#AND AND how he would slowly start to get sleepy too😭😭😭
giannaln4 · 2 months
Nursed By Love
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lando norris x fem reader
summary: Lando got sick during the first race of the triple header and you made it your mission to take care of him.  (2.7k words)
warnings: stablished relationship, fluff, sick!lando, taking a shower together (not in a sexual way), use of Y/N
a/n: not gonna lie, this turned out shorter than i expected 😭 i wanted to write more and include the entire weekend but i literally couldn't come up with more, i’m sorry if it feels a little rushed but i hope you still like it!
check out the original request here! also, this is somewhat of a prequel to my fic Sick; it has a couple of references here and there but it can be read as a standalone.
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Lando woke up before you, something that was normal in your relationship given the strict agenda he had to follow almost on a daily basis. He checked his phone to see how much time left he had before having to get up, sighing when he realised his alarm would go off soon. 
He valued his sleep, like a lot, so he figured he wouldn't let those few minutes go to waste, so he pulled the covers again up to his neck, but he was feeling a little colder than usual, so he did what he usually does: he reached for you and pulled you into him, embracing you so lovingly.
This made you wake up, slowly opening your eyes to get used to the light. “Hey,” you whispered, not completely sure if he was awake.
"Sorry, baby,” he said with a sleepy voice as his nose nudged into the crook of your neck.
“It’s okay. What time is it?”
“Almost time to go, actually.”
“Okay, let’s get going then.” You said, pulling away from his embrace, making him whine as he quickly reached for your arm.
“No, let’s stay in bed a little longer,” he looked at you with his sweet eyes as he tried to convince you to go back to him.
“I don’t want us to be late again.”
“We won’t. We still have a few minutes, I promise.”
With that, you cuddled him again, this time facing him. After all, how could you possibly say no to him? “Okay, but as soon as the alarm goes off, we are getting up.”
"Yes, ma’am,” he replied happily as he buried his face on your neck again, enjoying the way you were scratching his scalp. 
Truth is, he was feeling more tired than usual. Sure, he always hated having to wake up early, but something about the way he was feeling that day wasn’t right. You felt it too; his skin against your neck was hotter than it normally was.
“You okay?”
He shook his head, hugging you tighter. “I think I’m getting sick.”
You pulled away again, the back of your hand falling on his forehead. “Baby, you have a fever.” He just hummed in response as he tried to get you to go back to your previous position. “Lando, I’m being serious. You can’t just ignore it.”
“It’s not like I can call in sick.” 
“I know, but you can’t go around all day without at least taking something. What else are you feeling?” You asked, worried eyes looking back at him.
“I’m just cold… and tired.”
“Okay, I’ll run to get you something, and you start getting ready. Sounds good?” 
He immediately shook his head and, once again, tried to cuddle you. “You promised we’d stay here until the alarm went off.”
“I know, my love, but this is the first race of the triple header, and you need to be okay. You shouldn’t do it while being sick,” you said, rubbing his check softly. “I’ll meet you at the track, yeah?”
“No, please. Let’s just cuddle for a bit longer,” he insisted. 
You sighed, debating in your mind what you should do. On one hand, you knew he wouldn’t give up, and it really couldn’t hurt to just cuddle him for a little while; he really needed it after all, but on the other, he really needed to take something so he wouldn’t feel that way for the rest of the weekend—not only that, but the two other weekends he had ahead of him.
“It’s only media day. I’ll be okay.”
“Okay,” you finally gave in, “but I’m serious, you have to take something.”
“I will. I will get checked later today at the track. Don’t worry,” he reassured you. 
“Yeah, I’ll make sure of that.” You went back to your cuddly position as your hand caressed the back of his head.
“I know you will.”
The minutes went by too quickly to his liking, the alarm going off just moments later. To him, it felt like 5 seconds, not 5 minutes. He groaned when you started to get up, leaving the warmth and comfort of the hotel bed to start getting ready for the day.
“We had a deal, c’mon,” you said, offering him your hand. He took it, but that didn’t mean he wanted to.
“I wish we could stay here all day.” He stood in front of you and cupped your face as his thumbs caressed your cheeks.
“Aw, I know, my love, but the day will be over before you know it, and we can come back later to cuddle a little more, okay?”
He just nodded and made his way to the bathroom. You both started getting ready quickly, knowing the car that would take you to the track was probably already downstairs waiting for you.
Once you had everything you needed, he took your hand and gave it a little kiss, whispering a soft “Okay, time to go” before leaving the room.
You got to the track, and he immediately had to start doing things for the weekend that awaited him; you knew he wouldn’t get checked or take something unless you were on his hair about it, so you thought telling Jon would be a good idea.
It was hard to find a moment to go to the clinic due to their busy schedule, but you were able to finally drag him there.
You were standing close to him as he dangled his feet on the small bed, getting his throat checked by the doctor.
“It seems like you have a cough, nothing too serious,” the doctor said as she stepped away from him, writing something on the piece of paper attached to the wooden board where she was writing down his symptoms. “I will give you some medicine; take this right now, and then make sure you take it every 8 hours. Something for the fever too, in case you feel sick later, but only take one, and only if you get a fever. Also some painkillers; have you had any headaches?”
“A little bit, last night.”
“Any other thing you have been feeling?”
“I think that’s all.”
“Alright, that should be all then. Drink a lot of fluids and stay away from any alcohol or smoking. It’s not too bad, but if anything comes up, you know where to find me.”
Lando was just nodding, but you paid attention to everything she said, making a mental note of how to take care of him. 
Once they were done with all the paperwork, you left the clinic, Lando holding everything the doctor had prescribed. 
“I will hold on to those, thank you,” you said, taking all the medicine and putting it in your bag, safe and sound. You checked the time and set a reminder for 8 hours, so you didn’t forget about the cough medicine.
“Thank you, my love,” he said before kissing the top of your head.
You looked up at him with a smile, feeling sad that he got sick at the beginning of the triple header. You knew how demanding his job was and how demanding he was on himself, so it wouldn’t be a smooth recovery, so the least you could do was help him however you could.
“Lando, we have to get going. I think they are already waiting for us,” Jon said as he typed something on his phone.
The rest of the day was a little boring, which was expected considering Lando and Oscar had to spend all day talking to people or recording some videos and interviews, but you never left his side, just in case he needed something or started to feel sick again. Any time he was away from the people or cameras, you immediately ran up to him, your hand landing somewhere on his skin to make sure he didn’t have a fever.
“How are you feeling?”
“Still a little tired, and my throat is starting to bother me again. But other than that, all good.”
“Oh, is it too bad?”
“Not too bad; I guess all the talking isn’t really helping,” he chuckled, in hopes of not worrying you too much, but you couldn’t help it, and he knew that.
“I figured. You should drink some water,” you handed him the bottle you had been holding all day. He took it and drank the water that was left, thankful that you made sure to have it on you the whole time.  “Where are we going now?”
“We are staying here. We have a couple more things to do.” You nodded, holding his hand for just a moment since someone called his name from the other side of the room. “I’ll see you in a bit, yeah?”
“Okay.” You let go of his hand, watching as he joined Oscar and some other people on a big couch. They were talking about the next video they had to film, so since he was busy with his job, you figured you could step away for a moment.
You wandered around as you looked up what the best tea was to help with a sore throat. Once you settled on ginger, you looked everywhere for it, but it wasn’t as common as you hoped. You did manage to find some, finally, and you ran back to the McLaren hospitality so you could give it to him. Thankfully, when you found him, he was just scrolling on his phone, sitting away from everyone.
“Hey, I brought you some tea. This should help your sore throat.” He looked up from his phone to take the disposable cup you were holding. “It might not be as hot as it should be, but it should still do the trick,” you said nervously.
“What is it?” He asked, sniffing it.
“Ginger? Where did you find ginger tea?”
“You don’t wanna know,” you said as you sat on his lap.
“Thanks, darling,” he whispered before taking a sip, clearing his throat afterwards. 
“You should drink all of it.”
“It’s a little spicy. Do you want to try?” He said, offering you the cup.
“No, I don’t want your germs,” you joked, making him laugh. You laughed with him, enjoying the little glimpse of his dimple.
“I’m afraid you got those when we kissed.”
It wasn’t instant, but the tea definitely helped. The rest of the day went on quicker since all the major stuff got done in the morning, so before you knew it, you were already back at the hotel.
“Lando, take this.” You were taking out the bag of medicine you got from the doctor that morning, picking up the bottle that he was supposed to drink every 8 hours.
“What is it?”
“Your medicine, silly. It’s time.”
He made a disgusted face as he took it. “It tastes horrible.”
“I know, but you can’t skip it.” You stood there until he was done, an even more disgusted look adorning his face. “Are you feeling better than this morning?”
He nodded, giving you back the bottle since he knew you wanted to keep all his medicine together. “Will you take a shower with me?” He asked out of nowhere. You raised your eyebrows at his question, and he realized how it came across so immediately clarified. “Not for that reason.”
You couldn’t hold your laugh, but you quickly realised he just needed help. “Do you want me to help wash your hair?”
“Please.If you are okay with it.” 
You followed him to the bathroom, turning on the water and making sure it was warm and nice  while he discarded his clothes. He stepped in first, letting out a small moan when the warm water started to cover his body. He offered you his hand once you got naked, his strong arms wrapping around your body when you joined him.
You stayed like that for a moment, until you pulled away to gently massage his scalp. 
“This is nice,” he cooed, his eyes closing as he relaxed at the feeling.
“Mhmm, I’m glad, baby.”
“Are we going to sleep after this?” His eyes met yours as he awaited for your answer, smiling when you nodded. “Good, you promised some cuddles this morning.”
“I know, I haven’t forgotten.” It warmed your heart that he had been looking forward to it, but it broke it at the same time because, even though he always asked for it, you knew it was different this time. “Bent down a little for me,” you instructed as you reached for the shampoo and squeezed some on your hand. He did as you asked, leaving his head in perfect reach for you.
Your fingertips went back to massage his scalp gently as you made sure you covered all of it. He was humming at your touch, his eyes closing as he enjoyed the soothing sensation.
“Does your head hurt?”
“A little,” he admitted, “not too bad, though.” You looked at him with sad eyes, wishing you could take his pain away and take it yourself.
“Okay, I will give you something for that, and then we can go to bed, okay?” 
You continued helping him for the rest of the shower, and then he offered to help you the same way you did. You accepted, but it did take a little longer considering you had a lot more hair than he did, but he was happy to do it. When you were both done, you stepped back into the bathroom, handing him a towel and making him sit on the little stool in front of one of the mirrors.
With tired eyes, Lando met your gaze through the mirror, paying attention to your every move as you dried his hair. He loved the way your face scrunched when you were focused, sticking out your tongue from time to time. You were being so gentle with him that he almost felt like crying, but he held those emotions back, not wanting to worry you even more than you already were.
Once his hair was fully dried and you helped him with most of his nightly routine, you guided him to the bedroom and gave him a pill for his headache, letting him get under the covers afterwards. He dragged you with him, pulling you into a hug as soon as you got there.
“Can we do this every night?” He asked, his face burying in your neck as he usually does.
“Of course. Anything you want, my love. Are you comfortable?” You asked, a smile spreading across your face when he nodded.
“Thank you,” he whispered after a moment of silence, his mind drifting off into a peaceful sleep as you massaged his muscles.
Lando fell asleep almost instantly, allowing you to go to sleep once you made sure he was fully knocked out for the night. 
A few hours went by, both of you enjoying each other’s warmth, until the sound of an alarm interrupted your sleep. You groaned as you reached for your phone to turn it off, but immediately sat up and grabbed his medicine.
Lando shuffled next to you, groaning too as he slightly opened his eyes to quickly scan the room. “It’s still dark outside, why do you have an alarm?” He asked, his voice sleepy and his eyes half closed as he looked at you.
“Sorry, love, it’s time for your medicine again.” 
He sat up and took the little spoon you were offering him, his sleepy state saving him from the terrible taste it had. Once he was done, he fell on his pillow again and pulled into him, going back to your previous position.
“Thank you for taking care of me. I don’t know what I would do without you.” Even though the sleep was evident in his voice, you could still hear how truly thankful he was.
You placed your hands on each of his cheeks, causing his eyes to flutter shut in contentment. “Of course, what type of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t?” A soft kiss was pressed to his forehead before he brought you closer to him, a little ‘I love you’ scaping his lips as he went back to sleep.
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teaxeee · 2 months
soft morning sex w gunwook ? 😫😭🧎🏻‍♀️
He's going to be soo sleepy, barely woken up but already being hard and he feels so needy too :( He's so lucky that you're in bed next to him otherwise he wouldn't have known what to do. He'd try and wake you up, it doesn't work a few times but he manages to get you awake enough to help with his problem. He's gonna kiss you all over, apologizing quietly for waking you up as he helps you take off your shorts and panties, seeing how wet you are.
As soon as he takes off his shorts and boxers, he's not gonna hold back, already poking the tip of his cock against your entrance, desperate to get himself off. Once he pushes his cock inside he starts off slow, not wanting to overwhelm you first thing in the morning. The both of you would already be a mess, you moaning and him grunting from how good it feels. He wouldn't be too rough, just a softie as he lays his head on your chest as he keeps thrusting slowly, loving the feeling of being so close to you.
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goosita · 9 months
first of all i love you. really. everything that you're writing is making my life so much better, so thank u <3 if that's okay for u, could you write something where reader is a single mom, she has a little girl and her daughter is very attached to billy? and it's the most sweetest thing ever cause billy loves her, calls her little princess (very sweet tooth 😭) one night, her daughter asks billy to read a storie for her to sleep and he does so and in the end, she says something like "i wish you were my dad" and it's just so cute and funny cause she gagged everyone, reader is like "babe!!!!" while billy is in shock but at the same time his heart is melting 🥺🥺 (sorry if this is too much, just write if u want!)
oh im. gonna cry and sob and piss everywhere this is the sweetest softest thing ive ever read yes oh my god
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billy would be so so sweet with your daughter, especially if she was around 4-6 years old. at first you were worried that a man like him wouldn’t want anything to do with a single mother, especially one as young as you. but he never asked you to explain, and never judged you for it. all he ever did was treat you like a queen, and your daughter like a princess.
and your little girl is just enamored with him. she follows after him like a little duckling, so much so that billy starts to call her “ducky”. it makes her giggle every single time, always makes billy smile all warm and fond. they get on like a house on fire, your man and your baby girl. billy teaches her things like how to ride a horse, how to tie all kinds of knots, how to rope a little goat even. your daughter tells you one evening, her little face very serious, that she thinks “billy knows everything, mama. everything!” you want to let her believe it for as long as possible.
on this particular day, all 3 of you had spent the day together. billy had showed up bright and early to take you for a picnic out in a meadow behind your house, a daylong excursion that lasted until the sun slowly set. it was late spring, cicadas beginning to sing in the tall grass. once it got dark outside, billy pulled out a jar and showed your daughter how to catch fireflies. once they had about 10 of them, they sat on the blankets with their heads ducked together to observe them, giving each one a unique name.
“let’s call this one tommy,” she says, pointing at a bug near the bottom.
“perfect name, ducky. how’d you get so good at this?”
your little girl giggles, shrugging and letting billy name the next one. it makes your heart so happy to see a man with so much patience and love for your daughter.
when you finally return to the house, it’s time to get your kid ready for bed. tired and pliant from her long day outside catching bugs and weaving flower crowns (that of course billy taught her how to do), she goes down without much of a fight. she does ask billy to stay and tell her a bedtime story, though, and he’s never been one to deny that sweet little face whatever she wants.
you half-listen as billy spins some wild tale about a princess who slay dragons herself, one who doesn’t need a prince to come and rescue her. she’s strong and brave and guess what? she looks just like your little girl, same hair color and little lilac colored dress. his story makes her smile, even as her sleepy eyes begin to blink more slowly. when he finishes, he leans down to kiss her forehead softly and tuck her blanket around her small little body.
