gunpointpokereviews · 2 years
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Hyahhh, what horrors will you...! Huh? This thing is adorable! You guys really didn't have to hold me at gunpoint to make me review this guy/gal/vegetable. In fact, why don't you just untie me so that I can... no? Alright. Where do I start:
Sprigatito! Lovely name. I think its origins are pretty straightforward, it's a small cat with small leaves. Its facial markings even look like leaves, but knowing what I know about its later evolutions, I can see them for what they truly are: the beginnings of a marvelous sort of facialwear.
Its animations are about what you would expect from a relatively frill-less kitty cat like itself, characteristically sweet and inspiring many loud and obnoxious AWWs from myself as I watch them. I may not be a cat person, but I'm also not a callous beefcake who holds people hostage, and so I can appreciate them very well.
I'm enjoying this too much for my situation? Drat. It must have been Sprigatito's soothing scent--supposedly it smells rather nice. I'm thinking something like a cool mint, sharply fresh and distracting. Do they make Sprigatito leaf-flavored toothpaste? Sprigatito leaf-flavored... altoids? Chewing gum? There are so many possibilities, dear captors, if only you had a few with you now, you could demonstrate their efficacy for me personally! WOAH, not so close! *mutters* with your breath, I don't even care about the gun at this point...
Upon its reveal, a combination of its cheerful pink-colored eyes and its other features lead to many exciting and imaginative comparisons that surprised everyone. But in any case, a pink and green color scheme is essentially impossible to screw up, and Sprigatito is no exception, especially when all of its colors (well, all of its three colors) are so vibrant.
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I want to be a yoyo man, I cry, make me a yoyo man!
Floragato doesn't seem to hear me, but let's see. Hmm... nope, I am still a clumsy woman who can't do anything cool with a yoyo, such as unexpectedly fighting off nonspecific swarms of burly thugs who have me captured with what appeared to them to be merely a children's toy... Maybe next time. Floragato has no such limitations, however.
Sprigatito has evolved, and now walks alongside the trainer on its two hind legs! This might bother some people, but I don't mind it. Personally, I find walking on two legs to be a very beneficial undertaking in day to day life, as it frees up my hands to do important things, like practicing yoyo skills. That's just me, though; Zacian gets along fine with its mouth-wielding.
Again, Floragato's name is straightforward enough. It is still a leafy cat, but it's older now, and carries with it a little flower bud. Aww. Of course, in a classical cat fashion (Do you remember Torracat's "bell" and Incineroar's "belt buckle"? The mind games never end), the bud which appeared to be nothing but a charming decorative pin at first glance actually can extend out on a vine and functions as its favored mode of attack.
This is pretty original, isn't it? I freaked out when I first saw it. My god. Yoyos. Next thing you know, there'll be Pokémon with coins or surfboards, or even spoons. (Nah, that last one is too ridiculous.) Yo-ing requires a lot of skill and dexterity, making it a very flashy art form and perfect for an evolution line themed around showmanship. Also, on a cat Pokémon, it brings to mind the image of a cat playing with a ball of yarn or a cat wand. I'm not sure if that factored into the design, but I do like it.
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As pretty as Meganium, as cool as Decidueye, and as tricky as... hmm, Greninja? And also, as cool as Greninja? Is Greninja cool? Its tongue is... *Hank Meatloaf, one of my most terrifying captors, growls or possibly laughs* anyway, it's MEOWSCARADA!
Its shawl/scarf/poncho thing has grown out into a magnificent dual masquerade/magician's cape that refracts light around Meowscarada to aid it in its increasingly extravagant sleights of hand, and also looks a bit like a fleur-de-lis. Meanwhile now-hidden vine's flower bud has also apparently opened, but all that's normally visible is four sepals with nothing at all in between. This changes in battle, blooming into an explosive six-petaled flower that looks suspiciously like a young pomegranate.
In fact, I rather suspect that it actually is based on a pomegranate and its flower, particularly with the historical importance of pomegranate iconography in particular regions of Spain, such as the aptly-named province of Granada in Andalusia, and the fact that Meowscarada uses the flower as a bomb. Did you know the word for grenades in many languages comes from the word for pomegranate? I bet you did, huh. *I pat Bloody Kate's beefy arm knowingly and am rewarded with a riveting punch to my solar plexus*
Now why would a pomegranate grow on a vine? Well, here's my conspiracy theory about the vine. Meowscarada's paws look suspiciously like beans. I don't mean like, cat toe beans. But like, actual beans. Their claws, which I have never seen protract, look exactly like the germ of a bean. There's no way they didn't think about this, come on, you should just beanlieve me on this one.
Regardless of what flower it actually is, the same one blooms around Meowscarada's neck in the manner of a collar. Cats wear collars, of course, but I think this is more of a traditional ruff. Its mask is potentially a part of its fur; Floragato's dex entry mentions that its fur can stiffen up into a very hard and tough consistency, and so so far as evolution is concerned, this feels like a logical continuation. Who can say, though.
Between the diamonds printed on its mask, its diamond shaped flower (the idle version, I mean), and the many acute angles across the rest of its body, diamonds are important to its design in some capacity. I'm inclined to think its a reference to harlequin print, as Meowscarada itself seems to take a general influence from the harlequin character, but along with its refractive cape it could be something crystalline as well. Maybe if we get something like Terastrallized forms in the DLC, that could end up featuring a bit more prominently.
It's really very impressive how much they integrated all of its fancy faux "clothes" with its nature and gameplay, isn't it? Well, that's Pokémon for you. *starts thinking about Greninja's tongue again*
The official Pokémon website justifies its overall flashiness by saying that it, along with Floragato, is a very needy Pokémon that loves attention, and grows lonely and jealous easily. That's such a perfect explanation for why it would develop such a showy demeanor, though it is a little sad. But really, if you can give it the attention it wants, who doesn't love a velcro cat? All the more cuddles.
Wrapping up!
Unless my zooarchaeological knowledge of real-life Iberia is severely lacking (*pushes up glasses but then devolves into a coughing fit*), all members of this evolutionary line don't appear to be based on any sort of extinct fauna, which means that the rough-and-ready theory that grass starters are based off of extinct animals can at last be discard... no, adapted! The Iberian lynx, which Meowscarada seems to take a spiritual inspiration from, is endangered. Therefore, it is very nearly extinct (nevermind the ongoing and relatively successful conservation efforts for the species, this ain't about them). Dearest captors, you needn't throw out that dollhouse-scale child's boot just yet. If you managed to shove it on poor Grookey, Rowlet, Chespin, Snivy, and that Sinnoh twig turtle whose name escapes me, no doubt you shall continue to be able to do so for the rest of time. Huh? No, I'm not being a smartass! Aaaghh no I'll behave I swear just back off with the peashooter I'm [muffled] [indecipherable]
But all in all, the Sprigatito line is cute, complex and interesting, and visually quite stunning. The sundry themes and influences you might expect to be a little discordant come together just perfectly for my tastes. It purrforms its duty as the primeowry starter and face of the beautiful Paldenya region very nicely, and it's basically everything I could ask for from a cat made of salad. I'm looking forward to finally having one myself. Have you seen how Meowscarada run??
For my special personal rating, I give it a Mari-approval mark: GOLD EDITION. This is a real thing now, I'm totally sticking by it. Unless you threaten me some more about it.
