trustmeimadoctor · 2 years
Our therapist... Is it really ours? I fucking swear I’m the only one who pays the fuck attention!!! Anyway... She suggested We get reevaluated to get re-diagnosed. Because We have finally accepted what and who We are. But I don’t know if that could work against us. Our whole thing was to get more people seeking diagnosis so they couldn’t deny it’s existence anymore! But... I can’t be the only one in here that thinks that... may be not such a great idea. When We had the diagnosis, We were completely unaware. How will it affect us to know that is the reason We were being treated that way We were. Now We will KNOW why they think We’re insane. Why they look at us the way they do. I, Animal am not so sure I’m ready for that level of awareness yet.
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courtmartialme · 5 months
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smiling rizas in my 2023 art :-)
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taxinealkaloids · 8 months
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two b-list sons of God and a second-rate resurrection
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seaweedcycle · 2 years
How to not be a disturbance in others lives?
Choosing to be
Unapologetically me.
I refuse to mold myself again for someone who isn’t ready to be molded with me.
I’d be lying if I said this is the final form, we’re always adapting and forming into what we believe should be the best versions of ourselves
The voice of an angel,
The choir joins in laughter like thunder in the sky
How peaceful.
Grounded again my moonchild.
You are strong.
Through it all,
This too you will survive.
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marshmallowgoop · 2 months
To have failed in killing Shinichi Kudo . . . he's made a huge oversight.
My video for SLICE (Short Little Iron Chef Edits), at BentoVid! The goal was to create at least a 90-second AMV within 100 hours, using a song from a list of songs only revealed at the start of the challenge. Given my slow editing, I can't believe I did it, but I did!
The song can be found here, and my video is also available on YouTube here, in full 1080p and with subtitles that can be toggled on and off.
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phopollo · 4 months
I CANT TALK TO ANYONE IN THIS FANDOM BECAUSE EVERYONE THINKS SHES IN A DIDFERENT AGE RANGE AND IVE SEEN IT ALL AT THIS POINT, ITS TIME TO DECIDE (/lh, ily everyone's wildly different headcanons for her, just curious what the average thoughts are because I've seen so many varying headcanons now)
(Reblogs for a bigger sample size would be banger btw)
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patrickkingart · 2 years
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The protagonist squadrons of Ace Combat 04, 5, Zero, 6, 7, and X
Prints on Etsy
T-Shirts, etc... on TeePublic
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Imagine finding out that the observation haki doesn't work on you, part 3
part 1 part 2 part 3
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Shanks: *effortlessly sails through all of Big Mom's defenses and lands his ship on the coast of Whole cake Island* hey Linlin! Long time no see!
Linlin: Akagami! *pulls Napoleon out and braces herself for a fight*
Shanks: *waves a hand at her* oh relax, I'm not here to fight.
Linlin: then why the fuck are you here?
Shanks: I need to see Kata-kun
Lilin: what for?
Shanks: *ushers you forward* use your observation Haki on them
Linlin: what the heck are you talking about *trails off halfway through once she realizes what's going on* go send for Katakuri.
Twenty minutes later
Katakuri: *arrives* yes mama?
Shanks: KATA-KUN! ❤️
Katakuri: *flushed with anger* You do not get to call me that!
Shanks: *pouts* You're no fun
Linlin: enough of that, you boys behave.
Katakuri: Sorry Mama
You: *approaches Katakuri and puts your hand on his knee guard*
Katakuri: *jumps back with a yelp and panics because he didn't sense you only to trip over a homie and fall into a pond of juice*
Lilin: That's what I called you here. Normal Observation haki doesn't seem to work on them, can you sense anything?
Katakuri: *actually focuses his haki in on you and can't even get any sign of your aura* what the fuck?
Linlin: Language! *smacks him upside the head*
Katakuri: *rubs the back of his head* sorry Mama
You: *tickles the back of his knee* this is fun
Katakuri: *flinches away* fuck!
Linlin: *smacks him again*
Katakuri: shit!
Linlin: *smacks him again*
You: I like him, he's so jumpy
Katakuri: *smacks your hand away*They're tickling me! *picks you up and hands you over to Shanks* take them away.
