#7 Seas 6 Idiots
hesbuckcompton-baby · 2 months
I'm Your Man - Robert 'Rosie' Rosenthal x OFC - Chapter 8
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Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 |-| Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11
Summary: After an encounter at Coombe House leaves Frankie and Rosie's relationship fragile, they seek to repair it when she is given leave for Christmas
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 6.5k (BUCKLE UP FOLKS)
Tags: @mads-weasley @xxluckystrike @curaheehee @footprintsinthesxnd @dcyllom @storysimp @latibvles @love-studying58
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The sun disappeared as soon as it had come, and as the weeks rolled steadily into December the men at Thorpe Abbotts learned the truth of the great English winter. At sunrise, the grass lay encrusted with frost, but by midday the ice was washed away by downpours, leaving the fields a muddy marshland. Every day was dreary, cold, and damp, and Rosie was beginning to feel mocked by it, the outside world mirroring the misery he felt within.
Frankie was avoiding him. She wouldn't admit to it, but she hadn't spoken to him alone in weeks. Sure, she would sit with the Riveters in the pub or come to see them before a mission, but since their trip to Coombe House, he couldn't get her alone. Whenever he thought the chance had arisen, some pressing matter would suddenly arise that she had to attend to, and she was gone as soon as she'd arrived.
He missed her. He missed her so badly that it hurt - he missed her face being the first he saw after every mission, missed being able to tell her everything, missed making her laugh. Rosie didn't care that she hadn't kissed him anymore. He just wanted her back.
"Tell me what happened again," George demanded, perched on the edge of her bed, watching Frankie as she brushed the stubborn knots out of her hair.
Frankie sighed. "I have told you a million times already."
"I know. I'm just still trying to fathom how you could be such a fucking idiot!" She cried, grabbing one of her pillows and throwing it across the room, colliding with Frankie with a soft thump.
"Oi!" Frankie exclaimed, lobbing it right back, a shriek escaping George as it smacked her in the face.
"He's so obviously in love with you - has been for months - I just don't get it. Coombe House was the perfect opportunity. Bit of a snog and a shag, yunno."
"Jesus Christ," She muttered, shaking her head. "You're the one who warned me against getting too attached. I'm just... starting to think you were right."
George's smile dropped, and she swore she felt her stomach lurch. "Oh, Frankie, no-"
"What? Am I seriously supposed to just go for it knowing what will happen if he doesn't come back?"
Frankie hadn't uttered a word of this to her, but it was clear it had been plaguing her for some time. "I'm not supposed to be a cautionary tale, I'm supposed to be your friend. Which means I want you to be happy - find it where you can, don't just avoid it because of what happened to me."
Her entire face furrowed with her frown. "I'm just... I'm in too deep already. And I'm scared, George."
"Oh, c'mere," George sighed, rising to stand as she gestured for Frankie to come closer. Enveloping her in an embrace, her nostrils inhaled the always-lingering scent of engine oil. "I don't regret Curt. I miss him like hell and sometimes it feels really really shit. But I wouldn't trade the time I had with him to make it hurt less - if anything it's more special to me now. Don't hold back because you're scared it'll hurt later, because if anything does go wrong you'll regret it more than anything."
Frankie frowned, chin burrowed into the crook of George's neck. "You think so?"
"I know it."
The pub was packed as always, the sea of faces ever-changing with the constant stream of replacements. It didn't matter that it was just as busy as it had always been, the place felt half-empty with so many familiar faces missing. Rosie's Riveters were always guaranteed a table, their reputation as the 100th's finest flyers preceding them - boys would actually give up their chairs when Rosie came in, and he could never dissuade them, no matter how much he cringed at the attention.
Half-empty pint glasses littered the table, conversation and laughter flowing freely among the team, but Rosie couldn't help but let his gaze wander. She was usually here - usually posted at the same spot at the bar with George, hogging the space in front of the beer taps so they could always get the bartender's attention whenever they needed another round. But when he looked up now, their spot was taken by a pair of replacements who scarcely looked old enough to fly.
"Rosie agrees, dontcha?" Bailey's voice came, and it was as if he'd been forcefully dragged back to reality.
"Brooklyn's better than Queens, ain't it?"
"Oh. Definitely," He nodded, attempting to be as subtle as he could as he continued to scan the room.
Suddenly, the piano in the corner started up, thumping out a raucous tune. He'd only seen it used once or twice the entire time he'd been at Thorpe Abbotts, but the nearing advent of Christmas seemed to be putting the Brits in much higher spirits. A crowd of RAF and WAAF staff had formed around the piano player, drinks in hand as they began to perform a sequence of rowdy old drinking songs, more yelling than they were singing.
The words were foreign to American ears, but the English seemed to know them all by heart, belting out sordid tales of prostitutes and the like in a jolly, musical fashion. The pilots seemed roused by the scene, and Bailey began to clap along to the beat in encouragement, grinning as he watched the crowd. There was a sense of joy in the air, enough even to make Rosie crack a smile, elbow resting on the back of his chair as he listened.
And then he saw her.
Frankie was leant against the lid of the piano, pint in hand, belting out the words with the rest of them, grinning as she sang. She was wearing her proper WAAF uniform, her hair curled tight beneath her chin, lips painted a deep red. He never saw her in dress uniform, and for a moment he was taken aback by how well it suited her. Before Rosie had formed any sort of plan for what he was doing, he had risen to his feet, and was crossing the room towards her, weaving his way through the crowd.
A hand seized his arm. George was certainly strong when she wanted to be, and she wanted to be now, dragging him sideways away from the group, gnawing at her bottom lip, her teeth coming away with lipstick stains.
"It's my fault," She stated firmly, speaking loudly to be heard over the music.
Rosie's brow furrowed in confusion. "George, what're you talking about?"
"It's my fault Frankie won't talk to you - I only just figured it out, I'm sorry."
His shoulders squared, a frown forming. "What do you mean it's your fault, what did you do?"
"I... I told her that I haven't been speaking to the pilots since Curtis Biddick died - you don't know him, but he was... kinda my boyfriend."
"Oh, George, I'm sorry."
"Yeah, it sucks. But I think she took it to heart, and now she's scared to get too close to you in case something happens."
"... She told you that?"
"Not explicitly, but I'm not an idiot. And I know her very well."
Rosie nodded hurriedly as he considered this, passing his weight from one foot to the other as he debated approaching Frankie. Sucking in a deep breath, he nodded determinedly. "George," He held her by the shoulders, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead. "Thank you."
"Don't ever do that again."
"I am sorry," He nodded, hands held up in surrender as he backed away, turning on his heel to make a beeline towards Frankie. George watched him go, brow raised at the sudden spring in his step.
"Weird bloke," She muttered.
They were halfway through a frankly awful rendition of Three Jolly Rogues when Frankie heard someone calling her name. Her gaze travelled across the crowd, words trailing off as she noticed Rosie at the edge of the group, unable to penetrate the mass of people as he craned to catch her eye. Eyes widening for a moment, she instantly felt her heart begin to beat faster as she chugged the remainder of her beer, abandoning her empty glass atop the piano as she tried to shove her way through to him.
"Frankie!" "Rosie!"
They spoke simultaneously, words to rambled and quick to make out, especially over the din of the pub. "Let's - let's go outside, yeah?" Frankie called over the music, and he nodded in agreement. His hand on her back came as a reflex, an instinct as they moved towards the door. She didn't step away.
Stepping out into the night air was like running head-first into a wall of ice, the sudden cold almost making Frankie gasp, her breath erupting in a visible cloud in front of her face. The sheer number of bodies inside the pub kept it permanently warm, so much so that it was easy to forget they were in the thick of December. Sucking in a breath, she rubbed at her arms to generate some warmth, her uniform jacket offering little in the way of insulation.
Rosie opened his mouth to speak, but she got there first. "I'm sorry. I've been treating you like shit and you don't deserve it, I was just being a fucking coward and-"
"Hey - no, no, no, you're ok. George told me what was going on and I get it. I get it, ok?"
Her expression was contorted in something like fear. "You do?"
"Of course," A smile flickered across his face. Of course he did. "I have no idea how hard it must be for you to wait for us all to come back, knowing what can happen up there. But... I don't wanna sound selfish Frankie but I can't stand the thought of dying without us being friends. You make coming back worth it and I- ... I miss you."
Frankie was silent for a long moment, and Rosie braced himself for whatever she was going to say.
"Come to my house for Christmas," She said. His mind had been racing trying to predict her response. He had not expected that.
"... What?"
"I got a forty-eight-hour pass for Christmas, I'm going over to my Dad's house. You can't spend it with your family, and we've got plenty of room... Well. You'd probably have to sleep on the floor but-"
She trailed off as she realised he was laughing, her brow furrowing as Rosie chuckled, nodding continuously. "Yeah," He beamed.
"Yeah?" The corner of her lips curled upwards in that wonky smile he so adored.
"Yeah, I'll come," Rosie grinned, taking a step forward and enveloping her in a hug, arms wrapped tight around her shoulders and she instinctively reached around to hug him back, her head resting against his chest.
"That would've been really awkward if you'd said no," Frankie said, her voice muffled against his jacket. Rosie laughed again, and she felt the vibrations through his chest.
"I was never gonna say no."
They took a train on Christmas Eve, each carriage so packed with servicemen and women on leave and families visiting each other for the holiday that they were forced to stand, shuffling awkwardly out of the way whenever someone had to squeeze past. The pair had nothing to do except for a single pack of cards, although it soon became evident that the lack of space forced them to stand so close that they could always see each other's hand, and every game rapidly became pointless.
"So George isn't coming? Or Ken?" Rosie asked, fiddling with his watch as they plodded steadily onwards through the countryside, plumes of smoke from the coal engine partly obscuring the view of the trees and fields outside.
"George's family lives down in Dover - though you'd never guess it from her accent," Frankie chuckled. "She's got a pass too, so she's gone down this morning. Ken got invited for dinner by the parents of those lads he's always looking after - he'll be over there tomorrow."
He nodded along as she spoke. It had been almost an hour since anyone had tried to shuffle past them, so they'd taken to sitting on the floor, legs outstretched as far as they could go across the dirty old carpet. "Say, how'd you and George meet anyway? I never asked."
"We were both working at RAF Docking from about the middle of '41. There were a lot more WAAF there than at Abbotts, so we didn't bunk together, but we just sort of stuck, I s'pose. She only came here because of me - I got asked to come 'cause of your manpower shortage, but she reapplied so she could come too. Good thing too, I'd have been fucked without her. I think we got a bit co-dependent," She smiled to herself as she spoke, and he couldn't help but mirror it.
There was not a single sign or announcement to indicate where they were on their journey along the way. Frankie had told him it was a part of the government's anti-invasion measures, so that any would-be invaders would be unable to find their way, but really it just made him paranoid that they had missed their stop. Nevertheless, the moment they pulled into their station, she was up on her feet, a sudden air of excitement about her as she scrambled to gather their belongings. Rosie followed her out onto the platform, trying not to cough at the puffs of coal smoke that filled the station.
"Not far now," She assured him, a suitcase full of clothes in one hand, a satchel of presents in the other. It was a surprisingly sunny afternoon, although the biting cold would have suggested otherwise, and he trailed after her as they descended the high street, Rosie's head turning this way and that to take in his unfamiliar surroundings.
Frankie breezed through the place with practised familiarity, letting out a huff as she realised she'd almost lost him to the Shakespeare memorial as they passed. He had become entirely distracted by it, peering closely at the engravings that lined the base of the statue.
"Oi! Don't go all tourist on me, flyboy - I won't be late for dinner," She teased, and Rosie held up his hands in surrender, scurrying to catch up.
He could tell they were close when her shoulders drooped, excitement replaced by a comfortable calm. They reached a row of short, terraced houses, set back slightly from the main road, the thin strip of shared lawn still wet from the morning's blanket of frost. Frankie had begun grinning as she approached the house on the far end of the row, a spring of holly tied to the knocker with a messy knot of string. She shot him a smile, knocking firmly upon the wood, before spying an elderly woman a few doors down, struggling under the weight of her shopping bags as she fumbled with her door keys.
"Let me help with that, Mrs Higgins!" Frankie called, leaving Rosie alone on the doorstep as she hurried to help the old woman, gently prying the bags from her grip.
"My, Frances, haven't you grown!" Mrs Higgins declared, beaming up at her, made tiny by her stooped shoulders.
"Not since I was twelve, dear," She assured her, helping her in through the door as she carried the shopping behind her. Rosie smiled, watching on with his hands in his pockets, and he wondered how he could feel nostalgic in a place he'd never seen before.
Suddenly the door to Frankie's house swung open, and he found himself faced with a red-faced man, peering down at him with a frown. "Can I help you?"
"Dad, that's just Rosie! Let 'im in!" Frankie cried from down the street, hurriedly exiting Mrs Higgins' house as she scurried to catch up.
Mr Bevan was a huge man in every sense of the word - so tall and wide that he practically filled the entire doorway, and it almost seemed a miracle that he and his daughter were even related. But the moment he heard Frankie's voice, his face lit up with such love Rosie wasn't sure he'd ever seen anything like it, unleashing a hearty, belly laugh as she ran into his arms, practically throwing herself at the man.
"Rosie? Who's Rosie?" Another voice rang from inside - a girl's voice, high-pitched and certainly familiar. "I thought you were bringing the pilot!"
"Rosie is the pilot!" Frankie called down the hall, chuckling as she broke free of her father's embrace. She ushered Rosie inside, piling her bags at the bottom of the narrow staircase. As he entered, a girl was peering suspiciously at him from the kitchen doorway. She couldn't have been older than thirteen, a crop of golden hair flowing from her scalp, and at her hip cowered another child, a little girl of about three of four, hair so blonde it was almost white.
"But Rosie's a girl's name!" The older girl protested.
He chuckled. "Well, in fairness, my real name's Robert."
"Alice, be nice," Frankie scolded gently, lifting up the smaller child with one arm as Alice's cheeks bloomed a bright red. He realised she must have been Jill, recalling her name from the phone call all those weeks ago at Coombe House.
The Bevans' house was inescapably narrow, the five of them struggling to pass each other as bags were brought in and Frankie's father bustled through to the kitchen to put the kettle on. But as she sidled into the living room, she let out a gasp, a grin creasing her cheeks.
It was a sparsely furnished place, but in all honesty there probably wasn't room for anything else. A thin pine tree was propped up in the corner, strings of tinsel and chipped old baubles hanging from its branches, and newspaper chains hung from the curtain rails.
"Oh, isn't this just wonderful," Frankie remarked as Jill wrapped her chubby arms around her neck in a sideways hug. She turned her head, nodding at Rosie, prompting him to say something.
"Oh! Yeah. Very nice, it's just like back home," He nodded in agreement, slightly tense under the eyes of strangers, even if they were both little girls.
"Rosie, d'you want a cuppa?" Mr Bevan's voice boomed from the next room. For a moment he panicked, staring at Frankie with wide eyes like a deer caught in headlights.
"Tea. Do you want tea?" She whispered, putting Jill down on the sofa.
"Oh, uh - Yes! Thank you, Mr Bevan!"
"Oh, bloody hell, it's Allen, son," He shook his head, carrying in a teapot on a tray to place on the small table in the middle of the room.
"Even the boys at the garage call you Allen, eh Dad?" Frankie pointed out, pouring a cup of tea and straining the leaves before passing it to Rosie.
