#911 rentals
renownedrentals · 2 years
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If you’re looking for a luxury feel on your trip, rent a Porsche 911 near me. Renowned Rentals is located in San Diego, CA and offers the best exotic cars for rent. If you’re looking for something that will take your breath away, we can find it! We offer a wide range of options so you can get the perfect Porsche rental fit for your perfect adventure or road trip needs.
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beviprental · 8 months
Revving up success, one Carrera at a time. 🚗💨
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1937carrentals · 9 months
Renting a Porsche 911 Carrera S Cabriolet can be an exciting and rewarding experience for several reasons:
Exhilarating Performance: The Porsche 911 Carrera S Cabriolet is renowned for its exceptional performance. With a powerful engine and precise handling, it offers an exhilarating driving experience. Whether you're cruising along scenic routes or tackling winding roads, the Carrera S Cabriolet provides a thrilling and dynamic ride, making it an ideal choice for those seeking an adrenaline rush.
Luxurious Open-Top Driving: This convertible combines high-performance with the joy of open-top motoring. The soft-top roof can be lowered to let in the sun and the breeze, providing a unique sense of freedom and connection with the road. It's perfect for enjoying beautiful weather or enhancing your driving experience during a special occasion or a memorable road trip.
Iconic Style and Prestige: The Porsche 911 Carrera S Cabriolet is not just a car; it's a symbol of luxury and prestige. Its timeless design, characterized by its distinctive silhouette, commands attention and conveys a sense of sophistication. Renting this Porsche model allows you to make a statement and arrive in style at any event, be it a wedding, a business meeting, or a glamorous night out.
In summary, choosing to rent a Porsche 911 Carrera S Cabriolet offers you the chance to experience world-class performance, luxurious open-top driving, and the prestige associated with this iconic sports car. It's an excellent choice for those seeking a memorable and high-quality driving experience.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 1 year
‘this is my husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner etc.’ for soft fic prompts?
Send me soft fic prompts! Read the rest here!
Heather would say she's not having a great day. Sure, her and Tracy hadn't been on the most stable ground lately, but coming home from the San Francisco office to a two page (both sides!) handwritten letter full of incredibly beautiful prose that more or less boiled down to it’s not you, it’s me was still a shock. And, you know, maybe she had been spending too much time crunching for work, but she’d been trying to make senior art director for years and when she’d finally got the promotion she wanted to make sure the studio didn’t regret it. The studio who, 15 minutes after the whole ‘getting dumped, epistolary style’, called to tell her the promotion had been unpromotioned. Two steps, unpromotioned, actually, seeing as they were “taking the project in a new direction” and “felt she would be better suited to a support role rather than leadership.” And, you know, Heather thinks of herself as a relatively laid back person, she’s chill, she’s calm and collected, but after four straight months of 6 day work weeks pulling overtime almost every night she thought she deserved a face to face goddamn explanation for all of this, so she had climbed right back into the subaru she’d driven all night in and took off towards Burbank.
She’d made it three exits past her apartment when some asshole in a truck too big for him to control had swerved into her.
At least someone's already called 911, judging by the emergency vehicles pulling up, and this was a rental car paid for with company dime, so she doesn't even have to stress about it being crumpled up like a tin can. There's a tap on the window frame (the glass is gone, she hadn't even noticed) and she startles, peering out at the platonic ideal of a hot guy she might have described to friends as her "type" when she was sixteen and still trying to be straight. Ruffled dark hair, warm eyes, a kind look on his face. She can't see his arms under his firefighter coat, but she bets they're jacked.
"Hi," the apparition says. "My name's Eddie Diaz. Are you in any pain?"
"Uh," Heather says, trying to take stock. "Mostly shaky, I think."
He nods, shining a flashlight in her eyes. "Can you wiggle your fingers for me? How 'bout your toes?"
"Eyes and ears and mouth and nose," she sing songs as she does so, and Eddie Diaz has the good grace to laugh.
"Alright, you're a little scraped up but I don't think you have a concussion. Can you tell me your name, the date, and where we are?"
"Heather Pantry, July 23rd, the 5 somewhere near Atwater."
"Pantry?" Eddie quirks an eyebrow as he examines the car around her.
"Hand to god," she says, used to the double take. "From the proud Pantry line of middle of nowhere Massachusetts."
"Well, good to meet you Ms. Pantry. I have to go get-" Eddie straightens up and waved someone over. "Honey, can you stay with her? I'm gonna grab the jaws and some bandages."
Eddie steps away and a new man crouches in his place. He's blondish, has a red birthmark splotched above his eye, and is grinning cheerfully. "Hey, we're gonna get you out of here in no time."
"I bet you got shit from other kids about your name too, huh?" She smiles at him in commiseration, and then confusion as he looks at her questioningly. "Oh, you didn't hear- I'm Heather Pantry. And you're Honey, right? Food names."
His face stays puzzled for a second before he laughs. "Ah, no." He jabs a thumb in the direction Eddie walked. "I'm married to that guy." He says it proudly, and his grin gets somehow more cheerful.
"Oh, shit, sorry," she says as he flaps an understanding hand.
"Don't worry about it, just don't let our colleagues know he used a pet name at work or we'll never hear the end of it. My name's Buck Diaz." He holds out a hand.
She mimes a zipper over her mouth as she shakes it. Multi tasking! Take that, potential concussion! Her eye catches on his name tag as he pulls away and she frowns. Aw no, concussion. "Why does that say…"
Buck looks down at the letters. "Ah, right. Well, I took Eddie's name when I got married, but my- everyone calls me Buck, has for ages, but it's a nickname from my old last name, and I didn't want to be Evan Diaz with no tie to that, so I changed my first name too, because Evan just isn't really my name anymore. But," he gestures down at the name tag, and then over his shoulder at the back of his jacket. "The names on our turnouts are one of the ways we find each other in low visibility, and how we might be initially identified if something, uh, goes wrong, and everyone rejected my perfectly good idea of being labeled 'Diaz 1' and 'Diaz 2' so… I was born Evan Buckley, my legal name is Buck Diaz, my work name is Buckley, sometimes people call me Buckaroo, and Chimney says they should just start sending me out to explain all that as the new concussion protocol."
"You'd fit right in around here, Pantry. You looking for a career change?"
"Hah," she says. "The LAFD looking to recruit failed art directors who can't maintain a good relationship with the best girl they've ever known?"
Buck grimaces in sympathy. "You've had a rough day."
"I've certainly had better." She looks at her shit thrown all about the car, feeling a little pathetic, and then back at Buck. If something goes wrong… "Is it hard, working together? Do you- I mean, either of you could get hurt at any time. It's gotta be hard knowing that, or- seeing that. Being there."
