crowind1 · 2 years
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This literally happened GUCHFJHIJIHJJ
@chachacharlieco and me playing FFXIV X,D
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futuristicyouthvoid · 3 months
Kili x Elf Reader
Summary: While the days were going very calmly and peacefully in Rivendell, the visit of the dwarves accompanied by Gandalf interrupted this. However, over time, you begin to get close to a certain dwarf.
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As you followed Lord Elrond and Gandalf, you smiled at their little banter about 'dressing appropriately'. While they were settling down at the table, you walked over to your cousin Lindir and gently clasped your hands in front of you. "Your face looks like you're in pain..." you said loud enough for him to hear. He glanced at you briefly. “It's not wrong… I'm just… wondering how this would turn out.” You wanted to laugh at his attitude but you didn't, yet you couldn't help but try. "I honestly expected better from you, your expression is still a bit soft. Try not to waste yourself too much." You gave a small smile as he shifted uneasily.
You watched the surroundings, or rather the dwarves, throughout the meal. You weren't very familiar with them, so you wanted to observe. In any case, it was not difficult to predict that things would explode at some point. They were quite rambunctious… in one word, attenuated.
You were talking softly with Lindir, at this moment you came face to face with one of them. It was obvious that he was much younger than the others. When you didn't look away for a while, he smiled at you and then winked. You were amazed at first by his bold attitude, but then you reminded yourself that he was a dwarf. Of course it would happen. He looked surprised when you went beyond your limits and gave him a small smile. He never thought that you would respond to him, especially after a few unsuccessful attempts... Your sensitive ears had heard his conversations with his friends, which were louder gossip than they thought anyway.
At some point things really broke out. Suddenly all hell broke loose, a food fight broke out between them, accompanied by the dwarf who climbed onto the table and sang. You'd never admit it, but it seemed kind of fun. Poor Lindir's horrified expression amused you even more, and you almost laughed, but held yourself back again.
As you were about to turn around, you froze in place as a piece of food hit your chest. The front of your light-colored dress and the curls hanging down the sides of your face were stuck. There were some dwarves who noticed this. One of them was that young dwarf...
His eyes were wide open and confused as he looked at you. Embarrassment... that's what happened and he was definitely the one who accidentally threw that food at you. You left there with Lindir. You quickly went to your room and cleaned up.
You did not meet the young dwarf for the next two days. At some point you realized he was running away from you.
The next day, after doing your work, you went out to the balcony, the sun was setting. You leaned your hands on the railing and began to watch the view you always see.
Just then, you heard a pair of footsteps. It was definitely not an elf. You slowly turned and looked.
It was that young dwarf. You saw him looking at you with the same embarrassment. You were the one to break the silence, "Your name is Kili, right?" He nodded and agreed. “Yeah, that's me… well…” you then gave him your name and added, “What are you doing here?” He took a few more small steps towards you. "I owe you an apology... I'm sorry. For what happened at dinner. I swear I didn't do it on purpose... I- believe me, it happened by mistake." He arranged the words one after another. You weren't actually really angry, you knew it was a mistake. You had incredible patience and were not easily angered. You were calm again now, but your facial expression was not that soft. This made him even more nervous. "I have a condition." He jumped right in, "Sure, whatever you want."
"Tell me your story, from the beginning. Where did you come from? What have you done? Where are you going? What will happen next? I have heard some things, but I want to hear it from a dwarf myself, I must know it all. Maybe then I will forgive you for what you have done, young dwarf." The nervous look on Kili's face was gone, replaced by a smile. You gave a small smile and invited him over. You sat together and started talking while watching the view. He literally told you everything he could think of. You listened to him with interest. You made occasional comments and laughed at some of his jokes. It was almost night when you were there. You lost track of time, but it was the first time in a long time that you enjoyed it like this. The same was true for Kili. He watched you while talking. You were so perfect... in fact, you were the most beautiful being he had ever seen. He had flirted with many women throughout his life, he had seen many women, but you... you were completely different. The moment he saw you he was speechless, almost choking on his own saliva. No one could fault the beauty of the elves walking around, but you were on a different level. So much so that you were considered one of the most beautiful elves.
Kili fell in love with you even more that night. He was the kind of guy who fell hard. You caused him to fall seriously hard. He made some flirting attempts when he dared. He was trying you. You also gave him small feedback. It was unclear whether this would go anywhere, but you went with the moment. You've been living for centuries, and by now, of course, some people came your way, but you never went forward with any of them or allowed yourself to be courted. You thought you had more time for this. Maybe one day it would... but after you met Kili, you started to realize things about yourself. Were you falling in love with this dwarf? Some thoughts began to haunt your mind and continued as the days progressed.
You both started meeting on the same balcony at night. Almost every day for two weeks. But you knew it would end because he had to go and they didn't have much time left. The day of Durin was approaching.
You walked to the balcony and paused at the entrance. Kili was standing by the fountain, looking at himself in the reflection of the water pooling below. You had noticed that he often played with his hair and face. But it wasn't like arrogance, it was more like insecurity. You directed your steps towards him. "You may have a sweet face, but such arrogance hits hard." There was a hint of mischief in your voice. Kili jumped when you spoke, startled. "Oh! Mahal!" Then he quickly recovered and smiled at you. "Did I ever mention that you float almost like an angel? Do your feet touch the ground?" You giggled happily as you approached him. "I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry."
"No, you didn't." in a mischievous manner. You laughed.
Then a silence fell and as the silence fell you were looking at each other. Instinctively, you slowly reached out your hand to the strand of hair that fell in front of Kili's eyes and combed it to the side with your fingers. Even this small movement caused Kili's breathing to hitch. He swallowed. It was you again who broke the silence, "They need to be shortened a bit. They cover your face." He barely heard what you said at the time, in fact it only sounded like a mumble.
"You are so beautiful... flawless. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life." he said softly. He seemed fascinated. You looked absolutely ethereal as the starlight reflected on your face, illuminating your pure white skin, full pink lips, and long dark curls. You looked like you came out of the most beautiful fairy tales and Kili was fascinated by your appearance. His eyes were pensive and he was watching you with admiration. For a moment he thought he was in a dream, in fact he felt that way most of the time he spent with you because you were too wonderful to be real to him. Your beauty, your kindness, your deep and velvety voice, your awe-filled gaze... At the same time, your knowledge and experience gained over the centuries you lived, your advice and stories were interesting. He lost himself in you. He was becoming more certain with every second he looked at you.
He had fallen in love with you.
What you heard had filled your heart with excitement, and those looks you received had increased it even more. There was something much different in those eyes now... more serious. Yes, Kili was a fun guy and you had definitely seen similar things in him, but this time it was different. The rhythm of his heartbeat changed.
“Kili…” you mumbled his name softly… soon Kili slowly pulled away, looking away from you. You frowned slightly, trying to understand. "Please talk to me."
Kili was so caught up in all these moments that he forgot the facts. You couldn't love him... how could you? Such a perfect and immortal being had no business being with an ugly - by dwarf standards - dwarf like him. Yes, he was incorrigibly flirtatious and outgoing, but deep down, his self-confidence was sometimes slipping. By dwarf standards he was considered ugly, he didn't have a proper beard and he certainly couldn't grow it, and his hair wasn't long enough. He didn't have as much hair on his body as there should have been. He wanted to be like his brother and uncle, but it was impossible, he could never be like them. Any woman would never be with someone who wasn't masculine enough, right? You wouldn't like it either.
He thought so, but he didn't realize how wrong he was. "You can never love me... why would you? I have nothing to love... I don't even have enough beard. I'm a hopeless person..." sentences suddenly came out of Kili's mouth. He looked at you, realizing what he said. You even thought it was cute that he could make such a simple thing such a big problem with his childish attitude, but of course, from his point of view, this was a serious thing. Well, this was normal for his young age.
He was about to get up, but you held his arm with a gentle smile on your face. "Oh Kili... you're so naive. Did you really think I would make a problem with this? I'm not a dwarf or a human. The things that bother you about yourself are not for me." He looked at you confused and thought about what you said for a while. Then you added again, "I'm an elf, and the things you mentioned don't apply in elven culture. But either way... you're beautiful just the way you are." You reached out your hand and placed it on his cheek. “You are so beautiful… in everything. I swear.”
Kili's eyes filled with tears at your attitude. He had never heard such things from anyone before, except his mother. But that didn't really count. He watched as his wet eyes found yours, he knew you wouldn't lie to him. Maybe someone else would make fun of him feeling such intense things and developing a sense of confidence in such a short time, it might seem like nonsense, but it wasn't like that. He trusted you and you always approached him with all your sincerity. He closed his eyes and leaned into your soft touch. He could stay like this forever and never complain. You gently caressed the side of his head with your thumb.
In some moments words were not necessary, you could only find peace in silence. It was exactly like that right now. There was no need for words. There was peace.
You and him.
Just the two of you.
The distance between the two of you was closing with each passing second and finally, as your eyes closed, both of your lips slowly met. His hand found your soft hand. Kiss was full of tenderness. You were as close to each other as possible. You both broke the kiss to catch your breath as your lips burned like fire. Foreheads met.
Kili whispered against your lips, "Amrâlimê"
And you whispered, "Meleth nîn"
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tolkien-feels · 2 years
You are not supposed to talk or worry about anything today, by Elrond's orders.
