lilbirdblu · 1 year
i’ve gone to more shows/concerts than i can count of varying sizes but genuinely the lovejoy crowd in TN and the venue staff were the kindest i’ve ever encountered
EVERYONE was so nice and respectful; it was amazing to see and be a part of
and small shout out to the two ladies near the merch table who saw my cane and immediately let me know about the area at the front for disabled people and then checked in with me after the show and asked how i liked it & if i had fun
they were so sweet!! and nice!! 🥹
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dean-a-mean-tae · 2 months
Take A Rest
PAIRINGS: Poly SKZ x Gender Neutral Reader WARNINGS: Shitty managers and fans. Mention of a creepy band member. Lack of communication which leads to last minute solutions. Male reader requested but I don't think there's any reference to the reader's gender. I think that's it.
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Everything had gone to shit. The venue, missing band members, last-minute replacements, and a ton of other issues. All of them were swept under the rug by your manager, Tony, until the day of the concert.
The venue didn't have enough seats. The replacements for your missing band members didn't know the songs. Your lead guitarist and drummer weren't there. Tony decided he didn't want to tell you that the props were broken.
Your drummer got sick after being overwhelmed with stress from practice and her finals. Your lead guitarist said something about having a baby, but you knew that was a lie. That man has been a creepy virgin since you've known him.
Some fans didn't understand the stress you were under. With a recent flux in fans, the demand for a full album instead of songs was higher than ever. And with love comes hate. 
No matter what you did. More music, less music, or different genres of music. Everyone still felt the need to put their 2¢ in where it wasn't needed.
Fortunately, those who attended the concert were understanding of the current situation. None of the issues happening were under your control.
"Remember when I told you all that communication is the key to almost everything?" 
The crowd's screams of agreement echoed in your ears. Every outro on a video, a concert, a fan sign, or other event you exit with a similar speech and farewell; a signature in your fanbase. 
"It appears my manager didn't listen and failed to communicate," You sighed in disappointment. The crowd's mummers of irritation quiet down when you raise your hand to continue. "Nothing is prepared. And I know you paid money to see me and the guys perform."
"This time the concert will be a bit like a fan event-" You wave at those sitting closer to the stage and they scream greetings back. "When we reschedule a concert for you guys, and I'll make sure they do, you can see me perform." 
"How's that sound?" Your grin is showcased on the big screens behind you. Everyone cheers and the impromptu fan event begins.
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With a sigh of relief, you walked off stage with the sound of people laughing and cheering ringing in your ears. Your manager was talking with one of the staff, waving his arm around as he shouted at them. With a tearful nod, the staff member left and disappeared into one of the rooms.
Tony followed the girl with his eyes before turning to look at your approaching figure. He glared at you from behind his iPad. "What's wrong?"
"What isn't wrong?" You scoffed, moving past him and into your dressing room. 
You're greeted by your boyfriends scattered around the room. Hyunjin, Felix, and Changbin sit on the couch watching edits of you in your recent music video. Jisung chases Jeongin around the room, narrowly avoiding Seungmin and Minho from their spots on the floor.
Chris is the only one who stands from his spot in your chair to greet you. He catches you as you flop into his arms. Before Chris can speak, your manager busts in and calls you back out.
"Since you want to give away free tickets, you can help schedule them into another concert," Tony grins, a malicious glint in his eyes. 
You need to nap and then find a new manager.
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Even in bed, your shoulders were tense and your brain was in overdrive. Thinking of the damage last night's not-concert has, and will, cause. Helping your team to comb through each person who attended the event so you could squeeze them into another concert at a later date. The scolding your manager gave you wasn't helpful.
Tangled in the sheets and limbs belonging to your lovers, their scents pressed into the covers. You were warm and so very, very tired with a sprinkle of guilt seeping in. This was supposed to feel nice. It was supposed to help ease you. 
But why couldn't you relax?
"When are you going to let someone take care of you?" Chris asked, wrapping the curls on Y/N's head in a scarf and bonnet. "It doesn't have to be one of us or someone we know."
"Just let someone in." Hyunjin's hands were warm against Y/N's cold face. His plump lips press butterfly kisses against your eyelids, forehead, and temples.
With Changbin and Hyunjin calling dibs on your sides and Chris laying you between his legs, so your head pressed against his stomach. You're pretty sure Seungmin is asleep, curled onto your legs with his hands gripping your calf. 
Jeongin is sprawled behind Hyunjin with his arm over Hyunjin, and hand on your chest, over your heart. 
Felix and Jisung were somewhere in the dorm causing chaos in the kitchen with Minho supervising. You could hear Jisung yelling at the pots for burning him, Felix's laugh, and Minho shouting about melted plastic.
You'll probably have to clean the kitchen at some point.
"For once, just relax and let someone care for you. Please," Changbin whispered with arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you into his chest.
"Don't hog him," Jeongin whined, pulling you back into his and Hyunjin's arms. 
Changbin grumbled as he yanked you back giving a chain reaction of Hyunjin and Jeongin pulling you and Changbin fighting for you to stay in his arms. Poor Chris with him latched onto you, he was tugged in every direction with you.
So, this is what the rope felt like in tug-of-war.
"You need to go to bed," Minho's voice comes from the doorway and everyone's heads turn in sync. He stands in the doorway with his hands on his hips, Jisung and Felix peeking around his shoulders.
"Who?" You ask.
"All of us," Minho answers, carefully curling up in an empty spot on the bed. 
Minho's attempts not to wake the sleeping boy are futile as Jisung dives onto the bed. He sandwiches himself between Changbin and your side, scaring Seungmin awake. He grumbles as he adjusts himself and falls back asleep.
Felix lingers at the end of the bed, looking for a spot to sleep. The moon shines on his milky skin and his eyes reflect the light. You turn so your back presses against Chan's chest, and Seungmin huffs as he turns away from you and tucks his face into Minho's neck. Felix was lying atop you amidst the commotion.
"Go to sleep, Y/N."
You hum, your eyes slipping close. It's warm. It's peaceful.
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My TIT Berlin experience!
Here's all the things that happened during the show that stood out to me as probably things that don't always happen/ were specific to our show:
They came out wearing shorts because it was a super hot day in Berlin, Dan said they had performed in the same venue for ii as well and distinctly remembers rivulets of sweat cascading down his arms
They made the dolls 69 :(
During the Phil Doctor bit, people shouted "scheiße" for the first one, and the typer write it as "scheisse." Dan asked "do we not have the B thing?!" and the person then proceeded to write "scheisseBBBB" on the screen. We had the same answer for the NEXT two questions and they were written: "scheiBBBBe" and then simply "BBBBB"
Phil seemed to forget a line and laughed after Dan looked at him pointedly at the beginning of the game show bit
Dan had to repeat the fact that they put Vegas pages in Tabinof twice in order for them to actually put it on the screen
Someone shouted cat whiskers when Dan asked what their legacy would be
The wrestling went as expected (notable instances include but are not limited to: Phil shoving the pompoms of a hat while standing over Dan. Dan trying to hit Phil with a metal chair. Phil slamming Dan's head into said metal chair. Dan biting Phil. Dan holding Phil hostage, prompting Phil to ram his ass into his crotch. Three times.)
Dan was very very sweaty after the wrestling (lol)
After Dan's little monologue once the wrestling was over, Phil came out and there was a super awkward pause where I think someone forgot their lines (I remember there being a pause and Phi saying "......what are you talking to them about?"
The confessions bit:
Someone pegged a cop that was their ex's friend
Two ppl got engaged
Person's friend cancelled on them so they sold their ticket to buy merch (this was also stated on a card in the phlit during the pre show)
During the dance bit Phil was very obviously looking at Dan. Dan was very into it but Phil is so me in that he looked quite honestly lost lmao
After the show we stood by the stage door and Dan and Phil came out in a big black van with tinted windows. It was very difficult to see inside lol. Then about 15 minutes later one of the members of their staff (british ginger guy with a beard) came out and said "they" (dnp ig) texted him and wanted to make sure people weren't waiting at the door anymore since they were gone, so he just wanted to let us know they'd already left in case we didn't know.
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argumentl · 1 year
Osaka Noutei Tora no ana: fan report, Sep 23/24 2023 - Kaoru's talk event!
First I just need to say, I consider myself very lucky to have been able to attend and take part in this event!
I arrived at the venue at about 11:30pm, there were already a lot of fans hanging outside, and almost immediately a staff member of one restaurant opposite the venue building approached me and asked me in a shocked tone what on earth was going on with all these people here!😂 I told him it was an event by Kaoru from Dir en grey, and he just had no idea at all, asking, 'Is he Japanese??' 😆
Some fans were saying then that they saw Kaoru pulling up in a taxi and waving as he walked past them to go inside earlier...damn, I was too late!
After entering the building and lining up, I was eventually THIRD LAST into the venue! My ticket number was twice as high as last time..agh! It made me realise how close I was to not getting a ticket at all 😱 so I was grateful, but I was also stressing, because as my ticket number was so high, I was worried I wouldn't be able to see or hear anything from right at the back. In fact, I WAS right at the very back, there were no tables left and only one lonely chair left, but thank the gods, from that chair I had a clear view of Kaoru the whole time!!
Having said this, I did end up with a bit of trouble...in being handed a bunch of stuff as I entered (q&a paper, coaster, drink order token) and having nowhere to put anything, losing stuff, panicking, and then after that having to balance my drinks/food on my lap all night, but HEY, I could see and hear fine, so its all good!
Again, as far as I could tell, I seemed to be the only person there who was not Japanese. If any other foreign fans were there, let me know!!
The talk started with Fujieda and Takabayashi coming out for a quick greeting before calling Kaoru to join them. For some reason, Kaoru didn't immediately come out when he was called, and the audience ended up having to do encore style clapping before he actually came out 😆
He was wearing a black shirt, khaki shorts, a beanie, and glasses.
Kaoru and the managers got their drinks pretty quickly and Kaoru tried to raise a toast, but as us poor folk at the back still had no drinks, Kaoru decided to delay making a toast until we all had drinks (which, I must say, probably took another 30 mins or so). I'm so grateful he waited for us! 😭😭😭
To start, Kaoru talked a bit about how things had been for the Tokyo exhibition. That big collage board was also propped up on the stage next to them, and he explained a bit about it.
He also talked about his drawing of the Genesa which was on display in Tokyo. It was his original idea for how he wanted the guitar to look.
They then talked about how they came down to Osaka and brought all the art by car the previous day(Friday). When they got to the venue, the people who they had hired to help them set up everything didn't come, so they called the company and it turned out the company had mistaken the date, and thought they were due to set it up on Saturday instead! Thankfully, it was still all ready by the end of Friday, just a few hours later than expected. Kaoru said that while Takabayashi was on the phone seriously trying to sort out the problem, he himself went to the nearby convenience store, Mini-Stop, and bought ice cream. He really likes the ice cream at Mini-Stop 😆 This reminded them of how they occasionally had to go out to DIY stores for extra supplies during the Tokyo exhibition, and Takabayashi bought taiyaki while he was at one of the bigger stores. This made Fujieda jealous, as he loves taiyaki. Fujieda then told everyone that once during Tokyo run, Kaoru bought all the staff donuts from the store JACK IN THE DONUTS.
Kaoru said that he needed extra space to paint while he was creating all the art pieces so he rented a seperate apartment for the short term, just to paint in...but he heard a lot of noise there from people shouting in foreign languages next door (.....or something like that).
They talked a lot about the mangas they all like, as Kaoru had had some of his fave mangas with him on his desk at the exhibition. Fujieda said that as well as being a huge fan of Dragonball and Slamdunk, he is also a huge fan of Death Note. Kaoru found this kinda funny, and asked him if he'd seen the live action remake of Death Note, which Fujieda said he hadn't. This also reminded them of the recent One Piece remake, and then Kaoru remembered the Dragonball Z live action remake, saying it was astonishing...in a BAD way 😂 He even mentioned how Akira Toriyama had refused any association with it.
Speaking of watching things, Fujieda and a lot of the audience have been watching the new VIVANT TV drama recently, and they couldn't believe that Kaoru hasn't been watching it. (I haven't been watching it either, so this went over my head a bit!!😆)
Kaoru said if he could take any manga to a desert island, he would take Kochi Kame: Tokyo Beat Cops, as stuff like Dragonball etc is already all in his head.
