badbawz · 10 months
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vevasap · 4 months
Downright Wacky
The bottom of the hill is so beautiful today
Perhaps for a while I shall just sit here and stay
Watching the squirrels chase and the geese listlessly swim
Such a splendid time by the banks, thought the eponym
I whiled the hours away as the sun rose to height
And languished more until it was night
The rock had not moved not even an inch
He knew the same would be true, had he impinged
As dawn broke I strived to try yet again
To simply enjoy the hills and valley within
But as the birds started singing she felt discontent
A boredom encroached, her relaxation spent
So once again I pushed stone towards sky
And at the end, were my efforts denied
Though the slab again sat in the very same place
A sense of contentment was clear on their face
(I cheated today. TB to 6.2022)
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hebasalama · 8 months
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standing / accepting
8 13/16″ x 6 3/4″
ink, charcoal on book cover
w. tucker      wtucker-art.com
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cordeliaflyte · 8 months
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By Victoria Chang
On Kawara’s “Today” series
A call is just a call. I pick it up.
I lift blankets looking for my father.
When I take off the patch, your eye is gone.
I spend the day in other people’s tears.
Someone says your eyelid almost came off,
the doctors tried to reattach it. I
close my eye all day to see if I can
feel your dying. What is dying but a
form of hunger, visible to God. When
we pull down your shirt, your good eye opens.
All the waiting, the moon is an athlete.
The woman who let you fall won’t look at
me. In each of us, there is a stranger,
a single road that in one instant forks.
There’s a name for it. The way your mouth stays
open, no breathing. We hold our breaths as
if companions of your dying. Cheyne-Stokes,
named after two doctors. What if we named
everything? The last hand-squeeze before death,
the way your eye looks at me when I talk,
the way the reincarnated cry the
most, bewildered by the star’s second blink.
I tell a story about something, with
my arms waving. And your arm grabs mine, as
if I am a messiah. But really
I withheld food and drink from you so that
your feet that loved to walk would never touch
the ground again. And I wonder why we
are always on our hind legs, to see what?
Maybe we feel dizzy because we are
moving and so is the earth. On some days,
I can tell the earth is rotating in
another direction. Today I meet
a hospice nurse named Harsh. He is sweet, sweet.
They drop the morphine under your tongue. How
it must feel like a faint raindrop taken
from the sky. It’s been two weeks since the fall
and death still catches me by surprise.
I feel nothing. It is raining morphine.
No matter how I scold you, you won’t die.
Meanwhile, there are no birds in the sky, they
have all flown into your brain. I always
knew that our thoughts were birds, but I didn’t
know they would return for the funeral.
Five breaths. Then a minute of not breathing.
I time it, announce it, as if you are
running a race. You would have loved winning
this race to annihilation. Because
you are winning, your mouth is shaped like an O,
has been open for fourteen days now, as
if to say you aren’t done telling me
that Rilke’s Open doesn’t exist, that
our eyes aren’t inverted, that we can see
everything an animal sees with our
eyes closed and our mouths open. If I lean in,
I can hear all the words said in your
life, now in a different order. There’s still
no love, even though I’ve looked through all the
words twice. I go digging in the mass grave
of language for the extra loves and I
end up bringing loneliness back with me.
Every phone call says the same thing, that he
is hanging on. And I imagine you
holding on to the edge of a building,
the city’s mouths waiting for you to jump.
Today is your birthday. Someone came in
and said, they’re still not feeding him? thinking
I was someone else. The eyes press against
the glass of my brain. They can’t touch me but
they won’t stop looking. Eyeballs have footsteps
too. When they walk, they sound sticky. Hundreds
of them have gathered outside the window.
The sky is crooked at my feet. I’m tired
of someone else’s dying. I’ve lost two
pounds because I’ve been chewing rain instead
of swallowing it. Because you haven’t
been eating or drinking, all the food I
eat tastes twice as dead. Twice as good. In the
room down the hall, a man has a stroke, half
of his body splits off. The caretakers
gossip. My sister won’t stop crying, keeps
telling everyone she was your favorite.
They called me at 4:30 am and
I don’t remember what they said. But I
know they never said the word death or died.