"Reason I hired 'em," He agreed, lowering himself into one of the armchairs with a heavy grunt. Rosie accepted the tea with a smile, and had just brought the cup to his lips when Allen leant down and unstrapped his foot, pulling it off and propping it against the wall. He almost choked. Alice let out a snort that sounded remarkably like Frankie's.
"Christ, sorry lad," He laughed, red face turning even redder. "Probably should've warned you about that."
Rosie forced out an awkward chuckle, nodding along. Jill was sat beside him on the sofa, staring up at him with wide eyes, mouth hanging slightly agape. He smiled down at her, noticing Frankie as she smirked at the whole scene.
Their dinner was a meagre feast of beans on toast, and Rosie suspected they were saving everything else for Christmas Day, saving it up to put on a true banquet. He and Frankie had been relegated to the living room to sleep, and she took the sofa whilst he lay on a pile of cushions and blankets on the floor. It wasn't a house built to serve any more than three - after all, it had only ever intended to house Frankie and her parents.
He was staring up at the picture frames that lined the wall as she came in - messy childhood drawings on aged paper, a laboured scrawl captioning each one with things like 'Me and Daddy' and 'My House'. Frankie had been putting the girls to bed, and padded across the carpet with a sigh, the sofa springs creaking as she collapsed backwards onto them.
"Did you draw those?" He asked, pointing up at the wall.
She groaned, covering her face with her hands. "God, they're so awful, I keep telling him to take them down."
"No! They're great! I think it's really nice."
Frankie stared down at him for a moment. He'd changed into his pyjamas already, lying straight across the living room floor, blanket tucked under his arms. She began to giggle, cheeks flushed from the cool draft that filled the room.
"What?" He asked.
"It's only nine. You look like you've had mummy come and tuck you in for bed," She teased, unable to look at him without collapsing into giggles again.
"I'm tired!" He protested, throwing his hands up in the air.
"Yeah, yeah. So am I, to be fair. And - fair warning - Jill will be in here at five in the morning tomorrow to open her presents. She's so excited, I don't think she'll sleep a wink."
Frankie lay back along the sofa, feet propped up against the armrest as she draped a blanket over herself before reaching out to turn off the lamp. "They're sweet kids," Rosie spoke into the darkness.
"Alice is cagey around new people - just tell her a good flying story tomorrow and she'll love you. I think Jill loves you already. She doesn't talk much, but she'll want you to play with her toys, so you'd better do it," She instructed him, and he let out a chuckle.
"Alright. I promise."
Rosie was awoken by the thunderous sound of little footsteps barrelling down the stairs, a shriek escaping Jill as she streaked into the room, making a beeline for the sofa as she hurled herself on top of Frankie. She let out an agonised groan at the sudden weight, retaliating as she tickled under Jill's arms, eliciting a series of squeals from the girl.
He groaned, grabbing one of the cushions and pressing it tight over his head to dull the sudden noise. He heard Frankie laugh, and felt her warm breath against his ear as she bent down to whisper "Told you so."
It was a half hour before the rest of the family made an appearance, time which Frankie spent desperately trying to prevent Jill from tearing open her presents, insisting she had to wait for her sister.
"Just one? Please? Please!" She whined, feet dangling off the edge of one of the kitchen chairs. Rosie wandered in and the girl went suddenly quiet, nervously pursing her lips.
"Hey Jill, why don't you show Rosie your cars, yeah?" Frankie said, pausing mid-sentence to let out a yawn as she put the kettle on the boil. The child's brow furrowed, considering this, and when she looked up at him she spoke with the seriousness of a businessman conducting an important negotiation.
"Rosie, will you play cars with me?"
"Absolutely I will," He nodded, rubbing tiredly at his eyes. Jill grinned, pushing herself down from the chair as she scurried back into the living room. Rosie shot Frankie a glance, brow arched in confusion. "How does she have so much energy?"
"She's a kid," She shrugged. "I think they're all like that."
The cars were rusted and chipped, paint peeling off to expose the tarnished metal beneath, and Rosie couldn't help but suspect they must have been Frankie's years ago. He could picture her as a girl, playing with tiny tin cars on the floor of a garage somewhere whilst her father worked away fixing the real thing. The idea made him smile.
Jill made little whooshing engine sounds as she wheeled the cars around on the rug, occasionally ramming one into the table leg as she mimicked a crash - there was a groove in the wood from years of games such as this. Rosie found he did not know how to play with a child as small and as quiet as Jill, but he lined the toy racing cars up in a nice, neat row for her, quickly discovering the girl much preferred to destroy that work than admire it.
"This one's yours," She declared, holding out a chubby hand to present him with a tiny metal biplane, half of its propeller long since broken off.
"Why thank you," He grinned, accepting it gladly. They had been playing for a long time before Rosie realised he too had begun to mimic the sound of engines, lips pressed together as he tried to replicate the hum of his B-17.
Allan and Alice appeared after a while, and once the girls had opened their Christmas presents it was all hands on deck to prepare for their midday feast. The children were placed in charge of the bread stuffing, a charge they appeared to take incredibly seriously, and Rosie was presented with a pile of carrots and potatoes to peel. He sat at the table, dutifully toiling away, the kitchen gradually growing hotter and hotter as the chicken they'd bought from one of the neighbours slowly roasted in the oven.
The creak of a chair beside him caught his attention, and Rosie looked up as Frankie sat down, sliding a glass of sherry towards him. "Frankie, it's ten in the morning," He pointed out.
"If you're not at least halfway drunk by lunchtime, you're not doing Christmas right," Frankie shrugged. He noticed her father had already finished a glass. Taking a sip of her drink, she reached across the table, seizing one of the unpeeled potatoes from his pile, using a knife to whittle away at the skin. "You're very slow at this," She pointed out.
"Sorry, I'm not a practised potato peeler, dear."
She chuckled. "Guess we'll just have to train you up... Merry Christmas, Rosie."
He tore his gaze from his work, nicking the skin of his finger slightly with the blade, although he couldn't make himself mind. "Merry Christmas."
A myriad of wonderful smells had filled the kitchen by the time they sat down to eat, his chair perched on a corner of the small table between Frankie and Jill. The girls had created little paper crowns for the occasion, crafted out of scraps of wallpaper and decorated with old buttons. Rosie's sat far too small atop his head, but he fought to keep it balanced on his scalp, replacing it every time it fell off. It was a simple banquet, but after the work they had put into creating it, he could've sworn it was the best food he'd ever eaten.
"This much like your Christmases in the States, Rosie?" Allen asked.
Rosie nodded enthusiastically. "Oh, yeah. Good food and good company, that's what it's for, ain't it?"
"I'd offer to let you call your family, but we don't have a phone," Frankie admitted, reaching across him to take Jill's plate so that she could cut up her chicken for her.
"It's no trouble, really. This is all wonderful," He nodded again, and Alice snorted as his paper crown slipped off of his head, tumbling to the floor.
Frankie shot the girl a look, brow arched in warning. He suddenly remembered what she had told him the night before. "Say, I haven't told you any of my flying stories yet, have I?" It was as if Alice were a dog, the way her ears pricked, intrigue suddenly lacing her expression.
"No. You haven't."
"Please do!" Jill added, and her older sister nodded in agreement.
Rosie began to recount some of his most interesting missions - the narrow misses, the daring manoeuvres - every detail embellished for dramatic effect to such an extent that he was at times bordering on fabrication, and he could tell from Frankie's smirk that she knew not everything he was saying was strictly true. She was smiling at her father across the table, the two of them enjoying the utterly transfixed expressions plastered across the children's faces, so enthralled that they almost forgot to eat.
Any scepticism Alice had shown before was long gone, staring wide-eyed across the table at him, her cheeks blooming red as if she'd come face to face with her lifelong hero. Either that or she was developing a crush. Frankie was beginning to suspect the latter. When dinner was finished, the girl approached her as she was filling the sink with water to wash up, leaning over to whisper in her ear.
"Frankie - Is Rosie your boyfriend?"
"What? ...No, honey, I don't think so."
Alice's brow furrowed, a look of absolute horror painting her face. "What do you mean you 'don't think so'?"
Frankie chuckled. "You'll get it when you're older."
She rolled her eyes, golden curls bouncing as she gathered the dirty dishes, stacking them in an orderly pile beside the sink. Bing Crosby came over the radio on the windowsill in front of her, the faint drawl of the King's Christmas speech coming from the main radio in the living room. Her dad had taken off his false leg again, revelling in every moment he didn't have to wear the thing, and Frankie was elbow-deep in soapy water by the time Rosie reappeared.
"Where'd you go?" She asked, looking up as he came in through the back door, paper crown still balanced atop his head.
"Getting rid of leftovers - the neighbour took the chicken scraps for her dogs."
"Ah," She nodded, suppressing a smile as he sidled next to her, seizing the dishcloth and beginning to dry the plates and cups she had finished scrubbing.
"... Yunno. Alice thinks you're my boyfriend."
Rosie nodded, laughing softly. "I think Jill thinks we're married."
"Oh she loooves you," Frankie teased, knocking against him with her hip. "She'll be wanting you to put her to bed later."
She wasn't wrong. The adults sat around the living room that night, the children long since sent to bed. Empty glasses covered the coffee table as they held their hands of cards close to their chests, finally able to have a proper game - albeit a slightly addled one. The room itself smelled of sherry, and their cheeks were all flushed pink, laughing as they played, the radio still turned on in the corner, although nothing came from it but static.
They were having such a good time that they didn't hear the little patter of footsteps trailing down the staircase - didn't look up until she was stood in the doorway, a ragged old teddy clutched in her hands. Jill's voice came out meek and exhausted. "I can't sleep."
"Well, I'm not surprised, my lamb," Frankie's dad spoke warmly. "You ate a whole month's sweet ration today."
She rubbed tiredly at her eyes, and Frankie pushed herself up off the sofa. "Alright, let's go, eh?"
"I want Rosie to do it," Jill insisted, sleepy brown eyes looking back at him. "Please?"
Frankie glanced over at him, shrugging as if to say 'I don't see why not'. "Sure thing," Rosie nodded, grunting slightly as he hopped up from his seat. Jill grinned, clutching at the cuff of his sleeve with a tiny hand as they headed up the stairs together.
Returning to her seat, Frankie grinned, watching them go until they were out of sight. It was quiet for a long moment, and she reached over to turn off the radio. Her father cleared his throat slightly. "You never mentioned - how long have you been with yer fella then?"
She had been halfway through a last sip of sherry, and choked suddenly on it, almost spitting it back out. "Who, Rosie? No, dad, we're just-"
"Oh, bloody hell, petal," He shook his head, and she wondered how he could make a term of endearment sound so frustrated. "I'm not blind as well as legless."
"You've still got one leg Dad-"
"Don't gimme that. That lad's in love with you, else he wouldn't have crossed the bloody country on Christmas Eve to come eat old carrots with you. And you! Christ alive, you look at him like you used to look at Danny-boy from down the street when you were goin' out with him. Except worse."
Frankie let out a long, agonised groan, slumping so far back against the sofa cushions it was as if she were hoping to melt into the furniture. "Dad!" She exclaimed. "... He's American."
He snorted. "Bloody hell, didn't think I raised you to be a snob."
"No! Not like that! I just... he lives in America. I can't leave you, Dad."
"Oh, piss off, yes you can. You think I'll grow this feckin' leg back overnight through the grace of your presence, love? If I let you waste your life sittin' around here, then I've failed as a Dad. I've failed your mum, n'all."
"Don't say that," She shook her head, tears forming and clouding her vision.
"No. I mean it. If that lad is gonna make you happy you go with him, dammit. Gettin' to raise you has been the best thing that ever happened to me, but you're your own woman now, Frank. And I've got a couple more little-un's to deal with. Can't have you hanging around, there's not bloody room anymore."
Frankie laughed, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand. Her dad made to stand, groaning as he put weight on his false leg, and she jumped to her feet to help him, but he raised a hand to her, and she had no choice but to back away.
"I love you, petal," He beamed down at her, pressing a firm kiss to her forehead. "And now I'm going to bed. Too much bloody sherry." She squeezed his hand, stepping out of the way so he could hobble past, grunting slightly as he hauled himself up the stairs.
By the time Rosie returned, Frankie was lying on the floor atop the pile of cushions and blankets he had used as a bed the night before, staring at the pictures on the wall.
"You're in my bed," He pointed out.
"I got the sofa last night - your turn."
"No - no. It's your house, you take the couch."
"Look, Rosie, we are going back tomorrow and I'll not return you to the boys with a bad back. Make me look like a bad host n'all."
He let out a sigh. "Fine," It was dark in the living room, and she couldn't wholly tell what he was doing until she felt the blanket lift up, and he burrowed beneath it beside her.
"... What are you doing."
"Compromise," Rosie shrugged, their shoulders pressed together. "... Who's Danny?"
"Oh my God!" Frankie exclaimed, covering her face with her hands, voice strained in embarrassment. "How much of that did you hear?!"
"Just a little. I was waiting for Jill to brush her teeth. So?"
She sighed, arms dropping to her sides in defeat. "He was my boyfriend for a bit when I was seventeen. It wasn't a big deal, but Dad loved him so he brings it up all the time."
He chuckled, nodding. "You were right, by the way. I do like your dad."
"Told you."
Neither of them said anything for a long time, the room plunged into silence save for the sound of them breathing. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she could make out his features, her head lolling to the side as she stared at him.
"Actually, I lied," He confessed. Her brow furrowed in confusion, watching as Rosie rolled onto his side to face her. "I heard everything."
Frankie did the same, the pair facing each other properly. "You sneaky shit," She teased, and he let out a huff of laughter.
She heard him take a deep breath before he spoke again. "Was he right?"
"About what?"
In the dim light, she could see his brow furrow. "You know what."
Rosie's hand moved to cup Frankie's cheek, but before he could make a move she had closed the gap, and he felt the warmth of her lips press against his, sucking in a sharp breath through his nose. The blankets rustled as she pressed herself against him, wrapping an arm around the back of his neck as he lifted his head up off the pillow, moving to hover over her, their lips never parting.
After a moment, she pulled away, and they both took a second to catch their breath. "Jill's probably gonna get up again in a minute. She's a nightmare to put to bed, I swear."
"Understood," Rosie nodded firmly like a man on a mission, peppering kisses from her cheek down to the crook of her neck as she squirmed, trying not to laugh as she planted a palm flat on his forehead, prying him away.
He sighed, and a bubble of laughter escaped her throat. "I'm serious! We will scar that child for life."
"Alright," Rosie huffed, lying back down beside her. He raised his hand to her face once more, her skin sticky with sweat as he pushed her hair out of the way, getting a proper look at her as best he could in the dark.
"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?"
Frankie hummed. "No. Don't think so."
"You are beautiful," He mused, winding a strand of her hair around his finger. "Even in the dark - even when you smell terrible and I say I don't care. Which I don't, by the way."
She snorted with laughter, briefly pressing her lips to his once more. "Well, I also don't mind when you smell like shit."
"Aw, that's sweet."
A small voice came from the doorway, and for a second both of their hearts stopped, hurling themselves away from each other as they tried to be as inconspicuous as possible. "I still can't sleep," Jill protested, frown audible in her voice. Rosie felt the urge to laugh at the accuracy of Frankie's prediction, and she clamped a hand over his mouth to muffle the sound.
