#911 reaction and thoughts
lemotmo · 5 months
My 7X06 thoughts and observations
I watched 7x06 and these are my thought and observations as I was watching the episode.
Disclaimer: This episode is mainly about Madney, but there is quite some Buddie and Bucktommy stuff as well, since they were prominently featured. Because of that I have tagged this post ‘bucktommy’ and ‘buddie’. Now, I’m a Buddie shipper who is sure that Buddie will happen on the show. Doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate Buck’s journey so far and I can definitely see Tommy’s importance in that journey. But I did watch this episode with Buddie in mind. So, if you don’t like that, don’t read. Also, please don’t hate on me in my ask or in the comments. I believe in ‘Ship and let ship’ and I respect people shipping different things than I do. Please show me the same respect by not being mean. Thank you.
1. The opening scene is so lovely. What a beautiful venue to get married in. I somehow suspect that they won’t get married there in the end. I love Maddie’s wedding dress. It really suits her character.
Got to love Hen giving Buck and Eddie the ‘what the f*ck’ look when they walk in. They look so rough.
‘Where is Chimney?’ Maddie’s face. Noooo!
YAY! Flashback!
2. Ah, the Buck, Eddie and Tommy scene at the bachelor’s party. I’ve already seen this seen before as a sneak peak.
I’m sorry, but yes… Eddie is a lot more bitchy towards Tommy here compared to episode 7x04. I wonder if it has to do with the fact that 7x04 was from Buck’s point of view? Just a thought.
I like how Eddie seems to be very accepting of Buck and Tommy dating. I know he said it wouldn’t change a thing, but in real life it sometimes does change things between friends and I’d hate for Eddie to be that guy. But he clearly isn’t.
So, whatever it is that causes Eddie to react a little passive-aggressively towards Tommy doesn’t have to do with them dating. He’s okay with that. Buck and Eddie have always just been Buck and Eddie. They’ve shared everything together by now. There’s this deep bond between them. That won’t change because his best friend is dating a guy.
I doubt that he himself knows why he does what he does when it comes to Buck. I’m convinced at this point that he has some very complicated emotions and feelings for Buck brewing underneath the surface, but he doesn’t really know what they mean
But the way he makes Buck think about the whole coming out at Madney’s wedding? *chef’s kiss*
As for Tommy. When he high fives Eddie it almost seems as if he is going for the ass-slap. That would have been very awkward in front of the guy you’re dating.
When Buck and Tommy hug, we can see Tommy give Buck an appreciatively once over. I mean… I can relate. Although Eddie is more to my taste, I have to admit. That pink suit does things to me.
I know that a lot of people are like: Tommy’s on call, he can’t wear anything 80’s. But he could have at least put in a little effort to do something. Maybe an 80’s clothing accent? Something small. It would have been so nice to do that for Buck. It’s only a detail, but it does stand out to me. This was a deliberate choice made by the writers. For what purpose? Not clear yet. But everything in TV-shows has a purpose. I’ve learned that over the years.
It's also interesting how they specifically had Tommy talking about henley’s and wearing one. A henley is definitely a typical Eddie thing as well. They keep comparing Tommy and Eddie. I’m not saying it has to mean anything, but it is very interesting from a narrative perspective.
I also love the way Tommy seems to experience the chaos that is Buck and Eddie for the first time. His head just swivels from right to left, not sure what to think. He also clearly picked up on some of that passive-aggressiveness Eddie was serving.
As for the direction’s choices in this scene? Again *chef’s kiss* The way they show Eddie in between Buck and Tommy? Ryan’s acting choices when delivering his lines? Yeah, something is brewing there. It’s small, but it’s there. It will all come back to the ‘My attention?’ line from 7x04 in the end. I can smell it.
3. Hen and Karen look gorgeous! And Ravi is there!!! Love Eddie’s side eye as Ravi eats a slider and Buck is angry at him.
What? Chimney didn’t want a party? Well, that explains a lot.