Buck's smile turns a little rueful, and he looks back towards the firetruck for a moment. "Yeah… we've had our fair share of close calls." He laughs, though there's not much humor in it, and starts holding up fingers. "Eddie's been crushed in a collapsed well 40 feet underground, and he got shot standing two feet in front of me, and there was the whole thing with the freeway collapse - which is how we got together, actually - and I've been crushed under a firetruck, was on the pier with our kid when the tsunami hit, and I got struck by lightning." He does a little jazz hand. "I died for three minutes."
"And seventeen seconds," comes Eddie's quiet voice. He's standing there with the supplies, looking down at Buck, something too steps more sad than a frown on his face.
Buck looks up at him, eyes intense, smile small. "And seventeen seconds," he corrects, and then looks back at Heather with both eyebrows up. "I don't recommend it!"
"I'll do my best to not get deceased."
“But I think…” Buck looks thoughtful as he stands to let his husband press gauze to cuts Heather didn’t know she had. “I’d rather be here, than not. I want to be by Eddie’s side, even and especially when things are hard, and to, uh,” he laughs a private laugh, bumps his elbow with Eddie’s. “To have his back, like I know he has mine.” Together, they work the jaws into the door and finally wrench it open with a terrible metallic screech. “And anyway, some of that stuff happened while I wasn’t even at work, so bad things can happen at any time. I want to… know I had the chance to do something about it, when they do.”
Both of the men reach in to help Heather, moving around each other so easily, so familiar. Her eyes sting a little, and she could blame it on the scrapes but she’s thinking of Tracy singing while she does the dishes. She sniffs a little as Buck holds her elbow. “Wasn’t… the tsunami years before the freeway collapse? You guys had a son already?”
They make eye contact over her head (jesus, they’re tall, is that a firefighter requirement?) and Eddie laughs first but Buck really cracks up.
“We may have done things a little out of order,” Eddie says, loud enough to be heard over Buck’s guffaws. His eyes are crinkled up. “Let’s get you to the ambulance, Ms. Pantry.”
She’s handed over to other paramedics, who go through a more thorough checklist than Eddie’s field triage. She’s paying attention to the questions, she is, but the ambulance doors are still open and she sees Eddie in the shade of the fire truck look around before pulling Buck close, a hand gentle on his cheek. He kisses him, and they’re pretty far away but she thinks the small smile on his face is probably visible from Saturn.
The doors close, and she’s carted off towards Cedars-Sinai where as soon as she’s cleared to leave she’ll find the gift shop and buy a notepad, a get well soon card, a coloring book- anything she can write on. She has a letter to send.
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911 Spoilers Season 3: You’ve been warned. 😅 Buddie Rewatch
Episode 8-9
Episode 8: Malfunction
Ice Rink Disaster:  Eddie calmly searching, while buck is like a baby dear, unable to stay up on ice. Eddie and Buck on finding finger duty. They find all the fingers. Buck finds 3, and Eddie found 1.
 We learn about Bobby’s ice-skating past. The entire 118 finding this new information amusing. Eddie judging Bobby and stating he thought he was more into hockey. Bobby taking the comment and throwing it back. Bobby walks away as everyone is left visibly confused. Chim has my favorite facial reaction. Hen a close second.
Eddie and Buck are standing near each other with the same confused look. The height difference is prominent. Buck suggesting the google photos later, Eddie just nodding his head in agreement.
Buck almost slips on the ice again, but catches himself. Eddie rolls his eyes at Buck’s clumsiness.
Eddie is in the middle of another fight. He’s fighting against someone arguably twice his size. He’s focused, not holding back, letting out all his anger. He is getting paid for the fight, wants more of these fights. Passively mentions Lena gave him the advise that he needed an outlet. The promotor reminding him he’s not invisible, rules apply to him too.
 Buck is pulling something out of his jeep when Eddie pulls in with a brand-new pick-up truck. Buck walks towards Eddie to ask if the truck is a rental. Eddie admits to impulse buying because his last truck the AC went out. Buck is the one to point out it was an impulse buy. Eddie tries to use Chris as an excuse.
Buck has a light banter about Eddie needing more shifts in the future to make payments.  Eddie changing the subject to ask what Buck is carrying. They playfully run into the fire house.
Scene cuts to Bobby’s morning brief. Buck and Eddie are standing so close together. Practically shoulder to shoulder, with smirks on their faces.  Buck bites his lip and Eddie moves out of the way, loudly singing to catch everyone’s attention as he pulls out a life-size cut out of young Bobby as an ice skater.
Buck being extra silly admits he’s the one that got the photo from his old partner. Eddie standing there all proud, makes fun of Bobby’s hair. Hen appears late from dropping Denny off at school, at this moment you can see how proud Eddie is with his hands on his hips and his head bopping up and down and Buck looking towards his direction and back at Hen. They really love their little prank.
Athena cooks dinner for the 118. Eddie and Buck sit next to each other as they eat. Bobby stops Buck from adding salt to Athena's salt. Eddie practically begging Athena cook more for them. Buck trying to stay neutral and says he likes both Athena's and Bobby's food equally.
Self Driving Car; Eddie and Buck are working together to move debris and move the victims.
Maddie, Chimney, and Buck are hanging out at Buck's place. They are talking about how weird Hen is being. Buck points out that he thinks Eddie is also being weird. Maddie points out how quickly information spreads in the 118. Chimney asking Buck for further clarification on why he think Eddie is being weird. Maddie turning towards them with an annoyed look.
If I wanted to be real delusional I would say Maddie turned around at the mention of Eddies name because she has been a Buddie shipper from day one. That is not what happened, but the way the clip is edited, it is so easy to pretend.
Eddie is fighting again. He's throwing elaborate punches and kicks. Really doing damage on his opponent. He kicks the guy in the face. The man has a seizure and isn't breathing. Eddie calls 911 and everyone attempts to flee the scene. Eddie leaves his opponent sat up and airways clear giving him the best chances when help arrives.
Lena's station is the one to respond to the call. She is the one to make the connection that someone helped the victim and gave him the best odds. She knew almost instantly that Eddie was involved.
She finds Eddie and confronts him about if he was the one that saved the man or the one that almost killed him. Eddie admits too being both. Eddie looks tired, upset, and annoyed at the entire situation.
She hands Eddie her firefighter jacket, Eddie confused by this, she explains its’s to give him a cover, to keep him out of jail, so that she doesn’t have to bail him out.
Lena is now interrogating Eddie outside. Asking him if how long he’s been fighting. Eddie says he’s been fighting a lot because it pays good money. Lena sees thru that bullshit and knows that the thing that was suppose to be an outlet, has become a very unsafe obsession. Eddie does not want to listen to Lena’s concerns. He’s very dismissive.
Eddie walks into the fire house, Bobby calls him up for a meeting. He sees Lena walking down the stairs and is pissed off at her because he thinks she snitched.
