ctheathy · 7 months
Yandere Changelings w/ human!Darling
The Changelings x Reader
Yandere Headcanons
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Author's note: Gotta love these big buggo babies
reformed Changelings < unreformed Changelings
The Changelings/Reader [Platonic+Romantic-ish?]
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
The Reader is quite humble • Abduction • Jealousy between changelings • Stalking • Invasion of privacy • Co-dependency • Aggression • Use of adhesive/the green goo • Violence • Possessiveness • Overprotective behaviour • Predatory behaviour • Love feeding • Overfeeding/“Overdosing” on love • Heart failure • Corpses of changelings mentioned
Changelings have certainly never had a very positive reputation around Equestria. The species of bug-like creatures mainly known to have ruthless mannerisms that only acts on instinct. Especially when considering the changelings eat love and love alone to keep them from starving. As you can see... These creatures, too, need to feed. And so steal the love hidden within ponies and other living entities for themselves with brute force. And this tiny human here... has love, and a lot of it.
But despite being an aggressive species, they are also known to be rather curious towards creatures they've never seen or heard of before. Which is why being a human is really just a saving grace for you in this scenario. Cause instead of pouncing immediately purely from starving impulse, they know they'd need information to report back to the Queen first. And since this is the first human the changelings have ever met, their natural reaction to encountering a new species is to learn more about it instead of feeding off of it, atleast not before they got all the answers they'd be satisfied with. Considering you are the only source of love and affection around.
The first changelings that have noticed your presence may start seeing you as a tasty morsel. if love is like meat for them, then they're being deprived of it, and then the one creature comes along that's a walking talking buffet of love. They'd observe your actions and behaviours from a safe distance for a little while, taking note of aggression signs or being a potential threat to the hive. But in truth... you weren't. You were more of a lover than a fighter, which gave the changelings the signal to not waste any other opportunity to abduct you into the hive for some answers.
And that's... when something sparked.
Being calm and sedate in your position would usually cease a changelings’ natural instinct to hunt and would often cause in less aggression and forceful measurements. But even if they did try feeding from your love, that would be similar to essentially trying to suck from a dry well, because the transporting process from the human realm to Equestria drained you of many strong emotions to begin with, and it takes a lot more time for your entire alternation from universe to universe to take full effect. And the changelings wouldn't budge from their stubbornness until you reached out to one of them... Brushing a gentle hand over its malnourished frame.
The love that you'd contain would be a tad bit ‘different’ from normal love they'd consume, mainly due to the fact that they never had to actually take it with force. You gave it to them willingly, making the love inserted into them a lot stronger and effective than if they were to steal it. Which results in giving their bodies an intense emotional ‘shock’ as you basically feed them little by little... The shock would still feel good to them, like it would make them feel warm and light headed, but their heart would begin beating rapidly by the shot of immense adrenaline they just got.
The reason why changelings need love and affection in the first place was because they need it for their survival. The value feeds them. As they learn you're capable of feeling and giving love, they would want to keep you around permanently to feed. However, in extreme cases it might lead to a changeling becoming dependent upon one person's love. And their survival might be based on that person's love and affection. and what happens when that person's love and affection starts to falter? There is such a darker side to something so innocent as eating some consensual love.
Which could go either two ways...
Plan A being a bit more complicated. Since they ended up taking a ‘sample’ of you to basically extract the hormones and emotions of love, you had proven yourself to be more productive than all of the ponies they've held captive combined. Feeling more satisfied with the mere sip of love you've happily handed out to them than with any usual prey they had ripped the love from. But the Queen desires love too, because it is essential for their race. And because the hive is almost completely devoid of any love in the first place. You could become a sample for the Queen... Just keeping you there and farm you for love.
But there's also a considerable chance the changelings who captured you would scrap plan A and would instead focus on a plan B... Keep you a secret from Queen Chrysalis and prevent you from being cocooned at all costs, but only under the condition if you keep blindly feeding them with your lovey-dovey personality. Changelings tend to function with a very strict hive mentality... conclusions are set by the swarm's majority of drones’ standpoint. They all have a strong tendency to fall for group decision-making, but they're also quick to swap their beliefs if it seems like the right choice for the best of the colony. So it likely wouldn't even take long for the entire swarm to come to an agreement to keep you secured under high protection and warding.
Due to being a good source, you would give them more positive energy than any other creature who would falter in their fright after being captured... which would make you a rather popular target for the swarm of drones. To a point where the entire hive would start to view you as the "heart of the colony" of sorts. Because a changelings emotions are based on their diet. And the more love they receive, the more addicted and obsessed they'll become with it. So they would all be head over heels at some point, bordering on complete worship ...viewing you as an object of their affection and admiration. And getting even more physically violent to defend and protect you from what they consider a threat to their food source.
