#6/100 dop
stressed-burrito · 13 days
Days 5 & 6 of 100 DOP
〒▽〒 Right, I think I'm running for the most inconsistent studyblr award at this point
Apologies for my tardiness and I'll try my best to be more consistent :') The thing is, I've been stuck in a rut and getting out of it has been so hard. Like I'm too tired to even take a few pictures or make a post?
Tbh most I have done in the previous two days is attend my live lectures and review my notes. I couldn't even be bothered to brush my hair and looked like someone from The Walking Dead.
But today, I've managed to pull myself together to clean my room, freshen up, do my hair, and arrange my desk? My friend whom I haven't seen in a long time is visiting and I don't want her to see me in a horrible state so here we are. Also feeling more productive than I did last week so maybe I'll tackle a few tasks from my master list :) Will update how the day goes by tonight maybe?
As a side note, if anyone has any tips on overcoming an academic slump, pleaseee help out this girl :')
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courtneycantstudy · 1 year
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12/100 DOP (tue. sep. 12)
currently going on hour 6 in the library, which means a girl dinner of bagel + cream cheese, a chocolate croissant, + strawberry lemonade from the starbucks downstairs…
finally finally finally submitted my first transfer application today and i’m getting ready to work through a couple more as backups in the coming days :D
i’m very excited for tomorrow’s chaarg workout. however, until then, i’ll be here on the 5th/top floor of the library, doing my best to get ahead for next week since i’ll have my first 3 exams 🫠
oh! and i got absolutely poured on this morning, but it’s chill bc i love the rain.
pls hope i don’t fall asleep in the library tonight xx
🎧: roller coaster love machine - housing co.
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owemnstudies · 3 months
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25.O6.2O24 | 1/100 days of productivity
💙 d - 46 ★ 🌻 d - 101
I got the specific date of my exam today! so I'll be posting my daily progress in this 100dop challenge, just in a shorter entry
review material (3/3) 🎞
quiz practice
tuesday class 6 pm - 7:30 pm
100 dop planner - todomate
practices 2019/2020 (5/80) (hopefully I'll finish tomorrow)
⏰️ study time : 4 h 11 min
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choccy-milk-glass · 8 months
6/100 DOP
Starting to sort out my anki notes bc my first term ones are really bad lmao
Also failed my first term exam, about 60% did so not feeling too bad but I still hate failing... passed my essay though!!
Anki revision
Making anki cards
Placement at GP
Continued working on CBM essay
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6/100 dop
third and final site model completed! I also took an exam and did better than I hoped. I finally had time to cook
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natscbi · 11 months
28.10.23 - 46/100 dop
i have spent over 6 hours today on quantum chem questions (7 of the bastards) (i was with friends so not constantly working but on god the work took so long) it’s not even difficult algebra / maths but working out what to DO humbled me
i’m honestly not even gonna do anything else. with another decent night’s sleep i should be able to do a good amount tomorrow to catch up (namely, two lectures + shopping + laundry, at least)
🎵 WOOF - FKA Rayne
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chaoshaven · 1 year
Chaotic Card 16-Najarin
Art By: Khary Randolph, Etienne St.Laurent
Najarin, like Heptadd, is always a warning bell for lore or mysteries in Perim, whenever he shows up. Especially in the tv show. 
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Stat Spread:
Courage: 50-70
Power: 20-40
Wisdom: 80-100
Speed: 25-45
Energy: 25-35
Mugic Counters: 2
Ability and Playstyle:
Mugic Counters from Najarin can be used to bring spent Mugic Cards back into play. Great! As so long as you planned accordingly, to play 7 different Mugic Cards. Assuming each card only costs one Mugic counter to play, you need to plan to have 9 Mugic counters between 6 of your Creatures.(There are 5 cards, 2 are Overworlder, in DoP that are valued at 2 counters to play, and in later sets, there become17 that cost 3 or 4, and 4 that do more the more counters you put down). And he isn’t loyal, so he can use his ability to bring back another tribe’s Mugic as well.
9 counters, is possible. Especially if you have Maxxor. But with 9 counters between 6 Creatures, you either need 4 creatures with 2 counters, 1 creature with 1, and 1 creature with none. Or. three creatures with 2 counters and 3 creatures with 1. At this point, you better have a good game plan or strategy to use these Mugic cards, because it’s become very caster heavy. And if you have creatures like Donmar or Blazier, you also contend with their Mugic cost abilities as well. 
