#so dick 26. jason 19. tim 17. damian 10.
hood-ex · 26 days
hi! can you tell me how old dick was in battle for the cowl and then when he was batman to damian's robin?
Based on Tim and Jason's ages, Dick was prob mid-twenties. Like 25/26. He was probably the same age during both events since they happened near each other.
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begaycommittreason · 7 months
a non-comprehensive list of reasons why bruce has tried banning halloween in the manor
1. dick was overly trusting of clowns as a child. he still holds the family record for most kidnappings in a single night
2. jason tried wearing his robin uniform as a costume. every. year.
3. jason then graduated to dressing up as his corpse and haunting (traumatizing) his brothers
4. cass always manages to scare him. no clark he does not shriek.
5. tim, duke, and steph got ‘spooky scary skeletons’ stuck in his head and martian manhunter started laughing at him in a JL meeting because of it
6. damian was followed and subsequently kidnapped by what they assumed was a group of very tall trick or treaters, but were actually just the league
7. that time of year is when jerry the turkey gets a little self aware (re: defensive). there have been incidents.
8. he walked downstairs only to be greeted with every member of his family dressed like green lantern. even alfred.
9. young justice decided to throw a giant party and to get in you had to wear the shittiest batman costume possible for their contest
10. jason won said contest. he didn’t even stay for the party, he just wanted the excuse
11. gotham rogues are drama kids and are therefore sluts for good thematic irony, so half of them do special edition attacks on halloween
12. the kids all do a candy swap at the end of the night, they invite kate and not him
13. tim has an allergy to peppermint and never seems to be aware of this, so he has to keep multiple epi pens on standby
14. he’s expected to wear slutty costumes and that’s just not worth his playboy cover
15. alfred only confiscates the candy he gets
16. he was just really hungover one year
17. damian has made them all watch coraline so. many. times. he doesn’t even get nightmares anymore
18. tim goes on a sugar high and has to be put on tech lockdown or he might frame lex luthor for murder and extort 90% of gotham’s elite
19. when dick and jason were younger they left open pumpkins outside his door and he would accidentally step in them every morning
20. damian tried to convince them to bob for apples with lazarus water
21. tim fell asleep while bobbing for apples (in normal water) and almost drowned
22. dick and steph drew a glittery skeleton over the batsuit
23. when he complains they all call him the grinch. it’s not even christmas.
24. pumpkin carving always leads to them flinging the innards at eachother and making a mess even alfred refuses to clean
25. the validity of candy corn argument comes to blows. every. single. year.
26. duke lead a revolt one year against the tyranny of bruce’s “no slanderous costumes” policy (he wanted to be slutty batman)
27. the kids throw a rager in the cave and somehow never get caught. it’s the only time they’re all willing to clean and it pisses bruce off that he can’t prove it.
28. bruce got sick and clark walked around the watchtower in a batman costume pretending to be him for two days
29. steph and dick glued the lorax mustache to him while he was sleeping because he refused to pick a costume. it didn’t come off for a week, and lois posted an article speculating he was secretly a natural ginger.
30. all the kids stayed in once and watched ‘it’s the great pumpkin charlie brown’ instead of partying and he’s been trying to get them to do it again ever since
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dickheadcanons · 3 months
So the timeline is contradictory in many places, but what makes the most sense to me is:
Dick is fairly newly 9 y/o when his parents die. He meets a 26 year old Bruce, who has been Batman for 1 year.
He is Robin for nearly a decade, until he’s fired at 18 y/o
Jason meets Bruce at 13, and is Robin til he’s 15. He’s 5 years younger than Dick. Note that he is 23 years younger than 36 y/o Bruce, a gap that suits their more parental relationship.
Tim is 13 y/o when he finds Dick again. He and Dick met when he was 2 y/o and the Grayson’s death is his earliest memory (to the point where he thought it was a dream for many years). They have a 7 year difference.
Tim is Robin until he’s 17 and Damian becomes Robin at 10 y/o. Dick is 24-25, and Jason is 19-20.
This allows a couple of fun things. The first is that Jason was a shitty teenager in UTRH which is just kind of funny. The second is that the Damian-Dick-Bruce parallel can exist, but also a Damian-Tim-Dick parallel, which I think is almost juicier. Dick was the perfect older brother to Tim, and yet Tim and Damian’s relationship is nothing like that. Tim is no longer Robin, but he’s also no longer the baby, which is almost harder. And I think is a reminder of how tiny Damian is at introduction. Tim is on the verge of high school when he becomes Robin. Damian is in 5th grade. And Dick is 25 trying to stop them from fighting.
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deadly-kalopsia · 4 months
writing out my understanding of the batfam ages because i’m bored
i’m basing literally all of this starting around their ages based on tim because that’s literally the only ones i know for sure and it’s easier this way
when tim is first introduced, he’s 13 (for some reason i always think he’s 12 but no, he’s 13) we know that tim was at the circus when dicks parents died when dick was 8. tim was stated to be 3 at the time of the flying graysons death) (i’m aware that in one comic it claims that he was like 7 but that makes literally no fucking sense so i’m ignoring it)
this means that when tim is 3, dick is 8, making dick 5 years older than tim making, meaning that when tim becomes robin dick is 18….which doesn’t really make sense. so let’s loop back to this later.
jason dies when hes 15, around 6 months later, tim introduces himself and has his first technical debut as robin at 13, making their age difference around 2 years. tim is born in july, and jason is born in august, it’s safe to say that their age gap is 2 years and a few months. jason is introduced at age 12 right after dick leaves/gets fired as robin at around age 18/19, making him around 6 years older than jason.
so at this point we have
tim-13 (stated age at first introduction.)
