musicalchaos07 · 2 years
Another day of being exhausted of Jonathan Byers slander
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
the other woman is perfect where her rival fails.
a/n: my name is star and i like to break hearts i hope u all enjoy this idk what possessed me to write this but slay! credit to the gif owner!
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You knew the minute you fell for Steve it was going to be the biggest mistake of your life, but loving him came so easy to you. He was sweet, charming, and never hesitated to put others before himself, but he just wasn't over nancy.
Loving him was difficult for her. Sometimes she'd love him with everything she had in her, defending him from people talking down on him and comforting him when the arguments with his dad got a little too nasty. Other times, she'd leave him completely in the dark. Her hand leaving his when he tells her how he loves her, giving him a tight-lipped smile before muttering me too. Her shoulders would shrug off his arm when Jonathan came around, her smile brighter than ever.
Steve wasn't an idiot. He knew he was losing her to Jonathan, but that wouldn't stop him from trying to keep her around. He’d shower her with gifts basking in the smiles and kisses she gave him as a thank you, but at night he'd find himself in your arms crying.
“What's wrong with me y/n?” he'd always cry out. You always cry with him. Saying nothing is wrong with him, claiming Nancy is blind if she lets a guy as great as him go. You want to shout it, scream it even. Be with me, Steve. You know for a fact that if he was with you he'd never be in any kind of pain. You'd love him till the end of time no matter what happens, but you'd never tell him that.
When Nancy broke up with him he was a wreck. He refused to come out of his room the first week of the breakup. You'd drop by his house comforting him when you could, dropping off school work he's missed already completed cause you know how he feels. You know how hard it is to simply get out of bed just to take a shower. One day you came by doing your usual routine, you were getting ready to leave when you put your hand on his face rubbing his cheek gently.
“I'll be back tomorrow, okay?” you let out a sigh getting ready to walk out when his hand grabbed yours.
“Stay.” he croaked out. “Please, I- I can't be alone right now.”
You stayed with him all night that night. Weeks went by and you started seeing a glimpse of the old Steve coming back. Your Steve was coming back. He would crack jokes late at night when you stayed over watching tv late at night. He'd steal glances at you when you would both be in the library studying for an upcoming test. Years went on and nothing changed. He's been on countless dates with girls from town only to find himself complaining to you at the end of them.
The girls he did end up dating only lasted for a short while. They couldn't stand how you looked at Steve as if he hung all the stars in the sky just for you.
You hated how pathetic you looked and felt. Steve had you wrapped around his finger and he didn't even know it. You'd stay awake late at night wondering if things would ever change. Sometimes he gave mixed signals. He’d hold onto you a little too long when you hugged, kisses made their way to your cheek rather than their usual place on your forehead and you'd live for those moments.
Pretty soon the dates stopped and he'd find himself spending all of his free time with you. If he wasn't working he was with you. The kids need a ride to the arcade? He's picking you up on the way there, his hand holding yours as he drives to pick up Mike. It's not until the death of Nancy’s editor and Chrissy that you find yourself back at the very beginning. The town was after Eddie and Dustin explained the situation as you sat in the backseat. You're not sure how you guys got to the trailer park, it was all a blur.
You see Nancy talking to a police officer, tears streaming down her face, and exhaust evident on her face and figure. She looked over at you all her breath getting caught in her throat. Steve gave her a sad smile and waved at her, and she returned it and waved back. She knew the fight wasn't over, and you knew you were being placed on the back burner once again.
“Nance! Nance hey, where are you going?” you heard Steve ask her while he chased after her. You see her shake her head and her mouth move, but you hear nothing. Everything around you is silent as you stare at the former couple.
Tears well up in your eyes and you shake your head aggressively wiping them away. You take deep breaths and calm yourself down, but you feel the damn about to break when you see Steve stare at Nancy as she and Robin hop into her car and drive off. Shaking your head once more you back away from the car slowly catching Steve's attention.
“Hey, hey it's going to be okay. They're just going-”
“I can't do this Steve.” you cry out. He shushes you and tries to grab your hand but you refuse to let him touch you.
“I know y/n, but we’ll be okay. We all made it last time-”
“Do you still love Nancy?”
Steve froze in his spot and looked at you with an unreadable expression on his face. “W-what?”
You wipe the tears off of your face, angry at the fact you're crying but also terrified that you might lose your best friend.
“I can't stick around again Steve. I've been in love with you this whole time, but the way you look at her...I thought you were starting to feel the same but,” you took a deep breath. “I need to know.”
Steve shook his head. “You can't do this. That's not fair.”
“Not fair? Not fair?” you were angry now and he knew it. “What's not fair Steve, is how I had to watch you fall in love with someone who couldn't even love you the way you deserved to be loved! Then, I had to clean up the mess she made, when she broke your heart! I came by after school every day to check on you, I even did your fucking homework cause I know what it's like to love someone who doesn't want you.”
Dustin and Max were quick to sit in the car turning up the radio to block out your arguing.
“Then I think, finally, maybe now he'll see how I'm always there for him, but no! Instead, you go on dates with every single girl in town, and then, you complain to me about how they just aren't her.” you let out a cold laugh and continue to wipe your tears away. “I'm not asking for your hand in marriage Steve, I just need to know if I'm wasting any more time on this.”
Steve stood in silence, not because he knew the answer only because he didn't. He loved Nancy, a part of him always would. He's not sure why old feelings came rushing out of nowhere when he saw her again, but he can't help that they did.
“I don't know…”
You didn't think your heart could break anymore, but you were proven wrong when you stared at Steve with his head hung low. You nodded your head letting out a sigh.
“I'm tired of being your second choice, Steve,” you mumbled while walking toward the car grabbing the back door handle. “After this, I think it's best we distance ourselves.”
“For how long?”
She shrugged her shoulders and sat in the backseat with Max. Steve stood frozen to his spot with only one thought on his mind.
How the fuck is he going to fix this?
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alcalystrasz · 3 months
I know you've been waiting for it. So... Here's my first theory about Stranger Things 5 :
(No Spoilers, just a theory)
Theory n°1 : Vecna's crazy role this season.
Alright, I'd like to start first with a resume about the 4 lasts seasons. For the three firsts seasons it's kind of my thoughts because Vecna never really explained his role during these three seasons, so I'll try to make it logical.
Season 1 -> Will gets kidnapped into the Upside Down.
If we remember what Vecna said to Nancy in S4, he says he was a sensitive, lonely kid. He was good at drawing, and he always felt different. You know who's EXACTY like that? Yup, Will. So in my opinion, he kidnapped Will in the first place because he was like him. But why keeping him so long without killing him? Because Will's good at hiding? No. We learn in the book about him being in the Upside Down what actually happened to him. He said he tried multiple times to "kill himself" like getting the Demogorgons to eat him, but whenever they got the chance they turned back. So I think Vecna was controlling the Demogorgons in order to not kill Will. He maybe wanted to test him, or keep him here until he could be able to do something with him. Take over him, get inside his body, or other stuff... So then Will's finally saved, but it doesn't end for him.
Season 2 -> Will gets possessed by the Mind Flayer.
So this season, Vecna probably wanted to test Will more, or, this time, to take him in his side, since they have the same personality. So he got the Mind Flayer and sent it to possess Will. However, in the end, Joyce made it to remove the creature from his body. That, of course, made Vecna mad, especially when El closed the gate. But, fortunately for him, it wasn't the end.
Season 3 -> The Flesh Mind Flayer wants to kill Eleven.
Russians opened an other door, which is why he was able to control the Mind Flayer through the Upside Down. Cause if the gate is closed, no more control and the Mind Flayer "dies." Which is what happened at the end of season 3 by the way. But, why willing to Kill El, and not controlling more Mike now? Simple question. She's always changing his plans and that annoys him. So killing her off would be the best to get Will to join him in is...what? Army? Maybe. But she managed to destroy the Mind Flayer, once again, with everyone else this time. That is when Vecna got super mad and finally decided to go in the nature and kill some teenagers. Yeah, let's go Henry!
Season 4 -> Vecna wants to kill Eleven.
Sooooo.... So far, Vecna was not a good master to his puppets (got the ref?), so he decided to be the big master, without puppets this time. We learn in the late season, that the more he kills, the more he becomes stronger, so he's like "Yeah let's go kill, to be come stronger." Logic. So he went down to kill, but not nobody, random teens with past traumas who feel guilt. Chrissy, Fred, Patrick... then El went to fight him, and honestly watching this I was like "Bitch are you nuts he's stronger?" And he, in fact was. The only reason El managed to get out of those vines she was trapped in was with Mike's words (sort of). So she then finally beat the ass out of him and he, of course, got totally BURNED by the fruity three (rip Eddie). But then what? We see he got away with it, he's still alive, and we learn from Will's words (oh weird?) that he's still alive, he's hurt, but he's there. And he doesn't want to kill just El or her friends now, but everyone in Hawkins. So it isn't about saving them anymore but the whole town.
So, now considering all that. Here's finally my theory:
We know Vecna wanted to control or make Will join him in the first two season, and it was logic, cause they're alike, they're sensitive, lonely, they feel different from other people and they're good in arts. During these seasons, Vecna probably wanted to observe and understand Will's behavior in some circumstances. Like what if he gets into this world like Vecna got into? He's traumatized? Oh shit. Well how about his personality changes completely like Vecna. He's also traumatized? Well that's a bummer.
What I'm trying to say is that Will and Vecna are very connected even now. Before, with Will's presence in the Upside Down and true sight, but also now because he also and still feels him behind his neck, like before. He was trying to, small steps by small steps, leading him to join him. And that'd what I want to point out.
I think, Vecna will try to finally make Will join him. BUT, Will, of course, won't accept. So I imagine Vecna putting Will in a sort of transe state, like he did with his four other victims, and maybe show him some moments in his life, that shows how miserable and how sad his life is, and that he'll be way better and stronger if he came with him. But Will will refuse. Why? He may be sensitive, a little naive and sometimes stupid, let's be honest, he's not going to let Vecna take him, because there's one thing that'll make him stay: MIKE FUCKING WHEELER. So I imagine, then Vecna putting his big ass hand on his face and that'll make Will float, just like in season 4 with Max and the other kids. But instead of being killed (cause it's Will, like, bro, come on), he can take a piece of wood or I don't know what but something sharp that he finds. You didn't understand? Let me explain: I imagine this, happen at the exact same place it happened to Max, that's why I said a piece of wood. WHO CARES? SO THEN HE TAKES THAT, AND BOOM, in the eye of Vecna, his left eye to be precise. Why? Don't you remember what Eddie said in his DnD campagne? :
"He's not only missing his left arm, but his LEFT EYE!"
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So that's why I think Will could destroy his left eye, as a foreshadowing to what Eddie said (I mean why not?). Vecna would then be hurt again, and let Will go, but he could try to stop him, but not the same way as Max, nah that was too iconic, we need something more Byers, more Will... more William Byers... he could try to stop him by making him hear horrible things Mike told him, like in the rain fight of season 3, or the Rink O'Mania one... But he'd manage to finally get out of this, with the help of Mike's words also, cause I clearly see Mike talking to him. Maybe even a parallel, to what Will said while he had to get El out of Vecna's tentacles "You're the heart", but this time it is Jonathan Damn Byers who says it to Mike. Like, that'd be banger, just saying.
So what next? I already said he could try to take Will by his side, now what? Remember, in season 4 we learn the more he kills, the more he's strong. So I think, he'll try to get to kill all the characters we know, before killing whole Hawkins. Let me explain:
We know that everytime Vecna kills, he uses people's past trauma, in which they feel guilt. Who has past traumas with guilt? Yeah, almost everyone. So here's a quick resume and explanation of what could happen to almost all the characters.
-Nancy's targeted -> past trauma: Barbara's death -> saved by Steve or Jonathan. So why Steve or Jonathan? They're her two loves, be for real. However I see more Steve than Jonathan, but Jonathan could also be possible so it's between both.
-Jonathan's targeted -> past trauma: Will's disappearance in S1 -> saved by Steve. So why Steve? To show Jonathan that they're not enemies anymore, and that they could totally be friends. But it could also be Dustin, his bestfriend, or Robin, his girl bestfriend. But I have something else for Robin...
-Dustin's targeted -> past trauma: Eddie's death -> saved by Steve or Mike. Steve cause he's his bestfriend, but also why not Mike, because they both knew Eddie, and Mike could help him going through this because he also went through it.
-Lucas's targeted -> past trauma: Max's coma state/death -> saved by Erica. I say /death because we don't know if she will actually survive in season 5...
-Will's targeted -> past trauma: tons. Vecna wants him to join him -> saved by Mike.
So I have atleast 5 people that could be targets of Vecna, as for others... not sure what could happen to them. There's still: Steve, Joyce, Hopper, Murray (lol), Erica, Robin, Mike and Suzie (why not). I know Steve doesn't have past traumas he's feeling guilty for, but that's for another theory, along with Robin. Joyce, Murray and Hopper are adults, not sure they could be targetted. As for Erica and Suzie.... Erica doesn't feel guilty about anything, and she's younger so I think Vecna, has a small heart, and will let her live, and Suzie... it's Suzie... I mean... yeah, I think she's safe. However there are still characters we didn't talk about: Karen, Ted, Holly and the other family members of Lucas and Dustin. We know that the series really centered on the Byers and Wheeler family, but never on the Henderson's or Sinclair. So... there's a reason behind that. But it is for another theory.
So to resume, what is Vecna's crazy role this season? Well he's going to turn into a serial killer, trying to kill atleast 4 of our characters and make 1 try to join his army. But he's also going to do more, such as... destroying the Wheeler's house. I'm not kidding. After seeing a "spoiler" of ST5, that I know isn't real (it was clearly fake cause other stuff were like nonsense), I was like "yo it could be a great idea actually." So I imagined a really dramatic scene where, after his 5 tries, Vecna gets mad and tries to make fall the house of the Wheelers. Why? Maybe because everyone could reunite there and talk about a plan or something, when weird shit started to happen. Because it's a 2/3 years time jump, so the first episode is probably going to be them chilling in Hawkins and at the end, BOOM, Vecna's back bitch. And there he could have the opportunity to kill some people, but truth is... no one will die. They're all going to be saved, because they're all geniuses. But it could be a huge dramatic scene anyway. Or maybe if someone HAS to die, it'd be logic if it was either Karen, either Ted, or either Holl- nah just kidding. If one of the parents die, it could create a trauma for Mike, but that's for again, an other theory.
So what's next for Vecna? Honestly, if the Dragon we got foreshadowed since season 1 happens... I think Vecna's role won't be really interesting, so I keep my s5 vision without any Dragon. But I do see him trying to kill, so target, a lot of our characters...
That wasn't the best of my theories though. But, more theories soon, some better and cooler, but as for now, tell me what you think about this one, in the comments or as reblogs!
Thanks for reading all that by the way <3
...I probably am going to add more in this post, if I think about it, but I think I said everything I have to say...
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atlabeth · 2 years
doc - steve harrington
summary: After Steve takes a beating in the Upside Down, he lets the group's resident doctor (in theory) take a look at his injuries. It turns out the best way to get close to the girl you like is nearly dying.
a/n: isn't it funny that as soon as i say i have no inspiration to write for stranger things this comes to me out of nowhere. like so funny right 😐😐 anyways enjoy
wc: 3.2k
warning(s): some stevie insecurities, mentions of injuries but nothing graphic, probably inaccurate medical stuff, bad writing
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The moment Steve crossed the threshold of your house, he stumbled. If it weren’t for your continued insistence that he needed your help winning over his continued insistence that he was fine, he would’ve taken a nasty fall. 
“Woah!” you exclaimed, and just as quickly as he felt his legs give out beneath him you were there to support him. You hoisted his arm around your shoulders to help him get back on his feet, and though he could tell you were trying your best to act impassive, you still let out a small grunt as almost his full body weight was put against you. “Can you walk?” 
He nodded, not completely sure, but he was more concerned about you than himself at the moment. “To your sofa? Probably.” 
“Good enough for me,” you muttered. 
His legs still felt wobbly, but the two of you managed to make it work as you equal parts walked, hobbled, and stumbled over to your destination. Steve practically fell on the sofa the moment he lost your support—it turned out his little galavant around the Upside Down had taken a bigger toll on him than he’d thought. 
Right. The Upside Down. 
You, Steve, Nancy, Robin, and Eddie all had the privilege of journeying through the alternate dimension—not by choice, exactly, but an enjoyable time nonetheless—and after nearly escaping death a fair amount of times, you just barely managed to make it out with your lives. With the combination of the demobats, the barely breathable atmosphere, the vines connected to the hive mind all over the place, and Vecna’s last minute possession of you to get his message across—well, with how lucky they all got, Steve figured his next stop had to be a gas station for a lottery ticket. 
But he had gotten torn up to hell and back by those bats, and the second you were out of the Upside Down you insisted on taking Steve back to your place to clean, redress, and check on his injuries. 
(When you said you wanted to take him back to your house, Steve had grinned at you. “Takin’ me back to your place, huh? I like the sound of that.” When you presented bleeding out in Eddie’s trailer as his other option, his bravado dropped pretty quickly.) 
And so that was why Steve was here, in the house of his kinda-sorta-maybe crush, trying to figure out how to make a move in the midst of this makeshift doctor’s checkup.
You crouched down in front of him, and Steve smiled as you tried to work out a knot in your shoulder without him noticing. “How do you feel?” you asked. 
