snknmda · 3 years
ahhhh omg that jouno lowkey confession suegiku angst killed me i have no idea if your asks are open or not but could u do a tecchou pov realizing like what he meant after jouno’s “death” (i refuse to believe he’s actually dead ahaha)
have tecchou having an existential crisis when he realises jouno got his ass sliced and diced and burnt and bit.
also made tecchou consider being an evil little wrong-doer as a treat.
here is the jouno related post of this piece
im sorry this is short but i couldn't expand any more than this so pls make do.
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Tecchou didn’t think anything of Jouno’s odd question until recently.
The idea of Jouno wanting to redeem himself naturally never occurred to him, mostly because after the night he had asked Tecchou about his black-and-white perspective on good and evil, he proceeded to threaten to burn and hang a little girl’s carcass to lure the detective agency out of their little hole. In a sense, it was a fool-proof plan, if only it didn’t threaten the life and innocence of a ten year old.
Telling him off and Jouno attempting to explain himself and fight was routine, even if it did piss Tecchou off every time— it was just Jouno being himself, and besides, Tecchou can’t really recall a time when Jouno ever won a battle on the basis of sheer physical prowess.
So it never struck him as odd when the commander pulled Jouno aside for whatever reason. Tecchou just assumed that in the heat of the situation they were in, there was probably something important and urgent.
But regardless of how busy and distracted Tecchou was, the events of last night kept nagging him in the back of his mind like a prelude of a very, very, very unfortunate tragedy that was soon to happen.
Tecchou only felt something was amiss when Fukuchi returned without Jouno on his tail like when he had left. Even then, Tecchou didn’t get the chance to ask about the odd disappearance for he was already given a new order that drove his mind away from Jouno… again.
In hindsight, Tecchou really wishes he paid more attention to the blood smears on the tips of Fukuchi’s boots. He wishes he paid a little more heed to what Jouno was saying last night, because if he had, he would have realised that him trusting anyone other than himself to determine what justice is is the reason he’s the government tool that he is: something to be picked apart, remodelled, and put back together at the convenience of his puppeteers, and at his own will, too.
How foolish.
He lost the very day he agreed to work for this God-forsaken government, and he finally understands why Jouno never liked them in the first place and how he was right about them being just as wicked as any other self-serving criminal organisation. In fact, Tecchou thinks that criminals might as well be less twisted than the government he’s serving, because at least they’re true to their essence— don’t hide their villainy under the false pretense of laws and justice and commit to what they believe, they’re pure.
Jouno’s pure, in the sickest sense of the word.
Fukuchi, the man who promised Tecchou a life of fulfillment under the condition that he just do as he’s told, the man who might as well be the most unfortunate victim of the corrupt government, is the one who’s subjecting Tecchou to the same fate he had to endure: treating his soldiers like pieces in his game and tossing the ones that don’t serve purpose anymore.
He can see it all very clearly. Tecchou understands why Jouno was the way that he was and did what he did— even envies him for it, because he wonders how liberating it must feel to believe in no one but yourself, even if Tecchou’s beliefs and morals didn’t line up with Jouno’s— he admires the process.
He wishes Jouno would spring back to life and call him disgusting for his superficiality once again, would shake his head with a scoff at Tecchou narrating the rules of law like he couldn’t believe the man could get any dumber. He supposes he is a little embarrassed now that he realises he played right into their grimey little hands.
He wishes he could admit it to Jouno, wishes he could implement his moral realignment without being a coward fearing change…
…but instead with shaky hands pointed the tip of his sword at him under the order of his commander, wondering if he ever had anything to stand for.
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ningningxx · 4 years
blueming - choi beomgyu
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summary: pre relationship au! m/n is a tired college student that falls in love so easily. beomgyu is the cute barista that he falls for.
word count: 3k
now playing: blueming – iu & i’m so pretty - nature
notes: first in a series
m/n stumbles into his least favorite coffee shop exhausted, with a migraine, clutching an ice pack, and a gloomy disposition, wondering why everyone is so happy. it's not his fault, honestly it's not.
it's minju's.
she dragged him out last night to go shopping, which ended in disaster. he tripped over jewelry laying on the floor, got pushed into a wall and got slapped in the face, hard. not only that, but he got awoken by freaking justin bieber of all things and the starbucks across the street from his study hall is closed, and now he has to run all the way across to the other side of campus just to get a cup of freaking coffee.
wait, he also got knocked out after being hit by a trombone at orchestra practice.
he's internally yelling at minju in his mind before deciding to actually let her know how he feels via a strongly worded text message (she'll probably be fuming that he woke her from her sleep but he's too angry to care) just as he reached the front counter. still pounding away at his phone, he grunts out his order, dropping the exact amount of money for his venti-frappucino-with-three-espresso-shots. yeah, he's definitely not having the best morning.
"sorry, could you repeat that?"
m/n looks up, ready to glare viciously and direct his bad mood at the barista who obviously pays no attention... but instead gapes at him because the barista is actually really cute and damn maybe he's already got a crush. and, oh shit, he's the guy who minju tutors sometimes on weekends.
the barista (beomgyu, m/n remembers) stands there with an uncomfortable smile, awkwardly standing there behind the counter. (m/n would be lying if he said that wasn't one of the cutest things he's ever seen.) "your order?"
m/n gapes a little more before regaining his composure, a polite smile gracing his features. "yeah - right, sorry. um, a venti frappuccino with three espresso shots." he pushes the coins forward, waiting awkwardly.
beomgyu smiles again, this time an actual smile gracing his features (m/n will never admit that he swooned a little), appearing amused if anything. "right," he quickly scooped the change up before yelling behind him. "yein! large frap, three shots!" he registers m/n's change and hands m/n his drink. "thanks for coming to golden swirls! have a great day, m/n-ssi."
m/n blushes because beomgyu actually knows his name and he may or may not be screaming inside because of it. someone behind him coughs, interrupting his inner emotions and m/n is so glad that he's not in high school because he so has a schoolgirl crush.
"thanks- i'll be going-" m/n runs out of the door before he could embarrass himself further, almost dropping his coffee as he goes and accidentally knocking his laptop bag that's swung over his shoulder into the wall outside. he looks at beomgyu through the large window, watching how he serves the next customer before quickly heading off towards his next class.
not even ten seconds later, he's managed to almost break his laptop, spill his coffee over a random stranger and he just wants the ground to swallow him up. his patience has run thin and he finds himself swearing because of how awful this one morning has gone. fuck today, fuck his life, just fuck
most of the time, m/n's lucky to have minju in his life. they share an apartment together with minju running a home business as a pastry chef, she helps him with all of his assignments and they've known each other forever. but today, he really hopes that he has awoken her from her sleep (he doesn't want anything horrible to happen to her, he loves her too much) because it's her fault that he's injured. (maybe not completely her fault, not that he'll ever admit it.)
after getting back to the apartment and telling her of his god-forsaken awful day, she has the audacity to laugh.
she laughs so hard that she ends up falling off the couch, her makeup smudging which he's sure she'll be upset about. he doesn't really appreciate that she's laughing and he thinks that maybe he should take photos or a video because she laughs like a horse on crack. he chooses the third option which is attempting to make her spontaneously combust with the power of his glare.
"what the actual fuck." if anything, she laughs even harder and starts rolling around on the floor. he grabs a nearby throw pillow and launches it at her.
(she retaliates, flipping the couch over and them sitting on his back, she tries suffocating him with a surprisingly lethal fluffy cushion.)
after she stops attempting to strangle him and they put their living room back to the original state, they return to their previous conversation. but he immediately wishes that she's still attempting to murder him, because she is smirking. (he's so going to be antagonized for another week)
"so what basically happened, is that you publicly humiliated yourself in front of a cute guy and now you've turned into a weeping willow." she almost bursts out laughing again after her summary, instead pinching his cheek.
m/n immediately recoils, covering his face with another throw cushion. "yes, thank you for reminding me of the possibly most embarassing period of my life."
"you could've been worse. you could've spilled coffee on him, you could've fallen flat on your face as soon as you walked through the door." she laughed while he blushes even harder than he thought possible. (leave it to minju to bring up previous events.)
"i hate you," he manages to squeak out from underneath the pillow, curling in on himself.
"i love you too," she pats his head affectionately. "now i'll order some chinese food and we'll spend the whole night watching cheesy rom-coms while i try to cheer you up with some horrible puns and jokes."
(m/n cracks a smile because he honestly couldn't ask for a better best friend.)
after finally managing to finish his music assignment and edit another three essays as well as helping minju with baking cupcakes, m/n skypes kangmin. kangmin (the same person who chose to go in china instead of staying in seoul, the traitor) has been the third member of their group ever since the beginning of elementary as well as the exact reason for m/n's sexuality crisis. (which may or may not have included a temporary relationship and a lot of making out.)
it's not like m/n can hold it against him, but of course he still wonders why all of his friends have to be so damn good looking and adorable.
kangmin, unsurprisingly, doesn't answer the phone the first time but the second time yejin had picked up the call. yejin was the last member of their group and was the most creative and independent of the bunch. she was the first person that m/n had met that he loved within the first five minutes of meeting. of course, sometimes she was over-dramatic and hyperactive but it didn't really matter, she was still one of his best friends.
