#ABP UP news
ask-cats-are-liquid · 21 days
(btw, u should take a break from all these asks!!)
Red, why do you bite the others, do you know they...may not like it? Σ(・o・;)
Also I wanna pet u!! :3
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भीम आर्मी ने खतौली विधानसभा उपचुनाव में आरएलडी गठबंधन प्रत्याशी को दिया समर्थन
भीम आर्मी ने खतौली विधानसभा उपचुनाव में आरएलडी गठबंधन प्रत्याशी को दिया समर्थन
आज नई दिल्ली में श्री चन्द्रशेखर ने चौधरी जयंत सिंह से मुलाकात की। नई दिल्ली: आज भीम आर्मी प्रमुख चंद्रशेखर आजाद ने आरएलडी अध्यक्ष जयंत सिंह चौधरी से दिल्ली में मुलाकात की। चंद्रशेखर आजाद ने चौधरी जयंत सिंह को संविधान की पुस्तक भेंट की। चौधरी जयंत सिंह से मिलकर चंद्रशेखर आजाद ने आरएलडी प्रत्याशी खतौली विधानसभा उपचुनाव में मदन भैया को समर्थन दिया है। भारतीय संविधान की रक्षा व सामाजिक न्याय की…
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krazyshoppy · 2 years
UP News: '2024' में टिकट पाने के लिए BJP के इन पॉइंट्स पर सांसदों का फिट होना जरूरी
UP News: ‘2024’ में टिकट पाने के लिए BJP के इन पॉइंट्स पर सांसदों का फिट होना जरूरी
<p>2024 के लोकसभा चुनाव को लेकर बीजेपी ने अपना नया प्लान तैयार कर लिया है. इस बार के चुनाव में आलाकमान टिकट का चयन 7 बिंदुओं पर करेगी. इन बिंदुओं पर फिट बैठने वाले सांसदों को ही पार्टी टिकट देगी.</p> Source link
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Chanakya Todays Exit Poll: यूपी, उत्तराखंड में किसकी बनेगी सरकार? जानिए कितने बजे आएगा चाणक्य टुडे का 5 राज्यों का एग्जिट पोल
Chanakya Todays Exit Poll: यूपी, उत्तराखंड में किसकी बनेगी सरकार? जानिए कितने बजे आएगा चाणक्य टुडे का 5 राज्यों का एग्जिट पोल
Chanakya Todays Exit Poll: उत्तर प्रदेश विधानसभा चुनाव 2022 के सातवें चरण के मतदान की समाप्ती के साथ शाम में एग्जिट पोल (Exit Poll 2022) आने शुरू हो जाएंगे। उत्तर प्रदेश, पंजाब, उत्तराखंड, गोवा और मणिपुर सहित पांच राज्यों में हुए मतदान के बाद सभी को 10 मार्च को आने वाले नतीजों का इंतजार है।  असली नतीजों से पहले हम आपको सभी पांच राज्यों के चाणक्य टुडेज एग्जिट पोल (Chanakya Todays Exit Poll) के…
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Sammy Reborn, Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Relationship(s): August Walker & Dean Winchester, August Walker & Cordell Walker, Cassie Perez & Cordell Walker
Tags/Warnings: Kidnapping, Drugging, Investigations, Delusions, Obsession
Written for @medwhumpmay Day 4- Sedated
Summary: In which August tries to make a move and Walker tries to keep his wits about him.
Taglist: @theladywyn, @ihavepointysticks, @klaatu51, @itsjessiegirl1, @neptunium134
Cordell stumbled into the ranch house at around 4am, got a couple hours of sleep, then made his way to the family breakfast table to break the news to his family. 
He and Cassie had spent hours looking through traffic cam footage the night before and hadn’t had much luck. They did manage to identify the car most likely used by the kidnapper but the license plate they pulled from the footage was fake and tracking the car had proved to be almost impossible since the driver mostly used side streets away from the cameras. All they knew was that they were looking for a black 1967 Chevy Impala (which they put the APB out for before leaving) and that whoever did was long gone.
Not exactly great news.
He hesitated before the doorway and took a deep breath. He couldn’t put this off any longer.
“Mornin’ everyone….” He tried to smile but he wasn’t sure it was convincing. “I…I have something to tell you. Something important.” He didn’t wait for his mama’s concerned questions before barreling through it. “Last night, August was kidnapped while taking out the trash at the Side Step. We don’t know who took him or why. All we have right now is the vehicle the kidnapper was driving and we’ve got a state-wide ABP out on it right now-”
“Wait, what? Last night?” Stella turned in her stool, breakfast forgotten. “Why didn’t you tell us as soon as you found out?”
“Why don’t you ask your boyfriend?” Cordell muttered. “Colton’s the one that called it in. And after that….. I needed to know what we could find out. I wish I had better news but at this point there’s not much we can do. We’ll have to wait for someone to report the car and that’s honestly the best we can hope for. Until then, all we can do is investigate things here, try and find out if anything suspicious has been happening around August lately. I’m not dragging all of you in for interrogation but we’ll need to have a talk about what he’s told you -if he has- and we’ll need to track down some of his school friends too.”
He watched as his family slowly absorbed the news. There was a long silence before anyone said anything.
“He didn’t mention anything strange to me,” Liam said slowly. “Stel?”
She shook her head. “No, but I know some of his school friends; I can talk to them and see if they know anything.”
“Do you know if he kept a journal?” Bonham asked. “He may have put something in there.”
He shook his head. “Not one that I knew of but it couldn’t hurt to look. But I’ve got to get to work, see if there have been any updates.”
“Cordi, honey, it’s been one night. You can at least get some breakfast before you go,” Abby insisted.
“If there’s a big update, they’ll call you. And you won’t do August any good collapsing on the job. Eat.”
Sighing, Cordell sat down and started eating. He knew better than to argue with that tone.
August woke up with a groan. His head hurt and the loud music wasn’t helping. Why was Stella blasting Led Zepplin anyway?
“Oh, sorry. Did I wake you Sammy? Here, let me turn that down.”
The lowered volume did help August’s head but that voice didn’t help his nerves. It was the same voice from the alleyway. The guy that jumped him and knocked him out.
“You wanna stop at the next exit and get something to eat? I’m a little hungry myself. I bet you are too. You gotta get something besides a salad this time though. I know you’re on a health kick and all that but you’re too skinny.”
August made himself sit up and open his eyes. He wasn’t sure what this guy wanted or why but he figured it’d probably be smart to play along for now. Just until he could find a way to contact his family. “Where are we?”
“We’re just coming up on Texarkana. I’m good on gas for a bit but I think we need fuel for us before we go much further. I know I’m starving.” The guy took the next exit but he was going too fast for August to see where it was.
August was feeling hungry too, but he didn’t think he could trust anything this guy would give him. But maybe he could use this to get some more information. “I’m not that hungry, actually. Thanks though, Mr….?”
His captor laughed. “Sammy, I know you’re hungry. And don’t call me that. I know I’m older than you, but come on, I’m just your brother.”
August had so many arguments he could make but none of them seemed like a good idea in a moving car. “Fine. Where are we going?”