"That's ok sweetie, I'm coming," She called. The blankets rustled as she moved to stand, pressing her forehead against his just long enough to whisper.
"I told you so."
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lorre-verie · 8 months
₊˚ʚ ᗢ. ᴛʀᴜᴛʜ ᴏʀ ᴅᴀʀᴇ ᴘᴛ. ꜰɪᴠᴇ ₊˚✧ ゚.
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aka, my favourite chapter (may Eywa bless these two pour souls)
the unfortunate pair: ao’nung x fem! sully! reader
chapter summary: going on your first date with a pompous ass-frog! aren’t you excited? absolutely nothing wrong could happen today. 
warnings: sudden thoughts of death (giving barbie), two idiots realising they’re in love
word count: 2.9k
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | masterlist
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You screwed up big time.
“Did you take drugs or something?” Kiri looked at you incredulously as you sat there sheepishly on the hammock of the marui, echoing your thoughts and putting them out for the world to hear.
You paused before answering, “No, but thank you." to which Kiri rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. 
It was the day after the sleepover, which meant…your date was today. It was seriously happening. You chose to confide in your one and only sister (that wouldn’t tattletale to your parents) about the events that conspired while you and Ao’nung were out of the tent last night.
“You kissed Ao’nung? Seriously? Him?” Kiri bent her body forwards, as if expecting you to tell her she heard wrong. “You must’ve hit your head.”
“...I don’t feel very comfortable right now, guys.” Norm half-whispered from right beside you with tweezers in his hands, about to take your DNA for processing in the lab.
“It’s all good Norm, just, keep on doing your thing- OW! Shit! What was that??” you jumped, feeling a sharp stab on your finger.
“What? You told me to do my thing.” Norm shrugged, placing a vial of your blood into a neat tray by his feet. 
“I thought you were going to take hair, or something, with the tweezers???”
Apparently, Norm and Max were trying out remedies using the flora of Pandora. They suspected that if there was going to be a cure for anything, it would have to come from the Great Mother herself. 
“Anyways, Norm, buddy,” Kiri smiled a little too widely, making him slow his movements. “We appreciate you keeping our little talk a secret.”
“Little talk? You mean..all that about…” he lowered his voice to a hushed tone, “the kiss?”
You both nodded at the same time. 
“Mhm, I really appreciate you not telling our parents anything about that,” you smiled, tilting your head to the side. It was a perfectly genuine smile, but your tone? His lips were sealed.
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“Attaboy!” Tonowari slapped Ao’nung on the back harshly, making him choke on his food. 
Tsireya had spilled the beans to their parents about Ao’nung’s date with you that was happening within the next hour, despite his insistence to keep her mouth shut. 
Luckily for Ao’nung, Ronal wasn’t present, as she had more pressing matters to attend to. 
“But remember, I do not permit you kissing her on the first date. It’s much too early for that, son.” Tonowari said while preoccupied with his food, unnoticing how Ao’nung nearly spewed his drink all over the floor at his words. 
Tsireya narrowed her eyes at her brother’s reaction, slapping her hand over her now agape mouth as she realised what was going on. 
Slowly, she looked up at Ao’nung, who was looking back at his little sister with an equally horrified expression. 
“I..have something urgent I need to take care of, please excuse me-” she stood up, scurrying away and out of the marui, turning into a full sprint into the direction of the Sully’s marui.
“Sorry dad, I also have something to do- which I completely forgot about, but as long as I get to it now I’ll be fine, so sorry again dad have a great rest of your day!” Ao’nung quickly followed Tsireya in fear of what she was going to do and who she was going to tell, leaving their father in the marui alone.
He sighed and shook his head, taking their food and dumping it into his own bowl. 
“Kids these days..”
Ao’nung raced to the seashore, looking for any sign of his little sister gone rogue, feet kicking the sand wildly into the air. In the far distance of the sea, he only saw various other metkayina going on about their day, and Neteyam and Lo’ak on their ilus. 
They were talking to someone who wasn’t on an ilu, it seemed. 
His heart skipped a beat as he wondered if it was you, and he craned his head upwards, shielding his eyes from the light to take a look at the na’vi submerged in the water. 
Curly hair….definitely a girl…teal skin???
Hold on. 
That wasn’t you, that was Tsireya. 
He was about to go swim towards them, taking a few steps into the warm water. 
…But that was before he saw Neteyam racing towards the shore on his ilu, eyes wide but he was scowling like Ao’nung had just cut all his hair off.
If looks could kill, Ao’nung would’ve dropped dead at that moment, and there would be none of him left to mourn. 
Now, he was sprinting as fast as he could in the opposite direction, Neteyam and Lo’ak hot on his tail. 
“I’M GOING TO INVERT YOUR RIBCAGE!” were the last words Ao’nung heard before his world went black. (jk he’s fine) 
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“Hey ugly frogboy!” you smirked, waving the frogboy in question over to the rock you sat on. 
You watched as he swam through the surface of the water, rolling his eyes to signify his clear irritation. You couldn’t help but look at the small droplets of water still retained in his curls from being in the water all day. Then your mind slowly turned to focus on his…everything. 
Then it wandered off into entirely different places, like how humans covered themselves up entirely with cloth. Why did they do that? Perhaps it was a thing of religion. But did they not feel hot during the summers they talked about so much in the novels you read?
“You are aware I don’t know what that word means, right?” he said gruffly, hoisting himself onto the rock, water pooling by his feet with each step he took towards you. 
You were half expecting him to sit down next to you, but of course he wouldn’t. His pride was too great for that. His shadow was cast over you, protecting you from the shining daylight that was making your face flush. 
“Yeah, I just don’t really care,” you pushed yourself up, not willing to have him look down on you any longer. It didn’t really help though, as you still had to look up at him because of the painful height difference. 
But this time was different. Instead of his looking down on you like you were the bane of his existence, eyes squinting and lips pushed up into a scowl, he let his head hang down low to meet the angle of yours. He usually looked up and past you, acting as if you weren’t there. 
But this time, this time his irises were fixed on yours, combined with a smile you never usually saw on his face before made your stomach pit. It wasn’t in a bad way, though. 
Why was he looking at you like that? What’s up with that smile? Why is his body language so..open, now? What changed? You weren't sentimental, but there was something about the way he looked at you that made a spongy tenderness push down on your chest, knocking the air out of it. 
You didn’t entirely understand it at the time, but that was the only word your mind came up with. You didn’t want this. You can’t get attached. He’s just here to help you complete your silly little bucket list before you die. Not another person to be sad about when you’re crying on your deathbed.
You ripped your eyes away from his, walking past him and into the cold ocean, getting ready to swim whenever. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” he voiced out from behind you. Involuntarily, you froze. The bastard probably wasn’t aware of the shivers sent down your spine as he said those words, shivers which you desperately tried to ignore. 
Perhaps this whole date thing was a big mistake. You could’ve asked Rotxo out in front of everyone instead of him, couldn’t you? The horrified look on Ao’nung’s face would be equally as satisfying to see as the look on his face when you asked him, would it not? 
“You can’t be swimming anywhere. I won’t allow you to. We can’t have you passing out on me again like last time, princess.” 
The words spilled out of him like he’d said it to dozens of other girls in the past. 
You turned around when he said that, eyes wide, staring straight at him, but he made no move. 
“I’m not weak.” 
He shrugged. “I know. But you wouldn’t want anything getting in the way of our lovely date that you so desperately begged me for, right?”
You deadpanned, turning your head back around and attempting to walk deeper into the water, ignoring the goosebumps spread throughout your body as the cold engulfed your thighs. Dammit, why’d it have to be windy? 
Your eyes rolled on their own out of pure reflex hearing him walk towards you, his footsteps emphasised by the sound of splashing water. 
“There’s nothing you can do to stop m–” 
His arms were wrapped around your abdomen, right below your chest. He bent down and laid his head sideways on the spot on your back between the shoulders, as if he were begging you not to leave. His body wasn’t pressing up against yours, rather a quite a bit of space was placed between you two.
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(haha u thought i was gonna continue that scene? in ur dreams)
“So all you have to do is try and get three of those symbols in a row, and the first one to do that wins,” you gestured towards the grid you marked out in the sand, sitting cross legged in front of a confused Ao’nung.
“..Seems easy enough.” he squinted as he peered at the grid, no doubt in his mind he was wondering how sky people invented these sorts of games.
You drew your first circle.
Then he crossed out an X.
The pattern repeated, until you trapped him skillfully, leaving him no choice but to let you win.
“What the- How’d you do that?” he frowned, much to your pleasure.
“Well, a master tic-tac-toer doesn’t share their secrets!” you grinned, secretly uncertain how this buffoon was the next chief of the Metkayina. 
To you, this was child’s play. To him, it’s like he’d started learning new war tactics from a space alien (not entirely false).
“I demand a rematch!” he huffed, redrawing the grid on the sand with his finger.
“Fine, but don’t get all sulky when I keep winning.”
You’ve probably played tic-tac-toe like, 50 times in a row by now. It was getting boring, but the look on his face after you managed to win again and again and again was so worth it.
He groaned after he saw he’d been defeated for the umpteenth time, covering his face in absolute shame. “I’m a disappointment to my family.” he muttered between his hands.
“Pff–” you slapped your hand over your mouth to prevent yourself from plundering his ego further, but it was too late, he was now glaring at your expression. 
“I demand a rema–”
“Oh my goodness, just stop it!” you complained, but your playful smirk never left your face. “You lost like a hundred times, get over it! Why do you keep insisting on replaying even though you know you’re gonna keep losing?”
He shut his mouth, looking sideways downcast at the sand. Because I like seeing your smile whenever you win.
But over his dead body would he tell you that. Or admit to himself he just thought that.
Tell her something, anything! Just stop looking so depressed! She’s gonna think you’re lame! A sore loser! Shit, shit come up with something you stupid idiot!
You stared at him with your eyebrows furrowed. He was fidgeting with his fingers, still staring at that particular patch of sand. The gentle breeze was blowing to your left, towards the village, and you kind of considered taking him there to his mother’s tent in case they had treatment for the crisis he looked like he was having.
Had you not been staring at other things during the awkward moment of silence that fell over you two, you would’ve noticed the slight blush of purple tingeing the tips of his ears as he looked down at your fingers absentmindedly tracing over the sand.
How would your fingers feel tracing the stripes on his back?
Wait, what?
No because that’s like the most embarrassing and weird and totally nasty thing he’s ever thought of. WHAT.
You- He- You both- what- WHAT-
He took a deep breath in to steady himself, silently praying to Eywa so that you wouldn’t notice how purple he was in the face. 
He liked you.
He liked you a lot.
I mean, that was obvious. He kissed you. But like, kissing someone doesn’t mean you AUTOMATICALLY like them right. 
As he made up a million excuses for his behaviour inside his mind, you were having thoughts the total opposite to his.
You wondered how he’d react to the news of your death. 
Tsireya knew, Lo’ak told her while he was being all emo (rightfully though).
Ronal knew.
Tonowari was to know..maybe today? You didn’t bother about the details; whatever was to happen would happen.
But the problem is, you were having second thoughts about…this whole situation.
You got your date. That’s the only thing you wanted right?
Could this count as…manipulation???
Okay, it totally does. Kissing some guy and then taking him out on a date when your life is in great peril and not letting him know that your life is in great peril totally counts as manipulation.
Oh my god. What if he actually catches feelings for you??
Oh my god. What if YOU catch feelings for HIM??
You looked at him again as he stared deeply into nothing, his eyes looking past you. Or rather, perhaps they were looking at you before, but he looked away once you looked at him.
“...cute.” you whispered absent-mindedly.
“What?” he responded, making your eyes go half an inch wider.
“I said you look like a sack of shit.” 
“Oh.” he huffed, looking down at the sand.
You looked at him incredulously. What? No comeback? No insult? No ‘screw you’?
Suddenly, you felt something weigh down on your chest. 
Everything around you felt so much more real.
The millions of grains of sand beneath your legs, some caught in between your toes, and the crisp breeze blowing softly around your neck like a wisp. 
You, sitting here with him. 
The countdown on your life.
You clenched your right hand as you reached out your left, drawing a new tic-tac-toe board on the dry, soft particles of sand. 
As the two of you resumed playing, you struggled to actually accept the reality of it all. 
You were going to die. (if Norm and Max didn’t find a cure).
How would it feel?
How would your family do without you?
You were in some sort of state of denial before this moment. 
And now you had the unsuppressable urge you supposed your human ancestors did.
To forget.
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As the morning light spilled into the marui of the olo’eyktan’s family, one boy in particular hadn’t been able to sleep peacefully.
His mind raced with the flashes of the memories of the date you two had, his face and ears shade of deep periwinkle.
He turned on his side to face the woven walls of his home, one hand clasped over the other as he laid deep in thought.
The look on your face when you two danced in tandem.
The creases of your smile when you played truth or dare.
The tenderness in your voice when you had conversations with your family.
Forget a ‘crush’.
The man was, undeniably, irrevocably, undoubtedly, indubitably, 
in love with you.
And he struggled to figure out why.
“Brother! Get up!” Tsireya’s voice suddenly connected through his brain, causing him to fall off his hammock with a large thud.
“Eywa, recently you’ve been so much harder to wake up.” she sighed to herself, crossing her arms as she looked down at the amusing sight of her older brother on the floor.
To her surprise, he didn’t respond, instead slowly rising from the floor, subtly trying to hide the blush on his face from his sister (who can read him like a children’s book).
She gasped dramatically, causing him to take a few groggy steps back in fright. “You looooveee her, don’t you!” she teased, her eyes, usually big and sweet, now narrowed into those of a mischievous cat.
He looked at her in horror. HOW DID SHE KNOW. (bro the whole village knows atp its not like ur trying 2 hide it)
“You must be delusional.” he said after taking a few seconds to compose himself. He put on this air of.. “superiority.”
“There’s no way I’d like someone like her.” he sneered, trying to convince himself that you were super ugly and totally not his type and totally doesn’t make him kick his feet giggling silently in the middle of the night whenever he thinks about you and the banter you share.
She rolled her eyes, seeing straight through his…can you even call those ‘lies’? “Right…well she definitely likes you, you know. You should be more considerate,” her voice dropped into a soft whisper, “...with her situation.”
At that, he blinked away his morning sleepiness. “What? What situation?” he asked genuinely, looking into Tsireya’s now widened eyes.
She froze, realising what she just said. 
The marui was empty, just them two. In that moment, it felt like the winds stopped moving, everything remaining static except for the two siblings.
The slightly horrified look on her face made his heart drop.
He stepped towards her, putting his hands on her shoulders.
“What situation?”
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | masterlist
omfg, feels so good to be back writing, idk why it took so long since my announcement probs just because things have been really busy in my life lately, but i hope u guys enjoy <3 sorry if the story seems a little disconnected, its just been a while since i’ve written this whole thing haha
as always, (i love writing this part), I appreciate you all so muchh, tysm for the support on the series both on this account and my wattpad account. Please stay tuned for the rest 💗
much loved, lorre.