They might be feeding off of the love you give them and emotional positivity for now. But if they keep feeding and feeding, eventually they are probably going to want something else than just your emotions, which isn't good... But at the end of it all, they will want to protect you. But their methods might be a bit morally questionable. They have been looking for a more ‘sustaining’ source of love their entire lives. And from what we know... love only grows stronger.
So what happens when a creature becomes utterly emotionally dependant on someone?
What if... they begin to get obsessive?
Instead deciding to ensure no one else gets to have you?
Signs of attacks outside of the hive would become more apparent as time went on, a variety of breeds beginning to disappear aside with half dead creatures covered in adhesive emerging from their hideout as no entity even dares to get close to the shapeshifters. Some changelings would begin arguing with eachother over the delightful taste of your love. But knowing how naturally greedy and hostile they can get, these would convert to physical violence sooner or later, causing a bunch of internal conflict in the colony. A bunch of love starved changelings just riskily fighting over a single human.
It would get so bad, in fact, that there's possibly not even second you'll spend in the hive without a changeling being nearby, just ... watching you. With or without you knowing, there to strike and pull you back in at a moments notice if your demeanor gets too close to flight response. The changeling that you first bonded with would feel remorse about doing it, but the rest of them won't really care much as long as they can keep you in their grasp. Though you would still be allowed to travel closely outside of the hive, they'll keep their little eyes on you anyway...
You'd have this love that's a bit diluted, but even with just having a weaker type of love to feed off of, they'd have to feed for a longer time and drain their energy in order to get it. Which in terms causes in them taking more than they can physically handle. You aren't necessarily a dry well, but rather more of a dripping faucet while they are all dying of thirst. So they could still eat from your given love for a while, but if they try to go all out, there could be horrific consequences...
Because each of them are essentially trying to take enough to survive, their individual feeding sessions can become more aggressive. They don't want to kill you, nor do they understand how strong of a heart you have. So they don't see that they need to be gentle. Because in their eyes, you're considered weaker as a mortal. And your emotions, not being very strong, make their hearts race and they aren't feeding slowly and cautiously enough to keep the heart beating at its normal pace. You're basically a complete reverse card on them. To the point of them becoming so infatuated with you, that they literally forget what they are doing, and basically, accidentally kill themselves with a massive case of overdosing love.
The more of your love they take, the more they will like you. And the more they like you, the more they would try to suck it out. And the more they try to suck it out, the more it would turn into a "want" instead of something more natural. And then, that's when some would begin to die from overfeeding. The emotional shock and overdosing on love being much more overwhelming than the changeling's bodies are capable of handling. And of course, you wouldn't really understand why they were all suddenly lifelessly scattered around you...
It would be quite a challenge for many changelings to have the self control to prevent that fate. I doubt the majority of them would even understand the concept of death enough to avoid it even when their heart rate was going at unsafe speeds. The situation would honestly be safe for the changelings that have enough self-control to hold themselves back, but those who don't would become history real quick... Especially as changelings mainly seem to cocoon their prey. You may have more love to give when you're out in the open, but perhaps you even walking freely might just be enough to push many changelings over the edge.
Though this would also highly depend on the distinct personality of each changeling. Those who were more reasonable would try to just suckle in love. Then we have those who would become a bit feral and aggressive trying to tear the love out of you. Making it like a really twisted irony that they want love, but by trying to obtain love, in this way, they could essentially doom themselves. The ones who are more in control and more disciplined may survive. But either the greedier or younger, more immature changelings might get too excited and just want more and more. Which leads into them destroying their bodies via the very thing they wanted. The ones that do manage to control themselves will remain very interested in you however. But even if their fair sense of attachment and perhaps even bond towards you won't fade...
This is nothing more and nothing less than a parasitic relationship
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girlkisser13 · 3 months
cabin headcanons masterlist
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a/n: these are all my personal headcanons. i will be making ones for more minor gods.
cabin 1- zeus ⚡️
cabin 3- poseidon 🌊
cabin 4- demeter 🪴
cabin 5- ares ⚔️
cabin 6- athena 🧠
cabin 7- apollo ☀️
cabin 8- artemis 🌙
cabin 9- hephaestus 🛠️
cabin 10- aphrodite 💗
cabin 11- hermes ⚕️
cabin 12- dionysus 🍷
cabin 13- hades 💀
cabin 14- iris 🌈
cabin 15- hypnos 💤
cabin 16- nemesis ⚖️
cabin 17- nike 🏆
cabin 18- hebe 🍶
cabin 19- tyche 🎰
cabin 20- hecate 🪄
cabin 21- hestia 🔥
cabin 22- thanatos 🪦
cabin 23- morpheus 🛌
cabin 24- melinoe 👻
cabin 25- persephone 🌸
cabin 26- eros 💘
cabin 27- nyx 🌌
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ever8ea · 8 months
ʚ The Divine Cabin Assigner! ɞ - CLOSED (for now)
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Hello! Welcome to my cabin assigner! I’m Bea, your friendly neighbor Cabin 10 counselor.