“Just a little diner I know. You’ll love it.”
August very much doubted that but, again, he didn’t think it was a good idea to get into it.
It was another half an hour of his captor singing off-tune before they pulled into the diner parking lot. It was a grungy place that looked like it had been open a few decades too long- then again Gramps swore up and down those places made the best food (besides Mawline’s, of course). And August actually was a bit hungry, not that he felt like admitting it.
“Yeah, I know it doesn’t look like much,” the man said, unlocking the doors. “But I’m sure they have some kind of salad for you. But I am gonna order you a burger; you’re too damn skinny, Sammy.”
August wouldn’t mind a burger. It would give him the energy to run away if nothing else.
And being here gave him some options. He didn’t have his phone anymore, but there were people here. If he could get away from this guy for just a second, he could get someone to call his dad. That would have to be good enough until he could find another way to talk to his family.
“Well, howdy Dean!” The waitress standing behind the counter greeted them with a blinding smile. “Been a while since I’ve seen you. A few months at least. And who’s this fella?”
The man, Dean, returned her smile and pulled August into a one-armed hug. “This is my little brother, Sammy. We’ll have my usual, Debbie.”
They were given a table near the front window while they waited for whatever Dean’s usual was. August spent his time looking around the diner. There was a decent crowd, not so busy that he wouldn’t be able to get a waitress’ attention for a few seconds but busy enough that he could do it without drawing Dean’s attention. Hopefully.
“Alright, here ya are!” Debbie plunked two plates in front of them. Dean’s “usual” was a heart attack on a plate- a greasy bacon burger with an overwhelming side of fries.
Normally, August would dig in with glee. He was a growing boy and while the Walkers weren’t exactly health nuts, something as greasy as this was definitely a rarity. 
But, normally August hadn’t been kidnapped by some weirdo. So that killed his appetite a bit.
“Come on, Sammy, eat up,” Dean said around a mouthful of food. “We gotta hit the road if we wanna be home by sundown.”
August ate some fries and looked around the diner, waiting for the right opportunity. If he could just get a waittress’ attention….
He saw one of the young ladies in a uniform going into the restroom area. Bingo.
“Hey, uh, I gotta hit the head. I’ll be back in a sec.”
“Sure thing, Sammy,” Dean muttered, entranced by his burger.
August quickly dashed to the back of the restaurant. There was a “No Entry- Cleaning” sign on the door but he opened it anyway. This was more important.
“Didn’t you see the sign?” said a very annoyed voice.
“I- Yes, but this is important.”
“I don’t care which burrito you ate, I’m cleaning.” A very annoyed woman poked her head out of one of the stalls. “You can wait five minutes.”
“I really can’t. It’s- I don’t actually have to use the bathroom but….” How was he supposed to explain this?
The woman’s face softened a bit. “Are you okay? If you ate the Dynomite blaster-”
“It’s not that. It’s- You know that guy I came in with.”
She nodded. “Yeah, Debbie said he’s your older brother.”
“He isn’t. He’s not my brother at all. I don’t even know him.”
Her eyes widened with understanding. “Do you need to sneak out the back?”
He shook his head. “No. I don’t think that would work. That guy is…. Scary. And I don’t even have my phone on me. But my dad’s a cop and I know the tip line for where I live. If you could just call and tell them I was here, that would help a lot.” He could just play nice with Dean until his dad rescued him.
“Uh, well… I don’t-”
“I’ll be okay, I promise. Just- Let me give you the number.”
She handed him her order pad and he quickly scrawled the number for the Ranger tip line and his name. Hopefully he wouldn’t be stuck with Dean much longer.
He thanked her and quickly went back to his table. Feeling slightly better now that he had a plan in place, he went straight for the burger. He didn’t know if it was actually a good burger or if he was just hungry, but it tasted like the best thing he’d eaten in months.
“Woah, slow your roll, Sammy. I don’t need you getting sick in the car.”
August rolled his eyes. “I haven’t eaten in hours, I’m starving.”
“Suit yourself.”
As soon as they finished eating, Dean threw some cash down on the table and motioned for August to get up. He did and immediately felt queasy. Maybe he shouldn’t have eaten that burger in less than a minute after all….
It took longer than Dean thought for the drugs to knock Sammy out. He’d made the dose smaller so it wouldn’t hurt Sam by accident. He’d have to adjust it for next time, but it did the job for now.
Sam fell asleep about 30 minutes into the car ride and Dean turned the music down for him. “Sweet dreams, kiddo,” he murmured, stroking his hair. “We’ll be home soon.” It was a 10 hour drive, but with Dean at the wheel they’d make it in 5.
He hated to drug Sam for the ride. He wanted to sing along to the radio with his brother rolling his eyes at him the whole way. But Sammy was still confused and Dean didn’t want to risk losing him again. He just needed some alone time with Sam and then things could start getting back to normal.
It wouldn’t be an easy transition for Sammy- kid always was stubborn. But, just like when Dean got him back from Stanford all those years ago, he would eventually come around. He’d stop having all those big dreams about leaving Dean behind and living a “normal” life, whatever that meant. 
And it would be better this time. There would be no Dad to drive him away, no Jessica to keep him away, no Ruby to poison his mind, no Lucifer to claim him, not even Castiel to ruin him. Sammy would be all his this time. Just like he should be.
And if his other “family” tried to come after him, to take what isn’t theirs anymore, Dean would take care of it. Just like he always did.
Cassie rewound the traffic cam footage again, just in case she missed something. Even a taillight would be something more than what she had. And she had to give something to Walker. She had to.
She glanced over at the conference room where he was staring blankly at their- equally as blank- caseboard. She would bet anything he was currently running through the stats on survival of a missing person versus how long it took to find them. She certainly was.
Her desk phone ringing jarred her out of her thoughts. “Texas Rangers,” she answered.
“Uh, is this the anonymous tip line?”
She sat up straighter. “Yes. What do you have to report?”
“Uh…. God, this is gonna sound weird….”
“Nothing too weird for the tip line, believe me. What did you see?”
The woman sighed. “God, this is dumb. I shouldn’t’ve let him go. I shoulda told him to sneak out the back and just called the cops right then. What was I thinking?”
“Ma’am, I can’t help you or him unless you tell me what’s happened.”
“Right, right. Uh, well, these two guys came into the diner earlier. The older one called the younger one his brother and he ordered from Debbie. But then the younger one came and found me while I was cleaning the bathroom and told me they weren’t actually brothers and told me to call this number.”
“Right.” Cassie grabbed one of the report slips and started scribbling down information. “Can you tell me anything else.”
“Well, the older one is a regular. Debbie knows him well. His name is Dean I think. He called the younger one “Sammy” but then the kid told me his name is actually August Walker. Said his dad was a cop and that’s why I had to call this number.”
“Thank you. Is there anything else you can tell me about the man August was with?”
“Uh, well he’s older. I’d say in his forties maybe? He’s white, he’s got green eyes, and I’d say he’s about six feet tall. He always pays in cash, he drives one of those classic cars- a black one- and I think he’s from somewhere in Kansas? I think that’s what Debbie said.”