Oh please tell me Gandalf said the matter of the Ring was very urgent and Elrond very calmly informed him that his patient was not going to worry about anything today unless Sauron himself walked into Rivendell. Please, let Elrond's mood turn summer tempest-like over the mere possibility of something getting in the way of the healing of someone who's been through a lot
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tinytiger · 5 months
The Hobbit - A Kili x F!Reader Fanfic
The Great White Orc
After a goblin fight, Bilbo goes missing, causing Y/n to panic. Thorin cruelly suggests Bilbo abandoned them. Heartbroken, Y/n prepares to leave but is relieved when Bilbo returns. The group faces a warg attack, climbing trees for safety. Gandalf's flaming pinecones fend off the wargs. The White Orc, thought to be dead, reappears, and Thorin confronts him recklessly. Bilbo rescues Thorin, and eagles swoop in to save them from the wargs. The next morning, they spot the Lonely Mountain, reigniting hope. Y/n joyfully races towards it, with Kili and others following
TW- themes of abandonment, panic, danger, and perilous situations involving characters being chased and threatened by creatures.
After the fight with the Goblins, all the group ran out of the twisting paths. They soon found a clearing when then and only then, did Y/n notice that Bilbo was missing.
“Bilbo!” she shouted as loud as her tiny diaphragm could muster. Thorin looked up and saw how flustered she was at the possibility of missing her ‘father’.
Kili walked up to her, calmly putting his hands on her shoulders, and trying to calm her down. The whole company began to call for the Hobbit.
Nothing in reply.
Kili could feel the breath from Y/n quicken the more time they spent looking for her father. He looked down at her face; tears were falling down like a waterfall.
Gandalf began shouting, Y/n began shaking. Thorin had had enough.
“I'll tell you what happened to that hobbit!” He yelled, gaining everyone’s attention.
“He saw his chance and took it; he ran back to his hobbit hole. And left his daughter to be a burden for us.”
Y/n’s eyes shot up and looked straight at Thorin. What had he just said? She was a burden.
“Uncle!” Fili and Kili raised their voices against him.
Tears began to fall down Y/n’s face even quicker. Her father had left her, again. She had lost the only family who actually cared about her. Thorin said she was a burden; she knew it. She couldn’t make anyone happy.
Slowly she stood up, shaking. She pulled out her sword that she picked up from the goblin cave and turned around. Silently she walked away, cutting out the shouts of the company asking her to come back.
She didn’t want to; she wanted to go find Bilbo, Bilbo. Her father. The only one in Middle Earth who cared about her.
“He is long gone.” She stopped in her tracks.
Turning around, she saw Thorin gazing at her, the company looking at each other. Shaking her head, she began to pick up her pace when a soft, warm voice made a noise.
“No, he isn’t.”
Bilbo was there. He hadn’t abandoned her. Quickly she ran to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. The small hobbit chuckled and squeezed her tight, kissing her cheek as she smiled at him.
Then he turned to the company and began to speak, but Thorin cut him off.
“Why did you come back?” Y/n glared at him, not caring why Bilbo had returned, but still, he answered,
“Look, I know you doubt me, and I know you always have, and you're right, I often think of Bag End. I miss my books and my armchair, my garden. See, that's where I belong. That's home. That's why I came back; you don't have one. A home, it was taken from you, but I will help you take it back if I can.”
Bilbo smiled at the group, and then at Y/n. She giggled and looked at Kili who smiled at her too.
The heart-warming moment ended with a long, heart-stopping howl.
Y/n recognized that howl, a warg.
She ran, as fast as her tired legs could carry her. She found three large oak trees stood at the edge of a cliff.
It's death or be eaten by wargs.
The dwarves caught up with her and began to climb the trees, a little bit slowly. After she had made sure that most of the dwarves were up in a tree, she spun around to see if the orcs were close. They were about 10 meters from the tree.
Quickly she jumped up and grabbed the tree branch and with all her remaining strength she swung around and collided with something hard with an oof. Kili quickly grabbed onto her waist and pushed her so her back was against the tree trunk, his arms either side of her head.
“You really do like living things to the last minute, don’t you?” he looked down at her as she caught her breath. She looked up and gazed into his brown eyes. They reminded her of chocolate, or old books, or autumn leaves.
With a howl, the wargs were at the base of the tree, the two broke out of the moment and climbed up the tree to get out of reach. The dwarves, who were further up the tree, grabbed onto their arms and pulled them to perch on the branches.
They sat there for about 5 minutes hoping that the wargs wouldn’t suddenly learn how to climb trees.
Gandalf suddenly passed flaming pinecones to the group to throw at the wargs. Great idea, wargs hate fire!
Y/n aimed at the warg scraping at the tree below her and threw with all her might. It hit, lighting the animal on fire like it was made out of wood.
She whooped with joy, but then quickly remembered she was hanging onto a branch and clung back on.
They had been throwing pinecones at the wargs until they had all run away and stupidly set fire to the other. Then one somehow managed to knock over the tree next to Y/n’s. The dwarves were hanging onto it for dear life.
Thorin, who was in the branch above Y/n’s head cursed as he looked through the branches behind the wargs. Y/n followed his gaze and saw the white orc! He was supposed to be dead. He died of his wounds, according to legend.
Thorin, who was definitely out of his mind, slowly began to climb down the tree and began to swish his sword around in a ‘menacing’ manner. He walked towards the white orc.
He was going to get murdered.
The company were screaming and shouting to tell him to get back, to leave him.
Y/n’s eyes filled with worry as she watched him clash swords and dodge the orc's attacks. Then out of the blue, Bilbo ran towards him swinging the sword he had gotten from the troll's cave.
“Bilbo, no!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, trying so hard not to cry.
Then suddenly an arm wrapped round her waist, and she was lifted from the tree. She looked up and saw Kili sitting onto of an eagle, and he hauled her to sit in front of him. She was safe; that's all he needed to know.
She spun around just in time to see Thorin get knocked out by the warg and Bilbo come to the rescue before the eagles turned a corner. She had no clue what had happened to them; she looked at Kili, who smiled at her, putting a bit of stray hair behind her ears and wiped a speck of dirt off her cheek.
Y/n wrapped her arms around the dwarven man who she was head over heels for, and as she placed her head on his shoulder, she closed her eyes and let her tiredness take over her body.
The sun made its way over a mountain as Y/n opened her eyes, to see Bilbo shaking her foot gently.
She sprang up and pulled the man in a tight hug, squeezing him like she was a small toddler on his doorstep again. Thorin sat on a rock and glanced over at the two, smiling at the Princess.
Kili and the others were near the edge of a cliff looking at something on the horizon. She stood up and walked over to see. Bofur turned around and threw his arm around her.
Over the hill and far away was a mountain that stood all alone, nothing but trees surrounded it. The Lonely Mountain was dipped in snow which bounced the morning light towards the group.
“Is that…?” she asked, rubbing her eyes.
“The Lonely Mountain,” Fili said with a smile.
“Home,” Kili said, looking down at the girl to his left. She didn’t notice, too busy looking at the peaceful mountain.
Y/n smiled with glee; quickly she belted down the cliff like a rabbit, shouting, “last one to the bottom is a mountain troll!”
The company laughed as Kili, Fili, and Ori ran after the girl, yelling in protest
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mischieffoal · 1 year
LotR Musical: round 2
This is just a stream of consciousness, and I won't pretend it's a review or anything, it's just extra thoughts I had the second time I saw the musical. This is from September 20th, I've also just posted my notes on 4th October's show
Picked up friends along the way - we were all cloakèd this time! I saw Kelly and told her I loved her Instagram takeover!
Sadly raining, But! The pre show was still done, just indoors!! Met and chatted to Legolas, and Bilbo, and LOBELIA and I gave her a SPOON. Loved that they came upstairs to talk to us, it was well done for what is clearly a back up option. They still had fun dancing and playing hoopla etc downstairs on the stage
New cast member joined literally last week (Zara Naeem) and she just looks so natural and like she's always been there! R described Rosie as "the most wonderfully hobbit like person" (round face, amazing hair, and sheer energy at Bilbo's party)
I really love the ringle dance at the beginning, I think I am even more impressed by it and how tight everyone's choreo is because they're mostly dance moves I know from ceilidhs etc. Also very fun and not sure if intentional or just in character that someone in one of the 5 hand stars ended up facing the wrong way
I absolutely love knowing who they all are now. Aragorn and Arwen were dancing together!! And Pippin is often in the background of the next few scenes, playing her mandolin. I am now so much more cognisant of the foot tap greeting like I loved it last time but now I know how it's done I'm obsessed
Bilbo introduces the story with the “tell us a story” but it's clearly meant to be self-deprecating. Bilbo disappeared into the carved doors, and there's entire smoke, lighting and sound effects that don't happen outside that make it magical in a different way!
Act 1
I'd forgotten that after the party Frodo just... stands by himself in Bag End for a bit. He's burning papers - I wonder why. Just standing and thinking to himself - sings "road flow past your doorstep". Sam comes in, has a chat, then Rosie enters as well, and they're off to the ivy bush (apparently a phrase meaning ‘in secret’??). They are clearly inviting Frodo along, and Frodo is clearly not wanting to third wheel them, but as E said, they are trying to make it obvious that this is a tricycle, Frodo! He doesn't go with them. They foot tap goodbye. 
Frodo carries on reading things, then hides what he's reading when Gandalf knocks...?? Frodo protecting Sam from Gandalf is very cute and also gorgeous parallels to Sam protecting Frodo from Gollum just before mount Doom
Sam packs Mrs. Bracegirdle's plum cake - this man is always thinking of rations unlike anyone else in the entire musical (also E did eventually come to like Mrs. Bracegirdle's ever growing bakery but was at first incensed because "Bilbo makes his own plum cake!")
