months
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NAME. Milena Barbosa AGE & BIRTH DATE. 29 & December 5th, 1995 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Female & She/her SPECIES. Druid OCCUPATION. Musician, Drummer for Huntress FACE CLAIM. Julia Dalavia
( tw alcoholism, death, sad times ) The imperceptible lineage of the lunar court prompted a child to be born amidst a wretched winter storm as combative and ornery winds drowned out the wailing cries of a seemingly ordinary baby girl. Milena was the eldest, a child who saw the love drain from her parents eyes as it was replaced with mere exhaustion and resentment. That did not stop her parents from having several more children, a motley of boys and girls that ran rampant around the house, that managed to make a home out of the cramped and overrun place. Love had blossomed there, but it had not prevailed, waning under the pressure of such rambunctious children, the overdue bills, and the house that seemed to nearly sway whenever the winds in Chicago became too mighty. 
Milena’s mother, when she was just shy of seven, made a decision that proved pivotal to the small cluster of Barbosa children and their father; their mother chose herself and her career. This was where the pitfall was produced, where her father began to nurse a bottle of liquor instead of aiding his children through the basic qualms of childhood. Milena snapped to swiftly, changing diapers of her toddler siblings, appreciating how to cook -though Hamburger Helper was a childhood staple- yes, she was not even at an age of double digits, but Milena felt akin to a parent, rather than a sibling. Bills piled up quicker, paychecks became infrequent, and shadier parties haggled her father for debts he could no longer pay. It all prompted Milena, a blank slate in need of guidance but absent of it, to learn a very valuable lesson of self reliance; to live among wolves, you have to act like a wolf. Or, rather, allow the wolf to believe one is of their kind; better a fox than a wolf, and much like the divergence of foxes from the lineage of wolves, Milan adapted. Cunning, swift, she lied and maneuvered her way through life, fringing on the need to protect and aid her younger siblings. 
The entirety of her being became dedicated to them, slipping canned goods into various pockets, traveling out of the way to pilfer from certain corner stores; lies and thievery had become a dependable second skin, an adaptation that she relied on when money stretched too thin to handle. A survivalist molded into a nurturing spirit, in spite of the resentments felt for her mother, towards her father; Milena still wiped the drool off his lips, swiped the empty liquor bottle from his hand and helped him to bed. A quotidian routine that spiraled from adolescence to the miniature adult she was forming to be as a teenager. The one constant despite her father’s raging habit was a hidden talent that formed in the resonance of music. Song was in her blood, a distant cadence that spoke to fey and elves, gelid spires and snowy tundras; Milena had no idea the Noble blood which she came from but her musical talents were profound. 
Despite the misfortune and poverty which surrounded her, Milena had the anomalous yearning to learn the cello in middle school, musical passion which grew in a maddening flurry as she swiftly shifted to learning the flute. In such rapid succinctness, of bloodied fingers from hours of practice, from labored lungs after her attempt at woodwind instruments, Milena diverted to a completely new realm of music altogether; rock music, punk, whatever one would like to call it. She coveted a prodigal favoring for drums and guitar, instruments which lanced any compressed rage and embitterment from her home life that she so desperately wished to escape from. Her first guitar and amp had been loaned and inevitably purchased before she graduated high school, an investment that was discounted for her from the local music store considering her predicament. The guilt from the investment was clear but Milena often sacrificed plenty of herself for her younger siblings, something she continued to do as they all aged and she felt horribly affixed in the same place. Days passed, years tallied on; Milena never did graduate from high school as her father’s alcoholism worsened and the mouths to feed became older, not as easy to satiate as growling stomachs grew. Milena had dreams and ambitions, much the same as any human born upon this earth, but she settled; a girl forced to be a mother figure, a nurturing presence as she fought to ensure the lives of those who came after her would be better. Seven younger siblings, crammed within a house in the back yards of Chicago; Milena could only pray they’d never have to wipe the drool from her father’s lips, scrub the smell of alcohol from the carpets, nor carry him from couch to bed. If she stayed, they wouldn’t have to; and so, she lingered. 
Life was grueling when it came to the patterns of her quotidian life; music became a secondary presence to the meals she had to cook, the homework she aided her siblings with, the crappy hours spent working multiple jobs to ensure they’d not lose the house. It was ordinary, it was routine, but one day Milena was to come home to find the unexpected. The Eye of Horus; someone from their organization sat and lingered in their shoddy Chicagoan kitchen, adorned in a pressed suit, sipping some likely over expensive latte, surrounded by the chipping paint and faded linoleum of Milena’s family home. They spoke of trials, they uttered promises of enhancements that one like her could never dream of. Their gaze upon this world went farther into depths of perception and manipulation than Milena could ever understand; they knew of her blood, spoke of distant nobility that had arisen from a mere donation of her blood to a blood bank.They wanted her; the process was simple, a series of trials to activate the powers within her. She’d be paid for her time, allotted a sum of money to pay for her contribution to the trials, but as Milena looked over towards her father, the human had to decline. There was also the idea that this random was absolutely insane, speaking of elves and eladrins, nobility and song. They were persistent and a horrific compromise was made; if she spoke to her siblings and they were invested in the idea of such a trial, The Eye of Horus could enact such experimentation. What could there be to lose? Either this very man, the organization he spoke of, was a hack of complete insanity; or their lives were to be forever changed. 
After Milena’s explanation, none of her siblings were necessarily interested in the cause, but three had been invested for pure avarice of compensation alone. They went off to weekly trials, came home with pinpricks and signs of adverse reactions to look out for until one day the three had vanished. The Eye was an organization which was everywhere and nowhere and it was under such realization, such horror, that her three siblings were lost to her; whether they’d successfully flown the coop or that they’d been taken, she’d never know the truth. Idiocy, greed, all things which propelled their involvement with The Eye, Milena’s guilt only strengthened at their disappearance. 
Her time shifted to divulging in whatever she could discover about the Eye of Horus; long nights nursing a pot of coffee, hours dwindling away in the local library attempting to unearth the obscurities of such organization. Retaliation for her sleuthing came swiftly, though they’d cut off contact from Milena, seemingly abducted her siblings completely for their experiments, they could not allow her to dig into things which she could not yet understand. Her world shifted entirely as the slaughter of her own was enacted; her father, her siblings, as they slept within their home they were cut down. A lesson and a warning not to delve into matters that no longer concerned her. A fox smartened up quick, they were ambitious and driven for success, and though she wept and grieved, Milena would not let the Eye succeed on completely overturning her life. Rome was often at the epicenter of the excerpts and articles she discovered and so, through the estate sale of her childhood home, Milena kissed the scars of her adolescence goodbye. The only remnant of such life was a few of her clothes, her first guitar and amp, and the ambitions of her siblings disappearances, her family’s deaths that wrought her presence within the Italian city. 
Milena did not find the Eye first, an archdruid had found her; Octavian. Once turned into a pariah and a monstrosity by Rome’s Senate, by the Eye all had turned against him and she found a similar flame within herself. Octavian turned Milena into the Fox; his survivalist acolyte that seemed to have several lives as the Eye swept through their kind. Despite their supposed reform, a fox does not forgive nor forget quite so easily. 
+ Ambitious, compassionate, endearing – Revengeful, nihlistic, impulsive
played by gia. est. she/her.
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secretxxpaladaiseu · 1 year
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Growing up, everything was just a snap of her fingers away. Sales, discounts, deals, none of it ever mattered because she was going to get it. Mom and dad made sure she got everything she wanted, and Sera never had to break a sweat. Stores closed to let her shop, restaurants kept a table open for her whims, and drivers were always waiting. Sera had no idea what it was like to live like 99% of the world, and never anticipated that would happen.
Unfortunately, she was finding out. First hand.
A criminal scandal that rocked the world sent her from a golden throne to living with the peasants. Her parents were both in prison for their white collar wrongdoings, and it left Sera with nothing to spend. Almost everything was taken, with very few exceptions. Exceptions that left her possession anyways as she found herself needing to sell them for immediate cash.