Lena puts him in his place and establishes they are not friends, because Eddie is too one sided.
Eddie and Bobby have a one on one, discussing how this fighting thing is about wanting control. Bobby discloses that Lena came over to defend Eddie, Eddie feels guilty for fighting with her. The conversation leads to how Shannon asked for a divorce and Eddie is still angry with her. He is trying to fight off the tears, but ends up crying in front of Bobby.
Piss Robot: Buck is the one to connect that the robot must have freaked out because the victim peed on it. Eddie judging the victim for peeing on the robot.
So, looking closely at the scene, it seems like Eddie wasn’t there for most of the filming. There is a random stand by that is obviously suppose to be Eddie in a few shots. A lot of the shots Eddie is he is completely by himself. This is the explanation as to why we do not see a lot of Buck and Eddie team work like we would normally have. I will say if it wasn’t for this rewatch I would have never noticed this discrepancy.
Hen’s Ambulance accident; This scene is so hard to watch. Hen makes me feel every emotion of despair, guilt, and sadness she is feeling.
Buck and Eddie are standing near each other restocking the engine, when they hear Chimney on the radio announce they just got into an accident.
I don't know how I didn't notice this before but Eddie is also not really in this scene either, they have another stand by and a lot of solo shots. So there really isn’t much to break down outside of the fact that everyone in the 118, is sympathetic towards what Hen is processing and going thru. Hen on the ground being held by Athena, really broke me.
Episode 9: Fall out
Episode 9: Fall out
Meteorite: Buck and Eddie walk in the building together. Buck is the one to find the meteorite and wants to grab it, but is chastised by Bobby and Chim.
Buck knowing about the one other time a person has ever been hit with a meteorite and letting the victim know she’s special. The victim is confused as to why Buck knows this information. Eddie being the one to explain that Buck has become a little obsessed with natural disasters ever since the tsunami. Buck chuckling after Eddie’s explanation.
We meet the departments therapist Frank, who has sessions with Hen, Maddie, and Eddie.
 Eddie discussing how in moments he should be happy and should be proud, he doesn’t necessarily feel those emotions. Frank telling him there is no right way to process trauma.
Eddie making it a point to say that he does not want to be in therapy, He would much rather be at home with Chris, but that he is there because he doesn’t want Chris to turn out like him. Eddie was at the verge of tears when talking about how Chris felt the need to hide his pain, to make Eddie feel good. Eddie never wants Chris to feel like he has to do that ever again.
Eddie vocalizing how he almost killed a man.
Buck is asking Bobby when they should expect to hear some news on Hen’s investigation.
Eddie mentioning running into Hen on his way to Franks. That she seemed okay, but was sad.
Buck asking Eddie how therapy with Frank is going and how he himself hasn’t seen Frank in a while.
Eddie not looking a Buck as he says the therapy is going well, but that they aren’t really clicking. Chim offering Rosemary, the therapist he saw after the stabbing. Buck chiming in to ask if that is the therapist he slept with. Bobby quick to say no, that therapist was fired.
Eddie judging Buck for sleeping with his therapist. Buck trying to be nonchalant about the situations, saying he was going thru a phase, turning the conversation back on Eddie and asking him wasn’t he just going thru a phase. Eddie becoming uncomfortable and shifting in his seat.
So in this moment, I don’t blame Eddie or Chimney for making jokes and judging Buck for sleeping with the therapist.  They obviously do not know the full extent of what happened, and would likely have reacted differently if they had known. Bobby is the only one in that room to fully understand what happened and how that situation was wrong. Buck himself has not even processed that moment other than he was Buck the player and addicted to sex. He never even thinks to blame the therapist.
Really wish the writers approached this differently, but I was happy to hear she was fired.
Eddie talks about the drama in his household when his sisters were applying to college. Buck not remembering what he wrote for his college paper. Chim making fun of him and implying Maddie wrote it for him.
Maddie telling Josh, how he doesn’t want to experience Buck singing Eye of the Tiger while doing one arm pushups. I on the other hand would love to see this.
Buck telling Maddie she is a bad ass for preforming a finger thoracostomy. He tries to comfort and reassure Maddie.
Eddie and Christopher are at Buck’s place. They seem to have just finished dinner and are cleaning about while talking about what happened to Maddie. Eddie is lowkey a little dressed up with a button up shirt.
Buck takes the lesson Maddie learned about not being able to help someone who does want to be helped and applies it to what is happened with Eddie. Eddie catching on quickly to what buck is suggesting and tells him to not go there. The entire tone of this scene starts to shift.
Buck is apologizing for not being there for not being there for Chris or Eddie. How he was so selfish for focusing on the lawsuit. Eddie is quick to tell him that they’ve moved passed that. Buck telling him that he hasn’t. How he should have been there. Buck is moving closer towards Eddie. Eddie stays pressed against the counter watching Buck as he speaks.
Eddie and Buck having a light banter about how Buck could have talked some sense into Eddie and stopped him from buying a new truck and Eddie correcting Buck by telling  him he would have suggested a more expensive truck.
Eddie telling Buck that he doesn’t have to beat himself up over the past. Buck in a semi flirty tone says “Why because you would rather do it.” Eddie sightly confused by his comment. Buck states that he knows Eddie is not being honest at the moment. That if therapy wasn’t for Eddie, but the ring was. That Eddie must have wanted to punch Buck.
Eddie stating, he wouldn’t punch Buck because he’s on blood thinners. Buck laughing and getting closer to Eddie and stating “Want to go for the title?” The scene cuts to Buck and Eddie playing a video game with Chris in the middle.
The writers where evil for this scene. This scene should have ended with Buck and Eddie making out. They obviously wanted to. I’m going to say that the only reason they didn’t kiss is because Chris was in the other room.  There is no heterosexual explanation for this scene. It was gay!
Radioactive Truck: Eddie and buck checking on the driver. They are trying get him unpinned. The driver becoming conscious and telling the about the Cobalt 60. Bobby sending Eddie and Buck out of the tunnel.
Buck and Eddie are outside of the tunnel wondering where the nitrogen is. Buck wanting to go back in but receiving orders from Bobby to stay out. Buck being the first one with the nitrogen hose and Eddie right behind him running in to fight the flames.
Eddie approaching Buck and Chimney to say the coast is clear and the fall out will be minimal, Chim pointing out that maybe not for all of them. They all look towards Bobby as he’s being decontaminated.
Hen narrating about pain and how things don’t work out how you plan. Eddie looking at a photo of Chris and Shannon.
The 118 giving Hen a big hug for her welcome back. Eddie and Buck being the most vocal in this hug, They hug again before the alarms go off.
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mdemontespan1667 · 2 years
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“Car trouble?”
