#AIDS test
dshseodelhi · 11 months
Know Sexually Transmitted Infections (STDs) Signs and Symptoms
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STDs), also known as Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STIs), are a group of infections that are primarily spread through sexual contact. They affect millions of people worldwide and can have serious health consequences if left untreated. Understanding the signs and symptoms of STDs is crucial for early detection and treatment. In this blog, we will discuss some of the most common STDs and their associated signs and symptoms.
Chlamydia is one of the most common STDs and often shows no symptoms. When symptoms do occur, they may include:
Painful urination
Abnormal genital discharge
Pain or swelling in the testicles for men
Pain during sexual intercourse for women
Lower abdominal pain
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Gonorrhea shares some symptoms with chlamydia, such as painful urination and abnormal discharge. However, additional signs may include:
Sore throat
Painful bowel movements
Pelvic inflammatory disease in women, which can lead to infertility if left untreated
Syphilis is a bacterial infection that progresses in stages, with symptoms varying at each stage. The primary stage is characterized by a painless sore or ulcer at the site of infection, usually the genitals or mouth. As the infection progresses, symptoms can include:
Skin rashes
Swollen lymph nodes
Joint pain
Organ damage in the tertiary stage, which can be life-threatening
Herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus and can result in recurring outbreaks of painful sores or blisters in the genital or oral area. Other symptoms may include:
Itching and burning before the sores appear
Flu-like symptoms during the initial outbreak
Nerve pain
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Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
HPV is one of the most common STDs, with many strains that can cause genital warts or lead to certain types of cancer, such as cervical cancer. Genital warts are the most common symptom, but some HPV strains do not produce visible symptoms. Regular screenings and HPV vaccinations are crucial in preventing associated health risks.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
HIV attacks the immune system and can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) if left untreated. Early HIV infection may cause flu-like symptoms, but it often progresses without noticeable symptoms for years. Later-stage symptoms can include:
Rapid weight loss
Chronic diarrhea
Skin rashes
Night sweats
Swollen lymph nodes
Opportunistic infections
Trichomoniasis is caused by a parasite and can result in symptoms such as:
Vaginal itching
Abnormal discharge with a foul odor
Painful urination
Itching and redness in the genital area
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Sexually Transmitted Infections can affect anyone who engages in sexual activity, and some may not exhibit any symptoms. Regular screenings, practicing safe sex, and open communication with sexual partners are essential steps in preventing and managing STDs. Early detection and treatment are crucial for reducing the risk of complications and the spread of infections. If you suspect you have an STD or are at risk, consult a healthcare professional for testing and guidance on the best prevention methods. Remember that safe sex and open conversations about sexual health are key to reducing the prevalence of STDs in our communities.
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pinksilvace · 4 months
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@ all of the fic writers that give Hypnos injured/broken wings: I am kissing you passionately on the mouth
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remembertheplunge · 4 months
The gay men's take on Prop 64: 1986: Concentration Camps for people with AIDSs HIV
11/3/1986. Monday 
It now approaches midnight.
 A very pleasant evening at Tom and Greg's house. Nice wine and desert and Italian food (pasta) and friends. Talk ranged from “I’m homosexual and gay. What do you think about that?” A gay friend from San Fransisco and his lover, from Rocklin said “oh, you looked great as a 40’s drag queen. My second boyfriend was captain of the high school football team.” The conversations also ranged to "Aids may wipe out the entire world population or it may be cured soon. "AIDS is all that they talk about in San Fransisco."
”But, don’t get this entry wrong, most of the time chit chat was just that, Tom's upcoming trip to China, There is a peacefulness in Mexico and a rushed feel to US life. Downtown Sacramento whose people are like machines.
The early stage party uptightness mellowed to late evening hugs and Cheer.
My margin note to the above entry:
Regarding Proposition 64, on the California ballot for the 11/4/1986 State Election which if adopted could result in concentration camps for people withHIV AIDS: Tom and Greg said “Don’t get an Aids test. If you test positive, you could be marked for 'prejudice camps' etc."
(Prop 64 would have required mandatory reporting of people who tested positive for HIV AIDS to the government leading to possible forced entry into an HIV Aids concentration camp .)
Notes: Tom and Greg (not their real names) were gay friends of mine when I lived in Sacramento to in 1986-1987.