Two years onward, she was still struggling. She was living in a basic apartment, with a job that required her to clock in and out. A job she had to show up to and take orders from other people. As if the vagueness wasn't enough, she found herself working as a personal assistant. A friend of her family found her the job, and she struggled to find herself being grateful for it…
Backstory Here. Trigger Warning for mentions of dramatic weight loss.
-- Faceclaim: Jisoo of BlackPink -- Age: 26 -- Gender: Female -- Height: 5'3" -- Birthdate: February 5th -- Sexuality: Straight -- Languages: Korean, English, Japanese (fluent), French, Spanish (semi-fluent)
Tags to Track:
Sera abt;
Drowned Fleur;
0 notes
cheritzteam · 3 years
[MM] Announcement on the Birthday Event for V and the Release of New Merchandise
Hello, this is Cheritz.
September draws near! When you look at the blue sky of September, don’t you get reminded of one of the members of the RFA?
That is right! The 9th of September is the birthday of V, who has a heart as wide as the sky, born with the same color as the clear sky!
For more information on SNS events prepared for V’s birthday and newly released merchandise, please check the announcement below and join us to celebrate his birthday!
< ① V’s Birthday Event : Photographer of September>
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The members of the RFA decided to do something for V, who has been working with his cameras without a rest.
On his birthday this year, you would be a photographer in person on behalf of V so that he could get some rest with no worries!
Post the wonderful work that you took as a photographer on SNS with a brief description and the hashtag #Today_Iam_V! 📷
We also have prepared a bonus event ⌛ to celebrate V's birthday. Use the hashtag #Happy_Birthday_V to celebrate his birthday, and do not miss your chance to get 50 hourglasses as a winning prize. ♥
Lastly, as we have prepared a discount event for some merchandise to celebrate the birthday of V, please stay tuned for the discount period below.
Cheritz Market Discount Event Period : The 9th (2 PM) - 16th of September (2 PM) (KST)
< ② Game-Access Event >
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To celebrate the birthday of V along with you, V’s title illustration for his birthday will be shown in-game during the period below!!
Title Illustration : The 1st - 31st of September (KST)
< ③ Release of Mysterious Confession of Love Rubber Keychains! >
The characters’ rubber keychains, which have been maintaining their popularity since their release in August 2018, are coming back in the 2nd version with sweet confessions of love♥ for this summer!!
Apparently, the members of the RFA have brought rings made of their birthstones, so you can wear your favorite jewel or person on your ring finger!
Aquamarine for March Yoosung★ Diamond for April  ZEN Pearl for June  707 / Saeran Sapphire for September V Opal for October Jumin Han Turquoise for December Jaehee Kang
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...Hold on!
There are 7 members of the RFA in total, so are you wondering why there are 10 silhouettes?
If you are wondering who are the charming characters hidden among the RFA confessing their love, please check the Cheritz Market on the 6th of September!!
< ④ Release of the 8th L-Shape Folders! >
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We heard many of you have been waiting for the new series of L-Shape folders, so we have prepared various items as quickly as we could!
On the 6th of September, the eight new L-Shape folders will be released at the Cheritz Market, so do not miss an opportunity to get the birthday and seasonal illustrations in the big size!♥
< 8th L-Shape Folder >
2021 Yoosung★’s Birthday 2021 April Fool's Day 2021 ZEN’s Birthday 2021 707’s Birthday 2021 Twins' Birthday 2021 Saeran's Birthday 2021 Korean Children’s Day 5th Anniversary Event
In addition to the Mysterious Confession of Love Rubber Keychains and the new L-Shape folders, various preexisting merchandise are also on the market!
Drop by and take a look right now.♥ Cheritz Market Link : http://en-shop.cheritz.com
These are all the news that we have prepared for you!
Our appreciation for celebrating V’s birthday with us in advance. And we hope the warmth of the sun will blend into your daily life!
Thank you!
Best, Cheritz
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bitches-who-write · 3 years
Hi! I really love your writings!!💟 Can I ask for The Bowers gang with a reader that is really childish and always running around full of energy?
Absolutely! Thank you for the request! We hope this is what you had in mind.
Warnings: Foul language, Derogatory names, and Sexual behavior implied.
Bower's Gang with a Childish and Full of Energy Reader
•Your personality is exactly attracted Patrick to you. He views your childish behavior as being naive, therefore, it's easier for him to manipulate and take advantage of you.
•Ex: Patrick likes to steal or as he calls it, “a five-finger discount.” One day you guys get caught and Patrick drags you out and you flee. You’re freaking out, basically having a panic attack. Patrick grabs your face and says: “If I get caught, so do you. You’re an accomplice you’ll get fucked in jail so calm the fuck down and do as I tell you, got it?”
•Since you're so full of energy, always running around- Patrick would purposely stick his leg out to trip you and laugh when you fall.
•Patrick also gets spurs of energy at random times so, between the both of you, the other guys get annoyed quickly.
•Given your childish nature, you tend to still like childish movies (such as cartoons, etc) When Patrick walks in on you watching them, prepare for him to make fun of you and tell the other guys, mocking you further.
•Sometimes (more often than not), he gets annoyed with all the energy you have and will just yell, “Will you shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down already.” ...When Patrick yells at you, you better listen.
•Patrick lives to corrupt you since you are so childish and naive (from his perspective).
•Expect this to extend into the bedroom.
•This guy right here has the most patients out of the entire gang. This might be due to the fact that he babysits his younger sister. (We know in the book/movie he does not, this is just for the sake of the headcanon)
•He finds it cute for the most part. Occasionally you’ll catch him just smiling at you as you ramble on and on about something that excites you.
•However, at times he can find it frustrating and a bit tiring. But he would never fully tell you in fear of hurting your feelings.
•When you are in one of your energetic moods and won’t sit still, Belch would ask you to cuddle with him, hoping that relaxes you
•He feels the need to be a little more protective of you, especially around the guys *cough* Patrick *coughs* since Patrick gets off on corrupting people.
•As you are rambling on and on about something, Reggie will nod off and fall asleep but you’re too busy talking to even notice.
•Would feel guilty if he accidentally snaps and yells at you
•Let’s be honest here, Henry has zero patients for this.
•He would physically grab you by the shoulders, sit you down, and tell you to “calm the fuck down.”
•If you still don’t listen to him, he would pull out his knife just to scare you into settling down.
•When you keep going on and on about something, talking a mile per minute, he would cut you off and say, “Hey, listen...I have a better solution for your mouth..”
•Similar to Patrick, he likes to use your child-like behavior as a way to control you. Always telling you what to do, where to go, etc. He smirks at the guys in a cocky way to show off his authority over you.
•Makes fun of every single one of your interests no matter what it is.
•If you have stuffed animals on your bed, prepare for him to laugh at you. He’ll throw them all off the bed, refusing to sleep near any of them.
•When you do something to upset him, he would rip the head off the stuffed animal and throw it at you. (Bonus- Vic will try to sew the head back on for you, but fail miserably)
•He has some patients, but when he gets annoyed, his facial expressions give it away.
•If you’re watching a movie together and you keep getting up, he will grab you by your waist and pull you back, keeping you in place.
•If you keep talking throughout the movie, Vic will get annoyed by like the 5th time it happens and just covers your mouth with his hand.
•He does not take your child-like behavior to the extreme and use it against you like Patrick and Henry do, but sometimes he will use it to bribe you into going out when you don’t want to.
•He’s protective but at the same time, he lets you hold your own and doesn’t defend you/ protect you against Patrick’s or Henry’s antics.
•Will down-right say no if you ask him to teach you how to skateboard. “No, no, and no. You are a hazard.”
•Sometimes Vic will cave and be nice, allowing you to watch your childish shows, but the minute you fall asleep, he’s changing it.
•When you do something utterly stupid, like almost get yourself killed by not looking both ways before crossing the street, Vic would freak out. “Jesus Christ, what's wrong with you?! I gotta start taking fuckin baby aspirin at an early age to prevent the onset of an early heart attack with you around!”
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haldenlith · 3 years
Random thoughts 2: electric boogaloo
I need to start giving these nice titles and make this a series, with how many random thoughts I have.