“i wish you were my daddy,” she murmurs sleepily, rubbing her eye with one small fist. you see billy freeze and slowly look to you, unsure what to say.
“oh, baby—“ you start, taking a step forward. billy gently cuts you off, which you welcome, not sure what to tell her.
“you know, ducky, sometimes i wish that too,” he whisper conspiratorially. her eyes light up curiously.
“really?” she asks, looking up at him.
“mhm,” he says with a nod. “but i think this little thing we have going here is even more special. you know why?”
she waits for an answer, eyes full of curiosity and wonder at the man sitting on the edge of her bed.
“because i didn’t help to give you life, life gave you and me to each other. and that’s pretty special, don’t you think?”
your little girl smiles, nodding her head. you swallow hard, your eyes feeling a little misty at the way he loves your baby and she loves him. it’s so pure, so unconditional the way they’ve attached themselves to each other.
billy smiles at her and brushes her hair away from her face, giving her chubby cheek a soft caress.
“sweet dreams, baby girl.”
“goodnight billy,” she says with a little yawn, snuggling down into her pillow. billy blows out the oil lamp beside her bed, following you out of her bedroom and closing the door softly.
“i’m sorry if i overstepped, i didn—“ he’s cut off by you grabbing his face and pulling him down into a dizzying kiss. you smile against his mouth when he doesn’t hesitate for even a second to kiss you back, his arms winding around your waist to pull you closer.
“thank you,” you whisper when you finally break away for air. “for loving both of us, for taking care of us.”
“sweetheart, you don’t have to thank me for that. i’ll always be here to take care of my two best girls,” he says with a grin, tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear. “and who knows? maybe one day soon you’ll let me put a ring on that pretty little finger and that little girl in there can call me whatever she wants.”
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donutz · 7 months
Hii I wanted to ask you if you can make a yandere smiling critters x shy female smiling critter cat reader?
I love how you write, good job! If you can't place the order, I will understand💕
Sorry if I wrote something wrong, English is not my first language.😭
I'll do your request, just might take a while! Also, thank you ^_^! Your English is just fine :)
Yandere Smiling Critters x shy female Smiling Critters cat reader
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Honk shoooo..
Honk shoooooo……
Honk— “Kitty! It's time ta wake up!!” Kickin said, hey, you can't sleep for too long, you have to deal with the kids. You almost flinched from Kickin's loud approach. You were slowly waking up, fastly blinking and then looking like you'll go to sleep again. “C'mon!!” He put his wing on your face.
“Kickin, I'm awake. Please.” You whisper. Gently putting your paw on his wing. He raised his eyebrows a bit from that. He smiled, and took your paw with both of his wings, softly yanking you so you can get up quicker.
You were a little sloppy, so you stood up (while sitting) and lazily leaned on Kickin. “Oof– ... At least you're up…”
The other critters were all discussing today's activity while you were (kind of) cuddling with Kickin. 
Bobby Bearhug came up to you and started cuddling with you. Now having two Smiling Critters on both of your sides!
“So, whaddya think Kitty?!” Dogday said, catching your attention. You were still tired and not processing things, so you have no idea what he meant.
“... Huh?” The critters started laughing from your oblivious sound. Dogday was laughing too, “I mean— heh, I mean what do you think about t-today’s activity..?” You were much more awake for what he said, “Oh um. I— I think it’s nice…” You muttered.
The children were all awake, happy(most of them) and bright(mostly). You were stepping out of the critters’ room, while holding paws with Bobby as she was explaining the main activity.
“So, do you have it now?” She asked you, thankfully you were actually paying attention this time.
“Um. Yea..” You whispered. You weren’t much of a talkative one, but that’s okay.
Some would say you were like Craftycorn, but more shy. You try to ignore those comparisons. The kids were eating their breakfast, and Bobby was still next to you.
You had to watch the kids, because just in case a kid was choking, you needed to get them to not choke. The other critters would handle the other kids and calm them down. The other critters mostly being Dogday and Bobby.
While Bobby was sitting right next to you, holding your paw, just talking about what it was like dealing with the children's emotions, while her head was on your shoulder.
A few feet away, there were some jealous critters looking at you two. “I wanna hold Kitty’s paw…” Picky said. “Me too..” Kickin added.
Dogday saw their envious mood and went over to them. “It’s okay guys, there’s no need to be jealous!” He looked over at you two.
Yea he sees no reason to be jealous. This is because he is an adult! Well it was a headcanon, and to be honest with you, it seems like a really good headcanon. Basically he was an employee at Playtime co.
And to be honest with you, AGAIN, a grown adult being jealous over two kids being kids, is VERY strange ^_^. Anywho, back to the story (⌒‿⌒)
Dogday didn’t get it! He doesn’t understand. (NO SHAME FOR MY BABY!!!!!)
The kids were done eating, and now they all were doing the activity. If you were wondering what this mystery activity is, it’s about sleep and rest.
The kids thought it was going to be boring, who wants to talk about sleeping?? But the critters wanted to talk about how good it is to get some shut eye after a long day of being awake.
Maybe it could also help Catnap with the kids falling asleep.
All the Smiling Critters were grouped together, doing actions and spouting words on why sleep is good for you.
“See?! Kickin here is all tired and sleepy (he was doing an action to represent it), not able to really do anything!”
“It is also not good for your health!”
“But Catnap is all nice and rested! Being able to walk, talk, and color while being fully awake.”
“Not getting enough sleep isn’t good for anybody! Not adults, little kids like you guys, or even teens! If you get the sleep required, you’re able to get work done quicker, be able to color, and many activities can be done!”
“Even fun activities! Drawing, doing sports, playing games, all of those things can be done in a more fun way, just by getting a few hours of sleep!”
Bubba was able to communicate with the children in a more interesting way, not a lot of them were bored from his statements. 
“Any questions?” Bubba asked, some kids raised their hands, showing their curiosity about sleep.
“What happens if I don’t sleep?”
“Well… If you don’t sleep, your body can’t operate very well. It’s like your bed is the charger, and you need that charger in order to get through the day! Some say.. If you don’t get sleep for too long, your brain.. Can eat itself!!!” He said, getting the kids all hyped up.
“Well I guess I should get some sleep!!” One kid said.
“Yea! I don't want my brain to eat itself!!” Another wailed.
“Mhm! And so you can learn about it, if you want to, I have a word search!”
The children started grabbing the papers, wanting to know some words about sleep.
“I also have something you could decode! For the kids who want to challenge their brain!”
The kids were all doing something, word searches, talking to the critters to get more facts about rest, decoding, at least an activity that can distract them.
You and Catnap were walking around, helping any of the kids, and also calming them down if they got frustrated.
You two were just being cuddly kitties.
You were pretty sure the other critters(minus Dogday) were holding back from just cuddling up to you too.
Apparently they had to help with the kids….
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wheeboo · 11 months
catnaps (with you) | jeon wonwoo
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SYNOPSIS. in which you revisit the cat shelter with wonwoo during autumn break. PAIRING. jeon wonwoo x gn!reader (ft. best friend!wen junhui) GENRE. fluff, hurt/comfort, humour? idk i'm unfunny, established relationship, slice of life, college au WARNINGS. kissing (reader has their first kiss 🤭), reader is shorter than wonwoo, cursing, terms of endearment, reader has some insecurity issues n overthinks, reader's parents puts academic pressure on them, a lil allusion to sex but it's cuz jun can't word things properly n reader assumes he's talking abt it 😭, reader is just oblivious to wonwoo being hella whipped for them, this is hella self-indulgent kflgfgsdf WORD COUNT. 10.1k
notes: no one asked for this, and i couldn't help it. enjoy this glimpse into our fav introverted couple whom i missed so much 💘 this could prob be read as separate but i recommend reading the first part for any scenes regarding the cat shelter :) ty to my moot group (i love u guys sm it hurts) for being supportive and eating up all the spoilers i would give cuz i get too excited 💞
← part 1 | part 2 
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[07:41pm | wonu 💘] y/n, are you still in the library? i got you some ice cream :)
The message remains on delivered, though Wonwoo knows you're still in the library. You've been studying continuously for the past two weeks, and since trying to survive in your own dorm room was already hard enough, you decided to romanticise your studying sessions by going to the library. And frankly, it's been working. Sort of.
Wonwoo opens the door into the library, footsteps muted by the soft carpeting that fills the floors. Rows and shelves of books and study materials line the walls and desks with school computers dot the open spaces. As he heads deeper inside, his gaze sweeps across the spacious room, searching for you among the hushed whispers and occasional rustle of pages.
When he finally spots you tucked in a peaceful corner, a gentle smile tugs at his lips. Though he half-expected to see your face buried in a textbook, he sees nothing but your sleepy head laying against the open page, your hand loosely holding a pen, an open notebook at the side displaying half-finished notes, and your laptop which displayed a numerous amount of tabs.
The smile to his face fades just slightly, though his heart still blooms with affection in his chest. He approaches up to you, being as quiet as he can, setting his bag down on the empty chair across from you and your frozen ice cream on the table.
He carefully reaches over to close your laptop, its screen dimming to black as he does so. Cautiously, he takes the pen from your hand and places it on top of your notebook. Then, with utmost care, he starts to organise your scattered notes, aligning them neatly beside your laptop.
Once everything is in order, he takes a moment to admire your slumbering form, over your peaceful expression, which spreads some warmth through him. The dim lighting in the library casts a gentle glow on your features, highlighting the subtle lines of exhaustion to your face.
You always look so cute, he always tells himself, and it reminds of him of the days during senior year when he'd glance in your direction, seeing your napping form and feeling this sudden surge of curiosity, sometimes even protectiveness to watch over you. He recalls how he would often find himself wanting to make sure you were comfortable and well-rested, even back then.
As he begins to pack your belongings into your backpack, you finally stir awake, lowly groaning and blinking as you slowly come back to consciousness. Your gaze meets Wonwoo's as you notice he's been taking care of your things, and a faint blush spreads across your cheeks, a mix of embarrassment and tenderness.
"You... you didn't have to," You mumble sheepishly, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
He chuckles softly, the deep sound resonating in your chest. "The library's about to close, and I couldn't just let you sleep here all night."
His words only deepen your blush, still feeling that lingering embarrassment course through you. You sit up, still feeling a bit disoriented from your small nap, watching as Wonwoo helps you pack the rest of your belongings before closing up your backpack.
"Ice cream?" he asks, offering you the small cup and spoon.
You feel a slap of panic hit you as you hurl your backpack over your shoulders. "Oh, it-it's not melted, right? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to nap for so long𑁋"
"Angel, it's okay." His laughter is melodic, comforting and reassuring. "I made sure to get it right before I came here."
Gosh, it's so tragically easy for your heart to feel like it might implode, and him calling you angel does nothing but send all those butterflies to your stomach. It's a simple term of endearment, but when he says it, it feels like the most meaningful and affectionate word in the world. He uses those little nicknames in sparse times, mainly to give you comfort, yet you won't deny that it works every time.
You take the cup and spoon from his hand in yours, facing away a little as you take a spoonful of the ice cream in your mouth. The sweet, cold treat soothes your senses and brings a small, contented smile to your lips, and when you glance back at Wonwoo, he's already gazing at you.
There's a certain warmth in the way he looks at you, an intensity that goes beyond words, and a manner that makes you feel almost overwhelmed. He also looks adorably comfortable in the grey sweater that he wore, accentuating his broad shoulders and the subtle strength of his frame.
"What?" You choke out.
Wonwoo moves closer, slowly bringing a hand up, letting a thumb wipe away some ice cream that had escaped from the corner of your lips. His touch sends shivers down your spine.
"Nothing," he says, voice a soft murmur, but his expression turns slightly teasing. "You're just cute."
A playful glint dances in his eyes as he continues to watch your flustered reaction.
"I'm not cute," You protest, though the corners of your lips betray your attempt at seriousness.
"You saying that means you even more cuter."
You almost gag (in a good way, don’t worry). If your ice cream hasn't melted yet, then you sure as hell did.
"You're actually ridiculous," You mutter, trying to hide your flushed cheeks with another scoop of your ice cream in your mouth.
"But you like me," he argues playfully, a sulkiness to his face that you just can't resist.
I do. I really do. You can't deny that. It hasn't even been long since you both came to that realisation; it hasn't even been long since the two of you have graduated high school and started this whole relationship... ordeal, thing (seriously, what the fuck are relationships?). But, in a strange way, it felt like it has been an eternity, yet the feelings haven't changed. Not one bit, and you'd really question your entire being if something were to shift.
Before you can respond, though, a yawn escapes your lips, and it finally dawns on you just how tired you are. Your recent studying marathons have taken a toll on your energy levels, and it's starting to catch up with you. Wonwoo notices the exhaustion engraved into your features and warily takes your almost-finished ice cream from your hand.
"Hey," he encourages delicately, taking your hand and helping you up. "The library is about to close. Let me walk you back."
You don't object, the weariness seeping into your bones, and together you walk out of the library. The campus is quiet under the rays of moonlight, and the air is slowly becoming chilly. He carries your backpack for you, and you hold on to your ice cream, savouring the last few spoonfuls before disposing it in a nearby bin.
It's almost instinctive in the way your hand easily finds his, knowing that it had taken nearly the entirety of summer break to finally get used to that step. Every time your fingers intertwine, there was often that flicker of doubt dancing at the edges of your mind. It's not just the thrill of his touch, but the unshakable uncertainty that lingers beneath the surface.
Sometimes, you wonder if he can sense the hesitation in your grip𑁋the way your fingers tremble slightly as they clasp onto his, if your grip feels too hesitant or too unsure. It's not that you aren't ready, because you are, it's just that it's all so new, so different, and you're afraid that you might mess up.
Holding hands is perhaps one of the most mundane acts in a relationship, yet here you are, almost feeling like you're treading on uncharted territory, taking it in like a historical moment bound for the textbooks. It's the deeper feelings within yourself that are beginning to settle, just like the leaves falling around you as autumn approaches.
"Do you... want to visit home for autumn break?" Wonwoo's question breaks you out of your thoughts, and you look up at him, surprise flickering across your face. "We can also go to the cat shelter too."
"Really?" You question, and the thought of seeing the cats again brings that joy back to your face. It brings you back to all the clear memories you've made in that small little shelter that somehow made the world feel even bigger. However, the thought of visiting home in general makes you feel a bit queasy.
You feel Wonwoo's thumb caress against your knuckles, a smile of his own tugging at his lips. "My grandmother wonders about you, you know."
"Does she miss me that much?" You ask bashfully.
As you arms start to swing back and forth lightly, Wonwoo only chuckles. "Hmm, I think you've become one of her favourites."
Your eyes widen comically. "No way, more favoured than you?"
"You know I can't compete with you," Wonwoo admits cheekily.
The words send a tingle of warmth up your spine, and you can't help but let out a quiet laugh. It's the kind that feels light and easy, the kind that only he seems to be able to coax out of you effortlessly, and the kind that Wonwoo also feels effect himself𑁋seeing you all smiley and happy is enough to send that heat up crawling up his own neck.
As you walk side by side, the cool, crisp evening air envelops you, and the campus falls into a peaceful hush. Your steps echo faintly against the pavement, the sound of your breaths mingling with the rustle of leaves as you pass by. The familiarity of the journey back to your dormitory grounds you.
But then, as you approach the intersection that leads to your dormitory, Wonwoo hesitates for a moment and gently tugs your hand, causing you to stop.
"You know, uh..." he begins, voice a little softer, shyer, than before. "If you want, you can... sleep over at mine? Since I know that your roommates aren't the best."