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beevean · 4 months
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rebornofstars · 16 days
Hey! How do you feel sepfember is going? I've enjoyed seeing all the lovely art and writings. Hope you're doing well!
luna!! hi!! thank you for the ask 💞
sepfember is going more brilliantly than i ever could have hoped. it's been absolutely wonderful seeing people coming together to create things! i've been trying my best to express my joy in the tags of my reblogs, but i'm not sure anything ever could! it's been truly wonderful. i have loved every minute of it so far - writing the prompt drabbles every day, and checking the tag for other people's work to reblog, and sniffing out beautiful art for the queue... a couple of times people have pinged me on the LU discord too, to show me sepfember art, and it entirely melted my heart. and i can't tell if it's coincidence but i'm seeing more sepfember-unrelated/untagged female focused art on my dash too!
in a franchise that caters a great deal to male gamers (and in my own linked universe bubble where all of our main characters are men), my only wish for this event was to balance the scales just a little - create a little bit of brainspace in our minds for the women. show more people who they are and what their names are and what they do! spare a moment to wonder about their goals and motives and characterisation. because they do exist! there are more women in this franchise than even i thought before this event! and i think they're worth celebrating, don't you?
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acebytaemin · 4 months
it’s 1.18 am and i can’t sleep bc there’s a thunderstorm and i’m scared of them like a big loser so. don’t hold me accountable for my thoughts and feelings but
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camels-pen · 7 months
gang you're not gonna believe what i just found looking through my google drive
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romanticlcver · 6 months
continued from here! @bury-me-low
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aine has lived a cushy life, at least compared to some. her father had been preparing for an outbreak for as long as she can remember, for something to go wrong...and when it finally did, he was the first to take the neighbors in and begin creating a safe space. she's seen the horrors as well. the walls around the community weren't always so strong, and her father doesn't coddle her. she's expected to do patrols just like everyone else. she comes with the knowledge that this stranger has likely seen more than she has, convinced that she can see some kind of pain in his eyes...or maybe it's just the terrible lighting. "noted. and i won't expect you to remember my name just yet," she promises, laughing softly. it's still a wonder that they find time to laugh and connect, in spite of everything going on in the world. she doesn't expect herself to be anything more than another pestering member of the community, though she intends to keep the pestering to a minimum.
she finds her eyes lingering on him for a moment too long, looking down at the food on her plate with a smile still in place. it's been a long time since she felt...any kind of connection or curiosity with another person. she's been stuck with the same people for too long, which includes her boyfriend. it's natural that she would be curious about someone new. that's what she tells herself, the excuse that she has for feeling something stirring in her chest. "oh, um...well, my father sort of began it," she explains, smiling shyly as she glances up once more. "i know, just another nepotism baby. but i promise, he puts me to work just like everyone else. you'll see." she shakes her head. "most other people here are locals to the area, but we've brought in a few wanderers like yourself over the years as well. it's just...been a while. that's why everyone is..." she gestures vaguely. "a bit excited for your presence." it's always good to know that there's still life out there. "humans look for hope even when there's little to be found." she clears her throat, realizing she's getting too sentimental.
"you were traveling alone, then?" technically a question her father had asked for her to slide in, see if she gets a different answer. he's a vigilant man, wanting to know if there might be others in the area. others who could be less harmless than samuel.
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futebolfutbol · 2 years
Found out my cousin hates neymar because he parties too much?? okay???
#he said nobody will remember neymar's acomplishments because of his behavior#i have to disagree because I remember people hating romário for his behavior (that i don't even know what was. I think he partied#and got angry more than the average player?)#and now people are crying about how he was the best thing in the world and saying that his behavior was never bad at all#also i don't think partying is as bad as everyone makes it out to be?#speaking on romário he wrote a letter to neymar before the world cup to say he believes in him right#he must know what it's like when media/fans get too focused on how they wished you acted#on that note again even pelé was criticizing romario that must have been a lot i think he feels for neymar#I hear pelé was probably upset because he saw romário's potential to be the best there ever was and thought he was taking it#for granted?#i understand that frustration but romário didn't owe anyone anything more than he gave -> 1000+ goals#It's probably how people who don't hate neymar but dislike his behavior feel about neymar#but again he also doesn't owe anything more#and i don't think partying affects his playing too much#some people need rest to perform well and others need to spend pent up energy/tension#idk tho i still don't think this is enough to hate neymar#i think the hate mostly comes from jealousy or thinking he owes us a world cup#which he doesn't but he tried his best and it's not his fault#if anything it's tite's fault and felipão (beloved)'s fault#ahhh i'm not even a neymar stan i just disagree and think it's unfair to say that#and i think the way the mentality regarding romário changing that much proves that people will remember neymar's acomplishments#and that the hate is overblown#wait people also hated pelé#and messi??#and vinicius#anyway
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starberry-skies · 1 year
What if someone gets mad at you for making an image description? Does that happen often?
tbh i don't think i've ever heard of that happening. the only scenario i can think of where that's at least a little bit probable is describing someone's oc and u get their pronouns/gender wrong, which is an honest mistake that can be fixed pretty easily. people like accessibility ! they like their art being spread to a wider audience. image descriptions are inherently good, and people respect that :D
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nyan-bynary · 2 months
Forever in love with characters whose entire existence boils down to being a tool in the story for more important characters' development, especially if everything they do is their desperate attempt at having any sort of agency
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jamestaylorswift · 11 months
yail was actually very good and I really liked it but the part going to the bridge?? “you are in love” just completely drowned out “and so it goes” ??? sad
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sunrizef1 · 3 months
Pairing: George Russell x Reader
Warnings: Cursing
Authors Note: a George win fic ur welcome
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liked by georgerussell63 sabrinacarpenter and 6,114,871 others
yn woman
load comments…
user1 oh my god she's so stunning I can't
user2 pretty pretty girl
user3 loml
user4 ahhh I love her
user5 my fav 🩵
sabrinacarpenter I'm in love with you
yn 😘
user6 she's so beautiful I can not
user7 🤩
user8 lmao George Russell in the likes 😭 like me too king ✊
user9 he's so real
user10 new music when
user13 prettyyyyy
user14 I think I love her
user15 lmao George Russells shooting for the stars here
tommyhilfiger ❤️💙
liked by yn
user16 queen sh*t
user17 woman 🤩
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liked by georgerussell63 lewishamilton and 6,998,881 others
yn water
load comments…
user18 I 😭 love 😭 her 😭
user19 that color is so pretty on her
user20 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦
user21 love of my life
user22 my wife and bae frfr
user24 summer vibessss🌅
user25 GAH DAYUM
user26 LMAO not Lewis also in the likes 😭
user27 lol George recruited him
sabrinacarpenter the prettiest 🤩
yn no u
lewishamilton 👋
yn 👋
user30 girl wtf is Lewis doing
user31 RIGHT like what 😭
user32 pretty pretty 😘
user33 I know George is absolutely fuming over the Lewis yn notice
user34 he's singing that should be me right now
yn added to their story
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now girl who tf is that
Girl… George Russell or nothing
No one tell George
Not my wife having a secret boyfriend???