By no means is Najarin’s bad, but plan the extra cost accordingly. Although, note that there is a Location, called Castle Bodhran, that let’s you and your opponent do this for free. Put 2 copies of that in, plan for the extra Mugic cost, and then you only need 7 or 8 counters, plus your enemy might not have extra to spare so you don’t need to worry about them having more Mugic. Maybe if you plan to use his ability early in the game, give him Gigantrooper so he can be an okay frontliner, but note his wisdom would lower a little.
On top of all this, planning around his ability, and the Locations, there is also a Mugic card that, for the same cost, does the same thing.
If not being used for his ability, Najarin is still a great caster. Great for any Wisdom deck, or decent in a Courage. The selection of Overworld Mugic from just DoP isn’t the best, unless you wanted that 1 extra heal in. So the less complicated strategy is just using him as a spellcaster.
Najarin is a centuries/Solons old caster. He hates nonsense, because he lost a student a while back for meddling in things he wasn’t prepared for. He often thinks that players who scan Creatures for their abilities to fight in fake battles makes a mockery of the real war that is happening between for tribes in Perim. He especially hates players who try to scan him, because in drome matches you are able to look at any memory that a creature has. Najarin wishes to keep some secrets from falling into the wrong hands.  As time passes he sees some upsides to letting players roam Perim such as using players to get into another creature’s bedroom (in a drome match) to find evidence of a double agent for the brainwashing M’arrillians. He knows many secrets about the world of Perim, both past and present, and maybe even future. He knew of the M’arrillians, if only in legend...or is he old enough to have experienced the first invasion? I say yes but the timeline is wonky.
Prehistoric Perim--->either Past Perim or events of Khilaian Sphere novella, which presupposes that the tribes did become civilized--->either Past Perim or Khilaian Sphere, if not used previously, and if it was then the First M’arrillian Invasion--->Past Perim if not used already, if so then M’arrillian Invasion---> Modern Perim.
If Past Perim is 2nd to last, then in this case tribes had settled after the war and brain washing. Without giving too many spoilers, Najarin exists this long ago for sure. However, if Past Perim was 2nd to first, then it means he knew about the M’arrillians the whole time and gaslighted people by saying it was a legend. What else is he hiding, in his Library, his Castle, his Memory?
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mystudydiary-blog · 2 years
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10-10-2022 1/100 DOP *went to research methods *went to corporate tax class
11-10-2022 2/100 DOP *went to tax strategy *after class we had a info session with a recruting office *revised the international tax class that I missed last week
12-10-2022 3/100 DOP *finally got all my textbooks at the book sale *researched a bit for my thesis and made an excel sheet to organise the articles *did some administration work I've been procrastinating
13-10-2022 4/100 DOP *went to international tax *sold my maths textbooks now that I finally passed those exams lol *did some more research for my thesis *looked up an article I needed for VAT class
14-10-2022 5/100 DOP *went to VAT *read the cases we need to solve when we're going on a two-day seminar at the end of October
15-10-2022 6/100 DOP *I have a deadline for my thesis on Monday so I read articles the whole day, went to the public library for some study vibes lol
16-10-2022 7/100 DOP *read some more articles *made a basic overview of the content I want to write in my thesis, it's still early so I wrote nothing really specific
This was the first week of my 100 days of productivity and it was really busy because of my first deadline lol. Next week I want to start studying my courses.
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astro-studying · 2 years
- Wednesday, Feb 1, 2023 -
Day 6/100 DOP
I've been too busy with studying to post which I see as a good thing!!
Things I've done this week:
Made a tentative class schedule for the next few semesters
Conquered a calc concept I was struggling with
Learn if else statements in C++
Wrote my first few drafts of my first philosophy essay
The more mundane:
Went to the dentist
Had a good day at work
Started trying to tackle my laundry (gotta love the depression + adhd combo, I haven't put my clothes away in ages)
Set up my first lava lamp :DDD
Had a difficult conversation calmly and effectively - very glad this happened!
Tomorrow, hopefully I'll get more math done and finish my final draft of my philosophy paper.
