redswaberkez · 8 months
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angry-and-small · 11 months
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im so normal about them ahahahaha....yep...normal . . . bonus:
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juanarc-thethird · 1 year
What If... #2
Yang: Jaune, do you have any other magic tricks that you can show us?
Jaune: Yes I do. *Take out a top hat*
Weiss: Wait, where did you keep that?
Jaune: ✨Magic✨
Blake: Maybe he keeps it in his pants?
Jaune: No.. is ✨Magic✨
Ruby: Maybe he keeps it in his armor?
Jaune: *Upset* Do you want to see the magic trick or not?!
Yang: Jeez, calm down.
Blake: Sorry, please show us.
Jaune: Thank you. *Ahem* And now, I'm going to make a rabbit appear from this hat.
Yang: *Sarcastic* Wow, so original
Weiss: *Hits yang with her elbow*
Yang: Ouch. What the hell?
Weiss: Don't be rude. Jaune, please continue.
Jaune: Thank you Weiss.So, as I was saying, I'm going to make a rabbit appear out of this hat.
Jaune ✨magically✨ moves her hands up the top of the hat and then finishes by tapping the hat. Suddenly a penguin appears sticking its head out of the hat.
Blake: What the...?
Weiss: That's not right.
Penguin: *To Jaune* Sup
Jaune: *Confuse* You are not a rabbit.
Penguin: Yeah...
Jaune: What happen?
Penguin: There are no rabbits
Jaune: What?
Penguin: There are no more rabbits.
Jaune: How are there no more rabbits? Look for one.
Penguin: Ok *Gets inside the hat*
Jaune: Sorry about that. It happens some times.
Yang: *Chuckles* Sure, take your time.
Ruby: You know that penguin?
Jaune: Kind of....
Penguin: *Pops up* Hey
Jaune: What?
Penguin: I didn't find a rabbit.
Jaune: Did you look everywhere?
Penguin: Yes, but nothing. Would you prefer a crab?
Yang: *Chuckles again*
Jaune: What?! No, I don't want a crab. I want a rabbit. Have you ever seen a magician that makes a crab appear?
Penguin: You can be the first to do it.
Yang: *Trying to hold her laughter*
Weiss: *Whispers to Yang* Stop it
Jaune: No, I want a rabbit.
Penguin: *Sigh* I'll look again *Leaves*
Jaune: *Looking at the girls, embarrassed* Just a moment.
Penguin: Hey.
Jaune: *Annoyed* What?!
Yang: *Covering her mouth*
Ruby: *She starts having fun* hehe..
Weiss: *Trying no to chuckle* Stop it you two.
Blake: *smiles* Is kind of funny.
Penguin: *To Jaune* Are you sure you don't want a crab?
At this moment the four girls began to have fun but they held back their laughter so as not to upset Jaune.
Jaune: I don't want a crab! I want a rabbit!!
Penguin: Are you sure?
Jaune: Yes I'm sure!
Penguin: Ok *Leaves*
Ruby: *Trying her best not to laugh* You can... *Chuckles* You can show us your magic trick later if you want.
Jaune: Thanks Ruby, but you'd rather finish this…
Penguin: *Wearing Rabbit ears* Hey.
Jaune: *Smiles* And that's all for today friends. A round of applause to my assistant Pablo. *he points to the penguin*
Penguin: *Bows his head* Thank you, thank you.
Ruby: *Trying to breathe after all the laughing* Wait.. Wait... Was all this planned?
Jaune: Yep. I had this ready for when I ran into someone again.
Penguin: We started practicing this trick ten years ago
Ruby: *Remembering that Jaune has been here for a long time* Oh…
Jaune: Yeah, I had a lot of free time.
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everettswritings · 2 months
Can I have a request from you to write about ler!Dark Cacao Cookie, Lee!Crunchy Chip Cookie and Lee!Caramel Arrow Cookie? The context is that They are arguing and teasing with each other just to impressed their king, but Dark Cacao teach Them a lesson to be get along by tickling Them?
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Yep! (NSFW/Kink accounts DNI)
The cold winds of the Dark Cacao Kingdom had been quieter than normal, but no one was complaining nor could they complain. It wasn’t often that the weather was kind to the denizens of this ancient land. Naturally, everyone seized the opportunity given to them and they began to work and train double-time- including Caramel Arrow Cookie and Crunchy Chip Cookie. The First Watcher and the Commander of the Cream Wolves were rather friendly with each other, sharing banter that could only be described as sibling-like, but being like brother and sister- regardless of how close the two were- would always come with a little… competition. Today was no exception, in fact: it was amplified. The two were at each other’s throats right in front of His Majesty, scrambling to prove that one was better than the other.
“My King, I’m certainly much faster than Crunchy Chip Cookie! My training as a Watcher has only made me more agile and quick.” Argued Caramel Arrow Cookie.