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liked by georgerussell63 alex_albon and 15,111,211 others
yn make me sweat
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user40 nah girl ur not slick
user41 she knows we can see him too right?
user43 not a man…😔
user44 can we talk about how pretty she is
user45 yeah, right? Every ones talking about the second slide but she looks so so good 😭
user46 😍
user47 if that's anyone but George Russell I'm gonna end it all
user48 girl that is not him
user47 and how tf do you know that
user49 wait who's that
user47 an f1 driver who's been in her likes for a while
user49 he's just been in her likes??? Girl that is not him 😭😭
user47 a girl can dream 😔
user50 so pretty 😍
user51 George Russell is screaming somewhere
user52 why are yall talking about a man who was just in her likes a lot??? If she was rumoured to be daring every man who likes all her posts she’d be dating like 200 guys 😭
user53 my favorite girl
sabrinacarpenter soft-launching our relationship??? 🤭
yn ofc bbg 🫶
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liked by yn lewishamilton and 9,007,887 others
georgerusell63 🌅
load comments…
user54 GEORGE NO
user55 lmao, man saw yn got a man so he decided it was time to move on
user56 gotta respect it
user57 who is she 🥲
user58 HEY KING
user59 lock in Russell, you're on my fantasy f1 team this weekend
user60 its not a George Russell post if he's not shirtless
user61 😍😍😍
user62 he looks rly good
user63 and who the hell is that
user64 not my husband finding a gf, rude 😔✊
user66 lmao she liked. I think she's happy her post didn't kill him
user67 why does no one think that that might litteraly by yn in the post
user66 cuz… that's unrealistic
user67 girl why???
user66 they would 100% not vibe, that man says things like “holy moly!” unironically and she wrote “water” they are not the same 😭🙏
user68 just glad he's happy 😊🤞
user69 pls win this weekend George I love you so much and you're the only thing keeping my Mercedes fan mind together
user70 king George lol
yn added to their story
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A Mercedes girl, so real
Lmao George is gonna explode
I need you and Lewis in a room together
My two favs 🥰
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yn added to their story
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Hey queen…
Pls don't let lando win…🙏
I'll give you my first-born 😔✊
Don't let the sprint race fool you Bbg
We can win trust me
This isn't who they are
We are so fast
Don't let this represent Mercedes in your mind
Don't let qualifying fool you queen
we are not fast
Do not keep your hopes up
We are going to crash and burn
Hopefully not literally
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yn added to their story
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liked by georgerussell63 formula1 and 15,888,112 others
yn Geo!!! Im so so so proud of you, my love! I'm so grateful that I got to be there for your first win and just as thankful to see the second one. I see the work and the effort you put in week in and week out and I can not think of a person who deserves this more than you. You're so wonderful and perfect and there's no one I'd rather have spent the past two years with. One of the best experiences I've ever had was seeing the love of my life on the top step of the podium and I pray ill get to see it a lot more because I'll be by your side for every single one. I love you, congratulations baby ❤️
(p.s. He's my only muse 😘)
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user83 holy shit
user84 2 years??? Be so fr
user85 you're kidding
user86 wait I love them
user87 lmao throw back to all of y'all saying they'd never date each other
mercedesamgf1 we’re glad to have you queen 🫶
liked by yn
user90 she calls him geo??? 😭🫶
user91 forget that, she called him baby 😭🫶
user92 wait, not my new favorite couple???
user93 QUEEN WAG
user94 girl, he's the wag
lewishamilton 🫶🏽
yn 🫶🏽
user96 waitttttttt why are they so perfect
georgerussell63 thank you so much for being there, I love you ❤️
yn i love you too, I'm so proud of you ❤️
@casperlikej @evie-119
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coco-loco-nut · 3 months
Father’s Day
pairing: max verstappen x reader
summary: max is dating an international star
a/n: i literally had this idea last night and had to write a short blurb, i promise i am writing other stuff tho 🫶
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y/username happy father’s day, daddy. i love you and your big…
maxverstappen1 anything to share with me?
y/username not pregnant, just letting everyone know how turned on you get me
maxverstappen1 love you too, schat
user12 anyone else not getting it, like she is so hot and he is 😬
y/username you know that one barbie scene with the rock? that’s my maxie. also if you think he’s ugly, that’s fine, more of him for me 😍
y/username priority 1: old barbie movies priority 2: max
user3 ON THE MAIN?
user33 PR monster got her, I really wanna know what she was about to say
recordlabel we don’t… we actually want bleach for our eyes
redbullracing we will share our bleach if you send us demos of her next album 👀
charlesleclerc Go on, finish the sentence, I dare you.
y/username his big heart, ego, ass, trophy case, therapy bill from childhood trauma, i could keep going on but i don’t want to make you feel emasculated
user62 okay, but like how did he bag her?
y/username he has incredible rizz, and look at him🤤
“Happy Father’s Day, Maxie,” you grin as Max lays on you lap, looking up at you with his beautiful blue eyes.
“You aren’t pregnant, Schat,” he laughs, your fingertips gently scratching his scalp.
“We could change that, get some practice in for after the wedding?” you watch his eyes widen as he quickly sits up.
“Practice makes perfect, why don’t we practice now?” Max suggests, picking you up and carrying you to the bedroom.
Your wedding is small, only some close friends and family in attendance. The ceremony takes place in your backyard, no reception beyond a dinner afterwards.
Despite both your respective fame levels, you didn’t want anyone knowing of the marriage. Fans still thought you were dating, so when you got a positive pregnancy test, you were extra careful.
Max was grateful that you had a private recording studio in the house, for when you needed to drop the album. You didn’t mean to choose the surprise drop date to be at the end of your pregnancy, nor Father’s Day, but life worked in funny ways.
“Happy Father’s Day, Maxie,” you softly say, handing the little bundle off to Max.
“This is the best present, he’s beautiful,” Max hold back tears as he holds his son close to his chest.
“I’m not sure if I will be able to top this next year,” you laugh a little, your tiredness making an apparent after a long labor.
“You should take a nap, I’ll be okay with him,” Max runs a hand though your sweaty hair. To him, you’ve never looked more perfect.
“I have one thing to do first,” you yawn, pulling out your phone. Max slides into the hospital bed beside you, you immediately nestle into him, his warmth enveloping you.
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y/username SURPRISE! midnight rain is out now! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it for the past four years. There is so much in my life that happened, so enjoy my journey through heartbreak, love, and growth. I want to quickly thank Max and my team for making this possible 💙
user1 AHHH this is so good, but didn’t she and Max break up? Why is she thanking him?
user3 dude, i think they are married, did you listen to everything else
user4 yeah, she had some songs about marriage, but she hasn’t been at any races since last year
user10 did y’all see the statement saying there won’t be a tour for the album?? crying in the club
user11 Okay, but Robin?? secret child??
maxverstappen1 endlessly proud of you, schatje
user5 we get it bro, she wrote Dress and The Alchemy about you
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maxverstappen1 our little robin decided to hatch 💙
danielricciardo So happy for you and Y/n, mate. Big day for the Verstappen family, can’t wait to hold the little guy!
y/username he will love his Uncle Danny
y/username he’s perfect, just like his daddy
redbullracing what a gift for father’s day! sending our gift to you 💙
user42 guys, y/n’s song credits changed…
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the-writer-arrived · 1 year
Wait, you're engaged?!
