#9th class math notes
arfan039 · 1 year
Physics 301 Circuit Theory - Virtual University
Physics 301 Circuit Theory Assignement is for the Students of Virutual University of Pakistan. This assignment is about the equivalent resistance Rab of given circuit. While calculation, we also described the calculation methods in this assignment. So that the students can get maximum marks. The circuit diagram of each step is also drawn to make it easy to understand the concept of the equivalent…
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Class-9 CBSE -NCERT Solution Polynomials | Q4 #mathematics #narendrasir
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malarign · 1 year
told you so
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(when you go on a date with your enemy, and he advises you against it)
synopsis: Being a target of taunting from your enemy was your daily struggle, and when you seemed to get used to it, all of your worries disappeared when you met your new friend. but what if old feelings still didn’t pass?
contains: bff!Heeseung x fem!reader | genre: angst with a fluffy ending (requested), high school au, college au, friends to lovers | tw! mentions of food, bullying, swearing, arguing, crying, kissing and touching without consent, mentions and attempt of assault, please read at your own discretion! y/n being oblivious and delusional, basically he fell first and harder 🤩 | wc: 7,4k
author’s note: while writing this i didn’t have any specific Jisung in mind, this name just popped into my head 😬 also this was originally written to be a mini series but it didn't get much attention so i’m reposting it as a one shot :)) enjoy!
reblogs, likes and comments are highly appreciated!!!
original taglist: @nicholasluvbot, @simpforsunwoo, @sweetjaemss
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Morning, Wednesday, 9th January 2019
You watched as Jisung and his friends emptied your school bag and all your books, notebooks, documents and other personal stuff fall on the wooden floor. All of them laughed while exchanging mean looks. Jisung came up to you, lowered his head to the level of your eyes, and smiled viciously.
“You better hurry, Y/n. I don’t think you want to be late for math class, right?” he asked sarcastically and ruffled your hair.
Trying to keep calm you watched as he wandered off to the class with the rest of the boys he hangs out with. You looked at all the things he threw on the floor and sighed. He never seemed to let you breathe peacefully and lavished you with his nasty comments. Both of you used to be great friends back in middle school, but then he got into a pretty bad environment and became your worst nightmare. Every class you had with him was hours of suffering. You often thought about old times, wondering if there was a way to prevent this.
Crouching down to pick your stuff up you heard how the sound of steps behind you echoed in an empty hallway. You turned your head around to see who was coming. You tried really hard to recognize his face, but you didn’t think you had ever seen him.
“Hi,” he said. His lips slightly parted as he watched your belongings on the floor. “Let me help you.”
He crouched next to you and helped you gather your books and notebooks as you collected smaller items. He neatly put them into your bag and helped you stand up from a not-really-comfortable position.
“Thank you, I really appreciate your help.” You smiled and once more scanned his face to be sure you’d ever seen him.
“I’m Heeseung by the way. I’m new here,” he spoke as he offered his hand to greet you.
“Oh, I was wondering why I couldn’t recognize you.” You smiled sheepishly. “My name’s Y/n.”
Noon, Friday, 17th May 2019
You and Heeseung clicked almost immediately. Both of you had similar hobbies and musical tastes. Since your favorite subjects were his problem and vice versa you helped each other with homework and exam preparations, usually in the calm setting of your local library. He didn’t have problems settling into a new environment. Quite quickly he made a group of friends, bugging you to tag along every time they went out somewhere. His talent for basketball also didn’t slip by the team's coach, who didn’t waste time to make him join training.
Heeseung never failed to bring a smile to your face with his quick-witted jokes and interesting stories about his life before he moved to your city. Being with him healed you in every possible way, making thoughts of Jisung almost completely forgotten. After seeing you spend your breaks with Heeseung made him stop approaching you for some reason. Sometimes when you were alone, because he had to get something done or had different classes made you anxious. You knew that whenever he was next to you, Jisung wouldn’t do anything bad.
The bell rang announcing a long-awaited lunch break. You packed your stuff and looked at Heeseung. You opened your mouth to ask the usual question about your table, but he spoke faster.
“Coach said he needs me for a second, I’m pretty sure it won’t take long. I’ll join you as soon as I’m done, okay?” He didn’t let you say anything and just dashed away after gently patting your shoulder.
You stood there watching as he disappeared behind a corner and let out a shaky sigh. That was the first time you were going to eat lunch alone ever since you met him in March. You even considered waiting for him, just to not have to sit there alone. Then a sudden wave of confidence rushed through your body, thinking “What can go wrong? He said it’s not gonna take long.”
You made your way to the school cafeteria, looking at every student that passed by, praying none of them would belong to Jisung.
After you took your tray with a full meal you sat down at your usual table and watched the entry, nervously waiting for a familiar, friendly silhouette. What you saw was far away from that. You saw Jisung and his friend enter the cafeteria. He noticed you right away. His face showed anger, eyes sharp and fierce. His look made you quiver slightly, unable to look anywhere else. He took his tray and sat at the table behind you. You could hear every bite he took on his apple, loud cracks piercing your ears. You started to count second, wishing Heeseung would come back quickly.
Time passed and you still were sitting alone at the table. Some students finished eating while your tray was still full of food. As much as you tried eating you couldn’t muster up the energy to raise a fork to your mouth.
“Where the hell is he? What is taking him so long? He said he’ll join me.” Your thoughts were disrupted by a fine figure of a man hovering over your form. He leaned into you, his breath brushing your ear.
“Long time no see, Y/n.” His malicious tone sent shivers down your spine, and you could feel tears ready to spill out of fear. “You thought I was done with you just because you started hanging out with that asshole?” He said as he brushed away the strand of your hair. He leaned even closer to you and whispered straight to your ear: “You know I will never back off.”
“Well, maybe you should.”
You noticed Heeseung standing in front of your table.
Jisung came up to Heeseung and asked: “Or what, asshole? What you’re gonna do?” He suddenly collared him and shook his form. His actions were stopped when a loud voice echoed in the cafeteria.
“Choi Jisung!” Heeseung’s coach screamed, his voice in a humbling manner. Jisung let go of Heeseung still maintaining eye contact with him.
“I guess I don’t have to do anything in particular.” Heeseung smiled at him snidely and watched as he made his way out of the cafeteria. He then shifted his look at you who was still slightly trembling at an unexpected and not really pleasant encounter with one of your classmates.
His eyes softened looking at your form, his heart breaking from the regret of not coming to you sooner. He hesitated whether what he should do and finally rubbed your back with his palm in a comforting move. He felt as if you loosened up under his touch. Seeing you calm down he sat down next to you and tried to shift your attention from a bad experience with Jisung.
“You should eat, Y/n. I’m sure it’ll help.” He took a glance at your tray. “I know how you love that pudding,” he spoke and placed the box right in front of you making you smile.
Afternoon, Friday, 17th May 2019
“Y/n can we talk about today?” Heeseung asked. You were laying in his bed, surrounded by notes from your biology class.
You looked at him. His eyes were serious but soft at the same time. You felt bad that you didn’t tell him about your bumpy relationship with Jisung, mostly because you thought the problem solved itself when you met him. But today’s events successfully proved you wrong.
“About what?” You played for time.
“About Jisung and what happened in the cafeteria.” He got straight to the point. He moved his chair to be right in front of you. “Why didn’t you tell me he bullies you?”
“Because he doesn’t,” you simply stated shifting your gaze back to your notes. Somehow word ‘bully’ made your ego ache. You weren’t bullied, at least that’s what you said to yourself.
“Well his action said something else,” he firmly said making you snap.
“What do you know, Heeseung? You don’t know him at all, yet you’re accusing him of bullying.”
Your response took him aback. “Y/n you were literally trembling at his touch and the sound of his voice. Fuck it, you were almost crying!”
“No, I wasn’t!”
“Y/n don’t act like I’m blind. Besides, I know you well.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” you said and rapidly got up, gathering your notes into your bag and storming out of his room. Heeseung watched your irrational actions in utter shock. Why were you so offended? Even you didn’t know why you overreacted like that. Maybe it was because of your past friendship with Jisung? Maybe you still believed he would change for the better, and you would happily be friends like you used to be? Or maybe you would be more than friends like you always dreamt?
You walked downstairs and hurriedly started to put on your shoes. Just when you were about to go out you heard your friend’s mom.
“Y/n? You’re leaving so early?” She asked. “I’m preparing your favorite, kimchi fried rice.” She smiled warmly.
“I’m so sorry, Ms. Lee, but I need to go early today.” You felt bad lying to her, she always treated you like a daughter making sure you were never hungry whenever you hung with Heeseung. “Have a great evening!” You quickly said closing the front door behind you.
Even though it was the middle of May, the weather was rather chilly. You still had your school uniform on, your short skirt not warming you up enough.
“Y/n!” You heard Heeseung’s voice behind you. Hesitating if you should stop or run straight to your house you finally stopped your tracks. Even if you ran he would easily catch up.
You turned around and soon, Heeseung stopped in front of you, breathing heavily from his jog. You let him catch a breath and didn’t say anything.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to make you mad.”
You thought for a while, you really wanted to stay mad at him for a while, but as hard as you tried, you just couldn’t. You lowered your gaze and replied: “It’s okay. I know you meant well. But you don’t need to worry about me.” You assured.
Your answer didn’t seem to satisfy him, but he remained silent. He opened his arms, offering a conciliatory hug, which you gladly accepted.
“I should go home now,” you announced, still in his embrace.
“Can I walk you home?” he asked, knowing your answer.
“I think I would rather go by myself today. Thanks though.” You slowly pulled out from his arms and waved your hand in goodbye.
Heeseung watched you walk for a while. He couldn’t stop thinking about everything you said. Your words clenched his heart, almost making him tear up. He knew one thing: he definitely will worry about you, and won’t let this happen ever again.
Evening, Saturday, 1st June 2019
“Y/n! Heeseung is already here!” Your mom shouted from downstairs as you did the final touches to your hairstyle.
“I’m coming!” you shouted and hurriedly took your purse. Skipping your way to the hallway you saw Heeseung with a small bouquet in his hands as he talked with your mom with a warm smile. She noticed your presence first.
“Y/n come here quickly.” She gestured for you to stand next to Heeseung. “Let’s take a photo. Make a pose.”
Both of you tried different poses for the photo, from the normal ones to your usual, funny ones. After a short photo shoot, you made your way to Heeseung’s car and drove to have fun at prom.
You arrived at school quite late, as other students were already dancing in the hall. You were about to get out of his car when he stopped you with a soft hand motion. You were slightly confused but all the concern disappeared when you saw his jog around the car to your side. He opened the door gallantly and offered his hand.
“Wow, so chivalry is really not dead, huh?” you remarked and smiled at him while getting out.
“Y/n, I’m afraid you forgot who I am.” He placed his hand on his heart with an injured look on his face.
“Lee Heeseung, I envy your future girlfriend, whoever she is,” you said and made your way toward the other students.
Heeseung watched as you go with dreamy eyes and a moony smile. He couldn’t stop thinking about how gorgeous you looked tonight ever since he laid his eyes on you at your house. And not only today, the day he met you he never thought you’ll get so close and make him fall not only for your looks but charming personality, versatile knowledge, and full of empathy heart. “Hopefully you won’t have to envy her,” he thought to himself planning on confessing his feelings for you today.
When you entered the hall, your ears were pierced by loud music and the stumping of hundreds of feet. Parties like those weren’t your cup of tea, but it being prom convinced you to try having fun along with your classmates. Besides, being aware that you’re not going to be there by yourself helped you harness your train of thought. It wasn’t the first party you attended with Heeseung, but it was definitely the biggest of them all, and most importantly it wasn’t just a house party.
“Shall we?” You heard your friend’s voice and smiled. You danced all night next to each other, jumping and showing off your moves with occasional breaks to drink something or just take a breath.
Both of you sat down on a bench and watched as your classmates were also getting pretty tired. You looked at the clock which showed 10 pm. Four hours of dancing with Heeseung passed in a blink of an eye. You were about to ask him when they plan on leaving when the DJ announced a slow song. Just when you were about to stand up and freshen up in the bathroom none other than Heeseung showed in front of you, his figure towering over yours.
“May I have this dance?” He smiled but his tone wasn’t playful, but serious. Almost too serious.
You simply nodded your head in response and let him guide you to the middle of the dance floor. He took one of your hands into his and placed the other one on your waist, pulling you a little bit closer to him, to the point you felt how his breath fell on your nose. You never were in that close proximity to him, apart from that one hug after your quarrel, but none of you felt awkward at all. The feeling of his hands on your body made you feel safe and at ease, contrary to what you experienced throughout the past few years of high school.
