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when your first canonical gay awakening was f-cking stevonnie from Steven universe
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defrosted69 · 11 days
Que Sera Sera (Oh Haewon)
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Very Fluffy and Haewon like
The larger arm was circling the golden numerals surrounding your watch, and the clock was ticking along as usual. Since you have been waiting for this your entire life, today was meant to be special for you. You got ready for this day by getting up earlier than normal and wearing your best outfit. It has all come down to this after endless days of speech practice and preparation about what to display your crush.. 
You brought her favorite flowers from a nearby flower shop and messaged her to meet in the Bay Area, where you first met. That girl has helped you through your entire life of anguish and pain. She was the sunshine you treasured, and you wanted nothing more than for her to be pure and untouched by civilization. It began with a simple act of assisting her in catching her dog, progressed to becoming friends, and then to falling in love.  
Perhaps it was destiny as many would call it, that you met in the first place. Arriving at the place where it all began you patiently waited. 
And waited. 
And waited. 
But nobody came through. 
The sun was finally setting, and the blue sky had become orange, resembling what many scientists refer to as the golden hour. Even though the meeting time was early, you still had optimism before the clock struck 6 p.m. You sat there on the edge of the sea, watching the small ships sail by and the music the sea was making. Every splash it made put you at rest, and then you heard the voice of the person you'd been waiting for. Your face lit up as you jumped down the wall and saw the girl.
With another man. 
You'd never forget that laugh, which threw your mind off track. Her grin was worth a thousand gold. It was supposed to be you in that position, but it wasn't. The man she was with was making jokes and making her laugh, and it was clear that the two of them loved each other. You watch with a heavy heart as they go past you despite the fact that they are only a few feet away.  
You could feel your heart breaking piece by piece as the girl you love was taken away by another man. Realizations began to surface in your mind as a sour chuckle came out of your mouth. 
"I'm so stupid huh?"
You thought to yourself. Perhaps a little backtracking was required. She never really exhibited interest in you, did she? Sure, you were interested in her, but did she make an effort to pique your interest? Perhaps it was your imagination that led you to believe she was interested when, in fact, she was simply being a nice friend.
You groaned and stared at the boque you purchased. Every flower that was present there represented something. The roses, tulips, and sunflowers were a nice combination, but they now have no meaning. Walking away is the best thing to do right now, and a little drink won't hurt, right?  
However, after a few steps forward, you came to a halt when you heard someone cry. Your gaze travelled in all directions before settling on a girl with her hands over her face, crying. much if you are already upset, witnessing someone else weep makes you feel much worse for them. Your fist clenched as you felt a firm thing in your hand. You had a bouquet of flowers ready to be thrown away right now, but doing so would be a horrible decision. You took a big breath and started your way to the girl. 
"Umm... Excuse me?" 
You called out of the girl. You weren't really sure if this was the best time to be nosy but you have to give the flowers to someone else instead of throwing them. The girl looked up and saw how puffy her eyes looked. 
"She must have been crying for a while now.."
You thought to yourself as you shook that thought off and handed her your bouquet of flowers.
"I know this looks weird but I think you deserve these flowers more than I need them." 
This was your best explanation to her, and to be honest, it was bizarre. Who in their right mind would give a stranger a bouquet of flowers and simply accept them? You were well aware of the repercussions of your actions, but the girl totally removed her hand, revealing her face. It was horrible to see how devastated she appeared, and you may recognize yourself in her because your heart had also been destroyed. 
Haewon just stared at the bouquet of flowers and for some reason, she was captivated by the patter of the flowers that were in there. 
"I know... It's weird for a stranger to give someone I don't know flowers but I hope this would make it less painful?" 
Haewon looked up to see your face. She was able to recognize faces from her fans and individuals she had briefly met, but seeing your face was her first time meeting you, and the agony she was bearing was quickly alleviated by your simple offer. 
Without thinking, Haewon softly accepted the flowers, her eyes ogling them. The perfume was soothing her down, and she could feel a little grin on her lips. You, on the other hand, grinned slightly, knowing that your actions had made someone happy. Perhaps this day served as a lesson for you rather than a heartache. Kindness, after all, was a pleasant sensation.  
"T-Thank you.." 
Haewon weakly said as you could only nod your head. 
"It's alright. Ummm, I'll be going first then. Goodbye."
Your job was done and there was no more reason for you to talk to the girl. She needed time for herself and what you did was the start of her to calm down and pick herself up. 
She stopped you on your tracks as you looked behind you to see the girl clinging to the flowers close to her. 
"What's your name?" 
Strangely enough, you felt like saying your name wouldn't be harmful. But considering that you're the one who gave her the flowers, it was only right for her to know your name. 
"Y/n Park." 
She nodded her head and bowed at a particular angle surprising you. 
"Thank you Mr. Park. I will remember your kindness." 
Feeling flustered, you shook off her actions and said
"N-No need to bow that much Miss." 
Haewon straightened herself up and smiled at you. Her grin actually caught your attention. It was ridiculous of you to compare someone, but Haewon's smile reminded you of someone you used to know or was familiar with. Perhaps you've seen that smile before but can't pinpoint where it is. 
"Ah, I almost forgot, I'm Oh Haewon by the way. Nice to meet you." 
"Like wise.. Umm.. See you around Ms. Haewon." 
You wanted to leave right now since you hadn't expected to feel so bewildered meeting someone for the first time. Your brain told you she was someone you knew, but she wasn't someone to you. It confused you so much that it eclipsed your sadness.
Haewon, on the other hand, was smiling broadly as she began to walk back to the JYP office, the bouquet in her hand. People around the building were surprised to find Haewon smiling with flowers in her hand, despite the fact that she had been sorrowful earlier. Your kindness had left a mark on her thoughts, and her members were eager to see her grin.  
"Unnie-eh? Where did you get that?" 
Kyujin canceled her hug to their leader as everyone's interest reached a height. They were worried about her since she had been quite dull or tired for the past few days. Even though they attempted to make her laugh and smile, they knew it wasn't enough, and when she went AFK for the past several hours, they became concerned.
"Oh? A guy gave it to me." 
Her statement made everyone widen their eyes as they all looked surprised and shocked. 
Who was the person that gave their leader a smile that was genuine that they couldn't bring out?
"Another day, another boring working day..." 
You sighed and prepared for your job. You were an officer worker, and despite the monotonous nature of the job, it allowed you to pay your rent and eat. You left your apartment and followed the regular path you normally take to the bus station to wait for the bus. Your gaze was drawn to your phone, and despite the fact that it was empty of text notifications from anyone, you were staring at the most recent message you had sent her.  
You sighed and closed your phone. The bridge that was built around that friendship you had with her was diminished. Repairing it was impossible as your mind was occupied with the moments you two shared. Even though it was one sided, it was still painful for you. 
Arriving at your work office was pretty much the same. Sitting down, opening your computer, checking the files, and printing papers. It was your typical office scenery as you placed your bag below your table. Seeing that you have arrived, a friend of yours peaked over at your table. 
"So how did it go? ~" 
Your friend Yeonjun smiled happily hoping for good news but you just sighed and shook your head. This surprised him as he was sure that you had this in the bag. 
"Eh? Why? I thought last week was the day?" 
"Maybe I was just pondering things. It was a one sided love after all." 
Yeonjun gasped at you. He was for sure thinking that she was the one for you yet it wasn't. Maybe his gut instinct was right. 
"Remember when I told you that something isn't right with the relationship you had with her?" 
"looks like I was right." 
He laughed at you and you could only sigh as what Yeonjun said was right. You were merely blinded by all this stuff she did that you had thought that she likes you. Thinking back on it now, you cringed remembering the things you did for her. 
"Well it's in the past now. Let's forget about it and move on" 
That was your motto in life. That kind of saying has led you into this situation. You weren't complaining, of course, since you believe that nothing in the past is that important, and you should move on with your life. Everything has a purpose for you, thus there was probably a reason you met her.
That's why your heart split into a thousand pieces. 
Sure, the occasion may be lost and become a hazy memory, but the emotions will not. The sensation of heartbreak will return time and again. It may not be exactly what you expected, but it will undoubtedly appear in some form. One example would be when you were watching a film. That movie you were viewing coincided with the period you watched movies with her. It was in that film that you fell for her, and it brought back memories of the sorrow.  
"I guess you're right. But anyway-" 
"Y/n, Chief is asking for you." 
A workmate of yours came near your workplace as you just nodded your head at her. Yeonjun looked at you confused. 
"Why is the chief asking for you? Did you do something?" 
You shrugged your shoulders, unsure. You never failed any previous reports because you always submitted them on time, and sometimes even sooner. The chief was not a scary person, but he was very severe with his employees. To avoid upsetting him, you left your office and walked to the chief's office, knocking before entering his chamber. His workplace table was tidy and well-organized, unlike the majority of the company's employees. 
"Ah, Y/n, take a seat." 
You sat across from him as he took out a folder and handed it to you. You took it and opened it, and the first thing you noticed was the name of the corporation labeled on it. Your eyes widen as you look at the chief in surprise, as he simply grinned and chuckled.. 
"Sir, why is JYP Entertainment on this file sir?" 
"Well you see Y/n, we're sharing our investment to one of its kpop group and I want you to write about the progress of our investment on them especially since their comeback is approaching. I want a full detailed report done after their comeback is done. Got it?" 
Not wanting to disappoint your chief, you accepted it and thanked him for the opportunity. Leaving out of his office, you smiled happily that the chief has trusted you on such an important task at hand. Yeonjun saw your smile and couldn't help but feel intrigued. 
"What's the big smile for? You're getting promoted?" 
"Nope, well, hopefully if I do well on this task, I could get promoted." 
Yeonjun clapped his hand in amusement and support of you. Not wanting to waste any time, you immediately started to work on your computer, researching JYP Entertainment and learning about the stocks of the firms that had invested in it. Your eyes immediately spotted the spikes and falls of each company's inventions on the groups under the label, and you made sure to record them for future reference in your report. 
"Perhaps I should visit JYP entertainment tomorrow."
Your regular work hour consisted of producing reports and researching information. But after the clock struck 7 p.m., it was time to go home. Packing your belongings and exiting the building, you proceeded down the familiar night street. You noticed a billboard showcasing JYP idols, including ITZY, Twice, and Straykids, but one group was unfamiliar to you. But for some strange reason, one idol looked familiar to you. You shrugged your shoulder and started walking, thinking that you'd remember her when the time came.  
The next morning arrived faster than you imagined because you were dressed for work. You left your apartment and were set to go to JYP Entertainment. Your chief has already informed the company of your arrival, as you ensured that all of your belongings were in your suitcase. Grabbing a cab, you informed the driver of your destination while watching the scenery unfold as the taxi passed by buildings and establishments. The ride was brief, as you paid for your taxi and exited the vehicle. You instantly noticed the tall structure in front of you since you didn't anticipate it to be so large.  
"Considering that JYP Ent. Is a huge name, I can't expect less from them now can I?"
You were ready to enter the building when you noticed a girl in distress, looking for something on the ground. When you saw her struggle, you sighed and checked your watch. Ten minutes before the company's board meeting. Perhaps you can afford a minute or two, right?
"Miss? Is everything alright?" 
You asked as the girl looked at your direction but her vision was blurry as she can't properly see you. In desperate help, she nodded her head. 
"Y-Yes, have you seen some glasses nearby? I-I can't properly see without them." 
You decided to aid her after hearing her gentle voice and despair, and there was a pair of glasses on the floor not far from where you two were. You went to fetch it, brushed a few dust particles from the glass, and handed it to her.  
"Here you go miss. I believe this are yours?" 
You handed the girl her glasses, which she quickly placed on her eyes. She smiled cheerfully and bowed at you. You simply brush off her thoughtfulness as you realize how her beautiful eyes drew your attention. She was wearing a mask, so you couldn't see her face, but her eyes revealed that she's a very pretty girl.  
"Thank you Mister for helping me." 
"Ah No it's fine. I'm just trying to help, I guess." 
"Umm.. P-Perhaps your also entering the building mister?" 
"Huh? Oh yeah I am." 
The girl beamed with happiness as she smiled underneath her mask. Although you can't clearly see it, her eyes show that she was smiling underneath her white mask. 
"I-I can help you tour around. Where are you going by the way Mister?" 
"Ah, the board member room? Where meetings happen?" 
You tried your best to describe the place you were heading to as the girl immediately know where that place was. 
"Ah, I know where that is Mister. Follow me." 
The girl walked ahead as you followed her from behind. Entering the building, you were immediately amazed by the interior design as you were at awe. The girl chuckled softly seeing your reaction. 
"Woah, this place is... Amazing." 
"Hehe, well that's JYP for you." 
The two of you entered the elevator and to your surprise, many people suddenly stormed leaving absolutely no space for you or the girl. Not wanting to let her get squished, you used your body to cover her from the crowd but the position for it was awkward to say the least. You were literally balancing yourself with just your feet and arms leaving the girl blushing and her heart pounding so fast. Perhaps it was because of her introverted nature that she immediately picked up what you were trying to do as she couldn't help but feel her heart race. 
As the elevator stopped, the crowd got smaller and smaller until it was just you and her. 
"You alright?" 
"Huh? Oh, yeah. Thank you again for protecting me, Mister."
"Ah, it's nothing. Just uhh.. Trying to help?" 
The girl chuckled at your poor attempt to joke but somehow it worked on her. Realizing that it was just you two in the elevator, you decided to ask for her name. 
"Ah, by the way I'm Y/n Park. And you are?" 
The girl hesitated at first but she ended up saying her name anyway. 
"Seol Yoon-ah. Yoona for short Mister."
As the elevator door opened, you nodded in response to hearing her name. Lily told you that this was his floor, and hers was still much higher. You got off the elevator and thanked her again for her assistance, while Lily simply waved it off and waved you farewell as the elevator door closed. Walking along the strange hallway, your mind was still preoccupied with meeting Lily, and you were relieved that you had already made a friend in the building, as the conference room was within sight. You knocked before entering the room.