During the first half of the event, a screen was lowered behind Kaoru and the managers, and they used it with a kind of overhead projector to showcase some of the new art. Kaoru used the exhibition pamphlet to project images of the art onto the screen behind, which meant we also got a lot of closeups of his hands and arms ☺️ There were also plenty of spoilers for me, since my ticket for the exhibition is for after Tora no ana 😆 (Again, I still feel lucky there, because I heard some women near me talking in the line that none of them had been able to secure tickets to the exhibition at all.)
Just like when writing music, Kaoru said he also ends up with a lot of duds/write offs when he is painting too.
He started having ideas about putting on an exhibition after the completion of Phalaris, but started the actual painting in January this year.
Fujieda and Takabayashi both revealed their fave pieces from the exhibition, and those works were then discussed in more depth.
It was around this time that a woman in my row at the back started bravely calling out comments and questions to Kaoru, which he was replying to! Im fairly sure I recognized her as one of Kaoru's more visible online fans. Oh, to have her courage!!
Ive totally forgotten how they got onto this topic, but at one poInt Fujieda started talking about how he used to regularly get brazillian waxes when he used to be a bandman. And these days he also waxes his nose hairs...you're welcome for the mental image!😂
It was well past 2am by the time the break was announced. Kaoru dissapeared back stage for around 15mins, and by this time I was also kinda drunk.
After getting restarted, there was a bit of casual talk for a while iirc, and then the Q&A section began.
Once again Im going to start this part of the report by saying my question and name were read out!! BUT with hilarious/tragic results!😂 My question was concerning Kaoru's old band Charm, since he had displayed the flyer in Tokyo, and I also asked if he could expand on his pre-Dir band history in general.
Fujieda was like, "Ok, this question is asking about Charm, what kind of band was it, and stuff? I can't even understand the rest of the question..", and then he promptly announced my name to Kaoru too! I'd be lying if said I didn't feel slightly dead from embarrassment at his last remark! 😂 But let me clear things up here! Remember I said earlier that I was practically last to get inside with no table? Well, I knew I had barely any time left to scribble down a question when I got in. I had mentally prepared the question in my head in advance, so I had to write it as fast as I could with one of those flimsy plastic clip/pencil things, resting on my knees, in a totally frantic state, and in VERY poor light...in my second language! 😂 My handwriting was certainly rushed and untidy, and knowing me, I probably made errors and missed out words etc in my haste. I was actually shocked that it was picked up at all, considering its lack of readability, and the fact that so so many of the other question sheets just got passed straight over. So after some consideration, Im taking this as win! 😂
As for Kaoru's answer, he basically said he has nothing to say about Charm, as if HE was embarrassed to talk about this topic! So yehy, I managed to embarrass us both!! 😆😆 Again, Im taking this postively, you only live once, and I will never forget this! 😂
As for the other questions, he was asked various things, includIng firstly which of the other members is most into exercise? To this he said probably none of them, since none of them are actually inherently sporty.
One question congratulated Kaoru on Hanshin winning the series (the whole audience applauded this), and asked for his alternative suggestion to diving off the Ebisu bridge in Dotonbori. (This practice has been banned due to people getting hurt/killed while jumping off the brige in celebration) Kaoru sarcasticly suggested diving off Tsutenkaku tower instead...the audience was audibly shocked 😂
Another fan asked about how the other Dir members refer to Takabayashi, since Kaoru always calls him Tōru. Apparently the other members call him Tōru too, except Shinya who refers to him as 'kimi'(you). But then again, Shinya refers to Fujieda as 'kimi' as well.
About half way through the Q&A Kaoru introduced some of the merch available at the exhibition, using the overhead projector to showcase it.
Another question asked the dates for the fan trip next year, and Kaoru confirmed it will be on the 16th and 17th of Feb. He already has the location decided and the venue booked, but he couldn't say any more for now. The only hint was that is was nothing like all the suggestions considered back in March. The official announcement will be made next month.
Someone also wrote something suggesting that Kyo and Kaoru do should a shared birthday event, because they didn't like having to choose bewteen Kyo and Kaoru's seperate events. Kaoru was reluctant to do this, because 'its him, right?' (i.e We all know what Kyo can be like when he feels like it...or not!) 😅
There were a few other questions about the usual things, food, baseball etc, and after the Q&A was finished, Kaoru declared he was gonna give away a signed nouteikarano2 poster to one audience member. He asked everyone who wanted to win it to stand up, and then started a game of rock paper scissors, with him against the audience. In the end one fan was remaining and she was called to the front where Kaoru handed her the poster! Obviously I lost against him, but I'm just happy to have played!!😄
As the event was coming to an end an audience member quietly ordered two rounds of tequila shots for Kaoru, and the managers! The were kinda surprised, but still drank them! (Tonnes of food and drink which the audience had been ordering for them was still left over though!)
To end Kaoru stated that the streets were still full of weirdos at this time in the morning (4:30am)..so to be careful (Like, its dangerous, but off you go anyway! 😂). Takabayashi confirmed that, yes, the clubs are still very much in operation at this time. So I avoided the backstreets on my walk back alone! Haha.
Much more was talked about in addition to the above of course, he talked the night away! Despite my blunders, I do feel very lucky to have been here, and it was joy to be drinking till morning with him! Next...the actual exhibition!😅
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kmazines · 1 year
part i || part ii
Your last argument with Mingyu went nasty and that’s how you and him stop talking and decided to take a break from each others. You don’t know what went wrong this time. Usually both of you will talk it out before it’s too late but since both of you have been busy for months; him with the group comeback and you with company’s big project so every small problems brushed off and and little did both of you know, both of you ended up explode, shouted and said words both of you didn’t mean to each others and hurt each others.
pairing ; mingyu x female reader
warnings ; grammatical mistakes, stalker
Mingyu made sure he was left alone in that meeting room before dialed Wonwoo's number. He texted Mingyu to call him right away after he's done with his meeting and mention it's better if no one was around. Nothing was unusual with that especially when they're on date or off-schedule, it's always better to talk without any staff around.
"Mingyu, did y/n told you anything about what happened?" Wonwoo asked Mingyu over the phone.
"What do you mean? What happened?" Mingyu furrowed his brows.
"I'm on date with Yeri right now and she just told me that someone followed y/n to the office. Apparently he is a part-timer from another company related the last project and bothered y/n few times already while preparing for the event, so the others hvae been be on guard with him too but they never thought he'll follow y/n after the event. Especially when y/n definitely draw the line with him.....Mingyu?"
"Keep going"
"He almost dragged her away outside the office area but luckily the office guard saw it and try to get him but he got away" Mingyu silently listening. He was shaking inside but he's trying to stay calm and trying to brain all this new information he just heard. 'What the hell?'
"Y/n told Yeri to not tell me because she don't want us to worry and figured at least maybe you know. She didn't know about y/n moving out either. Y/n request one month unpaid leave so... I think she moved out to new place got to do with this too. You should go ask and check on her, Mingyu."
Mingyu agreed with Wonwoo that he shouldn't drive so he asked the manager to send him to your house instead. He sat in the car seat, looking outside at the beautiful scenery but his mind was somewhere else.
Mingyu keep rewinding his memories to few months back.
"I wish I didn't need to go to the venue tomorrow. This guy been staring at me the entire time. It's uncomfortable. I can't wait for this project to be over" you complained, pulled the blanket over both of you, turned to see Mingyu beside you, eyes closed.
"Just told your manager or coworkers about it, I bet they will understand you not going. Don't worry much, okay?" eyes still closed, Mingyu pulled you closer before drifting into dreamland.
He sighed, he should ask you more about it. Sometimes it's you that end up fell asleep over the talk, so Mingyu don't think much of it. To think that you did mention about it again another night too, but Mingyu can't even remember if he ever replied you back made him dissapointed with himself. There are a lot of things to prepare for the comeback, especially this time and he barely got time to visit you either. When he did, every conversation during that period end up either like that, or with Mingyu need to rushing back to the company.
Seungkwan called just right when they got into the parking lot.
"I think you should come here. Polices are here", Mingyu get out of the car and run upstairs without even looking back.
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"What happened?" you see Mingyu panted and rushed towards you as he enter the apartment. Didn't even care about others around. He then turned to the police officers as he sit right by your side, waiting for explanation from the officers.
"And you are?" the police officer asked Mingyu. Seungkwan, Hoshi and Dokyeom already introduced themselves as your friends.
"Boyfriend. I'm her boyfriend," Mingyu confidently said. You wrapped your arms around Mingyu's arm and nodded to the police officers, giving them the green light to talk about the case.
"He was arrested last night" You gasped and let out a loud relief sigh. Holding yourself from crying right now. Finally!
"He was arrested in front of your previous apartment building. Fortunately, it seems like he don't know you already moved out" you can see Mingyu's head turned to you from the corner of your eyes. You can feel the horror from his stare. Obviously shocked and waiting for some explanation.
The police officers told you that the stalker said he just want to talk to you but it's hard to do so because you're always with others whenever he saw you at the venue to check for the preparation, so he followed you after the event when you're alone.
"But after the investigation, we found out he got few reports on him and he was going around using fake names and identities. Thank goodness we got him this time" Mingyu can feel how tense you are. He slowly moved your arms from his arm and tightly hold your hands. Your fingers intertwined with his fingers, while his thumb rubs your hand, trying to calm you.
It's shocking, really. You can heard the trio's slow gasp and whisper and talking with each others too as they're standing not far behind to listen.
The police officers asked you to come to the police station later whenever you're ready and you just nodded. You barely know what's happening around you anymore after that. When you finally made sense of everything, the house was so silent already. When you looked up, the police officers were gone, seems like the trio excused themselves too. Then your eyes locked on him, Kim Mingyu. He was leaning against the wall in front of you.
You was so flabbergasted by his stares. You know he was patiently waiting for your explanation, but you don't think you can talk right now. You're still overwhelmed and you know you will end up bursting into tears right away if you try to talk about it. You smiled at him nervously then walked to the kitchen to clean the table and stood by the sink to wash the dishes. You stopped as you can feel his presence right behind you.
"Thank you......for coming..." you bite your lower lips, trying to not cry. But your shaky voice, made it obvious. Mingyu's heart sank.
"Y/n...you must be so scared" he slowly hugged you from behind. It's been a while since you felt this secure and safe.
"I'm sorry I couldn't be that person you can rely on. I'm sorry I'm not there to protect you" he said softly, almost like whispering as he tighten his arms around you. He then turned you around, wrapped you around his arms tighter as you start sobbing. Your face buried on his chest, soaking his shirt wet with your tears. You hugged him back tightly when you look up and realised the tears start pouring out of his eyes too.
After you calm down, Mingyu brought you to sit on the couch before wrapping you with blanket.
"Do you want tea or hot choco?" Mingyu wiped the tears under your eyes. You shook your head and pulled him to sit beside you, motion him to join you snuggling under the warm blanket. He smiled sheepishly, gladly do so.
"I want to call you that night but..I don't know. Maybe I was being egoist, stubborn? Maybe I was actually afraid you wont come--"
"Hey hey y/n..shh" he softly shushed you. "It's okay"
"And..and especially when that night, you know how our fight went nasty. I was so frustrated when that guy followed me to the office but instead of telling you about it, I vented my anger on you and blamed you for not paying attention on me"
"It's my fault too, babe. You're right, I wasn't paying attention. I should've take your words seriously. I thought you're overreacting and get mad at you when you must be shocked that day" planted soft kiss on your forehead.
"Now tell me everything that happened. I know what happened at the office on that event day. Yeri told Wonwoo about it". You forgot they had a date today. Yeri is your closest coworker and also Wonwoo's girlfriend. They probably crossed paths few times after you introduced them to each others because not long after, Wonwoo asked you to help him to set a date with Yeri. The next thing you know, they're an item.
"Well...that night, we fought. Then, the next day I went to work like usual. I clocked out early because I'm not feeling good" Mingyu sighed.
"I never thought he'd follow me to the apartment-" Mingyu eyes grew bigger this time, didn't believe what he heard.
"That night he keep ringing the door bell, but when I asked who is it, he didn't answer. I called the police but by the time he arrived, the guard already chase him away. The next morning when I want to go to the work, he grabbed me again.." your spine shivers remembering the situation.
"Ughhh! I seriously want to kill that jerk right now," He groaned. His fist punched the couch pillow on his lap. His voice was stern and full of anger. Your cupped his face with your hands, don't want him to be overwhelmed by the anger and looked into his eyes.
"There are many people around so he couldn't do anything. He's actually stupid if you think about it." you chuckled try to shoo away the anger and anxious feelings away from your boyfriend.
"He's bold and that's...crazy. That's scary, babe. He got away with it many times that's why he's being bold" He didn't mean to scare you but that scares Mingyu. The fact that the stalker's doing that to you in public like that.
