#707 shift
makosharkie · 2 months
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manifesting 💛
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reminiscingtonight · 5 months
A Chaotic Sort Of Love
Alessia Russo x Williamson!Reader
Word Count: 707
A/N: You can’t expect Taylor to drop an album and me to not write a crackfic about a song
[WOSO Masterlist]
“I have something to tell you.”
Leah’s deep in conversation with the other Lia when you interrupt. 
The locker room’s mostly empty by now, only a few of your teammates still hanging around. 
You’ve planned this entire thing out to the T. Even down to who’s still in the locker room. There’s not enough people around where news of what you have to share would spread like a wildfire, but there’s still enough where the necessary people would stop Leah if it all got out of hand. 
Alessia’s meekly standing beside you when your sister looks up. Lia simply shrugs when she’s given a questioning look. Despite the two of them being the best of friends, you still go to the older girl for advice quite often. But whatever this is about you haven’t told her a thing.
Leah gestures for you to continue. 
You swallow nervously. “Okay. Well. Less and I… we’re dating.”
And just like that, the air turns frosty.
“You and Alessia are what?” Leah’s eyes instantly narrow as she fixes her gaze upon the striker by your side. Despite towering over both you and Leah, Alessia wilts, her height doing nothing to dissuade Leah from taking a menacing step forward.
You shift yourself so that you’re between the two blondes. “Relax, Leah.”
“You want me to relax? Well I want you to not be corrupted by two-left feet, stumbling, doe-eyed… giants!”
Someone snorts from across the room at Leah’s floundering insult, and Leah’s quick to send her glare after its owner.
You roll your eyes. “I want you to relax because I’m actually pregnant. That’s what I wanted to tell you.”
Leah jerks her head back so suddenly you’re a bit worried about whiplash. Her eyes dart between you, Alessia, and then your stomach. She’s silent for a moment, mouth opening and closing as she looks for something to say. “You’re what?”
You shrug, letting out a loud sigh. 
Leah takes another tentative step forward. You can feel Alessia stiffen a bit more behind you. But this time Leah’s only focused on your stomach. 
“Are you really--”
“No!” You slap Leah’s hand away before it can make contact. “I’m into women Leah. This woman,” you gesture backwards towards Alessia. The blonde instantly drops her eyes, internally groaning at the way you continue to rile up your sister. “I’m not pregnant. But you should’ve really seen your face when I said I was.”
Leah reaches out again but this time you’ve already darted away towards the safety of the older Lia. 
The Swiss woman looks mildly amused, holding out a hand to stop your advancing sister. 
“They’re young but your sister is her own person.”
“What if--”
“Own person,” Lia repeats, raising an eyebrow in challenge. 
It always amuses you to see how much your sister defers to Lia when the Swiss woman takes charge.
Leah’s nose flares in annoyance, but even you can see when she decides against challenging the other woman. “Fine. But just let me get this straight--”
“Nothing straight about this at all, Lee.”
“Dude,” comes an exasperated sigh from across the room. You look up to see Katie shaking her head at you, pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance. 
You know you’re in for it when even Katie thinks you’ve gone too far. 
To your surprise, however, Leah simply takes a deep breath in. When she finally exhales, she seems less peeved. She shrugs, turning towards her locker to shove her clothes into her bag. “I’m sure you can be dating worse people. Less is nice enough.”
“That’s it? No lecture? No scaring Lessi away from me?”
“No. But I just-- hold on.” Leah grabs your arm, stopping you before you can dart away to your own locker. You meet her eyes head on, not really sure if she’s going to tear you another one or not. From the corner of your eye you can see Lia tensing again, but her next words have you all relaxing. 
“You’re not pregnant,” Leah asks, double checking just for her sanity.
“No--” Alessia pipes up from beside you, shaking her head. 
“Not yet,” you grin.
Leah curses when you duck under her outstretched hands. “Get back here you imp!”
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st-kitten · 10 months
next chapter →
WARNINGS: (m.) masturbation, nicknames (baby, babygirl, good girl, princess, pretty girl) little megumi being painstakingly adorable
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life as a single father trying to make ends meet was hard for toji fushiguro. his job as a security guard for some company didn't pay much. whatever he earned went into bills, rent, and groceries, leaving next to nothing for him to save or even spend. how he wished there was a simpler way to earn. he'd be exhausted by the time he came home and crashed, only to be woken up by megumi. as much as he loved the kid, getting him ready for school and out the door was harder than an mma fight.
all the babysitters he hired were useless. most of them agreed just to get into his pants so, when they found out that they were hired 'because' he couldn't be home, they left in disappointment.
toji never relied on his neighbours either. partially because they were too old or kids themselves, with parents who also hired babysitters. the closest anyone ever came to being a candidate was his next door neighbour, you.
but he vowed to never approach you. even if it meant leaving megumi to cry midday, over a glass of spilled milk. why?
toji had just helped megumi catch the school bus. waving him goodbye, he went back inside the building. the days got colder each passing day, which meant that he was going to have to repair the broken heater and buy some warm clothes. how ever was he going to afford it in time?
collecting the mail, he stood in the temporary warmth of the elevator, yawning. he really wanted to go back to sleep. his work began at 10 am, so he still had two hours, maybe he could take a nap. or fix that heater himself.
he stood in front of his apartment, looking through his pockets for the keys when he heard muffled noises from the apartment next door. he had only seen you once, when he accidentally took your mail instead of his and had to give it back to you. you always seemed distant and cold, so hearing you softly, yet loudly screaming a series of "yes! yes! keep doing that!" at 8 am made him wonder what the fuck was wrong with you.
he let it slide. people had lives.
but you didn't stop there. when toji came back from his work at night, holding a bag of vegetables, he heard you again.
"oh god! yes!"
and two days later when toji brought megumi home early as he got sick in school, "just like that, baby!" he had to keep babbling random trivia to his son so that he wouldn't hear you. how many times is she going to do this?
when it was toji's day off, and he was taking a nap on the couch, he heard you moaning again. it wasn't that loud, but the single wall between your apartment and his did a terrible job at muffling it. toji was glad that megumi was at school.
[back in present time]
months had passed by and he was still not used to hearing you. he'd forgotten what you looked like, so he didn't recognise you whenever you passed by him or even when you were in the elevator with him. all he knew was that he hated you for being so disturbing.
the day he was dreading finally came when he wanted someone to look after megumi for the night as he had to cover someone's shift, and not a single person was available. with an ale tankard of reluctance, he rang the doorbell, truly expecting you to open it naked, some angry fucker peeking from behind 'cause he didn't get to finish...
so when you opened the door looking the complete opposite; wearing loose sweatpants, a barbie hoodie, house slippers and your hair tied in a messy bun, half a banana dangling in your mouth... toji held back a sigh of relief.
"hey... i'm toji, i live next door," he said, trying to sound sincere.
"i mow woo yooah," you said, chewing the banana quickly, and swallowed it.
"right... listen, i gotta cover an extra shift and i need someone to look after this brat for the night."
you held back a laugh upon hearing him refer to his son like that. you'd only seen megumi from a distance. but, you had no reason to refuse.
"sure! i'd be happy to!"
toji was still unsure about this, but there was no backing out now.
"cool. i'll send him in twenty minutes." toji vanished before you could say anything else. you chuckled to yourself. for a man of his size and built, he sure was a chicken when it came to communication.
you cleaned your living room before he could come back. your place was kid-friendly enough. you made sure you prep the kitchen in case he hadn't had dinner.
your doorbell rang and you scurried to open it.
"here's a list of things you'll have to do... he's... a little tough. but he's a good kid."
you took the list and gave it a brief look and nodded.
"alright, megs, you're gonna be staying with this lady today. i'll be back soo-"
megumi began tugging his father's pants grumpily, upset at his words.
"don't be like that, kid..." toji sighed. he didn't like to exhibit his personal life in front of others.
"please? i'll get you ice cream."
megumi's ears perked upon hearing ice cream. "chocolate?" he cooed.
"yes. now go inside."
clutching a tattered dog plushie (with two heads for some reason), he stepped inside your apartment, looking down.
toji knelt down to meet his eyes. straightening megumi's sweater, he said, "i'll be back tomorrow morning. behave, okay?" megumi nodded, almost on the verge of crying. you held back the 'awwws'.
"alright... i'm trusting you. don't f- mess it up," said toji, looking at you with a glare.
"i won't..." you just smiled solemnly. you'd say the same if you were in his position.
toji wanted to tell you to not have sex for that one night, but he chose not to add fuel to the fire. who was he to tell you not to fuck? if anything, he was mildly jealous that you got to enjoy it so much.
toji left and you turned back to megumi, who was standing in your living room, anxious to move a muscle.
you sighed. "hello, megumi. i'm y/n." you crouched down and held out your hand to him. he hesitated before holding three of your fingers and shaking them. you smiled.
"sorry about this... you don't know me at all and now you're stuck with me. must be weird."
megumi stayed silent. you got up and went to the kitchen, which was open and visible from your living room easily. you opened the fridge and pulled out a carton of chocolate milk that you'd gotten free with something.
"would you like some?" you shook the carton. megumi loved chocolate in any form. not wanting to sound too excited or desperate, he gave a curt nod. you poured him a cup of milk and handed it to him.
"you can sit down wherever you want."
megumi scanned the room and spotted a bean bag. he'd never seen one. he looked at you and then back at it.
"you wanna sit there? sure!" you placed a hand on his head and led him to the corner. you held his cup for him while he tried to sit. he immediately sank into the bean bag, hearing the sound of tiny malleable balls that shifted as he sat down. megumi's eyes widened as he tried not to bolt out of there. when he was settled down, he found it pretty comfortable. he liked how he could stretch his legs and sit at the same time.
"comfy, right?" you said, handing him his cup of chocolate milk. the way he held it with both hands made you want to scream in a pillow. no way that asscrack of a man was his father.
you went over the list once more. it was simple. bedtime was 9 PM, no allergies, likes sweet food, but easily gets a sugar rush, etc. you laughed at the numerous spelling mistakes in it.
"so, what do you like to do?" you asked, sitting down on the floor in front of him.
megumi didn't like talking to babysitters. mostly because they never paid attention to him. he didn't like how they bossed him around. or how they got mad when he asked them if they could play with him. so he would stay silent. nobody ever asked him what he liked to do, so your question caught him by surprise.
he thought about it. what did he like to do?
"you paint?" you asked. you always liked the idea of kids drawing and painting.
megumi nodded. he was obsessed with a box of paints his father had bought him ages ago. the paints were long dried and over. but he still dipped his brush into them, watering them and painting with whatever colour came out of it.
you didn't have paints or brushes that he could use... but an idea struck you and you wondered whether he'd like it.
"wanna paint my room?" you suddenly said.
megumi's eyes lit up with curiosity. won't your walls get damaged? what if he spilled paint on the floor? or on you?
"the walls in my room are sad and empty. i have some paint cans that the painters forgot about when i was renovating. there are some colours still left. what do you say?"
megumi nodded. you got up and went into your room, searching for a shirt you give him as overalls. you pulled out the paint cans from under your bed. you took an old shirt of yours and brought it to him in the living room.
megumi had finished drinking his milk, so he thought he'd keep the cup back. hearing you call his name startled him and he dropped the cup, watching it shatter into pieces. he tensed up and felt his eyes water. you were going to scold him, punish him, maybe even hit him. he deserved it. he broke your cup.
"oh my, are you okay?" you rushed to his side, crouching and checking him for wounds.
"sorry... sorr-" megumi tried his best not to cry. he was expecting an earful at any moment now.
"why?" it was all you asked.
megumi looked at you in shock.
you chuckled sympathetically. "so? cups break all the time."
"i break cup..."
you stood up, unsure of how to convince him that he did nothing wrong.
"okay... you broke the cup." there it was. you were angry. megumi was going to get scolded.
instead, he watched you pick another cup from the shelf. you took the cup, and angling it far from megumi, you threw it.
"and i broke a cup too. guess we're both clumsy..." you shrugged and picked up the pieces, swiping the rest with a broom and tossing them in the garbage.
megumi didn't know what to say. had he really done nothing wrong? it was just a cup... yeah, just a cup.
"come, let's paint my room," you held out your hand to him. slowly, he grabbed it, walking behind you towards your room. your hands were soft and warm. and you didn't pull him or drag him. instead you were walking slower just for him. why were you so kind?
you brought him to your room and asked him to help you spread newspapers on the floor. then you handed him a shirt, helping him put it on since it was huge for him. he looked like a penguin.
"megumi... please, i'll give you more chocolate milk, but can i please take your picture? you're too cute," you asked, clutching your heart.
megumi blushed and nodded, looking away.
you clicked at least twenty pictures of him in your shirt, holding a thick paintbrush, standing on newspaper barefoot. you made a mental note to send these to toji.
"alright, pick your colours."
megumi carefully scanned each colour. then he looked at you. he didn't want to mess up this opportunity. it wasn't every day that he got to paint a wall instead of paper. he wanted to make sure you'd like it.
you seemed the type of person who would appear stern, but on the inside, you were really soft and caring. like a marshmallow. he wanted the room to suit you. being the observant kid, he looked around the room and learned that you liked necklaces, most of which looked like fancy saturns (iykyk). you also liked flowers as there were vases on your nightstand, windowsill and some were on your bookshelves. you also had a lot of books. what really caught megumi's attention was that you had three guitars hung on the wall. your room was totally your personality. he knew what he wanted to paint.
megumi pointed to a few colours and you handed him a few brushes of different sizes. he dipped one in red paint and began painting a few strokes on the wall (only after glancing back at you a hundred times in case you changed your mind). you sat on the bed, watching him focus. he was definitely smarter than kids his age. you admired him.
after a while, you left the room, telling him that you were going to make dinner. curry rice got an approval from him, so you occupied yourself in the kitchen, humming to yourself. you wondered what all he had painted in your absence. you didn't really care about the wall; you only hoped he'd feel safe enough to be a child.
you finished cooking and plated the food, setting on the kitchen island you used as a dining table. you pulled a chair and stacked some couch pillows on it, increasing the height of the seat. you called to megumi, but he didn't answer.
you stepped into the room to call him for dinner again, but no words came from your mouth as you stared at your wall, awestruck.
megumi had painted so many flowers and vines that ran across your wall in different colours. he'd even mixed a few colours and created new ones. he drew the saturn orbs matching your jewellery in the center of some flowers. though he could only paint a part of it and couldn't reach higher, the wall looked full of life.
he looked at you, anxious to hear what you had to say.
you stood behind him, admiring the wall.
"you made my wall magical. this is so beautiful!"
megumi had a tiny smile on his face.
"you're an artist, gumi" you said, ruffling his hair, and he blushed at the nickname you gave him. nobody ever gave him a nickname apart from his father. people would often forget his name.
he felt his chest swell with pride and happiness. he did a good job.