jason- 15/16 (depending on when he dies)
dick- 21/22 (relative to jason, not tim)
back to tim being at the circus at the night of the flying graysons death, if tim is 3, then with dicks age relative to jason, dick would have had to been around 12 at the age of their death, NOT the 8 that was previously stated. this would make dick and tim’s age gap around 9 years. personally, while this messes up the ages stated in the canon i’m referring to, this is probably the best age that i can come up with and still have tim be at the circus and be around toddler age (old enough to remember what happened because of the trauma of it)
bruce is stated to be somewhere between 12-15 years older than dick, meaning that he’s somewhere between 21-24 years older than tim. this means he was around 24-27 when he fosters dick. (personally i meld this to whatever fits what im trying to talk about)
cassandra is assumed to be jason’s age, so we’ll call her also 2 years and some months/3 years older than tim.
when damian is introduced at 9/10 and at the time tim is 16 making their age difference 6-7 years. this is constantly changing due to dcs lack of letting tim age but still aging damian up (damian is 14 right now and as far as i know tim is still 17.)
unfortunately i don’t know very much about duke (which is an absolute tragedy that i will be remedying asap) but im pretty sure he’s 4 years older than damian, making him 2-3 years younger than tim.
alfred is ageless and i don’t care what you say dc, that man is alive.
so for my age differences relative to tim in what im gathering as my current canon (very very loose) we have:
alfred: ageless. (probably around early-mid 70s?)
bruce: 38-42
dick: 26
cass: 19/20
jason: 19/20
tim: 17
duke: 14/15
damian: 10/11
that’s all we have for bruce’s canonically adopted/fostered children (THAT I KNOW OF PLEASE DONT KILL ME)
a couple others that i didn’t include but know, stephanie is a year older than tim, making her 18 to tim’s 17, and like wise, babs is a year older than dick, making her 27 to dicks 26.
i think my math maths but please let me know if it doesn’t, i did it in my head and have not slept.
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Wayne Family Social Media - The Waynes on Twitter Masterpost
IThe Waynes Profiles
1 - The butts match
1.5 - The butts match
2 - Tim Drake, CEO of Wayne Enterprises, is told he needs to be "more professional" on Twitter. He disagrees and choses chaos instead
3 - Confession time
4 - Batman has a sugar daddy?
5 - Tim Drake-Wayne/Sleep , 20k words, slowburn, angst, enemies to lovers
6 - Batkids tweet highlights
7 - Red Hood and Arsenal
8 - Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson-Wayne and Jason Todd-Wayne read your thirst tweets
9 - Duke gets verified!!!
10 - How Damian deals with online hate
11 - Private Account tweet highlights
12 - Batkids tweet highlights 2
13 - The Wayne’s decide to be chaotic on Twitter
14 - Bullying Lex Luthor, a family bonding experience
15 - Batkids tweet highlights 3
16 - Private account tweet highlights 2
17 - Love triangles are OUT, time for a love square
18 - Wayne kids being gay on twitter
19 - The Wayne kids interactions with Gotham’s rogues
20 - Human Disaster Tim Drake-Wayne
21 - Bats and friends
22 - Human Disaster Dick Grayson-Wayne
23 - Siblings, am I right?
24 - Human Disaster Stephanie Brown
25 - Human Disaster Cassandra Wayne
26 - So about that coffin
27 - Human Disaster Duke Thomas
28 - Human Disaster Bruce Wayne
29 - Human Disaster Damian Wayne
30 - Human Disaster Jason Wayne
31 - Disaster Family: The Waynes
32 - The Bats are ever so slightly unhinged (lie)
33 - Manors haunted.
34 - Broose
35 - The Waynes really just say things
36 - This is me admitting defeat. I cannot keep on thinking of names of chapters.
37 - The (older) batkids have nailed this social media thing if you ask me
38 - Dickie, are you okay?
39 - The struggles of being a (really rich) single parent
40 - *Squints at writing on palm* The Wames everybody!
41 - These are Bruce's 'babies' btw
42 - Bruce is high (on painkillers), what could go wrong?
43 - *chuckling awkwardly* uh what
44 - the waynes are suffering but not really
45 - this is so healthy of them… also, the wayne’s are a category on twitter??
46 - Bruce and his exes
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sleepyplantperson · 2 years
thank you Wayne family adventures for giving me a rough idea on the ages of the bat family members, and not making Bruce go thru like five robins in 3 years:
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dick: 25 since he became robin when he was 9
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Jason: 20 because he became robin when he was 13
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tim: 18 since according to google he became a robin when he was 14 (also I can't possibly be the only one who hates that Tim has been like 16 for God damn years right)
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Stephanie: 19-ish, I'm not actually sure when she became robin, but I think she's 19 as I'm pretty sure she's one year older than Tim.
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I have genuinely no idea how old Damian is supposed to be. some comics portray him looking like he's 12-14 (google says he's 14 now?), while others try to make him look around Jon's —who is 17 if I'm not mistaken— age. so I like to assume that he's 15-16 (mostly because I enjoy the idea of him being close in age to jon as I really miss their younger dynamic) as he looks around that age, but if Stephanie became robin 2 years ago and Damian became robin when he was 10 that would make him 12 rn, so I'm very unclear on his age. I think I'll just stick to thinking off him as 15-16 in current comics and 12 in Wayne family adventures.
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I'm pretty sure duke is like 16-17 in current comics.
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Cassandra —who is my favorite member of the batfamily next to Dick— is supposed to be around jasons age, so I think she's about 19-20
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finally, we have Barbara (while I am aware that there are more batfamily members such as kate kane, Luke fox, jean Paul valley, harper row, etc. I know next to nothing about them so I'm ending the list here.), at some point she was 6 years older than dick, but I'm pretty sure that got retconned, and now some are saying she's the same age as dick. despite all the inconsistency, I think she's a little older than dick, and since he's 25, she would be about 26-27.
