#are those... bots?
hey so I wrote this whole like 3 page thing within one class period a year ago back in 9th grade about how super stressed I was and I thought you might want to see so I'm copy-pasting it all here lol
Update: it doesn't fit in the word limit, so I'm putting half of it into the comments if I can XD
Update #2, it took TEN comments to finish it omg this crap is really frickin' long
Journal: Change the World
Answer the following prompt in 6-8 complete sentences.
Write about anything you want. Or, if you need a prompt, write about something that is stressing you out right now.
Right now I’m stressed because I have a lot of work to catch up on, Ms. Cady when we all got back, she said something like “if you were on the band trip, your cumulative review #1 which was pages 3-5 is due right now.” and I had barely started it and so that was stressful and now I can’t make it up properly because it’s a review and I don’t remember anything and the point of a review is to review so that you do remember stuff of course, but there’s no time and she already sent us the key to it so it wouldn’t be credible if I turned it in at this point because I could realistically just copy down the answers off of the Key, and not re-learn anything. Also the Cumulative review #2 was due yesterday, which I also hadn’t finished or even really started for similar reasons, and she told us to rip it out of our books and pass it to the front, so I had to do that, and now I can’t use those problems to review because I don’t remember anything anymore and also I don’t have that page from the book, and Cumulative Review number 3 is due Wednesday, so I have plenty of time except that I don’t know where to find the resources to review and remember how to do any of those problems in the first place so I don’t know how I’m going to complete that one. And I also have a test that I have to make up, and I don’t know where that test is and I don’t know what the test is and I don’t know how I’m going to make it up because I don’t have it and I don’t even know if it’s on paper or online or how to do it but somehow I have to figure out what the test is and how to do it and make up that test so that’s also stressing me out. And then in Biology I’ve also fallen behind and Mr. McLauglin is a bit nicer and more understanding than Ms Cady, he said end of the week or Next Monda would be a good time to get stuff in and he even wrote all my missing stuff on a little sticky note and gave it to me and that was really very nice and helpful even though I haven’t actually gotten a chance to look at it yet but on Google Classroom I’ve already gone through and looked at what I’ve missed, and turns out they’ve been covering Reproductive Systems so that’s really an annoying and embarrassing thing to have to make up, but whatever, except that I have about three or I dunno, a lot of worksheets and labs that are in my Bio binder, so I don’t know when I’ll have time to do that since I also have all the math stuff to figure out.
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girlwiththegreenhat · 2 months
team fortress 2 finally getting rid of the bots after 5 years
work on the team fortress 2 comic continuing after 7+ years
half life 3 development looking more likely than ever with legitimate code, file, and voicework leaks referencing a new non-VR single-player game from valve featuring a HEV suit wearing protagonist and Xen creatures and concepts
shoutout to the valve fan that found the genie lamp. you a real one
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maiko-coy · 1 year
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So I did a thing...
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Today I am excited about excaping the Torture labyrinth
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zarla-s · 4 months
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TF2 Casual is still a bot wasteland (the petition's at 285k+ signatures currently and valve has said nothing) but every now and then you run into another real person which I consider a personal victory, haha. Under these conditions what else can you do, there isn't any other way to win! Shout out to you, CRINGE-ineer gaming, wherever you are.
Remember to go to save.tf and sign the petition if you haven't already! And if you still can lol. The bot hosters are big mad about the #fixtf2 tag right now from what I've been seeing in casual.
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maudiemoods · 1 month
Helllooooooooooo this is my official post saying I do not give permission to anyone to make ai bots of my characters or aus!
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sunnydayaoe · 9 months
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guy who is SO happy his robot is alive now yay :)!
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Do you know this queer character?
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Murderbot is Agender, Aromantic, and Asexual and uses it/its pronouns!
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dontfuckmylifewtf · 2 years
No matter how weird the questions are that Neil Gaiman gets (or for the matter we see because he answered them), I would like to remind everyone, that having around 80.000 asks in your inbox gives you a lot to choose from.
Meaning, that Neil Gaiman probably actively chooses from these 80.000 questions what he answers.
So for the love of god, stop bullying the people asking "cringe" questions. They probably didn't expect to get an answer anyways, and Neil chose to answer them.
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another tiring day of bot hunting in the asexual tag. wish the bots would admit defeat and wave their white flag of surrender.
keep up the good work humans, multidimensional entities, enemies, and other creatures.
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s-sextape · 1 year
i am writing an accidental haiku to attract haiku bot
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cutiesigh · 2 months
「Demo WIP」 Can y'all watch my plant real quick? 🍈
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maiko-coy · 8 months
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More Switched Role AU, finally done with Mapbot and DJ Music Man! Not me struggling to DJMM RGGRRGGRG Helpy and Ness are next!!
So we have: Sun + Moon <--> Freddy Fazbear DJMM <--> Montgomery Gator Helpy <--> Glamrock Chica MapBot <--> Roxanne Wolf
Updates on the other characters: Vanessa <--> Gregory (ages are switched too lel) Wet Floor Bots <--> STAFF Bots
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beastieblooddd · 4 months
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Uhhhh random chase head canons cause yeah....
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thenewgirl76 · 2 months
It's In My Blood
Okay, random idea centered around halfas that I just had to share.
What if besides death followed by resurrection via a source of ectoplasm, a human-ghost hybrid could also be created She Hulk style. And by that I mean the old school comics. Not that spiteful heap of garbage masquerading as a tv adaptation made by that toxically bitter hack Jessica Gao.
This can be applied to whatever hero/villain you choose, I'm going with Batman. Mostly because I haven't seen many half ghost Bruce Wayne posts.
Anyway, the scenario starts off with Alfred finding Danny roaming the streets in search of food due to running away from foster care. (Jack and Maddy left him there in the hopes of keeping him safe from the GIW after Wes finally succeeded in outing him to all of Amity) And through lots of gentle coaxing convinces him to let Alfred take him home.
Eventually Danny gets so attached he readily agrees to being adopted into the Wayne family by Alfred. Once enough trust has been built overtime to share identities Gotham automatically gains a new protector.
Then the further establishment of new relationships is suddenly interrupted by a full-scale alien invasion, requiring all hands on deck. Though all the heroes manage to hold their own for the most part it quickly becomes clear they may not win this battle if they don't find something to turn the tide in their favor.
They get that something in the form of Phantom rallying all his ghost allies/frenemies to join the fight. With their added power the entirety of the alien army is thoroughly beaten back. But not before Batman takes a hit hard enough to cause him to bleed out at an alarming rate.
The already dire situation worsens all the more when it's discovered that Batman is a rare blood type and no one in the batclan or even the other human heroes matches. All save for Phantom. Problem is, with all that ecto mixed with his blood a transfusion could possibly poison or worse kill his big brother. Everyone is aware of this. But any other option would take too long and Batman doesn't have much time left.
So with bated breath and reluctance Phantom gives his blood. For a few scary minutes it looks like Batman might be showing signs of rejection. But then he slowly begins to stabilize, giving the medical team much needed breathing room to get him properly tended to.
While Bats may be on the mend no one's relaxing just yet. And not for a lack of trying. It's just a little hard to be chill when Mr. Dark and Broody has started randomly going invisible or intangible, speaking with an echo, levitating over his bed, and overall become creepily unsettling to look at. Especially with that unnatural glow in his eyes.
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michimuchimus · 10 months
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