I love Merry and Pippin. So much.
The elves' lighting is just gorgeous and wonderful and I love how obvious the elf moments are and the clear differences between Rivendell elves and Lothlorien elves, and that Legolas is different again from both of them (it helps with important character status but also that Mirkwood (the northern forests) is a different group of people). However. We couldn't see the elf speaking to Frodo for shit (too high up). Sitting at the back of the balcony was definitely better for comfort but we did miss anything high on the back of the stage
I LOVE Saruman's line "a Dominion of light"
E pointed out that no one has mentioned that Hobbits are a different species yet. Barliman's opening different doors is absolute nonsense if you don't know they're tiny. Bill Ferny being racist is helpfully telling the audience that they're not human. I loved watching so many different characters this time! I was definitely trying to see everything I could, and I loved seeing extra things, but I'm glad I'm going again so I can truly sit back and enjoy it more calmly
Glorfindel is played by Folarin, a bald black dude. Incredible. 
Arwen's song of hope is called "lullaby" in the score, so she's diegetically singing it to Frodo, whilst Aragorn watches on. At the council - the rotation is SO COOL I noticed multiple characters who spoke as they reached the point where they were facing the audience. Insane detail to do 
Star of Yarandil my beloved. Arwen's HANDS they are just ALL OVER THE PLACE. She gives each member of the fellowship a blessing, and she lingers looking at Aragorn as she goes on to bless Boromir... also the hand movements. Damn. She's casting spells/blessings with her song and hands, and the whole ensemble then picks it up as well. They're VERY precise - literally each finger is doing something different, and they all do it in unison
Holy shit quick change - the fellowship finish star of Yarandil at Rivendell with Elrond, he leaves, then comes back on practically immediately as Saruman. I continue to be very attracted to Elrond/Saruman. They both stand very upright, but they have such different affects that they're just so clearly different characters - how?!
Frodo's face. So many emotions. My god that man. Thank you Samwise - so I'm wiser than a wizard? Extremely epic burn. Gimli's song isn't long enough!! I really appreciate it but it doesn't get enough time to shine! 
The songs really aren't musical songs - no character development or plot moments or emotions boiling over into song. They're just people singing songs. Here is a song I'm going to sing you about a story that is completely irrelevant, whilst some other characters have conversations about an entirely different bit of exposition. And that's what Tolkien is all about.
Yeah, compared to Gollum's death, Gandalf's death is sadly underwhelming
The Lothlorien elves do bird calls and Legolas calls back to them!! Hurrah for the stiff necks of elves and dwarves. Why did the movie cut this. Pippin is adorable. E also thought Legolas was in love with galadriel. Musicals out of context, y'all. Loooove the bollywood dancing here. Pippin is SO in character ALL of the time. Her facial expressions and how she dances - she's followng the choreo precisely but it's still clearly PIPPIN. They all sing with their characters voices as well, which is actually i think very hard and you don't really notice it because it's so seamless, whereas it's so easy to be dragged out of the story by singing not matching speaking voice. Galadriel's songs are a bit less fun when you can only see her legs... 
No Anduin we go straight to Boromir. Realised that there's no real explanation of the ring’s power over him, he just seems like an arsehole. I think that's why it's key that Frodo is shown more obviously corrupted, otherwise there's just no reason to like him. The three hunters are so so sweet with his death. Quick stormy music afterwards, including evil piccolo we love it
Act 2
Interval, still very rainy alas. I love Gollum so damn much . Ent moot is not actually plumbing, it's specific pipes they've added. I really really liked the scene with Denethor but it just wasn't dramatic enough. Needs opulence and significant lighting and timing and stuff I think. But I like the bones of it. The *words* of a king are healing. I love the 4 of them fighting together it seems so desperate but hopeful. Fucking love Saruman dude
Now and for always is about how hobbits don't like change. In the stories, they come back from their adventures and everything goes back to the way it was. That won't really happen here. Sam sings it to Frodo when he's stressing about destroying the Ring and losing the elves. Gollum joins in the chorus whilst hanging *upside down*. It feels so meaningful when Frodo joins in
God Aragorn and Arwen"s duet is so hot, they're so in love with each other and in each other and they kiss and yesssss (but also imagine aragorn just singing the harmony to himself alone in a room somewhere)
So Frodo decides to take the ring,  runs away to shelob's lair. Shelob doesn't get enough time to shine. She's wonderful and we don't see enough of her. Also Sam's final stab is a brilliant piece of blocking but didn't even get a second to land.
Sam saves Frodo, helps him better takes the ring to stop his burden. Isn't at all affected. Frodo wakes up, Gollum returns, they say thief, they all fight, Sam gives in and gives the ring back, then Gollum attacks. Sam protects Frodo so hard, don't talk to me or my friend ever again. God I love him. 
Wonder (again we can't see her singing) is a combo last battle build up, Mordor walking, last battle into mount Doom. Legolas and Gimli promise each other if they don't die today :) four orcs fighting. Sam hoists Frodo on his shoulders and carries him through and it has SO MUCH WEIGHT. Denethor is killed. One of the orcs is playing the trombone
Once again, I LOVE gollum's fall. Frodo and Sam put their waistcoats on as soon as they get out of the volcano before they even collapse! Aragorn fucking caresses Frodo. Our lives are forever entwined or some ridiculous romantic thing
I love Rosie!!! She's coming next time! Also who's Galadriel should she be worried
"You love the morning and my love is given to the evening" (apparently this is a Gimli and Eomer line) "But I thought we'd do it together" Fucking tear my heart out why don't you.
Sam is the aro friend when their best mate gets a girlfriend. He didn't realise what Frodo meant to him. Didn't realise Frodo didn't realise it. But I thought we'd do it together. Sing a duet and break my heart, yeah
Also now I've heard it more the dance version of now and for always is a banger 
And then after! We spoke to Aoife! Folarin! He said that I gave Lobelia a spoon! We took a photo and he signed my art! Aaron! Peter! Matthew! Aaah!! Everyone on the train home is still insane about it all!! Hobbit step goodbyes!!
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The hobbit x teen Neko heterochromic reader part 12.
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The battle is now happening.
Galu-good luck
Hanar-big brother
Iel Nin- my daughter
You and the company set up camp for the day after traveling the whole day and beating a small pack of orcs.
It has been a month since you became a member of the company and you grew very fond of Gandalf, Bilbo and the Dwarves during the past month.
You are sitting besides Bofur while helping him serve stew to the other members of the company (and making sure Bombur doesn’t sneak seconds for himself) while Balin gives you a history lesson on the Durin bloodline “In conclusion lass. Gold sickness is a very dangerous disease that leads the king under the mountain to greed.” The elderly dwarf said as your eyes widen from this fact about the Durin’s “Is there a cure for it?” You asked in hope “It’s unknown if there is lass but that’s a lesson for another time. You got a terrible bite from that warg that needs to be stitched.” Oin said pointing to the bite mark that went from your abdomen to your lower back “Better patch that up before it gets infected.” Dori said as you lifted up your shirt revealing one of your tattoos making everyone gasp “Lass that’s a fine tattoo.” Gloin said as Oin disinfected the bite and then started wrapping it in bandages “My sister let me get it for my birthday last month before the Orcs attacked our village, I have three more.” You said removing your cloak to reveal your butterfly flock tattoo, you lowered your left fingerless glove to reveal your crescent moon tattoo, then lifted up your slowly shredding leggings to show your tree tattoo on your ankle.
The dwarves, Bilbo and Gandalf are all in awe by the tattoos “Our youngest member has quite the collection.” Fili said making everyone including you laugh.
End of Flashback:
You couldn’t help but smile fondly of the memory but you looked up at Thorin and heard Thranduil speaking “We’ve come to tell you. Payment of your debt has been offered and excepted.” Thranduil said calmly “What payment? I gave you nothing! You have nothing.” Thorin said still holding his loaded bow making you gulp from last night ‘there will be war I know it.’ You think to yourself ‘Patience little one!’ You heard Thranduil say in your head as he glances down at you but he turns his head to Bard giving him the cue to take out the Arkenston from his coat.
You gulped again as Bard took out the now Milky white stone from his coat ‘Bilbo I hope you’re right.’ You think fearfully as Bard spoke while holding the now purified Arkenston and tossing it in the air “The stone is here in the mountain. Do not be fooled.” Thorin yelled until Bilbo came onto the balcony and began trying to reason with Thorin but the dwarf was not having any of it and began accusing Bilbo of robbing him.
Scared for Bilbo’s life you jumped off the elk and ran for the palace much to Thranduil’s and Bard’s horror “Y/N COME BACK.” Thranduil yelled about to jump off the elk but Gandalf stopped him “No, let her go! Maybe she can talk some sense into Thorin.” The old wizard said while Thranduil and Bard looked at your figure going into the mountain through a shattered window with concern “Please be careful child.” Bard said in fear while Thranduil nodded.
You managed to crawl your way into Erebor through a broken window and found three familiar elderly dwarves “Balin! Dori! Oin!” You said running up to them as their eyes widened in shock and relief “Y/N! It’s wonderful to see you again lass.” Balin said happily as he, Dori and Oin hugged you “We see the elf king has been treating you well.” Dori said looking you up and down “You’ve gotten a bit Taller since last we saw you lass.” Oin said looking up at you “It’s great to see you again, but I need to get to Thorin.” You said making them gloom “He is not himself lass.” Oin said “Aye! Ever since Smaug’s defeat the sickness had taken over him.” Balin said “Maybe seeing you will knock some sense into him.” Oin said as they lead you to where Thorin and the rest of the company are.
