bethanysmiled · 5 months
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the-monkey-ruler · 3 months
Gado Fight (2020) 鬼斗
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Date: January 9, 2020 Platform: PC / Android Developer: Leiting Games Publisher: Leiting Games Genre: Fighting Theme: Fantasy Also known as: 墨斗 Type: Rewrite
Gado Fight (鬼斗) is a one-on-one fighting game by the Taiwanese company Leiting Games. It was released in January 2020 for Android and April of the same year for Steam. It is based on the Chinese classic novel Journey to the West, which in turn is also based heavily on Chinese mythology.
Source: https://www.giantbomb.com/gado-fight/3030-82478/
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaqtC9joPys
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imoosgnaj · 2 months
(🎵) /// Soomi "Not At All" | [Stray Kids : SKZ-RECORD]
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"is it actually nothing at all?"
release date: 060424
lyrics meaning: released on Soomi's birthday, the lyrics for this song describes how she felt after debuting. Being the only female in Stray Kids, she has been facing a lot of pressure ever since she was revealed as a Stray Kids member. With this opportunity she writes down all her thoughts in a song and posted it on her birthday.
reactions: a lot people were able relate to the lyrics. The desperation when you did something wrong, and felt no one loved you.
reactions from other members: The members were honestly shocked of how well Soomi showed her skills in this song, she hit the high notes perfectly and showed her amazing vocals.
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Lyrics: Soomi
Composing: Soomi, Nickko Young
Arranging: Soomi, Nickko Young, Versachoi
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Taglist: @mynameisnotlaura @hyunmikim @xakx @klmllr
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wonwoosthetic · 8 months
series masterlist
word count - 2.1k
pairing - minnie x mingyu (feat. wonwoo at the end)
summary - mingyu thought to have found the perfect chairs for their new apartment… much to minnie’s dismay
a/n - as I went through my mimiwon google poll, a lot of you guys asked for more domestic scenarios and since I also once asked if you'd be okay with short writings, I thought I could post this as well :) just a little something I came up with back when I saw one of their chairs in Mingyu's live haha, kinda random but I hope you like it! <3
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Chairs 🌷 Minnie
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"Nini!" The familiar loud voice bounced off the walls of their apartment. The female member was sunken into the couch, her laptop propped up on her lap. She had thrown on a slightly thicker sweatshirt due to the colder weather, with a short shirt underneath, knowing she'd probably take off the first layer later in the day.
Each one of the three had been busying themselves separately for the time until their manager would pick them up and bring them to the company's building for their scheduled practice.
"What?" She shouted back at her fellow '97 Liner, who had been in his room, but his quick footsteps suddenly echoed through the hall until they stopped in the living room, right by the couch. Dressed in simple grey sweats and a white shirt - almost a signature look of his.
Mingyu grinned at the girl. "Look at your phone." Said device was on the coffee table, face down to not distract her from the very serious shopping spree Minnie was currently indulging in.
Her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as she glanced to the side, up at the taller member. "You're standing right next to. Show me."
"No," he shook his head, "look at your phone."
Not wanting to start a pointless argument in the middle of the day, she leaned forward with a slight sigh to snatch her phone off the surface. Turning it around, the notification she had heard only a few seconds ago was beaming right in her eyes. With one quick click and the face-id feature, the group chat the three dormmates had created after moving in together opened. Mingyu's message, a picture, was right at the bottom. "The chair?" She thought out loud. The rapper had sent a screenshot from a website, showing a white woven chair. As all three of them were getting ready to move into the new place they had chosen to rent, the hunt for new furniture had begun. Some of their old stuff, they'd of course bring along, but as their current apartment was slightly smaller, they'd have a lot more space to fill in the future. Some of that space would be filled with a new and bigger dining table, that would ideally have chairs as well.
Mingyu nodded excitedly. "I just ordered them."
The girl's head snapped towards him, her lips slightly parted. "Huh?"
"Four of them. But I think six might be smarter. For more people, right?"
"You didn't order them." Her statement was possibly supposed to come out as a question, but it surely didn't sound like one. As she took a quick peek back at the picture an almost chuckle fell from her lips.
"I did," he repeated, nodding once again. With a few steps forward, the '97 Liner sat down next to her, grunting as he let himself fall onto the sofa.
"No, you didn't," each time, Minnie tried to convince herself of the fact that this man just admitted to buying four, almost six, of those garden stools, only for them to be put into their new dining space.
"I really did," Mingyu chuckled, not catching up with her distressed reaction. "Look," he held up his phone screen, "We have a similar dining table and it looks good," showing her a picture on the original website.
"But..." The female member stopped herself, "Why did you order them?"
"We said we'd go for a European style, so... you don't like them?" Finally, he had caught onto it.
Minnie could only shake her head, her eyebrows scrunched up apologetically as she locked eyes with him.
"What? Why not?" The rapper gasped.
She shrugged, "They don't look good."
"Yes, they do," he glanced back down at the screen, "If you sit on them, you'll feel like you're in Greece."
"Why would I want to feel like I'm sitting in Greece when I'm in my dining room? Maybe for the terrace, but definitely not for inside!" The girl started arguing.
"You said you liked the European style," Mingyu commented back, his voice getting slightly louder in annoyance.
"Yeah, European as in like... Scandinavian. Not beach style. This isn't cute for a dining room."
He shook his head, pushing himself back to stand up. "Look at them once they're here, and then maybe you'll like them. How would you know that now?"