“Puh-lease!” Retorted Crunchy Chip Cookie, “Even if I’m not that fast, which I am, I’m still the better mountain climber! My training, which is even harder and more rigorous, has made me more proficient in the mountains than any other cookie!”.
Dark Cacao Cookie sighed and massaged his temple. At first he found the tiniest bit of humor, even cuteness in this behavior, but now it was starting to grow as irritating as dealing with actual children. Sometimes he wondered if the warriors before him were actually children.
“Crunchy Chip Cookie, Caramel Arrow Cookie, you two have no need to act like this.” The old king began, his tone displaying exasperation, “Yes, the both of you have your expertise and skill in different fields; but does that mean you two have to constantly compete with each other? No. In fact, you both make it sound like you’ve already forgotten the most important lesson you’ve learned.”. The warriors shared a glance, then looked back at their king, “What do you mean by that, Your Majesty?” Asked Caramel Arrow Cookie as Dark Cacao Cookie started to step closer. The ancient hero set his hands on either of his warriors, a stern and almost playful look on his face, “So you’ve truly forgotten, haven’t you? For shame, First Watcher! I suppose I will have to teach you two this lesson again…” His hands started to drift towards their sides’ as he pulled them closer.
“M-My King? What’re you- HAHAHAHAHA!” Crunchy Chip Cookie was cut off by his own laughter, his beloved king had started tickling the both of them! The two started to squirm and laugh under Dark Cacao Cookie’s touch, his hands digging into their sides and lightly brushing their ribs on occasion. The king had figured that since they both acted like children, he may as well give them that treatment. The two were immediately subdued, unable to withstand this ticklish nightmare!
“Hahahaha! Ahahahaha! Y-Your Majehehesty! Hahaha! No more!” Caramel Arrow Cookie pleaded, Crunchy Chip Cookie followed suit, “Ahahahahaha! Aha! Hahahaha! My King, stop!”. Dark Cacao Cookie’s face was graced with the smallest of smiles “Have you remembered your lesson yet?” He teasingly asked, only to be met with more laughter and shaking heads. Something that resembled a chuckle escaped his lips as his hands finally came to a stop with their tickling, and he shook his head. “You two are utterly hopeless,” His tone shifted to that of a gentle one “the most important lesson is that all warriors of this kingdom are the same at heart. You both have different skills, but you both still had the same weaknesses and downfall. The same can be said for every other warrior of the Dark Cacao Kingdom, but in the end they would still fight until their last crumbs for their homeland. That is what matters, not this petty nonsense about who’s better. Do you understand?”.
Caramel Arrow Cookie and Crunchy Chip Cookie exchanged glances once more, then nodded, “We understand, Your Majesty.” Crunchy Chip Cookie said sheepishly “I… We are deeply sorry, Your Majesty.” Caramel Arrow Cookie apologized. Dark Cacao Cookie nodded “Good. Now… for your earlier behavior.” The king grinned a little wider this time and began tickling the two again, his hands going after the exact same spots as last time.
The sounds of their laughter filled the halls of the Citadel… and even the heart of their king, at least for the next few minutes or so. It pained him to eventually let go, though. It had been so long since…
That’s all! Writing this made me think of some scenarios I’ve got about my OC and Dark Choco(they’re siblings) and I kinda wanna write that now, maybe as a sort of prequel to this fic. Also, I know I said I’ll shoot for 4-5 requests this evening, but I’m more drained than I thought. I guess I should’ve known better than to make myself write so much when I’m still reeling in from band camp, nursing mild heat exhaustion and sunburns, but you only live once. Have a good one 🫶
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diy-fire-water-pups · 2 months
“Hey, pups! Chase here! I have a question for all of you! What do you guys think of Sweetie? I know that I, for one, do not like being around her, especially not after all the times she’s tried to mess with us, but… I’ll be a professional and say that she’s… tolerable.”
“What do you guys think?”
@pcwpatrol 💙
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"Tolerable"... Ahahahaha!! Good one, good one. I'll go ahead and say we all agree with you on that. Right?
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Yep. I could add that I think she needs to get a life. Maybe being royalty isn't all that nice, she doesn't ever leave the castle. I would be bored in a month after getting to explore the whole place.
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Dude, thinking about it, if she doesn't ever leave the castle, that means she doesn't have FRIENDS. That's sad! I feel bad for her now.
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Wanna try befriending her? I'll get the popcorn to watch.
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I never said that! I think she needs friends but that doesn't mean I'm signing up for it!
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But Zuma does have a point... Maybe she's like that, always scheming to become the queen, just because she wants people to give her attention. If she doesn't have friends, she must be feeling lonely...
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Oh no, don't you dare make me feel sad for her now too!
