sarahsedserio · 8 hours
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spaciebabie · 1 year
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novelconcepts · 6 months
I’m here
I’m queer
I made the mistake of laying down and now it’s over for me
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devildevotee · 8 months
Magic Ideas for Share Bear 🍭
disclaimer: i'm doing this because i've been experimenting with carebears in my magic lately, working with them as pop culture spirits as well as physical charms and influences for my spells. the ideas presented are simply ideas, and that's all they are - they are not extensive and i encourage anyone curious about this kind of magic to explore other uses if they feel these don't suit them.
ideas for below 1. use a plushie as a vessel for (dry) ingredients that can help promote the following, 2. OR place a figurine close to/inside a bowl with ingredients that can help promote the following, 3. OR pray to the spirit of the care bear or use the plushie to connect you with a spirit to help promote the following,
🍭 sharing of resources (such as wealth, food, shelter, or anything to accommodate a basic need). 🍭 sharing of love (which can be included in the sharing of resources, but this can also be approached as sharing acts of kindness, such as generosity, compassion, physical or emotional affection - anything that accommodates an emotional need). 🍭 sharing of generosity (such as a blessing from giving to charities, or influence over gathering donations for yourself). 🍭 sharing of care (such as giving food, warmth, hugs, anything that provides comfort).
🍭 sharing of emotional or physical pain (share bear can help create a feeling of understanding, or alternatively, assist in dealing the pain you currently feel so it is equal between yourself and the person you are using this spell on) 🍭 sharing of circumstantial events (essentially an eye-for-an-eye spell. if you are experiencing an event, good or bad, that you wish for its effects to be shared with someone, you can use share bear to assist you with that. 🍭 sharing of weight on your shoulders (if you feel like you're suffering way more than you should be, share bear can help lessen it by sharing the suffering with others - be wary of this, however, as you would do best to have a target so some bloke isn't going to suddenly continually trip over his shoelaces. this can also work in the reverse if you want someone to have some of your blessings and happiness.)
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twosides--samecoin · 1 year
embodiment of love
@pchberrytea tagged me in this! thanks buddy! I freakin' love quiz tags
tagging @edaworks and @bokatan @some27-url @perfectlypreservedpie
Of course, this quiz is juuuuust good enough that in a "choose a picture" question, Hellelil and Hildebrand, The Meeting on the Turret stairs by Sir Frederic William Burton was one option - which for me is a special painting! It's been my phone background and a daily reminder of RJ and Olivia since I started writing Long Time Running.
What of the result? Love as tenderness.
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What is love but tenderness from someone who understands you most, even if it comes-a-knocking during your worst moments?
There is a lot of being shattered and meeting the person able to pick up the shards that held your shit together in my iteration of RJ and my great Canadian SoSu, Olivia. How do you know what you deserve if you can't put your own pieces back together, if you've neglected starting, even? Right now, they need each other very much and have no idea just yet. They are inopportune, inconvenient, manage to do all the wrong things (flashbacks to war crimes, if you know you know >:D) yet right on time. Bundles of contradictions, dichotomy, synecdoche! They can move past all-encompassing ugliness and trauma for each other; right now they exist in it side-by-side and don't quite know it.
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junestay · 8 months
love wins all got me in the feels ok
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rillils · 10 months
imagine all the love crowley feels when he sees all those smitten heart eyes when azi is in his biblically accurate angel form
oh boy. all that love, no longer confined within a corporeal form, boundless, raw, all-encompassing, warmer than the sun, just crashing right into crowley's chest and enveloping him from head to toe. he looks up at aziraphale and it's like seeing his newborn stars all over again.
what else can he do but look at him, awestruck that something as powerful, as beautiful, as pure as aziraphale's love could be directed at him, meant for him, all for him -- and gasp, "angel."
and with all his celestial might, with all his timeless tenderness, aziraphale can only sigh back, "crowley. my crowley." as helplessly smitten, as in love, as they thought only humans could be ❤️
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killdaisie · 1 year
oh Panic at the disco - Karma Police ( Live in Denver ), we're really in it now
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labwebs · 2 years
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Curled up in a ball, a warm, fuzzy blanket tucked in around him, Peter Parker is sleeping soundly and comfortably. The recent cold snap had been, if expected for the time of year, not enjoyable for a young hero whose powers had come with a greater sensitivity to the temperature than most. He does have stuff to do today, but maybe just a few more minutes...