I've also probably said this one already before, but I have mental illness brain, so I have shit-for-short-term memory. Also, forgive my extra rambleness if there is any. I'm basically vibrating on caffeine and sleep deprivation. I'll be crashing shortly.
Our dumbass babe, Astarion, laments briefly that as a vampire spawn, he has "all of the hunger, few of the powers." Yet, I thought about it, and realized that there are magical approximations to most of the powers of a "True Vampire." Of note, all of this is ignoring the Arcane Trickster "wizard spells only" restriction. I'm basically imagining that if he already knew magic, it'd be possible to teach a singular spell from another discipline to him, if we're talking about in world and not game mechanics. Also, we're going to assume he has the ability to have claws (as he should) and is just too much of a prissy diva to use them.
Vampire's Mist Form? Gaseous Form, Wind Walk, or could even go discount-approximation with Misty Step. MS isn't really a perfect alternative, though, as it's more of a teleport.
Okay, what about turning into a bat? Hmmm... I suppose the easiest answer is Polymorph.
Summon bats/rats/wolves? Conjure Animals.
Regeneration? I mean.... Astarion's supposed to have this, anyway, as a vampire spawn, but we'll roll with it, because I get why he doesn't (that would make him such a broken-OP companion). This one's a little trickier since while there is a literal "Regenerate" spell, the spell components I, noticed, were a problem. The prayer wheel? Unimportant, not an issue. The other component (aside from spoken incantation)? Holy water. Now that IS a problem for Astarion, because being undead, holy water I imagine is still pretty harmful to him. If it's just having it in your possession, I suppose he could be very careful with it, but if it has to actually be used, that'd cancel out the spell, since it'd be Radiant damage. ALL THAT SAID, it also depends on the tadpole, because with the tadpole, Astarion is uniquely unaffected by Radiant damage. Sooooooo.... it's complicated. All that aside, it's also a fairly high level druid/cleric/bard spell at level 7, so it'd be a problem he'd have to solve at a later date, when he can find someone of sufficient skill to teach him, anyway. (If he even could, given that two of those has a possibility of wanting to stake him on sight.)
Spider Climb? Again, another thing he's supposed to already have, and I really wished they let him keep. That said, there's a spell literally of the same name, and it's fairly low level. Problem solved.
Charm? Charm Person. Or, if you wanna get real spicy with it, and mimic the bond a True Vampire has with a Spawn, except do it with anyone, Dominate Person is right there as a 5th level spell.
But what if we don't assume he has claws: Well, okay, fine. If we assume he's just a slightly faster, slightly deadlier elf with sharp teeth and an allergy to running water, and without the tadpole: sunlight (I mean, that's what he is at that point, if we strip claws/regen/spider climb from him), there's always Alter Self.
Ignoring the mechanics stuff (ie the Legendary Action shit), that's it. That's your Discount True Vampire spell pack. The only thing truly locked out to Astarion is turning people. So, really, Astarion doesn't need to drink Cazador's blood. All he needs is to put in some work hitting the books and listening to people, and hell, he could be equal to, or honestly, better than Cazador. All that and he could set the bastard's britches on fire with a Z-snap of his pale fingers.
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ravireyes · 3 years
WHERE: a park  WHEN: april 5th CLOSED for @ginnyren​  
Of course the irony isn't lost on him, to agree to meet an old friend when the last time he did this, just a week or two ago, his face was plastered all over The Sun. However, Ravi is all the wiser for it, now. And he surely isn't about to let his guard down -- he insists they meet on broad daylight, somewhere public, and the way Ginny doesn't protest makes him believe she means well. She must also not mind the burly over-six-feet giant who arrives with him and just sits one table away from them, whom Ravi declares "my friend who's just a little standoffish, don't mind him". At least the bodyguards the family has arranged have been coming in handy, when he doesn't want to drag Nana herself around to his meetings.
In reality, meeting with his once roommate does not come without second intentions. He's well-aware Ginny was a fan of the five-finger discount, and even back in the day, she'd always been elbows deep into the criminal world that pulses under London. If she's still stuck in her own ways -- selfishly, he hopes she is, and optimistically, he hopes she'll overlook his jewellery today --, she might have information on this new group. Death. Pathetic. He doesn't even like to think their name.
"Cheers," he clinks his bottle of sparkling water against hers, already making himself comfortable on the table they chose to chat at. His gun digs into his hip, concealed by the heavy jacket he wears, and he smiles sweetly. "So, what have you been up to? Keeping up with RuPaul, after I forced you to watch every season of it while we lived together, I hope?"
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
If you could choose your own 7 Quirks for the 2nd-8th OFA users to pass to Deku, what would they be?
The power you give me is too great, my friend. Finally, I can give him quirks that aren't vaguely like his classmates' or all Emitter class quirks.
2nd/Bakugou's Long-Dead Twin: Liquid Fire (secretes benzene in place of sweat which can be ignited it at will. The ignition of the benzene creates a liquid fire, flames that look and move like water but have the properties of fire.)
3rd/Discount Shikamaru: Moon Energy (absorbs moonlight and can use it to send projectiles at opponents)
4th/Shinomori Hikage: Sense Link (can create a sensory or empathy bond with other individuals, can also track the sense links to find those with the bond active, eg: can sense if a friend is in danger and can track a friend down to help them)
5th/Banjo Daigoro: Jack (Can turn into different elements, most commonly smoke, water, crystal, and fire)
6th/En: Force Field (can make a strong shield to protect themself or someone else.)
7th/Shimura Nana: Healing Touch (if all five fingers touch someone, they heal perfectly, despite severity, but it only works on physical wounds. It can't heal organ failure or if they're already dead, but it can keep them alive long enough to get medical help.)
8th/Yagi Toshinori: Skeleton (His bones are super strong and basically impossible to break.) I wanted him to have a quirk, but I think OFA might work with a mutation quirk and let them have a normal lifespan unlike the Emitter quirks we've seen.
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richwall101 · 3 years
Taxes explained by David R. Kamerschen economics teacher The principle of taxes seems to be explained by quite simple logic. But many yet, don't always grab it... Since it's tax season, let me explain it to you in simple terms that anyone can understand. Let's assume that every day 10 friends meet up for a beer and the total addition is 100 euros. (We stay in the simple: that would be 10 euros per person! ) But our 10 friends decided to pay this bill according to a breakdown inspired by income tax calculation! What gave this: ~ First 4 (poorest 4! ), pay NOTHING · The 5th pays 1 euros · The 6th pays 3 euros · The 7th pays 7 euros · The 8th pays 12 euros · The 9th pays 18 euros ~ The Last (Richest! ) pays 59 euros. The ten men found themselves drinking their beer every day and seemed quite happy with their arrangement. Until the day the tenant decided to give them a loyalty discount! ′′ Since you are good customers, I have decided to give you a discount of 20 euros on the total bill... So you will now only pay your 10 beers 80 euros! ′′ The group decided to continue paying the new amount the same way they would have paid their taxes. The first 4 kept drinking for free. But how were the other 6 (paying customers) going to split the 20 euros discount fairly??? They realized that 20 euros divided by 6 were 3,33 euros. But, if they subtracted that amount from sharing, then the 5th and 6th man should be paid to drink their beer!!! The bar owner suggested that it would be fairer to reduce the addition of each by a similar percentage. So he did the calculations... which gave this: ~ The 5th man, as the first four will pay nothing anymore. (one more poor! )) · 6th will pay 2 euros instead of 3 (33 % discount) · 7th will pay 5 euros instead of 7 (28 % off) · 8th will pay 9 euros instead of 12 (25 % off) · 9th will pay 14 euros instead of 18 (22 % off) · 10th will pay 50 euros instead of 59 euros (16 % off) Each of the six ′′ payers ′′ paid less than before and the first 4 kept drinking for free! But... once out of the bar, everyone compares their economy: ′′ I only got 1 euro out of the 20 euro discounts! ", says the 6th, calling the 10th finger he added: ′′ He got 9!!! ′′ Yeah! says the 5th, I only got 1 euro economy me too... ′′ It's true! ′′ exclaimed the 7th ′′ why would the 10th have 9 euros in saving when I only had two? ... it's abnormal that it's the richest who gets the biggest discount!" ′′ Wait a minute... screamed the 1st man, ′′ we 4 had nothing at all... so, this system exploits the poor!!! The 9 men surrounded the 10th and insulted him... and the next day our 10th man, (the richest! ) did not come drink his beer! Also, the other 9 sit down and drink their beer without him. But when it came time to pay their bill, they discovered something important: They didn't have enough money to pay even half the bill! And that, my dear friends, is a strict reflection of our tax system. People who pay the most taxes get the most income from a tax cut, but those who don't pay taxes feel wronged! Tax the strongest, accuse them of being rich and they risk not showing up anymore... and going to drink their beer abroad!!! Morality: For those who understood... no explanation is necessary!!! For those who didn't understand... no explanation is possible! David R. Kamerschen, professor of economics.
