#911 Amir
bibellebibuck · 4 months
7x09 THOUGHTS???
I have no thoughts. I am in shock. Actually no I do have thoughts.
- Tommy pisses me off SO SO BAD. His negative attitude brings down the mood in literally every scene I do not understand why he’s like this if we’re meant to be rooting for him as bucks love interest? (Spoiler: we’re not).
- Athena approaching Amir as a way to help Bobby feel better about himself is/was wrong and she could have gone to a whole number of other people instead. I love mother Athena but Bobby/Amir had every right to react the ways that they did. I also firmly do not believe that Amir started the house fire, it’s gotta be the cartel (the old guy from the car) or a plot twist other character.
- I’ve rambled enough on here already about my thoughts on the batshit Kim/Eddie situation so I won’t repeat myself too much but. Good lord. Kim matches that man’s freak and takes it ten steps further. I saw a theory that Kim is going to become a bit psycho obsessed with Eddie and not know how to let him go. I don’t really think this is likely (though who tf knows what to expect the minute) but I do like the idea. It sounds fun, crazy Kim is a wild ride and I wouldn’t mind more yaknow?
However, I was heart BROKEN when Chris came in, that poor boy does not deserve the feelings he’s about to feel. I sincerely hope this whole drama doesn’t badly damage his and Eddies relationship :(
Also as much hatred as I have for Marisols actress, her actual character is harmless and I do feel bad for her too- I will defend Eddie with my LIFE but his actions reaaallly are having some serious consequences on those around him. I hope he sorts himself out soon and can somehow make amends.
- HenRen and their kids… my HEART ACHES for them so bad. I can’t help but feel like this storyline is a little bit forced? Like the councilwoman so easily getting their adoption/foster case halted and the judge doesn’t see a conflict of interest there? All her “evidence” that she present against Hen can be debunked so easily. I do feel confident that HenRen will win their appeal and Mara will come home safe and sound. But I hope there are real consequences for the councilwoman acting like this over her druggy son who REFUSED GODDAMN TREATMENT AND GOT PEOPLE KILLED (or was that just almost?) ugh.
- in terms of buddie/bt. I want BT bones like.. last week. But I do think it’s coming, that stale ass interview, their lack of scenes, Tommys complete void of any character/kindness and Buck prioritising Eddie as he goes through his struggle, all point to BT bones either next episode, in between S7/8 or early S8 at the latest. I cannot wait.
Buddie needs more time to cook. I KNOW we’re desperate for it and have already been waiting a long long time, but it needs time. It would be too rushed and out of place and kinda risks being tone deaf if it were to happen right now/too soon. Eddie needs to get through this and be in a better place before their relationship can develop healthily.
That isn’t to say they can’t feed us more Eddie/Buck or BuckleyDiaz family scenes in the meantime though… really bring this simmer to a boil 🥰
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I am guessing that Amir was injured in the fire that started when Bobby was high.
On any other show I would assume Amir is going to try and murder Bobby when he makes the connection but this is 9-1-1, so even if he starts off with a little light murder attempt they'll probably hug it out by then end of the season.
(this is a good thing. That's what makes our wee woo show different from other emergency services dramas)
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jackwhiteprophetic · 3 months
We open for S8 and Amir turns up dressed as Bobby's dead wife as a funny revenge prank!!!
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deadnatura11 · 5 months
Stay with me now:
- the next few episodes are Bobby & Eddie-centric
- we know Amir is connected to Bobby through the apartment fire in Minnesota through him being IN the building at the time of the fire
- we can *speculate* Amir lost his wife from the 7x08 post-episode trailer
- Amir has not forgiven Bobby for the fire he caused, for scarring him, for costing him his wife (he is still STUCK and has not PROCESSED his GRIEF)
- Eddie is cheating on Marisol with a woman, Kim, who looks like his dead wife Shannon
- Eddie, famously, has not processed his grief over losing Shannon and is STUCK as well and cannot self-actualize (ie be the person he's truly meant to be) he's in arrested development
- Bobby, too, is STUCK (despite moving away from killing himself, despite the true blame being on the faulty wiring of the space heater, and despite opening himself up to friends and finding love and family again) because the Minnesota fire plot line has yet to be fully resolved
I think the spec that there's a fire in the finale, a major fire, is not far off. Everyone wants Buck's loft to burn down. Well, what if -
Amir comes close to killing Bobby with the knife (if that's even him in the promo) but never gets the chance. He escapes despite a very moving convincing monologue from Bobby about moving on about how he lost his family in the fire, too, and even OFFERING Bobby the chance to kill him to make up for his sins. Amir is not swayed from his decision to get revenge/"retribution" for Bobby's past sins.