"let's put fairy lights on the wall!" you chirped and he nodded.
you helped him out of his shirt, tossing it into the laundry basket. you sat him down on the high chair and you both sat down for dinner. megumi liked the food. but he truly loved how you let him be himself without bossing him around. it finally dawned on him that he had broken your cup, painted your wall, and was eating your food and you had absolutely no problem with it. he felt himself breathe freely.
after dinner, he helped you clean the room and stick fairy lights all across your room. you went overboard with it, but when you switched them on and lay on the bed watching them twinkle, it felt worth it.
"we did a good job, today." you gave him a high five.
megumi yawned and you took it as a sign to prep him for bed. toji forgot to give you his toothbrush, so you tore him a new one. you wouldn't dare let a child sleep in the living room, so you tucked him in your bed. you were so glad you bought that expensive comforter because seeing megumi snuggle into it turned your eyes into beating hearts.
upon his request, you tucked in his ominous dog plushie with him and bid him goodnight. megumi fell asleep easily, snoring softly. you made rounds to the room to check on him and felt your heart melt every time. he was definitely an active sleeper. his positions would get bizarre every time and you'd pull the comforter on him properly each time.
you finally slept on your couch around midnight.
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toji didn't sleep a wink. the world's most boring job had him awake all night, opening gates for rich snobs who partied and returned to the semi-residential building at odd hours.
the only thing on his mind was megumi. he prayed that you weren't fucking someone with him in the house. he wondered if he'd eaten. he wondered if he was asleep right now. he hoped you gave him his demon dog to sleep with.
when dawn broke, he was out of there. he drove his dying truck straight to the parking and dashed out of the car. he decided to grab his and your mail, just so he'd have an extra excuse to knock on your door.
he didn't bother asking you for a key. he just yanked open the letterbox and it easily came into his hand. he grabbed whatever was in it.
"did you hear apartment 707? so loud.... that too in the morning"
"how could i not? but, im not surprised..."
toji heard two ladies gossip, waiting for the elevator. 707... his apartment was 706, so it had to be you. he was going to murder you.
he sped in and out of the elevator, rushing to your place. expecting to hear the sound of sex, he stopped in his tracks... you were not having sex? your door was conveniently ajar and toji spotted a few empty cans of paint outside.
he opened the door, peeking in, only to see... his adorable five year old son, jumping around and dancing with you to a christmas song, decorating a large tree in your living room. (christmas tree farm by the one and only... blondie)
if toji could explain how much he wanted to giggle at the sight, he would. but he only watched the two of you, leaning against the doorframe, hands folded, a small smirk tugging at his lips.
"where every wish comes true!!!" you sang, hanging the ornaments miscellaneously. megumi poked your leg and you picked him up, helping him tie a bell around a branch.
you swayed and danced to the beat with megumi on your shoulders, who laughed loudly.
toji felt his heart melt upon hearing his son laugh. he hadn't heard that sound in a long time.
he looked around and spotted a plate of half-eaten pancakes and glasses of milk. did you drink milk with him? he held back a laugh.
as you turned around, you spotted toji and nearly threw yourself in the tree.
"dad!" megumi chirped, happy to see his father. toji took it as an invitation to come inside. seeing megumi almost as tall as him, he chuckled and looked him in the eye.
"here's your ice cream, stinky," he said, holding a bag full of ice cream cups.
megumi giggled.
toji smiled widely and you sobbed at how cute the kid was. you placed him down and he ran to his father, clinging to his knee. you took the ice cream bag from toji and placed it on the kitchen counter taking the contents out.
[next song: under the tree by sam palladio]
you handed megumi a cup of chocolate ice cream and the uselessly small wooden spoon that came with it.
"which one do you want?" you asked toji who had yawned at least a dozen times by now.
"anything is fine."
you tossed him the pinkest strawberry ice cream cup. he rolled his eyes, but began eating it anyway. you sat next to him on the couch. megumi insisted on sitting under the tree, on the tree-skirt, looking up at the lights and the ornaments from below.
"oh! look!" you said, pulling your phone out to show toji pictures of little megumi in an oversized shirt holding a paintbrush.
"what's this?" toji asked. though his kid looked cute, he still didn't know what happened when he was away.
"yeah, he painted my wall," you replied.
"HE WHAT?" toji asked, surprised. megumi never misbehaved. but i guess he finally snapped.
"yeah! it's so beautiful, i can't stop staring at it," you began mumbling.
this kid ruined your walls and you're happy about it? he thought you'd scold him.
"come, i'll show you," you signalled him to follow you and toji did, worried about the mess his son had made.
he also did not want to see your room, given that he'd heard you have sex plenty of times for it to etch in his mind like a song that just doesn't fucking leave.
he was not expecting for your room to be so... pleasant and unsuspecting. you had a queen-sized bed with fluffy pillows, plants in the room, some equipment on the desk. hell, instead of sex, it smelled like coconut.
you showed him the art megumi had blessed your wall with.
"he's great at painting!"
toji's eyes widened at the intricate designs on the wall. had megumi really painted this? was he this good at it?
"it's... good..." toji didn't know what to say. he felt really sad that his son was capable of something so great and yet toji couldn't do more for him.
you smiled, somehow understanding what he was feeling. it was the same thing you felt about yourself when you realised your love for music.
toji asked you to send him the pictures and you complied. he looked around your room in silence, not knowing what to do. but he decided to address the former elephant in the room.
"can i ask you something?"
"sure," you said, looking down at your phone.
"i don't have the right to pry in your personal life, but... next time you have someone over, keep it down? i don't want megumi to hear... that..."
"you know... what you and your boyfriend do..."
"i don't have one?"
"then whoever you bring home to fuck... just please, keep the volume low," said toji impatiently.
"i didn't bring any... oh, you heard that!" you said as it dawned on you.
"yeah, whatever that is..." toji wanted to hide his face. it felt like giving a child 'the talk'. and you weren't that old too...
"toji..." you called, holding back your laugh. he wondered what was so funny.
"i'm not having sex in here. what you've been hearing..." you almost held it back... "was me recording for quinn."
you sighed as you explained, "it's an app for people who like listening to spicy stories... i'm one of their narrators... i try to pick times when people are busy or not here... but oh my god, i'm so sorry you had to hear that..." you said with a laugh, grabbing his arm apologetically.
toji digested every word you said.
"why on earth would you do that?"
"it pays really well, you know..." you shrugged.
now you had toji's attention. "you get paid for speaking dirty?" he asked, genuinely curious.
"and narrating, reading lines, moaning, whimpering, shouting... the works."
"that's an odd job..." he commented. it truly was. he had no idea things like these existed.
"i'm a singer by profession, so this is just a side hustle. my room is soundproof so i can't hear outside noises, but sadly..."
"you're not ashamed?"
"why would i be? it's great that people like it. you should try listening to some."
"please, no," toji held his palm out to her. he heard you chuckle. "aren't you worried that people might find out about you?"
"of course i don't use my real name."
toji shook his head in disbelief.
"i know you're ancient, but try it someday. who knows, you might end up liking it," you said, showing him the app on your phone.
toji stared at you with a blank face. he wasn't that behind the times, was he? he snuck a glance at your screen, his eyes falling on your username in a corner. embarrassed, he swatted your hand away and you chucked.
"anyway, thanks for looking after my kid." toji got up and left your room as you trotted behind him.
toji left with megumi, after thanking you once more and making his kid to the same. megumi had definitely enjoyed he spent with you. he wished he could do it again.
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a few days passed by and megumi started to become more interactive with you, waving at you, telling about his day when you rode the elevator together, giving you some small sketches he made after you gave him a sketchbook and some colour pencils.
toji still hadn't warmed up to you, but he wasn't as dismissive as he used to be. in fact, he had gotten slightly curious about you. you lived a quiet life, or so it seemed on the outside. but he knew what you did and how unbothered you were about it.
why would people pay to listen to strangers moaning? it seemed bizarre to him. he tried to ignore it.
he was stuck on another night shift, leaving megumi with you. he was glad that his son didn't mind you. and you'd proven to be a capable babysitter. yet, all he wanted was to be near his son. home. the night couldn't get over any sooner.
toji sat in the booth provided to him, watching the streets. nights when people came and went by were just as boring as when nobody showed up. he contemplated taking a nap, but the last thing he wanted was to be fired for slacking off. especially when the night shift paid him a bit more.
he turned side to side in the swivel chair, groaning in frustration. so far, he'd watched eight mma matches on his phone, cussing at how pathetic they were. nothing entertained him enough to keep him awake.
that thing embedded in his subconscious mind suddenly resurfaced, making him gulp in guilt. he could do it. it's not like she'll know... as if he was being watched, toji switched the light off in his booth and discreetly took his phone out, lowering the brightness and pulling out a tangled pair of earphones, and plugged them in. he downloaded that app, signing in with a random email he'd created ages ago.
[mention; compromised: victoria pedretti, on quinn]
he remembered her username and typed it in. not wanting to dwell too much on it, he clicked on the first 'story' he saw. he didn't read the description. he had no idea what he was to expect. thankfully, the audio started with some context. he instantly recognised your voice. based on what he understood in the first few minutes of the introductory chapter, it was a story about an agent watching over the witness she was supposed to protect. he realised that it was a woman x woman story. not that he minded. he just enjoyed listening to your voice. you surely had a singer's voice.
the more he listened, the more engrossed he was in the plot.
"i can stay on the line, sure..." you said, as your character stood below a hotel, at a distance, watching the woman you were on the phone with, from the window, keeping an eye out.
"you're not wearing anything underneath... i might not be the only person watching, you know," you chuckled. your laugh sounded better all over, probably due to the recording quality. toji paid attention to everything he heard.
"...tell me where you're touching...does it feel good?"
"i wanna see your other hand on your breast..."
"do you want me in that room?" your voice was laced with quick breaths...
"now i'm gonna hang up...no, not to touch myself... I don't care that you're close!"
toji sighed in exasperation, truly engrossed in the story.
"wait, shit, there is a man... fuck i think he's armed..."
toji had never clicked on 'next' that fast in his life. okay, he was hooked. when he first heard about this from you, he thought it was just audio-porn. he didn't expect a full on story with a plot, internal monologue, the background noises. it was as if it was happening around him.
the next chapter had you grunt and scream as you fought some attacker. how on earth did she record this shit? was she also fighting in the apartment? he smirked, realising what a double life she was leading.
"i saw that smirk, don't get any ideas..." you said coincidentally and toji had to look around him for a moment.
"you're very, very distracting..." your voice seemed closer whenever the background music got fainter. maybe it was the mic or some technical tweaking. but it really sounded like you were speaking in his ear.
your pants were now mixed with small laughs. it sounded blissful.
"don't ever be sorry for kissing me..." toji was surprisingly okay with hearing sounds of you kissing, probably another woman.
"oh, these lips... can i? touch them? fuck..." you moaned slightly... and then laughed. "did you just bite my thumb? you're so bad... i might have to punish you."
toji had to grasp his phone tightly as heard you make out, hearing your breaths mingled with the sounds of your lips moving against someone else's. you sounded so different, so confident.
"you like that, don't you? me on my knees... touching you, licking you, tasting you..."
toji knew you were saying this to a woman, but he couldn't help picturing himself in her place. your hums, whimpers, breaths, they were all elevating his senses. he felt his pants tighten.
"yes, fuck..."
"i love your neck..." you panted. toji raised his head, gulping.
"you're so hot... fuck... me..." your moans had started to get louder, breathier.
"what if i don't wanna hurry? what if... i wanna make you beg for it?" toji instinctively let his hand wander down his body, to his pants. he loosened his belt. he slid his pants and boxers down just enough for his dick to spring out, harder than he expected it to be. your constant moans, whimpers and dirty words became music to his ears as he stroked his cock slowly.
"tell me how good it feels..."
toji groaned, quickening his speed, his eyes closed, his mind visualising your face. he imagined you doing everything he heard you do on the phone. touching him, licking him, tasting him... he fisted his cock to the sounds of your sweet voice, shamelessly.
"so good..." he hissed, as if to answer you, gliding his fist up and down his thick veiny cock, its tip glistening proudly.
"come for me, yes! yes! yes! fuuuuck..." you moan loudly, dragging the last word, breathing shakily.
"god..." toji gave up any restraint he had and let his cock burst like a dam, spoiling his pants.
he was high. high on your voice, your moans, your words. he wished he could experience it for the first time again.
a shrieking honk from the gate snapped toji back into reality. he zipped back up in a hurry, shoving his half-hard cock in his pants. he tied a jacket around his waist to hide it and scurried out of the booth to open the gate.
toji came home early in the morning, feeling floaty. he couldn't forget last night's events. not when you were right there. next door. probably recording the next one. toji didn't know how he was to face you, but he was damn sure about hearing you again.
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and hear you he did. for days. he was finding the plot interesting too. but he was addicted to your voice. how were you so confident? how did you manage to record the perfect moans. did you have help? did you get off just to get a good audio? all these questions plagued toji's mind. he really wanted to ask you about it.
but how was he to do it without sounding like a creep? or worse, a pervert? but then again, you did till him about it yourself.
so, when he had to collect megumi from your house after coming back, he came up with the simplest excuse.
"see you later, gumi!" you ruffled his hair, watching him run to his father, who told him to go inside and wait for him.
before you could shut the door, he shoved his foot inside. "hey, uh... i had a question."
"come in..." you moved aside.
you were hungry, but didn't have the time to buy groceries. so, instant ramen it was...
toji followed you to the kitchen, rehearsing the imminent conversation in his head.
"what's wrong?" you asked, looking at his tensed brow.
"i'm a little starved for cash. megumi's birthday is coming and i want to give that urchin something good this time."
"you uh..." was he really going to ask that? would she even listen? "you were talking about that..."
you on the other hand, knew exactly what he wanted to talk about. so many of your friends had tried to do that same. the fact that toji was considering doing that made the composer in you mildly excited.
"you want to earn cash on quinn, am i right?"
toji's head shot up, looking at you, slightly horrified and ready to get his ass kicked out the door.
"wait, what?"
"i'll help you... sell your voice."
"are you serious?"
"do i look like i'm joking?"
"would i even... be able to... you know..."
you leaned on the kitchen island, looking at toji, who had sat down in a chair across from you.
"just do it..."
"you expect me to do it just like that?" he asked.
"what, like it's hard?" you snorted.
toji just looked at you blankly. "you mean, you do it just like that?"
"women are expert at faking it, you know?" you smirked.
toji scoffed in disbelief, rolling his eyes.
wickedly, you began panting, whimpering, opening your mouth as lewd moans spilled out of you. you gripped the edge of the kitchen island, and whined, "yes! toji! just like that!"
toji felt like he'd been shot in the head... both, his heads... he felt a bulge in his pants. hearing you moan and actually seeing you moan were two different things. the way your eyes shut tight, brow creased, mouth opened and chest heaved, toji couldn't take his eyes of you.
you saw his reaction through squinted eyes and stopped, reverting to your normal self, scratching the back of your head, completely unbothered.
