leonarda-world · 7 months
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letswhateverness · 1 year
7cups sending away people in crisis
It happens often enough that someone in crisis stumbles into the group chats on 7cups. And as soon as they show any signs of wanting to self-harm and/or being suicidal they are told to leave. Which is done in seemingly pretend way of telling the person that they are not equipped to help with a crisis and that this person should seek out the help of a crisis hotline. From my perspective that kind of ostracizing of those most in need of support and basically telling them that they dont belong will likely push someone even more into crisis. But 7cups does not care (mainly the owners - the rest has to follow the owners orders, for fear of losing their job (the mods) or simply being kicked out from the website).
I am not saying that dealing with people in crisis is an easy task or that it should be done by laypeople, but the way it is handled at 7cups is just simply wrong. If you basically promote yourself as a place of support and community for people who are struggling, but then show total disregard for those who are struggling the most, then something is really wrong with your approach. And the most vulnerable might be pushed over the edge having to realized that the support that people claim to offer at 7cups is only skin-deep.
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hecho-a-mano · 2 years
I highly recommend you not to use 7cups if you need free and quick access to somebody who would listen to you venting.
It's far too easy to get in as a listener and the amount of stories about bad experiences due listeners treating people awfully is immense
I myself tried it some months ago and while most people were cool, this one guy said I was imagining everything I said, insulted me and then told me to talk to him again tomorrow lmao.
So yeah, please look up other alternatives.
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autumnbell32 · 1 year
I’m not sure how she was able to keep her phone, or her watch. And watching this was kind of difficult because of the memories it brought up, but she raises good points.
Also, sometimes things meant to look like resources, aren’t. I used to talk about using 7cups.com, as it was some available support in a pinch. But I don’t recommend using it anymore- it is full of trolls that will purposefully be triggering to some of the most vulnerable people.
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soulinquiry · 2 years
If you need emotional support and would like to chat with a trained listener, try 7 Cups. You can browse through listener profiles, filter by topic/gender/country and much more.
You may find reviews and ratings helpful when selecting a listener, but also look for the blue checkmark, which indicates that the listener has been verified. 💙
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fvkvrodani · 9 months
wrioney to me is so ????????? bc like. that man literally emotionally manipulated lyney into trying to arrange a meeting w lyney's father... on their first ever meeting... & most if not all of the fan content portrays lyney as a flirty slut just. because. theres literally no rhyme or reason... theres no dynamic here, just smut 100% of the content. lyney doesnt act like That.
no wonder it makes me so uncomfortable.
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beesmygod · 1 year
i cant remember which mass shooter it was (sign of a healthy mind?? lol) but one of them used that 7cups free online counseling service and got connected with someone who kept using ^_^ faces and roleplaying in asteriks and thats all i can think of now when i think of online therapy. also better help trying to sell therapy to people who experienced the astroworld crush
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icedmetaltea · 3 months
The 7cups experience
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tf2heritageposts · 2 months
pst if ur suicidal check 7cups. it has free listeners (but dont pick autosearch) if you need help ASAP. it helped my depression but ik its not for everyone. they also have community support with counsellors n other users. hope this helps <3
very good to know
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theruiner2 · 10 months
Gainer Shake Recipe (For Beginners)
This shake goes down EASY, promotes good digestion, slows metabolism, is high caloric and cheap!
3 cans of Pampa sweetened condensed cream. (3,900 Cal)
1/2 cup of Maltodextrin (240 Cal)
2 sticks of butter (1620 Cal).
1 Cup of Skim Milk (100 Cal)
2 tbsp of Cocoa to taste (24 Cal)
Total Calories: 5,884 Calories!
Total #of cups = 7cups (Approx. 1/3 gallon)
Total Price per shake = (Approx. $3.75)
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chat is 7cups any good
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loki-laufeychild · 4 months
Have u tried this app called 7cups?? Ive heard its helpful. And im sorry youre struggling rn. Be sure to take care yourself, ive found that drinking tea by the window helps lift my spirits
I'll look into that app. Thank you.
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miercolaes · 1 year
today i've witnessed something pretty bad while on my way back home and it wasn't the fights in the bus. without giving more context due to the tragic aspect of what happened, i wanted to remind myself and everyone else here something, as it could maybe help someone.
you are not alone. we're all struggling on different levels and just because someone once said some people have it worse than you, doesn't mean you should believe that. you are entitled to have an emotional response to a stimuli. it's okay to brake down crying because you accidentally stumbled on your way back home. it's okay to brake down because you noticed something that reminded you of something specific that happened in the past. it's okay to not feel okay, even if you might think it's something small in comparison to whatever someone else is going through.
i've learned a while ago that just because someone goes through something at the same time you are doesn't mean your pain isn't justified. it is. you are allowed to exteriorize whatever it is that you kept bottled up. let it out by crying, screaming, talking to someone. when i was too afraid to reach out to friends and family i found free apps that had people listening to you (i believe it was called 7cups). whatever it is, let it out.
because believe it or not, there are people rooting for you. there are people out there that you changed for the better. it could be a stranger you smiled at about a year ago or a kind word you once told a colleague. but i promise you that you've made a difference and for the better. and just like you were there for others, others will be there for you.
you are not alone in this and you shouldn't be. lower those walls that you put around yourself and look around you. there are good people out there, even those just passing by. lowering those walls doesn't make you weak. so please, please be aware that your emotions are valid and that it's okay to seek help, from others or from yourself.