Heeseung looked at you with full adoration in his eyes as you struggled to dance with him, occasionally stepping on his foot.
“Sorry, I had never danced like this,” you confessed sheepishly.
“Don’t worry. Just follow my lead, Y/n,” he murmured in a low voice, sending shivers down your spine. You did as he said, focusing on making the correct steps. Heeseung pulled you even closer, making you both sway in an intimate hug. Hug too intimate for friends. You noticed how his face slowly came closer to yours, and when your foreheads almost touched suddenly both of you landed on a cold, wooden floor. You took a look around and noticed how the other pair fell on the ground, the boy frantically apologizing to you and Heeseung for pushing you. You saw how his jaw clenched and eyes sharpened.
“Well, you should be more careful,” he snapped.
“Heeseung, it’s okay.” Your voice made his face soften and shift his now calm gaze to you. He helped you get up and fix hair that loosened because of the impact. While he was busy fixing your hairclips you noticed a pair of eyes watching you like a hawk. His gaze wasn’t sharp and aggressive like in the cafeteria two weeks ago. It was rather interested and invested. He watched you calmly but your heart started its usual race at the sight of his eyes on your form.
“Are you okay?” Heeseung asked worriedly, noticing your distant gaze.
“Yes,” you answered shortly and quickly. “Yes, I’m fine.”
“Do you want to dance some more or sit down? It must’ve hurt,” he spoke, referring to your fall.
“Actually, can you drive me home?” you asked hurriedly. You didn’t want the situation in the cafeteria to happen again. And knowing Heeseung you knew it was very probable.
His expression dropped at your words, pursing his lips he nodded and lead your way to his car.
Contrary to the ride to the prom, this way was way quieter. None of you dared to speak. One because of regret and the other because of anxiousness. You looked at the trees that you passed by and how almost all windows were dark. You recognized your neighborhood and prepared to get out of his car when his voice stopped you.
You looked at him, your face painting a question, asking him to continue.
He debated for a while. “It’s this moment. Now or never,” he thought to himself.
“I had so much fun with you today, Y/n,” he simply stated, hesitation winning over his will to finally confess.
“Thank you, I also had so much fun.” You smiled and bid your goodbyes, leaving him in his car alone with his thoughts.
“Will you ever realize?”
Afternoon, Tuesday, 18th October 2022
The faint sound of keyboards’ clicking and soft whispers between students, accompanied by rustling scribbling on paper always helped you study. The whole atmosphere helped you compose yourself after long days of school and now college. Getting onto the major of your dreams wasn’t easy, but thanks to your investment in finals preparations and the help of your friends, you succeeded. Not only you studied what you’d always wanted, but you also weren’t as lonely as you were in high school. Because of similar interests, you quickly got in with them, spending breaks in each other’s company and having occasional sleepovers and other friendly hangouts. Thanks to them, accustoming to college life wasn’t as harsh and hard as you expected it to be.
Many things changed since you graduated from high school, apart from one thing - your usual friendly study dates with Heeseung were still a tradition none of you dared nor wanted to break. One would think that studying different subjects would break your friendship, but it only tightened the bond you had.
Heeseung reached for his backpack and took out a small box filled with white and red grapes. He placed it between you two so that you also could grab some. Seeing that you also took out your lunch box with walnuts and cashew nuts. You poured them into his box, knowing how he liked mixed flavors of grapes and nuts. He noticed that and immediately smiled in your direction, whispering a faint but still audible “Thank you”. You returned the smile and focused on your notes once again.
On the other hand, as much as he tried to, Heeseung couldn’t. His mind was flooded and confused about his own feelings for you, which only grew stronger as time passed. Ever since he tried confessing and getting closer to you during prom he didn’t dare to try again. The panic he saw in your eyes spoke for themselves. Fear of losing you overwhelmed his heart, he knew he wouldn’t be able to endure that. That’s why he tried ignoring all the love he had for you, usually failing miserably.
“What are your plans for the weekend?” you asked quietly, trying not to disturb other people around you.
Heeseung got back to his senses and thought for a second. “I have a basketball match at 6 on Saturday,” he replied, raising his one eyebrow. “You forgot?” he asked but it sounded more like a statement, not a question.
You pursed your lips together and smiled sheepishly. “Sorry.”
“No worries. Are you still planning to come?” He closed his book and turned around to face you directly.
“Of course!” you exclaimed in a whisper. “I never missed any of your matches and I’m not planning to change that. I like seeing you win,” you added, not knowing you caused his heart to flutter and a swarm of butterflies to fill his stomach.
“What if I don’t win?” he asked, unable to control a bright smile.
“I think we both don’t believe it will ever happen,” you remarked and a few people shushed you, annoyed by your too loud for a library conversation. Heeseung and you mumbled quiet apologies and returned to your books, trying to keep yourselves from laughing.
You called the study session off a little bit an hour later.
“You sure you don’t need a walk home?” he asked for a millionth time today.
“Hee, I’m sure. Besides don’t you have a training today? You better not be late again,” you scolded him and he raised his hands in a surrendering gesture.
“Okay, but text me as soon as you get home.” He pointed at you and squinted a bit.
“I will, bye!” you assured him and waved at him.
Deciding to take advantage of the last warm days, you took a longer route home. You passed by many places you used to go to while you were still a high school student. Cafes you used to study in with Heeseung whenever there were too many people in the library, a park where both of you ate lunches during hot summer days, a basketball court where he taught you how to play and gave you tips on how to make a score. It made you realize that apart from memories with Heeseung you can’t reminisce about other ones, as if you knew him your whole life. You stopped by the cafe you studied in together for the first time, and remembered how awkward you were with each other back then. You smiled at the memory of the very much begging of your friendship. Now that same cafe was filled with couples, taking photos together or of each other and sharing sweet desserts. The sight of love made you question if your future partner is going to like Heeseung. But the thought of anybody not liking him seemed impossible for you.
You continued walking when you saw a familiar figure approaching you. A figure you didn’t expect to meet.
“Hi Y/n! It’s me, Jisung!”
Evening, Tuesday, 18th October 2022
“It’s been a while, I almost didn’t recognize you,” Jisung said in a friendly tone. You also almost didn’t recognize him. He wore the complete opposite attire to his usual pair of jeans and collection of plain T-shirts, now wearing a suit with elegant shoes.
“Yeah, me too,” you spoke and a sheepish smile with a hint of disbelief crept on your face.
“How have you been? I haven’t seen you in like ages!” Jisung kept on smiling and tilting his head to the right, an old habit of his.
“Jisung what do you want?” you asked quickly, scared of his reaction.
Seeing your expression he sighed and spoke: “Y/n, listen. I’m really sorry. For everything I’ve done. I treated you badly, and I regret it with my whole heart.” He placed his hand on the left side of his chest. “What I did was wrong and I want to sincerely apologize to you. I’m so sorry.” His words seemed to be genuine and truthful to you.
“It was a long time ago, it’s okay, Jisung.” You shrugged and smiled softly.
“It’s not really okay, unless you let me redeem myself. let me take you out,” he said nonchalantly.
“Do you have plans on Saturday? There’s a new restaurant that opened a while ago, what do you think?”
Thinking for a while you slowly nodded. Your movement made a strand of your hair fall from behind your ear and he was quick to fix it, making you blush.
“Great. It’s a date then. I’ll come and pick you up at 7,” he announced and said his goodbye, leaving you dumbfounded.
You felt like your chest gets tighter and your stomach fills with butterflies. You turned around to look at him once more but he was already gone. Just when you thought you finally forgot about him and your feelings for him, that somehow buried themselves in the depth of your heart, all you could think about was him once again. The way he looked at you, the way he smiled at you, the way the slightest touch of his fingers brushing fragile skin on your cheek, it all made you feel like on shaky ground.
Then it hit you. You’re going on a date. Your first ever date. You almost let a squeal leave your lips, but stopped it on time by covering them with the palm of your hand. Excitement rushed through your body and you hurriedly headed home.
When you arrived home and were done letting out all excitement and thrill of your body by jumping all over your place, you took the phone out of your bag. You noticed a few missed calls, all from Heeseung. You remembered how you promised to text him when you arrive home, and now he must’ve finished his practice.
You dialed his number and didn’t have to wait for too long for him to answer.
“Y/n? Is everything okay?” he asked worriedly.
“Yes, oh my god, Hee! Everything is great!” you couldn’t contain your happiness and wanted to share the news with him.
“Woah, woah, what’s that excitement about?” he asked and laughed at your crazy behavior.
“Hee, I’m going on a date!”
For a while your painful silence submerged the call, the only sound was soft breathing on the other side of the line.
“Heeseung? Are you okay?” you asked.
“Yes, yes, uhm, I’m okay,” he choked out.
“Well, then aren’t you gonna congratulate me?”
“Y/n, I’m very happy for you, but do I know this guy? You‘ve never told me about him.” His voice was rather cold in contrary to his words.
“You know him! It’s Jisung, from our high school.”
“What?” Heeseung couldn’t believe his ears. “Choi Jisung? The one who bullied you?”
“You’re at it again? He didn’t bully me Heeseung! He used to be my friend. Besides, why would you know what type of relationship we had?” You were mad. He never had an opportunity to truly get to know him, yet he was talking badly about him. This made your blood boil, because you knew him, and he certainly wasn’t as bad as Heeseung painted him.
You thought you truly knew Jisung. And you did to some point in your lives, now living on the deluded picture of him made by your imagination.
“Y/n, he treated you horribly! You were scared of him, don’t tell me otherwise, 'cause your reaction said otherwise.” His voice was harsh, sounding like he was scolding you.
“He changed! He apologized to me. He knows what he did was wrong!” you exclaimed, now even more mad than before.
“Y/n people like him don’t change. And even if he did, he shouldn’t be forgiven and given any more chances. Especially by you.”
“Let me decide on that. Fuck you, Heeseung,” you said and ended the call. You threw it on your bed and went to the bathroom to take a long shower, in hopes it would help you calm down.
Your words rang in Heeseung’s head for a long time. He froze, the phone still near his ear as if he was hoping you would say you didn’t mean that. But as minutes passed he realized you certainly did mean your words, and that they were meant to hurt him. He sat on the ground and slumped against a wall. Feeling his eyes sting as they brimmed with hot tears, Heeseung quickly wiped them off before completely breaking down. He stood up after a while and reached into a drawer for his car keys, ready for a night drive.
Afternoon, Saturday, 22nd October 2022
You stood in front of your wardrobe wondering how you should dress for your date with Jisung. You tried hard to think of anything that would suit the vibe and atmosphere of a fancy restaurant you’re going to, but your mind was flooded with thoughts of Heeseung. It was the longest you went without contacting each other, but your ego didn’t let you reach out to him. He should be happy for you, for his friend. After you would be happy for him if he told you he was going to have a date. Right?
After what seemed like ages of wondering about your outfit you contacted one of your classmates, Jennifer.
“Jen, do you have a second you could spare me? you asked as soon as your friend picked up the phone.
“Y/nie, my love, for you I always have time. What’s wrong?” she spoke and brought a long-lost smile to your face.
“Sorry I didn’t tell you but I remember how stressed you were with your presentation, but…” you started, feeling guilty for not telling her sooner.
“Oh my god, what is it? You’re scaring me!” she raised her voice dramatically.
“Well, I’m going on a date and I don’t know what to wear. I still have lots of time left but I’m getting a little bit nervous,” you confessed.
“Oh my! Finally, I’m so happy for you, bestie!” You heard her clapping her hands excitedly. “How about me coming over and rummaging through your clothes?”
“That would be great, but Jen you don’t have to!”
On the other side of the line, you heard the jingling sound of her car keys.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages, plus you need to tell me how that happened, so don’t try to stop me now!” she said, and soon after you hung up.
While you were waiting you sat on your bed, thinking of possible scenarios of today’s date. Will it look like it does in movies? Will it end up only on this one date or will there be more?
Suddenly, the silence of your room got disturbed by the sound of a notification. You took your phone and read a reminder: “♡ Heeseung’s match 6pm ♡”. This made you bite your lips, guilty of not keeping your promise. Sure, you were mad at him, but he is still your best friend. “I never missed any of your matches and I’m not planning to change that,” you remembered your words from a few days ago. You placed your elbows on your thighs and hid your face in your hands. Just when you were about to let out your emotions you heard knocking on your front door. You opened them and they revealed a smiling Jennifer.
