eightyuh · 8 months
🖤🖤 EXPRESS YOURSELF by Black Dresses ♡♡ Vocaloid Hatsune Miku & Megurine Luka Cover
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yourplayersaidwhat · 1 year
P1: writes "the point" on a piece of paper, crumples up said piece of paper, and throws it over P2's head. "Congratulations you completely missed the point" P2:"I catch it with mage hand.""I have the point right here in my hand!" P1:"Congratulations, you missed the point of the metaphor too!" P2:"Not my fault you missed with the paper!" P1:"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Me the DM: laughing my butt off in the corner
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darkpoisonouslove · 3 months
HotD S02E01
Many thoughts, head full, zero ability to articulate so I'm just gonna scream about it... on main. That'll end well.
First thing I have to say is that the atmosphere and tone definitely work very well here. You can feel the tragedy in the air, the way that it's already happened and it just waits to unfold, to be witnessed in its full glory. Everything is so eerie and bleak and everyone keeps going but they cannot escape the framework of the war. They're trapped in it and you feel it.
Daemon is... he kind of surprised me ngl. There are definitely layers of emotion there that isn't just rage or bloodthirstiness. I didn't want to strangle him the entire time so that's a positive.
Emma D'arcy was amazing in this episode and (I could be missing something; too lazy to check but) she only had that one line??? And still, you feel her grief. That was certainly an interesting approach and it worked for them!
Aegon is such a contrast to all the other characters! I know he's supposed to look completely out of place and incompetent but damn, I am On. His Side! He's ready to be so generous to the small folk. He's trying to compensate on what he missed with his own father by spending time with his son. He has no idea how to interact with Helaena but he's trying his best and goddamn, if that's not a summary of his character! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 (this is an Alicent AND Aegon stan account now, I guess)
(that scene of him and his buddies drinking in the throne room has such fuck boi vibes and yet, SOMEHOW he was utterly hilarious and still sympathetic in it (I'll talk about the place of that scene in the plot later))
@ Otto and Larys: STEP AWAY FROM THE CHILDREN!!!!!!
The scene with Otto and Alicent was surprisingly touching. They finally reach some kind of understanding... and then he turns right around and continues to scheme behind her back. Sure, what he was trying to accomplish with Aemond is in line with his talk with Alicent but he's going to have his own agenda 100%. This wasn't just a strategical decision because Aemond is mad at Alicent rn and wouldn't want to hear any of her opinions even if they're also Otto's opinions.
Which leads me to THE SITUATION BETWEEN ALICENT AND AEMOND AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! I. Am. Screaming (as you can see)! They are both so hurt and angry at each other 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 And I can't even take a side because both of them are correct in different ways. What Aemond did is actively hurting the whole family because it certainly exacerbated the war proceedings. But he's also right to be upset that Alicent would (seemingly) place her old friendship with Rhaenyra above her love for her children. She should feel vindicated that the one that mutilated her son is now dead. But instead, she's angry and has turned away from Aemond. When she was the only one who stood by him (and vice versa) on that awful night when his eye was gouged out????? The disappointment that they each feel in the other is KILLING ME!!!!!!!!! (I have to say that I hadn't thought about the possibility of Aemond being angry but it makes perfect sense and it hurts me so badly. Look at the contrast of this and this)
And now for the absolute fuckery of this episode (pun unintended). I have zero problems with Alicent and Criston fucking. Good for them! Love the moral dilemmas that are 10000% going on in their heads. HOWEVER, the decision to make them have sex while Blood & Cheese is going down? More anti green propaganda from the writers and I am SICK of it. Alicent was originally part of the scene, she was there to experience the horror of it first hand and they choose to switch that for her having sex????? You know the same thing that Rhaenyra and Daemon were doing when the whole fight between the kids in 1x07 was going down and they got no shit for it whatsoever but, of course, Alicent and Criston are going to be torn apart about this, I am 100% positive about that! Once again, the writers are trying to manipulate the viewers by going "See! Not only is Alicent being a hypocrite because she said she wasn't going to do this with Criston again, but that's what she was doing when her grandson was getting murdered" when originally she was bound and gagged and had to watch the whole thing happen in front of her. You could say that they spared her that trauma but they literally could have had her doing anything else if that was the intent. I am ANGRY about this. Not to mention the fact that Helaena literally interrupting Alicole while they're having sex adds an obstacle to Alicent offering her comfort. At the very least she has to get dressed first before she can hug her and try to provide some kind of feeling of safety, which inserts awkwardness if not downright shame into Alicent's actions and choices during that night. (Oh, and this will probably make her stop having sex with Criston, which is going to be another big L; let her be marginally happy and have orgasms, goddammit!)