After running through twists and turns in the halls you’re finally at the balcony but Dwalin was guarding it “Dwalin!” You said running up to the warrior dwarf “Y/N! It’s wonderful to see you again Lass.” He said hugging you “There he is! Be carful lass, Mahal knows what he’s capable of in this state.” Dori said as Dwalin lets you go “I will.” You said until you heard Thorin’s cold voice shout “Never again will I have dealings with wizards or Shire rats.” He said in anger and that’s when terror struck you when he started demanding the other members of the company to throw Bilbo over the ramp but none of them obeyed making him angry “I’ll do it myself.” He said angrily grabbing Bilbo until you stepped out “DON’T DO IT THORIN.” You yelled out terror in your purple and red heterochromic eyes making everyone turn to you “Y/N? Thank Mahal she’s alive.” Kili said when Thorin spoke “Y/N! Why didn’t you come with us to lake town?” He asked looking you up and down for injuries when his eyes landed on the spot of your choker where the shard of the Arkenston use to be making him angry and slap you in the face causing you to fall and cut the left side of your face in the stone making everyone freeze and Thranduil felt anger boiling within him “You gave it to them. You traitor, I SHOULD HAVE LEFT YOU IN THE WILDERNESS.” He said about to strike you again but Fili got in front of you taking the blow instead while Kili, Bilbo and Bofur helped you up while Oin ran to treat your scar “Out of the way Fili.” Thorin said in anger “No Uncle.” Fili said until Gandalf spoke “If you are not pleased with my burglar or the neko then return them to me and Thranduil unharmed.” He said just after Oin put a plaster over your scar he winched from the hand mark on your face and the black eye you got from landing ‘He gave her quite the shiner.’ He thinks allowing you and Bilbo to climb down the rope but before you started climbing you gave Thorin a cold look and said “You’ve changed Thorin! You’re not the same Dwarf I meet in the wilderness months ago.” You said climbing down with Bilbo until Bard spoke “Will you have peace or will you have war?” He asked and you can hear Thorin loud and clear “I WILL HAVE WAR.” He yelled out just as you and Bilbo climbed down and ran to your respected guardians.
The moment you were helped onto the elk Thranduil immediately looked over your scar and black eye “He will pay for this.” Thranduil growled rubbing his thumb over your scar until a horn bellowed making you look up to see an army of dwarves with one of them riding on a boar “Good morning. How are we all?!” He asked looking at everyone “I have a wee proposition, if you don't mind giving me a few moments of your time.” He continued giving you a bad feeling “Would you consider...JUST SODDING OFF! All ye, right now!” He shouted making you clutch to Thranduil’s breastplate as he wrapped an arm around you protectively “Stand fast!” Bard shouted out “Come now’ Lord Dain.” Gandalf said clearly trying to negotiate but you can tell this was not going to work.
As Gandalf tries to keep the peace you whispered to Thranduil and Bard “He’s insane.” You said fearfully “She’s right.” Bard whispered back making Thranduil smirk “He’s clearly mad like his cousin.” Thranduil said making you face palm ‘Seriously Dad? Not the best time with a possible war happening.’ You think to yourself in terror “Y/N head to the town with my children, You’ll be safe there incase things get ugly.” Bard said “Go iel nin.” Thranduil said allowing you down from the elk “Be safe little one.” The elk said “I will.” You said running off to the ruined town of Dale.
As your running through the town your unaware of two orcs that were able to sneak in one holding the hilt of his blade and another with rope and a gag, the one with the rope pounced on you and tried tying you up but they were both shoot by arrows “Y/N, what are you doing here?” Looking up you saw a familiar blond elf “Legolas!” You said giving him a hug glad to see him alive “Does father know you’re here? And what happened to your face?” He asked hugging back “Yes, I came here with Dad, he and Bard are trying to negotiate with Thorin.” You said “Y/N, are you alright.” Tilda asked running to you with Bain and Sigrid “I’m alright Tilda, my big brother shot the orcs.” You told the human girl.
Hearing you call him big brother made Legolas’s heart flutter even though he only knew you for awhile he grew protective of you after finding out that you were the princess and heiress of a fallen kingdom “Hide with them Y/N.” Legolas said kissing you on the head “Galu Hanar.” You said in Sindarin as you both let go of each other and ran your separate ways “Come on.” Bain said leading you and his sisters deeper into Dale until you all found an abandoned house and walked into it.
As you and the Bardlings sat in the cold abandoned house all of you heard the sounds of grunting, dark speech and swords then an Orc kicked the old door down “I found the neko girl.” The hideous creature said advancing towards you and the three humans but Bain found an old bow with an arrow and shoot it “Come on.” he said leading you, Sigrid and Tilda “I want Da.” Little Tilda said fearfully clutching your cloak and Sigrid’s skirt as more orcs followed by trolls and goblins “Dear Valar help us all.” You whispered in fear as the battle began.
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ukranianacearo · 1 year
"Maybe in the next lifetime, I will be able to love you the same you love me"
Type of fic: Angst
Legolas x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mention of war crimes/invasion, mention of death
Summary: After the ring is destroyed, you recall memories of your life before you appeared here, some of the journeys and adventures you went with Gandalf, the company of Thorin Oakenshield, the Fellowship of The Ring, etc... And suddenly your peaceful moment is disturbed by the elven prince that you knew for more years that you can remember.
P. S. I'm really sorry if this is messy, English isn't my first language 😭 update 01/07/2024: I corrected some of the grammar, but it's still a hot mess😔
You were standing at the edge of the platform, Gondor's palace and the tree of the Kings various meters behind you. It was the day of Aragorn's coronation. Even though the official part of "coronation" was done many hours ago.
You were looking to the stars, remembering all the things you've done and experienced before and after your death in your world. You remembered some of your childhood memories, teenager memories, when you got into the university of Technology and Science. You remembered your death. You remembered how surprised you were when you first got here, into this world. You weren't that lucky that day, and you could tell that by the way you died and by the time you got here. You were shocked when instead of nothing you saw battlefield. You saw the army of orcs and the army of elves and humans. You were even more surprised when you discovered that you could create anything you know how worked or it's purpose with nothing needed. You remembered how Gandalf, your now old friend, invited you to assist a company of dwarves and a hobbit to reclaim Erebor, and you agreed. You didn't have something to do anyways. You remembered every visit to the Shire with Gandalf. You remembered every Bilbo's birthday. You remembered how the Fellowship of the Ring were formed and how you were surprised that you knew most of the members of the Fellowship personally. You remembered everything you could before hearing footsteps behind you.
After so many years in this world, you already knew who it was, but you couldn't understand why would he leave the party so early. You hoped that it wasn't for what you thought he came here.
"Legolas" You said calmly, not turning even your face to look at him. "What are you doing here?" You asked, turning your face to look at him when he was by your side. "I could ask you the same question, mellon nin" He answered looking at you. You turned your gaze back to the stars. "You know I hate being around so many people, even more if I don't know them" You heard him laugh softly at your answer. You couldn't hide your little smile. You loved moments of peace and you loved them even more if they were spent with dear to you people, and Legolas definitely was one of them. Even though you were scared of ruining your friendship with him by rejecting him. You were really surprised when he didn't seem to be in love with Tauriel, witch was very weird to you since you knew that he's supposed to be in love with Tauriel, but instead he seemed to be in love with you. You hoped that you were wrong with your conclusions, but when even Pippin and Merry suspected something, you knew. You were right. And it scared you. You knew that you could never love him the same way, you were just born without that type of interest at anyone. You just hoped that he will forget about his love, but the way his eyes glowed just by looking at you told you that it will be impossible.
His voice was what brought you back to reality. "I know, mellon nin. You couldn't even stand being at the party after we won the battle for Rohan, so it was obvious that you will not be able to be at this party for more than 2 minutes" He said while looking at you with a warm smile and his blue eyes glowing bright. You giggled at his comment which made him smile even more. "Yeah, that's true, but... Why would our dear prince of Mirkwood leave the party? I thought you were going to have another drinking or even eating competition with Gimli" You said as you looked at him with curiosity in your eyes. He turned his gaze to look at the stars. "Actually, I wanted to be more with you and talk about something.." he said after some time of silence. You were quiet, looking at him with curiosity, but at the same time with hope that it wasn't what you were thinking. After a minute or so, he spoke again "...I wanted to ask you about something, if we specify... Could I braid you hair?" Shit. Your only thought. You knew perfectly what braiding hair meant to elves. There were no going back now. It will be very difficult to joke it off now.
You were looking at Legolas shocked. "Oh Legolas..." You said after a minute of silence. "I'm sorry, but... I cannot answer to you with the same feelings... I'm sorry" You said and you could perfectly see how his face that looked at you with love and adoration looked at you now with the same expression just that... There also was sadness in his eyes. You looked at him with the look that tried to say something like 'I'm really sorry for this, but it's better for both of us'. After some minutes of silence you saw that he wanted to say something, but before he could you spoke. "Maybe in the next lifetime, I will be able to love you the same way you love me" After you said that you hugged Legolas. And he hugged you back. After some minutes you pulled back and said "Please, do not waste your love, your tears, your time or anything so dear of you on me. It's not worth it. I'm sure you will find someone who will love you the way you deserve and you will love them too...". Before you could continue Legolas interrupted you by saying " No.. No, I will not be able to find someone who will be at least a little bit close to what you are and the way you make me feel." he said, but now, it was your time to interrupte him "Don't waste your time on me, don't waste your time on someone, who will never be able to love someone. Please... You will only burn out and fade away. You deserve much more than that.. " You said as you cupped his cheeks and kissed his forehead and then started walking away. You both needed time to recover and not fail to mask your feelings the next time you meet. You hope that he will forget those feelings for you soon and find someone he deserves, someone who will love him. And you hoped that by the time you will meet at Valinor, after you will go there with the last board to there with Gandalf, Bilbo, Lady Galadriel and her husband, he will at least not love you so much.