He's not wrong𑁋your roommates aren't the best at respecting your need for a quiet and peaceful place to study. You've often found your dorm room filled with noise, distractions, and the constant coming and going of people you don't even know. It's a small, cramped space that makes it difficult to focus, and you've had more than a few sleepless nights because of it.
But as his offer hangs in the air, you feel a mixture of emotions swirling inside you. You know that he is being genuinely considerate and kind, but the idea of spending the night at his place makes your heart race with anxiety.
And those thoughts begin to creep in.
You can't help but fidget, and the familiar knot of self-doubt forms in your chest. You want to say yes𑁋to be able to spend more time with him, but the nerves and insecurities gnaw at the back of your mind.
"I..." You murmur, voice barely above a whisper. "I-I think I'll be fine by myself."
Wonwoo's eyes flicker with concern, yet his face only softens. He reaches a hand over, pushing away a stray strand of hair that has fallen over your eyes. There's a pang of guilt that hits him in the chest for asking.
"Okay." His voice is as soothing as a snuggly blanket on a chilly night. "Just... make sure to get some rest, alright? I don't want you to push yourself too hard."
There's a weak smile that crosses your face, and you feel your eyes flutter shut when you feel the press of his lips against your forehead.
When you open your eyes and look up at him, he's still smiling down at you, grabbing your hand back into his and giving a light squeeze.
The silence between you two is comfortable while making your way in the direction of your dorm. It's always like this when you're with him, like a feeling that's become as familiar as breathing. There's an intimacy in the way the world seems to hush itself when you're together and the outside noises dim, becoming irrelevant.
Wonwoo kisses your forehead again before he lets you go, and you're starting to think that maybe, just maybe, you can take that step.
Not tonight, maybe, but someday soon.
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Jeon Wonwoo asked to be your boyfriend on the last day of school of senior year. It happened, conveniently, within the walls of his family-owned cat shelter where at that point, you probably invested more than an entire year's worth of hours needed for school.
It wasn't anything particularly extravagant, nor did it need to be. It was just the two of you, surrounded by the mellow purring of cats after sharing your uneventful summer plans that Wonwoo had asked the question, which left you utterly speechless for a minute or two. Time had stood still, your heart was racing, and you stole a glance at the cats nearby, as if seeking for their approval. Their inquisitive eyes were fixed curiously on the two of you, like witnesses of a love that had just shifted its stem enough to soak in the sunlight.
The moment you accepted with an awfully quiet, heartfelt yes, a shy smile spread across his face, and the tips of his ears flushed a soft pink that matched the colour of delicate cherry blossoms. You remembered the quietness that followed afterward was nothing short of a slightly awkward, giddy jump to your hearts, but that's what made it more endearing, to be honest.
And magically from there, your uneventful summer plans weren't so uneventful after all.
You still had your countless visits to the shelter during summer break, so coming back always felt like a familiar and comforting routine. You've even watched a bunch of your little cat friends getting adopted𑁋Miko was adopted by a single mother seeking for a companion in her studio, and Mochi found her home with an elderly couple who lost their previous cat𑁋yet there's always new ones who capture your heart.
The cat shelter looks more lively with the arrival of autumn. It's been renovated slightly, brightened like the fallen leaves, and the cozy hues of the fall season have been incorporated into the shelter's aesthetic. Small pumpkin decorations fill the shelves, and the walls are showered with maple leaf garlands.
The cats seem to sense the changing season too, some of them basking in the soft light filtering into the shelter.
"Y/N, dear, it's so good to see you!" Wonwoo's grandmother greets you warmly, placing her hands on top of your shoulders and getting a good look at you. "Ah, and you look as beautiful as ever."
You feel your cheeks heat up with her compliment as you hear Wonwoo close the door behind and step up next to you. "It's great to be back. The place looks amazing."
The older woman's eyes twinkle as she looks between the two of you. "It hasn't been the same without both of you around, that's for sure."
She gestures for you both to follow her, and you head deeper into the shelter, joining the cats in their comfortable space as the familiar comfort of the shelter washes over you. It feels like a second home to you.
When Wonwoo's grandmother leaves to tend to some errands, it's just the two of you in the shelter. You and Wonwoo find yourselves sitting on the floor right across from each other, and you watch the way he cradles an affectionate orange tabby named Butter in his arms, a small smile playing on his lips as he gently scratches behind the cat's ear. The cat purrs blissfully, its eyes half-closed, and Wonwoo's expression mirrors the same peacefulness.
But just then, another cat emerges from behind you which startles you. Yet when you look closely, you seem to recognise the familiar pattern of the black and white coating of its fur.
"Loki?" You run a hand through the cat's fur, watching as he curls himself into a comfortable ball on your lap, purring contentedly under your touch. Loki, as you were told before, is one of the oldest residents of the shelter. You remember Wonwoo telling you the struggles of him finding a loving place to go home to, so seeing him right now gives you a bittersweet feeling.
"Ah, I forgot to tell you." Wonwoo's voice pops up as Butter hops off his hold and towards the other cats nearby. "My grandmother decided to adopt him."
That announcement brings a wide smile to your face as you continue to stroke Loki's soft fur. "Really?" Then you softly scratch behind the cat's ear, pressing a small kiss to the top of his head and grinning from the sheer happiness pouring out of you. "You hear that, Loki? You're in good, loving hands now."
Loki only responds by letting out a soft meow, lightly clawing at the sleeves of your sweater.
Wonwoo only grins. He watches the way you shower Loki with attentiveness, fondness, love, and it warms his heart at your caring and gentle nature, to see you so joyful in a place you belong. It's one of the reasons why he had been drawn to you in the first place, one of many things he cherishes about you.
"Have I ever told you how much I love watching you with the cats?"
You pick your head up to look at him, catching the way he's gazing at you with an adoring and almost entranced expression.
"Um." You clear your throat, feeling a warm, fuzzy feeling spreading through your chest. "You... may have mentioned it once or twice before."
The curve at his lips only grow bigger. He scoots a bit closer to you, so your knees are almost touching, and he continues to watch you. "I'll make sure to keep reminding you, then."
You chuckle at this. "Have you always been so cheesy and sappy?"
"What? You don't like it?" He pouts at this, and you can't help but let out a giggle. "I'm just speaking the truth."
It isn't his fault that he has the urge to shower you with the utmost, not-so-subtle, horribly cheesy praises whenever he sees you. You bring that side out of him, to simply put, and he can't help it. When he's with you, it's like this new side of himself emerges, one that's unguarded, affectionate, and unapologetically... captivated by you. And he'd probably do anything to keep you smiling, to see your eyes light up, to hear your laughter.
He's always adored watching you interact with the cats, even from the first day you stepped foot in this place, nothing but all awkward charm and eagerness. You've always had this natural affinity for animals, always so patient and kind, so reassuring and compassionate. It's a part of you that he finds incredibly admiring.
After some time passes, the door to the shelter dings, and when you pick your head up, you find your eyes widening to the sight of your best friend entering inside.
"What's up, fellas! I'm not missing the party, right?" His presence is unusually loud, but that still doesn't stop the grin at your face.
"Jun!" You quickly yet carefully scramble up from the floor, careful not to disturb Loki, before dashing in the boy's direction. "What the hell? I thought you said you had a competition."
Jun scratches the back of his neck bashfully. "Yeah, uh... I lied."
This earns him a playful, but slightly annoyed shove, shooting him a brief glare that he just smirks about. But then he wraps you in a tight hug, the kind that feels like you haven't seen each other in years, before pulling back to flash a grin at Wonwoo, who only offers a wave since he was busy tending to something in the back.
"You should have told me you were coming," You scold him lightly, knocking your shoulder against his. "I would have met up with you earlier."
Jun only shrugs, giving you a look of disbelief. He ruffles your hair playfully, and you swat his hand away with a frown. "Where's the fun in that? I wanted to surprise you."
You roll your eyes. "Whatever, I'm glad you're here, dingus."
"You better be," the taller boy teases, before gazing past your shoulders and looking back at you. "Wanna head out for a bit? You need to spill."
You scoff lightly, giving a nod. You head to the back to tell Wonwoo, who had been helping out with some tasks in the shelter, that you're going to step out with Jun for a while. He tells you to take your time and be careful, watching as you and Jun step out of the shelter together, a boyish smile crossing over his face.
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"So, spill," Jun prompts as the street vendor hands you a warm cup of street tteokbokki. You both find a cozy spot on a nearby bench, the crisp autumn air nipping at your cheeks as you blow on the food to help cool it down. The warmth spreads through your fingers, seeping into your bones, and you feel a sense of comfort settling in as you take a bite.
"What do you want me to spill?" You ask, raising an eyebrow at Jun as you lean back against the bench.
"You know exactly what I mean. Wonwoo, duh." Ugh, he's nosy and infuriating as always, but it's been a while since you've had a heart-to-heart talk with your best friend.
There's a very faint, dreamy curve that plays at your lips at the mention of Wonwoo's name.
"Well, um... He's... he's amazing, you know? He's patient, caring, considerate," You say, picking at the steaming tteokbokki absentmindedly. Amazing doesn't even begin to describe him, but you find yourself struggling to put your thoughts into words. "but it's also kind of scary because he's so amazing. Like, he's smart, talented, and he comes from a really good family..."
"Ah, those thoughts again," Jun remarks knowingly as your voice trails off.
"Yeah." Those thoughts is right, unfortunately. "It's... just me, I guess. I feel like I don't deserve him sometimes."
"Hey, it's normal to feel that way," Jun says, pointing his chopsticks at you. "But honestly, I think you're underestimating yourself. If he didn't see something special in you, he wouldn't be with you."
You lift a brow at him. "Since when did you get so wise to use your brain for once?"
"Dude, we're in college. Everyone's having love problems and shit." Jun smirks, and you can't help but snicker. "I mean, you're lucky you found someone. There's people I know out there swiping right on dating apps and getting ghosted."
You shake your head, a hint of amusement on your face. "Yeah, it's just... I-I don't know. It's all so new, and he's so patient, but what if between all that... I'm not, um... making him happy?"
"Trust me, you make him happy," Jun reassures boldly, his words making your chest feel lighter, yet you know it might not take long for your thoughts to say otherwise. "But have you both...?"
You stare at him, trying to decipher the odd way he's looking at you, and suddenly it clicks.
"Jun, seriously?" You frown, a flush creeping onto your cheeks, resisting the urge to yank a piece of tteokbokki in his face.
"What?" Jun asks innocently, but there's a sly grin on his face. "Did you think... Oh my gosh, that's not what I meant, you weirdo! Have you two kissed?"
It still doesn't help the way your face grows even warmer out of embarrassment and from the spice of the tteokbokki. You've never kissed kissed before, but he has kissed you𑁋on the cheek, the knuckles of your hand, your forehead, the top of your head. You like those kinds of kisses that he gives you, but the thought of a real one, that heart-pounding, butterflies-in-your-stomach kind of kiss, has always been both thrilling and terrifying to you.
There were a few times where it nearly happened𑁋a few times where, at that moment, you wanted it to happen𑁋where your faces were inches apart after he walks you back your dorm, standing in front of the door, but then a burst of awkward laughter, or your own nerves would break the spell. He'd end up placing a simple, lingering kiss to your hair like he always does, yet that alone is enough to make you feel on cloud nine.
"No, we haven't... yet." You swallow another piece of tteokbokki, feeling a little self-conscious. "I... I guess I've just been a little nervous. What if I mess it up?"
"Y/N!" Jun exclaims dramatically, peering at you incredulously. "How could you mess up a first kiss?"
You laugh airily at his reaction. "I-I don't know! What if it's not what he expects, or... it's bad? I just don't want to disappoint him or anything."
"Y/N fucking L/N𑁋"
"Yeah, I'm overthinking again, aren't I?" Gosh, why are you like this? You bite down another piece of tteokbokki in shame. "Sorry."
"You'll be fine! Trust me, it's not as complicated as you think. If anything, he's probably just as nervous as you are."
"What do you know? You haven't kissed anyone yet," You mumble lowly, and when you notice the quietness after your words and catch sight of Jun's reddening face, you let out a gasp this time, literally dropping a piece of tteokbokki on your pants. "Yah, Wen Junhui!"
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[11:59pm | y/n 🤍] wonu?? are u awake?
[12:00am | wonu 💘] no i'm asleep
[12:00am | y/n 🤍] oh 😔
[12:01am | wonu 💘] but i'm awake now are you okay?
[12:02am | y/n 🤍] do you... feel happy when you're with me? (NOT DELIVERED!)
[12:02am | y/n 🤍] i just feel like i don't deserve you sometimes (NOT DELIVERED!)
[12:04am | wonu 💘] is it just one of those nights again?
[12:04am | y/n 🤍] yeah, i'm sorry
[12:05 | wonu 💘] you know i'm here for you, right?
[12:05am | y/n 🤍] i don't want you to deal with my stupid insecurities (NOT DELIVERED!)
[12:06am | y/n 🤍] i know, i'm sorry i woke you up i'll be okay, just need some time
[12:06am | wonu 💘] take your time, angel we can talk when you're ready, yeah? no rush?
[12:07am | y/n 🤍] yeah, okay i'll try and sleep now goodnight wonu :)
[12:07am | wonu 💘] goodnight, y/n :) dream of something beautiful, okay?
You do. You dream of him holding you one day, arms wrapped around you like a protective cocoon and the warmth of his breath hitting your skin.
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Knowing you have an entire week without the stress of school is a bit daunting. It feels incredibly liberating, yet still doesn't clear away the cloud of uncertainties flying around your head.
Being back in your own home isn't your favourite place in the world, as inconsiderate that might sound. It's always met with merely the same conversations as always with your parents: how have your grades been? Have you been studying enough? It's always same fucking cycle.
And it's not that your parents are unkind or don't care about you; they just have their own way of showing it, a way that often feels overbearing and suffocating. You love being home, but you don't love the shadows lurking in the corners of the room that whisper doubt into your ears.
It's hard to shake off this feeling of inadequacy, especially when you're constantly reminded of it, even in the most subtle ways. Sometimes it feels like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, constantly striving for perfection, for approval, for validation, only for that effort to be met with indifference, slipping through your fingers like grains of sand. There is always that tiny, critical voice in your head telling you that it's not enough𑁋that you're not enough.
It's exhausting.
So it isn't surprising that your mood is far from upbeat as you stroll down the street, taking in the slightly musky air, grey clouds in the sky threatening potential rain, and the sight of yellow, orange, and red leaves falling to the ground. It's around evening time, and you find yourself slowly trailing in the direction of the cat shelter, which is where Wonwoo is, since he's allowing his grandmother to rest while he takes care of the shelter for the time being.
He's such a sweetheart, honestly.
There's a droplet that lands on your head, but you don't seem to exactly notice, or really care. You kick a dry leaf down the cracked, barren pavement and it skitters way in the cool breeze, sending a chill running down your skin even through the sweater you had, which may be a bit too thin.
The rain starts to come down more steadily, and for a moment, helps ease the weight of your thoughts. It's not a heavy rain, but it's enough to make you shiver and really wish you had brought an umbrella. A disappointed sigh leaves your lips at the thought as you're about to approach the outskirts of your neighbourhood, knowing well enough that heading back to your house is a much farther walk than the shelter.
You're about to turn back anyway, thinking it's not the best time to visit, when you hear a familiar, awfully faint sound𑁋a meow.
The sound tugs at your heartstrings, some panic crawling into your veins as your gaze flickers around. Your eyes scan anywhere they can reach, and your insistent feet take you in every place that they can, but you don't see any sign of a cat. The rain continues to drizzle even harder, beginning to feel the water starting to seep through the material of your sweater, and you feel a pang of worry settle in your chest, hoping the cat isn't caught out in the cold.