Synopsis: you two are engaged, congrats!! how does he share the news with others?
Characters: alhaitham; diluc ragnvindr.
Warnings: gender neutral!reader, fluff, crack, this is actually more crack than fluff oh well, diluc and kaeya are brothers.
A/N: this is the third draft I wrote in two hours. IS THIS WHAT'S LIKE TO HAVE MOTIVATION????
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It all started with a simple question about your well-being coming from Kaveh.
"So, how have they been lately?" was what the architect had asked, while shaking the elemental dice in his hand. He was playing a TCG match against Cyno, not an uncommon occurrence when the 4ggravate group of friends get together at Lambad's Tavern.
"Oh, my fiancée is doing just fine, I guess they're in a bit more energetic mood than usual." was what Alhaitham had answered, nonchalant as if he was talking about the weather and hadn't just dropped a huge bomb just like that.
The cheeky bastard is actually hiding his smirk with his wine cup, totally satisfied with himself at the shocked looks everyone has now.
"Kaveh, please don't yell, you're making my ears hurt!"
"A-Ah! Sorry, Tighnari..."
"It seems like you didn't get a single dice of the elements you needed, your luck is truly something to be researched about."
"Wha-?! You...! Ah, no, wait, who cares about that?!"
I'm telling you, the guy is doing all he can to surpress the grin threatening to appear on his face.
No one was expecting to hear that, heck they didn't even know Alhaitham had bought a ring in the first place????
Dude how come you don't share these life changing plans with your homies?!
He shares the tale of how he had proposed to you... And let's just say Kaveh's romantic side was not happy about how it happened.
"Kaveh, too loud!"
Much to Kaveh's dismay, Alhaitham didn't make any extravagant gesture or big preparations.
It was just you and him, in the comfort of your home and it just felt right to pop the question at that moment.
What no one, not even you, knew is that the confident, smart and aloof scribe had not actually planned to propose to you like that at all.
Ever since he had bought the ring months ago, Alhaitham had devised so many different ways on how to do it, always thinking about which scenario would make you the happiest.
But when he had you laid down on his lap, spounting your usual nonsense just to try to get a reaction out of him because you were bored, it simply felt... right to do it right then and there.
Make no mistake, he may not have shown, but his hand was shaking when he pulled the small box out of his pocket, he had to thank Lesser Lord Kusanali for allowing his voice to not come out shaky.
Alhaitham's cockiness aside, Cyno, Tighnari and Kaveh are all genuinely very happy at the unexpected, but positive news.
"Let's order some bread, then."
"Bread? Why do you want bread all of a sudden?"
"So we can offer a toast to the future spouses... Get it? Toast? As in-"
"Yes Cyno, we get it!"
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Ahhh Diluc, my sweet Batman of Mondstadt... He had always thought that the best course of action was to keep everyone at arm's length, not only for his sake, but for other people as well.
Now, as he gazes at the beautiful ring on your finger, he can only laugh at how naive he was for thinking he would be able to do that during his whole life.
On the next day after he had proposed to you, every customer in Angel's Share can see Master Diluc acting rather... odd.
He seems... I don't know, lighter? His expression doesn't look so serious anymore... Wait, is he... smiling?!
Needless to say, everyone at the tavern is dying to know what happened to the tycoon of the wine industry, but no one dares to ask him directly...
...no one but a certain cavalry captain of the Knights of Favonious, that is.
"My, someone is in a good mood today. Did something nice happened lately, Master Diluc?"
"Here's your Death After Noon, Kaeya."
"...Okay, something must have happened for you to prepare my drink before I even ordered it."
After much poking and prying from Kaeya, Diluc finally relents, just so the pestering would stop.
It's a lie, he is actually feeling ecstatic to be able to share the news with someone.
Everyone and their grandma knew about your relationship with Diluc of course, it's a bit hard not to when you are dating the uncrowned king of Mondstadt himself, despite you two not making a public announcement of being together.
So, before he could even tell Kaeya that he had proposed to you, the captain already suspected that that was the reason for his brother's sudden change of behavior.
Even so, that doesn't stop a genuine smile to appear on Kaeya's face as he congratulates Diluc.
"It's about time! I was starting to wonder how many more years you were going to make me wait, before I had the chance be your best man in your wedding."
"Who said you're going to be my best man?"
"Oh, come on. Don't tell me you've forgotten our promise to be each other's best man when we were younger?"
"...I'm surprised you still remember that.
What Diluc wasn't aware at that moment was that a certain bard had eavesdropped "accidentaly" listened to his private conversation with the cavalry captain.
It was such great news, the bard couldn't help but let it escape during the drunk conversations he had with other patrons that night.
How could he imagine that those patrons would tell their friends, who would tell their friends and so on? Of course the kind-hearted bard wouldn't do that on purpose!
It's not his fault that all the citizens of Mondstadt now know about Diluc's engagement with you!
Sorry Donna.
"Come now, Master Diluc! Good news are meant to be shared with others! Who knows? Maybe even the Anemo Archon caught wind of them, ehe!"
"...I won't sell you any wine for a month now."
"W-What?! Please, don't be so cruel, Master Diluc!"
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thanks for reading <3 likes, reblogs and comments are very appreciated <3
heart divider made by @/cafekitsune
pink alhaitham and diluc banners (fluff) made by @/the-writer-arrived aka yours truly <3
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coolyiooo · 7 months
Overstimulating BSD Men
Pairings: Dazai, Ranpo, Fyodor, Atsushi, Chuuya, Sigma, and Tecchou
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❗WARNINGS: SMUT, MDNI, overstimulation, begging, praise, degrading, pulling, scratching, gagging, breeding kink, moaning, groaning, whimpering, and etc❗
This was the first BSD smut I wrote but I edited it a bit to make it better. it's a bit short (I feel like it is) but hope you enjoy it :)
You just wanted to punish Dazai for teasing you so much today. So you decided to just drive him over the edge with just your hand. Your hand was moving up and down on his throbbing cock. Your hand and his dick were wet and slimy from his previous orgasms. He couldn't stop moaning and whimpering. He kept on twitching while a small amount of drool dripped from the corners of his lips. Some of his own cum was on his stomach. His hands were clenched so tightly that his fingernails were digging into his skin.
You kept kissing his cheeks, neck, and temple as you kept massaging his cock. He was a sight to behold that's for sure. You kept giving him so many praises but also small degrading comments, only fueling to his euphoric release.
"Mnn~ ah- your hand feels so mph!- amazing, bella~" Dazai moans while his cock throbbed.
You kissed his neck, making him shiver slightly "you look so beautiful like this dazai~ but you also look pathetic being covered in your own cum" you taunted with a slight smirk
"P-please.. b-bella mmmn~ I can't handle more of this ah!-" he groaned.
The overwhelming amount of pleasure was becoming unbearable. His body was becoming hot. His heart rate was racing, yet he felt nothing but pleasure and it was only getting better and better.
"Why should I when the most beautiful sight is you cumming just by my hand? Plus you can't stop throbbing and moaning like a little man whore, it's really music to my ears" you degraded him
His cock only throbbed more when you degraded him. Something about you making him so submissive like this was so arousing for him. He can only moan louder. You then started to move your hand faster. Making his head fall back with his mouth open while moaning loudly .His cock throbbing aggressively. The sight could almost make you cum. Your underwear was drenched from your wet cunt.