Let's go back to Aegon now! So while Alicent and Criston are too busy fucking to be any the wiser about what's happening with her grandchildren (even though they literally couldn't have known anything like that would happen), what is Aegon doing? (Probably) drinking and stroking his ego by trying to come up with titles for himself... as the assassins are walking past him, right under his nose. Don't think he's not gonna get shit about that by fans if not by the writers themselves! They have set everything up so perfectly to blame all the Greens for allowing this to happen (since Otto and Aemond are so ready for war and yet were nowhere to be found during this either) but what about the Blacks, who organized all of this? Well...
They are whitewashing Daemon now by making Jaehaerys's murder be the idea of the assassins themselves. You see, Daemon would have never gone after a 4-year-old! He was only going after Aemond! And this is yet another misunderstanding like with Lucerys' death, except that this was way more deliberate but you cannot blame the Blacks when the people that they hired acted on their own. I hate it here! The writers are cowards and cannot commit to the actual characters that they're supposed to be writing so they're just doing whatever they want. And doing it badly at that! (That whole sequence was so fucking disjointed and lackluster also so congrats to whoever wrote this on the terrible job that they are doing!)
Poor Helaena! She's literally not going to get anything in this season. They already did Blood & Cheese so now they're just going to make her lose her mind and give her nothing else to do. I hope I'm wrong about this but I don't think I am given their track record.
Anyway, go team Green!
*I already bitched about this in the tags of another post but the fact that in the extra ("inside the episode" or whatever it's called) they had the gall to say that Alicent was in a "marriage that was loving but not exactly romantic or physical for quite some time" is a fucking insult. HE CALLED HER BY AEMMA'S NAME! HE USED HER AS AN INCUBATOR AND COULDN'T EVEN BE BOTHERED TO CARE ABOUT HER OR THEIR KIDS. SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!
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dumbawesomev69 · 8 months
The Normal Zoo
Oscar: welcome to the petting zoo where we have the pets and 'small Pause' and animals over here we have the big monkey.
Gorilla nora: 'sitting'
Oscar: uh, she likes to swing on tire, eat banana pancakes and break people's legs.
Weiss, ren and blake: woah! *started taking pictures*
Oscar : the only downside is that she will butt-fuck you if you take pictures of her.
Ren: wait what? *gets grab and butt-fuck* AAAH! AH! AAAH! MY ASS!
[Continuing screaming in pain]
Oscar: Moving on we have a Cheetah,
Cheetah yang: 'standing around'
Oscar :uh the Cheetah likes to meow, she likes to purr and she likes to uh do other Cheetah things.
Weiss and blake: Ooo *take some pictures*
Oscar: the only downside is that she's really horny.
Blake : wait what? *gets garb and fucked* AAAH! AAAH! AAH! MY ASSHOLE!!
[Continues to scream before moaning]
Oscar : anyways moving on we have the rat.
Rat Whitley: 'staring'
Weiss: *look at Oscar*
Oscar: yeah don't think about it too much.
Rat Whitley: 'gets taken by hawk' Ack!
Oscar : anyways over here we have the rhino.
Rhino jaune: 'doing nothing'
Weiss waiting for something or what Oscar going to say.
Oscar: he's just a rhino, he doesn't do anything.
Weiss: oh okay *taking pictures*
Oscar :but he does scream really loud, I should mention that.
Weiss: wait what? *get scream at*
Inspired by:
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cxlxstialroyalty · 14 days
[ Continued from here ] - @cosmicxblossoms
Xing screamed as she was thrown off the cliff. First she gets kidnapped and carried around, now this!?!? If not for the fact Wukong was there and had safely caught her in his arms, she could have sworn on her immortal life she was going to die.
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"Wukong!! Oh my stars... Thank you! I-I'm fine! I wasn't hurt, thankfully. That person just sorta grabbed me and kept carrying me. They didn't do anything else..."
Now that her heart had calmed down, she kept her arms wrapped around her husband to be, glad to be safe again. "Though, I do need to say..."
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"That. Was. AWESOME!!! Can we do that again!? Whoa!! I feel an absolute rush of energy!! Or is it adrenaline from nearly dying? I don't know which, but still was fun!!"
Yup, she's okay.
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inators · 1 month
This introduction made me feel a special warmth inside, especially when I see them being so loving with each other, it's one of those things that simply make me smile 😊 What beautiful love, it makes me cry haha
And it's even more beautiful to see Heinz so dedicated to Perry, oh my god, we all deserve a Heinz in our lives.