Minnie was quick to shake her head, her laptop already back on the coffee table. "No, because I don't like this style in general. And my mom's an interior designer, I think I have a pretty good eye then."
He shrugged, "Maybe you don't."
The female member scoffed, thinking for a second if she should continue that exact conversation, but decided against it. "Why would you even order them without asking us first? I ask you guys about everything too!"
"You didn't when you ordered that knife set," Mingyu pointed out, on his way to the kitchen, but turned around when he noticed the serious stance the girl had taken.
"Are you serious?!" She huffed out, "What's bigger? The only four chairs at the dining table or three knives out of many more that we'll have?"
"But I'm gonna use the knives the most probably," he argued. A good point, but Minnie wasn't going to admit that in the heat of the moment.
"I'm gonna use them too!"
"Yeah, but me too! And you didn't ask me about them," he stated, now walking back to open the fridge door, and getting the bottle of water he was looking for. 
"Okay!" The female member shot up from her place on the sofa, palms up. "Go and ask Wonwoo what he thinks of the chairs."
The oldest of the three was on the better end of the situation as he had been sitting at his gaming set-up for the past two hours. The noise-cancelling headphones being the biggest blessing as they kept him guarded off every single word that came from the '97 Liners.
"He said he doesn't care about the furniture. And," he added sheepishly, "he actually likes the European style."
"Mingyu! This isn't European!" Minnie whined out loud, holding her face in her hands. A frustrated sigh tumbled from her lips. She took a deep breath, trying to collect herself and not get too riled up over some chairs he had ordered, but he was really testing her. 
"You know what?" With her phone in her hands, she started to make her way away from the couch and over to the small hallway that would eventually lead to the gamer's room. "I'll go and ask him since you clearly don't understand why this is-" 
The girl's rant was quickly interrupted when the taller member got a hold of her arm, pulling her in, making her back hit his chest and keep her from walking further.
"Let me go!" She fought against his tight embrace. But with no luck. "Mingyu, I swear to God-"
He tightened his arms around her, "Just listen to me-"
"Let me go and I'll listen," Minnie argued, stopping her frantic movements to try and shake him off.
"No, look-"
"I'm not listening."
The rapper sighed, "You'll go running as soon as I let go of you."
"No, I won't," she scoffed, turning her head to look up at Mingyu, only to find him with a smirk plastered on his face.
"Oh, yeah?"
"Yes." She spoke quietly, closing her eyes and nodding her head in etiquette.
As genuine as she sounded, the '97 Liner had known her for long enough to know how good of a romancer she had become, knowing just how to use her words and facial expressions for her benefit. 
He grinned, "But listen to me first-"
"Mingyu! NO!" The girl started giggling in his arms, her hands coming up to wrap around his wrists, trying to push them off, which laughing only made it harder than it already was. "Leave me alone."
"Promise you won't go running off to Wonwoo-hyung," he tried to argue with her, a smile still evidently on her face, as well as on hers now.
Minnie rolled her eyes with a chuckle, "Sure, whatever, I promise. Just let me go," whining the last part out loud, trying to free herself with one last wiggle of her shoulders.
"That doesn't sound very convincing," Mingyu laughed at her attempt, only tightening his grip and pulling her deeper into him, getting a groan from the female member in return. 
Her head snapped back, her hair tickling his chin for a split second. 
"I'll scream." She suddenly threatened, getting a chuckle and 'tsk' in return. "You don't believe me?"
"OPPA-!" Her shrill voice echoed through the open room and hallway, only to be cut off within a second by Mingyu's big hand covering her mouth.
"Are you crazy?!" He glanced down at her with wide eyes, genuinely surprised by the sudden outburst. "What are the people underneath us gonna think?"
"I told you, I'd do it." He could feel her grinning underneath his palm, making him roll his eyes. His hand left her face before turning her body around in his embrace, now chest to chest with the smiling girl peeking up at him
"You're really annoying sometimes," he commented, not able to hold back copying her expression with the way she was looking at him.
With a finger to his chest, she blinked up, "But only sometimes," her lips curling into a sheepish smile.
Minnie patted the big muscle underneath his top, "Cancel the order," fluttering her eyelashes extra much, "Please."
Her act immediately fell, her arms dropping down to her sides while his was still around her shoulder.
"But-" she was once again cut off, only this time by the messenger sounds from both of their phones. He reached into his back pocket, giving the girl the possibility to wiggle out of his embrace, now standing in front of him with her arms crossed.
After one quick look at the screen, he spoke up again. "We have to go." Informing her that the manager was probably already waiting for them downstairs.
"Cancel the order first," the female member didn't back down, continuing her argument.
Mingyu sighed, "Later." Before turning around to get to the front door to put on his shoes and jacket, "Get Wonwoo-hyung."
"Mingyu, cancel it, I'm serious. They're ugly," she continued, but he glanced passed her and raised his voice to call out for the older member, who was already coming out of the door to his gaming room, fixing the sweater he was wearing.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm here," he passed the girl, joining Mingyu in the hallway. Minnie looked at him almost offended. "You didn't hear me when I called out for you but when he does it you're up in a second?" Putting the fact that he was probably not wearing his headphones anymore these few seconds ago.
"When did you call for me?" Wonwoo wondered, crouching down to get his left foot into the sneaker.
The girl scoffed with a chuckle, walking up to him, "Wow... good to know you wouldn't hear if I was getting murdered."
Mingyu rolled his eyes with a sigh when the '96 Liner glanced at her in confusion and slight concern at the same time.