“Let’s get to the work, shall we?”
Thanks to Jennifer, picking your outfit was filled with laughter and her anecdotes. This helped you deal with the anxiety caused by your upcoming date, but also, more importantly, stop yourself from thinking about Heeseung. Before you knew it, the outfit was ready, along with a bag, some accessories, and shoes. You still had some time before 7 PM, so you sat in your room and chatted for a while, enjoying each other’s presence after days of different schedules.
“Okay, but most importantly, how did he ask you out?” She waited for your answer with anticipation and excitement.
“I mean we met when I was having a walk in the neighborhood and he just asked me.” You shrugged but your cheeks filled with red tint.
“Oh my god!” Jennifer exclaimed, emphasizing the last word. “I thought he will never ask you out, at this rate. But finally, my prayers were listened to!” She raised her hands in the air, while you were, to say the least, confused and dumbfounded.
“What do you mean? Who are you talking about?” you asked.
Your friend’s smile faded and she lowered her hands. “About your friend, that Heeseung guy. Is he not the one that asked you out?”
“No, why would you think that?”
“So it’s not Heeseung you’re going out with?” You shook your head and noticed how disappointment filled her eyes.
“Oh come on, Jen. You’re not happy for me anymore?”
“I am!” she defended herself. “It’s just… Both of you already seemed like a couple or like you at least like each other. You always say he’s like an angel, that you can’t imagine your life without him, so I kinda just assumed you liked him. Plus the way he looks at you speaks for itself better than your constant love confessions.”
Evening, Saturday 22nd October 2023
The gymnasium hall was filled with loud cheers coming from both bleachers. Players were practicing shots and warming up before the first match of the season. Heeseung was one of them, yet the ace known for excellent aim failed to score almost anything. He kept on looking for you in your usual place where you cheered for him along with your friends. But that one spot was empty, soon to be occupied by some unknown to him student. He tried to push the thoughts of you away, but as much as he tried the more he failed. None of the players or the coach had ever seen this part of him.
The match barely started, yet your university’s team was failing like never. Mainly because something apparently preoccupied the mind of the captain of the team. This made a coach come to a decision of seating him on a bench, for the first time during his player days.
You waited patiently on the couch, ready to go out. The clock showed half past seven, which made you worried, if he will even come. What if he got into an accident? What if something bad happened to him. You anxiously were looking at your phone, waiting for some message from Jisung. You were about to call him when your phone screen lightens up, showing his caller ID. You answered almost immediately.
“Y/n! I’m so sorry for being late, but I’m already near your place so you can already come out,” he said and you could hear the sound of the engine’s drone.
“No worries, take your time,” you reassured him but noticed that the call already ended.
You locked the door behind you and made your way to the elevator.
You spotted his car from afar and waved at him. Your heart almost sprung out of your chest and felt how your throat tightens at every breath you took. You got in and greeted him shyly.
“Hi, sweetheart,” he said, and before you could realize he left a quick and harsh kiss on your lips, leaving you shocked. Jisung on the other side smiled to himself and started the car.
“I thought we could go somewhere where we could be alone before eating, what do you say?” he asked placing his hand on your inner thigh, making you, to say at least, extremely uncomfortable.
You tried taking his hand off your body, but he only gripped your wrist tightly making you hiss. “Oh, Y/n. Don’t act so innocent.” He stopped at the side of the road. Looking around you couldn’t spot a single living soul around you nor any car passing by. “But I can assure you I’ll fuck you better than him,” he said bluntly and started unbuckling his belt.
Not really knowing what to do you slapped him across his face and hurriedly got out o his car. You ran as fast as you can, with stamina better than usual, due to a high level of adrenaline in your body. You thought of the place you should go to. He knew where you lived so your place wouldn’t work. Jennifer’s apartment on the other hand was far away from where you were. The only place that was near enough was Heeseung’s apartment. Looking at the time you thought he must already be home. You turned around once more to see if he was following you. Not thinking twice you continued running, still shocked not knowing what exactly happened.
The first thing Heeseung did after arriving home from his first-ever lost match was take a cold shower. He let the icy water cascade down his body while still thinking about you. What if he did something bad to you during your date? He knew Jisung was up to no good, yet he let you go out with him. He stepped out of the cabin and hurriedly dressed himself into comfortable clothes.
Where should he search for you? he should’ve at least asked you where you were going and now he had an entire city to rummage. Not bothering to dry his hair he grabbed his keys and opened the door only to see you, completely breathless, on the edge of crying at his sight.
Night, Saturday, 22nd October 2023
You stared at your reflection in a mirror, under the bright light of Heeseung’s bathroom. None of you dared to speak, both allowing you to catch your breath, collect thoughts and speak whenever you’re ready. He just let you in and gave you his T-shirt and pair of shorts you always wore whenever you paid him an unexpected visit and wanted to get changed into something more comfortable.
Heeseung decided to prepare a quick meal for you and took your favorite snacks he stored in his kitchen, just in case. Your state worried him to the point he didn’t know what to do. He knew one thing though. Jisung wanted to hurt you, and either he succeeded or his attempt stayed as an attempt. He waited patiently for you, giving you all the time you needed, and thought of all the possible scenarios and how he could comfort you.
You finally decided to leave the bathroom and took a seat next to him on the couch. For a while, the silence filled the room with hesitation and uncertainty.
“Do you wanna talk or eat first?” he asked, trying to sound as gentle as he could.
“Eat,” you simply whispered, voice cracking on the way.
Heeseung looked up at you. You hugged your knees, eyes mentally checked out. He raised his hand to rub your shoulder but stopped himself midway, instead he just nodded and stood up to hand you your bowl. You quietly thanked him and took a bite of still hot noodles he had prepared. Silence once again submerged the room, the only audible sound was an occasional noodle slurp.
Once you finished and placed a bowl on the table sudden realisation hit you. You were assaulted. Jisung wanted to hurt you and he certainly didn’t change. And that Heeseung was right. Your eyes brimmed with tears.
Your expression told him everything he needed to know. Guilt crept over him and all h could think was if it could be prevented. If only his pride and ego didn’t blind him if only he wouldn’t let his emotions stop him. But now it was too late. You, the person he loved dearly was hurt, making him feel helpless.
Before he could think how can he comfort you, you were already in his arms. You cried your heart out on his shoulder as he just closed you in his warm and secure embrace, wanting to bring home to you, in such a crisis you were in.
“Hee, you were right!” you cried, choking on each word. “I should’ve listened to you, it’s all my fault!”
Heeseung pulled out t your words and cupped your cheeks in his palms. His eyes were full of compassion and regret, accentuated by tears that threatened to fall down his face. “No Y/n. It’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything to deserve this. I am here to listen and help you.”
His words felt like a soft Sunbeams that hit your skin after days of constant rain. You felt like your tensed body slowly relaxes at his touch and words as he spoke. Realizing how lucky you got, to have a friend like him you smiled as tears still blurred your vision. Nonetheless, you still noticed how he also smiled at you, eyes expressing nothing but pure love and will to protect you from everything.
“Plus the way he looks at you speaks for itself better than your constant love confessions,” you recalled Jennifer’s words now replaying all the memories you made with him during those almost 4 years of friendship.
How he never hesitated to help you whenever he saw you struggling.
How he never let you skip meals during exam season, sacrificing his own study time.
How he always managed to make time for you.
How he helped you live to the fullest during your high school days.
How he was the only person to truly know how to calm you down and help you relax.
How he was the only person to know your true self.
How he just stayed by your side, even though you were wrong, and hurt him with your insensitive words.
He truly does love you. How could you not see this?
What bugged you, even more, was how you didn’t realize you loved him too, maybe even more than he loves you. His compassion, passion, and kindness made him an angel you did not deserve.
“Hee, I’m so sorry.” You shook your head from disbelief at your own obliviousness and stupidity. “I’m so sorry for hurting you, for what I said a few days ago. I regret it and never intended to hurt you.”
He didn’t reply. Instead, he just smiled and invited you into his embrace once again. You gladly fell into his arms and melted in the comforting touch that helped you feel at ease. Your oasis. Your home.
Evening, Friday, 28th April 2023
The spectators were going crazy at the fierce match between the two teams. Your university’s players were currently losing by a few points but still were hoping to win regionals. While teams were discussing tactics with their coaches during a short break you were shouting words of encouragement along with other fans.
After the floor got cleaned players once again stepped on the court and started the last quarter. The ball relocated quickly between the hands of opponents when because of a small mistake of one of them it landed in your team’s captain, Heeseung’s hands. Your side of the bleachers screamed out of joy as he scored 3 points.
For a few minutes, none of the teams scored, raising the stress and emotions to the maximum. Now Heeseung’s team needed a final word to win the game and knock current front-runners off their pedestal. The tension in the air suffocated everyone, they were equally close and far from winning, because of the exhaustion of the other team.
The clock showed one minute till the end and a sudden rush of adrenaline overpowered Heeseung’s body. He had to lead his team to victory and he knew he could do it. He waited for the right moment and took the ball away from another player. He rushed to the hoop making an impressive buzzer beater leaving one side of the hall in tears of regret and the other one of joy.
The team surrounded him in a group hug, celebrating the victory and making it to the nationals, for the first time in your university’s history.
Seeing him so happy and smiley because of victory made your heart fill with glee and pride.
You saw how his teammates’ girlfriends rushed to congratulate them. That’s when Heeseung and your eyes met. He made a confused expression and you saw him say, barely audible because of the noise: “What are you waiting for?” and opened his arms.
You laughed and rushed his way to engulf him in a hug, not caring about the layer of sweat that covered his body and clothes. You pulled out, arms still wrapped around his neck, and kissed him, feeling salty drops on your lips. He melted in your touch and lifted your body while spinning around. You giggled against his lips and pulled away saying: “I’m so proud of you, love” making his cheeks and tips of ears turn bright pink. “I love you so much,” you confessed and looked deeply into his beautiful dark eyes.
“I love you more,” he said leaving a sweet kiss on your temple.
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thank you for reading! back to the masterlist
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dreaminghelaena · 9 months
random things i think asoiaf characters would do at school in a modern!au
theon: probably one of the worst people in his class. manspreads obnoxiously, gets people distracted and laughing, and has undiagnosed ADHD so he doesn’t know what is going on at all times. mrs. catelyn stark gets pissed and in the new seating chart puts him next to jeyne poole for him to get his shit together. he doesn’t. he even manages to rope jeyne into some of his antics. he has not shown up to school once in anything but pajamas, even on the first day, and has one notebook and one folder. that’s all. always is asking people for answers and gets into major beef with jon because jon purposely gave him the wrong kahoot answers. brings a “water bottle” to school but there’s just vodka in it. shadow boxes. stinky
jeyne: the sweetest person you could be sat next to. she’s super prepared for school and has 20 different folders arranged by color, her locker is decorated with a bunch of mini furniture and fairy lights, and she always has perfume and pads and stuff for all of her girlfriends. however she does look a bit odd sometimes because her hair just sticks out in all directions in every hairstyle she does. she always forgets to put on her retainer and tells theon to remind her. he forgets about it too
dany: is always bringing her three kittens (drogon, rhaegal, and viserion) to school. chews gum a lot so her breath is overwhelmingly minty when she comes within 6 ft of someone. in study hall when she has nothing to do she creates braid trains with sansa (poor missandei’s at the elementary school across the street). rides her bike to school on the first day and it is immediately stolen. always is dropping her hydroflask on the floor and it makes a really loud noise that teachers yell at her for. you can’t even see what color her water bottle is because of how many stickers there are on it
sansa: does her makeup in class and does not care. cries hysterically during math class (real) but always says it’s her “allergies”. does cartwheels in the hallways ???? eats a whole box of fig newtons in class while she’s on her period and proceeds to say that it’s healthy because there’s fruit in it. always has the prettiest acrylics and loves getting her nails done!!! she’s crashed her car trying to park in the school parking lot 3 times
jon: emo emo emo emo. never has his chromebook charged and gets screamed at for it. he smells like chlorine because he always goes to swim practice at like 4 am before school. draws a lot but especially draws ugly alliser thorne art and then leaves it on thorne’s desk after class ends. people ask him how his eyelashes are so long and he acts like he doesn’t know but he wears mascara. is in the robotics club with sam. never makes it to the bus stop in time and then complains when bus driver lysa arryn gets pissed off at him for it. the 9th grader of all time
margaery: has really bad RBF and is so popular that people are intimidated by her but she’s actually really nice. she’s a cheerleader and her brother is the quarterback. always has the prettiest notes with designs and drawings and stuff 😭 in every other class she’s smart but she does not understand physics at all. yells a lot in gym class??? not at people she just yells. also does gymnastics moves in the hallways for no reason
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mxssingmemories · 11 months
That Just Happened
Pairing: Professor! Harry Styles x daughter-figure! reader
Summary: You've known Harry since you've been in high school-little does he know that you see him as a father figure. After a really rough day, you accidentally call him dad. Love ensues.