“Uh, like a mess,” he said, and he pushed himself up against the pillows to avoid the crick in his neck that was already forming. He winced at the movement, screwing his eyes shut as a jolt of pain shot through him. Now that he was fully out of danger and the unhealthy amount of adrenaline pumping through his veins was gone, Steve was feeling the full extent of his injuries. It did not feel particularly good. “Like I got fucked up by a ton of demon bats.” 
You chuckled and went to move aside his vest. But your fingers had barely touched the denim when you froze, your wide eyes staring right at him. “Uh—is this okay? To— to take it off, I mean. So I can see the full extent of your injuries.” 
Steve couldn’t help but grin, the slightest bit smug, at your reluctance. He was pretty sure he could’ve been dying in front of you and you would still ask. “Go ahead, doc. S’long as you’re not doing it to ogle me.” 
Your eyebrows shot all the way to your hairline, and it was completely adorable. Your hand darted back immediately and you stood up, clearing your throat as you hurried over to your kitchen. He couldn’t help but chuckle—how could he not tease you when you reacted like this?
“Do it yourself,” you said, and you started rifling through your cabinets. “I need to find some stuff to make sure you don’t die from… whatever those things might’ve had. Interdimensional rabies, or Upside Down tetanus or something.” 
He frowned as he shrugged out of the vest—he made a mental note to give that back to Eddie. “Robin said the same thing. Do you think I… actually have rabies?” 
You snorted. “No, idiot. I’m just joking.” 
“Right,” he nodded, “right. Me too.” 
You laughed, and Steve smiled at the sound of it. He made another mental note, to ask you out when all of this was over. There was something about nearly dying that put everything into perspective.  
“Uh, are your parents home?” It probably wasn’t the best thing to ask in this situation, but hey—the last thing he needed was some overprotective dad coming downstairs and seeing his daughter and a shirtless guy. Steve knew that context wasn’t really needed for him to get kicked out. 
You shook your head. “Nope. They’re both at work until 5—we’re good for a while.” 
He nodded. “That’s a relief.” 
“Back to the subject: I don’t think you have anything,” you said. “But I do think you’re gonna need to take it easy for a while. You could’ve really fucked up some stuff—I mean, we have no idea if those bats are venomous, and they bit you a ton of times.”
“I’m also kinda screwed if they’re poisonous,” Steve said with a frown. “I bit one of ‘em—got its blood all in my mouth. Really disgusting.” 
You sighed. “Great. Even better.” 
“How do you know all of this?” Steve asked, trying to lighten up the mood. But then he glanced down at his injuries, grimacing at just the sight of it, and he understood why you were so worried—those bats really got him. “What, did you really pay attention in health?” 
You made a dismissive noise. “No. I, uh, I wanted to study pre-med, but I can’t really afford to go to med school, so all this is just my own interest and research combined with the classes I could take at Hawkins. I’m CPR certified though, if that makes you feel better?”
He chuckled. “I trust you. Don’t worry.” 
“Famous last words,” you joked. 
“It’s actually pretty cool that you learned all this on your own, though.” Steve watched you as you walked back over, a bottle of Tylenol, a bottle of off-brand aspirin, and a roll of paper towels wrapped up in one arm, as well as a glass of water in your free hand. “Does that mean I should stop calling you doc?” 
“No!” you exclaimed, and you blinked as if you didn’t expect it to come out that strongly. “I mean, no. You don't have to. I— I like it.” 
“Good,” he said with a smile. Flustering you was becoming one of his favorite things. “I like it too.” 
You cleared your throat yet again, which Steve was realizing was your favorite way to segue, and you set down the four items on the table. “Take two pills out of whatever kind you like better and get them down with water, then finish that glass. You’re probably—no, definitely— severely dehydrated.” 
“You got it, doc.” Steve did as you said, only wincing a bit as he swallowed the pills from his minor brush with strangulation. 
Satisfied, you got up and went to the bathroom. A minute and a lot of rustling later, you came back holding a pretty big first aid kit. You opened it, taking out gauze pads, bandages, a small bottle of isopropyl alcohol, and some cotton balls. You took his glass of water and went back into the kitchen, returning with two refilled cups. 
“Finish this again,” you said, handing it to him. “Don’t need you fainting on me.” 
He smiled. “I’d never.” 
You rolled your eyes, but you kneeled down next to the couch and looked at him. “Is it okay if I touch you?” 
“Yeah,” Steve said, “whatever you like.”
You coughed and turned away for a moment, and he couldn’t help but laugh. You were so easy to tease, and so damn cute when you got all flustered. How could he not? 
“Sorry,” he said, not that sorry. “Yeah, you can. Whatever you gotta do to make sure I don’t die.” 
“Thank you,” you said, and Steve was sure that if he wasn’t so injured, you would have smacked him for that.
You touched your fingers lightly against his chest, and he immediately winced. “Does that hurt?” 
“How much? Scale of one to ten.” 
“A six. I think.” 
You nodded. “Well… Hold your breath, or find something to bite down on. Because this might hurt a little more.” 
You took a gauze pad out of the package and dipped it into the water cup, then started to carefully clean his wounds. There was a mixture of dirt, dust, blood, and general Upside Down muck all over—you looked the same way, and somehow you made it look good—but you slowly worked through it all. Every so often he would wince when you got too close to one of the bites, but you always apologized. 
“I think you are the luckiest person alive,” you murmured after a while, tossing another dirty gauze pad into the growing pile on the table. The pack in the first aid kit was new, and you’d gone through two thirds of it just from cleaning up Steve. “These don’t look like they’re infected, somehow. Guess my shoddy work out there helped some.” 
“And I am eternally grateful,” he said. “Dying in the Upside Down from some rabid demon bats was not really on my bucket list.” 
You laughed. “That’s good. It’s not on mine either.” 
“Now that I’m all cleaned up,” Steve said, “what’s the verdict, doc?”
“You’re gonna be okay,” you said. “At least, I think. We should really be getting you to a hospital—” 
“Not an option,” he interrupted, shaking his head, “unless you wanna answer a lot of questions.” 
You sighed at his assertion but continued anyway. “Like I said, they’re not infected, which is a miracle. And as far as I can tell, there’s no sign of poison. You’re not too hot—” 
“—or too cold,” you said with more emphasis, slightly annoyed at his second interruption, “your breathing is fine, and you seem pretty lucid. Just to be sure, though—” you held up four fingers. “How many fingers?” 
“Four,” he answered. 
“Who’s the current president?” 
“What school did you go to?” 
“Hawkins High School.” 
“Whose house is this?” 
“The hottest girl in town.” 
“What?” he asked innocently. “I’m just tellin’ the truth.” 
You rolled your eyes, but he could still see your slight smile even as you glanced away. “Okay, then. I think that means you’re good. You just need to rest—take it easy.” 
“What?” Steve frowned. “Vecna is still running and we have no idea how to take him down. All of Hawkins is in danger, Max is in danger—we can’t just stop for a little nap in between it all.” 
“And we won’t,” you agreed. “You’ve done a lot, Steve, and we all appreciate it. But if you go out again, you could get yourself killed. And you won’t be able to help anyone six feet under.” 
“I’ll be fine,” he insisted. “I’ve done all this before—I’ve dealt with all this interdimensional shit before. If anything, you’re the one that should be sitting out! The medic doesn’t go out into the field, and you won’t be any help six feet under either. I’m not losing you, doc.” 
“I’m not the one with all these injuries!” you exclaimed. “You can’t go out and do what we just did again—you have serious wounds, wounds that need to be professionally examined, by the way, and you were nearly strangled to death by those bats. That could have affected your windpipe, or arteries in your neck—god, you could have brain damage, Steve!” 
He chuckled. “That’s not the first time someone’s said that to me.” 
“Steve,” you said sternly, “this is serious. If we didn’t get there in time, you would’ve died. And—” you swallowed thickly, biting down on your lip as your eyes glimmered— “and I don’t know what I would’ve done if you did. You scared us, Steve—you scared me.” 
Wait a second. 
Was that genuine emotion in your voice? Genuine emotion, and—and near tears, when you were talking about him? 
People didn’t cry over Steve Harrington. They laughed at him, joked around with him, insulted him, put him in his place. He was a fun guy to be around, to hang out with, to go home at the end of the night, but he wasn’t a guy you kept around. He wasn’t a guy you cared about.
And yet here you were, taking valuable time out of your day to help him with his injuries, possibly about to cry over Steve Harrington.
Maybe his feelings weren’t as unrequited as he imagined. 
“Well…” his voice was softer than he expected when it came out, “you scared me, doc. Back there, right when you were about to climb out, when Vecna got you?” Steve shook his head. “That was terrifying. There were no warning signs, you just froze, and your eyes rolled back—god, I thought you were gonna start floating next. I thought you were dead, and I thought I was gonna have to watch it happen.” 
“But I’m okay.” You took the gauze pad away from his injuries as you looked at him, right at him, and all he could think about was how beautiful your eyes were, how beautiful you were, and how thankful he was that you were still alive. “And you’re okay too, thank god, but it won’t last if you keep throwing yourself right into danger. You could’ve very easily not been okay.” 
“You could’ve very easily not been okay!” he said, his voice rising without him even noticing. “You’re lucky Vecna only wanted to scare you instead of snap you in half!”
Your eyes widened, maybe just from his choice of words or the way his tone changed, but Steve immediately regretted it either way. 
“I’m sorry,” he stammered, “I— I’m sorry. I’m not mad, just… scared. I’m glad nothing happened to you.”  
“I guess we both got lucky,” you said quietly. 
Steve nodded. “…Guess so.” 
You cleared your throat yet again. “Can you sit up and turn around without any discomfort? I need to clean up your back too.” 
He carefully got up and turned, crossing his legs so he could sit, and thankfully, it didn’t hurt as much just sitting there in the open air. Maybe it was the aspirin, maybe it was the fact that his injuries were actually being treated. He liked to believe it was because you were treating them. 
“Yeah,” he said. “That’s fine.” 
The silence hung between you for a while as you worked on Steve’s injuries, and after you finished cleaning them you started applying Neosporin. His wounds might not have been infected now, but you wanted to keep it that way. The silence was only interrupted every so often when he would wince aloud and you would apologize, or when you warned him that something was going to hurt. Despite the small outburst, there was only the slightest bit of tension. Steve was the one who broke it, though. 
“I can’t sit out while the rest of you do all the work,” he said. “I know it’s stupid, and it goes against your doctor instincts, but I have to see this through. After all Vecna, or— or 001, or Peter, whoever the hell he told you he is— after all he’s done, I can’t just let you guys take him down without me. I have to be there.” 
“I know. But I have to.” He couldn’t look back at you, but the meaning was still there. “You’re part of this team now, which means you’re gonna be out there. And if you’re out there, I’m gonna be by your side. It’s non-negotiable.” 
“Stand up,” you said, veering off topic. He wondered, for a fearful second, if he had gone too full on too quickly. “And lift your arms up. I need to redress your wounds—these bandages are filthy.” 
Steve nodded, and after testing the waters to make sure his legs wouldn’t give out immediately, stood up. You pushed the coffee table back with your leg to make more room, and then you picked up the roll of bandages. As you started to wrap them around his chest and back, moving your head every so often to see his back and make sure you were on track. 
“I won’t be alone,” you said then, and your smile made him feel a lot better. At least he didn’t scare you off. “I’ve got Nancy Wheeler with me. That girl is a total badass.” 
“She is.” You weren’t looking at Steve as you worked, but he didn’t take his eyes away from you. “But, y’know, Eddie told me that you jumped in right after me. Like, didn’t even hesitate. And you were pretty good with that paddle when you basically saved my life. I’d say you’re pretty badass too.” 
“No,” you denied, and you shook your head, “no, I’m not. Anyone would do what I did. It’s just instinct.” 
Steve laughed in disbelief. “Are you kidding me? Anyone would not do what you did—literally jumping headfirst into a danger you’ve never encountered before is badass, and you can’t deny that. I mean, you basically saved my life twice—stopped those bats from finishing the job and then made sure I didn’t bleed out. You’re like my guardian angel at this point, doc.” 
A smile quirked on your lips. “That’s a title I’d like to get rid of. It would be nice if I didn’t have to save you from near death again.” 
“I dunno,” Steve said. “I’d say it’s pretty worth it if I get to hang out with you.” 
He heard you take in a quick breath as your hands froze. Just as quickly, you got back to work. “You, um, you don’t have to nearly die to spend time with me. There’s— there’s easier ways. A lot of easier ways.” 
He raised his eyebrows. “And what are some of them?” 
“You could, um—” your eyes darted away for a second before you looked at him, “you could just ask.” 
“Well then,” Steve said, “do you wanna go out with me?” 
“Yeah!” you blurted out immediately, and then your eyes widened. “I mean— yes, of course I do, but— but not right now. After all of this. After all of this is over.” 
Steve nodded thoughtfully. “So after we kill Vecna, we can celebrate by going out for shakes.” 
You grinned, and Steve thought it was the most stunning thing he’d ever seen. As much fun as it was teasing and flustering you, seeing you work in your element and seeing you confident—that was a lot better. “Sure.” 
“Alright,” he said, nodding again with a smile of his own, “alright. Kill Vecna, get out of it alive—” 
“Extra emphasis on that part,” you interrupted as you finally finished wrapping his injuries. You tore it off from the roll and secured the bandages, then placed the nearly empty roll back on the table. Then you looked right at him. “And then after you get out without nearly dying, you take me on the best date of my life as payment for all the magic I’ve worked for you.” 
Steve chuckled. “You’ve got yourself a deal, doc.”
perm tags: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77 @simonsbluee @kwyloz @masteroperator
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thatiranianphantom · 9 months
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The assumption is ridiculous, really. She tells them as much. It's ridiculous, and the fact that they've cornered her and they're acting like they've solved their own mystery, only the mystery is her, is frankly just....insulting and patently wrong.
"I hugged you and you yelped, Drew. And one of the rare hugs I deem you worthy of! You'd think you'd be cherishing that opportunity."
"Proves nothing."
"Your boobs are sore. That's symptom #1."
Nancy heaves a deep sigh, and her friends, her beloved best friends actually start circling her, like predators hunting down prey.
"Your eyes are red. You're tired." Bess offers.
"I was up all night helping Ace study!"
George wrinkles her nose. "First of all, ew."
"He has a test, it's not like...."
George holds a hand up. "Don't want to know, not interested in thinking of Ace like that. Ever. More to the point, we got clam chowder and you went exorcist immediately with the puking. That's never happened before."
"It's not like the Claw's food standards have improved since..."
This time, Bess holds a finger up, tutting at Nancy. "We aren't done, our most beloved friend. You could also smell Nick's cologne from across the house."
"He put it on heavily!" The excuses are getting weaker and Nancy knows it. But her brain's gears, usually spinning rapidly, seem to be working at a determinly slow pace. Keeping the doors closed, as it were. Closing out things she perhaps didn't want to think about.
"And," George moves in closer to her, eyes meeting Nancy's straight on, gleaming like she's just fit in the final piece to a particularly difficult puzzle.
"You're late, aren't you?"
It's ostensibly a question, but it's also not a question. Nancy has all the replies in the world on the tip of her tongue, about how invasive it is that her friends are tracking her period, about how it's none of their business, but they somehow get clogged in her throat.
They get lost, as the floodgates open.
Because yes, she did recoil from Nick (there was a comment in there about how it hadn't been that long since they dated, and did she really find him that repulsive yet). She had spent a lot of time retching over some food poisoning that none of her other friends seem to get. She and Ace had indeed had to abort some "date nights" because her boobs were oddly sore. She had peed no less than 7 times on the 4 hour drive to the latest small-scale case. Immediately after vomiting up all the clam chowder, she had inhaled two burgers.
"No," it comes out weakly at first, then stronger. "No! Because we...we're careful. We're always careful. And I'm...I'm on the pill. And we've...I mean, we've only talked about stuff like that as an eventually. Ace hasn't even gotten into med school yet, I can't be...no. No, you're wrong!"
The last part is a near shout, as Nancy curls her fingers into Bess' jacket, first lightly, then tighter, tighter.
Soothingly, with more gentleness than Nancy knew George possessed, her friend disentangles her fingers from Bess, and laces her fingers through Nancy.
"Sweetie," Bess says softly, stroking back a lock of hair from Nancy's forehead. "Did you take the pill every day?"
Her life is insane. It's busy, tracking sin eaters. It doesn't lend itself to a reliable schedule. That's the reasoning she'll use later, along with her app forgetting to remind her after she silenced it one day.
Because for a period of a few days, she'd forgotten. Looking back, she thinks it was Ace's birthday. They'd just come off a case where they'd found three sin eaters at one time, and Ace had done well on a big test, and there was cake and stars and the bed of a rented pickup laid out with blankets and she'd just...forgotten.
Bess and George do their best to soothe her. They buy her tests, and sit with her during the actual eternity that three minutes is, holding her hands and reassuring her it'll be okay, that she has options, that they're here for her, but when she slips into Florence at the end of the day, Ace greeting her with a kiss, the test wrapped in tissue hidden in her bag feels like a bomb with a lit fuse.
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lovebillyhargrove · 1 year
Part 3 of Billy knows his limit Part 2
Steve knows he can be a coward. He's fought monsters and gone through hell and back but he can still be a fucking coward.
Just like that time, at the Byers' when he first saw the lights flickering and unbelievable shit happening right in front of his eyes, he ran. He was terrified. The instinct told him to get out of there, and he did.