"Don't say stuff like that," reaching out to tap her chin. Minnie just shook her head and moved to her own pair of shoes in the corner.
The younger rapper was waiting for her, already in his outerwear, holding out his hand with her jacket in his grip. Without a word, she snatched it from him.
"You're being overdramatic," he commented, grazing a hand over her head of hair.
"Cancel the order, and I won't be," she shrugged off his statement, brushing past him to get to the door, but with his much longer legs, he had caught up with her, getting a hold of the handle first. He opened it and motioned for her to walk out first, chuckling even before his answer dropped from his tongue.
"Maybe later."
"Mingyu-" she turned back around, ready to smack him, only to be pushed further out the door by Wonwoo rolling his eyes in amusement behind her.
You better bet she was sulky about the situation during their practice session as well. And maybe the multiple times she then stepped on Mingyu's foot weren't all that accidental after all.
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Taglist: @waosobii @chaebb @lunarxsun @hoe4wonwoo @kimhyejin3108 @soobzao @billboard-singer @cosmicwintr @zwiehe @alixnsuperstxr @angie-x3 @smooore @allthings-fandoms
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wiirocku · 4 months
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Ephesians 6:16 (NIV) - In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
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isomorphismes · 11 months
Hamiltonian mechanics is the feminine side of classical physics. Its masculine side is Lagrangian mechanics, formulated in terms of velocities (tangent vectors) rather than momenta (cotangent vectors). Lagrangian mechanics focusses on the difference of kinetic – potential energies; Hamiltonian mechanics focusses on their sum.
Richard Montgomery, reviewing a book by Stephanie Frank Singer and recalling lectures by Shing-Shen Chern
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An Addition to the Monastery, by Adolf Humborg
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ateezivy · 1 year
without you
( 2023 )
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warning ! mentions of eating disorder, lots of crying, all i can think of, lmk if i missed anything.
Tour without Ivy has been weird. There is a missing piece in the puzzle. And while all the boys have been having fun on tour, it’s still not the same. And it’s evident to people everywhere. However, tonight’s the night. They get their girl back.
She called them a few weeks ago with the news that she would be in the audience in Berlin, and then she would join them again on tour. They screamed at this news. like actually screamed. But honestly, who wouldn’t, Ateez is going to be a full nine again. The boys got all hyped on the way to the arena. Jumping around, singing, yelling, a lot of yelling. Soon, they were all backstage chilling while the staff set everything up before rehearsal. 
“Boys,” their manager calls for them. They all look up and see him standing there staring at them. He didn’t say anything, earning a confused look from Hongjoong. They all watch as he walks over to the door and opens it. And in walks Ivy. 
Mingi was of course the first to jump off the couch and run over to her, hugging her tightly, and kissing her softly. The boys all piled over to her, suffocating her in a group hug. 
“Make sure to let her breathe,” the manager said before walking out laughing. 
“Okay, he’s right, let me breathe” she giggled as all the boys backed away, taking a look at her. She was planning on getting ready in the dressing room before she had to go out into the crowd, not wanting to be in her planned outfit longer than she had to. So she had on a pair of mom jeans and one of Mingi’s many tour hoodies. She looked so much healthier and happier. You can only see some much on a FaceTime call. She also cut her hair short with some bangs, that one they haven’t seen. 
“You cut your hair!” Wooyoung pointed out
“Yeah! You like it?” She asked, messing with the ends of her hair
“Love it” Hongjoong smiled. 
Everyone sat down, Mingi has not let go of her since she walked in, he needs to make sure she was there. “So, how was your hiatus?” Jongho asked, watching her sigh a snuggle closer to her boyfriend
“Hell,” she commented “There was nothing to do, I had too much free time. And you know they didn’t even let me drive for the first few weeks?” She scoffed. 
“Yeah, they wanted you to have that time to yourself Livvy, that’s what it’s for” Seonghwa chuckled and ruffled her hair. 
“Don’t care, torture” 
“How dare they make sure you’re safe,” Hongjoong said sarcastically 
“See you get it” Ivy joked along and walked around the room looking for something. 
“What’re you looking for?” Mingi asked, getting up to help her 
“Something to eat” The boys all smiled, it was clear that the hiatus helped. Of course, she’s been through this before, she understood the steps to get through it, and because she was away from her family, and her life, she was more motivated to get better.
“How long did it take?” Yunho asked her. She knew what he meant. How long did it take her to eat a full meal without throwing it up? 
“Not too long, just have to eat foods I’m comfortable with for right now, My therapist told me to eat a new fear food once a week, so I ate a burger yesterday,” She said “I feel like the only thing I can eat without wanting to vomit is salad, fruit, and that’s like it.” 
It’s sad, her once favorite foods have become the foods she fears. She may be back from hiatus, but she is still forever healing. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” one of the stylists came in, smiling when she saw Ivy, “But you guys have to get ready for soundcheck, Ivy, honey, you’re always welcome to join” 
Ivy jumped up and ran over to the stylist, hugging her and filling her in on everything she did and didn’t do over break. The boys all laughed as they followed the girls. They put their earpieces in and get their mics, Ivy looks over and sees her purple mic untouched next to Jongho’s before he picks it up. 
“You wanna come out?” He asked, pointing to her microphone, he hopes she says yes. “There’s Atiny out there, but it’s not a lot” 
“Sure” She smiles and has Mingi help her with her earpieces quickly as she picks her mic up. Mingi slips the mic pack into her back pocket, giving her butt a tap, which would be more surprising if he didn’t do that. He then feeds the attached ear-pieces through her hoodie, letting her catch them from over her shoulders, she lets them dangle there as she turns her mic on. 