Amir decides to recreate the Minnesota apartment fire. Where? In Buck's building, in Buck's loft. With Buck still inside. So, in Amir's mind, Bobby can feel the pain of knowing he's responsible for more people's deaths anew because "death is too good".
And of course the 118 respond to the call. Of COURSE.
And as they're evacuating people inside they realize Buck's not there and, who rushes inside? Eddie and Bobby.
And they're stopped by Amir who holds them all at gunpoint because he refuses to let them save him and save Buck.
Cue another monologue from Bobby, this time more meaningful because he has put in the work to actually believe the words he says, maybe by speaking to his brother, ESPECIALLY from talking with his wife. And his talk about letting go of the past and moving on, trying to be a better person for yourself and those who you leave behind is what matters, things like that not only affects Amir but Eddie, too.
This time it works and Amir let's Eddie carry Buck out of his loft.
That leaves Bobby and Amir. Amir tells him to leave but Bobby says he won't do that. His job is to rescue people.
And Bobby helps Amir out of the burning building. He's arrested, sure, but he can begin the healing process.
As can another person, Eddie. Who is by Buck's side the entire way to the hospital and, after Buck is treated, offers him the couch at his place for the time being. If he hasn't broken up with Marisol and/or Shannon, he does so because he recognizes he is in no place to date because he doesn't know a) who he is or b) what he wants.
And Bobby? I think this helps him finally close the book on his trauma from Minnesota.
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ranbling · 5 months
I don't think Bobby being responsible for the apartmant fire is public knowledge ('cause I'm sure Taylor would have brought it up in s2, but correct me if I'm wrong)
I think the look we see in the stills from Amir (the burn unit nurse) is that he recognises Bobby. Not as someone who started the fire, but as someone he knows lost his whole family in the fire and still decided to go into fires every day to save others.
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swiftiesbuddie · 5 months
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oh, god
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echowithpain · 4 months
Alright, it's been a bit since 911 has a done an episode following one storyline (with a few flashbacks) and holy shit they deliver every time.
The first 10/10 episode of the season!!!! 🥳🥳🥳
Seeing Bobby's backstory with how he grew up/what his family was like... I... genuinely have no words.
I do, however, have words about the main story with Bobby trying to talk to Amir.
One of those words being "incredible". I was so invested in the absolute cinema that, you guys saw, I was barely commenting I was so engrossed. Just taking it all in.
(Again, fuck the promo for making it seem like Amir was gonna go psycho crazy on Bobby with repressed anger. I know the promos are made to get you excited about the next episode, but they could've just had Amir's speech at the AA meeting and Bobby going out to the desert and asking about Amir. But whatever, I'm not on the promo team)
One thing I can point out that I absolutely loved was when Amir told Bobby the reason he spoke up was because he was sizing him up, trying to see how someone who was responsible for so much loss and pain was able to carry on. "Pretty damn easy it seems." Bobby says "that's not actually true" but as Amir goes on about how Bobby was talking about how blessed he's been and how he doesn't want Bobby's apologies or any of his ways to make amends, Bobby doesn't jump in at any time and try to correct him about his own struggles.
He doesn't bring up how he lost his family, how he went even deeper into alcoholism, or how he had a book where he would write down the names of 148 people he saved as a way to make up for the 148 ones who died because of the fire he caused, and that once the book was filled he was gonna kill himself.
People are allowed to be angry. If you screwed up something in someone's life, intentionally or not, and they are angry at you for that, trying to put your perspective in how things went or trying to tell them how you've changed as a person since then is a fucking terrible thing to do because then you'd be invalidating their feelings and making it about you.
None of that.
He let Amir speak his mind and tell him his pain, even if he didn't know the whole story. If Bobby tried to correct him or interject about the fact that he actually suffered greatly, it would've felt like he was trying to make what Amir was saying seem almost irrelevant because "you're wrong, I was hurt by my actions too and I'm still trying to get over it just like you".
There are some people in this world who will never forgive you for some of the things you've done, whether it's genuine wrongdoings or petty bullshit. If you try to insert yourself into their life, just to bring up how wrong they are about you because you've changed/they don't have the full story or how they're being childish and need to just forgive you already, you're being an asshole.