Because you didn't want to hurt him that way. You hoped that the next time, you will be able to answer his feelings equally.
Hii, I hope you liked this post of you have any question/request for me, you can write it at request or in the comments
Have a nice day❤💮
Mellon nin - My friend
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l-itraklies · 2 years
Little Elf Pt. 2
Pairing: Kili x Fem!reader, Fili x (Platonic) reader
Words- 621
Warnings- none
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Little Elf
Narrators POV.
Y/n quietly crept out of her room, holding her bag with an extra cloak and boots for the winter. She had stuffed as many weapons as possible in her robe and boots. She had a decorated dagger in a sheath tied to her hip. Meanwhile, the company waits outside the walls waiting for her. 
“Do you think the las will show?” Dwalin questioned impatiently
“She is leaving her home,” Bofur defended
“She signed the contract” Fili kidded
“She’ll be here,” Balin said, “just wait”
“So Kili,” Bifur said, “Where’s my coin”
(Back to Y/N)
She snuck into the stables, to one specific stall in the back. There stood her pony, Álváró, jet black the only thing she could see was the moonlight reflecting in his eyes. “Sshh-sh, it’s okay boy, it’s me.” she hummed while holding her hands up against his snout. She didn’t bother to grab the saddle or reins, she hopped on his bare back, with what little belongings she had, and rode through the palace gates where she met back up with the company.
“There she is!” Kili burst upon seeing her
Kili’s POV.
I was surprised she came, but not mad. She wore brown-fitting pants, a pale green blouse, and a grey corset that cinched around her waist, similar to the one she had worn earlier. A black flowy cloak hung from her shoulders and matching knee-high boots.
“Kili, KILI! Brother!” Fili half-whispered into my ear
“What are you doing?”
Narrators POV.
The company got back on their ponies and began to make their way to their next stop. “Gandalf told us to head to the Shire, there we will find the last member of the company,” Balin explained to Y/N. “The Shire? Those are hobbits,” she explained, the rest of the company looked at her confused, “They are not fond of adventure.” Of course, Thorin didn’t listen to her, he mainly just huffed at her or completely ignored her existence. 
When the company found a spot far enough away from Lindon, they set all their things out and let their ponies rest.
“Who’s on the first watch?” Dwalin questioned
“Fili, Kili, and-” Thorin said, glancing at the company, “Y/n”
Fili and Kili let out enormous smiles, and Kili’s heart began to beat a bit faster. “What is it?” his brother said, Kili had a confused look on his face. “She is gorgeous,” Kili whispered, “like gold.”
The three walked out into the wood, Y/n and Kili had their bows drawn and Fili held twin daggers in his hands. They looked around for immediate threats, and when they decided it was clear they put their weapons down, but in close reach.
“What’s it like?” Fili asked, looking at his reflection in a small dagger
“Hm?” Y/n replied
“Being a princess,” Kili finished
“Tedious and dull,” she explained
“Hm,” Fili responded
“Why do you ask?” 
“My brother and I are the heirs to Erabor,” Kili explained
Suddenly, a raddle came from the bushes. Y/n and Kili quickly drew their bows, searching cautiously for the source of the sound. Fili stood up, with both daggers in hand. 
“Check everywhere!” a voice said
The voices steadily got closer, Fili and Kili shared looks, as if talking to each other. “What is happening?” Y/n demanded, the two looked at her almost scared. “Fili will go back to camp, you and I will follow them,” Kili said calmly,  with a smirk. Y/n stared at him, she shared the same mischievous smirk. Fili ran back to the camp, and Y/n climbed up the first tree she saw to follow Kili from above as they made their way toward the noise.
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thetolkientroubles · 2 years
Comparison between the Movies and Books
J.R.R. Tolkien was a fascinating yet somewhat boring fellow. He would spend a lot of time in his imaginative world and had simple values. Values that got passed down to his characters. He loved good beer, good stories, and a good smoke. From that alone, there are similarities that are passed down between Bilbo and Frodo. Those are kept in both his books and Peter Jackson's films.
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien had created entire races, worlds, and languages in his Middle Earth. Peter Jackson attempted his best to recreate that same magic in the movies. Not only the realisim but the magic as well. In an interview, Jackson mentioned how he wanted Saruman to be stabbed in the back and allowed Christopher Lee (Saruman) to the proceed to play the scene accordingly. Lee had actually fought in battle and knew exactly what kind of sound a person would make with that style of wound.
Jackson also seemed to demand a lot to recreate Gollum. There was another conversation that was recorded between Richard Taylor, Daniel Falconer, and Ben Wootten talking about how Peter Jackson really tried to push the technology available to the limits. Gollum was such a crucial character in the stories, two of the most famous J.R.R. Tolkien stories. Gollum was the terrible nightmare a hobbit could become if they were corrupt.
I don't think anyone had been brave enough to try to recreate that magic, at least not without some sort of example to follow through with it. As they said in the talk, not many characters were animated/CGI, they were only just creatures. The Lord of the Rings movies were revolutionary and made history in the world of cinematography. Just as the books did in literature.
Some areas were a bit of a shame because of their difference. Characters got erased along with the time span of the journey. I think the reason that Gandalf had taken so long to confirm that the ring that Bilbo found in his journey is because what are the odds he also found the Arkenstone. Yes, he was meant to technically find the Arkenstone but the ring was also extremely powerful and just found itself in the hands of a Baggins. It took him about 17 years in the books but it seemed like only moments in the film.
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"Christopher Lee calmly explains why he knows what sound to make when being stabbed in the back", https://youtu.be/Vx52kCxzllc
The Frodo Franchise (The Lord of the Rings and Modern Hollywood), p279. https://books.google.ca/books?hl=en&lr=&id=1odPDYvGBygC&oi=fnd&pg=PR11&dq=lord+of+the+rings&ots=6SZ52J0F_m&sig=6c4aS7puEH_UAQcADtUiBH-dUl4#v=onepage&q=book&f=false
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inkedmoth · 3 months
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Chapter Nine Posted!
“We will not be riding,” Gandalf said calmly, almost casually, eyes on the map and the route she was halfway through tracing, “they will be too obvious.” Dread settled in the pit of Rhosynel’s stomach. “Regardless,” she started, voice measured and controlled so not to sound hysterical at the idea, “the speed they’ll provide will be more help than hindera—” “No,” Gandalf cut her off, the single word sharp enough to sever her trail of thought. Rhosynel’s mouth snapped shut sharply enough to catch her tongue. The taste of copper flooded her mouth at the same time anger roiled through her chest. It took every ounce of training, of her years delivering bad news to powerful lords, to wrestle her anger from her features. Heartbeat by heartbeat, the irritation, anger, frustration, slid from her expression. Until finally, her face was blank and empty of all emotion. So much for finding a purpose within the Fellowship.
Bit of a late update this week as I was out at my grandma's 85th birthday all of yesterday!!
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futuristicyouthvoid · 3 months
Kili x Elf Reader
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While the days were going very calmly and peacefully in Rivendell, the visit of the dwarves accompanied by Gandalf interrupted this.
As you followed Lord Elrond and Gandalf, you smiled at their little banter about 'dressing appropriately'. While they were settling down at the table, you walked over to your cousin Lindir and gently clasped your hands in front of you. "Your face looks like you're in pain..." you said loud enough for him to hear. He glanced at you briefly. “It's not wrong… I'm just… wondering how this would turn out.” You wanted to laugh at his attitude but you didn't, yet you couldn't help but try. "I honestly expected better from you, your expression is still a bit soft. Try not to waste yourself too much." You gave a small smile as he shifted uneasily.
You watched the surroundings, or rather the dwarves, throughout the meal. You weren't very familiar with them, so you wanted to observe. In any case, it was not difficult to predict that things would explode at some point. They were quite rambunctious… in one word, attenuated.
You were talking softly with Lindir, at this moment you came face to face with one of them. It was obvious that he was much younger than the others. When you didn't look away for a while, he smiled at you and then winked. You were amazed at first by his bold attitude, but then you reminded yourself that he was a dwarf. Of course it would happen. He looked surprised when you went beyond your limits and gave him a small smile. He never thought that you would respond to him, especially after a few unsuccessful attempts... Your sensitive ears had heard his conversations with his friends, which were louder gossip than they thought anyway.
At some point things really broke out. Suddenly all hell broke loose, a food fight broke out between them, accompanied by the dwarf who climbed onto the table and sang. You'd never admit it, but it seemed kind of fun. Poor Lindir's horrified expression amused you even more, and you almost laughed, but held yourself back again.
As you were about to turn around, you froze in place as a piece of food hit your chest. The front of your light-colored dress and the curls hanging down the sides of your face were stuck. There were some dwarves who noticed this. One of them was that young dwarf...
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The Hobbit x Neko heterochromic teen reader part 11.