「How did... you find me?」
Ooh, first uncomfortable question.
Well done there Heinz, it's better to give Perry time before subjecting him to stress that he's not ready to deal with yet, not to mention that everything that happened with Lawrence is already a pretty heavy topic on its own.
"Forever and a day, then,"
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪
[ He counted each precious breath ]
The fact that those two did exactly the same thing in parallel situations when they feel their lives ending at that moment, makes a part of my heart feel another nice warmth in my chest. I swear that the more I read, the more I remember Salvation and I don't know if it was intentional or not, but if not, it's a beautiful coincidence.
The truth is... It was much harder to say something about this here. Mainly because this whole situation is much more difficult to explain. Seeing Perry so terrified but at the same time assimilating step by step what's going to happen now that his secrets have come to light weighs on your soul. Because it's not just telling his cousin that he can no longer be part of the family, but on top of that, his nephews will have to lose their uncle a second time and god, seeing Ferb like this breaks my heart even more.
I WANT TO HUG HIM TIGHTLY Q_Q AAAAAHHH BABY!!! But damn, as I read more I applaud Heinz for being Perry's rock in a moment of need this time. If it wasn't because I know everything will turn out okay thanks to Forever and a Day, I swear I'd be crying worse than I am now.
Poor Perry, seeing him suffer kills you and seeing Lawrence break down because he'll lose his brother when he was so close to seeing him die weighs on me even more.
All our hearts broke, Perry... All of us.
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪
Reading this part hurt me a lot, mainly because Peter is one of my favorite characters, but I understand that everyone has their own interpretation of Peter and if the idea is to make him hated, you certainly achieved it. However, I like to believe that deep down Peter isn't so bad, he's just an idiot.
An idiot who, despite everything, did what he had to do. So at least as an agent, he never failed. At least I want to take that away from him.
I hate you Peter.
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You know Francis? Of all the characters I ever came to hate when I got into this part of the fandom, with you it was pretty instantaneous, I don't know if it's because maybe you're often portrayed as much stupider than you really are or if it's because your way of acting borders on cruelty.
But without a doubt, you always make me remember the exact reason why I have you as a villain in my own fic. Because not even for your stupid best agent are you capable of behaving like a human being.
You're disgusting Monogram.
Look you son of a bitch, even Peter who is an idiot with a capital letter has two grams of empathy that you lack, of course, maybe it's not in your power to change Perry's situation, but what a shitty thing on your part to act like this towards the guy who has saved your ass more than once and you don't hesitate to behave like shit even in front of who you know... SAVED YOUR FUCKING BEST AGENT, MY GOD, MY URGE TO CRY HAS TURNED INTO FUCKING DOG RAGE MY GOD starts cursing in Mexican
Inhale... And Exhale
Let's go, with several points here, I think and I say I THINK knowing that I could be totally wrong but, even I felt that little disturbance in the earth when Heinz asks if they knew each other. Honestly, it does feel like there's a hint of a deeper story, so as the perfect gossip that I am, I'll wait for more updates on that drama.
And Harvey, I love you. We share the same neuron.
Reading everything else made me explode with excitement at the idea that MAJOR CORPORATE GOSSIP IS COMING HERE, DAMN!!! Because if the dirty laundry that the agency definitely wants to keep hidden was mentioned, it's because sooner or later it will be discovered AND I'LL HAPPILY WAIT FOR THAT DAY.
On the other hand, putting aside my stupid brain, I must say that... If I already loved Harvey, now I just want to kiss him after everything he did to get here, even when there was a risk of losing his job he stood firm in what was really his duty and didn't abandon one of his own, he held his head high until the end and I'm sure he'll be a great agent in the future, so I just hope to see how you'll develop the character in the future because as far as I'm concerned, he has moved up into my top 5 favorite characters in this fic.
Oh Heinz... When you have faith, you make me have it too and that hurts me, because I feel it will be horrible when faith fails and I don't know if I'm prepared for what's coming.
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪
This was the part I wasn't ready for.
It took me a while to follow it, because, of all the times I've seen Perry reveal his secrets, this is the one that has made me cry the most, because here there's no magical answer for everything, no incredibly convenient solution, there's nothing.
Just the inevitable farewell to a part that will die with them, a new perspective of the other and a relationship that can never be. Because as Perry said, it wasn't fair that when he finally could give them the answers he so longed to give, they were taken away from him, it wasn't fair to see someone important to him die, because... how many people, lives or loves would he have to lose for the world to be satisfied? How much more would he have to give of himself for a better world? Damn, I felt a part of my heart break with Perry's and if I ever felt any sympathy for the agency, now it has certainly died completely for me.