Warnings: Dead parent, mention of SH tendencies, crying, comfort
Word Count: 1k
A/N: this is my first Harry fic, so i hope y'all love it :) have a good night, loves!
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You'd known Harry for the four years you'd been in high school. To others, he was just Mr.Styles- but you and him had a father-daughter relationship. He thought of you as his kid, and with your absence of a father figure, he took on the role easily.
He was friends with your mom even before you'd started the 9th grade, so she trusted him with you 100%. She knew that he was a positive male figure in your life; she'd never do anything to end that.
"Hey Mr. Styles!" your friend, Alex, smiled as they walked with you into his room. It'd become your safe space at this hellhole of a school, and having Alex here made it even better.
"Hi Alex, hey Y/N," he smiled, greeting you with a side hug. As you sat down, you immediately zoned out-today had been rough. It was the day your birth father had passed away, and it hit you big time every year.
Of course Alex and Harry knew this, and since Harry was busy teaching, Alex took over. They rubbed your shoulder, letting you know that they were there. The gesture gave you some confidence to take out your notebook and a pen, opening to the next titled page. He was teaching a topic you were very familiar with today (you had a sneaking suspicion he did this on purpose, but knew he'd never admit it.)
You did your best to take notes, even with your hands shaking. Your foot tapped almost rhythmically against the tile, the cold metal of the desk keeping you grounded in reality as you took deep breaths to keep the panic at bay. It worked for a while; Harry keeping the class interested with constant jokes about the math formulas he was writing on the board. He sent glances your way almost every time he looked up from the board, obvious concern written on his face. You tried to signal to him that he shouldn't panic, but it was tough to do that when you were trying to tell yourself the same thing. Alex's hand ran discreetly through your hair, the other writing your notes for you.
You only zoned back in when Harry dismissed the class, choruses of "See you tomorrow, Mr S!" and "Have a good day, sir," echoed in the small room. When the room finally cleared out, Harry walked over to your desk, his face finally tensing up to match the emotions he was feeling inside. Alex cleared their throat, and you waved your arms haphazardly letting them know it was okay to leave. With a drawn out hug, they walked out of the classroom, shutting the door behind them.
You sat on the floor heavily, leaning into Harry as he matched your position.
"I'm sorry, Haz," you apologized, burying your face in his chest.
"None of that, lovie. You have nothing to apologize for, and I thought we banned the s-word?" he attempted to tease, the smile falling off his face as his reassurance caused you to finally lose it, sharp sobs shaking your body. You bawled into his chest, all the feelings you'd been keeping cooped up coming out. Harry noticed the second you started scratching your arms roughly, grabbing your hands and holding them instead. He wouldn't let you hurt yourself, no matter what happened. He just held you tighter, shushing you softly and muttering reassurances into your ears as the emotions crashed through you. Harry felt his shirt getting soaked, but he honestly didn't care. All he wanted to do was keep you safe, and if that meant safe from yourself? Then he would cross that bridge when he got to it.
You fell asleep quickly after that, the crying exhausting your already sleep-deprived body. Harry gently picked you up in his arms and carried you out to his car. With anyone else, this would've raised a LOT of questions, but the staff knew about your familial relationship with the kind-hearted teacher, & your mom had signed a contract.
He laid you gently across the back seat, shutting the door as quietly as possible. You hadn't woken up the whole ride back to his house, but you eventually yawned and opened your eyes at Harry's house.
"What..Where am I?" you mumbled, rubbing sleep from your eyes in a feeble attempt to understand what was possibly happening right now.
"You're at my house, kiddo," were the only words that relaxed you enough to go limp in your father figure's arms. He easily took on your weight, carrying you bride-style up the steps and onto the couch. He tried to set you down and move to get you some water, but you clung onto him like a koala. A small smile came onto his face as he watched you attempt to bring him down onto the couch. He gave in a second later, shifting you next to him in an attempt to get himself comfortable. He gave up on that the second you shifted onto his chest, his fatherly instincts taking over to comfort.
"Y'gonna be alright, sweetheart," he assured you quietly, thinking you were asleep.
"Love you, Dad." you muttered, & seconds later, sleep took you for the final time that night. His eyes widened as he processed the statement, but he couldn't deny that it felt right.
Well shit, he thought, that just happened. He didn't want to overreact as he so often did with you, but he couldn't help the huge smile on his face. He loved you more than you knew.
The next morning was...awkward, to say the least. You had no idea what you'd said, so when your mother texted you and asked you about it, you freaked out. Jumping off the couch the minute you read the message, you startled Harry.
He flinched hard enough to roll off the couch, and your dog that he'd been keeping for you, Harley, jumped right on top of him. It was safe to say by the pained groan he let out that 90 pounds of puppy didn't feel good on a stomach, but he laughed it off. When you both had finally calmed down a little bit, you asked the million dollar question.
"Are we going to talk about this..?"
"Whenever you're ready, kiddo," he smiled, his mind going 100 miles a minute with happy thoughts-he was happy you thought of him like that. God knows he'd been feeling the same way.
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zoeyslament · 7 months
10 Letters to Mom - Mischa angst
Mischa is instructed to write letters to his mother as if she were still alive to cope with losing her. He doesn’t write often, but the letters convey a lot.
Letters from Mischa Bachinski to his late mom, translated from his slightly broken English by Ezra Lamb, St. Cassian’s student, in memory of the boy, lost to the September 14th accident.
Letter 1: Dated September 9th, 2008
Dear mom, 
The counselor says I should write to someone I love to practice my English. And so, I am writing to you. Perhaps I will burn these letters by firelight, in hopes the smoke will travel up to you. 
Canada is not as nice as I thought it would be. Classes are terrible. In maths I have to sit between a snotty ginger and a strange poet boy. It makes no sense, how all of these people exist together in this tiny town. Home is no better. I do not think Chris and Carly like me that much. No, I will not call them mom and dad. 
I still miss you. Part of me still yearns to be a helpless boy again, still in your arms. 
I miss you. 
Love, your son, 
Letter 2: Dated October 24th, 2008
I was suspended. I’m so sorry. I promised you I would be your good son, your small boy always. But I got angry. I was spiteful, and I wanted a drink, a drink always makes things better. And I only knew one way to get one. 
I know you said that churches are sacred and not to be crossed, but I heard the ginger from maths say she knew the pastor, knew where the communion wine was kept. I milked every last bit of information from her, promising to join her stupid choir. It doesn’t matter, I need the alcohol. 
3 whole boxes I stole before she ratted me out to Father Markus. 
I drank it all in one night. And the next morning, Saturday, as I lay there, hungover in the basement, I wondered how I was ever going to make my life worth it for you. I still do not know.
I’m sorry, mom. 
Love, Mischa
Letter 3: Dated November 17th, 2008
I have a new hobby. I think you’d be proud—I am learning to sing. Not opera, or the god-awful jazz that poet boy listens to during study hall, no, this is the good stuff. Real, bonerfied rap music. (note: I know it’s supposed to say bonified, but Mischa would think boner-fied is hilarious, may he rest in peace —Ezra)
I even created a channel on this thing called the YouTube—it is called “Bad Egg” because it is an egg, that is bad. Bad is a good thing, it means cool, or that is what the football boys think. Maybe this new thing will turn out well. I am raging, mother, for you and for Ukraine. And when I rage, I rap about money in autotune. 
I will inspire the world. My life will have meaning once again. 
Love, Mischa
Letter 4: Dated December 30th, 2008
I have got the biggest, greatest news. I have found LOVE! Me, your silly boy, your little child that you raised all by yourself, is engaged!
Ever since my YouTube channel was born, a certain beautiful woman has been leaving kind comments on my YouTube comments wall. Her name is Natalia, and last night she had the courage to message me. She announced her love for me over the internet, and it is a truly beautiful thing. She even sent me picures, and she is the most gorgeous woman I have ever met. 
I wish that you could have lived long enough to meet my perfect Talia, for when I look into her almond eyes, I do not see the boy I am, but the man I must become to possess her. I am growing up, mama, but I promise I will always be here, and that you will always be in my heart.
Love, Mischa
Letter 5: Dated January 31st, 2009
Dear mom, 
I want to tell you about choir. 
Most of the school is scared of me, they think I am some bad boy who lives in the woods. But the choir seems to just have it out for me. Annoying ginger is the leader: she is stuck-up, and a real pain in my you know what. Her real name is Ocean, which I suppose fits, because she is salty and rough and probably drowns people. Poet boy is there too, his name is Noel, and he is the least insufferable of the group. He is gay, which is fine, but funny because if he were a girl, he would so be my type. He is nice, but odd. Then there is a boy named Ricky. This month, Ocean decided she needed to prove that choir was accessable for all, so she got boy who cannot speak to join. I never know what he is thinking. He is scary. Last, there is Constance. Sometimes she cries in the corner when she thinks the others do not see. I see. I wonder if she is okay. I hope she knows I am not okay. I hope she knows she is not lonely. 
I thought choir was going to be the bane of my existance. But…I think it has grown on me. 
I miss you. I love you. 
Love, Mischa
Letter 6: Dated March 6th, 2009
Hello mom, 
Yesterday was Noel’s birthday, so Constance brought in cupcakes for everyone. They were red velvet, and very tasty, much better than Carly’s cooking. Carly is no replacement mother, and her basement has cockroaches. I sleep with the roaches. Perhaps I will name them.
I continue to make videos, and to make love with Talia when I can. I hope I get to meet her some day. In fact, I know I will. Mom, I want to come back to Ukraine. I will meet Talia, and we will love each other in person. 
Tomorrow, we are singing at a local soccer game. We are singing some song that Father Markus wrote for us. I do not want to be on stage. I guess I will have to get comfortable with it. 
It‘s getting late, almost time to meet Talia. I love you mom.
Your son, Mischa.
Letter 7: Dated May 15th, 2009
Mom, I have a dilemma. 
Please, tell me you wouldn’t be upset if I told you that I think maybe I like boys?
Last night, Ocean hosted a choir get-together at her place. It was small and cramped. She and Constance ended up sharing the sofa, Ricky took the armchair, leaving myself and Noel on a blow-up air mattresss. I tried so, so hard to give him space, but I’m not a small guy, and somehow we ended up nestled together under the blankets, somehow I ended up lost in his eyes and staring at his lips-
It felt like betrayal. Like if Talia knew, she would have my head. She wants me to be loyal.
But how can I be loyal when Noel watches me with those stupid baby cow eyes? How can I stay at her side when Noel is right there?
It’s so confusing, mom.
Letter 8: Dated June 19th, 2009
School is finally out, mom. I spend every day scrambling for ways to make a quick buck so I can buy cheap vodka. It’s a bad habit, but hard to kick. I wish I could kick it, I do…
But instead, I beat a kid for a 20 dollar bill from his enemy, sold the foster folks’ antique china, and now am in even more heat with them. They cry at my presence and shoo me away like fly.
I do not mind. At least I do not have to go to school and see Noel and his stupid sparkly eyes and his stupid beautiful face. I will spend this summer with Talia, like I’m supposed to.
Letter 9: Dated August 18th, 2009
It is my birthday. I woke up to a box of cupcakes sitting on the floor above the basement stairs. Carly says they were left for me by the Blackwoods. I opened the box, and they were chocolate with vanilla icing, but found strawberry jam in the center when I bit in, a pleasant surprise. There was also a note. It said “happy birthday Mischa! Love Constance, Ricky, Ocean and Noel”
I smiled when I saw it. I hated being in the choir, but it might just be one of the better parts of my life now.
I am 18 now, and that means I can do lots of things. Hopefully one of those is coming back to Ukraine. I miss home, I miss home, I miss home.
I do want to see Talia, but part of me wants to bring Noel home with me. You’d love him, mama.
Your son (now an adult), 
Letter 10: Dated September 14th, 2009
This letter will not be too long, because I am singing with the choir at the Fall Fair this afternoon. It is 6:00 am and I am scrawling some quick words across this paper. Tonight I will tell Noel how I feel. I will tell him I love him and that I have eyes for him. I will tell him soon.