Thats what its all about - Think of the EU Nations, Think of other trading blocks, Think of sovereign nations......!!!
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jaehotbuns · 4 years
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rating: pg
word count: 2775
characters: you x johnny
genre: barista!johnny, fluff
summary: to calm your nerves for your first day of university, you visit the nearby cafe to buy a treat but the charming barista gives you his odd and underappreciated recommendations which puts you more at ease than your purchase. he asks you come back often and you do. with every visit, you fall for him more without realizing all the little things he does to impress you.
[thursday, september 5th, 8:29am]
You felt the warmth drain out of your body as you stepped out of the crowded subway car that provided heat from the uncomfortable number of commuting bodies pushed against you. The transition from summer to fall was evident from the cool breeze which greeted you as soon as your two feet landed on the subway platform. Along with the other hustling students and workers, you climbed up the stairs with excitement for your first day of university. 
Nerves, shivers, and the cool temperature was causing you to shake slightly which was evident when you pushed the revolving doors out onto the streets and noticed that your fingers were vibrating on the glass surface. You were excited, but wary of getting lost on campus and being unfamiliar in your surroundings. The fact that the population and area of your university was tenfold of your high school was nerve wracking. 
The fear of being late and interrupting your class and awkwardly fumbling in caused you to overestimate your commute to campus as while you were walking to your first lecture, you realized that the lecture began at 10:00am and you were only 5 minutes away. Rather than waiting outside of the lecture hall on your phone with freshman jitters, you decided to visit a cozy looking coffee shop that was nearby. 
Even with your thick flannel on top of your cotton turtleneck, which was attire fit for fall time, the weather was colder than what you expected which consumed your energy on top of your nervousness. A nice coffee and dessert would take care of both problems. 
The smooth varnished cocoa brown wooden door opened with a ‘ding’ sound as it pushed past the golden bell upon your arrival. The smell of freshly roasted coffee beans, sweet sugar glazed desserts, and the buttery fragrance of croissants wafted under your nose as you walked over to the display case to check out their servings. “Good morning!” The tall barista turned around to greet you, wiping down equipment with a washcloth simultaneously. 
You smiled instantly to match the bright and charming barista’s expression. His hair was a dark brown, with hints of gold and red highlights which were accentuated under the overhead light bulbs that shined a light golden yellow hue. He was wearing a chocolate brown apron with the cafe’s logo on top of a white button up. His sleeves were rolled messily to his elbows which revealed the muscles of his forearms as he gripped the cups that he was drying. Your eyes landed to his name tag, “Johnny.” 
“Good morning,” you replied. His beaming smile was calming your nerves and compared to the traffic noise and sound of footwear against the pavement to the upbeat jazz music in the cafe made you feel like it was an escape to the chaos. The warm light in the cafe and wooden interior contrasted the blue and grey city. 
“Looking for anything specific?” He asked as you as you were leaning down towards the glass display case to carefully inspect the desserts to accompany a cinnamon latte.
“Hmm.. not really,” you answered and straightened up your back to meet his eyes. “Do you have any recommendations?” 
Without much hesitation he set down his washcloth and placed the cups he wiped onto a rack. Johnny’s index finger pointed to a spot on the display case and tapped on three times. “Our raspberry cinnamon rolls.” Your eyebrows raised at the interesting and unique flavour combination and he took into account of your questioning expression. “The croissants go with anything too, you can’t go wrong with them.” He chuckled to himself, “raspberry usually doesn’t go with cinnamon.” 
You shook your head and laughed, “no I’ll trust you on this one, I’m not particularly picky.” He seemed to be happy with your choice as he slid the case open to warm the dessert in the oven. “I’ll have a cinnamon latte as well, thank you!” 
“No problem!” He replied with his back to you, closing the oven to turn around and make your latte. As he was steaming the milk and preparing the espresso, you walked over to the cash register to prepare your credit card. “A fan of cinnamon?” He asked, swirling the milk frother before tapping to pour into the cup. 
You laughed softly, “yeah, but I’m having a little bit more than usual with your recommendation.” 
You looked at him creating a design with the milk before sprinkling generous shakes of cinnamon. “I better not disappoint you then,” he smiled before placing the cinnabon bun on a place and sliding both the coffee and dessert over to you. He typed the order onto the POS system, “are you a student by the way? We’re offering a discount for back to school season.” 
“Oh yeah, I am,” you said before pulling out your student card from your phone case and showing it to him. 
Johnny’s eyes glanced over to the date issued, “new student?” 
You nodded excitedly, making him chuckle at your cute enthusiasm, “yeah, first day actually.” The card machine lit up, and before making your payment you added a generous tip.
“Thanks,” he grinned as he ripped the receipt from the card machine and handed it to you. From behind the counter, he came to the front and took the tray to a table near the register. 
After thanking him and sitting down, you glanced around the cafe and noticed that you were the only customer and he was the only worker. Before you could wonder about why that was, his question cut through your train of thought. “What time does your class start?” Johnny had begun cleaning the equipment that he used to make your order. 
“10 o’clock,” you replied as you cut into the cinnamon bun with a fork. The raspberry jam gushed from the crevices as you stabbed the fork into the piece. Once you ate the first bite, your eyes lit up at the surprisingly complementary fruity and slightly spicy flavours. “Wow, who knew fruit could go well with cinnamon buns!” 
Johnny laughed and nodded, “right!” He seemed overjoyed that you agreed with him, “it’s actually one of our worst sellers but I convinced the owner to keep it on the menu. It’s underrated.” 
“Well, I’ll have to come back and try whatever you recommend then,” you said while cutting another piece. “Can’t let these underrated desserts go unnoticed.” 
“I’d like that,” he said earnestly. You looked over at your cinnamon latte to take a sip and noticed  a leaf design in the shape of a heart. “Come often.”And you did, before every lecture on thursday, you came back to try every underrated drink or food item that Johnny recommended and talked with him until it was time for you to go. By going at 8:30, the time where everyone was either commuting or going to Tim Hortons or Starbucks, you were alone with Johnny. 
He asked about you and you asked about him. He also went to your school, but was starting his Master’s degree in Ethics and Philosophy. He only took early morning and closing shifts to focus on school during the daytime. His favourite drink on the menu was their mint iced americano. But the thing you remember most was him saying he liked your smile. You liked his too. 
[wednesday, february 19th, 9:58pm]
“Hey!” Johnny called your name as soon as you saw you come into the door. You returned his wave as you walked over to the cash register. “You usually come in the morning, am I lucky enough to see you in the nights too?” 
You laughed and shook your head, slapping him playfully on his arm. “I’m swamped with essays during midterm season, so I decided if going to suffer might as well have you to complain to instead of alone in a library.” 
Johnny pouted and folded his arms across his chest dramatically, “aw, and I thought you wanted to see this sexy hunk of a guy.” He was right and he knew he was right. After months of flirty remarks, suggestive late night texts, and long phone calls while both of you worked on your respective studies made you feel like you were in a relationship but you were just in a ‘some.’ 
You placed your hand over your eyes like you were searching for something. You squint your eyes and pretended to look around the cafe. “Who? Where is he?” 
His large hand placed your hand down while laughing and shaking his head, “you hurt me. Hurry up and order you dummy.” 
“Surprise me with a nice warm and sweet drink,” you grinned and got your card ready. “Maybe like you?” You winked at him. Usually he would reply back with another snarky remark but this time you watch pink creep up in his cheeks and ears. He typed in the order and you paid as usual. 