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ejunkiet · 9 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Game
tagged by the wonderful @autisticempathydaemon (chrissy my beloved <33 also you HAVE to let me know if you start writing for castleaudios >:3)
tagging - you, reading this!! also (no pressure!): @dominimoonbeam @glassbearclock @taelonsamada @romirola @lovelylonerliterature @genginger @ninzied @evilbunnyking @nerdierholler @commander-krios @chroniclesinlacuna @kesla @mordinette @garglyswoof @nagia-pronounced-neijia
1 - How many works do you have on AO3?
oh god, 128! but this is an underestimate, because i've anon'd some older fics/fandoms hehehe. i've been 'round ao3 since 2012!
2 - What's your total AO3 word count?
498,649... now this is actually accurate. 300k of that is from 2020 until now. basically the pandemic got me on a writing kick.
3 - What fandoms do you write for?
SO MANY. 19 according to ao3, but right now? baldurs gate & redacted audios >:3 there is another halsin fic in the works...
4 - What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
oh god. okay. you'll get some older fics here: 1. got me on my best (bad) behaviour 2. Call me scent o' mental, but I'm crazy about you (teen wolf....) 3. all bark, no bite 4. devils and ghosts (frank castle / karen page!! love this one heh) 5. sweeter than honey (ofc halsin makes it ahaha)
5 - Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
YES. there are only a few exceptions, when I've written something that touches close to home / a sensitive topic.
6 - What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmm...bittersweet endings were my wheelhouse for a long time. OKAY. let's do this one: too little, too late. caroline forbes and klaus mikaelson, set at the end of the originals. yeah.
7 -What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
....nowadays, I mostly write happier endings sadhfjk lets go with: bioluminescence, which follows on from the events of blood moon (@/barbwrites) and takes marco on a roadtrip to see luminescent algae up close and personal. (it's a loveletter to a summer I spent in california during a really difficult period of my life, and this fic means a lot to me <3)
8 - Do you get hate on fics?
I've not gotten hate, but I've definitely had some interesting comments over the years, for a variety of reasons, usually to do with the person's personal views. (one story had the main character smoking pot to calm their anxiety, and someone was not happy with that)
9 - Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
YEP. Smut with feelings is my FAVOURITE thing. I prefer sensual descriptions, because it is all about feelings and sensations with me. as an ace writer, I also like kink and monster fuckery heheheh.
10 - Do you write crossovers?
Not at all ahahahaha. Have I ever written a crossover? I don't think so. I love AUs though, and pacific rim AUs are one of my favourite concepts in fandom.
11 - Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, and it was teen wolf, and honestly not one of my best. it was a hatchet job, they took random paragraphs and spliced it / wrote around it? someone flagged it to me in a comment, and it was taken down. all in all, a very weird experience.
12 - Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but gosh, that'd be cool! <- stealing from lexi, agreed, would be awesome <3
13 - Have you ever co-written a fic before?
YES. It was FUN. It was a series of conversations between an estranged father and son, Colm and Milo Greer, with the incredibly talented @frenchiefitzhere (also tagging you for this meme!!). it's still one of my favourite things: An Honest Man Like Yourself
14 - What's your all time favorite ship?
ALL TIME FAVOURITE? How dare you. I love all my ships afjkdsfg Shakarian is pretty high up there. Kastle (karen page/ frank castle). All the werewolves from redacted. <3
15 - What's a WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
ahhhh. okay. 'wander. wonder.' my poly longfic. don't hate me, but honestly, I've just not got the space for a longfic at the moment. never say never, but I've caught up with the chapters I had worked up, everything else is a vague outline. <3
16 - What are your writing strengths?
oof. I want to say character. most of the fun for me when writing is getting inside a characters head and figuring out their voice >:3
17 - What are your writing weaknesses?
Structuring longer, multi-chaptered stories - basically figuring out the pacing of it. I'm working on an original project, and I love it, but the first series of major edits will be breaking up my alternating POV sections into proper chapter breaks and letting myself linger more in moments instead of pushing forward (habits of a oneshot writer fdsds)
18 - Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've been meaning to have my estonian friend critique my estonian, but I'm pretty positive the 'bond' I referred to is actually the money kind, and not the emotional attachment I'd been hoping to refer to hfjdkssfdg. I do as much research as I can, but it's best to run it past someone who speaks the language!
19 - First fandom you wrote for?
hehehehe naruto. yep. I was a naruto kid. first posted online in 2007......
20 - Favorite fic you've written?
WHAT A QUESTION. honestly, I love what I have been writing the last three years. I've really let myself just write what I want to read, and it's been great. i'm going to cheat, and say the original project I'm working on that I won't let anyone see heheheh. <3 it's got werewolves, kink and explicit consent, and spun out a whole verse for me to play with (and a fun MMF sidestory that I also need to finish...)
gods this got LONG. Thank you for making it this far!! <3
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mushroompollution · 1 month
As Elliot leaves his dorm, pausing for the valet at his side to lock the door, he's approached by another student. The young man, with curly hair and big, brown eyes, gives a nervous wave.