Steve knows he can lose if he's fighting fear. It's possible.
That's the reason why Steve ignored Hargrove on the following Monday after jerking each other off in Tommy's bathroom. Steve had wanted to touch this popular Californian asshole for months, get his hands burnt a little on the hot unfamiliar sun, and it happened so that the stars aligned - he crossed Billy's path, took Billy's hand.
And Hargrove followed.
Did Steve want to do it again?
God, yes. More. More.
Did Steve approach Hargrove in broad daylight in front of the whole school knowing what they did?
He didn't. He panicked and he didn't and maybe he shouldn't have led Billy to that bathroom in the first place.
Steve laced up his Nikes and ran.
Steve'd wanted to touch Hargrove for so long, but after he did, the level of magnitude with which his usual beliefs and ideas were shaken, terrified him. Left him running for his life.
But only. The secret that they shared. It was scorching him. Wasn't letting him be.
Steve did come back to the Byers' that night though. Couldn't leave Nancy and that weirdo in trouble.
This Sunday Steve wakes up and goes to the garage. His parents are in their apartment in Indianapolis. As most of the time. He slides the door up, and there it is - the gift his father bought to himself for his 45th birthday
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the red 1983 BMW r65. His dad spent a fortune on it. And it is,
A beauty. Steve's sliding his palm over the cool fuel tank and the soft leather seat.
His father would have a fit if he knew Steve's even looking at it.
"No, son, you cannot ride it. You don't have a proper driving license for that. You are absolutely not allowed to ride it and you cannot touch it."
Little did he know, but Steve could, in fact, ride a motorbike.
Indianapolis was only 70 miles away from Hawkins. In summer of 1984 Steve went to Indianapolis to take motorcycle classes. Hawkins was too small to find those. He dropped it the moment he understood he could ride a motorbike without being a major road safety hazard, and since then he couldn't help but take the BMW out for a ride a couple of times. Or more than a couple. Dad didn't have to know.
His father practically never rode the bike himself. He was seldom in Hawkins, didn't have the time. The bike was like a valuable possession, treasured and abandoned in the garage. Stood there all alone.
Was kinda unfair, in Steve's opinion. So he kept it company.
It's the last week of school. Tomorrow is Monday, their last basketball practice.
Steve's gonna skip it.
No more hiding.
After dodging practice Steve got into his beamer and drove home. Took a 5-minute shower, changed his clothes, put on a light jacket, went downstairs and slid the garage door open. The BMW was already waiting for him. He took care of it yesterday, checked if everything was okay. The black helmet was right there on the shelf. He didn't have the second one, but who knew if he would actually need it. His plan could go sideways and end up in a crash.
Steve slowly pushes the bike outside and closes the garage door. His palms are sweaty and his heart is racing. Fuck, it's worse than any of his prior little adventures. It feels too big, and it certainly doesn't feel like an adventure. Steve's as serious as a heart attack. He's gonna have one, soon, if his heart doesn't slow down. His breath catches in his throat, and he hasn't even got to the school/best part of it yet.
He gets on the bike and turns the ignition key. The engine comes alive, and its rumble sends a thrill down Steve's spine.
Nah. Hargrove won't be able to resist this baby. He doesn't stand a chance.
When Steve gets back to the school parking lot, the first thing he notices is that the camaro is still there. People are starting to spill out of school. It's the last week of studies, and there's an undertone of excitement to everything that's happening.
He parks the bike not far from Billy's car, gets off, takes off the helmet and leans on the bike, waiting.
Steve's heartbeat becomes too loud when he sees Hargrove go out of the school building. He's afraid his legs are gonna give in and he's gonna fall down together with his fancy BMW and make a sight out of himself. What the fuck is happening, has he never been after a girl before? He has, but this shit's a million times more intense.
The heart beats and beats and beats and then stops when he feels Hargrove's eyes land on him.
He's read it in books and seen it in the movies. When two people are surrounded by a crowd, but they say "the world stops turning" and the two people only see each other, only have eyes for each other. The world didn't stop, but it definitely became slower and the time seemed to turn into some kind of a viscous syrup that takes forever to pour out from a narrow-neck bottle.
Steve's heart is pounding in his head again and Hargrove's looking as if not sure what to do, as if he's still figuring out if this message is meant for him. It's obvious he wants it to be for him.
It's a cliché, but they are standing there like they are alone in the parking lot. In the universe.
It's a cliché, but now Steve knows that the cliché is real and so true.
Steve smiles.
"Hey Hargrove!"
Billy snaps out of it, comes up to him, slowly
"Nice ride, Harrington."
There's no bite to it. Steve feels the envy though. Billy's just a boy who likes cars and bikes and anything fast. Except, maybe .. kissing? Steve wants to find out so bad.
"Yeah, not bad, huh? That's not mine though. My dad's. But I thought, why not, you know .. take it out for a spin?"
Billy's checking out the BMW. He's gonna say yes, he can't resist, it's too much of a temptation.
"You should. Do you know how?"
"Yep, I do. Took classes and shit. You like it? I can give you a ride, if you.. want."
Billy's eyebrows rise just a millimetre
"Oh yeah? I have my own wheels, Harrington."
"I know, but I figured .. we could.. Max has her AV club till 4, right?"
"You know the brats' schedule better than me."
"I could drive you around, go to the quarry. Or to .. a lake."
Billy snorts
"A lake, Steve?"
"Yeah. Lovers' lake. Ever been?"
"Maybe. And I'm gonna, what? .. Sit behind you like I'm your bitch?"
Steve's blushing.
"More like my.. partner in crime? My dad will kill me for taking his bike. But.. bitch is also, uh. An option."
"Wow wow wow, Harrington. In front of the whole school, no less. Everyone's looking, King Steve."
Everyone is looking.
"I uh.. I don't give a fuck. Let them look. Okay it's not like I'm gonna be running around telling everyone I've held your dick.. and not because I'm ashamed or anything. It's because.. that's only between me and you. But I'm also not gonna act like a stranger around you. And .. I was stupid for acting like that, Billy. I know you're angry."
Steve takes a deep breath. Billy's silent. He can feel the I'm sorry written all over it.
"You want the truth? I'm still afraid of you, Hargrove. Scared shitless, if I'm honest. But I'm done hiding. So .. if you're still uh .. interested.."
Steve falls silent too. They are looking into each other's eyes and Steve can swear he feels the time stop. Just like they say it does. It's Billy who breaks the gaze, eyes cast down for a second, smiling quietly more to himself than to Steve, standing there in the Hawkins High parking lot, so unspeakably beautiful under the warm late spring sun rays.
"So.. Lovers' Lake, pretty boy?"
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lightvixxen · 2 years
I was wondering if you do plus sized y/n?
If so could you please do one were y/n is being really flirtatious to the point on teasing but like being Suddle about it so only eddie knows?
It can be smut if you like or not I just like seeing Eddie flustered 😏
Baby im plus sized myself ofc i do!! Every single one of my y/ns are plus sized by default <33 also i don’t know if you wanted a friends to lover or established relationship….i just kinda went for what mood i was in to write!
I apologize if this isn’t what you wanted, and thank you so much for your request <3
Warnings: smuttish but no smut, fluff, smut situation (eddie gets hard lmao), reader is a tease and a brat, Eddie struggling lol, ment of daddy & master kink.
Eddie was dying. He was sure of it! Because he had a little minx for a partner, who seemed dead set on torturing him today. And enjoying it!
It had started as small touches, feather light even. A hand on his thigh, slowly ghosting upwards before going back down. Which was fine, you were touchy, he knew this. His problem started when you’d brush against his upper thigh, too close to his crotch.
The pets names were upped, you normally called him babe or Eds around your guy’s friend group. But today, apparently you were set on letting bedroom language slip. And by that he means you called him Master and fucking Daddy! Granted he could tell the daddy one was on pure accident. He had asked you to do something in a slightly commanding tone and it slipped.
Which was of course met with Robin, Steve and Nancy all fake gagging. Which was fair. The master part of it…now that one he could tell was fucking deliberate. To the others it just seemed like a jab at his position of Dungeon Master during hellfire, he knew better than that.
The fucking outfit you wore wasn’t much better, tight fitted jeans, showing off your curves, a tank top to combat the late day heat. You were driving him insane. Not to mention the fucking necklace you had laying high on your neck. One of his rings you had stolen from him in the beginning of your relationship. It was a small mark of possession.
Eddie had pulled you into his lap, despite your protests, fearing you would crush him. He assured you that you wouldn’t, you were constantly scared of hurting him but he was tougher than he looked. And also just really needed a way to hide his fucking hard on. Eddies head dropped down into your shoulder, saying he was just tired. While the others were distracted he grabbed your hips gently.
“Your being a fucking brat you know that?” He told you lowly. “No Idea what your talking about, master” you replied in a equally hushed tone. Eddie held back a groan when you ground your hips against him slightly, passing it off as just getting comfortable
“You know exactly what I’m talking about, don’t play dumb sweetheart.” You smirked, “oh yeah? What’re you gonna do about it? We agreed to hang out with them all day~” you reminded, the five of you never really got the chance to hang out without the kids, so this was a rare opportunity.
Eddie sighed, “you are going to be in so much trouble when we get home, enjoy your ability to fucking walk while it lasts.” You giggled, getting the attention of the others who were so blissfully unaware of the exchange currently happening.
“What’s so funny over there?” Steve asked, an eyebrow raised.
“Oh nothing! Just thought of something funny!” You passed it off, which wasn’t a surprise, you were the type to laugh at the most inappropriate times.
Eddie did keep his promise on you losing your ability to walk later that night.
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hazardworld · 1 year
Part 2 of Monster Town. Part 1
30 minutes later, Steve was snacking on another fish, watching Dustin pace as he angrily ranted in front of Robin and Eddie, who had tagged along purely because Robin needed a ride and Dustin wasn’t letting Steve "escape," even after Steve reassured him he wouldn’t try anything.
He would’ve tried something.
He wasn’t their problem to deal with.
"So you’re telling me not only has Steve kept his monster status from me, his bff for life, but he’s also risked his life because of his shitty parents telling him to restrict being himself?" Robin gave him a pointed glare as Dustin confirmed, whereas Eddie just raised an eyebrow, purple eyes laced with befuddlement.
"Guys, look, it’s not your problem! My parents are shitty, sure, but this isn’t an issue any of you should deal with, especially you, Eddie."
"Bullshit, Harrington." Steve’s brow furrowed as Eddie rubbed the side of his face, exasperated, with a small smile. "You and your stupid fucking martyr complex, wasn’t it you who told me I was part of the Party now, anyway—"
"And when one party member requires assistance, it is up to the other members of the party to provide that assistance!" Eddie raised his hand towards Dustin as if to say, 'exactly, you shithead,'
"See? You listened to my problems, now I’ll help you with yours, deal?" Steve nodded slowly, hugging his arms to his chest and looking away from the rest of the group. That didn’t last long though, as he was being yanked up by Dustin, and soon, pushed by Robin and Eddie, to where he quickly realized the pool was.
"Guys I literally just got dry—"
"Shut it Steve, I’m seeing your fish form, even if I have to possess you to get in there myself!" Steve let out a puff of air. It wasn’t like he was resisting, honestly, so before he got close enough where Dustin would fling him in, he spun himself to the side, making his friends all crash into the pool themselves.
So sad.
"STEVE!" Dustin’s voice was the first one he heard, angry, sure, but not in danger (poodles can swim, right?). He sighed, smiling lightly at his younger brother and best friends’ pissed faces. Robin shot him the finger, and he returned it right back.
"Fuc—St’ve!" And then there was Eddie, sputtering and splashing, and immediately, Steve went into panic mode, diving in and keeping the man up above the surface as he caught his breath.
"Eds, you ok?" Eddie nodded, coughing out water.
"Yeah, shit, I uh—" Eddie froze, eyes widened, staring at the pool floor. Steve raised an eyebrow, was there a bug, a spider or something? He looked down, and immediately realized Eddie’s distress: Steve’s tail had wrapped itself snugly around Eddie’s ankles, keeping Eddie afloat, but also 100% tied down.
Also, not to mention it was Steve’s tail, which was weird, because usually he had to contemplate the change before he made it, but this time he’d dove in and gone full form without even thinking.
And also, it was Steve’s tail.
On Eddie’s skin.
He started to loosen it, drifting away, but Eddie quickly put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him.
"No, no, it’s keeping me upright, keep it there, just…" Eddie bit his lip and looked away, Steve pretending not to notice the red blooming his cheeks, "you’re real pretty like this, Harrington. No wonder the girls find you so irresistible." Eddie finished off with his signature cocky smirk.
"Found, Munson. Stopped using sirenspeak after Hellkins round 1," Steve watched as not only Eddie, but Dustin and Robin’s eyes all widened.
"Holy shit, that’s why all your romance tips were such bull! Because you’ve never actually tried to swoon someone!" Steve sputtered and crossed his arms indignantly.
"Of—Of course I’ve tried to swoon someone, Henderson! I’ll have you know, I only used sirenspeak to get Nancy to notice me, not make her fall in love with me. That I did by hand. Besides, in a romantic context, it’s really only good for one-time things, the whole premise being to kill the person after, so…" He gave a weak smile, shrugging his shoulders.
"Yeah, you’re too sweet to kill people, Steve," Robin smirked, and Steve stuck his tongue out and gave her a little splash. She phased it out while putting up two middle fingers, and Steve rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah. It’s also against the law, Rob, in case you were wondering." Robin laughed lightly as she flew herself up out of the pool, grabbing Steve’s towel from earlier. Dustin quickly followed up the pool steps and shook himself off, which left Eddie, who was still bonded to Steve by his ankles.
"So how is this gonna work, Stevie?" Steve smirked.
"I’ve got an idea," He laid his upper body back onto the surface of the water, and gently moved Eddie up and back until he hit the edge of the pool. "Let me know when the lip is on your kneecaps." Steve moved Eddie up and down until he was given an indication, and Eddie took the obvious hint to sit, and Steve finally unwrapped himself. He then moved himself next to Eddie, and crossed his arms over the edge, plopping his head on top.
"So, you never learned how to swim, eh Munson?" Eddie rolled his eyes, blushing in embarrassment. He crossed his own arms and kicked the water in front of him.
"Yeah, yeah. We didn’t have a local pool close enough for me to walk to in Indy, and by the time I got here it was kinda too old for someone to be using a floaty for reasons other than relaxing." Steve nodded.
"Fair, fair. I feel like it’s pretty useless If I try, but if you wanted, one of the other party members could come teach you here? I promise all the insults you get will be in good company." Eddie chuckled.
"So sure I’m that bad already, Stevie?" Steve felt his cheeks heat up the the nickname.
"No, but you’ve met Erica. That girl will take every excuse to tell you what you’re doing wrong." Eddie laughed. Steve decided he loved Eddie’s laugh.
"Damn straight, man." Eddie pooled some magic into a glowing purple ball, and tossed it in his hand. "That girl is a fucking powerhouse," The two sat in silence for a minute, and Steve turned his attention on the house, to where Dustin and Robin had both disappeared.
"You know," Eddie spoke up, and Steve immediately turned to him. His magic ball rested in his hand now, not being tossed. "I wasn’t lying when I said you looked real pretty like this, Harrington." He looked Steve up and down, and Steve gulped.
Eddie frowned, tossing the ball once before it disappeared into his hand, the magic returning to its source.
"Aren’t you supposed to be? Catching the attention of humans to devour and what not?"  Steve chuckled and shook his head.
"No, dude. I had to explain this all to Dustin before you got here, but like, sirens aren’t entirely meant to look pretty, we’re meant to kill. Mermaids are the pretty ones." Eddie hummed, his frown forming into a smile showing off his own fangs, glinting in the sun.
"Well you look plenty pretty to me, Stevie." Eddie leaned over and ruffled his hair, making Steve’s face grow hot. Before he could respond, however, the sliding door opened up to a sauntering Dustin and Robin.
"We have a way to try and get you to a natural form, Steve!" Dustin’s voice boomed across the pool deck. "Monsters who shift forms like you and me usually shift out of fear!" Steve raised an eyebrow.
"Dustin, you and I both know that’s not tr—" Dustin grinned.
"Just get on out of the pool, Steve!" Steve groaned, shifting back to his bipedal form as he climbed up and out next to Eddie, who stood as Steve’s more aquatic features faded away. Steve noted his second set of fangs stayed, as if they had already gotten used to themselves being there in the two times he’d moved them there that day.
Suddenly, Robin disappeared, and within minutes, Steve was tossed and tugged around blindly. Ahh, so Robin was trying to spook him into shifting? Two could play at that game.
He felt the magic rush into his throat as he started to sing to her. He was only singing for friendship, not romance, since romance wouldn’t’ve worked on her. As the notes kept coming out, the forces gripping his arms started to loosen and still as Robin slowly took her corporeal form again, enamored with his voice.
He swayed along to the song a bit as he willed Robin to dance with him, and they did for a few seconds before he stopped and booped her forehead with a finger. He felt the magic drain back down to wherever a siren’s magic resided, and Robin groaned and rubbed her head. Steve looked around to find Dustin and Eddie gaping.
"Did you—Did you just—" Steve laughed lightly.
"Yeah, Dust, I just used sirenspeak. But in my defense, as the person who taught you to form shift, fear is never the best way to shift! I know what I’m doing, Henderson." Dustin rolled his eyes.
"Says the person who didn’t even know they were binding their form, Steve!" Steve passed Dustin the finger, and he stuck out his tongue.