Are you unsure of your godly parent? Do those online tests just not feel right?
Or maybe you already know your parent, but want to see if I can guess it? Well, this is the place for you!
જ⁀➴ What to comment
- You find yourself stranded in a dense forest with nothing but your wits. What are you doing first?
- After hiking through the forest for seemingly hours, you see something out of the corner of your eye. What is it?
- Finally reaching a clearing in the forest, you spot a few drachma (currency of the gods) under a bush. What are you doing with it?
And of course; describe yourself a bit! Your defining traits, your fashion sense, favorite activities, romantic preference, pronouns, name, etc! If you know your MBTI type, comment that as well. Anything about you will help me better guess your cabin. ♡︎
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See you in the comments!
~ bea ୨ৎ
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lonestarflight · 6 months
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Reference guide of all the external changes made to the Space Shuttle Orbiter Challenger (OV-099) during her lifetime.
Date: 1983-1985
Documents by Alfonso X Moreno: link
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bow-n-scales · 7 months
oddly specific things that remind me of the children of the gods <3
children of ares: the click of a lighter, getting clothing caught on doorknobs and furniture edges, layered necklaces, beat up combat boots, brutal honesty, raucous laughter, chipped mugs, calloused hands, adrenaline rushes, tough exterior soft interior, meticulously polished armour and weapons
children of athena: grandfather clocks’ chimes, olive martinis, secret rooms behind bookshelves, “reading is sexy” tshirts, deserted museums, paper cuts, tea stains, intricately carved sword hilts, golden war helms, calculative gazes
children of apollo: whiskey-coloured eyes, chrysanthemum tea, badges/pins EVERYWHERE, dandelion fields, sandcastles, colourful bracelets, knowledge of music theory, perfect pitch, fireflies, band-aids with smiley faces, tie-dye shirts
children of artemis: metallic clothing, ripped jeans, dagger strapped to inside of thigh, gazing at the constellations, lumberjack plaid shirts, running barefoot underneath the moon, long braided hair (eg. katniss everdeen), sharp eyeliner and even sharper gazes, white platinum/silver jewellery, temporary tattoos, cd collection
children of hephaestus: worn-out headphones, crooked grins, cassette tapes, fireworks, drawers overflowing with tools, LEGO sets, neon signs, mismatched gears, bandaged thumbs (accidents happen sometimes & that’s okay), volcanic-like fury, being up-to-date with all technology-related news
children of iris: stained glass windows, skittles, bracelet beads, marshmallows, kaleidoscopes, cotton candy at carnivals, misty weather, coins at the bottom of fountains, bright eyeshadow, rainbow garlands, fogged-up windows with tiny drawings
children of aphrodite: polished sea glass, vintage avon perfume bottles, decorated handwritten letters, overflowing closets, femme fatale energy, sofia coppola archive, wild rose bushes, lipstick stains, eclectic decorations, chainmail armour, ever-changing fashion styles
children of hypnos: lavender spray bottles, fluffy slippers, liminal dreams, ticking clocks, stretching after a good nap, valais blacknose sheep, the smell of fresh linen, pillows that are cold on both sides, sleeping through thunderstorms, oil lanterns, customised sleep masks
children of nike: golden laurels, confident smirks, unending courage and determination, gold medallions, glorious ballrooms, the stinging feeling of disappointment after losing something, wars over uno, polished trophies and medals, an obsession with Nike sportswear, track and field competitions, feathered capes
children of hebe: tea sets, skincare routines, pansies, overflowing chalices, healed inner child, satin gowns, doe eyes, ribbons braided into hair, champagne towers, bubble guns, butterfly emblems
⋆˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ requests are open!!
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rocketbirdie · 20 days
i shit you not, demon gate's theme has a measure of 9.5/4 immediately followed by 17/8
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spuffyarchive · 8 months
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maybe i'm ready to love you by chasingfictions [NC-17]
“Buffy?” He almost never used to call her Buffy. Did he? Always Slayer, or pet, or love. Or like, he’d use her name, but it always sounded odd, in his mouth. All tender, touchy. Like, like he was making eye contact with her, just by saying it. "Spike." She wonders if it feels the same, for him. His name, her tongue. - (Or: Spike’s gone, and Buffy doesn’t care. No, really, she doesn’t. Cross her heart.)
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hood-ex · 4 months
hi! can you tell me how old dick was in battle for the cowl and then when he was batman to damian's robin?