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audhd-nightwing · 1 month
reverse robins au timeline
bruce meets talia while training to be Batman. damian is (unknowingly) conceived. three years later bruce becomes Batman. four years after that, talia sends damian (7) to bruce with a letter explaining everything.
two years later, damian (9) becomes Batboy
five years later, bruce finds duke (10) and takes him in. damian (14) is insecure at first but eventually grows fond of him
two years later, tim (10) starts staying at wayne manor while his parents are away. damian (16) and duke (12) both enjoy his company
a year later duke (13) becomes Signal, and tim (11) figures out their vigilante identities and helps out on comms, going by ‘T’
another year later, dami (18) becomes Leviathan and tim (12) starts going by Rumor. duke (14) is just vibing
steph (13) starts out as Spoiler when damian is 19, duke is 15 and tim is also 13
after a year working together, damian (20) and duke (16) reveal their identities to steph (14) and she meets tim (14) for the first time in-person
when damian is 21, duke is 17 and timsteph are 15, tim’s parents die in a plane crash and he is officially adopted by bruce. after this he is finally allowed in the field as Rumor (he was just doing comms/tech before)
about a year later, cass (14) shows up in gotham and bruce brings her back to the manor (damian is 22, duke is 18, and timsteph are 16)
jason (12) is found stealing the tires off the batmobile and bruce adopts him. cass (15) is the vigilante Orphan, tim (17) & steph (17) are still Spoiler & Rumor, duke (19) is still Signal and damian (23) is still Leviathan
jason (13) takes up the Batboy mantle, and the circus comes to town. newly orphaned dick (9) is taken in by bruce. (cass is 16, timsteph are 18, duke is 20, damian is 24)
dick (10) becomes Robin, and meets babs (9) in school. they become best friends. cass (17) changes her vigilante name to Black Bat
jason (15) is killed by joker. dick is 11, cass is 18, tim & steph are 20, duke is 22, damian is 26
bruce gets lost in time. damian (27) takes over as Batman, duke (23) is still Signal, cass (19) is Leviathan in damian’s place, tim and steph (21) are still Rumor & Spoiler and dick (12) is still Robin. jason (16) is taken to the LoA and revived in the lazarus pit. dick kills the joker as Robin
jason (17) returns to gotham as Red Hood. babs is 12, dick is 13, cass is 20, timsteph are 22, duke is 24 and damian is 28. bruce is still gone so dami is still Batman and cass is still Leviathan
bruce returns. babs (13) starts out as Batgirl
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The Bat Family Timeline and Ages (Post-Crisis and New Earth) with Sources
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In Batman: Year One, Bruce is said to be 25 in the January he returns to Gotham. The 1976 DC Calendar puts Bruce's birthday on the 19th of February so Bruce is 26 during his first outing as Batman in April.
Marv Wolfman's Batman: Year Three (Batman vol. 1 #436) tells us that Dick Grayson's parents die in Bruce's third year. In Batman vol. 1 #441 (also by Wolfman) Tim says that Robin started appearing around 6 months after the death of the Flying Graysons. For Dick's age when he becomes Robin, see below.
Bruce joins the Justice League before Dick forms the Teen Titans. Both these teams form before Barbara Gordon becomes Batgirl at 16 (Batgirl: Year One).
Barbara and Dick are each other's dates to their high school prom and so are less than 2 years apart in age (Detective Comics vol. 1 #871).
I suspect Dick, who was an emancipated minor, graduated high school and started college a year early, which allows Dick and Barbara to have some time as the new Dynamic Duo, as we see in Batman Family.
Dick Grayson is 18 when he forms the New Teen Titans, all of whom are also teenagers (Nightwing vol. 2 #137 by Wolfman, who also created the New Teen Titans).
Dick Grayson is 19 when he becomes Nightwing (Batman vol. 1 # 416).
21 year-old Helena becomes Huntress (Huntress: Year One #1), and interacts with Batgirl, meaning that Barbara is not yet Oracle.
Jason dies at 15, 4 months before his 16th birthday (Batman Files). This is before the New Teen Titans' third year anniversary (New Titans #71), before any of the Titans turn 22 (Deathstroke vol. 1 Annual 1), 2 years after Dick becomes Nightwing and almost 10 years before Dick's parents are killed (Batman vol. 1 #436). Dick is hence 21 during these events and 11 when he became Robin.
I also kinda like Dick being 17 years younger than Bruce because that's also the age difference between Adam West and Burt Ward from the 60s TV series.
After these events, Tim Drake becomes Robin and is 13-14 (Batman vol. 1 #441 and Robin II #1)
Soon after, Stephanie Brown is 15 when she becomes Spoiler (Secret Origins 80-Page Giant).
Stephanie is still 15 when she realises that she is pregnant (Robin vol. 2 #59) and Tim is almost 15 during this time (Secret Origins 80-Page Giant).
Cassandra Cain is 17 when she comes to Gotham during this time (Batgirl vol. 1 #1), during No Man's Land which lasts one year.
Helena’s family were killed when she was 8 and during Batman/Huntress: Cry For Blood, Tim says the murders happened roughly 15 years ago, making her roughly 23 during this storyline.
Cass turns 18 in January (Batgirl vol. 1 #39), Tim Drake turns 16 (Robin vol. 2 #116), Jason would have turned 18 in August (Detective Comics vol. 1 #790), and Stephanie is 16 when she "dies" (Batman Allies Secret Files & Origin).
Personally I'd re-arrange Tim's 16th birthday to be the last of these events four events to accommodate him still being 17 late into the Batman: Reborn, see below.