"I feel…like I got hit by a bus. Did I survive?" Robin grunted out, pressing two fingers into the gap between her eyebrows.
"You did, Robin," Robin groaned disappointedly as Steve turned his attention to Eddie. "Eddie, I have some of your pain potion things in my bathroom. Think you could help Robin?" Eddie nodded once, and ushered Robin back inside with calm whispers.
"So what are you gonna do, Steve? Figure it out yourself? Because I don’t think that’s been working out for as of late." Dustin panned his hand from Steve’s head to his feet, frowning.
"It’ll work just fine now that I know what’s wrong!" Steve snapped back.
"You’ve been binding for so long you might not know how to get it out on your own!"
"I think I can do things without a idiot 15-year-old nerd trying to baby me every step of the way!"
Oooh, too far. Even though he tried not to show it, Dustin’s ears flattened against his skull and his tail tucked tight between his legs. Steve sighed.
"Sorry, pup. That went too far." Dustin perked back up, though cautious.
"No, no you’re right. Sometimes I forget that not everyone needs my help with everything. That was my bad, Steve."
"Still shouldn’t’ve snapped at you. It was bitchy and unkind." Dustin smirked.
"You can make up for it with a hug." Steve snorted and opened his arms. Obviously, Dustin could get a hug from him anytime. Not only was companionship and touch something instinctually needed for werewolves, but Dustin was his little brother. Obviously, Steve was gonna let Dustin hug him whenever he wanted.
"Did you two finally make up?" Steve heard after a few minutes, and the two released. Standing in the sliding glass doorway was Eddie, with Robin behind him, hands on her hips. "I don’t think either of us would make for good mediators." Steve rolled his eyes and ruffled Dustin’s hair, making the kid laugh and bat his hand away.
"No, neither of you would," Steve grinned at his friends, "Eddie, you’d just avoid the issue and move on, and Robin, you’d get too anxious about it to even get involved,"
Eddie shrugged, and Robin sighed. Steve was very emotionally intelligent; he couldn’t tell if it came with the territory of being a siren or if it was just him, but if there was anything he was good at, it was reading people’s emotions.
And like, swimming or something.
"I can’t help it, I’m skittish towards conflict!" Eddie grinned, raising his hands in surrender.
"I’d like to prove you wrong but the only rebuttal I can think of is about Hellkins 4 and I’d really rather not think about that right now," Dustin commented, and the atmosphere of the room changed instantly. "Can we change the subject?"
"Let’s talk about Steve!" Robin supplied after a minute, "We don’t know much about sirens besides the whole," she made rapid circles with her hand, "shifting and sirenspeak thing. What else can you do?"
Part 3!
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stormypasta88 · 9 months
unfolded truths and consequences
will confronts mike about his big 'i love you' speech and forces him to explain what he meant by half of it.
cw: vecna possession, manipulation, guilt-tripping, mentions of death, self hatred, bullying, references to stabbing
also available on ao3
while en route to hawkins, el and jonathan are fast asleep, as argyle toots his own horn and mumble sings to whatever is on the radio. mike and will are sat next to the other, pointedly ignoring each other when will takes a deep breathe and asks mike a question that's been burning in his throat.
"so the day i left was the best day of your life?" he asks quietly, continuing to stare at the ground as if he hadn't asked.
"what?" mike asks, looking up at will in confusion. he heard will loud and clear, but he isn't sure if he's hallucinating from all of the panic and stress he's undergone in the past week.
"you told el. that the best day of your life, was the day that i got taken by the demogorgon." he repeats, more sternly and looking up to meet mike's eyes. hurt and pain liter his features in the dim streetlights that are passing through the van's windows. "what does that mean? were you happy that i was gone? that i was dead?"
a single tear falls down mike's cheek before he quickly wipes it away. "that..that's not what i meant at all." he stammers, taken aback by the accusation.
the week will went missing was without a doubt the worst week of mike's life. it wasn't very subtle, everyone around him knew it. his parents, nancy, even baby holly knew that mike wasn't the happiest during that week. all of the important people in his life knew that that week without will was the actual worst.
except will.
will didn't know the absolute torture he went through when he was gone.
they had vowed not to talk about it unless they absolutely needed to. they had acknowledged then that it was too much grief and trauma to sift through at 12 years old, so they left it to be a fight for another day.
"so then what did you mean mike? you meant that i shouldn't have ever gotten rescued? that i should've stayed in the upside down and died?" will asks, accusing mike of the absolute worst thing to ever be. mike just stares at him in shock. how could his very best friend even think of him so lowly?
mike knew he wasn't the perfect best friend over the last six months when will was in california, but being away from his best friend for the longest time they've ever been apart for was hard for him and he didn't know how to react.
"the week without you was the absolute worst. i spent every night looking for you and praying i could find you. when they pulled that fake body out the-" mike cuts himself off.
the memories and the tears start slamming back into him. he hasn't talked about the night after will's government funded body was pulled out the quarry to anyone. no one knew what happened that night except for him and his mom, who swore not to tell anyone ever.
"after your body was pulled, i ran off and biked home. but i was crying so hard so that i couldn't see. i ran into a pole on my bike and didn't even get up. i just laid there and cried. my best friend was dead. and i didn't know to do."
mike can feel a sob trying to climb his its way out of his throat but he'd rather die than wake up el or jonathan with his crying.
will stares on at mike, expression slowly softening as he takes in his words. if he was being honest, will knew he was being kind of a jerk about the situation. but at the same time, it felt as though mike had found the absolute sharpest object that ever existed and drove it through will's chest without a care in the world.
"i got home and just collapsed again. i had slept in my parents bed like i was a toddler because i was just crying so hard. didn't go to school the next day or anything, i was just sad. it hurt so bad, you know? seeing you dead. well not really dead clearly, but i didn't know that then. i was 12, and my best friend was dead. i had to keep imaging how i was gonna move on. how was i going to plan future campaigns knowing i was missing a player? i was gonna have to finish middle school and graduate high school without you by my side. i was going to grow up and write but i wouldn't have your awesome drawings alongside my writing. i couldn't do anything without you, and i still can't. i always want you by my side, will. i'm sorry i haven't been acting like it but truly i don't know what to do without you."
mike allowed a few tears to make their way down his cheeks and droplets stain his jeans as he just sat there, not looking at will for a reaction. he had just poured his heart out for the first time since he was 12 and it was just starting to register in his head.
"aw mike, why didn't you tell me?" will started, his tone sympathetic. he sounded gentle, like he was talking to a baby. "why didn't you tell me you were so pathetic?"
startled, mike whipped his head over to look at will. at least, a version of will. instead of the beautiful brown and green eyes that will had, they were entirely white and foggy. as if he were in a trance of some kind.
"you let me be your friends for almost 10 years and you kept it a secret how much a pathetic wannabe you are? you're disgusting, really. crying and sobbing your heart out over me? it's like you're obsessed with me. you are, aren't you? i bet you're even in love with me. what a freak" will continued.
mike didn't know what to say. will's words finally processing in his mind, "freak" and "pathetic" whirling around in his head like they were on the spin cycle. will had seemed to take the dagger that mike put through his chest, rip it out and stabbed it repeatedly into mike's own.
mike opened and closed his mouth repeatedly, trying to make his mind work and respond but there was nothing.
"will, i.." mike started. suddenly his mouth felt dry and his brain was too big for his skull to hold and mike couldn't feel.
he closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around his head in attempts to conceal the pain and make it stop but it didn't help.
memories of him and will as kids flashed in front of his eyes. all in gray, gone were the days from elementary school of running around castle byers, beginner dnd campaigns that they were so bad at but they didn't care.
they grew taller, teeth fell out and pimples grew and suddenly they were 13 years old and mike was yelling at him in his garage. "It's not my fault you don't like girls!". suddenly, mike was the worst best friend in the planet.
the scene changed again and mike was looking at himself, huddled into an awkward ball in the back of a surfer boy pizza boy. faint sobbing and whimpery apologies tumble from his lips.
"what kind of monster would talk to will like that? what is wrong with you?" he hears. in his own voice. mike looks around confused, he didn't speak. he looks over at the mike sitting on the seat in the van, who's staring at him with glazed over white eyes.
the eyeless mike continues to stare at him, menacingly. "who do you think you are? some freak who wants will all to himself? you can't treat him the way he deserves and yet you want him for yourself? you want to hold him and your arms forever and protect him?? what are you protecting him from, yourself?"
eyeless mike changes into a younger version, from when he was 12. chubby cheeks and awkward bowl cut stare back at him. "we're supposed to protect will, what are you doing? i'd never treat will like that, he's my best friend. what is wrong with you?"
the high pitched and squeaky, "what is wrong with you", plays over and over in his head, growing in volume. stuck like a record, over and over.
what is wrong with you?
until it stops. its just black, as if mike's eyes are just closed like he's about to go to bed. then he's in a field. it's a bright and sunny day. the wind is blowing and the flowers are in full bloom. it's a wonderful sight. mike looks around and will appears.
as beautiful as he always is. hazel and green eyes shine brightly in the sunlight, brown hair so beautifully shiny. the wind blows and he laughs. the most beautiful laugh mike's ever heard.
he steps forward towards will, reaching out for his hand. he reaches will, and holds his hand. will looks over and smiles at him, squeezing his hand gently.
"crazy together, right?" will whispers.
before mike can even open his mouth to respond, the sky turns red and will's hand isn't will's hand anymore. it's cold and clammy, scaly and gross to hold. mike looks over to see will's body, but not his face. a grotesque skinned face looks back at him.
"how pathetic michael..really. you were fun to play with, but the fun's over." the face says, in a disgusting voice. hearing it puts a grind on mike's eardrums. the voice sounds so dry, but so wet and thick and he hates it. he goes to push his hands over his ears but the gross hand is holding his tightly, and won't let him go.
"don't fight it michael. they don't want you anyways. you won't be a pathetic freak anymore with me."
tears well in mike's eyes as he stares. he doesn't want to drag anyone behind anymore. he's the paladin, he's supposed to fix everything.
a teardrop falls before mike pitifully nods his head.
back in the van, in the real world. there's a bright yellow van parked haphazardly on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.
jonathan's pacing outside of the van, running his hand through his hair wildly as he tries to figure out what to do. argyle sits with will and mike on the floor trying to snap mike out of whatever happened to him. el sits outside of the van, blindfold over eyes trying to link her mind to someone, anyone to that can help them.
and will.
crying like he's never cried before, shaking and begging mike to snap out of it and to come back because he can't lose mike. he refuses to lose him.
"mike come on!! mike! snap out of it, please! mike, don't do this to me please i need you" he screams, voice raw around the edges and he tries to scream through his tears.
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fandomwriterstuff · 2 years
Achy Heart (Chapter 2)
Steve Harrington x Reader
Rated T
6.6k words
Warnings: mentions of eating disordered reader, fem reader, canon-typical violence, bullying, angst, also fluff though, Billy
Senior year started relatively easily, nothing terrible happened. For that you were thankful, you could fly under the radar. You still hung out with Steve, who got more handsome every day in your opinion.
The only thing you missed, and you would never admit it, was going to parties. It wasn’t the parties themselves, it was that you wanted to hang out and socialize. You missed having friends. You had Steve, but he still went out on occasion. 
You couldn’t help but feel jealous when he said he’d spent time with Nancy at Barb’s parents’ house, and then again at a party. Nancy was beautiful and smart, and she had a history with Steve. But you didn’t have any right to feel jealous, he was just your friend, and he would never go for you. 
He was driving you home after school on a chilly November day, and you were getting nervous from all of the quiet. You were about to confront him about it when he cleared his throat.
“I have good news and bad news,” his voice was stilted and you gulped. 
“Go on.”
“The good news is I got an A on my math test, thank you Miss Tutor,” he smiled at you, but then turned serious. “The bad news is the gate to the Upside Down never closed, Will Byers is possessed, and Dustin has a baby demogorgon trapped in his basement.”
You breathed in through your nose and out through your mouth like the school counselor taught you when you were panicking. 
“Okay,” you breathed. “Thanks for not keeping me in the dark.”
“Dustin also asked for my help to catch the demogorgon,” he added quietly and you choked on your own spit.
“Excuse me?” You asked, voice raising an octave. 
“Yeah, and he’s a kid so I’m going to help him,” he said, no arguments allowed. Not with that tone of voice. You sighed and put your face in your hands.
“This is exactly what I feared,” you muttered and Steve chuckled.
“This exact scenario?” He was trying to lighten the mood but you frowned over at him.
“Yeah, actually. We didn’t fix it last time all the way, and you’re gonna try to be a hero, and you’re gonna get hurt.”
“I have to do what I can to help,” Steve was serious, and while you didn’t want to push him, you didn’t want him getting hurt. 
“Just… Just keep me in the loop,” you sighed as he let you off at home, driving another few feet to his own house. 
You don’t see Steve outside of classes and lunch for a few days, and you were beginning to worry. He would often sneak up to your bedroom window to talk and spend time with you, but with this whole Upside Down mess coming back, he was spending more and more time with Dustin. You only hoped he would be careful and find you if he needed anything. 
He won’t, you thought to yourself. Remember how useful you were last time? You just stood there.
You shook your head, Steve knew you would back him up. Right?
The answer, you found in the next few days, was no. You didn’t see him at all, and you were stuck in your home listening to your mother rant about you quitting the only good thing in your life. 
So, you hid in your bedroom. Alone, again. You hadn’t felt alone since… You couldn’t remember when. Maybe since that day Carol had beat you up? But even then you had Steve to talk to afterwards. Now though, you were alone in your home with nobody to talk to. 
Just then, though, the landline rang. You ignored it until your mom picked up downstairs. 
“Dumpling?” She called up the stairs, loud enough for you to hear through your closed door. “It’s Steve!” You lurched from your position sorting your cassettes on the floor towards the phone in your room.
“Thanks mom,” you were breathless when you responded, and you waited for her to click off before asking Steve what was up.
“So, I’m on babysitting duty while the others save the world,” he started and your eyes bulged out of your head. You could hear Dustin in the background complaining about not needing a babysitter and you held in the giggle that threatened to erupt. 
“Sounds like a respectable and noble job,” you smiled as you twirled the cord around your fingers. 
“Yeah, but I wish you were here,” you could hear his pout and you smiled, a little bittersweet. You knew he just didn’t want to be alone with the kids while the others were doing more important things. It wasn’t about you.
“Where are you?” You asked and he gave you the location of the Byers’ house. “I’ll walk over, shouldn’t take too long.”
“Are you sure? It might not be safe,” he was worried about you, but you assured him you would be fine. 
After you hung up you threw on a pair of dark jeans, a band t-shirt, and a knit sweater over top to stave off the chill. Then, sneakers on and fuzzy socks tucked under your jeans, you headed out.
“I’m going to meet Steve, I’ll see you later!” You called out to no response from your parents. 
The walk wasn’t too long but you did wish you’d brought ear muffs or gloves, the winter chill getting to you. When you finally arrived at the house, you were surprised to see Steve out front of the house talking to… Was that Billy Hargrove? 
“What’s going on here?” You wondered as you walked up, skirting around the curly haired boy to stand beside Steve.
“Just looking for my little sister, nothing to get your panties in a twist about,” Billy growled and you gulped, scooting a little closer to Steve at the clear aggression in the other boy’s posture. 
“Sorry man, she’s not here,” Steve shrugged, still calm. Though Billy must have seen something behind the two of you because he immediately shoved Steve out of the way, your friend knocking into you in the process. Though Steve made sure you stayed upright, he quickly hurried to follow Billy.
“Stay out here,” he called behind you and you bit your lip. You didn’t want to get in the middle of that, but then you saw Billy attack Lucas from through the window and a wave of something bright and sharp coursed through you. You picked up a shovel that was leaning against the Byers’ house and hurried into the living room where Steve pulled Billy off of Lucas. You stood close to the doorway, mostly out of sight.
Your fingers were frigid as you held the shovel like a bat, though warmth pooled in your stomach when you saw Steve throw a punch at Billy, getting him good in the jaw and protecting the kids. Again, you told yourself. This is the wrong time to be turned on.
You had seen Billy in school and around Max a few times. You hadn’t interacted with him but you couldn’t help but feel a pull of what had to be attraction to his curly hair, strong physique, and mean demeanor. 
Aside from Billy, Steve looked incredibly hot while he got a few good hits on Max’ unhinged older brother. 
Though right now, you were more scared than anything, your heart pounding in your chest as he broke a plate over Steve’s head and pinned him down. 
“Fuck,” you muttered, the kids scattered, trying to figure out a way to help. You revealed yourself, gripping the shovel even tighter, white knuckled.
You closed in on Billy who hadn’t noticed you yet, too busy pummeling Steve. When you were close enough you used all of your strength, anger, fear, everything you had in you to slam the flat end of the shovel across the side of Billy’s head. 
It… didn’t work as planned. He did get knocked off of Steve, who was looking at you with wide eyes, but he wasn’t knocked out. You went to swing again, but he caught it in both hands and jerked it towards himself. Your frozen fingers held on and you lurched forward towards the crazed boy. 
“You think you’re strong, yeah?” He taunted you before throwing the shovel down and grabbing you tightly by the throat. 
All of the commotion around you died down and your brain got fuzzy. Black spots entered your vision, and you weren’t sure if it was from the hand closing around your windpipe or the nibbles of food you’d had over the past few days. You were lost in thought again as fear overtook your brain. Billy was speaking, growling even, but you were zoning out. 