"I knew something was wrong when you said the house contract end, l should've asked more about it. I've promised to join you to go house hunting for the next house, remember? But like, we still have few months to go so I was confused. And I know we fought bad this time but you would never moved without telling me. And especially you said before that you prefer the area closer to your office but you moved to place closer to my company instead of yours?"
It's been 10 minutes since you let him rant and nag, to both you and himself. It's been silent and scary for a week, and you hated that. You don't mind hours of his voice echoing in this apartment but you're getting sleepy. You nuzzled into his neck.
"Let's go to sleep. It's been a long week", you nodded. He strokes your hair, loving the scent. Your scent that he's been missing so much.
"Plus, unfamiliar too.."he looked around the room. Both of you just realised how unfamiliar is this house to both of you
"And whatever break is this, let's end it. I can't do this. Not just I can't protect you and be there for you when you're in danger"
"And...I've been missing you so much too y/n. The whole time I feel like I'm going to explode" Mingyu's sad pouts got you. You lean closer and planting kissed all over his face. From his checks, to his nose and to his forehead, and gave a soft peck on his pouty lips, making him giggles.
"I miss you too, Mingyu. Now you're here, I'm not scared and it feel so comfortable in this new apartment. It's so unfamiliar not because it's a new apartment, but because there's no you with me. You're my home. Definitely." You looked fondly into his eyes, giving him butterflies. He giggles before pressing his lips against yours, into a soft kiss.
"Let's not fight like this again, okay?" You nodded as you pulled out from the kiss. You give him another peck on his lips before Mingyu pulled you closer into his embrace and pressing another kiss on your forehead.
Your closed your eyes as you nuzzled yourself deeper into his frame, slowly you begin to drift off, with Mingyu's warmth make it easier to fell asleep.
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p/s : it's been hectic since I left this halfway done in my draft. I want to make better plot but I might end up not post it if I'm being undecisive so here it is. Sorry if it's a let down
I will change some words and grammatical mistakes from time to time. English is not my first language, so if you can ignore all those stupid grammar mistakes, that will be much appreciated.
PSSS : I don’t know how or what taglist is and I don’t know how to reply with this account (this is not my main account)
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hauntedveil · 3 months
let's talk concert etiquette
concerts are a fun opportunity to express yourself, enjoy music, and potentially find community. but your enjoyment shouldn't come at the expense of others. everyone got dressed up and paid their hard-earned cash to enjoy the show, same as you. everyone deserves to have a good time. this conversation is more geared towards small venue shows but can apply to stadiums and big shows. a couple of guidelines to consider when attending concerts and shows:
be mindful of the space you occupy and how your movements may affect others. you can dance but you shouldn't be throwing yourself around to the point that you're accidentally elbowing people and stepping on toes.
do not hold your phone out the entire time, recording the show. it's fine to record your favorite part of a song but your phone shouldn't be out for an extended period. unless you're positive, and I mean absolutely sure, you're not obscuring anyone's view, minimize phone recording.
when moving through a crowd, say excuse me. don't push. don't touch anyone. just say excuse me and move as respectfully as possible.
unless you can clearly see an open spot, you shouldn't be pushing anyone out of the way to get a better view of the show
be considerate when singing along. you shouldn't be heard above the music/performers. people are there to listen to the band, not you. it also just ruins video recordings.
no excessive shouting during the show. it is distracting and uncomfortable for the people around you. they just want to enjoy the music.
be mindful of items on your person.. bags, clothing, alcohol, etc. i once had someone spill a quarter of a 12 oz. can of hard seltzer on my converses an hour after they had been signed by the performing artist... don't be that person (she didn't even say sorry)
don't get excessively drunk. it will be harder for you to avoid being a nuisance to your fellow concertgoers.
don't leave your trash and half-empty cups on tables, seats, or the floor. it's disrespectful to the staff that has to clean up after you and makes the venue experience a little less comfortable for everyone. carry your trash with you and throw it away.
these are all simple and easy ways to be respectful when attending concerts. following these general guidelines makes the concert-going experience enjoyable for everyone.
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makuta-tobi · 2 months
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So, obviously I have a lot of thoughts about MGSCon. But most of them boil down to "it was great." We had an incredible crew, amazing guests, fantastic events, and a venue staff that worked so hard to make our lives as easy as possible. I can't give a big enough shout out to everyone who helped me this a reality, from Amanda's vision, to the staff who organized and helped set up, to the Kickstarter backers and our lovely guests who helped get the word out, not to mention the talented artists who peppered our artist alley, and designed our merch (including Brandee, who made all the badges 👀)
This year had its hiccups, and a few ups and downs, but genuinely the only complaints I heard were more concerns of convenience than anything else (did you know Evo was this weekend? I sure didn't, but I'm small potatoes)
I'm so glad I got to see everyone again, all the folks who put this together are amazing and we managed to pull it off. Who knows what the future may hold, but no matter what, we did something awesome this year. Sadly, I wasn't able to do much of anything myself, due to schedule, followed by some personal stuff that threw a bit of a wrench in my hopeful endeavors, but I still had fun meeting everyone and watching people have a blast.
I love you all, and I'm glad we could all be together, thank you to everyone who attended, both in person and virtually (I CAN'T STRESS ENOUGH THAT VIRTUAL ATTENDEES THAT I COULDN'T SEE ARE A BACKBONE OF THIS CONVENTION lol), you have all done something beautiful
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pttwice · 1 year
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fansigns & hyo
hi! this is my first twice fic on here! i hope you enjoy it :) if you like it, feel free to let me know or even request another. my asks are open!
|| little!mina, cg!jihyo ||
Out of all things Twice did for Once, fansigns were Mina’s favorites. She loved how relaxed everything was and she loved being close to everyone. She was able to play around and not have to worry about getting choreography right or sing perfectly. All she had to do was talk to Once and hang out with her members. Simple as that.
Mina loved fansigns but sometimes they were a little too much. It was hard talking to all the fans and being lined up with the rest of the members who were also talking to Once made it hard to hear sometimes. If it was too loud or a fan was asking too many questions too quickly, Mina would get overwhelmed. Her head would get all fuzzy and she’d get quieter, knowing what was going to happen next but trying her best to keep calm until she got back to somewhere more private.
Today’s fansign was turning out to be a harder one. Mina didn’t sleep well the night before and she only had a little bit of oatmeal for breakfast and that was ages ago. The lights at this venue were just a little too bright and everything was a little too loud. But she was okay. She was going to push through for Once.
As Mina sat and talked to the next person in line, she could feel herself slipping. Her thoughts were getting more scattered and her words weren’t coming out the way she wanted them to. She was trying really hard to understand the person talking to her but her brain wasn’t processing anything too well.
By the end of the fansign, Mina had completely regressed. Jihyo was the first to notice the small changes early on in the fansign but she knew not to make a big deal out of it. Instead, she kept a careful eye on the little in case she needed to be taken to the back.
The members thanked everyone for attending the fansign and wished them well before they headed off the stage. Mina took a deep breath, relieved that she was finally able to let go. She immediately searched for her Hyo, her little legs moving slowly as she walked around the girls and staff, dodging any attempts for anyone to ask her questions.
After what felt like hours — it was really only 5 minutes of searching — Mina started to panic. What if she didn’t find Hyo? What if Hyo left without her? The small feeling of dread settled in the pit of Mina’s tummy as she suddenly stopped in the middle of the hallway. A small whine left her as she crouched down, hugging her stuffed bear Tim close to her.
A small sob left Mina as she sat alone in the hallway. All she wanted was to be home with her Hyo under a pile of blankets with no one else to bother her. With each passing second everything was too much.
Even though the lights in the back were dimmed, they were still too bright. Even though there weren’t too many staff around and the members were chatting amongst themselves, they were talking too loud. Even though she was just wearing one of her favorite sweaters, it felt too heavy on her little body.
Just when Mina was about to give up and fully have a meltdown, she heard a soft voice above her. She whipped her head around and relief flooded through her. Her Hyo had finally found her! It had been hours — it had only been 10 minutes, but 10 minutes is a long time for someone so little — since she had seen her Hyo.
“Hyo!” Mina shouted and got up, wrapping her small frame around the older girl’s body. Jihyo wrapped her arm around Mina’s shoulder and gently rubbed her back, noticing she was shaking a bit.
“Hey Minari. Are you okay?”
Mina buried her face in Jihyo’s shirt and shook her head, tears steadily streaming down her cheeks.
“I’m sorry sweet girl. Were you looking for me?”
Mina nodded and sniffled, her arms holding Jihyo tighter. She pulled her face away from Jihyo’s body a little and glanced up at her, hiccuping and sniffling as she tried to control her breathing. “W-wan’ed Hyo b-but coul’nt find.”
Jihyo’s heart about broke at the sight of her little Mina searching for her and finding no one. She knew how hard it could be when Mina regressed and she always tried to be there to take care of her.
“I’m so sorry, peanut. I didn’t mean to leave you alone. Are you ready to go home?”
Mina could only nod and held her hands up. It was getting harder and harder to hold herself up. She had used all her energy trying to find her mama and she was even more tired from crying.
Jihyo easily understood and picked Mina up. Going to the gym frequently and Mina being light made for an easy carry as Jihyo started to make the walk back to her car. She notified one of her managers just in case the other girls got worried.
Once Mina was buckled into her car seat, Tim securely in her arms, Jihyo placed a gentle kiss to her forehead before hopping into the driver’s seat. It was going to be a short ride but she could tell Mina was still overwhelmed by everything going on. Jihyo just hoped that she could keep everything under control for 15 more minutes.
Jihyo safely and quickly pulled into her spot in the parking garage. She got out and unbuckled Mina from her seat, lifting the girl up in her arms. She could tell based on the way Mina was looking at her and the way her body felt just a little heavier that her baby was a bit younger than usual. It must have been an exceptionally hard day for Mina since she only regressed really young when things were extra tough.
“Hey, Minari. Do you want to show me how old you are?” Jihyo brushed her little’s hair back, gently trying to assess what care she’d need once they got into the apartment.
Mina now had her thumb in her mouth, her other hand holding Tim. The best she could, she held up her pinky before she shyly buried her face in Jihyo’s neck.
“Oh my goodness. My baby’s so little, isn’t she?” Jihyo chuckled and rubbed Mina’s back gently as they made their way to her apartment. She unlocked the door, making sure to gently set her things down so she wouldn’t startle Mina.
The first thing Jihyo wanted to do was find Mina’s pacifier. Jihyo was okay if Mina wanted to suck her thumb but the younger she was, the more she tended to gnaw on it as well. She walked back into the spare bedroom — which had long been converted into Mina’s room — and flicked the lights on.
Mina whined a little, the bright lights too intense for her to handle. Jihyo quickly apologized and reached back for the dimmer, still needing the light but wanting to make her baby more comfortable.
Jihyo crouched down and pulled out the bottom drawer of the dresser, rummaging around until she wrapped her fingers around the pacifier. She pulled it out and stood up, closing the dresser with her foot.
“Peanut, can mama give you this instead?”
Mina looked up and saw the light pink pacifier in her mama’s hand. She contemplated for a few seconds, enjoying having her thumb, but knowing the pacifier was easier on her teeth. Slowly, Mina pulled her thumb out of her mouth for Jihyo to slip the pacifier in.
“There were go. That’s better. Now how about we change you into something more comfy?” Jihyo smiled when Mina enthusiastically nodded her head.
Jihyo picked out a fuzzy pair of blue checkered pants and a soft shirt with penguins all over it — one of Mina’s favorites. She gently changed the girl, making sure to put a pullup on her since she knew the little wouldn’t do too well letting her Hyo know that she had to potty this young.
“You look so cute and cuddly, Minari! Feeling better?”
Mina nodded and pulled her shirt up a little, inspecting the penguins on it. She held it up for Jihyo to see, babbling a little about something.
Jihyo couldn’t quite decipher what her little girl was saying but she nodded along anyway, relieved that Mina was starting to feel better.
“Do you want something to eat since you only had oatmeal this morning?” Jihyo scooped Mina up again and walked out of the room, making her way to the kitchen. She made sure to dim the lights before turning them on and set Mina down on the counter.
Mina happily babbled away, completely forgetting that she had been so upset earlier. She watched with wide eyes as her mama moved around the kitchen, preparing lunch for both of them. Whenever Jihyo would turn around to blow Mina a kiss, the younger would giggle and kick her little legs.