"Welcome back, E-Elliot Nightray--" his voice shakes hesitantly, which only seems to annoy Elliot, causing his eyebrows to twitch together.
Still, the hotheaded lord manages to keep from yelling. After all, this student had addressed him formally, and that kind of respect tends to go straight to his head. He gives the other student a nod. "Yeah, you too, uhhhh--"
"Marcel," Leo says from Elliot's side. He gives the young man a cheery smile. "nice to see you."
"Oh! Y-you too," Marcel responds. It's likely he doesn't know the valet's name, and Leo makes no effort to remind him. However, as an awkward pause builds and Marcel fidgets, it quickly becomes obvious he hadn't expected to make it this far.
Elliot huffs and hikes the black instrument case he carries up on his shoulder, throws a half wave, half peace sign flippantly as he turns to leave. "We're running kind of late. See you around, er--"
His voice trails just ever so subtly, and Leo leans closer to whisper to his master.
"--Marcel," Elliot finishes, without missing another beat.
"How did you know that guy?" Elliot asks as they leave the dorm.
"he was in a couple of your first year classes. and you saved him from some bullies a few weeks before school let out for summer."
"This summer?"
"Huh. Why don't I remember him?"
"well, he--"
"WAIT. Don't tell me. It's obviously because I've saved so many people from bullies that--"
"ahahahaha pffftt," Leo's laughter, more earnest than usual, cuts him off. "haha yeah. i'm sure that's why, Elliot."
"Hey!!" Elliot shoots his servant a spiteful glare.
"you reprimanded him afterwards."
Elliot goes quiet, racking his brain. Finally, it seems to click. "Oh. He must've had a serious growth spurt over the summer, wasn't he smaller than you?"
"a real late bloomer~"
"Well hopefully he's learned to stand up for himself a little better, too."
Leo nods. "i don't think Josephine will be making him play dress up anymore, at least."
"Wait. What??"
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canonickero · 1 month
Random head canon that affects nothing: Steve's heart is on the wrong side of his body. Or right side, I suppose(pun joke ahahahaha)
Ponyboy puts his hand on Steve's chest where his heart is SUPPOSED to be(to Steve's left) and goes "yep, I knew you were a heartless bastard"
Ponyboy is a smart mouthed kid, but unlike Dally, Steve doesn't ever hit him or threaten to. He just takes the disrespect because he loves that kid to death. They can joke sometimes. Maybe Steve shoves him a little bit or challenges him to a very unfair arm wrestle.
Steve knew all his life that his heart should be on the left, but he never mentioned that his heart was on the wrong side to anyone because he thought he was crazy.(Irregular heartbeat Steve, anyone?)
Maybe all of his organs are switched, he wouldn't know. Very few greasers go to their yearly checkups, let alone one like Steve. And even fewer of them get anything like that checked out. He just kind of lives without even thinking about it. And then he thinks about it randomly and he thinks about it for way too long, and then forgets again. Steve probably looked weird with his hand shifted to the right on his chest when they made him do the pledge of allegiance in grade school. But he knows damn well that his heart isn't on the left, he will put his hand over his heart exactly as he was told(autism) so he doesn't care. It's just a fun fact about him that nobody believes until they check for themselves.
Soda probably comments on it more than Steve ever thinks about it. Soda's a curious guy, he's probably got his hands and ear all over Steve's chest to find exactly where his heart rests. And that's where he lays at night when Steve comes over and Soda has to camp out on the couch(Sodapop is lactose intolerant and sleeps on the couch when he can't resist ice cream or other dairy besides his morning chocolate milk. He does that so that he doesn't bother Ponyboy with his tummy ache. Occasionally one of the guys ends up coming over, but they have an armchair anyways. Steve the type of guy to lay with his "best friend" though. Steve helps soothe the aches.[little bit of Stevepop... S.E. if you didn't want us to ship them why did you make them so god damn queer.])
Soda comments on Steve's heartbeat as per usual, makes them both think about it for a while, and then they just pass out and forget about it until next time. Steve says he's been meaning to get that checked out. He probably never will unless someone drags his ass to a hospital and makes him an appointment with a cardiologist.
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kusuguricafe · 10 months
Spring Fever 🌸
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A/N: thank you for the request, anon! apologies for the wait, I was having some pretty bad writer's block 😔
Summary: Miyano has something on his mind that he can't seem to shake. He soon learns that Sasaki is quite the force to be reckoned with!
Characters: switches Sasaki and Miyano
“Yes, Mya-chan?”