Jason soon returns to Gotham as Red Hood, not long before Infinite Crisis, 52 and One Year Later.
Following the one year time skip, Dick says it's been almost 10 years since his misadventures with Metal Eddie and Liu as a 16-17 year old (Nightwing vol. 2 #133 by Wolfman), which makes sense because he would be 25 by my math.
Stephanie returns from her time as a medical volunteer in East Africa, finishes high school and begins university during Batman: Reborn. She'd turn 19 by the end of this year by my math, which is a typical age to be begin attending university (Gotham Underground and Batgirl vol. 3 #1).
Dick calls Damian Wayne a "10 year-old" before Stephanie attends university (Batman and Robin vol. 1 #2) and Steph still calls Damian a "10 year-old" while she's in her second semester (Batgirl vol. 3 #13 and Batgirl vol. 3 #17). He might have turned 11 before the reboot.
Batwoman: Elegy (Detective Comics #858), during the Batman: Reborn year, shows that Kate was 12 when she was kidnapped and saw her mother and sister killed. This incident is also said to happen "20 years ago”, making her 32 and hence 30-31 during her first appearance in 52/One Year Later.
Tim Drake is still 17 while Steph is in her second semester of her first year at university, and it's stated that he is meant to be in his senior year at high school (Batgirl vol. 3 #13, Red Robin #17 and Red Robin #25). It's possible he turns 18 before the reboot.
Mistakes I Made
Cassandra Cain is 21 in Year Eighteen.
The "Titans disbands" in Year Thirteen was definitely a year early but it's done.
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Batfamily ages!
im trying so hard to work out batfamily ages.
so far i have damian being 15 in current continuity. he was 10 when he became robin, and i think tim was 17, so theres a 7 year age gap, same as jason and dick.
i think i remember dick saying that he was the same age as bruce when dick made damian robin, parallelling bruce and dick to dick and damian. bruce was like,,,,28? when he took in dick at 12. theres a 16 year age gap between them. if damian was 10 at robin, then dick was probably 26 years old....
(dick has to be taken in at 12 years old or none of this makes sense okay?? tim was 3 when he watched the graysons fall, and there has to be a 9 year age gap between dick and tim or everything else falls apart. dick has to be 12 for the rest of the ages to make sense. stop commenting about dick being 9 years old, he isn't in this!! and also i'm farly certain they bumped up his age again to be 12 when he watched his parents die anyway, so stop commenting that he's 9!! he's not!!)
babs i think was 16 when she became batgirl, and dick was like 13, so theres a three year age gap.
Steph is one year older than tim right? and cass is at most a year older than steph? shes described as older than jason at some point but also has been frequently thrown into the same age bracket as tim and steph but i swear is like, 6 months older than jason? god idk,,,
jason.... died when he was 15, and tim became robin at 13, so theres a 2 year age gap there. he's also 7 years younger than dick. - he got ressurected after 6 months, and was in a walking coma for a while,,, he also trained for 3 years. im gonna say ressurected after 6 months -> walking coma for another 6 months -> lazarus pit -> 3 years training -> 19 when he came back to gotham as red hood.
i have no idea what duke is doing. he's paired up with cass a lot right? is he the same age as her? Edit: after reading urban legends #18 it shows Duke in college, so hes at least the same age as tim, or older.
anyway onto the maths! [disclaimer, i had to retake maths so please be nice guys im not a genius]
if Damian is now 15, and theres a 7 year age gap between him and tim, Tim is now 22? Steph should be 23? and if theres a 2 year age gap between tim and jason, Jason is now 24. Cass is also 2 years older than tim, but shes 6 months older than jason, making her 25. (Duke is maybe 23? he's paired up with cassandra so often that i want to put them in the same-ish age bracket, but i do achknowledge he used to be younger than tim although he has apparently been aged up so im making him same age as steph instead.) Dick is 7 years older than jason, so Dick is 31?? and Barbara is 3 years older making her 34. Bruce is...47???????? that feels too young. like way too young. bruce you had so many kids at such a young age the hell have you been doing you slutty old man?
okay anyway i feel better now that i think i have some solid ages. [for when i look back at this post in several years, it is 2023, and i am ignoring every retcon of their ages that makes them younger. bc fuck that.]
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syresdcthings · 5 months
Just trying to figure out my DC au timeline rq... Actual dates don't matter!!! This is a MESS by the way I am SORRY 😭 its just me jotting down my own stuff for my story's!!
Bruce's parents die when he is 10, he starts Karate classes at 12 but leaves gotham to train at 16. Bruce returns to Gotham 4 years later at 20
Now the important things..
So Bruce starts his career as Batman at 21, he adopts Dick Grayson, 11, at 22.
Dick is Robin for 5 years until he turns 16 and leaves for the Titans. D
Bruce adopts Jason Todd, 12, that same year. At this point, Bruce is 27 and has been Batman for 6 years.
Jason Todd is Robin for 3 years, before he disappears. He dies 1 year later, aged 16. Bruce is 31 and has been Batman for 10 years, Dick is 20 and becomes Nightwing.
Bruce takes Tim, 12, as Robin the same year Jason dies. Bruce adopts Tim less than a year into his Robin Career.
Jason is revived 1½ years into Tim's Robin Career, Damian is 5, Jason is trained by the LOA at 17. Bruce is 32 and has been Batman for 11 years, Dick is 21 and has been Nightwing for 1 year, Tim is 13 and has been Robin for 1½ years
Tim turns 14
Jason leaves the LOA 3 years later, he is 20. Damian is trained by the LOA since birth, he is 9. Bruce is 35 and has been Batman for 14 years, Dick is 24 and has been Nightwing for 4 years, Tim is 17 and has been Robin for 4 years
Jason Becomes Redhood the year he leaves. Tim becomes Red Rouge the year he leaves. Bruce adopts Cassandra Cain, Batgirl, 18. Tim dates Stephanie Brown, Robin, 17.