"hey m/n!" yejin smiled, flashing her pearly whites. "kangmin is currently busy working on that huge programming or digital project that he got a week ago."
yejin faces the camera towards kangmin, showing him with his head in buried in his hands. there were papers strewn all over the desk while his computer was closed. she subtly takes a picture of his distress before tapping him on the shoulder. kangmin's head snaps, a grimace present until his eyes lands on m/n's face appearing.
"m/n!" kangmin yelled, snatching his phone off yejin. ignoring her rude remark, he positions the phone in a way that both yejin and himself appear on the screen while still being close enough to hear. "sorry, i love you but this stupid piece of code is giving the biggest trouble ever and i just can't take it anymore."
he groans dramatically in his hands while yejin rolls her eyes at him, patting his head fondly.
"you'll be fine." she coos at him, rubbing his hair affectionately. "what's up m/n?"
"i may or may not have met someone..." m/n trails off, laughing at their reactions. yejin starts clapping excitedly and squealing while kangmin's head snaps up with a bright smile on his face.
"who is it? it's not that creepy guy in orchestra is it? if it is, you could do so much better.." yejin rants, not stopping even when kangmin covers her mouth with his hand.
"and i may or may not have also embarassed myself in front of him." yejin shuts up straight away, both her and kangmin starting to giggle.
"how bad was it?" kangmin inquires, a cheeky glint in his eye. "falling-flat-on-your-face-bad or peeing-your-pants-because-you're-so-nervous-bad?"
"maybe worse,"
more stares.
"it was clown-at-kangmin’s-eighth-birthday-bad."
long story short, kangmin’s parents had hired the wrong person and accidentally hired a drug dealer who tried to convince the kids that the cocaine he brought was sherbet. 
kangmin’s parents were mortified at the time but kangmin continues to tell the story whenever he gets the chance.
m/n eventually ends the call because yejin and kangmin are laughing so hard at him and, god, why does everything with him have to be so complicated and embarassing? (he may also have rejected the next two calls, accidentally)
minju, being the absolutely amazing best friend that she is, is so much more helpful than his other two friends. meaning that since she's already laughed at him, she's moved on to the point where she decides that she's going to be a helpful friend.
(m/n shudders at the thought. last time minju decided she was going to be a 'helpful friend', he ended up in the hospital for two weeks and failed two assignments.)
unfortunately, minju turns out to be his only option to call when he sees beomgyu again at the shop.
"please, please, please, come here right now. starbucks is closed, beomgyu's on shift and i need someone here to make sure i don't embarass myself."
turns out, this is the one time that minju isn't available.
"you should've asked me before. i'm too busy. i've got to juggle six different pastry orders and they all have to be done in a couple of hours because i'm catering for a wedding."
well, fuck. m/n looks inside the coffee shop again, noticing that this time beomgyu is looking back at him. beomgyu smiles and waves, while he leans against a broom. m/n can't help but smile back, pocketing his phone and walking through the door.
as soon as he's in the door, he sees the broom that beomgyu is leaning on slips and makes him fall over. he rushes over to beomgyu quickly, helping him back up. beomgyu blushes a bright red while m/n helps him back over to the counter despite being told numerous times that he's fine.
"seriously m/n-ssi, i'm fine." beomgyu giggles. he fucking giggles and suddenly there's a hand on his arm and somehow all the oxygen has left his lungs and why is it so suddenly hot?
"are you sure?" m/n asks again, checking for any injuries. beomgyu nods again, walking awkwardly back behind the counter.
"venti frap, three shots right?" beomgyu's eyes shine, a small blush coating his cheeks. m/n nods, handing over his coins.
beomgyu scoops them up but accidentally drops a few on the ground. after all the coins are picked up, yein suddenly appears by his side with a coffee in her hand.
"smooth move, casanova," she nudges him playfully, before handing the coffee to m/n. beomgyu blushes brightly, moving over to start cleaning the counter.
"thanks, i guess." m/n says awkwardly. "i'll see you later, yeah?"
he runs out the door, waving to them as he goes. he's a few metres away from the coffee shop before he does a happy dance because he didn't embarass himself in front of beomgyu.
(this doesn't erase his bad luck however. he manages to keep his coffee intact, but someone else spilled their coffee on him, he got attacked by a rabid cat and chased by a group of dogs on the way home.)
the next time m/n sees beomgyu, it's in the comfort of his own home.
but that doesn't mean, he's ready to face his crush.
m/n's woken up by minju's banshee scream, her high pitched tone filling his entire room. he wishes his first instinct was to cover his own ears but no, his first instinct is to get up and make sure the bathroom door is closed. (every time minju screams, the large mirror in their bathroom 'mysteriously' breaks. and the money that pays for it 'mysteriously' comes out of his own wallet.)
he walks into the living room and he knows he looks like a mess.
his hair is strewn everywhere, making him look like he just got zapped with lightning. he's wearing a plain white shirt but he's only one inside while the other half is wrapped around his shoulder, exposing his lower body. he's also wearing his rainbow briefs while he's got kittens on his socks.
m/n's barely got his other arm in the shirt before he hears a cough behind, where he's met with beomgyu's blushing face.
beomgyu looks like he's trying so hard to look away, he's got his face hidden behind one of his books but his eyes are visible at the top, (it certainly has nothing to do with the way his nose starts to bleed a little) while minju doesn't look much better herself.
she hadn't bothered to brush away her bangs and instead was trying to pour herself a cup of coffee, a large yawn escaping her lips.
"we, meaning me, wants you to make us breakfast," minju speaks like she doesn't know that she just embarrassed m/n in front of his crush. (to her credit, she probably doesn't. she occasionally leaves their apartment half naked because of her tired stupor.)
"uh, r-right." m/n stutters, running back to his room, locking gazes with beomgyu before his door swings shut.
minju eyes him weirdly as he goes. (usually he'd yell at her to stop being lazy and do it herself but he seemed to be too stunned to do anything. she'd have to bring beomgyu around more often.)
"is he okay, minju?" beomgyu puts the book down.
"he'll be fine," minju yawns again, wrinkling her nose. "i've already accomplished my duty as a best friend by bringing you here." she ignored beomgyu's questioning gaze, bringing her mug to her lips.
m/n walks out of his room, looking more presentable but also looking like he was going to cut a bitch. (in every case, minju.)
"give me that," m/n swiped minju's mug from her hands, taking a deep gulp of her bitter coffee. he ignored minju's scathing remark and turned to beomgyu, unstartled. "will pancakes be okay, beomgyu-ssi?" his voice took a much softer tone than when he spoke to minju.
"yes please, and i'd rather you'd just call me beomgyu, m/n-ssi." beomgyu smiled.
"then i would insist that you'd do the same, beomgyu-ah." m/n smiled, shooing minju out of his kitchen and getting the ingredients out.
minju huffs and takes a seat next to beomgyu, crossing her arms.
"are you ready to carry on, beomgyu-ah?" minju asks, wiping her face with a wet wipe.
"gimme a sec," beomgyu rests his head on his arms as he watches m/n move around in the kitchen.
m/n's got his headphones in his ears as he hums delightfully, flipping pancakes with ease. he dances his way around the kitchen, pulling out syrup and strawberries and eating utensils, preparing breakfast with a soft smile on his face.
beomgyu can't help but watch the other male with a dumb smile on his face, not looking away even when there's a steaming hot plate of pancakes in front of him.
"i hope you like them," m/n smiles, taking out his left headphone. he fucking smiles at beomgyu, who feels his entire being heat up. (beomgyu tries to ignore the way his heart pitter-patters in his chest. that traitor.)
when beomgyu takes a bite, he moans in delight. m/n pretends to not notice, shoveling his food in his mouth. (his blush totally does not give him away.)
"so m/n-ah," minju starts, taking back her mug and refilling it. "when's your next class?"
"i'm free today. my chemistry professor called in sick so he just emailed everybody their latest assignments. i'm going to die." m/n cringed, taking a sip of his water.
"i bet physics is looking pretty good right now, huh?" minju had a triumphant look on her face.
"people who take physics usually don't have a life, or friends." m/n flicked her forehead, distracting her long enough to steal her coffee again. "no offense, beomgyu-ah."
"none taken, m/n-ah." beomgyu shrugged his shoulders. "what do you study?"
"i'm making my life hard by majoring in dance with a minor in chemistry." m/n put his two thumbs, his entire being oozing with sarcasm. "commuting to two different campuses four times a week, what fun."
"that's like me!" beomgyu's eyes were a little wider. "i'm a vocal major with a minor in physics. moving between the two campuses is such a pain."