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪
I swear for a moment I thought Monogram had done something good when I saw that the message had been sent from Francis's account, but now I love how you completely changed the theory that formed in my head to openly suspect Monogram, I feel like the conspiracy nut who starts suspecting everyone at the slightest sign.
On the other hand, I have a theory that I already know who Sig and N are, but I won't say anything for now because I want to be sure, however, this certainly calls for a next part AND I'LL WAIT FOR IT WITH MUCH LOVE!!!
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪
The pure and hard satisfaction of seeing Monogram lose his smile gave me a thousand years of life, but seeing Heinz being a little bully in front of Monogram makes me want to scream with pure unattainable emotion.
And you know what's the best thing about all this? That no matter how angry he gets, how much he denies it and even tries to threaten, he can't do anything to change the situation, gosh, this makes up for all the tears I've shed in this chapter.
And as I suspected, Heinz was right to have faith. AND AS LONG AS HE HAS IT, I'LL HAVE IT TOO.
Because as long as they exist, I'll always believe in love.
I discovered this story when you were on chapter 9, in one of the worst moments of my life. I was going through a divorce that had taken a part of me that I'm still trying to recover to this day, I still remember it was three in the morning, when I came across your story, crying because I didn't know why despite having tried to be a good wife I hadn't managed to have my happy ending.
And then your Perry came along and reminded me of the kind of love I want and hope to deserve someday, you reminded me of all the times I fought, cried, screamed in rage when things didn't go the way I wanted and you gave me hope that you can always have a good ending even if it might take a long time to come. Proselytization grew with me, it accompanied me in every part of my recovery journey and gave me the strength to keep going until today. And if it wasn't for this story, maybe I wouldn't be here, writing a fanfic, much less would I have met the lovely people who are precious friends to me today.
You marked a before and after in my life and I'll never have enough days to thank you for this. You are the standard of what I want to be someday, you are the writer who reminds me to never give up and always strive to do better every day, thank you for giving us this wonderful story Lex. Thank you for writing, thank you for existing, thank you for being you.
And I sincerely hope that my life never ends, so I can keep reading you.
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nvrcmplt · 2 years
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|| All the Thank You’s to @ / booou for their fantastic art and giving me the time and results for such an amazing image of Oluwayemisi!
© Art Belongs to @booou © Character is, Oluwayemisi and Mine! ; u ;
 here is how he looks canonly noooow   i am in tears   please do not steal or claim as your own; i may add a watermark to it for us both tbh but   untill then this work is so good i've screamed over it all morning   t'is my desktop background and everything it's just so good i weep   such a handsome lion mans   such beauty   so regal and ready to smack a face or three   but also smooch his queen archie   aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah   please love and support booou on their blog give them love and commission them whenever you can!   they are so nice and soff and skilled in their passion for art!  
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This is getting out of control!
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It certainly is but at least Kazuichi has calm down...
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*Hiyoko ate the soup* ugh...gross...
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There, that should teach you!
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Uh... Hatomi? Are you sure it's a good idea to do that?
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It's fine, besides Hiyoko deserve to be drugged for doing that to everyone.
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Right but still, we should get everyone to the infirmary, just in case...
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Yeah we probably should, huh? Well let's get everyon-.
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He-Hey you bitch, how da-dare you drug me like thaaaaat!
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Well maybe if you didn't drug everyone then you wouldn't be stuck like that!
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Sh-Shut up, I was just getting them all excited and-!
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Wait...actually, looking around this whole room, everyone is pretty hot; hmm, maybe if we get down and dirty, I coooould get out a whip and make them all my slaves and become one hell of a night at a love hotel for some BDSM, y'know?
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Yeeeeeah BDSM, I wouldn't mind going to a love hotel and fucking everyone in this damn room; men, women, inbetween - it doesn't matter, hell an orgy would be fucking great!
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Ooooh, do I hear my language? Do you want to get down and dirty Hiyoko?
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In fact, if you want you can treat me like a pig alllll you want!
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niiiiiice, I'll get the whip and train you reeeeeeally good you little bitch boy!
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Did someone say oooorgy?! I want iiiiiiin!!
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Hey Mahiiiiru, how about you take photos of all this!
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Look at all the hope in this room, I want to have sex with all of them too!
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Great idea, I'll do that right now! *taking constant shots of everyone in the room, seems really happy about it*
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Ooooooh, I want in on this orgy tooooooooo!!!!
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Oh god no, Hiyoko is actually a sadist, what have I done?!
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Oooh, 4 women and a man joining at once; heeeeey Hatomi, want to make it a sevensome!