Taglist: @eywas-heir @elegantkidfansoul @yeosxxx @whoreforpomegranates @fanboyluvr @thecrazyswamp @shkudss @stvrligghtt @ratchetprime211 @dearstell @littlecrisisworld @itssomeonereading @goodiesinthecloset21 @ilovejakesullysdick @larkkyoris @opalescentblog @lovedbychoi @plzfeedmebread @holysaladapricothero @arminsgfloll @lovekeeh @evans-bitch @seashelldom @quest-for-pluto @bananasplits-world @ken-zah @anxietydrogz @inluvwithneteyam @www-interludeshadow-com @anonmously-anonomous @ancientbeing10 @aonungmyaddiction @ahsatan785 @fangzy @writinganything @mistyheart @mushy-mushroom04 @aaonungslover @scentedstrawberryenemy
note: names in red are the ones i've added to the taglist but i couldn’t tag!
173 notes · View notes
ywpd-translations · 4 months
Ride 757: A small tremor
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Pag 1
2: Raging waves!!
3: Swirling ocean currents!!
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Pag 2
1: Danchiku!!
2: We're now in the land of the decisive battle, Kyushu!! In Shimonoseki!!
Calm down, Issa, this is Moji. Shimonoseki is on the opposite shore, it's in Yamaguchi Prefecture
3: 1000 years ago, the final battle between Genji and Heike happened here
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Pag 3
2: You know that because we did it recently in Japanese History? So you were awake....
3: The master fencer Miyamoto Musashi and Sasaki Kotaro had their duel in the close Ganryu Island!!
Ah... almost, but not really. It's Sasaki Kojiro; Kotaro is a friend of yours
5: Here!!
6: Here it's the starting point of the Inter High!!
8: Us!!
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Pag 4
1: Let's become the best in Japan
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Pag 5
2: Uh......!!
I came here just to chaperone you.... and I was wondering what you were you even talking about until now....
3: But this guy's simple words and feelings-
(Let's go see the sea, Danchiku! It's the sea!
Let's go renew our determination!!)
4: -can always shake my heart!!
Yeah, Issa!!
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Pag 6
1: The towel is cast!!*
2: It's “the die is cast”!!*
Die is dice and it means “it's already started so you have to move forward”!! To “throw the towel” means to “give up”!!
(*NdT.: here Issa uses two very similar words: he says “saji” while it's actually “sai”)
3: Ahhh, dammit, I'm really so fired up!!
4: Let's go show this excitement to him!!
To Doubashi!! Hahaha
Hm... wait, you want to go to Hakogaku's tent!? You want to march inside? Stop, Issa!!
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Pag 7
3: We're here
4: Why are you here- during Doubashi-san's massage
See, look, Issa
Sohoku second years!? Don't come into the enemy's tent without even a greeting!
Doesn't matter
5: Let them through
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Pag 8
1: It's been a while. I'm so worked up now, Doubashi!!
“san”, na!!
2: He's huge.....!! Hakogaku's third year, Doubashi Masakiyo!!
He sitting down, and yet he looks like Issa that's standing up!!
3: Is it your ring name!? Sanna Doubashi!?
I told you to use the honorific “san, idiot!! Buah!!
4: Was he this huge last year!? ….. no
He got even bigger during this past year!!
5: There are so many injuries in his knees
6: And even on his elbows there are traces of fights...!!
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Pag 9
1: I came to tell you how much stronger I got in this past year
Oi, stop, if you say something like this now, you'll definitely regret it later
Nah, I'll say it
3: There's another person
4: Ah....
5: Is he also..... a regular?
6: Ah, Yes, I'm Sohoku's... second year...
Hahaha I'll introduce you!!
7: Is he your partner, Orange?
Hahaha, that's right!!
8: Our team's name is SS!! His name is Danchiku!!
I'm telling you this for your own good
9: Stop
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Pag 10
1: This guy's a “chicken*”
(*NdT.: here the literal translation of the kanji used is "weak-hearted", while the reading says "chicken")
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Pag 11
2: He'll run away right away
3: Buah!!
4: Road racing half a mental sport!! The distance is long and there'll be a lot of difficult moments. I don't know what kind of runner this guy is, but he's mentally weak and he'll be crushed by the pressure, especially at the Inter High!!
5: He got my weak point with one shot....!!
6: Nah, Orange!! Let's have a serious race, the two of us
And bring a better guy than this!! Ah!?
7: This one's no good, he can't run!!
That's what the sensor in my polished body are telling me
8: Doesn't Sohoku have a reserve!? You should.....
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Pag 12
1: Replace him right now
4: Yuuto lost to a guy like this?
Well, I guess you had quite an advantage since it was a rcae in your hometown
Danchiku won!!
5: Would it be better if I was replaced...? No
He's not a bad guy, but.... sometimes he says bad stuff. Last year, too-
6: No, that's not true!!
What am I saying!! I'll run!! I'll be the one running!!
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Pag 13
1: In the Inter High!! Together with Issa!!
2: Ehi, welcome back. Did you have fun on your walk?
… yeah
I've done the oiling and the gear check
Did you see the sea?
It was fired up!!
3: Fired up?
The sea was fired up!!
4: “My heart is small”
“Yours is much bigger”
5: Sugimoto-san.....
Once you get dressed could you try ride it?
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Pag 14
1: Uhm, Sugimoto-san
3: Hm?
4: Hy.... hypothetically
5: If right now
6: I said I couldn't run, what would you do?
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Pag 15
4: Since the day I was chosen as a reserve
5: I haven't taken even one day off practice
7: The members may seem to be in perfect condition, but they could accidentally fall and get injured, or get ill
Be ready to run the moment you know someone can't run, that's what a reserve is
8: I spent my time wishing that all my efforts would be in vain
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Pag 16
1: I would run for all three days!!
Now I'll put this toolbox down, put on the my cleats and prepare my own bike!!
Can be done in fifteen minutes!!
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Pag 17
2: Be prepared!!
4: I-I'm sorry!!
I'm sorry for saying stupid things
5: In road racing a reserve can only be subbed in until the start of the first day
The rules say that you can't change during the race
6: Is that so!?
You didn't know that!?
7: Once the race starts, if someone can't run, he can't be substituted
He retires and the number of people in the tea decreases... that's road racing
8: If your condition isn't good, tell us now
It's more advantageous is all six people run
9: It's alright, if you made that decision
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Pag 18
1: No one will blame you
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Pag 19
1: This trial run on the course is terrific, Danchiku
The sea is in full view!!
2: That tanker is huugee!!
“No one will blame you”
3: Don't hang your head, don't look down
What a I thinking!!
Raise your head!!
4: Issa is here
5: The Inter High I've longed for
6: “Stop”
7: The die is cast!!
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milesluna · 4 months
My Favorite Games of 2023.
Hi. Hello. Thanks ever so much for clicking on this page. Happy to have you.
First thing's first: I'm a little freak when it comes to video games. I don't feel the need to beat most games I play. From Software is one of my favorite studios in the industry and I've never finished a single one of their games. This means, fortunately, that I get to play a LOT more games than the average bear.
I've written up some blurbs about my top ten favorite games from 2023, but before that here's the list of every game I remember playing this year that left any sort of lasting impact on me (in no particular order):
Dead Space Remake Resident Evil 4 Remake F-Zero 99 Humanity Dredge Metroid Prime Remastered Anemoiaplois Alan Wake 2 Baldur’s Gate 3 LoZ Tears of the Kingdom Counter Strike 2 Hunt Showdown El Paso Elsewhere Jusant Slay the Princess| Remnant II The Finals Street FIghter 6 Lethal Company BattleBit Remastered Don’t Scream Homebody The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Pizza Tower World of Horror Super Mario Wonder Mr. Sun’s Hatbox Fifa 23 Sea of Stars (Demo) Half-Life (25th Anniversary Update)
And the games I played that were NOT released in 2023:
Unpacking Persona 4 Golden Picross 7 The Order 1886 Shovel Knight Dig Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Spider-Man: Miles Morales Pac-Man Championship Edition DX Project Zomboid Quake LoZ The Minish Cap Drill Dozer Wario Land 4 Pokemon Pinball Resident Evil Revelations Summer of ‘58 Trackmania TwinCop We Were Here Visage Cursed Halo CE Half-Life 2 (I probably play this once per year) Witch Hunt Red Dead Redemption 2 Cyberpunk 2077 Borderlands 3 Brutal Legend Cultic Slay the Spire PUBG Rez Infinite Batman Arkham City Alan Wake Alan Wake: American Nightmare Max Payne LoZ: Majora’s Mask 3DS Metroid Prime Metroid Prime 2 Tunic Everhood Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VII Remake GOODBYE WORLD Yakuza: Like a Dragon Critters for Sale Dome Keeper Phasmophobia Hades Nintendo Switch Sports
Now that you understand the kind of freak you're dealing with…
Let's dive into my top ten favorite games from this objectively fucked up year.
10. El Paso Elsewhere Developed by Texas indie studio Strange Scaffold, El Paso Elsewhere is a Max Payne-clone with vampires, an opinionated narrator, and lots and lots of bullet time. As a small studio punching well above their weight class, Strange Scaffold leans into abstract, PlayStation 1 minimalism when it comes to visuals and pairs them with a soundtrack that will make your hands sweat. The vibes are here and they're ready for the end of the world. I'm personally also a big fan of everything this studio stands for.
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9. Mr. Sun's Hatbox I want you to imagine Metal Gear Solid V. Now I want you to imagine that game as a 2D, level-based, slapstick platformer you can play with up to three friends. If you think that sounds stupid, you'd be right. And it's beautiful. As you build up a secret army of soldiers with various skills (and disorders), you'll start to develop *favorites*. This game constantly asks if you're willing to send those favorites on a harrowing mission and risk losing them forever… or if you'd rather send an idiot you recently captured who blinks constantly and can't kill anyone without fainting.
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8. Dredge Every year I feel like I find one game that falls into the “just one more round” category, and baby… Dredge was it for 2023. As a weary fisherman in strange waters, you'll make the most out of your 12 measly hours of sunlight only for your daily voyages to inevitably pull you into the darkness of night, and night is when things get weird. Rocks emerge from the fog that you swear weren't there before, your equipment malfunctions, and you're pretty sure you just saw something in the water… something big. Despite only containing a small collection of islands, the world of Dredge manages to feel vast - perhaps vast enough to swallow you whole.
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7. Resident Evil 4 Remake I was curious to see what sort of changes would be made to the timeless classic and father of modern 3rd person shooters, Resident Evil 4. I wasn't let down. RE4 Remake takes all the things that didn't age well about the original, tossed them out, and replaced them with only good things. And MORE things! It's campy, fun, and better than a game of bingo.
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6. Jusant I really feel like this one didn't get the recognition it deserves. Jusant is a rock climbing game that combines the quiet contemplation of Journey with the mechanical specificity of Death Stranding. Unlike Death Standing, though, there is very little story to interrupt your flow. There are plenty of collectible bits to find for those curious to learn more about what happened before the events of the game, but the environmental storytelling does most of the heavy lifting. For me, the joy of the game comes from how it feels. Right trigger controls your right hand grip, and left trigger controls left hand grip. Plan your route, manage your stamina, and climb high above the clouds in search of answers.
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5. F-Zero 99 This. Shit. Slaps. I've never been a big F-Zero guy, but this MADE me one. The “battle royale”, 99 player format is the perfect fit for the ruthless, high octane world of the game. Races last about three minutes, and friend, they are the most intense, white-knuckled three minutes of your life. The decision to make your boost meter the same as your health meter started in F-Zero 64 (I believe), and it is so much more HARROWING in this game when another player could side-swipe you mere meters from the finish line and blow you to bits. Sadly it's only playable via Switch Online, but it made me cheer, laugh, and scream enough this year to earn a spot in my top 5.
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4. Alan Wake 2 Remedy makes weird games that also manage to exist in the AAA space and for that I will forever love them. Although Alan Wake 2 resembles a 3rd person shooter survival horror, I'd honestly say it's more of a narrative game than anything else. There's sidequests, there's puzzles, there's upgradeable skills, but at the end of the day the characters, world, and story are what kept me playing. If you haven't checked them out recently, you should definitely watch a story recap of the original games before diving into this sequel, but the wild swings for the fences this game takes are well worth that small price of admission. There's a god damn musical number, for Christ's sake.
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3. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom I've really got nothing to say about this game that most people don't already know. It's incredible. The fact that Nintendo made a game that redefined an entire genre and then made a SEQUEL to it that ups the ante is remarkable. To be honest, I've only cleared the Rito, Zora, and Goron cities. I got a bit tired of exploring the depths and guiding Koroks to their friends, but I can't deny the sheer level of complexity and polish on display here. I saw someone on TikTok build a functioning Mecha Godzilla in this game. Good God. I've heard that the ending of this game is one of the best in the franchise, and if I'd seen it this year then it may have wound up higher on my list, but for the time being I'll continue picking up this masterpiece from time to time, chipping away at it until the day comes that I can finally smack the tits off thicc Ganondorf.
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2. Half-Life (25th Anniversary Update) I know I'm gonna get shit for this, but I don't care. This year was the 25th anniversary of Half-Life and Valve released an update that made playing it (and it's online Death Match) much more accessible. I threw it on my Steam Deck out of curiosity, expecting to play for 20 minutes. I could not put it down. It is unbelievable how modern this game still feels. I simply had so much fun sprinting through the corridors of Black Mesa with a dozen weapons strapped to my back, blasting aliens and military Spec-Op chumps as a 24(?!) year old theoretical physicist.
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1. Baldur's Gate III This game is fucked up, man. The sheer amount of writing in this game scares me. We can all talk about how BIG this game is, it deserves it, but the thing BG3 does better than any other role playing game I have ever experienced is actually encourage roleplaying. I've played through Act I four times now, with four different groups of friends, and it has felt fresh every time. I have seen the same events play out in so many different ways that it boggles the mind, but in every one of those play sessions I see players asking themselves “What would my lil guy do here?” rather than "what is the best thing to do here?" The game rewards players constantly for just trying shit and the D&D 5e rule set means playing like the character you said you were from the start leads to frequent Points of Inspiration. Maybe one day I'll see the end of this story (probably not), but I don't have to in order to feel a connection with BG3's world, characters, and most impressively, the characters I made myself.
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Honorable Mentions for 2023
5. Dave the Diver 4. Homebody 3. Sea of Stars 2. Humanity 1. Super Mario Wonder
Top 5 Favorites NOT from 2023
5. Metroid Prime 4. Final Fantasy VII Remake 3. Cursed Halo (Halo CE Mod) 2. Red Dead Redemption 2 1. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (3DS)
Games I didn't have a chance to play from 2023 but still want to when I find more time...
Viewfinder Venba Chants of Sennaar Thirsty Suitors Hi-Fi Rush Moonring Armored Core VI Laika Aged Through Blood Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
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wangxianficfinder · 9 months
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In the mood for a fic...
1. So after reading A Matter of Time by mrcformoso from your recent IITMF post, I'm now craving some dark LWJ who's protective over our bunny as well. You know, like the *touch her and I'll kill you* vibes but make it WangXian. FemXian is fine as well, also modern aus are definitely okay. But if there's any canon era fics similar to above-mentioned fic, then please do rec ^^ @tinyfoxpeach
2. LOVE YOUUUUUUU Thank you so much for the work you all do! 🧡💛💚💙 I am ITMF fic where Lan Qiren is blindsided by love, like, unconditional-love-at-first-sight, Lan-chosen-one style! Preferably happy ending, canon or modern AU, pre-, during, post-canon okay. I just want our grumpy old man to find him some unexpected happiness!