As you take a few steps forward, your ears catch the sound again, a bit louder this time, coming from behind the thick bushes at the side of the road. Cautiously, you part the wet branches and peer through the leaves, and there, sheltered beneath the foliage, you find a small, shivering, and completely drenched kitten.
The kitten is probably no older than a few months, and stares up at you with wide, frightened bright green eyes. Its tiny, wet body is trembling in the cold, and you can't help but feel your heart break at the sight. It lets out another weak whimper at the sight of you, with big, frightened eyes gazing up at you. When you crouch down and attempt to extend a hand out, the kitten only steps back.
"Hey, it-it's okay," You reassure softly, reaching your hand again. "I just want to help you. You can't be out here like this."
But to your avail, the kitten lets out a pitiful mewl, only retreating further into the bush, and you can feel the branches trying to poke at your skin through your sweater. You see the way its tiny body is shivering, and its fur clings to its skin, drenched by the rain which was only getting stronger. You take a deep breath.
"I'm not going to hurt you, okay?" You take a step back, feeling the uncomfortable shift of your position. "I promise I'll keep you safe and warm."
The kitten watches you with apprehensive eyes as you continue to speak softly. Then you extend an arm out again, and slowly, carefully, the kitten inches forward, its movements cautious and wary, and you let it take a sniff of your hand, hoping that your scent is able to coax it out of hiding.
The kitten sniffs your hand tentatively, and after a few long moments, it decides to take a chance. It moves closer, tiny, pink nose nuzzling against your damp fingers as if searching for comfort, and you notice the limp in one of its legs as well. You can see how frightened and vulnerable it is, and your heart aches even more, but you're determined𑁋determined to help this poor kitten.
Slowly, you start to pet the kitten, keeping your touch gentle and soothing.
"There you go, little one," You murmur, continuing to stroke the kitten's wet fur. "You're safe now. Let's get you out of this rain, okay? I'm going to make sure you're taken care of."
The kitten is so light, its body small and fragile, and its fur is a soggy mess. You carefully cradle it in your arms, seemingly fitting perfectly within your hold while trying to shield it from the rain, and the trembling starts to subside just a little as it feels the warmth of your body. You find yourself shivering even more as you step out of the bush, the sweater you're wearing sticking to your skin, but you don't care.
It nuzzles closer to your warmth, and you can feel the rapid, erratic beating of its heart𑁋a heart that has probably never known safety or comfort until now.
You hold the kitten close to your chest, quickly making your way to the shelter as the rain pours down heavily around you.
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The door to the shelter chimes and bounces off the walls of the quiet shelter, making Wonwoo's brows knit together dazedly𑁋who could be here at this hour? He overhears the strong pitter-patter of rain outside hitting the windows as he puts down the metal bowl in his hands before making his way to the front of the shelter.
What he doesn't expect is to be greeted with the sight of you𑁋pretty much drenched from head to toe, hair plastered to your face and the colours of your sweater practically dark, all the water absorbed within its fibres. Rainwater drips from your nose, and your teeth chatter together from the cold. You're trembling as you hold the tiny, trembling kitten in your arms, cradling it close to your chest.
"Y/N?" Wonwoo calls out to you, noticing the way you're shivering in place.
"Um, I-I... I found a kitten," You stutter shakily, holding out the tiny, trembling kitten in your arms, eyes noticeably red as if you've been crying. "It-It's hurt, and I couldn't just let it stay out there..."
"You're shivering," Wonwoo points out worriedly.
"I-I'm fine, but the kitten𑁋"
Wonwoo doesn't let you finish your sentence; instead, he takes one of your hands into his and drags you to the back of the shelter. Instinctively, he's quick to retrieve a towel to wrap around the kitten as he brings it into his arms from yours. He creates a cozy, makeshift area on the table to set the kitten down before wrapping the kitten in the towel, being extra cautious of its injured leg. The kitten only lets out curious meows, eyes closing to the feeling of Wonwoo delicately drying its fur. It doesn't take long for the colours of its fur to start blooming back.
On the other hand, you grab yourself a towel of your own to wrap around you, pacing back and forth anxiously. When Wonwoo emerges back, his face only softens when he catches sight of you.
"She'll be okay," he says, approaching up to you. "I'll take her to the vet first thing in the morning."
"Can I come?" You ask, though the answer is already somewhat obvious𑁋you asking makes him let out a soft chuckle, which was enough to tell you of course.
Wonwoo just nods, keeping his gaze locked on you as if in contemplation, before he approaches and carefully wraps you in his arms, knowing that you must be cold and shaken from the rain. At first, you shift in his hold, but as you feel the warmth from his body seep into your skin, you find yourself relaxing.
He holds you close, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as you bury your face into his chest, some water from your hair dripping onto his clothes. The scent of the shelter, a mix of disinfectant and the familiar musk of the cats, as well as Wonwoo, suspend in the air, and you find comfort in the familiarity of it all.
Outside, the rain still pours, yet could only listen to the the comforting hum of the heater, the soft purring of the cats, and the oddly soothing way you can listen to Wonwoo's steady, yet also somewhat unsteady heartbeat.
"It's going to be okay," he murmurs against your hair, his breath sending a shiver down your spine, but this time, it's not from the cold.
"She was... she was so scared," You mutter into his chest. "Who could've done this to her? Who could've... just left her there?" There's a hint of anger and sadness in your voice that makes it quiver, and Wonwoo could only tighten his hold around you.
He doesn't have all the answers, but he knows that what matters right now is that you're here, and you're okay, and that the kitten is safe.
When you pull back, you find yourself looking at him, and time stands still. Despite the intensity of his eyes on you, you barely catch the way his breath seems to hitch when you blink up at him, his hands falling down to plant at your waist lightly. Your faces𑁋lips𑁋are merely inches apart, and you can feel the warmth of his slightly shaky breath hit your skin.
You've never been this close to someone, never felt the warmth of their breath, never stared into their eyes with such intimacy. It's almost overwhelming how vulnerable this closeness makes you feel.
Wonwoo's eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips, and there's a moment of hesitation. You feel the soft, hesitant pressure of his hands on your waist, and his thumbs draw slow circles against your sides. He's silently asking for your consent from the way he lingers, waiting for any sign that you might want this as much as he does, any sign that you might object. Your breath hitches as he leans in just a fraction closer, your heart pounding painfully against your ribs. You're both aware of the moment, how close you are to each other, as your lips hover so tantalisingly close to each other.
And a faint, almost imperceptible nod from you is all it takes.
The look of surprise in his eyes isn't hard to miss, along with the way he seems to swallow a nervous lump in his throat. When he draws his lips closer to yours, you find your eyes fluttering shut.
But just as the distance between you both shortens, a sudden, loud crash of thunder shakes the shelter, making both of you jump back. A wave of meows fill the room, and the startled reaction of the cats snaps you both back to reality. Your arms remain around each other, and the moment is broken, and it doesn't take long for the two of you to exchange a nervous chuckle.
"We… we should probably get you dried off properly," he says ruefully, softly, voice barely above a whisper as he pushes his glasses back up, the tips of his ears reddening. "Wouldn't want you catching a cold."
You let out a breath you didn't realise you were holding, the heat in your face still lingering. "Y-Yeah."
You both share another awkward laugh, though the lingering tension between you doesn't quite disappear. Wonwoo retrieves another towel, this time for you, and helps you dry off your hair and clothes as best as he can. There's a gentle tenderness in his actions, like in the way he brushes a strand of wet hair away from your face and the warmth in his eyes as he looks at you, as if he's treating something fragile and precious. The soft touch of his hands against your skin sends shivers down your spine, but you try to focus on getting warm and dry.
Afterward, he insists that you change into something dry, which ended up with him taking off the button-up cardigan that he was wearing and lending it to you even though it's a bit too big, but is incredibly warm and smells like him, which left him in sporting just a large, plain white t-shirt.
You change quickly in a more private area of the shelter, and when you return to the main room, you see Wonwoo hovering above the kitten.
"She's asleep," he tells you when you come close, not before briefly taking in the sight of you in his cardigan. He looks away, a shy grin that he has to bite back. "I think she'll be okay until we take her to the vet in the morning."
You glance down at the kitten, seeing the way she's perfectly curled up in a snug bed he prepared, the towel wrapped around her small body as a makeshift blanket. The colour of her fur is that of a deep solid space grey𑁋a colour heavily associated with the Russian Blue cats. One of her little legs is wrapped in a small plaster, and she seems much more comfortable now. Wonwoo reaches out to stroke the kitten's fur, and the purring starts again, but her eyes don't open.
"She seems so much safer now," You murmur, watching her for a moment longer. You also let your fingers run over her fur, you and Wonwoo's hands brushing against each other briefly, a simple touch that sends a jolt of electricity through your body. You're still holding onto that moment from earlier, and you can tell that Wonwoo feels it too by the way he hesitates before pulling his hand away.
In the background, the rain has gotten lighter, the sound more of a calming, rhythmic patter against the roof. Most of the cats seemed to have settled back down, and the shelter feels warm and cozy despite the gloomy weather outside.
"Do you want to name her?" Wonwoo asks you, nudging his index finger against her little hand.
You look down at the peacefully sleeping kitten, her soft breaths making her seem even more fragile. After a small pause, you smile softly.
"Mmmh..." You tilt your head, observing the sleeping kitten once more, scanning over her grey fur and the tranquil expression on her cute, tiny face. "How about... 'Luna'?"
Wonwoo's eyes only light up even brighter, just like moon itself. "Luna it is, then."
You rest your head on the table as if trying to get to Luna's eye level.
"Hi, Luna," You coo quietly, careful not to startle her. "I'm going to make sure you find a loving home, alright? I'll make sure of it. You deserve all the happiness in the world."
Luna stirs ever so slightly, her little paws kneading the air as if responding to the name and the happiness you promise.
If someone were to stand far away from you, they would probably only see the weariness that passes through your eyes and the relaxed curve to your lips. But Wonwoo likes this up close view of you𑁋the way your pupils seem to be filled with comfort that rivals the soft glow of the morning sun, the way your smile radiates nothing but warmth, and all this love you carry within yourself that makes his heart just a bit more weak. He sees the way your gaze lingers, the way you seem to see a story in Luna's closed eyes, a story that you want to rewrite with just the word home.
And while you keep your eyes on Luna, Wonwoo's eyes only remain on you.
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"Do you seriously have to work on your photography project now?"
Your voice catches Wonwoo's attention, causing him to glance up from the camera in his hands and look at you. You had both of your hands in your pockets, encased comfortably in a sweater that still somehow brought some chills up your skin, and a pout to your face with your eyes narrowed in his direction.
"Well, the point of the project is to catch something beautiful and write an analysis about it, and it’s a beautiful day, so…" Wonwoo specifies playfully, before putting his eye back on eyepiece and directing the camera towards you, and he captures a few of you in your cute, somewhat disheveled glory, and there's a couple of pictures of you attempting to hide your face and the shy smile that running across it.
As he continues to snap photos, you swear you catch a glimpse of the fondness in his eyes. He's not just capturing a random moment; he's capturing you, and it's bringing back that warm and fuzzy feeling to your chest. Your cheeks flush, unsure if it's from the cold grazing your face or Wonwoo himself, and you look down, suddenly feeling all too bashful.
When he finally lowers it, he turns to you with a soft smile.
"Perfect," he murmurs, securing the camera back around his neck and under his scarf.
"You're not going use those for your project, right?"
"Nope," he replies simply as he runs up to catch up to you, your shoulders brushing up against each other. "These are just for me."
Your stomach jumps at his response, feeling a sense of warmth enveloping within you despite the chilly air. The crisp breeze tugs at your sweater, making you shiver, and you huddle deeper into it as much as you can. As you continue walking, Wonwoo's gaze keeps flickering to you, his brows furrowing slightly, and he glances down at the navy blue scarf wrapped around his own neck.
It wasn't until you feel something warm and soft drape around your shoulders, and you look over to find that Wonwoo has smoothly wrapped his scarf around you, his own neck now exposed to the cold breeze.
"What are you doing?" You ask, voice filled with surprise and a hint of concern. "Wonwoo, you'll get cold."
All he does is shake his head. "I'll be fine. I want you to be warm."
You're about to protest, but you can only freeze as he secures the scarf around your neck. The gesture warms not only your body but also your heart, yet you're aware of his susceptibility to the cold as well. The scarf also, once again, smells like him, a mixture of a subtle musky cologne, a comforting hint of fresh laundry, and a trace of his natural scent, which is uniquely his own.
But as you peer at him, seeing the way he's shivering and how his hands slip into his pockets, you could only frown.
So being as stubborn as you can be, you step up to him, making sure to move the camera around his neck out of the way before allowing your arms to wrap around him as if trying to share your own warmth with him. You press yourself as close to him as possible, feeling the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he breathes. You're shorter than him, but it doesn't matter to you at all (though, admittedly, Wonwoo loves it).
For a moment, you both stand there, wrapped in each other's embrace, the chill of the air is momentarily forgotten.
"Sorry, I just..." You start, voice slightly muffled against his chest. "Don't want you to be cold either."
Wonwoo's laughter rumbles through his chest as he holds you closer, even though he's still shivering a bit, which only made you more determined to keep him warm. He tightens his embrace around you, holding you close, letting his head rest on top of yours.
After a few moments, you pull back a bit, meeting his gaze as you look up at him diffidently, briefly catching sight of his soft lips. A moment of temptation washes over you as you gaze at his mouth, and you feel the urge to lean in just like back in the shelter the other day.
But your fucking nerves and anxiety hold you back once again.
So instead, you tip-toe just a bit and press a gentle kiss to the tip of his nose, which was dusted with pink from the cold, instinctively seeing the way he cutely scrunches it. Wonwoo blinks in surprise, his lips parting slightly, and before he can react, you quickly pull away, a playful grin on your face.
You were never usually the one to initiate physical affection, but in this moment, something in you shifted, and it felt... right.
"What..." Wonwoo mumbles under his breath. "What was that for?"
It's the way you shrug almost innocently that gets his head spinning.
"Your nose looked cold," You respond impishly.
Oh, he's gone. You don't exactly know it but he is𑁋irrevocably smitten, enamoured, completely caught under your web. In just that single second, he swears he's reduced to an atom, a small, insignificant particle bound to your gravitational pull.
He still can't get himself to respond even from the way your face seems to brighten.
"Come on, let's get to the shelter. I want to see Luna." You reach down to grab his hand, tugging lightly, before dragging him in the direction of the shelter before it gets too cold.
And he just lets you drag him, still caught in a daze the entire way.
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Fortunately, the vet found that Luna's injury was not too severe; it only a small sprain in her leg and with proper care, she would recover just fine. This still didn't stop you from spending time with her though, and there are times where Wonwoo would find you in the back of the shelter, where Luna was sprawled sleepily on the table and you would be dozed off right next to her. The two of you resemble each other a lot, a thought that often entertains Wonwoo.
"It's only just a little catnap!" You had claimed, but both you and Wonwoo knew that it was much more than that.
(He also just really likes seeing how cute you are draped in a blanket𑁋or draped in something owned by him in general).
Luna is settled in your lap on the floor, and Loki doesn't seem exactly fond with the new addition to the shelter who had stolen away your attention. So he trails over to Wonwoo instead, who easily picks him up without any hesitation, stroking the grumpy cat's fur as he sits down right next to you. Loki purrs appreciatively in Wonwoo's arms, occasionally casting a slightly jealous glance in Luna's direction.
"I can't believe that we have to go back to school tomorrow," You mutter disappointingly, watching Luna play with a loose thread on your sweater, batting at it with her tiny paw.
"Time flies, doesn't it?" Wonwoo acknowledges sympathetically.
"Yeah, it does," You muse lowly. "But if I could spend all my time here, I would."