Jason reunites with Batman one year after at 21, Bruce takes in Damian, Robin, later the same year. Stephanie is no longer Robin, no longer dates Tim. Stephanie becomes Spoiler. Cassandra becomes Orphan. Tim dates Bernard. Bruce is 37 and has been Batman for 16 years, Dick is 25 and has been Nightwing for 5 years, Jason is 21 and has been Red Hood 1 year, Tim is 18 and has been Red Rouge for 1 year, Stephanie is 18, Cassandra is 19, Damian is 10.
OK... Ages now in present time I guess... 4 years later
Bruce: 41, Batman: 20
Dick: 29, Nightwing: 9
Jason: 26, Red Hood: 5
Tim: 23, Red Rouge: 5
Cass: 24, Orphan: 4
Steph: 23, Spoiler: 4
Damian: 14, Robin: 4
Alfred: Known no bounds (Became butler at 35, is currently 71)
Also yes Damian will get another hero title when he's older and it won't be Batman. Something like Great Dane or whatever I haven't figured it out yet.
THIS ISNT SUPPOSED TO BE COMIC CANON!!! Also I messed up with Bruce's age during this so don't mind if he's suddenly been Batman for a year longer than he should've been...
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timdrakeismypatronus · 9 months
how old do you hc everyone in the batfam to be? cause i'm struggling to decide how old Damian is
So in my most recent works, I've hc'd the fam as follows:
Alfred: old
Bruce: 45ish
Dick: 26
Jason: 22-23
Cass: 22
Tim: 19 (though in some of my fics he's still 17; it just depends)
Damian: 13
When I write Tim as 17, usually Damian is 11ish. I keep them about 6 years apart based on the fact that Damian was 10 when he became Robin and Tim was 16 during the RR arc. Everyone else is fill in the blank as DC can't commit to a single timeline and no one knows what's going on :)
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aprocessionofthoughts · 8 months
Whumptober 2023 Masterlist
Once More We Fight day 1- swooning, how many fingers am I holding up fandom: Percy Jackson TW- injury briefly described but not graphically summary- Percy gets injured and Annabeth has to figure out how to help him
Sick Day day 2- thermometer fandom-spiderman summary- Peter gets sick but he still has a chemistry test to take
No Air to Breathe day 3- solitary confinement fandom-batman TW-slight depression summary-Dick's been locked in a room and he just wants to know why
Shock Therapy day 4-cattle prod/shock fandom-batman TW-torture summary- Jason's plan doesn't go how he thought it would, and he faces the consequences
Fighting for Air to Breathe day 5- debris/pinned down fandom- Spiderman TW-injury, disassociation, panic, claustrophobia summary- Peter is once more trapped beneath rubble. But at least this time he's not alone.
Unknown Caller day 6- recording/made to watch fandom-spidermen TW- slight torture-nothing graphic summary- someone wants Stark weapons, and they've got the leverage to get them
I'll be There day 7- alleyway/radio silence fandom- batman TW- character is drugged summary- Tim missed a check in and Jason's the closest to his location.
Out at Sea day 8- outnumbered fandom- six of crows TW- blood, death of random characters summary- mercenaries attack Inej's ship and she has to do everything she can to protect her crew.
To Succeed is to Fail day 9- mistaken identity fandom- Danny phantom x Batman TW- nothing summary- The Amity Parkers have the opportunity (they didn't want) to explore Gotham. It's just too bad that Danny looks a lot like adoption bait.
To Sink or Swim day 10- stranded fandom- Danny phantom x dc TW- panic summary- After a portal spits Danielle out onto an abandoned island she has to try everything she can to get back home.
Trapped day 11- captivity/no one will find you fandom- Danny phantom x batman TW- mind control, electrocution, manipulation, bad vibes summary- Danny has been under the cultist's control for a month and he's not doing so good.
Investigations are Attempted day 12- red fandom- Danny phantom x batman TW- none summary- Bruce and his kids continue to look into Daniel Nightingale.
Brothers day 13- cold compress fandom- batman TW- sickness summary- Tim is definitely not sick. Jason disagrees.
Just Hold On day 14- just hold on fandom- Batman TW- none summary- Batman is investigating Black Mask activity when he finds someone he never expected to see again
Partial Explanations day 15- I'm fine fandom-dp x dc TW- none summary- Jason finds out he's still got a foot in the land of the dead.
Hope is a Fragile Thing day 16- gurney fandom- Batman TW- none summary- Bruce brings Jason Red Hood back to the cave.
Consequences day 17-collar fandom- Danny phantom TW- electric shock summary- Danny tries to get the collar off
A Bird in Hand day 18- blindfolded fandom- batman TW=threats summary- Slade is on a job when he comes across a captured bird.
Creativity Denied day 19- I'm not as stupid as you think I am fandom- batman TW- none summary- Dick wants to make something special for Bruce's birthday
Let's Make a Deal day 20- you'll regret touching them fandom- batman TW- human trafficking mentioned summary- Jason come across a captured Nightwing while meeting with a gang leader.
Summonings day 21- restraints fandom- dp x dc TW- none Summary- Dick and Damian are captured in order to sacrifice to the ghost king.
Black Ice day 22- vehicular accident fandom- Danny phantom TW- character death summary- The Fentons had always been bad drivers
The Camera Lens day 23- stalking fandom- batman TW- canon typical violence summary- Jason has a stalker
Out of the Cold day 24- neglect fandom- dp x dc TW- none summary- Jazz and Danny follow Barbara back to her apartment
Ignore the Doubt day 25- storm fandom- batman TW- none summary- Tim and Dick arrive in the cave to find a possibly unconscious Jason Todd.