“Stupid cunt,” he tossed you like a ragdoll, your body knocking against something hard with sharp edges- a bookshelf? Yeah, you thought to yourself as books came tumbling down on your body. That’s a bookshelf.
You groaned, head pounding as you tried to brush books off of yourself, chilly fingers bumbling as you tried to pick things up. When you finally emerged from the pile of broken wood and books you saw Max inject Billy with something, Billy who had returned to Steve. But as you stood, you missed the rest of the interaction.
There was a sharp pain in your head and your vision spotted with black as you slid to your knees, hands clutching your head. You were too busy trying to figure out if you had a concussion or needed a burger- probably both. You didn’t even notice the rest of the confrontation with Billy until Max was dragging you by the arm towards the front door.
“Where are we going?” You asked, wondering internally if your voice sounded that slurred and messy, or if that was in your head. 
“Get in the car,” she shoved you into the backseat with a bloody and unconscious Steve, the rest of the kids piling in and crowding up the car. 
“Fuck, Steve,” you mumbled, pulling your sleeves over your hands to gently wipe the blood from Steve’s face, careful not to hurt him. 
Your position might be considered compromising if the situation were different. Max was driving, and the other kids were packed into the car, but you were sitting on Steve’s lap, facing him with your thighs resting outside of his as you dabbed at his face. 
Steve groaned and his eyes fluttered open, and you were lucky to catch the dusting of a blush on his cheeks as he took in where he was sitting and your closeness in the cramped backseat. 
“Your sweater,” he mumbled as you dabbed at his nose. It had finally stopped bleeding and you shrugged at his comment.
“It’s okay,” you whispered. “Just sit still.” He must be in so much pain. You sure were. You needed to find a Tylenol and fast. The stabbing in your head was overtaking all of your thoughts. Well, all of your thoughts except Steve. 
Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve. 
All you could focus on was helping him.
Your heart ached at the sight of him as he rested his bruised hands on your hips, steadying you. 
“We’re here,” Max called.
“Where’s here?” Steve asked, looking around. That was when Dustin explained to you Hopper’s dig site, the tunnels, Will Byers. Well… A very shorthanded version of it. You all started piling out of the car, and you reached out to hold onto the roof of the car as your knees weakened. 
Dustin had convinced Steve to go in with them, and though you were severely against the idea, you couldn’t really say much.
“I’ll keep watch,” you offered. Your whole body was bruised and aching, your head was pounding, and when you reached up to touch the back of your head it came away with wet blood. Fuck.
Steve looked like he wanted to say something, but only nodded as he followed the kids. 
You weren’t sure what you were keeping watch for, but it was all you could do to stay conscious. You were covered in Steve’s and your own blood. At first, you stood by the car, looking out for anyone or anything that might head towards the kids and Steve. Then, you sat on the hood of the car, knotting your cold and bloody fingers together. It was frigid outside in your jeans and sweater, and you regretted your earlier decision to forgo gloves. 
As the pounding in your head increased, you ended up sitting on the ground and leaning against a tire. Well, you thought to yourself. I guess if I pass out I’d rather be sitting on the ground than on the hood of the car.
You notice smoke coming from the direction the group went in, and you stood up, panicking and ignoring the little black dots at the edge of your vision as you waited for your friends to reappear. 
When they did, your rabbit heart started up again: frantically beating against your ribcage as you took stock. “Okay. Mike, Max, Lucas…” Your brain short circuited for a moment before you saw Dustin and Steve coming up behind the rest. You heaved out a breath, sagging back against the car as the group approached you. 
“Steve,” you whispered, throat sore from the earlier altercation. As soon as he was close enough he tugged you into a hug, inhaling deeply and letting out a long sigh as his arm tightened.
“Everything is going to be okay. El closed the gate,” he whispered into your hair and you nodded, feeling that telltale ache behind your eyes but not feeling any tears falling. 
Steve took you home and walked you over to your backyard.
“I don’t think I’m gonna be able to climb up there,” you muttered, looking up at your second story window. 
“I’ll pull you up,” and you watched Steve’s muscles bunch and stretch as he pulled himself up onto the roof, offering you his hands. “Come on, princess,” and when he was giving you those soft eyes you couldn’t help but trust him. 
You reached up and groaned as your bruised body complained. But you made it up and opened the window. 
“You coming, pretty boy?” You asked with a little laugh as Steve hesitated before ducking in through your window. 
“We should get all that blood off you. I don’t know if it will get off of your sweater though. That may be a lost cause,” he mourned while picking at the bottom of your sleeve where his blood had dried. You shrugged and removed the offending article, wincing as your bruised ribs and arms moved around. 
“Hey, Y/N?” Steve asked and you turned to look at him, heart rate picking up as you looked at your long-time crush covered in his own blood and soot. 
“What’s wrong?” You were frowning, stepping closer to him. The open window let in a breeze that had you shivering in your band shirt and jeans. 
“I almost died today,” he gulped and you blinked up at him. He what? “And all I could think about was you,” he looked at you from under his long lashes and you just knew you were blushing at the attention. “How I told you things would be okay and how I told myself I wouldn’t let you be in danger again. And now you’re covered in blood, standing in front of me now bruised up and probably concussed,” he brushed his hand down over his face and you had the feeling he was holding back some emotion. 
“I’m okay, Steve,” you reassured him, stepping closer and reaching out to hold his hands. “I may be a little worse for wear, but we’ll get through this.”
“Are you?” He asked, and you really tried not to get defensive. “I look at you every day, you know,” he let out a sad huff, and it broke your heart a little. “I notice things.”
You looked down, unable to keep his eye contact. “Please talk to me,” he practically begged, resting his hands on your shoulders and rubbing them down your arms before leaning over to close the window. When he came back, you drew him towards your bed where you both sat facing each other. 
“I’m lonely a lot,” you started, looking down at your fingers twisting together. “I know I have you, but you’re basically the only person I talk to. My dad ignores me, never paid attention to anything I did, good or bad,” you shrugged. Steve could probably relate to that. “And my mom… You know how she is,” your head was aching. You still hadn’t gotten that Tylenol and you still hadn’t eaten. 
“I don’t think I do,” he muttered and you opened your mouth only to close it again.
“I know she loves me,” you started, looking to the side as you prepared to bare your soul. You couldn’t look up at him. “But she’s always getting on my back about what I eat and what I weigh and what I look like. Now that I’m not in cheer, it's just worse. I don’t even like the way I look anymore,” the word vomit was happening and you couldn’t stop it. “I look like some kind of sick bird lady,” you let out a harsh laugh. “Carol was right, too. Nobody would go for an anorexic hag like me. It’s no wonder I’m still single. Nobody would want to deal with… with this,” you gestured at yourself, still not looking at Steve. But he wouldn’t have it. He tilted his head to look at him, angry tears in his eyes.
“Did she really say that?” You gulped, not wanting to divulge the rest of the equation. So you nodded. “Anything else?” You shook your head, but you couldn’t look at him. He could tell you were lying. “What is it?”
“Steve,” you muttered weakly, not wanting to finish this. 
“Please.” You looked up at him, embarrassed and wilting with exhaustion and pain. 
“She was talking about you. She knew I liked you and she told me… She said you would never want to fuck an anorexic hag like me,” your lower lip threatened to wobble as Steve took in the information, as you opened your chest and held your heart in your hands for him to see.
You couldn’t look at him anymore, choosing to look down at your crossed legs and white knuckled fingers, knotting them together anxiously. He was silent only for another moment, though it felt like years. 
“I can’t believe she would-” then he stopped again. “And you must feel-” he stopped, groaned, and leaned forward to pull you into a hug. You weren’t sure it would work well, as you were both sitting cross-legged across from each other, but he totally just pulled you up and plopped you in his lap. When his arms wrapped around you and he tucked his face into your hair, you wrapped your arms around his neck, letting your anxious fingers play with the hair at the nape of his neck. He mumbled something into your hair, but you didn’t hear past the ringing in your ears and the ache in your skull. 
“What was that?” You inquired, and this time he lifted his head to look down at you, something soft and new in his face. 
“I like you too,” he whispered with a tiny smile. 
“You do?” You asked, skeptical at first. But he brushed a strand of hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear, and he nodded.
“Totally into you. Have been for quite some time,” he added and you let out a nervous giggle.
“I’m not sure where to go from here,” you admitted shyly, arms still slung around his neck. 
“Well, I think we should clean off this blood first,” Steve said very matter-of-factly. “Then maybe, I can kiss you goodnight?” 
You were sure your entire body was the color of a tomato. The thought of Steve, your closest friend and biggest crush, kissing you goodnight? It sent heat straight to your core, damn your teenage hormones. 
“I think those are good ideas,” you breathed, but then you had to climb out of his lap. Losing his warmth and the smell of his cologne felt very sad, and you couldn’t help the pout forming on your face. 
“What’s wrong, princess?” Steve asked, leading you to your bathroom. He found one of your washcloths and soaked it in warm water.
“You smell good and I wish we were still hugging,” you muttered and he smirked over at you. “Is that so?” He asked when you jumped onto the counter next to the sink. 
“Don’t let it get to your head,” you teased, but when he put his hands on your thighs to spread them and moved to stand between them, your breath hitched. He grabbed the wet washcloth and looked at you, searching your face.
“Is this okay?” You nodded at him, and he found that satisfactory enough to start cleaning up your face and the back of your head. 
“You’re going to have to shampoo the shit out of this tomorrow to get all the blood out,” you frowned at his words. You must have really hit your head. “And uh… You’re going to have to explain to your mom why you have a handprint bruise around your throat,” he spoke softly, and you turned towards the mirror to confirm his words. 
“Oh,” you whispered. In all the commotion, and with your head hurting so bad, you’d forgotten about your sore throat. 
“I hate that I invited you over and got you in trouble,” Steve sighed, turning your face back towards him and wiping the last bit of blood away. He started working on getting his blood off your fingers next, though you would need a nail brush to clean it out from under your fingernails. 
“It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known Billy was coming.”
He sighed and shrugged.
“Trouble seems to follow me and those kids, and I’m always getting you in danger. I don’t want to be the one putting you in danger, I want to be the one protecting you,” he murmured, ever so gentle as he finished cleaning your skin. 
“Steve,” you said his name like a prayer. Nobody had ever cared about you in this way before. You brushed a piece of his normally perfect hair out of his eyes and took the washcloth from him, rinsing it in the sink next to you for a moment. “Let me help you,” you whispered, and at his nod you gently dabbed the wet washcloth on his face. 
You sat in silence, one hand holding his hair back and the other wiping at his face, hairline, and neck. His hands rested on your hips and you tried not to pay attention to it, though you felt like you were burning up with desire. 
“All done,” you whispered, leaving the bloody washcloth in the sink for now and turning back to Steve. 
“Thanks, beautiful,” his smile was soft, meant only for you, and you felt the icy walls around your heart crack just a little bit. You liked all the cute nicknames he gave you, you felt special and wanted. 
“How about that goodnight kiss?” You asked, suddenly feeling shy again but also way too excited to not ask about it. 
Steve moved one of his hands from your waist and cupped your jaw with it, drawing you closer as both of your eyes fluttered closed. The anticipation was killing you, every second feeling like years until his soft lips made contact with yours. It was better than you could have ever imagined. 
Steve was good at kissing, you noted. His lips were plush and he was gentle with you, his thumb brushing against your jaw. His other hand on your hip pulled you impossibly closer as you wrapped your arms around his neck, wanting more. 
You kissed until you both needed to breathe, and even then he kept you close, pressing your foreheads together. 
“Maybe,” you trailed off, voice barely above a whisper. “Maybe another?”
That was all Steve needed to hear as he tangled his fingers in your hair and pulled you back in for a searing kiss, still gentle with his hands but more demanding. When his tongue slipped into your mouth, you nearly moaned, only keeping yourself quiet so as to not alert your parents of your situation. You let your hands rest on his chest and gripped his shirt, pulling him in closer and letting your tongue dance with his. He tasted like cherry chapstick and also a little like blood, but you could ignore that.
“We should,” he panted, breathing for a moment before opening his eyes and smiling at your disheveled state. “We should maybe stop for now.” You tried not to pout, but you had a feeling it didn’t work because Steve was smirking down at you. “Don’t worry pretty girl, there’s always more where that came from,” you licked your lips at his words, and you were sure your pupils were blown wide with the twirling feelings of lust and heart-wrenching adoration warming you from the inside. “But we’ve had a long day, I want to make sure you don’t have a concussion. Promise you’ll go to the school nurse tomorrow?” 
“Okay,” you nodded. “I’ll figure out something to tell her.”
“Now, let’s get you tucked in,” Steve helped you down from the counter and was gentlemanly enough to wait in the bathroom while you changed into matching pink gingham pajamas. 
“You can come out now,” you called softly, unfolding your sheets and comforter from the top of your bed and sitting on the edge, awaiting your knight in shining armor. 
“Can I drive you to school tomorrow?” He asked as he approached, hand coming up to cup your cheek. You were dumbfounded by such a soft display of affection from someone so charismatic and strong. 
“That would be really nice,” you yawned, and Steve gestured for you to lie down. When you did, he brought your plush blanket up to your shoulders and leaned down to kiss your forehead.
“I’ll see you in the morning then, princess,” and with that, he climbed back out your window and you were alone again. 
Within moments you felt the fear creep back in, thinking about the demodogs, the Mind Flayer, and how Steve admitted that he’d almost died. But you tried to put those thoughts to rest as you laid in bed thinking about Steve’s soft hands and even softer kisses. 
You hadn’t figured out what to tell your mother about your throat, so after you gingerly showered and removed the rest of the blood from your scalp, you pondered your options. 
As you pulled up your light wash jeans and threw on a different knit sweater, a swath of fabric in your closet caught your eye. Aha!
You tugged the baby blue scarf down and wrapped it gracefully around your neck. It clashed a little with the yellow flowers on your sweater, but it would have to do. 
When you went downstairs, she didn’t even ask about it. Thank god it’s winter and scarves are normal.
Though she did shoot you the side eye when you grabbed a quick piece of toast with peanut butter for breakfast. You tried to ignore her, and luckily there was a knock at the door. You were finishing your coffee when your mom walked over to open it.
“Oh, Steve! How nice to see you,” you rolled your eyes. She’d barely spoken to you all morning. There was a pause. “What happened to you? Come inside,” she started ushering him in but he paused.
“I would hate to be rude, but Y/N and I will be late for school if we don’t go soon,” your mom paused. She shot her eyes to you and mouthed something along the lines of: ‘why didn’t you tell me?’ and you shrugged. 
“That’s awfully kind of you to drive her. You two don’t get into any trouble okay, and have fun at school,” she called after you as you hurried towards Steve. You’d taken a Tylenol when you woke up so the headache was more of a dull ache. 
“Good call with the scarf,” Steve commented once you were buckled in. “You look beautiful,” he looked over at you with a smile and you couldn’t help but reciprocate it with a shy one of your own. You liked being on the receiving end of Steve’s flirting. 
“You don’t look so bad yourself, pretty boy,” you countered, and were rewarded with a light flush creeping up Steve’s neck as he focused on the road. He always looked good, though. Whether it was his typical school outfits or torn up and bloodied, he always got your heart going. 
“I have study hall first period, so I’ll go to the nurse then,” you said once you’d arrived at the school. 
“Good, I wouldn’t want you walking around with a concussion and passing out.” When you parted ways, the halls filling with people, you weren’t sure what would happen. You weren’t sure if you wanted Steve to kiss you again in front of all these people, or if that was even a possibility. It was all so new. 
“I’ll see you later, princess,” he smiled down at you and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear with the gentlest of movements.
“I’m looking forward to it, Harrington,” you smiled before turning away. 
When you did eventually make it to the nurse, you were surprised by how fast the lie came to you. You only hoped you looked convincing. 
“I fell down the stairs this morning,” you explained. “I took a Tylenol but it still hurts.”
“Oh, you poor thing,” you’d been here plenty of times for dizziness, or cheer injuries. You knew the nurses well. “Let’s get you sat down,” the older woman ushered you to one of the little cots and pulled the curtain around, and the sudden dimness was like a balm to your achy head. 
After a series of examinations, she sighed and tapped her pencil on her clipboard.
“Okay, so I’m going to classify this as a head injury and not a concussion. You don’t need to go to a doctor, but you should be careful when you go to practice for the next few days.”
“Oh,” you muttered. “I’m not in cheer anymore,” you added and she made a face you couldn’t quite read.
“Alright then, even better. Keep at it with the Tylenol, and come back if it gets worse.”
When you saw Steve for lunch, you relayed the information and he was probably more relieved than you were. You felt warm inside having someone care about your wellbeing so openly. 
The few days until winter break finally came were unusually normal after another crazy fall. Two years in a row with this Upside Down nonsense?
When the snow started falling a few days in, you trudged over in your winter boots across your yard to Steve’s front door. His parents were traveling and he was home alone. 
Steve came to the door after you knocked twice and you were a little shell shocked to see him in a white t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants.
You found yourself at a loss for words as you took in his exposed biceps. 
“Like what you see?” You raised an eyebrow at his cocky smirk and huffed a little laugh, breath puffing in front of you. 
“You going to invite me in, smart ass? It’s negative a million degrees,” you gave him a playful glare and he chuckled, opening the door all the way and beckoning you in. 
“What brings you over on this fine winter day?” Steve asked and you blushed.
