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Note: This is Will and Reign, not Pine and Willow. This is from the drama of the Filesystem and the MW4 Loreline.
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natsmagi · 6 months
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my specialest girls again
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sentientsky · 6 months
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part 4???
Ineffable bureaucracy ft. my real-life text messages
(Part 1 - it’ll lead u to the other parts, if u want to read the rest of this ridiculousness)
(Part 5)
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tinartss · 7 months
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on moving out
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randyzorra · 1 month
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How it started vs how it's going
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jennycalendar · 3 months
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i'm gonna be really real with everyone here we're hitting early s2 and i am fully aware of what this man is capable of but at this point within canon based on what we have seen of him i don't think he should be left alone to do anything at any point in time. he has been damsel-in-distress'd like 3 times at this point. 3-4 other different times people have asked him what to do and his answer has quite literally either been "well i personally think i'm gonna pray to a higher power for divine intervention" OR "idk that sounds like a you problem." multiple times willow has figured out the answer to the problem and he's gone "OH OF COURSE" as tho he at all contributed to solving it (he did not). this mummy thing where he's all alone in an abandoned museum after dark and all she has to do is Walk Up To Him??? has me hitting my limit. hand him to jenny. i don't think she'd be at all effective about stopping him but she'd at least provide him some company for when he inevitably wanders into traffic
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ripplerain · 9 months
Gummies, a short comic
(I’m no writer so bear with me)
Nika is acting strange
grabbing hold of the mechanic’s hand
Chuchu takes Nika to the Earth House dorms to see what’s up
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Once standing now her back suddenly against the floor
Chuchu realized
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she was the bottom of this relationship
She’s on top of her
uniform unzipped
Where did the tie go?
The mechanic was leaning closer
she’s so…wobbly…ah…she fell over
Nika was now lying beside her making grunting noises
What’s gotten into her?! This isn’t like her at all…
Wait, what is that?
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What the hell?
Is this what’s causing her to act so strangely?
Where did she even get these?!
Chuchu glanced over at Nika
She’s sitting now
and…chewing something..!!
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She got it out
Nika on the other hand was now clenching Chuchu’s jacket tightly
She would NOT let go
Damn it Nika…
The mechanic brought the jacket down to Pom-Pom’s feet and pulled
Chuchu reluctantly stepped out of it as Nika kept pulling
The mechanic fell back, jacket in her grasp
Ah…she took my jacket…
Chuchu raised a hand to reach out towards Nika to give it back
but she was hugging it dearly
no clear sign of giving it up
Chuchu blushed
She turned around, scratching the back of her neck
Well, it can’t be helped..
She looked back at Nika who was rubbing her face all over her pink jacket
Chuchu walked over to her mechanic
squatting down, arms over her knees
Nika fell over to her side, giggling with the jacket in her face
Chuchu chuckled,
“You’re so drunk, Nika-nee.”
This wasn’t the time to play around though
even Chuchu knew that
She placed her hands under Nika and lifted her up
carrying her in her arms
Yeah she can carry her
Nika was taller but it wasn’t going to stop Chuatury Panlunch
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Chuchu had notified the other Earthian girls via text to come to the dorms
She explained the situation and handed the near-empty bag of gummies to Aliya
Lilique placed her hands on her knees and looked down at a now sleeping Nika
She was worried
Nika wasn’t looking too good
The three knew they couldn’t take Nika to the nurse’s office
They would get in so much trouble for having these kind of gummies on campus
knowing they wouldn’t even get a chance to explain because they’re Earthians
then again
How did Nika even get these? There’s no way she’d eat these if she knew what was actually in them
Did she not notice the taste? Well, Chuchu didn’t know how they tasted like
For all she knows they could taste the same as regular gummies or even better!
Someone must have given these to Nika, saying they were just normal fruity gummies
Chuchu was going to get to the bottom of this
but for now
she’s going to stay by Nika’s side and look after her
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wc-confessions · 3 months
is it just me, or is people drawing wc characters with the palestinian flag or "x character supports palestine!!!!" super idk.... tone deaf? like a genocide is happening and thats your show of support? like that one firestar drawing, and i think some people reblogged being like "firestar would never support genocide!" like cmon yall. its the acab hello kitty thing all over again, but somehow worse
i've been avoiding mentioning this bc im sure it would put me on the spot/out my anon identity on this blog (bc lets be honest. there arent a whole lot of biracial palestinian/native american folks in this fandom), but i will be very honest with you:
a lot of us have actually been actively encouraging this. joy is resistance. zionists do not want us to exist, they do not want us to enjoy things, so we find joy in even the smallest places. it's why you've seen so many recent videos of palestinians enjoying time on the beach, or of palestinians dancing and laughing despite everything that has happened these past months. it is one of the few things that zionists cannot take away from us, and so we embrace joy whenever we are able to.