You Look Awful day 26- 'you look awful' fandom- Danny phantom TW- none summary- Valerie and Danny have a group project
He's a Phantom day 27- let me see fandom- dp x dc TW- brief injury summary- Jason encounters the GIW
What We Have in Common day 28- bloody knife fandom- dp x dc TW- none summary- Danny helps Jason heal
Sleepy Summons day 29- scented candle fandom- dp x dc TW- none summary- Danny just wants to go to sleep
Unexpected Company day 30- borrowed clothing fandom- dp x dc TW- none summary- Dick meets Danny
To be Awake day 31- take it easy fandom- batman TW- panic attack summary- Jason wakes up
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r1z3n · 17 days
First, we must establish some things:
Because this is comic worlds therefore we have to at least establish canon and not canon, and much like comic artists and writers of the everyday past and present we gonna cherry pick what we like, and leave everything else behind. So Canon Divergent warnings apply.
READ MORE BELOW: (trying to be considerate to people's dashboards cause this got away on me lol)
There is the Justice League which members are Currently:
Superman - Clark Kent
Batman - Bruce Wayne
Aquaman - Arthur Curry
The Flash - Barry Allen or Wally West (You need to ask for the Flash you need, the Forensic [Barry] or the engineer [Wally])
Wonder Woman - Diana (Toria [Donna] will Alternate with WW but turned down a permeant position)
Captain Marvel - Billy Batson
Green Lantern - Hal Jordan (Again much like The Flash depends on who is need though)
the Martian Manhunter- J'onn J'onzz/ John Jones
Green Arrow - Oliver Queen
Cyborg - Victor Stone
Nightwing - Dick Grayson
--- This is where we really get into cherry picking ---
Then I think of loose canon of the Teen Titans and Young Justice meshing, making it more of what I've taken to calling
the First Titans:
Nightwing/Robin I - Dick Grayson
Flash/Kid Flash I - Wally West
Aqualad I -Kaldur'ahm (Retired)
Toria/Wonder Girl I - Donna Troy
Arsenal/Speedy I - Roy Harper
Starfire - Koriand’r
Miss Martian - M'gann M'orzz / Megan Morse
Superboy I - Conner Kent
It is important that we establish that in my world there was a divide for operations and code of conduct and charter writing which is the foundation for many non-for-profits which both operate as.
This did not get fixed or amended until well after Jason's death, meaning you know what happened if you ever survived a merger or simply existed in a space that restructured you know not everyone has actually read the updated documents.
Young Just Us is still a thing:
Red Robin/Robin III - Tim Drake
Wonder Girl II - Cassandra Sansmark
Superboy I - Conner Kent
Kid Flash II - Bart Allen
Arrowette - Cissie King-Jones (Retired)
Secret - Greta Heyes (Retired)
Empress - Anita Fite
The Outlaws: [as of right now the Outlaws are outside the oversight of JL and therefore outside being able to readily use JL or FT resources like medical easily without a lot of flexibility that they can do but why would they]
Red Hood - Jason Todd
Starfire - Koriand’r
Arsenal - Roy Harper
Artemis - Artemis of Bana-Mighdall
So those are the established teams, I am running with right now. There are likely auxiliary teams in the future I will make when the story suits. (hats off for how much canon I have to choose from)
On that note Batfamily:
Important Ages to Note:
Alfred Pennyworth (-Wayne) - Pretty sure has beef with Ra about giving immortals a bad name, and I will not be taking critique on this.
Bruce Wayne - 26 (when he became Batman),
Dick Grayson - 10 (Robin I), 18 (Nightwing)
Cassandra Cain - 8 (when she ran away from her father), 17 (Batgirl II)
Jason Todd - 12 (Robin II), 15 (when he died), 18 (Red Hood)
Stephanie Brown - 15 (when she became Spoiler), 17 (when she was Robin IV), 18 (Batgirl III)
Tim Drake - 13 (Robin III), 17 (Red Robin)
Duke Thomas - 17 (Signal)
Damian Wayne - 11 (Robin V) Current Ages:
Bruce Wayne - 42
Dick Grayson - 26
Cassandra Cain - 21
Jason Todd - 21
Stephanie Brown - 20
Tim Drake - 19
Duke Thomas - 18
Damian Wayne - 13
Also because I worked hard on it: BEHOLD THE BAT SUCCESSION
Dick Grayson, Robin I, Nightwing I, Batman II (Defunct)
Barbara Gordon, Batgirl I, Oracle
Cassandra Cain, Batgirl II, The Orphan, Batman III.
Jason Todd, Robin II, Red Hood, Batman IV.
Tim Drake, Robin III, Red Robin, Nightwing II.
Duke Thomas, Signal I, Red Robin II, Batman V
Stephanie Brown, Robin IV, Spoiler, Batgirl III
Damian Wayne, Robin V, Nightwing III, Batman IV.
Also it is important that I make this clear:
Bruce is not winning any dad of the year awards in my sandbox. He has his good moments, but he also has his bad. He is imperfect that in different time and perspectives is either refusing to change or has decided to be be better. So there will be what many call 'bad dad bruce', but there will also be 'good dad bruce' cause the batfurry is complex like that. I like playing with characters like that. So you are forewarned.