The funeral home calls and I open
your checkbook, a balance of mocking birds.
On my notebook, a large group of ants. I
wonder why they had only gathered there
and on Etel Adnan’s Time. They walk on
these words: When no one is waiting for us
any longer, there’s death, so faithful. I
spend the morning killing ants and wonder
how many insects I have killed until
now. All the killing to prepare me to
forgo the feeding tube. Yesterday I
drove past a group of boys running without
their shirts. At the stoplight I could only
see the way their sweat lifted from them. And
I realized the ants weren’t coming from the
floor but were coming from my words. Down the
road, another group of runners going
in the opposite direction, having
no idea of the other runners. All
this time, I thought I didn’t know a thing.
When death was near, I could touch time. It was
softer than I thought it would be. There were
two of them. When I tried to measure their
lengths, I was sent back to the living. I
was shorter but my shadow was longer.
I read you ten poems, eight-hundred-fifty-
nine lines, I had fourteen coffees, nine creams,
twenty-three bobas. I cried zero times.
Another day went by. Still no feeling.
Why is language the only thing I have?
I wonder if it’s possible to live
by persistence, wanting so badly to
remain secured to the body, that his
soul left fourteen years before its vessel.
When asked when a painting was done, Rothko
said, there’s tragedy in every brushstroke.
A man from the funeral home called me.
His voice was so flat, I took a nap while
he talked. When I woke up, I was in the
casket looking up at the ceiling fan.
I couldn’t move my body and a patch
covered my left eye. I heard my own voice
describing my fall onto a knob, how
I lost my left eye, how I refused to
die. And then I saw myself bend over
to look at me. My own hand grabbed my hand
but I couldn’t feel it or move my eye.
I saw myself for who I was—evil,
full of syllables. Poets are useless.
Twice now I’ve thought about the wood casket
and what proportion of the ashes are
wood. Twice now I’ve read about the chamber,
this time I learn it is called a retort,
also a sharp reply. This time, I read
about the pugilistic stance when they
burn the body, the boxer-like pose the
body makes. I think about my father,
alone in the retort, in a small box,
two thousand degrees, his legs bent, his fists
ready to punch me and my live flesh.
The cows have spread out and I have counted
fourteen. Their heads always hang down. They don’t
seem to need to look up. In that way, they
are unlike us. Our euphoria that
comes directly from despair. Look up, we
say, to remind us that we will all die.
Here, the sky is made of nothing. It is
so vast that the twenty-five people who
live here don’t have enough sight to change it.
Today they burned my father. A man named
Garrett called me, in his toneless voice, to
say that someone cleaned his body, covered
him in white linen. After the man called,
I felt warmer all day. My body reached
two thousand degrees but would not burn. I
realized I had not thought of my father
more than once in Wyoming. You’d never
know the planet is dying. Here, the clouds
have holes in them and the deer are more etched
with shadow. A sandwich arrives at my
door at noon. I’m so hungry that I eat
the sandwich first, then think of my father.
Today the river is in crisis, no
horizon dares to go near it. Today
my father is in a small jar. At dusk,
I went into a painter’s studio,
saw his stretched canvas on the table, white,
empty. What are we without those who made
us? May his memory be your blessing,
people emailed me all week. The artist
was painting a series of doors, which were
so real that I walked through the one that was
slightly open. Inside the room was my
breath that I had held since January
13, an eyelid, a loose eyeball, the
knob the eye fell on, the girl’s hands that tried
to catch him, which were charred and still waving.
The white truck went from one frame to the next
and I thought of the time when someone lied
about me. How day and night I cared so
much about the lie that it split into
two, one part went out the left window frame,
the other out the right. Like the blue car
that disappears at the same time as the
white one, yet I can see both at once. When
they burned my father’s body, I wondered
if the eyeballs spread so far on each side
that they could see Wyoming, these two panes,
me on a small brown chair, looking out the
windows, waiting for oblivion to
travel through with its eighteen wheels and truth.
At the beginning of our family tree
was hope. Or maybe it was just an owl.
The same wind was blowing here eighty years
ago, always snapping families in half.
If I keep the window closed, I am stuck
inside with language as it buzzes back
and forth, trying to get out and start wars.