Sullyoon on the other hand finally arrived at their practice room as all her members were there ready to start their practice session for the day. Haewon, their Leader, saw Sullyoon entering as she greeted her as she greeted her back. 
"Morning Sully, you sure took your time." 
"Ah well I kinda tripped on the way and my glasses fell of my face so I couldn't see." 
Hearing what Sullyoon said made everyone worry for her as they surrounded her. Sullyoon just smiled and chuckled at her members. Before she would be overwhelmed by this much attention but being together for such a long time now made her already aware of their behaviors. 
"That must have been terrible. Anyway, did you get it back?" 
Bae asked as Jiwoo gave her a stare of disbelief and confusion as her question already had an answer. 
"Unnie, she's literally wearing her glasses now." 
Jiwoo's comment made everyone laugh as Sullyoon chuckled. 
"Well a sweet guy helped me in finding my glasses and also protected me earlier on the elevator." 
Sullyoon smiled and blushed remembering your actions as this reaction got her members thrilled and curious on who made Sullyoon blush. 
"Spill the tea girl." 
Lily said making everyone agree to their oldest as Sullyoon spoke the name that Haewon was familiar with. 
"Y/n Park. I think he's a new employee here." 
The girls squealed except Haewon who had her eyes widened in surprise and in shock. Kyujin seeing their Leader frozen got her curious. 
"Why the long face Unnie?" 
Kyujin's question snapped Haewon out of her trance as she sighed and reminded her members of the bouquet of flowers in their dorm. 
"Remember those flowers that I'm taking care of right now?" 
They all nodded their heads as Haewon smiled brightly captivating her members. 
"He's the same person. I'm sure of it." 
Now it was everyone's turn to act surprised by their leader's claim. Haewon on the other hand was smiling brightly as she can finally meet the person that brought a smile on her face. 
"I know love at first sight is stupid but....I am stupidly in love after all"
The meeting ended after you were presented with a variety of scenarios in which stocks could rise or fall. Overall, your focus was on the group NMIXX, and according to the projections, they have a good possibility of attracting other companies to invest in them, given the tendency of their fame rising with each comeback. That being said, NMIXX is still a long way from the success of the other groups in the organization, but in your opinion, this was a solid step.
Exiting the meeting room, you decided to head to the building's cafeteria to fill in your soft growling stomach. You placed a hand on your stomach as you chuckled. 
"I wonder how I survived that meeting without my stomach growling like a lion"
But the happiness on your face faded when you realized your previous guide, Sullyoon, was no longer with you. You sighed and placed your hand on your brow, knowing that you had to explore this vast and expansive edifice on your own. You retraced your steps in order to find the elevator; however, your initial thought was to ask the receptionist on the ground floor. However, it appears that your desire was so intense that you became disoriented and strayed into new area.  
"I don't think I went pass this one earlier...shit"
You attempted again to recollect your previous steps, but your brain digested food instead. Frustrated that your brain wasn't cooperating with you, you decided to look for a snack bar machine nearby and eat that for lunch. However, it appears like locating a snack bar is like finding the lost city of Atlantis: seemingly impossible. By this point, your hunger had sapped the vitality from your legs, which were about to give way. You stumbled on the floor because your stomach was causing you pain because it was so empty.  
"Damn it. Why is this building so huge anyway!"
You cursed the engineer and architect of this structure on your head, causing their following generation to suffer tremendously. With a sigh, you sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. You wanted to rest your legs a little because the continual walking earlier made them tired, and hunger played a vital role in making you stumble on the floor.. 
But, unbeknownst to you, Haewon was passing by and quickly noticed you. She gasped, not expecting to find you in such a state, as she approached you. Your ears perked up as the heavy footstep became louder by the second. Turning your head in the direction of the stomps, you saw a girl dash towards you like a savage bear, instilling panic within you. Haewon paused her pace as she kneeled in front of you, holding your cheeks and scrutinizing your face.  
"Are you hurt? Are you okay? Do you want to kiss me? Or are you perhaps injured? Ah! Do you want me to take care of you?" 
Everything was moving so fast that your brain couldn't process what was happening. But your eyes did saw Haewons face and there you immediately recognized her. 
"H-Haewon? I mean, Miss Haewon." 
Haewon gasped as she covered her mouth in amazement and in shock. Her cheeks was visibly turning red and her eye pupils wanted to turn into a heart shaped when you said her name. Haewon was glad that you still remembered her and that she couldn't help but feel emotional. 
"Y-You remember me..." 
"Yeah of course I would. It wasn't that long anyw-huh? Are you crying?" 
Haewon suddenly felt so happy that her eyes began to produce tears of joy. You were confused on why would Haewon suddenly start getting teared up. You immediately tried to comfort her by taking out your handkerchief as you offered it to Haewon. 
"He's even offering me his handkerchief... I fucking love him!"
Haewon tumbled into your arms, both of you on the ground, and Haewon hugged you fiercely, inhaling your smell. You were bewildered and baffled as to why Haewon ran toward you, clutching you fiercely.  
"D-Did I do a mistake on giving her those flowers? Hah! We're those flowers poisonous and now she's seeking revenge?!"
Both of you were clearly a dumbass but perfect fit for each other but didn't realize it yet. You stood back up with Haewon holding you tight as you apologized to her. 
"I'm sorry Haewon. I.. I didn't mean to bring harm to you with those flowers.." 
Haewon chuckled and smiled at you. Her eyes looked so warm and showed signs of love. But you were captivated by her smile as her vision of you was glowing.
"Dummy~ Why are you apologizing? I still have those flowers you know." 
"S-So this isn't an act of assault?" 
Haewon but her lips not wanting to laugh but her body betrayed her as she began laughing her ass off. You were visibly confused seeing her act from being sad to suddenly laughing like a lunatic. You feared that Haewon was a crazy girl. 
"Your Funny Y/n. Ah, wait hold on, let me help you up." 
You and Haewon both stood up, and the timing couldn't have been worse. Your stomach growled the loudest, and if you thought embarrassment was bad enough, consider the physical discomfort of an empty stomach. Haewon was quick to react, pulling out a chocolate bar from her pocket and cheerfully giving it to you..
"Here you go Y/n. You might need it more." 
"A-Ah, thanks Haewon. I'll repay you back somehow." 
Haewon just giggled as you munched on the chocolate bar like it was no tomorrow. Without even a minute passing by, the chocolate bar was already gone. And Haewon smiled at you. 
"Looks like someone's hungry."
Haewon shook her head as she pointed at the nearby elevator. Nearby elevator. nearby. Elevator. 
Oh how stupidly blind are you for not being able to see that an Elevator was just near where you are. A look of disappointment and relief was evident on your face as this got Haewon intrigued. 
"Is something wrong Y/n?" 
"Ah, no, it's just that I was looking for an elevator singe earlier and I just believe that it was right in front of me" 
Haewon laughed at your sweet error as you and Haewon entered the elevator and began talking. She informed you that the flowers you gave her on that day were still alive and in her dorm, which you were delighted to hear. Haewon then began to question why you were at the building after you informed her that you would be supervising your company's financial development on the group NMIXX. Haewon smiled from ear to ear when she heard her group come out of your mouth.. 
"NMIXX has a bright future ahead of them in the industry seeing how amazing their growth is amazing." 
"Well what can I say? They are pretty and talented."
"Is that so? I haven't really looked up the members actually." 
Haewon was saddened by this, but an idea occurred to her: she wanted you to be astonished when you met NMIXX, her group. As the elevator doors opened, signifying that they had arrived at their destination floor, you and Haewon exited. The walk to the building cafeteria was short, and when you got, you were shocked by how large it was.
"Woah, this place sure is big.." 
"Yup, come on, let's get our food." 
Haewon bravely grabbed your hand and brought you to the food department. Her unexpected physical touch caught you off guard, and a blush spread across your cheeks. You've never touched a girl's hand like this before, and it's made you feel something.
Haewon delivered you your food tray and gave you helpful advise on what to eat. Honestly, Haewon persuaded you to take the greatest cuisine available as the two of you seated at a table. Haewon smiled as she watched you, her hands supporting her face.  
"Say Haewon, how come you're familiar with this place?" 
"Hmm? Cause I work here." 
"Oh? What department are you from?" 
Haewon raises her eyebrows at your question as she found it confusing. Her brain couldn't understand what your words meant as you noticed her facial expression showing confusion. You couldn't help but chuckle at her. 
"What I meant is that, what part of the company do you work for? A manager? An assistant manager? An employee or an intern?" 
Haewon finally understood what you said as she shook her head. 
"I'm an.... Uhh... " 
Haewon didn't want to admit too soon to you as she wanted it to be a surprise to you. So her brain decided to look on for a possible work for her in the company. Of course she can't be a manager since she has no experience about it but perhaps the easiest is the right answer. 
"I work as a...." 
Your eyes show anticipation as your sights never left Haewon. This somehow made her feel nervous as she gulped a bit. 
"I work.... As a... D-Dance choreographer!" 
"A what?" 
"A dance teacher! Yeah... I work for teaching the dances for the groups here." 
Haewon smiled, hiding her actual identity from you. Aside from wanting to surprise you, she did not want to overwhelm you with the notion that she is an Idol. Everyone she encountered abandoned her once they discovered her true status. It is painful for her, but she has become accustomed to it. But now that you had her heart, she didn't want to let you go.  
"Ah, A dance teacher. That's good to hear Haewon." 
"Y-Yeah, anyway what about you Y/n. What brings you to the company." 
"Well I was assigned to write about the financial report on the group NMIXX since the company I work for has invested in them." 
A huge smile appeared on Haewon as she couldn't help but feel excited by your words. She felt like faith is telling her that you were the man for her as she was to you. If there were people who believed in destiny then Haewon was one of them. 
"Say Y/n." 
"Do you wanna meet NMIXX?"
You wanted to refuse because it wasn't really necessary for you to engage with the group considering that your only task was to write a report on the financial side of things. 
"It's alright Haewon, I'm oka-" 
"But the leader has something to say to you." 
That got your attention. There was no indication that you had ever met the leader of NMIXX. But, if you interrupted your steps, there was one person you met in this company that you didn't know much about: Yoon-ah. Surely she can't be an idol working in this facility given that she was fully wrapped up and visible.
"Yeah no, Yoon-ah is definitely an idol"
You thought to yourself as Haewon saw you show a face of realization. 
"Thinking about it, there is one person I met earlier. Her name was Yoon-ah. I think she's an Idol here." 
Haewon giggled and simply nodded her head. Haewon then stood up as she handed you her phone. 
"Add your number in my contacts so that I can stalk-I mean call you when NMIXX need a hand. It's not bad to be friends with an Idol you know?" 
You softly snatched her phone and entered your number. The rest of the day was unremarkable, except that you found Haewon attractive and enjoyable to be around. For the first time in your life, you were excited to go to work the next day, all because of one person, Oh Haewon.
The next day rolled by quickly and you were met with Haewon who was patiently waiting for you in front of the building. Seeing her made you smile as you walked towards her. 
"Hey Haewon. You didn't have to wait for me you know." 
"It's alright. Come on, NMIXX is waiting for you." 
Haewon quickly grabbed your hand and dragged you to the elevator. Your cheeks were once again flushed as a result of her actions, but Haewon didn't seem to care. Haewon held your hand during the way to the NMIXX room, as if it were the most natural thing to do. Haewon then came to a room, which you knew was where NMIXX was. Feeling overwhelmed, you questioned Haewon if this was really necessary.  
"Umm Haewon. I don't think we should-" 
"It's alright. I'm with you. And here we go~" 
Haewon opened the door dragging you in as your eyes saw 6 girls eyeing you up and down. You gulped in both fear and anxiety. Haewon on the other hand was smiling ear to ear but Sullyoon saw who was beside her leader, Immediately gasped and said
"Ah, Mr. Park. It's nice to meet you." 
Sullyoon was the first one to greet you as the others followed soon. You also greeted them but your eyes landed on a familiar figure who was smiling softly. 
"Ah, Miss Yoon-ah. I Didn't know you were an Idol." 
Sullyoon giggled cutely as she nodded her head. 
"It's nice to see you again Mr. Park, I didn't know you were close with our leader." 
"I'm sorry, what now?" 
You inquired while the rest of the group laughed at your reaction. You looked to your side as Haewon sneered. It was here that you discovered Haewon was not a dance instructor. She was too pretty to be just a dancing instructor, and her voice was as silky as polished jade. You had to blink a few times as the knowledge hit you.
"Haewon you're an Idol?" 
"Oh No I'm a chef Y/n. Duh, of course I'm an Idol. Surprised?" 
She gave you a smug grin as you giggled and nodded. Everyone was listening and watching your reaction to the discovery, but their focus was on how your hand and their leader's hand were intertwined with yours. A smirk appeared on their faces as they all looked at each other, with the same thoughts in mind.. 
Days passed, and you and the rest of the group, particularly Sullyoon and Haewon, grew closer. Haewon was the sparkplug who brought vitality to your day, whereas Sullyoon was the peaceful girl who made you feel at ease. Obviously, you weren't a blind man, as you can see that both girls were vying for your attention. 
Sullyoon occasionally grows brave and clings to you as if you were a magnet enticing her. Haewon was secretly simmering with jealousy as she entered the fray and erupted with her own methods of capturing your attention, and boy did she succeed. When you were taking a break from writing your report on your laptop one day, Haewon came over to your side, essentially becoming your personal secretary. She was offering you beverages and food, encouraging you, and rubbing your shoulders. She was basically caring for you as a wife should. 