"You know that you're welcome here anytime, right?" Wonwoo reassures you. "You could even come here without me, if you want."
You tilt your head at him, scowling playfully. "But... I'd rather be here with you."
A warm blush creeps onto Wonwoo's cheeks at your words. He looks down at Loki, who's comfortably settled in his arms, and then back at you, a fond smile playing on his lips.
"Did you have a good break though?" he asks. "I never got the chance to ask."
You fret out a sigh. Aside from the times you spent with Wonwoo and in the shelter, thinking about how you felt during the break was all too unnerving. "It's... what I expected, you know? Just... you know how my parents are. They always find a way to kind of just... I don't know... make me feel like I'm not enough, I guess?"
Wonwoo only hums in response, quietly listening as you seem to find the voice to spill the thoughts you've been holding in for the longest time.
"and... it's been like this for years. They never change, and so whenever something good happens, I feel like I don't deserve it." Then you pause, taking in a deep breath. "I-I feel like I don't deserve you sometimes."
This makes Wonwoo bring his attention back up, and he's met with your faint smile and eyes that seemed to be filled with guilt.
"I get scared if I show too much, I'll... I don't know, drive you away? Or if I let myself be too happy, I... end up pushing everyone away, and I can't help it because I don't want to push you away𑁋"
"Then pull me in." Wonwoo's voice is soft yet determined. "You know I'm not going anywhere, right? I'm not running away from you, not now, I don’t plan to.”
You could only stare at him; not blankly, but with an intensity that reflects the emotions swirling around your head.
In this world, you never quite felt good enough, smart enough, or pretty enough. You often questioned why someone as amazing as Wonwoo would be interested in someone like you𑁋someone who constantly felt like they were fumbling through life unnoticeably, someone who listened to their head more than their heart, searching for a place to belong, as you felt like you never fit in anywhere.
In this world, you cherished being alone, so you could burden yourself with your own thoughts. It’s different now𑁋being able to crave someone else’s company more than your own, grappling with the thought that another person wants to get to know you, and you’re giving them the chance to unravel you.
"You're more than enough for me, because you’re you, and I like you," he continues. "You can pull me in, and let me share even a small percentage of your thoughts, because that's with this is, right? We're a team."
A team, the words echo in your mind.
"Have you seen how big your heart is?" Wonwoo questions empathetically. "You give so much of yourself, to the cats, to me. It's no wonder they adore you, and... it's no wonder I do too."
He takes a moment to let his words sink in, giving you the space to process the weight of his sentiment. As you look at him, you notice the genuine affection in his eyes, and a flicker of hope ignites within you. Perhaps there is more to you than you allow yourself to believe.
"And... I hope one day I'll be able to get you to see yourself the way I see you, that a part of your heart will have a space for yourself too, because it's okay to be happy,” he says. "You deserve me. I have worries too, you know, but... being with you makes it all a little easier. Maybe I can make it a little easier for you too, if you'll let me in. We can make it easy together."
We can make it easy together, because not every heart can love itself so simply.
There's a few minutes of silence that passes, and you feel all too tongue-tied to think of a proper response, but it's comforting this way. It's the simple act of being there, existing right next to each other, of accepting each other for who you are, and sharing your vulnerabilities that truly matter.
Luna shifts in your hold, and when you peer down at her, you swear you can see yourself in her tiny, sleepy form: someone so fragile, someone deserving of care, someone deserving of the same care that you give her.
It's the silence alone that feels enough to convey that yeah, everything will be alright as long as you have each other.
"She kind of looks like you."
You take a moment to glance up at Wonwoo, giving him an affectionate smile, before bringing Luna up closer to your face.
"You think so?" You ask as you gently stroke Luna's soft fur, and he nods with a soft grin. "I guess we do look alike."
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[03:41am | y/n] hi um i think i want to kiss wonwoo now
[10:03am | mf jerry wen] did u srsly just fucking text me at 3am that u want to kiss ur boyfriend u goddamn insomniac also TMI ew gross 🤮🤮 get a room
[10:05am | mf jerry wen] actually ridiculous ANYWAY (ATTACHMENT: 4 VIDEOS)
[10:13am | mf jerry wen] okay wait r u being like fr serious rn like u want to do the whole mouth to mouth resuscitation shebang
[10:18am | y/n] whatever the hell that means also how tf do u know the word resuscitation
[10:19am | mf jerry wen] i'm cpr certified 🥰
[10:19am | y/n] when the fuck ykw i'm not even gonna question it i'm going back to sleep
[10:20am | mf jerry wen] HAPPY KISSING BESTIE 💞🤭🥰🫶💘❣️😍😻
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"Ready to head out?" Wonwoo asks, standing patiently while you dispose of some trash.
"Yeah, just about to be," You tell him as you throw away your empty cup into the trash bin. When you walk in Wonwoo's direction, he already has his hand out for you, and you take it with a shy, grateful smile.
Outside, the world is hushed and peaceful, still like in a singular picture frame, but in an odd way, a bit brighter than before𑁋perhaps from all the streetlights being on, or perhaps from the quiet excitement of the evening. The weather has been slowly getting colder, and you're both finally bundled up enough to handle the chill. The walk back to your dorm is as quiet as ever, only the occasional sound of leaves rustling and your own footsteps the only disruptions to the silence.
Mid-term season is finally over, and you both managed to find the time to celebrate together by going to a new café that had opened near campus. It was a simple, yet incredibly needed escape from the life of university, or life in general. You haven't felt so relaxed and contented in a while, the weight of exams and assignments lifting from your shoulders.
As the sight of your dorm comes up though, you feel a wave of reluctance hit over you.
You don't want the evening to end just yet.
So when you both finally pause in front of the doors to your dorm, you turn to face him. It's about to be that familiar scene of goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow with him, but something inside of you is telling you that you'd rather see tomorrow... with him right next to you.
"I had a good time tonight," Wonwoo says softly, his gaze lingering on your face. His eyes reflect the dimly lit surroundings, and his fingers gently squeeze your hand.
You smile at him, feeling your cheeks warm at his words. "Me too."
Another round of silence passes as you glance between him and the doors to your dorm. You take in a deep breath.
"I... I was wondering..." You start, already trailing off your words and mentally face-palming yourself from the nerves coursing within. "if... if that offer to stay at your place is still open?"
His eyes widen ever so slightly.
"Are you sure?" he asks. "You don't have to if you don't want𑁋"
"I do," You quickly assure him, interrupting his hesitations. "I really want to."
With that, you both continue walking past your dorm, leaving behind the familiar in exchange for the unknown. The walk is brisk, the chill in the air making you huddle closer together. Every now and then, your eyes meet, and the corners of your lips quirk up from excitement, and most obviously, nervousness.
Because, in fact, you're both equally as nervous.
That nervousness lingers like a quiet undercurrent as you approach Wonwoo's apartment. You can feel your heart beating a little faster, and you're sure he can sense it too. It's the kind of nervousness that accompanies with something new and exciting.
Wonwoo was lucky enough to not have to deal with the absolute insanity it comes with living in a dormitory. The peace and quietness was something you loved right away, and when he finally leads you up the front door, you feel the nerves resurface once again knowing you're here, and there's no going back now.
You watch amusedly as Wonwoo fumbles with opening the door to his place, and when it unlocks, he steps back to stand right next to you, as if allowing you to make the decision of going in yourself.
However, you could only keep looking at him, and you can see the anticipation in his eyes, the same nervous energy that was coursing through you. It was just the two of you, standing in front of his apartment door, aware of this next step into the unknown.
Wonwoo has been nothing but patient with you. He's told and showed you more times than you can count on your hands and feet that he respects your pace and that he's willing to wait for you to be ready. But there's something about tonight, standing here on the edge of something new, that makes you want to take that leap of faith.
Because you're a team, and you're together.
"I-I really want to kiss you right now," You blurt out, the words tumbling out of your mouth before you can even think about it, and you feel your face flush out of embarrassment.
Wonwoo swears that simple statement just knocked the life out of him, clearly taken aback, but the surprise soon transforms into a soft, adoring smile. His glance switches from your eyes and settles on your lips and back up to your eyes again. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest, and you wonder if he can hear it too.
"But I'm uh... really nervous," You stammer out shakily, feeling overwhelmingly vulnerable and exposed that you feel like you can probably burst. "I don't... really know how..."
"It's okay." Wonwoo just chuckles, stepping closer to you and leaning in, lips just a breath away from yours. "I'm nervous too."
You feel him put both of his hands at your waist, drawing you closer to him, and the warmth of his touch radiates through the layers of clothing. The soft glow of the hallway light casts on his face, illuminating his warm smile and the sparkle in his eyes. He leans in slowly, giving you time to adjust, stopping right before your lips can meet.
"Can I?" he whispers, his warm breath brushing against your lips, eyes searching yours for consent.
Your heart skips a beat as you nod slightly. The nervousness is still there, evident in the way your fingers twitch lightly, but it's now laced with sweet anticipation. Wonwoo closes the distance between you both, eyes closing as he lets his lips brush against yours a bit hesitantly and tentatively. It's a soft, cautious kiss at first, a testing of waters, and you aren't sure what to do with your hands or how to respond. But as you relax into it, and you kiss him back a bit unconfidently, your hands find their place on his chest, and you can feel the erratic pace of his heart.
His lips taste of comfort and the lingering sweetness of the hot chocolate you both ordered earlier at the café. The world seems to come to a halt; nothing else seems to matter. The hallway light flickers briefly, before shining down like a spotlight on the two of you, highlighting this moment into something incredibly special, a memory etched in your heart. Your initial nervous thoughts had become completely invaded by the thought of only Wonwoo, his lips, his touch, his presence𑁋everything else simply fades into the background.
You can feel the way he smiles under the kiss, the subtle curve of his lips against yours as the kiss deepens ever so slightly, and you can't help but smile too, the corners of your lips turning up as well. There's a gentle urgency in the way his lips move against yours, but he keeps it tender, careful not to rush. Your fingers press gently into Wonwoo's chest as you feel his heartbeat racing under your touch, and his hands on your waist tighten ever so slightly, pulling you even closer.
Yet it isn't until you can feel the way his glasses are slightly pressed against your face that makes you giggle into the kiss.
"Won𑁋" Another bubble of muffled laughter escapes you as he continues to kiss you, his lips teasingly chasing yours and cutting your words off.
Then after a moment, he pulls back to catch some air, and you couldn't help but softly laugh at the way his glasses are endearingly crooked on his face.
"I'm sorry, it's just... Your glasses," You manage to say between breathless, light chuckles, bringing a hand up to readjust them for him on his nose.
He's staring at you with a starry-eyed look as you fix his glasses for him, adoring your concentrated face, and the moment you pull back to look at him, he can't help but press another brief kiss to your lips once more, catching you off-guard.
"Sorry, I..." he mutters apologetically. "Are you... are you okay?"
He tries to scan over your face, searching for any telltale signs of discomfort or hesitation, but all he finds is nothing but the warmth in your eyes and the smile on your lips.
"I'm more than okay," You assure him, pecking him on the lips swiftly, even though your heart is pounding and your head is spinning in circles. You could say that you're absolutely freaking the fuck out and that you might go into cardiac arrest, but you don't, because this is okay𑁋you're okay. "I'm very okay."
You both stand there for a moment, listening to the sounds of each other's heavy breathing as if you're sharing the same rhythm, the same heartbeat. There's that look in his face again𑁋an earnest look of admiration, affection, and longing, like he's trying to engrave every detail of your face, of this moment, into his memory, or like you’ve hung up all the stars in the sky above.
It isn't until a sudden chill makes you both shiver that the two of you notice you're still standing outside in the hallway.
"We should probably head inside," he suggests coyly, and you nod in agreement.
"Yeah." You giddily reach down to grab his hand right away. "We should."
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another note: hehe ty for reading 🫶
taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae @yeonjuns-redhair @wonwooz1 @woohaeyo @wqnwoos @freshmint54
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mxchxelschmidt · 11 months
A Mike schmidt x reader where neither of them sleep but he comes home from work early one night and they both go to sleep together 😭💕
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the sleep deprived power couple! ty for this!
You and Mike worked well together. You had similar habits and shared interests. You also both had a bad habit of being insomniacs. Whether it was due to your own problems or the fact that the only job he could get was on night shift. Your sleep schedules were opposite. So when you were at work, Mike was supposed to be sleeping. While Mike was at work, you were supposed to be sleeping. It never seemed to quite work out that way.
Mike always found himself staring at the ceiling with his hands folded on his stomach, not sure what to do with his hands. He would lay there like that for hours before giving in and getting up. Abby was at school and you were at work, so it’s not like you would ever notice he wasn’t sleeping.
For you, it was laying in the bed rolling around and missing the weight of Mike in the bed next to you. You tried cuddling his pillow to pretend it was him. It never quite worked out the way you wanted it to. So you would go to the living room and watch tv knowing Abby was knocked out cold and would never know the difference. You would always get back into bed about 30 minutes before Mike got home so he could tag you out for the day to collapse into bed and go to sleep himself.
Tonight was no different for you. It was 3:30 am on the alarm clock when you heard the front door open. You simply rolled over pulling the blanket up over your shoulders and closed your eyes lightly. You heard the creaking in the hallway and the door opened a few moments later. All you hear is the rustling of Mike shedding his coat, pants and shirt. Moments later you feel the weight shift on the bed and an arm slides under your pillow and head, then an arm snakes around your waist and you can feel the sleepiness coming.
Mikes warm, and you immediately feel cozy in his arms. You roll over to face him and you can just make out his eyes in the dark room, ever so dimly lit by the red light of the alarm clock.
“Hey there stranger” he says quietly.
You would laugh if it didn’t feel like the truth with how little of each other you saw recently.
“I missed you.” You say and bury your face in his chest.
He holds you close and wraps his arms tighter around you. He rubs a hand across your back slowly and buries his face in your hair inhaling deeply, “I missed you too. Haven’t been sleeping so good recently.”
Your voice is muffled slightly, “Me neither..”
When you pull your head back from his chest he takes the hand around your waist and tips your chin up connecting your lips softly. They just brush every so slightly against each other and you let out a happy sigh. You missed this so much.
Mike soon rolls onto his back and leaves his arm resting under your head. You move to rest your head on his chest and he lets his arm tighten around you holding you close to his side. That’s how you two sleep for most of the night. Pressed together like a puzzle that fits just perfectly.
Another sleepless night turns into the best sleep you’ve had in weeks and instead of tagging you out in the morning, you wake up together and start making breakfast for Abby to have before school.
414 notes · View notes
adorabluesposts · 5 months
I’m a massively hopeless romantic and hopelessly in love with our short paranoid chaotic duck loving king and the THINGS I WOULD DO TO THIS MAN JUST BECAUSE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.
Anyway thoughts about he’d react to constant affection because my love is physical affection and maybe sometimes giving him handmade gifts because nothing beats time wasted on handmade shit. I LOVE THIS MAN SM ITS TOO MUCH 😭😭😭
Basically requesting a fluff with all of the above 💀💀
I also love your writing style sm, hope you’re having a great day/night
buckle up cause this is gonna be SWEET!
Thanks for the appreciation on my writing, I'm still working on it 😭💖 love this sm. This is for the physical affection ppl 🫶🏻
a/n:.. added some acts of service love language too I'm so sorry 😭
(I managed)
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divider by @al-of-the-stars. NOT MINE!!
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It's not a surprise Lucifer's a sucker for physical attention. Not in a sexual way, just hugs and holding hands in the most unusual times.
At first you started off with 'baby steps', occasionally giving him a kiss on his cheek or lips, holding his hand or playing with his suit when he didn't expect it, just to see how he'd react.