My sister is the only one left. If
she is the favorite of nothing, then
I must be one of Calvino’s cities,
the one with angular shadows, the one
that when turned on its side, becomes a line.
The caskets are shaking. The white-tailed deer
gently cross the river. I hike up the
hill to find my feelings. Instead, I run
into Hope, who doesn’t look at me or
stop, but walks down the hill. Today could be
a day where everything is beautiful.
Yesterday, I walked to the small chapel,
head down, yet all the people driving by
waved to me as if they knew what I had
just done, as if they knew I was going
to the chapel. When I got there, fourteen
white-tailed deer stopped and stared, moving away
from me, as if they also knew. Inside, the
cold mixed with the cold from my body and
the moment of mixing, the stained glass, and
my sobbing finally came. It was so
delayed that I wasn’t sure if I was
crying for the deer that wouldn’t stay, or
the nine people I had just met and would
soon leave behind, the snow that would
come after I am gone, or my father.
I left a note in the guest book, wrote his
name. Above it, Thomas and Claire Bushnell,
married the day before my father’s death,
a tribute to Traveler, one of the
best horses ever. It’s time to go home.
Each of us comes from somewhere with blossoms.
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a-since94 · 2 years
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royaltee98 · 2 years
It’s been 10 months…
January 6.2022 was the best day mentally and emotionally. My wound finally closed, I got to wear sandals and shorts again, and I got to experience the beach with my sister for the first time in 11 years in August also my self-confidence showed again I felt like myself again I felt happy.
These past few weeks I felt some small pains thinking it was a scab, so I just ignored it. Two weeks ago on Wednesday, I was in the shower cleaning my feet and I rubbed the wrong way. I started to panic the water was stinging 🔥 I got out of the shower and looked at my foot I saw nothing no small cuts or scrapes so I carry on about my day. My foot kept on hurting, hurting and I started to limp more.
Yesterday (October 31.2022 Halloween) I had an appointment at the wound care doctor again just to see what was going on with my foot. I was telling the nurse I think it was just a scab come to find out it was a wound I have been mentally and emotionally drained dealing with these wounds. These wounds have taken my whole teenage years and the beginning of my adult life. I can not do another wound it's been every year since I was thirteen I had one or two wounds on my feet. One would heal and even nine months later another would just appear and the worst thing is the doctors don't know why the wounds keep appearing. I take my meds, I drink water, I dress according to the weather, I eat pretty healthy sometimes now that I have gallstones, I get enough sleep, and I try not to overstress, overthink, over worry, overexert myself as much as possible. I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND THE REASON WHY!!!! This has taken a big toll on me.