In all honesty, this interfered with your work, and you would occasionally spend your concentration on keeping Sullyoon, but particularly Haewon, in check by reminding them that you were here to work. But Haewon understands how to hug your heart and draw you closer to her. The simple things she does for you, such as helping you, talking to you, bringing you food, and sending you good morning and good night texts, really warm your heart.
But the conclusion of all this all arrives at one chance that Haewon will take. 
The promotions for NMIXX were finally completed, and as you expected, NMIXX's fame and popularity grew even more, while your company's investment increased significantly. It was a win-win situation for all parties, and with that, you were officially ready to file the final investment report and exit JYP Entertainment. As you packed your bag, you realized how much fun you'd had with the gang. Your face lit up with a little smile as memories passed before your eyes. But as you usually say 
"Que sera Sera." 
Grabbing your bag, you gazed around the practice room one more time, remembering the pleasant times you had laughing, eating, and telling stories with the others. You breathed deeply, knowing it was a great ride. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end. Grabbing the door handle, Haewon burst through it, her eyes sad. She bit her lips, holding the sorrow her heart was experiencing right now. 
"Y-Y/n... I... I..." 
Feeling the pain in her eyes, You pulled her close to you allowing her to hug you. Her arms held you like today was the last day on earth and you could feel her sobs carrying on the pain of letting you go. 
"Haewon, Why are you crying?" 
"J-Just b-because...I'll miss you... You know that.... Right?" 
Haewon said through sniffles as she looked up to you and you found her adorable. Her pig teary puppy eyes accompanied with her small frown, and her snot coming out of her nose made her adorable. You smiled as you pulled out your handkerchief and wiped her tears and snot. 
"Haewon, You can always message me, you know? It's not like we're not gonna see each other again." 
"B-But my schedule will be busy and I won't see you and..and…"
Haewon cried once again as she buried her face on your chest. You patted her back and comforted her for the meantime. It felt like hours for Haewon hugging you but in reality it was only 10 minutes. She pulled away with her eyes a little puffed as you smiled and said
"I'll be going now Haewon. Thank you, for everything." 
When you stated those words, you felt choked up since your emotions had suddenly surfaced. You departed swiftly, not wanting to exhibit your anguish, even though Haewon smiled and possibly gazed at you for the last time. She also felt regret because she knew now was the perfect time to confess, but she thought that letting you go was better. Her heart broke again when the sound of thunder boomed through the glass window. Haewon moved up to the chair and table in the room, watching the rain fall heavily on the ground.  
Haewon felt as if the universe was wiping the wounds on her heart with rain. She sighed and groaned as she let her head strike the table, making a slight Thud sound, but her skin felt scratchy against the table. Lifting her head, she noticed an envelope, and her interest was piqued. She opened the envelope and found your final report. She gasped as she realized you had left the most critical thing you needed. 
The final report. 
Haewon was about to go out and give you the envelope when a sense of realization hit her. 
"Shit, I don't know where he lives at"
Haewon grumbled, feeling frustrated and disappointed with herself. But Faith had different ideas for Haewon. Cupid did not want the story to finish here, so he pointed his arrow toward Haewon's head. Her eyes widened when she reopened the envelope.  
"Of course! The company's address is right here. But... It seems I have to deliver this tomorrow.."
The rain continued to fall, and lightning could be heard for miles. Haewon watched the rain fall, while you were soaking as you entered your flat. You weren't really aware of the weather tonight, but the rain made itself apparent. You quickly went to the bathroom to take a shower. Unfortunately, it was too late. Your inadequate immune system caused you to feel a heavy burden on your back as your body heated up. As you try to treat the illness by taking medication. You covered yourself in your blanket and hoped for the best.  
As the sun rose, Haewon stood in front of the firm building, holding your most crucial mail. She took a deep breath before entering the company building. Much to her surprise, the company building was different from JYPs in that everyone going past was dressed professionally rather than casually. People began to murmur when Haewon arrived, taking everyone by surprise. She didn't wear a mask or a huge hat; she showed her entire face. She then inquired about your department's location from the reception table, after which they directed her to the room. Haewon didn't hesitate to enter the elevator and soon the employee realized that Haewon was on the elevator, they all left just for Haewon to have the elevator by herself.
"Ah, the perks of being famous."
She thought to herself as the elevator doors opened, and Haewon walked confidently across the floor, surprising everyone. When Yeonjun looked up from his table and saw Haewon approaching them, he was shocked and perplexed. Yeonjun stood up, stopping Haewon in her steps.
"I'm sorry Ms. Haewon but only authorized people are allowed here." 
Yeonjun stood his ground as he took a sip from his drink. Feeling confident by herself, she chuckled and smiled towards the guy. 
"Oh didn't Y/n Mention? I'm his girlfriend." 
Yeonjun spit out his drink to his side, surprised by Haewon's unexpected allegation. Haewon's eyes widened as the liquid sprayed their Cheif, who happened to overhear her arrival. Yeonjun apologized promptly to the chief. 
"I'm so sorry chief!" 
The chief, bathed in Yeonjun's drink, simply waved his hand dismissively, more interested with what transpired between your journeys and how you managed to capture the heart of one of Oh Haewon's  
"I don't mind it Yeonjun. I'm more intrigued on how Y/n managed to captivate ms. Haewon here." 
Despite the uproar in the office, Haewon realized she had just caused a storm and a misunderstanding, but this was the only way to assist you. She was prepared to take the punishment she would receive later, but just now she didn't care.  
"Whatever will be, will be."
She thought to herself. But her vision saw an empty seat with your name on it. It piqued her interest seeing your absence. 
"Umm.. Where's Y/n?" 
"Ah, He's Apparently sick. Probably got caught by the rain yesterday." 
Yeonjun spoke as he cleaned up the mess he had caused on the floor. This quickly put Haewon into full worry mode. Despite her self-proclaimed status as your girlfriend, she has no idea where you live. But with her front face, she took a big breath and inquired about your location.  
"Yeonjun-ssi, do you know where he lives? I wanna take care of him" 
Hanni's bold statement made Yeonjun stop and have his eyes widened in surprise. He was about to say your address when an Idea popped into his head. He smirked as he stood up and laid out his plan. Haewon chuckled and agreed on the plan of Yeonjun. 
Today was the worst day for you. Not only did you become sick, but you also don't know where you put your final report, which damaged your chances of moving up in the firm. Your heart was broken, and nothing will change your frown right now. Everything was going so beautifully for Haewon, but everything else was falling apart.  
"I hate my life..."
You grumbled as you laid in your bed, thinking about what you should do next. Your phone rang, and it was a message from Yeonjun informing you that he had arrived at your door with food and beer. Yeonjun knew you were ill and tried to cheer you up. With a heavy feeling and a weak body, you stood up and approached the door, opening it.  
"Thanks Yeon-" 
"Gosh you look horrible. Let's fix that shall we. Hehe~" 
A familiar female voice made you look down and saw the girl that captured your heart. Her bright smile was still on her face despite the rain that was pouring on your surroundings. 
"H-Haewon what are you-" 
"Ummm Yeonjun Apparently can't come cause he was dragged to a blind date, So here I am. I brought chicken and medicine." 
You noticed the heavy bag she carried and you felt bad that a small girl like her had to carry such a bag. You reached down to help her but Haewon shook her head. 
"It's fine Y/n. I'm a strong woman, I have muscles on my arms. So, Umm... Can I come in?" 
You snapped out of your stupor and allowed Haewon to enter your apartment. Your apartment wasn't too huge or little. It was large enough to accommodate at least four people, and Haewon made herself at home. She hurriedly got out the chicken and soup she had bought earlier for you. Yeonjun's strategy was easy. Yeonjun would message you that he was going to visit you, but it was actually Haewon who came to you.
"Haewon I can help you-"
"Just stay in bed Y/n. Don't overwork yourself, cause today, you'll be taken care by the great NMIXX Leader, Oh Haewon. So feel blessed. I just don't do this to anyone you know.....except you" 
She mumbled the final part so you couldn't hear it. You lay back in your bedroom, wondering how Haewon knew about your condition, but there was a bigger problem at hand: it was your first time having a lady around, and you had no idea what to do. You began to overthink what to do, which just exacerbated your headache.  
"Heyy~ can you sit up Y/n? I got you food." 
Listening to her command, You sat up as Haewon setup the small foldable table on your bed. Her bright energy and smile really makes all your problems disappear. 
"You don't have to move Y/n. Imma feed you." 
You blushed at her words, wanting to decline her offer. But her bright and exuberant enthusiasm was too much to pass up, and she was offering after all. It isn't like you told her to do it. So you simply nodded your head as Haewon began feeding you. She took a spoon of the soup she had bought earlier and gave it a few blows with her mouth. Your eyes landed on her lips, which caused your heart to beat. 
"Say Ahhh~" 
You opened your mouth as Haewon gave you a  spoonful of the soup and you were surprised by how delicious it tasted. 
"Oh wow, Haewon this is delicious." 
Haewon giggled, and the sound made you grin. Haewon began feeding you while also telling you fascinating stories that never fail to make you laugh. Haewon was never boring to be around, but what about you? You're a boring guy in general. So it was a miracle that your fate became intertwined with Haewons. 
"By the way Y/n." 
"You left your report yesterday on our practice room. So I gave it to your chief this morning along with Yeonjun-ssi. He's a nice guy." 
You felt at rest after hearing what Haewon said because Haewon had solved your biggest concern. Honestly, you began to wonder how you deserved someone like Haewon. But suddenly a thought occurred in your head. 
"Wait, the office isn't allowing anyone to enter. You need permission from me to enter." 
Haewon gulped as she knows that she has to confess everything starting from the time she fell for you. If fate once gave her an opportunity to confess before, today was her last chance to admit her feelings. It was now or never for Haewon as she took a deep breath. 
"Umm well you see....please don't get mad at me okay?" 
You can tell Haewon was trying to hide something as her bright energy was nowhere to be seen and her eyes were looking down trying to avoid your gaze. 
"You what?" 
Haewon had the words on her mind, but her body was hesitant to say them. Those are the words she wants to say. She was uneasy about expressing those things, but then she remembered her life motto. "Whatever will be, will be" . She simply decided to speak it, not caring about the ramifications in the future. 
"I told them that I'm your.... Girlfriend...." 
For a little period of time, the world seemed to stand still. Hearing the final word she said made you go back to the first time you met Haewon. Was fate actually making arrangements just for you at this moment? Or was it just a coincidence that everything came together at this exact moment?
Haewon began to feel trapped by the quiet, and tears began to rise up in her eyes. She understands that betting on fate can be risky, and today she would pay the price.  
"I-I'm sorry. I-I'll get going no-" 
You pulled Haewon to your embrace. This time, it was you who held her like it was the last day on earth as you didn't want to let her go. 
Who cares if faith played a part of all of this or if fate has more problems for you to face in the future. 
"Whatever Happens, Happens." 
Haewon widened her eyes when you said those words. She couldn't help but hug you back tightly. 
"I don't care what happens in the future, Haewon. But right now, all I care is what is happening now. I wanna focus on the present as the future can wait. All I want is this. For you to be in my arms. Call me selfish but I just want you in my arms right now Haewon. I have fallen too much for you that I can't let you-"
Haewon pulled away from you with tears streaming down on her face. Her bright smile has appeared as she said
"Que sera sera. I love you too Y/n." 
She leaned forward, bridging the gap between you two as her lips pressed against yours. Regardless of the soup and chicken sauce on your lips, Haewon kissed you with love and passion. Haewon began to chuckle as you kissed her forehead, and both of you pulled away.  
"I love you Haewon." 
"I love you more than myself Y/n." 
She hugged you tight as both of you were clinging to each other on your bed as a realization hit your thoughts. 
"Umm, You might get sick Haewon. You should-" 
"Stay and cuddle you? Absolutely." 
You chuckled at her comment. Your monotonous life was about to change because Haewon had won your heart. From one-sided love to meeting her crying, then meeting her again, and now she's holding you in your bed. It was certainly an exciting journey, but from now on. You are aware that your relationship will endure numerous challenges that will separate you from one another. The route will not be simple for either of you, but no matter what happens in the future, you will always stay true to your moto. 
“Que Sera Sera”
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venus-haze · 9 months
Pretty Tied Up (Otis Driftwood x Reader)
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Summary: Or, the perils of working at Red Hot Pussy Liquors.
Note: Female reader, but no other descriptors are used. This takes place between House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil’s Rejects. Based on the Guns N' Roses song. Do not interact if you’re under 18, terf or radfem, or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat. Armed robbery and implied kidnapping. Sexually explicit content that involves extremely dubious consent and sadism, gags, bondage, groping, and gunplay. Otis is pretty much his own warning. Do not interact if you’re under 18.
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Having regulars at a liquor store was a double-edged sword. You got to know some customers well enough to like them, but over time you’d notice they looked increasingly worse for wear as they came up to the checkout with their usual purchases. The exception, of course, were the Fireflys, who you always found unsettling, despite Baby’s attempts to seem affable. 
“My brother likes you,” she said one day, leaning against the counter as you rang up three bottles of vodka and two six-packs of beer.
“RJ?” you asked, glancing at her brother standing a few feet behind her.
RJ was always nice enough. Didn’t say much. Tall. Burly. Strong. Ruggedly handsome. You’d be open to going out with him.
She laughed in her usual high-pitch that always toed the line of being spine-chilling. “No silly! I’m talkin’ ‘bout Otis.”
You stared at her blankly. “Who’s Otis?”
“You know, long hair, blue eyes, scruffy ol’ beard. He came in here the other night. You must’ve made one hell of an impression. He won’t shut up about ya.”
Oh yeah. Him. Bought a bottle of whiskey and a stack of hardcore BDSM porno magazines. ‘You ever look at this stuff?’ he’d asked, eyeing you as you put a magazine with a nude, distressed-looking woman suspended by intricate ropes on the cover into a brown paper bag. When you first started working there, you could hardly stomach the sight of the rougher fare. As time went on, you found yourself hesitantly intrigued. ‘Gotta have something to do besides go to church on Sundays,’ you replied, earning a wicked grin from him. 