He would get flustered, turn into a blushing mess and pretty much feel like his knees would give out at any minute. He would never admit what an impact you had on him, though.
When the showers of affection got more frequent and he realised what you were doing, every chance he'd get he would basically invite you to do those things for him. He loved tricking you into thinking he didn't know what your love language was and , even if he still got all flustered and was still surprised because he, obviously, didn't know what to expect (a kiss or a hug), he convinced himself he was just acting so flustered to trick you, again.
Of course Lucifer's love for you gets more and more powerful with every kiss.
His wife left him, after all, so he needs all the affection you can offer. He really loves you.
Even though you noticed he still wears his wedding ring sometimes, you know how hard it is to let go, and you showering him with affection actually helps him get through it!
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"Good morning, handsome!" You shower his sleepy face with kisses as he slowly wakes up, watching his grumpy face turn into a weak, tired smile.
"Morning" He smiles and cups your cheek as you pull away, pushing you back in for a kiss.
He notices you're all dressed already and raises an eyebrow, sitting up. "Where are you going?"
"Well, Your Majesty-" He smiles at you, loving how intimate it sounds when you call him that, "-It's Monday. Meaning I have work to get done."
He frowns and you laugh. "Bummer."
"I made you breakfast, so you might as well get changed." You ruffle his hair as he struggles to put it back in place, even if it was tangled already and playfully huffs at you, lecturing you on how his hair must always be perfect as you leave the room.
When he joins you in the kitchen, you gasp in awe, like every morning. You go up to him and praise him for being so good looking, pestering his face with kisses and telling him how you're falling in love over and over again.
He loves it truly, holding your waist as you praise him. He looks at you with lovesick eyes and a goofy smile and only let's go when hunger takes the best of him. He praises you back, too, for being such a good cook (or not burning the kitchen down.. in certain people's cases aka me).
Before you leave, he makes sure to leave one of his ducks in your bag , knowing that by now you have millions if them in your office, as you leave one of your handmade gifts, drawings, or sweets in your shared room.
He almost never wants to let you go to work, turning the radio on to twirl you around in the kitchen and kiss your face or hands until it gets so late you either have to run to work or make him open up a portal for you.
It's not his fault he just loves the way you love him.
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Ive never written something so fast in my entire life. THE THINGS LUCI DOES TO ME OMG.
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taeminsung · 1 year
♡ ˚⁎⁺˳ ── home to you..
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pairing || seungmin x reader
summary || late night spend with you is home.
genre/s || fluff. comfort.
prompt || ahh Seungmin is so underrated. soft sleepy cuddles with him late at night 😭😭😭 he has my whole heart
mina’s notes || literally SAME babes, cute puppy has stolen my heart. please enjoy ♡ 
The thought of the day ending caused a small smile to tug at Seungmin’s lips, because that meant two things. First, not having to interact with anyone for several hours on end. Second the comfort of his baggiest sweatshirt and the softness of his blankets. Time felt like it was ticking by so slowly since the announcement of them getting to leave. He knew better than to get excited about it because of this cursed result, but your name popped up on his screen letting him know you finished with your friends earlier than you thought, so you wanted to know if you could spend the night at his place. He would happily trade out the first reason for going home if it meant spending time with you. Usually, he was happiest sitting in silence with you by his side, pulling his attention every once in a while to show him something on your phone, or read a cute passage in the book you were currently obsessed with. Personally, some of his favorite moments are watching you while you’re in your own little world near him.
Giddiness filled his chest before he walked through the front door of the dorm, tailing the other members. Only once he crossed the threshold did the bone deep tiredness hit, making the calling of his bed sound more alluring. It called out his name almost louder than the soft knocks that echoed through the dorm signaling that you had arrived. Seungmin watched as Minho turned back for the door, letting you slip in with a hushed greeting as you changed into the slippers Seungmin had gifted you after the first time you came over.
The adorable memory of you half stomping around in his slippers entered his mind, chuckling at how you pouted for the night after you tripped over your own feet when getting more snacks for everyone. It was endearing to watch the way his brothers teased you for it as you simply tried to disappear behind in or under the blanket. Getting dragged back to the present by the soft sound of your giggle, a blush crept up his neck with the teasing look both you and his hyung were wearing.
Grabbing your wrist, he quickly pulled you down the hall, murmur how he was too tired to deal with whatever either of you had said or were plotting. Seungmin could deal with it in the morning when he didn’t feel like he would fall over at any given moment. Right now, all he wanted was to exist in his bed with you by his side. Gently he pushed you into his room before rushing to wash up. It didn’t take long before he returned to his room noting the way you were perched on the chair engrossed in your phone. Stealing a quick glance, he watched you scroll through the photos he assumed were taking while you were busy all day. Without saying anything, he began digging through his sweatshirts looking for one, only the sound of your slippers against his floor snagging his attention and eyes landing on you wearing exactly what he was looking for. Well so much for wanting that on, he whispered before turning to look for another one.
His eye lids started to weigh heavy as he slowly climbed into bed, burying himself in the warmth of the plush blankets. It felt like sleep would consume him at any moment. However, he continued to fight letting his eyes close because he knew he shouldn’t fall asleep without you back in his room. Truth was that he didn’t want fall sleep if the last thing he saw wasn’t you. He scoffed a little knowing that he would never admit that to anyone, not even you. Not because he didn’t want you to know but because he knew that when you got in one of your teasing moments, it would slip out to the members, and he would have to deal with them too. When you finally slipped back into the room, he watched you with hooded eyes as you drifted around his room, doing this and that, before decisively joining him in bed. A lazy hum escaped his lips while you adjust, once, twice, thrice. After the third time he stopped counting but something bothered him as he pulled you against his chest, trapping you in his arms. Stay still, his voice barely heard but eyes still watched you.
The sudden silence that filled the room allowed his eyes to drift shut even though you wiggled around in his arms for a few moments, stilling with your head resting on his chest. He felt like he could fall sleep immediately having you curled up next to him. Only when your quiet voice drifted to his ears did he desire to stay up longer. Do you ever wonder what Chan would do if I just took you on a weekend trip, you asked as your fingers danced across the expanse of his chest, settling for playing with the strings of his hood. Seungmin’s eyes stayed closed as he thought about what his leader would do. Would he be upset? Would be approve of it? Would he warn him against it before of the possibility of exposing this?
Chan probably would approve it if you snuck the rest of them with us, he replied, adjusting how he was laying from his back to his side so he could tuck you in even closer to him. What Seungmin thought was going to be a whole conversation seemed to have ended just as hastily as it was brought up. Quiet engulfed the two of you, Softly, he tucked your head into his chest, burying his nose in your hair. It was these hushed instances where he really appreciated you. It didn’t matter that sleep weighted heavy in his bones because with you lying next to him, he felt so alive. He felt the fire in his veins as he heart continued to beat slightly faster than it usually did. Carefully, he smoothed your hair as your arm wrapped around his waist.
Was it always going to be like this? This sense of security and belonging?
Part of him really hoped so because this was everything he had been hoping for in this life. Finding someone who just existed with him, didn’t expect more than he could give sometimes. Someone who loved him for him. Burying his nose into your hair, he smelled the still lingering scent of your shampoo, a scent that sometimes found its way into a few of his things. It was intoxicating really. He made him wonder if you moved in with him, would all his things start to smell the way yours did? Not once did he want these types of nights to end. How was your day? His voice barely getting out. Intently he listened to you explain what you did, sleepily burying your head even further into his chest as you recalled several things that made you think of him. It made him fall further in love with you. Slowly he felt the pull of sleep drag him little by little to the place where he could continue to imagine a built world of your future together. Pressing a long kiss into your hair, he couldn’t help the smile that forced the kiss short as you stopped talking to nozzle into his chest.
As his breaths started to even out and he drifted off, he felt the love that swelled in his chest and you stroked his back, the telltale sign that you wanted him to fall asleep peacefully.
from mina with love ♡ ˚⁎⁺˳ ── thank you for reading! ♡
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sincere1ystar · 13 days
By The Water
finnick odair x fem! reader
Finnick takes you to his home back in District 4 where you fall in love with the sea so he teaches you how to swim
authors note: this isn’t my best work idkkkk I haven’t been feeling the best with my writing lately but i tried lol 😭
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Unlike Finnick, you didn’t grow up being surrounded by the ocean. In fact the lands you lived on were mostly dry deserts with barely any rainfall to keep the plants alive. Living in a desert wasn’t the worst environment, but you couldn’t help but feel as if a part of you was out there somewhere. It was a strange and maybe childish fantasy but you knew that you haven’t truly met yourself, just not yet atleast.
That all changes though when Finnick takes you to his home in District 4 for the first time. The first thing you notice is that it smells like fish and it isn’t some island paradise like they how to make it out to be in the other districts and the Capitol. But as you’re following Finnick to the cabin he calls home it’s the first time you see her, the ocean.
“That water sure is beautiful isn’t it”, Finnick asks softly. You’re too in awe by the graceful body of water right before your eyes to answer him.
Later that night as Finnick lies in bed, you sit beside him looking out the window completely enamored by the sight of the sea. You look like some lovestruck fool with your mouth slightly agape everything the waves approached the shore.
“Honey”, Finnick mumbles sleepily as he tugs on your sleeve, “Come and lie down with me… The ocean isn’t going anywhere it’ll still be there tomorrow”.
“I’ll lie down in a minute”, your words are aimless as you continue staring out the window which makes Finnick playfully groan.
“Awww does m’girl love the sea that much? Lie down with me honey and maybe I’ll teach you how to swim tomorrow”. He murmurs in a sleepy haze.
That catches your attention. “Really?? You mean it??”.
Finnick smiles as your enthusiasm as he slowly takes you in his arms kissing the top of your head sleepily. Little does he know that your enthusiasm fails to die down the next day as you’re up as soon as the sun rises. The minute he sees the soft sunlight on your skin he’s like a man hypnotized. If the sun didn’t give you such an ethereal glow he would have protested that it’s too early to be up, but before he knows it you’re dragging him out to the ocean’s shore.
“We’re gonna start easy alright? Just slowly dip your feet in to get used to the water’s temperature”, Finnick says as he demonstrates it for you. But of course you have no plans of taking things “easy” and immediately throw yourself into the water.
“Think you skipped a couple of steps there honey”, Finnick chuckles as he slowly pushes through the water to make his way to you.
You seem to be doing fine until you get to the more deeper part of the sea. Panic rushes through you as you can’t feel the ground underneath your feet, your first instinct is to hold onto Finnick with your shaky hands wrapped around his shoulders.
If you didn’t seem so frightened he probably would have teased you, but the way your lip trembles and your tight grip on him makes his heart soften. “Shh shh honey no need to be scared I got you”.
For a moment you see the ocean in a different light. Suddenly it’s no longer that magical vast body of water that holds everything you’ve ever dreamed of. The waves seem more rougher as the cold water crashes into you. Suddenly it all seems too rough, the sound of the waves are too loud as a feeling of unease washes over you. Maybe the ocean wasn’t really some magical being. Maybe you romanticized it too much, built it up to be something it wasn’t in your head.
Romanticism is a trick after all. It covers your eyes while it paints a new picture for you to look at, while the real one is never erased , just hidden among the new and flashy colors. Yet the ocean didn’t seem like some figure you built up in your imagination, that feeling of completeness when you first saw it couldn’t have been make believe ould it? The feeling seemed stronger than that.
Before Finnick could make a comment about how maybe the two of you should head home and try again another day, you slowly de-tangle yourself from his limbs.
“Be careful”-, Finnick’s cut off by the sight of you managing to stay afloat by slowly kicking your legs underwater. He notes how beautiful determination looks only you, a crown that fits perfectly onto your head.
“Look look!!!!! I’m doing it!!!!” You chant excitedly as the sound of your soft kicks fill the air.
“Yeah you got it, you’ll be swimming like a fish in no time!” Finnick can’t help but laugh. It wasn’t like you were a professional swimmer, all you could do was manage to keep yourself afloat. But you were able to connect* to the ocean, the core of water that he’s always loved. and that meant more to him than any treasure he’s found on the ocean’s shore. “To be loved is to be known”, and know he truely knew what that meant. It was more than you knowing his favorite foods and music, it was you managing to find beauty in the bodies of water that he saw as an extension of himself. Glistening waters that shined just like how Finnick could have, if the circumstances were different and the games seized to exist.
After a day of using all his energy swimming in the sea, Finnick expected himself to be tired. But his limbs lacked that exhaustion that would usually reside there and he didn’t even seem hungry either, he was too full on love to eat.
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btdemaru · 1 year
hiiiyaaa! just found your blog, and im already obsessed 🤭 the theme is so cute too like wtf 🔛🔝 anyways i was wondering how the obey me brothers would react to an mc who’s very very good at giving massages! idk what it is but im very good at giving them so i wonder how they’d react to that 😭 again, super obsessed with ur blog and ur work <3
Obey me! Mc giving good massages to the brother's
note : thank u omg i just love pink tbh and i couldn't find any soft pink theme but im so glad you love my theme now 💕. AND THANK U AGAIN for suggesting this cause i need more idea juices for them [lipbite].... Gn!mc.
Warning : oiled up (not all), Might be ooc, if there's a misspelling/typo's I'm sorry, but mostly fluff cause idk if u wanted smut or not so enjoy
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He will definitely resist it at first- the avatar if pride? The eldest?? A massage??? Do you think he's tired and overworked ?? [Yes]
But eventually gives in and lays down on the bed, i think he'd prefers clothes on or maybe just a t-shirt so that when you're done giving him the massage he can get back to work again
He's wrong 💀. Five minutes into the massage Lucifer's eye was starting to get droopy and heavy but he tried not to sleep
I think his back has alot of knots especially around his shoulder
If you knead/massage that part he'd probably slip out some groans or at least a satisfied noises
"i have no time for that, it'll only waste my time and i need to finish a few more-" before Lucifer could finish you tug his arm trying to drag him to the bed. He looks at you before sighing "fine, but i don't need this." Proceeds to lay down on his chest while he buried his face into the pillow.
You gently pressed your palms against his juicy broad shoulders before putting pressure on the tight knots "haaah.." he accidentally let out a satisfied sigh "oh? Seems like you're enjoying this after all!" Hearing you say that Lucifer went silent but still enjoys it, slowly drifting to sleep.
When you're done he's already too relaxed and knocked out at this point "hello? Earth to Lucifer! Were done here.. much better right?". No response at all from the mighty prideful demon below you, slowly with struggle you move him so he's laying on his back to find a peaceful look on his face as it was evident that he's definitely tired.
Probs after you massage him once he'd want more some other time
Barges into your room after a 'tiring' day of having complaints and being chased for his debt just to ask for a massage
If you say no he'd look at you with puppy eyes while whining and pestering you about how shitty his day was
You (ofcourse) give in and he starts to take his jacket off leaving him in his white shirt smiling sheepishly at you before his back faces you
Mammon sighs in content as he immediately melts and relax into your touch, leaning more and more as he's starting to get a little too greedy for your touch. You pulled away only for him to gasp and turn over dramatically "hey why'd you do that? I thought the massage was-" you quickly cut him off "oh hush and let me do it properly and stop leaning all your weight towards me or lay down!" You spoke as he pouted and lay down on your bed.
He talks and talk about his day while you apply pressure on his muscles
Slowly he yawns and at the end of the session he sits up and thanked you before his eyes closes... now you have a sleepy eepy mammon
You cant tell me that he's not playing his video games most of the times or watching stuff to the point where his posture is BAD
And him sleeping in a bathtub doesn't help at all
He secretly has been wanting to ask for a massage from your for quite awhile but never really got the courage to ask even if you're close!