Tomorrow, I will write again and tell you how it goes. 
I can’t wait to have him in my arms, mom.
Your son, 
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mozzarella-stickz · 2 years
You Are My Lucky Star: Eddie Munson x F! Reader
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Author’s Note: 99% of this is based on my own experiences, thoughts, and feelings. I really needed this comfort. I hope to anyone feeling this way about yourself that you’re not alone and completely valid :)
Summary: You’re convinced you’re unlovable. Eddie Munson doesn’t quite seem to think that’s true.
Warnings: self-esteem issues, self deprecating humor, mentions of slight parent issues, however lots of fluff and comfort <3 also reader is a theater girl because so was I 🥹🙏🏻
You tapped your pencil against your math notebook, desperately trying to not let the tears fall out of your eyes. Yet another failed crush, another guy who didn’t return your feelings and only wanted to be friends with you. This had happened with almost every guy in your time in high school, and it was really starting to hurt you inside. You believed there was something wrong with you, something driving people away, something that made you completely unlovable. Was it your face? Your nose? Your body? How you reacted to things? You weren’t sure, but you were bound and determined to be sitting in front of your mirror that night crying and trying to pick out what it was.
Your leg began to bounce against the floor, as the tears began to slip from your eyes. You reached your hand up and quickly wiped them away, not wanting to draw any attention to yourself.
From across the room, however, you were attracting the attention of someone.
Eddie Munson was watching you carefully, studying your hunched expression, sad eyes, and shaky and bouncy legs. He knew of you, since you were good friends with Nancy and Robin, and he’d seen you in almost all of the plays and musicals (that he swore Jeff forced him to go to, which was part of it, but it was partly to see you). Something was up with you, and he wanted to know. It wasn’t anything theater related, Robin had said you’d gotten the role you wanted in the play, maybe it was school? Whatever it was, he was going to hound Wheeler and Buckley about it.
The bell rang, signaling the end of 9th period. You grabbed your Walkman and headphones from your bag, slipping them over your ears and pressing play. The sound of Olivia Newton John’s melancholy intro to “Hopelessly Devoted To You” filled your ears, and you sighed. Of course.
You walked down the hallway to your last class, your head hung low as you looked at your feet. You didn’t know why you were even so upset about this guy, you knew it was probably going to end up like this. Why were you so upset? You were probably just being stupid like usual.
You sighed as you entered your last class, praying to God it would go by soon so you could get out of here.
Nancy looked up from her work table in the school newspaper room, to see Eddie leaning in the doorway. She glared at him, telling Fred to take over her station while she talked to him.
“What is it, Munson?” she asked, crossing her arms.
“It’s about Y/N. She looked…really upset today in class. Like not at all how she usually is. Is everything ok?”
Nancy sighed.
“Boy problems,” Nancy told him. “She’s…she’s an emotional person, and this is the fourth guy to reject her. She’s always been really insecure and I can tell it’s really hurting her.”
“Insecure? Why?”
Nancy shrugged.
“Her mom’s a little much, always gave her shit for her personality and sometimes even her weight, and she’s always just been that way. Since middle school at least.”
“She’s like…super pretty. And you’ve seen her onstage, she’s just, so…magical.”
A glimmer started to glow in Nancy’s eye.
“She is,” Nancy said with a smile. “Now I really have to get back to my newspaper station. Thanks for your concern.”
“No problem, Wheeler.”
Nancy left him alone, and Eddie felt something in his stomach. Something he hadn’t really ever felt before. Could he like Y/N? She was pretty, kind, smart, and really funny from what her friends have said. Eddie thought about her in his head, her smile, her voice, and the feeling in his gut grew. Eddie was at that point he did, in fact, like Y/N.
“Y/N, I think I’ve found a guy for you.”
You looked up from your lunch at Nancy, who had that excited look in her eyes like when she had some sort of master plan. You looked at her confused, eyes brows furrowed.
“I already told you, Steve is too much like my brother for me to-“
“It’s not Steve,” Nancy interjected, sitting down across from you.
Your confusion only began to grow.
“If it’s not Steve than who is it?”
“Ok, don’t laugh, but its Eddie Munson.”
You burst out laughing despite Nancy’s warning.
“Eddie? You really think Eddie likes me?”
“I do! He asked me about you yesterday, said you looked really sad in your math class.”
“And then I told him about your boy problems…”
“Let me finish! He acted shocked, he was asking why you were so insecure because he said you were super pretty and get this…he said you were magical on stage!”
You sat back, stunned. There was no way. He had to have just being friendly. You weren’t ugly, but super pretty? You didn’t think you were at all. And you weren’t that good onstage, sure you had lots of energy and facial expression but magical? That was a bit extreme…
“He was probably just being nice.” You said. “I doubt it was anything serious.”
Nancy groaned.
“What?!” you exclaimed. “I have to be realistic. Being a hopeless romantic is what got me in this situation in the first place! Maybe I’m just unlovable, or something.”
“That’s not true!”
“Oh my God, I love you, but you can be so stubborn.”
You took a bite of your pretzel and shrugged.
“Hey, Buckley.”
“Holy shit, Eddie! Don’t scare me like that!”
Robin picked up the stack of VHS tapes she had dropped, glaring at Eddie as he helped her pick them up.
“Sorry, sorry!” he exclaimed as he helped Robin pick them all up. “I just really need to talk to you.”
“Is it about Y/N?”
“How did…?”
“Goddamnit, Wheeler.”
Robin set the stack of tapes on the counter, pushing Steve’s legs away.
“Hey!” Steve exclaimed, narrowly avoiding knocking over his Coke van sitting next to his legs.
“Shut up, dingus, Eddie’s gotta tell us about his crush on Y/N.”
Eddie’s face flushed.
“You’re blushing!” Robin laughed. “Eddie’s in looovveeee!”
Eddie shrugged Robin off.
“Okay, maybe, wait shit, not in love but the crush yeah, not that I don’t love her! But like it’s too early for that and I’ve barely talked to her besides after her shows and at Nancy’s birthday party-“
“You’re rambling.”
“You’re one to talk, Buckley.”
Robin rolled her eyes.
“Nancy said Y/N isn’t convinced you like her. Nancy said Y/N went on about some bullshit about being thinking she’s ‘unlovable’ or something dumb like that.”
“Unlovable? Really?”
“Y/N’s words exactly.”
“Jesus, Nance said she was emotional but I didn’t realize Y/N thought of herself that way.”
“She’s been through a lot. And if you break her anymore I will not hesitate to snitch on you to Hopper about your little side hustle.”
“Believe me, I have no intentions of hurting her. I don’t know, I just want to like…wrap her in a blanket and not let her feel sad or anything again.”
Robin smiled that same knowing smile that Nancy had, and Eddie felt those same butterflies in his stomach at the thought of Y/N. He had to ask her out.
“Why are we here? I just want to go home and watch The Breakfast Club!”
“You can watch your John Hughes after this, I promise,” Nancy told you, sitting you down at the picnic table in the woods.
“And I won’t talk about how hot Claire is the entire movie,” Robin promised, sitting next to you.
“You only say that since she looks so much like Vickie.”
“Shut up!”
A couple minutes passed and you began to grow annoyed.
“Seriously, what is going on?”
“Just wait!”
You set your head down on the table, and Robin looked at Nancy a little nervously. There was no way Eddie was joking, right? To their delight and relief, they saw him walking towards them, looking uncharacteristically stressed and pale.
“Hey, Y/N,” Nancy said, shaking you.
“What?” you grumbled, before your eyes grew wide at the sight of Eddie.
“H-hey,” he said nervously, rocking on his heels. “Um, how are you?”
“I’m g-good. What are you doing here?”
“Well, I actually had a little…a little proposition, if you will, for you.”
You felt your hands begin to shake, your body get goosebumps, and your heart go light.
“W-what is it?”
“I know the drive-in is showing Singin’ In The Rain next week, and um…it’s a musical and I know you love this so I…I wanted to know if you would come with me?”
You felt like your head was spinning. Overcome with emotion, you burst into tears. Nancy, Robin, and Eddie all looked at you panicked, and you wiped your eyes with the sleeve of your jacket, trying to calm yourself down.
“S-sorry!” You cried, “I’m just…I can’t believe…”
“Deep breaths, it’s ok,” Nancy soothed you, rubbing your back with her hand softly. Robin nodded, rubbing your shoulder with her hand.
Eddie kneeled in front of you, resting his hands on your knees gently. He looked up at you, his big brown eyes meeting your eyes. Eddie then reached up, wiping away your tears, not caring that Nancy and Robin were watching.
“Can…can you give us a minute?” he asked them, and the two girls nodded, scurrying off to a clearing a little ways away.
Eddie sat next to you on the bench, wrapping an arm around you tightly.
“Look…” he said, his voice finally steady. “Nance and Rob told me all about you. I hate that you think of yourself so lowly, you’re pretty, talented, you’re always raving about your shows or The Muppets or Stevie Nicks or your new favorite movie and…it’s sweet. You’re really sweet. And I guess I’ve felt this way for a long time but I only just realized that…I really, really like you, Y/N. I really do.”
“Really?” you said, your tears beginning to dry. “You’re not messing with me?”
“I wouldn’t do that. So…what do you say to the movie?”
“If you don’t mind me bursting out into song and dance, I’ll say I’m down to go.”
“I don’t mind at all. Not when you look so cute doing it.”
You got incredibly embarrassed, hiding your face in your hands. Eddie laughed at you, pulling your hands away with a smile.
“I’m serious! When you were that one girl in the show last year, the weird name that started with Z? The one in love with that Tommy kid? Totally adorable.”
“Zaneeta in The Music Man?”
“Thank you, Eddie, she was my dream role for a long time and getting to play her was just…amazing.”
“I’m glad. You deserved it.”
You snuggled into Eddie’s side, breathing in deeply. Nancy and Robin watched from behind a tree, smiling as you and Eddie got up, hand in hand.
Not all your problems were going to be fixed of course, but you knew no matter what, you had Eddie, and that was perfect.
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8turn-xikers-galaxy · 9 months
Hunt Your Heart ❤💕✨💓
(🎀💖Xikers- Hunter x Fem! Reader 💖🎀)
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Genre : Fluff, Non-idol AU
Tw : Reader is going through a rough time in the beginning, Reader is an orphan, Mentions of food, Absolute cringe, Kinda (very) cliché, grammatical and spelling mistakes, too many emojis ( Let me know if I missed anything)
Idols mentioned : Kyujin from Nmixx, Leeseo from IVE, Xikers members
Key : B/n - Book name
Note : This is my cousin's idea and my first time writing it as a oneshot so there might be a lot of cringe stuff and mistakes but I tried my best so I hope you like it! The credit goes to my cousin.
💙 Y/n's POV ❤
Student life has always been hard for me. No true friends to share my feelings with. No teachers who would actually understand me. No family.... It's always been this way. My parents abandoned me when I was 12. All of my friends are toxic and my teachers always take their anger on me. In the midst of all this inconvenience, I try my best to be optimistic and face my problems a little differently. As of now, I'm sat here in Math class Trying to solve the quadratic equation "Fuck... " I mutter under my breath once I mess up. "Hey Kyujin, Can you teach me how to solve this?" I've never been good enough at Math. I managed to pass 9th grade with just a fluke but I dunno How I'll survive this year. "Yeah sure, can you wait tho? I'm helping Leeseo with the third sum" She said without even turning to face me "It's fine, I'll do it myself" And that's how it goes every single time...