“That’s great. And can you tell me the address of this diner?”
“Oh, right! I forgot.” She gave up the address and Cassie did her best to keep all the details straight. “They were here about half an hour ago. I couldn’t call sooner because we were busy; this was my first chance to take a break.”
“That’s still helpful. Thank you.” She hung up and picked up her report slip. She smiled as she read over everything again. This was good. This was a lead. This was a chance. They could bring August home.
“Hey, Walker,” she said, rushing toward the conference room. “We just got a tip on August. A waitress in Texarkana called in about him. Whoever took him stopped for lunch and August was able to get away long enough to get help.”
His head snapped toward her and he zeroed in on the slip in her hand. “Really?” he said. “Texarkana? They must’ve been driving all night…” He snatched it from her and read over it. “This is good. We can work with this. We should probably get in touch with the PD there and see if we can get camera footage from the diner and the surrounding streets. Also put an APB on this description.” He was moving around the conference room frantically now, adding to the still sparse case board.
“I’ll let James know,” Cassie said, backing out of the room to let Walker do what he needed to do. His son was missing; he could sweat out as much nervous energy as he needed to.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
Costume meta 6x06
I love an episode with flashbacks in - its such a great opportunity to explore an established characters personality through their clothes. Is also a really interesting test of a new costume designer on a show. and Kenni, by and large did a great job. There are a couple of things I’m not convinced by, but I understand why they were done as they were - I’ll go into them in a bit more detail when we get to them.
Also did anyone spot the costume continuity error? I’ll point it out when we get to it!
There were three big colour themes in this episode - white, black and beige - I’m interested in the fact that we’ve seen this happen in all of the episodes in season 6 - Kenni, it seems is using colour theming in this way as much as more specific colour use. She is building on what ABP did before and adding her own stamp to it which I love to see and can’t wait to see if it continues and if there will be a couple of big colour themes that play out over the season - right now my money would be on blue and yellow continuing to be present as well as black and beige to be themes for the season.
I said I was going to do it and I have - I’ve split this meta into present day and flashback. There is a little overlap, but I think it will be easier to look at the flash back costumes as a separate entity, so we’ll look at them first and then move onto the present day costumes.
We’ll start with the resident matchmaker shall we 😆
Its a fairly simple thing to write about Chim’s costumes this week - we only see him in 2 colours - black and blue and only in flashback - present day Chim is only in uniform! The black is about mystery as well as confidence - the things Chim is playing into in the scenes we see in in the flashbacks - he’s confident in Hen and Karen being good for each other and together and he’s mysterious in that he sets them up without telling either of them that he has done so. There is also the fact that, because black is also the lack of colour, it can be used to blend someone into the background - we saw it with Bobby in 6x02 - the story isn’t actually about them and so they need to look neutral and in a non overpowering way, Black is the perfect colour for this (think stage hands moving the set and props around on stage - always dressed in black because its unobtrusive - you see them and know what they’re doing, but they’re not distracting.)
This first one is striped though - black on black and it plays in perfectly to stripe theory - Chim is making the change happen - by setting up Hen and Karen for their date!
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The we have this blue grey polo - which Chim wears when he’s back in matchmaker mode - but using different tactics - the  maturity and insightfulness of grey combined with the trustworthy and loyal nature of blue. Again a perfect colour to compliment this scene - because Chim is seeing a bigger picture and using his skills and insightfulness to continue playing matchmaker - and while he downright lies to Karen in this scene, he is being loyal to both of them to get them to where they need to be.
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To start with - I adore that they pulled Hens first glasses out of the costume vault - its continuity like this that helps world build and its something the general audience will pick up on too.
Its really hard not to draw parallels between this shirt and the ones Buck wears in 4x13/14 as well as the maroon tee he wears when talking to Chris in 4x14. This is the only time we’ve seen Hen wearing a shirt like this and it is the perfect use of costume for foreshadowing - Hen is going to end up in a similar position to Buck in 4x13/14 by the end of the episode and this costume lays the groundwork for that. The textual paralleling is obvious - we’ve all been shouting about it since the episode aired because the camera angles, script etc were all pretty loud, but the costume is there joining in and re-enforcing the parallel - both in terms of Karens life threatening injury, but also in the fact that both Hen and Buck step up to care for their respective children. 
You don’t do this with a costume if you don’t want to risk the audience drawing those parallels and conclusions because it’s a very loud choice and one that will be picked up on (potentially by the GA as well as fandom). The buck pinstripe shirt is one of the more memorable costumes from the show (aside from the uniforms of course) so a designer would only parallel it when they don’t want you to draw any conclusion but the parallel. Its my favourite costume of the episode for this reason and if we needed any further proof that the show is treating Buddie like the canon couples - then this is it!
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It’s the first of the beige/buff coloured shirts/ tops of the episode. Beige is a combination of brown and white and so it displays both of those colours meanings - its dependable and tranquil, as well as being considered the colour of homeliness. THis shirt Hen is wearing tends toward the more yellow and brown end of the beige spectrum and so we should pull some of its meanings from those colours - so communication for the yellow as well as honesty and safety.
The first of the interesting repeat costume choices comes here - the trousers are the same ones that we see Hen in in 6x02 - heading into her class with Luis. I wrote then that they were reflective of Hens mid being scrambled - that she was going to have a choice to make and that continues to  play here - Hen tells us she sat outside in her car for 20 minutes deciding if she was going to come in or not. THis is yet another moment for Hen where things change and her path takes a different direction - both the not being sure whether to come in or not as well as not being sure about Karen - being to serious. we see how things pan out, but the trousers are there helping us along with the storytelling.
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this black and blue line knit cardigan - the trustworthy nature of blue is telling Karen that Hen is trustworthy, despite the story she’s telling about Eva - the fractured nature of the blue is however also suggesting that while Hen can be trusted, the story is far from over (which of course we all know as we’ve been watching the show) and that Eva will form a part of Hen and Karens own story and that it will cause fractures in their budding relationship.
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i loved this offset chevron knit cardigan - in many ways it continues themes of the drunk hen tv test card jumper from 6x04 (can you continue a theme when its in a flashback?!) - we have similar colours at play, and similar themes - Hen is contemplating a big life change  - in this case taking on a baby and becoming  parent - which of course also continues to tie into that drunk Buck and Hen scene from 6x04 and subtly builds on the idea of becoming parent by unconventional means, but in a way that predates any sperm donations - honestly the way they’re building the parallels between Hen and Buck this season through the clothes as well as the script and direction etc is making me a bit insane - its so very loud!
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In yet another ‘lets parallel Buck and Hen outfit’, we have Hen, with a black eye, in a grey blue hoodie. The last time we saw Buck injured he had a black eye (the same eye as Hen) and he was wearing a grey blue hoodie. We saw that same grey blue hoodie when Buck was in the process of deciding to make a major change to his life and break up with Taylor. Here, Hen might not be about to break up with someone (having already have that happen), but she is about to make a massive life choice and become a parent!