"so yes, toji... just like that..." you said, without the moans this time.
toji gulped.
"so, do you wanna record a demo? i can send it to my agent. if she likes it, she'll ask you to record a proper script."
toji sighed... what was he getting into? he didn't actually imagine himself doing it. would it be embarrassing? no, fuck it. he could really use the extra cash.
"no one can know," he said sternly.
"you can use a pseudonym. you can literally put an emoji as your name."
"whatever. as long as nobody can trace it back to me."
"i guarantee you they won't. let's send an anonymous demo, 'kay?"
"fine. but, i don't know how to do this shit. it's too... fucking dumb."
you chuckled. "it is. dumb and fun. but doesn't it make you feel... like a king, knowing that the world gets off to your voice?"
toji scoffed and smirked. oh, how he wished she knew that he had been getting off to her voice nearly every damn night, palming his dick, picturing you saying all those dirty things to him.
he followed you to your bedroom where you had set up your mic, your laptop, you desk, under a labyrinth of wires and cables. he was made to sit in the chair facing the mic. the fuck am i doing...
you tapped on your laptop, leaning forward on the desk. toji's hammering anxiety took a break when he realised how close you were. your tits were practically in his face. he'd only ever seen you in baggy clothing, so this was a pleasant surprise. they were big. but they'd easily fit in his hands. he was a little disgusted by the fact that he was severely attracted to you.
"okay... what would you like to say?"
"i don't know..."
"what are your go-to swear words?"
"uh... fuck?"
"i don't swear because of my kid... so, i don't know... this is difficult, y/n..."
"what do you have to fear?"
she was right. what was he to lose? to fear? nothing. he knew how hot was. he knew ladies threw themselves at him. he knew his sex appeal was impeccable. so then why was this so difficult?
oh, he knew why. you. it was because of you. the way he'd listened to your moans all week, stealing glances at you whenever he saw you, and now that he was in your bedroom with you...
fuck that! this bitch just faked an orgasm in front of me without a problem. i can at least spit out a few sentences.
"how do you start?"
"well, i usually have a script and there's good enough build up."
"so, give me one of your scripts."
"really? you wanna say, 'touch my pussy'?"
"fuck no. ugh, this is frustrating," he groaned loudly, leaning back and running his hands through his hair.
"hey, wait, that's good!"
"say it again."
"this... is frustrating?"
"tojiiiii," you rolled your eyes and smacked his arm. "say it like you did before. with the groan and all."
"i can't just do it on command."
"do you want me to leave you here alone with a gravure magazine then?"
toji's narrowed his eyes at her. "you read those?"
"no, but, you get the point."
toji sighed. you thought of another way to get him riled up. if a sexy audio wasn't gonna happen, then an angry one it was... there were plenty of angsty stories in demand. you clicked on record without him knowing.
"stop acting like a virgin, toji," you said and he shot you a glare. you let your mouth run a marathon, "no, for real, you're a grown ass man with a nice, deep voice. you look like you'd be pissed off if someone so much as looks at you wrong. or worse, if someone tries to mess with your son-"
"watch your mouth," toji growled, grabbing your jaw with his fingers, pressing it tightly.
"or what?"
"or you regret ever letting me in this house. that kid fucking loves you. you keep him out of this. do not... ever use him... to use me," he snarled.
you pressed the spacebar to stop recording. toji pulled his hand back, putting two and two together.
"that... was something."
"i mean it."
"sorry... but damn, angry toji... is sexy..." you commented.
"yeah? you like that?" toji said with a smirk. you squealed, regretting not recording that.
"SAY THAT AGAIN." you began recording again.
toji let out a deep chuckle. "you want me to say that again, pretty girl?" oh, he was starting to get into it.
you nodded.
"beg for it..." toji whispered, slightly closer to the mic. he watched you hold back another squeal.
"use your words, baby."
you were almost jumping up and down at how good he sounded. you really wanted to use his voice. you figured your agent would ignore yours and focus on his.
you exhaled, "please, please say it again!"
"hmm..." toji's baritone voice reverberated in the mic. "that doesn't sound so convincing, princess..."
you banged the air above the desk, pursing your lips and grinned.
"please please please! i'll do anything!"
oh, toji was starting to see the fun in it. "anything, you say..."
"yes! whatever you say!" you too were blending well with him.
"get on your knees, then baby..." he said brusquely.
your jaw dropped, morphing into a wide smile as you silently cheered him. toji found your reactions entertaining. true, you'd been doing this longer than him, so you were probably used to hearing all that. you were genuinely enjoying him.
you gave him a thumbs up and he made his closing statement, making sure to murmur, "good girl..."
you stopped recording and grabbed toji by his shoulders, shaking him. "AAARRRRGGGH. you are a natural!!!!!"
toji smirked. that was oddly easy to do. mostly because you helped him into it.
"well, i'm not one to brag..."
"no, please brag."
"heh. do you think your agent will like it?"
"she will eat it. she will want to become it."
"how much do you make exactly?" he asked.
"i had to do a lot of small freebies until i got my big break. i made [good amount] per episode. i've done three stories, each with twelve chapters. im working on a fourth one... so it's incomplete."
that must have been the one toji had listened to the first time. he did click the first thing he saw. he'd been replaying the first three episodes over and over, coming undone to them. but now that you'd said there were more...
"that's actually very..."
"rich, right? i was surprised too."
"so, you're gonna send it to your agent now?"
"yep. she'll like it. under what name do you want it?"
toji thought about it. he couldn't have this traced back to him. not with megumi's life at risk. it had to be something entirely random. yet meaningful...
"how about... 707?"
you grinned. that was a smart pseudonym. "done."
"well... tell me how it goes. and once again... not a word about this in public. what happens in this room, stays in this room," he warned you.
toji chuckled as he stood up to leave and rejoin his son. before he did, he inched closer to you and whispered in your ear, "beg for it, babygirl."
you groaned and flapped your hands, fanning yourself. "you're so good at this!"
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you'd sent that clip to your agent and got a response from her a few days later. to say the least, you were surprised by her request.
so, you stood at toji's door, phone in hand. he opened it.
"it's my agent."
toji shut the door behind him, not wanting megumi to hear anything.
"what'd she say?"
you simply held out your phone and the text she sent you.
'WHO IS THAT?' 'GIRL LOCK THAT MAN IN THE BASEMENT' 'he's got the job if he wants it. i just got a killer script! the only condition is'
toji raised an eyebrow at the last message.
'you both have to do it together'
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redrose10 · 2 months
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Yoongi x Female Reader. Soulmate AU
Summary: There’s no one on this planet you hate more than your coworker/secret crush Min Yoongi. He’s an arrogant, rude, womanizer who gets under your skin every single shift and you can’t wait for your day to be over so you can get away from him. Unfortunately when Jimin, your caseworker from The Ministry of Adoration, shows up offering you both a raspberry jam filled cookie, things take a surprising turn for the worst and you can no longer get away.
Warnings: Swearing, hints of smut (nothing graphic or really detailed), a little angst, Yoongi gets around, small hint to homophobia, mentions a guy not taking no for an answer, almost sexual assault. Might get updated later
Tag list: @kam9404 @yoongisducky @farfromsugafanfic @welcometomyworld13 @viankiss @ktownshizzle @bear8585
Chapter 5- Tacos and Tangerine Juice
Word Count: 3,208
After Jimin had sent over the location you and Yoongi were sitting in his car staring up at the tall skyscraper trying to work up the courage to go in.
“Do you think we can ask for more time? Like 10 seconds?”, you questioned.
Yoongi chuckled next to you, “I really don’t think that’s how this works. And I would need more than 10 seconds to properly kiss you anyways.”
You felt your heart thump extra hard in your chest at his words. He continued, “Let’s just go in there and see what they say.” You nodded exiting the car after him.
The lobby was extravagant with marble pillars and very expensive looking artwork on the wall. An ornate chandelier hung from the ceiling and just underneath sat the receptionist. She greeted you both with a smile,”Hello, how can I help you today?”
“Um I’m not really sure. We’re supposed to meet a Jimin Park here?”, Yoongi responded.
“Oh Jimin! Of course! Take the hallway behind me all the way to the end. Then make a left and take the elevator up to the 77th floor.”, she cheerily replied.
Yoongi grabbed your hand and started pulling you down the hall. The elevator slowly started ascending towards the top with your heart beating a little harder with each floor.
The doors opened and you were immediately greeted by a smiling Jimin.
“Hello you two. Ready for this?”
Almost instinctively you ran up to him grabbing onnto his arm and pulling him closer, “Please Jimin, we only need few more seconds. We were just about to kiss right before the time ran out.”
“I know and I’m sorry Y/N. That’s not up to me. You’ll have to talk to the judge about that one.”
You tried to blink away the tears that were already forming as you followed after him with Yoongi close behind.
Jimin walked up to a woman sitting behind a desk handing her a folder of papers, “Park Jimin representing Min Yoongi and L/N Y/N.”
The woman smiled, “Of course. Head to room 707. The judge is already waiting.”
He smiled before motioning for you both to follow.
“Ahh there he is. Jimin, how are you doing? It’s been a while.”, the judge greeted.
“Oh same old same old. How’s the wife?.”
They exchanged pleasantries back and for a little and you hoped you could one day be even half as charismatic as Jimin.
“So I’m guessing this is Yoongi and Y/N you have with you for case number 143?”
He nodded.
The judge continued, “Perfect. Let’s get this started as it shouldn’t take too long.”
The judge continued to flip through the folder that Jimin gave to the secretary earlier. He mumbled a word here or there as he read through everything, but the room was silent other wise. You snuck a glance at Yoongi who had his eye focused on the judge looking completely calm minus the subtle pulling of the hem of his shirt that you knew meant he was nervous.
The judge suddenly cleared his throat, “Well I think I’ve gotten everything I needed from Jimin’s report. Y/N or Yoongi, would either of you like to make a final statement?”
Yoongi quickly shook his head leaving it up to you to step in.
“You’re hon-, Sir, I mean Judge.”
He chuckled, “Mr. Kim is fine.”
You nodded, “Mr. Kim. Yoongi and I were just about to kiss right before time ran out. We realized how much we do love each other after we cleared the air on some things. We just need like 5 more seconds and we can kiss and then everyone can go about their day and this whole mess will be over with.”
The judge quickly put his hand up to stop you and you felt like you were going to cry.
“I understand that may have been the case, but the fact is that time ran out. If I awarded more time to you two then I’d have to do that for everyone. Why did it take so long for you two to realize your love for each other?”
Yoongi shrugged next to making you want to strangle him because once again it was on you, “I-I don’t know Mr. Kim. But I do know that we do love each other and can make this work. If given another chance that is.”
The judge motioned for Jimin to come forward which he quickly did. They whispered back and forth for a little before Jimin returned giving you a sad look.
The judge signed a few papers before reading out his decision, “Okay in the decision of Case 143 featuring Min Yoongi and L/N Y/N I have decided that Yoongi will move to the broken souls department and Y/N will be released.”
“What? Why?”, Yoongi finally spoke after all this time.
“Well based on Jimin’s report and what I have seen so far Y/N appears to be the only one in this partnership willing to put forth the effort into making this work. Therefor I feel that she deserves another chance at finding a new soul mate.”
Yoongi went to protest, but you cut him off, “So what does this all mean exactly.”
The judge continued, “Well Y/N, you will have a brief meeting with Jae in our soul cleanse department. He will help cleanse your soul of any trace of Yoongi which will also reset your memeory. You will have no recollection that any of this happened. Then you will return home and go back to normal while we work behind the scenes to find you a new soulmate. The bond won’t be as strong as the one you had with Yoongi, but it is better than the alternatives.”
Your mouth dropped open as the judge turned his attention to Yoongi, “And as for Yoongi, normally you would get sent down to the broken souls department, but I don’t think you are completely a lost cause just yet. You will also go through a soul cleanse to wipe away any trace of Y/N. Then you will go through an intensive three month course to learn how to properly bond with a soulmate after which we will slowly acclimate you back into society.”
All you could think about was how your memory was going to be wiped clean and you’d never remember Yoongi or anything that the two of you shared. You studied his face hoping that somehow maybe you could remember it you ever saw him again.
“Excuse me, but no fucking way.”, Yoongi shouted next to you breaking you out of your trance.
“Yoongi shut up!”, Jimin hissed.
“No I can’t be stuck here for three months. I have to go to LA to meet with a record label in a couple days. I can’t miss that. That could ruin my whole life.”, he angrily spat.
“And loosing your true soulmate forever doesn’t ruin your life?”, the judge questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“No, I mean yes, I guess, I don’t know! I just know that I need to be in LA. Can I come back in a few weeks and finish up this bullshit then?”
The judge shook his head, “No I’m sorry. I’m already breaking normal protocol by giving you a second chance. I can’t do any more.”
Yoongi appeared to want to argue back. You thought he’d storm off or even worse storm the judges table and punch him. But instead he looked to you and you saw the tears falling down his cheeks.
You thoughts about everything he sacrificed for his music. You thought about how hard he worked. You thought about how talented he was and how much potential he had. You took one more look at him watching as he stared at the floor trying to steady his breathing, his shirt showing the remains of his fallen tears.
“Alright well that is that. Jimin will get all of your paperwork together and go over it with both of you.”
You knew you couldn’t let Yoongi loose his opportunity. Maybe you could switch with him. Take his place. Sure you’d miss your niece being born in a month and you wouldn’t be able to check up on your father for a while. You’d also miss the start of the new semester at college. But hearing Yoongi’s sniffles next to you made up your mind before you could even think more about it.
“Wait!”, you shouted stepping forward. The judged turned to look at you and you took that as a sign to continue, “Let me take his place. Please. I’ll do anything. He needs to get to LA and I don’t want him to miss that opportunity.”
“Y/N what are you doing?”, Yoongi whispered next to you. He reached for you to get your attention, but was stopped by Jimin.
“Well you don’t need the kind of assistance that Yoongi does”, the judge said before turning his lips up into a smirk and continuing, “Buuuuuut I do like a good bargain and we do need a new secretary in the broken souls department. I‘ll make you a deal. If you stay here and take that position then I’ll release Yoongi.”
Jimin pulled closer to him, “Y/N, that’s a permanent position. You’ll be stuck here for ever. They’ll wipe your soul and your memory completely clean of everything you’ve ever known up until this point. Not just the Yoongi stuff. You’ll life will never be the same.”
You looked over at Yoongi who was staring at you with wide eyes. Leftover tears still glistening on his round cheeks.
You nodded, “That’s fine. I don’t want Yoongi to loose his big chance.”
Jimin stared on dumbfounded as you walked a little closer to the judge, “Okay I agree. I’ll take the position as long as Yoongi gets to leave today.”
The judge nodded as he handed over some papers, “Very well. Jimin take Yoongi for his soul cleanse and I’ll have Y/N brought down to her new location.”
Jimin nodded before motioning for Yoongi to follow him. He was hesitant as he looked between you and Jimin.