“Okay, c’mon.” their manager smiles. The boys rush up to the stage, Mingi holds his girlfriend's waist from behind as he kisses her on the cheek before they follow behind the others. As she went out behind the others, the VIP’s immediately recognized her and started greeting her. She assumed Hongjoong asked them to stay calm, or Atiny was just that brilliant to stay calm in that moment. She felt fairly anxious singing in front of fans again, the last time she did she sounded horrible and then fainted.
“Don’t dance with us, you haven’t stretched and I’m not letting you when you just ate” Hongjoong said sternly, giving her a stool that was set on stage for her. While she was gone, Wooyoung normally took her lines, and she’s excited to hear him sing her lines tonight too. But right now, her lines are hers again. Some staff set some water beside her as the music started. As her lines in New World came up, she felt nerves and excitement build up in her chest. As soon as she started singing, the boys all smiled so brightly while dancing, the VIP fans cheered her on, singing along, and the fans outside started screaming loud enough for her to hear. She chuckled out of disbelief through her lines. After New World, Hongjoong and Seonghwa ran off stage quickly. “What’re they doing?” She asked San who grabbed himself water. The sweat from his forehead dripped onto the stage floor as he looked at her. He shrugged, but it was obvious he knew. 
“What are you guys up to” She giggled as Yeosang and Mingi walk over right as San left. “You’ll see, be patient” Mingi smiled and rubbed her thigh. The stool she sat on was getting uncomfortable, there was no backrest and she just now realized she was slouching. She fixed her posture, showing a face of pain, Yeosang noticed and rubbed her back for a second before she heard a familiar melody play through the speakers. Her song It Will Stop started playing. 
Fans outside started screaming like crazy, and the fans in the arena started freaking out as well. Hongjoong and Seonghwa ran back up on stage, ushering her to sing her lyrics. This song was special to her. It was the first song she wrote for herself. It was the easiest, yet most difficult thing to write. She put all her emotions into the song, knowing that one day, she would relate to it again. 
She sang the song without struggle, her boys watching and singing along with pride. After it ended they all cheered for her. The boys, the fans, the staff, everyone. She felt herself getting shy, smiling with her face hidden in her hands. Yunho jumped over and picked her up over his shoulder, making her squeal and almost drop her mic. Somehow, Mingi and Yunho managed to sit her on both of their shoulders for some pictures. There have been so many pictures and videos taken from this moment. She can’t wait to go home and frame them all.
After a small amount of time, Ivy sat on the edge of the stage to talk to the fans while the boys calmed down. “Hi” she smiled and the Atiny’s greeted her back. “How are you Ivy?” A fan with a deep accent asked. “I’m good how are you guys?” She smiled as a chorus of ‘good’ and ‘great’ was said amongst the small crowd. She felt a hand on her back, making her turn and see Mingi sitting on her left and Wooyoung on her right. They talked to the fans for sometime, avoiding questions of Ivy’s return with simple shrugs and changes of questions.
After soundcheck, they all walked back to the dressing room. Ivy had grabbed her bag full of a change of clothes for the concert from the ‘hangout room’, as they called it. Mingi went in with her, just to have a minute alone. “You sure you don’t want to stay back here and watch?” He asked, hugging her. There was everything she needed in that room, a TV to watch the concert from, a bathroom, food, water, and outlets. Everything. It’s also 10 times safer back here than in the crowd. 
“I’m sure, I got a good spot, the bodyguards will be with me.” There was a spot right behind the pit where staff usually stayed, it was a spot for people to walk through before, after, and during the show. 
“Okay,” he nodded, not arguing with it because he knew she would be in good hands. The two shared a few kisses and giggles before they had to go and get ready. Ivy went into the bathroom to change before everyone else. She walked out wearing a red bodycon dress, a black oversized leather jacket, and some Prada boots. 
“Ah, you look so good!” The stylists all cheered, making the boys all turn and look at her. The dress showed off her figure, she had gotten so much healthier already. 
“This jacket might piss me off three songs in, so if you see me throw this back on, shut your mouth.” She held up the hoodie she was just wearing, making everyone chuckle. 
“You’re so cute” San chuckled and hugged her. 
“How long are you staying back?” Seonghwa questioned
“Right before you guys go on they’re gonna sneak me out” She stated with a smile 
“Good, cause you’re matching the first outfits, it will look good for pictures” Wooyoung clapped.
The time went by, the boys got everything they needed to do done, and finally, they hear the fans piling in and singing as they all got ready. “Ah, handsome” she dramatically sighed and gushed over her boys. They all rolled their eyes as they got ready to take pictures with their girl. The pictures were perfect and so cute, they would more than likely post them that night. 
“Okay, you guys go on here soon, get mic’d up, let's go” Their manager clapped, rushing everyone over to the mics, “I gotta go,” Ivy told them as they put their pic packs back in.
“Just a second Livvy” Hongjoong made her freeze. “Everyone ready?” He looked around, seeing all of them placing their earpieces around their neck. They nod and bundle up in a circle, wrapping their arms around each other as the staff flashes their lights and takes videos. The girl happily dances and jumps next to Mingi and Jongho. “Okay, let’s go out there, perform with our best. We got Ivy with us tonight, so we have to do our absolute best.” Hongjoong goes on with his usual speech and praises “Ivy?”