"AH~! fuck! So f-fucking good~! Don't stop mmn~ I'm gonna cum again ah~ please don't s-stop!" He whimpered.
You smirked slightly "Oh, alright..since you asked so nicely"
You bent over to his sensitive cock and started to suck him off like your life depended on it. Your warm, sticky tongue wrapped around him perfectly.
He eyes shot wide open as he moaned loudly "B-BELLA! Y-yes! AHHH~!"
In a couple seconds, he thrusted upwards into your mouth to release his cum. Eyes and mouth wide open. His Back slightly arched. He was gasping for air. He felt like he was ascending to heaven, but it felt too sinful to be heaven, but if hell was like this, he wouldn't mind going.
He was panting and sweating while his body was hot and trembling aggressively. His eyes were now closed as his body was started to relax and calm down. You swallowed his cum before kissing his cheek with a small smile. He opened his eyes tiredly to see your beautiful face. All he could do was chuckle softly and say "that was...just...wow.."
You wouldn't stop bobbing your head up and down Ranpo's cock even after he came a few times already. He just tastes so good and looks so irresistible when overstimulated, and his whimpers only made you keep going. His hand was behind your head as he caressed your hair and head.
"Mmn~! Ah~! You really can't have enough of me, huh, sugar~?" He whimpered
You lift your head off his dick with a pop, using your hands to rub him instead. You smirked slightly while looking at him. His cheeks were flushed while his eyebrows were slightly furrowed. It was evident that he was feeling amazing and loving the feeling of your mouth and skillful tongue.
"You taste so sweet ranpo~ I guess you are what you eat right?" You then started to bob your head up and down on his needy cock again.
He moaned out loud. His hands were squeezing the couch cushions. He was looking away with a blush face and a overwhelmed expression, eyes squeezed shut. He went back to whimpering loudly. His whole body was trembling with pleasure.
You lifted off his cock for a quick second "Your whimpers make me so wet ranpo~ your being such a good boy~" you said before sucking his cock again.
His cock twitched at the praise and he started to thrust into your mouth, making you start to gag on his cock, but it only made him feel even better. He looked down at you to get a better view of you. You looked up at him with what looked almost like an innocent face, but your action was far from it. The way you moved your head up and down just to make him cum again aroused him so much. He moaned and whimpered, feeling his release start to approach. His head tilted back while he arched his back slightly. His was exposing more of his neck while he did this.
"Mmhp! I'm going to- ah~ cum! gonna cum~! P-please let me~!" He whimpered
You only left the tip of his cock in your mouth, sucking and slurping it beautifully while your hand rubbed the rest of his shaft, making him not able to last anymore. After a few seconds, he came on to your tongue, earning a loud, desperate moan. You could taste how sweet he was but you didn't swallow yet. You took him out of your mouth to open your mouth wide open for him to see how much he came into it. He blushed and started to become hard again at the sight, slightly whimpering again.
You swallow his cum and kissed his cock "such a good boy".
Fyodor is a very prideful man, so he would try his best to not fully express how he's feeling, but you know he's trying to hide it. Fyodor let you top him because you insisted you could make him feel just as good as he makes you, so here you are, jumping on his cock even after he came a couple times. His cum making it easier for you to move. Fyodor kept his moaning to a minimum but every once in awhile he'd let out short gasps or small moans. He is still human after all and it's a normal body function when your being overstimulated.
"Why are you hiding your voice Fedya? Mmn~ I want to know how good I'm making you feel" you moaned slightly while smirking
"Mnn~ well maybe you have to try a bit harder, darling~" he said while smirking as well
You pouted a bit but you knew he was trying his best to keep calm. You could feel how much his cock was throbbing inside of you, clearly Loving how your walls clench around him. You grabbed his hand and pressed it against ur stomach. "Can you feel how deep you are inside of me? Ah~ How your cock aches and twitches inside me~ you feel so fucking good mmn!- your the only one who can make me feel this good~"
He whimpered quietly from the feeling. He turned his head away from you. Eyes closed with a slight smile on his face. "Ah- hmm~ feeling is mutual...so please keep doing what your doing" he said trying not to sound to desperate.
"Mmnph! But it'd be amazing if you let me hear your voice..please Fedya~"
He looked at your eyes as if he was contemplating, but he decided to give into your desire and he laid his head on the pillow, eyes closed and moaning deeply. He truly was gorgeous. It made you squeeze him tighter and made you go rougher, making him moan more.
"Ahh~! Fedya do you want to come? Your close aren't you?" You clenched his hair, making him throb more.
"Mnn- yes, moya lyubov mph~ since you want it so bad" he still tried not to sound desperate
"But do you want to cum? Mmn~ it doesn't sound like you want to" you looked at him with pleading eyes
"Hmm~ of course, lyubov mmn- there's nothing more I want than to fill you up" his small smile never going away
"Then let me hear how much you want to cum..p-please~!"
He seemed pleased by how much you've been begging to hear him moan, so he will at least grant you this small wish. He knew it would make you go over the edge anyway. He started to moan loudly, but not too loud. He told you small praises just to throw you over the edge a little more and before you knew it you came before him. His voice is just so heavenly.
"Hm~? And I thought you were the one supposed to please me" his smirk was wider
You still kept going. Didn't stop a single moment even though you were now the one being overstimulated, But the sight you left before Fyodor was definitely the cherry on top for him. Seeing you become a mess just for him was enough to make him loose control. The way you bounced on him while your body seemed it's about to give up. How you couldn't even form sentences anymore and only moans.
He then came inside you with a loud groan. His cock twitching inside you as it filled you up with his hot cum. You came again with a loud moan. Both of you were out of breath and still feeling just pure euphoria throughout your bodies. You both panted and breath heavily from your climaxes. He smiled slightly when your body laid limp on his chest. He caressed and kissed your head as you tried to calm down from your high. He was really desperate to come inside you once again, but not before making you into a mess.
You were bouncing on Atsushi's cock. He's been cumming so many times inside of you, but his body seems to still not have enough of you. He was a whimpering mess. Atsushi's hands were gripping on ur hips so tightly that it'll for sure be leaving marks. He's been telling you sweet nothing's, which only made you feel electricity throughout your body. Even during this lustful and sinful act you two were doing, His words were nothing but pure and beautiful. He always had a way with words that would touch your soul.
"Mmph~! Y-your so ah! Beautif-ful aggh~! You make me f-feel so g-good~!" He moans while caressing your cheek. His eyes were full of awe
"Atsushi~ mmn~ your literally breath taking agh~! I've never felt this good~" you whimpered
His cock twitches everytime you give him praise. He loves to know that he's satisfying you in any way, especially when your being intimate. "F-Fuck~ I love y-you s-so much- AH~!" He whimpers as he rests his forehead against yours.
"I-love you too~ your literally Mph!~ perfect" you clench his hair gently.
The way you clenched his hair and say something like that, he couldn't handle it. He throws his head all the way back as he arches his back. Your becoming too much for him and he couldn't hold back anymore.
he gasps slightly "I-im g-gonna MMN! i-im gonna cum! P-please don't s-stop nngh! y-you feel so fucking good ah ah~ c-cumming.. cumming!"