🍃🌺🎀✨ Timeskip ✨🎀🌺🍃
After working for a while, the bell finally rung and I waited for everyone to leave before packing my stuff. "Miss L/n, could you meet me in my office after lunch?" My teacher asked me on my way to the cafeteria. "Of course Mrs. Yoon" I didn't speak any further, knowing she gets angry easily at anything and everything (yikes) that's just how it's been. The teachers always get their way to get me to do their work for them. Oh, well. I went to the café to grab myself some Kimchi Mandu. Then, I went outside to the school field and sat down under my favorite blossom tree to eat. My eyes wandered to the tennis court where the senior grade summer campers were playing their hearts out. I saw a tall boy with black hair and beautiful brown eyes with a red jersey, hitting every ball with grace, with a cute gentle smile and ethereal Features. I didn't realize I was zoning out until I heard a male voice behind me snapping me out of my daydream. "You done checking him out?" I turned around to see a boy with messy brown hair, leaning against the tree "w-what? Do I know you?" I asked with a slight blush "I'm Choi Hyunwoo! Captain of the soccer team and Hunter's bestie, The guy you were staring at" He smiled and sat down beside me "Uhh, I wasn't staring" He chuckled And nudged my arm "Sure you weren't"
"Anyways, why are you out here alone? Don't you guys eat in the cafeteria?" Hearing him ask that, I visibly tensed up thinking he might see me as a weirdo. "I... Don't have any friends to eat with, so I prefer to eat out here. It brings some peace to me" He gave me another one of his infamous eye smile. "I can accompany you everyday if you don't mind! I love making friends"
And that's how me and Hyunwoo became best friends. Months passed, and Autumn finally rolled by. Me and Hyunwoo kept growing closer. One particular evening, Mr. Min called me to his office just when I was leaving. "Please sit" I did as I was told however I didn't have a good feeling about it. "Ms.L/n, you do notice you've not had any improvement in your math classes right?" He asked me somewhat softly "Yes sir, but I promise I'm trying my best to improve although nothing seems to work" He nodded. "Then how do you suppose passing your finals this year? Do you realise you're two months away from it?" I looked at my feet, not able to utter a word Knowing he would speak against me regardless of my protests. "I'll assign a tutor for you, starting today. He'll meet you at the school library at 6" I nodded. "Okay sir" He nodded, slightly cracking a smile "You may take your leave now" I got out of his room and heaved a deep sigh. A tutor? That's not too bad. It could've been worse tbh. I walked to the blossom tree where me and Hyunwoo usually meet up. I sat down and took out my sketchbook to doodle for a while. When I looked up from my book to look for an inspiration, my eyes wandered to the tennis court again. In the blink of an eye, A ball came flying out of the court and landed beside me. I picked it up and when I looked up again, I saw Hunter running towards me to get the ball. He stood in front of me and heck, I totally fell. He looked so... Perfect. I couldn't even make up words to describe him because nothing seemed good enough to me.
All the stories that Hyunwoo tells me about him make me want to get to know him better but I just couldn't get myself to budge when it came to him.
I snap out of my trance when he crouches down in front of me, gazing deep into my soul "Are you okay miss? You seem a little stressed"
I blushed hard with a small smile "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you. Here's your ball" He smiled the enchanting smile which gives me butterflies and sparks fireworks in my veins. "Thank you! I'll see you later?" He asked holding my hand. "Of course" And with that, he left with a wave. I looked down at my hand with the same smile and blush.
"What was that?" Hyunwoo asked, bouncing onto my shoulder out of nowhere. "Please don't tell me you saw all of that.." He grinned and ruffled my hair. "Of course I did! Even if you don't believe it, you two are meant for each other" I rolled my eyes "okay, Whatever. Can you get off of me now?" I smiled at my bestie. Even tho he is annoying, He's my only true friend and I love him for that but he could be a little pathetic sometimes. "Haha! Nope" Yeah.. Like that.
✨Third person POV ✨
After hanging out with Hyunwoo and telling him about your Tutoring session this evening, He shooed you away because it was already time for you to go. You bade farewell to him and left for the library. You waited there for your tutor to arrive. You decided to kill some time by reading one of your favorite novels/comics B/n given the fact that you were the only one in the library.
🧡Hunter's POV🧡
I changed my clothes and fixed my hair a bit before heading to the Library. I don't know who I'm Tutoring, Mr. Min was in a hurry so he didn't really do a good job in explaining the situation of the student who needs my guidance. Regardless, I entered the library, surprised to see it completely empty. Not even the Librarian was there. I walked further and saw the girl from earlier struggling to reach the higher shelf. I went behind her and grabbed the book she wanted and handed it to her. "That's a good one!" I complimented and she blushed 'god she's so cute'
"Are you the one who needs tutoring?" I asked her softly, hoping she'd be a little less shy. "Yeah, I'm Y/n" She held out her hand. I shook it with a smile "Hunter" She took me to the table where she kept her stuff and got to work right away. "There's an easier way to solve the quadratic equation. Here" She listened to me carefully and tried it herself. "That's right! You're a fast learner" She smiled and blushed 'gosh that smile' We continued doing the sums and I helped on the harder ones but for the most, she did great herself. After a while, I checked the time and it was 8 already. "I think that's enough for today, we should head home now" I said, holding her hand to get her attention. "O-okay, thanks for today" She said, lacing her fingers in mine leaving me shocked and making the butterflies in my chest go wild. I nodded and waved before taking my stuff and leaving.
I walked out with a mad smile on my face. "Mind to explain Mister?" A familiar voice called out from behind me. "Hyunwoo?!" Shit, I forgot about our sleepover tonight. "You were supposed to pick up Sumin, Yujun and Minjae about an hour ago! And you're wandering here with a lovey dovey smile, what's the matter dude?" He asked, bumping my shoulder. "Oh, Mr. Min Assigned me to tutor this really cute girl! Her name is Y/n and-" He cut me off right there. "And she's a junior struggling with math" That caught me off guard. "Yeah, How do you know?" I asked with a dumbfounded look. "She's my best friend that I always talk about! I've been meaning to introduce her to you but not like this" He said scratching his head. "Well, what's done is done, let's go pick up The others" I said walking ahead but he grabed me by my sleeve "and you expect me to let go of the fact that you think my bestie is cute?" From there on, I knew this would be a never ending saga of teasing in our squad....
🌛☄️✨🌿 Timeskip 🌿✨☄️🌛
💜 Y/n's POV💜
It's been two whole months of Hunter tutoring me and to be honest, I never felt so safe with anyone else. Not even Hyunwoo could care so much of me. He introduced me to the rest of his friends and let me join in on their fun time. I'm grateful and finally feel loved and wanted but the thing that worries me is the finals starting tomorrow. I am at Hunter's place studying hard. "Y/n.. Take a break, you've been studying for 7 hours straight since you arrived here" He said sitting next to me on his bed. Me being my stubborn self, I shook my head "And what if I fail tomorrow? I can't risk my score this year! Mr. Min has faith in me! Hyunwoo is looking forward to it too! And besides, I can't let you down..." I said, finally turning to face him. "You'll never let me down, unless you keep straining yourself like this! Please rest? For me?"
He said holding my cheek to stop me from looking away. He never failed to make me blush. "Okay, fine" I said, closing my eyes and smiling. I then listened to some music with him and got back to studying after an hour. He got take out for us, we ate and got ready for bed. When I got out of the bathroom after getting changed, I saw him lying on the bed already and holding his arms out for me. I snuggled up close to him. These kind of physical contacts had become very common in our friendship so it wasn't awkward. "Have a good sleep princess, I love you.. " To my dismay, I didn't hear his last sentence before I fell into a deep slumber, feeling safe and secure in his arms.
When I woke up in the morning, I didn't find him beside me on the bed. I went downstairs to see him making something in the Kitchen. I ruffled the bird's nest on my head and I went upto him. "Good morning princess" He turned around and pinched my nose. "Slept well?" I nodded and smiled, leaning against the counter. After having breakfast with him, he dropped me off at the exam hall. "I'm nervous" I turned to look at him. "Hello nervous, I'm Hunter" He laughed at me and I hit his arm slightly. "Okay, in all seriousness, I'm sure you'll be fine!" He said and ruffled my hair. "Alright, if you say so, I should get going now" I said after I fixed my hair and checked the time. "Okay, All the best love!" He said and gave me a handshake and a hwaiting sign before we both parted ways.
🌺🌺The day of the result🌺🌺
"Y/n-yah will you stop jumping around so much? The seatbelt might break!" Hyunwoo joked. "How can you expect me to calm down when my report card is literally here in my very god damned hands?!" I yelled in a limited voice. "Well, first of all, mind your language and second of all, you'll be fine!!" He shot back. "And besides, we're here already" After he pulled up at Sumin's porch, the guys came running out, asking about my results. "Guys, she hasn't seen it yet!" Hyunwoo shouted. "Okay, then how about we go inside and let her calm down for a bit first?" Just as Minjae said that, we got inside and sat down. "Kay, just rip it off like a band-aid on the count of three!" Yujun said.
I shut my eyes and opened the card and all of a sudden, the boys erupted into screams and cheers. I took a peek at my results... Only to see PERFECT SCORES IN EVERY SUBJECT INCLUDING MATH! I jumped up and leaped into Hunter arms.
"You did it!"
"I did it!"
Hyunwoo smirked, watching the scene unfold. "We'll give you guys some space" Minjae said and dragged out the rest of them. "Hunter, I want to tell you something" He nodded in a sign for me to continue. "Hunter, for the past two months, you've helped me a lot to get through my studies and my life. You made every moment feel better, safer and... Special. Without you, I wouldn't be where I've gotten today and I'm very grateful. From the moment I first saw you, I felt attached, safe and loved. I don't know if the nicknames that you call me are a joke or if they mean something, but I've always loved them. What I'm trying to say is...I love you. A lot. And it's totally okay if you don't feel the same, I-"
I felt warm lips press against mine. It all happened so quick that I couldn't process anything. I didn't even know if I was living in the reality.
"Y/n" He lifted my head by my cheek to make me look at him. "I love you too, that's why I've hunt your heart"
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borhapparker · 2 years
ben hardy and soulmate + teacher au?
let's do this!! im back baby!
request here! | (UPDATED) list of characters | masterlist (NEW)
fyi: some links wont work as i am actively working on reworking my blog so please bare with me as i remake everything and publish things repeatedly (:
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Soulmates were not for everyone, and some considered them to be folk tales. Not everyone had someone out there for them, and most would never meet them. Yet, there was something about knowing you were tethered to someone out there that made it all possible. Anything you ever dreamed of seemed real when the prospect of having another half to share it with was real.
Yet, life didn't stop when finally found the one. And it definitely didn't stop while you were actively looking for one either.
The coffee maker in the kitchen beeped, as you walked over, clad in socks to prepare your warm coffee, which you would end up drinking cold anyway. The teaching lesson you had prepared the night before was on the counter, ready to be taught to your class as you began to slip on your vans, a signature piece in all your teaching outfits. There was something about commandeering the classroom in vans that made you feel invincible, especially when you were teaching high school alone for the first time.
When the principal, your good friend Robbie Andrews approached you about being a solo teacher, after years of working with a partner, you took up the opportunity quickly. It had been something you dreamt about for a long time, and you were finally there.
But now the nerves were showing, your hands slightly shaking at the thought of having to reel in a bunch of 9th graders in the subject of English and Writing.
Your phone pinged from the living room, as you crossed the kitchen, disconnecting your phone from the charger attached to the wall. The screen was lit with a text from your best friend, the person who had been teaching Math for as long as you had.
'Ready as I'll ever be, I guess. What about you?'
'I'm already on campus, teacher meeting before class starts. Hurry up, teach!'
"Shit," you cursed out loud as you grabbed your bag, making sure everything was inside as you spilled your coffee on the floor. "Dammit!"
Placing a towel over it, you quickly cleaned it up before grabbing your keys and running out the door, going into your car, and driving as quickly and safely as you could to campus. Immediately parking, you ran across the lot to the auditorium where all the teachers were waiting, the meeting barely beginning. Skidding into a seat next to Ben, you glared at him.
"Seriously? You forgot to remind me?"
"Nah," he smirked, "I figured you wouldn't remember so I just wanted to surprise you."
The meeting went on as you took mental notes about protocols and welcomed the new staff for the year. As the meeting was about to conclude, the principal called everyone's attention to Ben and yourself, as he congratulated both of you on another year at the campus. Dismissing everyone, you and Ben walked to your respective classes, across the way from each other as you gave him a hug.
"You ready?" you asked him as he nodded and smiled.
"Hey, where's your coffee?" Ben asked as you frowned. "Dropped it again?"
Nodding, he sighed before smiling.
"I'll get you another, just text me your order."
"Thanks, Ben." you smiled before you both walked into your classrooms.
Sighing, you placed your items on the desk, and picked up the whiteboard marker, writing your name on the board for everyone to see. Remembering that you had made a schedule of the day, your hands pushed the pieces of paper on your desk as you gripped the schedule before beginning to write it out on the board.
That had been a suggestion you had received from a former student, and you took it to heart, knowing some students get anxious not knowing what was next on the agenda for the day.
The commotion was heard outside your classroom, as you connected your phone to the speakers, playing your favorite songs, and your laptop to the projector, as the presentation was projected for the first day.
"Let's do this."
The day had progressed rather quickly, as you got to know your new students in the first and second periods, having the third period to relax before getting your homeroom students, where you organized a game to play with everyone. Lunchtime couldn't come faster, as you and Ben headed over to the fast food place across the way, grabbing lunch and settling back into your classroom, making room on your now messy desk.