Even when Bobby and Amir are in the hospital after everything's said and done and Bobby talks to him one more time, Amir even says "Please tell me you're not gonna keep coming back here until I forgive you because that's not-" before he gets cut off by Bobby saying he doesn't expect his forgiveness. Thank fuck.
Bobby just lets him know that he's heard him and he acknowledges the pain he's caused him. And while he does bring up he didn't just walk away from the fire, instead of taking that time to express his own loss and pain, Bobby just tells him that he's carried it with him every day and night since and that he knows there's nothing he can do to erase all the pain he's caused to Amir and the other families. He even proves that he's carried it with him by giving Amir his wife's info, including which number she was on the list of people who died in the fire. He doesn't make it about him, he keeps focus on the feelings of Amir and the others he's hurt, and I'm so thankful for that. Amir may never want to see Bobby again after this, and that's okay!
That is one thing I've gotten sick of seeing in cartoons/movies/tv shows/etc. The whole forcing forgiveness trope thing is so overdone and unnecessary. The amount of times I've seen people or characters doing the most horrendous stuff only to be forgiven by the people they've hurt because of "forgive and forget" and "letting go of the anger in their hearts so they can move on" is absolute bullshit. Or someone would've done something in their past and as a different person in the present, they go out of their way to track down the people they've hurt and won't leave them alone until they can see just how much they've changed as a person and eventually decide to forgive them.
Fuck off.
I was a bit worried at the beginning that that's where 911 was taking the story, but they didn't and I'm so fucking glad. They had their talk and while he didn't have to say anything, Amir tells Bobby that he became a nurse so he can do for others what he couldn't do the night of the fire and that's saving his wife. That's the last thing we hear from him. He could later tell Bobby he never wants to see him again, to get out of his life, or even to go fuck himself. We don't get full confirmation if he actually forgives him or not after their second talk, and you know what? I didn't mind that one bit.
If you've wronged someone and try to make amends for what you've done, no matter how big or small, but they never want to see you again, leave them be. If you've wronged someone and try to make amends, but they don't want to listen to you and instead decide to spend their life constantly reminding you of what you did and harassing you about it to make you feel bad, block them on social media and get a restraining order.
It's that simple.
(btw if we go into the next episode and Bobby is constantly checking up on Amir but Amir didn't forgive him or it turns out Amir is the one who set the grill(?) on fire outside of Bobby and Athena's place as a way to "get back at him" then I'm disregarding everything I'm saying about this episode and the score will plummet from a 10/10 to a 2/10. 911 I've got my eye on you.)
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warpedpuppeteer · 4 months
Interesting how we have a man (Amir) who never got over his grief of losing his wife and is so consumed by it that he's willing to kill by going after a man (Bobby) who's found a way to process and live with his grief of losing his wife (and kids) and has even found another love of his life.
And then we have a man (Eddie) who hasn't processed the death of his wife properly enough so he is actively sabotaging himself and his current relationship by cheating with someone who looks like his dead wife in a desperate attempt to hang on to the memory of her.
I wonder if this attack on Bobby gives Eddie the perspective that he needs. Like, hey this is how bad grief can be if you don't work through it properly.
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morganofthecoves1 · 5 months
I get the theory going around that Buck's building, or at least the Loft, is going to burn down. It wouldn't surprise me if the writers did that to Buck.
However, I do think it's iffy that people are automatically assuming that Amir is going to the one to burn it down because of his history with Bobby. Like he's at the hospital when we see the smoke in Buck's flat, just because he's (rightly) upset with Bobby doesn't mean he's going to go for Buck, a man he doesn't even know.
I like the theory/idea better that Amir sees Bobby has changed through saving the people in the apartment fire or even there's no fire at all and they just have a heart to heart.
Amir seems really sweet and we shouldn't think the worst just because he's been wronged by Bobby. Amir gets to be upset and angry at Bobby if he wants to.
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queer-benoit-blanc · 5 months
I do get where people are coming from with the thing of Amir burning down Buck's building, but how is a relative outsider meant to identify Buck specifically as Bobby's pressure point
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bibellebibuck · 4 months
Finale Thoughts
This is a long ramble that I’ve attempted to categorise and form into something coherent - but bear with me if there’s any mistakes, I’m working rn and didn’t have time to proofread🙏🏻
I adore Madney and how inherently GOOD they are all the damn time. My favourite straights ever.