4. Oh my, Eddie is the one who suggests Crockett and Tubbs? And Buck’s little ‘absolutely!’ is sending me. He’s so happy.
Seriously though, why Crockett and Tubbs? They have been queer-coded ever since the 80’s. It does once again show how in tune Buck and Eddie are. They didn’t even have to discuss anything. Eddie knows Buck well enough to know he’ll love his suggestion and Buck trusts Eddie to be right in this. It’s beautiful.
5. Everyone is leaving the party? Seriously? Come one, Buck made the effort to organise all of it and you leave? And now Tommy has to leave for work too?
I love how they keep Eddie in the shot when everyone is leaving. He’s just sitting there, drinking and not budging. He’s determined to stay and Buck doesn’t question him staying for a second. He knows Eddie won’t leave.
6. Okay, the party is about to begin! Aaaah! This is so much fun! It’s cringe, but so much fun! The drinking, the way they are so in tune with each other, the hanging onto each other… I can’t. My poor Buddie heart won’t survive this.
No Eddie NOOOO! You can’t just force your way into that room! Wait, where is Chimney? Those people ripping off Eddie’s shirt is such a choice though. Interesting, very interesting.
Why is this scene so short? I wanted more of Buddie shenanigans!
7. Ah, the morning after. Another sneak peak that was released.
Well, that hotel room is completely ruined. Who is going to pay for that? I love that split second where Buck’s face is terrified that Eddie is dead or something.
Oh, did I spot a second of ‘Wow! Eddie’s naked chest. I shouldn't look at it.’ moment?
I repeat: Where is Chimney?
8. Maddie, my love! Oh, she seems so worried.
Oh, Chimney? What is going on? Does he have amnesia?
Nooooo, Chimney! Don’t trust this guy. I don’t trust this guy! What is going on? He is going to steal your car!!!
9. Oooh, Chimney flashback.
Nooo, Kevin. I’m crying now.
Something is going on with Chim. Please don’t give him a tumor or something! I would never forgive Tim for that.
He’s complaining about Buck wanting a bachelor’s party for him to the Lee’s.
10. What is going on???????? Oh, Maddie getting in action! You go girl!
Noooo, Doug?! Is he hallucinating? What is going on?
Illusion Doug needs to stop talking about Maddie like that! Asshole! Nooooo, don’t stab him!!!!
It’s not real! It’s not real! It’s not real!!!!!!
I love dispatch so much right now!
I want to reach into my screen and hug Chimney!
No Maddie no! Marrying you isn’t stressing him out! Thank you Hen for being the voice of reason!
He’s revisiting places he used to live. Interesting. It almost feels like another ‘Chimney begins.’
Go away Doug!
Go Athena! Go do your thing!
Hen is figuring things out! He’s forgotten 2 weeks of his life? Wow!
11. Ah, my two favourite idiots are back! 😊
There’s someone stuck in a vent. Ooooh, he sneezed in Chimney’s face. Bet he has a disease and Chimney caught it. That’s why he forgot everything. This guy thinks the girl is his fiancée, but she no longer is.
12. Buck and Eddie bringing clothes and food to Maddie. So cute.
Encephalites? Well well well!
Save Chimney now! Please!
Even when sick, he wants to help people. Chimney, how I love you!
13. Oh no, Buck… find him!!!! He needs help!!!!
Shut up Doug! Chimney, don’t listen to him. Go to Buck!
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up Doug!!!!
Yes baby, you’re supposed to be somewhere! Exactly!
Side note: The actor that plays Doug is legit scary as hell. It’s jarring, because he’s such a nice guy in real life and married to Jen as well. I love him.
No, don’t go to sleep!!!!!
Oh God, I’m crying so hard right now! Kevin!!! It’s Kevin! You tell hm Kevin! You tell him!!!
This is the best scene ever!!! I love this show!
Home, brother!!! Tears are legit streaming down my face right now.
14. He’s at the Lee’s. He’s safe.
Oh Maddie. I love you. Yes! He remembers!
Yes, Maddie. You always find your way back to each other!