I'm tired now tho so gn lol
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casbooks · 2 years
Books of 2023
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Book 4 of 2023:
Title: Flashing Saber/Brennan’s War Authors: Matthew Brennan ISBN: 9781503102941 Tags: ACH-47 Guns-A-Go-Go Chinook, Forward Observer, FRA Groupement Mobile 100 (Indochina War), FSB Baldy (Vietnam War), FSB Bird (Vietnam War), FSB Cobra (Vietnam War), FSB English (Vietnam War), FSB Montezuma (Vietnam War), H-13 Sioux, KOR ROK Republic of Korea Army, LZ Hammond (Vietnam War), LZ Hereford (Vietnam War), LZ Montezuma (Vietnam War), LZ Porrazzo (Vietnam War), LZ Ross (Vietnam War), LZ Willy (Vietnam War), Military Police, OH-6, OV-1 Mohawk, UK Royal Malaysian Tracker School, US USA 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, US USA 12th Cavalry Regiment, US USA 173rd Airborne Brigade, US USA 196th Light Infantry Brigade, US USA 1st Cavalry Division, US USA 1st ID, US USA 21st Field Artillery Bn, US USA 227th Assault Helicopter Bn, US USA 35th Infantry Regiment, US USA 35th Infantry Regiment - 1/35, US USA 4th ID, US USA 9th Cavalry - 1st Squadron (Headhunters), US USA 9th Cavalry Regiment, US USA Combat Trackers - K9, US USA LRRP Team (Vietnam War), US USA United States Army, USA Capt. James Taylor (MOH) (Vietnam War), USAF Phu Cat Airbase (Vietnam War), VNM 1968 Tet Offensive (1968) (Vietnam War), VNM 506 Valley, VNM A Shau Valley, VNM An Khe, VNM An Lao, VNM An Loc, VNM Battle of Hue City (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Khe Sanh (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Binh An, VNM Binh Dinh Province, VNM Bong Son, VNM Bong Son River, VNM Bu Dop Special Forces Camp (Vietnam War), VNM Camp Evans (Vietnam War), VNM Camp Radcliff (Vietnam War), VNM Chu Lai, VNM CIA Phung Hoang / Phoenix Program (1965-1972) (Vietnam War), VNM Crow's Foot War Zone, VNM Da Nang, VNM Deo Mang, VNM Deo Mang pass, VNM DRV NVA 18th Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 18th Regiment - 27th Co, VNM DRV NVA 22nd Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 2nd Division, VNM DRV NVA 33rd Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 3rd Division, VNM DRV NVA 812th Regiment, VNM DRV NVA Sang Vao (Yellow Star) Division, VNM DRV VC 2nd Regiment, VNM Duc Pho, VNM Hiep Duc, VNM Ho Bo Woods, VNM Hon Kon (Hong Kong Mountain), VNM Hue, VNM Khe Sanh, VNM Kim Son, VNM Kontum, VNM Lang Vei Special Forces Camp (Vietnam War), VNM Loc Ninh, VNM LZ Ross, VNM Mang Yang Pass, VNM Million Dollar Hill, VNM Monument Hill, VNM Nui Ba Ra (Mountain of the Old Man), VNM Operation Cravy Horse (1966) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Masher (1966) (Vietnam War), VNM Perfume River, VNM Phouc Vinh, VNM Pleiku, VNM Quan Loi, VNM Quang Tri, VNM Que Son Valley, VNM Route 1, VNM Route 14, VNM Route 19, VNM Rung Sat Special Zone, VNM RVN ARVN Army of the Republic of Vietnam, VNM RVN ARVN Vietnamese Rangers - Biet Dong Quan, VNM RVN RVNP Can Sat National Police, VNM Saigon, VNM Song Re, VNM Soui Ca Mountains, VNM Tam Ky, VNM Tan Son Nhut Air Base, VNM The Graveyard, VNM Tiger Mountains, VNM USMC DHCB Dong Ha Combat Base (Vietnam War), VNM USMC KSCB Khe Sanh Combat Base (Vietnam War), VNM VC Valley, VNM Vietnam War (1955-1975), VNM Vinh Thanh Valley (Happy Valley), VNM War Zone C, VNM War Zone D, VNM French Indochina War (1946-1954) Rating: 5 Stars  Subject: Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.US Army.Infantry
"The division's expendables." That's what one division commander called the 1/9th Cavalry Blue platoons during the Vietnam War. The Blues, as they were called, were perpetually understrength and considered to be acceptable losses in hopeless situations--but their amazingly successful record proved otherwise.
Flashing Saber is memoir about mortal combat with the First Air Cavalry Division's reconnaissance squadron. Included is the account of an air-ground raid that killed more high-ranking enemy officers than any similar engagement of the war: a full colonel, four majors and four senior captains.