Based on Tim and Jason's ages, Dick was prob mid-twenties. Like 25/26. He was probably the same age during both events since they happened near each other.
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superbellsubways · 7 months
too autistic about pokemon characters im letting my inner 13-14 yr old self take over.i will not be the same once Z-A is out nobody is ready
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bugmistake · 4 months
sometimes its so crazy to realize that there's actually a lot of things i like. that i thought i didn't like because i was a depressed teenager. i love being outside! i love swimming! i love talking to people! even strangers sometimes! i love getting dressed in fun outfits and doing makeup! i love reading and going to art museums! i just thought i was doomed forever to a life of complete and total apathy and void! and now look at me! still a little shaky but i'm doing it!!!!!
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kozachenko · 1 year
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The consequences of being a kleptomaniac
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thelucidduchess · 5 months
Alright I have a lot of ocs for Percy Jackson, but I don’t have a lot of powers for them. Like, the most interesting power I have rn is an Apollo kid who can inflict plague and sickness on other people. All my other characters? Lame! So, give me suggestions on powers for any cabin that aren’t just “Oh, a son of Poseidon controls water”.
Thanks :)
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hiroyildiz · 2 months
I recently finished 'Song of Achilles' and these are some of my favourite quotes:
1-"And perhaps it is the greater, after all, to be left on earth, when another is gone. Do you think?"
2-"I will tell you a secret." "I am going to be the first. Swear it." "Because you're the reason. Swear it."
3-"If you have to go, you know I will go with you."
4-...He started to speak but I was too quick for him. One of my hands went to clasp his knees, the other reached upward, to seize his chin with my hand. The pose of supplication. It was a gesture I had seen many times, but had never made myself. I was under his protection now; he was bound to treat me fairly, by the law of the gods.
"Tell me where he is."
5- I think: this is what I will miss. I think: I will kill myself rather than miss it. I think: how long do we have?
6- ...As for the goddess' answer, I did not care. I would have no need of her. I did not plan to live after he was gone.
7- ...I could not bear it. There was only one thing I could think of. I turned to Achilles and seized the front of his tunic. I kissed him.
When I let go again she was staring at us. Staring and staring.
I gestured to her bonds, and back to the knife. 'All right?'
She hesitated a moment. Then slowly offered her hands.
8- ...It was easy to stay with them long and late, until I heard the creaking of the chariot, and the distant banging of bronze, and returned to greet my Achilles.
9-"So which of the suitors would you have picked?"
I shoved him and he laughed.
10- In the darkness, two shadows, reaching through the hopeless, heavy dusk. Their hands meet, and light spills in a flood, like a hundred golden urns pouring out the sun.
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secrettreestuffidk · 1 month
you ever think about how pretty much the only reason we use base10 is because we have 10 fingers and if everyone had 6 fingers on each hand we'd use base12 and never even think a thing of it and also math would be pretty much better in every way?
#i think for this september's existential crisis i'm gonna become a base12 truther#and bc i know everyone on this website is math illiterate so to clarify:#the way base12 works is that we have a few extra digits between 9 and 10#so to count we go:#0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X Y#so X = 10 and Y = 11#then '10' = 12#so the next step of counting goes:#10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1X 1Y#(i know this looks insane to you but the only reason for that is because you are used to base 10 i promise this makes sense#if you throw away everything you know and come at it with fresh eyes)#so anyways in this case '11' = 13. '19' = 21. 1X = 22. 1Y = 23#and '20' = 24#bc the tens column is not the tens column it's actually the twelves column#so each [number] in the second column does not mean 'add [this many] 10s to this' it means 'add [this many] 12s to this'#and this would not be tricky at higher numbers bc in base12 twelve is not counted as 'ten and two' it's just its own thing#in fact it would be harder to multiply by tens bc 10 would be the equivalent of like. 8 here.#it's not its own thing (ten) it's actually 'twelve minus two'#to count by tens goes '0 Y 18 26 34 42 50' and '50' is of course 10x6 in this case so it equals 60 in base10#not hard#there's a pattern to it.#but it's not as easy as counting by 12s#anyways we already have base12 systems and i like them they are very easy to divide#it's only harder than base10 bc arabic numerals are base10 so it's harder to depict base12 logically in a base10 system#hours are base 12. inches to feet are base 12#anyways this post is legally classified as scifi and/or speculative fiction#or. fuck. it's not even fictional#this is how math would work in a different system#sci-nonfi#speculative nonfiction
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yakultii · 2 months
ever since I was little I never gave a fuck if anyone else liked me, I just wanted to like me and eventually I did for a little while but then I forgot how
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mr-stottlemonk · 6 months
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made a timeline for monk tv for the folks cause it makes no sense sometimes.
[more in the tags]
[update: stottlemeyer's timeline found here]
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