So until next time write soon...
Love TB
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4gspeed · 6 months
Sóc Sơn lấy ý kiến người dân việc xây trường đua ngựa 500 triệu USDUBND huyện Sóc Sơn (Hà Nội) đang lấy ý kiến người dân về quy hoạch chi tiết tổ hợp vui chơi giải trí đa năng - trường đua ngựa khoảng 500 triệu USD nằm trên địa bàn hai xã Tân Minh và Phù Linh. Diện tích quy hoạch làm dự án trường đua ngựa ở Sóc Sơn, ảnh chụp tháng 6.2022. Ảnh: Nguyễn Thúy Ngày 11.1, theo tìm hiểu của Lao Động, UBND huyện Sóc Sơn (Hà Nội) đang tổ chức lấy ý kiến cơ quan, tổ chức, cá nhân và cộng đồng dân cư về đồ án quy hoạch chi tiết tỉ lệ 1/500 tổ hợp vui chơi giải trí đa năng - trường đua ngựa tại xã Tân Minh, Phù Linh và thị trấn Sóc Sơn. Thời gian lấy ý kiến từ ngày 26.12.2023 đến ngày 4.2.2024. Đối tượng được lấy ý kiến là cơ quan, tổ chức, cá nhân trên địa bàn huyện Sóc Sơn; đặc biệt là người dân các xã Tân Minh, Phù Linh và thị trấn Sóc Sơn. Trên cơ sở các ý kiến góp ý, UBND huyện Sóc Sơn và đơn vị tổ chức lập quy hoạch sẽ tổng hợp, phân tích, lựa chọn nội dung để bổ sung hoặc điều chỉnh đồ án, nhằm đảm bảo phù hợp với thực tiễn địa phương và đáp ứng yêu cầu phát triển chung của khu vực, thành phố. Quy hoạch chi tiết đồ án cũng phải phù hợp với quy hoạch chung xây dựng thủ đô và quy hoạch phân khu đô thị Sóc Sơn tỉ lệ 1/2.000 đang được triển khai đồng thời. Dự án trường đua ngựa Sóc Sơn theo đề xuất ban đầu có tổng mức đầu tư khoảng 500 triệu USD và dự báo sẽ mang lại nguồn thu ngân sách lớn cho địa phương. Tổ hợp này được đánh giá có ý nghĩa quan trọng trong việc củng cố thêm nguồn lực đầu tư, tạo ra những sản phẩm du lịch mới chất lượng hơn, thúc đẩy mục tiêu đưa du lịch trở thành ngành kinh tế mũi nhọn. Bên cạnh đó, việc xây dựng dự án nằm trong khu, điểm du lịch phía Bắc thủ đô sẽ bổ sung sản phẩm du lịch chất lượng cao cho địa bàn Sóc Sơn nói riêng và Hà Nội nói chung. Khi dự án đi vào hoạt động sẽ thu hút khoảng 5.000 lao động trực tiếp và 20.000 đến 25.000 lao động gián tiếp; mang lại nguồn thu thường xuyên tương đối lớn cho ngân sách thành phố. Theo tìm hiểu của Lao Động, năm 2018, UBND TP Hà Nội từng có văn bản gửi các bộ, ngành lấy ý kiến về dự thảo báo cáo điều chỉnh cục bộ quy hoạch tổng thể phát triển kinh tế - xã hội TP Hà Nội đến năm 2020, định hướng đến năm 2030. Trong đó, bổ sung dự án Tổ hợp vui chơi đa năng – Trường đua ngựa (có hoạt động kinh doanh đặt cược đua ngựa). UBND TP Hà Nội cho biết, Tổ hợp vui chơi giải trí đa năng - Trường đua ngựa có ý nghĩa quan trọng trong việc củng cố thêm nguồn lực đầu tư, tạo ra những sản phẩm du lịch mới chất lượng hơn thúc đẩy mục tiêu đưa du lịch trở thành ngành kinh tế mũi nhọn. Dự án nếu đi vào vận hành sẽ đảm bảo nguồn thu thường xuyên tương đối lớn cho ngân sách. Theo tính toán của UBND TP Hà Nội giai đoạn hình thành Dự án sẽ góp phần tăng nguồn thu ngân sách trên địa bàn, thuế doanh nghiệp thu được dự kiến trung bình đạt khoảng 10 triệu USD/năm và khoảng 40-50 triệu USD/năm khi đi vào vận hành toàn bộ. Ngoài ra, khi đi vào hoạt động, mỗi năm dự án sẽ nộp ngân sách Hà Nội 150 - 250 triệu USD. KHÁNH AN