Tags to Watch if you want more of this:
#No one but a Robin gets to decide Robin
#riz's bat family canon
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flashfuture · 3 months
lightning round: batfam ages
this is not a lightning question
Okay here we go:
1940s Bruce Wayne mid 20s generally people say he started Batman around 25/6 you can go with that as his starting point. Now he should be a few years off from 50
Dick Grayson 8 years old is a repeated age he started at. Dick has a birthday in Batman 10. I like to think he started at 8 turned 9 shortly after. Post crisis said he was 12. New 52 tried 16??? But that was erased again with rebirth and between 8-12 starting as Robin I personally like 8. He was 18 when he either went to college or got fired by Bruce depending on your timelines.
Dick was 19 when Bruce took in a 12-year-old Jason Todd in both timelines (he said in the same issue of a new teen titans comic that he was 19 and started at 8 it's a good centering point) Jason spent a few months training and by 13 was Robin.
Dick was 20-21 ish when a 15 year old Jason Todd died. And roughly 22 when he met a 13 year old Tim Drake. Steph is I think a pretty solid year older than Tim. And Cass and Jason are almost the same age she was a January baby and Jason an August baby so they're only the same age for like four/five months each year. I place them a year older than Steph.
Babs is all over the place she used to be wayy older than Dick but they've dragged her down to be his age. I personally prefer her to be about 4 years older than him. But DC has no clue what they're doing with Babs soooo
Infinite Crisis is when Jason comes back. The whole thing comes to head in 2006 but. Then time skips a year.
Damian came on the scene after this year skip at 10 which everyone quickly realized was wrong cause Bruce met Talia when Dick was in college so 18. And Dick at the time was roughly 26. If we consider Tim was now or almost 17 I'd have to triple check which came first but in the same era and Dick is about 9 years older than Tim. So they invented Talia hyper aging Damian whatever. Nice call back to have Dick start Batman at the same age as Bruce.
And now Damian is 14. Tim is vaguely an adult who should be 21 now but who knows. Duke is 17 ish still maybe. Dick should be 30. Jason and Cass 23-24 ish. Steph 22. Babs in her 30s. And Bruce about 48 ish. Bruce has commented recently on age catching up with him so if they ever make a comment about him specifically nearly 50 I will click my heels together
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sardonic-sprite · 1 year
June of DOOM
Here we goooooo
9 fics, 30 prompts, currently about 50 pages and 18k words, and 6 NDEs... 5 of which are Jason. Oops. Anyway, here is the schedule, as well as titles, prompts, and a preview paragraph
June 3 - Help (Just A Kid Ch2)
Prompts: Day 3 - "I can handle it" | Day 12 - Fainting | Day 28 - Knife
Jason didn’t know how he stayed on his feet as long as he did. How he held the knife still when the hilt and his hand kept growing slicker with his blood. How he crawled up the two stairs to slump against the rail, or how he raised one fist to thump it weakly against the door. How he’d even made a loud enough sound to be heard. But he had.
June 4 - Yea, Though I Walk
Prompts: Day 4 - Delirium | Day 16 - Stairs | Day 18 - Blankets | Day 24 - Illness
Tim only hummed, unsure, but Father slipped behind him and carefully lifted him up, bracing him against his chest. He was warm, and Tim pressed closer, and it chased away a tiny bit of the chill. A cup pressed against Tim’s lips. He opened his mouth and sweet, cool water flowed in, taking away the awful taste and calming the raging fire in his throat.
June 7 - priceless
Prompts: Day 6 - Duct Tape | Day 7 - Disoriented | Day 13 - Rescue | Day 21 - Choke
But Jason wasn't arrogant enough to think he could rip free from the mummifying layers of tape and take down Allen before the man could suffocate him again. He needed someone to tell Allen he'd get his money so that he'd leave Jason alone until rescue came or he devised a way to escape on his own.
Jason mentally groaned. So fucking much for keeping this a secret.
June 10 - bane
Prompts: Day 2 - Sobbing | Day 10 - Shackle | Day 23 - Poison
This was a risk any time any one of them went out, and Bruce knew that, and he struggled with it every day. This was a relatively common occurrence, a drugged out, chained up bird or bat, and Bruce might’ve thought he’d be over the rush of pure terror by now, but no. Every damn time someone hurt his kids, or even got close, he completely froze, for a split second, stomach twisting and mouth going dry, remembering rattling breaths, cold skin, still chests, whispered pleas, spreading bloodstains.
June 11 - hey, brother
Prompts: Day 5 - Handcuffs | Day 11 - Firearm | Day 14 - Slurred Speech | Day 30 - Failed Escape
“Goddamnit, brat, I’m not leaving both of you behind,” Tim snapped, finding his pace and striding down the hall. The main entrance was out. He’d have to find a back door. “I came with one brother, and I’m not leaving with any less.”
June 15 - phantasm
Prompts: Day 1 - Fear | Day 8 - "Breathe, damn you!" | Day 15 - Scream
It was too far to make out the words, but Jason knew Damian’s voice when he heard it. That kid could scream, but he wasn't supposed to, not in pain, not for any reason other than attracting Bruce and getting the rest of them into trouble.
But Jason could hear laughter, too.
June 22 - big brother
Prompts: Day 19 - Guilt | Day 22 - Rage | Day 27 - "I'm so sorry"
He shouldn’t be doing this. Aiding and abetting another little boy taking up a flag that always seemed to be cut to bloody ribbons. But it was too late to stop it now. All he could do was pour everything he had – every skill, every trick, every tactic and stratagem and all of his will – into catching Tim, and forcing him into more months of training. Stalling him.
Playing for time. Like there was a bomb about to go off that he couldn’t defuse.
June 25 - underneath the undertow
Prompts: Day 9 - Defiance | Day 25 - Drowning | Day 26 - Numb
Dick remained still and silent, knowing that to play dead was the best way to let Slade's passion fits ebb. Sure enough, in another minute the pressure on his arms let up and he was allowed to stand. He returned his hands to his sides, refusing to rub his throbbing wrists. He kept his gaze on the floor as Slade fisted a hand in his hair.
