#A Game of Thrones: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book One
vintrage · 1 month
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fire cannot kill a dragon BITCH
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ray-botic · 2 months
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took a stab at a character design lineup for the book 1 pov characters (minus will, sorry bro)
also posted individually here: ned | cat | arya | bran | sansa | jon | tyrion | dany
second lineup | third lineup | fourth lineup
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naggascradle · 5 days
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Covers for A Game of Thrones, I (Jon Snow) II (Daenerys Targaryen) III (Tyrion Lannister) IV (Catelyn Stark) V (Ned Stark) & A Clash of Kings, I (Arya Stark) II (Theon Greyjoy) III (Sansa Stark) IV (Davos Seaworth) V (Bran Stark), drawn by Ken Sugiwara for the Japanese paperback release of A Song of Ice and Fire.
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aphrmoosun · 3 months
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"There are definitely a few times in series 2 where me and Phia who play Helaena [...] We looked at each other and we were like are we serving Helaemond in this scene?" -Ewan Mitchell.
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phantomqa · 2 months
Rip Brandon Stark you would have loved bouldering halls 😔🙏🏻🧗🏻‍♀️
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0bsessiv3s0ul · 3 months
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"From my blood, come The Prince That Was Promised and his will be the Song of Ice and Fire.”
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pixiecactus · 13 days
my villain origin story?: that fucking show making the hound of all people a parental figure for arya.
yes, the same man that killed one of her friends and later in the books kidnapped her and physically abused her.
i'll admit i'm not the biggest ned stark fan, because i tend to hyperfocus on how both parents failed my favourite character, but eddard stark was a decent man, better than most in all of westeros and had a soft spot for the daughter that shared lyanna's looks and personality.
arya already has a good parental figure, whose teachings she still follows to this day and the only name he had is eddard "ned" stark.
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"A Targaryen, alone in the world, is a terrible thing."
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izzy140105 · 9 days
The most gorgeous man you've ever seen... And then she's just there 😒
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praparuru-ume · 29 days
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Just a quick sketch. Never drawn Aemond before, but I've seen people draw him curly, and I love drawing long hair so...
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bee-unknown · 4 months
What the fuck happened to fandoms? Back in my day (when I was 9) you would say " I like this character" and only the most annoying members would go "but they killed people!", "They raped their sister!", yada yada and the answer would be "yeah i don't care, I like this character because it did evil things" but now when someone is confronted with "your fav did awful things" they respond with "but but but they had a traumatic past so their actions are okay!"
What I've learned from listening to true crime podcasts, and what I think a lot of you need to remember, is that someone's past doesn't justify their actions, it explains them
So if you're gonna love a character regardless of how shitty they are, accept them for who they are, with their flaws and their crimes
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sierrabravoecho · 1 month
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A Storm of Swords Jaime VI / A Feast for Crows Brienne VII
Jaime + Brienne describing weapons in the darkness
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nonbinarylesbianherb · 2 months
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Well as the people have suggested I shall begin my journey through the ASOIAF series
Maybe not immediately because I still have many assignments/work/studying I should focus on, but I will start reading eventually
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widgits · 2 years
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jaime and brienne my friends jaime and brienne
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rise-my-angel · 6 months
Do you have any thoughts about Jamie and Brienne vs Jamie and Cersei? Would love to hear you speak about them cause you're so well-versed in all things GOT!! ☺️☺️
DO I EVER HAVE THOUGHTS (you've made a mistake this is so many words im so sorry I love talking about Jaime Lannister).
Jaime and Cersei are so superficially codependant on each other. In reality they know very little about who the other is in small details, and their attraction is based on a massive amount of vanity because they look so similar. But at the same time, if we're looking at Jaime, he is always the worst version of himself with Cersei.
They promote the worst in each other and it shows. Because Jaime is not that vindictive with others. He is way more honest with characters hes known for far less time then his own twin sister. He is close with Tyrion and their interactions are Jaime at his most normal. He is very himself with Catelyn to the point he confesses a strange number of things to her he doesn't for anyone else. But not Cersei.
He's closed off when he's with her. He's back to being vain and destructive and vindictive. Jaime loves the idea of being with Cersei rather then Cersei herself. He is addicted to this codependant relationship based on physical attraction to the point he ruins his own life to keep it going.
But then he is seperated from her by war. And then he meets Brienne.