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Going to Erebor.
You are in shock to hear that your homeland wasn't destroyed at all but that your brother is ruling the kingdom with orcs as Gandalf explained what has happened to your homeland over the past years "Thranduil you are to protect Y/N with your life." Gandalf said "She means everything to me Mithrandir. Ever since she started calling me her father I swore to protect her." He said to the wizard "I will help with protecting Y/N, she has helped healed the wounded and is close with my children." Bard said giving you a gentle smile making you smile back.
That night:
You stand by your father's makeshift throne in front of a ranting Gandalf “I think you’re trying to help your dwarvish friends. And I admire your loyalty to them but it does not dissuade me from my course.” Thranduil said getting up from his throne and walking towards Gandalf “You started this Mithrandir you will forgive me if I finish it.” He said then went to a guard while you stand near the throne as Thranduil gives orders to the guard and Gandalf smokes his pipe “The dwarves are out of time.” You heard your adoptive father say as the guard went to do what he was told “Y/N I am giving you your fathers sword if we are to go to battle tomorrow.” He said as a guard came with your late father’s sword and handed it to you. Before you could thank Thranduil another familiar voice was heard then Gandalf and Bard came back into the tent with Bilbo “Bilbo!” you said happy to see the hobbit again “Y/N! It’s lovely to see you again.” He said looking up at you “I see Thranduil has been treating you well.” He said glad to see you unharmed “If I’m not mistaken this is the halfling who tried to steal the keys to my dungeon right from under the noses of my guards.” Thranduil said calmly “Yesh! Sorry about that.” He said walking up to the table “I came to give you this.” Bilbo said placing something in cloth on the table, unwrapped the cloth to reveal the Arkenston making Thranduil’s and Bard’s eyes widen in awe but yours widened in terror dual to feeling a dark energy radiating off of the rainbow gem. As Bilbo is talking you walked towards the stone and began using your powers on it making the tent go silent “What is this? What is she doing?” Bard asked “She’s purifying it.” Gandalf said in awe as you took the shard from your choker off from the chain, placed it in the crescent shape hole in the stone and watched as it magically merged into the stone as it turns milky white instead of a rainbow.
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Once you’re finished everyone is in awe at the sight before them, they didn’t feel the greed or any negative energy from the stone but instead they felt light in the tent “excellent work iel nin” Thranduil said rubbing your ear’s very pleased “Hannad! Ada.” You said yawning “Get some sleep. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.” He said hugging you and kissing your head “Goodnight Dad.” You said hugging him back “Á lorë vandë!” He said “Goodnight Bilbo, Gandalf and Bard.” You said walking out of Thranduil’s tent and towards yours “Sleep well dear.” Bilbo said “See you in the morning dear.” Gandalf said next “Goodnight Y/N.” Bard said last.
On your way to your tent you saw the Bardlings heading to an abandoned house for the night “Goodnight guys.” You said hugging them “Goodnight Y/N.” They all said hugging back but Bain was blushing and stuttering making you blush to “I’ll see you three in the morning.” You said not before quickly giving Bain a kiss on the cheek and zooming towards your tent unaware of the human man and wizard chuckling while Thranduil and Bilbo had the look that screamed overprotective father “They seem close.” Thranduil said clearly not liking what he saw and glanced at Bilbo “Indeed.” The Hobbit said “She is a teenager after all.” Gandalf said walking out with Bilbo following behind.
The next day:
You are riding with Thranduil on his elk with Bard riding next to you two towards Erebor with the elven army behind. The elk and horse walked up the steps towards the stone palace but with your sharp eye sight you saw Thorin shot an Arrow at you and Thranduil, you used your powers to shield yourself and Thranduil incase the arrow hit you two but it landed at the elks hooves causing Thranduil to stop the elk “I’ll put the next one between your eyes.” You heard Thorin say making the other dwarves cheer.
Looking up you saw that Thranduil wasn’t phased by the threat as Thorin notched another arrow with the archers notching their arrows but Thranduil held up his hand with a hold motion and all fell silent.
You saw that Thorin looked changed aside from his attire his eyes no longer had that warm look you knew during the three months you’ve been with the dwarves but instead they had insanity in them as if he had been consumed by greed “The gold sickness.” You whispered remembering one of your history lessons with Balin two months ago.
iel nin: my daughter.
Hannad: Thanks.
Ada: Dad/Daddy/papa.
Á lorë vandë!: Sleep well!
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camdentown-library · 3 years
Ashes of a battle
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𝕺𝖍, 𝖆 𝖇𝖔𝖔𝖐 𝖋𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖔𝖋𝖋 𝖆 𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖋, 𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖙 𝖇𝖊?
Requested? No Summary: The battle of the five armies has brought with it so much devastation, the now arid fields are filled with the corpses of strangers and you desperately hope not to find that of Meludir among them. But a silhouette on the horizon returns to you familiar and... Pairing: Meludir x fem!reader Genre: romantic ;; a bit angst Warnings: Mention of blood and deaths, well we're talking about the aftermath of a battle Words: 1,912
In the land of Dale there was a persistent acrid smell of blood and ash in the air, so much so that your nostrils would instinctively curl up in annoyance.
Absolute silence should have reigned on that now desolate battlefield: a silence of mourning, a silence of relief and gratitude for those saved from violent death, the silence of those who have seen the horror of war pass them by. Instead, every couple of steps your aching feet took there was someone crying in pain or moaning, bodies slaughtered and mutilated, which by some cruel chance were still alive in the grip of madness.
You shrugged into your own shoulders and biting the inside of your left cheek you tried in every way not to be pervaded by pain and discomfort, to be strong and calculating, as Gnadalf had always taken care to recommend you.
Already Gandalf, your mentor, who knows where he was...A part of you now completely torn apart by your tired muscles, was begging you to drop to the ground like a sack of potatoes, and with lost eyes to wait for the gray sorcerer found you with his usual worried mutter. But you knew you couldn't do that, not until you made sure that one particular person wasn't dead: Meludir.
After leaving with Thorin Mirkwood's company, you had never had a chance to meet again, yet just before the battle, you had found him wandering about busy with preparations near King Thranduil's tent.
You never expected the young man (if one might say so for an elf) as soon as he caught a glimpse of you, he approached you with a seemingly relieved smile. On the other hand, after all that had happened why on earth would he have to remember you or worse still get close, knowing how hostile Thranduil was towards you?
"I see you're still alive" he said, catching your attention.
"I would have liked to meet you in a more different situation" you admitted a little tense and worried.
Meludir sighed looking at the horizon through the ruins of Dale: "These are difficult times..." he said.
"Will you fight?" you asked perhaps too stupidly, after a few moments of silence.
"If my king commands it then I will" he said calmly without batting an eye.
"Don't you think that all this is useless? We are talking about a skirmish between two rulers, it is not necessary to fight" Meludir smiled, he liked your calm soul, just like Mithrandir's, yet you didn't like it when he gave you those looks moved, you felt almost like a lost and defenseless child in front of his eyes.
"Sometimes we don't have the choice, but I'm sure this will last less than expected" you shook your head at Meludir's overly positive statement.
"Yet I have a bad feeling" you commented. You were always sure of what you perceived, even Gandalf always indulged you, because somehow your instinct as an emerging sorceress was never wrong.
"Come on, I have to fight some dwarves. He'll only be back with a couple of cuts on his knees," the elf replied carelessly before returning to the preparations of weapons and armor.
"Meludir" the boy immediately turned, hearing your lips utter his name was a call to which he was sure he could never fold back "Promise me you'll come back to me" you said lowering your gaze and then lifting it up again, hoping that your expression would not made you too fragile in his eyes.
Meludir smiled and giving you a little nod said: "Promised"
Certain promises cannot be made, you thought as you come back to the present, especially when an immense horde of orcs appear out of nowhere and make a slaughter never before seen on the battlefield...
The more time passed the more you were convincing yourself that you would not find more traces of Meludir, well maybe better this way rather than finding her body mangled in the middle of the field...you would not have made it mentally in front of the scene.
With your heart broken and exhausted you gave up and kneeling towards the beginning of a small hill, you rested the dirty palms of your hands on the ground letting your mouth throw out heavy breaths and small aching moans.
You wanted to cry, but you were too tired to even do that, you just wanted to go home and lock yourself in your little room and not interact with the world for a long time. Nothing was worth moving on now.
"YN?" that voice...your head rose immediately when you noticed a figure of an elf familiar to you above the small hill.
"Meludir?!" a rush of adrenaline gave you the courage to make the last few meters running awkwardly towards him, before wrapping your arms around his torso.
You knew that this type of contact wasn't usual among elves, but you didn't care now about the etiquette or if Meludir had been seized by a possible wave of discomfort, I was alive and that mattered.
When you felt his armored arms hold you tight against his slender body, a small gasp escaped you without your being able to contain it, as his hand let his fingers caress your hair.
"I told you I'd come back to you" he said with a smiling but very tired expression.
"I was afraid of losing you anyway" you whispered, while with both hands you gently grabbed his face, so that your foreheads touched. A chaste and affectionate gesture, which in the eyes of anyone would have been unusual, to see a human and an elf so linked was not every day.
Your eyes were closed as neither of you seemed to want to break away. The elf's hands had come down until they were laced softly on your hips, while a few strands of his brown hair fell smoothly near your face, gently tickling it.
"Come, I'll take you to the camp" he murmured, reluctantly pulling away before beckoning you to follow him.