If you suggested it tho he wouldn't decline at all and just let you do your thing
You should probably tease him to take his hoodie off and just go shirtless to see how red he can be
"are you sure about the.. shirtless part?" He's still unsure but does it anyway since you're more experienced. What he didn't expect was a massage oil dripped onto his back from his shoulders all the way to his hip as you softly rubs it, making him jolts out of shock. "Wait wait wait w-what even was that?!" He looks at you "it's just an oil, relax."
He struggled to relax as he kept moving and wriggling slightly made you a little bit annoyed before gripping his waist and sits on his ass area so he doesn't move.
Levi's eye fluttered as your hand works magic on him, from his neck slowly moving down his shoulders and so on.
After you're done his face was less flushed as he thanked you and asked if he could ask for more in the future
He would probably droop himself over your shoulder fully dropping his whole weight onto your back
Nuzzling Into your neck before finally asking if you can massage him as his back was hurting from reading
If you accepted he'd happily lay down next to his cats (the one where he totally didn't sneak in)
He dimmed the light in the room and lays back down while he impatiently waits for you to begin
"just for a couple of minutes.. my back is killing me already" he said as he lays on his chest while slowly stroking the sleeping cat next to him "fine fine" after you spoke, you started to do your massage.
Satan couldn't help but melts and groans at the pleasure as the pressure on his back was slightly going away from your delicate but precise hands
Let's say 20 minutes has passed and you pull away thinking that satan is asleep and that you can stop, but as you do that his arms pulled you in again wanting for more "just ten more minutes- it feels so good.." well ten more minutes it is! (I cant say no to him)
He's the one who sets up all these heart candles with flowery smell and assorted massage oil for you to choose
Asmo lured asked nicely for you to give him your perfect and heavenly massages
He'll even ask to give you a massage in return (it'll turn into more)
Loves the way your hand roams around and all over his body
Oh and asmo probably will go butt naked only with a towel to cover his ass
You gave in to him since he made the efforts of already setting the mood with pretty scented heart candles and bought the massage oil
When you start to carefully massage his neck, he's going to be loud and wouldn't mind if anyone outside his room hear him, slowly working down to his back Asmo is amazed of how good you are "where did you learn this? It feels so good~" he nuzzle back to his pillow after talking.
After you're finish, he'll insist to give you a massage in return so if you accept that then don't be suprised if his hands roam around places on your body slightly squeezing it (he'll ask tho) and perhaps more than just a massage
You'd give him massages a few hours after his workout sessions
Loves the way your hands move all over his muscular body and would be a happy boy if you provided small snacks after
This is just a guess of mine but i think it'll be kinda hard? Like you'd need to put more pressure on him than the other's cause his muscles are hard
Aside from the back side, feel free to give him arm massage as well
Beel will stare at you when you're kneading his sore arm muscle, a small smile was shown on the corner of his lips and he leans back.
"you brought snacks..right?" He looked around the room and on the bed to find anything he van chew on "I'll give it to you after the massage so be patient." Beel actually did what you said and waited til the end of the massage
Gently rub his arms with a warm towel after pls he likes it.
After that he'd probably embrace you while he's eating the snacks and just enjoy how fuzzy n relaxed he feels and glad that you accepted his cuddles
He wouldn't ask for it in words, belphie would just tug your shirt and pat his back signaling he wants you to start massaging him
Loves LOVES when you give him scalp massages and gives his face kisses afterwards
Eventually will fall asleep but who's suprised atp lmfao
You better give him snuggles and cuddles when you're done cause i like to think he's abit clingy
Belphie pats his back as you guys were watching a movie "you want a massage like- right now?" You said while only getting a nod from the demon next to you, quickly gets in between your body and lays on your stomach as he waits for you to start "...hurry" belphie kept nuzzling his head on your hands as you sigh and starts to gently massage his head
Working your way across his scalp to cover all areas. Trying to massage his scalp using your fingertips for at least 5 minutes before small snores are starting to come out of belphie's lips, he would say it from time to time about how good of a massage you give and how much he enjoys it.
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mountttmase · 2 years
Hiii I love your stuff!! 💗 would you write sth about soft morning sex with Mase?
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Morning Glow
Note - thank you anon 😍💙 this is fairly short but I hope it’s alright. I would love some feedback so please me know what you think as I hate everything I write atm 😭
Pairing - Mason Mount x Reader
Word count - 1.7k
Warnings - fluff & smut
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It had been a late one.
You’d agreed to pick Mason up from the airport after his away game, but by the time you’d made it home, you both barely had the energy to get changed for bed let alone anything else. You were already dressed in his shirt, so once you were both down to your underwear, you crawled under the covers and drifted off to sleep.
It was nearing half ten when you finally opened your eyes, groaning quietly as the sunlight slowly made its way across your face and it was only when you felt a small shuffle behind you did you remember Mason was back. You turned round to face him carefully, not wanting to wake him yet as you knew he’d be tired today, and once you’d settled back down you took the time to look over him carefully.
You couldn’t ignore the way your heart fluttered as you took him in, laid on his front with his face squished into the pillow. His hair was a fluffy mess, sticking up in some parts and stuck to his head in others, his cheeks were pink, his lips pouty and you couldn’t help the sleepy smile that took over you face. You’d only been apart for two nights but it had felt like an eternity. Waking up without your favourite person besides you was tough and you never seemed to get used to it no matter how many times he went away.
He started to stir, opening his eyes ever so slightly and as soon as he saw you he shuffled himself towards you, his brows furrowing at being so far away from you.
‘Baby’ he croaked, his voice still thick with sleep as he placed his hands on you, running one up under his shirt that you still had on so he could grab you boob as he rested his head on the other.
‘I’m here’ you laughed wrapping your arm around his shoulders as he curled into you before placing a soft kiss on the crown of his head whilst he slotted his leg in-between yours.
‘Missed you’ he breathed into your chest and your tummy erupted with butterflies at how cute he was being. Sleepy Mason was always your favourite but you rarely got to see him like this in the mornings. He was always up and about for training or away at a game or if he did have the rare morning off you’d be at work. But today was different, a whole day where the two of you had nowhere you needed to be and you both planned to have the laziest of all lazy days.
You both drifted back off for ten minutes or so but you were awoken by the hand that was on your chest moving slightly, Masons thumb now gently stroking over your nipple, causing it to become hard almost instantly and a wave of pleasure to roll through you.
Mason loved touching your boobs, whether you were in bed like this, sat on the sofa or trying to cook, he loved to hold them. He told you it was a comfort thing and you weren’t exactly complaining about it, but it was times like this when he was turning you on unintentionally that made you want to scream.
He wasn’t doing it on purpose, at least you didn’t think he was, but the mix of not having been with each other for a few days and feeling his fingers turning you on so effortlessly was becoming too much to handle and you couldn’t help but let out a quiet breathy moan.
You had hoped he maybe wouldn’t of noticed but you felt his head shift down, pulling his hand away from your chest and you almost protested at the lack of contact but he was quick to lift your shirt up, now fully exposing your chest to him. Your eyes glanced down to look at him, but he wasn’t looking back, to focused on your naked body and what he was about to do to it. Before you could do or say anything else, his hand was back stroking your nipple whilst he took the other in his mouth, sucking gently on the already hardened bud.
‘Fuck’ you breathed, your fingers instinctively finding their way into his hair and you heard his muffled moans as you tugged on it gently. Your tummy was doing somersaults as he licked and touched you and you were soon getting needy for him, bucking your hips up as your moans for him increased in volume. ‘Mase, please I cant-‘
‘Shhhh’ he cut you off, lifting his head so he could gently kiss you. ‘Be good and let me look after you’ he spoke against your lips before manoeuvring himself in between your thighs. His kisses then trailed down your neck and over your collarbones before kissing his way down your body until his face was settled right in front of your core. He was quick in disposing of your underwear and was leaving kisses all along your thighs as his sleepy eyes bore into yours, eyes rolling back in his head as he had his first taste of you. Your body melted into the sheets as his tongue lazily glided over your clit, your breathing getting heavier as devoured you slowly.
There was something about sex like this with Mason that turned you to jelly. There was nothing the both of you enjoyed more than him being rough and dominant with you but something about him being slow, soft and gentle with you sent shivers down your spine and you felt like he’d barely got going but you were ready to burst. He was magic with his mouth and it never took long, especially in the mornings when you were extra sensitive.
‘Mase, I’m close’ you whispered, not wanting to disturb the early morning peace too much but he squeezed your hip in acknowledgement, sucking and flicking his tongue over you at a steady rhythm until you were cumming over his face.
You were still getting your breathing back when he sat himself up after cleaning you up with this tongue and you almost lost your breath again. He looked otherworldly in the golden morning glow and you couldn’t believe he was all yours. You loved every inch of him, from the freckles the littered his cheeks to his warm and kind eyes. He was perfect to you and you couldn’t take your eyes off him as he pushed his boxers down to reveal his hard length. Watching it with your bottom lip between your teeth as it sprung up to his abdomen and your mouth watered at the sight of him.
He planted one of his hands by the side of your ribs and he guided himself into you with the other and once he was most of the way in, he moved closer to you. His free hand wrapped around your thigh, pulling it up and over his hip as you held him at his neck so his face wouldn’t move from yours. He started kissing you slowly as he moved his hips back and forth lazily and you moaned into each other mouths quietly almost as if you didn’t want to disturb the peacefulness of the morning.
‘I’ve missed you so much’ he whispered into your mouth and you groaned in agreement, unable to form a coherent sentence. ‘I’ve missed having you like this, just for me’
‘Mason’ you huffed as his lips attached to your neck, peppering the most delicate kisses all over it, growling quietly at the sound of his name as his eyes came back to meet yours.
‘So beautiful’ he breathed, now turning his attention to your face as he followed an invisible path across your cheeks with his lips and even though everything felt so intense you couldn’t help but smile at his actions. ‘I’m so in love with you’
You gasped at his words, his lips covering yours as he swallowed your moans before resting his forehead on yours, eyes staring straight into your soul and you knew in that moment there wasn’t anything you wouldn’t do for him. You were completely at his mercy and you didn’t care.
He was yours and you were his.
He’d kept everything at a pretty steady tempo up until now but you could tell he was getting close by the way his hips sped up ever so slightly. In an attempt to help yourself along you removed your hand from his hair so you could touch yourself but he caught onto your idea almost immediately. Grabbing your wrist to put your hand back in it’s rightful place before trailing you body with his fingertips and attaching his digits where his tongue has been not too long ago. He tortured you by drawling lazy circles but you were close enough that any contact would have you tumbling over the edge soon.
‘Fucking hell’ he muttered, the feel of you now squeezing around him so tightly felt like heaven and when he placed his lips next to your ear so you could hear his moans it was all over for you. ‘Good girl, that’s it. Let it all out for me baby’ he mumbled as a string of curse words tumbled from your lips. Your high was overwhelming and you could only focus on his voice and the feeling rippling through you as he chased his own.
The muffled whimper into your neck was all the confirmation you needed to know he was spent, collapsing on you gently as you scratched over the back of his head. He kept himself buried inside of you as he came down, his breathing returning to normal before it got deeper again as he fell asleep on your chest.
‘Hey, Mase?’
‘Hmmm’ he groaned into your neck turning slightly so he could breathe a bit better.
‘I love you, too’ you whispered and you felt him chuckle as you pulled the covers back up and over the both of you carefully.
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atticssmellgood · 1 year
hey babe!! can you do the 16 and 17 with alex, pls? 🥺
Alex Turner x GN!reader(no specific pronouns used)
Prompt(s) requested: “How Are you so comfy?” + Person A falls asleep on person B
Word count: 1k
CW: None❤️
A/N: I’m honestly so happy you requested these specific prompts lmao, I’ve always loved the idea of cuddling with Alex, I feel like he would be so sweet😭 anyways, hope you enjoy!
P. S. I feel like all of my fics end in sleeping I need a new way to close out💀
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Alex groaned, pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes as he sat slumped over his small notebook, scribbled out lyrics and messy handwriting decorating the pages.
Why was it that whenever he actually wanted to get some songwriting done, he couldn’t? Lately the inspiration seemed to slip out of his hands every time he picked up the pen, leaving him stuck and stressed. Most times, he would just end up in a significantly lower mood with nothing more than what he started with.
He sighed and leaned back in the chair, staring at the ceiling with a blank expression, too many thoughts swirling around in his head to possibly make sense of any of them.
Eventually he stood up and stretched, his limbs feeling heavy with exhaustion and a yawn coming from his mouth.
Alex hadn’t been able to get much sleep recently due to the amount of time he’d been spending on the new album, but he could never seem to rest when he was so focused on why his brain wasn’t working the way he wanted it to.
Before Alex could let out another loud groan of frustration, he heard the front door open and he couldn’t have been more relieved.
“Alex?” You called out tentatively, not sure if he was home from the studio just yet. You made your way to the kitchen and sat your car keys on the counter with a jingle before hearing footsteps coming towards you. All of the sudden you were pulled into a warm hug, a kiss falling onto your forehead softly.
“Welcome home darling…” Alex whispered as he rubbed soothing circles into your back. You could already tell from his quiet voice and the way he leaned his body on yours that he had a long day. Your suspicions were confirmed when you pulled away from his embrace to get a good look at him. There were dark circles under his eyes, and his expression looked overall drained. It didn’t take a genius to realize he needed some food and rest.
Your hand reached up to cup his cheek gently, stroking the apex of his cheekbone with your thumb in a loving manner. Alex’s hands still sat on your hips as he leaned into your palm and closed his eyes. A small sigh left his lips when he felt the tension in his muscles slowly dissipate, replaced with a warm feeling that seeped into his bones and gripped at his heart.
“You look miserable, Al.” you giggled quietly, continuing to stroke his cheek. Although disguised as a light-hearted joke, Alex could hear the worried undertone in your voice.
“It’s just some writer’s block, nothing to worry about.” He mumbled and pulled you a little closer.
You let out a little hum and let him rest his chin on your shoulder.
“You know I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure writers block doesn’t cause you to look like you haven’t slept in a week.” Your voice was a little more concerned now as you rub his back lightly “what’s wrong?”
Alex let out a small groan and snaked his arms fully around your waist, squeezing you tight and beginning to sway the both of you from side to side slowly. His body heat engulfs you in a comforting embrace and you could still smell a bit of the cologne he liked to put on before he left in the mornings. “it’s…” he starts, speaking tentatively “I’ve just been really stressed lately with the non-stop recording in the studio and it doesn’t help when I can’t seem to write properly anymore.” His voice is quiet and clearly exhausted. You once again pull back, this time giving him a soft kiss on the lips, then one on his nose. He closed his eyes and gave a sleepy little smile.
“Why don’t we go to sleep, yeah?” You brush a piece of hair out of his eyes “I think you really need it. And who knows? Maybe it’ll clear your writer’s block.” You smiled sweetly before Alex just nods in agreement.
His mind did feel a bit foggy from the lack of sleep. Maybe that was the problem?
Without another word, you stepped out of his embrace to take his hand and lead him to the bedroom.
Alex immediately laid on the bed, his eyes already beginning to close until he noticed you didn’t lay next to him. He glances over to see you taking off your shirt so you could change into something more comfortable than your work clothes.
He chuckled before reaching over to grabbing your arm and pull you onto the mattress with a sly grin.
You let out a little yelp and before you knew it, Alex’s full body weight was resting on top of you, effectively trapping you underneath him.
“Alex! You couldn’t wait five more seconds?” You laugh, still topless as he hadn’t given you the chance to put a shirt on.
“Nope.” He said with a satisfied expression “You were already taking too long.”
His head was resting on your chest comfortably, his soft brown hair tickling your bare skin.
You just laughed at his response, then snuck a gentle hand into his hair.
His features seemed to relax once you did this as his eyes fluttered shut and a small smile played at his lips.