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Why do I feel like a failure? Why do I feel like I'm shit at my new job even if I've never received a complaint in these three months? Why do I feel like everyone is talking behind my back about how boring/ugly/stupid I am? Why do I have to feel like this and not enjoy even a fkng day? I'm sorry if this is too much Steph, but your words really helped me in the past. I don't really know how to handle all of this. I'm about to explode
Hey Nonny *HUGS*
Oof, if this isn't relatable to me, I don't know what is. I first want to preface this with this is STRICTLY my opinion, and that I am in no way a professional. I'm just giving you a few anecdotes from my own life, but please take my advice with a grain of salt; I strongly encourage you to talk to either a therapist, counsellor, or someone you trust.
Also, I myself am going through a rough headspace few months, so I'm going to try my best to answer this as carefully as I can so while I try my best to make you feel better, I have to, for my own mental health, not go on into too much detail that will spiral me myself. I just didn't want to leave this message hanging for a few months when winter is finally over and my headspace would be better, is all, and will try my best. I am worried about you <3
I'm not sure where you live, if you are in an ENDLESS winter like I am, but a lot of this sounds like seasonal depression talking at the least, but more likely poor self-esteem and actual full-on depression if this is a "regular" thing for you. Nonny, please know, as I grew older, most of those thoughts are more-than-likely in your head; a perception of reality becomes exceptionally distorted, especially if you have poor self worth/esteem. Everything feels like the worst-case-scenario, and while I did grow out of it a bit the older I got when I became more "fuck 'em" in my attitude, but I still finally had to see a therapist because it's too much for me to handle on my own. Especially coupled with anxiety and seasonal depression that's at its worst in January and February, and I just... crack some times. Plus my self esteem is really non-existent and whoops, suddenly I'm in the exact same headspace you're in, Nonny. It's terrifying, feeling like you can't escape your own brain's perception of everything.
Sometimes, just taking a step back from everything helps, too, Nonny. I know it's cliché, but doing something you know you enjoy can help improve your mood. I like doing art, replaying a video game I KNOW I love and don't get frustrated in, listening to music, watch a movie, or even just reading. It all turns my brain off after a bit and it does help a lot. And get off social media, because places like TikTok, Instagram and Twitter will only make your self esteem worse.
And I want to stress: IT'S OKAY TO NEED HELP. YOU DON'T HAVE TO SUFFER ALONE. My own therapy is talk-therapy, and we talk about usually my current events but she spends a lot of time letting me know that my own feelings are valid, and we talk through the feelings I have when they overwhelm me. We talk about my job, and my home life, my future and my past, and it's just nice to have someone unbiased to talk to for an hour a few times a year, you know? I think you would benefit a lot from it too, if you are able. I got lucky and connected immediately with the therapist I got, but know mine is an exception: it might take a few different people before you find the right one.
That all said, your message strays darker than I think you realize though, Nonny, and I worry about you. I have a huge list of some help lines and Mental Health Resources that I think you will benefit from as well:
741741 Suicide Helpline / Texting Crisis Service
7Cups Online Emotional Support Therapists
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA): 1-800-273-8255
Crisis Services Canada: Call 1.833.456.4566 || Text/SMS: 45645
Canada Suicide Prevention Centre (Talk Suicide Canada): 833-456-4566 || SMS: Text START to 741741
Lifeline Australia: 13 11 14
Suicide SupportLine (UK): 01708 765200
Suicide Crisis Helpline (NZ) 0508 828 865
Kid’s Help Phone (They are Canadian, but I think they’ll be able to direct y'all to the proper place for your country – for youth and young adults 18 and under): 1-800-668-6868 || They also have a Live Chat with a professional counsellor from 7PM to midnight EST
1Call1Click.ca (Eastern Ontario) - A simple way for children, youth up to 21 years and families to access the right mental health and addiction care, at the right time. Call 613-260-2360 or toll free at 1-877-377-7775
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (USA) - Available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. Dial 9-8-8 (as a side note, Canada will also be adopting this number in Fall 2023).
Suicide Hotlines.com (USA)
AND IF YOUR COUNTRY IS NOT HERE: Wikipedia’s List of Suicide Crisis Lines By Country
If you live in Canada, the government is providing SOME FREE mental health resources. It’s an exhaustive list with resources for each province as well as some tips to help cope.
The City of Ottawa ALSO has a list of Local Mental Health Resources. While I’m sure that if you’re not from Ottawa, you can probably call one of them and ask if they know if there’s any for your region.
I'm ALWAYS collecting resources to help spread to y'all, so if you guys have some you've used, please do share. All of my google results are primarily Canadian, so if you have some other regional resource, I want to add them. Mental health is super important to me, and I want to always have an up-to-date list for anyone struggling.