Your first instinct was to lie but looking around there really was no other plausible explanation for you to be stopped, in the dark, on the side of barely two lane gravel road.
For the millionth time you wondered why the fuck Betsy had decided to get engaged and move to the middle of Fucking Nowhere Kansas.
She’d blamed it on “Country Boy Dick” which must have been damned impressive to make her give up Neiman’s and the Smithsonian. 
“Oh, uh, sorry. Yeah, I guess so.”
The stranger pulled ahead of your car, executed a perfect three point turn and parked facing your dead vehicle. 
“What happened?”
“I have no idea. It started making a weird noise and then it just stopped.”
Your words trailed off as you got a good look at the driver. 
He was tall, hair buzzed, dark stubble covering his face. 
A grimy, yet somehow still clean, tank top that revealed nicely defined abs, peeked out from under a rugged brown leather jacket. 
Battered jeans, that had no business being that snug on his crotch and thighs, completed the ensemble.  
“Country Boy Dick” didn’t seem like such a lame excuse anymore. 
“Hey, Hello?”
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“I asked if you could pop the hood for me.”
A lazy, knowing smile formed on his lips. 
Mortified at being caught gawking, you opened the driver’s side door.
Peering in you looked for something that might “pop the hood” whatever the hell that was. 
“You aren’t from around here are you.”
Whirling around, you found him standing right behind you, your bodies almost touching. 
You scooted down car, a tiny warning bell tinkling in your head. 
“Oh, hey.”
He raised his hands up.
“Didn’t mean to scare you. My name’s Steve.”
Reaching under the dash of your car he pressed a button.
He strode to the hood, lifting it up. 
“What’s your name?”
“Uh, it’s Meredith.”
No way in hell were you giving a complete stranger your real name, smoking hot or not. 
“Well, Meredith,” by the way he emphasized your name you knew he knew you had lied, “your timing belt snapped off.”
“Fucking great.”
You kicked the back tire. 
“Ok, thanks for trying Scott. I’ll call Triple A.”
“It’s Steve.”
“Excuse me?”
“Steve. It’s my name Meredith.”
A tiny bit creeped out, you faked a smile.
“Sorry Steve. I suck at remembering names. I’m just gonna call Triple A and…”
“I hate to tell you but the only tow truck for miles is owned by Jake Plessy. And seeing how it’s Friday night I imagine he’s sitting at Rooster’s at least half a bottle in of Jim Beam. You’ll be lucky if he can find his rig before morning.”
“Ok, so, well I’ll call 911.”
Steve laughed.
“What’s so funny?”
You were in no mood for this bullshit. 
“Sorry, it’s not funny, but Sheriff Wison is probably sitting right next to Plessy. You might get lucky and catch a State Trooper on patrol, otherwise their closest substation is over an hour away. Or…”
“Or what.”
“Or you could let me give you a ride into town.”
“I think I’ll wait for the police. I mean, I appreciate the offer, uh, Steve, I really do but it’s a rental and I don’t want to just leave it.”
Steve let the hood drop with a bang. 
You jumped, flinching at the sound. 
“Suit yourself. Make sure you stay in your car. Lot’s of coyotes out on a night like this.”
Right on que a howl drifted across the air. 
“Yeah, but don’t worry. They’re more scared of you than you are of them. Normally.”
Your voice squeaked. 
“It’s been a bad summer. They like to pick off the weak. But you should be fine. Have a good night.”
Steve opened his car door. 
Looking around you noticed just how absolutely alone you were out here, in the dark. 
“Uh, wait. I’ll uh, I’ll take that ride. 
It’s alright if you love me
It’s alright if you don’t
I’m not afraid of you runnin away honey
I get the feeling you won’t
Say there ain’t no use in pretending
Your eyes give you away
Something inside you is feeling like I do
We said all there is to say
Breakdown, go ahead and give it to me
Breakdown, honey, take me through the night. 
The music spilling from the speakers coupled with the steady motion of Steve’s car had almost lulled you to sleep.
Vaguely you wondered why he had turned off the main road thirty minutes or so ago. 
You were almost certain Betsy's directions had you staying straight after turning off the highway. 
Looking back out the passenger window you watched the flat land pass by. 
It was almost hypnotic with nothing to break the view. 
Your eyes started to droop shut.
The sudden stop locked your seatbelt, pitching you forward.
“What the hell?”
Steve was facing you, the dashboard lights bathing him in a satanic-esque glow.
“What’s going on, is everything ok?”
“That,” his hand massaged a noticeable bulge under his zipper, “depends on you.”
“Excuse me?”
“Big city girl never heard of put out or get out?”
He unzipped his jeans, lifting his hips to free his cock. 
You inhaled sharply at the sight of the large appendage, crimson tinted head shiny with pre-cum.
“You putting out or getting out sweetheart? Town’s a good 20 miles North of here.
You stared out the windshield.
The moon was a pale sliver illuminating nothing. 
“Fine,” you huffed, bending towards him.
Steve slapped you.
“No teeth. You understand.”
“Yeah…I… Yeah, I understand,” you stammered.
“Then get to it.”
Leaning down, you took a tentative lick.
Determined to get it over quickly, you attacked his cock, head bobbing, cheeks hollowed, hand twisting at the base.
Steve gripped the back of your head pressing you down.
You gagged around him, hands beating his chest.
He pulled you up only to force you down again, repeating until you caught his rhythm, doing your best to take all of him, adding a swirl on each upstroke.
You prepared yourself to swallow, instead he shoved you away.
“Nuh Uh. No fucking way. I’ll give you a blowjob but that’s…..”
He held up his phone.
A video of you between his legs flared on the screen.
“Poor Betsy. Imagine how hurt she’ll be when she sees her best friend slobbering all over her future husband’s knob.”
Your eyes grew wide.
“How did you..No..no..this isn’t happening. She wouldn’t…”
Steve lurched across the seats, pinning you by the throat to the passenger door, head hitting the window.
“Yeah she would. She believes every word I say. I walk on water as far as that dumb bitch is concerned,” he sneered, “Good thing her mom’s loaded huh? Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to stand her.”
You batted at his arm.
“Let me go you son of a…….”
He tightened his grip.
“Or how about I send this to that hot shot Senator you work for? How long do you think it’d take Mr Family Values to fire your skanky ass?”
Eyes now the shape of saucers you croaked, “How do you know…”
“SHUT UP!,” he bellowed in your face, spittle flying.
“I know because Betsy never shuts the fuck up either. Your big career, your fancy apartment, all the parties you took her to. All I ever hear about is you.”
Steve scowled, pure hate emanating from his voice.
“But she’s mine now. It’ll suck when she finds out you seduced me, I mean I couldn’t keep you off my dick, practically raped me.”
“Or,” he leaned in, “We could have a little fun and no one would have to know.”