"does that mean you know soobin-hyung? i think he's a vocal major as well?" m/n asks.
"bunny-hyung?" beomgyu's eyes glaze over in realization. "he takes care of me, you know, being one year older. does that mean you're friends with yeonjun-hyung? he still owes me twenty dollars."
"soobin-hyung owes me fifty!" m/n almost yells. "but it's okay because he buys me lunch every other day."
"oh my god, they're perfect for each other." beomgyu rolls his eyes, stabbing his pancake with his fork.
"they're disgusting. i hate seeing them meet up, like they haven't seen each in a million years when in reality it's been like four hours." m/n agrees, wrinkling his nose.
minju looks between the two males, wondering how they could be so oblivious towards one another.
"they're idiots. idiots who hopelessly crush on each other." minju complained under her breath. she held up her phone, pretending to use it as a mirror, only to snap a pic of m/n and beomgyu interacting with each other, bright smiles on both of their faces.
m/n briefly looked at her, a weird look on his face.
"you'll thank me later." she smiled innocently, tapping her phone with a wink.
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"You?" (Part 2)
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Pairing: Kwon Jiyong (G Dragon) x Reader
Genre: Soulmate AU, Romance, a dash of fluff
Soulmate AU Prompt: Soulmates have identical counters that count the number of times they have passed their soulmate.
Part: 2/?
Part 1 | Part 3
Alternatively titled: Y/N and GD think too much.
A/N: Thank you everyone who read the first part and everyone who liked/left comments/reblogged. It means the world to me. Also, I’m so so sorry for not updating sooner. As an apology, accept this really long part! Another thing I want to add is that I’m more used to writing OC stories rather than reader centered ones. I really tried to make Y/N gender neutral but for some reason I couldn’t make that work. I’m really sorry about that too. Please bear with a Fem!Y/N here. For my next story, I’ll definitely make a gender neutral Y/N.
You swore under your breath as you veered around an elderly couple. You had overslept and if you didn’t reach the train station in another minute, you were going to be late for class. You lived at the university dorms so you had never really been late before. But you and one of your best friends had had a sleepover at your other best friend’s house and last night had been spent binge watching Lee Jong Suk’s dramas (in honor of his enlistment, and because you just loved him). Unlike you, they didn’t have morning classes so now they were sleeping soundly at home while you were just hoping you reached class before your professor.
Luck was not in your favor though, because you encountered one of the largest crowds you had ever seen (and you had seen a lot, considering how much of your free time you spent going to music shows and fan meets) at a little distance from the station. You saw some people taking pictures and, while you were offended on behalf of their center-of-attention whose privacy was being invaded, a part of you was tempted to stop and see which idol or actor was causing this commotion—you were sure it was either of the two because that was the only logical explanation. But your professor’s angry face appeared before your eyes, and you seriously wanted to not fail, so you pushed through the crowd and got to the station.
About ten minutes into your journey, your phone began to vibrate. Intensely. You pulled it out of your pocket and saw a ton of notifications. Most were from twitter, accompanied by a single one from a tabloid. You clicked on that, figuring it would make more sense than the frenzy of tweets. The headline read:
BIGBANG’S G-DRAGON spotted enjoying his military leave with his sister.
The article went on to say that he had “attracted a lot of attention.” So GD was on a leave? And so-called fans and paparazzi—or should you say Dispatch—wouldn’t even let him relax on his break. Now, you wouldn’t call yourself a VIP, but you had been listening to K-pop since you learnt the language and regarded BIGBANG as one of K-pop’s legendary groups. You could sing along to most of their songs and many of their solos (maybe you should call yourself a VIP). Which made you not exactly happy about how GD was being treated.
The tabloid article also had pictures. Dispatch is fast, you thought. He was wearing a black mask and a cap, so his face was barely visible. It was surprising how anyone had managed to recognize him. But then again, you had recognized him in the photos immediately so it wouldn’t have been hard for longtime VIPs to do the same. Taking a closer look at the photos, you noticed something strange. His surroundings looked familiar. Two years of living in Seoul had made you quite well-acquainted with the city and with a start, you recognized his location. The crowd you had just encountered had been caused by him.
The fangirl inside you freaked out. You had walked right past THE G-Dragon. A part of you cursed yourself for wanted to be a good student and not stopping, while another part tried to convince you to get off the train at the next station and run back. The more rational part of you, however, curbed all these stupid ideas. Enough people had swarmed him already without you joining them. Besides, you had a class to get to.
Scrolling through the comments, you were in the midst of adding one of your own to rebuke Dispatch for invading his privacy and making him uncomfortable when something on your wrist caught your eye and you almost dropped the phone. Setting it down on your lap, you turned your wrist over.
And gasped.
The 0 you were accustomed to seeing on the inside of your right wrist was not there. In its place was a cursive 1.
You ended up skipping the first class, not because you didn’t reach the university on time, but because you spent about half an hour in the toilet bawling your eyes out. You had finally passed the boy you had wanted to meet your entire life. Only, you had simply passed him, without even realizing it. What were the odds of meeting the guy you passed only once in your two years in Seoul, especially when you had passed each other at or around a busy train station? You weren’t one to be pessimistic usually, but it was frustrating how you moved to an entirely different country for your soulmate, but you hadn’t even been able to find out what said soulmate looked like.
Your bad (awful) day didn’t end after that. Sleep deprivation combined with narrowly missing your soulmate lead to a terrible mood and a terrible headache, you learnt, and you were not able to concentrate in any of your classes. So, several consecutive classes later, you had a clear plan in your head. You were going to crash onto your bed in the dorm and catch up on at least a bit of the sleep you had forsaken for Lee Jong Suk. You would worry about your soulmate when you were thinking straight.
Naturally, you forgot to set your alarm.
For the second time that day, you overslept. This time you were running late for work. Unlike class, you had been late for work several times and knew that your manager would absolutely kill you if you were late again. So, you got dressed in a frenzy, almost left all the lights switched on, and, for the second time that day, you ran for your life.
You reached the coffee shop you worked at ten minutes after your shift started and thankfully your manager thought a warning glare was enough punishment. You hurried to the employees’ room at the back of the shop and changed into your uniform. A quick peek in the mirror informed you that you looked like a mess. Your dark circles had somehow intensified and your hair resembled a bird’s nest, courtesy of the fact that you hadn’t bothered to brush it. It was frustrating how this was what you looked like the day your soulmate showed up (though you were sure he hadn’t noticed you either). You pulled it back into a ponytail in a measly attempt to tame it. While it was not the most effective, at least now you looked less like a homeless sleep deprived person and would gladly face your soulmate if he showed up at the coffee shop. Which was next to impossible, because he had never come here in the two years you had been working here.
The smell of coffee began to put your mind at ease once you settled down at the counter. As you prepared two teenage girls’ orders—a strawberry shake and an iced americano (totally contrasting drinks, you mentally noted)—you fell into a sort of routine, unlike the events of the morning. That put you in a comparatively comfortable state of mind and your thoughts finally began to align themselves. Usually, you kept a novel or a textbook with you during your shift but having very conveniently forgotten to bring anything with you afforded you the opportunity to think of your soulmate—who hadn’t really left your mind all day anyway. Maybe he took the morning train from that station everyday and you hadn’t ever crossed him before because that was not your usual route? You often stayed at your friend’s house, so you had taken trains from that station many times though. Had the timing always been wrong? Or had your soulmate recently moved to Seoul? Was he from another city? Busan? Daejeon? Pyongyang, North Korea?
A loud grumbling sound broke your train of thoughts. With a start, you realized it had ensued from your stomach. The only thing you had consumed the entire day was a cup of coffee and some cookies you had found in your bag. You were starving. A particular red velvet cupcake, with cream cheese frosting, had caught your eye and was enticing you to have it. The only customer in the shop was seated at a table by the window, typing away at his laptop. He had been like that for about an hour, his now cold coffee abandoned on the table. You could afford a snack break, then. There was at least one perk of working at a place that had food. You retrieved cupcake and quickly punched yourself a receipt which included the 20% employees’ discount, adding the due amount to the cash register. You settled down on a stool and indulged in a bite of the heavenly cupcake (that you enjoyed more than you normally would because of the lack of food in your system).
The bell above the door rang, and you tried to swallow it down so that you could greet the new customer. You glanced towards the door and nearly choked on said cupcake. Walking towards the counter, wearing a black hoodie and the same cap he was wearing in the picture you had seen earlier but having somehow lost the mask, was Kwon Jiyong. Aka GD. Aka G-Dragon.
What? How? What is he doing here? Is it really him? But-
Incoherent half-thoughts ran through your mind, but the gist was wondering why he was here of all places. Was it because this particular coffee shop was not in a mainstream area? Or had he suddenly craved coffee and had been tempted by the fact that there was only one other customer?
