#A Grain Of Sand
historyineverything · 2 years
Poems by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Published in 1895 | Video Summary
Side Note: Please note that Frances Ellen Watkins Harper wrote two books of Poems that have  “Poems” in the title. The other book is titled “Poems on Miscellaneous Subjects”. The first poem is The Syrophencian Woman.
If you would like to read the full book, you can find many versions in your library or online. This book is in the public domain. You can find it on many sites like Project Gutenberg and Google Play Books.
Disclaimer: This post is a summary of the book. The book is available in the public domain and may contain some historical inaccuracy. I summarize the book to the best of my ability or highlight excerpts of interesting facts.  If you would like to add information, advise a current article/book, and/or critically analyze the book, it is welcome. Thank you.   
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gaymer-hag-stan · 8 months
A playlist of all the most iconic Tekken tracks, to celebrate the release of Tekken 8!
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artaxlivs · 11 days
"Eddie, babe, you've seen this movie like seven times already." Steve whispers, rubbing his hand down Eddie's back as it hitches with sobs. "You know the horse comes back."
"N...Not this horse. That's a new horse. A new idea." His shoulders shake as he fights the build up of grief. "It's just *sniff* Bastian is a new reader, making a new story, making n-new w-wishes. This Artax dies."
Steve gets it, finally. Wonders just how long he's been missing the point here.
Because Eddie died. They got him back. But he'll never be the Eddie he was before. He's different now. It wasn't the Swamp of Sadness but it got him all the same. Maybe worse because he died full of hope and heroism. He died fighting. And when they got him back, they were still fighting. The story had continued without him.
Shifting them on the couch so they're face to face, Steve tucks Eddie's curls behind his ear, watches his face as he tries to calm his breathing, rubs Eddie's tears with his thumbs.
"If I got to wish the whole world into existence, you are the first thing I would wish for." Steve tells him, chest aching with weight of all the love he's been building up for Eddie since he'd taken his second first breath. "You. Every version of you is this one because you wouldn't be you without all the things you've learned along the way. Even death."
Fresh tears spill from Eddie's dark eyes and when he closes them against the honesty, eyelashes shadowing his pale cheeks, he shudders, "Promise?"
"A grain of sand. Just like in the Empress's hand. I promise on that grain of sand, you, and all the versions of you yet to come, are what I would wish for. Promise."
Steve tucks Eddie in close, holds him while he trembles through the last of his grief. Silently thanking The NeverEnding Story for showing them that there is hope after grief. Even if it starts with just a grain of sand.
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soracities · 5 months
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Wisława Szymborska, “Children of Our Age”, View with a Grain of Sand (trans. Stanisław Barańczak & Clare Cavanagh)  
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burin-burin · 3 months
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before - after render
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
Scientists ought to study the chemical link between Butches and trans men* and transmasc* people. Like, they say that the triple bond is one of the hardest to break, but I don't think they've looked at the bond between a trans guy and a Butch
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“Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light.” - Carl Sagan
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road-kill-eater · 1 year
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woodburning hard
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the-acid-pear · 5 months
mmmaybe 3c with a trio of ur choice for the poly art meme?
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Well we all know I HAD to draw them.....
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stromer · 5 months
call me crazy... but i think hockey belongs in the desert idk
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soracities · 2 years
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Wisława Szymborska, from “Children of Our Age”, View with a Grain of Sand (trans. Stanisław Barańczak & Clare Cavanagh)  
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ddarker-dreams · 11 months
I was going through your first contract hashtag and I was wondering what would happen to God Darling if they were to break their contract between them and Zhongli?
well. certainly nothing good will come of it.
zhongli's modus operandi centers around upholding contracts more so than 'fairness.' fairness is subjective, breaching the black and white terms of a contract agreed upon by both parties is not. at least from his perspective. still, he isn't heartless, even if he's given his heart to god darling. possessing such an object is a heavy burden. fracturing beneath its weight feels inevitable. if not today, then tomorrow, or the day after that.