He caressed your cheek.
“Yes or no, I ain’t got all night.”
Too stunned to speak, you nodded your head.
“Good girl.”
Settling back in the driver’s seat, he gazed at you expectantly.
Shaking, you removed the knee high leopard print boots, black leggings and oversized black Cashmere sweater, leaving on the pink, lace edged balconette bra and matching thong.
Steve raised his eyebrows in a show of impatience.  
WIth a defeated sigh, you finished undressing.
You shivered even though the engine was still running, heat pouring from the vents.
Sliding closer, he pawed at your tits, one hand dropping to your apex.
His touch was crude, rough, devoid of any finesse. 
He shoved two fingers in your dry channel.
You gritted your teeth.
His mouth descended to your chest, laving and biting the nipples.
Graciously, your body provided some lubrication, Steve’s fingers finding less resistance.
By pure chance his thumb brushed your clit, stomach instinctively contracting.
Like a kid with a new found toy, Steve played with your nub, his harsh touch firing your senses.
You squirmed, embarrassed, his attention firmly on the bundle of nerves. 
He rubbed faster, callused fingers contrasting with the smoother skin.
Heat built, a sure sign of an impending orgasm. 
Horrified at your body’s betrayal, you fought to keep it at bay.
It was a losing battle.
The orgasm washed over you in soft waves, a small moan escaping your locked jaw.
Furious at your internal treason, you elbowed him away.
“Sit down,” you hissed, obviously intending to ride him.
“Not yet. I’ve got a better idea.”
Steve gestured to the hard, plastic shifter. 
You recoiled, revolted at the thought.
“Are you insane? I’m not doing that, no fucking way.”
He snatched your clothes, tossing them from the car.
“Start walking. By the time you make it to town everyone will know what a whore you are.”
The slump of your shoulders signaled your surrender.
“I don’t…” you fought back tears, “I ..how do I..”
Steve spit on the handle.
“Figure it out before I get bored and leave you here anyway.”
Softly crying, you positioned a knee on each bucket seat, arms braced on the dashboard.
Oh so carefully you descended, unable to stifle a whimper of pain.
He palmed his cock, licking his lips.
“Go on, I wanna see you ride it.”
You bounced haltingly, hyperaware not to take the object too deep.
Steve stomped on the gas pedal, the revving engine vibrating the shifter, sending sparks shooting from your core. 
Shame burned bright with the fresh slick that coated the plastic.
“Holy shit,” Steve muttered, voice low with lust.
He slid a hand between your legs, circling your clit causing you to gasp at the duel sensations. 
“Dirty slut. You’re getting off on this.”
You shook your head, silently pleading with your deceitful body.
Unfortunately, it had other plans.
Muscles tensed as you came again, stronger than the last, Steve supporting you as you shook with tremors.
Your humiliated bliss was short lived. 
Hesitation earned you another slap.
Extricating yourself, he opened the driver’s door, dragging you with him. 
Turning you around, Steve shoved your face down, leaving your lower half exposed, legs straight, ass in the air, gravel cutting the soles of your bare feet.
You stifled a scream as buried his cock in one brutal shove, stretching your walls to their limit. 
He clutched your hips, holding you steady.
“Fucking hell, I didn’t think your pussy’d be so tight.”
“Just,” you hiccuped, “Just hurry up.”
Instantly he changed pace. 
He leisurely slid back and forth, bumping your g-spot.
“Maybe I’ll cum inside you,” he mused.
“No, God no,” you blubbered, “Don’t..don’t do that.”
You reared up, trying to escape but Steve held you in place, your struggles egging him on.
“Been trying to knock Betsy up for a few months, insurance policy so’s she don’t leave.”
Tears streaming, you begged, “Don’t do this…I’m not on anything.”
“I bet you’d be cute, all fat, tits swelled up.”
“Please, please, please,” you sobbed, “Please don’t.”
The head of his cock nudged your puckered hole.
This time you couldn’t contain the scream.
Snot and tears mingled on your face.
“Poor baby, I thought you’d like taking a dick in the ass.”
He thrusted deeper, gaining enjoyment from your pain.
“Ass or cunt? Your choice. Either way I’m blowing a load in you.”
Picking the lesser of two evils you whispered.
“Good choice.”
Forcing your body to relax, you swept a finger across your still sensitive nub, praying for a distraction. 
“Piece of friendly advice Sweetheart.”
He punctuated the words with the snap of his hips. 
“Don’t leave your car alone at strange gas stations.”
You wanted to rage at his revelation, howl at the moon for this cruel twist.
Steve fucked you mercilessly, bruises forming on your hip and ass.
You lashed at your clit, shutting out everything  but the blooming pleasure.
Unbidden, your hips rocked to meet his body, caught in spasms as you came.
He followed, hips pumping erratically, rope after rope of warm, sticky cum coating your insides. 
Sated, he withdrew, buckling his jeans, tossing your clothes at your feet.
You dressed, shuddering both from the cold and his assault, folding yourself gingerly back in the passenger seat. 
“Check this out,”
You glanced over, eyes dull from crying.
Your mouth dropped open.
Another video, this time of you riding the shifter to orgasm, displayed.
“You fucking asshole,” you shrieked, pummeling him with your fists, “You said…”
“I didn’t say shit,” he smirked again, holding the phone just out of your reach, “It’s a  little extra motivation to keep your trap shut. I mean who knows, I might wanna get my dick wet again before you leave.”
You dove for the phone, managing to bite his wrist, drawing blood.
“Fucking cunt!”
He dropped the phone, wrapping both hands around your throat.
“I own you bitch! You hear me! I’ll post this on PornHub. You won’t be so high and mighty then will you!”
The fight left with each denied breath, until you laid still, tears once more flowing down your face.
Steve let go, straightened his jacket, popping the car in gear.
He sped off, humming along to the radio.
Curling into a ball, you stared blankly out the window, wishing in vain you’d taken your chance with the coyotes. 
Breakdown/Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers/1976
@fanfic-fangirl @mcudarklibrary @caffiend-queen @alexakeyloveloki @americasass81 @lokislastlove @sweeterthanthis @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @ironlady1993 @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @nildespirandum @jennmurawski13 @starynighty @sapphirescrolls @momc95 @sagechanoafterdark @jtargaryen18 @demonsandpieohmy @cockslutpadalecki @dangertoozmanykids101 @lizzystuffsthings @shikin83 @km-ffluv
@sinceimetyou @buckybarnesandmarvel @imdarkinme @xsapphirescrollsx @xoxabs88xox @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @titty-teetee @saiyanprincessswanie @dragon-of-dreams
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sunflowerrboyy · 1 year
Would just like to say that this storm in SoCal is the perfect example of incompetence.
Not from the community though.