You were able to regain some of your composure and uh, not choke by the time he got to you. Your manager’s hawk eyes were on you and you could not afford to appear unprofessional, no matter how much you wanted to squeal and ask this man for an autograph. He probably noticed that you knew who he was though because a wide smile appeared on his face and you nearly melted in a puddle (Be professional, Y/N! you scolded yourself internally.) Either that, or he had found your almost-choking antic amusing. Possibly both.
“Good evening, sir!” At least your voice hadn’t betrayed you.
“Hello,” he said, raising his eyebrows. “Your Korean pronunciation is pretty good.”
“Oh, thank you.” A blush threatened to appear on your face. “I’ve been living in Seoul for a while.” And I’ve been learning Korean for more than a decade, you decided to not add.
He ordered an iced Americano and you began to prepare it for him. Unlike with most customers, you felt extra nervous, mainly because you could feel his eyes following you. You were just hoping not to mess up.
“You know,” he began, “I thought you would ask me for an autograph. I know you recognized me.”
Whoops, busted!
You smiled. “I want to, but my manager would kill me if I do, so I can’t.” Conversing with him had seemed like a hurdle two seconds ago but now that he had initiated conversation, it was just…natural. As if talking to Kwon Jiyong was the most normal thing in the world and something you had been doing your entire life.
He chuckled. “You’re that scared of him?”
“I can’t afford to lose this job,” you said, shrugging as you handed him his drink. You had never seen him in person before, and you were a pretty big fan of his, but after your initial shock, you couldn’t help but wonder at how comfortable you felt talking to him. It was strange because you were the kind of person who could never be completely relaxed talking to an ordinary person for the first time, much less talking to an idol.
“I guess I can give it to you the next time I come here, then.”
Now that was something that made you almost freak out. “You’re going to come here again?” you asked. It was hard to mask the excitement on your face, and he seemed to find that very amusing. At least, that was what you inferred from the wide gummy smile that adorned his face, and you couldn’t help thinking of how cute it looked.
He took a sip from his drink. “Well, the coffee’s good,” he grinned, “So yeah, I am.” His phone buzzed and he glanced at the screen.
“I need to go now.” He stepped back from the counter. “See you next time.”
“Bye!” you called out. He waved at you over his shoulder as he opened the door and for some reason you were waving back, not caring that your manager was rolling his eyes at you.
“Oh, sit down already!” your roommate and one of your best friends, Soo-jin, whined. You rolled your eyes as you plopped down on your bed next to Min-ji, your other best friend.
“Okay, now spill,” Min-ji ordered. You had briefly told them what happened the entire day and they had deemed it too important to discuss in the morning, so the three of you were now gathered at your dorm room. Min-ji was the friend whose house you had had a sleepover at the previous night. She had decided to stay at your and Soo-jin’s room that night so you could talk peacefully.
“What do I start with, GD or soulmate?”
“GD!” they cried in unison. Both of them had been BIGBANG fans since they were kids. You told them how you had seen a crowd in the morning which had turned out to be because of him, and then how he had showed up at your workplace. When you finished, they just stared at you for a second.
“Woah,” Min-ji breathed out finally. “You’re so damn lucky.”
“But he is so sweet!” Soo-jin exclaimed. The fangirling was starting now. “He even asked if you wanted an autograph.”
“I know right. And telling her that he’d come again!” Min-ji was almost squealing now. She looked at you. “How did you even survive it?”
“I almost didn’t. I’m just glad I didn’t totally freak out and left a, you know, terrible impression.” You shrugged. Now that you thought of it, it was odd that he had talked to you at all. Hadn’t he been ambushed by enough fans already for one day? He knew you knew who he was, so why talk to you any more than necessary? In any case, the three of you discussed (err, fangirled over) him a little longer before Min-ji remembered you had another important matter to discuss.
“What about your soulmate, though?” she asked. “When did you pass him?” Both of your friends had already found their soulmates. Min-ji’s happened to be her neighbor so they had known each other almost their entire lives. Soo-jin’s soulmate was one of your seniors and they had met a little after she started university.
“My counter changed to one in the morning.” You leaned back into a pillow. “I noticed when I was on the train. We probably crossed on the station, or when I was rushing to it.” You sighed. If only you had been paying more attention to your surroundings, you would have met yours too.
“Hey, what if your soulmate’s one of those Dispatch photographers?” Soo-jin exclaimed. You snorted.
“Dispatch? Seriously?” You rolled your eyes at her. You could always count on your friends to find all sorts of weird ways to cheer you up.
“That’s totally possible, though,” Min-ji added, playing along. “Didn’t you say he’s older than you?”
“You’ll have to start stalking Dispatch’s professional stalkers!”
“That might actually end up being a good thing.” You laughed. “I’d know all the latest gossip.”
Min-ji nudged you with her foot. “Show us your counter.” You thrust your wrist towards them. They promptly gasped, as you had expected them to. Your friends tended to be quite dramatic too.
“I know,” you began, “it is surprising. I was so shock—”
“Y/N,” Min-ji interrupted, “when did you last check your counter.”
“When I was leaving for work, I think. Why?”
“Well, it’s not Dispatch, for sure,” Soo-jin whistled.
“Look at it again.”
You did, and you gasped too. Your wrist didn’t say 1 anymore. Now it read 2.
To say that Jiyong was confused would be an understatement. He was far beyond confusion. He was conflicted in the worst possible way. His entire day had been…chaotic. It hadn’t entirely been bad—he had experienced intense excitement and adoration at one point—but it had not been an ideal way to spend his break. Even trying to make sense of everything that had happened made his head throb.
When he had managed to disengage himself from the swarm of paparazzi at the station, he noticed that the counter that had read 0 for the past 20 years suddenly read 1. He had always imagined he would be overjoyed at this occasion. Strangely, he hadn’t been anywhere near overjoyed. He had become too used to living as if he had no soulmate. The discovery that not only did he have one, but that his soulmate was very close was a change he hadn’t seen coming, and it was not entirely welcome. And, he had to admit, he was also frustrated because he had only passed his soulmate, rather than actually meeting.
He had decided he needed coffee to clear his head and had taken great pains to find a place where he could get it without attracting public notice (again). At least, he had thought that was his consideration. But, in hindsight, it could have been the soulmate pull. They did say it worked in strange ways. How else could he, out of all the coffee shops in Seoul, have ended up at the one his soulmate worked at? Crossing her once in a day could be a coincidence but meeting her again in the span of some hours could most certainly not be one. In any case, he had winded up at her workplace. There, he had encountered a cute, albeit quite young, foreign part-timer who knew him, he had realized immediately. After the rough morning, he should have bolted but something had compelled him to stay. And he had discovered that the part-timer was fun to talk to.
He hadn’t realized she was his soulmate until he got back to his car and his manager pointed out that his counter had changed again. That was when things had begun to click in his head and the reason talking to her was fun started to become clear. He had been tempted to run back inside and tell her this new turn of events. But that had been accompanied with thoughts of rejection that held him back, and he had felt suffocated beneath a variety of emotions. Instead, he had told his manager to drive on.
That was why he was currently lying on his living room couch, a steaming bowl of ramen he suddenly did not want to eat abandoned on the mahogany table in front of him and all the lights expect the one in the hallway switched off. The atmosphere was gloomy, but he liked it better that way; it was a perfect representation of his inner turmoil. Her eyes, wide with excitement and surprise as they had been when he had mentioned coming again, seemed to be permanently etched in his brain. Now that he had uncovered her identity, the pull felt even stronger. His entire being was craving her. And she had moved to Seoul, so that would mean she was looking for her soulmate too. Had she put two and two together yet and realized she was actually looking for him?
But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shake off the doubts. He had gotten his counter when he was ten, so that would mean she had to be twenty. He had always known about the age gap, so it didn’t really bother him. It wasn’t like she was a minor or anything. But was she okay with it? All her knowledge about her soulmate came from whatever he had first said after she was born. He didn’t even remember what he had said. He just hoped it wasn’t something stupid. In any case, the most she could have inferred from that would be that he was a Korean man a few years older than her. There was a big difference in being a few years older and around ten years older. And did she even want him as her soulmate? His life hadn’t really been a pure, sinless, scandal-free one. She probably knew about that.
And most importantly, he didn’t like the pull. His mind was sort of sick of the effect the bond was having on him. It wasn’t her fault, but it made him want to avoid her at all costs.
What was he to do now? Go to her the next day? Or pretend his counter still said 0? Coming to a conclusion was not easy. He told himself to wait until his enlistment was over and then approach her. If she wanted to find him, she wouldn’t leave before she did. But even when eventually he drifted into a light, troubled slumber, he had not managed to convince himself.
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ketzwrites · 5 years
Rewatch 109: Rise Up
This might be my least favorite episode of the whole show. I make no secrets that my biggest interest in Shadowhunters is the political scenario and the possibilities of it. 