“Oh, uh, don’t fuck up, I love you guys”
The boys all protested against her ‘speech’ and laughed
“Okay, okay. Just perform like you guys always do, with or without me, I want you guys to do your best, and have so much fun out there.” Mingi smiles and kisses her forehead. 
“Okay, 1,2,3…”
“Nine makes one team!” As a full nine again.
“I love you guys,” she hugged them all individually “I’ll be out there, look for me” 
When she got to Mingi, he wasted no time in giving her a deep kiss, bending himself forward and her into a damn-near backbend. The boys cheered them on as she laughed into the kiss.
She was soon rushed out into the audience, bodyguards circling her, yelling at people to move out of the way. She reached the back of the pit where security and other staff stayed to make sure there were no audience members out of place. 
She smiled and waved at fans who saw her and cheered for her. 
The concert went on amazingly, Ivy sang along with every word. It didn’t take long for Mingi to find her first, after that all the boys would check on her at least 10 times each song. It soon got to that time when the boys all stand there and interact with the fans. 
“And tonight, we have the most special guest” Wooyoung yelled and the crowd screamed. At this point Ivy still didn’t change into her hoodie, the boy assumed she was fairly comfortable in that new jacket. She had her lightstick and phone in hand. The camera panned to her, showing her on the big screen as she laughed and waved at the boys. 
“IVY-AHHHH” San yelled and Yunho clapped with Hongjoong. “She looks amazing doesn’t she Atiny?” 
Ivy continued laughing and covering her face so she didn’t show off her blush. The fans screamed in agreement. “Ivy, I think we all have some things to say,” Hongjoong started “Should I go first? Anyone else wants to go?” 
Yunho and Yeosang shook their heads as the others gestured that he could go first. 
“Since Ivy first came to the company, I knew she was something so special. What I didn’t know were the amazing effects she has had on Ateez.” Atiny cheered after the translator spoke before he continued. “It’s incredible how much you have impacted so many people's life. You make Ateez special Jisoo-ah. And during this hiatus, it’s been hard on us, but we are so glad you took your time to heal. We love you, Ivy, and I think everyone can agree when I say we are glad to have you back home.” 
Ivy was tearing up, mouthing “I love you” to Hongjoong. 
Wooyoung nodded and brought his mic to his lip. Oh god, she thought to herself, this could either embarrass the living fuck out of her or make her bawl her eyes out. “I’m not sure if many people know, but Ivy and I used to not get along,” Ivy laughed at his start off “But now I would say we are the closest we have ever been. Through the years, I’ve got to learn so much about you. I know when you’re upset, happy, or mad. I’ve had the pleasure to watch how much you’ve grown over the years. And I just know how proud your family is of you. And I know you’re dad would be so beyond proud” Oh god, she’s crying. She misses her daddy, so dearly. She hopes he’s proud of her. “I wish you came to me. Or any of us when you were struggling,” now Wooyoung was crying “I love you Jisoo-ah, and I would do anything to see you happy and healthy all the time…” They both bawled as Yunho walked over to Wooyoung, hugging him. Mingi turned away from the crowd as he cried, Jongho tearing up in the corner. The fans all cried and called out. 
Seonghwa sniffed before he spoke up, “Being able to be someone you feel safe around has been such an honor. My number one goal is to always make sure my members are safe and happy, and sometimes, I feel like I fail at that. I know there’s only so much I can do Ivy, I know. Please call me more, please tell me when you need help. Come to me more often. I want to help Olivia. Please let me help” Seonghwa sobbed, begging. Ivy wanted nothing more than to run up on stage and hold every single one of them. 
Yeosang prepared himself for whatever words came out of his mouth when he spoke “I didn’t know you were hurting until it was too late. And, I can’t help but feel I could’ve done more for you. I can’t lose you Ivy-ah, none of us can. We love you, and it hurts going on stage and not having you here. I’m begging you to focus on yourself more.”
Between each speech was a moment of cries. Each member would take their time to prepare themselves, make sure they can say what they need. And a couple times they couldn’t. their speeches would fall short because they can’t say what they need to say like this.
San was next “Atiny and Ateez have been waiting for you, we will always wait for you. You always have support by your side at all times Livvy. We’ve been hoping that you recover well and on your own time, and your being here tonight shows us how well you have been doing. And now you’re home, and we can help you. And be up your butt 24/7” He ends his speech with a slight giggling, hoping to bring light to such an emotional moment. Ivy chuckled through her tears and shook her head. 
“Well, I don’t know about you, Ivy, but I had trouble sleeping last night because I was so excited to see you again. And I think I even texted you” Yunho laughed, tears streaming down “You’ve always supported us when we need you, you’ve always been here for us. You’re probably the most kind and most empathetic person any of us have ever met Jisoo-ah. And even in times when I didn’t think I needed support, you were still there, whether I wanted it or not, you were there. You’ve always been there. And I just can’t believe I let you struggle for so long. Ivy, you deserve everything good in the world. I wish I could just give you the earth” He smiles with the tears falling down his shirt. Jongho nodded to himself, knowing he had to go next. He didn’t have to, but he wanted to and needed to for himself and Ivy. 
“When I first met everyone I kind of felt like the odd one in the group. And then you came in and you had to feel like the odd one,” The crowd laughs along with Ivy as he continued “but I never really knew what it was like to be so close to someone. And ever since you joined our family, I never felt alone. I never felt like I didn’t fit in. You always made sure I got to bond with everyone, and that we made the steps we needed to take to be able to become a family. And now, I look at all of us, and, I can’t even imagine Ateez without Ivy. Ateez wouldn’t be Ateez without any of us, especially you.”