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This multi colour multi pattern shirt has a retro (1980′s/ early 90′s) vibe to it and the bold and erratic pattern really highlights the fact that Hen and Karen have thrown themselves into this new adventure and that they’re really not prepared for it at all. the brighter colours are positive though - denoting that this new adventure into parenthood will be the making of them. 
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Lots of black for flashback Karen! Its all playing into the power and authority meanings of black - Karen is a black woman in a white mans world and she’s having to work twice as hard to get half as far (probably more) and thats made her into the abrupt and standoffish persona we see in this scene, and as black is also good at concealing vulnerabilities its the perfect colour choice. 
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The chain patterned shirt made me cackle with glee when I saw it. it is in fact a navy blue shirt and not black like it appears because of the filter on the camera. the use of chains on a shirt in a scene where Hen is unsure about committing to a relationship and where Karen talks about being able to be fun - chefs kiss wardrobe team, chefs kiss! Chains a generally associated with being locked up and in relationship terms, partners are often described as being a ball and chain (I know I wrote about this in one of my other metas, I just can’t remember which one!) and therefore this shirt is foreshadowing the fact that Karen will be Hen’s ball and chain (and vice versa) in the future - that they will choose to chain themselves together 
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This champagne silk blouse is similar to beige, but champagne has a powerful  personality while also being a fairly modest colour. It does carry some of those same meanings as beige - honesty and dependability and we see Karen being honest in this scene - the dependability is also there, we just dob’t see it revealed until later on in the episode - when she returns to Hen and they truly commit to one another.
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The light grey suit dress that we see Karen in when she’s at the airport took me straight back to Hen in Hen begins when she’s at dinner with the sleazy doctors that it made me laugh a bit. Its not an identical outfit, but that would be weird - its close enough and the only time we see either Hen or Karen in such a business suit like outfit.
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It was playing on the idea of blowing up your life but it tuning out to be the best decision - Hen blowing up her life and becoming a firefighter in Hen begins and her Karen blowing up her life and choosing to become a mother (and a wife). Both seemingly mad choices to make, but both ultimately proving to be the right choice. 
This outfit is also the one with the continuity error - see the necklace in the shot below - it disappears as Karen sits down on the coffee table half way through the scene!!
Now you see it...
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..now you don’t!
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New mom Karen wearing burnt sienna linen dungarees and a white shirt is perfect! Burnt sienna is a colour of both excitement and security, it is a caring and devoted colour and the perfect colour for Karen. It also marks the first time we’ve seen Karen in a non neutral or black colour - it marks the change in direction for her (no longer chasing being an astronaut) and embracing this new adventure. Its actually a colour we’ve see on Karen a couple of times - most notably and importantly the first time we meet her - in a scene where Hen and Karen talk about Eva and her being in contact with Hen - its a call back/tie in that brings the story full circle and shows exactly how colour and costume can really help tell a story. 
Its also worth pointing out here that all the flashback scenes have a filter on them which is giving the colours a slightly washed out look - hence why the dungarees look duller than the cardigan from 1x05 in the pictures below - the reality is that they will be pretty similar in shade without the ilter!
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Present Day
Shout out to the sneakers Hen is wearing when she arrives at Karens work - they’re by off-white and they are called ‘out of office’ never was the name of pair of sneakers more appropriate!! the fact they’re also turquoise - a colour of clarity, growth and balance - this incident provides Hen with the clarity she needs to see where her future lies - it provides her with the means to grow and re-find balance in her life.
The colour blocking of the tee is giving me the same vibes as the Jumper Hen wears at the party at the end of wrapped in red. It isn’t the same in terms of colour ways (that jumper was red and white with a bit of pink) but this type of colour blocking its a style choice that we’ve seen on her at moments when the firefam isn’t whole - in 5x10 Chimney wasn’t part of the 118 and Eddie announced his departure from the 118, while here we see Hen at a moment where she’s ‘not a firefighter anymore.’ The colours are all associated with emergencies - the orange connects to fire, it is an emotional but optimistic colour and this one is bordering on red, while the navy blue ties into the firefam uniform - giving Hen that air of authority which she makes use of when given the chance and the white (interestingly and tellingly the smallest amount of colour on the polo) ties into the idea of doctors in white coats and Hen makes full use of her extended medical training when given the chance to get involved in the incident.
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As you can see the check trousers I spoke about in the flashback section above are back and their purpose remains as true here as it did for both the previous times we saw them - Hen is faced with and making big decisions. 
More beige for Hen here - this time with the red stitch detailing down the arm - stitch detailing that looks remarkably like sutures. Its yet more red being worn by Hen in a subtle way at a key moment in her arc this season.
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I wrote a mini meta in response to an ask about Karens floral blouse - its decorated with medicinal flowers and I’m especially loving the fact that this shirt has clove on, when we’ve seen Hen in plenty of red and they used the song Crimson and clover in this episode - its the little links like this that make me love the show even more than I already do!
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The indigo blue and turquoise print on white top has a similar palm frond design as Denny’s tee. White is the colour of new beginnings and clarity, while blue is trustworthy, honest, reliable and supportive and the turquoise is a colour of clarity and growth. Those little hints of turquoise tie into Hen’s trainers from earlier and help to tie the themes of the episode together.
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yes there is some more beige on the go - this first zip polo we see Denny in is colour matching Hens main outfit of the episode and 
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I do love it when the costume team aren’t subtle with the outfits they put the kids in and this tee is no exception. climbers, mountains, rivers and signposts!! The metaphors for Hen’s journey are loud and then Denny is the final signpost that gets her to realise what is important to her and what her dream actually is.
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This top is an epic choice - the palm fronds that match with Karens, the black base colour of the tee that matches with Hens tee, tiying them together as a family and then the rainbow of colours that subtly hint at gay love re-enforcing the entire modus operandi of the episode!
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Only the one Athena outfit this week - this teal green rib knit collared button front top. Teal is a colour of morality, but also accepting, supportive and rational - and when you have Athena rocking up to a scene on her day off to support Hen (Denny, Karen and the firefam as well) I’d say its the perfect colour choice for Athena in this moment!
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And Finally a shout out to Victor and Colton - who kept my check theory in play
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I hope you enjoyed reading and thank you as always for your likes, comments and reblogs - I love reading your thoughts etc in the tags - they make my day!
As always tagged people below
@mistmarauder @theladyyavilee @loveyourownsmiilee @leothil @girldadbuddie @kitkatpancakestack  @bucksintheroom @lemotmo @trashendence @elishareads  @clipboardsandstethoscopes @comfortbuddie @fiona-fififi  @name-code-black-widow @prettyboyandthekid @callanee @calyssmarviss @alwaysme @pbandjeremiah @batgrldes @piningpettyeddie @bi-moonlight @spotsandsocks @projectabc @livingwherethesidewalkends  @idontshitpostbuttheolympicpark @diazboysbuckley @sweettsubaki @jordxnhennessy @shortsighted-owl @sherlocking-out-loud @ekstasisandangst-main @favouritealias @hearteyesdiaz @gossamerglob @ktinastrikesback @adamrparrrish @princesschez75 @bucksbuddie @oneawkwardcookie  @leatherat @moniquekatie @wanderingwomanwondering  @trickster-archangel @outrunningthedark @asharadaine @ajunerose @wolfybuckley @neon-d0rk @boohooweewoobuckaroo @talespinner230 @swiftiebuckleys
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crystalelemental · 3 months
I have finished all of the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters. That was pretty fun! Honest to god my initial reaction is to replay some of them immediately but I should probably put some distance on that. No promises. The last time I played most of these was...the GBA/DS remakes. So a while ago. Thoughts on each below.