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working in healthcare has both radicalized me further left and made me like so more frustrated with ideologues for whom the good enough is the enemy of the perfect. Like I truly believe the best solution for most of our health problems is to provide people with universal healthcare, universal housing, and universal basic income. I think anything less than that will be ultimately less effective in noticeably improving the life of the majority of my patients who are most desperately need help. Also these patients need care now and will not live to see the realization of a better, kinder society. If we refuse any partial or compromised improvement, people will unnecessarily suffer and die. But also I think we need uncompromising leftists who take principled stands and drag us further left as a result. But also they are not always good on committees. It's a difficult balancing act, one I've never (and likely will never) fully reconciled within mythm344444444 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444444444 444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444444 44444444444444444uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii sorry the cat jumped on the keyboard but she's right you know, you work as best you can with the world you got while trying to make it better, I think that's what she was trying to type, but when I pressed her on details about that, she dumped ten pounds of cat litter on the floor
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
pressure put on victims to have compassion for abusers: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
pressure put on abusers to feel compassion and understanding for the victims:
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ravangie · 16 hours
hardly think I'm qualified
To come across all sanctified
I just don't cut it with the cherubim
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 4 months
Death - Chapter 6
Life in Death's Hands
Warnings: Violence and some descriptions of Childbirth
Rating: Explicit
Words: 3 884
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Astrid, Toothless, Stormfly, Valka, Cloudjumper, Ruffnut, Fishlegs, Tuffnut, Barf and Belch, Meatlug, Snotlout, Hookfang, Eret, Skullcrusher
Pairing: Rufflegs, Hiccstrid
Author's Notes: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII finished this one just in time. Every time I finish and post a chapter for this fic, I get so excited to get started on the next one, but so far there has always been some kind of interruption. The last two chapters, it was a different fic that suddenly got me all excited and stole my focus away. This week I'm sick and it's been distracting.
Ah well, I finished it, it's almost 2 am, so I might've done a very bad job editing.
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froznwater · 2 months
I SITLL LOVEEEE billie's album hit me hard and soft
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alenoah world tour noah pov iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ugh this album is so good
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todomemolesta18 · 9 months
There's another character remind me of blitzo sae kashiwagi. Sae just like blitzo shitty people atleast for her is being acknowledge she is shitty just like blitzo she also have trauma neglected by her own family and being bullied in elemantary school. Both of them are never never facing consequence for their action, they also being SA. Sae Kashiwagi she was being tricked by her own boyfriend to sign up to be a porn star and blitzo he need to have sex with stolas in order to get the book. Their experience are never brought up again and we never see the effect of that trauma..... I hate this kind of stuff. The mangaka said something that really creepy how Sae is an 'Easy" girl who willing to have sex & dating older man. Blitzo it shown to us how blitzo love stolas when what part of it's ever about love, it seem more like predatory all of that love stuff its just stolas entitlement toward blitzo. Last part forcing the chemistry So in peach girl the manga always make sae and momo are friend when they actually more fit to be rival same with blitzo, blitzo and moxxie are will be much more better their relationship as employee who hate he's boss only work with him for financial reason
OMG. I haven read or watched that manga, Peach girl, but what you tell me is terrible! I know that character was a bad person, but she didnt deserve that D:
It really reminds me of Blitzo.
And I dont know why the fans AND the show insist that Moxxie and Blitzo are friends, when Blitzo always treat Moxxie like shit. Do you treat your friends like that??? And I dont wanna hear any excuses like "he just wants Moxxie to be better", no, thats just straight up bullying. Blitzo never changes, he still the same shitty person. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Sorry if someone likes their "friendship" but is the true.
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mermaidsirennikita · 16 days
Apparently the ACOTAR adaptation has been scrapped?
Mmhmm! It appears to have been dumped a while ago. I'm not surprised, tbh.
People seem to think that these streamers have endless amounts of $$$ to spend on fantasy shows. I've seen a lot of fans on Twitter etc passing around petitions to convince HBO, Amazon etc to pick up the show. And the reality is that not only do they already have their fantasy shows (the Game of Thrones spinoffs AND the Dune spinoffs for HBO, shows like Rings of Power and Wheel of Time for Amazon... Pretty much ALL of these companies are in the red. I think Netflix is supposed to be doing the best, but even they are... in the red.
Which is why you see all these cheap shows being made, the constant churn and burn, etc. Zaslav cutting shit from Max like it's his job. The budget for HoTD s2, a season with budget cuts that was pretty widely dragged by fans and critics, which CLEARLY had less money to work with based on the lack of full scale battles, main characters sitting in the same sets for episodes... on.... end.... without much motion, still cost around $160-200 million-ish, supposedly. (If we go by the estimate of $20 mill+ per episode.)
ACOTAR could potentially cost MORE if you take into account the SFX needed for the fairy realms, etc. HotD and Rings of Power are, at the end of the day, essentially medieval sets with some polish added in for things like dragons, magic, etc. I actually think that ACOTAR is potentially more involved.
... which is why.... it would have worked better... as an animated series lol.....
And uh, Prime made their choice with Fourth Wing. Who knows if that'll happen? I'm skeptical. But it does make more sense to me as an investment as, similarly to HotD, there really isn't too much CRAZY SHIT to invest in besides the dragons (which is still a lot, mind you). Film on certain locations to get the right look, etc. The costumes don't sound super elaborate. The story is preeeeeeeetty linear, whereas ACOTAR has a lot of stops and starts and shifts in focus. Where do you even end with that one?
I'd still make it an animated series, but that is is me.
And I also think that there's just a lot more coming down the pipeline for the fantasy romance trend. We can give ACOTAR its due for being at the forefront, but that doesn't mean it's the one people are buzzing about QUITE as much anymore. Still very successful, don't get me wrong. But is it worth the massive investment required? Who knows?
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii personally think that the investment in a fuckton of fantasy shows seems like... a lot... as it is. I feel like I can see some fantasy fatigue, on TV at least, coming up. The book trend was influenced BY the TV trend, and it'll be interesting to see where it goes if the genre drops off a bit in TV.
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