He thrusts up into you, making sure his cum is shot deep inside of you. He moans so loud that you had to kiss his lips to muffle out his moan. You still feel him pumping his cum deep inside you, almost like he's never gonna stop. You give him a kiss on the cheek after he calms down from his high. His eyes looking like he's seeing heaven as he panted heavily.
"You've been such a good boy for me" you smile softly
He looked at you with those same soft eyes "and your such a beautiful woman, y/n"
Your tongue wrapped around Chuuya's dick was enough to make him moan so much. Even after cumming many times, your mouth never left his pretty cock. You loved the way his body twitched aggressively when he came inside you as he moans, it was so addictive. The feeling was mutual for him too. The feeling of your mouth sucking him off was definitely addicting for him and he could never get tired of the pleasurable sensation your tongue brought to him.
"F-fucking hell doll~ ah~! You can't get enough of me or what? MMN!~ not like I'm complaining " he groans with a slight smirk as he looks down at you.
You never left his cock out of your mouth even if he was taking to you. Your mind was just focused on making him feel good. He loved seeing how desperate you were for his cum.
"S-shit! Nnngh~! Feels so f-fucking good! Please don't stop~" he moaned
You went at a faster pace and made sure his tip was reaching the back of your throat, even if you were gagging, you were just desperate to make him cum again. He put his hand behind your head to make your movement faster. The action made you gag more but you honestly didn't mind, It only made you more wet.He arched his back and tilted his head back
he groaned "AH~ F-FUCK~! y-yes, doll~ gonna cum~ g-gonna cum so good down your pretty little throat~ MMN~!"
A few more thrusts and he whimpered loudly when he came deep down your throat. You felt his legs tremble and stomach twitching. His eyes shut tight with clenched teeth. You took every drop of his cum as he filled your throat with it. It was honestly so stimulating. Before you could do anything, he caressed your cheek as he panted
"I want to see....you swallow, doll...if that's not too much to ask"
You blushed as you looked at him with enticing eyes. His cock still inside your mouth. You swallowed his cum in one gulp. He smirked slightly before pulling his cock out of your mouth. You coughed a bit, but he then kissed your forehead lovingly "damn your good, dollface" He says that you can't get enough of him but he also can't get enough of you.
You were jumping on Sigma's cock quickly. His cock was covered by his previous orgasms and your cunt was filled. His cum made you able to jump faster of his dick and more pleasurable for him. Even though he was out of breath and looked pathetic, he looked so elegant and precious. He truly was a gorgeous man, even if he came from unnatural origins, his body sure acted like a real man. His grip on your hips were tight as he whimpered and moaned loudly from overstimulation.
He shut his eyes tight "Mmn~! Too- ah~! Much, y/n~!" He whimpered
You kissed his cheek and smirked "mmmn~ Your cock is throbbing aggressively. It's feel so good~ you want to cum more, don't you?"
He twitched from the praise "Ngh~! There's no more~ ah~!" His grip became tighter
You cupped his cheek to make him look at you in the eyes "That's ridiculous, love~ mmn~ let me prove it you" you smiled
Your pace became more rough and fast. His head fell back with his mouth agape from moaning loudly. His dick only getting bigger the more he rubbed against your tight walls. His cock pulsating even more as he felt another orgasm coming
"AH~! S-Shit~! Ngh~! too good! I'm gonna~!" He whimpered before shooting his load inside you once again, filling you up as if he's trying to impregnate you. He moaned loudly from his climax
He breathed heavily as he tried to calm down from his high. You kissed his lips before looking into his eyes "You look pretty when you cum, Sigma. It's addicting~"
His eyes were soft and gentle as he still pants "I'm glad the feeling is mutual"
You smirk as you lean into his ear "no matter how many times you cum, your body still wants more~" you said as you touched his already hard cock.
he whimpered and shivered the second he felt your hand on his sensitive dick. You smirked wider before saying "maybe one more round will do"
The man is the strongest hunting dog. The man has a LOT of stamina. It would a lot to get him overstimulated and tired, but you've managed to do so. You just feel too good and he was getting overwhelmed by the pleasure.You lost count after a couple of rounds, but you've been jumping on his cock for a long time. His eyes were closed while his body was trembling a little. His face was overwhelmed by the pleasure, but even though he was in ecstacy, he would not make a loud sound. His hands were gripping tightly onto your hips
"How are you feeling, love?" You caress his cheek gently
He gulped and leaned into your touch "You feel like..heaven, dear" he catched his breath mid sentence.
You jumped a little rougher which made him clench his teeth and arch his back slightly. His eyes open slightly and he stared at where you two were connected. You clenched his hair gently, making him gasp softly
"Come one ah~ let me hear your voice~" you pleaded softly
He looked down for a second. He seemed embarrassed to let you hear his moans and whimpers, but if that's what you want from him then he will deliver it just for you, but he still needed more encouragement. He was still clenching his teeth as he blushed slightly.
You caressed his muscles gently "Please~? Your moans turn me on~" you whispered in his ear
He trembled more when you caressed his muscles. He laid his head back and let out a deep long moan. Hearing his moan turned you on and encouraged you to jump faster. You were both moaning slightly loud and twitching from the pleasure.
"I- oh God~ ngh~! D-dont stop~" Tecchou moaned with his cheeks sightly blushed
Hearing his words made you jump at a desperate and quick pace. He arched his back while moaning. His mind was blank. He only thought of the pleasure and you. He was unconsciously thrusting upwards. He couldn't handle it anymore.
His dug his nails into your hips "Ngh~! I can't anymore i- "
He quickly pulled himself out of you and then groaned loud while he shot his load on your stomach and chest. You came after him with a loud moan from the beautiful moans and sight he presented you with. He was out of breath and sweating
You giggle softly and kiss his cheek while you were out of breath "You did well, love"
You saw a small smile on his lips as he panted "so did you"
Please check out my Wattpad book! Wattpad deleted my book for breaking their policies so I have to start off from scratch. I'd appreciate it greatly if you check it out ❤️🙏. My Wattpad account is @Coolyiooo
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r0semaryt3a · 4 months
Loved your dating hc's!!! They all felt really convincing and in character 💕💕 How do you think the pt (preferably chrollo, uvo, phinks and feitan if thats too many) sleep next to u?? are they cuddlers, kickers, white noise users, midnight bathroom breakers, snorers or whatever else?
Ahhh glad to hear it!! I’ve only really wrote a lot about Chrollo so I was worried the others were OOC-
I’ve only really been thinking of writing for Chrollo, Feitan, Phinks, Shalnark, Machi and Paku but given as you asked for Uvo I’ll add another onto that list! (Small spoiler warning: I love the troupe, but they’re all messy sleepers and I won’t be convinced otherwise!)
He definitely has a night mask, incense and all that to help him doze off. Chrollo is a chronic suffer of predormitional insomnia: his mind runs a million a minute, man is NOT used to sleeping a healthy 8hrs.
You can guarantee if Chrollo falls asleep before you (a very rare event) you’ll find him stiff as a log. He falls asleep in whatever position he’s in and will stay there until he wakes up. Honestly, it’s a wonder he isn’t ridden with all sorts of issues (get him a chiropractor one day.)
On the other 364 days a year when he falls asleep after you, well aren’t you just the perfect little teddy bear! His arms are always wrapped around you tightly.