* * *
Dusk had now fallen on Dale, while sadly you heard the news that Thorin, Kili and Fili were dead, as well as so many other exceptional warriors...and after being medicated, you decided to step away from the noise and sit down. with a blanket around his shoulders on what must have been a stone wall of the old Dale square that gave a wide view of the place outside the ruins.
Gandalf seemed very busy, so you decided to give yourself a moment of solitude, reflect and figure out what to do after all that happened. But the noise of someone taking a seat next to you made you turn your gaze to the left, finding a pensive Meludir man intent on observing the horizon.
"How are the wounds going?" he asked politely.
"They will pass with time, they will be scars to tell...how are you?" you asked after shrugging a hint of a sigh.
You took a moment to better observe the figure of the wood elf next to you, since now that nothing seemed to rush you.
It was the first time you saw him with war armor on, the golden and white color made him even more regal and captivating to the eye, despite a few dents here and there, while each metal shape and curve better accentuated his slender and tonic body. The helmet seemed absent, however, as its long straight hair danced slowly in the air when the wind decided to caress it.
"I lost a lot of friends today, in the end you were right about your omen," he replied in a sad tone after a few moments of silence.
"Yeah...But for once I would have preferred to be wrong" you nodded lowering his head.
"What will you do now?" he asked at that point "I imagine that with this dangerous action by the orcs Mithrandir will have a lot to think about"
"I don't know...I, I'm too grieving to go in search of new adventures or follow Gandalf. Wherever I go, there are wars, betrayals, every sign of man's corruption and innocents always pay the highest price” you answered shrugging your shoulders and then resting your head on the elf's right shoulder, who did not seem to be sorry “What will you do instead?"
"The only thing I want now is to drink some good wine and hole up in my room, hear no orders from the king all the time and sleep, even though..." the elf seemed intent on observing his fingers. playing with each other as the tip of her tongue passed along the line of her soft lips with a shy way.
"Even though?" you asked a little perplexed.
"I would even more prefer to wake up with the scent of your hair next to me" your cheeks lit up a peach pink, when his deep gaze met your eyes a little open in surprise.
"M-Meludir I-I don't know what to say" in fact you would never have expected such a direct confession from an elf.
"I know, there are so many reasons why we shouldn't be together, but I'm tired of hearing them. And if my king doesn't want it either, then I'll be your knight, you and me, around the middle earth" both you let out a small amused smile to dampen that surreal situation, but then the elf resumed his serious tone
"Where are you going I'll go, I'll always come back to you" he concluded with a small nod.
He seemed really sure of himself, are we sure it was the same elf who a few hours earlier had told you that what King Thranduil would have commanded him he would have carried out without thinking too much?
"I didn't make you so bold, Meludir. I believed you anymore ---"
"A faithful guard?" he asked raising an eyebrow. You wanted to say 'naively faithful' but you settled down and nodded.
"I still am" he admitted, perhaps a little wounded in his pride "But as you told me, certain wars are not necessary and perhaps it is time for me to start making my own decisions without a ruler guiding me as it suits him” his explanation at that moment seemed honest to you even if perhaps a little rash, probably having survived the fight had made him more mature, compared to the sunny and playful Meludir, but after all it was also right to grow and become more and more aware.
"So you are there?" he asked, waking you up from your thought with a friendly smile, the playful elf you knew is back.
"One step at a time, in the meantime we take a horse and try to go back to Mirkwood to rest. The rest will be seen as time goes on," you replied with your usual pragmatic way. Meludir then smiled happily and satisfied, he got up to fetch a horse for the journey.
In the meantime, you let him go, observing him from afar and unable to contain the emotion and happiness, a smile was printed on his face, while you hugged even more in that blanket.
Both departed, under the perplexed eyes of some elves and the judgmental one of Thranduil and close to each other, you crossed the lands gradually more and more green than the middle earth, leaving behind you the ashes and sad memories of a battle now over.
𝕯𝖔 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖇𝖔𝖔𝖐 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖎𝖈𝖍𝖊? 𝕺𝖗 𝖉𝖔 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖎𝖙 𝖆𝖌𝖆𝖎𝖓?
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captain039 · 3 years
In the company of wolves
Last chapter <-
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The dwarves sat by the fire, drying their clothes while you sat by the window. Kili was getting paler by the second, something wasn’t right. 
You walked over to the dwarf and knelt in front of him. He was shaking, eyes closed not aware you were there till you touched his leg. He hissed and flinched before he saw you. 
“I’m fine,” he said snatching his leg from you. 
“Kili you are not fine,” you said calmly trying to get it in his head. 
“I’m fine” you glared at the dwarf huffing in annoyance as you stood. 
“You’re an idiot,” you said walking away. 
“Where are the weapons you promised lad?” Dwalin spoke. 
“Wait here” Bard muttered disappearing down the stairs. 
You were annoyed, angry at the dumb witted dwarf who was in pain, that arrow was laced with something, the poison flooded his body by now no doubt. 
“Are you alright?” You glanced to the young woman, Sigrid her name was. 
“Don’t join the company of dwarves” you said glancing to Kili worried. 
“Father said he was your one,” Sigrid said and you shook your head. 
“No, only said that so he didn’t ask questions” you whispered to the girl as Bard came back. 
“Why are you here then?” She asked quietly. 
“Forced somewhat, Gandalf is like my father figure, supposed to watch over me however he has gone off somewhere” you sighed. 
“You seem like you need someone to talk to, get things off your chest, do you want to come upstairs?” She smiled kindly and you smiled back. 
“I won’t burden you,” you said and she shook her head. 
“I love with my father you won’t burden me” she whispered and chuckled making you smile as she grabbed your hand and led you upstairs. 
“Simple merchants wouldn’t be sneaking around this town,” she said sitting down on the bed. She was a kind girl, you weren’t sure how old she was, maybe 17 or 18. You didn’t want to release the company’s secret, this was their mission and yours now to uphold. 
“No they wouldn’t” you muttered. 
“And a certain pair of eyes wouldn’t be following you so much if you were the one to the young dwarf” you flushed furiously at her boldness. 
“What’s his name?” She grinned, you supposed she couldn’t do this with her little sister, perhaps she didn’t have friends here either, this town seemed thick and on edge. 
“Y/n” you jumped when Thorin called you. 
“What?” You asked. 
“Come on” he cocked his head making you frown. 
“What’s going on?” You asked following the dwarf down the stairs. 
“We’re leaving” he stated bluntly and you frowned. 
“You can’t leave!” Bain said blocking the door. 
“Lad you will move or be trampled,” Dwalin said. Bain couldn’t argue against the dwarf warrior he moved and the dwarfs scurried out one by one. 
“Kili?!” You questioned with a hiss as he went too, with you following. 
“I’m sorry” you muttered as you passed Bain. 
The dwarves snuck around apparently going somewhere. They stopped at a building, a blacksmith, they scouted around before creating steps with themselves to the window. One by one they climbed in, Thorin the last one in as he looked to you. 
“No!” You whispered and he gave you a stern look. 
“I’m not climbing on them,” you said quietly. 
“I will hide here,” you said final and went and hid. 
You waited outside with nerves before you heard clattering. Your heart dropped and soon bells rang and guards came rushing out. 
You were escorted to the master of this town, you glared at the ground, before sighing. 
“What is the meaning of this?!” A man burst out, thinning hair and beard, struggling to keep his clothes on straight as he rushed into them. 
“Thieves Milord” you looked to the voice seeing Alfred. You quickly looked away the man was not nice to look at. 
“Thieves!” The lord said. 
“What on earth are dwarves doing thieving in my town!” The lord bellowed. 
“I am Thorin son of Thrain son of Thror” Thorin stepped forward. 
“I’ve come to take back my homeland” he added as everyone when quiet. 
“If you would help us, please, I will promise to make this town what it once was, the waters will run with gold once again!” The dwarf moved to the stairs looking back to the people. The lord's face said he agreed, nothing but greed and wealth on his mind. 
“I welcome you then! Thorin son of Thrain!” The crowd cheered as someone pushed past you. 
“Wait!” You looked seeing Bard. 
“He will awaken the dragon! Slaughter all of us! He cannot promise anything!” Bard said making Thorin frown. 
“Do you not remember what happened? What happened to our people when that beast came down?!” Bard turned to the people and they nodded in agreement. 
“If I remember correctly Bard, it was your ancestors that failed to bring down the beast,” Alfred said and you frowned. 
“Miss after miss” Alfred taunted. 
“Think of the gold! This town will be glorious again!” The lord bellowed and everyone cheered. Bard looked to the ground in defeat annoyance and worry clear on his face as he went home. 
“Come! Let us feast!” 
Next chapter ->
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ebaeschnbliah · 3 years
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Frodo, Pippin, and Sam made their way back to the parlour. There was no light. Merry was not there, and the fire had burned low. It was not until they had puffed up the embers into a blaze and thrown on a couple of faggots that they discovered Strider had come with them. There he was calmly sitting in a chair by the door! 
'Hallo!' said Pippin. 'Who are you, and what do you want?' 
'I am called Strider, 
and though he may have forgotten it, your friend promised to have a quiet talk with me.’
‘I was looking for a Hobbit called Frodo Baggins. I wanted to find him quickly. I had learned that he was carrying out of the Shire, well, a secret that concerned me and my friends. ‘Now, don't mistake me!' he cried, as Frodo rose from his seat, and Sam jumped up with a scowl. 'I shall take more care of the secret than you do.  And care is needed!' He leaned forward and looked at them. 'Watch every shadow!' he said in a low voice. 'Black horsemen have passed through Bree. On Monday one came down the Greenway, they say; and another appeared later, coming up the Greenway from the south.' ...