I know there’s differing opinions on this plot line but honestly I am glad that Madney are fostering Mara, for Maras sake. It’s a safe space her for where she’ll be loved and can keep in contact with Henren.
I do agree, though, that the constant struggles they put Henren through as they try to build their family is getting old and tired now, let them off the struggle bus, it’s time for a breather.
It’s a testament to how rushed this episode was that we didn’t even SEE the councilwoman at all. She just drops this bomb on the Henren family last episode and then disappears? No follow up? Okay.
My thoughts/hopes on these guys for S8 are; Madney will be left as they are once the Mara storyline is resolved (which I think won’t take long after the whole Gerrard situation is sorted) as they’ve had a lot going on with their wedding etc. I think they’ll be put aside for a while while other characters stories are expanded this season. I think it’s a possibility we’ll get another Buckley-Han baby after they see the sibling dynamic between Mara and Jee. Afterall, it was Maddie who commented on Denny and Mara “getting along so well” “like siblings”.
Henren specifically id like to see more of, I want Karen and DENNY! to have more screentime. Karen’s job is fucking interesting, SHOW US MORE SOMEHOW!! And Denny, what’s going on with his relationship with his dad now? This kids a great actor, give him a little more screen time.
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Now, Athena was bad ASS this episode. I love BAMF Athena with all my heart, that’s literally my mother. Her talk with Amir was emotional and I think well written (one of the few well written moments in this episode..) but it all went downhill from there. Amir’s rescue was rushed as fuck, I wasn’t tense at all, Athena basically showed up, burnt the place down and sauntered out with Amir like it was nothing. Ofc my girl is capable of this no problem… but it wouldn’t have hurt to have had more of a fight scene, maybe Amir being a little more proactive, then show them struggling to get out of the fire? Idk. Just SOMETHING to expand on the scene a little. I did like “I’m Mrs Bobby Nash” though, hell yeah you are <3
Oh also Yay! May sighted!! Love my girl, wanna see more of her in S8 I miss her sooo much :(
For S8, I think Bathenas marriage issues should be gently explored a little more, i feel this plot line wasn’t properly resolved during the cruise eps? Idk maybe I’m just a nervous child of divorce but I’d like to see some of their trust issues put to rest. I mean, just an episode ago Athena was terrified Bobby was going to off himself, and Bobby literally retired without telling her. It’s not healthy, I wanna see them work it out and get stronger together. I don’t want more conflict between them to cause this though, maybe they just start up a conversation when things have calmed down and agree to talk it out or go to couples therapy or something. Leaving them where they are right now will feel like a dropped plot line.
I want to see more of Amir but I sincerely doubt we will, I have a feeling he won’t even be seen in S8 at all to be honest. It’s a shame, he’s an interesting character that I’d totally love the see explored more. Someone suggested he could be a connection opportunity for the hospital? I like that. Tim, take notes !!
I also want them to stop murdering Angela Bassets hair. Let her slay, please.
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I wish I had more to say here, but sadly… I don’t. My heart is telling me we’ve been gently queer baited once again, but I think that’s just old scars hurting (Destiel and johnlock survivor ✊🏻), my head is telling me a lot of the hype was stirred up by us as fans giving journalists and actors comments a little too much credit.
This isn’t to say I don’t think Buddie is happening, i still have my naive little belief that if WILL be canon eventually. They’re just going to drag it out as long as possible for the drama and possibly to appease Those fans, and the older viewer base who won’t be pleased by buddie canon.
I was very disappointed by the scene after Chris left, where Buck just put his hand on Eddies shoulder. We can say all we like that the shoulder touch is Their Thing™️ but in that situation a hug was absolutely goddamn necessary. Idc about shipping, that man needed a hug from his best friend in that moment. I think Buck needed it too. They just said goodbye to their son for an indefinite amount of time ffs why are we standing here like absolute mugs.
S8 - I want gay Eddie this season. I want it.
I want gay Eddie and then I want them both to be single for a while and Then I want buddie. If they can fit this into season 8 while keeping a nice steady pace (I have little faith after this insanely rushed finale, but let’s give them the benefit of the short season doubt) then I want Buddie feelings realisation towards the end of S8.. possibly setting up canon for S9 or even ending S8 with canon and a cliffhanger.. maybe a good one this time though!
As much as I’d like to see Buck supporting Eddie as he navigates life without Christopher, I don’t think we’ll get many scenes between them at first. I think this is where Ryan is talking about Eddies isolation. He’s going to go to work, be with his family, then go home and be without his family, and it’s at this time that he’s going to be working on himself. To get better for Chris, and for his own mental health. This journey is his alone, and I think it (although a little painful) makes sense that Buck isn’t involved in this too much.