Final Fantasy 1 Easily my favorite iteration of the game. I'm going to be honest with you, FF1 doesn't have a ton in its favor, but the game is simplified enough that, with the new mechanics, I can turn off all encounters, hit 4x EXP, just do boss fights, trapped chests, and forced encounters, and be done with the game in like 3 hours. If I'm ever just craving a quick thing, this is as quick as it gets, with none of the frustration.
Yeah, I'm gonna be honest, this is a common theme so to avoid repeating myself I'll say it once here: random encounters suck. It's why FF12 has been my favorite since it came out; I can just see where enemies are and explore how I wish, without getting bombarded by bullshit and back attacks and whatever else is going on. Turning those off as needed is divine. The tradeoff is that for some games, you then lose sense of progression and what level you are "supposed" to be at for what you're doing, and in those situations the 4x EXP is nice for quick grinding to catch you up. I will admit, however, that this can completely break the flow of the game, so I did try to keep encounters on at all times for most games, but I am more than satisfied going "fuck I'm lost again" and just turning off encounters for a minute while I get my bearings. This game just doesn't broadly appeal beyond its quick nature, so I'm more than satisfied just doing the boss run.
Final Fantasy 2 To avoid talking about the random chance level ups, I'm instead going to talk about two other things that make this my least favorite in the set: dungeon layout, and why you can't let me have things.
Dungeon layout is the fair criticism. Dungeons are overly complex and a pain in my ass to navigate. This is another I eventually broke and just turned off encounters while exploring, just because it was too many of them. Get the fuck out of my face, man, I'm trying to backtrack seven different staircases. Also the rooms. Almost all of them are empty, but you gotta check in case there's treasure, but if it is empty enjoy higher encounter rates for no real reason other than punishing your curiosity, you fool. It's just an overall frustrating experience with the randomness of stat boosts, and the pitifully slow grind of leveling spells.
The other is my own fault. Yeah, if there's one thing I remembered about this game from the Dawn of Souls era, it was the post-game heaven dungeon where you start as Minwu, and really want to be prepared. Early Mysidia felt like a must, and I decided fuck it, I remember how to do this, and prepared myself accordingly. Long story short, don't do this. You'll set yourself up for a position of being wildly overpowered the entire game, especially if you're an idiot, break after directions were given, forget where you're going and wind up going north to another high level area that gets you even more powerful, and now the whole thing is shot to shit. I like sequence breaking games, but I feel like this one is way more severe with any understanding of what you can get away with. And I will always optimize the fun out of my experience. Never let me do things.
Final Fantasy 3 This was my favorite experience. I played damn near the entire game without even touching the toggle for encounters. FF3 is a ton of fun. I enjoy getting to mess with customization options like the classes, and the lack of JP (ABP, whatever) makes it a lot more fluid. Sure, there's job level, but job level amounts to nothing. It's minor increases for the longer you work as that class, and it's nice but insubstantial. Which means it's fluid and engaging, because I can fun around and never find out anything too bad. Which is what I want; free flowing experimentation. I understand the original had some kind of penalty for job switching too often? Glad they got rid of that garbage.
If there's any strikes against it, it's class balance and the final dungeon. Crystal Tower into World of Darkness is like a 2+ hour affair, without save points, and Autosave doesn't carry over if you turn the game off. Do not do as I did and go in like an hour and a half before your usual winding down before bed time. You will not make it. Class balance is a bit of a mixed bag.
On the one hand, compared to 5, 3's classes tend to overlap a lot. The Earth Crystal is literally nothing but pure upgrades on early classes. Black/White Mage become Wizards gaining better offensive stats and more spell slots for higher tier spells, while Summoner is just Evoker with competence. Knight is just Fighter but better. Black Belt is just Monk but better. As a result, it distills into only a handful of meaningful distinctions anyway, with a couple offshoot classes that...suck. They suck. Ranger has no good weapons for late-game, Geomancer is a great mage alternative until endgame when everything's single-target, I have no idea what the point of Scholar is but I don't agree with it. I don't consider this a truly hideous detriment, but it lacks the same level of shenanigans 5 gets up to.
Final Fantasy 4 Fun fact: before 12 came out, this was my favorite, because I found it easy enough to be engaging, including the GBA superdungeon which was the only one I could beat, and Rydia was my baby child favorite. That last part is still true. The thing I didn't seem to remember is how...weird the story actually was. Like it's not particularly great. I don't think it's terrible, but it's not great. Mostly Kain's whole deal irritates me now.
But it is still fun! I think it's a much different experience. The moon still took forever to explore, but thanks to save points actually existing, you can break between things. Boss fights feel appropriately more difficult than most random encounters, with a decent number of gimmick bosses that require a bit more know-how to handle, and a few dungeons you can do out of sequence in the underground if you're ambitious. I think it's a very simple game to understand, with a pretty clear-cut approach to success. That said, there's like no customization. Characters are as they are, there's really nothing to consider aside from level. And your party is set, so there's no variation on what you can do.
Final Fantasy 5 5 was another really fun experience, though I cushion that with a major caveat. 5 was fun because of the toggle for 4x ABP, which made leveling jobs to find out what they did actually tolerable. Without this, job levels are unbearably hard to level up, with no indication of what you actually learn per level, that you may as well be shooting in the dark.
See, the fun of 5 is that you have your class, and you have one extra ability slot, taken from other class skills unlocked by leveling them up. For magic classes, that's "Magic Type Lv X," up to 6, where you can cast everything in that category. For physical classes, this is usually some form of "Equip my weapon type," alongside generalist skills. Some are better than others, and some are action commands that are much, much stronger, and are the basis for making really strong outcomes.
This is why I don't love the system as much as 3. To find out what you even have access to, you're made to slog through the physical classes to find out what other skills they're offering. Which takes somewhere around literally forever. Bosses will hand you like 5BP, for classes that need like 700 to max. If you don't know in advance where the good stuff is, there's a chance you've walked into options you don't need.
Granted, 5 is lax enough broadly that you can still make use of classes. Unlike 3's direct upgrades over time, 5 gives you almost all classes early, and all of them have interesting options for utility. So you can make use of anything. I think for my completionist ass, I'm looking at Omega and Shinryu and going fuck dude, how are you supposed to beat that without foreknowledge of some of the skills available? Wildly over-leveling? In a game with fairly poor EXP yields where I think I ended at around level 40? Not happening. Otherwise, the class imbalance isn't too bad, and is in some cases hysterical. You know there's a setting to toggle 4x gil received? Zeninagi on Samurai was already an instant-kill button half the time, and now you've made it a free action. Meanwhile summon magic late game feels kinda garbage. Flare and Holy outdamaged Bahamut no problem. It is really funny to see this reversal from 4. From Rydia's summons being bad all game because they're just overpriced spells on your Black Mage but endgame Bahamut being defining, to excellent low-cost AoE spells with good damage early and mid-game into kinda useless by endgame. It's just funny to see systems like these change over time, and how they try to adjust for balance.