'I knew these horsemen were pursuing me; but now at any rate they seem to have missed me and to have gone away,' said Frodo.
'You must not count on that!' said Strider sharply. 'They will return. And more are coming. There are others. I know their number. I know these Riders.' ... ‘They will come on you in the wild, in some dark place where there is no help. Do you wish them to find you? They are terrible!' ... 'Perhaps I know more about these pursuers than you do. You fear them, but you do not fear them enough, yet. Tomorrow you will have to escape, if you can. Strider can take you by paths that are seldom trodden. Will you have him?' 
There was a heavy silence. Frodo made no answer, his mind was confused with doubt and fear. Sam frowned, and looked at his master; and at last he broke out: 'With your leave, Mr. Frodo, I'd say no! This Strider here, he warns and he says take care; and I say yes to that, and let's begin with him. He comes out of the Wild, and I never heard no good of such folk. He knows something, that's plain, and more than I like; but it's no reason why we should let him go leading us out into some dark place far from help, as he puts it.' 
Pippin fidgeted and looked uncomfortable. Strider did not reply to Sam, but turned his keen eyes on Frodo. Frodo caught his glance and looked away. 'No,' he said slowly. 'I don't agree. I think, I think you are not really as you choose to look. You began to talk to me like the Bree-folk, but your voice has changed. Still Sam seems right in this: I don't see why you should warn us to take care, and yet ask us to take you on trust. Why the disguise? Who are you? What do you really know about - about my business; and how do you know it?' 
'The lesson in caution has been well learned,' said Strider with a grim smile. 'But caution is one thing and wavering is another. You will never get to Rivendell now on your own, and to trust me is your only chance. You must make up your mind. I will answer some of your questions, if that will help you to do so. But why should you believe my story, if you do not trust me already? Still here it is ' ...
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.   
(Performed by Christopher Lee)
Sam was not daunted, and he still eyed Strider dubiously. 'How do we know you are the Strider that Gandalf speaks about?' he demanded. ... You might be a play-acting spy, for all I can see, trying to get us to go with you. You might have done in the real Strider and took his clothes. What have you to say to that?' 
'That you are a stout fellow,' answered Strider; 'but I am afraid my only answer to you, Sam Gamgee, is this. If I had killed the real Strider, I could kill you. And I should have killed you already without so much talk. If I was after the Ring, I could have it - NOW!' 
He stood up, and seemed suddenly to grow taller. In his eyes gleamed a light, keen and commanding. Throwing back his cloak, he laid his hand on the hilt of a sword that had hung concealed by his side. They did not dare to move. Sam sat wide-mouthed staring at him dumbly. 
'But I am the real Strider, fortunately,' he said, looking down at them with his face softened by a sudden smile. 'I am Aragorn son of Arathorn; and if by life or death I can save you, I will.' 
There was a long silence. At last Frodo spoke with hesitation. ... ‘You have frightened me several times tonight, but never in the way that servants of the Enemy would, or so I imagine. I think one of his spies would - well, seem fairer and feel fouler, if you understand.' 
'I see,' laughed Strider. 'I look foul and feel fair. Is that it? All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost.' 
'Did the verses apply to you then?' asked Frodo. 'I could not make out what they were about.'  ...
'I am Aragorn, and those verses go with that name.' He drew out his sword, and they saw that the blade was indeed broken a foot below the hilt. 'Not much use is it, Sam?' said Strider. 'But the time is near when it shall be forged anew.'
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JRR Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, Strider
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sunflowersupremes · 3 years
I think I've made like, two sarcastic comments about how I'm glad the Finarfin you've mentioned isn't the Finarfin from my stories (or at least in the splinters like jewel shards verse) but I don't think I've asked, do you have any headcanons on Finarfin? I'm interested if you'd like to share any!
Yes!!! I remember that comment. I also hope he’s a bit nicer than the Finarfin from Return in Chains, one of my fics (although that Finarfin isn’t evil… just… makes questionable decisions out of desperation, which is basically the Finwean Family Pastime).
He thinks “Finarfin” (aka Finwe-Ara-Finwe) is a terrible name and can’t believe his brother would have done such a stupid thing. (He also thinks “Fingolfin” is a terrible translation).
After all his relatives took off and left them, he got put in charge of not only the country, but also literally everyone’s CRAP. Meaning, as the only remaining member of the house of Finwë, he had to figure out what to do with all the houses and possessions they left behind. He ended up boarding them up and leaving them, in the hopes that they would come back one day (elven possessions don’t rot or decay, after all).
The only time he used one of his relatives homes after they left was gifting Maglor’s house to Celebrían when she arrived. By that time he had accepted that Maglor would never return, and he figured she had the best claim to it (and it had the largest garden, which he knew she would like, and it was in the artist’s district which she loved). When Elrond actually managed to drag Maglor back with him, Arafinwë was SHOCKED. Thankfully, Maglor was fine with him gifting it to her and just moved in with them.
He just generally seems like he wants the best for everyone. I don’t think he’s a coward, I think he’s just very cautious (and he has a bit of foresight, which means he probably saw that the future would be WORSE if he went as well). I also like the idea that part of his reason for staying was ‘get on the Valar’s good side so I can eventually convince them to help’ not realizing that by the time they helped his entire family would be dead.
He has a great sense of humor and is generally a fun guy to be around. His assorted relatives know they’re always welcome at either of his homes (he has one in Tirion and one in Aqualonde) even if he’s not there himself. Half the time he gets back from vacation to find at least two random nieces/nephews chilling in his house.
He and Maglor both have a similar grasp of emotions and Osanwe. Maglor uses his gifts to fuck with people; Finarfin tries to use his to help people. He spends a lot of time going around fixing all the people Maglor has screwed with.
Arafinwë annoys Maglor precisely because he can see through Maglor’s attempts at manipulation. Maglor tried to trick him into doing something once and Finarfin calmly said ‘if you wanted attention you only had to ask’ (that, of course, was HIGHLY OFFENSIVE as far as Maglor was concerned).
Arafinwë does not want the crown. It is a running joke in Tirion that whenever someone from the line of Finwë is reborn or sails, he tries to give them the crown (it is true, actually, but no one else wants the thing either). He even tries to give it to Maglor once he turns up.
His attempt at inventing democracy backfired when he was elected.
Nerdanel becomes very close to him during the First Age while they bond over missing their children.
He keeps a memorial in the palace garden, with markers - made by Nerdanel - for every fallen member of the house of Finwë. They even add a marker for Gil-Galad after the Last Alliance even though no one has any idea who the fuck he is or if he’s related. The memorials are kept even after the dead are re-embodied, as a reminded of ‘that dumb thing you did that one time’
He makes annual trips to the Halls of Mandos just to ‘chat’ with Namo (and subtly inquire as to when he’s going to be getting his relatives back). Finrod’s release was, in part, to try to appease Arafinwë, but all it did was make him more determined that he COULD get the rest of his family back.
He informs Namo that no, no you will NOT be keeping my brother and his children until the Second Music, thank you very much. (Namo points out that their Fëar are very badly damaged, Arafinwë asks why the fuck Namo thinks that he - as a Vala - is best equipped to heal people who hate his guts)
Fëanor gave him a pet swan when he was five because Fëanor thinks swans are assholes and expected it to terrorize his younger brother. Instead Arafinwë befriended the swan and trained it to bite Fëanor on command.
Arafinwë typically doesn’t eat meat, the only exception is fish.
He can’t figure out why the Valar put Eönwë in charge of the host. I mean, he’s a great guy and a terrifying fighter, but he seems to have a few screws loose.
Elrond and Elros’ return to Gil-Galad was only because of Arafinwë. Maedhros and Maglor didn’t trust the host of the Valar, but Arafinwë sent them a letter promising to personally watch over the twins and arguing that they would be safer with the Host. Because of this, Elrond and Elros resented him for a long time, blaming him for taking them away from their adopted family.
Arafinwë spent a good chunk of the War of the Wrath keeping Eönwë from accidentally causing Diplomatic Incidents or Other Minor Catastrophes. The rest of the War was spent trying to work how the the fuck he’s related to Gil-Galad. He still isn’t sure, he’s pretty sure Fingon might have just picked up a random kid somewhere. Or he might be a Fëanorian, but he kind of hopes NOT. He loves his half-brother, but holy fuck.
It was his idea to turn Morgoth’s crown into a collar, because he was fucking pissed off by that point. It was mostly a joke, but Eönwë, being a himbo, went with it.
He was attempting to negotiate either the return of the Silmarils OR a different way to end the Oath when Maedhros and Maglor stole the Silmarils from Eönwë’s camp. One of the guards they killed was a childhood friend of Arafinwë. Arafinwë already had rooms waiting for Maedhros and Maglor back in Tirion, because as soon as he got them on a boat he was planning to take them straight home, whether that was the Valar’s plan or not.
Arafinwë had managed to arrange a pardon for Galadriel, but she was still angry and proud and announced that she didn’t want it, thus resulting in her getting a personal ban.
He knew Galdalf before he went to Middle Earth and gave him a very long list of things to tell Galadriel, most of which amounted to ‘get over yourself and apologize to the Valar so you can come home you fucking idiot (and please tell Elrond hello, he’s a lovely child, really)’
He adores the Hobbits and can’t believe Elrond managed to bring them. Gandalf who? He gives his grandson-in-law all the credit, thank you very much.
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