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yawaraka-dog · 10 months
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badbawz · 10 months
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highants · 11 months
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なんてことだ... 「私たちは、危険な気候フィードバックループ、転換点、そして、可能性は低いが、可能性は低い気候変動の暴走または終末的なシナリオに焦点を当てたIPCC特別報告書を求めます。」
結論 地球温暖化の影響は次第に深刻になり、世���的な社会的崩壊などの可能性は実現可能であり、危険なほど未調査です(Kemp et al.2022)。今世紀の終わりまでに、推定3〜6億人(世界人口の約2023分の5から5分の2017)が、気候変動の影響により、深刻な暑さ、限られた食料の入手可能性、死亡率の上昇に遭遇し、住みやすい地域を超えて閉じ込められていることに気付く可能性があります(Lenton et al.<>)。大きな問題には大きな解決策が必要です。したがって、気候緊急事態に対する見方を、単なる孤立した環境問題から体系的で実存的な脅威に変える必要があります。地球温暖化は壊滅的ですが、それは私たちが直面しているエスカレートし相互に関連する環境危機の<>つの側面にすぎません(例えば、生物多様性の喪失、淡水不足、パンデミック)。地球の資源に対する人間の需要が地球の過剰搾取と生物多様性の低下をもたらす生態学的オーバーシュートの根本的な問題を対象とした政策が必要です(図<>a、S<>;マクベインら <>)。人類が地球に極度の圧力をかけ続ける限り、気候のみの解決策を試みても、この圧力を再分配するだけです。 地球の過剰搾取に対処するために、私たちは、豊かな国や個人による無限の成長と過剰消費という一般的な概念に、持続不可能で不当なものとして挑戦しています(Rockström et al.2023)。代わりに、リソースの過剰消費を減らすことを提唱しています。より循環型経済における廃棄物の削減、再利用、リサイクル。そして、人間の繁栄と持続可能性を優先します。私たちは、特に脆弱なコミュニティのために、気候正義と気候行動のコストと利益の公正な分配を強調します(Gupta et al.2023)。私たちは、人間の幸福を優先し、資源のより公平な分配を提供するために、世界経済の変革を求めます(Hickel et al.2021)。また、自発的な家族計画を通じて、また出生率を低下させ、生活水準を向上させる女性と女児の教育と権利を支援することにより、ジェンダー正義によって人口を安定させ、徐々に減らすことを求めます(Bongaarts and O'Neill 2018)。これらの環境に配慮した社会的に公平な戦略は、短期的には段階的だが重要なステップを通じて達成できる、長期的には広範囲にわたる全体的な変革を必要とします(すなわち、根本的な漸進主義;ハルパーンとメイソン2015)。 科学者として、私たちはますます、私たちが直面している危機についての真実を単純かつ直接的な言葉で国民に伝えるように求められています。真実は、2023年の異常気象の猛烈さにショックを受けているということです。私たちは今、私たちが入った未知の領域を恐れています。パリ協定の自主的な国家排出削減コミットメント(UNEP 2b)が満たされたとしても、今世紀中に6.2022°Cの温暖化が予想されるため、世界の広い地域では状況は非常に悲惨で潜在的に管理不能になる可能性があります。私たちは、耐え難い暑さ、頻繁な異常気象、食料と淡水の不足、海面上昇、より多くの新興疾患、社会不安と地政学的紛争の増大に直面するような世界における自然および社会経済システムの潜在的な崩壊について警告します。気候変動による大規模な苦しみはすでにここにあり、私たちは今や多くの安全で公正な地球システムの境界を超え、安定性と生命維持システムを危険にさらしています(Rockström et al.2023)。パリ協定の野心的な1.5°C目標を達成できなかったことをまもなく目撃することになるので、化石燃料の使用を直ちに抑制し、将来の地球温暖化のさらなる0.1°Cの上昇を防ぐことの重要性は誇張することはできません。炭素削減と気候変動だけに焦点を当てるのではなく、生態学的オーバーシュートの根本的な問題に取り組むことで、長期的にこれらの課題を生き残るための最善のショットが得られます。これは地球上のすべての生命に大きな違いをもたらす私たちの瞬間であり、時の試練に耐える変化の遺産を創造するために、揺るぎない勇気と決意をもってそれを受け入れなければなりません。
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hebasalama · 8 months
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m8winsale · 1 year
M8WIN.SALE nhận định Gold cup 2023!
Gold cup đang diễn ra vô cùng sôi động với sự đầu tư và giải thưởng không khác gì Euro. Cùng  phân tích các trận cầu bảng C diễn ra hôm nay 1/7/2023.
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1. Martinique vs Panama, 5h30 ngày 1/7
Martinique bị đánh giá thấp nhưng lại bất ngờ xếp đầu bảng sau trận thắng El Salvador 2-1. Tất nhiên điều đó không chỉ nhờ vào may mắn mà bóng đá Martinique có sự tiến bộ rõ rệt những năm gần đây. Minh chứng họ bất bại 7/8 trận vừa qua.
Panama cũng có trận thắng  2-1 trước Costa Rica vòng mở màn. Tuy nhiên để tiếp tục thắng theo TLCA 1 1/4 tối nay lại không hề đơn giản. Bởi trận gần nhất Martinique đã biết cách bắt bài đối thủ Panama bằng trận hòa 0-0 hồi tháng 6.2022. 