An expansion and careful reworking of his previous work, Brennan's War, published in 1985, and in the vein of classic memoirs by Johnnie Clark and Frederick Downs, the book is a harrowing firsthand account of life and death in war.****
Review: I’ve read Brennan’s previous book, Brennan’s War shortly after it was published in 1985. A lot of what was in it stuck with me as a classic retelling of some ones honest look at their own experience, their failures/stupidity, and both good and bad choices. 
This version adds a lot more nuance and more understanding to what he experienced, and the added snippets add a lot to round out some of the people and tales without watering down the experiences or raw emotion.
His experiences are unique due to his circumstances, and most importantly, he has an excellent way of telling the story. It’s not just a cut and dry “i went here, I did this...” ... but he understands narrative, he understands human emotion, and he is able to convey things in a way many other authors of this genre actually fail to do. 
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stressed-burrito · 12 days
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13.09.2024 Day 7 of 100 DOP
Update: I actually got stuff done today weeee
I attended 6 hrs worth of Lectures and we started Anatomy of Plants in class and I'm actually understanding stuff now? Super happy about that, maybe Botany and I will have an enemies to *friends* arc (not expecting us to be lovers anytime soon)
I also started watching my backlog lectures on Structure of Atom so wish me luck :)
[Also I know I spend an extra 5 mins just on the titles but listen it helps me focus]
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courtneycantstudy · 1 year
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6/100 DOP (mon. sep. 4)
no classes today because it’s a holiday, but i did go to a campus event and stuff this little octopus plushie! :D
i also went grocery shopping, so hopefully many good meals are in store for this week.
speaking of week, it’s monday so you know what that meanssssss new word of the week yayayayayay
🎧: hard to handle - otis redding
📝: cicatrize (v.): to find healing by the process of forming scars
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beforeiread-studies · 2 years
23.11.2022 || Let's abandon that 100 dop thing because I've just spent 4 days being quite unproductive. I've worked on Deck of Cards a bit (written like a chapter?) and ignored EVERYTHING ELSE, read: studying German.
But this ends today. I have a feeling that you just need to do 1 productive thing to go back on track. Today I followed a 20 min yoga practice. At 6 pm but hey, it's never too late. I then cleaned my room.
I am now completely drained from the yoga practice. I think I'll quickly update my to-do list and then call it a day. Perhaps figure out what my 1 productive thing a day should be from tomorrow to eternity because it certainly won't be reading or yoga.
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captawesomesauce · 2 years
Thoughts at 2pm...
Finished tagging a 2nd book, and all of the tags are below the cut line.
ACH-47 Guns-A-Go-Go Chinook, Forward Observer, FRA Groupement Mobile 100 (Indochina War), FSB Baldy (Vietnam War), FSB Bird (Vietnam War), FSB Cobra (Vietnam War), FSB English (Vietnam War), FSB Montezuma (Vietnam War), H-13 Sioux, KOR ROK Republic of Korea Army, LZ Hammond (Vietnam War), LZ Hereford (Vietnam War), LZ Montezuma (Vietnam War), LZ Porrazzo (Vietnam War), LZ Ross (Vietnam War), LZ Willy (Vietnam War), Military Police, OH-6, OV-1 Mohawk, UK Royal Malaysian Tracker School, US USA 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, US USA 12th Cavalry Regiment, US USA 173rd Airborne Brigade, US USA 196th Light Infantry Brigade, US USA 1st Cavalry Division, US USA 1st ID, US USA 21st Field Artillery Bn, US USA 227th Assault Helicopter Bn, US USA 35th Infantry Regiment, US USA 35th Infantry Regiment - 1/35, US USA 4th ID, US USA 9th Cavalry - 1st Squadron (Headhunters), US USA 9th Cavalry Regiment, US USA Combat Trackers - K9, US USA LRRP Team (Vietnam War), USA Capt. James Taylor (MOH) (Vietnam War), USAF Phu Cat Airbase (Vietnam War), VNM 1968 Tet Offensive (1968) (Vietnam War), VNM 506 Valley, VNM A Shau Valley, VNM An Khe, VNM An