“I would have called first, but my mom would probably listen in on the phone. I thought maybe we could watch a movie? Footloose just came to Family Video,” you dug the VHS out of your purse and held it up in front of you like an offering, and you were rewarded with Steve’s beaming smile.
“That is the best idea I’ve heard all day. Come on, get those boots off. I’ll grab us some soda,” Steve took the VHS and waited while you unlaced and toed off your boots. You hadn’t been at his house in so long, maybe not since you were kids. It was familiar and not.
While he grabbed two soda bottles from the fridge, you thought about the real reason you’d come over: avoiding your mother. Your dad was on a business trip so it was just the two of you. She bought you exercise tapes to do at home since you weren’t in cheer anymore. Even without the exercise you were still uncomfortable in your body. Your shoulders were bony, your collarbones stuck out and your pants were always hanging off your hips. 
“Hey, you go somewhere?” Steve asked and you zoned back in, he was standing in front of you with two sodas, one of which you thankfully took. 
“Just thinking, as I always am,” you joked and he thankfully let it go, leading you to the living room and popping the movie in before joining you on the comfy couch. 
“So what did you tell your mom to let you come over while my parents are away? Sounds suspicious you know,” he smirked and you rolled your eyes.
“She loves you, I told her I was coming here and she got so excited. But,” you added. “With all the snow it’s probably not safe for you to hop up to my window anymore,” you frowned and Steve hummed a little, thinking. 
“Maybe not, but I’ll think of something,” and with that, the movie started. You focused on it for a little, but when Steve threw his arm around your shoulders and tugged you closer, you were a goner. You were tucked up against his side, his cologne and shampoo mixing together, and you couldn’t help but love the warmth of being near him. You tried paying attention, you really did. Kevin Bacon was handsome and you liked the movie, but Steve was all you could think about. 
He stroked his fingers up and down your arm, and you leaned your head against his shoulder, trying again to get back into the movie.
“I’m not going to remember any of this movie,” you admitted about halfway through.
“And why is that?”
“Kevin Bacon isn’t nearly as handsome as you are, so how am I supposed to pay attention to him when you’re right here looking this good?” You looked up at him and he had a little smile on his face, a flush high on his cheeks.
“You’re a little flirt, you know that?” Steve replied, a little breathy. The sound of his voice a little flustered like that shot straight to your core and you had to think to yourself yet again: Not the time to get turned on. Damn these teenage hormones.
“Only with you,” you muttered, though he heard you. 
“That’s just the way I like it,” he smiled brightly. 
“Is that so?” Your faces were only a hair’s breadth away at that point, noses nearly touching 
He hummed his agreement before leaning forward and pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. He kissed you again, and you reached up to hold the back of his head, threading your fingers through his silky soft hair. Things got heated quickly, and you breathed his name like a prayer when you broke away to breathe. Eyes still closed, eyelashes kissing, you reveled in the feeling of being wrapped up in Steve’s arms.
This time you were the first one to initiate the kiss, and when you slid your tongue into Steve’s mouth he let out a soft moan. The sound sent your poor rabbit heart into overdrive, your stomach fluttering with warmth and desire. 
“Come’ere,” Steve muttered, hooking a hand under your knee and pulling you over to straddle his lap. His hands landed respectfully on your waist, and you took advantage of the new position, leaning in to deepen the kiss, tangling your fingers in his hair. He was growing it out a little and you always ached to run your fingers through it. You tugged on it the tiniest bit and the sound he made was something straight out of your most intimate dreams. You mentally cataloged it so you could remember it the next time you were alone in your room, hand between your legs and daydreaming about Steve. 
“Fuck,” he muttered, lips brushing against yours. “Fuck, maybe we should pause,” his voice was low and when you slowly opened your eyes, you could see his pupils were wide with lust. You bit your lip. Steve was incredibly hot, and he turned you on beyond measure, but he was right. You probably weren’t ready for more. Not yet anyway. 
“Alright,” you whispered, untangling your fingers from his hair and climbing out of his lap. You were content to sit next to him again, and he wrapped his arm around you again to finish the movie. You were too caught up staring at his kiss-swollen lips and flushed cheeks to pay attention. He was just so pretty. 
You spent a lot of winter break doing just that: watching movies at Steve’s, making out, and taking a breather when things got too heated. 
You knew Steve wasn’t a virgin, and you felt a twinge of guilt that you were making him wait. But you never felt pressured by him, and he was always so considerate of you that you didn’t let the guilt build up. 
Occasionally he came over to yours to watch a movie in your living room, much to your mother’s delight, but then you couldn’t kiss him. 
It was January in 1985 when school started up again. The spring semester of your senior year. Steve picked you up for school every morning and drove you home every afternoon. Sometimes you hung around for his shenanigans with the middle schoolers. You wondered when he would ask you to be his girlfriend, though. You hoped he would. You didn’t want to hide how much you adored him. 
Alas, spring came and you were still having clandestine meetings and acting like good friends at school. 
When graduation finally came, and Steve’s parents didn’t show to see him walk, you cornered him afterwards, dragging him into a janitors’ closet. He just looked so dejected and disappointed. You knew he didn’t get the college admissions he was looking for and his parents were disappointed. 
“What are you doing?” He asked in the dark room, the only light coming from underneath the door. 
“I wanted to see you,” you murmured, grabbing his hands and holding them.
“You sure picked a good room to do it,” he laughed and you rolled your eyes in the dark. You decided to just go with it, and pulled him in for a tight hug, leaning your ear against his chest and listening to his strong heartbeat.
“I wanted to tell you how proud I am of you,” you murmured, and you could swear his heart rate picked up. “And how handsome you look in your fancy graduation clothes,” you added. When he wrapped his arms around you, you felt like the world couldn’t touch you. Your mom’s words couldn’t hurt you here. You were no longer in high school with mean girls and tests and expectations. This would be the best summer yet.
Part 3
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alltheficsiwant · 2 years
Here We Go Again | Part Four
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Part FOUR | The Flayed
Summary: Reader and the gang went for a hospital visit. Hoping it would finally lead them to the source. It supposed to be an easy in and out but the enemy has other plans.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, violence and death. There is also an anxiety filled scene. If this is triggering please be warned.
Words: 2.2k
Author's Note: Here's another part of the series! I am nearing the end of writing this and posting this in Ao3. I haven't been able to tackle the last two parts but I'm getting there. It's short and a bit fast paced.
If you are new here, the link for the prequel of this story is down below together with the previous Parts. Will be creating a master list for this and a main masterlist since my work here in Tumblr is growing. My asks are OPEN. If you want to send some love for the series. Other than that. I'm sorry for any inappropriate 80's references and errors! Enjoy - J xxx
Prequel | Part Three | HWGA Master List | Part Five
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“This is absolutely insane,” Eddie offered as the group walked inside the hospital. They had to leave their weapons behind because obviously how can you explain that to the personnel.
We need it because we need to protect ourselves against interdimensional monsters and apparently against people too  that are now being possessed.
No way.
Reluctantly you have to leave that behind to lessen the hurdle. Speaking of the hurdle, you reminded that the nurse only allowed the three of you to go because of some reason that you and Eddie were from out of town. Though now, how are you going to talk your way to let all of you in.
“What the hell is going on?!” The nurse who was the same one that saw the three of you last night exclaimed. She stopped them and stood up. “Missy, did I tell you last night that only two are allowed?” 
“Yes, but they are all her grandchildren and they really wanted–”
“Nu-uh, only two people,” She huffed. Nancy sighed as he looked towards the group.
“Me and Jonathan will go you guys stay–”
“No fucking way,” You cut her off as you walked closer to her. “The two of you will not go there alone. You knew what happened when they tried to stop Billy,” You motioned towards the kids. “You need all the help you can get,”
“We will find a way to catch up with you guys,” Suddenly Eddie spoke in a hushed tone, the group turned towards him. “I might know another way around,” 
“Okay, you and Eddie will do that but you five will stay here—”
“Oh come on Nance!”
“No way!”
“Not a chance”
“Zip it,” Nancy hissed at them as she looked towards the Nurse who glared at them. “You guys will stay here okay? Unless we need you, you guys will stay. Understood?”
No one spoke as they all stared at her. “Do I have to repeat myself?”
“Understood,” They all said in unison and Nancy turned towards you as she spoke your name.
“See you up there,” She said and you nodded.
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You and Eddie hastily moved around. The two of you did not wait for Nancy and Jonathan to ride the elevator. You already took off. Eddie led you towards a part of the hospital that looked to be under construction.
“There are ongoing repairs on the floor below where the rooms are. We can access the staircase there and climb our way up,” Eddie explained as the both of you walked through a hallway that is only separated by a plastic sheet.
“Oh gosh, this is creepy,” You looked towards the empty hallway.
“How I wish we had weapons with us,” Eddie mused and you nodded in agreement.
“Come on sweetheart,” Eddie said as he motioned towards where the staircase was. Thankfully there was no one around as it was already night time when the group arrived. Eddie opened the door for you, even the gentleman even in times of crisis and you swiftly walked in.
“Fifth floor right?” Eddie asked as you nodded. “Well, this is only up to the fourth floor then we transfer towards the working side of the hospital,”
“Got it,” You didn’t hesitate as you jogged up. Eddie on the other hand, since he was almost a foot taller than you, easily climbed them two at a time. By the time you reached the fourth floor, you were panting while Eddie was already there with a smirk on his face.
“Don’t start,” You pointed at him as he just raised his hands in defense. Then you walked out of it and into another series of eerily quiet hallways. “Where to?” You looked back at Eddie who walked past you. Though he stopped and offered his hand. You took it as he led the way.
The both of you came out of the construction area and into another hallway. Lights flickered on it and that made you hold your hand tighter to Eddie. Eddie looked towards you.
“Okay, we should have brought those—” The two of you jumped as you heard moaning and voices down the hallway. Quickly the two of you stuck to the walls as you both moved. 
“Please don’t—- argh!” someone pleaded but cut off as a sound of something hard hit something. There was a thud and then silence. Soon, there were footsteps that were heard coming towards the both of you. You and Eddie’s eyes widened at that. The both of you instinctively pressed yourselves against the wall as if it would help and with your free hand covered your nose and mouth. Out of the corner of your eye, you watched Eddie doing the same with his.
The hand that was holding Eddie’s tightened its grip on him while he did the same. The footsteps grew louder and you can’t help but closer your—
Suddenly, a growl was heard then the footsteps took off running towards an opposite direction. You and Eddie waited in bated breath until a loud bang of a door closing was heard. The both of you sighed out in relief.
“I will take a peek,” Eddie mumbled shakily. You can feel him shaking already or is it you? You don’t know but fuck, you really wish you could have sneaked your weapons. You watched as Eddie took a peek then he nodded as he pulled you. Though he froze as his eyes landed on something, you followed his gaze and gasped. A body near where the staircase that leads towards where you should have gone lay there. 
There is blood on the wall and on its body. The body was clearly still as it was just slumped over there.
“Oh my god,” You can’t help but exhale as you fully wrap yourself on Eddie's arm that is holding on to your hand. His grip tightened on you as the both of you stood there trembling.
Suddenly, you jolted and you looked over at Eddie who looked back at you at the same time.
“Nancy and Jonathan,” with that you took off. Eddie called out to you, trying to make you stop but he didn’t have to as Nancy and Jonathan themselves burst out of the door.
“Run!” Jonathan said and you turned towards Eddie who was already waiting on you. The four of you bolted. Not daring to look behind. You clearly hear some door opening and closing but you didn’t care. The four of you have to get out of there.
“In here,” Eddie told them as he led the way towards the construction site. “I know a way out— no not that— shit!”
He was cut off when Nancy and Jonathan blindly took another way. He was about to protest but then he heard the footsteps and you took Eddie’s arm to follow them. The four of you ended up in a different hallway.
You frantically looked around trying to find something or anything to defend yourself.
“Here,” Jonathan walked over to an intercom and frantically tried to call someone.
“It's not working,” Eddie shakily declared.
“In here!” Nancy exclaimed as she ran in a room. The three of you followed behind and you heard Jonathan locking the door. While you looked around trying to find some kind of weapon. You found and saw some scissors and took one. You looked at Eddie who was holding on to a dextrose stand. You looked over and saw that it had a glass opening and moved towards the door. 
Eddie looked at you but you shook your head. He then looked over at the door and his eyes widened.
Nancy tried to call someone but it was futile as the glass window on the door was broken.
“Hi,” A familiar brogue greeted them and you couldn't help but furrow your eyebrows. Though you decided now is not the time for that. You stuck yourself against the wall and watched as a hand reached out for the lock. Before he does, you cried out and slammed the scissor in his hands.
He released a distorted scream as you lifted the scissor and did it again. You watched in horror as black blood trickled his hand. You managed to stab him again but before you could repeat it. He took hold of your hand.
You heard someone shout your name but you were suddenly flung against the wall. You slumped on the ground as you moaned. Pain blinding your eyes momentarily. The man finally opened the door and looked down at you.
“Ha! Harrington is here too. I have been meaning to find her too. It seems she is wanted too,” He mused as he turned towards the group. You watched groaning as he took a step forward. “But I came here for you Nancy Drew,”
“No!” you heard Nancy shout as you finally gained the strength to move. You saw Nancy being thrown. Eddie swung his weapon at the same time Jonathan tried to tackle him. The man you finally recognized as Bruce who was the jerk that Nancy always complained about. Fuck, he is flayed too.
He managed to take hold of Eddie’s weapon and then Jonathan. He proceeded to throw them both off. Though he head butt Jonathan for a good measure while he shook Eddie. 
You looked around trying to find something and found the scissors. You scrambled towards it sluggishly.
“Jonathan!” You heard Nancy shout. You turned to see Bruce lifting a steel chair and bringing it down towards Jonathan’s back. You took that as your cue to take the scissor and ran towards him. You managed to stick it on his arms but he cried out and swung the steel chair. It hit you on the side of your ribs and flung you towards what looked to be a surgical table. You heard Eddie shout and as you lifted your head you saw him tackle Bruce. Bruce was too strong, as he easily deflected Eddie’s attempt and swung the chair on him. Bringing him down beside Jonathan. 
“Eddie!” You can’t help but exclaim as you watched Bruce bring down the steel chair behind his back just like he did to Jonathan. Eddie cried out and that pushed you to get the scissor then ran towards him. Nancy apparently thought the same as both the sharp objects you were holding hit him on the back. 
He cried out and turned around. Throwing the chair as he reached out behind him towards the two scissors. You and Nancy walked back towards each other then towards the door. You both watched as Bruce pulled out the scissors one by one. He looked down at it and looked up at the two of you.
“You bitches,”
Then your names are being called out as Eddie and Jonathan tried to stand up.
“Run!” The both of them shouted and that prompted you to push the steel trolley right in front of you while Nancy ran towards the door.
“Run Nancy!” You shouted at her as you stalled Bruce. You hear Nancy ran out but before you can move Bruce took hold of your neck. You struggled as he choked you and lifted you up. His eyes were void of anything as he smiled at you.
“Lucky you, we have plans for you,” Bruce said as he looked over at you as you struggled to breathe. “We will save you for last before we come for her,” 
Then he threw you off against the cabinets, shattering the glass and you landed on the ground. You cried out as pieces of glass embed on your skin as you laid there. 
You helplessly watched as pain rendered you immobile as he walked out after Nancy. You looked towards Eddie and Jonathan who struggled to stand. The hit they took behind is too much. Eddie crawled towards you as he called your name but you can’t help but whimper back at him.
You watched as Jonathan crawled towards the steel chair and lifted it. Using it as an anchor to try and stand up. Though you gasped as you heard the door open and you turned your head to see Tom.
“No!” You shouted as he walked towards Jonathan and kicked the steel chair. Then he looked around the three of you. 
“Where are you going?” He turned to Jonathan and laughed as he crouched down towards him. 
“Leave him alone,” You grunted out and he turned towards you. Eddie, who was already halfway across, tried to stop Tom by holding on to his thigh but he swiftly kicked Eddie’s hand away. Then for a good measure kicked Eddie on the stomach making him double in pain. 
“No!” You shouted as you finally were able to sit up and then cried out as you felt hands pulling on your hair making you stand up. You struggled and fought against Tom's hold.
“Will you look at that, the princess that Billy boy holds dear,” Tom mused, his voice a timbre too low. He looked over at you. “I’ll take you to him as a final piece, but I have to take care of them first,”
“No!” You continued to shout and then you felt yourself being lifted. You soared through the air until your back hit where the telephones us. You hit the edge of the low cabinets and then stumbled down on the ground. You landed near Eddie as you groaned out. You helplessly watched as he walked over to Eddie first.
You can’t help but cry out as you watch him struggle to stand. Tom just laid a foot on his back and pushed him down. 
“I’ll start with you,” He mused and proceeded to take the steel chair. Making sure that the sharp edge is going to him. He lifted it but then his head was thrown back violently. Black veins appeared on his face as he stumbled. He was hit again on his temple making him let go of the chair. 
You watched with wide eyes as Tom held on to his nose. You took that chance to look around until your eye landed over the scissor. You forced yourself to stand, praying to whoever God it was to give you strength.
Tom also violently got hit again as he got to the floor like a rag doll. You crawl over the scissor and hear that the boys are scrambling to stand too. You shakily held on to the scissor just in time to see Tom trying to stand.
You didn’t hesitate as you plunged the scissor on his neck. He managed to grab you and as he stood still before he crashed over you, pinning you to the ground. 