This episode takes the political scenario and cynically destroys all the potential real-world criticism that could be done. Clary gets to play the white savior, the Downworlders are childish and incompetent, Alec is complicit to torture, and - ultimately - the Clave’s twisted distrust of Downworlders is proven right.
I really hate this episode.
Alberto is such a good actor. I wonder if this is the first time Raphael is dealing with a fledgling. He seems to know what he’s doing.
Act One
It’s good that Clary intends to tell Simon that it was her decision to bring him back, not Raphael’s.
I don’t get why Alec can’t just Iratze his arm. I also don’t get how Jace didn’t feel it when half of Alec’s bicep was smashed away.
Oh, okay. So, the Forsaken was after the MC. Not exactly the best plan to send the Ogre-like creature for a heist, but it’s not like Valentine is supposed to be a mastermind- No, wait. He is.
Look, it’s great that Clary was able to fight one Shax demon. Really, kudos for her. But when every single person in the Shadow World is looking for her, she is not right to want to stay on the streets and look for Simon. I swear, I don’t get this logic.
I enjoy how we are always reminded that Magnus is performing magic for payment. It’s part of his autonomy as a warlock (in fact, as the High Warlock since Magnus doesn’t take other clients besides the Institute).
Izzy has zero qualms in hugging Meliorn in the middle of the Institute. Noted.
Again, it makes no sense whatsoever to think the seelies would be working with Valentine. This “seelie always take the winning side” doesn’t work when Valentine’s side means, at best, their permanent banishment to the seelie realms, and at worst, their annihilation. That’s why Shadowhunters never showed the conversation between the Seelie Queen and Valentine in 219. There is nothing that Valentine can offer the seelies that truly interest them.
Wait. Wait, wait, wait. Maryse and Robert made a deal with the Clave prior to the Uprising? The event that Maryse helped organize? Honestly, the history of the Shadow World is so poorly crafted. The Clave knew the Uprising was coming but still failed to prevent it. Oh, but one shadowhunter and a recently turned werewolf were able to stop Valentine. I’m not buying it.
Both Alec and Jace have good points about Maryse and Robert. They are hypocrites and Alec is right to refuse to do their redemption for them, especially since neither Maryse nor Robert shows any regret for their past actions. But Jace is right to doubt they are working with Valentine again.
Can you imagine if Clary had told Elaine that Simon died in an accident and then Simon showed up at home like that?
Act Two
Clary is smart again and looks for Simon at his own house. Though, the lighting of this scene is so weird. In Simon’s bedroom is night time, but the corridor looks like it’s illuminated by the sun. It’s really weird.
Shots fired. Spill the tea, Alec.
I’m glad we get Simon telling Clary off for turning him into a vampire. She did it for love and it wasn’t her fault that Camille is a murderous monster. But actions have consequences nonetheless.
Lydia is terrible at interrogations and Meliorn is great at shifting the focus. He was called in to talk about the seelie blood in the Forsakens and, instead, he got the shadowhunters investigating each other. Lydia walked out with no confessions, no leads, and inner division.
Act Three
Oh, look. Raj!
Anyway, here is where Jace puts Clary’s need above Alec’s needs. He isn’t just prioritizing Clary’s quest to get her mother back over the safety of the Shadow World – which is bad enough for other reasons. He is purposefully deceiving Alec in the name of Clary’s interests. This is a betrayal of trust.
The dispute between Luke and Raphael is a classic vampire vs werewolf dispute. Fair enough. But it’s a writing decision to keep that animosity in a context where both races are oppressed by a third race. A writing decision that will annoy me in a couple acts.
Izzy and Jace are correct: torturing Meliorn will lead nowhere. That decision, though, follows the modus operandi of the Clave: Lydia failed to properly interrogate Meliorn but the blame for her lack of success in getting information from him is blamed on Meliorn’s supposedly ability to skirt the truth.
That said, there is no logic casualty between the Clave getting the MC back and the Clave doing bad things to Downworlders. In fact, I’m surprised Izzy doesn’t urge them to give up the MC as a way to prove Meliorn is cooperating and, thus, spare him from torture.
“If the Clave is willing to do this to Meliorn, what do you think will happen when they get the Cup?” Logically, they’d stop. Like they will stop in a few episodes when Imogen gets the Cup and stops Izzy’s trial.
Not that keeping people in cells is a particularly nice move, but I'm surprised Raphael is the first to do it to Clary. Lucky her the person in charge of the Institute when the story started was Alec: had it been Lydia or Aldertree or basically any other shadowhunter, she would’ve been put in a cell in the first episode.
Act Four
Fun fact: Simon almost becomes a Daylighter this episode as he struggles not to feed on Clary.
The stele stealing scene is actually very entertaining to watch even if it’s about the two people Alec should trust the most betraying him.
This conversation between Alec and Magnus breaks my heart. Rewatching the whole season, I don’t have a problem with how Magnus reacts to Alec’s marriage announcement anymore. It’s a matter of miscommunication: Alec came to the conversation looking for a confidante, Magnus came to the conversation looking for a hookup. When Magnus realizes Alec is set on following shadowhunters costume in detriment of his own happiness, Magnus gets angry but ultimately minds his own business. It works for me.
Hodge’s character is all over the place. He is the opposite in this scene as he was with Alec in 103. It’s essentially the same thing: Hodge catches the Lightwoods preparing for an unauthorized mission. But, with Alec, he was ready to let him go without further comments until Clary was mentioned. Then Hodge got angry because she is Valentine’s daughter. Now, Hodge gets angry because Jace and Izzy were about to lie to him but lets them go if that means saving Clary. The only intention I can see behind this is that Hodge is supposed to be seen as a sketchy character.
“Do you think I’d be sending Meliorn to the Silent Brothers if I thought there was another way?” Yes, I do. Because you suck at interrogations and clearly doesn’t care about Downworlders. I’m glad Alec doesn’t answer, forcing Lydia to further explain herself. Also, it seems this isn’t Clave’s orders after all, but a decision that came from Lydia herself.
Lydia’s sob story perpetuates the shadowhunter biased notion that all Downworlders are the same. One warlock in Rio betrayed her – after being threatened with torture -, so all downworlders are liars and should not be trusted. The fact that Alec doesn’t realize that is a huge problem but at least the ominous music is proof of that the writers know that.
Simon forgives Clary because he sees her need for his support as an opportunity for them to get together romantically. Understandable reaction, though I wish it was revisited when they do get together and then break up.
Up until Clary meets with Raphael – a public meeting, for some very idiotic reason on Raphael’s part – I’m on board on Izzy, Jace, and Clary trying to protect the Downworlders side by side with Luke and Simon.
But then her first words are “we’re offering an alliance with the seelies”. No, you’re not. You have no authority to do so. Also, Luke still holding a grudge against the vampires at a time like this is childish and uncharacteristic of him.
“We are a new generation of shadowhunters. We believe everyone to be equal” said by one of the people who attacked a whole clan for the actions of a couple vampires with no way of knowing it had been the leader’s orders to kidnap Simon. The person that, up until a few minutes ago, had to be told by a fledgling that this world sees them as different. The person that, during that same conversation, presumes to speak for Simon and is against him joining the vampires, who clearly know how to take better care of him that she does.
Maybe it’s a good thing that this show doesn’t delve into politics. If this is the best they can do, I don’t want it.
Act Five
More childish animosity between werewolves and vampires to prove that, without Clary, they would be incapable of working together.
Clary doesn’t know how the portal shard works. She’s only ever activated it by mistake. Do the writers think the audience is stupid?
And, in the same episode that Clary is being glorified as the conciliator of the Shadow World, she is ready to “call the whole thing off” because it might inconvenience Jace to fight his Parabatai. Oh, I’m sorry saving Meliorn might personally affect your boyfriend, Clary. You’re right. Forget about it. It’s just a Downworlder life you believe to be saving. Jace’s feelings are more important. Fuck this episode and whoever came up with it.
No women among the shadowhunters with Alec, hm?
It’s a smart writing choice to have Izzy use the whip against Raj. It seems an insignificant thing in this episode, but it entails bitter consequences for the next one.  
As wrong as Alec is for going through with this plan, I’m happy he gets to punch Jace on the face for making Alec’s choices all about him. And for winning the fight and refusing to work outside the system again just because Jace asked him to.
Act Six
I’m really not interested in watching Jace being jealous of Clary and Simon’s friendship.
I ship Meliorn and Izzy so much.
Did Izzy also tell you Clary offered to call off your rescue if Jace felt uncomfortable in fighting Alec, Meliorn? Or are we ignoring that to sing her praises she does not deserve?
I guess the worst part of this entire episode is that, in the end, Lydia was right. Meliorn was being uncooperative. He knows a way to find Valentine and chose not to disclose it. That also shows that the seelies are rather incompetent: they can get to Valentine and kill him but choose not to.