Yearning for Miles by Murahi (M, 378k, WangXian, LQR/SiSi, Canon Divergence, Angst, Fluff, Slow burn, Mutual Pining, seeing the future)
The Untamed: For the Love of Two Boys by YenGirl (not rated, 181k, wangxian, 3zun, LQR/SiSi, yin metal poisoning, weddings, supportive LQR, supportive LXC, acupuncture, golden core reveal, yunmeng siblings reconciliation, wedding nights)
3. Hello For the next itmf I would like to ask for soulmate au fics. I don't mind if it is modern or original time line. If you don't mind I would prefer top lwj and bottom wwx. Thank you very much in advance 😊
pastel by antebunny (G, 6k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Soulmates, Heavy Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, Self-Esteem Issues, Misunderstandings, Angst with a Happy Ending, Unrequited Love, but not actually, no courtesy names)
it goes like this by moonsteps (T, 15k, WangXian, College/University, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Timers, Humor, Fluff, Oblivious WWX, in which wwx is jealous… of himself, some drunken lwj shenanigans, two idiots in love, side sangcheng)
Deconstruct by flowercity (FaoriE) (T, 11k, WangXian, Soulmates, Canon Divergence, Fluff, Light Angst, Mutual Pining, they’re so in love)
Zero by theladyofravenclaw (G, 19k, WangXian, Modern AU, Soulmates AU, Musicians, Friends to Lovers, Reincarnation)
Soulmate AU Comp
4. hi!! for the next itmf, i'm looking for fics where modern!wx meet canon!wx or even just one of them meeting their parallel counterparts
a tide in two seas by occultings (microcomets) (E, 81k, wangxian, modern w/ magic, parallel universes, post-canon, getting together, pining, case fic)
so when you go wherever it is you will go, take the moon with you by comforting_monachopsis (T, 97k, WWX & WWX, WWX & WQ, WWX & WN, wangxian, JC & WWX & JYL, past WWX/SS, past WWX/XY, canon divergence, time travel, dimension travel, modern, private investigator WWX, professor LWJ, trauma, serial killers, strangers to lovers, BAMF WWX, hurt WWX, WIP)
5. Hiii 👋 , How are you guys doing? I would like to request some fics in which wwx gets jealous/insecure of mxy - it can be modern or canon era (prefer it to be canon era) Thank you💓
Achievement Unlocked 🔓 by UseMyMuse (E, 84k, WangXian, A/B/O Dynamics, Transmigration, Crack, Sassy System, Canonical Character Death, Reincarnation/Transmigration, Bamf wwx, mild to major violence briefly mentioned, Mild/brief mentions of torture, Kidnapping, Accidental Child Acquisition)
To Share You With Others by Asmayi (M, 3k, wangxian, ABO, mpreg, heavy angst w happy ending, hurt/comfort, WWX pov, jealous WWX, alpha LWJ, omega WWX, omega MXY, beta LXC, rutting, married wangxian, wangxian endgame)
6. Hey there, mods! ITMF canon universe fics where either WWX or LWJ has to do a walk of shame & it's obvious that's what they're doing. Like maybe they had to borrow clothing because theirs got destroyed in their haste to get naked (or in WWX's case it's obvious simply because he's awake suspiciously early & that attracts curiosity). @thispatternismine
7. Hi! Can you please suggest some fanfics where book wangxian meet novel wangxian. I really like this theme? But so far I have only come across only one fic like that. @mrmrsasr-blog​
Sorry. I meant to ask book Wangxian meet drama wangxian. Thanks for the recs.
could the asker for #7 maybe specify what they mean by book wangxian meeting novel wangxian?
💙 feel better love by Anonymous (T, 8k, WIP, WangXian, implied WangXianXian, Post-Canon, Crack Treated Somewhat   Seriously, in a haha jk…unless? way, Light Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Crack, Crossover)
To Him, Love Is You. by Nanami731 (E, 16k, LWJ/WWX/OMC, wangxian, parallel universes, novel & CQL wangxian, post-canon, fluff & humor, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, love confessions, fix-it of sorts)
8. Hello lovely community! Could you recommend some canon-era fics where Wei Wuxian or Lan Wangji get injured, causing the other to realize their feelings? Thank you ❤
all the silver moons by milkcrates (E, 10k, wangxian, post-canon, hurt/comfort, getting together, first time) Not quite feelings realisation (more just getting together) but maybe close enough to scratch the itch
9. hi, i hope you have a good day. 
a) do you know any fics where juniors sees wwx and lwj as their parents?
b) can you recommend any fics where wwx turns yiling patriarch to protect/save junior/lwj? thankyou!
you are my chosen family by jinyinhua (T, 14k, WangXian, 5+1 Things, Good Kid LJY, Good Kid LSZ, Blood and Injury, Night Hunts, Drinking, Age Regression/De-Aging, Married WangXian, Fluff and Humor, Found Family, Gūsū Lán Juniors Dynamics)
10. heyyooo can you please recommend me lots of fics wwx & lwj + juniors. im so addicted to their story latelyyyy @oceanfl0wer​
unhappy stories with happy endings by Last_for_Hell (M, 30k, wangxian, the junior quartet, watching some memories not the whole series, hurt/comfort, panic attacks, references to torture, PTSD)
Lan Sizhui’s Got a Crush! by Theladyofravenclaw (T, 46k, Junior Quartet, LSZ/OFC, Humor, Fluff and Crack, Case Fic, Gūsū Lán Juniors Dynamics, Junior Quartet Dynamics, Body Horror, Mild Gore, Post-Canon) 
cherry lingers on the stone by ThreePlums (M, 26k, WangXian, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Curses, Case Fic, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Starvation, Animal Death, Canon-Typical Violence, Cannibalism, Dom/sub Undertones, PTSD, Mild Gore)
🧡 Hello, IT. Have You Tried Turning It Off and On Again?  By overmountainandmeadow (T, 65k, WangXian, Modern AU, Office, Modern office AU, IT Director! LWJ, Graphic Designer! WWX, Father!LWJ, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Juniors as interns, Light Angst, Mistaken   Identity, Identity Porn, Rabbits, Cloud Recesses as a company, Happy   Ending, Single Parent LWJ)
11. Asking for the impossible here, but are there any fics where WWX kills LWJ? I know there are a few where LWJ kills WWX but I’m wondering if the opposite fics exist too.
When the heart grows cold by deliciousblizzardshark (M, 30k, wangxian, major character death, graphic depictions of violence, modern, vampires au, reincarnation, vampire WWX, found family, blood drinking, suicide as self-sacrifice, implied/refernced torture graphically) this might qualify as wwx killing lwj...
12. I’m in a mood for BAMF ladies! So please recommend ladies kicking ass, taking names, etc. (with exception of YZY, I do not wish to read about her, sorry)
💖  With Surgical Precision by metisket (T, 20k, WQ & WN, WQ & WWX, WangXian, Time Travel, Families of Choice, sibling bonding through murder) BAMF WQ
Every Mother’s Son by Chrononautical (T, 11k, WangXian, Madam Lán Lives, Madam Lán Deserves Better, Madam Lán Leaves Cloud Recesses, mentions of rape/non-con between Madam Lan & Qingheng-Jun) BAMF Madam Lan
Heart of the River by meyari (T, 23k, JYL/JZX, JYL/MM, JYL/MM/WQ, wangxian, JC/WQ, major character death, implied/Referenced child abuse, no yin iron, fire manipulation, water manipulation, drowning, war, most people live au, BAMF JYL)
13. Hello! Can you recommend me fics wherein the blindfold that covers wwx eyes in Mount Baifeng slip off and saw Lwj is the one kissing him? (Any fics where wwx knew lwj is the one kissing him because of his smell)
not a maiden by cannotsleep (examtomorrow) (T, 2k, wangxian, canon divergence, baifeng mountain kiss, open ending)
Take my breath away by laniakea314 (M, 6k, wangxian, canon divergence, phoenix mountain kiss scene, blindfold kiss, switched roles, kissing, feelings realization, confessions, fix-it, dry humping)
Nonsense Does the Trick by septune (E, 4k, wangxian, canon divergence, dub con, consensual sex, phoenix mountain hunt, praise kink, PWP, getting together, fix-it of sorts, first time)
14. hiii i'm itmf autistic lan zhan fics!
leave sooner, drive slower, live longer. series by thelastdboy (M, 26k, LXC & LWJ, LQR & LWJ, Madam Lan & LWJ, wangxian, modern cultivation, canon divergence, LWJ pov, character study, coming of age, past character death, implied/Referenced suicide, implied/referenced rape/non-con, neurodiversity, autism spectrum, situational mutism, hurt no comfort, YLLZ WWX, natural disasters, earthquakes, aftermath of natural disaster, politics, slow burn, miscommunication, taxi driver WWX, getting together, sentient burial mounds, mistaken identity, no major character death, names are magic, horror elements, references to depression, unhealthy coping mechanisms, anxiety, pining, angst w happy ending, WWX has ADHD, case fic)
The Martial Arts Instructor Fic You Didn’t Know You Needed by enbysaurus_rex (M, 423k, wangxian, LWJ & LSZ & WWX, WWX & Wen remnants, WQ & WWX & WN, modern, martial arts, everyone lives au, not canon compliant, WWX has ADHD, autistic LWJ, pining, enby WWX, implied/referenced alcoholism, PTSD, slow burn, chronic illness, found family, polyamory negotiations, JC & WWX reconciliation, Single Parent WWX, Single Parent LWJ) a favorite! Lwj is chefs kiss autistic rep. Story is queer, neurodivergent and disabled joy/love !
For a Good Time, Call by ScarlettStorm, 1st in series (E, 170k, wangxian, modern, getting together, pining, porn, onlyfans au, sexworker WWX, minor angst, mental health, therapy is good) for the spicy enjoyers! Lwj is late diagnosed. Has a series!
The spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly series by Onomatopoetikon (T, 28k, wangxian, modern, coffee shop au, college/university au, LWJ pov, barista WWX, tease WWX, flirting, meet-cute, WWX pov, WWX is a Mess, first dates, autistic LWJ, WWX has ADHD, neurodiversity, developing relationship, twin jades feels, fluff, supportive LXC, autistic meltdown, autistic meltdown aftercare, intimacy, non-sexual intimacy, non-verbal LWJ)
Time Kept Flowing by notoneforreality (T, 201k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Grief/Mourning, major character death is wwx, who comes back, Family, Autistic LWJ, Kid Fic, JC and LWJ raise the kids, Co-parenting is hard, Emotional Hurt/Comfort) 
💖 WWWWXD (What would Wei Wuxian Do?) series by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 55k, wangxian, modern, high school and forward, fluff, panic attacks, angst w/ happy ending, autistic lwj, grief/mourning)
The Bunnysitter: a Post-it Romance by theLoyalRoyalGuard (G, 9k, wangxian, modern, fluff, ace lwj, autistic lwj, adhd wwx, hacker wwc)
Extraordinary Attorney Wangji by PaidSubscription (T, 57k, wangxian, JC/WQ, LXC/NMJ, modern, fluff, slow burn, getting together, autistic LWJ, WWX has ADHD, angst w happy ending, lawyers au, Extraordinary Attorney Woo storyline, LWJ loves rabbits, neurodivergent love)
The Passion of the Cut Sleeve by Afriendlyenigma (T, 25k, wangxian, modern, teachers au, loneliness, LWJ loves rabbits, getting together, romance, autistic LWJ, ADD/ADHD WWX, intimacy, fluff, cuddling & snuggling, touch-starved, slow burn, panic attacks, WIP)
You Helped Me (Wangxian) by Sheneadra (T, 11k, wangxian, modern, autism, autistic spectrum, autistic LWJ, ADHD, WWX has ADHD, teenager, teen romance, sign language, WIP)
Bunny Baby by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 9k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, LWJ Has Feelings, Soft WangXian, Gender-Nonconforming LWJ, Protective WWX, Bad Parent LQR, Fluff and Humor, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Soft boys being soft, POV WWX, Autistic LWJ, [Podfic of] Bunny Baby by frostedhearth)
Make The Fireflies Dance Silver Moon's Sparkling by Sweetlittlevampire (T, 23k, WangXian, Modern AU, High School, Friends to Lovers, Teenagers, Childhood Friends, Growing Up, Getting to Know Each Other, Getting Together, Slow Burn, First Kiss, First Love, Autistic LWJ)
a new kind of silence by deliciousblizzardshark (E, 11k, WangXian, Modern AU, Autistic LWJ, Communication Disorder, Trans LWJ, Protective WWX, Pregnant LWJ, Panic Attacks, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, Getting Together, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Soft WangXian, POV WWX) and actually I would say check out all of this author's fics in their autistic lan zhan tag cause I rec them all!
leave all your love and your longing behind by ScarlettStorm (E, 143k, WangXian, Modern AU, no magic, Meet-Ugly, Panic Attacks, autistic lwj, neurodivergent wwx, the neighborhood asshole dog, if you’ve met one then you know, Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, Happy Ending, for everyone including the   asshole dog, Eventual Smut, switch rights, Sex Toys, horny yearning, Masturbation)
End Racism On The OTW - In my quiet sea, waves would sometimes rise by jiejieaini (T, 3k, WangXian, Autistic LWJ, meltdowns, Fluff and Angst, Adoption, Happy Ending, Established Relationship)
Falling Headlong by floraidh (T, 35k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, skater au, First Meetings, First Kiss, Getting Together, autistic lwj)
as fearless as by thistleghost (T, 12k, WangXian, XiYao, Modern AU, High School, Coming Out, Protective Siblings, sensory processing, SPD LWJ, Implied Autistic LWJ, Misunderstandings, implied 3zun)
Silence Spell by unnecessary (E, 4k, WangXianJue, WangXian, Modern AU, PWP, Threesome - M/M/M, BDSM, dom LWJ, Sub WWX, Collars, Impact Play, Deepthroating, Anal Sex, Cock Warming, Overstimulation, Dom Drop, Aftercare, Autistic LWJ, (It's not mentioned directly but it's there), Spitroasting)
Petrichor by SunBlueSun (E, 8k, WangXian, Top/Bottom Switch WangXian, heat exhaustion, Hurt/Comfort, Comfort Sex, Playing Doctor, Praise Kink, (mild praise kink), mention of past torture, Canon-Typical Violence, h/c meta, Autistic LWJ, Mention of switching, Dirty Talk, Soft WangXian, Cuddling & Snuggling)
Pocket Too Deep for Play by bigamma (E, 57k, Female WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Vibrators, Easter Eggs, Sex Toys, Autistic LWJ, Female WWX, Female LWJ, WWX Has ADHD, Lacrosse, Christian Themes, Sports Medicine, YZY’s A+ Parenting, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Christian Holidays, Easter Egg Hunt, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Bible Quotes (Abrahamic Religions), Cunnilingus)
15. ITMF where Lan Zhan is a househusband @yupkook
16. Hiiiiii so for the next ITMF do you have any « 🪷 lotus pier Wangxian date » like I remember reading some but i can’t find them 😅 so lwj taking wwx’s ofer to visit ??? Thanks ✨✨✨✨✨✨ @ihaveasoftspotfora-yuan
17. Hello Please recommend chengqing fics, anything apart from modern. Love you, Thank you, God bless you @dramaqueenrolf
The Needle and the Nail by littledust (E, 119k, ChengQing, WQ Lives, Canon Divergence, Slow Burn, Memory Loss, Canon-Typical Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, Golden Core Reveal, First Time)
Lynchpin by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 103k, WangXian, ChengQing, Time Travel, Fix-It) While not a focus, definitely a goodread
Honestly you could choose pretty much anything by snowberryrose
For example Understanding by snowberryrose (G, 11k, JC/WQ, wangxian, JYL/JZX, fix-it)
Blame by snowberryrose (G, 12k, JC/WQ, wangxian, fix-it)
Sacrifice by snowberryrose (G, 12k, wangxian, JC/WQ, NHS & WN, friendship)
Apology by snowberryrose (M, 17k, JC/WQ, wangxian, JYL/JZX, canon divergence, fix-it, golden core reveal)
With Such Impossible Conveyance by Comfect (T, 99k, JC & WWX, wangxian, JC/WQ, major character death, fix-it, brotherly bonding, angst w happy ending, anger management, canon-typical violence, swearing, fluff, romance, everyone lives au, humor)
A Bell That Tells Us to Rise and Fight by DeerstalkerDeathFrisbee (T, 120k, wangxian, JC/WQ, JYL/JZX, SL/XXC, canon divergence, arranged marriage, everyone lives, women being awesome, content warning for JGS & XY & JGY, minor character death)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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top 10 books of 2022
i read 50 books this year and i’m going to share my top 10 and what i loved most about them (in no particular order)
1. writers & lovers by lily king - this book legitimately changed my life by reminding me of how desperate i am to lead a creative life. there are certain books that make you want to be a writer. this is one. featuring clean-cut, economical prose that gets straight to the point, and the point is diving into one of the most compelling characters i’ve had the honor to spend a story with. i read it twice this year because i will never be ready to part with this main character.