I do think this was a surprisingly strong story and cast, too. I only remembered it being kinda goofy compared to the others as a kid, but having re-visited, I think it's a lot more earnest and impactful than I gave it credit for.
Final Fantasy 6 I'll be honest, it's very good, but depending on my mood, I'd say I like 3 and 5 better. I like being able to customize, and I think I actually like FF5's cast and story better than 6.
6 succeeds on being competent at everything, even if it's not the strongest in everything. Its story is well told and it sticks to its general themes of love and loss, and finding meaning in a bleak world. But I also think 5 did the "Defeat Nihilism through the Power of Connection" thing with a more diverse cast and emphasis on friendships and general human spirit, while 6 seems to focus more on romance and family in a way that makes a lot of character histories sound very same-y, in that a big chunk is "and then they died." There's a bit of customization, as far as selecting which members to bring along and how you distribute magicite for learning magic, but nowhere near the level of complexity you can find in 5. I'd also say the AP system in 6 is wildly slow, but at least there it's more concentrated to "just learn the spells you need" and you actually know exactly what you're signing up for. Though I personally don't care for making decisions between good spells or good stats early on, my min-maxing ass is bad with these kinds of things. I know it's a problem.
I do think it has an inverse problem to 5, where the random encounters feel devastating in several locations, but only one boss ever gave me any difficulty, and it was because I was suffering from success (It was the tunnel digger in Locke's route early game; turns out if you have the Hermes Sandals on him or Celes the Runic timing gets thrown off and it cooks you, but without that it's super easily won; my bad but for stupid reasons, I feel). Almost every game over was due to back attacks, which are damn near constant in this game. Some areas I counted and literally had more sneak attacks on me than regular encounters. Meanwhile, bosses go down like sacks of shit, because magic is hysterically overpowered. Yeah yeah, Kefka's god now or whatever, but can he survive Relm Dualcasting Flare for max damage twice per round? No, he's just going to eat shit from this level 40 ten-year-old? Radical. This may be personal preference, but if FF1's blurb wasn't an indication, I much prefer "easy encounters, difficult bosses." Ideally, no encounters. Just ping-pong me from boss to boss. I feel like I could actually do that in 6 if it wasn't for AP needed to learn spells.
Future Plans I'm thinking of getting 7 and 9 if they ever go on sale again. I really don't want to play 8. I remember playing 8, my wife had commented on it being a formative game for her so I played it long, long ago before we were even dating, but it was so bad I can't do it again. 10 I'm on the fence about, because I do like the gameplay for 10, but we tried watching a playthrough of 10 and she couldn't stand it so maybe not. My laptop is dying, and so is my wife's, so we've tossed around finally getting a proper PC that can like...play games and shit. So who knows, maybe I'll finally play past 12 in this series. Miracles do happen.
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Mario Is Liquid 2: A Better Game
(sequel to Mario Is Liquid. The name just reflects how ABP would be considered better than ALitS)
Mario and Nimbus (in their seperate universes) are once again pulled to CAL, by a suspiciously placed blue and white portal..
They assume their forms from before and very cautiously start to traverse. They meet Lumi, but note this isn't SMG4 Lumi. This is Loop Lumi, where she doesn't even know anything about the Code World. Ever since Leto took over ALitS, ABP has just been looping Loop Lumi on repeat, erasing her memories each time. (Explanation here.)
L!Lumi is very kind and helpful, especially once they meet her friends, Red, Green, and Blue. Things actually go well until the scripted event when Green is meant to leave. Before Green does, SMG4 Lumi comes crashing in while in her more cat form. Bracelets made of coral are on each of her ankles along with a coral circlet, and seeing Mario and Nimbus, S!Lumi chases them. With Green's departure put on hold, L!Lumi and her friends chase after them.
Hijinks ensue, but Nimbus is also super concerned with the rhetoric S!Lumi is shouting, as it was the same things Leto said to her to trick her. With the help of the ABP gang, S!Lumi is tied up by a piece of Red's tail, frozen in a time block by Blue, and spikes moved by Green trape S!Lumi.
This actually brings the ABP group even closer together, and after saying goodbye to Nimbus and Mario (who get collected by SMG8 and SMG3 respectively), Green decides not to leave.
However, this doesn't last, as with the new abilities given to her by Leto, S!Lumi breaks free. Unable to stand to see a version of her get what she so desperately wants, S!Lumi opens a portal to the end of ABP and throws L!Lumi through, causing ABP to reset.
With that, S!Lumi retreats back to ALitS. Another day, another chastising.
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orthodoxydaily · 6 months
Saints&Reading: Thursday, November 30, 2023
november 17_november 30
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Saint Lazarus the Iconographer lived in Constantinople. He was a priest, led a strict ascetic life and painted holy icons. He fought against all heresy, enduring many afflictions from the Nestorians, Eutychians, and iconoclasts. Under the iconoclast emperor Theophilus (829-842), he was arrested and after cruel tortures, thrown into prison. Theophilus ordered horseshoes to be placed in a fire until they glowed red with the heat. Then they were put upon the iconographer’s hands, because he dared to paint icons of Christ and the saints. He was saved from execution by the intervention of the empress Theodora.
Saint Lazarus died in the year 857 while returning from Rome, where he had been sent in a delegation on church matters to Pope Benedict III (855-858). His remains were taken to Constantinople and buried in the church of Saint Evandrus.
Source: Orthodox Church in America
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Our venerable father Sebastian Dabovich (now St. Sebastian of Jackson and San Francisco) was a prominent Serbian priest in the Russian Mission in America in the 1890s and early 1900s. He founded numerous churches and was the author of several books. He died in Serbia in 1940 and was glorified as a saint on May 29th, 2015.
Born John Dabovich (Jovan Dabović) in San Francisco, California on June 21, 1863, to Serbian immigrant parents from Sassovae, Serbia, Archimandrite Sebastian grew up with the church in San Francisco where his parents operated a store. After finishing high school he served his parish as a reader and teacher.
In 1884, he was assigned to assist at St. Michael’s Cathedral in Sitka, Alaska before he was sent to Russia to prepare for a life as a missionary priest. After three years of study at the St. Petersburg and Kiev Theological Academies, John was tonsured a monk in 1887 with the name Sebastian and ordained a deacon. Following his ordination, Dn. Sebastian returned to San Francisco where he served as deacon at the San Francisco cathedral. He also taught at the pastoral school in San Francisco.
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As more Serbians emigrated to the United States, Abp. Tikhon asked Fr. Sebastian to lead a Serbian Mission in the North American diocese. With his appointment to head the mission, Abp. Tikhon elevated Fr. Sebastian to archimandrite on August 15, 1905. For the next five years Archim. Sebastian led the Serbian Mission from its center at the Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Church in Chicago, Illinois, where he was the parish priest.