You hadn’t noticed that the judge had pressed a button calling for two guards to retrieve you. The men held onto your arms and started pulling you towards a set of double doors.
Just before you walked through them you looked back to see Yoongi staring at you somehow crying even harder than before as Jimin tried to console him.
The men pulled you through the door down a hallway and sat you in a brightly lit room that reminded you of your doctors office.
“Come on, the sooner we get you cleaned up the sooner you can be off to LA.”, Jimin smiled heading towards the door. Yoongi felt like he couldn’t move his feet.
“Come on mister big shot rapper.”, he tried again, but Yoongi remained still.
“She doesn’t deserve this. I was just too much of a coward again to stand up for her. I’d give up everything to just stay as her soulmate. It’s all my fault we’re here to begin with.”
Jimin put an arm around Yoongi’s shoulder before gently guiding him over to a window.
“Do you see that taco truck? I’m thinking about getting lunch from there. What do you think?”, Jimin asked pointing towards the truck. Yoongi looked at him confused and a little angry because why is he being asked about tacos right now when his life is falling apart.
“That one. Do you see it? I think it sounds good.”, Jimin said again while pointing and slyly holding up a sheet of paper in his hands. That’s how Yoongi saw the note, “Y/N moved to room 713 for debriefing and paperwork.”
He looked at Jimin with wide eyes and Jimin smiled before leaning over and whispering, “Go through those same double doors. Make a left and go all the way to the end of the hall and then make a right. It’s the third door on the left. Tell her how you really feel. You can thank me later…with tacos.”
Yoongi looked at him in shock as Jimin gave him a nonchalant shoulder shrug. With a sudden burst of energy Yoongi sprinted off following the directions as Jimin looked back giving the judge a smile who was hiding in the corner, “I knew he’d come around.”
When Yoongi finally reached room 713 he slammed the door open making you jump up out of the chair.
“Yoongi what the hell?”, you screamed.
“I’m sor-, I’m so sorr-fuck I need to work on my cardio.”, he said out of breath.
“I’m sorry Y/N. I love you so much and I can’t let you do this to yourself. I wasted so much time already because I couldn’t just tell you how I felt and I’m not going to be a coward again. You don’t deserve this.”
“Yoongi you need to get to LA. This is your big chance. This could be the best thing that ever happened to you.”, you said backing away.
But Yoongi shook his head and grabbed your arm to stop you, “I already have the best thing that ever happened to me.”
Gently he pulled you closer before kissing you so passionately you felt like the world was spinning around you. Grabbing the back of his neck you deepened the kiss and by the time the two of you separated you were both equally out of breath.
“So what happens now?”, you questioned.
“I’m not sure, but I do know that I have to go buy some tacos for Jimin.”, he chuckled.
Before you could ask for clarification a very grumpy looking elderly woman walked through the door, “Alright you two lovebirds. I’ve been told by the judge to release you both. Here are your papers. Now go on and get out of here.”
You looked at Yoongi who just shrugged before taking the papers and leading you back down the hallway his hand never leaving yours.
The rain outside was oddly refreshing, so much so that as everyone else hurried to get to their destinations the the two of you took your time walking to a taco truck down the block since Yoongi suddenly had a major craving for tacos.
You both stood near the street as you waited for your order to be ready. Yoongi behind you with his arms wrapped around you slightly swaying back and forth.
“I love you Y/N.”, he whispered in your ear.
Smiling you turned to return the gesture when a car drove by splashing gallons of water all over soaking you both from head to toe.
When you opened your eyes you weren’t standing on the curb with Yoongi’s arms around you any more. Instead you were laying on your back staring up at the ceiling of the cafe, a concerned Mina and Namjoon looking down at you. Mina holding a now empty cup that you assumed held the water which had splashed you. “See! I told you it wasn’t just a dumb thing they did in movies”., she exclaimed giving Namjoon side eye, who then put his hands up in defense.
“Uhgh what happened?”, you asked trying to sit up but feeling like the room was spinning.
“You passed out.”, Mina said from above you.
“Fuck…it was all a dream then?”, you whispered.
“Here babe drink this. It’ll help bring your sugar back up. I keep telling you not to skip meals, but you just won’t listen to me.”, a very familiar deep voice spoke. In a flash Yoongi was kneeling down next to you with a concerned look as he handed you a glass of the new tangerine juice the cafe was promoting as part of a new smoothie lineup. As you sipped on the drink you looked him over. “Your hair is mint green?”, you stated in awe. He chuckled, “Uh yeah you helped me dye it two weeks ago. Maybe we should call for help. You might’ve hit your head.”, he said reaching for his phone.
“No no I’m fine. What happened though?”, you questioned m.
“I came here to tell you the good news and then you just passed out. I think you let your blood sugar get too low again.”
You tried to get up, but Yoongi quickly told you to lay back down and rest some more which you happily obliged.
“I’m sorry, but what was your good news again?”, you asked taking another sip of juice.
Shyly he scratched at the back of his neck before flashing you his signature smile, “Well uh I just got a call from LA. I did it babe. I got the record deal.”
Like a rush of fresh air everything came back to you. From Yoongi starting work at the cafe and spilling coffee all over you causing you both to get off on the wrong foot to you having to cancel last minute on your first date and him showing up to the hospital with coffees for you and your mom while he waited with you anyways to him asking you to be his girlfriend on Christmas Eve while driving around looking at the lights and then the two of you moving in together and then Yoongi heading to LA two weeks ago to meet with a major record label.
“Oh my God! Congratulations. I’m so proud of you!”, you exclaimed wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Thank you Y/N.”, he smiled while helping you to your feet.
You felt an immediate sense of embarrassment thanks to the line of customers that were staring at you after your little incident.
“Oh boy, it’s going to be real awkward finishing up this shift.”, you chuckled.
“Uhh I think maybe you should go home. Go
Celebrate or something. We’ve got this.”, Namjoon said coming up behind you, “We’ve had enough excitement around here for one day.”
He didn’t have to tell you twice as you quickly went to hang up your apron and grabbed your bag from the back.
After clocking out you went to round the corner to go meet Yoongi who was waiting for you.
Mina greeted the next customer when you heard a very distinct familiar voice order, “Yes, I’ll have a large iced mocha please.”
Your head turned to side instantly as your mouth dropped open. Jimin, the same man from your dream and still dressed impeccably, was standing at the register ordering his usual drink.
“Come on Y/N. I really think we need to have you looked at. You’re starting to worry me.”, Yoongi said grabbing your hand and pulling you along with him after he’d been repeatedly calling your name. He looked at Jimin and gave a friendly nod, but as more of an acknowledgment and not that he actually knew him.
“Yeah, maybe we should make a stop at the hospital.”, you agreed after realizing that maybe you did hit your head really hard.
As you walked towards the door you took one final look back at Jimin. He looked back at you and winked before turning back to Mina with a smirk, “Oh and let me have one of those new cookies too. A Raspberry Romance, that sounds delightful.”
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anangelwhodidntfall · 2 years
Daddy’s Girl: Dad!Jake Sully
Avatar Masterlist 
word count: 707
Request: hey I'm sorry if I'm doing this wrong but I would love to make a request for another Jake sully x daughter reader if that's possible. It can pretty much be up to you just maybe some fluff would be great thanks!
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You were your dad's weak spot well all his kids were technically his weak spot but since you were his firstborn daughter, he was extremely weak when it came to you so when you got sick this past weekend, he dropped everything to take care of you and he loved when you were sick because you clung to him more than you usually did when you were healthy. You were currently asleep in your father's lap as he ran a hand through your hair when your mother returned from hunting.
"How is she doing?" Your mother asked placing a hand on your forehead.
"A little better, she stopped throwing up at least. I gotta wake up in about an hour so she can eat and take her next dosage." He said.
"That's good, that means the medicine is working. Do you want me to sit with her so you can go do what you need to?" She asked even though she knew what Jake was about to say.
"No, I'm fine. Plus we all know the second I leave, she's gonna be miserable." He said.
"Dad stays." You mumbled shifting in your sleep making them both laugh as Jake leaned down and press a kiss on your cheek.
"Alright sweetness, when she takes her next dosage try taking her for a walk for a few minutes so she gets fresh air and moves around, so her muscles don't become too weak." Your mom said as she pressed a kiss to your cheek.
About an hour later, your dad woke you up as your mom finished making your food so you could take your next your dosage of meds.  He frowned at how miserable you looked as you rubbed your eyes trying to wake up wrapping the blanket around you.
"How are you feel baby girl?" Your dad asked placing a hand on your forehead.
"Okay, my throat and head hurt, and I think I have a fever." You said to him as your mom brought you some soup.
"Thanks, mama." You said to her as you began to eat.
"I'm sorry baby, once you eat you can take your next dosage, and then we can go for a walk if you want." He said as you nodded your head.
"I would love that actually. I feel like all I've done is sleep." You said as your sibling returned.
"Sissy! I got these for you!" Tuk said running over to you with flowers as Jake put an arm between the two of you.
"Remember your sister is still sick, so you can't hug her yet." He said as you and Tuk frowned at him.
"Thanks, Tuk Tuk, they're beautiful. I promise that once I'm better then you can hug me all you want." You said making her smile as she went to find your mother.
After your finished your soup, your dad gave you, the next dosage of medicine before you two went for a small walk so you can get some fresh air and move your body. He held your hand the entire time telling you various stories as you guys walked around.
"Dad?" You said as you two walked back.
"Yes, baby girl?" He asked turning towards you, concerned that something was wrong.
"Thanks for taking care of me these past couple of days, I know I'm not the easiest person to deal with when I'm sick, so I just want to know that I appreciate it." You said making him smile.
"Oh baby, you don't have to thank me, that's what I'm supposed to do. Plus I know this is wrong of me to say but I love when you're sick because you always ask for me, and make me feel wanted." He said.
"I'm always gonna need you dad." You said to him as you reached your home.
"And you're always gonna be my baby girl, I love you." He said pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"I love you too dad." You said.
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mrkis · 9 months
cherry red. (x.dj)
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PAIRING: xiaojun x fem!reader GENRE: smut WORD COUNT: 707
SYNOPSIS: you didn't expect to see one of your favourite colours between your legs.
CONTENT WARNINGS: established relationship, oral (receiving), mentions of hair pulling, praising, 'princess', 'good girl' and 'pretty girl' is used,
AUTHORS NOTE: for @thetypingpup. not a long fic, but its something... attack me with mark and i attack right back (with love) <3
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Sharing in conversation with Xiaojun about how you adore the colour cherry red wasn’t supposed to go any further than that; just a simple conversation. 
The deep and intense hue of cherry red easily captures your attention, standing out among the other colours that are present. Sometimes, you can associate it with love, evoking feelings of passion and romance. Other times, it embodies desire and lust, igniting a sense of intensity and yearning.
When mentioning this, you didn’t expect anything to come out of it, and you didn’t pay too much attention to the way Xiaojun’s eyebrows raise as he absorbs your words, a look of curiosity and wonder displayed across his features, deep in thought as you continue talking about other topics. 
But, here you are, a day or two later, finding yourself lying across your shared bed with your legs spread, Xiaojun’s hands keeping you still as his head of newly dyed cherry red hair is between your legs, tongue slurping at your arousal that seeps into the sheets below. 
“Tastes so sweet,” He practically purrs, pressing a quick kiss to your clit in adoration. “Always tastes so sweet for me, don’t you?”
His gaze shifts up, eyes locking with yours, hair tickling the insides of your thighs and he lips curl into a grin, watching as your body reacts to his touch and how he relaxes into yours when your fingers thread through his hair to tug at the roots, the vibrations of his moan sends a shrill up your spine.
“Please,” Your voice, barely a whisper, speaks out. 
“What are you begging for?” Xiaojun asks you as he presses his mouth to your skin, leaving gentle kisses in his path. “I’m giving you everything you want. I always do.”
You don’t exactly know what you’re begging for, but you can’t seem to stop, the words tumbling from your lips like a broken record and he chuckles, leaving one last kiss to your thigh before he licks between your puffy folds and presses his mouth back to where you need him most, hands sliding around your legs to put his fingers to use, spreading your folds wider apart to swirl his tongue around your entrance.
You wail, clenching around nothing, hands gripping his hair tighter as you grind your hips against his face for more and he gives in, pushing two of his fingers inside and massaging the warmth of your walls as his tongue keeps up the pace, sucking and slurping to feel your legs tremble around his head.
“Look so pretty from down here, princess. So pretty, aren’t you?” He compliments and you hum, but the non-verbal response isn’t enough to please him and you gasp loudly, head thrown back against the pillows as his fingers press down on a particular part inside and how his mouth sucks a little harder at your clit. “Say it, pretty girl. Tell me how pretty you are from this angle.”
“I’m pretty.” You’re quick to agree.
“How pretty?”
“So pretty,” The whine at the end of your voice is what pleases Xiaojun and he smiles, beginning to pump his fingers at a speed that has your toes curling and grip on his hair tighten, back arched and skin sweaty as his mouth resumes in licking and sucking at the spots that sends you teetering over the edge of your orgasm.
Xiaojun knows well when you’re close, knowing your body like the back of his hand. He’s studied the ins and outs of you, maybe he even knows you better than you know yourself which is why he continues his movements, keeping the pace the way it is, adding a few extra flicks of his tongue over your clit to hear those sounds that makes him feel proud.
Unable to hide the smirk on his face, he watches as your body seizes up as you cum, squeezing around his fingers and sucking him in so tightly as your hips buck, airy gasp and whines leaving your lips as bliss hits, fucking yourself on his fingers despite him already helping you ride it out.
“That’s it,” He praises so endearingly, kissing your puffy folds as if he would your lips. “Let it go, princess. Good job. Good girl.”
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luc606 · 3 months
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She’d do anything to keep him smiling. This includes burying her reservations, denying her hopes, freeing Saeyoung of any responsibility to care for her feelings.
- MC/707 friends with benefits AU where Saeyoung stayed at the agency and didn't end up with MC at the end of his route (no names or placeholders, she/her for MC)
read on ao3
(team i just wanted to write fwb angst like please don't take the AU logistics too seriously i am just a little guy with glasses on)
“This didn’t happen.” Saeyoung’s voice is breathy, his chest heaving as he comes back to Earth. He drapes a lead-heavy arm over her waist and negotiates her closer, pressing her back into his stomach, tangling their legs together. His next words fall in the shallow of her neck, heady and warm. “None of it happened.”
Part of her is still an hour behind the present moment, still thrilling at the way his hands melted into her waist as he bent down to kiss her for the first time. Things had moved quickly from that point. Once he knew that she wanted him, his hands had rushed from her waist to the hem of her dress and beneath. He’d touched her in the doorway, looking down at her reactions with unrepentant awe. The rest plays back in a blur—frantic, desperate.
It had happened almost accidentally. He’d texted her, annoyed and frustrated by work, needing a distraction. She’d invited him over with a text that used plausibly deniable suggestive language. The two of them had been on the precipice of something for long enough that the suggestion alone was enough. Before anything happened, though, they’d agreed that this would be strictly no strings attached.