It was a beautiful spring day outside. The two lovebirds had just finished having lunch together and were now sitting side by side, leaning against each other underneath a cherry blossom tree. Miyano had had something on his mind all day that he couldn’t stop thinking about, and as the cherry blossom petals fell quietly around them, now seemed like as good a time as any to finally bring it up.
“A-are you, ticklish?”
“Yeah, isn’t everyone?”
“Not everyone, but…”
“Why'd you ask?”
“Uh…” (Because he really wanted to tickle him.) “I-I just…” (He wanted to hear him laugh, to be the cause of that laughter. He wanted to feel Sasaki squirm beneath his touch, completely at his mercy—)
“You want to tickle me?”
“I—! Maybe… Yeah.”
Sasaki smiled. “You can, I don’t mind.”
Miyano turned to look up at him. “R-really?”
“Yep. Go on, show me what you’ve got.” Sasaki nonchalantly put his hands behind his head as he leaned back against the tree.
That wasn’t exactly the reaction Miya was hoping for, but he’ll take what he can get. Since Sasaki had already given him such easy access, Miyano reached up and skittered his fingers along Sasaki’s underarms. A slight smile tugged at the corners of Sasaki’s lips as he furrowed his brow.
“You can do better than that,” Sasaki taunted.
“Oh yeah?” Miyano was feeling eager, so he quickly clambered onto Sasaki’s lap and latched onto his hips.
“EEHEHE whahaha-wahahahahahahait!”
“How’s this, huh?”
“Pfftahahaha! Yohou certainly cahahaught me ohohohohoff guahahahard!” Sasaki playfully grabbed at Miyano’s hands, without any real intent to make him stop.
“I’m gonna find your worst spot! Is it here? Here? Maybe right here?” Miyano poked and prodded at Sasaki’s waist, abdomen, and right inside his belly button.
“Ooh, riiight here? Is this a good spot?” Miyano gently wiggled his finger around inside of Sasaki’s belly button.
“Ahahahaha nohohooo!”
“Hm, what about here?” Miyano began rubbing his thumbs into Sasaki’s ribs.
“Oh, I see! Maybe I was using the wrong technique before. Are the rougher tickles worse?” Testing this theory, Miyano went back to Sasaki’s underarms and this time, instead of scratching lightly, he vibrated his fingers firmly into his hollows.
Sasaki practically screamed. “AAAAAHAHAHAHA WAHAHAHAHAHAHA! MIYAAHA- *Sasaki’s laughter goes silent* AHAHAHAHAIEEEYAHAHA!!”
Miyano’s big brown eyes sparkled with joy. “Oh my gosh! Wait, so I was right the first time? This has to be your most ticklish spot!”
Sasaki clutched his stomach and fell softly to the right into a pile of cherry blossom petals. He threw his head back and kicked his legs uselessly. Miyano was unrelenting, having a little too much fun.
“MIHIHIHIHIYAHAHA! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Sasaki grabbed Miyano’s hands with vigor and pulled him down into the pile of petals beside him.
“I… I didn’t know you had it in you!” Sasaki panted.
“I-I didn’t go too far, did I?” Miyano asked, turning to look at Sasaki.
Sasaki turned his head to face Miyano as well. “No, I’m just surprised.”
“Oh, good,” Miyano sighed.
Sasaki grinned. He formed his hands into claws and wiggled his fingers at Miya. “Now it’s your turn!”
Miyano’s eyes widened. Before he had a chance to react, Sasaki was already on top of him. He clawed at Miyano’s ribs, pinched his waist, and scribbled against his tummy.
“AAAAHahahAHAHA! N-nahahAHA!”
“Coochie coochie coo~! I think you’re even more ticklish than I am, Mya-chan!”
“Oho, does somebody have sensitive thighs?”
Miyano’s face turned a shade that matched the petals surrounding it. “SAHAHASAKIHIHI!”
“You’re so cute. You really can’t handle this, huh?”
“Alright, alright. How about here?” Sasaki reached backwards to squeeze right above the tops of Miyano’s knees.
“You’re ticklish everywhere! What about underneath?”
Sasaki laughed along with him. “Hm, I have an idea,” he said, giving Miyano a break as he crawled off him.
Miyano gasped for air, still smiling widely. Sasaki wrapped his legs around Miyano’s, effectively trapping them. He then began to untie his shoes. Miyano hadn’t even noticed until Sasaki had taken one off and poked Miyano’s sole.
“KYAHA! W-w-wahait, Sasaki, please no!”
“No? What, are your feet reeeeaaaally ticklish?”
Miyano scrunched his face and nodded. He tugged at his legs, but they were completely stuck.
Sasaki pulled Miyano’s sock off and scritched across Miyano’s sole. “Tickle tickle~ Tickle tickle tickle tickle, Mya-chan!”