Lunch consisted of mac and cheese, a few green beans, and chicken nuggets cut up small enough so Jihyo could make sure Mina’s bites weren’t too big. Although she had made lunch for them both, Jihyo was busier watching Mina eat rather than eating herself.
Jihyo took a few pictures of Mina’s slightly messy face, laughing when a forkful of mac and cheese was being pushed her way.
“Thank you for sharing. You’re so nice to mama, Minari.” Jihyo smiled and ate the mac and cheese offering, her heart flodded with love hearing Mina’s little giggles.
Once they finished lunch and Jihyo cleaned everything up, they moved to the couch. Jihyo laid down on her side and turned Curious George on, knowing it was one of Mina’s favorites.
Mina waddled over and climbed onto the couch, Tim in her hands as she scooted back into her mama. Mina smiled and let out a contented sigh when Jihyo wrapped her arms around her waist.
It had only been a few minutes since they finished lunch but with a full tummy and Curious George playing quietly on the TV made Mina very sleepy. She felt her eyes start to close and Jihyo could feel Mina’s body start to relax.
“It’s okay, sweet girl. You can sleep. Hyo’s right here.” Jihyo cooed and gently rubbed Mina’s tummy, pulling the pacifier out of her pocket to slip into Mina’s mouth.
As her breathing started to even out, Jihyo could tell Mina had drifted off to sleep. She smiled and hummed a little, relishing in the peaceful state her baby was in.
Fansigns may be hard but they were fun. And they may be fun but being with Hyo was always Mina’s absolute favorite.
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bleachanimefan1 · 17 days
Turtles Forever Part 88
Grudge Match,
Leo, Raph, and Donnie were sparring with Leo on the rooftops. Raph threw one of his sais at Leo and Leo deflected with his swords. Donnie jumped down from above bringing his bo staff down on Leo. Leo blocked Donnie's attack with his swords. Yuuki, Mona, and Venus were having their own sparring match with each other. Splinter was sitting on top of a box with Alopex, watching them. Alopex had a large bump, forming on her stomach.
"You're asking for this Leo!" Raph shouted.
"Big time!" Donnie shouted as well. Leo stared the two of them down and Donnie and Raph both charged at Leo. Leo dodged Raph as he lunged at him and blocked Donnie's staff again. Donnie used his staff to knock Leo's swords out of his hands. Leo kicked Donnie back and quickly grabbed his swords as they fell from the air and blocked Raph's sais as he tried to attack Leo from behind.
"Give it up, Leo. You're going down!" Leo saw Donnie running up from behind through their blades and he quickly tossed Raph. Raph ended up slamming into Donnie and the two fell to the ground. The both of them groaned as they struggled to get up and Leo walked over to them.
"Leo, if I have to attack you one more time. I'm gonna really attack you!" Raph growled.
"I'm all for training, but I think that you're going a little overboard." Donnie spoke, helping Raph up.
"I said, again."
"Alright, that's it! You and me are going to have words about this attitude of yours, lately-!" Raph said before Splinter jumped down and interrupted him. Alopex came down as well and Yuuki, Mona, and Venus walked over to them as well. Yuuki quietly stared at Leo concern.
"Raphael, Leonardo, enough!" Splinter told them and looked at Leonardo. "Your brothers are exactly correct, Leonardo. It is sufficient for today. We will discuss your training further after we've collect Michelangelo."
"Hey, where is bozo the turtle?" Raph questioned.
Mikey was sitting down by a nearby fire escape drinking some soda. He was watching the Justice Force on the TV through a window from an apartment that a couple of kids were watching as well.
"Best show ever!" He grinned before heard a cough coming from above him. Mikey looked up and saw Leo and Master Splinter narrowing their eyes down at him. Mikey grinned sheepishly. "Oh, hey! Is the break over already?" He climbed up, joining them.
"Mikey, you've been blowing off all of our training sessions, lately!" Leo shouted.
"So, I missed one sparing match. What is the big deal?" 
"If I have to deal with Mr. Intensity's little war games here, so do you!" Raph spoke.
"You have not taken your studies seriously, Michelangelo." Splinter said, sternly.
"Come on, guys. I don't need to train! I'm the-" Mikey smiled and Raph stopped him.
"Don't say it! Don't you say it!" 
"Battle Nexus Champion!" Mikey grinned. Raph groaned and so did everyone else. "What?"
"What, is that you rub your big win in our faces every chance you get! Mikey, you keep the trophy on top of the TV!" Donnie exclaimed.
"It's a wonder that you don't wear that thing around your neck." Raph replied.
"I tried. The chain kept breaking."
"You won the Battle Nexus Championship by sheer dumb luck! Emphasis on the dumb part." Raph pointed out.
"Well, if I remember correctly, I beat YOU fair and square!" Mikey argued.
"Ooh, I don't want to see this." Donnie shook his head.
"Michelangelo, you need to train and more importantly, you should approach your accomplishments with humility." Splinter reminded him.
"You mean accomplishments like, being the greatest warrior in all the multiverse, right!? Come on, training? I'm the Battle Nexus Champion!-"
Suddenly, a large blue portal opened above everyone and they saw Klah jump out of it. He lunged at Mikey. Mikey jumped back, dodging Klah's attack, and slammed his back against the wall. 
"Klah?!" Mikey cried out in shock. The other aliens looking like Klah came through the portal, pulling out their weapons.
"Mikey! Mikey, hang on!" Raph shouted, running over to help him. One of the aliens, stopped Raph, pinning him to the ground. Another alien with a long blond beard came through the portal.
"What is the meaning of this!? The laws of the Battle Nexus do not-!" Splinter shouted before he was cut off.
"Take them all!"
The intruders attacked Leo, Raph, and Donnie and Splinter. Yuuki, Mona, and Venus were helping them fend the attackers back. Alopex ran over to Mikey. Mikey quickly pushed her out of the way when Klah grabbed him and lifted him up.
"Now, where were we, champion?" Klah sneered and threw Mikey. Mikey screamed and was slammed into a brick chimney and fell down. Klah walked over and picked Mikey up, pinning Mikey against the chimney about to punch him. Mikey struggled to break out of his grip. Alopex quickly jumped on top of Klah grabbing him by his neck. Mikey felt his Klah's grip loosening a little. Klah reached up and grabbed Alopex, tossing her off of him. Mikey quickly slammed his fist on Klah's hand, freeing himself. Klah ended up punching the chimney instead, leaving a dent. Mikey quickly rushed over to Alopex, helping her up. The two backed away as they saw Klah, slowly inching closer to them.
"Maybe we can talk about this? Over coffee or something!?" Mikey protested.
"Klah, tear him apart!" Klah's father tossed Klah his spear. Klah grabbed it and swung it at Mikey and Alopex. Alopex jumped out of the way and so did Mikey. But Klah grabbed Mikey by his leg, pinning him down with his spear. Mikey tried to push the spear back with his nunchucks, struggling against the large alien's brute strength. Then Gyoji suddenly appeared and quickly stopped the brawl.
"In the name of the Ultimate Daimyo you are ordered to cease all combat!"
"On what grounds?! My son and I were told that this challenge was approved!" Klah's father shouted.
"Your son, Klah, will face the champion, in time and space battle by Battle Nexus ceremony and law! As has it been ordained and executed for all time. As you well know, Amug." Gyoji explained.
"Master Splinter, what the shell is going on!?" Mikey shouted. 
"Silence, Michelangelo." Splinter raised his hand, looking at Gyoji. "Am I to understand that Michelangelo has been challenged?"
"Based on the interference in the final match of the Battle Nexus Championship, Amug has appealed the decision on Klah's behalf. The Daimyo has granted Klah a honored right of will to be answered only by ordained combat. In third Earth's term, a rematch."
"So, he's a sore loser." Alopex frowned.
"Alopex, do not interrupt-"
"But it's true!"
"The decision is final." Gyoji stated.
"Are you saying? Don, what he's saying?!" Mikey shouted, wondering what's happening, also a little nervous.
"Oh, I hope he's saying what I think he's saying!" Raph smirked. Donnie grinned, placing his hands on Mikey's shoulders.
"You're going back to the Battle Nexus, Mikey, to fight Klah! Man, it stinks to be you!"
"This the best day of my life!" Raph said.
"In three days time, the champion will defend his honor at the Battle Nexus. We are well aware of your disdain for Battle Nexus rules, Amug. There will no combat outside the arena." Gyoji explained. "In three days, all will be decided."
"Three days, Earther, I will grind your bones to dust and take my honor back!" Klah picked up a brick and crushed it with his bare hands. Mikey flinched. The aliens and Gyoji disappeared through the portal and left.
"So, uh, who's up for some training?" Mikey asked.
"I'll tell you what I'm up for. Watching you get pounded into paste! Oh, I cannot wait!" Raph grinned.
"But you don't need to train, right, Mikey? After all, you are the champion." Donnie teased as well.
"Master Splinter! You'll help me, right?! You'll train me!?" Mikey quickly turned to the rat master.
"Training, Michelangelo? Surely there are comic books that I could be reading or perhaps I could go watch television, instead. Wait, my son, I know! Perhaps instead of training, I will go eat pizza!" Splinter retorted. Raph and Donnie laughed and ran off and Splinter followed after them.
"Yes, pizza does sound appetizing right now, with pepperoni and karma."
"I'll help you train." Leo spoke. Mikey's eyes widened.
"Leo! Really? You'll train me!? Thanks, bro!" Mikey grinned and hugged Leo.
"And I'll help you as well." Yuuki told him.
"Thanks." Mikey smiled.
"And so will I." Alopex spoke.
"No offense, Allie, but you really shouldn't be moving around so much. You're about to pop any day now." Mikey told her and he received a slap on the back of his head.
"I wouldn't start rubbing my shell just yet. We've got a lot of work to do." Leo told Mikey.
The next three days came and everyone was gathered around in an alley while Leo and Master Splinter began to summon a portal to take them to the Battle Nexus.
"I really appreciate you guys coming to support me." Mikey told everyone.
"Support?" Raph smirked.  "I wouldn't miss you taking this beating for all the world!"
One by one, everyone went inside the portal. Raph pushed Mikey inside and jumped inside as well and the portal closed up. As everyone stepped out, the noticed that the Arena in the distance was strangely quieter than usual. There was no one around to lead them there as well.
"Well, looks like no one's home. Might as well head back-ow!" Splinter whacked Mikey with his staff. "Come. The Battle Nexus rules dictates that Michelangelo must be present at the pavilion of past champions."
They went to the pavilion of past champions and waited. Mikey stood by his statue posing next to it.
"Knock it off, Mikey. You're gonna attract pigeons!" Raph shouted.
"I think somebody's jealous." Mikey remarked and Raph stuck his tongue at him. Then Leo sensed someone nearby and saw the Daimyo's son peeking over a statue a few feet staring at him.
"Looks like the ultimate ninja is looking for a rematch, Leo." Donnie teased.
"The Daimyo's son."
"I hope he still doesn't remember what happened that last time we were here." Yuuki replied. Then the Daimyo and Gyoji appeared as they walked over to the group.
"Honored guests, welcome once again to the Battle Nexus." The Daimyo greeted them. Splinter bowed to him, smiling.
"Old friend, it is good to see you well."
"And you, old friend, you must be proud to see your son, Michelangelo honor you in battle once more."
"Could I just honor you back home, you know? Breakfast in bed, a foot massage-" Mikey interrupted before Raph stopped him.
"Don't let him fool you, Daimyo. Mikey can't wait to get in there and prove who's the real champion." Raph grinned, faking punching Mikey.
Yuuki tensed up as she saw the little boy slowly approaching her and Leo, looking up at them. "I can't remember some things, but I remember you and you as well. Did we play together?"
"Uh-I'm gonna go over there." Yuuki walked away. "Waaay over there." and pretended to look at the statues. Venus, Mona, and Alopex joined her, looking at them as well.
"She seems scared." The Daimyo's son replied.
"She's just shy. But, um, yeah, we did "play" together." Leo made a small smile. The Daimyo's son smiled back.
"Then you shall be my friend!"
The Daimyo used his staff to teleport everyone to the stadium to the arena and they saw other matches being held below them.
"Hold it, I thought the tournament was held every three years." Donnie asked.
'True, Donatello. But in honor of the challenge, we are holding what you call exhibition matches." Gyoji answered him.
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that! If worse comes to worse, I'll get zapped out before I take the big dirt nap!" Mikey sighed in relief.
"Yeah, but after you take a horrendous beating. Man, I should 'a had Don bring the video camera!" Raph spoke.