She shifts against him, moving her hand to press against her own hip. She wonders if the tender spot there will bruise. This didn’t happen.
Saeyoung had spent the better part of the evening touching her, denying reciprocation at every turn. “All I want is you,” he’d said. “Let me have this.”
None of it happened.
He squeezes her against his chest, prompting a response. When she doesn’t answer, worry floods his voice. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
“I’m fine, sorry.” She pushes his arm away just long enough to turn around and face him. She meets his eyes, lets herself sink into his warm honey gaze once more before she agrees, offering a soft smile. “None of it happened.”
Saeyoung breathes a sigh of relief, burying his face in her neck. She wraps an arm around his waist and pulls him impossibly closer, wordlessly begging him to stay.
Ever since uncovering Mint Eye, Saeyoung has been drowning in work. Even with help from everyone in the RFA—even with Jumin’s money and connections, a whole task force dedicated to the cause—the work is never-ending. Every moment of his limited free time is devoted to his brother. He’s been reintroducing himself to Saeran with the supervision of a full hospital staff and even that is risky. It isn’t hard to guess at the results by the way Saeyoung’s voice shakes every time his twin comes up in conversation.
Regardless of whether he wants one or not, Saeyoung doesn’t have the time to pursue a relationship. He doesn’t have the peace of mind, either. He’s always going, always on high alert. Figures from his past loom in the distance. Saeyoung has seemed to resign to the fact that he’ll never quite be free to live the life he wants.
Therefore, secrecy is understandable. Expected, even. The RFA members would ask questions, would push them toward pursuing something more rounded and wholesome. The last thing that Saeyoung needs is more expectations, more ties, more obligations.
She pushes a hand through his hair, gently teasing sticky curls away from his forehead with the pads of her fingers. Her nails scratching the back of his neck elicit a satisfied hum. She wonders whether she could get him to fall asleep with her. It would be nice to confirm with her own eyes that, for once, he’s getting a good night’s sleep.
“Stay with me,” she whispers. “Sleep here.”
For a moment, he considers it. He pulls back, locking eyes with her again. She watches his eyes trace the shape of her beneath the sheets, watches him linger on her lips, maybe thinking about kissing her again. She can see the exact moment that he pulls back into himself. His eyes darken, his brow furrows. He shakes his head and pushes himself away.
“I have to meet with Saeran’s doctors in the morning.” He stands at the end of the bed, quickly pulling on clothes. Just a moment later, he looks just like he did when he stepped in the door. None of it happened.
“Right.” She’s never felt more naked than she does in this moment. When he turns away to pick his jacket off the floor, she scrambles out of bed and into the bathroom to put on her bath robe.
He’ll probably go home and straight back to agency work. This is how he spends most of his nights, sacrificing as many of his sleeping hours as possible to the agency so that he can leave the day to Saeran and the RFA. She would admire his work ethic if she weren’t so fucking worried about him.
“I’m sorry,” he says, so quiet that she almost doesn’t hear it.
There is nothing to say, so she says nothing. This is exactly what she expected, exactly what she agreed to. When he called earlier that night, frustrated and angry and exhausted, she’d harbored no secret hopes in inviting him over. Still, she can’t help the lump that forms in the back of her throat.
Saeyoung frowns. Worry, again, evident in his furrowed brow. It’s impossible for her to keep from going to him, wrapping her arms around his waist and pressing her cheek against his chest to hear his beating heart.
“You have nothing to apologize for.”
He squeezes her back. When she looks up, he offers a soft smile. He repeats, “I’m sorry.”
She forces herself to smile back, swallowing her heart. “Don’t worry about me. Like you said, none of this happened.”
The next week is uneventful. Saeyoung is just as busy as always and no one in the RFA hears from him. He can be a ghost when he wants to be, completely missing in action, hidden away at the desk in his dark office.
She worries, thinks about calling, fantasizes about cooking a warm meal for him and bringing it over. None of these fantasies stick long enough for her to follow through with them. After all, she has her own responsibilities to attend to.
It’s not until the very end of the weekend, a rainy Sunday night, that she hears from him again. He appears on her doorstep in the dark, still dressed in a suit and tie befitting the C&R office, rain soaking through his trim jacket.
“Can I come in?” he asks, already halfway through the door. 
This time, she’s the first to touch him. All the regret and worry of the past week floods her in an instant, so she distracts the feeling by wrapping her hands around his tie and pulling him down to her height.
He responds quickly, grasping at her waist and kissing her back. He kisses her like he wants to eat her alive. Desperate, frantic.
“Is everything okay?” she asks in-between kisses.
“Please,” he groans, “just you.” He grabs two handfuls of her thighs, pressing her against him like his ultimate goal is complete fusion of the atoms that make them up. “It’s been such a long week… I just want you.”
She breaks the kiss and falls to her knees in front of him, gratified by how he squirms and blushes at her undoing his belt. “Is this okay?” She takes him in her hand, pumps slowly.
He gives a breathless laugh, truly caught off guard. “Please don’t ask silly questions.”
The sound he makes when she takes him into her mouth sends a thrill up her spine. She quickens her pace, coaxing more sounds from him. He threads his hands through her hair, rewarding her efforts with gentle tugging at her scalp. When it’s too much, he pulls her away.
“Please,” he begs, “if you keep going, I’m not going to be able to do what I came here to.”
She releases him, looking up with a smile, and he pulls her to her feet and into his arms. He carries her to the bed in a rush, then tosses her onto it.
This time, he is not so thorough in exploring her. He helps her out of her pajamas, then hooks his hands under her knees and pulls her to the edge of the bed.
“You’re so beautiful.” He palms her breasts with calloused hands as he leans down to kiss her again. “Seriously, men kill for this.” He chuckles at his own hyperbole. One hand ventures further down, splaying against her stomach before finding its place between her thighs. “I’d be one of the men in question if it came to that.”
Her laugh is smothered by a sigh as Saeyoung pushes inside her. When she looks up at him, she can see a once-familiar humor on his face. He looks like he’s trying to produce another joke and coming up short. She takes in his smile and the scrunch of his nose and the warmth of his eyes as if she is seeing him for the first or last time.
Saeyoung pouts. “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?”
He lets out a breath, pushing into her again. He leans forward, leveraging himself so that he can go faster without breaking eye contact. “Like…” He grunts. “Like I’ve got something on my face?”
“I think you’re beautiful,” she admits, her hands finding his face and holding him steady while he fucks her, “especially when you’re like this.”
When they’re like this, his shoulders are light, his eyes sparkle. She remembers what things were like when they first met.
Somehow, things were simpler when there was a nameless hacker and a secret agency and a mysterious cult. Now, the complications are in the specifics. Saeyoung has to care for his brother, he has more work for the agency, he’s been betrayed by his friends and threatened by his family. The RFA members occasionally wring their hands and worry for him but, for the most part, they go about their lives while Saeyoung drowns. Here, now, everything fades away. Saeyoung is able to laugh like he used to.
“What do you mean ‘especially?’” He chuckles. “You think I’m prettier naked?”
“No.” She reaches out for him, pressing a hand against his stomach and tracing the muscles there. “I mean, when you’re not worried about anything.”
“You think this is me not worrying?” He thrusts again, harder.
“Isn’t it?” She frowns. Her eyes find his and it causes his hips to stutter.
Saeyoung pulls back and flips her onto her stomach with one swift hand. He crawls into bed on top of her and pushes into her again. Closer, harder. The thread of their attempt at conversation is momentarily lost, then forgotten entirely.
When they’re finished, Saeyoung bends at the elbows, pressing his full weight into her for just a moment. His lips graze her shoulder—a half-hearted attempt at a kiss—as he rolls over to lay on his back. 
“Don’t you know that being with you terrifies me?” he asks, voice sounding far away. “Just because I’m having fun doesn’t mean I’m not worried.”
She stays on her stomach. Something in her knows that it’s easier for him to admit this when he doesn’t have to look her in the eyes. That’s what all of this is, isn’t it? Closeness without any of the vulnerability. She pushes up onto her knees. Below her, Saeyoung’s face is stuck in a soft smile, even though he’s still catching his breath. His curls are mussed, sticking up in every direction, and for the first time she notices the galaxy of freckles on his chest.
Gently, as if Saeyoung is the most fragile thing in the world, she ghosts one finger over his torso, tracing a line from one freckle to another on the path to a full constellation.
“Are you terrified even if it, um—“ She swallows, trying to find the words. Her finger keeps on its path and Saeyoung’s breath hitches when she stops at a mole at the base of his neck. “—if it’s just this?” If it’s like it never happened. If no one finds out. If they aren’t attached.
He catches her hand in his and clutches it against his chest. “Weren’t you listening?” Again, there’s a flicker of his old humor in his eyes. “Just because I’m having fun doesn’t mean I’m not worried.”
Her first thought is one that she stifles. What is the point of all the secrecy and avoidance if it’s only going to worry him anyway? She frees her hand to trace the corner of his smile. She’d do anything to keep him smiling. This includes burying her reservations, denying her hopes, freeing Saeyoung of any responsibility to care for her feelings.
“There’s no reason to worry. None of this matters, right?” She reaches down to kiss him, her hair falling to form a curtain around their faces. For just a moment, the whole world consists of only the two of them.
Saeyoung pulls back from the kiss, his eyes darkening. He seems to remember himself, pushing up into a seated position and smoothing his hair back into place.
“You’re right.” When he speaks, his voice sounds uncharacteristically bitter.
He dresses quickly and a distinct feeling of déjà vu overtakes the girl watching. Just like the first time, he sheds all traces of her from himself with remarkable ease. In moments, he is dressed again. Soon after, he is out the door.
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hisui-dreamer · 10 months
Omg, rinna requests are open ^0^ (and don't worry, you can take as much time as you want) I'd like to request leona with a reader who plays a lot of sports and sucks at all of them 😀 (me. i mean me lmao) Have a great day 💕💕💕💕 AND I SAW YOUR ISEKAI JADE FIC I REFUSE TO SIMP FOR SLIMY EELS. WHY.
the chasing game
Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x gn!reader
Synopsis: Leona's ego is a bit too strong, and oh dear, he thinks you have crush on him
Tags: fluff, misunderstandings (but they're cute), slight pining, leona is a tsundere
Word count: 707
Notes: my best friend and i had a lot of fun with this idea hehe, i hope you'll like it too hehe
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Leona thinks you have some ulterior motive at first
why are you trying so hard at spelldrive??? you're not doing that well honestly
he finds no reason whatsoever you'd be so energetic when you're even performing that well
so he starts thinking... maybe you have an ulterior motive??
and somehow, probably because of his big ego he comes to the conclusion that you have a crush on him!!
after all, he is the captain of the spelldrive club
how else would you be able to get his attention?
in his mind, you're just a small little herbivore who's trying to get in his good graces
the smug lion is pretty amused by all this, and he can't say he minds having you around
you being that enthusiastic about playing sports, and the determination to get better no matter how many times you fail, is pretty impressive to him
though he sometimes cringes internally with how bad you're doing
by the time he can't take it, he'll saunter over to you and give you some advice
he'll sound like a jerk doing it, but if you read between the lines, he's giving you good advice
it's probably because he's been studying you for so long
so you listen to his advice, and oh? that shot went pretty well!!
you're jumping around all excited! finally there's some improvement!! maybe there are some sports cells in you after all
you get a bit too excited in thanking him and you throw your arms around him in the heat of the moment
he almost instantly pushes you away, obviously, saying you're sweaty and mumble grumbling
but there's no denying the way his tail is swishing around and the slightest hint of pink on his cheeks it's the sunset he says
from that point on, he'll occasionally join you as you practice, giving you advice and commenting on what you're doing wrong every time he feels like it
it also gives him a pretty good excuse to not actually participate in the sport
then again, he can't say he dislikes playing when you're in the audience
it usually ends up with you gushing over how impressive he was in the game, asking him if you could teach him how to do what he did, and in general just praise all throughout
this all but feeds into his pride, and he has the widest smirk on his face
he gets into an awful mood when you stop showing up for a while though
he becomes even more irritable, and there's more of a murderous aura about him when he's playing against the other guys
it doesn't take long for him to start asking around about where you've gone
epel is more than happy to solve this mystery for him so he'll stop beating people around
though he's pretty amazed by Leona actually putting effort into the games
and excuse me??? you're hanging around in the basketball club now??
little does he know, but you've merely shifted interest from spelldrive to basketball
but in his delusional misunderstood mind, this means you don't have a crush on him anymore
hah. that ended soon enough. he doesn't care at all.
... okay maybe he does actually care a bit
"Oi. Herbivore," Leona calls out to you in the hallway. You turn around and you're faced with his disgruntled expression. "Are ya not comin' to Spelldrive anymore?"
You blink at his question. "Oh! I think so? I got interested in basketball lately haha," you chuckle as you remember the little rivalry Ace started. "You don't mind, do you?"
"Hah. Why'd I mind?" he huffs, but there's something about his voice that makes you feel like he does mind.
"Leona," you close the distance between the two of you. "Would it be okay if I join you for lunch?" His eyes visibly widen at your request.
"I just really like the atmosphere in the garden, but I don't want to interrupt you."
He seems to contemplate it for a moment, emerald eyes shut and eyebrows furrowed. But when he opens his eyes again, there's a certain softness to them.
"Hmph. Do whatever you want." he says, turning around to leave, his tag swishing back and forth once again.
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if you liked this post, don't forget to reblog!
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zennryu · 1 year
Ramen — 707 × Reader
Note: Just a little drabble to ease the ABSOLUTE HEARTBREAK I EXPERIENCED IN HIS ROUTE.
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Tap. Tap. Tap.
I woke up to the same sight before my eyes before I closed them. Tiredly, I shifted my gaze to the clock. 3:12 am.
"Did you eat dinner?" I asked quietly while sitting up and rubbing my eyes.
1 second.
3 seconds.
5 seconds.
"No." Seven replied curtly while continuing to tap away on his keyboard. Cold as ever.
I sighed before walking towards the kitchen without saying another word. As I switched on the lights, I couldn't help but feel that the kitchen remained sadly dim despite the light on the ceiling. I scrolled through my phone, messages from the chatroom immediately coming to my attention. I sighed as i closed my phone.
"Let's see..aha! Perfect!" I grabbed the pack of instant ramen and turned on the stove. I quickly grabbed a few eggs before stopping abruptly to glance at the pile of empty Honey Buddha Chips on the trash. "What am I gonna do with you.." I sighed before smiling.
"Eat up. It tastes best when its cold." I said quietly as I placed the hot bowl of ramen on his table and sitting back down on the couch not far away from him to talk to yoosung and the others.
The continuous rhythm of tapping on keyboards continue. I don't dare look up. Scared to find that Seven won't really eat it as usual. I tried to keep a neutral expression on my face as I felt my chest swell in pain remembering the bright moments me and Seven spent on the chatrooms that was now shadowed by the cold atmosphere as he stared at his computer.