June 29 - no good deed
Prompts: Day 17 - "Don't lie to me." | Day 20 - Cage | Day 29: Secret
Antonin Laur rolled up the newspaper once more, using it to tilt Jason's face up. He jerked back, glaring, as much as the men holding his arms would let him.
"Wayne has a real gift," Laur mused, "always finding boys that are both pretty and smart."
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sassydefendorflower · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 Masterpost
Tumblr media
(you can find warnings for each fic on ao3 - click at your own discretion)
Day 1: A Little Bit Out Of The Ordinary - Stargate SG-1 / FMAB
A typical day for Jack O’Neill - a very shitty day for Edward and Alphonse Elric.
Day 2: Confrontation - DCU / Batman
Robin!Tim finds an injured Red Hood, now he has to decide whether or not he will save the man who hurt him.
Day 3: Impaled - FMAB
Edward gets impaled in Baschool - Winry and Alphonse find him.
Day 4: Waking Up Disoriented - DCU / Batman
Damian and Dick get kidnapped, only this time Damian is the only one who can protect them both.
Day 5: Running Out Of Air - FMAB
While working under Führer King Bradley, Riza slowly suffocates on the reality of her situation.
Day 6: I’ve Got A Pulse - DCU / Batman
Damian disappearing in the middle of a stakeout brings back traumatic memories for Dick. 
Day 7: Shaking Hands/Silent Panic Attack - FMAB
On a visit in Resembool, Winry confronts some of her childhood bullies - it goes worse than anticipated.
Day 8: Back From The Dead - FMAB
Roy finds out what happened to Edward up in the North - neither he nor Riza knew the boy had died.
Day 9: Caught In A Storm - DCU / Batman
Cassandra Cain is afraid of storms, but that doesn’t mean she won’t face her fears.
Day 10: Waterboarding - DCU / Batman
Jason and Dick join up on a case that forces one of them to get tortured in order to receive information. 
Day 11: Makeshift Splint - DCU / New Teen Titans 
Joey Wilson and Dick Grayson go on a hike. Of course, something goes wrong.
Day 12: Rusty Nail - FMAB
Ed’s injuries following the Promised Day are more severe than anyone could have anticipated.
Day 13: Alt. Prompt Touch-Starved - FMAB
Alphonse Elric forgot what it felt like to be touched. He doesn’t even remember pain.
Day 14: Die A Hero Or Live Long Enough To Become A Villain - FMAB
Heathcliff Erbe knows Roy Mustang believes the people of Ishval to be human - which is probably why it hurts so much to see him slaughter them.
Day 15: New Scars/Lies - DCU / Batman
Nine Times Dick Told A Lie And People Noticed But Didn’t Say Anything + One Time He Told The Truth And Nobody Believed Him Anyways
Day 16: No One’s Coming - FMAB
Instead of joining the army, Edward and Alphonse join the Eastern Liberation Front.
Day 17: Breaking Point/Stress Position - DCU / Batman
Luthor captures Nightwing and decides to (sexually) torture him in order to hurt Superman.
Day 18: Treading Water - FMAB
Roy and Ed go overboard while on a diplomatic mission to Xing - the only problem? Ed can’t swim.
Day 19: Enough is Enough - DCU / Batman
Fed up with Bruce’s easy dismissal of Damian, Dick tries to work through his own guilt by confronting him - using his fists, of course.
Day 20: Prisoner Exchange - FMAB
Edward gets kidnapped. The condition for his safe return? Riza Hawkeye.
Day 21: Take Me Instead - FMAB
Ed and Al return to the Tucker residence late at night to check up on Nina - they find Scar instead.
Day 22: Drug Withdrawal - Teen Wolf
Three months after the Nogitsune, Stiles wakes up on the other side of town with no idea how he got there.
Day 23: Hold Him Down - DCU / Batman
After being hit with an unknown toxin, Bruce and Jason try their best to restrain Dick without hurting him.
Day 24: Blood Covered Hands - FMAB
Winry and Paninya volunteer as first responders after a train accident - it’s not just strangers waiting for them in the destruction.
Day 25: Lost Voice - FMAB
Riza loses her voice. How is she supposed to be Roy’s eyes when she can’t tell him about the world around him?
Day 26: Why Did You Safe Me? - DCU / Batman
The Red Hood reveals himself just to save Batman’s life - neither of them quite sure why he did it.
Day 27: Magical Exhaustion - DCU / Batman
Dick Grayson is very tired - he doesn’t quite understand why his family just won’t let him rest.
Day 28: Anger Born Out Of Worry - FMAB
The assassination attempt was expected, the fact that Edward Elric was the last one standing was not. 
Day 29: Sleep Deprivation - DCU / Batman
Nine-year-old Dick Grayson can’t sleep - Bruce is learning how to be responsible for someone else.
Day 30: Please Don’t Touch Me/ Alt. Prompt Crutches - FMAB
The first time Ed loses his automail leg, he is suddenly forced to confront a world which views him differently because of his disability. 
Day 31: You Can Rest Now - DCU / Batman
Mortally wounded, with no one but Bruce for company, Dick and his dad take a walk down memory lane.
✨31 Days of fics later and we finally did it! Whumptober is finished and completed! Thank you all for reading and enjoying the whump I could share with you this year! ✨
Some extra stats:
Word Count Total: 166,003
Longest Fic: The People’s Alchemist - 14,964
Shortest Fic: a queen’s anguish - 1,312
Average Word Count: 5,355
And of course my Ao3 Account and the Collection I put it all in ❤❤❤
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