It has now been 11 (eleven) days without snow plows. San Bernardino County is offering shelter and food at the local high school and other places but the people (including me and my family !) can't even get there because the roads aren't plowed.
The National Guard is supposedly up here but we haven't seen or heard any sign of them.
We've had one grocery store a town over have the entire roof collapse from the weight of the snow.
As a total, my area has gotten over 9 (NINE) feet of snow in just under two weeks.
Gas leaks have begun everywhere because the pipes are shifting from the snow. Two houses that I know of have burned (basically exploded) from gas leaking and the fire department can't get there in time, because the roads haven't been plowed.
The community has turned to help each other though, offering to shovel snow off of decks and roofs to prevent collapse, offering extra food, water, firewood, medicine, pet food. We can't get down the mountain because the roads haven't been plowed and those who are able to find a way down can't get back up.
People need medicine, food, water, heat. We had a diabetic just around the corner who ran a high fever and thankfully made it to the local hospital in time. An emergency CAT plow had to come, but it still took a long time for it to get through the snow. 911 is useless at the moment, they are two to three (2-3) days behind emergency requests. If you're in trouble, you're on your own.
In the meantime, the news is showing lovely helicopter footage of the pretty snow covered mountains (I'm tired of hearing helicopters overhead every 15 min) and San Bernardino County is patting themselves on the back during press conferences saying how good of a job people are doing to help with relief. They have done NOTHING. And the sheriff (who doesn't have jurisdiction over this issue) is trying to deny the hospital helicopter from taking off and landing up in the mountains because there "is too much air travel so it would be dangerous to have this helicopter in the air" but all of the news helicopters doing nothing are perfectly fine. That helicopter has saved lots of lives so far and is the only way down the mountain for those in desperate medical need.
There have been unprecedented avalanches in nearby mountain communities. Forest falls, just below Big Bear, has no water. An avalanche took their water tower out.
The mountain communities need plows. Yes, food and water and shelter are nice in theory, but get us PLOWS. If people can get down the mountain and around town to help others, that would be the best way to get through this.
My family has enough food and heat, thankfully. But we only planned for 2 weeks when we heard of the storm. It's been 11 (ELEVEN) days. The only news we've heard of a plow coming is within 1-2 weeks at minimum. We might run out of dog food, cat food, firewood. And what about other people who didn't stock up or didn't have the money to stock up? What about short time rental users who excepted to be up here for a few days and are stranded without supplies?
Get the mountain communities plows.
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bigassbowlingballhead · 6 months
911 s7 retcon
all of ravi's rental properties burn down, and he's no longer a landlord.
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I'm Buddie and obviously I want Buddie with all my heart, because it's a crime to waste all that brutal chemistry between Ryan and Oliver giving life to Eddie and Buck, but I'm not going to speak as Buddie's fan but as a 911 one and talking about the speculation with Natalia And Marisol, would it be risky to bring back two characters who are not at all welcome? I think it would be too risky, especially now that the series has changed house, even if it is its real house and not a rental one as we can say that FOX was, They may return for several episodes but I don't think they will be two recurring characters, there are already many of those and adding two more, and not very beloved ones, would precisely be a very unnecessary risk, in the end it could influence a negative audience for the series and perhaps problems for its future.
I think you’re right anon. The writers & show runners would be taking a HUGE risk bringing them back. Especially when they aren’t liked by the fandom.
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renownedrentals · 2 years
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Looking for Car Rental Places Near Me in San Diego? A renter who is knowledgeable and committed to excellence? Our expertise and commitment to providing excellent service shine through in everything we do. We offer outstanding rates, a variety of rental options, and top-notch customer service. If you're looking for more than simply a car rental in San Diego, have a look at our luxury options or one of our premium cars.
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entomolog-t · 3 months
My g/t asks are 6, 7, 9, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 20
(Sorry if this is too many questions, I'm just genuinely curious. Also, I hope you have a great day.)
HO BOY!! This is a long one!! 💕
6. Fairies or Borrowers?
I tend towards borrowers for the most part. The lack of being able to fly adds quite a lot of tension/vulnerability in my opinion- though I still love fairies as well!
7. Giants or humans
Answered here :)
9. Favorite piece of G/t media
Oooh! I answered this a few times but I always got more recs 😘
I adored the webtoon Hooky! There is a reoccurring g/t theme starting early on that lasts nearly to then end and BOY is it ever good. The story is amazing, regardless of the G/t and I highly recommend it!
12. If you suddenly grew/shrunk right now, what would happen?
I would not be getting my deposit back for my rental, thats for sure.
A more interesting answer is that someone would definitely call 911 for the property damage alone and I'd be hightailing it out of the city. I know quite a few of the local first responders so that would likely be a very awkward encounter.
15. What size scenario is the funniest to you?
As a more general scenario- Enemies/rivals in a begrudging forced proximity because one of them shrinks and for some reason they have to deal with eachother and the size scenario.
Also when the giant is creeped out/terrified of the tiny for whatever reason.
16. Answered here :)
17. How long have you been into G/t?
Oof- Quite a while. I don't know exactly when it started- because I think it started as a byproduct of a quasi g/t interest? As a little kid I was really into the idea of shrinking- not at all for the the sizey interactions but strictly for educational purposes (thank you magic school bus). I've been into biology and animal behavior/physiology for as long as I can remember, and was fixated on being able to learn about animals much more close up. I don't know when it became about sizey interactions, or when I realized I wanted to be big but I know it was before I was 12 for sure. I'd guess somewhere between grade 3-6? Honestly it could have been even earlier than that.
18. Favorite G/t creators!
WOOO! I could keep going all day with this! I absolutely adore @guaxinimraccoon 's work with Euphoria 👀 Brad and Toby are incredibly fun character's and their lore??? CHEF'S KISS.
I get so excited anytime I see a new post from them!! The art style is so fun and expressive, and the pacing of their comics is absolutely wonderful!!
20. A fictional character you really want to shrink/grow?
Two weirdly specific webtoon ones-
Doyun Nam from Act like you love me needs to be small
Jihu from Love and Leashes also needs to be shrunk
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lucydonato · 1 year
im gonna start ranking 911 side characters by how likely they are to be the most fuckable person at the hardware store
ravi is #1 because he's gotta fix up all his rental properties 😔
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millerflintstone · 1 year
My only time falling down stairs -
Our second apartment was garden level so we had to take a flight of stairs down. I was sneaking Diva in because we weren't going to pay pet rent. Unfriendly put her carrier where she was chilling in a big CRT monitor box. I carried her down but missed the last step, dropped her, and twisted my right foot really badly. I saw it turn all the way in and then all the way out when I landed at the foot of the stairs.
Our apartment was diagonal to the stairs to my left. I thought I broke it. Unfriendly called 911, got Diva out and put her in the bathroom in our bedroom and followed the ambulance.