If you happen to be a light sleeper? You’ll definitely wake up in the middle of the night to his face buried into the crook of your neck; fingers tapping away at your abdomen as his breathing settles, the smell of lavender drowning out any other senses. So definitely a cuddler. (I will die on this hill)
Sometimes he might even pepper your neck with kisses if he notices you’re awake.
If you’re a heavier sleeper? You better get used to waking up in the morning under a vice like grip, a mat of black hair brushing against your cheek and -whether he’s awake or not- you’re not getting out of it
Big spooner, you could be twice the height of him and he’d still demand it.
Not much of a snorer, maybe the few light hitches here and there but overall he’s sound asleep.
Most nights when Chrollo can’t sleep, he’ll sit up with a book in one hand and his other arm wrapped around your sleeping form. Sometimes he’ll doze off and sometimes he’ll only be brought away from his book by your stirring.
On particularly bad nights, where his insomnia truly flairs up, you’ll have to listen to a plethora of podcasts or “soothing sounds” for him to actually sleep. And yes, you’ll have to listen to them. There’s something innately intimate about having you indulge him in his interests: makes it far easier to sleep.
You cannot tell if this man is awake or asleep 9/10.
“You sleep. I watch.” Kind of deal, he has many things to preoccupy himself with: like watching you! (In a: ‘someone takes even one step in this general direction, you’ll have a lullaby of screaming to doze off to’ kind of way)
It’s not that he can’t sleep, it’s that he doesn’t want to. Feitan sees sleep as a waste of time, it bleeds days into days and he could be spending that time well, instead of sleeping.
Everytime he wakes up he mentally kicks himself for having made such a waste of time
That’s where you come in! Hope you’re willing to have a human sized cat latched onto you every single night! Big spoon, little spoon, doesn’t matter to him: you’ll wind up with him clinging onto you for dear life regardless.
Despite this fact however, you’ll never know the plethora of times he wakes up in the middle of the night, painstakingly, detaches himself from you and paces around the room feverishly. Muttering about who knows what, head flicking to every angle at even the minutest of sounds. Feitan doesn’t like not being alert: loathes it, so this is his way to regulate the nerves that rest often brings.
Feitan is a very light sleeper, any slight movement may set him off and cause him to completely switch back on (sleep maintenance insomnia hits him hard).
He doesn’t strike me as a snorer but definitely isn’t quiet, sounds like a Guinea pig sometimes. A total teeth chatterer. Seriously, you’ll wake up and hear a light ‘Tch Tch Tch’ from wherever the hell he’s grabbing onto you tonight.
Will not ever wake up in the same position he falls asleep in (not that you’ll ever know that fact, he’s always looking over you long before you’re awake.)
Trust me: you’ll know if Feitan has a bad dream. His claws (yes claws) will be digging into you, his hold on you tightening with a particularly sharp ‘hiss’ of his teeth.
Likelihood is: his sleeping patterns will leave more marks on you than any other activities ever will. But, don’t worry! It shows he cares (I think?).
Kicker, oh he is a real kicker.
You’ll wind up waking up off the bed more times than you will on it.
On and off cuddler, there’s very few times that you’ll fall asleep cuddling but by god is it a wild guess as to whether you’ll wake up doing so.
Phinks will fall asleep with his back towards you, teetering off the edge of the bed. And, In the matter of minutes can have one leg half way across the bed, the other swung over the edge, left hand across his face, right on his chest, mouth slack and whole body at a 45* angle.
Other times, you’ll find a knee digging into your back as he’s (very awkwardly) cuddling you from behind.
Surprising the masses (not): he snores. Has a whole box of nose strips to stop this.
Despite all of these, interesting, idiosyncrasies. The few times you fall asleep cuddling: he’s an entirely different sleeper. It’s like he takes a page out of Chrollo’s book and doesn’t move an inch (aside from rolling, he’s a total roller).
The snoring won’t stop though.
Doesn’t need anything to help him sleep, his head hits the pillow and he’s out like a light. Real heavy sleeper as well, you could roll him off the bed with an almighty thud and he’d still be sound sleep. It’s actually fairly endearing.
Will sleep for 6 hours, wake up for 1, roll around for a bit, settle down and then sleep for another 2.
Best pray you’re a heavy sleeper: that’s all the advice I can give you.
Honestly? It’s like sleeping next to a bear, vaguely adorable as much as it has you fearing for you life (and place on the bed).
If Phinks is like sleeping next to a bear, Uvo is a bear hug.
You’ll find your place settled neatly against his chest, as if he’s one of those comically large backpacks (like Johnny’s from Hotel Transylvania). Don’t worry about anything, truly, you’ll be snug as a bug in a hug.
Surprisingly, not a snorer (when sober at least). Often needs noises to fall asleep to though. If there’s not calamity afoot then Uvo tends to get angsty; you may have to deal with the occasional outburst.
So, you often have loud games or shows blaring in the background as he rests his chin on your head. Uvo doesn’t fall asleep easily, meaning there’s very few times that you can turn the noise off before you head to sleep yourself. You best get used to sleeping to the volume of a rock concert! (with his constant screeching he blew his own ear drums)
Invest in earbuds of some kind, it’ll help the both of you.
The LOUDEST snorer when drunk. I mean LOUDEST. Cotton buds line your bathroom cupboards for whenever he drinks, you’ll have to pick out bits of cotton on particularly bad nights.
Absolute hoarder. Whether it be you, a pillow, the duvet, he’ll have it and he isn’t letting it go. It’s honestly quite comforting, his presence isn’t exactly small, so with this hoarding comes a sense of security.
He’s surprisingly gentle as well, it doesn’t feel infantilising, more like you’re something from a heist that he doesn’t want to break.
Can fall asleep anywhere there’s noise. It’s a skill, you’ll find him contorted in a corner just so long as the TV’s humming in the background. Don’t think of moving him, you won’t.
Probably takes a good few trips to the loo during the night. Which, unfortunately for you, given your nightly position: leads to you being woken up every time he does.
Not a fan of cuddles, like at all. Shalnark is quite the squisher when you’re both up and about or even just lounging on the covers, but when it comes to sleeping? He’ll do it, sure, but he won’t be too thrilled most nights. There’s the odd time that he’ll be uncharacteristically for the idea, pulling you close and running off a mile a minute! He doesn’t tend to actually sleep those nights, more ramble on like you’re at some two person sleepover; the sentiment’s there nonetheless.
Despite this fact, he’s very specific with having at least something pressed up against his back -little spooner- and will get agitated if this requirement isn’t met.
Podcasts, lots of podcasts. Shalnark has about ten to twenty playlists that he’ll be sat scrolling through: trying to find the one he wants to sleep to. You’ll never be privy to these of course, he tends to keep a pair of headphones shoved in some drawer.
Oftentimes, before even attempting to sleep, he’ll be scrolling through some forum or busy doing: something. Though, for some reason you don’t remember any of his chronic scrolling…
Bathroom breaker, it’s nothing annoying but you’ll never not notice the shift in weight, as he swings his legs off the bed and heads to the bathroom. He’s always careful not to make too much noise, which winds up causing more in the process.
Has a small assortment of glasses of water that will accumulate through the week, all filled to different volumes. He swears he’ll drink them! He never does. It just ticks that little box of ‘just incase’ and he can’t sleep without it. Same with most other amenities.
