automatayaoi · 10 months
will that be for here or to go 📝
👋 - Do you like to hold hands? What are their hands like?
YES!!! YES YES YES I LUV HOLDING HANDS SO MUCH 💕 constant need to be holding onto him like some kind of weird tick. arle's hands are sooo long and pretty and delicate, ofc since he's a musician hes gotta have long fingers hehe. ive always imagined him to have porcelain-like skin, mostly bc of the way his face fractures during that fight with brighella reminds me of how cracks form in porcelain or ceramic. dont ask me how solid porcelain can move and bend we're talking abt living dolls infused with will thru alchemy ok AJSDKLHASK. anyway!!! i also think unlike most automata, bc of the combustion device in his chest he has his own body heat hehe :3 so hes nice n warm, perfect for holding. augh his hands r so much bigger than mine probably...longer but not a lot wider since his hands are probably on the thin side. again perfect 4 holding.
👬 - What kind of hugs do they give? (Do they lift you off your feet? Bear hug you? Softly cuddle you?)
uwa,, i think at first arle would be v gentle and tentative abt hugs at first, both bc he is completely unused to any kind of physical affection, and bc he's afraid of hurting me: squishy fragile human. he's spent a very long time only hurting maiming and murdering so he's nervous abt it u know. What If He Squishes Me To Death. after a while tho he gets more comfortable (and has a better understanding of how much force the average human can withstand) n he hugs me more often :) hes so fockin tall so a lot of times he'll pick me up for a hug so he doesnt have to bed down ajskdlja Picks me up like a naughty cat. abovely mentioned combustion and fire canister in his chest make him soooo warm n great for cuddles hehe
😘 - Do they kiss your hands, cheeks, forehead etc? What kind of not-on-the-lips kisses do they give most?
CAN I GET A MF HAND KISS ⁉ pleaseeeeeeee hes so fucking dramatic and like stereotypically chivalrous in a way that you know he learned it all from theatre performances n columbine's romance novels so of COURSE hes into hand kisses. constantly kissing the back of my hands, my palms, my fingers, etc etc. ALSO he does the french thing of cheek kisses for greetings hehe. excuse to kees me more
💇 - Do either of you play with the other’s hair?
ABSOLUTELY BABY!!!!!!! oughh his hair is one my favorite things abt himmm 💕💕 its so long n pretty n silky i love running my hands thru it brushing it for him braiding ALL OF IT!!! hes my everythang 🥰 im not good at braiding but i get a lot of practice in. when he was being rebuilt by the a.r.c. kero was helping to make new clothes for the pionniors and i maaaay have designed him an outfit that shows off his pretty hair more >:3 i saw that reveal during the brighella fight and lost my shit. i think he plays with my hair pretty often too hehe he likes how soft n fluffy it is, and he's new to actually being able to Feel Things (we gave him and the others an upgrade so they have the same simulated nerve endings as dernier) so he's like, a little fascinated by the sensation
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archxngxl · 1 year
Closed Starter
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"Watch yourself, Agent West." Roy warned. "You and I both know that the only reason you caught me, was because Briggs ratted me out." Even thinking of the bastard's name made Roy quiver in rage, but there was no time for that. Her words intrigued him enough that an amused grin spread across his face. "You? Need my help?" A laugh erupted from deep within his chest. "That's rich. What the hell for?" Roy was already thinking of ways to turn this situation into his advantage. Agent West was a smart woman, which is what he liked about her. Today just got a whole lot more interesting. // @blndsided - cont from here
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mcnuggyy · 2 years
the way you draw faces, especially the face shape, eyes, nose, and expression, is very distinct. also, the shapes you use to draw hands. you use a lot of clearly defined shapes in your character designs and that really stands out to me. also, the swoopy and poofy way you specifically draw locs and afro textured hair. your colors also tend to be very bright and saturated, and you always used several different colors in one pallet. you have a very cartoony but mature art style. idk it’s really late and i’m tired so i’m mostly just pointing out what stands out to me about your art and not specifically why i find it recognizable but yeah. :)
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pinkrvst · 7 months
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small and quick (and totally very unprepared) promo here hope you don't mind..... i'm getting to rp here for real i swear aaaa . name be lenzie, and this time i'm holding a tiny pink bot on hands to offer u...... look at her she's adorable (lie, she bites)
girl is still on wip, but i would love to start getting some interactions so i can check you out :')) please check our carrd if interested too, thank uuuu !!!!!