He looked at you and smiled while shaking his head, always being left speechless at how well you took his naturally flirty nature. “Sadly for you, we close at 11.” You watched him froth milk with a tin that held a fine green powder at the side for him to froth next. Although you wanted him to surprise you, you already knew what it was by coming a hundred times; maple matcha. 
You pouted, disappointed that you only had half an hour to work on your mountain of assignments and even more at the fact that you could only see Johnny for an hour. Although both of you went to the same university and saw each other every week at the cafe, your classes and work schedules didn’t match up so you never saw each other. “Don’t fret princess, I can let you stay while I close even though it’s 30 minutes.” 
You smiled at his proposition, “really? I don’t wanna bother you though.” 
Johnny shook his head and grinned while making your drink, “don’t worry. I like when you’re around.” Your head skipped a beat, and you became even more flustered when you couldn’t come up with a witty remark back to fill in the silence. 
He came from around the counter and served you your drink at the table he always placed you at. The workers didn’t need to come out and serve customers their drink, but he always did. “Because I want to,” he answered when you asked why he only did it for you. 
“Work hard,” he said after you sat down. He patted your head encouragingly, “if you finish your work early we can talk while I clean.” 
And so for the next hour you typed away furiously at your laptop. Your head whipping back and forth from your handwritten notes to your laptop screen. Once your wrists and fingers ached from being in an uncomfortable position, you sighed and leaned back into the cushiony orange chair. You rolled your wrists and closed your laptop before placing it into your bag. Although you had to proofread your work, you wanted to use the last few minutes to unwind with Johnny. You glanced at your phone to look at the time, 11:03pm. 
You looked up and were surprised to see a customer in front of the cash register as Johnny should’ve locked the door and started counting cash three minutes ago. You were probably too engrossed in your work to notice their rather loud conversation in front of you. All customers left the store except you and the one at cash. “I don’t understand. I came in at 11:01 can you not make an exception?” 
Johnny’s usual genuine smile was replaced with a forced customer service grimace as he tried to explain to her, “I’m sorry, the hours of operation are only up to 11 o’clock and drinks take around 3 minutes to make.” You were starting to feel as angry as he probably was. 
“The three minutes we’ve been talking could’ve been used to make a simple drink, is that so hard to ask for?” You eyed her up and down. She looked young, maybe the same age as you, and didn’t look like the type to act entitled but here you were. 
“I’m sorry, I cannot make you a drink, please leave,” Johnny said sternly. You’ve never seen him angry but his eyes were now sharp and upturned. The whites below his eyes were showing and his voice deep and ragged. You didn’t know who you were concerned for now. 
“No! Not until I-” 
Before she could finish you rushed up to the counter and interjected. “Johnny! Oh my gosh, I was so caught up in my work that I didn’t realize that it was time to close!” He tilted his head to the side, still fuming but his eyes softened by looking at you. Both him and the customer were confused at what you were going on about. “Why aren’t you closing and cleaning? You’ve worked by yourself for twelve hours since Maki called in sick! Didn’t you need to make breakfast for little Tim’s field trip tomorrow? What’s keeping you?!” 
You looked over at the customer, “I’m sorry but we are closed. Unless you need a coffee that badly? Do you?” 
She was taken aback, or maybe even guilty. She shook her head vigorously, “oh no, sorry.” She scurried out of the shop and you went over to the door and flipped the sign over from ‘open’ to ‘closed.’ Johnny walked over and locked the door with a key before laughing wholeheartedly. 
“What was that?” You laughed too, you didn’t know what took over you in that moment but you had experiences dealing with annoying customers and you wished that you could help others in that scenario as well, so you did. “Maki? Is that the best name you could come up with?” He pointed to the sushi shop across the street with the sign with the big neon words, “sashimi, maki, bento, and more!” 
Every word that left your mouth was accompanied by fits of laughter as you recalled what ridiculous things that you said to get the overbearing customer to leave, “hey! I didn’t know how to save you but in the end I did, didn’t I?” 
Once he pulled the key out of the slot, he tucked it into his back pocket and pulled you into a hug. With your height different he was leaning down so that your head was next to his. Both his arms were wrapped around your back, enveloping you in a warm embrace. “You did, thank you.” 
He didn’t let go, and your hands awkwardly slid up to hold his shoulders and stand more comfortably in his arms. You subconsciously started to stroke his head with your hand. “How are you going to make it up to me?” You teased to break the air of your own tension. 
Johnny pulled away to look at you without letting go of your body, “how about a date?” He started to blush again and his flirty self was replaced with a more shy and timid version. “You know, only if you want to…” 
“I’d like that.” 
[friday, march 20th, 7:43pm]
“How’s this for our first date, huh?” Johnny laughed as he cut into his steak. You looked down at your salmon fillet and watched as the light pink flesh pulled apart effortlessly as you slid your fork down to separate it. You heard the soft jazz in the background although it came out more as lo-fi through the zoom call. “Isn’t this romantic?” 
“I mean, it’s going to be the most romantic we get for the next few months,” you laughed as the two of you ate dinner through your laptop screens. 
“Damn this semester was crazy,” he said between bites. His blazer was restricting his movement slightly but he wanted to look nice but he left his hair undone because gelling his hair was only worth the pain of washing it out if others could see it; in person that is. “I wish I could meet my professors and colleagues again,” he sighed. “Can’t even take my girl out to dinner either.” 
You smiled to yourself at his last sentence but nodded in agreement. “Online school made me realize how much I really enjoyed school.” You took another bite, “and I’d rather only see you at the cafe than only on screen.” 
He placed his elbow on the table and rested his hand on his cheek, “we’ll get through this together gorgeous.” 
You repeated after him, “we’ll get through this together.” 
authors note: how was everyone’s school year? i started my first year of uni which is crazy considering i started this blog in 2015. i hope everyone finished their school year well and know that things will get better! i hope y’all stay safe, healthy, and happy w/ your loved ones <3
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paperanddice · 4 years
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Image ID: Two pictures of game stat blocks for the deathdrinker. The  first is for 5th Edition D&D and the second is for 13th Age. Full text is available below the read more.  End ID.
Deathdrinkers are massive fiends that make their home in the Abyss, though they aren’t true demons. Where the original was born from is unknown as deathdrinkers seem to be artificially created rather than naturally born from souls in the lower planes like so many other fiends. A deathdrinker can create a new member of its species by adding its own blood to specially prepared vats of planar essence. They typically recruit other fiends through violence and threats to tend to these vats, spending months stirring and adding ingredients until a fully grown deathdrinker exits the vat. What convinces a deathdrinker to create a new member of its species is unknown, but they regularly seem willing to do so.
Deathdrinkers are the size of giants, towering over 20 feet tall on the smallest end. They have massive, antler-like horns that sprout from their head, skin that ranges from red to purple and occasionally grey, massive teeth that are constantly bared due to a lack of lips, and 7-9 fingers on each of their hands. Many customize their equipment, though most commonly they will try to get their hands on magical suits of armor fitted to their massive size. They favor large, heavy weapons.
What ties all deathdrinkers together is how they feed. While they do not need to eat, they get a physical and mental rush when they kill a creature, healing wounds and sending them into a high that depends on how thrilling and dangerous the creature was. Stronger opponents will give them a bigger rush, though even weaker ones will replenish their stamina and fix injuries, and so many deathdrinkers choose to become mercenaries for hire. The more dangerous the mission, the more excited they are and many deathdrinkers will offer discounts if the battles during their job were thrilling enough. Of course, if the opponents they faced weren’t as exciting as hoped for the deathdrinker may take out its disappointment on its employer. They can never be truly trusted, but you’re actually usually safer if the creature you’re pitting them against appears to be more imposing and dangerous than you are.
In battle the deathdrinker loves to throw itself into the thickest group of enemies, letting its aura strip away their life. It lashes out with its weapon, carving up enemies and will use its innate magics to fly and teleport into position where useful. Many love teleporting suddenly next to an isolated spellcaster. A deathdrinker seeking a boost mid fight won’t hesitate to direct an attack into a wounded ally, cutting them down and giving itself a rush to cut down its foes.