“That’s nice,” you said.
She snickered. “My brother’s not nice.”
“Is this everything?” you asked, hoping to move the interaction along.
“Hey RJ, you gettin’ anything else?” Baby asked over her shoulder.
He shook his head, approaching to pick up the crate you put the bottles in.
Baby handed you a wad of cash. She almost always overpaid, letting you keep the change, which was most of the reason you humored her antics in the first place. “Thanks darlin’! See ya real soon!” she said, wiggling her eyebrows, keen to something you were yet to be aware of.
Two nights later you were working the store alone. Your coworker Billy didn’t even have the decency to call and let you know he wasn’t coming in–or quit. He just didn’t show up at 9:30 when he was supposed to, and your phone call to his house was met with a busy dial tone. Asshole.
It’d been a slow night anyway, but you would have appreciated the heads up, or at least another body in the place when the front door was kicked open.
“This is a robbery! Don’t fucking move or I’ll shoot!”
Despite the bandana covering the bottom half of his face, you knew who it was right away. Long, graying hair and piercing blue eyes that were burned into your memory from his last visit to the liquor store.
You lifted your hands in the air. Your manager had told you on your first day that there was always a possibility of this happening. Better to just let them take whatever cash and booze they wanted and report it to the police once they left. ‘Don’t go playin’ hero. We got insurance.’
“Keep those hands up,” Otis said, slowly approaching the counter. “I’m gonna walk back there, and you’re gonna open the register for me.”
You nodded, eyes glued to him as he slithered around the counter like a snake, gun steadily pointed at you. 
“Go on,” he said.
With a trembling hand, you opened the register, the cash-filled drawer popping open for him. He pressed the gun to your temple, instructing you to put the cash in one of the brown paper bags by your side. You tried not to glance at him too much while you stuffed the paper bag with the money, finally pushing it toward him and sticking your hands up again.
“Alright, now turn around.”
“I ain’t got all night.”
You glanced at the door. No way you could make a run for it, but maybe someone would walk in and be able to do something.
He followed your gaze and let out a cruel scoff. “Ain’t nobody coming through that door who can save you. I’m the closest thing to salvation you’ll ever get. Now turn the fuck around.”
With a shaky breath, you did as you were told, freezing when you felt the barrel of the gun press against the back of your head. His free hand grabbed your ass through your jeans, his strong grip almost painful as he squeezed each cheek. “Wonder how much it’d take to make you bruise?” he mumbled, almost to himself. He squeezed again, harder this time, as if he were trying to dig his fingers into your flesh. “Too much work when I can just cut into ya.”
“Don’t hurt me,” you pleaded, though hearing your own voice, you weren’t quite sure how convinced you were that you didn’t want him to do his worst. Knowing what you did about the Firefly clan, the rumblings around Ruggsville about the strange family–it would be pretty damn bad.
“C’mon now, mama. You led me to believe you liked it rough,” he said, voice gravelly and low as he slipped his hand between your legs from behind, rubbing the rough denim material and your cotton panties against your pussy, the friction hitting your clit in just the right spot for you to let out a shameful moan. Your hand flew to your mouth, the other clenched in a fist as you tried not to give him the reaction he wanted. Didn’t want to prove him right. Show him how curious you were. You didn’t even have it in you to fight back, not when you were on the edge, so achingly close until suddenly you weren’t anymore.
You nearly whined when he pulled his hand away, horrified at yourself, your reaction to his groping you. He grabbed each of your arms, roughly pulling them behind your back and tying your wrists together with something itchy and uncomfortable that dug painfully into your skin as you fruitlessly tried to free yourself from the secure knot he made. What the fuck did he use? Your eyes widened at the carpet burn-like sensation that’d begun to sting your skin. The roll of twine beneath the register. You used to secure some customers’ more sensitive purchases sometimes. 
Fingers and cloth forced their way into your mouth until you were gagged with the bandana Otis had pulled off of his face. He turned you around, looking you over with a slow, satisfactory nod. “I was having trouble getting over this mental block in my art. Started drivin’ me crazy. Y’know, they showed this nature documentary about a group ‘a lions a while back. How they protect and provide for their families, stalk their prey and go in for the kill–do you ever think about how we’re the only species where killing is taboo? For the rest of the animal kingdom, it’s just nature, part of the circle of life. There was a scene where the lion saw a gazelle from way across the savannah, and it was like nothing else existed except for its prey. It couldn’t rest until it tore that damn thing apart. That’s how I felt when I saw you.”
You shook your head frantically, your pleas of mercy muffled by your gag. Fat tears blurred your vision until he morphed into something monstrous, straight out of a nightmare you couldn’t wake up from. 
“I ain’t gonna kill ya,” he said, roughly petting your head, “not yet anyway, that’d be a waste when I’ve barely even started.” He gave you a mean grin as he grabbed a hold of your hair by the roots. “I got a lot planned for you. Those magazines gave me a lot of ideas too.”
He lowered the gun, dragging it between your breasts and further down your abdomen until he reached the waistband of your jeans. Using his other hand, he unbuttoned and unzipped them with alarming ease, pulling them down until they fell to your ankles. Your breath hitched as he pressed the barrel of the gun against your cunt, the thin fabric of your panties the only thing stopping him from being able to slide it inside of you. 
Still, the cool metal sent a shiver through you as he rubbed it against your clit, black spots creeping into your peripheral as you hyperventilated through his sadistic experiment. He was hard. That much you knew, but what frightened you, perhaps most of all, was how wet you had become since he tied you up. Your skin still screamed against the rough twine that’d been cutting into your flesh, soon to draw blood as you kept struggling.
Your hips jerked, pressing the gun barrel closer to your pussy that was eager to betray you and clench around it if he just pushed past your panties and shoved it up there. You didn’t want him to do that, not in your right mind. But no one in your situation could be considered in their right mind, could they?
“Don’t fight it,” he encouraged gruffly, blue eyes piercing through you as he watched your knees threaten to give out as you neared orgasm. “Give the devil his due, mama.”
Your hands curled into fists, nails threatening to break through the skin of your palm. Then he did it. Slipped the barrel of the gun past your soaked cotton panties. Your brain short-circuited in a rush of terror and thrill at the sensation. You came, eyelids fluttering shut, a guttural moan tearing from your throat and pushing through your gag. Your limbs felt like ghosts, incorporeal parts of you that could only offer a vague sense of feeling compared to the sensation that overwhelmed your body, pleasure and adrenaline coursing through your veins all the same.
Gun be damned, you collapsed against the checkout counter, unable to support yourself any longer. Your chest heaved, unable to catch your breath with the now saliva-soaked bandana still shoved halfway down your throat. An astounded whine escaped your lips when he brought the gun up to his nose and sniffed. “This is it, mama. This is the devil’s salvation.”
He wasn’t making any damn sense, or your brain was too fuzzy to comprehend what he was saying. All you knew about the devil was from the Bible and that stupid Dr. Satan story people regurgitated like spoiled food. If Otis was the devil, you’d believe it, though.
The sound of a car door slamming shut made your eyes widen, and you glanced over your shoulder, your muffled screams of either help or warning to however was approaching.
“Sorry about this, darlin’. We’ll have a lot more fun later,” he said, hitting you across the face with the gun, sending you to the brink of consciousness. 
The bell on the door faintly jingled, and the last thing you remember seeing was a large, familiar figure walking towards you.
“C’mon and help me get ‘er in the car,” Otis said just as you passed out. "Don't forget the cash."
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siravalondulac · 9 months
that silhouette | j. snow x fem!oc
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summary: and then she was here and jon knew - he would be safe in her arms. always.
warnings: smut, p in v, woman on top, bottom jon snow
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Silken drapes swayed softly from the canopy above him. The open balcony doors let in a cold breeze that chilled him to the bones. Rays of light from the crescent moon offered him a meagre look at his surroundings.
Jon didn't know whose bed he was lying in. Nor did he know whose room he was in.
The mattress dipped beside him, and before he knew it, she entered his view.
Her braid fell over her shoulder, the brown almost black in the darkness. The blue of her eyes seemed to glow before him, making his heart beat faster. She smiled.
“Hush, my love.” She lowered her face towards his. “We do not want to wake the Others, do we?”
As his chest rose it touched hers. Only for a moment, and with layers of clothing between them, but still.
Her left hand came up to his face, her fingers lightly ghosting along his jaw, before laying down on his cheek.
Jon’s breath hitched, and then she closed the distance between their lips.
She was cold and soft and gentle, slow and controlling and wonderful. He would never let himself forget the taste of her lips, how they moved against his, the way she slowly coaxed his mouth open with her tongue. He obeyed, of course. She could do whatever she wanted with him, and he would let her.
Sometime during this, Elle had straddled his lap. He only realised after she had started grinding herself against him, burying both of her hands in his hair to get a better grip. She swallowed his moans, never once detaching herself from his lips.
Jon's hands clutched the blanket beneath him. He was getting hard, and uncomfortably quickly at that. His hips started bucking upwards, meeting Elle's halfway.
She moved her mouth away from his, allowing him to catch his breath, if only for a moment. Because soon afterwards, she started sucking on a spot right over his throat that made him let out a moan.
Elle smiled against his skin.
“You are allowed to touch me as well, my love. It would be a shame if you did not.”
His hands soon found their way underneath her shirt, gently running up and down her sides, making her shiver. And somehow, that reaction made him proud.
Her mouth left his skin as she quickly discarded her shirt and then helped him get out of his. Their pants followed.
She sat bare above him, and Jon could do little else but stare. Stare at her beautiful body, her small breasts, her strong legs.
He raised his hand and let it run down the underside of one of her breasts. Her breath hitched, and something in her smile changed. Not for the worse, thank the gods. No, it became a tad softer, more intimate - a smile shared between lovers.
As if in response, Elle moved her hips, and he wanted to pass out on the spot. Her centre rubbed over the underside of his cock, her wetness making it all the more pleasurable.
She lowered her mouth back on his, quieting his moans as he gripped her hips with both hands. He didn't even know what he wanted to do, stop her or encourage her to keep on moving, please keep on moving, never stop moving.
Her left hand travelled down his body, her nails raking over his stomach and drawing dangerously close to his dick. She smiled against his mouth at the increased movement of his hips.
“Please”, he begged quietly. “I need you.”
“Whatever you want, my love.”
Her hand encircled his dick, pumping once, twice before she raised her hips above it.
Jon held his breath.
The moment his tip was enveloped by her walls he almost came. She was so soft and warm and wrapped around him so perfectly. But he forced himself to hold back. He needed to enjoy this while it lasted.
Slowly, ever so slowly, she sank down on him, her mouth never once leaving his.
How did he come to be so lucky? Never once in his life had anyone ever spared him a second look and now he was in the arms of the most beautiful girl he had ever laid his eyes upon, being treated like he was worth more than all the gold in the kingdom.
He finally bottomed out inside of her. Elle pressed their foreheads together, apparently needing to catch her breath as much as he did.
They fit together so perfectly. His dick sat snugly between her walls and her chest pressed against his so closely, he could feel her beating heart.
One of her hands found his, still gripping her hips tightly, and interlaced his fingers with hers. She pulled both of them upwards and laid them gently onto the pillow beside Jon's head. So gently, never letting go, as if it was the only anchor that kept her in this world.
Elle moved her face away from his and opened her eyes. He had never been able to fully nail down what shade they were, appearing intense like ice one night and deep like the ocean the next. But now, with the way they glowed through the darkness, neither seemed like an apt way to describe them.
Then, she started moving.
Jon breathed in deeply in surprise, his mouth dropping open. It took everything in him not to moan loud enough to wake the entire Keep.
Her hips moved around in circles, slowly at first, then gradually increasing their speed. Her walls clenched around his cock, making him whimper and buck his hips upwards. She smiled, and started moving properly, her hand never once letting go of his.
He didn't know when or how it happened, but Elle's hair had come loose from her braid. It now fell in gentle curls just below her shoulders.
A crown would suit her well, he thought. One made of the finest of golds, inlaid with rubies the colour of blood. And her hair would be decorated with blue flowers the shape of stars, like the ones he had seen in Winterfell's glass gardens.
She bounced faster and faster on top of his cock, the slapping resounding throughout the room. His moans had turned into soft whimpers long ago. And yet, throughout all this, her eyes had never left his.
Jon was close, so close. He could tell Elle was too, the way her breathing had quickened just like his, the way her walls started spasming around his dick.
He knew he would never leave her. They belonged together, like sun and moon, like wolf and lion, like ice and fire. As long as he was with her, nothing would happen to him.
Just a bit more, he was standing right at the edge. Everything inside of him felt so good. The sweat and tears would all be worth it. He only needed one last push, then he would come. And once he did he would make Elle his-
Jon awoke with a jolt.
A dream. It had all been a dream.
Thankfully, he tried telling himself. He had not broken his vows. Even if he, technically, hadn't taken them yet.
His clothing was drenched in sweat and his dick was so painfully hard. He wanted - needed - to relieve himself, but even thinking about that brought his mind back to his dream. Back to Elle and how she fit so wonderfully-
No! He would not think about her, especially not in that way. He was to be a brother of the Night's Watch, and she was his friend. Maybe. Hopefully.
Jon looked around the room, studying his friends’ faces, wondering if he had made any sounds in his sleep that would have disturbed them in their sleep. But no one seemed to be awake.
He took in a deep breath and fell backwards onto his pillow again.
(The bed in his dream had been softer.)
He turned around and pressed his hips into the mattress, pleading for his hard-on to go away quickly.
(Much like how his dick had gotten hard so quickly as soon as he had seen her in his dream.)