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eldridgecandell · 5 years
Songs of the Witch Hunter
Tagged By @emma-tidesinger
Rules: Share three pieces of music - popular songs, soundtracks, or other musical arrangements - that represent your muse. They can be an aesthetic, mood, or an event in your muse’s life. Explain, briefly.
(I love music so...I have to do this!)
Spectre - Radiohead (The Past)
I'm lost, I'm a ghost Dispossessed, taken host My hunger burns a bullet hole A spectre of my mortal soul These rumours and suspicion Anger is a poison The only truth that I could see Is when you put your lips to me Futures tricked by the past Spectre, how he laughs Fear puts a spell on us Always second-guessing love My hunger burns a bullet hole A spectre of my mortal soul The only truth that I can see Spectre has come for me
This popped up on my Discover via Spotify and I had to listen to it a few times more.  It makes me think of his past with the Crusade and all that hate at watching his whole world turn be consumed by the Scourge and the Forsaken and how it must make him feel.  The lyrics just lead to that moment of the Crusade revealing itself for what it really was and now he has to leave it and live with it.  Plus I usually play roleplay in my head like a movie so, I would love Eld to have a Bond montage opening.
Fire - Barnes Courtney (The Present)
Lonely shadows following me Lonely ghosts come a-calling Lonely voices talking to me Now I'm gone, now I'm gone, now I'm gone And my mother told me son let it be Sold my soul to the calling Sold my soul to a sweet melody Now I'm gone, now I'm gone, now I'm gone
Oh gimme that fire
Once again Discover came through with this one and it instantly struck me as a great them song for him joining the Order of Embers.  Sure the name of the song lead right to it, but reading the lyrics and seeing the progression from vagabond vigilante in Silverpine to a pursuer of the dark in Drustvar it’s like a phoenix rising back.  He was good at what he did with the Crusade before in hunting the undead and now trying to make some amends for all the mistakes he made in those dark years.  Plus if it was a tv show, I’d totally make this the theme song. 
Roads - Portishead (The Future?)
Oh, can't anybody see We've got a war to fight Never found our way Regardless of what they say How can it feel, this wrong From this moment How can it feel, this wrong
The future is hazy, but I know it won’t end happy.  Happy endings aren’t meant for men like Eld.  In this moment I can see it as almost they fight so hard to save the people of Kul Tiras and these just don’t believe him and all the work they do it’s for nothing.  The Coven still moves in.  The Drust grow.  The dark consumes.  I was reminded of Portishead when I heard ‘Here’ by Alessia Cara and forgot how much I loved Glory Box and suddenly I was back in deep with Dummy from Portishead.  Roads is my favorite track and inspires all kind of stories in my mind.
So there we are.  Thanks again to @emma-tidesinger for the tag and I’m sorry it took so long to respond to this.  Also, if you’re inclined I put together a playlist on Spotify if you wanna listen for some inspiration for your spooky work or ideas and I’ll send you a link.  I love music and it’s a huge factor in pretty much everything I do, so if you have any suggestions or recommendations never hesitate to send them my way. 
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bonepoem · 7 years
What’s In A Name
AO3 Link - kams_log / @lovefromdean
Fandom/Ship: Supernatural, Destiel (Dean/Cas)
Alternate Universe - Coffee Shop AU
Word count: 2,422
Note: This is my first published work since October of 2016. Long story short, I’ve gone through a lot of shit in the last year but I’m finally at a place in life that I can start writing again. Consider this my first offering. There will be more to come. Please enjoy!
Summary: It was just a misunderstanding. They wrote his name wrong. No big deal. Except now the hot guy serving his coffee thinks his name is fucking "Dave" and Dean can't bring himself to correct him. Except he'll have to. Eventually. Right? Especially if he wants to ask him out on a date... right?
Dean was not the type to be a ‘regular.’ Anywhere. He didn’t frequent the same shops and stores, and he certainly never stayed in the same place for long. Granted, that was due to a lifetime of moving across state lines as often as the average girl revamped her wardrobe. At least, Dean could only assume as much. All he knew for certain is that he was not a regular. Anywhere.
Times were changing, however, and after moving to California to be closer to his brother after John died… well, maybe this would change too. That didn’t mean Dean had to like it.
The coffee shop was small and cozy. Dean never liked the popular places like Starbucks. They were too… busy. Too loud. Also, too friendly. He wasn’t there to make friends. He was there to get his morning dose of caffeine and move on. ASAP. Besides, he only had to do this a few more times till he could afford a damn coffee machine of his own. Then all these shops could go straight to hell.
Dean scoffed as he waited in line, staring up at the freakishly large menu above the counter as he tried to imagine how many ways a person could fuck up a simple cup of coffee. Apparently, that answer was a lot.
It didn’t matter in the end. When he reached the counter and a beaming blond with a lollipop in his mouth asked him for his order, Dean growled, “Get me whatever has the most caffeine in the largest cup you got.”
“You got it big boy,” the man behind the counter winked. “Got a name to go with that?”
Dean grunted his response and took his number and waited. The wait wasn’t long enough to inspire murder, so Dean accepted his order quietly and quickly rushed out of the store, bouncing the burning hot cup between his hands as the chilly autumn breeze swept around him. Well, as chilly as it could get for California.
Dean grumbled as he tentatively sipped at his drink, then paused. It wasn’t… bad. Something close to the opposite, in fact. He smirked and took a longer swallow before finally glancing down at his cup. His smirk faded and a scowl took it’s place.
In a messy scrawl on the side read the name, “DAVE” with a heart beside it.
God damn it.
He didn’t go back on purpose. It was for the sake of time, and the shop was fast, and Dean was in a hurry. He’d gotten a job for an old friend of his father’s. Ellen Harvelle. She’s heard about his passing, and through a few more sources, learned that Dean was sneaking into town to be closer to his brother. Sam already had his own life set up, but Dean was still building. She offered him a spot in her bar to get started. He’d taken it.
Now, he was running late and was several notches too low on caffeine to make it through his shift, so naturally it was an emergency. It was only chance that it was on his route to work.
When he stepped inside it was quieter than it was before. He took in the low rumble of activity and thanked God there was barely a line. He sighed in relief when he also noticed the blond from last time was nowhere to be seen.
Instead of the blond, a dark haired man around Dean’s age stood at the front counter. His stance was very different from the blond’s, where the other had been buoyant and carefree, this man seemed much more reserved. Dean appreciated it. He wasn’t in the mood for teasing winks or hearts on his cup that Jo would laugh at.
He made it to the front of the line, but before he could speak, the employee’s eyes widened and he held up a hand of silence.
“Same order?” The man asked. His voice sounded like a goddamn wreck. Did the dude eat rocks for breakfast? Daily?
“Uh, yeah,” Dean replied, unsure if he was more surprised to be remembered or the fact that the dude’s voice was the equivalent of a rocky landslide.
The other man didn’t speak again, only taking Dean’s card to pay, and then rushing away to fill the order. The wait was shorter this time. Dean smiled and nodded his thanks, then rushed out the door. He still had his shift to get to.
It was only after he walked through the doors of the Roadhouse that Jo pointed and snickered, “Who’s Dave?”
Dean cursed.
It started to become a routine. It was far from intentional. But it was on his route to work, and they were faster than most joints Dean had ever been too, so he just kept… going. He wondered if this was how it happened to everyone else. Becoming a regular. Because of god forsaken convenience. He hated it. Sort of.
Dean saw the blond a couple more times, but never at the front counter. If he was ever seen, he was usually hidden away in the back or helping serve up orders on the busy days. The dark haired one was nearly always in front, and he always remembered Dean. Or in his eyes, Dave. Dean still hadn’t corrected them yet.
How exactly was he supposed to fix that? Was he just supposed to say, “Oh by the way, my name’s Dean and you’ve been writing my name wrong for weeks.” He couldn’t just say that, could he? Should he? Damn it.
It was only made worse by the fact that Dean was coming in almost every day before shift, and he was starting to actually… notice things. Like how the shop always smelled more like baked treats and candy than coffee. Or how there were so many windows Dean wasn’t sure he’d ever seen the indoor lights on.
He also couldn’t help but notice other things, too. Like the way the blond one was always glancing between him and the dark haired employee. Or how whenever the dark haired one turned to make Dean’s order, the blond one would wink and nudge the other playfully. The dark haired one always came back with the order, his cheeks a little more flushed than when he’d first turned away.
The dark haired one had startling blue eyes, too. He’d never really paid attention before. There was never any reason to. He wasn’t sure when he noticed either, only that once he did, it was all he really thought about. He’d catch himself looking at the sky and thinking it wasn’t nearly as blue as the ones looking back at him in that stupid shop.
It was starting to get ridiculous. He didn’t even know the guy’s name. The guy didn’t even know his name. How the fuck did that even happen?
“Dean, you’re zoning again,” Sam called, snatching Dean out of his thoughts.