The sample stat blocks given here can be adjusted to give the deathdrinker a custom weapon and armor layout that fits with the look you’d like for your own version. As long as the average damage output and AC are around the same level, the CR of the deathdrinker will be fine.
Originally from the 3.5 Monster Manual IV. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as a spot on the Paper and Dice Discord server, consider backing me   there!
5th Edition
Deathdrinker Huge fiend, chaotic evil Armor Class 19 (+2 half plate) Hit Points 283 (21d12 + 147) Speed 50 ft. Str 25 (+7) Dex 14 (+2) Con 24 (+7) Int 15 (+2) Wis 16 (+3) Cha 18 (+4) Saving Throws Con +13, Wis +9, Cha +10 Skills Intimidation +10, Survival +9 Damage Immunities necrotic, poison Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks Condition Immunities poisoned Senses truesight 120 ft. passive Perception 13 Languages Abyssal Challenge 18 (20000 XP) Aura Of Unlife. At the start of each of the deathdrinker's turns, each creature within 5 feet of it magically takes 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. Deathdrink. When the deathdrinker reduces a creature to 0 hit points, it magically regains 18 (4d8) hit points. Glory In Slaughter. When the deathdrinker kills a level 10 or higher creature, it gains advantage on all attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 minute. Magic Resistance. The deathdrinker has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Magic Weapon. The deathdrinker's weapon attacks are magical. Innate Spellcasting. The deathdrinker's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18). The deathdrinker can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: 3/day each: dimension door, fly 1/day each: dispel magic (as a 6th level spell) Actions Multiattack. The deathdrinker makes three attacks and can use one of its innate spells. Adamantine Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (6d6+7) slashing damage. This attack deals double damage to objects and structures.
13th Age
Deathdrinker Huge 11th-level troop [demon] Initiative: +15 Adamantine Blade +16 vs. AC (3 attacks) - 60 damage Critical Hit: The deathdrinker can add the escalation die to its next attack. Miss: 30 damage Deathdrink: When the deathdrinker reduces a creature to 0 hp (with an attack or with its life ending aura), it immediately regains 125 hp and can add the escalation die to its attacks until the end of its next turn. Flight. Instant Teleport: As a quick action when the escalation die is even, the deathdrinker can teleport to a nearby or far away location that it can see. Life Ending Aura: At the start of each of the deathdrinker’s turns, 1d3 nearby enemies take 3d10 negative energy damage, starting with the enemy with the lowest hp. AC 27 PD 25 MD 21 HP 864
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telehxhtrash · 4 years
Ysabel I am going to pass out because of how much i adore this idea. I. I'm in love. This is it. I'm an absolute SUCKER for dumb rom-com clichés and you managed to put 3 of those in the same thing and i- it's perfect. honestly i dont even have WORDS fjdngjkdngjk it's so PERFECT IT WOULD WORK SO WELL OMFG SO LIKE this is how i imagine itd go (buckle up it's gonna be the most cliché thing you've ever read - and also probably extremely badly written but pls bear with me)
• Gon is ofc the extremely popular kid, in every sports club he could ever possibly join, extremely athletic and very kind to everyone and loveable - basically everyone is in love with him.
• Killua is the rich (ok remember that he's rich pls it's important), smart kid who mostly keeps to himself and pretty much scares people away because he's always sarcastic/doesn't want to be bothered.
And of course, they've been best friends since forever. They grew up together, always do everything together, hang out everyday.... And it's because they're so different that it works. They both allow each other to shine brighter.
Prom is pretty close, and all the excitement surrounding it totally flies over Killua's head because he's never been and will NEVER go, thank you very much. The mere thought of being in the same room as thousands of horny teenagers is enough to make him want to puke.
But Gon, sweet, adorable, peppy Gon, runs full speed at Killua down the hallway the SECOND he hears about prom, like he's been doing for the past 3 years.
"Gon I swear to god if you ask me to go to prom again after i told you a thousand times that i will NEVER go i will-"
"Mh-mh Killua ! That's not it ! I had a brilliant idea on how to fund prom this year !!" that sentence and Gon's wide grin and the glint of mischief in his eyes make Killua very scared of what's coming next...
"A kissing booth !! I'm gonna set up a kissing booth !" hold on- WHAT??
Gon can't set up a kissing booth - Gon has never kissed anyone in his life, he told Killua so himself a few weeks ago, and now he wants to set up a kissing booth where, knowing his popularity, he'll probably kiss hundreds of people??? Just the thought of it makes Killua's stomach drop - Gon's first kiss wouldn't be with him. Of course it wouldn't. Just because they did everything together didn't mean Gon wanted to do those things with him. Holding hands. Going on dates. Kissing. Who was he kidding.
But Gon looks embarassed, putting his hand on his neck and looking down at the ground, but why would he be, he has no filter and-
"But Killua... I've never kissed anyone remember... W-What if I kiss the first person and I do terribly bad and then no one will come and I will be the reason why prom is cancelled and then everybody will hate me and all of this because i can't kiss and i-"
"I mean, we could practice." Killua finds himself interrupting, and Gon looks up at him, looking extremely shocked.
"...I-If you want of course ! I'm your best friend, it doesn't bother me" Killua feigns nonchalance.
But Gon's shocked expression turns into one an excited puppy would make. "REALLY KILLUA ?? You'd do that for me??" and Killua tries to keep his cool and just replies with a "yeah, yeah, no big deal".
So they decide to meet up at Gon's place the same day, after school. Killua has homework but for once, he'll let it slide. 
Killua is a nervous mess when he sits on Gon's bed, not knowing what to do with his hands and his palms are so sweaty, he feels like he's gonna pass out any second - 
"So, are you still okay with this Killua? We don't have to if you don't want to !!" "N-no it's nothing, idiot ! I'm the one that offered to help you out. Don't worry about it." 
It feels like Killua's face is gonna fall off because it feels so red.
Gon sits next to him, and Killua turns his head around to get a good look at his face and oh- his eyes are sparkling, his face is getting closer to his, and it's only when their lips are so close together that he can feel his breath on his lips that Gon whispers:
"Can I kiss you, Killua?"
And Killua crosses the distance between their lips, letting himself completely fall.
The first kiss is chaste, just a quick peck on the lips. The second is a bit more experimental, a bit longer but also a lot more teethy - but it's no secret that Gon has always been eager and impatient. Their third kiss makes Killua's heart jump to his throat, because Gon's tongue is in his mouth and it's messy and way too overwhelming, but Killua feels like he could die on the spot because this is everything he's ever wanted. To kiss Gon.
During the few weeks that preceded the Kissing Booth Event, Killua and Gon made a habit of going to Gon's house to "practice" and "make sure he doesn't get rusty" as Gon said. Not that Killua minded.
The day of the Kissing Booth event, Killua, fueled by a sudden strike of courage, decides to wake up as early as possible to be the first one in line at the kissing booth. I mean, he's the one who helped Gon get as good at kissing as he is right now, it's only fair to pluck the fruits of his labor, right ? And it's only fair compensation for the amount of homework Killua missed because he was too busy kissing Gon and thinking about Gon's lips and how soft they felt against his and how good it feels to be able to put his fingers in his hair to drag him closer -
So yeah, Killua was definitely going to be the first one there. He'll fight anyone who tries to steal his spot. But luckily, it seems no one comes here before him, but seeing Gon looking so adorable setting up his little booth makes Killua want to run away as fast as possible because he was so, so stupid - gon was just practicing with him there was no way he would ever want to kiss him for real, he'd probably say something like "I'm sorry Killua, I can't be seen kissing you in public, it's kind of embarassing you know...." and UGH why was Killua such a dumb idiot-
But Gon flashes his brightest smile at Killua and yells so enthusiastically his name that Killua forgets all thoughts and decides to just get this over with. He can do this ! 
As Killua walks towards Gon, Gon just says with a snarky smile "Killua ! Are you here to see if all our practice paid off ?" Killua can only mumble "Shut up idiot.", before sliding 100 jennies on the booth with shaking hands because he feels like he might just die this instant.