"Come on, we have work to do." Leo told Mikey and pulled him away. 
Leo took Mikey outside the arena and the two began to climb up the mountain.
"I've gotta get out of here. Is that why we're climbing this thing, so I can find a cave to hide in? I don't want to get pummeled, Leo! What am I going to do!?" Mikey asked until they reached the top of the mountain. He could see the entire landscape of the Battle Nexus and the arena below him. "Wow!"
"I brought you up here to clear your mind, Mikey. Focus on what's important." Leo told him.
"Like going home."
"No, like pushing yourself beyond your limits. To a place where there are no limits, to be so focused, so ready, that nothing and no one will ever catch you off guard again!" Leo shouted.
"We're still talking about me here, right?" Mikey asked, confused.
"In this life, we only have each other. If one of us goes down, we all go down. So, focus..." Leo insisted.
"Leo, maybe, just maybe, maybe I can still forfeit!" Mikey grinned. 
The next morning came, and it was time for Mikey's match between Klah. Donnie, Raph, and Master Splinter were standing above the arena, waiting with the Daimyo. Mona, Venus and Alopex were with them as well.
"Showtime! Who brought the popcorn?!" Raph grinned. 
In the waiting room, Mikey was slamming his head against the wall, completely scared out of his mind and nervous.
"And then-He'll probably break my legs! I've had my legs broken before it's no fun!" Mikey groaned in frustration.
"Michelangelo, you can win this. I know you can." Leo assured him.
"Champion, if Leonardo thinks that you can win then I do too." The Daimyo's son spoke.
"Boys, it's almost time." Yuuki told them, surprising them both when she walked over to them, and she looked at Mikey. "You are going to fine. You got this."
"Thanks for the pep talk." Mikey told her, but he was still nervous. Then Gyoji appeared before them, looking at Mikey.
"It is time, Champion."
"Here goes nothing." Mikey sighed. Gyoji transported them both to the arena and vanished out of the room. Leo and Yuuki looked at the Daimyo.
"Let's get you back to your father." Leo told the little boy. Then Leo noticed the boy's eyes widen in fear. He quickly turned around, pulling out his swords. Klah's father, along with several of his alien guards inch closer towards them. Yuuki pulled out her weapon as well, standing in front of the Daimyo's son, pushing him behind her.
"You, the girl, and the boy will be going nowhere, turtle, except perhaps to join your weakling brother in the afterlife!"
"Whatever dishonorable plan you're hatching, the Daimyo will stop you!" Leo shouted.
"I think not! The Daimyo sees our ways as barbaric. But we Levrons are not without our own magic. Even as we speak, my wizard is mystically removing the safety spell surrounding the battle nexus arena. The battle between my son and your brother will be a fight to the finish! I will have Michelangelo's head on my wall! That is the Levron way!" Klah's father shouted. Four of his guards, charged at Leo and Yuuki.
"Look out!" Leo warned. Yuuki quickly pushed the Daimyo's son out of the way and the boy quickly ran. Leo and Yuuki both struggled to keep the large aliens back. As he wasn't looking as he ran, the Daimyo's son ran straight into Klah's father. Klah's father laughed evilly, and he grabbed the boy, taking him hostage.
Back in the arena, Mikey's match with Klah was beginning to start. The stadium began to glow blue around the edge, putting up an invisible force field.
"Now we shall settle this right of will by ordained combat!" The Daimyo announced, starting the match. Mikey teleported into the arena hearing the crowd chanting at him. 
"Turtle soup more like it." Mikey murmured softly to himself. Then Klah appeared in front of Mikey, who backed away from nervously. Then the Daimyo groaned, holding his head in pain, shaking it off.
"Something is not right." 
Klah quickly lunged at Mikey spinning his spear in in the air. Mikey screamed as Klah came down and slid out of the way.  Klah lunged his spear at Mikey and Mikey quickly grabbed the end, holding onto it. Klah growled and threw Mikey into the air. Mikey was slammed into the invisible force field and fell down. Mikey heard Klah's thundering footsteps charging and quickly sat up to see Klah running directly towards him. Mikey tried to dodge Klah's spear by jumping onto it, but Klah knocked Mikey off. He swung his spear into Mikey's shell, breaking his spear in half. He picked Mikey up, dangling Mikey in the air by his leg.
Splinter gasped in shock and so did everyone else.
"That's not right!" Raph shouted.
"Why didn't Mikey disappear?! Klah's weapon shouldn't have even touched him." Donnie wondered as well. The Daimyo groaned a little in pain.
"Daimyo, what is happening here?" Master Splinter asked.
"Someone is magically altering the laws of the Battle Nexus."
"Now the combat is mortal! And my son's victory will only be complete when the turtle lies crushed and lifeless!" Klah's father shouted and everyone turned to see him, along with the other bodyguards.
"You did this!? That's it whackbag! You and me are having words!" Raph shouted, angrily.
"You presume to much, Amug. The essence of the Battle Nexus flows through me. I can feel your wizard now! I will put an end to-" The Daimyo spoke before Klah's father stopped him.
"You will do nothing, Daimyo! Unless you would risk this..." He pulled out a bag and the Daimyo's son fell out and Klah's father held him up by the collar of his shirt.
"No! My son!"
"No!" Donnie said worried as well.
Alopex quickly turned back to the arena to see Mikey get punched by Klah and he was slammed into the invisible force field.
"Mikey!" She screamed.
"Now, now you will learn the meaning of pain!" Klah growled at Mikey as he towered over him.
"I should be porting out of here any second now!" Mikey groaned. Klah picked Mikey up and began to punch him repeatedly in his plastron.
"No one can save you this time. No interference!"  Klah smirked at Mikey. "Do you hear that? It is the sound of your own defeat. So, it will be over! First for you and then for your pathetic family!" He held Mikey up by his arm about to finish him off. Mikey closed his eyes, remembering Leo's words.
"In this life, we only have each other. If one of us goes down, we all go down. So focus..."
"Maybe, I'll finish off that fox first-" Mikey's eyes immediately snapped opened and he glared at Klah. Mikey quickly flipped his legs and kicked Klah in the face, knocking him back. Mikey quickly leaped over to this nunchucks and picked them, spinning them.
"Alright! If this is what you want, come on then!" Mikey shouted, angrily, and Klah charged at Mikey, again. Mikey jumped over Klah, slamming his nunchucks into Klah's feet knocking him off balance. Klah staggered and ran towards Mikey again.
"I lost my son once. I cannot lose him again." The Daimyo shook his head, lowering his staff.
"And you won't!" Leo shouted, catching Klah's father off guard. Then Yuuki suddenly dashed from behind Klah's father and grabbed the Daimyo's son. She ran over towards the others, holding the Daimyo's son in her arms and Leo leaped over Klah's father, landing near the others.
"WHAT!?" Klah's father shouted in shock. "No one can defeat three Levron warriors, impossible!"
"Nothing is impossible, Amug. Especially when one fights with true honor." The Daimyo told him.
"I will destroy you!" Klah roared at Mikey. Mikey yelled and charged at Klah, landing his nunchucks on the alien hit after hit. Klah growled, angrily, and slammed the other end of his spear down into the ground. Mikey quickly jumped back and lunged forward, kicking through the spear, breaking it and slammed into Klah. Klah was knocked back and was sent tumbling to the ground. Mikey stood over him and raised his nunchucks, spinning them. The Daimyo's eyes glowed and he waved his staff, capturing Klah's father and the other aliens, making them float in the air. 
"Gaze upon what you have done, Amug. Now, your son's life hangs in the balance. I will let Michelangelo decide your fate and the fate of your son." The Daimyo spoke.
"No!" Klah's father cried out.
Mikey held his nunchucks above his head about to finish Klah off. "Do it! Finish me!" Klah spatted out at Mikey. Then Mikey lowered his weapons and tucking them into his belt.
"I don't think so! My father taught me better than that. Besides, you're already finished." Mikey pushed Klah in the forehead with his finger and Klah fell back, collapsing on the ground. Mikey had won the match! The crowd cheered and so did everyone else. Alopex cried cheering for Mikey when she suddenly felt a sharp pain. Venus quickly ran over to her.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. The babies just kicked really hard." she assured her. Later that evening, the Daimyo had everyone in the throne room for the ceremony to congratulate Mikey. They were ceremonial robes each match their colors. Leo, blue. Raph, red. Donnie, purple. Mikey, orange. Yuuki, white. Mona, pink. Alopex, yellow. Venus, dark green.
"Michelangelo, step forward." He told Mikey and Mikey walked over to him and knelt down. The Daimyo placed a necklace with a purple gem around Mikey's neck.
"For your valor and nobleness of character, I hereby award you the Battle Nexus medal for unparalleled honor."
"And I thought the trophy was bad." Donnie groaned.
"Oh, we're never going to hear the end of this! I'm gonna have to move out!" Raph groaned as well.
"So wicked!" Mikey grinned, and he walked over to Leo.
"Leo, I wanted to say thanks."
"You did good, Mikey. You did good." Leo smiled, placing his hand on Mikey's shoulder.
Then everyone heard Alopex let out a scream in pain. Mikey's eyes widen and so did Leo's and they saw her on the floor, holding her stomach. Venus and Yuuki were kneeling beside her. Mikey quickly rushed over to her and Leo ran behind him.
"Babe, what's wrong!?"
"They're coming!" Alopex shouted, painfully. Mikey blinked, wondering what she meant. They're? Putting two and two together. The babies...Mikey's eyes widen in shock and he screamed.
"What!? N-Now!?"
"Yes! Now!" Alopex glared at him. The Daimyo quickly ran over with Splinter.
"I'll take you all to the healers, immediately." He quickly told them. Venus and Mona both helped Alopex up, holding her.
"I don't know if I can make it! I think they're coming now!" Alopex groaned.
"C-Can't you hold it in! We're almost there?" Mikey said nervously.
"Can someone slap him for me!" Alopex shouted. Raph slapped back on the back of his head.
"Shell for brains."
The Daimyo quickly teleported everyone to the healers and Venus and Mona laid Alopex down on the mat. Mikey quickly ran over to her.
"Tell me what to do!?" He shouted. One of the healers came out from the other room and walked over to them. He ordered everyone to step outside, seeing the room was crowded, leaving Mikey and Alopex alone in the room. 
"You there, help her, by supporting her from behind." He ordered Mikey. Mikey got behind Alopex and lifted her up. Alopex held Mikey's hand, squeezing it tightly. She screamed in pain as she felt another contraction. Mikey yelped as well. Alopex gave another push and a baby's cry could be heard as it filled the room.
Another healer came out of the room, carrying some towels. They began to clean the first baby up, wrapping them in a blanket.
"Okay, push one more time." the healer instructed Alopex.
"I'm too tired." Alopex groaned.
"One more and it's over." Mikey told her. Alopex groaned and screamed, giving one more push. Another cry filled the air. Alopex fell back into Mikey's arms, panting, completely exhausted and drenched in sweat.
The healers walked back to them carrying the two babies and handed them over to Alopex and Mikey. Mikey's eyes widen and so did Alopex when they saw their babies. They were both girls. Foxes with tan almost orange colored fur and dark brown hair. One had Mikey's blue eyes, while the other had Alopex moon colored eyes.
"They're beautiful." Mikey murmured. "Just like you."
"One of them got your eyes." Alopex smiled. Looking at the blue-eyed baby fox.
"And yours as well." Mikey smiled, laughing a little, looking into the moon-colored eyes baby fox. "What do you what to name them?"
"Luna and Una." 
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panjakes · 2 years
Hi. Can I request an Ahn hyo seop x black reader where she’s a singer?
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“First world tour!! Eh how do you feel?!” Your manger asks with a smirk
“Nervous. I’m sweating so bad and the show isn’t until 7…it’s 4” You say making her manager laugh
“It’s okay! Your fans love you and are excited too see you!” She says patting your shoulder
“I hope so” you mumble
“I know so!Your gonna get dress in your cute little outfit! Go on stage dance and whip that hair” she says making you giggle
“Your right!!! I’m still nervous though” you say making the women nod
“Understandable…Denny’s?” She asks making You nod
“Dennys” you say grabbing the keys and you two were out the door
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After a very big and delicious meal, You and the staff went to the venue you’d be performing at. The show was in an hour and you was now getting ready.