It was just badly sprained but it was so painful. I was on crutches for a week. Poor Unfriendly had to unload the rest of the rental truck by himself. This was during the summer of 2000. I think the ambulance bill was $200 but insurance paid for most of it.
Diva was ok. She was such a chill cat, even when young. She was almost 2 then
I have a death grip on hand rails now. I refuse to fall down stairs again
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marshallfan99 · 11 months
Happy 10th Anniversary, PAW Patrol!!!
Wow, I can't believe it's already been 10 years...it feels like it was just recently that I was sitting there in the living room of my family's vacation rental home in front of the TV and watching the premiere episode with my brothers...and then spending the rest of the week in front of the TV watching new episodes every day because I couldn't do anything else with a giant cast on my dominant arm. Marshall and the other pups kept me occupied during that otherwise painful vacation, and I've stuck with PAW Patrol ever since.
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(That's only ONE of the MANY Marshall moments that cheered me up and made me laugh during that week.)
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(And here's another one...also relatable since I'm always falling down stairs and stuff 😅)
This show has helped me through so many tough times in my life, like depression, anxiety, etc. It acts as a great escape from reality, an amazing source of comfort, something that's easy to just turn on and watch when I need to unwind or want something I can have lighthearted fun with, it's easy to just turn it on after meltdowns or when my brain is fried and veg out to it since it's harmless fun that doesn't cause intense emotional responses from me, and I even binge it during nights where I have insomnia! It's so important to me, and it even saved my life a couple times...yep, that's right, the pups have saved me too, that's how much of an impact they've had on me. They've taught me so many things as well, from the importance of teamwork, to never giving up when things get "ruff" (hehe, sorry I had to, that's my inner Marshall at work 😅), to always looking out for your friends and helping them whenever you can, to "Do my best, and forget the rest!", to the very important message of you don't have to have superpowers to be a hero (this one was WAY before Mighty Pups was a thing).
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(Seriously this is one of my mottos, thanks for that lesson, Marshall!)
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(Had to put a Mighty Pups GIF in here after ending the paragraph by mentioning it lol)
I never stopped liking PAW Patrol even during the time I had to take a break from it for my mental health reasons, and I actually missed it so much during my time away from it. Eventually I decided I couldn't stay away any longer and came back to it with the goal of using it to help me overcome my severe PTSD siren phobia, which is why I had to step away in the first place...and it's working! I can actually watch it now without freaking out and going into panic mode which is great because now I can watch my favorite show with no problems, just like I used to!
When PAW Patrol premiered back in 2013, it VERY quickly became a special interest for me even though I was NEVER in the target age range for it, being in my early teens when it premiered, and I'm also actually afraid of dogs in real life...cartoon dogs like the PAW Patrol pups are cool though, and Marshall is my favorite cartoon dog of all time, and he's actually tied with a Pokemon (another special interest of mine) character for my number one favorite fictional character of all time! He's so relatable, adorable, funny, and has a truly PAWsome personality! Also the fact that he is TWO THIRDS of 911, BY HIMSELF is pretty amazing too in my opinion. Unfortunately his skills aren't needed much anymore in the newer seasons, which makes me kinda sad. I wish he got more screentime in the newer seasons...but instead it's always Chase and Skye now. I am still hoping for him to get his own focus movie though. I'm holding myself back from going on and on about Marshall this time, I've done that enough in my Marshall appreciation post and this whole account already and this is supposed to be about PAW Patrol as a whole anyway, not just him 😅
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(The most PAWsome team ever!)
My parents don't really approve of me getting and playing with the toys and merch, but I can still get it thanks to my grandma who knows how important PAW Patrol is to me...in fact, I just got a couple of Mighty Pups t-shirts (because of the upcoming Mighty Movie) thanks to her, one of them featuring a huge image of Mighty Marshall (of course, that one is my favorite), the other one featuring an image of Mighty Chase, Marshall, Rubble, and Skye with the text, "Mighty Pup Power!" I was so thrilled to learn that there are officially licensed PAW Patrol shirts in adult sizes and had to get some! If anyone else wants to get some PAW Patrol shirts in your size, Amazon has plenty of adult-sized PAW Patrol shirts to choose from, with some PAWsome designs too! I'm so happy that the creators know that this show has a strong teen/adult fanbase, and acknowledge us by making shirts that fit us! And I'm so happy that this show exists!
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(This is my favorite part of the opening theme!)
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(Cute dancing pups from the movie!)
This has been a long rambly post, but I really wanted to post something for PAW Patrol's 10th anniversary, and talk about how much it means to me. Growing up autistic and with no friends, just bullies for the majority of my life because of it, made me turn to the TV for comfort, and I often saw the characters on TV shows I watched as my friends. I had a very lonely life and when PAW Patrol premiered, I found seven new friends in the pups and Ryder (with Marshall being my best friend), and I tuned in for every new episode when I could, to watch their latest adventures. Starting with Everest, each time a new pup (or cat) has been added to the team has felt to me like I also gained a new friend as well, even though I do have actual friends now, the PAW Patrol still feel like friends to me. It wasn't a "phase" like my parents had always said, it still isn't a "phase"...it's a HUGE part of my life and I'm extremely grateful that PAW Patrol is still going strong even after 10 years and 10 seasons.
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Happy 10th, PAW Patrol! And here's to many more years and adventures to come in the future!
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Woman said she was tied up and raped. Then Florida cops discovered something ‘disheartening’
This article was published yesterday but other articles are from 2 days ago 
A South Dakota woman recounted a harrowing crime to Florida 911 operators through tears last week — saying she was shoved in the back of a car, tied up and raped.
Deputies quickly moved to find an alleged rapist but soon learned the woman was lying, authorities said. She’s now looking at jail time for taking advantage of law enforcement.
Renee Dawn Skoglund, a 30-year-old from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, faces charges of misuse of a 911 system, false report of a crime, and fabricating physical evidence. She was arrested Monday and remains in a South Dakota jail, awaiting extradition to Florida.
On March 8, Skoglund called 911 and told Hillsborough County Sheriff’s deputies about the alleged sexual assault. While on Interstate 75, she thought she heard a noise coming from her rental car, like a flat tire, and pulled over to check.
That’s when a dark car stopped behind her and an unidentified man got out, she told the operator in the 911 call. Allegedly, the man shoved her in the back of the rental car, blindfolded her, tied rope around her hands and feet — then raped her.
Deputies found the rope in the area she mentioned and learned it was sold at Walmart. After going to several Walmart stores, detectives found video of Skoglund buying the rope eight hours before the attack.
After this discovery, detectives found more video of Skoglund in different places around the time of the attack, refuting her initial statements, deputies said.