In 1910, Fr. Sebastian asked for a release from the Serbian mission so that he could return to missionary work. Then in 1913, he joined the faculty of the newly opened St. Platon Seminary in Tenafly, New Jersey. Shortly thereafter feeling a call to service the church in his ancestral Serbia, Fr. Sebastian asked for a release from the American Mission. He went on to serve as a chaplain in the Serbian army in the Balkan Wars and World War I. Other than for brief visits to the United States in 1915 and 1917, Fr. Sebastian spent the rest of his life serving the Church of Yugoslavia.
Archim. Sebastian reposed in Yugoslavia on November 30, 1940, and was buried at the Monastery of Zicha. In 2007, his remains were disinterred and brought back to the cemetery at St. Sava Church in Jackson, California for reburial.
Source: Saint of North America
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1 TIMOTHY 3:1-13
1 This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he wants a good work. 2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach; 3 not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not covetous; 4 one who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence 5 (for if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God?); 6 not a novice, lest being puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil. 7 Moreover, he must have a good testimony among those outside, lest he fall into reproach and the devil's snare. 8 Likewise, deacons must be reverent, not double-tongued, not given too much wine, not greedy for money, 9 holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience. 10 But let these also first be tested; then let them serve as deacons, being found blameless. 11 Likewise, their wives must be reverent, not slanderers, temperate, faithful in all things. 12 Let deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well. 13 For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a good standing and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.
LUKE 16:1-9
1 He also said to His disciples: "There was a certain rich man who had a steward, and an accusation was brought to him that this man was wasting his goods. 2 So he called him and said to him, 'What is this I hear about you? Give an account of your stewardship, for you can no longer be steward.' 3 Then the steward said within himself, 'What shall I do? For my master is taking the stewardship away from me. I cannot dig; I am ashamed to beg. 4 I have resolved what to do, that when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses.' 5 So he called every one of his master's debtors to him, and said to the first, 'How much do you owe my master?' 6 And he said, 'A hundred measures of oil.' So he said to him, 'Take your bill, and sit down quickly and write fifty.' 7 Then he said to another, 'And how much do you owe?' So he said, 'A hundred measures of wheat.' And he said to him, 'Take your bill, and write eighty.' 8 So the master commended the unjust steward because he had dealt shrewdly. For the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light. 9 And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon, that when you fail, they may receive you into an everlasting home.
Commentary of the Church's Father: Augustine of Hippo AD 430. Mammon is the Hebrew word for “riches,” just as in Punic the word for “profit” is mammon. What are we to do? What did the Lord command? “Make yourselves friends with the mammon of iniquity, so that they too, when you begin to fail, may receive you into eternal shelters.” It is easy, of course, to understand that we must give alms and a helping hand to the needy, because Christ receives it in them…. We can understand that we have to give alms and that we must not really pick and choose to whom we give them, because we are unable to sift through people’s hearts. When you give alms to all different types of people, then you will reach a few who deserve them. You are hospitable, and you keep your house ready for strangers. Let in the unworthy, in case the worthy might be excluded. You cannot be a judge and sifter of hearts.
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Do you have any recommendations for Sabine rescues Ezra from the Unknown Regions fics? I'm needing that feels in my life right now.
Apologies for how long this took.  I meant to put together a quick shortlist but then I got distracted and forgot.
Anyway, here’s at least a few to get you started:
Finding Home by bookfluence (basic reunion fic)
Oh no he's hot! by StarryFairyJedi (bit more of a romantic comedy ft. Sabezra)
Jedi Lost by Nianthis (blends New Canon and Heir To The Empire)
Found by ForceWielder (the finding and actual reunion are in the early chapters and the rest of the fic is Mandalorian court shenanigans ft. Sabezra and an asshole rival clan leader)
so much can grow from the seeds of a dying tree by abp (reunion fic and recovery aftermath, bit angsty)
orbital by kurgaya (Sabine brings Ezra home but he’s not quite right in the head, be prepared for PAIN if you read this one)
These are all from my Ao3 bookmarks, tried to find ones that were complete for you.
Predictably us shippers also wrote quite a few reunion fics for Sabezra Week, here’s a couple:
Pinch me, in dreaming by Chaotic_Dumbass_Rogue
my melancholia by grxcefully
I could probably scrounge up a few more from FFnet with a bit more time to actually check over my favorites list but I’ll stop for now.
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Living for God's Glory
1 If therefore The Messiah has suffered in your place in the flesh, be you also equipped with the same mind, for everyone who has died in his body has ceased from all sins; 2 Therefore he shall not live for the desires of men, as during the time that he was in the body, but for the will of God. 3 For that past time was enough in which you served the pleasure of The Pagans, in debauchery, drunkenness, in whoredom, in orgies and in the worship of demons. 4 And behold, now they marvel and insult you because you do not run riot with them in this former debauchery, 5 Those who give an account to God, who is going to judge the dead and living. 6 For because of this, The Good News was proclaimed also to the dead that they would be judged as children of men in the flesh and they would live in God by The Spirit.
7 The end of all things has arrived, therefore sober up and wake up to prayer. 8 And before everything, have a severe love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. 9 And love strangers without murmuring. 10 And let each one of you serve his neighbor with the gift he has received from God, as good stewards of the unique grace of God. 11 Everyone who speaks, let him speak according to the word of God, and everyone who ministers, according to what power God gives to him, that God may be glorified in all that you do, by Yeshua The Messiah, whose glory and honor is truly to the eternity of eternities.
12 Beloved, do not be astonished at the temptations that will come upon you, as if something strange happened to you, for they are for your proving. 13 But rejoice that you share in the sufferings of The Messiah, for in this way also you shall rejoice and be jubilant in the revelation of his glory. 14 And if you are reproached for the sake of the name of The Messiah, you are blessed, because The Glorious Spirit of God rests upon you. 15 Only let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer. 16 But if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him praise God for this name. 17 For it is time that the judgment will begin from the house of God; but if it begins from us, what is the end of those who are not convinced of The Good News of God? 18 And if the righteous have life in hardship, where is an evil man and a sinner found? 19Therefore, let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to him by excellent works, as to a faithful Creator. — 1 Peter 4 | Aramaic Bible in Plain English (ABPE) The Aramaic Bible in Plain English Copyright © 2007; 8th edition Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 6:13; Exodus 22:2; Proverbs 10:12; Proverbs 11:31; Proverbs 17:9; Ecclesiastes 5:8; Isaiah 25:8; Jeremiah 16:11; Jeremiah 25:29; Jeremiah 49:12; Ezekiel 44:6; Matthew 5:11; Mark 3:35; Luke 23:31; John 13:31; Acts 7:38; Acts 10:42; Romans 6:2; Romans 6:7; Romans 12:6; Romans 13:11-12; Romans 14:9; 1 Corinthians 4:1; Ephesians 5:18; Ephesians 6:13; Philippians 2:14; Philippians 3:10; 1 Timothy 3:2; 1 Timothy 5:13; 2 Timothy 2:12; James 2:7; 1 Peter 1:6; 1 Peter 1:12; 1 Peter 2:12; 1 Peter 3:16,17 and18; 1 Peter 3:20
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ABP wip chapter:
He swallowed two pills and then grabbed his phone, flinching at the sudden brightness and blinking as his eyes adjusted. He pulled up his email, squinting at the screen and belatedly noticing a new message from a familiar contact. 