Jongho wasn’t the kind of guy to open up like this, and Ivy never knew these things, she never knew Jongho felt this way…
And finally, Mingi. Ivy couldn’t even prepare herself for Mingi’s speech… her chest tightened, and tears fell as she watched her boyfriend wipe his tears away. 
“Without you, I don’t think I would be the person I am now. Without you, Ateez wouldn’t be Ateez. I’ve always wanted to just feel loved and cared about. And being with you, it’s taught me so much about myself. I just- I can’t believe how far all of us have gone. I can’t believe this is my life. And it’s thanks to you Jisoo-ah. Watching you grow and become the woman you are, it’s incredible. And I always think about all the times we’ve stayed up later writing songs, or just talking because we couldn’t sleep. Our Facetime calls, our late night snack time. All of it is so special to me. I love you so much, Olivia. I’m nothing without you.” 
They all cried and hugged, wishing they could have Ivy up there, but they had to move on before things got caught up. The concert went on and ended after a few more songs. She would’ve loved to stay in the audience for the encore, but she had to run backstage before then so she didn’t get lost in a moving crowd. She ran through the halls once the manager told her they were out there, Mingi was of course the first she reached. He lifted her as she wrapped her legs around his. She cried into his shoulder, mumbling ‘I love you’s into his shirt. Mingi continued walking with her like that, rubbing her back before placing her on the ground once reaching the dressing room. The other boys all got to hug her and cry with her at last. 
She’s home. And they weren’t a complete home without her.
taglist: @atolua @skzfairies @itzy-eve @cixrosie @stopeatread @alixnsuperstxr @smh-anon @txt-yaomi @starmaniic
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macleod · 1 year
Since everything is getting worse, maybe you should get into anarcho doomerism. It's a mood booster because you're right about it never getting better
That response was mainly as a joke, sort of. The idea that in the consumer market everything is becoming more expensive and that the megacorps are making less quality products are just the natural end-goal of late-stage capitalism (do people still call it that?).
I am above all a positive longtermist (not in the effective altruist way, mind you), nihilistic at times, pessimistic sure in the short-term, but forever hopeful for the longterm end of humanity to do the right thing, become better, and that life will become monumentally easier for everyone through the use and development of innovative new technologies that help usher in and bring better social attitudes and equality in all forms. Anarcho-anything (especially 'doomerists') are not positivist, nor are they equality bringers. The only outcome in those societies is fragmentation of beliefs and standards (and a rapid increase in "them versus us", "Our blessed homeland versus their barbarous wastes") which will bring insurmountable amounts of human rights violations, and long-term static developments of scientific, technological, and social change for the masses. Anarchism is beneficial in small sects, but not for all. It is not scientific in nature, and against the sharing of knowledge and development. While I understand the momentary appeal of a "land without rulers" it just logistically doesn't make much sense. Have you ever tried working on a group project? or plan an event for more than one person?
I realize this response is more than what you were likely intending, but I am not in any way, shape, or form a doomer. Humanity for the past hundred years has gotten insanely better, insanely more complex, and insanely more equal and knowledgeable. We have hard times, we create problems, but we solve them, and we innovate. A hundred years ago nearly no one had electricity, children died en masse, mothers died in childbirth, most couldn't read, and disease was rampant and far more deadly. We are living in the greatest epoch of humanity, we surely have our own problems, but those will be solved, eventually, and new, better, problems will arise.
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bethanysmiled · 5 months
uughghg I feel so disconnected from this username but I'll put it under a cut. CW: suicide/death mention
As an artist, I'm always changing in some way. I always accept the changes wholeheartedly, bc that's what growth is. I feel this username is associated with a part of me who is gone now and I worry sometimes people except a certain sort of content, which I obviously wouldn't force myself to produce. I heavily associate this username with a horrific time in my life bc things began to get really rough around the time I began to use this username and then ofc I went on long hiatuses during the use of this username. My sister's death was not an overnight event. Her physical and mental health deteriorated over the course of years. During those years, it consumed me entirely. Mind, body and soul. That's when I became less and less active. That chapter of my life was horrific, but it has passed. When I say 'passed', I mean to say that my sister is gone and will never come back to me. I am existing in a way I never have before, I'm learning to cope and carry on without someone who made up half of my fucking soul and shaped me in too many ways to count. I'm now in a new place mentally and physically, and using this old username really just reminds me of the difficult times and the art I had created back then. I also draw Fortune much less bc my sister and I heavily bonded over her. She became a comfort character for my sister, and she drew her almost daily for me and made me various other gifts. I often see Fortune now as someone who harbors sadness and loss. It's not entirely the case, but in a lot of ways its hard to draw her now. She was my happiness, and I am blessed she was happiness for my sister too. Now, it's hard to find that comfort in her. Anyway, those reasons are why I want to change my username but have no ideas! ALL of my usernames have been inspired by BMSR/Tobacco in the past but I haven't really connected to any songs lately. WOW rant but it's been on my mind for years. If I go with a new username, I won't abandon this account or anything. At least I'm super happy to say I've finally connected to a new nickname! I have been going by Pony for a long time now, I wish it were my real name lol But it's really really nice to have found a connection with a nickname. Anyway thank you for reading and for following me through all my ups and downs and hiatuses and changes.
edit also:
I still heavily associate with the word ‘hole’, so it would be cool to find username with that word. I love the idea of holes and not knowing what is in them. I also have a connection to sunflowers in more recent years, but the word is so long. Idk! Usernames tend to just come to me, so that’s partially why I haven’t officially moved on from this username even tho I have tried 💀 I always revert back bc others didn’t feel right. Anyway.