Tap. I heard the tapping stop with a sigh as I abruptly looked up over to him. Hope filled my heart at the sight before feeling it crack as I watched him bring the plate to the kitchen and heard a series of clanks.
Is he throwing it away..?
Rage filled my senses as I stood up feeling fed up before halting in my tracks.
"You didn't eat dinner either." was all he said as he faced me with now two bowls of the ramen I cooked.
I stood there shocked, unsure of how to react. I watched as a hesitant smirk spread across his features.
"I guess the God 707 Defender of Justice does need his meals too."
And just like that, in a room where not even a single bulb was on, it suddenly shined brighter.
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bbyquokka · 2 years
🥺 hey twinnie.. you know how it be with me rn.. just thoughts of getting fat hug from all the skz members, like how they all hugged chris during that lovers episode they did.
And I want a hug from you I hate distance rn 😭
group hug
warnings: fem reader, she/her pronouns used, ot8!, felix and reader are in an established relationship, mention of reader feeling grief. words: 0.7k ~ (707)
dont repost. dont translate. feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
you nuzzle under the duvet, broken hiccups in the form of sobs leaving your lips. curled in a fetal position as you hold the thing you treasure the most, close to your chest.
“why..” you whisper to yourself, heart shattering as you recall the events that's happened the last two days “just a bit longer. i thought we had more time with one another.”
tears roll down your cheeks, trickling down the bridge of your nose before landing on the mattress with a soft plop. your eyes are red, sore and puffy, lips chapped, throat sore. you have a headache and feel so tired, mentally and physically.
your body is heavy with grief, a piece of you feels like it's missing.
felix bites his lip as he stares at your closed door. you didn't mean to, but you snapped at him. he knows you're upset right now and that you didn't mean it, but it pains him to see you hurt and broken like this and not be able to do anything about it.
so he called the few people he falls onto when he is unsure of what to do - his members.
“she'll be ok.” minho softly says, noticing how the younger man is currently burning holes in your door.
“i know.” he sighs, playing with fingers. “i just wish i could do something, y'know.”
“she knows you're here for her, felix. we all are.” hyunjin gives felix a soft and reasuring smile.
“i just wish there was a way to show her that im here; that we're all here.” felix mumbles.
“sometimes it's best to leave people be during these times. maybe she doesn't want company right now and having company might make her worse?” jisung suggests, trying his best to reassure felix's mind.
“nah.. that's not like her.. she loves hugs and cuddles. loves skin on skin. we all know that with the way she clings to me!” everyone hums, nodding slowly.
“thats it!” chan says, slapping his thighs and pushing himself up off the sofa. felix watches chan approach your door, softly knocking with his knuckle.
“yn? it's chan.” he says softly. he pauses, listening to you sniffle and shift around.
“go away.” you choke out.
“you know i won't leave you, yn. felix is worried about you, as we all are!”
“chan. please, just leave me alone.” chan sighs softly, his stubborn side getting the better of him.
“im coming in.” he waits for your reply. silence. he opens the door and walks inside, the members watching and waiting; anticipating for you to scream at him to tell him to f off.
but you don't.
chan walks into the living area, your limp and tired body over his shoulder. you don't have the energy or willpower to fight him, he just scooped you up and put you over your shoulder.
“you can't isolate yourself, yn. not at a time like this.” chan softly states, placing you down on the sofa beside felix. you look down at your lap, tears threatening to spill down your cheeks for the nth time.
“watch me.” you mumble stubbornly.
“oh we will, doesn't mean we will let it happen.” seungmin hums.
“why though.”
“because we care for you and love you, yn. you don't have to do this alone. don't push away the people that are willing to help you. surround yourself with people that have positive energy, people that love you so much. it'll help lessen the burden.” felix says, gently taking your hand is his.
you look up at him, your vision blurred as tears spill. you grip onto felixs hand.
“i love you yn. you're not alone in this so don't push me or us away.” he gently strokes away your tears as you sob.
“i-im sorry. i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to.. it just, it hurts. it hurts so bad.” you babble, snot and tears free falling down your face.
“we know yn, but we're here. don't push us away. allow yourself to lean on us for support.” chan sits next to you, pulling your sobbing body into his chest. he hugs you tightly, the members all piling on top to surround you in hugs.
it's warm and soothing. its home.
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note: i wish i could give you a bigggggg squeeze rn, thats all i've been wanting to do since. ilysvm & im always here for you ‹3
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tags (open): not tagging because it doesn't feel right due to the nature of the fic/situation.
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pastelsapphy · 1 year
I posted screenshots of this voicemail before but I think people need to hear it (especially the noise he makes at the boss because "Meh!" does not do it justice).
The whiplash between the three parts still gets me. You can hear the shift from 707 to Luciel to Saeyoung, depending on who he's talking to
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anne-chloe · 7 months
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Agent 666
Mystic Messenger
Seven/707 x F!Agent!Reader
WIP | Summary : Agent 707 made himself infamous in the Intelligence Agency by being the youngest and most successful hacker, being able to complete tasks set to him in half the amount of time expected. However, Seven finds himself in a difficult position when a newcomer joins, posing as his biggest rival yet. Agent 666.
Alternative Title: Rival
“Agent 707.”
Seven tugged off his headphones and swivelled round in his seat, a look of curiosity upon his round face as he engaged his superior face-to-face. He wasn’t so concerned with the fact that his superior was speaking with him, but more so that it was in person rather than through a senior colleague.
“Yes, sir?” Seven asked awkwardly, clearing his throat as it cracked on a few syllables. Having not spoken for a few hours, his throat was feeling somewhat dry and uncomfortable.
However, Seven’s attention then diverted to the young girl standing at his superiors side. She looked to be about his age, with long [hair colour] hair and piercing [eye colour] eyes. The girl seemed distracted as she glanced around the room, which happened to be full of computer monitors and various other agents busy with their assignments. There wasn’t much noise other than the tapping of keys.
“I’d like to introduce you to Agent 666,” the man said coolly, gesturing politely to the young girl at his side. Seven straightened in his chair, confused and curious all at the same time. He stuck out his hand and watched as the girl hesitated in shaking it; she eyed him skeptically before accepting the friendly gesture. “Agent 666 has joined our ranks and will be within the same unit as you. Seeing as you are both of similar age…”
Seven raised a brow in question, urging his superior to continue. But his superior stopped and cleared his throat, then stepping back and patting Agent 666’s shoulder in encouragement. “Agent Vanderwood will be around shortly to hand you off some assignments. In the meantime, allow Agent 707 to keep you company.”
Bewildered with the fact that he was being lumped with a newcomer, Seven continued to stare at Agent 707 with the deepest set of confusion. It wasn’t uncommon for new starters to randomly appear, but it was most unlikely for someone of his age to appear like this.
Agent 666 fiddled awkwardly with the sleeves of her shirt, shifting on the spot and avoiding Seven’s eye. They both remained quiet like this for a while, with nothing but the sound of clicking keys and tapping noises to accompany them. There were a few questions on the end of Seven’s tongue: Why was she here? How old is she? Where did she learn to hack? Is she good at hacking? What was her backstory?
Seven knew a lot of these were personal questions, and everyone at the agency had hidden secrets. Nobody knew one another’s true identities for the sake of keeping themselves safe from a life they ran away from. The work at the Intelligence Agency was extremely dangerous, and nobody wanted their personal life tied in with that. Seven had a lot of secrets too, many that he wanted to forget about but couldn’t.
But he couldn’t help his curiosity.
“Luciel, I see you’ve met our newbie already.” Agent Vanderwood approached from behind, smirking arrogantly. In his hands he held a stack of documents, which Seven knew to be case files based on the coloured wallet placed on top. “Agent six-six-six,” Vanderwood said slowly, coming to a stop in front of the new agent. He extended his arms and the girl took the documents in a very robotic motion. “Did you both get to know each other?”
Seven shook his head slowly. “No…”
Vanderwood chuckled, proceeding to nudge Seven’s shoulder in a playful manner. Seven tensed at the action and tried to play it off, but he was just as awkward as the new girl, if not more so. Considering Seven had been at the agency now for a couple years, he should have settled in better, but in reality he hadn’t. It was a life he struggled to adjust to.
“Never mind. Come along Agent 666,” Vanderwood called, gesturing for the new girl to follow him.
Seven caught Agent 666’s gaze before she walked away, leaving Seven to watch in slight discomfort.
“Did you hear?”
“About what?”
“Agent 666—she’s incredible! She brought down that black market in seconds! Our team was struggling with that one for weeks…”
After returning from a quick toilet break, Seven found himself eavesdropping on someone’s conversation. It was a group of middle aged men, all of them experienced agents and talented with hacking. However, their gossiping caused Seven to pause by the water fountain, where he found his eyes widening in surprise at the new girl’s abilities.
The case involving the black market had been something the Intelligence Agency were tasked with bringing down months ago. The case had swapped hands multiple times, with each agent involved explaining that the assignment was too deep rooted to get into. Seven wasn’t given the chance to even look at the document itself, which he found surprising.
“Excuse me.”
Seven flinched as a small voice called out from behind him. Turning around on his heel, Seven felt his heart hammer at the sight of Agent 666 standing there rather awkwardly. Her shoulders were squared and she looked uncomfortably stiff; her eyes were ducked downwards as she spoke, as if she didn’t want to make eye contact with Seven at all.
“Oh, you…” Seven mumbled, feeling himself fluster with nerves. He couldn’t understand why his heart was beating so strangely, nor why his cheeks were burning up like this. Seven cleared his throat, his hand flying up and scratching the back of his neck. “I, uh… I heard about your success in bringing down one of the black market assignments… congratulations.”
Agent 666 peered up shyly. She then quickly looked away as Seven caught her eye. “Um… thank you…”
Silence consumed them both. Seven took this opportunity to properly look at her. She wore a large black hoodie, which was definitely several sizes too big on her, and a pair of worn looking leggings with a small hole in one of the knees. Her hair was long and looked like it hadn’t been brushed, so there were knots and tangles.
It seemed as though that Agent 666 had been brought straight to the agency from wherever she had lived before. The neglect of her was glaring, and it reminded Seven of how him and Saeran used to look to others before he joined the Intelligence Agency—before Jihyun and Rika helped him escape from his home.
Seven blinked slowly at Agent 666. She was still standing in front of him, looking awkward and nervous and rather fidgety. Seven couldn’t understand why she had approached him like this if she wasn’t about to maintain a conversation—because isn’t that what she’s supposed to do if she approached him first?
“Are you… are you getting water?” She finally asked after stuttering so much. Agent 666 pointed at the water fountain behind Seven.
Seven’s mouth dropped slightly in surprise, and then embarrassment consumed him. Agent 666 hadn’t wanted to speak with him at all, she just wanted some water. It was then that Seven spotted the empty bottle on her hand, and suddenly he felt like a complete idiot.
“I… no, I’m not, sorry,” Seven mumbled, stepping out the way. Agent 666 said nothing else as she finally began filling her bottle, and once that was done she made a swift exit without even glancing at him. Seven could only contain the urge to bang his head against the wall.
“She’s really good, you know?”
Seven scowled slightly as Vanderwood appeared from behind, now leaning against the wall and grinning mischievously at him. “You’d better watch out seven-oh-seven, she’s coming for your title.”
Seven stiffened at the very idea. “What?”
Vanderwood, pleased that he caught his attention with such bait, merely hummed. “Nervous?”
Seven straightened his shoulders and puffed out his chest, suddenly feeling protective of his position as the youngest and most talented amongst the agency. This was the beginning of rivalry, whether Agent 666 knew it or not, and Seven wasn’t about to relinquish his title to some mysterious girl.
“No,” Seven declared through gritted teeth. “Not at all.”
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st-kitten · 9 months
707 pt.4 christmas special
← previous chapter next chapter →
WARNINGS: soft toji... (we all deserve it), choking, hickeys
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you stood in your kitchen, making hot chocolate for yourself and megumi upon his insistence. it was early evening and megumi had woken toji up from his five hour long nap to ask him to play. and like a moody man, he dropped him off at your house, going back to bed.
so, after an hour of sketching with him and letting him play on one of your guitars, you placed him on the kitchen counter. megumi latched onto you like a slug until you agreed to make him hot chocolate. he looked at you with so much love. you had been a welcome surprise for him. he adored how you let him be himself unconditionally. you encouraged his hobbies, helped him find new ones, and you never forced him to behave. you had become his safe space too.
you let megumi decorate some cookies you'd baked with icing cream. he was truly an artist. you watched him hold the icing bag with his tiny hands and fill in the star shaped cookies.
the shelf against your door creaked and moved as toji barged inside your house (which you didn't mind of course).
"put it back in place. there's no point in that barricade if you end up pushing through it, you know..." you said from your kitchen.
toji kicked the shelf with his knee to push it back against the door. he stood, leaning against the kitchen island, eyes shifting between you and the cookies megumi showed him.
he held back a laugh watching your outfit for the day. the way you paired miscellaneous items of clothing and still came out with an outfit had his eyes glued to you. you wore fishnet tights, a brown plaid skirt, beige turtleneck and a huge cardigan that engulfed you. you felt his eyes staring at you. not staring at you, but, well, checking you out. his mind always wandered. never to bad places, but his thoughts were usually, well, dirty...
you poured an extra mug of hot chocolate for him too. you dipped your finger in megumi's mug to check how hot it was.
"i want..."
"it's boiling hot, gumi."
"gimme" he did his grabby hands, and you smirked. you held your finger out to him and he licked the steaming hot chocolate off it, flinching at its temperature. toji licked his own lips, envying his son for a solid minute. he could just keep looking at you. your lips, your hair, your eyes, your figure… god, you were beautiful. you were so, so perfect. his heart was beating hard in his chest.
"will you be a good boy and wait for it to cool down a little?"
"yes he will," said toji as he scooter over to stand behind you, hiding you from megumi's view. he had you trapped between him and the kitchen counter. as you sprayed whipped cream on the mugs, toji slid his hand under your skirt and grabbed your ass, giving it a nice squeeze. you jumped a little, startled, and dropped a spoon, his hand grasping at it and grabbing it before it hit the floor. he moved his hands to your legs, to your thighs…
"so clumsy..." his voice reverberated. you felt his hot breath on the back of your neck as his hands started to move up your legs, his lips almost touching your ear.
"you have some nerve..." you said, a shudder running down your spine.
"don't blame me."
"here," you said, handing him a mug.
you managed to escape his towering frame looming over you, and slid a mug of hot chocolate to megumi. he crushed some cookies and sprinkled them over the cream. the three of you circled the kitchen island, sipping hot chocolate and wiping cream moustaches.
"so, what's your plan today? it's christmas eve..."
"he wants to see the giant tree in the a city square. guess i gotta take him there."