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webdiggerxxx · 4 months
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(photo: Ken Kesey, New York City, November 1985, by Allen Ginsberg)
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The late great Merry Prankster Ken Kesey was born on this day 1935 in La Junta Colorado. Probably best known for is novel “One Flew over The Cuckoo’s Nest,” it was his legendary Acid Test parties down the SF peninsula in La Honda with the house band The Warlocks which he and fellow pranksters hosted after their return from the cross country trip on their dayglo painted school bus called “Furthur” (popularized in Tom Wolfe’s Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test), that solidly launched the psychedelic 60s. The Warlocks in short order would change their name to the Grateful Dead...
Ken Kesey on Allen Ginsberg:
“Back in (19)66 or (19)67, we took the bus up to Berkeley for Vietnam Day. The day before the big rally, the Hell’s Angels said they were going to protest Vietnam Day by pounding the shit out of the protestors, and they were serious. Since we kind of knew the Angels, we went over to Oakland, to Sonny Barger‘s house. Ginsberg went with us, right into the lion’s mouth with his little cymbals. Ching, ching ching. And he just kept talking and being his usual absorbing self. Finally they said, “OK, OK, We’re not going to beat up the protesters’. When he left, one of the Angels, Terry the Tramp, says, “That queer little kike ought to ride a bike. From then on, he had a pass around the Angels. They had let all the other Angels know. “He’s a dude worth helping out”. They were absolutely impressed by him and his courage.”
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acestims · 8 months
As much as I love my cane, Judy, she’s certainly not the best (I got her a year and a half ago for £20 and you can tell), so I got myself some crutches!
Everyone please welcome Leafpool and Squirrelflight!
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[ID: A pair of pink and black forearm crutches from Cool Crutches resting against a white wall, beside them is a cane covered in stickers. End ID]
The left one is Leafpool because L for Leafpool, and the right one is Squirrelflight because she’s always right. Also the pink matches my wheelchair perfectly!
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You Can't Fuck the Kool Aid Man
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Or at least you shouldn't. Look, I understand the appeal, a big strong man with endless coolness absolutely guaranteed to quench any thirst. And sure, the temptation to have wet and wild nasty purple flavored sex with him might be hard to overcome, but you also have to realize...
That liquid is his innards... his blood, his organs, the stuff that's generally meant to keep him alive, and having wild unprotected sex with this man would mean spilling his blood for all to see. Are you prepared for those consequences? Can you live with yourself after having killed a man?
There's blood on your hands. There's blood on your bed. There's blood seeping through your carpet. The stench is an awful type of sickly sweet. And years after they release you from prison for the crimes you have done, you'll come back to a home permanently stained by his presence.
All because you stuck your dick in some Kool-aid.
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djeterg19 · 3 months
Uh yeah Mook's right that's a terrible idea after one clean test unless you are on PReP. Especially in a non-committed relationship. It's just way too risky. Back in my day you needed to take multiple tests 6 months apart because HIV could take that long or longer to show up in a test. Anyways
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When was the last time YOU got tested?
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Today is National Transgender HIV Testing Day (NTHTD) - it's an annual observance through the CDC and other HIV-focused health organizations to spark conversations about the need for HIV testing and prevention. Like many marginalized populations, HIV disproportionally affects transgender individuals compared to the general population and has done so since the original 1980s AIDS epidemic.
It's 2024. HIV is completely treatable and preventable - as long as you have the knowledge and the tools.
Every single person should get tested for HIV at least once in their lives, even if they're not sexually active. In Illinois, once you turn 12 years old, you can get tested for HIV and prevention tools like PrEP and PEP entirely on your own without parental permission/consent.
Sexually active individuals should be tested for HIV at least once per year, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. HIV can and does affect everyone, so make it a part of your annual wellness routine and doctor's visit. There's a variety of ways to get tested for HIV - whether it's through an at-home test, at the doctor's office, or with an organization like us at Rainbow Cafe LGBTQ Center!
High-risk people, like individuals who frequently have unprotected sex or share injectable drugs/equipment, should get tested for HIV more often. The CDC recommends high-risk populations get tested every 3 to 6 months, depending on need. On the other hand, the CDC does not recommend anyone get tested more than 4 times a year unless...
You should get tested each and every time there's an emergency like you had unprotected sex, the condom broke, or you had to share drug equipment.
If you test negative, you have a couple of options to prevent getting HIV in the future. If you're someone who comes into contact with HIV somewhat regularly, like if you have engage in unprotected sex, have a partner living with HIV, or normally share injection drug equipment, you should consider PrEP - a daily pill that prevents HIV long-term. Alternatively, if you're someone who doesn't into contact with HIV very often and there's an emergency like a condom breaking, there's PEP, which prevents HIV transmission after exposure if taken quickly enough.