It's only when he feels Gon's finger touch his chin and slowly lift his head up that he realizes just in what situation he's in, but Gon's eyes look so bright and warm and they make him feel so calm, that when Gon presses his lips onto Killua's for a chaste kiss, Killua just lets himself melt into the kiss.
When they break apart, Killua is so dazed and at loss for words, but still manages to reach into his wallet for 100 more jennies, putting them on the booth slowly, while still staring into Gon's eyes in complete silence.
And Gon obliges, going in for another kiss, smiling against Killua's lips.
On his 5th kiss, Killua starts to realize that there is ambiant noise surrounding them now, and people are waiting in line and starting to get impatient. Oh god, he can't believe what he's about to do. 
He digs into his wallet and puts 50 000 jennies in front of Gon, and barely manages to spit out any coherent words but he still tries : "W-would that be enough to buy all the kisses you have available?"
And Gon just lets out the most open, beautiful laugh Killua has ever heard. He leans in slowly and says, voice barely above a whisper 
"If you wanted to kiss me you could've just said so, Killua. I can give you a discount." 
And the next thing Killua knows, Gon's lips are on his again, but this time it feels different - it feels more eager, like Gon is claiming him, like Gon has been waiting for this. And when they break apart, Gon grabs Killua's hand, looks at the people waiting in line, flashes his best smile and says: "Sorry guys, but we reached the goal for prom, we're all out of kisses ! I would tell you to come back later but I think we got a very persistent customer here who wants to have a monopoly on all my kisses, sorry !"
Killua just wants to melt into the ground because how can someone be so embarassing!!! He's truly trying to kill him !! But Gon's hand lets go of his to rest on his cheek, slowly dragging Killua's lips towards his once again.
And Killua can't help but think : best. purchase. ever.
omg HONESTLY if anyone who has better writing skills than me wants to have a go with this trope i beg of you go ahead i will give my life away to see this highschool kissing booth + kissing practice AU come to life, i would do ANYTHINGGGG to read a proper fic about this HAHAHAH 
thank you so much for blessing my day with this ask ily ♥♥
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human-trash-fire · 4 years
Shot Through The Heart: Chapter 7 (part 4- Rowaelin) NSFW
First and foremost I want to apologize to all my readers for the delay. This is my 5th pass at this chapter. I lost motivation when it seemed that every time I went to write this it didn’t do the buildup justice.
A few notes going in: 
1.The total money Dorian, Asterin, and Mannon made from their game will be posted at the end of the chapter. 
2. This is the first chapter that will feature a group text, so I’ve changed the formatting on text conversations to make it slightly easier to track. That being said, we see the Group Chat from Aelin’s phone and, as you’d expect everyone has a name. Here is a list of the characters and their text names so it’s easier to understand:
- The Queen: Aelin
-Sexy Liger: Lysandra
-SINnamon Roll: Elide
-Dorian’s Dom: Manon
-Blonde Demon: Asterin
-Elsa Havilliard: Dorian
-Balto: Aedion
-Discount Deadpool: Ren
Lastly, a GIANT THANK YOU to all of you who have kept up with this story and to @starseternalnighttriumphant​ for beta reading this chapter. I hope you all enjoy <3 
(Click HERE to bring you to my masterlist if you need a refresher course on what’s happening bc I took so long to write this)
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What the fuck is going on? Aelin thought as she reached for her mimosa, taking care to lean as far away from Rowan at her side as possible. Last night…. Last night was clearly eventful in more ways than one. She had been awake for approximately 15 minutes and wasn’t entirely sure she was sober yet, if she was being honest. The demon 3-way at the end of the table had spent the entire morning cackling like a pack of witches and, not-so-subtly marking tallies for their fucking “bets.” By Aelin’s estimation she’d made Dorian enough money over the course of their friendship to buy a fucking Lambourghini.
“Hey Rowan,” Dorian sounded mild but the smirk playing about his lips gave him away. This motherfucker. Aelin cut him a scathing look over her sunglasses.
“Sup?” He responded, while Aelin lifted her drink to her lips and started a long pull, eyes now locked on Dorian.
“I was just wondering if you enjoyed your night,” Dorian said, all to-casually. “I seemed to have lost track of you after you went out for fresh air.” Four Things happened simultaneously:
Aelin choked on her mimosa. Pale orange liquid sputtered from her lips as she fought to catch her breath.
Aedion loosed what could only be described as a growl from across the table.
Dorian and Asterin fist-bumped, without looking away from the debacle.
Manon muttered “Fucking cheaters.”
Son of a bitch.
He leaned forward, a sensual smirk playing at his lips. Aelin glanced down, then back up to his eyes as she moved forward, their breath mingling. One of his hands slid up to cup her cheek, while the other slid down her lower back to squeeze her ass. Aelin closed her eyes when their lips came together, but as she went to deepen the kiss a loud giggle escaped instead. Fen’s eyes snapped open and he began to pull away. 
“Oh gods, no, I’m so sorry, let’s try this again” Aelin pleaded, once again closing the distance between them. This time as their mouths opened and tongues met Fenrys began to laugh. He was laughing so hard he was shaking, and Aelin couldn’t help but join. 
“I’m sorry, I can’t.” He wheezed  between bouts of laughter. “Don’t get me wrong Ace, I’ve wanted to try that since I first saw you gut a guy in Assassin's Blade. And it’s not that I’m not grateful,” at this point tears were streaming down both their faces and they tried to regain their composure. “It’s just, you’re.. it’s like kissing connall! You’re way prettier, for sure, but it’s just not…” his hand waggled between the both of them. 
“Full of fireworks and shit?” Aelin supplied. 
“Exactly! And as much as I adore you, I think maybe we were just meant to be-“ 
“Friends? Oh thank gods.” Aelin breathed.  She couldn’t help but be relieved he felt the same. As much as she had grown to love him over the past few months, and didn’t want to lose his light in her life, she couldn’t help that as they kissed she found herself wishing it was a different blonde in her arms. 
“Besides, you're nearly as pretty as I am, it wouldn’t be fair to hoard all this to ourselves.” Fenrys responded with a smirk, and grabbed Aelin’s hand dragging her back down the hall and into the festivities.
When they re-entered the room, Fen’s eyes immediately landed on Asterin. She was chugging whiskey from a bottle while standing precariously atop the coffee table. “Soooo… tell me about Asterin,” he whispered in Aelin’s ear. 
She snorted, “I admire your recovery time Moonbeam. She’ll tear you to shreds. But I rather think you’d enjoy that” she said with a knowing look. “Go on,” she nodded. And with one last wink Fen sauntered over to his next conquest. 
“Hello little wolf” Asterin purred as she lowered the bottle from her lips. “Care for a body shot?” Fen’s eyes dropped to the intricate chandelier style tattoo that began somewhere beneath her breasts and spread out across her abdomen. Eyes trailing back up to meet hers, he slowly reached for the bottle in her hand. 
“Lay down,” Aelin heard him say in a commanding tone. Asterin lowered herself onto the table, eyes never leaving his. She was a predator luring it’s prey by feigning compliance. While his face remained stoic, Aelin saw his throat bob. 
“Try not to get me too messy,” Asterin purred. 
“I can’t make any promises.” 
Aelin chuckled quietly and looked away from the, frankly pornographic scene, only to find a pair of pine green eyes watching her across the room. She smiled, and grabbed a bottle of Johnny Walker off a nearby table and headed outside hips swaying.
“Smooth,” Gavriel muttered from somewhere amidst the chaos. Aedion was still glaring daggers, if looks could kill Aelin was sure Rowan Whitethorn would have been obliterated. Overprotective asshole. After catching her breath she snagged her phone from the pocket of her sweatshirt and fired off a text to the group chat.
Elsa Havilliard: ????
Blonde Demon: Problem?? 
Blonde Demon: hahahahahahah
Dorian’s Dom: fucking CHEATERS
Balto: I will burry his fucking body under the field
Balto: Ren will help
Discount Deadpool: Eh…
SINnamon Roll: Oh shut up Assryver
SINnamon Roll: Go back to eye-fucking Lys
Dorian’s Dom: LOLOLOL 
Dorian’s Dom: $40 and counting
Discount Deadpool: Elide out here snatchin’ wigs
Sexy Liger: Fuck. You. All. Stop making brunch WORSE. 