Jaime, is actually not yet at his lowest when they meet but he is at the worst in terms of what his relationship with Cersei represents. When he meets Brienne he is a prisoner, chained up, filthy, stinking, probably a bit septic and quite literally covered in his own shit. He is at the opposite place which he would be with Cersei when he meets Brienne. Cersei wouldn't stick around for this version of Jaime, but Brienne has oathed to. And so their story starts at Cerseis opposite.
Then it gets interesting. Brienne is verbally combative with him and does not hesitate to push him on what she disagrees with or opposes. She is actually similar to Cersei in that shes physically close to him. But wheras Cersei is in looks alone, Brienne is in size and strength. Something that clearly peaks Jaimes interest since he switches between making fun of her size to asking things like if she wants a man strong enough to be able to wrestle with her because hes strong enough. He's interested in her for the same reason of physical, but the why is completely opposite.
Cerseis physical similarity goes no deeper. Briennes physical similarlity represents that Jaime doesnt just want more then looks, he needs more then just looks. He thrives on verbally sparring with her to the point they bond without even realizing it because theyve spoken so much.
Then Jaime inadvertantly makes a sacrifice. His hand for her honour. He makes a deal to save her from being raped and in turn his hand is cut off for his audacity of thinking making deals is how the rest of the world works. Jaimes identity shatters here.
Since like his relationship to Cersei, his identity is so superficial. Without his ability to sword fight he thinks he has nothing, just like how without their physical attraction he and Cersei, have nothing. But Brienne begins to care more. Tries to pull him out of depression and doesnt give up on him.
Then Jaime does something for Brienne hes never done for Cersei. Cersei claims Jaime would've killed Robert for hurting her, but it isn't true. We know Robert has clearly been physically abusive before considering both their reactions when he slaps her indicates he has done it before but not in front of other people. But Jaime wouldve seen the marks. He knew Cersei was physically abused. And did nothing.
Then Brienne is thrown in a bear pit with a wooden sword. And Jaime with one hand, jumps in to rescue her when he already was on his way to safety. He goes back to save her and refuses to leave without her by his side.
Now Brienne in the books is younger, but I think for their relationship dynamic I think the shows version being older works better. Beacuse now Jaime is dealing with a woman similar to his sister in age. Now he has a direct comparison on what life has turned them both into and Jaime realizes that he is full of life with Brienne.
Jaime confesses about the day he murdered the Mad King to Brienne, when hes never spoken of it before. He has never told Cersei anything like that, we know. Beacuse by then, Brienne represents everything he wishes he had with Cersei but with someone whose bond with him is the opposite of superficial or vain.
Ironically, Cersei has a version of this too. Cersei watches Margaery and Loras and is seeing what she and Jaime could have been if they did not have this toxic physical relationship with each other. Margaery and Loras love each other deeply, trust each other, protect each other and work together in harmony but without any of the hangups Cersei and Jaime have.
So when Jaime comes back and hes a different man, he tries to fit into the mold of someone he used to be and it doesnt fit him anymore. Cersei knows it, and she knows she will never actually have with Jaime what she wants.
Jaimes defining moment he could never come back from, should have been pushing Bran out that window to protect his secret relationship with Cersei. But it isn't.
It's when he sacrificed everything he didnt even really have anymore to protect Brienne in the bear pit soley because he cared about her too much to turn his back on her. That was the moment Jaime did something he could never come back from.
Jaime with Cersei is at his lowest, and with Brienne is at his highest but then when he sends Brienne away to find Sansa not knowing if theyd ever see each other again, and then he leaves to settle the remaining fights in the Riverlands, and in the books, literally burns a letter from Cersei pleading for him to come back.
Jaime has had a taste of who he is with both, and now he has to go alone for a while and figure out who he is after both of them and find out what version of Jaime Lannister was closest to who he is between them. And it's Brienne hes the most himself with, since he has literally nothing to hide from her. They started at his worst and it only got better.
He has nowhere good to go with Cersei because once the illusion of physical attraction was shattered, Jaime realized there was nothing tying him to being undyingly loyal to Cersei that mattered.
Its an interesting case of Jaime and Cersei needed each other to pretend to be whole, but Jaime and Brienne are whole without each other, and therefore are still whole when they do have each other.
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ok so we keep referring to Littlefinger as purple doublet red coat yellow boots guy
i think once someone said that his coat was yellow and boots red
which would make sense in so far that the wiki also says he has a yellow cape
and this is on my mind more than probably reasonable aisjdishauah
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