If you test positive, you'll be prescribed the necessary medications to ensure you will live a long, healthy life just like any of your other peers. It might seem scary since there still isn't a permanent cure for HIV, but living with HIV really means just taking your daily meds, doing some routine bloodwork with your doctor, and making sure to tell your future/current partners.
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smile-files · 7 days
(my ii3 rewatch is going swell! i'm quite enjoying myself.)
it is sort of funny how nickel goes from blaming everything on balloon in ii2 to blaming everything on clover in ii3. he very much wants to contextualize his misfortune, wanting someone to get mad at (he doesn't like feeling in the wrong personally, and i doubt he'd like to think he's just unlucky); when he starts to get along with balloon in ii3, he needs another scapegoat, and clover's the perfect pick...
as i was saying, nickel seems to have some hidden guilt about treating balloon badly before, with his stubborn, heels-dug-in hatred of balloon fading away now that he doesn't have to save face in front of baseball and suitcase. of course, he wants to save face in front of balloon too, so he half-passes it off as box suggesting it (he always wants a passive lackey to help him push for what he really wants, huh?). nickel's caught in a limbo of not wanting to seem like he had a sudden heel-face turn/change of heart, but also wanting to express that he genuinely enjoys balloon's company (because he's actually letting himself do so now). he isn't being explicitly nice to balloon, but he's simultaneously secretive about the fact that he only did it because "box" told him to -- he doesn't want balloon to think his amicability is nothing more than obligatory, but he doesn't want to be vulnerable either. really interesting stuff.
in any event, nickel's friendlier with balloon now, so obviously balloon could no longer be his scapegoat. he still doesn't like feeling guilty for his own mistakes, nor does he enjoy his troubles being blameless, so he picks clover as his target: largely because he's cynical and can't cope with the idea of pure goodwill, happiness, and innocence which clover represents. she is everything that he isn't, but at the same time what he wants to be; he resents that. this cynicism about clover probably connects with his cynicism about balloon in ii2 -- he initially couldn't wrap his head around a manipulative person changing for the better. weirdly, he still hasn't completely gotten over balloon's heel-face turn as of now (he still doesn't believe in that kind of change, at least not fully), and yet he's still chummy with balloon. as far as i can tell, nickel is strongly projecting his own reservations onto balloon: that he himself can't change and be a good person.
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dollelujah · 1 year
I am desperately trying to find a way to pay for some blood tests and an MRI for my epilepsy after being laid off this month; normally I could handle it but I'm also getting some intense (i.e. costly) dermatological treatment as well
PP: @Gravenchy
Venmo: @MariCoxi
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blackmetalsnake · 9 months
I just watched the last episode of the Fellow Travellers.
I'm dead. Thank you.
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haechanhour · 2 years
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cavityinmybrain · 4 months
i rented a wheelchair at my citys pride festival and this was what i noticed (as someone who hasnt used a wheelchair before):
wheelchairs are hard to maneuver. there were a lot of spots on the concrete where a wheel would just spin out bc it wasnt level, people also didnt realize how much space i would need to turn and back up and would stand too close
i saw a handful of people with aids, mostly canes with some other wheelchairs (rented, custom, and powered) mixed in
people often didnt look at me, pity stared at me, or disgust stared at me, especially if i would get up from my wheelchair for a booth that wasnt very accessible
most of the booths were not accessible. if i could fit a wheelchair in there, no one else would be able to enter the booth. many booths had tight corners that i wouldnt have been able to maneuver around in a wheelchair
people often got in my way on purpose? they would see me going a certain way and we would cross paths, they would often choose to cut in front of me instead of waiting or going behind/around. i had to start and stop a lot
i really had to make my presence known to people because people had NO self awareness of where they were in relation to the paths people were walking on. i had to yell “excuse me” so much
there were so many people who stopped me to ask if i was alone/had someone pushing me when i was self propelling around the grounds. often times it was when i was doing just fine (one lady stopped me while i was in a line??)
festivals with stage performances are NOT wheelchair accessible. if i wanted to see what was on stage i functionally couldnt because people were standing in front of me and there was no space to get to the front. even getting to the front didnt help because then i was stuck with crowds of people around me
some strangers are way too comfortable just grabbing your wheelchair before you say its okay. a lady tried to help me get to the front of the stage crowd and grabbed me and started moving before she asked me if it was okay
none of this is groundbreaking shit. pride NEEDS to be accessible for people, and while organizers need to do a lot of it i feel people who attend also need to be aware and courteous to people who need mobility aids.
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autism-swagger · 6 months
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