“Stop shaking” your manger says
“Mimi I’m nervous” you mumble
“It’s okay! I promise” she says putting her hand on your leg
“What if my mic goes out?” You ask
“I’ll get you another one”she says
“What if I fall” you ask with wide eyes
“You shouldn’t” Mimi says sarcastically
“What if the fans don’t me?” You ask now pouting
“They would have paid to see you” she says getting annoyed
“What if-“
“Enough with the what ifs Yn! I get it your nervous but damn girl! Chill!” Mimi says making You take a deep breath
“Okay. I’m chill” You say
A knock on the door echos through the room causing everyone to stop what they’re doing. The door opens and a head peaks in
You smile jumping up from her chair as the man enters the room
“Hyeoseop!!!” You shouts jumping on him
“That her boyfriend?” The makeup artist asks making Mimi nod
“Yupp! Got him to fly out here” Mimi says smirking
“Hello to you too” he says smiling
“What are you doing here? I thought you had to film?” You ask
“I did, but your show was more important” he says smirking
“Mm…what you hiding behind your back?” You ask with a raised brow
“Oh just a little something for you” he says smirking
“Let me see” you say holding your hand out
“You sure you want it?” He asks
“Gimme” you say making him laugh. He pulls out a bouquet of flowers and a box. You gasp grabbing the items smelling the flowers
“Ouu Hyeoseop these are so pretty!! What’s in the box?” You ask
“Open it and find out” he says
You walk over to the makeup table sitting the box down opening it to reveal a small cake that read
“Good luck, my love!”
“Awwww!!! Is it strawberry?” You ask
“You know it” he says smiling
“Oh my gosh! Thank you” you say wrapping your arms around him. He chuckles giving you a kiss on the cheek along with a squeeze
Before you could dig into your cake Mimi tapped you
“Hate to break up this adorable…thing. But you need to get your makeup finish” she says pointing to the makeup artist who stood by the chair awkwardly
“Oh shit I’m sorry okay!” You say running over to the chair to finishing you makeup. Hyeoseop came and sat next to you making small talk
“You ready babygirl?” He asks as you put your mic on
“I think. I don’t know. I think I’m gonna throw up” you say mumbling the last part. He grabs you by the shoulders looking you in the eye
“Don’t be nervous. You’ll do great out there” he says making you smile
“Thank you” you say
“Don’t thank me, go out there and sweat from having a successful show” he says smirking
“Right! Let’s do this!!” You say running towards the stage. You stop in the middle, standing in the position ready for the screen to slide over so you could perform
You look over Hyeoseop who gives you a smile and thumbs up. You return the smile but soon drop it as the song starts.
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“Thank you! Thank you for having me! I appreciate it! I’ll make sure to be back! I love you guys!” You sau waving and bowing putting an end to the show
The fans screamed and cheered making your smile bigger. When the screen fully closed Mimi ran up to you picking you up
“Ahhhhh!!! You did amazing babygirl!!” She says spinning you around. You laugh as she puts you down
“I did!!! It was amazing! I had fun! Let’s do it again!” You say making her laugh
“Well you can do it 9 more times in 9 other states” she says making you laugh
“Go get undress and stuff, your man is waiting for you” she says wiggling her eyebrows you laugh before running off to your dressing room where Hyeoseop was
You enter the room causing him to smile
“There’s the super star” he says standing up from the couch. You scoff with a smirk
“Say it again” you say
He puts his hand up to his mouth before whispering
“Super star” he says before you two burst into laughter
“Yup that’s me! Super star!” You say leaping into his arms
He catches you placing a kiss on your cheek before going to sit back down with you in his lap
“My super star” he says before kissing your cheek again then your lips
You notice the cake on the small coffee table. You grab it opening it.
“Time to eat cake!” You say grabbing the small slice
“Give me one” he says opening his mouth. You brown placing your hand under his chin closing his mouth
“Get your own cake” you say
“I bought the cake!” He says
“Yeah. You bought it for me plus it’s only four slices and I’m about to eat two” you say bitting the fluffy cake
“Can I at least have a strawberry?” He ask
You pick the strawberry up before shoving it into his mouth
“Here. Don’t ask for nothing else” you joke
“So mean. I bought you cake and flowers and this is how you treat me?” He asks putting the strawberry leaf into a napkin
“No. I’m sorrys” you say wrapping your arms around his neck bringing him closer
“It’s okays” he says mocking you
“Alright not to much” you say letting him go. He chuckles grabbing your arms so you could go anywhere
“You did good out there. I’m proud of you” he says making you smile
“Why thank you” you say now on your second slice of cake
“You were nervous for nothing! You did good, your mic didn’t go out, you didn’t fall, and the fans loved you” he says smirking
You stop chewing looking over at him
“You heard that!?” You ask cheeks puffed out from the cake
“I heard it all” he chuckles
“Leave me alone” you say making him laugh
“Yn! Didn’t I tell you to take your make up off?! Your still dressed? Hyeoseop stop being a distraction!” Mimi says coming into the room
“Sorrys” he mumbles
“Yn just get undressed” Mimi says leaving the room mumbling about how kids don’t listen
“Your getting me in trouble” you pout at Hyeoseop
“Don’t care. Get dressed so we can get back to the room and cuddle” he says making you gasp. He stands up from the couch grabbing your other clothes
“Your staying with me?” You asks
“Yes ma’am” he says pecking your lips
“Yay!” You say happily
“Yeah yay now get dressed before Mimi comes back in here” he says handing you the pile of clothes
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amostfoolishgold · 2 years
So uhh @pacificwaternymph I may have gotten a little carried away thinking about our witches and I wrote about their meeting. I simply think it's very funny if w!Pyrite is usually all calm and collected and maybe slightly sinister but absolutely ruined that impression in her first interaction with Delilah lmao
(under a readmore bc it's a bit of a Long Boi)
There's not much about her relationship with Delilah that Pyrite would change but, if pressed, she would probably choose the circumstance of their meeting. Pyrite, like so many witches, had been following the competition to become supreme witch. Of course she had, witches tend to be a scattered bunch and celestial witches like herself can be scattered a good deal further than most, but the supreme witch would always be a big deal. The competition was even being broadcast this time around! The remaining handful of the previous supreme witch's staff who were running the thing all had little sprites following each of the contestants fairly constantly and displaying what they saw onto screens across half the country. That did still mean that in order to be watching a screen you had to either hijack the broadcast or be in that half of the country. So Pyrite was among the many witches who had flooded into the cities and towns and villages that surrounded the competition venue. She'd even gotten there early enough to snag a decent room in probably the closest village. Prophetic powers do pay off sometimes and practically every celestial witch who lucked into prophecy had gotten the one about the supreme witch's death. It was really just a matter of tugging on the strings of fate herself to get her nicely situated to watch the competition play out. Admittedly when she'd prophesized she'd "see the competition up close and personal" she was kind of hoping fate would come down on the nice side of that wiggle room and she'd get an invite, and she's still holding out hope that she'll run into one of the contestants during one of the rounds, but she's pretty sure she met a potion witch the other day paying a ridiculous rate to stay in someone's broom closet for the duration of the competition, so she can't complain too much about the room in the Harepelt inn.
It was, in fact, in said inn that she met Delilah. Pyrite had her head face down on one of the smaller tables in the main room, trying to convince herself that having a meal would help with the headache she currently had. It wouldn't, but she also hadn't eaten in a while so she should anyway. She's a fan of Cleo, she really is, the time witch seems the most…competent of the contestants and seems like she'd make a good supreme witch. Plus Pyrite's a massive lesbian so. However, watching her live inevitably gives Pyrite a massive headache and she never fucking learns. Thus, head on table.
And then she feels the frustration and misery fade into a dull echo of themselves, replaced with a subtle tranquillity that she maybe wouldn't notice if she hadn't been sat here wallowing in it for the past hour or so. She jolts upright which, ow, is a mistake, the headache is very much still present and with the sudden movement it all comes back full force. She squints at the handful of people arrayed around the room until she spots a witch at the bar staring intently at her plate of food.
Ok yeah she really shouldn't have shouted, there's quite a few people starting at her. The witch at the bar is pointedly not. Pyrite's chair makes a truly awful scraping noise as she stands up and her boots click against the stone floor which isn't helping with the headache even slightly.
"What was that?"
The witch turns to face her with a wince. Under other circumstances, Pyrite might note her fluffy blonde ponytails or her tan skin with a pretty smattering of freckles or her kind eyes or maybe even the way her off-the-shoulder blouse exposes even more freckles dusted across her shoulders. However, in the here and now, all Pyrite can think about is maybe not feeling quite so shit in the next five minutes.
"Honestly? I thought you were having a nightmare. Thought I could help without…well without you knowing."
"Excellent, please do it again."
The witch visibly startles.
"I have a very terrible headache from receiving far too many conflicting prophecies because I'm an idiot who keeps watching Cleo's broadcasts. If you have the power to make that suck less please use it."
The witch makes a face that Pyrite cannot even begin to parse, but given the sense of peace returns Pyrite assumes she's working her magic. It takes everything in her not to slump against the bar in relief, instead she opts for a sigh.
"That's so much better." She freezes. "Oh fuck that was just. Incredibly rude of me. I'm Pyrite, celestial witch by trade, and incredibly grateful for the…whatever magic you're doing."
She extends a hand and, after a moment's hesitation, the other witch takes it.
"Delilah, empathetic witch. It's…not a problem."
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teenagedirt · 1 year
Kissing in cars (10)
Chapter 10- tour
Warning-makeout scene. Almost smut but not
A/n I've never been on a flight before so I'm just guessing what it's like. Also the tour bus is based on an old ronnie radke interview. I also know nothing about technology and what was around and what wasn't. The "ice kiss" or wtver I saw it on Google so uh yeah.
"Flight 350, boarding now" the speaker booms. I sigh and grab vic's hand. We board the plane and quietly sit in our seats. I listen to the flight atonement explain the rules and such. When she stops talking I lay my head on vics shoulders and doze off.
"Hey, we landed" vic says gently shaking my shoulder. I nod and get up from ny seat. We collect our shit and wait for tony and Jaime to show up, they insisted on eating on a different flight. The slowly walk towards us. "Hey, the bus is here" Jaime says and rubs his eyes in exhaustion. We all nod and walk towards the exit of the airport.
We all get on the bus, there were 6 small bunks. Three on each side. Then towards the back there was one big room. Vic took my hand and led me to the room, it was basicly the master bedroom of a tour bus. "Damn" I say under my breath. Vic laughes, he sets his suitcase on the bed as well as mine. I groan " I'm so Goddamn tired" .
"Yeah me too, but the show isn't until around six thirty so we can sleep awhile." He says and I nod. I take off the hoodie,leaving me in a tanktop. He removes the suitcases from the bed and places them on the floor. I slide my shoes off. And climb into the bed, vic does the same on the other side. We lay,looking at each other, pure love the only thing in our eyes. He gently kisses my forehead and pulls me close to him. I lay my head on his chest and drift into sleep as he hums a song I haven't heard before, as I doze off I hear him mention something about there being no such thing as too young. I fall into a deep sleep, feeling warm and comforted by vic.
"Hey, darling I've got to start getting ready for the show, are you going" I nod yes and start getting ready. I pull a Falling In Reverse shirt over my head and black,ripped skinny jeans. As well as a black and white studded belt, and my black and white hightop converse.. I sit on the bed, scrolling through instagram, said for Vic to be ready. "You ready " he asks I nod and stand up. I follow him and Jaime out of the bus. We walk into the venue. It's around five thirty so nobody was actually inside except for us and staff. They warm up and tune everything that needs tuned. I side on the side of the stage, where I will be all night. The fans fo know I exist, they know I do concept art and that me and vic met in high-school that all though. They know nothing about our relationship, how much we've helped each other through, that we live together, and how much we love each other.
The arena fills with fans, Vic talks for a couple minutes as I sit on the side, where nobody can see me. They play their set as I sway along to the music, and record it. They finish off their set and Vic sits on the edge of the stage letting his legs hand off. "Who out there enjoyed tonight's show?" He questioned. The crowd shouted and cheered loudly. He laughed to himself. I smile at him, as he glances In my direction. "So many of you know of my friend y/n, well she doesn't get enough recognition, she does a lot of work behind the scenes, she does all concept art, and overall just help me and the guys." He motions for me to come on stage. Reluctantly I get up and walk onto the stage. I sit down next to Vic.
The crowd cheers loudly. I smile, I almost grab Vic's hand but stop myself. He puts the microphone away from his face so only I can hear him. "Are you okay with them knowing about us" he asks, my face heats up. I nod quickly, his face turns to a smile. "Alright everybody, I've got an announcement" the crowd goes silent, for the most part anyway.