Chọn: Martinique +1 1/4 & Xỉu 2 3/4
2. El Salvador vs Costa Rica, 7h30 ngày 1/7
Cả 2 cùng thua trận mở màn và chung một kịch bản nếu không thắng đêm nay thì cánh cửa đi vòng tứ kết sẽ đóng lại. Trong bối cảnh này có thể hình dung đôi bên sẽ thi đấu một cách tích cực nhất.
Xét về đẳng cấp Costa Rica cao hơn đối thủ khá nhiều. Ngoài việc chênh 37 bậc so với El Salvador trên BXH FIFA mới nhất thì Costa Rica cũng hạ đối phương 2 trận liên tiếp trong năm 2022 vừa qua cùng tỉ số 2-1. Tất nhiên dàn lực lượng của Costa Rica đã chinh chiến ở World Cup 2022 sẽ biết cách tiếp tục chiến thắng đối phương trong bối cảnh đang rất cần điểm
Chọn: Costa Rica -1/4 & Tài 2 1/4
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tierinserate · 2 years
Johnny sucht eine liebevolle aktive Familie
Johnny sucht eine liebevolle aktive Familie
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geb. ca 6.2022, zZt 45 cm, geimpft, gechipt, entwurmt, EU-Pass. Johnny ist ein Foxterrier-Mix, er wurde als Welpe mit ca 3 Monaten auf der Straße angefahren und war an der Hüfte verletzt. Die nächsten 5 Wochen verbrachte er in Bukarest in der Tierklinik, man operierte ihn dort. Mit 5 Monaten kam ...
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imoim36news · 2 years
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Israel nã thương hiệu lửa, Sảnh cất cánh quốc tế Damascus của Syria ngừng hoạt động giải trí Tinhanh kích F-15 của Không quân Israel Theo Reuters, quân nhóm Syria cho biết thêm thông tin hàng loạt thương hiệu lửa phóng kể từ máy cất cánh theo thứ tự trúng Sảnh cất cánh vào 2 tiếng đồng hồ sáng sủa 2.1. Số thương hiệu lửa này xuất phân phát kể từ phía hồ nước Tiberias sinh sống Israel. Một số trong những thương hiệu lửa cũng phun trúng menu tiêu sinh sống phía phái nam Damascus, khiến cho 4 người bỏ mạng, vào đấy mang 2 member của lực lượng vũ trang Syria và phát sinh một số trong những tổn thất. Những địa điểm của iran-cua-israel-post1416758.html" title="Lộ diện plan đánh Iran của Israel"lực lượng Hezbollah và cụm tổ chức triển khai thân Iran phía bên trong Sảnh cất cánh và vùng phụ cận, bao gồm tất cả một kho vũ trang, cũng phát triển thành tiềm năng vào mùa ko kích tiên tiến nhất của Israel, theo ông Rami Abdul Rahman, người hàng đầu Tổ chức triển khai Quan sát Nhân quyền Syria (trụ sở Anh). Kể từ lúc cuộc nội chiến nở rộ sinh sống Syria năm 2011, Israel thực hiện tại hàng nghìn cuộc ko kích nhằm mục tiêu vào non sông láng giềng. Lần ngay sát trên đây nhất Sảnh cất cánh bị đẩy vào hiện tượng ko thể hoạt động giải trí là vào mon 6.2022, cũng theo sau cụm mùa đánh của Israel. n Israel không comment về cụm tin tức bên trên. Nước này trước đó cũng khan hiếm lúc lên giờ về những vụ đánh tương tự động. Mùa ko kích hôm 2.1 được khai triển vài ba ngày sau lúc người hàng đầu Lực lượng Quốc chống Israel (IDF), thiếu hụt tướng tá Oded Basiuk công tía viễn tượng chiến dịch quân sự chiến lược đến năm 2023. “Chúng tôi thấy rằng quy trình hành vi của Công ty sinh sống Syria là ví dụ minh họa đến hành vi quân sự chiến lược liên... 63b250ebafa19【#ximmacao】
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wimpydave · 2 years
The Coming Disaster | Q and A Dec.6.2022
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