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midknightwritings · 1 year
Can I request for a GN reader with Mika and/or Leo (Poly or not if you're comfortable) in a coffee shop date ?
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Operation : De-stresso !!
Synopsis : After a busy week filled with constant assignments and projects, Mika and Leo decided to take you out on a simple coffee date in order to help you destress.
Era : Music !!
Warning/s : N / A
Mentioned Character/s : G/N!Reader / Mika / Leo
A/N : Hi !! Of course you can~ Aaaa I love Leo and Mika, they're both adorable little blorbos 😭 💕 I kind of added a wholesome little after scene if that's ok with you 🥺 I hope you enjoy !! <3
[ F/F ] = Favourite Food
[ F/D ] = Favourite Drink
Tiredly sighing for the umpteenth time, you rubbed your eyes in order to keep yourself awake. The past week was just brutal; paper after paper, assignment after project, you felt like you were drowning in the sheer amount of work that you had to submit. Thankfully, your precious boyfriends visited you often in order to make sure that you didn’t overworked yourself, which you were thankful for because, without their breaks, you would’ve been completely burnt-out by now.
You submitted your final assignment last night and the moment you did, Mika and Leo insisted on taking you out on a date the next day to celebrate the end of that torturous week. You missed them so much that you immediately agreed so here you are, walking towards a new cafe that just opened up. As you looked down at your phone, trying to navigate the streets based on the location Mika sent you beforehand, you heard a familiar loud, and excited, yell.
“[ Y/N ]! Over here!”
Looking up from your device, you were greeted with the sight of Leo waving at you in large motions, with an equally big smile plastered on his face as Mika stood beside him, waving much less feverishly but still excited nonetheless. A smile couldn’t help but form on your lips as any feeling of fatigue left the moment you saw your partners. Shoving your phone into your pocket, you ran up towards them and immediately got engulfed into a surprise bear hug from Leo.
“Wahaha~☆ You’re finally here, both my precious muses’ are finally here!! Ahh~ I can feel inspiration flowing through me again, I need to write before this melody vanishes from this world-” “Nngh Leo don’t go composin’ on public property again!! Remember the last time ya did, we got in trouble with the manager?!” “Uuuu but Mika~ How else am I supposed to show the world how much I love you guys~? This is truly a symphony that shouldn't be abandoned!”
Giggling at the current exchange, you dug into your bag and pulled out a notebook. “I had a feeling this might happen, so I came prepared!” you smiled, handing the orange-haired male the notebook and a pen. His eyes immediately lit up before he pulled you into another hug and placed a short, but sweet, kiss on your cheek. “Thank you, thank you, thank you [ Y/N ]! I love you~♪”
Just before you could reply, Leo immediately started writing, earning a chuckle from Mika and a content smile from you. “Well, since yer here now, wanna go in before all the seats are taken?” Mika asked, earning a nod from you in return. Mika gently held both your, and Leo’s, hands as he led you into the cafe.
Upon entering the shop, you couldn’t help but scan the area. The cafe had a simple, rustic aesthetic with brick walls, wooden shelves that held potted plants, and wooden tables and chairs which gave off a welcoming feeling the moment you stepped into the store. Various plants and vines hung from the ceiling to pair with the warm light emitted from the lamps.
Your eyes shone with childish wonder as Mika led you all to a table near the large windows, glancing at your expression, he couldn’t help but chuckle at how cute you looked.
Finally settling down, you glanced at the menu that was already laying on the table top, your eyes scanned through the various drinks and foods that the cafe has to offer. A thought-filled hum escaped your lips as you tried to decide on what to get.