"Well, me and Y/n aren't just friends, we are together, and I would like to say, do not hate on her I get there is going to be some jelouse crazy girls, but y/n deserves the world. If I could give her the world I would." I lay my head on his shoulder as my face turns crimson. The crowd cheers for me and him.
A chant starts. "KISS HER KISS HER KISS HER" Vic turns to me, I nod. He grabs the side of my face bring me closer. He places a gentle kiss to my lips. When I start to kiss back it's rougher, but when I hear the fans start to clap it reminds me we aren't alone. We pull apart, and his each other. Vic says goodbye and we make our way back to the bus.
Vic walks on and immediately goes to his bunkroom, I assume to change. I walk to the mini freezer we have and get my bag of ice. Popping a couple small pieces into my mouth. He walks back out in a tanktop and some shorts. I smile. "Watcha go there" he asks sitting next to me on the couch. "Ice, want a piece" I ask holding the bag out. "Yeah"i expect him to simply grab a piece out of the bag. Instead he grabs Mt face gently and kisses me. My brain fills with confusion. He gets a piece of ice in his mouth and pulls away. I blush, more more I think I ever have.
"Is a kiss all it takes to make you a blushing mess?" He asks. My eyes go wide, it like my brain completely stopped working. I stutter over words, even though I don't even know know I was going to say. He leans down to my ear. "Cause I can do a lotmore than that, and you know it." He whispers, I feel his warm breath on my ear and neck. I sit back up, trying to act unbothered. It doesn't work. "You can't hide how you feel, I've watched you have the thoughts your having now. You can't hide them Y/N" he whispers. "Maybe your right" I say and crawl my way onto his lap. I kiss him passionately. He wraps his hands in my hair, gently pulling it. I softly moan into the kiss.
"TIME FOR HIME TIME" Jaime shouts. He rounds the corner, me and vic still making out. He clears his throat. I pull back in a hurry. Vic face palms.
"Really Jaime" I say, getting off vics lap. "You're lucky I didn't have Bryan stars with me" he replies. I shudder, the thought of Bryan being here for somereadon made me feel grossed out.
"Whatever I'm going my bunk room." Vic says and gets up. I follow behind him, and he closes the door behind us.
A/N there will a couple chapter after this. Then A HUGE time skip, to when the reissue if selfish machines comes out. Because I'm trying to make the time line match up the best I can. Also pleaseee request. I need ideas. For imagines and such.
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I wanted to talk about the Sik-K concert I attended🥲 I'm still so excited about it😆 All in all it was amazing and I would consider it one of the best concerts I ever went to🖤 But from the start :D
So I can't believe I'm actually saying this but the organisation this time was actually good? Like the queue lines for the different categories were managed before and there was no weird changing of them. The security staff was also really nice and organised. They even let us in earlier since it was really cold and the VIPs were done with taking their pictures😭
I knew the venue because I attended a few concerts there before. It's not too big, I think the capacity is for 800 people max. We were sold out but it didn't felt crowded😄 When we got in we found a really good spot close to the stage since there was still space left on the sides!
So the concert was really ✨AMAZING✨. DJ SMMT came on stage first. I was actually very curious how they would fit in a whole DJ set since there's none, or at least there was none🤔 Anyways, they put up a damn fort! He was up so high! I'm sure people in the very front rows could barely see him😆 So DJ SMMT was getting started and soon after Sik-K came on stage. The first songs were mostly unreleased but they were sooo good, I can't wait until they actually release them🔥 He was performing right away and I really liked the way he performed. He danced, vibed, sang, rapped but also let the crowd sing and was very interactive with the fans☺ Like he actually talked to some mid performance😆 Sometimes he was a little too confident, but I guess that's what comes when people throw bras at you🤣
During one song Haon came to join Sik-K, I didn't even noticed when. After that Sik-K left the stage to him. But let me tell you our baby grew up well🥲 Seeing him live is something I never would have imagined! He is really great and sometimes when he was in his zone he would dance cutely😭💕 He also got shy a few times when the crowd shouted his name😆
Then it was Leellamarz turn. I must admit I'm not as familiar with his songs as I'm with Sik-K and Haon but I really liked his performance as well! He also seemed so happy when the crowd sang along to his songs😭
After that Sik-K came back for the main part of the concert and performed his popular songs like Rendezvous, Ring Ring, Habibi, Mi Casa Es Tu Casa which then were followed by Tell Ya, Darling and New Love.
After that all 3 of them performed together and that's when the crowd went really wild🔥 They played Achoo, Giddy Up, Water, Iffy and The Purge which was really🙌💯 They ended the show with Party (Shut Down)🎉 After that they stayed and gave their autographs to a few lucky fans, filmed with some phones and took a few signs to take pictures with🖤 After they left my friends and me were taking pictures (none of us really presentable anymore after 4 water attacks🤣💦) when DJ SMMT came back to give a few more autographs😆 One friend wanted to stay to "enjoy the view" [of him]🤣 She also didn't know anyone but Sik-K and was really impressed by Haon‼ And both of my friends became fans of DJ SMMT that night😆💕
So all in all a really amazing and memorable concert!🖤 Sik-K also noticed us a few times, which was really cool🥲
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I'm not sure anyone would be interested in videos but if that's the case just say something🖤
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brainyxbat · 8 months
Clockwork Island Adventure- Pt. 3
Usopp's eyes groggily blinked open, and he looked around in confusion when he realized he was high up, strapped to a cross. "What the hell's this?" He was in shock when Zoro and Sanji were no better off than him. Not to mention the former was battered.
Nami and Venus could only look on helplessly, as the Card Pirates schemed. "Where's the 30 million guy?"
"He's been crushed by the trap," Pin Joker reported.
"Bear King-sama doesn't even have to fight to beat them!" Boo-Jack praised.
"The marriage is sealed," Honey announced.
"We must start the preparations," Skunk One declared.
"And our main number will be a test shot of the King Cannon!" He whipped the sheet off the weapon, as his lackeys watched in amazement. "Right at those three!"
"What?" Nami exclaimed.
"No!" Venus screamed.
"And you'll be the brides of the King." He lifted Nami's chin, as she and Venus glared. "Aren't you happy?"
Bear King was shocked when Nami landed a kick on his forehead with her white, heeled sandals. "Who the hell has agreed to marry you?"
"I sure didn't," Venus sneered, preparing an energy ball.
He was silent for a beat. "Do you even understand what you're saying?"
"I'd rather die with them than marry a creep like you!"
"Yeah, me too, you big jerk!" Venus shouted.
They were both smacked away to the base of the crosses. "I'll fulfill that wish! We'll change tonight's party to a funeral instead! Execute them too!"
"Yes, sir!" Skunk One obliged.
Elsewhere, as Luffy struggled to keep the floor down alone, Akees woke up on the staircase. "Luffy! Where did Borod go?"
"He went after the Card Pirates!"
His eyes widened at that. "What? Borod!" He ran like mad up the stairs, leaving him alone.
"Hey, what about me? Help me out!"
By now, Nami and Venus' wrists were tied behind their backs, as they were kept by the crosses. Venus was more of a kicker, so her ankles were tied as well. They and the boys looked on in horror, as Bear King prepared the cannon, pulling a lever back. On cue, the elevator rose in front, blocking the cannon's path. It was Borod! "Who the hell are you?" Bar King sneered.
He whipped off his cloak, and the Card Pirates reacted in horror when he was revealed to have dynamite strapped around his waist. "Sorry, pal." He turned on a lighter. "I took some of your fireworks."
"That voice," Usopp remarked.
"Borod-san!" Venus perked up.
"Yeah!" Sanji agreed.
"He's gonna kill himself!" Zoro fussed.
"What?!" Venus' eye widened in terror.
"This is how I play. I'm taking you down with me!"
Bear King jumped down from the cannon. "Are you utterly mad? You can't blow these up here!" He stood over a glass panel, above a giant wind-up key slowly turning. "Look at this ratchet. You know what it is?"
"The island ratchet!"
"If you blow up now, you'll crush the whole island with you." As Borod hesitated, Bear King lunged in for the attack.
The shaking elevator, and the oncoming dents told them their supposed savior was getting pummeled. "Borod-san!" Venus exclaimed.
He landed in front of Pin Joker, who lifted his head up to taunt him. "Like a cloth to a flame."
""Moth" to a flame."
Now angry, he lifted Borod off the floor to finish him off, only for a staff to stop him. It was Akees! "Don't... don't you touch Borod!"
He was thrown back down roughly. "Akees!"
"You little brat!"
Meanwhile, as Luffy struggled, his wind-up toy fell into the room in front of him, one of the blades breaking on impact. Akees. "It's him." Now more motivated, he pushed even harder with a shout of determination.
On the top floor, as the battle continued, a horde of rooms came crashing up from underneath, surprising everyone. "What's happening?" Bear King watched in shock.
They were followed by Luffy launching himself upward, and panted after landing safely on the floor. "Finally here!"
As the rooms fell away, the island started rumbling, catching the guards' attention. "What's going on?" They began to file outside.
"Card Castle?"
"Hurry up!"
The citizens noticed the commotion as well, including the scientist couple from the town. "It's them," The woman concluded.
"Luffy!" Usopp cheered.
"Finally!" Sanji said.
"Luffy!" Nami beamed.
"You're okay!" Venus exclaimed.
"You're late," Zoro smirked.
"So you're Straw Hat Luffy?" Bear King loomed over him.
The captain glanced around the room. "Where are all the others?" He picked something up from the floor, making Borod and Akees tense up. "I found something fun!" It was a lit stick of dynamite, and Borod's lighter!
"What?!" Bear King's eyes widened in horror.
"No! Idiot!" The Thief Brothers yelled frantically.
"What? Should I drop it? Okay." He threw the dynamite away.
Right into the others, in the elevator. As Borod and Akees panicked, and the Card Pirates stared in shock, the elevator exploded.
Luffy turned to them after watching the smoke billow. "Have you seen my crew?" He asked obliviously.
"You just blew them up!" The brothers shouted.
"I what?!"
Miraculously, Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp emerged from the smoke. They were unharmed, if not a little singed; but one of them was not happy. "Luffy!" Usopp seethed. "You're freaking mad!"
"Whatever," Sanji smirked, "It got us out of there."
Zoro swung his stiff arm. "Yep. That's right."
"Oh," Luffy said all too casually, "You're okay."
"No thanks to you!" Usopp yelled.
Suddenly, the Card Pirates charged in to attack, scaring Usopp into climbing up higher, with Skunk One flying after him. "Usopp!" Before Zoro could go to help, Pin Joker started another duel.
Meanwhile Sanji untied Nami and Venus' wrists, and the latter's ankles, then stood in Boo-Jack's way. "Don't touch them, riddle creep! I'll kick you to hell!"
"Oh, I'm shaking in my boots!" Boo-Jack mocked, and laughed at him. "Kick me with those puny feet?"
"Why, you..." Sanji charged in, but a shoe was thrown at his face. "Hey, who did that?!" He was angry, before he realized; it was one of his shoes! He looked up, and saw Usopp standing on the deck of the Going Merry. "Usopp!"
As Skunk One pursued him, the sniper grabbed his trusty slingshot. "Eat this! Egg Star!" He shot an egg in his face, sending him to the deck.
"It stinks!" He flailed about. "It's a bloody rotten egg! I hate stinkers!"
"Says you!" Usopp taunted.
Skunk One jumped to his feet. "I'll get you!"
Usopp panicked when he went to tackle him; he dodged, and quickly threw the three swords down. "Zoro! Catch these!"
Nami and Venus managed to grab them before they could land on the ground. "Yes!" The witch beamed.
Pin Joker ran to the girls, but the swordsman blocked his path after retrieving his weapons. "You try to slash one with his back turned?" He smirked.
Meanwhile, Bear King tried to punch Luffy, but he jumped away. "Gum-Gum Gatling!" He launched many punches at top speed, but his opponent was unmoved. "What?"
"It's not working," Borod observed.
Luffy stopped the attack. "My body is made of steel, you know. A wobbly, rubber guy like you doesn't stand a chance."
"Oh, I see," Luffy grinned, "You're right!"
"Don't listen to him!" Borod yelled.
"So, you give up?" Bear King taunted.
"'Course I don't. You can't beat me."
By now, Sanji was wearing his covered, protecting shoes, as he tried to light a cigarette. "And what can you do with a pair of shoes? A weakling like you can't protect even the smallest ladybug!"
"You have fire?"
"You'll die on my thorns, and that's that!" Boo-Jack curled into a spiky ball, and rolled up to Sanji, but he kicked him away without a word, sending him flying into the room.