His uncle had told him he would regret joining the Watch at his age, before he had experienced any of what made a man. Jon had wanted to laugh at him back then. But he didn't want to laugh now.
Why did his life have to be so difficult?
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note: if you are intrigued by this one-shot and elle, might i direct you to the story this is inspired by: meet me in the dark, kiss me in the moonlight?
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darkeagleruins · 2 months
From David Thomsen:
An Open Letter to Leftists: On July 13, 2024 things CHANGED. For too long you have mistaken our TOLERANCE for weakness and it emboldened you. That TIME has come to an END. Things are going to happen FAST now and you will find yourself wondering HOW you got here. So, here’s how.
You called us RACISTS while we were standing together as WHITE, BLACK, & BROWN Americans. You overwhelmed us with images of races unable to COEXIST. Then came DEI, reparations, & constant ATTACKS for even the smallest perceived slight. You needed us DIVIDED, which was the GOAL.
We supported GAY marriage and didn’t notice the TQIA’s at first. Then you went after OUR KIDS, openly flaunted your sexuality, & made PRONOUNS a weapon. You had men competing in WOMEN’s sports and invading their private spaces. And again you demonized those that DARE push back.
We got behind “ME TOO”, not knowing the intent. The slightest accusation became grounds for MOB RULE. You cancelled and shamed. You made being a MAN the problem. Toxic MASCULINITY was the phrase of the day. So we watched you TEACH AND RAISE a generation of SOFT, feckless boys.
WE’RE ALL immigrants and our ancestors did it RIGHT. They learned English, got JOBS, and assimilated into the culture in order to be a part of this GREAT NATION. Then you allowed an INVASION, gave them handouts, and let them do as they LIKE. Hell, you even wanted them to VOTE.
You changed the NAMES of mountains, and buildings, and teams to ERASE our history. You took the pledge out of schools, knelt during the anthem, and burned our FLAG!! And did it while proudly displaying those of OTHER countries and movements. You made PATRIOT a dirty word.
You took away our VOICE. Media STOPPED even talking about OUR side. You PREACHED to us during our shows, on the NEWS and in the theatres. VIRTUE SIGNALING at every turn. And you LIED. Telling us not to BELIEVE what we were seeing with our own EYES. We felt isolated, even CRAZY.
Then HE came along. He was brash, RAW, but grew on US. He wanted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. He spoke to the helplessness we FELT. You said RUSSIA was his handler. You attacked his CHARACTER, his family. And yet, HE WON. You didn’t let us CELEBRATE though. You said he CHEATED.
So you took to the STREETS. You PROTESTED, and BURNT, and THREATENED, and ATTACKED. Our fascist response was to remain SILENT. We heard every single day that, ORANGE MAN bad. The economy was STRONG, the world was SAFE, and the WALL was going up. You couldn’t let that STAND.
Then came your VIRUS. You locked us in OUR HOMES, hurt our businesses, stole moments from our CHILDREN they won’t ever get back. Keeping us separated became LAW. You killed our ELDERLY and VULNERABLE. Then you FORCED us to inject a CURE. If we refused, you SHAMED and fired us.
You LIED some more. A lot more. You covered up LAPTOPS, mobilized your ARMY of celebs, and smeared the man’s RECORD and reputation. Worse yet, you CHEATED. At least you told us the BLUE WAVE was coming. We didn’t expect it to happen while we were SLEEPING. You STOLE an election.
The best of US finally stood & took to the STREETS. You provoked us and let us walk into that BUILDING. You killed a woman and PROSECUTED the rest. You locked us up. You CENSORED us. Made sure we couldn’t RISE. You weaponized LAW and laughed as YOU DID IT. You thought you’d WON.
We sat and watched you destroy our COUNTRY. You defunded our POLICE, allowing crime to run RAMPANT. You spent to the point we couldn’t AFFORD to live. You abandoned BASES, and EMBASSIES, and allies. You made us WEAK. Then OTHERS began to awake. So you became DESPERATE, more vile.
You convicted him of CRIMES he didn’t commit on CHARGES you didn’t define. You tried to take his FORTUNE. Your leaders called him a THREAT and a fascist. You called him HITLER. And you DEMONIZED EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US. We lost friends and FAMILY. MSM spent everyday on our EVIL.
Then SHOTS rang out. YOU NEARLY KILLED HIM. But the man ROSE. He lifted his FIST in the air and told us to FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT. This selfish, HATEFUL, ugly man nearly gave all to save a COUNTRY he LOVES. And we’d been afraid to wear a RED HAT? Our eyes teared with ANGER, respect.
He withstood all you could MUSTER. And in doing so, he EMPOWERED us. And so now you see, the REAL men and REAL women are coming to take our COUNTRY back. We won’t be SILENCED, we can’t be STOPPED. You will watch as every ounce of POWER you once held is returned to the PEOPLE.
We will restore LAW AND ORDER and ILLEGALS will be shown the door. WE will retake our SCHOOLS, our cities, and our STATES. The minority will NO LONGER dictate to a once silent MAJORITY. We the PEOPLE of the United States of America LOVE this man and country. We will and are MAGA!
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thesassypadawan · 4 months
Debriefing *part 3* (Knight Anakin x PadawanFemReader x Master Obi-Wan)
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Summary: Due to the level of severity for his most recent mission, you’ve been forced to remain behind. Leaving you aching for him in the worse way possible and in desperate need of a private ‘meeting’…just between the three of you.
Warnings: 18+ (minors dni), because all the lovely smut. Some holo calling mutual fun and…Ani and Obi’s big dicks. Padawan reader is of age.
Notes: Thanks all you lovelies for taking the time out to read part 3!  I hoped you enjoyed it and look forward to part 4!  And I also hope you enjoy part 1, part 2, and part 4!
‘Stupid mission.’ Due to the level of severity for his most recent escapade, you had been forced to remain behind. While he and his ever-faithful partner in crime were off saving the galaxy…yet again.
Leaving you aching for him. Longing to see him. Yearning to have his hands all over your body. Needing to have him split… You couldn’t take it anymore.
So after sending off a short message, requesting to have a private ‘meeting’. You had quickly made your way back to your shared quarters. Where you quickly shimmied out of those stifling robes and sprawled yourself out on your sleep couch. Waiting ‘patiently’ for him to call,
When the holo disc lit up, you eagerly answered. A sultry smile spreading across your face as the miniature, blue version of him flickered into existence. “That was fast.”
Sporting his own excited expression, along with a ‘little’ something else. He parted his lips to speak, except no words came out…only silence.
“Kriff, your signal is bad. I can see, but can’t hear you.” You pouted, a mischievous glint in your eyes. “Oh, well; guess you’ll just have to relax and enjoy the show.”
Leaning back against the pillow, your legs spread teasingly. Hands trailing up your body. Cupping and squeezing your breasts. Fingers toying and tugging at your nipples. A soft coo escaping you, pretending it was his calloused ones doing the work instead. “Mmm…”
You watched his long digits wrap around his length, beginning to pump. Gaze fixed on you and your other hand. Following its decent; dipping between your wet folds, rubbing softly at your clit.
“Do you see this?” You whined sweetly, slipping a finger into your aching core. Moving it in time with his own slow pace. “Do you see what you do to me?”
Sinking a second inside, you speed up. Letting out a low, breathy moan when you saw him doing the same. Fat cock twitching in his grip, beads of pre oozing from his tip. “Got me carving you, wanting you all day long.”
Swirling a thumb around your sensitive bud, your hips bucked wildly. Trying to mimic the way he would pound you so perfectly, split you open so deliciously. “Wish you were here…you fill me up much better,”
His big hand stuttered for a moment before resuming. Head tipping slightly to the side, his jerks quickening. Teeth biting his bottom lip, chest rising and falling rapidly.
Adding a third finger, your started to match his rhythm. An audible wet sound filling the air of your quarters mixed with your needy gasps. “So close…going to…”
Desperately, you chased your release. Writhing on the sleep couch, the pleasure within rose up in a haze. The knot in your stomach growing unbearably tight…and it was clear that he was fairing no better. “Nngh, cum…cum with me… Want to see you paint yourself in white…”
That’s all it had taken… A wave of ecstasy came flooding through your bond. Followed by the sight of thick rope after thick rope spewing forth. Dripping down his fist, covering his stomach. Some even splashed up onto his chest and chin.
Which then, in turn, sent you crashing over the edge. Walls fluttering and clenching, whole body tensing as your orgasm overtook you. Leaving you a babbling and panting mess.
Shifting your eyes side to side, you pulled out your digits. Licking each clean individually. Imagining that you could taste his salty, sweet release mingled with your juices. “Miss you… General… Master…”
Popping the last out of your mouth, you reached forward to unmute the twin devices. Smirking in satisfaction at the shocked looks they wore, the horrified tones in their voices.
“Angel, what the…?!”
“Darling, explain your…?!”
“Hope you two liked my ‘debriefing’,” you said sickeningly, sweetly. “May the force be with you both.”
And with a tap, you ended the calls.
Tag List: @espinathena-17, @myheartwillgoon2022, @cacti5539, @wifeofasith, @princessswifie, @kenobiskywalker16, @loverforoldermen
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something-tofightfor · 4 months
Fool's Gold 1: Weight Like Waves
Pairing: Pirate Oberyn Martell x Female Reader (with a twist)
Rating: M for now - but that will change later.
Word Count: 5,024
Summary: Adrift on the water, you're forced to confront some difficult thoughts - and realizations. Help appears when you least expect it, but with that help comes many, many new questions.
Author's Note: I'm so glad that people liked the intro. I hope you continue to enjoy this story, and where it goes. As the chapters continue, you'll start to see the differences between this Oberyn and the show's version and just how much I've adjusted things.
Thank you to all for the feedback and the response. I'm so excited to post more of this. If you want to talk about this story (or any of my others) please feel free to pop into my inbox or DMs!
Many, many thanks to my go-to Oberyn source @the-blind-assassin-12 for reading through the entire draft of this story (so far!) for me and assuring me that it's a story worth telling - and that Oberyn's as he should be. I trust no one more than you when it comes to him.
Chapter title comes from "Salt" by Caligula's Horse.
Fool's Gold Masterlist
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The sun rose for the third time, and as the light hit you, you groaned. 
There was little to protect you in the boat, and through it was only portions of your skin that were exposed, they hurt. 
You knew that you were suffering from exposure - both wind and sun, and that you had burns on your back from something - if the scorched material of your dress was anything to go by. You also knew that you’d hit your head, thanks to the lingering, throbbing pain and the crusted-over wound on the back of your skull. 
But you had no idea why you were alone on the sea. 
You remembered nothing concrete from before the moment you’d come to, a small pool of blood sticky beneath your head and your clothing mostly dry. There were flashes - flames and screaming, high stone walls and a tidy bedroom, along with a smiling, dark-haired woman and green eyed man - but nothing else. You didn’t know your name or how old you were, or where you came from. You didn’t know how you’d managed to find yourself adrift, or where you were. 
The contents of the bag at your waist only served to confuse you more, though the jeweled handle of the dagger inside was well made, leading you to believe that it was worth a great deal. It gave you something to trade when - and if - you ever reached shore. Through the waves of nausea and pain, you wondered if the mark on the bottom of it would help anyone recognize the smith that had crafted it, potentially pointing you in the right direction toward someone that knew who you were. 
You knew other things, though - and as you laid on your back and stared up at the cloudless blue sky, you repeated facts to yourself. You listed previous kings and queens, rattled off information about the different cities in the Seven Kingdoms and on Essos, and told yourself stories about who you might be and where you could have been from. 
It kept you occupied, and for the entire first day and night, it kept you from focusing on the pain and discomfort you felt. The second day was worse, and when you forced yourself upright for a few minutes at a time throughout the day, you were only able to focus on the sea and horizon briefly, using one hand to shield your eyes from the glare as you looked around for any sign of land. 
You figured the wound on your head was interfering with your memory, and hoped that with time, things would come back to you. If I have time. 
During the second night, you forced yourself to tear a portion from the back of your skirt so that you could cover your bare shoulders when the sun rose the next day. Even the lightweight cloth touching your skin made you hiss in pain, and despite the way you fought to keep your hands hidden in the folds of material, and as much of your face beneath the crude bench in the boat, it didn’t help when you passed out from the exhaustion and pain and didn’t wake even as the sun moved in the sky, heating you without anything to obstruct the light. 
On the third morning, you forced yourself upright again and swallowed, wincing at how dry your throat was and how much your cracked lips pulled, even with the small movement. A look down at your hands showed blisters and scrapes, and when you spread your fingers to investigate the spaces between them, you felt more pain there, too. 
Part of you wanted to stand and jump into the sea, letting the current carry you away from a prolonged death. It was likely that you wouldn’t survive that, either, because of how exhausted you were. But the boat - with no water or food, and nothing to protect you from the elements - semed more dangerous. 
“At sundown.” You sighed, wincing at the sound of your voice, the thin tone unrecognizable. “When the predators in the water are more active.” With another groan, you leaned back against the side of the boat and reached into your bag, pulling the wooden figures free and running your fingers over the surface, lingering on the broken beak of one of them. 
You wondered if someone had made and then given them to you. 
It gave you comfort to think that there was someone in your life that had cared for you enough to carve the birds so carefully. But the comfort turned to sadness as you realized that whoever they were, they weren’t with you. You figured that you’d been on a ship and that something had happened to it, but even that didn’t explain why or how you were alone, because the likelihood of you being the only person to make it into a boat seemed low. I hope you weren’t on the ship, friend. 
Blinking, you realized that you weren’t even able to cry properly. You ignored the pain as your fingers closed around the wood, curling your hand toward your chest. Lowering your chin, you sighed - only looking up at the sound of a distant bell ringing. I’m imagining things. 
You felt hope for the first time in days, but with the way that the rising sun was glinting off of the water, you couldn’t see the source of the bell. “It was just a trick of the mind.” Your voice cracked, the hope in your heart dashed. “There’s no one coming.” 