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 month
Monkey King: Hero Is Back (2015) 西游记之大圣归来
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Director: Tian Xiaopeng Screenwriter: Tian Xiaopeng / Liu Hu / Mi Li / Jin Ran / Jin Cheng Starring: Zhang Lei / Lin Zijie / Wu Wenlun / Tong Zirong / Liu Jiurong / Wu Di / Liu Beichen / Zhao Qianjing / Zhou Shuai Genre: Drama / Animation / Fantasy Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese / Cantonese Date: 2015-07-10 (Mainland China) Duration: 89 minutes Also known as: Return of the Monkey King / Monkey King /Journey to the West 3D / CUG: King of Heroes / 西遊記之大聖歸來 / 大圣归来 / 猴王 / 西游记3D IMDb: tt4644382 Type: Retelling
The all-powerful Monkey King, Sun Wukong, is imprisoned by the Buddha within an ice cage deep within the mountains for rebelling against heaven.
500 years later, Mountain Trolls attack a group of travelers, all except for a baby boy named Liuer are killed, and Liuer is adopted by a monk after floating down a river in a basket. (The name Jiang Liuer means River Flow Child.) Several years later, the same trolls invade a small village and kidnap 49 young children. Liuer saves one of the baby girls and is chased by the trolls for doing so. He stumbles into the cave where the Monkey King was imprisoned, and unknowingly releases him from his curse. Sun Wukong defeats the trolls, although he is only able to use physical attacks, since a remnant of Buddha's seal prevents him from regaining his magical powers, causing him pain whenever he tries to harness his magic.
Wukong attempts to break the Buddha's seal to no avail. Liuer and the girl enthusiastically greet Wukong, not knowing he has lost his powers, and pester him with endless questions. (One example is when Liuer asks if the god Nezha is a boy or a girl. Wukong answers, a girl.) Annoyed, Wukong attempts to avoid the two, but is unable to evade them. A stone monster, created by the Buddha to keep Wukong imprisoned, attacks the three. Liuer manages to undo the spell on the monster, but falls off a cliff in the process. When he awakes, he finds out Wukong has saved him.
The three come upon Bajie, the Heavenly Immortal "Tian Peng Yuan Shuai" (Marshal of Heavenly Canopy) that Wukong defeated when he rebelled against Heaven 500 years ago, now reincarnated into a pig demon. Though Wukong is again hesitant, Bajie joins the group as well. They also run into a white dragon that attacks them and tries to eat Liuer but Sun Wukong scares it off. (This also happened in the original canon, although unlike in the original books, the dragon does not turn into a white horse.)
They stay overnight at an inn, but its owners turn out to be Trolls in disguise, who try to kidnap the baby. More trolls arrive and Wukong fights them off. The leader of the monsters, Hun Dun, appears, defeating Wukong and capturing the girl. After Wukong refuses to pursue them, Liuer goes ahead to save them on his own.
Hun Dun reveals his plan to sacrifice all the children they have kidnapped in order to gain magical powers. Liuer meets with his mentor, Fa Ming, to try to rescue them but nearly get captured. Wukong finds a doll of himself that Liuer had and realises how important of a figure he is. He and Bajie go to help Liuer. Saving Liuer and the 49 children, Wukong defeats the monsters. However, a solar eclipse occurs, and Hun Dun turns into a giant monstrous beast. Liuer is seemingly crushed by the rubble from Hun Dun's rampage. Upon seeing the boy's apparent death, Sun Wukong is devastated. Full of fury, he forcibly breaks Buddha's Seal, regaining his original supernatural powers, and easily defeats Hun Dun.
The final part of this movie connects to the themes in the original canon. Sun Wukong only regains his powers when he fights for someone else rather than himself, as Sun Wukong's powers are meant to protect the monk Xuanzang/TangSeng/Tang Sanzang against evil and lead the monk to enlightenment. Sun Wukong as a character is also meant to represent an enlightened mind, which is why Sun Wukong's staff emerges from his head. Jiang Liuer himself is the younger Xuanzang, since he only received the name Xuanzang after he was ordained.
In the end, Liuer is shown to have survived Hun Dun's rampage, and they return the abducted children to their families.
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/26277313/
Link: https://ww16.0123movie.net/movie/monkey-king-hero-is-back-6781.html
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imoosgnaj · 6 months
(🔮) /// Soomi in Stray Kids 4th fan meeting: SKZ MAGICSCHOOL
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Taglist: @mynameisnotlaura @hyunmikim @xakx @klmllr
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magz · 2 years
Saw this in blazed post
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ID: An infographic by "Global Digital Citizen Foundation", titled "The Ultimate Cheatsheet for Critical Thinking" "Want to exercise critical thinking skills? Ask these questions whenever you discover or discuss new information. These are broad and versatile questions that have limitless applications!" Who: ... benefits from this? ... is this harmful to? … makes decisions about this? … is most directly affected? ... have you also heard discuss this? ... would be the best person to consult? ... will be the key people in this? ... deserves recognition for this?