“Oh wow, you weren’t kidding!”
Sasaki took Miyano’s other shoe and sock off and scribbled his fingers all over both of Miyano’s soles and the balls of his feet. Miyano was so loud that Sasaki only kept it up for a few seconds in fear of someone thinking they were hearing screams of bloody murder. He lightened his touches so that he was just barely gracing Miyano’s skin.
“YohOHoHOU ahahAHAHA! AHAHARE g-goHOhoing to kihIHILL mehEHEHEHE!!”
“I’m barely even touching you!” “IHIHI CAHAHAHAHAN’T! NahAHAT THAHAHAHAHAT!”
“What, your toes? You can’t handle the tickle tickle tickles under your ticklish little toes?”
Tears streamed down the sides of Miyano’s face as his laughter finally went silent. Not wanting to kill his poor boyfriend, Sasaki released Miyano’s legs. Miyano quickly curled into a ball.
“Ahahahaha, oh my Gohohahahaha…”
Sasaki leaned down to plant a kiss on Miyano’s forehead. Miyano finally opened his eyes to look up at him.
“There he is!” Sasaki beamed.
“Sh-shut uhuhup…”
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norbezjones · 3 months
More @juneofdoom ! This is Day 24: "Let’s get you cleaned up." I did incorporate some of of the keywords (stitches & bandages).
Takes place: before Romance The Backrooms occurs
Contains: injured & bleeding Kalcal, scene where Zenobos has to stitch up the wound
Other things to know: this story takes place in the backrooms. Before Kalcal & Zenobos met the other 3 main characters (Glarence, Adiel, & Uri), the two of them were traveling together.  I wrote a story about how they met and started doing that here.
“Ahahahaha!” Kalcal exclaimed, dancing next to the body of the hound he had slain.  “Another victory for me!”
“Um, K-Kalcal?” Zenobos stammered from behind him.  “You’re bleeding. . .”
Kalcal frowned, looking at his arms and trying to find the injury.  Sure enough, there was a gash on his shoulder, and cyan-colored blood was pouring out of it.  Had the hound scratched him with its claws?  He hadn’t even noticed.
Zenobos was turning pale, and he took off his backpack.  “I-I have medical supplies,” he told Kalcal.  “B-But I can’t stand the sight of b-blood. . . You’ll have to tend to the wound yourself, o-ok?”
“Okey-doke!” Kalcal said with a shrug.
Zenobos sat down on the floor, and Kalcal went next to him.  Zenobos took a few items out of his bag: a needle, thick thread, wet wipes, and wrap-around bandages.  “Here, use these to sew up the wound and tend to it,” Zenobos said, holding the items out but looking away as much as possible.
“Thanks, buddy!” Kalcal exclaimed, taking the items.  “I’ve never sewn up my own flesh before—this is gonna be fun!”
Zenobos put a hand over his mouth, looking sick.  “D-Don’t say that. . . I feel like I’m going to puke.”
“Oh, sorry buddy,” Kalcal said.  “I’ll just focus on this then, ok?”
Zenobos nodded.  “Y-Yeah."
Kalcal threaded the needle and looked down at his shoulder.  He tried to get a good angle, but soon found a problem.  “Hey Z,” he said, “I kinda can’t see what I’m doing here. . .”
Zenobos gulped.  “A-Are you asking me to do it then?”
“If that’s ok.  Sorry, I just don’t want to mess this up.”
Zenobos sighed and swallowed hard.  After a moment of silence, he said, “O-Ok then.  Give me the needle.”
Kalcal did so.  Zenobos turned to look at the wound, bringing his hands over to the gash.  “I-I’m going to start now, ok?” he said, trying not to get sick.
“Yep!” Kalcal replied.
Zenobos swallowed hard, and then, he brought the needle into Kalcal’s skin.  Kalcal screamed, and Zenobos winced—hold on, wait a minute.  Was that a scream, or a laugh?
“Are you ok?” he asked Kalcal.
“I’m fine, it just tickles!” Kalcal exclaimed, laughing again.  “Go ahead.”
Zenobos sighed and turned back to the wound.  Trying not to think too hard about the gruesome task before him, he started stitching up the wound.
Kalcal’s laughter throughout the process actually made it easier, not harder.  It made Zenobos pretend to himself that he was doing something fun & innocent, something nice. . . He could dream at least.
It was over faster than he expected, thankfully.  He soon found himself cutting the thread, cleaning the wound, and wrapping it.  “Phew,” Zenobos said, letting out a sigh of relief.  “I-I’m glad that’s done with. . .”
“Thanks, buddy!” Kalcal exclaimed, giving Zenobos a great big hug, startling the scared little entity.  “You’re the best!”
Zenobos smiled and patted Kalcal’s arm.  “N-No worries.”
Kalcal let him go and asked, “How’d you know how to do that, anyways?”