“What are you two plannin' to get?” “Ahh~! I heard their cakes are really good so I’m going to get that! What about you?” “I was thinkin’ of getting some sweet tea~ I’ve been cravin’ for some lately. Did ya find something ya want, [ Y/N ]?”
“Honestly... Everything looks so good… I can’t choose between [ F/F ] and [ F/D ]...” you admitted, as your eyes alternated between the two items on the menu. Leo leaned forward, with his head resting on his hands, as he smiled. “Get both! You deserve a reward after working so hard~” he hummed and, before you could even protest, he added, “We’re not taking ‘no’ as an answer, so don’t even try~!”
At that moment, a waitress came up to the three of you, ready to take your orders.
While waiting for your food and drinks, the three of you talked about mundane topics. Mika and Leo updated you on their idol work while you updated them on other things. They already knew everything about your projects, due to their frequent visits throughout that week, so they were just glad that you were finally able to relax after it all.
A few more minutes passed and you were finally served. A sweet, aromatic smell engulfed the three of you and your stomach couldn’t help but let off a grumble, catching the attention of your boyfriends.
“I’m guessin’ that yer pretty hungry, huh?” Mika teased while Leo simply laughed beside him, earning a playful pout from you. “Listen!! It’s not my fault!” you playfully retorted, before taking a bite from your [ F/F ]. A content hum escaped your lips as you smiled and relished the flavour.
“Mmm~ This is so good! Here, try some!” you insisted, cutting a small piece before holding it up to Mika. Mika leaned forward and ate the piece, before humming in content as well. “Mmm~ This really is good! Nnngh, now I wanna get one too~” he pondered but, before he could even stand up, you motioned for him to stay.
“Don’t worry, we can share! This piece is too big for me anyways~” you smiled, before cutting into it once more and holding it out for Leo. “Try some Leo! You’re missing out if you don’t~” you playfully teased as the orange-haired knight gladly ate the piece.
A big smile was plastered on his face as his eyes sparkled with joy. “It’s really good! But it’s not as good as my cake, wahaha~☆” Leo boasted, his smile not faltering in the slightest, earning a playful “Oh really~?” from you, and a curious eyebrow raise from Mika. Nodding at your comment, Leo sliced up two small pieces for you and Mika, holding out his spoon in the same manner as you just did for them.
Taking a bite, your eyes lit up from the flavour. It wasn’t too sweet but, at the same time, it wasn’t too bitter either! It was the perfect ratio and you savoured each and every bite of that little piece you had.
“You’re right! It really is good~” “I told you so! H-hey don't go stealing my food! You could've just asked for more~♪”
The three of you kept on chatting whilst sharing your orders here and there as the sun started to eventually set in the horizon. The three of you had so much fun that time seemingly passed in the blink of an eye! Finally noticing the orange hues seeping into the store windows, you checked your phone and pouted.
5:30 p.m.
Time to head home.
“Hey guys... I should really head back home now before it gets too late.” you smiled, burying your phone into your pocket as you stretched in your seat. “Are ya seriously plannin' on walkin’ home by yerself? It’s quite far, ya know?” Mika asked with a worried tone.
Leo sat up, seemingly snapping out of his little musical world that he was engulfed in for the past thirty minutes. “[ Y/N ] you’re still tired though, aren’t you? Let me drive us back! It’ll be easier~” Leo offered, immediately standing up as he took his keys, which were together by a key ring, and started spinning them on his finger.
Mika nodded in agreement as you glanced between your boyfriends, before sighing in defeat. “Alright, alright~ Thank you so much, I owe you guys one.” you thanked, giving them a warm, but tired, smile. The all-nighters from the previous week finally caught up to you as you, once again, felt your eyes start to grow heavy against your will.
As the three of you left the cafe, Leo held both your, and Mika's, hands and swung them with child-like glee as you allowed him to guide the two of you towards his car. It was small compared to most, but was still big enough to fit the three of you comfortably. The car ride held a comfortable atmosphere and you couldn’t help but doze off.
Mika and Leo’s voices became incomprehensible as you finally drifted off to sleep.