Jordan. The guy who interviewed him at the ACLU. 
Despite the glass of water, his throat went dry as he scrambled to open it.
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krazyshoppy · 2 years
Twin Tower Noida Demolish: भ्रष्टाचार की मिसाल बने 'गगनचुंबी' इमारतों पर बड़ा प्रहार
Twin Tower Noida Demolish: भ्रष्टाचार की मिसाल बने ‘गगनचुंबी’ इमारतों पर बड़ा प्रहार
<p>Twin Tower Noida Demolish: भ्रष्टाचार की मिसाल बने ‘गगनचुंबी’ इमारतों पर बड़ा प्रहार..आज नोएडा में भ्रष्टाचार की नीव पर बनी इमारत महज चंद सेकेंड में जमींदोज हो गई, प्रशसान के इस फैसले से सियासत में हलचल तेज हो गई है और वार -पलटवार का खेल भी शुरू हो गया है। देखिए ये खास रिपोर्ट&nbsp;</p> Source link
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twilightteamm · 2 years
📱➡️ #nikkireed: Morning! HUGE NEWS! The call for entries for the 2023 Leica Women Foto Project Award is now open! I am beyond honored to be a part of this year‘s jury with some of the most influential and inspirational women from around the world. One winner from each region will be selected to receive a Leica SL2–S camera set and $10,000 USD for use towards the completion of a personal project that bears witness to humanity. We are excited to announce that this year‘s award expands to residence of the US, UK, Mexico and Canada (excluding Quebec.) In 2019 Leica launched the Leica Women Foto Project as a platform to amplify underrepresented voices in photography. It’s mission serves to spark conversations that enable an expansion of how we see and interact with our world. Apply for the 2023 Leica Women Foto Project today by visiting the link in Leica‘s bio, or swiping up in my stories. Tag someone below you think should apply! Pinch me! My fellow jury members are: @galeriesalzburg / Art Director Leica Galleries worldwide @nataliajimenezoficial / Senior Picture Editor, The Washington Post @maggiesteber / Documentary Photographer + Guggenheim Grant Fellow #elizabethkrist / Former Senior Photo Editor at National Geographic @whitneyhollingtonmatewe / Photo Editor, Time Magazine @katepkuo Director of Photographer LA times @laura_roumanos / Co-Founder, Photoville @pritheeva / Photo Editor, National Geographic @amandadecadenet / Photographer , Author and Media Personality @mussairenee / Senior Curator and Head of Curatorial & Collection , Autograph ABP @lizjohnsonartur / Photojournalist & Editorial Photographer @sara_rumens / Features Picture Editor, The Times @marymccartneyphotos / Photographer @leicacamerausa-blog
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crispycreatorgardener · 2 months
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ramrodd · 3 months
Washed in the Blood of the Messiah--Where Did that Idea Come From?
Being washed in the blood of Jesus  is a  liturgical reference to the unilateral covenant cutting ceremony between Elohim the verb and the centurions Italian Cohort of the Praetorian Guard represented by Cornelius, the common denominator of the Gospel canon, Th thing I enjoy about responding to your literary ignorance of your own Bible, is that I am learning so much about the tapestry of the field of the Hegelian gestalt of the literature of the Bible. The fact that people like you can read the scriptures and not experience the presence of the Holy Spirit in your mind as the line of symbols pulls through the mechanisms of perception like a reel to reel magnetic analogue recording tape playing music, I mean, if you cannot hear the Messiah while reading Matthew's nativity narrative, they you probably don't hear the Liverpool Marxist Socialism in all things John Lennon, I'm just saying, the first medal a new recruit in the US Army receives is the National Defens Service Medal, In Vietnam, they aclled it the "I was alive in 65" award. Alive an 18. If you were lucky like me and got to play in the Southeast Aisian War Games. My team came in Second, bu the other guys came in next to last. I learned about the unilateral covenant cutting ceremony in Genesis from Bruce Gore's commentary on Genesis, this was a critical element to the emergence of the Catholic Church from the secret society of Christian centurions throughout the Legions, which provided the horizonal structure to the Roman Empire that sustained the decadence of its  core culture until Constantine dismantled the Praetorian Guard and replaced the healthy separation of chruch and state with a theocracy that fell apart within a century. Which is what would happen if Christian Nationalists were abpe to impkement their wet dreams. The unilateral covenant cutting ceremony between Elohim the verb and the centurions begins with the splitting of Jesus in John 1934. Apparently, a covenant cutting ceremony was a common feature of a soldier's life in the Legions, beginning as recruits, My experience with hand to hand combat is that you end up covered in blood, mud and shit, especially if you wre fortunate to survive an ambush, The Romans initiated recruits by putting them in a pit and covering it with planks and then slaughtering an ox on the planks so the blood would baptize the below to desensitize them to the experience and calibrate their Pucker Factor. William barklay observes in either his commentary to Luke of John that a cult of Emperor worship developed in the Roman legions that employed this event as a re-dedication to the Emperor during the reign of Claudius, This is the time the spiritual brew of Revelation was  percolating in the collective unconscious, The unilateral covenant cutting ceremony between Elohim the verb and the centurions begins with the splitting of Jesus witnessed by John Mark in John 19:34, The difference between the tribal version of the covenant cutting ceremony and the military version is that the military start by splitting a man and then the other beasts and fowl and then they parade between the halve. In the Genesis version, a smoking pot of fire concludes and ratifies the covenant wwilie in the Christian version , the Talking Cross closes the deal. This is where N.T. Wright's interpretaion of Pauline Theology is manifest reigheousness, especially the part about Free Will and the separation of chruch and state in the governance of the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus was trying to sell Jerusalem on the serrvant leader ethic of Pauline Theology which is characterized by the separation The seoaratuib of church  and state and sovereign,   What Jesus discovers in Matthew 8:5:13 is taht the centurions were already operating on the basis of Pauline Theology with in the validation of the Manlian Disciplne of the Roman soldier and Romans 13:1 - 7. Fir akk ubtebts abd oyroisesm Elohim the verb endorsed waht we know call the Universal Code of Military Justice of Christian Just War Doctrine I went to Vietnam to represent. For all intents and purposes, the Weather Underground and the January 6 agenda have been trying to blow up Rmans 13:1 - 7 since the Diem brothers were assassicnated, I have been washed by the blood of Jesus as a Starship Trooper in Vietnam. The politics and literary pretensins of the Jesus Seminar offends me in the same way the Total Depravity Gospel of Campus Crusade for Christ and Pro Life Calvinism is polluted, spiritually, bu the anti-Christ of Yale, William F. Buckley and the John Birch Society, For all intents and purposes, Pauline Theology became Christianity with the Talking Cross and everything Christian id derivative of the Talking Cross as the chiasmatic moment of the epic narrative of the 66 books of the Bible. In the Beginning, Jesus wept.
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