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To sum it up.. OUCH!
Eddie is an amazing father, and if you think otherwise just block me. He made a mistake with Kim, that does not make him a bad father. Him respecting Christopher’s space and choices in this ep was soooo healing and lovely to see, he called Buck because he knows Chris trusts and loves him and needed somebody to talk to, and knew he wasn’t the person for that right now.
I’ve seen some people bothered about how it’s unrealistic for the Diaz parents to have gotten to eddies so fast after the incident. To this I say, how are you not used to 911s complete disregard for timelines/timeline realism at this point? Just let it happen and move on, like it’s a fantasy land where time isn’t real. Now, I’m not American so maybe I don’t get the extent of the distance between LA/Texas - but still, I enjoy the show more I think, because I don’t overanalyse the timeline 😅
What I DO find unrealistic is that Chris would call his grandparents and not Buck. I’m not looking at this through shipping lenses either, I’m saying that when Eddie had his breakdown, Chris’s first instinct was to call Buck. When Chris was upset and scared at the Ana situation, he went straight to Buck. And now this, he doesn’t talk to Buck at all before calling his grandparents?
It makes sense that he wanted to go to Texas as if he stayed with Buck he wouldn’t really be getting much space from his dad, and maybe he’d be thinking that Buck/Eddie would be on his case trying to force forgiveness on him while he’s there. But I think he first instinct would still have been to Call Buck to discuss the situation first, to confide in him, ask for help. Then he’d call his grandparents.
For S8 - I hate to be a downer but I don’t think we’ll see Chris this season. At LEAST the entirely of 8a, anyways.
As I mentioned earlier, I think this season will show Eddie growing and healing from this situation and becoming the person he wants to be, for himself and for Chris.
I think there is a lot of potential for us to finally get some Eddie & Maddie scenes, she could open a conversation with Eddie about her own struggles with feeling like an unfit parent for Jee - maybe Buck initiates this conversation, asking Maddie to speak to him?
I hope he will finally be able to put his insecurities about his parenting aside and stop trying to find Chris a mother figure, and accept that they’re a fine (wonderful, even) family unit as they are.
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Ooooohhh lord let’s get into it then.
It’s no secret that I hate this relationship. I do NOT hate it because I am a Buddie shipper, or because I’m homophobic (the fact that I have to clarify this is stupid, but the anon hate in my inbox means it’s necessary). When BiBuck became canon, I was OVERJOYED! I was excited to see Buck exploring his identity and enjoying a relationship with a new partner (I did want him to be single for a while originally, but it wasn’t a big deal, the Natalia relationship was barely a relationship anyways).
I initially had a bit of an ick from the way Tk kissed Buck to ~shut him up~ but I’m a bit of a hypocrite here because I don’t entirely hate this trope usually, but only when it’s between two well established characters who know each other well. At this point, Tk is still new to Buck so it did bother me a little. But, we move.
Then… the first date. I fucking hated this date, Tk almost outed Buck and then left him on the pavement like an a class ASS. I lost all interest in this relationship at this exact moment.
In this episode, on this date, we see Buck opening up about his relationship with Bobby as a father figure (WIN!! Let’s appreciate our small victories!!). Tk then gives us “but your fathers alive” which ?? What’s your point?? Why aren’t you comforting your partner right now?
And shared his own experience with having a shitty dad. We then get the daddy issues joke.
To detour for a moment; we all remember when Buck went to therapy and opened up about his sex addiction, right? How he was being vulnerable about his trauma/mental health, to the point that he was in actual tears… and then his therapist came onto him and slept with him. The show brushes this under the rug and even later makes a joke about it. We’ve all expressed our distaste for this in the past and rightly so. Aside from how morally wrong it was, it was also incredibly distasteful in a very real way.
We’re given a very close repeat of this situation in the finale. Tommy sexualising Bucks trauma is not only unfair on bucks character, but also a shitty slap in the face to real people in the real world too. How many times have we been sexualised for having “daddy issues”? The answer is a lot. This scene was Downright Offensive.
It’s so disappointing because in some ways this show is so progressive, and has handled some sensitive topics in such a great way in the past. But it’s really fumbled the bag with this one.