Admitting that hurt, but you reminded yourself that you only needed to make it through the day, and that gave you the strength to tuck the carvings away. While you focused on that, trying not to move your fingers too much, the sound of the bell came again … and that time it was closer. 
You shot to your feet, the movement sending a fresh wave of dizziness through you. Forcing yourself to stay upright, you turned in a slow circle, trying to balance your weight against the rocking of the waves … and then you saw it. 
It was a good distance away, but it was a ship, and when you squinted, raising your hand to shield your eyes, you saw that based on the look of the sails, it was headed in your direction. The hope flared in your chest again, and using the last of your strength, you lifted both arms and began waving them, ignoring the pain in your shoulders and back - as well as in your other aching joints. 
You collapsed a minute so so later, though you kept looking in the direction of the oncoming ship. When it rang the bell again, that time continuously, you allowed yourself a smile. They see me. They see me and they’re coming. 
You dozed in the time that it took the ship to sail closer, your body exhausted from the last motion you’d pulled from it. And when you finally opened your eyes all the way again, you saw that the ship was close enough that you could make out details - the sigil-less deep red sails, the gleaming hull, the carving of a giant, coiled serpent on the prow. Even your addled brain was able to put together the truth of what was coming for you. 
“Pirates.” Licking your lips, you moaned as you tasted salt and copper. You hoped that they’d be merciful, but knew that you couldn’t expect anything, and so when you heard a shout of man overboard, you didn’t open your eyes. 
It wasn’t until a few minutes later, when the boat you were in rocked violently that you pried them open, watching as a man came into view, inch by inch. 
You saw his hands first, fingers adorned with rings clinging to the side of your boat, followed by tanned forearms as he hoisted himself up. The top of his head was next, his dark hair plastered to his skull as he kept his chin down, grunting with the effort it took to climb into the boat without tipping it over. 
You stayed motionless as he tumbled in and then sat up, and could barely focus on anything but his body - the upper half of it encased in a button down shirt that was also molded to the shape of his torso, the collar of it lined in a dark, golden yellow. 
He breathed deeply and then turned his head up and toward the sky, giving himself a moment before he lowered his head and finally looked at you. You watched his eyes widen, the man taking in your appearance and parting his lips in shock as he assessed your condition. 
You were almost delirious with fatigue, but you still recognized that he was handsome - even waterlogged - and a small part of you was disappointed that you were making such a terrible first impression. Maybe a last impression. 
“Thank you.” You whispered the words, slumping over further against the side of the boat. “Thank you for finding me.” 
And then unconsciousness took you again. 
The next time you woke, you were almost certain that you’d died and were in the next life. 
Everything was soft - from the pillow beneath your head to the sheets you laid upon to the clothing and light blanket that covered you. Your tongue moved to wet your lips and you tasted honey, the sensation forcing your eyes open all the way. 
You were met with hazy sunlight as it seeped through curtains, and when you turned to your side, you saw a pitcher of water and a cup sitting on the bedside table. Lifting one hand to reach for it, you winced at the pull of the skin covering your shoulders, and the illusion was broken. 
“You are awake.” The sound of an accented voice startled you. Despite your condition, you shot upward and into a sitting position, scanning the room for the source of the speech. You found it moments later, the man from the boat reclining against a cushioned chair in the far corner, his eyes on you. “That is good.”
He stood and moved toward where you sat, and though your first instinct was to shy away, you forced yourself to stay still, watching as he approached. He was wearing what looked like the same shirt he’d had on when you saw him for the first time - though since it was dry, you could see that it was a buttery, golden yellow in color, and that he preferred to leave some of the buttons undone. “Where am I? Who are you? A-”
“I am this ship’s captain, and you are in my bedroom.” He took a seat on the edge of your bed and reached for the pitcher, pouring water into the cup. “We brought you aboard yesterday. You slept and my healer tended to you. The crew quarters would not do for someone with the head wound you have, so I had you brought here, where it is quiet.” He held the cup out and you reached for it, but the man shook his head. “Let me. You’re still weak. You have not eaten.” 
It made you angry that you couldn’t do it for yourself, but you let him tip the cup to your lips, one of his brows arched as he watched you. You sipped from it, and before you’d had a chance to take too much, he pulled it away, murmuring that you needed to go slowly. “Thank you.” The water was cool and crisp, and you thought you tasted lemon, which surprised you. “And thank you for -”
“There will be time to say thank you later.” He held the cup up again, letting you take two longer swallows before he eased away. “Rest now.” Closing your eyes, you took a few deep breaths, thinking. Your head was clearer, though the pain still lingered, and when you lifted your hand to touch the wound, the man reached forward, his fingers closing gently around your wrist. “You won’t want to touch that.” 
“Why?” He was close when you opened your eyes, and you had to tilt your head back to meet his gaze. “What did -”
He didn’t let you go before he spoke, and he didn’t move away, either, giving you a small smile to go along with his words. “It was a deep cut. She cleaned it and stitched it, but it will be tender for a long while.” He held your gaze and you caught the sight of his tongue moving over his lips, yours unconsciously mirroring the action. “And you may call me Daavos.” 
Daavos? Alright. “Where are my clothes, Daavos? My bag? My boots?” The longer you were upright, the stronger you felt, your voice coming back. “What am I -”
“The healer and one of the other women onboard undressed and then redressed you after they tended to your wounds.” Women on a ship? He let you take the cup from him, releasing your wrist and then sitting up straight, both of his hands dropping to his thighs. Daavos gave you a chance to take another long drink before he said anything else, his eyes focused on the way you needed two hands to lift it to your lips. “You know my name and where you are … will you tell me yours? Where are you from?” 
“I…” You thought for a few seconds, eyes narrowed. “I don’t know. The first thing I remember is waking up and I was adrift. I don’t remember anything before that. I…” You trailed off and he refilled the cup, his chest rising and falling in deep, even breaths. “I don’t know anything about myself.” It stung to admit, and you understood that telling a stranger - a pirate - the truth likely put you in danger. But it doesn’t matter. I can’t run, where would I go? 
“The wound on your head must have done that.” He took a deep breath and held it. “It will come back. You just need time. Time and rest, and -”
“You sound Southern.” You bit your lip, ignoring the pain. “I’ve met men that talk like you before. I know … I know that.” He tilted his head to the side, eyeing you. “Where are we?”
“We are on the Narrow Sea, sailing south, and maybe a day’s journey from Dragonstone.” Your chest tightened at his words, but you ignored the feeling and nodded, your hold on the cup steady. “We’re sailing for Tyrosh, and that will take us a while.” The Stepstones. We’re heading for the Stepstones. “Let me see your hand.” You reacted to the command without hesitation, extending one of your hands toward his and watching as he took it gently between his own fingers, turning it over to get a closer look. “You have blisters.” He looked up, brow furrowed. “I’ll be right back.” 
He stood abruptly, letting go and then turning away from the bed after setting the pitcher back down on the table. You watched him leave, letting out a shaky breath. If he was a pirate, he was nothing like the ones you’d heard about, though you figured that his behavior might have been a ruse. But there was no reason for him to have put you in an actual bed, or to have taken the time to have someone clean and dress your wound if he intended to be cruel or do you harm. Unless he’s going to use me as a bargaining chip in Tyrosh.
You took a longer look around the room and saw your dress hanging from a hook on the wall, lips parting in a gasp at the sight. Your bag was with it, and when you craned your neck, you saw your boots on the ground, too. You were relieved that your things were there, but at the same time, confused, because it meant that someone had gone through them and then decided not to keep them from you. Strange behavior from a ship full of pirates. 
Moving the blanket away from yourself, you realized that you were in an oversized shirt. There were no buttons, but the front did cinch, giving you some modesty. It fell to mid thigh, and you were also wearing a loose pair of breeches, the knot tied tightly near your waist. 
He reappeared in the doorway a few minutes later, and you saw a small, round container in his hands. “Something for the burns.” He held it up. “If you will let me.” Dumbfounded, you nodded as Daavos sat back down and then set the container on top of the blanket, taking the lid off. “I spent time at The Citadel in Oldtown. I studied medicine, among other things.” He used one finger to scoop some of the contents from the jar and then held his other hand out to you. “This will ease the pain.” 
He worked methodically, coating the space between your fingers in the substance. You felt a cooling sensation as soon as it touched your skin, but Daavos didn’t stop there. He did the same with your other hand and then slowly eased his fingers between yours and bent them, the gentle pressure of his touch catching you off guard and ensuring that the salve reached everywhere. “Daavos, that feels…” You hummed when he pressed his palms to yours, finally looking away from your joined hands and back at his face. “What is it?”
“A secret.” He murmured the words, one side of his mouth lifting in a smirk. “It will not hurt you.” You believed him, and though the thought crossed your mind again that it was stupid for you to trust a stranger, you didn’t care. You were better off on his ship than in the boat - or in the sea - and so for as long as possible, you wouldn’t question your good fortune. Or refuse his help. “If you’re going to be on this ship, I’m going to need to call you something. Girl or woman won’t do.” His thumb moved slowly against your knuckle, and the man sighed deeply. “You will remember. But until then…”
“What if I don’t?” Your fingers curled, breath catching in your throat. “What if I can’t remember? Will you leave me in Tyrosh?” The thought of being on your own scared you, and for a few seconds, you wondered if anyone was looking for you - or if you’d actually lost anyone when whatever ship you were on had gone down.
“No.” He shook his head, tightening his grip on you. “I would not leave you there alone.” “Why? You don’t know me. You have no responsibility for my -”
“I saved you, and I am this ship’s captain, so yes. I am responsible for you until I know I do not need to be.” His smile widened and Daavos released your hands, using two fingers to scoop more of the substance out. “Lean closer.” 
You did, though you were unsure why you were so willing to do as he asked, but when he reached out and swiped his fingers carefully over one cheekbone and then the other, you gasped. 
“The blisters here are not as bad as the ones on your hands, but I’m sure they still hurt.” You nodded, closing your eyes at both the sensation of his touch and the way the medicine felt as it soaked into your skin. “There.” He hummed, and when you opened your eyes again he was sitting up straight and looking you over. “I’ll leave you now. Think about what you would like me to call you.” 
“Is there …” You took a breath, thinking. “Is there any way I could get something to eat? It’s been days.” He winced and then swore under his breath. 
“Of course. I’m sorry. I’ll have someone bring you something.” He stood then, picking up the container before he held it out to you. “Use this every few hours. It will help.” Nodding in agreement, you kept your eyes on him even after you closed your fingers around the jar. He said goodbye and headed for the door, but before he could leave, you stopped him, your voice stronger than it had been. 
“If I’m in your bed, where … where will you sleep?” 
“With the crew.” He leaned against the door frame, putting a hand on his hip and grinning. “Don’t worry about me. I will be fine.” He winked then, and before you could reply, Daavos was gone, the door closing behind him. 
You sat where you were for a few minutes, looking around the room and trying to decide what it said about the man. 
It was luxurious - the curtains were soft and gauzy, as was the bedding. The colors you were surrounded with were vibrant and rich - red and orange and yellow accented with gold. Wanting to get a closer look, you eased yourself out of bed and walked slowly across the room and to the window, pulling the curtain back. 
The water stretched out as far as you could see, small white-capped waves glimmering in the sunlight. It was beautiful, and when you closed your eyes, inhaling, you let your mind drift. 
The pain in your head was dull and manageable, and despite the sunburn on your hands and face, you felt better, thanks to the fact that your clothing had been changed and you weren’t exposed to the elements anymore. No new memories came back to you, and when you tried to force yourself to remember something, your thoughts turned to Daavos instead - and the memory of his kind smile and the way he’d touched you. 
That made you shiver, and even though you knew it was inappropriate, you couldn’t help it. He was handsome - his eyes bright and skin sun-kissed, the curls atop his head threaded with silver, as was his facial hair. He was a good swimmer and seemed strong, and if he was to believed, he was smart, too. The mention of The Citadel was proof of that, and for a few moments, you tried to imagine what could have made a man that studied there for even a short time resort to a life on the sea. 
Moving to where your clothing was, you bent over and picked up your boots, which were still damp. Tilting one toward you, you were surprised to hear the clinking of coins from within it. Dumping the right one out and into your hand, you gasped at the sight of four gold dragons and a few silver moons and stags. Your other boot was filled, too, with two more dragons and some copper stars. They cannot be pirates, this would be missing if they were. 
The dagger and the wood carving were still in your pouch, as were the other items that you’d found after waking up in the boat: a comb, two smooth, polished stones the color of bone, and a flat piece of metal stamped with a four pointed star that had a smaller one in the same style in the center. Could this be my house sigil? Rubbing your thumb over it, you frowned. 
Nothing came back to you, and with a snort of disgust, you stuffed everything back into the bag and turned toward the bed. Captain Daavos seemed certain that you’d remember things with more time and rest, and you wanted to believe that it was the truth. 
Lowering yourself onto the edge of the mattress, you set the bag down next to you and stared at your bare feet, still frowning. The rumbling of your stomach echoed through the room without warning, and you automatically moved to cover your belly with both hands, opening your mouth to apologize. But there’s no one to apologize to. Blinking, you relaxed and then lowered your hands, resting them on the blankets. 
You had no time to think through what that reaction might have meant because there was a knock on the door and a young man entered moments later, a small tray in his hands. “I brought you food.” Sniffing the air, you nearly groaned at the scent that followed him into the room, craning your neck to see what he carried as he got closer. “Captain says to eat it slow or you might get sick.” 
You mumbled a thank you and took the tray, setting it down on your lap. There was no spoon but you didn’t care, closing your eyes as you raised the bowl to your lips and took a small sip. You had no way of knowing if it was actually delicious or if you were just so hungry that anything would have tasted good. 