That all said Nonny, my heart is hurting for you, and I want you to know that we are all here for you. Know that you are loved and cared about, and be safe <3 It WILL get better, Nonny.
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this is the hi nanna anon again, and oml i do agree w you about yashna crossing the lines!! the black saree thing, her acting like she has a right to question viraj's decisions about mahi, etc
but overall it was overshadowed by the number of things i loved in the movie/the emotions
I think Mrunal being drawn to viraj/mahi did make sense in my head, because I felt like- even though she forgot those memories, her body would remember? i'm not fully sure what I meant but something along the lines of recognising the comfort viraj gave her & subconsciously recognising bits of herself/someone she loved in mahi? but all that might just be the romantic in me being delulu lmao
and I get what you mean by not vibing with it/feeling like it was Too Much, (especially after the malayalam movies), that does make sense.
I desperately needed both the lead characters to go to therapy so many times 😭 helping yashna cope w her trauma before conceiving mahi would've helped in so many ways, no? and like. my brain has been full of thoughts of them dealing with their trauma after the end of the movie (if they make a part 2 exploring their dynamics, i'd die of joy. unfortunately it's not likely to happen at all smh)
and yes 65 roses was so cute and genius
anyway, thanks for answering!! (and for dealing with my unprompted essay lol)
YASHNA i could not for the life of me remember their names lmfao -- and yeah like as far as she knows shes a random stranger and she's demanding traumatic memories and answer from literally a guy at a coffeeshop like 😭😭 please he just spent all day frantically searching for his daughter maybe find him a therapist instead
for me her being drawn to him made sense in like a, the dog recognizing the kid and him, the fact that they didnt stray from their life paths after the accident, like if they were married they would be in the same place not just because they were together but because their lives just played out like that. but i can see how you see it (im a hopeless romantic too so i want this more than the analytical way) and especially with how much trauma yashna went through and only found comfort in viraj, so even without conscious memory her subconscious would still find comfort in him..................... anon i am subscribing to your beliefs
I KNOWWWWWW LIKE PLEASE 7CUPS IS FREEEEE!!!!!!!!! if i was in that movie i would be getting my degree in psychiatry specifically for them. on god we are getting your mental health above the ground bro
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yesssssssssssssss, nani has such a Father Face in a way i cannot explain so its for me specifically that he's playing more now that he's older. if i wasnt in love with him i'd ask him to adopt me (and tbh. he's more than old enough to.)
jersey was so sad, i still tear up when i listen to the songs :(((( its a movie i definitely want to watch again when my emotional capacity is more stable lmaoo
no worries at all, i loooooove essay asks like we r having an intellectual conversation in this chilis tonight 🙏🏽🙏🏽 i will literally never be annoyed im like omg friend :]
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bypoisedapples · 6 months
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NAME — Jaye ! PRONOUNS — They/She SEXUALITY — World's Okayest Lesbian SINGLE / TAKEN — That's for me to know and you to not find out <3
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— I work for the American Civil Liberties Union ! — Before COVID I was literally a party princess. Snow White was actually my job for a few years ! :D — Uhhh girl I am so boring- My Car's name is Wheatley because he too, is roundish, grey, old, and a bit stupid.
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HOW LONG — Oh gods uh. I was in 6th grade dude. WHAT PLATFORMS —In no particular order, and bare with me here: Facebook, Amino ( eugh ), 7cups, Yahoo Chatrooms....., Twitter, Discord, Tumblr! BEST EXPERIENCE — I will always say Tumblr. Everywhere else was a special kind of hell ! I gotta hand it to Twitter though, I did the greatest people in my life there, and we survived the trenches together :salute:
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FEMALE OR MALE — I think I write a total of like, 8 men. And one of them is a cat, and the other is a chipmunk... So. There's that answer. FLUFF , ANGST OR SMUT — I am a fluff writer and I will die on this hill. Angst can be fun if it's incredibly well plotted out ( pointing at Lobhadh with malicious intent ), but I much prefer soft threads that can move a dynamic along just as much as a fight, argument, or dramatic happening can! As for Smut ? I don't write it. I'll admit some of the things I write can dip into very suggestive territory, but I dunno. I get like, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd hand embarrassment from even attempting to write anything past a suggestive tag warning. PLOTS OR MEMES — Both. Both is good. LONG OR SHORT REPLIES — It really just depends on the brain at the time dude. Sometimes my replies will be a paragraph, and ( checks notes ) other times they'll be NINE Paragraphs... Anything less than a paragraph though I'm tagging it as banter. BEST TIME TO WRITE — I usually get the muse to actually write replies in the evening! ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) — Sigh. Yeah... Yeah. Snow White, Montgomery Scott ( This one has been relentlessly pointed out to me by SOME OF YOU / lh ..... ) , and Nymh specifically take turns piloting my brain like some fucked up airship. I wish I could give you all specifics as to why but. Source? Trust me.
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Tagged by? @aethramusings
Tagging? Literally anyone that feels like it. This was fun and long as shit.
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