2. last night at the telegraph club by malinda lo - this was a reread for me and i appreciated it infinitely more the second time. the vividness of the writing strikes me as a particular triumph of this work. you can feel every emotion, see and hear every setting. that and a deeply engaging narrative make it one of those books that i continue to think about constantly.
3. crush by richard siken - my favorite poetry collection i have read, and reread, both within this year. he is one of those writers that reminds you how amazing it is to be a human that can feel and say so much. sharp images, glorious repitition, and stunning formatting that has inspired much of my own adventure into the world of unique poetic structure on the page.
4. homegoing by yaa gyasi - probably one of the most ingenious books i have ever read. to this day i fail to understand how it is possible to cover so much in so few pages and not leave the reader feeling like something is missing, but she certainly does it. sweeping multi-generational story where each chapter reads like both an exquisite short story that could stand on its own and a part of the richly woven whole. phenomenal novel that i wholeheartedly believe will be a classic in the future.
5. the idiot by elif batuman - another character that weaseled her way into my brain and has never left. a plotless, indulgent, meandering character study that struck such a cord with me. i read this at the exact right time in my life and for the week that i was making my way through it, there was no distinction between the narrator and myself in my mind. i don’t know how to explain this, but i was narrating my own life through this character’s eyes. captivating.
6. piranesi by susanna clarke - an exemplary work of fantasy that explores the nuances of knowledge and gratitude, balancing expertly between critiquing the pursuit of knowledge and power and exalting wonder, curiosity, and science. a book written in journal entries which flows perfectly and never feels choppy. leaves you thinking differently about the world.
7. open water by caleb azumah nelson - a short novella you can read in a day, and you will have to, as it is so enchanting and haunting that you cannot stop. it fully took over my mind until i finished it. it features second person narration which creates an unmatched level of closeness between reader and narrator. triumphantly evocative, intimate, and precise prose. the most poetic novel(la) i've had the pleasure of reading since on earth we're briefly gorgeous.
8. the great believers by rebecca makkai - the highlight of this book is the dense prose; every sentence feels perfectly chosen and hits you just as hard as the last. there is never a break, never a breather from the stunning writing. for that reason it is a slow book to move through, but in the best way. also accomplishes using dual pov/timelines in a way that does not detract from the fluidity of the work. very heavy subject matter but imbued with hope, gratitude, and affection.
9. the starless sea by erin morgenstern - prior to reading piranesi, this was my favorite fantasy read of the year. the world is so engrossing and the formatting of the novel is unique and inventive. vivid world builidng and a meandering, cris-crossing plot that enthralls from the beginning. an ode to humanity and the interconnectedness of the stories we tell.
10. babel by r.f. kuang - a lengthy novel that is well worth the time it takes, featuring a slate of morally ambiguous young people bumping up against the limits of their social power. similarly to piranesi, it embraces curiosity, drive, passion, and learning while chastising the intrenchment of power in academia. kuang cements herself as figurehead of the historical fantasy subgenre, tapping into its full potential.
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pauking5 · 4 months
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For Enishi Yukishiro
• Ongoing Series: Addicting Taste
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Bonus Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
• Seeking comfort from an idiot
Part 1 Part 2
• Crimson Desire
For Roronoa Zoro
• Song of the Sea
• Under the mistletoe
• New Year, New Me
my heart calls your name
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epiclamer · 1 year
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6 Part 7
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Bait Pt. 5
Hero had eventually fallen to the hands of their own exhaustion and drifted to sleep despite their uncomfortable position. They were just too tired to put up a fight anymore.
They were sore and aching, but most of all disappointed in themselves.
None of their teammates knew where they were, nobody was coming to find them, they were alone. Alone and they weren’t strong enough to escape.
The hero was quickly losing all their hope and as they awoke to the sound of bustling footsteps and multiple voices talking from above, their heart sank to their toes.
This was it. Supervillain was here, Villain wouldn’t do anything to protect them and they were stuck. The criminals could do anything they wanted to the hero and they could do nothing about it.
The only control Hero had left was to remain stoic. Unbothered, but as the door to the main floor opened and the group headed down the stairs towards Hero, they found their task much harder than expected.
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Supervillain. Hero could tell their voice apart even in a sea of people.
They clenched their teeth around the gag, don’t panic don’t panic don’t panic. Supervillain could practically smell fear from a mile away. This wasn’t a fight Hero would win.
The master criminal stepped forwards with pride, only a few feet from the captive hero. Turning back to face Villain with a questioning grin.
“Does it speak?”
It. Hero wanted to vomit. They were a person, not a thing. This was wrong, all of this was wrong. Why couldn’t Villain see that?
Hero could hear the other shrug, clothes ruffling against the movement. “Sometimes. Normally without the gag though, but they’re not really big on talking.”
Silence stretched throughout the room, only barely audible breathing could be heard and every hair stood on Hero’s neck. They knew Supervillain was watching them, they could feel their eyes train across them and they froze completely, not even daring to breathe.
“It’s in awfully good shape for a captive that won’t talk…” Supervillain remarked, one of their free hands fell to the hero’s hair and they flinched. Muscles straining against their tighter bonds.
They already knew the master criminal had a smug grin on their face from their reaction, but they couldn’t help it. Everything in them told them to run and they couldn’t.
Villains feet shuffled nervously in the distance, something of interest to the hero. Why was Villain on edge?
“What do you mean?” The criminal asked, a slight lump in their throat caused them to croak near the end.
The supervillain huffed impatiently, standing up and away from the tied up hero. “Well, no wonder it won’t speak if you don’t force it. We need information, Villain, and if it won’t talk, you make it.”
Fuck. Villain hadn’t said anything about information in the past, they had never even pried them for anything. Simply mentioned that they were here as bait and nothing more, not ever to be tortured information out of.
Villain took a step forwards, something—rather, someone—pushed them back. The idea made Hero shiver, someone else was here too. Probably one of Supervillains jockeys, but that was just as bad, if not worse.
The supervillain barked out the orders, but their henchmen were the ones who did the dirty work. Hero avoided both of them at all costs.
The villain chuckled nervously, understanding the cue they were given as they took a step back. “Wait, you wanted information? I thought they were just bait?”
The uncomfortable silence returned and Villain must’ve felt like the biggest idiot of all time.
Supervillain blinked, astounded and confused at their partner. “Why would I, Supervillain, hire the city’s greatest torturer to simply kidnap a hero for bait and nothing else.”
It was a rhetorical question. One meant to demean the other villain and it worked. Supervillain had a point, even if Villain chose to stick to petty crimes they had training like no one else.
They knew exactly where to hit to get what they wanted.
“If I wanted just bait, I would’ve done the job myself.” The superior criminal scoffed, their henchman relished in a chuckle alongside.
Then the blindfold was ripped from their eyes, bright light immediately flooding the hero’s vision. Nauseating their stomach with the rough shake of their head.
Supervillains shit eating grin appeared in front of them, a stone faced henchman a few feet behind and Villain who looked sheepish and out of place in the corner. Nothing like their normal confidence and their nose was crooked and bandaged from their late night encounter.
“Now, shall we start? No use in waiting around since you’ve already wasted so much precious time.”
The villain practically flinched at the remark, but they tried their best to remain unmoved. Eyes trailing the supervillain as they headed towards one of the many decorated walls.
Inspecting torture tools as if they were a kid choosing candy from a shop. Hero’s stomach flipped, this couldn’t be happening. They were just bait. They were supposed to be just bait.
Hero silently pleaded, closing their eyes to keep from any redness or water that threatened to surface. No weakness.
The sound of metal scraping against stone sounded out and Hero flinched again. Peeking through one eye to catch the supervillain removing a hammer from its nail where it hung.
It was rusted, the kind that had tetanus written all over it, but most importantly it was stained. Stained a deep red, dented in places it seemed impossible to even create a mark and it reeked of past horrors.
Villain obviously didn’t pick up a cleaning habit along with their torture one.
The one in question bounced on the balls of their feet, jittery, but not with excitement like Hero expected. They looked otherwise uncomfortable and worried, but that couldn’t have been right.
“A-Are you sure—”
“Are you questioning me?” Supervillain snapped, handing the hammer to their henchman as they turned to the villain. “I hired you, Villain, because I believe that one day you could make a great right hand. What I failed to see was that you tend to set your mind straight on something and immediately lose your capability to adapt.”
The master criminal pressed closer to the other, Villain did their best to keep their chin high as they quivered slightly.
“I am telling you that the plan has changed. You need to get that through your skull.”
Supervillain turned on their heel to face the restrained hero, smiling brighter than they had this whole time. “Now, shall we?”
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free-for-all-fics · 1 year
Stupid, silly Namor or Attuma fic ideas. Don’t think too hard about these they’re just funny little ideas. Pls tag me if you write or get inspired by any of these. Like always, there are no rules:
1. The reader is labeled as the village idiot because she likes to sing with her head underwater to "sing to the mermaids". The village ridicules her for it. One day, she is swept out in a riptide, and no one is willing to come to her aid—no one from the village, that is.
2. Reader is full of bad puns and dad jokes, much to the chagrin of Namor/Attuma. "Why are seagulls called seagulls?"
“Stop now.”
“Because if they flew over bays, they'd be bagels! Oh hey, What did one wave say to the other?"
“I swear, if you make one more ocean related pun, I will murder you on this island and tell everyone you died in a shipwreck."
"...well, someone's salty."
3. You put a message in a bottle and set it out to sea in the hopes it’ll reach Namor/Attuma so you can be pen pals. “Oh my god I love you but you’re so stupid.” They say because you have no idea that’s not how mail works.
4. You’re in love with Namor/Attuma, but you’re also obsessed with monsters and cryptids so you keep asking them questions like “Is the Kraken real?? What about 6 headed hydras? Have you seen Nessie?? Are they friendly? Darling tell meeeeeee”
5. Reader does that stupid prank thing where she pretends to do a magic trick with an egg and a bottle of water. She’s like “Ok now look inside” and squeezes the bottle, spraying water in Attuma/Namor’s face and runs away cackling.
6. You introduce Namor/Attuma to a wonderful human invention - Water beds. They are less than amused. Reader, consider your sexy time privileges revoked😑
7. Attuma/Namor trying to teach reader combat and how to fight like a Talokanil but reader keeps making it sexy and Namor/Attuma is like “Ok maybe we should stop. You’re not even listening to me or learning anything properly!” And reader is like “Oh I’m learning all the right techniques perfectly. 😏😘”
8. Those videos from EVNautilus of the people in a submarine coming across a dumbo octopus and a googly eyed stubby squid but instead it’s scientist reader being shown Talokan by Attuma or Namor and fawning over the sea creatures because they’re just little guys. Sweet underwater babies. And reader being like “it’s just a baby can I adopt it pls” 🥺 and Namor or Attuma being like “pay attention. Remember why we’re here.”
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9. “Your child brings home a raccoon, mistaking it for a cat and begs to keep it” trope but instead it’s Namor/Attuma and their child has brought home an anglerfish or some other hideous abomination of the sea. It’s surprisingly docile and follows the child around like a pet anyway so can we keep it??? Please father 🥺
10. Namor and Jeff the Land Shark crossover. That’s it. That’s the post. Reader wants to adopt Jeff as their child. He’s just a baby 🥺
11. Peter Pan “They were just having a bit of fun, weren’t you, girls?”
“We were only trying to drown her” Mermaid Lagoon AU
12. “General, I’ve brought the cartographer into the war meeting today. I believe you owe her an apology for ruining all her maps when you stab them to dramatically mark a location.” (What if the “cartographer” is actually Attuma’s small daughter or sister drawing doodles of maps and playing pretend/mirroring what her dad or brother does because she wants to help and it’s all in jest hehe)
13. 2 days ago you went to an animal shelter and adopted the most adorable cat. What you don’t know is, he’s the reincarnation of an Aztec god. Your food offerings are unacceptable and that ugly small box that feels like it’s made from scratchy carpet will not do. No. He’ll be sleeping in your bed with you. Don’t try to lock him out; he’ll just scream and sing the songs of his people until you let him back in. (Or maybe through a magic mishap Namor has been accidentally transformed into a cat. Yeah Namor as a cat AU. I told you these ideas were silly.)
14. “Would you still love me if I was a worm” meme With Namor or Attuma but instead it’s “Would you still love me if I was a sea cucumber” or something ocean related
15. Namor or Attuma are taking their daughter trick or treating this year and ask what she wants to be for Halloween. A superhero, a mermaid, a princess? No. She wants to be a horseshoe crab. Possible Modern AU.
16. Reader goes to the beach often and befriends the seagulls/pelicans. So they start to bring her gifts like shells, rocks, etc. Except one day they bring you a golden bracelet, beaded necklace, or jade earrings (your choice of which). It’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. A few days later, Namor shows up at the beach, looking very annoyed as he asks for his necklace/bracelet/or earrings back.
17. You and Namor or Attuma meet on the beach in your special spot. You don’t get to be with him often considering he’s kept away by his responsibilities and loyalty to Talokan, and you’re human. It’s usually your only chance to have time where you can just quietly love each other. Except a stupid fucking seagull or pelican has been following you to both the beach and your home; squawking incessantly, wreaking havoc and basically cockblocking you. Untitled Goose Game AU but it’s a seagull/pelican.