Sexy Liger: And no one is “eye fucking” anyone
SINnamon Roll: IDK what you’re talking about, this is the best fucking brunch I’ve ever been to
Blonde Demon: 10/10 agree
Elsa Havilliard: One for the ages
Dorian’s Dom: iconic
Discount Deadpool: *gasps in gay*
Balto: …….
The Queen: You heard me, you fucking traitors. 
The Queen: Except you Lys. I love you always.
SINnamon Roll: rude.
Aelin knew he had followed her to the pool, her skin pebbled with anticipation. She took a huge swig from the bottle and turned around, slowly dragging her lips off the top. “Hello Buzzard.”
Aelin brought a hand to her chest, “You wound me.” She allowed her hand to linger, toying with the edge of her bathing suit top. Fingers drawing his gaze to the valley between her breasts. Rowan brought his thumb up to graze his lower lip, and dragged his gaze back to hers. “I was considering going for another swim, care to join me?” Aelin set the bottle at her feet and slowly removed her sheer bathing-suit cover, letting the material pool at her feet and biting her lip.
“And Fen?”
“Tongue deep in a new prospect, as you saw…” Aelin lowered herself to the edge of the pool and gracefully slid beneath the surface. Breaching the water, she pushed her hair back and swam back to the edge, arms folded in front of her. Looking up with a smirk.
Rowan squatted down in front of her, bringing a finger underneath her chin and forcing her eyes from his spread thighs to his face. “And you?” He asked, voice low and head cocked to the side.
“What about me?” Aelin asked, voice a near whisper and heart hammering in her throat.
“What do you want, Aelin?”
“What I’ve wanted for a while now…” His brow hitched in question, and she swallowed audibly. “Whatever you’ll give me Whitethorn.” Rowan nodded once then released her chin, standing to remove his shirt. HOLY FUCKING GODS she thought. The tattoo that crawled down his face danced across every chiseled plain of his body. Covering the entire left side and disappearing beneath the low-riding waistband of his Terrasen flag swim trunks. 
“Eyes are up here sweetheart,” he chuckled.
“I’m sure they are,” she choked out, licking her lips and continuing to stare at the V of muscles hovering above her head.
“Menace,” Rowan growled and dove over her head into the pool. Aelin turned, resting her elbows against the wall behind her and tracking his body as it moved under the water towards her. He came to the surface a foot from her face, shaking his head and brushing his silver hair from his forehead. 
“Dramatic.” She whispered through a smile.
Rowan brought himself within inches of her, hands on either side of her shoulders, strong arms boxing her in. 
“If we do this, we do it my way.” She tilted her head in silent question. “I don’t do soft. I don’t do vanilla. If you can follow my rules I’ll treat you better than anyone ever has. If that’s not something you’re interested in, we stop now. No harm done. A ‘no’ from you will stop this, no matter what. You’re safe with me, always Aelin.” She was shaking with anticipation, and the smirk he wore was indication enough that he knew he had her. “I have spent months thinking of all the ways I could take you apart.” He leaned in even further, lips ghosting hers. “So I’ll ask you one last time… What do you want Aelin?”
“You, Sir.”
And with that, he kissed her. It wasn’t gentle, it was a brand on her lips, fire licking its way to her core. A large hand slid down her back beneath the water and dragged her body against his. Instinctually she wrapped her legs around his middle, rocking against the evidence of his arousal prominently resting against her ass. He pulled back from her mouth with a click of his tongue. “Did I tell you to move?” he asked, voice almost bored.
“No, what?
“No, Sir.”
“Back against the wall,” Aelin did as instructed, dropping her legs from his waist and pushing back. Heart hammering a staccato beat against her ribs, her every nerve-ending was both too hot and too cold. “Good, girl.”
His praise shot straight to her core, Oh shit. He moved back into her, pressing her bodily against the wall as he nipped and sucked his way across her jaw, up and down her neck. The hand that had pulled her in initially dragging its way across her stomach… moving south, hooking a single finger into the material he paused. “Yes or no?” he whispered into her ear, and punctuated the question by dragging her earlobe into his mouth. Sucking gently, teeth grazing. 
“Gods yes, pl- please sir.”
Aelin thrust her phone back into the pocket of her sweatshirt, and shrank down into her chair with all the grace of a sullen child. Her friends were assholes, and if they didn’t stop they’d fuck up whatever it was that started last night. They don’t know shit, she reminded herself and glanced at the hulking man next to her casually drinking his coffee. There was no way Rowan and the Cadre were unaware of the tension that had settled at the table. It seemed as though the only people exempt from it were Connall and Vaughn, currently feeding Ren at the opposite end of the table. 
What in the actual fuck is happening? 
A hand on her thigh startled Aelin from her highly obvious oggling of the threesome, and she turned her head to fully look at Rowan. He hitched a brow and smirked, his eyes seeming to ask Something the matter? Aelin rolled her eyes and gave him a look that she hope conveyed Not at all, I’m just curious.
Rowan leaned in then, using the movement to drag his hand to the apex of her thighs beneath the table and whisper in her ear. “Connall and Vaughn like… Pets. They’ve been looking for someone new since we got back, looks as though they’ve found one.”
“Should I be worried about Ren?” She whispered back.
“He seems to be handling himself just fine.”
“For now…” Aelin mused. “But if they hurt him I will personally cut them into pieces and feed them to Fleetfoot.”
“If they hurt him Princess, I’ll help.”
Mouth sucking a pert nipple through the soaked material of her swimsuit, Rowan slid a single finger along her slit. Torturously slow. Swirling her clit with to-light pressure, and then back to circle her entrance he dipped just the tip in. She was shaking, so tempted to grind into his hand, desperately seeking the release that had been building and now sat on a knife’s edge. 
He kept teasing, holding her at that edge while she begged “More” and “Please Sir” and “I’m so close.” He was taking her apart with a single finger and a set of teeth slowly dragging their way back up towards the shell of her ear. 
“Do you wanna cum, Princess?” he whispered. Pulling his finger from her sex and resting his palm against her. That damn finger now resting lightly against her entrance. She barely held still.
Aelin nodded her head furiously.
“Use your words.” A command.
“Yes, Sir. Pl-Please I need to cum. Please can I cum, p-” Her plea cut off as he plunged two thick fingers inside her and began to fuck right against that spot. 
“Cum.” He growled. And Aelin saw the Gods.
Rowan worked her through her orgasm, thumb circling her clit and fingers hammering, until she was sobbing with over-sensitivity. He eased out of her, pulling his face from her neck and his fingers from her body, bringing them up to his mouth. Pine-green eyes boring into her soul, he slowly sucked her taste from his fingers. 
“Good Girl.”
Rowan lifted her out of the water, setting her on the edge of the pool and hoisting himself up with sheer upper-body strength. The front of his trunks still tented, she gathered what brain cells she had left and nodded towards his glorious erection, “What about you?”
“What about me?” he reached for a towel, and came back to her side helping her to her rather useless feet. How the fuck had he made her like this with only his hands?
“Isn’t it my turn?” Aelin asked dumbly.
“No?” She was so fucking confused. Didn’t he want her? “But I thought…”
“You thought, what. That I’d fuck you tonight?”
“Well… yeah, don’t you want to?”
“More than you know princess,” Rowan wrapped the towel around her shoulders. Pulling her in to kiss her forehead. “I want nothing more than to fuck you until you can’t remember your own name. But I won’t do it when you’re drunk.”
“I-I’m not tha-” her protest died in her throat when he gave her an irritated look.
“Mhmm. Enough.” He began to lead her towards the door leading them back to the rooms. “Now, let’s get you dried off and in some warm clothes. Would you like to sleep in my room or yours?”
“Yours please, Sir.” She smiled as he kissed the top of her head.
“As you wish Princess.”
Dorian: $75 (Because Aedion had some fucking opinions)
Manon: $40 (Because Lys and Aedion studiously ignored eachother after being called out in the group chat
Asterin: $40 (Because Aelin was a stumbling mess- though curiously Rowan remained calm)
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