Lao, VNM An Loc, VNM Battle of Hue City (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Khe Sanh (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Binh An, VNM Binh Dinh Province, VNM Bong Son, VNM Bong Son River, VNM Bu Dop Special Forces Camp (Vietnam War), VNM Camp Evans (Vietnam War), VNM Camp Radcliff (Vietnam War), VNM Chu Lai, VNM CIA Phung Hoang / Phoenix Program (1965-1972) (Vietnam War), VNM Crow's Foot War Zone, VNM Da Nang, VNM Deo Mang, VNM Deo Mang pass, VNM DRV NVA 18th Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 18th Regiment - 27th Co, VNM DRV NVA 22nd Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 2nd Division, VNM DRV NVA 33rd Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 3rd Division, VNM DRV NVA 812th Regiment, VNM DRV NVA Sang Vao (Yellow Star) Division, VNM DRV VC 2nd Regiment, VNM Duc Pho, VNM Hiep Duc, VNM Ho Bo Woods, VNM Hon Kon (Hong Kong Mountain), VNM Hue, VNM Khe Sanh, VNM Kim Son, VNM Kontum, VNM Lang Vei Special Forces Camp (Vietnam War), VNM Loc Ninh, VNM LZ Ross, VNM Mang Yang Pass, VNM Million Dollar Hill, VNM Monument Hill, VNM Nui Ba Ra (Mountain of the Old Man), VNM Operation Cravy Horse (1966) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Masher (1966) (Vietnam War), VNM Perfume River, VNM Phouc Vinh, VNM Pleiku, VNM Quan Loi, VNM Quang Tri, VNM Que Son Valley, VNM Route 1, VNM Route 14, VNM Route 19, VNM Rung Sat Special Zone, VNM RVN ARVN Army of the Republic of Vietnam, VNM RVN ARVN Vietnamese Rangers - Biet Dong Quan, VNM RVN RVNP National Police, VNM Saigon, VNM Song Re, VNM Soui Ca Mountains, VNM Tam Ky, VNM Tan Son Nhut Air Base, VNM The Graveyard, VNM Tiger Mountains, VNM USMC DHCB Dong Ha Combat Base (Vietnam War), VNM USMC KSCB Khe Sanh Combat Base (Vietnam War), VNM VC Valley, VNM Vietnam War (1955-1975), VNM Vinh Thanh Valley (Happy Valley), VNM War Zone C, VNM War Zone D, VNM French Indochina War (1946-154)
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regioonlineofficial · 4 months
Archeologen in de dop staat op zaterdag 15 juni een bijzondere dag te wachten in Stadsmuseum Rhenen. Kinderen van 6-12 jaar kunnen dan hun diploma ‘Archeoloog in 1 dag halen’. Vanwege de Nationale Archeologiedag zijn er doorlopend activiteiten tussen 12 en 17 uur. Altijd al naar schatten willen zoeken met een metaaldetector? Grijp nu je kans! Kinderen gaan naar huis met een diploma op naam. Ze moeten wel een begeleider meenemen naar het museum. Puzzeltocht doen en echte archeoloog ontmoeten Maar kinderen kunnen ook geheimzinnige scherven onderzoeken, Frankische sieraden en dolken maken en een fotospeurtocht doen in de expositie ‘Gouden Vrouwen. Frankische schatten thuisgebracht’. Hebben kinderen en volwassenen een voorwerp thuis dat ze eens willen laten zien aan een archeoloog? Ze kunnen het meenemen naar het museum. Vragen staat vrij! Er zijn ook films. Eén over de spectaculaire goudschat van Lienden, waarin je ziet hoe archeologen te werk gaan, én een film over de opgravingen op de Donderberg in Rhenen. In de expositie ‘Gouden Vrouwen’ kan iedereen de schatten bewonderen die archeologen daar vonden in 1951. Aan de dag werken mensen mee van het Archeologisch Centrum Rivierenland, PEER (Project Educatie Erfgoed Rhenen) en het museum. Het evenement wordt ondersteund door de gemeente Rhenen. Toegang met Museumticket/ Museumkaart, en een begeleider. 100 personen kunnen die dag deelnemen, dus meld je snel aan via [email protected]. Meer info: www.stadsmuseumrhenen.nl
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natscbi · 1 year
06.09.23 - 6/100 dop
not a very productive day (binged a lot of the witcher season 3. enjoyed until i remembered henry cavill isn’t coming back). nevertheless
greek duo lessons. getting noticeably more comfortable reading and pronouncing it (at least coherently, i hope)
family time (tbh until i go back to uni i’m definitely not going to prioritise normal productivity stuff over this)
quickly sorted through my toiletries / cosmetics / plasters & painkillers bc some stuff was expired or just unorganised
that’s.. kind of it. helped with chores as usual i guess
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i hope anna enjoys the mango. mango SLAPS and now i want one
🎵 Cat & Mouse - BLACKSWAN
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