You hear Eddie shouting your name as you sobbed. You felt his body being pulled away from you and hands grabbed you by the arm. You threw yourself in Eddie’s arms as you cried.
Jonathan stood beside you too as he breathed out before he slowly moved out to find Nancy. You and Eddie stayed there as you cried.
“You did good, baby,” Eddie murmured against your temple as you clutched onto him tighter. “You did good,”
Before you can do anything more, lights inside the room started to flicker and you pulled away a bit from Eddie as you looked around. 
“The lights—”
“Holy shit,” You and Eddie say at the same time. You turned around to see Tom’s body starting to shake. Eddie pulled you away from it with a grunt and you let him as the both of you watched Tom’s body melt. His skin and bones disappeared in exchange of a fleshy substance that started to crawl out of the room. 
Eddie was the first one to move and you followed behind him. Transfixed, as the two of you came out, you looked up and saw Nancy and Jonathan on the other side watching the same substance crawling to the other one.
It met in the middle and started to form another shape. You can’t help but walk closer to Eddie and clutched his arm. Horror etched on both of your faces as the gooey substance formed into a disfigured four legged creature.
As soon as it stilled, it turned towards Jonathan and Nancy and screamed. Your eyes widened as you looked at them.
To be continued...
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snippet from "flies on the windscreen" my serial killer!Eddie fic that keeps me up at night
(mentions of violence but no graphic descriptions in this section)
The worst thing about interdimensional monsters tearing a gaping hole through Hawkins, Indiana wasn’t the nightmares that kept Eddie up at all hours of the night. It wasn’t the empty new mobile home the government had “gifted” him and Wayne, devoid of all of the things Eddie thought made a house a home. It wasn’t being literally hunted for sport by idiot Bible-thumpers who thought that just because he was trailer trash it meant he was a killer. It wasn’t even nearly fucking dying to save the same people who wanted him dead.
Well, maybe it was a little bit that last thing.
It was that Eddie, Steve, Nancy, Robin, Dustin, all the kids, all of them—they had all given so much (too fucking much) just to save a shitty town that couldn’t understand any of it, any of them. A town that still blamed Eddie for everything that happened. A town that still raised kids like Jason Carver and Billy Hargrove and let them fucking terrorize everyone else who lived in it. A town that still shoved all the undesirables to the side and held up its golden children (athletic, preppy, heterosexual, drugged out only on the weekends like good little boys and girls) like they were gods to be admired.
A town that would never know how close it had come to total annihilation, saved only because a handful of teenagers had deemed it worthy of saving, if only for the simple fact that they lived in it.
Vecna was dead. Chrissy was dead. Not Jason, not Tommy, not anyone who had spat on him and called him a queer, not anyone who had outright threatened Jeff and Lucas and fucking Erica for daring to be Black in Indiana. Chrissy fucking Cunningham.
All that, and nothing had fucking changed.
Except Eddie wasn’t a fucking coward anymore. When Jason and his idiot goons cornered him in the hallway or in the parking lot of the only place in Hawkins that deigned to hire him after graduation, he stood his ground, fists already clenched, itching for a fight he knew he would lose.
But then Steve had taught him how to throw a punch for real.
Once Eddie knew how to fight back, he couldn’t help himself. He fought with a ferocity he hadn’t known he’d possessed, driven not by the desire to stay alive but by the desire to make someone hurt. Someone had to pay for all the shit that went down that spring, and the government’s hush money just wasn’t cutting it.
Someone needed to bleed for it. And it sure as fuck wasn’t going to be Eddie. Not anymore.
He’d thought for the longest time that maybe, deep down, he really deserved everything he got. But then there was the Upside Down, and he knew he deserved better than that. So maybe he deserved better than Jason Carver, too.
When fall came and Jason and the rest of the graduating class hightailed it out of Hawkins (sans Eddie, who didn’t bother applying anywhere, and Robin, who took community college classes one town over), Eddie was almost… disappointed. It was nice not being hunted for sport, but the loss of a viable outlet for his anger had left Eddie reeling.
To his surprise, he’d come to rely on the feeling of Jason’s fists bruising his skin, of tumbling around on the ground pulling hair and scratching eyes until someone pulled one of them away, both of them bleeding and snarling like animals. He missed it.
Now he had all this fucking pent-up energy, all this electric rage coursing through his body, and it just kept on fucking building, pooling in his fists and in his feet and in his gut, and he had to get it out. He had to get it out or he was gonna fucking explode on somebody who really didn’t deserve it.
So he disappeared every now and then. Took some time for himself, drove up to Indy without telling anyone where he was going. He wandered around town looking to blow off some steam, maybe try to find some new drugs or drink himself into a stupor. Anything to get the lighting to stop crackling around his fingers.
Eddie wasn’t a coward anymore, but he definitely wasn’t brave. He was stupid and reckless and curious. So when he heard a commotion around the back alley of a club he’d been trying to get Corroded Coffin into, he froze. Decided to check it out.
The night was dark and still, streets illuminated by the full moon and flickering street lights. Most of the bars and clubs still teemed with sweaty, horny twenty-somethings desperate to forget themselves for a night. In another world, or maybe just on another night, it could have been Eddie and Steve dancing and drinking and kissing until the early hours of the morning, worried about nothing except the drive home.
Tonight, as Eddie crept silently around the corner, there came a sharp cry that almost moved Eddie to tears right then and there.
Some douchebag had pinned a girl to the wall, one knee between her legs and a hand fisted in her shirt. Eddie couldn’t see his other hand. The girl yelped again, sobbing, pleading.
Now, don’t get it twisted. Eddie would’ve stepped in anyway, even if he hadn’t been looking for a fight. There was no fucking way he’d just watch some guy feel up a girl who definitely wasn’t into it, especially not if she was screaming and crying so loud he could hear it from the street. Not on his fucking life.
It just so happened that tonight was a bad night.
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writerwhowritesao3 · 2 years
🕹 & 🆘 !!
Ahhh thank you for the prompts! Answers under the cut (TW for past abuse, implied past SA, past possession, impact play)
🕹What sort of toys do they like to use? Anal plugs, cock rings, etc?
The real question is, what sort of toys don’t they like to use?
Both love vibrators as a baseline. They have a few: a couple bullet vibes for external use, a prostate massager, and, like 2, vibrating dildos. They also have a vibrating cock ring.
They have an anal plug, but they don’t use it that often. The last time it made an appearance was when Billy, Steve, Nancy, Jonathan, Robin, and Vickie all went out together to see Eddie’s band play a show (fuck you, canon <3). Billy impulsively puts the plug in when he’s getting ready. He isn’t planning on telling Steve about it. He thinks it’ll be a sexy surprise for when they go home to their apartment at the end of the night. 
Driving with an anal plug is...not comfortable. Neither is moshing. And neither is standing around by the merch table that Chrissy is running (fuck you, canon <3) between sets. Billy tries to keep the discomfort off his face as he hands Chrissy 50 cents for a Corroded Coffin sticker. He regrets this. He regrets this soooo much. He wants to go into the bathroom and take the plug out, but then what? He has nowhere to put the damn thing. It definitely wouldn’t fit in his pocket. And it’s not like he’s going to ask Nancy or Robin to hold it in their purse for him.
When the show is over, Billy is so relieved, and he’s NEVER been relieved to leave a show. He thinks they’ll all go their separate ways and then he can go home with Steve and take the plug out. 
But...after the show, they all end up going out to some afterparty that Eddie invited them to. So Billy is stuck hanging out in the house of the guy who manages the venue (and, okay, the manager is really cool and so are his friends and his house has a lot of cool and weird art) for like three hours before he can’t take it anymore and practically begs Steve to leave with him.
Steve does think it’s hot that Billy had the plug in all night. He thinks it’s sexy and he rails Billy so hard and good that night. He also gives Billy an ice pack afterwards because his hole is really fucking sore by the end of the night.
They also like other toys. They have a pair of padded handcuffs, bed restraints, a spreader bar that also restrains the wrists, a leather paddle, a riding crop, candles for some wax play...
All of their toys are kept in a box, and that box is kept in their bedroom closet. They’re usually good about putting the toys away. 
Except there was this time where they were having a lazy Sunday and they didn’t put away the toys they had used the night before. They left their paddle on the floor and their handcuffs looped in the headboard of their bed and their prostate massager and bottle of lube on one of the nightstands. So what? It’s their own apartment. 
But on this particular Sunday, Dustin and Will stopped by on their way back from the library. Dustin got this book he thought Steve would like and Will wanted to see the two kittens Steve and Billy had recently adopted. Will and Dustin are playing with the kitties when one of them gets the zoomies and runs into the bedroom. The other kitten follows. Will and Dustin can hear them racing around the bedroom and decide to go in to watch—cute kittens running around, right? 
Steve and Billy totally forget that they didn’t clean up the night before and just...let Dustin and Will go into their bedroom to play with the cats. Until they both suddenly remember. They bolt up from the couch, as if they would be able to hide everything, as if it were at all possible Will and Dustin haven’t already seen everything. 
They walk in to see Dustin’s eyes going back and forth from the cuffs to the paddle to the vibrator, Will blushing a little bit and looking up at the ceiling to avoid looking at what Dustin was looking at, even though he already saw everything, and one of their kittens batting the lube off the nightstand. 
“We, uh,” Steve says, grasping for some sort of explanation that wasn’t sex-related. “We just needed to make sure the Mind Flayer was still out of Billy.”
Steve felt three pairs of eyes staring in disbelief at his lame statement. 
“Yeah,” Billy nodded, choosing to stand by his man. “I was feelin’ kinda off, so we...um...the Mind Flayer’s totally not back. That’s the important thing.”
Will and Dustin now look back and forth between Steve and Billy. 
“How naïve do you think we are?” Will asks incredulously. 
They leave before any more conversation can be had about it. On the bike ride back home, Will tries very hard not to picture Billy handcuffed to a bed and getting spanked with a paddle and fucked with that weird, curved toy that was on the nightstand. 
He sure as fuck pictures it that night though.
🆘 What are each of their safe words? Have they ever called them?
They use the standard traffic light system (Green for “yes, I like this, keep going”, Yellow for “let’s slow it down a bit”, and Red for “this is Not Good, we need to stop right now”).
Both have them have needed to use Red. 
For Billy, it comes out of nowhere. Well, that’s not entirely true. He had been feeling sort of...off all day. Just, like, can’t keep his thoughts away from the Mind Flayer and his possession.
He doesn’t tell Steve. He thinks that having sex will chill him out and make his mind just shut the fuck up for a few minutes.
He lets Steve tie him down to the bed. They’ve done it before. Billy’s liked it every time. 
He lets Steve put a blindfold over his eyes. He tries to push down the uneasy feeling in his stomach. This is Steve. This is his boyfriend who he loves and who loves him. Steve would never hurt him. Not really hurt him anyway. 
He hears Steve leave and then come back to the room. He gasps when he feels an ice cube lightly touch his skin. 
Billy tries to lie still as Steve runs the ice all over his body, tracing his veins, his ribs, his collarbone. He squirms in the restraints as Steve touches the ice to his throat, his nipples, and his hip bones. Steve traces his lips with an ice cube before slipping it into his mouth.
Billy tries to control his breathing. He’s shivering. Cold water is filling his mouth.
The thing is, they’ve played with ice before. Both of them have been on the receiving end and both of them have enjoyed it. But that was before Billy was possessed and nearly died. 
Now, Billy isn’t enjoying it. He’s cold and he’s shivering and he can’t stop thinking about when he was fucking freezing for days in July and how his temperature wouldn’t stabilize for, like, a month and how even now, over two years later, his temperature sometimes drops randomly especially in the winter and how he’s had hypothermia five fucking times and once it was so severe that Steve had to take him to the hospital for treatment.
And of course, he can’t stop thinking about the Mind Flayer and how that thing, that monster, possessed and invaded and violated his body and his mind and left him with physical and emotional scars that will never go away. And he cant stop his mind from going to all those other times his body was violated and used against his will and how he couldn’t ever stop it from happening, or maybe he could and he just didn’t, so everything that happened to him was his fault and only his fault.
Billy swallows the melted ice cube just as Steve is pressing another one against his hole. 
“Red,” Billy chokes out. “Red, red, red...”
He keeps repeating it, like it’s the only word he knows. He might have been screaming it. He wasn’t sure. He’s still repeating “red” over and over again, even though Steve stopped what he was doing immediately after the first one. Steve takes the blindfold off and unhooks the restraints. He sits Billy up and wraps his shivering, shaking, trembling body in a blanket before pulling him into his lap. He holds him and whispers comforting words like “I got you, baby” and “you’re safe.”
Steve has to call “Red” when he and Billy are in the middle of a pretty rough scene involving impact play. It takes Steve awhile to call it because it doesn’t occur to him immediately that he can call it. Like...Steve’s not the one getting hit. Billy is. 
Steve isn’t the one on all fours getting struck repeatedly with a riding crop and he’s not the one getting called a “fucking whore” and being told “you deserve this, don’t you? You know what happens when you disobey me.”
No. Steve’s the one holding the crop. The words are coming out of Steve’s mouth. 
Billy’s breath is shaky and he’s gasping and crying out with every strike and whimpering apologies and pleading with Steve “please, i’ll be good, i’m sorry, please stop, no more.”
Billy isn’t safewording. He hasn’t even said “Yellow.” He’s saying “stop” but he’s also moaning and arching his back.
They’ve done impact play before. It’s one of their favorite mutual kinks. Like...both of the genuinely love it. But for some reason, Steve is just...not feeling it that day. He can’t put a finger on it. So he tries to just suppress the queasiness he’s feeling.
His eyes lock on the smattering of thin red marks on Billy’s skin. They look painful. Steve knows that they are painful.
Steve put those marks there. 
Steve hurt his boyfriend. Steve beat his boyfriend. Steve beat his boyfriend, the love of his life who he would kill and die for. His boyfriend who had survived abuse and assault and who trusted him to take care of him and to never hurt him.
Steve stands still, frozen, barely gripping the riding crop with numb fingers. After a minute of silence and stillness, Billy looks back over his shoulder at Steve. 
“Steve?” he questions. “You okay?”
Billy’s eyes are red. There are still tears on his face. Steve made him cry. Holy shit. Fuck. Steve beat Billy and made him cry. Fuck.
“Red,” Steve finally croaks. 
Billy stands up right away. He gently takes the crop away from Steve and sets it down before holding his face in his hands. 
“Stevie? You okay?”
“Are you okay??” Steve asks. “Billy, I’m so sorry. I hurt you. Fuck, I’m so sorry...”
“No you didn’t,” Billy says softly. “Baby, you didn’t hurt me.”
“I beat you with a fucking riding crop!” Steve cries. “Of course I hurt you!”
“I mean, yeah, it hurt,” Billy shrugged with a slight smile. “That’s the point. But you didn’t hurt me.”
Steve holds onto Billy’s wrists and tries to stop crying. 
“Hey,” Billy whispers. “Baby, I promise you, you didn’t hurt me. We’re okay, baby, I promise.”
He kisses him gently and pulls him into a hug. They spend the rest of the night holding each other. Billy lets Steve put a salve on the marks the crop made. Steve lets Billy hold him and play with his hair. 
They feel safe with each other. They are safe with each other. 