however! zhongli considers himself reasonable. he laid everything out plainly, without using deceptive language or any other underhanded techniques. he could've, because having his beloved quite literally chained to his side is a tantalizing idea, but the archaic lord does value his spouse's well-being. he made concessions where he didn't have to. this was back when he wasn't renowned for his benevolence either. in his earlier days, yanwang dijun possessed far more sharp edges that have been sanded down by the time he adopted the alias zhongli.
owing to this, he'd feel profoundly hurt. it wouldn't show on his face or conduct. there'd just be this somber aura as he informs his spouse that they've breached the terms of their contract, and in doing so, incurred a predetermined punishment. this would be depriving them of the outside world — and its inhabitants — that they love so dearly. zhongli would create a domain where only he can come and go as he pleases. they wouldn't want for anything or be in squalid conditions. regardless, a cage is a cage, no matter how pretty it's decorated.
how long they have to remain in there depends on a few factors, such as how long they left liyue for, if they returned of their own volition or had to be dragged back, etc. one century is the sentence they're most likely to receive.
the sands of liyue's shores feel hard and cold in their absence.
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cyanocoraxx · 1 month
don't forget to wash your antennae before you eat! (sukuna, scolopendra morsitans) ♥️
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digoload · 1 year
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qsmp players in mcc would be so cool because first of all just imagine the chaos that grid runners would be. frantically trying to explain the minigames in mixed up english-spanish. imagine buildmart. are u seeing my vision
(part 2!!!)
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
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hey @last-hourglass I turned your funny joke into hurt/comfort
Based off this post! <- go check it out :)
Anyways, it might take him some time to get used to being around Havoc
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shoku-and-awe · 6 months
Complicated anxiety post!
I scheduled a fancy haircut thinking I’d be excited by the time it rolled around, and now the free cancellation window has closed but I’m still :|
I know I *need* a haircut. It’s gotten so long that I hate washing it (it clings all the way down my back and literally makes me whimper with grossness). So I wash it less often than I like, and not wanting to wash it makes me put off swimming and exercise and other things that make me feel good. It also gets super tangled and dry, and I have to braid it every night before bed, and if I wear it up/braided too often, it makes my scalp hurt. (Also, the braid falls on my dog when I pick him up and bothers him.)
I know a haircut is inevitable. Both sides are shaved and the ponytail keeps getting thinner and thinner. Also I have several inches of crunchy dead ends.
I want to keep the length because it looks cool to have shaved sides and just a big messy pile on top. (Also: sunk cost fallacy.) I also feel like it’s a compromise with Japanese beauty standards: I don’t really perform femininity, and societal pressure is so strong, and also having long hair like a pretty lady makes me less threatening as a scary foreigner; I don’t also need to look unfeminine or uncategorizable.
(The pressure here is really next level. People say “I’ve noticed you don’t wear makeup” in the tone I’d use for “I’ve noticed you don’t wear pants.” I once asked my Japanese ex why she did a full face of makeup just to run to 7-11, and she said, “It’s just basic manners.” It’s really hard to not conform! And I already don’t conform. (Should that make it easier? Sure! Does it? Fuck off with your logic—hair does not operate on logic!))
Making it harder is that my face is fatter than the last time I had short hair. (And older.) It probably won’t look good anymore! And even if it does, I don’t think I’ll be able to see it, and I will walk away shaken.
I could make a less dramatic change, but I’m not sure how viable that will actually be. Transitioning an undercut is complicated, and I’ve had hairstylists here respond to suggestions with “Yeah, that’s just not possible” (and Japan = rules do not bend). Also, pricewise, this is not a place I’d go for a trim; I went and called in the experts, and I’m not ready for them.
Also, time pressure. If I’m going back to bangs, I have to do it well before warm weather hits and we’re doing concrete jungle with 80% humidity. I’ve made that mistake before. You need a transition period. Emotionally, and to train your hair!
The one uncomplicated upside is that I have a cool silver stripe in my hair if it’s parted a certain way, so I can finally get my haircut that makes me Rogue! I’ve wanted that for years.
I plan to consult with the stylist, but I’m honestly no longer sure enough to know what to say. And I told him that it was a big haircut but I knew what I wanted!
要するに, it would be so much easier if this war was just society vs. my preferred expression/presentation. There’s other parties begging me to cut: exercise!!! hygiene!!!! scalp pain (grim!)!!! my little dog!!!
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