15. OOOOOH, hospital wedding!
I like how the Buckley parents are making an effort for Maddie.
The Lee’s are amazing.
This wedding is making me feel all the emotions! Bobby is officiating? YES!
16. Tommy being all dirty, but still showing up to the wedding. I like that he made the effort for Chim and Buck.
Buck being high on love, walking right up to him and laying one on him. Good for him.
Look, I love that Buck has figured this out about himself and I love that he seems to be so happy at the moment. I even quite like Tommy. The real Tommy, not the one some people have made up out of thin air. He seems nice, but we know next to nothing about him. Right now all I know is that he definitely has a crush on Buck.
That being said though, I’m still not feeling the Bucktommy relationship. It’s all so… lackluster. No offence to the people who love them together and ship them together. I see where you’re coming from. I do. I just don’t personally feel it. I do appreciate that this is the path Buck is on right now, but I really don’t see it lasting very long.
Can’t help but notice that the line ‘And you did walk in the night. Slowly losing sight of the real thing’ plays in the background at the end of that kiss, while the shot changes to Christopher and Eddie eating cake (right at the moment when the singer sings: ‘the real thing’). Directional choices choices choices! I’m eyeing you 911!
Nooo! Not Buck coming out by looking all sooty after kissing Tommy! :D This is so typically Buck. He looks so happy! Hen is all like: It was about damn time! She knew!!!! Okay, if she has clocked him, she has to know there is something there with Eddie as well.
Ooooh, the Buckley parents don’t look all that happy. Don’t be bitches about this! I will throw hands if you two decide to be mean to Buck about him being bisexual. No, you know what? Maddie will take care of it for me. And then Eddie will weigh in as well. He’ll let loose all his bitchiness on you! Be aware!
17. Were Buck and Tommy a thing before my amnesia? :D I love how he just accepts it, no questions asked. Love that for Buck!
Why do they call me Chimney? Nooo, don’t cut the scene now! I want to know!
Conclusion: Oh man, what a ride this was. It was such a great episode, filled with great things. Madney is the best 911 couple I swear. I’m still on the Buddie train guys. After this episode even more than before. I can’t help it. Choices were made in this episode.
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apassingbird · 5 months
no but buck surprising tommy by initiating the next kiss and it's just as soft and tender as their first one and it lasts for nothing more than a few seconds but when they break apart this time they stay so so so close sharing a breath and giving themselves a moment to just. take it all in. that they're here and that they get to have this. and there's this almost electrifying static between them that just keeps building and building until all they can do is to dive right back in and not come back up for air until they physically need to.
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xofemeraldstars · 3 months
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love mara but the way they handled the storyline in ep5.............. i'm VERY disappointed. also it looks like the only info they got on her past is that she's attached to the blanket... and saying this after ONE DAY AND ONE NIGHT??????
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mischiefbuckley · 12 days
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me when eddie calls buck evan and proceeds to have a full blown love confession towards his best friend
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watchyourbuck · 10 months
Hold on bc Eddie introduces Buck to Tía Pepa as “someone he works with” and Carlos introduces TK as his “friend” and both Buck and TK have the same disgusted face SJDKDKSK but only ooooone of those scenarios is gay right ?? Mmhm bye
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fiona-fififi · 6 months
So, once upon a time, Eddie stood in Buck's loft and entrusted him with the most important, vulnerable parts of himself. Because it was about Christopher, yes, but it was also about Eddie's unwavering trust and love and handing all of those vulnerable parts of himself over to Buck to keep safe.
And now Buck gets to return the favor and entrust Eddie with all of those most vulnerable parts of himself, too.
And I just think that's really beautiful.
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bibvck · 2 years
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1x10 A Whole New You 3x10 Christmas Spirit 6x11 In Another Life
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
One thing I will never understand is why some of y'all get so mad about Buck and Eddie being roughly the same age. I don't understand how people can learn that Eddie only enlisted when Shannon got pregnant and not just assume he was 18/19 when that happened. In what world a 23 yo would panic enlisted because his girlfriend got pregnant? I don't get it.