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20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @rngaredead :)
For simplicity's sake I'm going to go with just my biDEMONium/trentcrimminallybeautiful ao3 and not try to combine it with my thesorrowoflizards one (why do i have more than one? because i was, among other things, an idiot who didn't know how pseuds worked next question) even though that would probably double some of these numbers lkfjgh
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Again, just on this account? 171 (some of those are oneshot compilations though)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
661,851 for now
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Ted Lasso, The Mysterious Benedict Society, The House on the Cerulean Sea, House MD, Death by Dying, Instinct, King Falls AM. Also, sort of Gravity Falls. Mostly those first two though, tbh. This one I think I will include other fandoms I've written and posted for on other accounts because it's fun and less about math. So also Shadowhunters, The Librarians, The Mentalist, The Dresden Files (TV), Roswell New Mexico, The Sandman, Star Trek, Professor Layton, Sanders Sides, Miraculous Ladybug, and sort of The Legend of Zelda. Also see, for unposted or posted a very long time ago and no longer something I would willingly share, Supernatural, Dirk Gently (both 2016 and 2010), Doctor Who, Warehouse 13, SurrealEstate, Person of Interest, Haven, Leverage, Bones. Psych, and probably more
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ted Lasso Kisses Trent Crimm On The Mouth (Trent/Ted - 1,157 kudos)
semaphore (Trent/Ted; Trent & Colin - 997 kudos)
off the handle (Trent/Ted - 736 kudos)
linger (Trent/Ted - 709 kudos)
a preacher, a bikini, and a kiss or two (Trent/Ted; Diamond Dogs - 673 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to but I always get really busy/tired and then it's been so long it feels like it would be weird if I did. Plus, sometimes my answers by nature of the comments can get repetitive and then even though I'm being sincere I feel insincere which sucks. However, if a comment has a direct question or something I actually have like, something unique to say about, I'm much more likely to respond sooner rather than later/never. I appreciate every single comment soooo much though literally my motivation to get through the day like 80 percent of the time
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm going to stick with Ted Lasso fics here since I have so many fics posted and this is my Ted Lasso sideblog and say... well, most of the time I have a bittersweet ending and then some sort of hopeful epilogue (such as with ink sunset and make a mess of you) but I guess betrayal's sting / absolution's balm or something to get off my chest may qualify?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhh, honestly, most of them are happy endings. I think trick & treat and matters of the heart end on particularly high notes?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not in this fandom! Yet
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh, yeah, baby. So much. Not sure what "kind" means in this context. It sure is explicit smut. I have tended almost exclusively towards hot transgender sex the last few years because. yknow. hi. but somehow I don't think that's the intention in the question.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do, but I haven't posted a lot. Only one on this account (a Gravity Falls x The Mysterious Benedict Society crossover that started as a joke because of a shared actress) although I had an interesting Shadowhunters x The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess fusion on my other account. I've written some pretty weird WIPs, though. And I've got some posts about Ted Lasso crossover/AUs, like a Sarah Jane Adventures AU, a Pushing Daisies AU, a Stardust AU... You can find that kind of thing in this tag on my blog.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. Not in this fandom, though, as far as I'm aware.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Again, not in this fandom, though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Oh, man, I don't know if I can decide. Magnus/Alec (TV version only I'll die on this hill) will always hold a special place in my heart, but I've got other "obsessed with this when I was a kid" ships and also recency bias/current hyperfixation means Trent/Ted screams as an immediate answer, and so on and so forth. I'm bad at picking favorites. Overall, I'd probably say one of those two, or both.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Sticking to Ted Lasso again (I have. so many MBS WIPs. god.) I'd say lost sight of (who you are) (lost motivation, want to finish, fuck!!) or sweeter than heaven (hotter than hell) (got mad at it), or!! oh!!! ink sunset (stuck) and possibly the next installment of matters of the heart. Yeah, I have a problem
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at being funny and also at eloquent but perhaps a little too verbose metaphors. I love me an elaborate metaphor
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
It's hard for me to focus and get what I have in my head out sometimes, even when I really want to. Whether it's being unable to organize or just my brain flat-out refusing to cooperate and do anything. Also, I'm way too like. easily discouraged with lack of feedback, and even a little negative feedback can kind of ruin my week and make me never wanna go back to that story ever again.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I just realized. The questions seemed familiar but I wasn't sure why and now I know, now that I've gotten to this question. I have done this game before and I remember bc of this question. I was confused bc it was under a different name, I think the questions were in a different order, and it was sometimes slightly differently worded but nope! This is the same one! Weird Anyway, just for this particular question, I'm going to copy-paste my old answer because I'm lazy. I’m extremely bad at linguistics in general, so if I must include someone talking in another language in my fic, I think I’d tend to cheat and do italics or some other indication that this is ‘in another language’ (ie “Where are you going?” she asked in Russian), but that’s admittedly a lazy approach. But I also think it’s probably better than butchering it with an auto-translator? Also, when people just include the translation in the end notes, even with a link (although that makes it marginally better) it breaks the flow of the story and makes it hard to read. Making an effort to at least match grammar is good (which I would do if it was for longer than a single scene, probably) but I think the best solution is when people know what they’re doing and like, have an actual translation with a little html code so you can click on it and it reveals what it means? Or if you’re clever, revealing what it means using context around it, but that has its own limitations. So that both like, uses the actual language and doesn’t break up the flow. It balances accessibility, flow, and respect for the other language in question well. But you’ve got to both know what you’re doing with the language (either asking someone/hiring someone/knowing the language yourself) and the html (although there are guides for that you’d have to spend time figuring it out + know it exists in the first place to look). And this is fanfiction, something we ultimately do for free in our spare time, so the lazy approach, I think, can be understandable. Maybe not in every context, but it’s not worth stressing a lot over in a few random lines or anything, you know? It is really cool when people do know a language well enough to include it properly in a fic, though, it can say a lot about a character or dynamic; and their background(s) and like. it’s neat :)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ever? Doctor Who. And I don't remember the order, but after that I know I wrote some stuff about Star Trek (mostly TNG but I believe also TOS), Supernatural, A:LTA, Marvel, WTNV, and the Stanley Parable? I think I first posted either Supernatural or WTNV
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I have no idea. Some of my top ones (for Ted Lasso again) would be matters of the heart and trick & treat I suppose?
Tagging: whoever wants to do this man, I probably tagged everyone I'd normally tag last time so if you see this and you wanna do it, go ahead and tag me and do it!
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mylittledarkag3 · 2 months
How many have you read out of the hundred?
Me: 64/100
Reblog & share your results
1. "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen
2. "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky
3. "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
4. "1984" by George Orwell
5. "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens
6. "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel García Márquez
7. "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Brontë
8. "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger
9. "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy
10. "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
11. "Moby-Dick" by Herman Melville
12. "The Odyssey" by Homer
13. "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Brontë
14. "Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy
15. "The Brothers Karamazov" by Fyodor Dostoevsky
16. "The Iliad" by Homer
17. "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley
18. "Les Misérables" by Victor Hugo
19. "Don Quixote" by Miguel de Cervantes
20. "Middlemarch" by George Eliot
21. "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde
22. "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne
23. "Dracula" by Bram Stoker
24. "Sense and Sensibility" by Jane Austen
25. "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame" by Victor Hugo
26. "The War of the Worlds" by H.G. Wells
27. "The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck
28. "The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer
29. "The Portrait of a Lady" by Henry James
30. "The Jungle Book" by Rudyard Kipling
31. "Siddhartha" by Hermann Hesse
32. "The Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri
33. "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens
34. "The Trial" by Franz Kafka
35. "Mansfield Park" by Jane Austen
36. "The Three Musketeers" by Alexandre Dumas
37. "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury
38. "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift
39. "The Sound and the Fury" by William Faulkner
40. "Emma" by Jane Austen
41. "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe
42. "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" by Thomas Hardy
43. "The Republic" by Plato
44. "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad
45. "The Hound of the Baskervilles" by Arthur Conan Doyle
46. "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" by Robert Louis Stevenson
47. "The Prince" by Niccolò Machiavelli
48. "The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka
49. "The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway
50. "Bleak House" by Charles Dickens
51. "Gone with the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell
52. "The Plague" by Albert Camus
53. "The Joy Luck Club" by Amy Tan
54. "The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov
55. "The Red and the Black" by Stendhal
56. "The Sun Also Rises" by Ernest Hemingway
57. "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand
58. "The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath
59. "The Idiot" by Fyodor Dostoevsky
60. "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak
61. "The Return of Sherlock Holmes" by Arthur Conan Doyle
62. "The Woman in White" by Wilkie Collins
63. "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe
64. "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson
65. "Ulysses" by James Joyce
66. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe
67. "Vanity Fair" by William Makepeace Thackeray
68. "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett
69. "Walden Two" by B.F. Skinner
70. "Watership Down" by Richard Adams
71. "White Fang" by Jack London
72. "Wide Sargasso Sea" by Jean Rhys
73. "Winnie-the-Pooh" by A.A. Milne
74. "Wise Blood" by Flannery O'Connor
75. "Woman in the Nineteenth Century" by Margaret Fuller
76. "Women in Love" by D.H. Lawrence
77. "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" by Robert M. Pirsig
78. "The Aeneid" by Virgil
79. "The Age of Innocence" by Edith Wharton
80. "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho
81. "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu
82. "The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin" by Benjamin Franklin
83. "The Awakening" by Kate Chopin
84. "The Big Sleep" by Raymond Chandler
85. "The Bluest Eye" by Toni Morrison
86. "The Caine Mutiny" by Herman Wouk
87. "The Cherry Orchard" by Anton Chekhov
88. "The Chosen" by Chaim Potok
89. "The Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens
90. "The City of Ember" by Jeanne DuPrau
91. "The Clue in the Crumbling Wall" by Carolyn Keene
92. "The Code of the Woosters" by P.G. Wodehouse
93. "The Color Purple" by Alice Walker
94. "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas
95. "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller
96. "The Crying of Lot 49" by Thomas Pynchon
97. "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown
98. "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" by Leo Tolstoy
99. "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" by Edward Gibbon
100. "The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood" by Rebecca Wells
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ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 718: Chiba's Sohoku High School
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Pag 1
1: Southern Chiba Prefecture, Kanigawa city
3: I think the starting point is there
I can't wait!
They have takoyaki!
Sohoku is participating too
4: In this race
7: What is it, Onoda
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Pag 2
1: ….. just now, somehow I though I heard Manami-kun's voice
2: I'm sure it was just my imagination, though
3: …. yeah
After all, we're in Chiba
4: Besides, this year Kanagawa has schedules, too
There should be a race there as well, today
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Pag 3
1: The prefectural qualifiers to decide who will participate in the Inter High
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Pag 4
1: The endless Pacific Ocean!
2: The Enshoji Temple!
3: Tainoura!*
(*NdT.: a natural reserve in Kamogawa)
4: Kamogawa sea park aquarium!
5: Kamogawa!! Here- I've been here on a family vacation, teh!!
A family...? Vacation? Hn....? Rokudai?
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Pag 5
1: Yeah! That one, teh
We stayed in that white hotel
Oi!! Rokudai!!
2: Listen!! We cam here for the prefectural qualifiers
As support!!
Y- yeah.... that's right, teh
3: We traveled since this morning with all the equipment... and came to Kamogawa!!
It took two hours by car
4: Be self-aware and focus!
Don't go all “hyaa” and “hyaa”...!! Our job is until our senpai are all lined up on the start line!!
Ah- yeah
5: Are you read?
It's the beginning!!
I'm so glad the weather is good
6: Really.....
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Pag 6
1: It's been a while!!
4: Since a race we couldn't lose!!
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Pag 7
1: Yeah!!
You're right!!
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Pag 8
2: Uh....
It's Sohoku!!
What's that pressure
3: It's Sohoku's three third years!!
The sprintman with the red hair, Naruko!!
Kakaka, they're talking about me
4: The all-rounder Imaizumi
Be quiet
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Pag 9
1: And then the climber, “Mountain King”, Onoda!!
2: Earlier....
Since I saw them getting off the bus, I wondered where Onoda was
Look, it's Sohoku
It's Naruko
That's Imaizumi
Where's Onoda?
3: But the moment he put on the yellow jersey
4: His presence got bigger!!
5: Those are the two times national champions of the Inter High, Sohoku High School racing team!!
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Pag 10
1: Sohoku is here!!
That's Onoda!!
It's the three guys who participated in the last Inter High too!
2: Da.... dammit, Sohoku
I don't think we'll win
3: Senpai, Sohoku will go the the Inter High this year, too
Idiot, you have to cheer for us!!
Ah, sorry
5: A- amazing.....
7: Back-gate Slope-san....
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Pag 11
1: It's overwhelming, teh....!! I feel like I'm so far away from them, teh
2: As expected, he really is a “god”, teh!!
I can't stop shaking, teh!!
3: The Back-gate Slope-senpai who usually talks so friendly to me
4: looks so glorious in a race venue!!
5: Ki- Kinaka-kun.... I
6: I really want to run together with Back-gate Slope-senpai!!
7: Look closely, Rokudai!!
That's our goal
One day we, too, on the brilliant stage of that “race”....
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Pag 12
1: We'll aim for victory wearing the aame jersey as them!!
2: For now, we're the support! We've been asked to work hard to deliver supplies, teh!!
That's right!! We were asked to help them in time of need!!
3: Oi oi, first years
4: Let's start to get ready quick now!!
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Pag 13
1: Yessir, teh!!
We can do it!!
2: Alright, so....
4: Damn!! Hahaha should I take your place from now on!? We second years can't run, to “preserve” us
These are Onoda-san's indications. Well, it can't be helped, geniuses are always preserved!!
5: No no, there's no need to take our place, teh!
R-right, it's us first years' role!!
7: What are you talking about?
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Pag 14
1: You will run, too
3: Huh?
4: Kinaka Tsugunao and Rokudai Renta, you two were signed up for he race too!!
Together with Onoda-san and the others, you five will run in this qualifiers!!
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Pag 15
1: Ehhh!?
Oi oi, why are you so surprised?
2: I told you, ten days ago! I heard from Onoda-san, and he told me to deliever the message to you
3: Definitely...
5: I remember I thought “ohh”, and I remember telling..... huh?
That's it, Kaburagi-kun!! That's it!!
6: Ahh, so when Imaizumi-san said “are you ready.....!!
Ah- wa- so it's really not the time to get excited because we went on a trip, teh
Earlier, Kaburagi-san, too....
You guys.....?
Did you at least bring your bikes?
7: It's our....
Our first.... race, teh
8: And we'll run together with them!? Huh!?
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Pag 16
1: Do we really have to run!?
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Pag 17
2: Yeah....
It's rising.... so this is what it means to run!?
Ah... yeah.... maybe, I can't believe it
3: I.... Imaizumi-san.... he's huge.....!!
4: Do your best, Rokudai
Ye-ye-ye-yessir, teh
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Pag 18
1: Uh- uh- wa, I still can't wrap my head around it, teh!! 
Run.... run.... I was talking abou it with Kinaka-kun earlier, but it suddenly became reality....!!
2: It's a course full of mountains
Hold out 'til the end
3: Sohoku will run with both third years and first years?
I've never seen those guys before
I wonder if they're strong
4: Ahhh, I wanto to scold the myself from thirty minutes ago for being so excited, teh!!
5: Ah- uhm, I.... Imaizumi-san, uhm.... teh
Ki.... Kinaka-kun won the first years' race so I get it, but...... uhm
Why me too!?
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Pag 19
1: Even though I was a manager before!!
3: Did you see the map?
On this course there are a lot of mountains, and even though we use up a lot of calories, there a few supply stations
5: You can't win a road race just by being strong
Without supplies and calories control, you can't sho a good perfeormance
6: You need someone who “delievers it for you”
7: I heard from Hinoki and Amigoe, about your quick wits, attentiveness, and agility as a support
8: The reason you were chosen
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Pag 20
1: It's because you “were a manager before”!!