The question brought back a flood of memories.  There was a lot Zenobos could say in that moment, but he simply responded, “A human I met taught me.”
“A human, huh?” Kalcal echoed, grinning.  “That’s nice!”
Zenobos nodded, then changed the subject.  “Let’s stay here for a while,” he said.  “After a fight like that, you need rest.”
Kalcal nodded.  “Whatever you say, doc!”
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rosetta-j-stone · 11 months
I am BACK. From the first gig of Kaarija's European Tour(TM).
Also I have no voice, for SOME MYSTERIOUS REASON (screaming)
Anyway, THINGS:
If you saw someone waving a miniature flamingo for the entirety of the gig, yep that was me (threw him on the stage at the end, didn't trust my throwing force during the gig lol)
HAARIJA! Haarija on skates! Haarija draped in the Swedish flag! Haarija just casually working the merch stand after the show (I got an autograph OF COURSE)!
Kaarija taking pity on all us non-Finnophones and delivering his stage patter in Inglis, kiitos like
The bit where he pretended he was going to do the new song and launched into "Tattoo" ahahahaha
The bit where he got a fan up on stage to do Tommy Cash's part in It's Crazy It's Party and she absolutely SLAYED it <3 <3 <3
Whole setlist great but I especially appreciated us getting Siita Viis, which I will always give a Viis Kaut Viis
Finally met up with the Tumblr Kaaryboos <3 (can't believe that bar wouldn't play Cha Cha Cha the whole way through - heathens)
The bit where Kaarija GROWLED that Bojan was his - I'm still not over it TBH
Supporting our favourite impoverished Eurovision artist by buying merch, so now I have a signed "Cha Cha Cha Mixtape" CD to go with my signed "Demoni" CD aaaaaaa
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creative-kny-fics · 1 year
If requests are open, could you do Ler sanemi and Lee nezuko? Maybe he's not allowed to hurt her so he tickles her instead?? Feel free to decline this ofc! Have a great day/night :3
Ohhh! Clear! I remember that in my previous account I made a similar request but with Ler!Nezuko and Lee!Sanemi. So let's say the theme would be the same, I hope you don't mind
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(I don't ship them!)
Warning: This fanfic contains tickles. Also remind them that I don't speak English, so if they find any errors, let me know to correct it. I hope you like it!
Ler: Sanemi Shinazugawa
Lee: Nezuko Kamado
'I see... So, Shinazugawa enjoyed spending time with Nezuko. Thank you for letting me know.' Kagaya gently stroked his crow's head and smiled.
Again Sanemi was called before Oyakata - Sama, ehh, well the conversation was the same.
'Shinazugawa, I've heard that some of my children are at Kocho's estate and I'd like to visit them, would you be willing to take care of Nezuko again?'
'Bu-but Oyakata - Sama, you can't get out of bed... You should stay and rest' 'I'm aware of that Sanemi, that's why it will be Amane who will go. I need to know that Mitsuri, Tokito, Tanjiro and Genya are okay...' 'As you order, sir', Sanemi nodded and took the box with the little demon and retired to his estate
But something was worrying him, Genya, how would he be? Maybe he could go with Nezuko later, he needed to make sure his brother was okay.
'Hey Nezuko, it's me. We are in my estate, I sealed all the windows and doors, there is no sunlight now', the box opened, but there was something wrong, where was Nezuko's bamboo? She wasn't wearing it...
'Hey, where's your bamboo?' 'Go-Good-Good morning...', HUH?! Sanemi was surprised, what had happened? Did Nezuko no longer need her bamboo? Had she been human again? what the hell happened?
'I don't know what just happened, but when we go to Kocho's, I wait and he gives me a reasonable explanation' 'Ko-Kocho!'
The afternoon was strange, it was strange not to hear the 'Mmm!' characteristic of Nezuko, but even so, he stayed calm, taking care of her was calm, it was so calm that he fell asleep
'Wow...Last time was more fun...What are you trying to do?' 'Sa... Saa... Salami!' 'AS YOU TOLD ME?!' 'Salami!', nope, she wasn't joking, she really said Salami, she's trying, okay?
'My name is not "Salami" it's Sanemi! Or if you can't, Shinazugawa!' 'Salami!', it's almost there... I think
'San... Salami!', well, she tried.
'You damn brat-!', wait, he can't hit her, Oyakata - Sama would be disappointed in him, dammit... damn-... wait a minute, that wasn't against the rules
Sanemi approached the petite young woman, smiling and cracking his knuckles.
'So trouble learning my name, huh? Well, you'll see how quickly you'll learn that way', nope, he's not going to hit her.
'Hahahahaha! Mhmhm! Hehehey! Sahahalami!' 'I already told you, it's SA NE MI!'