Your eyes fluttered open as your vision adjusted to the dark, ‘This isn’t Leo’s car…’ you thought to yourself as you felt something hugging you on both your sides. Turning your head slightly, you were greeted with the familiar sight of your bedroom and finally looking down beside you, you couldn’t help but softly smile.
There laid Mika and Leo, snuggled up close to you as a serene expression graced their features. Not wanting to wake them up, you snuggled close to them too, finally entering the world of dreams once again.
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I love it so much!! thank uuuu <3
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wwwkissu · 10 months
hello what's your favorite movie??? PLEASE WATCH DECISION TO LEAVE I watch it onc on the cinema and I want to watch it twice but it's already gone when I want to watch it again :(
thank you so, so dearly for asking me ;;!!!! i adoree film, cinema is the source of inspiration for my art, for what i ache to capture in volant whether written or visual. i enjoy fleeting, elegaic themes that coaxes the viewer by way of metaphor, tenderness, flitting waves of emotion, and the pain of bloody aliveness. for that, wong-kar wai is one of my fav directors :D i love fallen angels, in the mood for love, and chungking express. a soft spot for ashes of time
eeeek sorry for going on a tangent a little UAA if i had to choose just one movie that i absolutely love it'd be nope by jordan peele. just a perfect, gorgeous, thematically rich film that is beautiful to its core. others i love are the handmaiden, oldboy, get out, im thinking of ending things, parasite (that movie made me UPSET for a week or so after), aftersun, and angel's egg+ wkws stuff of course. lighter stuff i love are pacific rim and the first it movie.
my watchlist is sooo extensive i need to just sit down and watch a bunch of movies aaaa!!! decision to leave sounds soo good ill definitely be watching it soon >:) im interested by reservoir dogs, and i want to watch nowhere by gregg araki, the last black man in san francisco, ghost in the shell, lady vengeance (i want to complete the vengeance trilogy sm), and happy together.. thank you so, so much for reminding me, i'm so sorry it was gone so soon in ur theaters im a proponent for more long lasting releases.. i dont caree i dont want to blink and miss a film !! thank you so much for the ask, im so sorry for replying a little late but THANK UUUU THANK UU i love love talking about film so please always feel free to share your thoughts with me uaaa 🥹 thank you so much and i hope ur having an amazing nightt
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thewickerking · 2 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope you have the awesomest day xoxo ^_^ <3
AAAA HENRY THANK UUUU!!! ive been terrible at keeping up contact for a while now, but i care u and hope ur doing well!!! <3333
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honeyviscera · 6 months
aaaa hi again !! just here to wish you tons of luck as youre getting ready for your last exam !!! youve got this, i believe in you !!!!!!!!!!!
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paris-23 · 1 year
Lemme try again :,)
I found you through your fanfic Tailor-Made for Two
I love it to bits, it was so sweet but not so sweet it made me puke rainbows, it felt grounded in a way that kept me reading, anticipating, and idk, felt like it could possibly happen XD
I loved the way you wrote The Narrator as well as stanely, not a huge shipper person, but fics like yours makes me want to wave a flag around about the two
So perfect!
OP if I could eat your work I would, it just is so tasty to my soul! I have been blessed! Sooooo glad I came across your work like, fr fr
Your art is adorable too and I am obsessed with your Narry's desing
Reading this at 3 in the morning is a great thing to do before knocking myself out
And also probably why I'm not sending this anonymously, I usually do cuz I'm shy but I wanted to show my full appreciation!
Okay, sending you all the love OP, heading off now, I hope you have a great rest of your day!
AAAA THANKS SO KUCH!!’ this warms my heart omg ily thank uuuu!! i’m glad you enjoyed that fic, im very proud of it! i wanted to get them right and i’m rly glad i did!! thanks again lovely!!