before they were destroyed, you could find many buildings with graffiti of beloved characters with palestinian flags/symbols, saying slogans of resistance, or even just wearing a keffiyeh. it was a very, very long time ago, but when i was in gaza city, my mother and i saw graffiti of snoopy standing with handala on one of the buildings
i do think people should do more than just draw pictures of characters vocalizing/showing support for palestine, like emailing/writing to their reps directly and pressuring them, boycotting, protesting, etc., but i do not believe that it is a bad thing to do so long as you understand what our symbols mean and don't use them to gain popularity.
-mod ashensky
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alexlesuagz · 8 months
Not CC related but I had the weirdest dream that Kaeya and Diluc were the protagonists of Garten of Banban and seeing them reconcile while dealing with Jumbo Josh was the oddest fucking fever dream I have ever witnessed
Kind of a funny crack fanfic idea ngl
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zmwrites · 4 months
people who watch/have been exposed to social media lifestyle/makeup/fashion influencers (specifically youtube or another video-based platform): pls give me any ideas you have on how they format their videos.
i'm trying to write an influencer posting an unGRWM video update while accusing her (ex-)boyfriend of cheating and attacking the girl he 'cheated' with and am slowly realizing i don't actually know how a video like that would be formatted or the typical things that would be included.
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that-wizard-oki · 1 year
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Just wanted to respond to a comment i got on my recent art post. Not gonna @ the person cause I don’t want them to get any bad attention, but they brought up some concerns that I wanted to debunk/explain a bit.
As far as I know, we unfortunately can’t change/get rid if the gender binary because wiz is almost 15 years old- it runs on very, very old tech. Player Gender is kind of hard wired into the game (a decision made by someone wayyy back in 2005-2008). Same goes for the color (like boys not being able to wear pink). It’s not that we don’t want to make these changes, it’s because the tech literally inhibits us from doing so, and to change that would be an absolutely monumental task that would require a looot of time, from my understanding.
However, i do believe that a name change feature is coming sometime soon (i think this was talked about on KI live not too long ago). Our more recent gear sets for players also feature less “apparent” differences between the female and male players, which i feel help close the binary gap a bit compared to the game’s early years. Girls can wear pants, boys can wear dresses.
Despite our tech keeping us from being as representative as we’d like to with our players, I think we do a decent job of adding representation elsewhere in the game. Some examples- Phileas Dogg in Novus is canonically nonbinary, and uses they/them pronouns. Duck Savage outwardly flirts with Wilma Deering in Lemuria as well.
Secondly, sales on our pride merchandise is donated to Outright International (its either 50% or all proceeds, I can’t remember which)- KI has done this for the past several years. So by having this merch, we’re able to provide rep for players to show off on their characters, in their houses, and also put it towards an organization that actively supports the queer community. We also will be hosting a charity livestream in June to donate as well.
I understand this person’s concern, but game development is NOT that straightforward, especially with such an old game like Wizard101 that was initially built in a decade were queer voices were not as visible as they are today. While we can always learn and grow, it is my opinion that KI does a pretty decent job with supporting their queer players and the community.
Also, as far as my art of Ambrose wearing rainbow suspenders and a trans youth support shirt- it was just for fun. I’m a queer lesbian who’s been playing this game for 14 years and found comfort in it during my own dark times as a queer kid. I didn’t draw it to pander to anyone, I drew it for me, and for the other queer fans who like this game. That is all.
Hope this clears up some confusion for others who might have had similar concerns.
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astralpenguin · 4 months
i cannot fucking believe that my enjoyment of death note is seriously turning out to be actually useful in my real life
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coiled-dragon · 8 months
"REAL horror is when-"
Beats you with a stick beats you with a stick beats you with a stick beats you with a stick
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kiiingsnake · 1 year
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dnd is cool good and fun
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thecraziness · 1 month
dallas winston would both hate and enjoy my high school's dances
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chibitantei · 24 days
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At least she will be long dead by the time she somehow becomes someone's Persona.
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