It didn’t matter. 
By the time it was gone, you felt much better, your stomach full and your entire body pleasantly warm. You were still dehydrated, though, and so you you drank another half cup of water before climbing back into the bed and curling yourself around one of the pillows. 
You didn’t want to fall back asleep because you felt like that was all you’d been doing for as long as you could remember, but you couldn’t help it. Only a few minutes later, you were sleeping deeply, your body resting for the first time in days. 
You woke up later, gasping as you bolted upright in bed. The light was different, and you figured that it was nearing sunset, which meant that you’d slept for hours. Rubbing at your face, you stretched, rolling out your neck. You felt good, and with a tiny smile you stood up again, heading back for the window. 
It was a relief to feel that your body hurt less when you moved, which - to you - meant that you were improving. And that’s good. It’s really good. 
The sea was calmer than it had been, and as you watched the water you remembered a few seconds of the dream you’d been having - smoke in the air, the scent of scorched wood and the sound of something roaring. It made no sense to you, the fragments little more than flashes in your mind, and you hung your head in frustration and sighed, gripping the window’s ledge. 
There was another knock at the door and you spun to see who it was - but no one entered. That’s strange. The knock came again, and after clearing your throat, you finally spoke up. “Come in?” 
It didn’t surprise you to see Daavos’ face peering around the edge of the wood, his smile widening at the sight of you standing. “I just wanted to check on you. It’s good to see you out of bed.” He pushed the door open all the way and you saw that he was carrying a small stack of cloth over one arm. “I also thought you might want to put on something that fits you.” 
“I… yes. Thank you.” Stepping away from the window, you came to a stop in front of him. “That would be nice.” He set what he carried down on the bed and then gestured to the pile. 
“I collected a few things from some of the chests on board. They won’t be missed, but I had to guess at your sizes, so…” He tapped on his lips with one slender finger. “I’m sure not all of them will fit.” 
“I can always just put my dress back on.” You gestured at where it hung, frowning. “I know that’s the right size.” 
“It’s stiff with dried saltwater.” Daavos shook his head, not breaking eye contact. “It won’t be comfortable for you.” 
“But you’re wearing the same clothes you were in when I met you.” You gestured to his outfit, scoffing. “And you were in the water, too.” 
“Are they the same?” He stepped even closer, using one hand to touch the material at his chest. “Or is it possible that I have more than one of these shirts?” You had to laugh at that, the sound quiet and quick, but it was nice to hear it again. With some surprise, you realized that you were genuinely amused - your response wasn’t just for show. 
“I guess I just thought that on a ship like this, changing clothes often wouldn’t be necessary.” You shrugged, eyes on the V of skin visible at his chest before you looked up again. “I must be wrong.” His lips twitched but Daavos kept silent, waiting. “What should I do with the things I don’t wear?”
“I’ll wait for you in the hall.” He pointed, the smile back on his face.”When you’re dressed, come out. I’ll give you a tour, and I can send someone to take whatever you don’t choose.” That excited you, and you couldn’t agree fast enough. 
True to his word, he stepped out and into the hallway, closing the door behind him. It didn’t take you long to pick clothes. You settled on a pair of high waisted black pants that were made of a soft fabric and would tuck into your boots as well as a shirt similar in style to the one you’d woken up in, but in a different size. The sleeves were long and tapered near the wrists and it was light in color, unlike the dark blue of your dress. 
Stockings and your boots - which were almost completely dry - were the last two pieces you pulled on. When you stepped out into the hallway, you found Daavos leaning against one wall, arms crossed over his chest and his feet crossed at the ankle, head lolling to the side - and toward the bedroom door. Was he watching the whole time? “Are you ready?” 
“I am.” He pushed off of the wall and then turned to face you, extending one hand. 
You took it without hesitation, Daavos’ grip gentle as his fingers closed around yours and pulled you closer. There was no stopping your audible inhale, and unless you were mistaken, you saw his grin widen at the sound. But he said nothing about it, instead nodding once at you, his smile broadening. 
“Come. Let me show you my ship.” 
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Academic Achievements (romantic)
Requested by - can i request an academic rivals to lovers w/ damian? :) maybe a dash of angst >:)
Angst heh? Ha ahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahha yes~
Btw some topics of bullying, class division and Damien kinda being a little shit at the beginning (but we all expected that)
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Damien Wayne was a stuck up snooty brat who didn’t work for anything that came his way
Controversial opinion but it was one held by you and the handful of other kids of Gotham academy that came from blue collar or lower class families
Everything came to him with a flick of a finger whether that be his lunch on a silver platter or the attention of others. It was effortless, truly and utterly effortless
He never truly had to work for what he’s gotten in your eyes
Just another rich kid at this academy that’s populated by them
What makes him different though is that he’s a Wayne, a breed of rich all on its own
Practically royalty to Gotham society
He and them get in on money and name alone while you and a handful of others have to work their asses off to get in
It isn’t fair but you’ve accepted that at this point
It’s why you dedicated yourself to studying, to be better than them, than him for once
All students at this school were given a somewhat level playing ground when it came to actual grades
Sure, some had tutors and private fancy teaches at home to help but unless they actually cared they could not buy their way to victory
This in itself gave you enough edge to be head of class academic wise
Well not before the Wayne whom was your age had to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong and had decided he’d try to outsmart you
It started off small at first, projects in which he’d try to constantly one up you
Sending you snide smirks from across the class
You never acknowledged them but perhaps that’s what made him more determined. More pissed off that it didn’t aggravate you like he had intended
So he moves into trying to answer questions faster than you
Raising his hand up high as to be picked first
And so on and so fourth with his attempts
It was getting annoying but you’d put up with worse, much worse at this school
But he just didn’t seem to get any hints
Especially not when he one day tracked you down at lunch while you were in the art room
It was one of your only sanctuaries here. You are in peace without the threat of getting food or a drink dumped on you by some prissy girl again for not agreeing to give her the answers she wanted for homework
You just want to be left in peace but he doesn’t get that
No, he had to stick his nose where he shouldn’t have
He tells you to give up, that he’ll win and it’ll just be easier for you accept that
You almost punch him but hold back knowing you’d be fucked if you did that
You tell him to fuck off
And that leads to the two of you arguing loudly though fortunately no one was around
Rose white statues are the only ones that see and hear the carnage
Words are thrown back and forth, like a rocking ship before it crashes bow first into the waves
Sinking deep into ice cold murky waters as neither of you back down
For him it was his pride that kept him going, for you it was your stubbornness and determination that pushed you
Two opposing forces, an unstoppable force meeting an unmovable object
A fiery red rage vs seething cold fury
“You just can’t let anyone be better at you than anything huh?. That’s the problem here, you just won’t let anyone else win. You already have everything, for once stop being selfish and just give others that chance at victory, you get it enough as it is for just waving a hand in a certain direction”
“Why do you even care so much!?, does your self esteem really hang so much on your position as the top of class?”
“Damien, I’ve had to work MY ass off to get into this school along with my friends. We fucking cried when the acceptance letters came in, and it’s a miracle that the school was merciful enough to pay for me!. You don’t have to worry about that!, you probably didn’t even bat an fucking eye when that letter came because it didn’t matter to you but it does for ME!. It matters to me cause it’s the only thing I can do that everyone else can’t just pay to win”
You leave after that, grabbing your book bag and slinging it over your shoulder as you storm past him to go to your next class. Tears lining your eyes that you hold back and push away
You wouldn’t cry, not in this jungle where the moment you show weakness they’ll descend upon you like vultures to pick away at your self esteem even more
He doesn’t move oddly enough but you don’t pay attention to it much
That night when you barely catch the bus home and then have to walk for at least another 15 minutes with your hands gripping a small pocket knife as you get home.
It’s late, dinner is cold but you don’t have the effort to place it in the microwave
You go to study for the missed time at lunch from your altercation
Your tired and cold from the walk, cheeks still red and nose stuffy but you don’t care
You pull out your notebook and begin to answer equations as best you can
The words from before playing in your mind before you drowned it out with the soundtrack of howls moving castle
As Damien returns home though he’s…shaken so to say
He kinda realizes he may have gone a step too far, a line crossed in the sand that he bounded over in pursuit of something
It also makes him realize how in some ways you were right, which he didn’t want to admit aloud
He didn’t think much about that initial letter, he tossed it away noting giving it the time of day
He knew he was smart and would’ve passed the test to get in but his fathers money had paid for him not to go through that effort
And you were right, he didn’t let others win
He always thought that was a good trait, but perhaps in cases like this it wasn’t as good as initially perceived to be
He would usually go to Dick or his father for advice but instead he goes to Todd for it
Knowing how he had a better grip on what it was like to not live rich in Gotham
And well…
“Wow ok…yeah kinda dick thing to do. You came at them unprovoked and then tried to take a crack at self esteem…good going”
And that’s when the guilt begins to set in the longer he talks to his older adoptive brother
And it hits bad especially when he knows a simple apology won’t likely cut it
It’s during the next couple of days that he watches you in a new light
Compared to him and everyone else who had large social groups your relatively alone
Only one or two friends who come to your side
It’s also here he now notices the divide that he for some reason never caught onto while at the school
Damien is a loner yes, but if he wanted friends he had people who would flock to him at a heartbeat. People who seemed to adore his every breath, a single wave getting a few cheering at getting his attention
But for you and your friends there is disdain and disgust. Like seeing a bug crawled it’s way on your table before swatting it away
But you can’t be swatted, no matter how many times someone pours water or attempts to trip you it ends up with you walking it off
Giving a glare that sends them running off with giggles as they hide a smirk behind a small “oh I’m sorry! I didn’t see you there”
You never say anything about it though, you never go to a teacher or report it at all
You just take it and it makes him confused as to why you stood up to him and not them
It’s why he returns to you after a week or so of observations
Once again interrupting your lunch as you worked on a new painting
“Oh…your back.”
“I’ve…” he pauses for a moment trying to find the right words, pride be damned “I’ve come to say I’m sorry”
You stop your painting at that, mid-stroke as you put down your brush and turn back to look at him. “I don’t believe that” it comes out your mouth and he’s left to stare
“And how would I make you do so?”
“If you really want that then show me change. Show me that you work for what you get just like I do, then I’ll respect you, then I’ll accept your apology”
That seems to hit something in him since he pauses whatever response he had
And surprisingly enough he nods
It’s from that point on you notice that there’s a shift in the young Wayne
One that others also begin to catch onto
It’s a slow process but you begin having lunch with him…well more like he joins you for lunch as you either study or continue your paintings
He shows his notebooks when your stuck and how a truck into solving a question
When others are jeering at you or your friends he steps in, glaring them down
At some point he even reported on a few students after one had poured a drink on your friend purposely
For once the report wasn’t brushed aside
There are definitely jealous glared from others about how he seemed keen on spending time with you but you don’t pay it any mind
Especially not when your working on a history project about the Ottoman Empire which he had extensive knowledge about
You…begin to enjoy his presence
At first you tolerated it but now you genuinely enjoy when he meets up at lunch and integrates himself into your small group of friends
He seems happier, more content and not scowling all the time
In class the two of you start a playful competition, not like before which was motivated by bitterness and pride
Now it’s just for the hell of it as mrs.smith can only watch as the two of you fling your hands up to answer
Afterwards depending who answered the most you’d both do a dare
He begins to actually seem like a kid and not a self-centered robot
You both begin to partner up for projects
He ends up at your small house since you don’t feel quite comfortable yet going to his place, partially in fear of being out of place
He doesn’t seem to mind but tells you that his family would love you
You wave the comment off but it does help ease your nerves slightly
In your home he finds a certain sense of normalcy he’d never really experienced
This feels like what a normal home should be like, small and cozy
Fruit left out by your mom with a note saying to have a snack
He enjoys it wholeheartedly and can’t help but smile when he keeps returning to work with you on the project
Perhaps with a bit more eagerness than he’d like to admit which makes Alfred smile knowingly
Eventually you end up at the manor with him
Your nervous and clutching your bag as your fingers fidgeted
He sees this and takes your hand
Squeezing it in a silent gesture of “it’s alright” and “your gonna be ok”
You swear your heart skips a beat yet you ignore the feeling as you step out a the car with him
The large building and its gates seeming to look over you before your attention is taken away at the sight of a dog
He smiles as the dog comes bounding forwards, stopping for a moment to sniff you before he seemingly gave you permission to pet him
“What’s his name?”
“This is Titus. He’s my dog, and resident best friend”
You giggle a bit at that as Titus pushed his snout into your hand
Tail wagging back and forth before he followed the two of you into the large home
It feels grandiose and elegant
You’d only ever see bits and pieces from magazines or on tv but seeing it in person felt like something else
Almost like walking into a book or painting
Damien guides you through the old halls and into their private library
There are a few stacked books left on a table, all of which are related to your shared project
Honestly this placed seemed like heaven
The two of you work on the project but it’s intercepted by moments of the two of you just passionately talking about the subject
Neither of you had seen it before but both of you are overwhelmingly passionate and headstrong
A reason why you’d both clashed heads before but now seemingly brung you both together
At some point he asks about your art and you somewhat shyly tell him of your hobby
How you sell your pieces on the side to make some extra money since your parents only make enough to get by
Surprisingly he compliments your skill, the techniques you’d learned over years of trial and error
And it’s…nice
You feel warm and fuzzy on the inside just as he does when you ask him to tell you more about his pets or about his roots
Eventually you have to leave but you come back soon after to confine the project
The two of you making a schedule where you sometimes go to your house or his
It’s through this you meet his kind butler who is nothing but kind and caring as he delivers cookies
Along with brief instances of Damien’s older brothers who are seemingly shocked
Especially the slightly (in your eyes) infamous Dick Grayson who peaks in as you both study
Well…before Damien hucks a book at his head yelling for him to leave
The king of Gotham himself, Bruce Wayne even stops by when your about to leave to talk to you
He thanks you for having such a positive change on Damien and your left a bit flustered by it
Especially since the man says your always welcome in their home and that your always welcome if you need help
Things seem better for both you and Damien
You’d been selling more paintings as he actually gained a group of tight knit friends who were just as nerdy as he was
Things are good
So good in-fact that Damien ends up inviting you to a gala him and his family were invited too as his plus one
Aomehow he ends up convincing you to join, even helping you find something appropriate for the occasion at a new exhibit at the Gotham art museum
A place you’d visited before for a couple feudal trips yet never saw in its actual capacity
As the celebrations start the tow of you quickly end up wandering the empty halls, admiring the art
You were both the only kids there so it was only natural to do so, besides, the adults were all mingling with one another
There are countless classics and styles of all kinds ranging from paintings to sculptures
All of which lead to the two of you talking of your interpretations of the meaning
Before you both end up at a painting with a black dot in the middle
Nothing else, just a blank white canvas with a dot
The sight of which makes you giggle
the sound makes his eyes widen and heart race, it sounds like the chimes that would happen from a light summer’s breeze or the fluttering of petals in the wind
And then he joins along in your giggles as the two of you stare at the hoity toity painting of a plane black dot on a white canvas
“I think I make better works than that” you joke
“Think?, no you definitely make better stuff than this. I don’t buy bad art”
Wait what?