"oh yeah! they go all out on the lights. this year i think they're letting people hang their own ornaments on it. it's a huge tree," you said. "come with us," he said. toji never cared much for celebrations, but it meant something to his kid and if there was one lesson he'd learned from the life he'd grown up in, was that every child deserves an innocent and fun childhood. so if it meant taking megumi out to see the sights, buying him candies or toys, or even inviting his favourite person with them, he'd do it.
"i have a delivery coming in tonight, i'll need to supervise it," you replied.
"we'll make it back in time."
"they need to set it up and all, toji..."
"y/n come with us!" megumi chirped, his eyes shining like stars.
you groaned at how cute he could get. "you're gonna be such a heartthrob, gumiiii. fine, i'll come." you ruffled his and kissed his forehead and megumi giggled with glee.
"he's got you wrapped around his finger."
"tell me about it..."
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the three of you roamed around the city, looking at the sights. christmas came alive with a twinkle of lights and festive decorations. tall buildings sparkled with fairy lights, casting a warm glow across the streets. storefronts dressed up their windows with scenes of santa, snow, and elves, creating a holiday buzz. wreaths hung on each door, bells and holly tied to them.
eggnog stands popped up on corners and the air carried the scent of spices as people savoured cups of eggnog, dusted with nutmeg. megumi had the appetite of two grown men and drank a whole pint of eggnog, hogged candies, cookies, and caramel popcorn.
"he's gonna wreck havoc tonight..." said toji, picking his kid up before he spotted anything remotely edible.
"and stay knocked out the whole day tomorrow."
"i'd pay to see that," he sighed.
megumi, bundled up in a cozy jacket, marvelled at the storefronts and the twinkling lights. he loved the colours and the glow of the city.
you soon stood in front of the giant christmas tree. it was massive, draped in ribbons, tinsel, lights, and a myriad of ornaments that people brought. some were storebought, some hand-made, some hung small lockets, picture-frames, and some even hung love letters.
toji held megumi on his shoulder and let him hang a little sketch he'd made of a christmas tree.
"it looks so pretty over there, gumi!" you said, admiring it.
"are ya gonna put something on too?"
"yep," you said as you pulled out something from your purse. you stood on your toes and hung an ornament you'd created out of one of your old golden guitar picks.
"huh. nice."
"i have too many picks. thought i'd spare one... do you have anything to hang?"
"uh... sure," said toji, pulling out a vicks inhaler from his pocket.
"bruh..." you burst into laughter, swatting the fuck out of toji's arm as he messily hung the keyring on a branch, next to your pick. you took a picture of megumi with the tree and his sketch. you snuck in a few pictures of toji looking absolutely disinterested in everything. the three of you roamed around some more until you walked by the lake, frozen and decorated with lights. people were skating on the ice. megumi pulled your hand and led you to the lake.
"you wanna skate, gumi?" you asked and he nodded. so you paid for a pair of skates for you and him. before you could ask toji, he backed away and waved his hand at you.
"loser," you quipped and took megumi to the rink. the winter evening cast a gentle glow on the ice. megumi eagerly hopped from foot to foot in his skates, in anticipation.
it took a few tries to get him used to the light footing. it felt like a scissor gliding through thin paper. megumi slipped a few times, but you caught him in time, helping him regain his balance. after momentary tumbles, you hold his hand and skate across the frozen lake. your skates etched swirling patterns on the ground as you glided over the ice.
toji, leaning on the bannister that surrounded the lake, watched you from a distance. his gaze followed your every pirouette, leap, and glide. he could see you encouraging megumi from time to time. seeing you twirling around, throwing your head back laughing, and skating with his kid did nine kinds of things to toji, and they all made his heart swell, and that was his silent applause to you. you skated your way back to where toji stood, and helped megumi off the slipper ice. both your cheeks and noses were pink, and your laughs gushed out with a puff of mist.
"thought you'd fall..."
"you'd have loved to see that..."
megumi got tired of walking, so he sat atop his father shoulders. your taut walk home passed by in minutes, conversations seamlessly shifting between the trivial and the festive. megumi fell asleep on toji's shoulders, so you offered to hold him.
the three of you stood in the elevator; megumi asleep in your arms, his head resting on your shoulder, while your red handbag rested against toji's.
"sugar game was on point today. he's fast asleep."
"thank god... i can't have this brat run around all night."
"do you have to call him a brat?"
"he is..."
you rolled your eyes and stepped out as the elevator dinged and opened. the two of you were met with two delivery men standing in front of your house, alternately looking through the hole in your door.
"oh, right on time." you wade past them and open the door.
toji followed you, not liking the way the delivery men were looking at you, their eyes trailing your legs.
you asked them to come inside and go on with their work. they brought in a large parcel inside and placed it in a corner of the living room. they began unwrapping and taking their tools out, occasionally checking you out. you had megumi in your arms, so you couldn't see that.
toji, however, saw that and more. he knew what those nods and raised eyebrows meant. he wasn't one to be jealous of prawny men like them. but something about the way they looked at you made him feel... possessive about you.
"put megumi in the bed," he said, gently holding your arm, and guiding you inside.
"you okay with him sleeping here?"
toji almost hurried you inside your room. you put megumi on the bed and tucked him in your blanket. you switched the lights off, turning around to leave.
toji caught you by your arm and pushed you against your bedroom door. before you could even respond, his lips crashed onto yours. he kissed you fiercely. he heard you whimper and gasp, but he did not stop. he grabbed your waist and pushed you against the door, pushing himself against you, harder. he pulled away for a second, allowing you to breathe. he didn't need any lights to see your swollen lips and dim expression. he tilted his head and kissed your neck, feeling your arms grab his shoulder defensively. toji brought one hand to your throat and wrapped his fist around it. he began sucking at your neck. his hands, and his mouth could feel your gulps and panting heartbeats. the urge to consume you had taken over him as he started biting your soft neck. the whimpers and moans that left your mouth were music to his ears. your hot and heavy breathing and the way your throat felt in his vice-like claw sent him to a boiling point. his teeth dug into your flesh softly. his hold over your throat tightened and your breathless moans only encouraged him to bite harder. he wanted to take you then and there... but he had a statement to make.
he pulled away, much to his reluctance.
"what was that for..." you asked, panting, feeling blood rise in your neck. not that you were complaining.
toji pulled you aside and opened the door to your room. he led the two of you outside. he went straight to your kitchen and downed a glass of water.
you were still coming down from the high he'd put you through. you sauntered into the living room to check on your parcel. pleased to see it put together, you leaned against the wall, watching the delivery men clean up their tools.
they turned around to look at you and the mischievous grins they had earlier faltered away into thin lines of disappointment.
"it's done, ma'am."
"thank you." you were about to reach for your purse on the kitchen island when toji stood beside you, snaking his hand around your waist.
"that looks great, sweetheart," he said, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
you almost rocketed through the roof. what the fuck is wrong with him...
the two men awkwardly waited in your living room, hoping you'd give them a holiday season tip or offer them refreshments.
the door to your bedroom opened and megumi stepped out, awoken by your conversations. rubbing his eye, he trudged to his father. toji knelt down in front of him, ruffling his hair.
megumi looked up at you... he asked, "what happened y/n?", pointing to your neck.
you had no idea what he was talking about. all you heard was toji whispering something to megumi.
"you see those men, megs? they hurt y/n... they've been bad boys..." he looked at you and threw a wink.
like a rabid puppy, megumi dashed at the two delivery men, flapping his arms at their legs. stunned and perplexed, they began backing away. megumi bit one guy's calf and he yelped in pain, running away, crashing into his partner. the two scurried out of your house, colliding into the walls.
"gumi! what... why would you do that?" you swatted toji's arm and he draped it across your shoulder.
he brought his lips close to your ear and whispered in a sultry voice, "well, my girl ain't available... someone's gotta teach those boys how to behave..."
megumi came back to you and asked if you were okay.
"yes, you... anklebiter..." you chuckled and assured him you were just... damn... fine.
"what were they here for anyway?"
you held toji's hand and brought him to your living room.
"i swear you act like you're blind sometimes..." you said, pointing to a large mantlepiece piano resting against the living room window.
"i was looking at you..." he shrugged.
megumi, like a curious cat, inspected the piano. he'd only seen grand pianos on tv and in malls. he'd never seen one like that.
"can you play?" he asked.
"sure! why not!" you agreed happily and sat down at the piano. opening the lid that covered it, you turned it on, and checked all the pedals once.
you began playing some chords softly, setting the tune, hoping to transition it to some song. well, it was christmas eve and you felt mildly grateful for the year. you also felt pleasant knowing that toji liked you for real. that he didn't turn out to be a one night-stand or a lesson learned.
slowly, you thought of a song to play. the ivory keys obeyed your fingers as you played chords familiar to most people your age. by habit, you began singing the song you were playing.
you smiled at megumi, who was glued to the side of the piano, looking at you with heart eyes.
as you reached the poignant peak, toji stepped forward, a barely noticeable smirk playing on his lips and bent down. without uttering a word, he began to sing, his voice carrying the lyrics with an unexpected depth and resonance. your eyes widened in astonishment, fingers still pressing the keys.
you had been accustomed to the solace of your music for so long that you were caught unawares by toji harbouring a hidden talent, let alone the fact that he knew the lyrics to the song. his voice croaked at a high note, but as the first few lines escaped his lips, your initial shock gave way to a mixture of disbelief and delight.
"you're my, my, my, my..."
your eyes met like strangers on an opportune day. you gave him a soft, affectionate smile and he gave you his cocky grin.
megumi's claps snapped your from your trance. you ruffled his hair. he asked you if he could play too and you helped him sit on the stool, adjusting it to increase the height. so while megumi played random keys, you stood beside toji, watching him.
"who the fuck introduced you to taylor swift?"
toji clutched his forehead, hiding his face with his hand. he knew this was coming. he could hear your contain your squeal.
"hold it in."
"i can't..."
"don't make a big deal out of it."
"can i please make a big deal out of it?"
he made the mistake of looking at you. oh, how could he refuse when you were staring at him with innocent doe eyes?
he sighed.
"you like her. so..."
"you listened to taylor swift for me?"
toji just groaned in response, hiding his face again. he felt you throw your arms around his neck. he wasted no time in hugging your waist, burying his head in the crook of your neck... the one with a bold hickey he'd marked you with not minutes ago.
"i got you a gift," he whispered in your ear.
toji took something out of his pocket as you pulled away, his arm still around your waist. it was shabbily wrapped in a golden gift paper.
you chuckled and took it, slowly unwrapping it.
"awww, toji, you big old softie..."
you hugged him again, pressing a kiss to his cheek; your arms around his neck, hands holding a brand new doorknob.
(im dying at the way toji says “lover…”)
taglist @amaiyasha @szillx @ruixrei @maddypaddyladdy
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
Regarding the anon that had the quote about Eddie “barely having time for his kid”
A. Do they think single parents aren’t allowed to have free time or fun ever and if they ever have someone babysit so they can have fun they’re terrible parents??
B. What evidence do they have for him “barely having time for his kid”? Just because Gavin wasn’t in this season much does not mean Eddie didn’t spend any time with him. It just means they didn’t have many onscreen storylines involving him (which is understandable in a shortened season)
C. Everything else you said in your response about free time when Chris is at school, about Eddie having a support system and a community
People who genuinely believe that quote are exactly like Eddie’s parents. Acting like Eddie should be doing it all himself or else he’s failing. I’m sure they like his parents taking Chris because they don’t like the idea or actually helping and supporting Eddie.
The other funny thing is (and I’ll admit I’m making an assumption here that the person that said that about Eddie is a Tommy fan because those typically are the ones to hate on Eddie) they will operate on this “if I didn’t see it on screen then it doesn’t exist” mentality for Eddie’s quality time with his son but yet they will bend over backwards to make assumptions about Tommy and his character based on no evidence on screen.
We're literally fighting to get Eddie out of the mentality that taking care of himself doesn't make him a bad parent and that he's actually doing a really good job despite the world being against him since he was introduced. Do you know how good of a parent someone has to be so that their kid will feel comfortable enough having A FIRST DATE AT THEIR HOUSE? My parents still don't know when I had my first kiss and that happened 14 years ago, they only found out about my first boyfriend because they caught me with him. Except for 705 where Chris was shipped off to plot convenience land, everything else, Chris is somehow involved? We saw the date and the great parenting moment from Eddie in 701, 702 and 703 happens in the same shift, so Eddie would have been working anyway, 704, sure, we have Eddie hanging out with Tommy a lot but Buck's pov is the least reliable thing ever, and considering Chris met Tommy, it's not like Eddie was abandoning him, 705 has some issues but, again, plot convenience land, 706, Chris was at the wedding with Eddie and Abuela, and we know she now lives in Texas so she was probably very happy to get some time with Chris, 707 we literally see them out for ice cream, 709 Chris is at the station and Eddie mentions Chris is in his room later. Chris is a teenager. He's not a baby who needs around the clock care. He has school, and friends, and family, and there was a whole plot last season about Chris wanting more independence. It's not like Eddie is leaving a toddler with strangers to go do shit. And Eddie should be allowed to have a life outside being a parent. And Eddie needs a network of support because that man works shifts and sometimes will spend 24 hours at the station. We have multiple episodes with montages of Eddie and Chris' morning routine, we see them watching television together, we see Chris sitting in the kitchen while Eddie cooks, we see Eddie helping Chris with projects, Eddie doing a literal presentation at Chris' school. That man bends over backwards to make sure Chris is as well taken care of. They're not even pretending to watch the show at this point. Are we really crucifying him for playing basketball while his kid is at school? For having a few nights out with some friends? Are we fucking for real?
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chaotic-on-main · 1 year
I'm Fine | CanonAU Drabble
☾ Pairings ➼ Levi Ackerman x gn!Reader
☾ Content/Warnings ➼ one mention of pain-killers
☾ A/N ➼ This takes place probably closer to the beginning of season 2. Levi's ankle is hurt, so he's out of commission. Reader is a captain of their own squad and is in an established relationship with Levi. Reader is hurt in a small scouting mission outside the wall.
☾ Word Count ➼ 707
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A thunderous crash rips you out of the warm pain-killer induced slumber you were deep into. You shoot straight up and regret it immediately. Not only were you extremely disoriented, but your entire midsection screams in pain from your quick reaction, garnering a hiss that escapes your gritted teeth. When the dots that danced in your eyes dissipated, you were finally able to take your surroundings in. You’re currently in a bed lined with cream colored linens, all thrown astray from your sudden outburst. A wooden desk and dresser sit to your right with the one window in the room cracked open, allowing in the early summer morning breeze. Rough sketches of your comrades that hang above the desk ruffle in the gentle wind. It’s your room, back at HQ. Your eyes shift around and land on the cause of your harsh wake-up call.
A man In a dark black suit, panting heavily from what you guessed was from running, glares hard at you from the doorway, the wooden door still shaking on its hinges from slamming into the wall behind it. His black hair is blown every which way, his signature crisp white cravat askew on his neck. Nose flaring and silver eyes sharp, he limps his way into your room.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” His deep timbre growls at you.