When Skoglund returned to South Dakota, she also reported the rape to Sioux Falls Police Department to get medical attention. Authorities told her what they found in their investigation and deputies say she eventually confessed to fabricating the whole crime.
“We are committed to dedicating significant resources to investigating any crime. I’m outraged by this lie, and I hope that anyone who believes it’s okay to falsify a report realizes the severity of their actions,” Chronister said. “I’d like to thank the Sioux Falls Police department and the State Attorney’s Office for their assistance in this case.”
Great police work done and she didn’t have a chance to actually accuse a guy and get him arrested 
I did find this comment I wanted to share:
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Both sides can be equally as upset. The fact of the matter is, lying (no matter who does it) can make it harder for the actual victims to get the support and justice they need. Plus, you can’t ignore the fact that she could have identified someone. His name could have been out there just like the other men who have been falsely accused. 
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fnaf-sxc · 1 year
(i have a question for remnant delivery and yes it is long)
so what would happen if they got into a car crash because one of them is being crazy or noisy and flames tried to tell to stop but got hit what would RXQ think?
if one of them got injured because the client was a drinker or a bratty person or got hit or damage would happen and will RXQ sue the person or something else..?
has 911 ( polices )been involved because of the client parents or it self tried to hurt themselves or kids because of the damage the person doing
why do flames hang out with RXQ sometimes
what would happen if one of them tried to hide their injuries or scar?
who would get hurt the most
has one of them lost or locked their own kids in the car.
what would RXQ react to when the others got into a car crash or a car hit them?
how is your day and i loved your comic and art
You enabled me to rant about something I love thank you very much
Sparing you all by putting it under the read more
-so what would happen if they got into a car crash because one of them is being crazy or noisy and flames tried to tell to stop but got hit what would RXQ think?
In the hypotetical case Flaming got into a crash with rentals inside it would depend what they hit and what kind of damaged it caused.
If they crash against a light or sign post the main worry is if everybody inside the van is okay and whats the damage the van got. It they crash against another car or a building the main worry is deal with the owner of the thing they hit and make sure they dont speak up against the Rental Service for it (or sue them). If they hit another living thing things could get a bit more dark and I dont wanna go there (?)
If Flaming gets HIT by another car it doesnt matter if he was or wasnt paying attention, since being hit come out of nowhere and you dont have enough time to react. Then the main worry is the rentals, that everybody is okay and inmediately get and memorize the car plate in case it tries to run away
RXQ is in charge of Customer Service, so it would be a tedious and complicated job to clean a crash mess no matter how it happened. However it would be vocally pissed with the rentals if theyre the ones that caused the crash, being for dealing with potential lawsuits or the car's damage. If one of them got hurt they would make sure to take them to the Workshop to be repaired inmediately. They would got concerned on their own way, not very good sharing emotions as it tries their hardest to not get attached to anybody
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-if one of them got injured because the client was a drinker or a bratty person or got hit or damage would happen and will RXQ sue the person or something else..?
The contract with the Funtime Rental Service clients sign before being able to rent an animatronic mentions somewhere that "Any damage caused to the animatronics while theyre on a visit will be your responsability to pay up, high damage could result in the inhability to rent that animatronic or cancel the hability to rent any without cancelling your 999 years subscription"
There havent been (so far) any case of a violent client renting an animatronic with the intention to hurt or ends up hurting them, and if there ever is everybody have good reflex to protect themselves and contact their HQ Boss for assistance.
There had been cases where some rentals had teased and provoked certain clients to get a bit agressive towards them so they can "self defense" by scaring them and collecting remnant from them, which initially leads to a angry customer wanting to take legal actions just to then discover the contract they sign and how technically they provoked it first and is in risk to have to pay for whatever damage it did (not always physicial, phycological counts too consideting they all have AI). Is usually RXQ the one that bring this topic, as theyre in charge of Customer Service, managing to scare people to attempt anything and keep the company's name out of trouble
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-has 911 ( polices )been involved because of the client parents or it self tried to hurt themselves or kids because of the damage the person doing
So far police havent been involved in any rental visits.
The Rentals are called to different homes for different reasons (parties, hangouts, etc) and they are programmed to recolect remnant when they sence it, being straight up in the air or detecting a person would potentially create remnant if they get a strong emotion to release it (usually fear, which lead to jumpscared). They are not agressive or mean towards their clients (unless provoked), especially kids, who are their main entertainment focus
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-why do flames hang out with RXQ sometimes
RXQ is the Boss in charge of the Main HQ of the Rental Service, while Flaming is the leader and main driver of the Main HQ, they tend to exchange a few words regardless work
On part 4 of the December arc Flaming and RXQ made a deal that made Flaming spend more time with RXQ when they are on the HQ... which, eventually, lead to them enjoying each other company (RXQ more than Flaming at first)
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-what would happen if one of them tried to hide their injuries or scar?
Every now and then the Rentals have a quick checkout with Goldie, to make sure all their system is working properly and if they need any type of repairment. It would be pretty notorious if one of them had a dent or scar thats not meant to be, even if they try to hide it eventually the checkout would reveal it. What would happen? The bosses would ask what happened and get concerned the animatronic didnt inform them inmediately that there was something wrong, then work to fix it.
The only exception to this is Clown, who has a big dent on their back but keeps eluding Goldie's checkout by "being constantly called" even though they havent work as a rental ever since it was created, and Goldie trust him enough to not force them to have a checkout (but keeps insisting and reminding everytime he can)
Goldie' pressure would low down and might faint if he discovers Clown had a dent of MONTHS
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-who would get hurt the most
Clown Springtrap, by accident, every single time
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-has one of them lost or locked their own kids in the car.
No, Flaming is always the last one to get off the van and locks it manually to make sure nothing got left inside (including any rental, big or small).
If you refeer to the clients, they dont have access to the van so they cant get trapped.
....now if we talk about the Secondary Warehouse Animatronics- Clockwork is the designated driver, and she had uhhh locked people inside before, not for too long is usually she exiting the van first and walking off before remembering she brought more rentals.
Also dont think the van would keep them trapped forever, they would find a way to be free- sadly none of them involves the safety of the van (?
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-what would RXQ react to when the others got into a car crash or a car hit them?
They would get concern in their own way; first would try to solve things as professionaly as they can (since they work in Customer Service) in terms of the van, rental damage and repair and potential lawsuit if there was another person involved, all of that before letting their own feelings get in the way. They might not openly say or show anything since they dont share much, and when it does is anger and a weird dangerous and creepy aura.
But they ended up caring about the rentals of their HQ, some more than others, even when they had tried so hard to not get attached to anything ever again
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-how is your day and i loved your comic and art
Thank you! Im doing pretty good, im a bit tired and zoned out but ill get better. Thank you for enjoying my AU it makes me happy nvn!
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