"So, how has it been?" he asked as you smiled.
"Good! Seems like I am connecting with them better than I was last year, that's for sure." he laughed as he remembered an incident with a student last year. "Please don't-"
"Remember when you got pied in the face that one time while you were giving the lecture on Charles Dickens?" Ben's laugh filled your classroom as you chucked a tiny container of salsa at him, as it missed and landed on the floor. "That was a classic."
"I couldn't get the whipped cream out of my cardigan after that! I think they dyed it because it only turned all my socks pink instead of cleaning it after I washed it."
"Well, at least you won't have that happening anymore." he sighed as he frowned. "Hey, have you heard anything from your soulmate recently?"
You shook your head as Ben mirrored your actions. "He's been quiet recently." sighing, you undid your ponytail and let your hair hang loose, "Maybe he stopped being such a daredevil and is being safe now, considering all the injuries I got while he was out doing some crazy stuff."
He nodded, a pondering look on his face, as he shrugged. "Mine has been quiet, she hasn't been doing much recently. But something happened today that was odd."
Tilting your head, you took a bite from your tacos as he continued.
"I could hear music in the distance and it sounded a lot like Metallica, which was odd considering the last thing I heard them play was Whitney Houston."
"Clearly, their music taste is amazing." you laughed as he nodded with a sad smile.
"I really want to see them already."
"Me too."
Your fourth period came around, as the students piled inside, everyone taking a seat wherever they wanted as you opened up the same presentation you did in your last classes.
"Good afternoon everyone!" they echoed your welcome as you smiled, "Alrighty, who's ready to play a game?"
They cheered as you opened up Kahoot, a classic classroom game that clearly hyped up their energy as the classroom erupted into louder cheers.
As everyone signed in, you began the game, everyone cheering and arguing when it came to certain rounds. Suddenly, your classroom door opened as you looked up, noticing a certain blonde in the doorway, holding two coffees directly from your favorite coffee shop.
"Lifesaver! Thank you!"
He smiled as you gave him a half-hug before he waved at the students and walked into his classroom.
"Miss Y/n?" a student raised their hand as you nodded, walking back to your desk and pausing the game. "Is Mr. Hardy your boyfriend?"
You chuckled and smiled, "No he isn't, we're just good friends. We've been teaching here together for a few years now."
A chorus of oohs was heard across the classroom as a blush enveloped your cheeks.
"Look! Miss Y/n is blushing!"
"Wait, guys! What about Mr. Hardy being her soulmate?" one student yelled out as everyone began agreeing, trying to connect the dots between your friendship as you watched in amusement, a blush coating your cheeks.
"Alright, alright! Let's get back to Kahoot! I have donuts for the winners!"
The chatter slowly died down, not going away completely as everyone's attention was turned back to the game, some still talking about the friendship between the two teachers.
Your mind began to wander, as the students kept playing, their words echoing in your mind. All those times you felt pain and anguish from your soulmate, Ben had mentioned getting hurt in small incidents at home, wether that be with his skateboard or practicing his drums in the music room. They seemed really distant in the moment, but looking back, you realized it was a possibility.
Having mentioned that he heard Metallica and Whitney Houston being played, you remember playing two distinct songs for your game in first period, realizing the connection was getting bigger the more you began digging into memories with Ben.
What if your best friend was your soulmate? There was only one way to find out.
They mentioned that soulmates have tattoos on their body that their other half mirror and both people share one image on their bodies. This made everyone unique from other partnerships, and you had never shown Ben yours.
Finishing the class, you dismissed everyone as the bell rang for the end of the day, everyone now piling out of classroom and into thier cars to begin the journey home, as you stayed behind, wanting to have everything organized for the next day.
"Y/n?" Ben called out as you smiled and let him come inside your class. "You ready to go?"
"Almost," you sighed as you finished placing the notebooks on the shelf you made for your students, each with their own name and class period so you can remember which one is which without needing to read chicken scratch on the front.
"Hey, Ben?" he tilted his head, "Do you still have your soulmate tattoo?"
He nodded, "Haven't seen it go anywhere just yet."
"Can I see it?"
Shocked, he gulped, before nodding. Grabbing the end of his flannel, the slipped it off his shoulders, exposing the black t-shirt adorning his torso. He sighed shakily, before pulling up the shirt, and turning around, as you let out an audible gasp.
There it was, the mirror to your own tattoo.
He turned his head and locked eye contact over his shoulder.
"It's me."
Your words did not register in his mind immediately, as his eyebrows furrowed in concentration before realization hit. Eyes widening, he let the shirt drop, as he placed his hands on your waist.
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, as he smiled.
"We are soulmates?"
All you could do was nod, as he wrapped his arms around you, bringing you into a hug as you placed yours on his back, pulling him closer.
"God, I love you."
"I love you too."
Unbeknownst to you, your students had been standing outside the classroom, peering in through the window as they cheered silently, knowing their plan had worked.
Soulmates were hard to find, and some never end up finding their own pair, living in the world without another half.
Yet, yours was right next to you, for the last 8 years.
You couldn't ask for more.
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anya-karenina · 1 day
First off, thank you for taking the time to answer all the questions. I was a bit busy yesterday so I apologize for my delay but I appreciate it, I enjoyed reading your responses. *writes it on my notes* that's good to know, I won't forget your birthday =). I think it's adorable that your longest favorite song is from, I'm assuming, one of your favorite princess movies. And don't judge me haha but I haven't heard of Billy Joel before but thank you for putting me on because Vienna is relatable.
I would like to continue this conversation in DM so I don't flood your asks 😅 because I'm curious. But why was 9th grade the worse? I hope you weren't bullied. If so, tell me their names *swings baseball bat* I just want to talk to them. And PE? Most of that grade came from dressing up 😂 but I get it, I didn't like going back to classes all sweaty either. It's ok though, your intelligence makes it up because that's impressive (I wasn't much a fan of math after they started to add variables). I have to ask, what was your GPA? It had to be pretty high
Had to look it up and just to make sure, you're Canadian? But what?! I can understand milkshakes but ice cream? I guess we all are truly unique haha. But one last question, why New York? Seems too crowded. Is it the aesthetic of spending holidays there or is living in a big city something you've always wanted?
I saw on another ask you were going to watch LOTR (are you trying to make me fall foe you? Hahaha jk) but I was wondering, which movie is your favorite? You can include any of the Hobbits too. But again, thank you for opening up. I enjoyed reading your responses. I hope you have a great day pretty lady
Looool yeah for sure, my fav Disney movie is Cinderella though. I just like the song 😂
Idk was just a weird time, I wasn't bullied in 9th grade at all. I just think being 14 to 15 is the worst age in general. I just literally didn't do anything in PE so I didn't get sweaty lmaooo. I would stand on the edge and socialize the whole class. And thank you lol, I don't remember what my GPA was. I would have to look at my high school transcript. I was always on the honour roll though.
Yes I'm Canadian. Lol I didn't even start eating cheese until I was 20. I honestly felt the same way until I visited. I had the opposite of Paris syndrome tbh. Exceeded expectations in a really great way. And yes I like living in cities.
My favourite LOTR movie is The Fellowship of the Ring but I really like all of them.
Thank you!
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arfan039 · 1 year
Urdu_10th Class Guess Paper
If you are looking for Urdu_10th Class Guess Paper, you are at right place. Here we have uploaded Urdu_10th Class Guess Paper 2023. We have uploaded Urdu Assessment papers for all important questions, chapters, etc. These questions most often come in BISE Exams. Urdu_10th Class Guess Paper, are equally useful for all boards of Punjab, including Faisalabad, Lahore, Gujranwala, Sahiwal, Rawalpindi,…
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Class - 9 Mathemathics Important Question Chapter - 6 #mathematics #mathswithnarendersir
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jjustin1379 · 6 days
Does anyone actually know what banding does? There is no reminder text on the card so I literally had to look up the oracle text to remind myself. Even then, I had questions. What if I activate this ability twice in a turn? Can creatures have two separate instances of banding? I don't think do because you can only ever attack with one creature without banding even if you have multiple instances of the keyword. Banding just doesn't do enough to remember what it does. Your opponent will rarely block in an unfavorable situation so this is more like an evasion ability than anything else. If you want to build and play banding.dec than you have limited options so might as well throw this guy in there. Banding is such a meme I would not be ayrprised if they printed one banding commander or one commander that works well with banding as a joke. Sometimes these meme cards go up in value too. This card has never truly spiked with the exception of April 2021. That was the period where almost all reserved list cards spiked because buyout were running rampant during this time period. Obviously none of these highs lasted so this card is still looking for its first big glow up. I don't think it will happen anytime soon but maybe if we demand more support for the banding mechanic they will throw us a bone. Is anyone looking for a banding commander outside of the joke? Will this absolutely unplayable card rise in price as a meme? Will anyone remember what banding does in 20 more years? I see one use for this card in decks that want to manipulate damage. If beast walkers bands with Jared carthelion, true heir then your opponent is left with some uncomfortable choices. However, why didnt you just play a card that forces your opponent to block? I forgot one more thing. I went to Townsend Harris High School in New York City. This year it was ranked the 9th best high school and it had a lot of pretentious rules that other public high schools did nor. One example worth noting is that we called our periods, bands. So instead of saying what do you have first period? We would all say what do you have for first band. You would respond with I have math band 1 or something similar. The periods were called bands because a period is a band of time. Also, they used to play classical music over the loud speakers (and also the song American Idiot sometimes) in-between classes so that was another reason to call a period a band.
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hunbunbunnie · 2 years
If you're just here for piss go to the paragraph that starts with a * lol Being an honors student took a certain level of discipline. 
Not an unfamiliar level, though. Mia had been disciplined all her life. 
At the age of 7 she was reading at a 9th Grade level, in both English and Spanish, and was often disinterested in class because it was “boring”. 
So, after an in-depth evaluation and testing process, she was bumped up a couple of grades. She’d been warned that the work would be harder and take a lot of discipline, but she hadn’t been worried then, either. Mia practiced discipline at home all the time while taking care of her siblings as her parents worked. She practiced it when helping with dinner while all the other kids got to go play outside. She practiced it while helping her father read important documents that were only printed in English. 
So yeah, 4th Grade math was a breeze. 
She continued blazing through school until she finally, finally reached her final year. This had been what she was waiting for. With her grades, she could get into any college she wanted, and most likely with a full-ride scholarship as well. She’d be the first in her family to get her college degree. She would become a successful architect and make enough to support her family with plenty to spare. Her parents would be able to rest, and maybe she could save up enough to help pay for her siblings to go to college as well. She knew it would take a lot of grit. A lot of determination. A lot of discipline, but she was prepared. 
Now Mia sat at her desk, currently in the middle of her junior year of university. Her GPA was a 4.0, of course, and she planned for it to stay that way. That was why she’d been studying for the past four hours without pause. Architecture was a serious major. 
Mia’s eyes scanned the words of her textbook, her hand regurgitating the information into her notes almost automatically. However, there was a hint of strain to her expression. Her brow was slightly furrowed. She read back over the paragraph she’d just finished, struggling to actually absorb the information.  *What was going on? She wasn’t that tired, was she? She usually could go for about another hour or so before she took another break. She’d just eaten, so she knew she wasn’t hungry, and the empty bottle of water on her desk dispersed any worry of dehydration. So why was she struggling to focus? 
Mia shifted in her seat and her expression softened. Oh. She just needed to pee. That was fine. Relaxing a bit now, she loosely crossed her legs underneath the desk and continued reading, the urge momentarily quelled. 
She’d zone back in on her work, becoming lost in the descriptions of gothic and victorian architecture. Mia continued studying, essentially dead to the world, for 45 more minutes. It wasn’t until her leg fell asleep and she moved to accommodate it that she recalled her bladder. It gave a dull and heavy pulse, causing her brow to furrow once more. She felt pretty full…but she was getting close to the end of this unit. She then needed to answer the guided study questions, and if she interrupted her work flow (oof, “flow”), then who knew if she’d be able to get back into it? 
Mia glanced at her alarm clock, seeing that it was 10 pm. She was already cutting it close on time. She’d have to wake up early the next morning for class. She couldn’t afford to slow down if she was going to get this homework done before bed. She would just have to show a bit of discipline and ignore her need. 
She recrossed her legs and got back to work, feeling an unhappy pang from her abdomen. Her thighs squeezed together a bit in retaliation, but aside from that, her bladder was once again forgotten. Mia drank quite a lot of caffeine throughout the day, as she always did, along with her once full bottle of water. All of the liquid was gathering in her core, beginning to push and stretch her bladder’s walls. Another wave of discomfort hit Mia and she shifted in place. 