A large and hopeful part of me thinks all these tense/awkward/unhappy/unsatisfying BT scenes are a setup for BT bones in S8. If they wanted us to like Tk and be invested in this relationship, SURELY they’d make him more likeable & more supportive of Buck?
The awfulness of his character and the stilted scenes between him and Buck do feel intentional. And I reaaallly hope this is the case.
S8 - preferably, BT Bones off screen before the season even begins, Natalia style.
More likely, BT bones within 8a, due to Gerard’s return and the tension this will cause between him and Tk.
Most likely, BT bones by the end of 8b. I truly truly truly, with all my heart and head and hands, do not believe BT is surviving to season 9.
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just wanted to put in a little paragraph here about Buck specially, piggybacking off of what I’ve said about his trauma being sexualised etc.
They have consistently missed opportunities to flesh out Bucks trauma, and he has MANY to choose from. If they continue to ignore this aspect of Buck, it will be a great disservice to his character. I know we all joke about wanting Buck to go through more shit situations for the angst, and how we want him to have a big breakdown at some point but honestly - it really is overdue. I don’t just want him to suffer for funsies, I want his character to make sense, I want him to continue to be massively relatable, I want him to address his trauma and work through it and move on etc. etc. etc.
Here’s hoping we get the single Eddie and Buck arcs in S8/maybe 9 and both of them get therapy, properly.
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My boooyyy!!! The framing of that last shot, I do reckon Ravi will main soon. They didn’t drop his insane childhood lore, and built on him as a character (while Chim was at the academy with him) for no reason.
I am personally really looking forward to seeing him get a lot more screentime in S8. It’s what the people want!!!!!!
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Why did they act like this was such a major twist?? Like why else would they have shown him last episode..
I don’t really understand how he can have been made captain of the same firehouse he was removed from for bullying a crew that is literally still there.. but for the plot I guess we’ll go with it!
I look forward to him finally getting his comeuppance in season 8, but the asshole he’s going to be to everyone sounds less fun.
Let’s look at what we might have in store, hm?
-Racist to Chim, Hen and now probably Ravi too.
-Homophobic to Buck.
-If Bobby is around, no doubt he’ll be demeaning to him.
-And, i fear, if he somehow knows about Eddies current situation, will he make snide remarks about him as a father? Idk, I wouldn’t put anything past the bastard.
I’d really like to see the team take a stand against him though, I know he’s their captain for now and they will, to an extent, respect him (or at least do as he says). But it would be nice to see some firefam crew solidarity the face of his bigotry and bullying. It won’t be realistic if any of them just stand by and listen/watch while he makes shitty racism/homophobic jokes to their family.
Going to be a fun (🫠) few episodes!
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As an episode, this wasn’t horrendous, but certainly not great. As a finale, it was terrible. Underwhelming sums it up, disappointing emphasises it nicely.
I look forward to getting back to a full length season that has hopefully will be written a little more in advance than this one was. Let’s be optimistic, or this hiatus won’t be too enjoyable.
Can’t wait to spend the next few months binging Buddie fics and reading all your theories!! And don’t forget we get S8 BTS pics in just a few weeks 😭🫶🏻
Feel free to send me any asks if there’s something I’ve forgotten to mention that you’d like my thoughts on - or if you have any theories etc. I love to get asks from your guys 💛
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papabearbobbynash · 5 months
Ok. Gonna wait a bit before judging because the episode is a week away, but if it's really just vengeful victim... if it's the case, i do think Amir's anger to Bobby is understandable and trauma can cause people to change and act really differently.
But i will be disappointed for the lack of creativity on the writers because we have been on this hill before.
I guess they want the new viewers to know it a bit more abt it as well, but i have mixed feelings about it, as i don't know what another vengeful victim would help on Bobby's recovery journey (unless the inded for him to spiral). However there seems to be new layers that are interesting though. Seeing this with a more focused on Bobby perspective rather than a mystery that culminates on it being related to him (serial bomber in S2). Also I'm interested on what seems like him revisiting the place (by what it seems like, sorta of exposition therapy like Maddie did?).
At least whump Bobby S7 seems like a real possibility so a win (to me at least)
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deadnatura11 · 4 months
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ranbling · 4 months
I love how they made Bobby save Amir's live and showed how Amir still choose not to forgive Bobby
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salemsvlog · 4 months
Honestly, I wouldn’t blame Amir if the becomes the s8 villain after everything they make him went through.
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watchyourbuck · 4 months
Amir saying ‘I walk alone’ is a play on Bobby’s own words I’m gonna throw up
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