3: Do your best, Rokudai-kun
4: Yessir
Back.... senpai!!
5: I'm sure today there will be a lot to do!!
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theficblog · 2 years
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♫ Just say you love me~
A separate masterlist for NCT since this blog is majorly about it. Contains all types of writings and members ahead. 
[All of these writings are oneshots unless mentioned otherwise]
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Need Help? 
 ↳ [ smut + office au ]
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Happy Birthday
 ↳ [ fluff + birthday boy taeyong ]
[9:56 am]   [ Timestamp ]
↳ [ fluff + established relationship au + dad taeyong ]
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↳ [ fluff + enemies to lovers + football au ]
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There Are More Fishes In The Sea
↳ [ angst + neighbour kun ]
[7:16 pm]   [ Timestamp ]
↳ [ fluff + established relationship au ]
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↳ [ fluff + student au ]
[6:28 pm]   [ Timestamp ]
↳ [ fluff + established relationship au ]
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Cats, Brushes and You
↳ [ fluff + social media au ]
Run, Stupid
↳ [ crack +  established relationship au ]
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↳ [ smut + exes to lovers au ]
You Know I Hate This
↳ [ angst + fluff + mafia au ]
↳ [ fluff + strangers to lovers au ]
↳ [ angst + established relationship au ]
Hearts  [ Series ft. Jeno + Jaemin + Haechan ]
↳ [ rich kids au + arranged marriage au + college au ]
Not Here
↳ [ smut + established relationship au ]
[7:25 am] [Timestamp]
[ fluff + newly married au]
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↳ [ fluff + established relationship au ]
Little Lady
↳ [ suggestive + car mechanic mark ]
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Black Umbrellas
↳ [ angst + exes to lovers ]
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Baby Daddy
↳ [ fluff + established relationship au ]
↳ [ fluff + crack + suggestive + ft. nct dream 00s ]
It Hurts
↳ [ angst + highschool au ]
↳ [ suggestive + strangers au + nyfw jeno ]
Hearts  [ Series  ft. Jaemin + Haechan + Jaehyun ]
↳ [ rich kids au + arranged marriage au + college au ]
11:06 pm  [ Timestamp ]
↳ [ smut + stranger jeno ]
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↳ [ fluff + established relationship au ]
Unblock Your Heart
↳ [ smut + enemies to lovers + student au ]
Back Together
↳ [ suggestive + exes to lovers ]
Freesias and Frocks
↳ [ angst + yandere + childhood lovers ]
Hearts  [ Series ft. Jeno + Jaemin + Jaehyun  ] 
↳ [ rich kids au + arranged marriage au + college au ]
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↳ [ fluff + established relationship au ]
The Idiot That I Love
↳ [ angst + fluff + racer boyfriend jaemin ]
Just Not Enough
↳ [ fluff + bed sharing au ]
Hearts  [ Series ft. Jeno + Haechan + Jaehyun  ]
↳ [ rich kids au + arranged marriage au + college au ]
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Tongue In Cheek
↳ [ suggestive + fluff + friends to lovers au ]
↳ [ fluff + haters to lovers + highschool au ]
Now and Then
↳ [ fluff + exes to lovers ]
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2:26 am  [ Timestamp ]
↳ [ fluff ]
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Third Wheel
↳ [ fluff + acquaintances to lovers ]
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216 notes · View notes
strwbmei · 22 days
hey mei, what are your top 10 favourite video games?
1. Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild - Loved everything about it!! The graphics are stunning, the gameplay is amazing, and the story is easy to understand without playing the other games. I have Tears of the Kingdom, but for some reason, I prefer BOTW much more. Also, the soundtrack is absolutely amazing beyond words!! The one that plays whenever a Ruin Guardian spots you sort of gave me PTSD. Whenever I hear it, I can't help but look towards the source of the sound, get up, and run for my life.
2. Ghost of Tsushima - Everything about this game is a 10/10, but I really liked the combat in particular! There are so many ways you can kill someone, from silently assassinating them to poisoning them to beheading them. Even after the main story, there are still so many side quests and content that are just as fun. Jin Sakai is also very cool and I love how he abandoned his honor as a samurai to protect the people.
3. Eastward - Definitely a must-play if you have a Nintendo Switch. The graphics are unique and colorful yet also somewhat mellow at times. The music is great. All of the characters are so fleshed out and lovable. Not to mention the amount of content in the game, where you have at least one other game inside of it. There's the Earthbound(?) (I forgot what it was called) game inside of the arcades which I still haven't been able to finish to this day, and the Octopia DLC (Really cheap by the way, it was 20$ last time I checked) which is basically a whole other farming game.
4. Honkai Impact 3rd - Of course, HI3 is one of my favorite games. The gacha is very generous compared to other games, the rewards are really good, and the rest speaks for itself. Just the story alone would be enough to make it into my top 10. Story aside, I really love the characters and their designs. Their designs reflect their personality perfectly and all of them are just so lovable. Watching Kiana grow up so mature within only 2 years gives me such an odd feeling. I'm so proud of her, but at the same time, where has the "cheerful idiot" Kiana gone? It feels like only yesterday I was playing through the story and she refused to eat the meal Durandal gave her because there was no one to remove the bones of the fish like Mei usually did.
5. Stardew Valley - Call me basic, but I really fell in love with everything about this game. The music in particular makes me feel so oddly nostalgic. I also have a lot of good memories associated with it. It's one of those games that I play on and off but always end up enjoying no matter what, especially with the use of modding.
6. Dead Cells - Loved it! The combat is so fluid, the monsters are all so unique, the animations are so smooth for a pixel art game, and everything about the gameplay is so enjoyable. I'm a sucker for these types of games, honestly. I sadly haven't had the time to play it for a while now, though...
7. Subnautica - I'm not sure if this counts because even though I have a copy of the game, I've made almost zero progress on it. This is mostly only on my list because I'm a really big fan of sea exploration stuff. I was also particularly obsessed with the idea of making the Cyclops fully self sufficient.
8. Minecraft - I had such a big Minecraft phase back then. I would wear merch to school and sing those parodies thinking I was so cool. No wonder I didn't have any friends during that period of my life. Still, I actually wasn't able to buy the game until like... 2018. I think this would be higher on the list if I had people to play it with and if I could recover my account for it.
9. Animal Crossing : New Horizons - I was obsessed with it during the pandemic, but nowadays I play it on and off. As much as I like the older games, being able to freely place furniture outside is life changing. It's also way easier to change outfits because you can actually see what you're wearing. Not to mention, the graphics are way cuter.
10. Osu! - I got into it because a guy I liked did and ended up becoming better than him. I mostly.played standard, but mania was also fun from time to time. I was ranked at around 4 digits before I had to stop because people were complaining that my keyboard was being way too loud. I just didn't have the money to get a new one at the time, so I ended up deleting the game. Really fun, though! There's a mode for everyone.
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Season 2 Rewatch Drabbles--2x22 And Straight on Til Morning
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Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 2 of Once Upon a Time as an attempt to finally jump    start the muse again.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a    “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on the very beginnings of Captain Swan’s epic love story, as soon as a certain dashing pirate makes his appearance.  
Word Count: 766 (why did I think I could stick to a word count again?)
Tagging a few people who may be interested (Let me know if you want to be added or taken off the list): @sailormew4 @annaamell @flslp87 @emmateo26 @bethacaciakay @ultraluckycatnd @effulgent-mind @ilovemesomekillianjones @kat2609 @brooke-to-broch @missgymgirl @galadriel26 @the-lady-of-misthaven @charmingturkeysandwich @jennjenn615 @laschatzi @kimmy46 @snowbellewells @iamanneenigma @daxx04 @nickillian  @gillie  @britishguyslover @ginnyjinxedandhanshotritafirst @kmomof4 @linda8084 @golfgirld @captain-swan-coffee @searchingwardrobes @hollyethecurious @laughswaytoomuch  @allyourdarlingswans  @winterbaby89 @facesiousbutton82 @therooksshiningknight @lfh1226-linda @tiganasummertree @jrob64​  @anmylica   @booksteaandtoomuchtv
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (17.5) (18) (19) (20) (21-22)
Emma stared in horrified disbelief at the calm waters that had only moments before been a swirling portal which had swallowed up Greg, Tamara and Henry.  The panic threatened to drown her.  Not only did she have no way to get to her son, no way to save him, she didn’t even know where he’d gone.
Oh God, what was she going to do?  What was she going to do?
So far today, they’d discovered Regina missing and found her in the cannery, Tamara had killed Neal and then sent him through a portal to who knows where, Regina had dropped the bomb about the failsafe that was about to literally kill them all, Hook had returned to help them, Hook had screwed them over, she and Regina had stopped the failsafe, Henry had been kidnapped and dragged through a portal by a pair of psycho idiots, and now she, her parents, Regina, Gold and Belle stood at the dock looking out to sea without the first clue what to do next.
So basically your average Tuesday in Storybrooke.
Why couldn’t they ever get a break?  Ever?
“What is that?” Emma looked up at Belle’s question and followed her finger pointing out to sea.
Her stomach swooped and her heart raced as she saw the tell-tale sails and rigging of the Jolly Roger. “Hook,” she said, feeling hope for the first time in hours.
He was coming back to them, coming back to her.
Hook had changed alliances so frequently in the time that she’d known him that it nearly gave her whiplash.  She should write him off completely.  What kind of a fool trusted someone like that?
But she’d been speaking the truth when she confronted him back in the diner an hour ago.  “You and I, we understand each other.  Look out for yourself and you’ll never get hurt.”  She knew him.  She understood.  She’d known from the moment they climbed the beanstalk together that he was a good man who had lost his way after who knows how many tragedies.
He was a villain by circumstance, not by nature, and she knew he could turn away from the dark side if only he opened himself to become a part of something.
A part of something with her?
Emma mentally shook herself as the ship pulled into the dock and Hook slowly limped his way down the gangplank.  No.  She could trust him to help them find Henry, but she knew better than to trust him with her heart.
Even if she’d instinctively felt she could and wanted to ever since the beanstalk.
“I thought you didn’t care about anyone but yourself,” she said, her tone deliberately biting.
He looked deeply into her eyes as he placed the magic bean in her hand.  She saw his earnestness, the absolute sincerity in his cerulean eyes.  “Maybe I just needed reminding that I could.”
There was that swoop of her stomach again, the leap of her heart.  She ruthlessly pushed the attraction aside as she followed him onto the ship.  There would be plenty of time to think all of this through once they had Henry back safe and sound. (Well…maybe not plenty of time; knowing this town, they’d have approximately forty-five minutes before the next crisis.)
For now all that mattered was finding her son.
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New Account, New Fandom to be addicted to :D
I'll be posting some of my favorite ships here and make some hc's, fanfiction and other stuff(with other cookies also from Cookie Run Kingdom)
I'll also be posting my OC's here and there backstory and bonds with the other Cookies and if you guys have any question about them then go ahead and ask them!
Don't be shy
And I'm actually feeling a little adventurous here so uh...
I'll be taking Requests and no this is not an "x Reader(Romantic)" blog it's all platonic because I have my own ships here so uh...yeah
My Oc Master list(If interested):
Request: Open!
I can only accept Request at Monday-Friday Philippines Times Zone
I will NOT accept any requests at Saturday-Sunday
Any Gender!
What I will accept:
"x Reader's" ONLY
If it's a minor it's automatically Platonic
ALL COOKIES(Cookie Run Kingdom and ovenbreak only!)
Dark Themes
Headcannons/One shots/etc
NSFW but not too revealing/hard
I will accept to write for 1 up to 6 Cookies
What I will NOT Accept:
Dead threats towards A/N or Any Anons(I will deleted you)
Hate for any Ships I mention(Just leave the blog if you don't like it)
Kinks of any kind
Bullying any of the Anons
My Ship Cookie's that I will also write for!(I'll add more in the near Future):
Pure Vanilla Cookie x White Lily Cookie
(Bro's a simp)
Hollyberry Cookie x Dark Cacao Cookie
(Single Parents relationship, Dude needs happy energy from Holly rn-)
Dark Enchantress Cookie x Tea Knight Cookie(FIGHT ME-)(jk)
(The Smart Villain Leader x The Secretly Softy Good Leader-)
Pomegranate Cookie x Twizzly Gummy Cookie
(The Serious x The Insane)
Dark Choco Cookie x Milk Cookie
(Boy depressed? Have Milk Cookie)
Licorice Cookie x Clover Cookie
(The Pathetic- I mean the Villain who tries to be x The Support but ends up making villain give up and be good in the end, Kind of-)
Affogato Cookie x Cream Unicorn Cookie
(The Cold Hearted Cookie x The Cookie that is WAY too innocent for there own good-)
Gingerbrave x Wizard Cookie
(The Idiot x The Smart one)
Strawberry Cookie x GingerBright Cookie
(introvert x Extrovert)
Princess Cookie x Knight Cookie
(The Princess(Knight-) and their Knight and shining armour(Princess-) obvs)
Espresso Cookie x Fig Cookie
(Overworked x The one who make them touch grass)
Moonlight Cookie x Mercurial Cookie
(Forbidden Love- 🙊)
Sherbet Cookie x Silverbell Cookie
(The Happy, Goofy and Softies-)
Herb Cookie x Crème Brûlée Cookie
(Both are Oblivious- Danggit Herb and Crème!-)
(Edit 1)
Avocado Cookie x Wildberry Cookie
(The Pun x The I don't get it but it did made me chuckle a little once I did get it-)
Crunchy Chip Cookie x Tiger Lily Cookie
(The Wild Couple)
Werewolf Cookie x Kumiho Cookie
(The Cookies who wants to be an ordinary Cookie)
(Edit 2: Oc's)
Shadow Milk Cookie x Strawberry Jam Cookie
(The Joker x The one who always laughs at there jokes and acts)
Silent Salt Cookie x Peanut Butter Cookie
(Introvert x Extrovert)
Elder Faerie Cookie x Sour Cream Cookie
(Old Love 💕😘)
Longan Cookie x Apple Cherry Cookie
(The Emotionless x The Kind and Childish)
Pitaya Cookie x Cherry Apple Cookie
(Get into fights x There personal nurse)
(Not OC's)
Vampire Cookie x Frilled Jellyfish Cookie
(Arrogant/Prankster x Goofy/Bubbly)
Latte Cookie x Caramel Arrow Cookie
(Magic User x Weapon User)
Devil Cookie x Angel Cookie
(It's in the name- and Enemies to Lovers 😍)
(Edit 3)
Xylitol Nova Cookie x Sea Fairy Cookie
(I can fix her x I might make him worse...)
(Edit 4/Oc)
Red Velvet Cookie x Royal Margarine Cookie x Rainbow Gingerbread Cookie
(Dog Lover x Dragon Lover x Animal/Insect Lover)
(Edit 5/Oc):
Ananas Dragon Cookie x Mango Slices Cookie
(Prideful x Shameful)
(Edit 6/Oc)
Butter Roll Cookie x Coral Petal Cookie
(Scientist/Researcher x Plant Researcher)
(Edit 7)
Madeleine Cookie x Kouign-Amann Cookie
(The Drama King x The Sassy Queen)
(Edit 8)
Captain Ice Cookie x Abalone Cookie
(Girl Boss x The Goof)
The (Only) Daycare/School Of SugarCreamBites Kingdom
That's all!
I'll edit this if I came up with some more things to put in
Enjoy Asking/Requesting!
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