Shanks: aren't they fascinating? *holds you in his arms like a baby*
You: I don't like this, put me down *wiggles*
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astridthevalkyrie · 5 months
everything you see ab being the oldest daughter is true btw why am i the family therapist AND punching bag smh
long ass depressing rant in the tags srry i got a wee bit emotional
#my dad has something going on where there's a ringing in his ear my mom has tendonitis and neck pain now#and i feel for both of them i'm goin to cvs to get the meds giving my mom massages every night talking to my dad to distract him#they're both going to the correct doctors#but just throwing it out there i have had tendonitis and chronic upper back pain for 5-6 years and no one gave a shit most i've gotten is#jokes that i'm faking it#i'm in physical therapy for my back NOW but that's bc i finally crawled out of the depression long enough to do it myself#which is fine whatever i'm 22 i should be the one making my own appointments and it'd be weird if i wasn't#but when i was 16 or 17???#being hospitalized for STRESS HEADACHES at 14 too???#who gets hospitalized for that shit and how were my parents not concerned that i at the age of 14 was#so stressed out that my head was pounding all the time#and bc i'm the third parent who has to be the only emotional safe space#i don't say anything if my sisters are rude to me bc at least they feel safe enough around me to be rude to me#i have to listen to everyone and their momma's problems#i'm in law school!!! i do not need this i'm anxious all the time!!!#and if i'm not anxious i'm depressed!!!#my therapist point blank tells me shit like 'you're incredibly lonely' or 'you have way too much on your shoulders' and it makes me CRY#the most basic fucking observations that i KNOW but hearing someone else acknowledge it and not berate me fucking sends me into TEARS#i get messages from online friends here like 'hey i saw your post you don't deserve that' i physically cannot keep my eyes dry!!#every time i have any interaction ever i am at least a little uncomfortable bc i am always trying so hard to make sure i come off as kind#and not awkward or mean#i feel like everyone around me was given some kind of how to manual on life that i wasn't#and i KNOW this is not unique tons and tons of people feel like this#i know this is the depression and the anxiety and the possible autism i'm well aware#but then every couple of days my mom gets the brilliant idea to tell me i'm rude or lazy or whatever and i lose my shit#i just wanna sleep and write fanfics in the nicest way possible i hate everyone#i will try my best to not be mean to anyone bc no one deserves it but i am angry and i am constantly feeling the hurt of my inner child#my MOTHER threw a hardcover book at my HEAD when i was ten bc i had been reading and hid the book under the pillow#what the actual fuck????#my dad's response to any and everything is to deal with it
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Fellas, is it gay to love something so much that any real reminder of it overwhelms you with emotion? Makes you curl up and throw it away so you don't break down and cry from just pure joy? Because you can't let yourself be happy and in love for some fucking reason, even if it's not a person you're in love with?
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trustmeimadoctor · 2 years
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
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Thinks about smile for me,,,,,specifically the eyes,,,,,,,,,, hm :)
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elvencantation · 9 months
I’m not even saying you’re a girl persay. In fact many babygirls aren’t girls at all. This raises more questions than it answers
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marshmallowgoop · 1 year
ShinRan Week 2023: Day 5 | "I wish I could tell you that I love you"
I wish that I could tell you I wish that I could run into your arms
[Song link] [YouTube link]
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isagrimorie · 1 month
I just read a post about wanting shows to swing for the fences and to always subvert expectations.
And, you know fair! I also want shows to swing for the fences!
But reading 'subvert audience expectations' gave me such a knee-jerk flinch and horror flashbacks of all the shows since Game of Thrones that have done 'subvert your expectations' and liking maybe a handful, or less of all the times a show tried to 'subvert' my expectations.
(Game of Thrones is the prime example of Doing. Subvert Your Expectations. Wrong. Westworld is IMO, the second example. Nolan learned all the wrong lessons from Person of Interest and this is why, IMO-- Person of Interest is still way better than Westworld.
And then, for a time there were shows and movies playing the 'subvert your audience expectations game' and I remember hating it because they were doing it wrong).
I'm great with a show just being able to do a lot but also I'm hoping for a show to do both.
There's been some talk about not wanting world and universe-ending threats. All. The. Damned. Time. And, I partially agree with that.
On the other hand, that was almost always the season finale end for Buffy and I didn't mind it.
But, I think, that's because there was room for stand-alone stories along with the universe/world-ending plots.
And, in that space, epic, swing for the fences stories were made.
Also, I 've now binged 911 (first of all why did no one talk about how this show has a variety of stories that's not just the procedural elements. THERE ARE HEIST STORIES IN THIS? C'mon guys, more than hot people and ships, that's my jam. There's halloween episodes? THERE'S ORIGIN STORIES???? Angela Basset and Casey McCall of Sports Night??? Jennifer Love Hewit and Chimney Han???). Also as far as I've watched there's only 18 episodes, long enough for the kind of stand alone character centric, relationship building stories and time to breathe, and some pretty ridic arc stories-- which yeah its a standard procedural but there's also a lot of swing for the fences episodes.
Person of Interest LOOKS like a standard procedural but it's a trojan horse for a fantastic cyberpunk ASI vs ASI story with brilliant character developments and relationships.
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auspicioustarantula · 2 months
what the fuck. what the fuckkkkkk
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