Time passed, the only noise permeating Mia’s quiet room being her pen scratching against paper and the occasional flip of a page. Oh, and the creak of her chair as she moved around. The nagging urge to empty herself was driving Mia to shift almost rhythmically, her hips rocking back and forth. If she wasn’t alone it would just look like she was restless or maybe subtly dancing to the music playing through her earbuds. It didn’t become obvious that she needed to pee until her free hand began creeping between her thighs. 
Mia caught herself, her face reddening as she snatched her hand back above the desk. God, what was she doing? She wasn’t a child. She could wait to use the bathroom without resulting to grabbing at herself. 
Sighing, she decided to readjust her sitting position, bringing a leg underneath her and sitting on her heel. Every small movement made her need spike but she got her foot in place without issue. It applied pressure to all the right places and gave her the bit of relief she needed to focus again. Mia continued writing, ignoring the slightly more frantic requests to empty from her bladder. She began chewing at the inside of her cheek but refused to stop. She could wait. Discipline. 
She turned the page and barely stifled a groan. Of course the next chapter was over bridges, which meant Mia got to stare at beautifully photographed rivers and lakes for the remainder of the night. Just the first image of the Golden Gate Bridge made her tense a bit, watching the water beneath it crash against the rocks in a foamy spray. The visible waves of the ocean was exactly what her bladder felt like. Sloshing, heavy and forceful, bearing down on her exit. Her hips began to move again. 
After a bit of time, Mia noticed she was beginning to have a bit of trouble writing. Her penmanship was getting messier and she found herself stopping to scribble out mistakes more and more often. Another bridge was depicted on the next page of her book, this one being the Rialto Bridge in Venice, and she actually let out a quiet hiss of discomfort at the sight of the canal it arched over. Canals were not a pleasant thought at the moment. So much liquid constricted to narrow waterways, the sound of splashing and flowing water no doubt filling the area. 
A wave of desperation overcame her and before Mia knew it her hand had dived back between her thighs. She didn’t pull it away this time, repositioning once more to cross her legs around it. She really needed to go. 
Fully squirming now, Mia let out a slightly shaky breath and resigned herself to taking a study break. She moved to get out of her chair…before promptly sitting right back down, trembling. 
Her eyes were wide and she felt an uncanny heat and dampness pressing against her hand. She’d leaked. 
Mia couldn’t move. 
“Ooh…” Mia quietly whined a bit, now frantically bouncing in her seat. She had no idea it was this bad! It wasn’t until gravity caused her to feel the full weight of the ocean inside of her that she realized how badly she’d messed up. There was no way she could stand and hobble to the bathroom. She wouldn’t make it. 
Another wave of urgency wracked her insides and she quietly whimpered, her other hand joining the first one between her legs. Eyes filled with tears, she began to frantically look around her room for anything that could possibly help her. Of course, she saw nothing. Hardly anything aside from a very convenient toilet could possibly fix her situation. 
Mia’s thighs were rubbing together now, her face burning with shame. She was squirming around like a little kid- hell, she wet herself a little. Although there was no one around to witness her predicament she had never felt more embarrassed. 
She glanced around the space one more time, pleading for anything she could use. This time, her eyes fell on her empty water bottle. Maybe…maybe she could use that…? Her bladder lurched, causing her to double over in her seat for a moment. 
When the excruciating urgency faded, Mia looked back up at the bottle. Was she really that desperate? Desperate enough to squat over a bottle just because she couldn’t hold it all the way to the toilet? 
…no. No, she wasn’t. She could hold it. She could stand. She could make it to the bathroom. She had the discipline for it. 
Whimpering quietly, Mia slowly rose to her feet. Her thighs trembled as they squeezed together, desperately trying to apply added pressure to her opening. All the piss in her bladder was weighing down on her strained muscles, aching to be let free. It was a slow and arduous trek all the way to the front door. She’d shuffle a few inches before stopping to whine and bounce on the balls of her feet, legs almost double crossing. What should have taken a few seconds took minutes. 
By the time she made it to the door Mia was trembling all over, her face red and breathing heavy. She didn’t even know if she could take away a hand to grasp the doorknob. 
While she was working up the courage to move once more, a thought occurred. Not just any thought, but a horribly tempting one. 
Mia was alone in her room. No one could see her. She needed to wash her clothes soon, anyway.
What if she just…let go? 
She tried to push away the notion but it had already taken root. She imagined the lack of weight in her abdomen. The ability to stand upright again. The relief of letting the boiling ball of liquid inside of her burst open. 
Mia whimpered once more as another leak escaped her. Her forehead rested on the door as she squeezed her eyes shut and tried to hold on. She couldn’t just wet herself. She was supposed to piss in the toilet like a normal adult. She needed to get a hold of herself, to keep moving, to be disciplined!
Right then, a strange numbness took over her abdomen. Then, an odd warmth traveled down her legs. 
A shuddering sigh escaped Mia as her bladder gave out. All at once, the aching pressure that had been bearing down on her muscles began to fade. The relief was even better than she’d briefly imagined. Her eyes fluttered closed as she went limp, leaning against the door to stay upwards. The room was quiet aside from her panting and the sound of liquid hitting hardwood flooring. Mia stared at her slowly growing puddle, feeling…surprisingly alright. Although she’d wet herself, it felt so good…
Maybe discipline wasn’t always the answer. 
Meet Mia! She was a "gifted and talented" kid! Her family depends on her way too much! She has trouble saying no! She's one more inconvenience away from snapping!
Hope you enjoyed :)
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livsworld-ndstyle · 4 months
save the date
save the date.
at least for me.
i have the meeting which i mentioned a couple of posts back and i’ve been scared for it. AND ITS TOMORROW!?
also why is there a big gap in between save the date and the word tomorrow?-
also i digressed a lot teehee!
second period. 8:32am. i’m so mad that it’s immediately after february / president’s day break, even though my past meeting dates, which i have memorized, have been in a similar timeframe.
this year - 2/26/24
last year - 3/1/23
the year before last - 3/21/22
but anyways i have to miss spanish class for the second year in a row!! my spanish teacher is gonna flip, im in a college level and college credit bearing spanish class and its the second highest. we’re prepping for the national spanish exam, which is a standardized spanish exam that i have taken in years past.
last year i got bronze, the year before last i got an honorable mention. this year i want silver and next year i want gold to show progressive improvement.
some other patterns i’ve noticed with my meetings is the teacher and class they choose that i should miss
10th & 11th: missed spanish, chose my math teacher to be the general education teacher.
8th & 9th: missed social studies/global, chose my english teacher to be the general education teacher.
6th & 7th: missed support class, chose my social studies teacher to be the general education teacher.
so i’m highly convinced there’s a method to the madness.
anyways now i’m going to go into depth of each of the invited teachers.
if you remember this pic:
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yes i have this picture somewhere in my favorites album, it’s easier to access that way.
also on the doc it has my real name (cuz liv is derived from olivia) but PLEASE DO NOT CALL ME OLIVIA. ty.
person #1: the chairperson/psychologist
if i get any testing done within the triennial period, like how i did my freshman year, i would get pulled out to take a variety of tests. i remember being so mad when i realized my IQ from grade 4 is the same as it was in grade 9, and i’m in the above average range for VSI.
which is insane. i used to be below average for VSI.
VSI, or Visual Spatial Index, is a subtest in the WISC-V tests for an ability to evaluate visual details and understand visual-spatial relationships to construct geometric designs from a model. (Child Psychologist AU).
the link to that article ->
also i don’t live in AUS, but this is the best definition on it.
2. my math teacher, also my favorite teacher! she recommended me to take two math classes, which is a shock even for me and also i love her so much because it’s fun to see her teach and her teaching style brings so much joy to my life and i can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has in store.
the only part i’m worried about, well, maybe two things.
general ed teachers have to take notes on me leading up to the meeting…and i don’t know what’s contained in these notes she’s written, so yeah that’s one. also, i told her that if she ever sees me distracted., she can redirect me — i guess i have never realized just how much i do get distracted until she tells me to stay on task when we do group work!
pretty much every group i’ve been in with my friends (so like clover, daniela, and meredith) we’ve been told to stop talking about other topics, and the only reason why is because im there.
clover & daniela normally work alone, together, without meredith and i and they’re super productive. they talk AND get work done.
meredith & i are the opposite. we work together any chance we get when she doesn’t pick partners and while meredith and i work we both distract each other.
the only annoying problem is, every time i get redirected from talking to meredith, we are always talking about a math problem.
when i got redirected with clover and daniela, we were distinctly talking about a different topic…!
3. my case manager/special ed teacher:
well i think she has a plethora of things to say about me. but like a plethora of GOOD things. because im a great student. i have a 92 in english and she’s the coteacher so it works out perfectly for me! :)
plus my writing is super strong, i wrote a 507-word response for english when it was supposed to be 5-7, and my other english teacher wrote this lovely comment!
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you don’t have to read the whole thing, especially if you haven’t read the great gatsby.
but my english teacher gave 7 perfect scores on this assignment so of course i’m so proud of this.
4. my guidance counselor
even though i just saw her for my junior meeting, i know she also has a plethora of good things to say, so im not worried about her input.
5. my speech teacher
worried- i have not gone to speech in a while, either because my case manager hasn’t sent me my speech schedule and because i use the period i have speech to finish any tests so my teachers don’t hunt me down in the testing room…which HAS happened.
6. also not mentioned, at least on the document, but my other general class teachers get an email the monday of and have to write like 3-6 sentences on my progress in their class.
the other 3 blurred people are my parents and i., but i don’t want information out there on my parents on tumblr.
also i accidentally blurred the location. it’s supposed to be a video conference, but i told the committee to make it in-person and now both my parents are coming so yay!
anyways this is a long post but i hope you enjoyed! i wrote this at my local hairdresser 🤗
im gonna prob post after the meeting, so like period 3 or 5 or even 9 about what went down in a new post.
thanks for reading :)
ps if you’re still there, i’m gonna make a new style where i use the quote text as a header for my posts.
bye now! :)
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hey so I wrote this whole like 3 page thing within one class period a year ago back in 9th grade about how super stressed I was and I thought you might want to see so I'm copy-pasting it all here lol
Update: it doesn't fit in the word limit, so I'm putting half of it into the comments if I can XD
Update #2, it took TEN comments to finish it omg this crap is really frickin' long
Journal: Change the World
Answer the following prompt in 6-8 complete sentences.
Write about anything you want. Or, if you need a prompt, write about something that is stressing you out right now.
Right now I’m stressed because I have a lot of work to catch up on, Ms. Cady when we all got back, she said something like “if you were on the band trip, your cumulative review #1 which was pages 3-5 is due right now.” and I had barely started it and so that was stressful and now I can’t make it up properly because it’s a review and I don’t remember anything and the point of a review is to review so that you do remember stuff of course, but there’s no time and she already sent us the key to it so it wouldn’t be credible if I turned it in at this point because I could realistically just copy down the answers off of the Key, and not re-learn anything. Also the Cumulative review #2 was due yesterday, which I also hadn’t finished or even really started for similar reasons, and she told us to rip it out of our books and pass it to the front, so I had to do that, and now I can’t use those problems to review because I don’t remember anything anymore and also I don’t have that page from the book, and Cumulative Review number 3 is due Wednesday, so I have plenty of time except that I don’t know where to find the resources to review and remember how to do any of those problems in the first place so I don’t know how I’m going to complete that one. And I also have a test that I have to make up, and I don’t know where that test is and I don’t know what the test is and I don’t know how I’m going to make it up because I don’t have it and I don’t even know if it’s on paper or online or how to do it but somehow I have to figure out what the test is and how to do it and make up that test so that’s also stressing me out. And then in Biology I’ve also fallen behind and Mr. McLauglin is a bit nicer and more understanding than Ms Cady, he said end of the week or Next Monda would be a good time to get stuff in and he even wrote all my missing stuff on a little sticky note and gave it to me and that was really very nice and helpful even though I haven’t actually gotten a chance to look at it yet but on Google Classroom I’ve already gone through and looked at what I’ve missed, and turns out they’ve been covering Reproductive Systems so that’s really an annoying and embarrassing thing to have to make up, but whatever, except that I have about three or I dunno, a lot of worksheets and labs that are in my Bio binder, so I don’t know when I’ll have time to do that since I also have all the math stuff to figure out.
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