“Wow, you could start with a good morning.” You grumble, surprised by how much your throat hurts. The words come out hoarse and scratchy. It takes a lot to maintain eye contact with his cold stare, but you do it anyway, even throwing in an eye roll to accentuate your sarcasm.
“Good morning. What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Levi pulls your desk chair over to the side of your bed and plops himself down. Before you can say anything, he’s grabbing the pitcher that sits on the bedside table and pours you water into the small glass sitting next to it, sliding it closer to you with an index finger after setting the pitcher back down. You grasp it in shaky hands and slowly pull it to your lips, reveling in now it feels against your throat. Levi then leans forward to feel the top of your clammy forehead with the back of his hand. It’s cool against your skin and you close your eyes in relief.
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean, Captain. I’m fine.” You smirk as you emphasize the last word that tumbles out of your chapped lips. When your eyes open again, your boyfriend’s stormy gaze is narrowed at you. You drop your smirk and sigh. “I should have retreated, I know. But I couldn’t just leave Sam.” Levi’s hard exterior softens considerably and uses the same hand that rested against your forehead to tuck a couple of frazzled bed-head strands behind your ear. He mutters your name softly.
“I know, more than most. You know that. But I just-“ Levi shifts in the chair so that he’s closer to you, wood creaking from his movements. “It’s admirable for you to look after your squad. As all good leaders should. But not at the expense of your life.” He moves his hand so that it is now cupping your cheek.
“I made it back this time.” You chuckle lightly and lean into his hand. His palm is rough and calloused against your skin.
“This time. But what about the next?” His eyes search yours, a frown creating a full-lipped pout.
“Then… I guess you’ll need to heal that ankle quickly so you can watch my back next time. I don’t think running on it will help it heal faster, by the way.” A smirk finds its way back to your face.
“Tch, you’re such a brat sometimes.” His lips twitch, fighting a smile. He leans over to kiss the top of your head then lightly shoves you back down into the soft bed. There’s no strength in you to fight him so you fall back heavily with a wince. You’d be surprised if there weren’t any broken ribs. “Get some more rest.”
“You’ll stay with me?” You grab his hand and squeeze tightly. He returns the squeeze with a lopsided smile.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
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luc606 · 1 year
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Seven doesn’t understand you. Or, rather, he understands you too well. He knows what it’s like to be stubborn and want the best from people only to be disappointed. He knows what it’s like to wait for something that never comes.
- i just wanted to write about cutting saeyoung's hair don't mind me pairing: Saeyoung/MC (gender neutral 2nd person) canon 707 route timeline read on ao3
Seven doesn’t remember his last haircut. He’s sure he got fed up with his hair falling into his eyes and drove to a random cheap salon. He’s sure he paid in cash, that he tipped plenty, that he barely spoke to the hairdresser. He thinks he might have thought about sending a selfie to the RFA chatroom, but he’s sure that he decided against it. He knows that there were times before, when he was deep in hiding and in work from the agency, where he cut his own hair. He’s learned not to trust himself with it, though.
His last haircut must have been at least a few months ago—before the hacker, the apartment, and the fight with V. Before you.
Seven’s hair has grown unruly, falling into his eyes and obscuring his vision. Deep in his work tracing the hacker, he pushes his bangs back with his headphones like a makeshift headband. He’s sure that he looks ridiculous and hopes that you don’t wake up to see him like this. It doesn’t occur to him that he shouldn’t care what you think of how he looks.
You’re curled up on the couch, asleep. Seven recalls, with some indignation, the declaration you made before staying on the couch. How you accused him of not getting enough rest, how you refused to go to bed until he took a break.
The fight ended in a stalemate and then in soft breaths from the couch beside him. You had fallen asleep, phone in hand, watching him work.
Seven doesn’t understand you. Or, rather, he understands you too well. He knows what it’s like to be stubborn and want the best from people only to be disappointed. He knows what it’s like to wait for something that never comes. The frustration lies in the fact that your stubbornness rivals his own.
He sighs, rubs his eyes, and removes his headphones. This keeps happening—his thoughts building and building until he finds himself unable to continue working.
Fine. He owes it to you to take a break.
Seven ruffles his hair back into place. He washed it earlier and it air-dried, revealing the little cupid curls that he thinks make him look boyish and cute. The way his red hair coils around the nape of his neck reminds him of how adorable his brother was when they were both little. It also reminds him of the passage of time and of the mother who gave him the curls in the first place. The overall effect is bittersweet, like anything else within reach of Saeyoung Choi.
There’s a slight change in the pattern of your breaths, then Seven sees you shift, dropping your phone to your lap and rubbing sleep from your eyes. Seriously. It’s like you’ve got sixth sense just for him. He hadn’t even made a noise.
“Go back to sleep,” he says, barely a whisper. He doesn’t sell it, though. He wishes you would go all the way to the bed on the other side of the room and curl up out of his sight. Then, at least, maybe he would be able to concentrate.
You make a sound that’s somewhere in-between a groan and a huff. You’re not fully awake yet, but you’re awake enough to be disagreeable.
“Seriously…” Seven rolls his eyes. It’s almost funny, the lengths you’re going to just to spite him. He wishes he had it in him to laugh and call you silly. Caring for him to the point of exhaustion seems completely absurd.
“I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” You pick up your phone again, frowning at the screen. It’s nearly four in the morning. You’ve been asleep on the couch for two hours. “You’re taking a break, though.”
In a way, you’ve got what you wanted. Seven is resting his eyes and stretching his neck. You’re probably thinking that it’s better than nothing and counting a tiny win for yourself.
Seven sighs again, fluffing his curls out of his face with a shaking hand. He can’t imagine he’d be able to sleep even if he had the time. 
“Is your hair bothering you?” Your voice is softer than usual, more timid. Seven recognizes an unfamiliar trepidation and cringes. He doesn’t think he’ll ever forgive himself for shouting at you earlier. “You mentioned in the chatroom before…” You trail off, worrying your hands in your lap. “About needing to cut your hair.”
“It’s fine,” Seven says. “Don’t worry about it.” He feels a bit like a robot, programmed to self-isolate. He’s got a limited number of useful phrases; go away, leave me alone, don’t worry about me, I’m fine, let it go…
“I could trim it if you want. It really wouldn’t take long.” You straighten on the couch, squaring your shoulders at him. “It would be easier to work without hair in your eyes.”
As much as Seven wants to turn you down again, he sees the utility of it. His hair really is a nuisance, and the sensory overload of it is impeding his work.
“Fine,” he says, before he can change his mind. “Sure.”
You’re off the couch in an instant, flying to turn the lights in the living room back on. He can tell by the way you hide your face that you’re trying not to look too surprised that he’s accepted your offer. You don’t say anything as you pull a chair into the bathroom and a pair of haircutting scissors out of the sink cabinet. Seven follows, mesmerized by how quickly and effectively you spring into action. It’s like you’re a kitten, leaping from the shadows onto an unsuspecting ball of yarn.
Briefly, Seven wonders whether the haircutting scissors are yours or Rika’s. He’s already decided that it doesn’t matter when you say, “These are mine,” as if you’ve read his mind.
“Do you cut your own hair?” he asks.
You nod. “I trim my own bangs.”
Seven chuckles, a little of his old self coming back to him in his nervousness. “So, I’m in good hands, then?”
When you smile, Seven realizes that he’s missed seeing you at ease. It’s not as though it’s been very long since he’s seen your smile, but, still, he realizes that he’s been longing for it. Even when you’re right in front of him, he can feel the distance he’s put between the two of you. It’s an oppressive feeling of loneliness, like being lost in space with limited oxygen supply.
“Of course,” you say, playfully snipping the air, “I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t know what I was doing.”
Seven follows your instruction to sit. After some hesitation, he shrugs off his jacket.
“Do you want to…” You trail off, biting your lip, looking worried. Seven is more attuned to your facial expressions now, perhaps overcompensating for how he’s hurt your feelings. He can’t stand thinking that you might be scared of him, even if that’s exactly what he needs you to be. Desire to keep the walls between you in tact is in constant combat with his desire to put you back at ease in his presence.
“Are you okay?” He sounds a bit like you, timid and sugary-sweet. His voice seems to echo with the memory of yours from the past few days. Half of the conversations he’s had with you have begun with your voice asking this same question in the same tone.
He watches you in the bathroom mirror as you nod your head, then shift on the balls of your feet. “Hair gets in your shirt collar.”
You duck momentarily out of the frame of the mirror. Your voice behind him is half-hearted, like you’ve run out of steam. “Never mind.”
That’s when he realizes what you mean, and his mind becomes an overheating CPU again, whirring out of his control. He imagines taking off his shirt so that tiny hairs don’t stick to him when they fall. His muscles are a surprise to anyone that knows his habits, so he imagines seeing that surprise on your face. Warmth creeps across his neck at the thought.
“It’s okay. I have other shirts.” He already feels exposed enough without his hoodie, but it’s equal parts freedom and vulnerability. He sits a little taller, as if the weight of the jacket pressed his shoulders down when he wore it. His arms, though, feel stiff and too long without familiar pockets to rest in. He hasn’t made eye-contact with himself in the mirror once, but he knows he looks a little clearer.
It is in this moment when both of you realize the situation you’re in. You haven’t ever touched him before deliberately. There was one time when your elbow bumped his while you were eating with chopsticks beside him, followed by a hurried apology and a shuffle away. You seem a afraid of your hands being in his hair.
Seven clears his throat and tilts his chin up so that his head is perfectly straight. “I’ll try to keep still.”
“Alright, yeah.“ You take a section of hair at the back of his neck, pinching little cupid curls between two fingers. “Be still.”
The first snip takes away almost nothing at all. Seven can tell that you’re easing into it. Really, he wouldn’t care if you did a bad job. He can only worry about so much at a time, he reckons that a bad trim wouldn’t even be a blip on his radar. The second snip is a little more sure.
Seven has never had an easy time staying still. He’s always bouncing his legs or rocking in his chair or typing imaginary lines of code with his idle fingers. For you, though, and for the sake of his cherry-red curls, he puffs out his chest and counts slow breaths. He keeps his promise, only moving when you direct him to tilt his head one way or another.
You do your best to minimize falling hair as you cut, throwing pieces into the bathroom trashcan instead of letting them fall. Still, Seven can feel little tickles under his collar. He tries to ignore them, along with his rising internal temperature. As well as your hands combing his bangs to one side and then the other, your warm breath against his neck when you lean in to trim beneath his ears. You study him like a sculptor smoothing details into clay, leaning close as you measure pieces of hair against each other, aiming for perfection.
“Do you usually go to a hair salon to get your hair trimmed?”
Seven is startled when you break the silence, but he’s careful not to show it. He takes a breath. “Yeah, it gets away from me, though.”
A lot of things get away from him. For his entire adult life, Seven has been tossed around by the agency and V, treading water all the time. Before, when he still believed Saeran was safe, it hadn’t been so bad to let himself be used. Knowing that it’s all been for nothing, though, Seven finds a new feeling of guilt and loss at having led such a terrible life with nothing to show for it.
“Are you alright?” you ask, for the millionth time in a day. The words seem to fall from your mouth without thought.
Seven frowns, wondering how he could even begin to answer.
“Don’t answer that,” you say. It’s obvious that he’s not alright. “Sorry.”
It’s a mercy when you’re finished. You ruffle his curls one last time and step back. Seven sucks in a breath and slumps against the chair. His shoulders muscles ache from the tension he’s been holding.
“What do you think?” You take a step back and cross your arms.
Seven has to stand to fully see his face in the mirror. Really studying himself like this is something he tends to avoid, but it becomes easier in the moment than looking back at you.
“It looks good,” he says, and he isn’t lying. You’ve only done a utilitarian trim, keeping his normal hairstyle completely in tact, but it looks about as good as a professional haircut. A bit more of his face has been revealed by his bangs being trimmed back, again making him feel simultaneously more vulnerable and more at ease.
You put the scissors back into the bathroom cabinet. It’s clear by the way that you scoot around him to the door that you’re avoiding his eye contact as much as he’s avoiding yours.
“You probably want to shower,” you say, “the little hair pieces…”
“Right, yeah.”
Seven realizes far too late that you’ve tricked him into almost an hour away from his computer. He doesn’t mind, though, because he nearly shudders at the thought of hot water hitting his swimming head and sore back.  
You nod, then leave him alone, closing the door as you go.
Out of necessity, Seven uses your shampoo. He scrubs his shoulders with your soap and the steam carrying your scent envelops him like a blanket. The corners of his eyes prick with tears at the foreign tenderness you’ve shown him. Not just in cutting his hair in the middle of the night, but in making sure he’s eaten and slept, in trying to reason with him and being understanding when he’s pushed you away.
Seven never cried as a child. It was important for him to be strong for Saeran, and he didn’t like letting his mom know how he felt, no matter how terrible she was to him. There was power, then, in hiding away. Everything he was able to keep for himself was a luxury.
Until a few days ago, the same principal applied. All of the secrets about his past were like the expensive cars in his garage, tucked away in the dark, completely under his control. Everything was compartmentalized into boxes labeled with his three identities.
He imagines the name tags on them. Luciel, the martyred angel, 707, the secret agent, and Saeyoung… Saeyoung doesn’t need an epitaph. The syllable he shares with a lost brother is enough.
When he finishes showering, he wraps himself in a towel and drops the clothes he was wearing into the hamper. He notices that the hamper is empty, meaning that you secretly did his laundry for him even when he told you not to worry about it. He heaves a half-frustrated-half-adoring sigh.
“Do you feel better?” you ask him when he returns to the living room, wearing a clean pair of black sweatpants and a new red t-shirt. He puts his jacket back on and returns to his place in the corner. You have curled back up on the couch next to his workstation with your phone, tapping away at a text to someone in the RFA app. Seven wonders if you’re telling one of the members about the haircut you’ve given him.
Seven drops down to the floor. His hair is still damp, pieces of it sticking to his ears and his face, but it’s no longer in his eyes or tickling his neck. He feels like a new man. “Yeah.” He unlocks his laptop and picks up right where he’s left off tracing the hacker. “Thanks.”
“You’re going to work more?”
“I have to.”
He watches as you get up and retrieve a spare blanket and one of the pillows from the bed. You set them on the couch and, for a moment, Seven thinks you might demand that he sleep there.
Instead, you settle back into your spot and pull the blanket over you. “If you get tired, take a nap on the bed.”
Seven sees no point in arguing, your tone is so matter-of-fact. He only nods. “Fine. Go to sleep.”
“Goodnight, Seven.” You reach out a hand and ruffle his hair. The gesture is so nonchalant that, by the time he’s registered it, your hand is already tucked back into the blanket.
Seven sits there for a moment, listening to your gentle breaths beside him and the soft whir of his laptop’s fan cooling the CPU. He’s in another stalemate with you, exactly where he started.
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