Dean grumbled and looked at his brother. They were in Sam’s apartment, playing some new game Sam had been raving about for weeks. Meanwhile, Jess was out with friends and wasn’t due back for a few more hours. It was quality brotherly bonding time. Something Dean had sorely missed, and he couldn’t even stay focused on that.
“Sorry,” Dean muttered, shooting at an enemy soldier in the nick of time.
Sam was silent for several moments until the battle ended. Instead of starting up the next one, he nudged Dean with his elbow.
“Something goin’ on?” Sam asked.
Dean shook his head and stretched out his legs, groaning as blood started rushing back to the feet he’d been sitting on for the past hour.
“Nah,” Dean replied. “Just tired. Pulled a double shift last night cause of some event at the Roadhouse. It paid good though.”
“Sure,” Sam nodded, humming. “Is that why you’ve been zoning out for the past two weeks?”
“What?” Dean snapped his gaze to meet his brother’s. “I haven’t been--”
“Uh, you have, Dean. Something’s bugging you. What gives?”
Dean sighed and glanced at the TV, their record kills glowing back at them.
“I don’t know,” he dodged. “Stupid stuff. Little stuff. It’s not a big deal.”
“Big enough for you to let me win? Like, all night?”
“I didn’t let you win.”
“So you admit I’m better than you?” Sam grinned. Dean scowled.
“Fine,” Dean grumbled, picking up his controller again. “There’s this dude at this dumb coffee shop--”
“The one that keeps getting your name wrong?”
“How’d you know?”
“Dean, every time I see you with a to-go cup it says DAVE on the side of it. All caps. Pretty sure that’s not your name, and you keep getting the same cup with the same name on it, so it’s definitely your order and you haven’t corrected them yet. How come?”
“God damn it,” Dean muttered. “Cause the guy remembers me every time I walk through the door and always has my order ready within a minute. And he’s super hot so it doesn’t make it easy to just--”
“Dude, he’s cute?”
“Uh, not just cute. Hot. Like burn-me-at-the-stake-and-I’d-be-okay-with-it kind of hot.”
“Nice,” Sam nodded, then furrowed his brow. “So you want to ask him out but he thinks your name is…” He snickered, “Dave?”
“Fuck me.”
“If you ask him nicely, maybe,” Sam replied. “But give him your actual name first.”
“Fuck off, Sammy,” Dean growled. “Now start the next round. I need to kill something.”
“Sure thing. As long as you promise to actually talk to this guy?”
“Fine. Fine. Start the game, damn it.”
This was stupid. God. Damn. Stupid.
Dean clenched his fist at his side and stared up at the coffee shop sign. Angel’s Touch. What the fuck kind of name was that? That should be the name of a strip club, not a goddamn coffee shop.
He took a deep breath and shoved his fists in his pockets. It was time to do this. He could do this. God damn it.
Another steeled breath, and he pushed through the doors. It was low in activity, as it often was at that hour. The blond was nowhere in sight, and only a few other patrons sat at tables around the shop.
Dean wandered up to the counter, thankful that the dark haired on was distracted with something near the back and hadn’t noticed him yet. Once he turned, however, Dean felt his resolve weaken at the other man’s intense blue gaze.
“Oh, hello,” the man smiled. It was small, but genuine. He wasn’t sure he’d ever seen a full-fledged smile from the guy. He kind of wanted to change that.
One thing at a time, Dean cursed to himself. He offered a thin smile back and braced his hands on the counter. Just be calm, man. Be calm.
“The usual?” The man offered.
“Uh, something different today, actually,” Dean replied. His palms were sweating. Fuck.
The other man’s smile grew slightly and a quizzical look crossed his features.
“Oh?” He asked. “What can I get for you?”
Dean licked his lips. He could feel his heart beating in his ears.
“I…” He started, paused. Fuck!
Finally, “Dean,” he wheezed.
“I’m sorry?” The man’s nose scrunched up in confusion. God fucking fuck. No. It’s not cute. Shut up, brain. Fuck.
“Dean,” he said again, louder this time. “Dean, not Dave. My name is Dean.”
The other man’s head tilted briefly, absorbing, then he froze. His eyes widened ever so slightly and his posture straightened.
“Oh.” He murmured. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” Dean stated, dumbly. “Uh, yeah.”
“I apologize,” the other man continued, placing his hands against the counter as well. “I just… I saw Gabriel write your name down that day… I just thought… Oh fuck,” the man cursed and placed a hand over his eyes. “Of course. Of course Gabriel would write the wrong name. He does it for fun. Constantly. It’s why he’s not supposed to be up front, fuck--”
Dean’s face split into a grin. God damn it he could get used to hearing that voice say fuck. But then, reality sank back in and he quickly stammered, “Uh, no, no. It’s not a big deal. I just wanted to let you know, cause… you know.”
“What?” The other man lowered his palm, staring at him with that old head tilt.
“I,” Dean swallowed. Moment of truth. “I thought you should know. In case you said yes.”
“To what?”
“A date.” Dean’s jaw snapped shut. “With me,” he barely added.
The man’s eyes widened once more. Pink dusted his cheeks and he glanced around the room before looking back at Dean.
“A date.”
Dean nodded.
“You want me to go on a date.”
Another nod.
“With you.”
“You can say no,” Dean stammered out. The other man stared at him for several long moments. Dean shifted uncomfortably, trying not to let it get to him.
The man was damn near unreadable. Until, a tick of movement crossed his face, then a smile. It grew slowly, then burst wide all at once and Dean was blinded.
“What?” Dean managed.
“Or Cas. But my name is Castiel. I thought you should know. You did ask me on a date.”
“Castiel,” Dean said, grinning madly. “Nice. When do you get off work?”
Cas grinned back at him. “At eight.”
“Can I swing by and pick you up?”
Cas smirked and grabbed a cup and a sharpie. Dean watched with rapt attention until Cas handed it over.
In bold, black letters, in all caps, read the word, “DEAN.” Below it was a string of numbers. With a heart at the end.
Before Dean could speak, Cas stated, “Text me. I’ll let you know as soon as I’m off for the night.”
Dean beamed. “I will. Count on it.”
Cas grinned back, the pink settling to a rosy hue. Dean doubted he looked any different.
“See you tonight,” Cas replied.
Dean didn’t even make it to his car before he sent off the text. He didn’t have to wait a minute before the reply text came.
“I owe Gabriel ten bucks. He said you’d make the first move.”
“What did you bet?” Dean texted back.
“That you wouldn’t at all.”
“I’ll pitch in five bucks.”
“Don’t encourage him.”
Dean laughed and climbed into his car.
“You know, I never thought I’d be a regular at a coffee shop.”
“I’m glad you are.”
“Me too.”
He never did buy that damn coffee machine. But he did keep the cup.
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Prompt Request!
Yoi-yoi-senpai was so cute, liking all my prompts, so I decided to do a request based on their requested pic!
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Here I go! She asked for Angst, Fluff, kissing, and anything else I wanted! :D yay!!!~
After successfully taking down a runaway eggbot, Amy and Sonic return to the city, waiting for Tails, before Sonic gets word that Tails won’t be able to take Amy home.
Excited, she starts to plan a few dating ideas, which Sonic wishes to shy away from...
Sonic rolls his eyes as he covers the communicator which shows the map of the city, as Amy exaggerates her hands in one direction, spreading them wide, before rushing to his other side and listing several different things to do in that particular direction.
“Tails..” Sonic peeks down at the communicator, seeing his face.
Tails looks slightly apologetic, swishing his tails behind him. “Sorry, Sonic. I’ve got a lot of research going on here.” He explained, and looked back up to Sonic, “But it might be good for you two to hang out again. I mean, it has been while since you two really interacted and all.”
“Right?” Amy turned around, her eyes shining in Sonic’s face as he leaned away, a bit skittish.
“Heh, take it easy on him, Amy. And take care!” Tails waved off and signed off, leaving Sonic hopelessly stuck with taking Amy around.
She giggled, tilting her head and then rushing off ahead of him.
He sighed, dropping his arms down.
“Where should we go explore first? Ohh~ Maybe there? Or there? How about there~?” She looked to the side, up to the sun, and then all around, super excited to spend the rest of the day with Sonic.
“C-calm down, Amy...” Sonic bent his eyebrows back, speaking kindly to her. “I think it may be best to just-”
“Ohh! You’re right!” Amy swung around and spread her arms as if engulfing the whole city. “We’ll see it all!”
He dropped his head, seeing as she wasn’t even listening to him.
He shook his head up and shrugged, “Whatever you say, Amy.”
And just like that, the date began.
They did a whole number of things, though Sonic looked bored in every photograph, he lazily tagged along and Amy didn’t even notice, happy to just spend time with him.
Finally, Amy agreed that the stroll down the city’s lighted square and circled, outdoor performance center would be the last place they stayed.
Holding tightly to his arm, she saw him eyeing some street performers and bands, and watched them intently as they walked by.
“...Hmm?” She smiled, cutely. “Want to go dance with them?”