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dutchwinter · 6 months
my timezones r a mess rn but it's 3pm on the 4th here so HAPPY BIRTHDAY I LOVE UUUU i've given u all my anthony images already i think but here
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THANK YOU AAAA thank you <33 i love him i love you so much thank you so much for this
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hoohoobeanie · 7 months
Kit, bless you for blessing us fan girlies. Simps in the chat. Have a good day, that’s all. (That edit!)
aaaa thank uuuu!! i had to get the edit out there, the brainrot after watching that stream was too much !! i am here for all the simps 🫡🫡
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bluehwale · 1 year
HIII hello I just read ur reply omg im so happy that I made ur night thank yoy for telling me to ditch classes i did ditched my class today nd came back to sleep omg nd it was the best sleep I have ever got this whole month ND OMG U CRIED OVER YOUTH OF MAY YKW WHEN I STARTED WATCHING YOUTH OF MAY I WAS LIKE SO.IN AWE ITS LIKE THE PERFECT LOVE STORY FROM THE OLDEN TIMES (I will come here nd tell nd sob in ur ask cuz the ending is <//33 ) ND OMG I LOOKED AT THE TAGS THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SM FOR MAKING ME FEEL SPECIAL ND AFTER READING UR REPLY ND LOOKING AT THE TAGS MY DAY BECAME BETTER ND ITS ALL CUZ OF U 💕uuuu take care of urself ik u can do it I believe in u nd im proud of u for doing ur best everyday without fail
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im so happy to hear that u got the rest that u deserved T_T !!! <33 AND OMG YES YOUTH OF MAY….. IT REALLY IS THE PERFECT LOVE STORY IN LIKE THE 80s?? 90s?? IDK I FORGOT😭😭 but fr it made me want to time travel so i can meet a hwang hee tae</3 (the last scene of him in the restaurant still haunts me to THIS DAY) and AAAA UR ASKS MAKE MY DAY SO MUCH BETTER TOO❤️‍🩹 🥺 THANKU SO MUCH FOR BEING U AND IM ALSO SO PROUD OF U<3333 TAKE CARE ALWAYS N ILY🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
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renniecirque · 1 year
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W AAAA... IM. IMPORTANT??? UUUU SNIFFLES.... thank you for my life
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flowerpotmage · 9 months
I am literally so obsessed with your fic is insane. Im just a sucker for codependency in fanfics. and having them depend on each other for a proper night's sleep is so chef kiss and they keep their problems from each other and the lines between friends and something more is getting blurrier and blurrier with them. the part where he gets up and he's shirtless had me flustered 😭 I just can't get over how good this is. thank you for the meal 🍽️
also ngl..Ik this is Miguel fic but having Matty is making me kick my feet and giggling like a school girl🫣 if you ever decide to write a matt exclusive fic I will be all for it.
and just the little details with him just knowing that she's injured and hiding something is perfect.
thanks so much for sharing your work with us!💞
AAAA THANK UUUU!! can u believe this was supposed to be a oneshot about emotional support cuddling??? it's gotten completely out of control. They are getting completely out of control!
honestlyyy i'm thinking i might have to write a matt fic someday after this. maybe a oneshot at least? idk, im intimidated by his Catholicism ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The whole Karen moment in chapter 4 was just supposed to be like, a worldbuilding easter egg for reader's dimension that also got a little out of control. At this point I'm just begging Matt to not derail my plans, even though that's like, his whole thing hahaha
Thank you so much for the ask, nice things like this make me feel so much better about sharing my work with all of you :')
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messylustt · 10 months
Omlll what color is your hair?? It looks black. Sorry I was just wondering bc I was thinking I would totally cast you as Celia S. james from the book ‘The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo.’ I’m not sure if you’ll like it but I recommend it to any girl ever because of the lessons in it.
But anyway, main character says Celia has a kind of innocence in her beauty, and you give me the vibe <33 going back to your hair color, Celia is a redhead so I was just curious.
OH and are you still reading miguel/hobie/noir stuff??
— 🥣
my hair is naturally dark brown, but i sometime dye it darker!! and omlll i sadly havnt read the book 😭 but that sounds like such a complimenttt 🙏 thank uuuu. i actually havnt been reading a lot of fics atm. aaaa. but when I do I def go read stuff on them
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