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reineyday · 2 years
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this is for the made-up fic titles as prompts thing! thanks @kageillusionz for sending one in 💖 i'll do harringroveson but like, with wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff thrown in cuz your other prompt Has Me Thinking haha 😂 it gets REALLY long lol sorry (not sorry 💞)
one not so very special day (harringroveson):
this is one of those prompts where i have an ending in mind that plays off the beginning in a circular way, and it'll be a canon fix-it fic where everyone lives, amd steve fixes it with time travel lol
i like the idea that, at the end, steve is having a totally normal not so special day in march at school in 1985, but he's coming at it with the knowledge of what could have been in 1986, SO.
it starts with a flashback. steve's graduating high school soon (this is the semester after christmas s2 1984 but before the summer that is s3 1985) and steve is sitting with nancy and jonathan at the cafeteria and absentmindedly observing school politics in a way he isn't invested in anymore after, yknow, the upside down.
steve is the Fallen King of hawkins high, or whatever hargrove used to call him before the whole thing at the byers went down and he stopped bothering with steve altogether (which doesnt bother steve. honestly. itd be weird to be bothered abt being ignored by a guy who beat his face in right? even tho that guy was practically obsessed with him before that night?)
eddie munson, everyone's favourite weed dealer, is making a fuss at his nerd table (dustin mentioned a dnd club and steve thinks that table is probably it--look at him, he pays attention!) about being club leader again next year cuz apparently he's not graduating again
that obnoxious blond junior from the basketball team steve always found a little insufferable (jason?) is looking at munson with disgust on his face, and hargrove is sitting in the same row of tables with tommy and carol, cuz all the popular kids group up.
jason gets up to yell at munson but hargrove aggressively throws a wadded up napkin at jason's face and says smthg that makes all the other popular kids laugh. jason flushes and sits back down, embarrassed, and steve sees munson pause and look at hargrove who looks back. steve briefly wonders whether or not hargrove buys weed from munson like everyone else when hargrove's eyes turn sharply to look right at steve.
the flashback turns into a nightmare, and billy's eyes looked the same when he was staring steve down from across the byers driveway, from inside the camaro and possessed by the mind flayer, probably thats what his face looked like when he stepped right in front of el to die--
steve wakes up. it's march, 1986. hawkins is split into four by what might as well be the cracks of hell and billy hargrove died last summer. eddie munson died three days ago. steve is still here.
theyre going to go exploring the upside down again today for clues or something reasonable sounding for the plot lol, and steve signed up to go because he's done it already a few times.
they go down there and steve ends up exploring his house in the upside down. takes in his decrepit room, and marvels at how many things in his house havent changed since 1983, which is when the upside down is stuck for some reason they still dont know. he doesnt even have that many photos of him and nance up yet, bc he didnt actually care that much about their relationship till they trauma-bonded. it was too bad their coping mechanisms didnt match, but steve is well and truly over it after his embarrassing spur-of-the-moment confession in the woods.
something outside catches his eye. it's in the empty pool. steve looks out with dread and sees the spot where he assumes barb died--he's never known where exactly in the pool she got taken, and knowing actually only makes him feel worse about it so thats. great.
he walks closer to examine it, yknow, like an idiot (he thinks this to himself), and then falls in and gets spat out.
and then time shenanigans! im stuck between steve landing somewhere once before everything happening and just changing everything from there (like, he gets thrown into his body from That Night at the byers and decides "fuck government nda's" and shows billy the demodog in the freezer), and steve doing a batman and getting sent all the way to like, when brenner was starting the lab w henry and infrequently flashing forward, only able to stay a few days at a time
i think the latter will probably be able to more earnestly pull in eddie, since the former would have a larger focus on harringeove till billy decides to buy weed with steve or something lol
so yeah, let's say he does a batman and subtly guides the whole timeline to Be Better and maybe henry creel doesnt shape the upside down with what he knows but the force of the mind flayer still exists to be manipulated and steve does something about it almost by accident
and he becomes this weird older brother figure to el who he's trying to get to help him stop jumping forward (it's not something he can control and he's worried he'll jump too far into the future and never stop), and helps hopper find the lab and adopt her a lot sooner, and catches a tiny eddie munson (and tiny chrissy cunningham) at their tiny little talent show and steve encourages eddie to continue with his guitar and gives him hope for the future (and mb jump-starts a lil sexuality crisis on eddie's behalf lmao)
when billy shows up, steve tells him to stop being an asshat to max and then accidentally catches neil laying into billy, stops it, and for the first time confronts his alternate self and tells him about it bc steve cant stay but this is something that needs more stability, and the next time he jumps forward, he's found that billy and eddie and other steve have bonded over this time-jumping steve and steve realizes they can finally pull in the party cuz theyre old enough to Have Ideas now
btw i imagine the harringroveson romance starts there? like other steve would get a pov starting from when original steve makes contact w him and billy, who has thus far been aggressively annoying about steve's position as "king" at school, suddenly corners him all angry with his hackles up cuz of what original steve saw and did and other steve is like "oh my god dude what is happening" and then other steve suddenly remembers being a freshman and coming face to face with eddie munson for the first time and munson saying all this confusing shit about how he looks the same and how is he a student here, isnt he older? and when steve gave him a confused face, munson apologized and literally never talked to him again?? so other steve grabs billy and finds munson at his weed-dealing picnic table and they Talk and then keep talking and kind of? become friends?? safe spaces for each other, cuz all three of them are kind of isolated in their own ways yknow?
anyways something something they involve the party and manage to catch original steve's time-jumping consciousness by shepherding other steve and his consciousness in the upside down in the place where it all started for him and he catapults into his consciousness from the changed timeline and they seal the upside down for sure (maybe by trapping the mind flayer into a vessel that can never be manipulated by someone like henry again) and it's over, it's over and steve's graduating high school for the second time but he remembers this alternate timeline now and this is his life now and woah, barb is alive? is bob alive?? billy is alive and eddie is alive and steve is not only relieved but somehow halfway in love with both of them??
btw kage if u read till the end, i want u to know that both my ideas for the kkir ship for either of ur prompts started with iruka's seals master stuff going fubar ;P always a fun way to start kkir shenanigan stories!!!
and so it ends with steve coming into the cafeteria and sitting down and his (secret) boyfriends coming to sit by him, and he waves at nancy and barb, and steve decides he'll try to befriend jonathan too cuz he knows he's a decent person, and everyone is alive and here is steve harrington, eating lunch before heading to study period (where billy will attemlt to tutor both eddie and steve so that they will actually graduate in '85, all together), having one not so special day
after writing all this, it has occured to me that "one not so very special day" is also an extremely easy prompt for a domestic fluff fic lmao so u can also imagine older harringroveson somewhere in california like 10 years post-s4 where everyone lives, and it's just their domestic life. billy's a surf instructor. steve's a gym teacher. eddie works at a community centre and plays in a band at bars on weekends.
if there's a twist, it's that it's one of their birthdays--maybe steve's, and eddie and billy make fun of him cuz he usually wants to do smthg big to celebrate and shouldnt he wanna do smth for the big 30? but steve just wants to have a normal day cuz he's so content with them, every day. billy and eddie still call him things like pretty boy and big boy but also things like sweetheart and darling and steve blushes about all of it, about how used to it he is to hearing and how natural it feels to call them back the same way. they are very happy together.
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Supernatural, Ep. 4x02
Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester
no, god is not there. but cas is!
i'd say this episode is just okay, but i liked it so much better than episodes that were 'just okay' in season three. so, this episode is just okay, but know that the scale has changed since last season. this wasn't groundbreaking. i don't feel the need to start singing praises, but i will say that i liked this episode.
i like consequences. not just the buffy episode, though that is a good ep. but, in my media, i like when characters have to face the consequences of their actions, when mistakes that they've made come back to haunt them. that's my problem with most sitcoms and many star trek shows: at the end of the episode, we forget about the events. but every action has an equal and opposite reaction: a law of physics that everyone uses incorrectly, and that i am going to use incorrectly right now. so much of television ignores this, and let's be honest, supernatural has already done more than its fair share.
but let's enjoy this slice of a world where people are faced with their past actions. let's enjoy this slice of a show where characters act and the world reacts. let's enjoy some consequences, finally.
first off, henriksen. he has some decent points with sam. it's true that lilith was hunting for sam, and the brothers left innocent people in the firing line. however, henriksen does not advocate for having sacrificed nancy. he wouldn't anyway, given his objections at the time. however, i don't think his accusations are entirely fair. as far as we know, nancy and the cop didn't tell the brothers that a demon got away, so they had no way to know that lilith would be back. additionally, what would their presence at the scene have accomplished? lilith wouldn't have spared the innocents. she's not that kind of gal. henriksen would still be dead, and it's likely that sam would be too. i understand that the ghosts comments are not meant to be an accurate reflection of events, but the brothers do not defend themselves. it's just another pound of guilt for their psyches, rather than an examination of their past actions. and henriksen's reveals to dean are just that. yes, they're horrific, but they don't bring the viewer or dean to a different understanding of the brothers' actions.
meg, on the other hand... the human meg masters has legitimate grievances, and very good points. yes, the winchesters threw her out a window when they could have, and should have, done an exorcism. if they had exorcised her, the demon would have gone to hell and prevented a lot of the events of the following season. additionally, the brothers have a habit of treating possessed people as already dead. in general, they seem to operate from a position of believing the 'meat suit' is dead. saving a possessed person is always a bonus, an unexpected boon. in general, only those familiar to the brothers can reliably expect an exorcism rather than a killing. at the tail end of season three, they were killing possessed humans left, right, and center. meg's ghost is an exhortation to remember the people caught up in the fight. she did not choose to be possessed, and she certainly didn't choose to die. (on second thought, i don't totally remember why she went out the window, since i watched this episode in 2021. however, the point still stands in general.)
all the other ghosts have valid points, but they are more aggregate than specific. other small moments: ruby's fear amuses me, and sam's confusion about it amuses me much more. she's a demon, dumbass. bobby's panic room is amazing, in the sense that it's an incredibly paranoid thing to do and i am in awe of it.
now, to my guys: i didn't have any particular thoughts about sam except his confusion about ruby. like, he's there? good for him?
dean, once again, does not think he deserves to be saved. and henriksen's ghost pours salt in that gaping wound. by his own words, he's Just Some Guy. he didn't ask to be saved. he didn't ask to be chosen (is this reminding anyone else of an approximately five foot four blonde girl?). but, chosen he was. dean struggles to understand his position, struggles to understand why he is above again. in this episode, he makes no significant progress. his exhortation of god, though, oh baby that's good. dean doesn't believe in god because god has not yet showed that he is worthy of belief. it's less a matter of disbelief than discernment. dean would rather believe in a cruel, heartless world where bad things happen purely by chance than believe that an intelligent creator could be so neglectful. which is particularly interesting, given his history with neglectful creators. (fuck you, **** **********)
and now let's talk about cas! he's my little guy, his hair is so fluffy, he will just stand and stare at people while they sleep. you could cut the tension in this scene with a knife. i'm really trying to hold back the rather sizable part of my brain that thinks that these two are in love and have been in love the whole time. but, it's just so hard when their scenes are thrumming with tension. it's heartbeat felt through the jugular levels of tension here. there was no need for them to be talking in the kitchen in the middle of the night, incredibly close to one another, intermittently looking at a space i would describe as the other's lips. there was no need. and cas has told us the main plot of the season, which feels a little early to me, a girl who never expects a main plot to ramp up until episode seven of a twenty-two episode season. not because of a certain show or anything... no, definitely not. anyways, now that he's spoiled the plot early, talked about angels dying, and threatened dean (do not believe this threat, dean. he went to an immense amount of trouble to get you out of hell. it would be a waste of man-hours to return you to the pit), cas just flits right off. bye bye love / bye bye happiness / hello loneliness / i think i'm gonna cry / bye bye love / bye bye sweet caress / hello emptiness / i feel like i could die / bye bye my love goodbye
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tirednerd2012 · 2 years
Can you write a fix it fic about Jonathan remembering Will's birthday? Props if it can be canon so I can just pretend it happened and just wasn't shown.
I tried to keep it canon, but I may have to do another one that changes things up a bit.
Jonathan started smoking when he went to California. While he didn’t see it coming, it was nice to sit back with his best friend, Argyle, and feel his troubles wash away. He didn’t feel as anxious as he used to, and for the first time since he was a kid, his mind slowed down. It was nice. He didn’t have to think about college, whether to go with Nancy to Emerson, follow his dreams of NYU, or stay with his family. The last time he left them, Will was taken and then possessed. Every time he went away, something horrible happened to his little brother. He needed to be there for him.
Just because his mind slowed didn’t mean he stopped paying attention to things. He watched Will and El every chance he got, making sure they were safe. He missed Hawkins. He missed Nancy. Fuck, he really missed her, but there was something relieving about Will and El being far away from the place that haunted them. He knew they missed it, too, but they were safe. They were safe.
Jonathan also still kept track of everything, even in his stoned state. Mike was coming in on Will’s birthday, and he knew that Will would want to spend time with Mike, so he would have to do something either the day before or maybe even the morning of. He mentioned to Argyle how he wanted to make a cake for that night and Argyle agreed. It was one of the many things Jonathan loved about his new friend, he cared for Will and El just like he would.
Will never liked to be in the spotlight, especially after everything that’s gone on the last couple years, he hated being the center of attention. And Jonathan could respect that, but still do something to show Will that he hadn’t forgotten.
The before his birthday, Jonathan had gotten Will a paint set that he knew he had his eye on. It was an acrylic paint set and Jonathan knew Will needed more canvases soon but was too afraid to ask Joyce for the money for it, so he picked some of those up. Despite them being slightly better off than before, Will still couldn’t bring himself to ask for anything, so Jonathan still had to keep tabs on things he noticed. He also bought a gift to Will from El, because he knew El wanted to get Will a nice journal. They agreed they would give him the gifts the night of, with Mike around and that would give Jonathan and Argyle time to make the cake.
He was unsure about how he felt that Mike was coming in for spring break. Truthfully, the younger Wheeler had started to get on his nerves the last few months with his treatment of his siblings. He didn’t talk to Will, never wrote or called him, and even though Will insisted he was fine, he watched his eyes fill up with hope and then disappointment each time the phone rang. And anyone that upset his little brother was automatically on Jonathan’s shit list.
But he would pretend. For Will and El’s sake. All that mattered to him that day was Will had a good birthday.
Jonathan was the first person awake on Will’s birthday. He woke up and immediately made pancakes, a tradition between Will and him. Unfortunately, their mom had to work pretty much every year of Will’s birthday, so the pancake breakfast was always shared among them. Will was getting older, and they had become a little more distant from each other, a fact that stung Jonathan every time he thought about it, but surely he would still like this.
He made the pancakes, making sure to leave enough for Mom and El when they woke up, and then went to Will’s room.
“Will?” he said as he came in. Will woke up when Jonathan opened the door, surprised to see the two plates of pancakes.
“Happy birthday, bud,” he said as he sat at Will’s desk and then handed him the plate. “As tradition, your birthday pancakes.”
“You remembered?”
“Did you really think I’d forget?” Jonathan responded. Will didn’t say anything, but he did smile at the plate before the two of them started eating. “You excited to see Mike today?”
“Yeah, yeah, I miss him.”
But does he miss you?
“Well, I hope you guys have a great time at the roller rink tonight. You still want to go, right?”
El thought it would be a good idea. Will just went along with it.
“Yeah, it’ll be fun.”
Not for you.
Jonathan knew damn well that Will didn’t want to go to the roller rink. He just wanted to make everyone happy on a day that was supposed to be about him. But if Jonathan tried to argue against it, Will would shut it down.
“We’re going to pick you up by 6. We’ll have dinner and then Argyle is going to stay over to help me with something. You can have fun with Mike and El.”
“Thanks for remembering, Jonathan. It means a lot,” Will said.
“I still pay attention, Will. And I’d never forget the day my brother came in this world,” Jonathan assured him.
The day went from all Jonathan could tell, horrible. El had confronted a bully he knew nothing about and busted her face with a skate. He tried to comfort her but failed miserably. Then Mike had completely forgotten Will’s birthday and was mad at both of them even though he just got here and had no reason to take it that personal. Apparently Will lied to him? Even though Mike just straight up avoided talking to him. And El stood up to her bully. Yes, there were other ways, and when everything calmed down, Jonathan planned on sitting down with her and talking about other measures, but Mike looked at her like she was some kind of monster.
And it pissed him off. He took another hit of the blunt when the kids went inside because he found himself shaking as the high wore off at the sight of Mike Wheeler.
You can’t hit a 15-year-old. You can’t hit a 15-year-old. He’s also your girlfriend’s little brother. You can’t hurt him.
“Jonathan, relax. It’ll all ease up in a couple hours and the kids will be back to normal,” Argyle tried to assure him. Argyle didn’t know what normal looked like in this family, but truthfully, neither did Jonathan.
“I know, man. I know. Let’s just… try to salvage this.”
Jonathan was starting to feel the high as they sat down for dinner. Murray was there, which really threw him off, but he didn’t question it. The food was good. He started preparing a plan in his mind. Mike was mad at Will and El, so they probably wouldn’t hang out after dinner.
“And I’m going to need you to take charge, Jonathan,” his mom’s voice suddenly cut him off at the dinner table. He looked up.
“Your mom’s going to Alaska.”
“Alaska? For what?”
Joyce looked at him like she couldn’t believe he hadn’t been listening, but in his defense, it was hard to focus on everything right now and he still wanted to give Will a decent day. Mike made another sly comment and El stood up from the table and walked away. Jonathan debated on hitting Mike, but Argyle grabbed his arm and squeezed it, calming him down somewhat.
He looked over at Will, who looked like he just wanted to leave and Jonathan knew there wasn’t much that could be salvaged tonight. After dinner, he went to his room and grabbed the present from him and dropped off El’s to give to Will. Mike and Will were going back and forth a bit when Jonathan walked in.
“Mike, go in the living room for me,” Jonathan ordered, not having much patience to deal with the Wheeler kid. Mike went to argue, but one glare from Jonathan sent him away. He looked back at his little brother.
“No one remembered.”
“I know, bud. I’m so sorry,” Jonathan sighed. He didn’t think to remind his mother. But he should have. She was busy with work and something else plagued her thoughts lately, he just didn’t know what.
He sat Will down on the bed and handed him his gift.
“I’m sorry it wasn’t a better day. We’ll have a redo. When Mom gets back from her trip and Mike is back in Hawkins, we’ll go out and celebrate,” Jonathan said. “I’ll even remake you the pancake breakfast to start off.”
Will looked at Jonathan like he wanted to say more. The older Byers wanted to, too. He felt Will slipping away from him, and he wanted to be there, but had no idea how. He knew Will was different than other kids, and he knew there was something about the way he looked at Mike Wheeler, but he couldn’t force that conversation. Will would come to him when he was ready. He knew where he stood in Jonathan’s life, right?
“Thanks, Jonathan. I appreciate it,” Will said, and wiped away a tear. Jonathan smiled as he watched Will carefully look over the art set.
“That’s the one you wanted, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, it’s perfect,” Will answered and hugged his brother. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. The canvases should last you a bit, but if they don’t, let me know, okay? I’ll get you some more,” Jonathan responded and he felt Will tighten the hug a bit. He returned it and they stayed there for a moment. He was okay, right? No, no, he wasn’t. But he would be. Jonathan would make sure of it.
It took everything in him not to cuss out Mike Wheeler for forgetting his supposed best friend’s birthday, and truthfully, the only thing that stopped him was the fact he was with Nancy. But as he heard Mike and El’s argument, Mike was on thin ice more than ever.
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