He looked down at her, shocked she had spotted his interest in the merry band.
“Heh, maybe to challenge that break dancer.” he smirked, teasing as he got excited about getting to go.
“Hehe, sure! Knock’em dead.” Amy let his arm go, and he nodded to her, before racing off as a crowd formed and watched him do a dance-battle to the music on the cardboard they laid out for the event.
Amy watched happily, before looking up and seeing a human couple move closer to each other as they watched, and then look to one another, and kiss.
Her smile slightly faded, but it was still present. She was happy for them, anyway.
She looked away and down, before up to see the band’s drummer was playing and getting snuggled by what she supposed was his girlfriend too.
She was actually amazed, hanging her jaw out and leaning forward, seeing that the drummer could still play while his girl hugged him from behind.
She then started noticing that where ever her eyes darted too, more and more couples were around, and each doing something incredible adorable.
For some reason, she felt self-conscious, and rubbed her arm a bit.
When Sonic came back, he waved to the crowd, and offered Amy his arm again.
“Woah! Talk about getting a crowd riled up. They really are something though. Those performers.” Sonic didn’t notice for a second her demeanor, before he turned back and notice she hadn’t taken his arm.
He slowly lowered it, to get a better look at her face. “Amy? What’s wrong? Uhh..” he suddenly had a small bit of worry trace his face, “You didn’t think I’d forget all about you while dancing out there, did ya?”
“...N-no. It’s fine. I’m sorry about that. Hm-hmm! You did great out there, Sonic! Just like I knew you would.” She shook herself out of it, smiling up to him, but Sonic could immediately tell she was hiding something, blinking his eyes in slight suspicion of her new mood change before she took his arm and they continued.
He wasn’t going to force her to say anything though, and just put an arm up behind his head and looked at all the lights on the trees.
“....” Amy kept her head down, still seeming melancholy.
Sonic simply waited. He knew that if it was pressing on her this much, then she’d spill eventually.
Her comes the pour.
“Hmm?” He turned to look at her, genuinely hoping she’d talk about what was troubling her. Although, he made sure not to show it.
“What’s up, Amy?”
“....Have you noticed... all the couples around here?”
Sonic blinked, looking down at her face as if questioning there even were couples around here, and bent down to make sure she was telling the truth before glancing around.
He suddenly became aware of all the couples sitting down and laughing or smiling to one another, and blinked innocently at how many they’re were.
“Oh yeah. I hadn’t noticed. There sure are a lot of them, huh?”
“....Sonic.” Amy stopped her walking.
He fidgeted and regained himself to a halt as well, looking to her as if not sure what was going to happen next. Amy could be... unpredictable, sometimes.
Her eyes were covered in the shadows of the night, but the lights helped him see a little more of her, as he tried to position himself to where the light was.
“...You’re a man aren’t you?”
“I’m not suppose to pull all the moves here, Sonic.” She lifted her head up, revealing her eyes to be closed and her cheek puffed up, upset by his slow responses.
“M-moves..?” Sonic bent a little more, truly uncertain now of what was happening.
“Of course, Moves!” Amy leaned forward to him, hands on her hips, looking frustrated now. “As the man, you’re suppose to be trying to seduce me! Hmph.” she swung her head away, disappointed as Sonic’s eyes widened.
“W-what do you mean...”
“Oh, come off it, Sonic! I want you to kiss me!” Amy folded her arms, bending her head down. Her ear twitched a second as Sonic started to speak...
“W-well, I don’t know Amy... that’s kinda asking a tall order of me...” Sonic scratched behind his head, also lowering his own to avoid eye contact with her, as she continually got more and more upset.
“Ugh!” she stomped her foot down. “What’s so hard about it!? All you have to do is-! Grr... nevermind!” she turned around, facing her back to him. “Forget it, forget I said anything.”
Her shoulders suddenly gave and she slumped down a moment. “...Even if it was just a tease... I would have been okay with just a little kiss... one on the cheek even?”
Suddenly, a voice sprung out from the stone leveled seats that worked as bleachers to the side. “Kiss her, Sonic!”
Sonic sprung his head up, looking around.
The crowd had followed them!
People had stopped to listen in on the lover’s dispute, as skaters and lovers, passerbys, and all sorts of people started cheering and encouraging the action.
In embarrassment, both Amy and Sonic tensed up, deepening their teeth-revealing frowns and nervously looking around at all the people.
“Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!”
“N-n-now-now-now! Let’s not get carried away.” Amy sweat dropped, waving her hands at the crowd and trying to smile. “O-our love lives are not for public display!”
Sonic couldn’t even say anything back, just withdrawing away from the chanting, before looking down, thinking about it for a second.
Amy looked to see how embarrassed Sonic was, and felt horribly guilty.
She felt her heart crack a moment before rushing out, spreading her arms out in front of the crowd to protect Sonic. “That’s enough!”
The crowd quieted down, surprised by her sudden shout.
“Can’t you see he’s not gonna give in to that?” She looked truly loving towards the crowd, “He’s not that kind of guy. I may encourage it from him, but I would NEVER force him.”
The crowd looked to one another, feeling bad about their playful pressuring.
Amy blinked her eyes, losing her focus on the crowd before she was turned around.
The crowd, it looked like a kiss.
“Yay!!” they all cheered, and laughed. Clapping and celebrating for them, giving them congratulations before dispersing.
Sonic’s hand had been placed over Amy’s mouth, though the force of the pull and pressure on it the same as if it was a kiss.
Amy’s eyes widened and her pupils shrunk and grew.
When he pulled her away, he rubbed his glove to his cheek, looking away from her.
“They weren’t going to be satisfied if I didn’t.” He explained, then looked down. “Gotta give the people what they came for... in an entertainment place like this.”
Amy was frozen in her own mind, trying to process what had just happened, before realizing he had faked the kiss to get the crowd to leave and feel content instead of guilty.
Her eyes shook, as she held back some tears.
She closed her gaping mouth.
“It’s fine.”
He looked back to her, his glove still up, hiding whatever lay behind it on his muzzle...
“No, really, I understand completely!” She faked a smile, and nodded. “You were right! You’ve always been a fast thinker, Sonic! I didn’t even think of their feelings!” she was right about that, she had only thought about Sonic and how he may have been feeling...
“...Amy.” his expression changed, from worry at hurting her to now anger at her lying.
“R-really. You played that well. W-well, I guess you should be taking me home now so-” she turned, not daring to cry in front of Sonic and make him feel worst for what he did.
His hand shot out, “Amy!”
Pulling her back, he suddenly sped off down the circled outdoor center and burst through to the woods, somewhere completely isolated, as he missed seeing a tree root and they started tumbling down the forsaken path.
“Offph!” Amy landed pretty hard, before looking up and blushing. “W-wh... what are you..?”
Sonic slowly got up, but his eyes showed a powerful conviction, and it shut her up right then and there.
“I may not be very smart about how I show my feelings, Amy.” he spoke clear and concisely, and her eyes widened at what he was revealing.
“But that doesn’t mean.. I don’t care.” He narrowed his own, showing how much he really meant that.
“S...Sonic...” her eyes shook in sparkles in the moonlight, though they were away from the lights, a little still lingered in the darkness of the forest.
“...” he started to lower his head down to hers.
“Oph!” she let out a quick withdrawal of air before shutting her eyes close, and trembling slightly before-
-DI-DILL-DI-DI-DI-DILL! “Sonic? Come in, Sonic! Change of plans. My research got finished way before I thought it was! haha! I’m on my way to pick Amy up now!”
Sonic groaned a moment, getting up and letting Amy get some air.
He reached for his communicator, “..Right. I’ll give you our location-”
Amy sprang up, clicking the communicator with her finger, “Actually.” she tried to impersonate his voice, and when he was about to counter that action, she shoved her other hand up and over his muzzle, making him squirm in shock.
“Ehem.” she deepened her voice again, trying to mimic him again. “I’ll be taking Amy home. Over.”
“O-over? B-but I thought you said the journey would take too long for-?”
“I-I’ve changed my mind.” She glanced at Sonic’s face, who glared down at her.
“A-are you sure? This would mean you’d have to take breaks and rest with Amy right next to you...”
Amy’s eyes widened, as Sonic struggled to regain power over this situation, flailing around, trying to get Amy’s hand off his mouth, before shoving her down and back to where he was over her again.
“Sonic!? What’s happening? I hear leaves rustling!”
“We’re fine-!” Sonic’s free hand was now trying to silence her own mouth, but she kept turning her head away from it, straining. “Anyway, bye!”
Amy hung up and then gripped the communicator, playing tug-a-war a moment before flinging it out of Sonic’s hands, having it land a good whiles away, out of eye-sight.
Sonic blinked his eyes before glaring down back at her.
She cutely scrunched up her body, pulling her legs up from under him. “Heheh... opps?”
(that was kinda precious xD hope you enjoyed!)
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