What: ... are the strengths/weaknesses? ... is another perspective? ... is another alternative? ... would be a counter-argument? ... is the best/worst case scenario? ... is most/least important? ... can we do to make a positive change? ... is getting in the way of our action?
Where: ... would we see this in the real world? ... are there similar concepts/situations? ... is there the most need for this? ... in the world would this be a problem? ... can we get more information? ... do we go for help with this? ... will this idea take us? ... are the areas for improvement?
When: ... is this acceptable/unacceptable? ... would this benefit our society? ... would this cause a problem? ... is the best time to take action? ... will we know we've succeeded? ... has this played a part in our history? ... can we expect this to change? ... should we ask for help with this?
Why: ... is this a problem/challenge? ... is it relevant to me/others? … is this the best/worst scenario? ... are people influenced by this? ... should people know about this? ... has it been this way for so long? … have we allowed this to happen? ... is there a need for this today?
How: ... is this similar to [blank]? ... does this disrupt things? ... do we know the truth about this? ... will we approach this safely? ... does this benefit us/others? ... does this harm us/others? … do we see this in the future? ... can we change this for our good?
End of ID.
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fallout4reacts · 11 months
Which of the following companions / npcs would be the most supportive OR helpful (since supportive is not always the most helpful) if the sole survivor is struggling with a chem addiction (that they wish to keep secret)? Please give reasonings in replies!!
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useless19 · 2 months
+2 originally had a different ending. I'm happier with the ending I have now, but I thought that some people would like to see how it could have gone if I'd managed to wrangle the characters properly. Behold, one of my rare deleted scenes.
(The first paragraph is still the same to show where it splits).
Dry — dry enough at least — Optimus returned to the berthroom. The smell of acid cleaner was strong. It had obliterated the lingering scents of lubricant and energon, but there was a comforting warm oily scent layered over the top. Megatron laid a tarp over the stained and scratched sheet metal, it glistened invitingly.
"I do not wish to impose," Optimus found himself saying.
"I have no qualms about dropping you down the elevator shaft should I feel you've imposed upon me," Megatron said. "You should recharge, Optimus."
Optimus sat on the edge of the berth and was delighted to find that the tarp was as oiled as it looked and it appeared to be made up of the same circuitry that lay beneath the surface of a berth. It was warm with charge and already threatened to shut down his systems.
"Scoot over," Knock Out said, finally finished with his drying process and looking remarkably streak-free for it. "Megatron has a thing about being trapped in a corner."
"Knock Out still has his car alarm from Earth," Megatron said, as Optimus obligingly moved further onto the berth towards the wall. "If you bump him too hard during recharge it'll go off."
"I have been told that I talk during my recharge fluxes," Optimus said before they could devolve into further pettiness. He really hoped it wasn't his presence increasing friction where they would normally be civil.
Knock Out got onto the berth and transformed. He shifted his wheels so his undercarriage was lying fully on the tarp. The charge running through the circuitry connected with a snap and he gave a satisfied hum, snuggling down into it.
Optimus hadn't recharged in the same berth as someone else — let alone two someone elses — for at least a few centuries. He took the time to manually disengage his battle protocols so that he wouldn't automatically do something he'd regret upon being nudged during the night. It was a foreign, the thought of friendly (potentially more than friendly) touch during recharge. Optimus still couldn't quite shake the surreal feeling of it all.
"Sweet dreams," Knock Out said.
Megatron sat on the edge of the berth but didn't lie down. His optics flicked between Knock Out, Optimus, and Optimus's leg. Optimus pushed himself back up to put a hand on Megatron's shoulder between sharp curves.
"Would you like to talk about something?" Optimus asked.
Megatron shook his helm. "No, Optimus, I'm merely distracted."
"I can recharge in another room," Optimus offered. "Or return to my own hab. This is your berth, Megatron. I would like for you to be comfortable here."
"I'm fine," Megatron said, pushing Optimus's hand away.
"Then will you recharge? With us?" Until the words left Opitmus's voice box, he hadn't realised how much he wanted this. Interface was an intimate experience and the soft warmth of being cleaned and having a berth prepared would be too much to bear without also knowing that the mechs responsible were also comfortable in any way Optimus could make them. To enjoy the mutual vulnerability of close recharge.
Megatron looked like he dearly wanted to shout something and storm away or, more likely, put his sword through Optimus's spark, but he only ex-vented slowly. He glanced at Optimus's leg again with its bare rims.
"Very well." Megatron lay down stiffly. "Do you have any more demands?"
Optimus settled himself on the berth. The tarp was wonderfully live, even with two other mechs draining its power. "No."
"Run a proper defrag for once," Knock Out said.
Megatron's engine grumbled, however, he didn't sound truly annoyed. Optimus reached over to grip Megatron's hand. Megatron ex-vented, armour settling down somewhat. He twisted his hand around, rough gladiator claws threading between flat archivist digits.
"Goodnight, Optimus." Megatron laughed quietly when Knock Out revved. "And to you as well, Knock Out."
"Thank you both for letting me experience this," Optimus said. "Goodnight, Megatron. Knock Out."
"If neither of you start recharging I'm going to plug in and force the issue," Knock Out threatened. "Goodnight."
Optimus squeezed Megatron's hand and was pleased when Megatron squeezed back. He ran a venting cycle and then set his shutdown routine going. Between the spent charge and the warm electric tarp, he would hopefully have a good rest.
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35letters · 10 months
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(via Polysmiths refurbishes Walden basement flat to evoke woodland cabin)
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