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twohauntedhouses · 3 months
you know i understand that there are gay firefighters in the gay firefighters show but had you mentioned hen or milf abby?? you wouldve had my attention so much sooner
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blueberrytwoberry · 16 days
Am I back to obsessing about the basketball scene? Yeah, but specifically because of the still the show released with Buck standing between Eddie and Gerrard because, tbh, that’s the most squared up and bristly i’ve ever seen Buck and it’s making me think thoughts, because, okay. 
This show consistently makes the most wild narrative choices and I mean, that’s clearly part of what I enjoy or I wouldn’t have stuck around for seven seasons, but i still think some of the wildest are related to The Basketball Game, but more because they had chances to be much wilder with it and didn’t even take them! 
Like, listen, we have Buck, who has basically been a hard no on any aggressive behavior for six seasons before this, never called himself a pacifist, but he and Hen are the only members of the main cast who never lean that way, hurting his bestie out of jealousy/frustration/anger (exact emotional motivation subject to interpretation by the viewer). 
That’s the kind of wild choice I expect this show to make! 
And it makes sense in a very messy way, because we know that Buck used to hurt himself for attention all the time. And I’ve got a research paper in me I think about what this says about Buck blurring the lines between BuckandEddie in his own head, if it’s okay {“okay”) to hurt Eddie because they’re BuckandEddie so it’s close enough to hurting himself that he didn’t even think about what he was doing, and how I’d have loved to dig into who was the end-goal recipient of attention for him. 
If they’re BuckandEddie and hurting Eddie means (to Buck) hurting himself, was he hoping for attention from Eddie, then, after the game? (This is, I think, the most likely option because the whole rest of the episode (barring the swerve at the end) is Buck trying to get Eddie to pay attention to him). Or does hurting Eddie mean it’s expected (and okay) for him to give Eddie attention after the game? 
Did everyone else reacting in a normal way to him fully taking Eddie out snap him out of that weird headspace? 
Doesn’t look like we’ll ever know because the show did surprise me there by completely swerving on Maddie’s reaction to Buck’s admission of what he did. Fully expected her to react more strongly because that’s basically… Maddie’s hot button issue (maybe unpopular take but I don’t think hurting someone becomes okay just because they aren’t your romantic partner). (Sigh the fic I never wrote about Maddie running into Eddie and seeing his ankle all bandaged up and all the feelings that’d bring up in her and the long-term fallout on her relationship with Buck because give me the obvious comparison to Doug.) 
In any case, i fully expected them to then drop the physical aggression right back out of Buck’s character after the end of 7.4. But hmmm that still makes me think maybe not and now i’m back to desperately wanting to talk about it again. Ah, well. 
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destialpal · 2 years
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iinryer · 28 minutes
oh yeah actually good idea before the new season airs: i don’t liveblog here, but i also don’t tag recent spoilers once ive seen the episode. 911 is literally the only thing i post here so fjdkdhfh please feel free to unfollow/refollow at your leisure and curate your own online space 🫶
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mischiefbuckley · 3 days
will we finally hear buck call himself and say the word bisexual on our screens in season 8???
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mazzystar24 · 9 months
I have a confession to make girlies, I’m not fucking with the idea to keep the long hair/beard combo on Ryan for Eddie UNLESS it’s for a missing/presumed storyline where we see buck taking care of Chris and all the drama and trauma that ensues from everyone thinking Eddie is dead only for him to show up for xyz reason hence the long hair/beard
Like think kidnapping,or Hollywood amnesia, or coma but no identification vibes.
Yeah people hate when shows pull these storylines but I sometimes like a little temporary character death to see ultimate drama and emotions only for writers to go sike and you can’t really do that on non fantasy or supernatural themed shows without these silly little tropes
I got totally distracted when I was just gonna comment on my unpopular anti long hair and beard opinion but oh well
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soldierandawar · 4 months
The daddy thing is really going to be a thing on here, isn't it?
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captain-gillian · 6 months
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