Late sleeper, this man will never be up before you. That may be attributed to the fact he never falls asleep before you, but who’s to say!
The fact you don’t have single beds is both a gift to thank her for and a curse. Machi is a sleep tosser; she tosses a lot.
You tend to sleep on opposite ends of the bed. This is both in part to her overall distaste of sleeping together and the kicking. Oh boy, the kicking.
You know how the immune system can sometimes misinterpret things as threats, causing autoimmune reactions? That Machi when asleep. It’s like a subconscious instinct, a defence mechanism is you will; it’s certainly a good one! It’s just, not always needed. Especially not when you wake up at 4:34am after a particularly sharp jab at your side.
Though, some nights she’s stiff as a board! Not one movement or peep. As if death herself had stole Machi away.
She’s not a particularly picky sleeper, Machi can rest to almost anything. However, there is one thing that seems to expedite the process. Fire - whether the simple crackling singing off in the distance, or the chocking scent of smoke pervading the air. It seems to calm Machi, there’s no foreseeable reason for it. She just, likes fire.
L i g h t sleeper, you can’t count the amount of times she’s jolted awake, swearing she heard something. Windows, doors and anything else that might throw the room into disarray or stir up noise are a must close.
Sleep mutterer. It’s a rare occurrence, but Machi will sometimes have whole conversations with the air. You’re usually both asleep when these conversations take place (there was once that you overheard one to its completion. You’ll never tell her of course).
Incense galore.
Seriously it’s everywhere.
Pakunoda needs some form of soft scent to lull her to sleep. This often comes in the form of floral scents, but can branch off into other soothing smells. Her particular favourites include cedar and amber.
You wouldn’t describe what you and Pakunoda do as cuddling, per se. She treats you more like a support pillow than anything else. Arms wrapped around you tightly and chin resting upon your head.
Neither of you will be able to move an inch throughout the night. Pakunoda has a very specific pre sleep schedule that she’ll run through every night (including final bathroom breaks, cleaning and small talk) and after that, it’s lights out. It doesn’t matter if you wake up and need something: she’s out cold. You might be able to escape, if you can pry yourself out. But just know: getting back in the same position will prove twice as difficult.
Not a snorer, hell, you can hardly hear her breathing most nights. If it weren’t for the subtle rise and fall of her chest against your back, you’d question if she even was.
Up long before you are, usually has one half of the bed already made (haphazardly as not to disturb you.)
I had a lot of fun doing this one; might return to it for further Troupe members at a later date, so cheers for the ask Anon! (Little irrelevant thing I just want to mention for future reference: if any PT ask includes Hisoka or Illumi please specify as such.)
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yourstrulyrika · 8 months
soft sex with leon kennedy ♡
ahhh i love this man. comfort character fr.
anyway no warnings. fem!reader and lots of love praise and aftercare :3 smut below the cut! probably the longest fic i ever wrote so pls tell me if it’s actually decent. i’m not used to writing long fics
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a reminder rqs are open btw :3
Leon struggles with telling you how much he loves you. He’s always been a man of few words since you knew him. does that mean he doesn’t love you? no way in hell. he loves you more than you’ll ever know.
It’s visible with the way he’s so gentle with you. When holding you, when talking to you, sleeping with you, making love with you.
Because Leon doesn’t fuck; he’s making love.
he’s so gentle, putting you on a pedestal, treating you like a queen you are. his eyes are on you as he kneels down in front of you, hands already on thighs and gently squeezing them. you swear you can see little hearts in his eyes with how in love he is with you.
“That’s it baby, so good for me. Always so pretty, the prettiest girl in the entire world.” and he’s saying this so lovingly as he takes his time with you. first, he places loving kisses all over your thighs, mumbling how much he loves you after each kiss. he finally tugs off your panties and lifts your thighs up, letting out a soft moan at the sight in front of him.
“Good girl. Love you so much, princess, can’t believe you’re mine.” with those words, he places your thighs on his shoulders, burying his face in your puffy cunt. he loves it there, loves when you close your thighs around his head. he presses light kisses on your clit, going down to finally dive in and eat you out like a starved man he is. truth be told, when he’s between your legs, he always loses himself, always in his own world with how good it feels for him. always praising you, even when it’s barely audible.
“Mm, fuck, you’re just perfect aren’t you? Sweet girl. Just sit there and let me take care of you.” he loves your taste. always spends so much time on your pussy, making you come at least two times before he even thinks of himself.
when you start trembling, he knows you’re close. he speeds up his movements, clumsily reaching out to hold your hand as his hand rests on your thigh. and then you cum — and he feels like heaven’s greeting him right now. you’re squirming, because you’re sensitive and yet he never stops eating you out; quite the opposite. he makes it a challenge to make you cum faster than the orgasm before the next one. with how sensitive you are it’s not hard — he starts fingering you, gently curling his fingers to reach your sweet spot that makes you spread and lift your legs higher.
“Could spend forever between your legs, love. Fuck, you taste too good for your own good. How can I not grow drunk on you?” all he thinks about in this moment is you, you, you — your face, your pussy, your hand tugging on his hair. he loves when you do that, loves when you use him for your pleasure.
“That’s it, angel. Jus’ use me all you want, ‘m all yours, my cock is yours, everything I own is yours. ‘m here to please you, baby, please,” he actually starts to get whiny at his own words — cock so hard it’s throbbing against his stomach but he just doesn’t want to stop until you cum again. he has to see you cum again — it’s like a blessing to him.
when you finally cum, he has this big, proud grin on his face, eyes hazy but full of love for you. you can notice just how hard he is — and yet he doesn’t care until you ask him to slide in. of course he’ll oblige, anything for his princess.
he reaches out to take your hand in his again, guiding his cock inside with the other. both of you moan at the same time, you because you feel him snug so well inside, him because he feels your gummy, warm walls already wrapping around him like a blanket. he feels like he’s about to cum right there and now, but he holds back, wanting to make you cum again.
“Fuck, you’re made for me. You’re so perfect, I love you so much. You feel so damn good.”
Leon’s not rushing it. his pace is actually pretty balanced, not wanting to overwhelm you. he peppers your neck with gentle love bites and hickeys, all the way to your chest where he sucks your nipples like his life depended on it. fondles your breast with one hand, sucking on the other one while still holding your hand. he’s searching for that spot you love so well — and when he finds it, he’s so proud of himself.
“Right there baby? Yeah? Good girl, taking me so well, this pussy was made for me.” he’s adjusting his position, arching his hips to just hit that sweet spot inside you repeatedly until he feels you squirming.
he loves being drunk on you, he loves drowning himself in you, your embrace, your scent. he loves everything about you. the way you scratch his back, dig your fingers in when you’re close — he moans so loudly at that you’re almost surprised if it wasn’t for him thrusting in you so well. you two are so close, but he cums right after you do — he wouldn’t dare cum before you.
he stays inside you for a moment, just staring into you lovingly. he presses a sweet kiss to your head, before slowly pulling out and picking you up.
“Cmon, babygirl. Did so well for me, time to take care of you.”
he carries you to the bathroom, cleans you up, makes sure you’re hydrated, well fed and clean before actually tucking you in bed, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest so you feel his heartbeat as you come down from your high.
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