Yeah Shinazugawa, I'm sure she'll learn that way *sarcastic tone*
'Ahahahaha! Mmmm! Mhmhm!' 'What's happening? Doesn't it tickle you enough? Well, how about here?!', Sanemi directed his fingers to Nezuko's waist, the laughter from before did not compare to the one from now.
'GYAHAHAHAHA!! Sahahahalami!! Wahahahahit!! Sahahahaha-' 'Do you want me to tell you how to stop me? Say right name, I'll teach you, so repeat after me!'
Hmm, let's see if Shinazugawa's method works on Nezuko.
'Ok, first is Sa!' 'Sahahaha!!'Neee' 'NEHEHEHEHE-!!!' 'MY!' 'MIHIHIHI?!', Sanemi at least let her speak well!
'So, all together what does it say?!' 'SAHAHAHALAMI!!', yep, it didn't work-
'Wow, apparently this lesson will last until you get my name right....'
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thetriumphantpanda · 1 year
okay so i like i know you’re from the UK and that means you have a british accent right?! every once in awhile that fact like pops into my head and i don’t understand why i forget that part. I LITERALLY LOVE IT SO MUCH ITS A PROBLEM
(i’m sorry if this is weird, stupid, or cringy. im just a dumb girl from boston 😭)
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THE WAY THIS MADE ME SNORT MY TEA FROM MY NOSE LMAO I LOVE THIS. I can confirm I am British, with a British accent. Yep. That's me. Although I always say that you'll hate my voice once you hear it because I too, hate it lmao.
This picture also has sent me over the edge ahahahaha I love you so much bby! 🫶🏼
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Okay, for the writing thing again
Aliza, Arthesia and Togo (and Akihiko because yes) playing Mario Party
Hehehehehehe >:3
“DAMMIT!!!” Thesia yelled as she once again lost the minigame against the opposing team,
“Ahahahaha…sorry..?” Aliza nervously laugh as thesia pouts,
“Heh but hey at least you got even coins for a star.” Akihiko tried to cheer thesia up, “hm yea your right.”
”heh.” Togo smirk a bit before it return to her normal expression it was her turn, “hmmm..” she rolled the dice and she got the option to steal coins from someone, not to sure who to pick she clicked the random option
“I wonder who’s coins will get stolen this time..” Akihiko mutter his got stolen last round so-
silence as they watch on who’ll be the unlucky one welll
it landed on theisa-
“GOD DAMMIT TOGO!!!” Aliza tried to hold back her laughter. Togo just chuckled, Akihiko was trying to get the girl to calm down, “thesia hold on-
“NAH YOU GIMME THOSE COINS!” Thesis points at togo who just said, “Nope.” Thesia was close to raging at this point “I swear imma kick your ass in here.”
“Oh yea?” Oh boy, “Okay look maybe steal her coins next?” Aliza just watched the group, “You can’t talk! You stole Aliza’s and the Togo’s star earlier!”, “it wasn’t my choice and besides Aliza is the one who’s winning then us!”
“Then one of y’all do something about it! >:<“, “I find it funny when your pretty much a noob here,” >:0, “TOGO HOW DARE YOU!”, “Okay thesia calm down-“ “I AIN’T CALMING DOWN-“
“Pff hehehehahahahahahahaha!” Aliza started to laugh as she watched the chaos go downhill
yep a typical normal play though of Mario party.
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bisexual-yuri · 4 months
yep its mimimi alright
Kamiko — Today at 2:50 PMSpanish I guess
Alifyre — Today at 2:50 PMsomething along those lines
[2:50 PM]hispanic
Kamiko — Today at 2:50 PMDunno, don't think it really matters much
Alifyre — Today at 2:50 PMnope
[2:50 PM]does not
[2:50 PM]fundamentally
[2:50 PM]we both know spanish
[2:50 PM]we made friends talking to each other
Kamiko — Today at 2:50 PMHispanic essentially
[2:50 PM]Just don't call me latinx
Alifyre — Today at 2:51 PMwe are both spanish speaking girls on the internet from new jersey who hate where we are from or something or other
[2:51 PM]ahahahaha
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uncontrol-freak · 5 months
For the ask game :))
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
oh void it was so long ago. my friend explained me the concept when I was 13 or something (though technically I've been writing fanfics since childhood. those featured characters from my favorite movies back then)
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
hahaha ahahahaha haha ha :)))))))))))))))) well if it counts, I'm having rich art life, having fun with my frends in games in evenings and I'm still kicking despite everything (yeah I really think this is a win)
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
mm. usually I give everything a chance (if this 'everything' passed my thorough tag check) and my main issue here is concentration (yep sometimes I'm just unable to finish things...). but what bugs me the most are things that aren't tagged. it's kinda rare but it still happens (and honestly depends on the thing, I may continue reading or may not...)
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