You ran your fingers through the thick strands, nails occasionally scratching his scalp. The more you did this, the more he relaxed. The stress he held in his tense muscles looked as if it was melting away slowly with each brush of your hand on his hair.
“How are you so comfy?” Alex mumbled, nuzzling into your chest with a contented sigh. You just smiled as you gazed at him, leaning forward a bit to place a soft kiss on the top of his head.
He loved the spot he was in because he could press his ear right against where your heart was and listen to it beat with a steady rhythm. All the thoughts and worries in his mind were quieting down to mere whispers as he focused on the soft thumping in your chest. This was what he knew he needed.
Moments after that, you heard his breathing slow, indicating that he was indeed asleep.
You continued to stroke his hair in a loving manner even as he slept. The weight of his body on yours was comforting and it wasn’t long until you began to fall asleep underneath him, uttering a barely audible “Sweet dreams, my love” and letting your eyes flutter shut.
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
me when i can’t sleep rn so i’m reading ur fics to pass the time 😭 could you do a skz reaction when their s/o has insomnia? i need that in my head :[ thank you!
stray kids reactions to their s/o having insomnia
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genre: fluff, slight crack
word count: 0.9k
warnings: none
pls like and reblog if you enjoyed! feel free to request anything &lt;3
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we all know that bangchan has his fair share of insomnia too. so you are both going to be suffering together <3 no but for real, he understands the struggle and he's most understanding with it. so he knows, as much as he wants you to sleep so you can be healthy, it's not always that easy. so some nights you will stay up working with him, maybe at the studio. he will be working on his music while you'll be catching up with something to do with your work or studies. alternatively, you'll both be in his bed, cuddling each other and binge-watching some anime, before you eventually pass out in each other's arms.
lee know
"if you can't sleep, hug leebit." you find that this is your boyfriend's solution for everything, these days. leebit apparently has magical healing powers and can grant to wish of sleep to those who crave it. obviously, this is not the case. whether you are hugging your little plushie buddy, or you're cuddling into your actual boyfriend, none of that is of any use to you. you still can't sleep. lee know's only solution is to take advantage of the times you are awake to just talk to you, in a soft, gentle, soothing voice. you think this doesn't work at first, but after talking to him for a while, with you in his arms, suddenly your eyelids get heavier....
being a healthy, strapping young lad himself, he knows sleep is very important. he also values your health very much, almost as much as his own. after 5 minutes of research he realises that exercise during the day can improve someone's sleep schedule. being the gym bro that he is, he jumps at the opportunity and, one day, he drags you to the gym with him. you had no idea how this would help until you got back home after you had been to the gym and done other things after. when it started to get dark outside, your body relaxed easily into your boyfriend's arms as you drifted slowly to sleep.
well, hyunjin starts obsessing over different types of herbal teas you can drink to make you feel sleepy. he stays up all night with you, researching the benefits of chamomile tea, and if lavender or magnolia tea cures insomnia?? he's also into aromatherapy, so probably buys you an air purifier you love him for that. he also suggests yoga and meditation, even offering to start doing it with you with a cute little smile on your face. he loves jumping at the chance to help you in some way, and he values his precious baby :( he just wants you to be healthy and feel better in yourself, and he knows once you've finally found a way to get some sleep, it will do the world of good.
haha, you think you're going to get any sleep when han is your boyfriend? no chance! you both are staying up late at night talking about a lot of nonsense. and i mean this is every night. han's brain is so interesting and fun because he can jump from one subject to another, and his energy seems to give you energy. so he isn't exactly helping your insomnia. or at least, at first. you realise that talking to him for hours makes you feel much more relaxed. you have forgotten about your worries, the stress of the upcoming week, the negative feelings that have been bothering you that day. he makes you feel more content, and this happy feeling soon drifts you off into sleep-land.
felix strives to make your sleeping environment as cosy and comfortable as possible. he buys you plushies (of course he gets you a bbokari first <3), really comfy pillows, a little night-light, etc... he will also recommend his favourite asmr channels, but you tend to stick to the asmr that he has actually done, which does seem to help a lot. this is for all when he's away and not physically with you. when he is with you, he will talk to you in a whispered tone, caressing your back and arms and making you as relaxed as possible.
okay, so there are two go-to methods of his if you suffer from insomnia. first one being, he will read to you. sometimes if he has sleepless nights, he will listen to a podcast to drift off to sleep. so he knows that his voice might be able to calm you down and relax you enough to sleep. or, he will sing to you :( imagine his soft, gentle voice singing your favourite comfort songs to lull you to sleep. part of him thinks this isn't going to work until he sees you, curled up to his side, finally sleeping. and it's all thanks to his beautiful talent.
one time, when you are laying beside him, struggling to get to sleep, he noticed you tossing and turning. so you decided to tell him about your insomnia. jeongin's initial reaction is to book you into sleep therapy or buy you some melatonin to help you. but he knows both of those things take time. so, for now, what he does do is carefully curate a perfect sleep playlist for you. whether it will help or not, he doesn't know. but he wants to at least try for you. and he is so happy when he sees his plan work.
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superiorsturgeon · 1 year
Domestic Arkos Role Reversal
Pyrrha: *distressed, reading the mail* Oh, no! I lost another sponsorship! And just when huntress jobs are running short, too!
Jaune: *wraps Pyrrha in a hug* Darn, that’s too bad. I guess I can go back to my old job being a crossing guard to make ends meet and you can stay home with Jamie for now?
Pyrrha: I suppose it would be nice to spend time at home with our son…
Pyrrha: Okay, let’s do it!
Jaune: *heading out the door* Love you both! Be good for your mom, Jamie! Remember to call me if you need help, okay?
Pyrrha: Don’t worry so much! Hurry up or you’ll be late!
Pyrrha: Well, it looks like it’s just you and your mother today, right sweetheart? *looks down at Arkos son*
Jamie: *already has gum in his hair* 😀
Pyrrha: 🤦‍♀️…this day is not off to a good start…
Pyrrha: *struggling with pot roast recipe and slow cooker instructions* Wait, is “warm” a higher or lower heat than “low?”
*Smoke alarm goes off*
Pyrrha: *steps on lego while playing with Jamie*
Pyrrha: 😫 FU-
Jamie: 🙂 ?
Pyrrha: *clamps a hand over her mouth and muffles her agonized scream*
Pyrrha: *pushing grocery cart and reading shopping list*
Pyrrha: How can two adults and a five-year-old need seven pages of groceries?
Pyrrha: And what on Remnant is tarragon?!
Pyrrha: *removes laundry from dryer*
Pyrrha: *holds up shrunken shirt* 😟
Pyrrha: …Jamie, sweetie, how would you like one of your father’s old shirts?
Jamie: 🙃
Jamie: *running around happily with the other children at the park*
Pyrrha: *slumps on a bench* Ugh…how can one little boy have so much energy…? 😮‍💨
Pyrrha: Maybe I can just rest here for a minute…
Pyrrha: 😴
Random Mother: …excuse me? Miss? Isn’t that your son?
Pyrrha: *cracks open one eye* …bwuh…?
Jamie: *on top of jungle gym, losing his balance*
Jamie: 🫨
Pyrrha: 😱
Pyrrha: *launches herself off the bench into a diving catch*
Pyrrha: *heart hammering* Are you okay?!
Jamie: 🥺 *small nod*
Pyrrha: *flops on the ground clutching her son*
Pyrrha: *holding napping Jamie on her shoulder during PTA meeting*
Jamie: �� *drools a bit on Pyrrha’s shirt*
Pyrrha: I’ve never been so bored in my life…🥱
Jaune: *opens door to Arkos house* Hello! I’m home!
Jamie: Daddy! *runs to the door*
Jaune: Hey, there’s my little guy! *scoops up his son as he walks inside* How was your day with mommy?
Jamie: We went to the park! Mommy’s sleepy though!
Pyrrha: *passed out on the couch with disheveled hair, stains on her shirt, and a pile of half-opened bills on her lap as her son’s favorite cartoon plays on the tv* 😴
Jaune: *bends down and gently shakes Pyrrha’s shoulder* Pyr? How are you doing?
Pyrrha: *snorts and jerks awake* What? Huh? Jamie, be careful with that-!
Pyrrha: Oh, Jaune…! Welcome home! How was work? 🥱
Jaune: *adjusts Jamie in his arms* Just like I remembered! Helping kids cross the street, politely telling some of the moms that I’m very taken! 😁
Pyrrha: *exhausted pout* I’m much too tired for jokes, Jaune…😣
Jaune: Okay, okay! Let me put my stuff away and we’ll see about dinner!
Jamie: Pizza? 😃
Jaune: *looks at the stack of dishes in the kitchen with burnt-on food* …yeah, sure little guy! Go wash your hands and daddy will order pizza.
Jamie: 😄 *happily runs to the bathroom*
Pyrrha: *slowly gets up and walks face-first into Jaune’s shoulder* …how do you do it…? I’ve trained for the arena for years and fought Grimm bigger than our house, but I’m so tired after one day at home with my own son…! 😭
Jaune: *wraps Pyrrha in a hug* Don’t worry, Pyr! It just takes some practice! Besides, it’s only until you get another huntress job and get back to being a hero!
Pyrrha: *mumbles into Jaune’s chest* …If you can do this every day while I’m at work, you’re the REAL hero…!
Jaune: Hey, I’m just the loving house husband of Pyrrha Freaking Nikos! I’m sure everyone will be calling you “The Invincible Mom” within the week!
Pyrrha: …
Jaune: …Pyr…?
Pyrrha: *asleep against Jaune* 😴
Jaune: *scoops up exhausted Pyrrha*
Jaune: …she has gum in her hair…
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merakiui · 1 year
Omg that last thought tickled about sick reader w trey tickled me soooooooo good 😭
I raise you this!!! Darling hates the taste of medicine, so trey tells her he'll use his unique magic disguise it to have the flavour of her favourite juice. Little does she know, trey has literally just been giving her juice and lying about it being medicine the whole time 😭😭
Omggg and visits to Doctor Riddle??? Riddle is totally in on the whole thing and is secretly giving trey advice on how to keep you jussttt sick enough to keep you entirely dependent on him without putting you in any true danger. Maybe the two of them really crank up the dramatics by helping you to slowly get better, and then as soon as you start to misbehave too much, it's back to square one.
Sometimes your head gets so loopy and gone that while you let trey bathe you, you're not entirely aware of everything he's doing to your body 😭😭
You and that anon are so big brained for this. I really like this trope because I've always been quite sickly (it's something that seems to run in my family.) When I don't feel well I'm literally soooo whiney and clingy and I *need* someone to hold me, and I get the feeling that trey, Floyd, Riddle and rook in particular are the ones who would eat that shit up
It’s such a good trope, especially for Trey and (doctor) Riddle! They’re so logical and level-headed most of the time, but rational thought is thrown out the window when you come into the picture. Trey has done so much for Riddle, so Riddle feels as if he needs to return the favor somehow, even if that means compromising your health for the sake of returning goodwill. And you have to trust Doctor Riddle because of his credentials! He’s a doctor! He’d never lie to you! It’s his job to help you get better, and sometimes you do get better. But then you’ll push Trey away when he tries to get close to you or you’ll try to run away; and now you’re bedridden once again. :( it’s a vicious cycle you fail to realize because you’re so certain you just have poor health.
Omg and being unaware while Trey bathes you because your head is so foggy and you’re so sleepy… aaaaa normally Trey tries to be good and keep his hands to himself. He doesn’t want to do anything you might dislike him for, but you’re so out of it when you sit in the bath, leaning against the wall and closing your eyes. And he’s so tempted to do more than just washing. He limits himself to lingering touches when you’re in this state, his fingers never going any further than he intends them to. Though he wants to feel more of you, preferably inside you, he holds himself back. He likes you, and sometimes he feels guilty about that because he likes you too much.
Or maybe he holds himself back for all of one week before he realizes he can successfully get away with more than just groping. :) maybe he even knocks you up during one of these times and neither of you realize it until Trey starts suspecting it when you exhibit certain symptoms; and now suddenly your health is no longer declining. Now you have to be healthy and well for the baby, and Trey and Riddle can no longer keep you sick, lest they somehow harm the baby with their interferences.
Omg I agree that Rook and Floyd also work for this trope! Although I also feel like Jade enjoys it just a little more than Floyd. Floyd likes it when you’re needy and clingy; Jade likes the idea of being in total control of you when he intentionally makes you sicker and weaker. I also think Vil would be good for this trope! He knows his way around poisons and curses. :) he could easily utilize this knowledge to keep you just weak enough to rely on and love him while still allowing you to feel like yourself most of the time.
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trulyyours-rune · 2 months
Hello 😏 long time no see
I was wondering if you could make my super yummy idea a very yummy story
I was thinking about bill with a sleepy boy best friend and bill and his best friend have messy make out sessions and stuff
I hope it makes sense
Take your time and have a good day/nigh
(Btw your kitten is so cute🤭)
I. Wrote. Again. Especially when half the fandom is dead now 😔 BUT YAYYY, I WROTE! I MISSED Y'ALL 😭 but honestly I love this idea sm ☺☺☺
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!GIF is not mine!
Warnings: Making out, foul language, not proofread, not full blown smut.
Bill Kaulitz x Male Reader
You were best friends with Bill Kaulitz himself, a friendship that never tore you apart no matter the cause.
Currently he was staying the night at your house just to get out of the house for awhile. (Tom's frequent guitar blasting.)
You both were on the floor in your living room with your makeshift bed made out of pillows and blankets tossed onto the floor. A movie played on the TV screen as you we're starting to slowly nod off, as usual.
You turned your gaze from the movie to him, your sleepy eyes targeted on him. He looked so... Angelic in the flashing lights with his beautiful features that for some reason made your stomach do flips and turns in a way that you couldn't explain. It only happened when you looked at him. Only him.
Apparently you were so zoned out that he caught you staring. "M/n?" He smiled a little, snapping you out of your daze. "Yeah?" You responded sheepishly. "You not interested in the movie?" You only shook your head at his comment. "No, it's boring. I've watched it too many times."
He nodded, but you both looked away and turned your attentions back to whatever movie was on. This was the time you were barely conscious, nothing interesting was on and the fact it was already 4 in the morning didn't help.
Your head nodded and your eyes were droopy, not to long after he noticed, his eyes going to you for a second. Noticing how tired you are, he tapped your hand, only for you not to respond to his touch. You were of course still awake, but you were half gone from the world.
You were just about to close your eyes, but you felt soft lips on yours... Wait. Soft lips on yours? Your eyes snapped open, looking at him with wide eyes. He was quite into it, considering he didn't even pull away even after you jumped in surprise.
He held the kiss, his lips just felt like a heaven you couldn't explain. Your stomach did the same butterflies it would whenever you looked at him, but seemed more intense. Just being this close to him, especially kissing him, just set it off like an alarm.
His lips started to move a but more against yours, his hand reaching to the back of your neck to pull you slightly closer to him as you couldn't help but just close your eyes and melt into his touch that worked on you like an addictive drug.
Thoughts ran to your head, you shouldn't be doing this. He was your best friend. But god the way his hands fitted perfectly anywhere on you just felt like magic.
Your head was spinning in circles and circles but what caught you off guard was the tip of his tongue swiping across your bottom lip, making you automatically allow his tongue to cross into yours without second thought. You just wanted more and you just couldn't stop.
You leaned into him more, connecting your chests as you kissed him back just as passionately as he was. You couldn't even imagine what was going on in Bill's head right now, but you were to dazed to care. His hands went down your sides to wrap around your waist as he broke the kiss for a mumble and some air.
"You have no idea how long I wanted to do this."
A/n: I'M BACK. OMG I'm missed y'all sm 😔💝 I wanted to write for so long but I just couldn't find the courage to, but now I dooo 🥳🥳🥳
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