He was stuck into the ceiling, as Borod and Akees watched in awe. Sanji jumped up for another kick. "You wondered..." He sent him to the floor. "What I can do?" He kicked him to a wall, shocking Honey, and continued his barrage.
"He's amazing!" Akees beamed.
"I told you..." Sanji descended down, "You'd regret what you said!" He drove him into the floor with one last kick.
"Yes!" Akees cheered.
With that, Sanji walked away. "Lowly idiot." He tossed his cigarette on his battered opponent.
Meanwhile, Zoro tore the sleeves off his jacket, and whipped his scarf off to tie it around his waist. "Roronoa Zoro, you have my respect," Pin Joker admitted, "You can still stand after my poison darts." He then tied his bandana over his green hair. Now he meant business. "But that is all you can do."
Zoro stuck one sword handle in his mouth, gripping the other two in his hands. "Who cares? I told you you can't get me. I can't afford to lose. There's no way!"
On the ship, Usopp was still being pursued by Skunk One, and despite his efforts, he was kicked to the prow. "It's hopeless! You can't run away! Have you forgotten my stink gas?"
Usopp started to panic. "No, no, no, no, no!"
"Say your prayers!"
"Stop, stop, stop! Nooooo!" Usopp quickly dropped the facade with a confident grin. "Fooled ya! Powder Star!" He launched the bullet, then jumped down in the water to avoid the explosion. He floated up to the surface, catching his breath. "Eat that, you worthless bag of filth!"
In the room, Luffy was still battling Bear King, dodging his punches. "Gum-Gum Whip!" His attack was completely ineffective; it only sent him spinning, before Bear King sent him flying into a wall. "This is actually pretty annoying," He griped.
Akees watched the battle between Zoro and Pin Joker, as the former dodged the latter's sword left and right. "Behind you!" He warned, because the swordsman was getting closer and closer to the vacant elevator shaft.
"You look pained, but one creeps what one sows."
"It's "reaps"!" Venus butted in, gaining his attention. "Learn about idioms, idiot!" After launching an energy ball, which he managed to dodge, and taunting him with akanbe, she started running about to distract him.
"You little punk!"
The swordsman panicked when he started pursuing the young witch, sword swinging dangerously close. "Don't you touch her!" As she ran, Venus tripped over her long skirt, giving Pin Joker an advantage, and ended up backing into a wall, the weapon pointed in her face.
"You're parking up the wrong tree, little girl!"
He went to stab her, but was blocked off. ""Barking"!" Zoro corrected angrily, and threw him away from her, as she quickly crawled to Akees.
That did it. "You insolent! Feather Darts!" The yellow weapons were sent out, but he sent them right back where they came effortlessly.
"Amazing!" Akees beamed.
"Impossible! You shouldn't be able to move from the poison!"
"Sorry to disappoint you. But I can't be defeated here."
"Hm?" He stepped back at Zoro's intimidating look.
"There's a man far away, waiting for me to arrive. I can't be defeated, until I surpass him!"
The two went for the final hit... and Pin Joker was down for the count. "Yeah!" Akees cheered.
"Yes!" Venus joined in simultaneously, as they joyfully hugged each other.
Honey's eyes widened in fear. "No! No way!"
Venus noticed her stripping and making a beeline for the pipe. "Hey! Where're you going, lady?!" As fate would have it... she tripped again. "Damn dress!" She glared down at her long garment.
Luckily, thanks to quick maneuvering, the pipe went straight into a clear glass jar Nami found lying around; Honey went straight in, to her dismay. "And there we go!" She grinned, and screwed the lid tightly on top.
"Ah! Let me out! Let me out!" As the jar thrashed and jumped, Nami grabbed a roll of tape, and quickly went to work in sealing her inside.
"Not a chance!" She refused.
"Alright, Nami!" The witch cheered.
"Should've gotten a shorter gown, Venus," The redhead winked jokingly.
"You're telling me," She retaliated with a smirk. There was a sudden rumble, as Luffy was sent into another wall. "Luffy!" She exclaimed in concern.
"What's with him?" He rubbed his sore head. He tried another Pistol punch, but was thrown to the ceiling.
"Luffy!" Nami yelled fearfully, as he fell back to the floor.
Bear King's fist suddenly began glowing a fiery red, before igniting in flames, sending the captain running. "Melting Fist Special!"
Luffy screamed from the burning pain, before regaining his footing. "Gum-Gum...!" His fist went into Bear King's, only to be roasted. And stuck. "Ow! Ow! What happened?" He tried to pull his hand away, succeeding after Bear King loosened his grip.
"It's time to die, Rubber Boy!"
"Bear King!" Borod shouted. Without another word, he shot the King Cannon in his direction; knocking the patriarch aside, the explosive was sent flying, before going off in the ocean. One of the Card Pirates' ships was nearby, with the subordinates aboard fearful of the sudden explosion.
"Amazing," Nami watched from the glass wall.
"Borod!" Akees exclaimed.
"Yeah, Borod-san!" Venus cheered.
"I won't miss next time," He threatened.
"How dare you fire my cannon?" Bear King whipped out a pistol, and shot directly at him.
"Wait!" Venus shouted.
To Borod's shock and horror, Akees took the bullet for him! He was sent through the glass, flying out of the room. "Akees!" Borod ran to the damage, and found him slumped over a broken pane. "Akees!"
He looked down at him weakly. "Now I'm also a... real man... of the seas." Drifting into unconsciousness, he slipped down from the pane.
"Akees!" Borod made a mad dash, but he flew away with a parachute. "Hang on, Akees!"
Luffy watched, as he floated away. "That idiot took the bullet himself!" Bear King remarked. "So keen on saving others. Petty, pathetic, stupid little kid!"
He noticed Luffy had his head low, and his hands in tight fists. "What did you just say?"
"I said "pathetic, stupid little kid"!"
Venus growled in anger, as Luffy had enough. "I'll have you choke on that!" He grabbed his fiery arm, bearing through the searing pain, and threw him to the throne, resulting in the whole top floor collapsing, and the captive ships, sans Merry, falling.
Now furious, Bear King emerged through the waterfall. "I'll teach you what happens to those who make a fool outta me!" He readjusted the cannon, to Luffy's anger. "King Cannon will eat you! Die!" As he pushed the lever, Luffy grabbed the giant gold bullet, shocking Sanji and Venus, and wrapped his legs around a still-standing pillar, twisting himself up. "What the hell?!"
"Gum-Gum..." He launched himself back, fury in his eyes. "Slingshot!"
The bullet was shot straight at Bear King, as was the cannon, and they were sent down the shaft with the island ratchet. It was followed by an explosion, as noticed by the citizens, and the ratchet toppled down. The minefield started going off every which way.
"What...?" Sanji watched in confusion.
"The island ratchet!"
"The ratchet?" He widened his eyes at Nami.
"S-something's happening!" Usopp exclaimed.
"We gotta scram!" Zoro urged.
"Yeah!" Nami agreed.
"Hey, Luffy!" Zoro called, as Venus stayed close.
He looked up when his hat was tossed back to him, and he set it on his head. "Oops."
"The ratchet is destroyed," The male scientist concluded, "The whole island will collapse before long. Are you ready?"
"Yes," The citizens responded.
"Akees! Akees!" To Borod's relief, he started to wake up. "Akees... you... are you okay?"
With a weak smile, Akees took a metal plate out of his shirt. It had a small dent, from where the bullet struck. "It hurts a little." He set it down close by.
Borod sighed in relief. "You had me worried."
Akees turned to his left. "Borod... I hear something." They, and the citizens turned to the castle. The Diamond Clock was unharmed, and the arms were turning! It also played a certain song.
"The Diamond Clock..." The male scientist watched alongside his wife.
"It hasn't worked in years," She remarked.
"This melody...!" Borod stood up in surprise.
The Straw Hats made it to the Merry amongst everything. "It's Akees' music box melody," Usopp remarked.
"Wow, it's beautiful," Venus smiled.
Remembering everything, Usopp approached her in concern. Her skirt had some rips in it from being tripped on. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I am," She nodded, "You?"
She waved her hand in front of her nose. "Is that that guy's gas I smell on you?"
"Oh, yes!" He grinned with pride. "The stinky situation was hopeless, until Captain Usopp jumped in, and saved the day! We battled twice, and both times, he was sent packing!"
"Wow!" Venus lit up, as the others, sans Luffy, rolled their eyes. They made mental notes to tell her the truth later.
Everyone turned to the clock when it suddenly stopped working again. "Huh?" The gear around the top of the island started descending, and all the buildings, including Card Castle crumbled right after. The Merry fell from the tower, the crew holding on for dear life; the citizens urgently evacuated, using parachutes, just as the tower fell completely.
"I feel bad for the people there," Venus frowned sadly, now in casual clothes of skinny jeans and a t-shirt.
"They'll be fine," Zoro assured, "They'll find a new home." By now, everyone was back in their usual garbs.
"Will you be okay?" Luffy asked Borod.
"Yeah. He's got great parents." As he learned earlier, the scientist couple were Akees' parents; when he was an infant, they had sent him to sea when the Card Pirates invaded, so he would be spared the upcoming horrors. "It's best for him to live there. I'm used to being alone. Actually, I'm relieved."
"Huh?" Venus raised an eyebrow.
"He was just getting in my way. And I can have the treasure for myself."
They could tell he was sad, but staying strong. "Can you make it alone?" Nami asked.
"A partner never hurts," Sanji added.
"Lone thieves aren't cool," Usopp remarked.
"Being alone is not fun," Venus pouted.
"I'll find one eventually," Borod assured.
Zoro looked to the ocean, and smirked. "I think you already have."
"That's right, Borod!" He was surprised when Akees eagerly leaped onto his boat.
"You can't just split! Luckily, I'm smarter than you!"
"But what about your parents?"
"Don't be silly. I'm a man of the seas! I risk my life to follow my heart!"
"But you..."
"We're the world's best thief brothers, right?"
"Akees." Borod was emotionally moved, as he let a smile grow. "Yeah."
"Right. So we'll share this treasure as brothers."
"Half each? 'Cause I'm grown, now."
"No, seven-three!"
"Don't be so greedy, bro!"
Venus giggled in her hand. "They really are brothers."
"Yep," Zoro smirked.
"You think they'll be okay?"
"After 8 years of thieving, I bet they'll be just fine," Nami replied.
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eorzea80 · 1 year
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My Dad's hanging in there and nobody in his circle is sick so far. That being said, we had to fight like hell to get his care home to actually, ya know, CARE for him. Apparently, COVID is at once no big deal and a HUGE PROBLEM that prevents clinicians from working with him. We very nearly sought the counsel of a lawyer, but the Patient Advocate at the facility was able to straighten everything out. Going into this weekend, after 72 straight hours of struggle with the care home and insurance, I needed a break. I figured that this might be the last peaceful weekend I might have in a while, so I went all out. I did a trial (and annoyed some roulette players in the process). I squeed over the loloprrits. Loporrits. Damn. I still sometimes say Y'shlota. Dyslexia doesn't run in my family, it drives a Mustang. Anyway. I just wanted to share and shout my experience at Club Resurrection. It took some finagling to get into the club space, but that just afforded me a chance to look "Behind the Scenes!" and see just how much effort goes into these venues. Everyone was really kind and patient, so I felt safe enough to RP out some of my IRL worries. Shout out to Mykel Arc for making me a real doozy of a cocktail! I DID A COSPLAY COMPETITION TOO! Didn't win, of course, but look at my frilly little staff witch! (TBH, the staff is half of the outfit. It is hard to compete when you can't have your big whacky pain object in the room.) It was an entirely needed escape from reality and something that I have come to rely on from FFXIV. Huzzah to Club Resurrection! NOW LOOK AT MY PUMPKINS.
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danafuchs-blog · 2 years
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Back home from our 17 day tour in Norway and Denmark. It was the first time taking both kids out for so long! We all had a blast and I want to thank each and every one of you for taking such incredible care of me, my little ones and the band! I could not have done it without all of the love and care everyone put in along the way; venue staff, sound crews, hotel staff, food service workers, et al. It takes a village on the road! Special thanks to Svenning Haaning for his impeccable tour managing skills and for introducing us to Magda our amazing tour nanny! A big, giant shout out to @flemming9054 & @marskmusic for putting together such a fantastic tour! Last but not least, to all of YOU for packing and selling out the shows!!! 🙌 It looks like I’ll be seeing you all again in June! Stay tuned! 🙏😘💕🎤💿🇳🇴🇩🇰 (at Harlem) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj13enPuto5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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