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*As then Hatomi rushes over and kicks Teruteru in the crotch* DON'T YOU EVEN DARE YOU FREAKIN' DAMN PERVERT!!!
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*Falls down and lies there*
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*walks over and hits Hiyoko on the head* And you stop that, I regret this choice!
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OW! *hits the floor and is knock out*
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Well there it is, alright let's get everyone to the infirmary but we should leave Hiyoko here to clean up the mess, that is her punishment.
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Yes... let's do that, I think the part is over anyway.
'Pretty much we had to bring everyone that was drugged and high back to the infirmary, I feel bad for Yukio though as it was his idea...'
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
@ Harry_Styles, if you are on tumblr/tiktok I think you should watch this little green bay Packers fan serving cup of teas to Pack players. YOU’RE WELCOME
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What have you done @thechatsmeow this is the only thing I can think about. Freaking- amazing au *tears up*
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devontae · 4 years
there are children here and one is crying very loudly pls send help I did not sign up for this
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camprell · 6 years
All those things happening at once with The Now Now are making me insane! Holy shit, how am I supposed to sleep when everything decides to explode? It's like trying to listen to music in the middle of a shooting or something, idk. And then I keep researching about those things and I'm like:
"2D my boi, what's happening in this journal, dear"?????????
And then all of my theories are like: Look girl, this must be happening!!!1! And my brain continues with its nightmare fuel.
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capitanogiorgio · 7 years
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elettralightwood · 3 years
A wolf leaped toward Kit. He raised Umbriel, swung it—and connected with nothing. The wolf had tumbled to the ground, as if shoved by an unseen hand.
There was a blast of wind. Kit’s gold hair blew across his face; he pushed it back with a hand stained red. The tents were rattling; more jars and bottles smashed. Blue lightning crackled, and a fork of it stabbed into the ground just in front of Barnabas.
“I see,” said a silky voice, “that I seem to have arrived here just in time.”
Walking toward them was a tall man with short, black, spiked hair. He was clearly a warlock: His eyes were cat’s eyes, with slit pupils, green and gold. He wore a charcoal trench coat dramatically lined with red that swept out behind him when he walked.
“Magnus Bane.”
“Magnus Bane,” said Barnabas, with clear loathing. “The Ultimate Traitor.”
“Not my favorite nickname,” Magnus said, gently wiggling his fingers in Barnabas’s direction. “I prefer ‘Our Lord and Master’ or maybe ‘Unambiguously the Hottest.’ ”
Barnabas snarled. “One of them stabbed me.”
“Which one?” Magnus asked.
Barnabas pointed at Kit.
“Dreadful business,” Magnus said. His left hand was down by his side. Surreptitiously, he gave Kit a thumbs-up.
One of Barnabas’s bodyguards started toward him; he jabbed out with his blade. This time the lightning that forked from Magnus’s hand snapped like a downed electrical wire between their feet.
“Stop,” he said.
“You have no authority here, Bane,” said Barnabas.
“Actually, I do,” said Magnus. “As the warlock representative to the Council of Shadowhunters, I have a great deal of authority. I imagine you know that.”
“Oh, we know entirely how in thrall to the Shadowhunters you are.” Barnabas was so furious, saliva flew when he spoke. “Especially the Lightwoods.”
Magnus raised a lazy eyebrow. “Is this about my boyfriend? Jealous, Barnabas?”
He’d heard of Magnus Bane, everyone had. He was probably the most famous warlock in the world.
“Livvy lost a lot of blood. Ty used a healing rune, but—”
Magnus’s face darkened with real anger. “She’s fifteen years old; she’s a child,” he snarled. “How dare you all.”
“Tiberius.” It was Magnus, kneeling down, heedless of the blood and mud spattering his expensive-looking coat. He didn’t reach out or try to touch Ty, just spoke in a low voice. “Tiberius. I know you can hear me. You have to help me get Livvy to the Institute. I can take care of her there.”
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incorrectbttfquotes · 2 years
(Pre-canon, Twin Pines timeline; George and Lorraine have to look after Tiffany when she supposedly breaks her leg on their watch)
Lorraine: George, what are you doing?
George: Making chocolate pudding.
Lorraine: It's 4:00 in the morning. Why on earth are you making chocolate pudding?
George: Because I've lost control of my life.
(Tiffany has completely taken over George and Lorraine’s room, watching a crime procedural that she’s definitely not supposed to and laughing during a shootout scene)
George: Here’s your pudding, Tiffany.
Tiffany: Oh, that’s okay, Mr. McFly. I’m not hungry anymore.
(Cut to the outside of the McFly house)
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