You turn to him and he seems to catch what he had said
You notice that his avoids eye contact and how turns to face slightly away from you
“You…your the person who bought my art?. Why?”
“Like I said, I don’t buy bad art. Yours is much better than some of the stuff here, father even thought so”
Now it’s your turn to be flustered as you feel butterflies in your stomach
Off in the distance the two of you can hear the sound of classical music
It’s muffled and too slow for your taste so you pull out your phone and AirPods
“Wanna dance to some real tunes?”
He smiles and takes the AirPod as you press shuffle on your playlist
The sound of “lovesong” by the cure playing conveniently in both your ears
Damien takes your hand and you both take turns leading the dance
He can’t help but grin happily
Neither of you notice his family pealing into the room watching with happy smiles
Nor how Tim had kinds maybe hacked your phone to play that song
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shostakobitchh · 4 months
Chapter 61: sneak peek!
Light was pulsing behind her eyes. Warm — golden — orange flecked and demanding her attention. 
The pain in her heart had not dissipated. If anything, it had gotten worse. Ariel curled into herself and tried not to scream, not to make a single sound as lingering black on the fringes of her vision exploded into fireworks. The only sound around her was her labored breathing, heavy and hot, as she bared down on herself. 
Ariel grappled for the coin. Where was he — where was he — 
It wasn’t in her robes. Ariel cracked open an eye, moaning at the harsh brightness, scrambling frantically to call for Snape, to make it stop, what had she done what had she done —
I’ve broken it again I’ve broken it — 
The light met her eyes, fully. 
Ariel squinted, unable to handle it as she forced herself upright and onto her side. Her entire chest constricted, and she bit back a yelp as something tore through her abdomen. She fought through the light to the other side, pushing and pushing and the more she did, the pain lessened. 
The brightness intensified for one more moment before it faded. 
She was in a bedroom she had never seen before, in a bed she’d never been in. Ariel could do little but gape as she took in her surroundings, noting that while she didn’t recognize this place, it was somehow — hers. Her rucksack and cloak hung on the door, her school trunk in the corner with her books and quills. There were even photographs of Ariel, Hermione, and Ron, some of the twins — pictures she had in her dormitory. Nothing else was hers, though — wooden floors and checkered patterns on the bedspread and curtains, the walls a faded yellow. Beside the door were scribbles of what looked like height markers and old spells, and the door frame looked a tad uneven. 
Outside, there came a warm summer breeze and birds calling on the wind. Ariel could see roses on the other side, smelt them as they wafted through the open window. 
What the — 
Had she died? Oh no no no — 
Ariel sat up slowly, clutching her stomach as the lingering pain ebbed away. She gingerly swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up on shaky legs and made her way to the window, peering warily outside. The rose garden was in full bloom, red and pink petals dancing in the breeze. Beyond it was an expanse of green hills rolling under a bright blue sky. Birds flitted between trees, their songs mixing with the drone of bees among the roses.
It was peaceful — idyllic even. But it was definitely not Hogwarts.
She smacked herself across the face twice. It stung, the sound loud as her face heated, but Ariel wasn’t thinking about that anymore, because what the hell was GOING ON — 
And then she heard her voice. 
It started out low, along with the clatter of what sounded like someone working in a kitchen. She was talking to someone but Ariel couldn’t make out the words, couldn’t make sense of any of it because there was absolutely no reason why Ariel should have been hearing that voice in a strange bedroom in a house she’d never bloody stepped foot in. 
Her laugh rang out. Ariel felt as though she’d been electrocuted, stilling as she listened. She found it difficult to breathe, all of a sudden, a new sort of pain mounting in her heart, a sort of quiet desperation she had long thought put to sleep. 
“Breakfast!” Mum’s voice called, like she’d already done so a couple of times already. “Any sort of acknowledgment would be greatly appreciated!” 
She must be dreaming. She must be — it wasn’t possible — 
“Mum?” Ariel tried to call, but all she could manage was a broken whisper. 
There was a beat of silence, and then, an exasperated sigh from beyond the door. “Sev, can you tell her to get a move on? It’s like waking the dead, with that one.” 
Her chest felt like it was caving in. Everything was suddenly slow, and the light was heavy in her hands as she reached for the door at the same time someone on the other side began to open it. It was filling her up up up —
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smallraindrops-blog · 3 months
Footsteps on Time’s sands.
(A Sleep Family Tale)
Word count:5.4k
Summary: The trials of fatherhood are certainly not for the weak.
Warnings: no beta, swearing, some hurt/comfort.
Notes: Ahh, thank everyone for your patience. I hope y'all enjoy this. 
Extra: The sleep children are all the mental age of eight, Morpheus is around seven, the twin five and Phobetor about fourish.
Dark waves rushed toward you, but you ignored the call of the sea as you double checked that you had all the coins you needed. 
You casted a wary glare at the nosy seagulls, some of those damn birds were worse than magpies. Opening the satchel, you counted once then one more time. 
Satisfied you had enough for everything, you hurried up the cliff toward the agora. Typically it would take half an hour but you had found this shortcut along the beach years ago, filled with rocks that you had to climb and try not to slip on tossed up kelp.
You winced when you almost did just that but caught yourself easily and continued onward.
When you reached the top, you peered over the top, fingers gripping tightly on the edge and you saw the pale stones of the agora, the sun just beginning to light the skies in rosy golds and lavenders. 
You pushed yourself up and over the top with a grin, rolling down until you were able to stop enough to stand and brushed the dirt off your arms.
Then you ran down the grassy knolls, wild poppies swaying as you hurried past, your steps scaring off birds into the skies. 
The market was nearly empty, with most people still in bed and the fishermen yet to arrive with today’s fresh catches. 
Something you were thankful for, you hated large crowds and you didn’t have your parents to create a path for you to trail behind. 
There were a few merchants who shot you a curious glance only to dismiss you when they saw how young you were. Which was fine by you. They weren’t the reasons you were here.
Near the center, there was a certain booth, nearly overflowing with scrolls and random odds bits and ends. Last time the old man had a shiny rock from the Black Sea that he claimed would cure anything. And he would not sell it for anything.
You were polite enough not to point out the blue flakes of paint peeling off the rock. Although the pointed glance Pa gave you also made you hold your tongue.
When you arrived, you saw the scrolls, the now mostly gray rock but the old man wasn’t there. You were still smaller than most, so you had to stand on your toes to look over the booth.
”Hey, is anyone there?” You called out. 
“Over here, you draft lad.” A voice wheezed and you twisted around, spying the old man sitting near the top of the steps. You ignored the insult, jogging over to him. 
“Why are you over here?” You joined him, staying out of reach of his cane. His gray eyes swung to you, his bald head shiny in the morning light, wrinkles softened his harsh scowl.
Tityros the merchant scoffed at you, shifting as he placed one leg out with a pained grunt. “Because I am old, why else?”
You shrugged, rubbing at your chin. You didn’t know what age had to do with Tityros being on the steps.
“Where is your Pa, lad?” Tityros asked, peering over you with a worried frown.
”I came alone.” You informed him. “I am buying him a gift for Cronia.” 
You gestured past the stairs to where hung flowers and colorful fabric danced in the breeze. Officially the festival to celebrate Fathers and the gods started today but it will be in the afternoon when the party really began.
”Do you remember last week when Pa and I came by? There was a scroll he kept looking at, something about herbs?” You spoke in a rush, already getting a touch impatient. 
You had hoped to be back before the sun rose over the buildings. And before your parents had a chance to build their anger at you for sneaking out. Hopefully the gifts would make them forget about you breaking the rules. 
”Aye, I do. But I can’t help you right now.” Tityros grumbled. 
You scowled at him. “What? Why not?”
Tityros chuckled bitterly, and pointed at the bottom of the steps. There was a cart with a mule attached, its tail knocking away flies. Inside were crates, some with scrolls and more shiny rocks.
Maybe you should have told Tityros he was being scammed. You doubted rocks could heal people, or otherwise Pa would use them. 
“Those are my new wares and I need to bring them up. My worthless son-in-law was supposed to be here to help me but he never showed up.” Tityros said, waving at you to leave. “So unless you are strong enough to carry everything up for me, come later.”
Scowling, you glanced at the cart. Father had been making you carry huge feed bags for training lately and you were willing to bet that the boxes didn’t weigh much more. so you rushed down the stairs, ignoring the astonished glance Tityros gave you. 
The shock on the man’s face only grew as he watched you went back and forward, carrying each crate without much effort. You knew you were still smaller than most, skinnier too but you were a little insulted by the surprise on his face.
When you were done, you paused by him and turned to him with a frown. “Do you need the mule too?” 
“My gods. No, lad.” Tityros stood, his cane in front of him like he might wack you if you got too close. “Don’t you try to carry me either.” 
“The scroll?” You asked hopefully. The old man sighed and hobbled over to his booth. You pulled out your pouch from the satchel, debating if you wanted to haggle or not when he waved at you.
”Put that away.” He ordered. “You already did enough.”  
You hesitated, then nodded. 
Tityros muttered, tapping his chin as he went through his goods. You tried not to look impatient. You suspected you didn’t succeed. 
”Ah. Here ya go.” He handed it over and you glanced over the scroll, biting back a smile when you saw it was the right one. 
“Lad.” Tityros waited for your attention. “You wouldn’t happen to be in the market for a wife, are you? I have a young unmarried daughter.”
Your face twisted in disgust. 
You had seen plenty of gross lovey dovey stuff at home with your parents. And you knew enough that happy wives -or companions, your parents had told you repeatedly during that horrible talk of bees and birds- would want the lovey dovey stuff, like- urg- kisses. And hugs.
“I’m eight.” You informed him dryly. That made him laugh, his breathing turned wheezy.
”Bah, you were more useful in the last ten minutes than my son-in-law had been in the last ten years. Go on now. Git.” Tityros said, still chuckling.
With Pa’s gifts in your hands, you went to buy your Father a gift. There was a lady who made candied figs, and you tolerated her fussing as she placed several fat ones in a bag that you brought with you. 
“Such a sweet little lamb, you are. Most sons don’t buy their fathers anything.” Iris said, sending a pointed glance to her son who was only a few years older. The young man ignored his mother, still counting the coins. Although you saw a smirk when his mom said ‘little’
”Father is easy to buy for.” You said politely, mouth twisting at the smug glare her son gave you. 
You didn’t play with the other boys, most who already loomed over you. You didn’t like how they crowded and they were always too loud. That and you knew they disliked you on sight for some reason.
She smile at that and added two more extra figs with a wink. You grinned at her as thanks.
”You are going to leave a trail of broken hearts behind you.” She told you as she gave the bag over.  Her son scoffed but you ignored it. 
“Thank you.” You told her before taking off. 
You glanced toward the skies, wincing a little when you saw it was mostly blue. Which meant that your parents were definitely awake and probably wondering where you were. 
Maybe the figs would be enough to sway your father but Pa would likely make you do extra math homework as punishment. And if they were really upset you knew extra laps with the feed bags were in your future.
You grumbled as you began the journey home with your prizes, weaving around the quickly growing crowd. You saw a few of the son’s friends trailing after you, hoping for an new victim but it was easy to lose them among the crowd. 
The rolling green hills seemed to reach up into the blue skies, fat white clouds drifted, casting shadows onto the land.
Pausing, you considered the bright red poppies. Maybe flowers would be a good idea. You knelt in the dirt, carefully grabbing a handful, careful to not be greedy with the plant. 
Besides Pa could use it, it was medicine after all. 
You considered the short cut but with the flowers and gifts, you knew you risked dropping the hard won prizes. So you picked up speed, racing along the beaten path, with a fistful of poppies and the satchel swung over your shoulders. 
It was when you were halfway to the house that you heard your name in a booming roar. You silded to a stop, dust kicking up around you. 
Then you saw your father farther down, looking like a blue dot with how far he was, his golden hair was like a crown in the sunlight. Your father yelled your name once more, moving quickly.
Father was running. Toward you.
And he looked furious.
You yelped and acted purely on instinct, you turned around and began to run as fast your little legs could carry you.
”LAD! TURN AROUND NOW!” Achilles roared like a lion but you didn’t obey. He said something else but Pa had told you that you weren’t allowed to repeat that word until you were an adult.
You knew you should stop running but your legs kept moving. 
Then hands grabbed you around the waist and you screamed as you were lifted up in the air. You winced when you turned around and saw the harsh glare your father gave.
”Lad.” Achilles said through gritted teeth. “Where in the Hades have you been?”
You opened your mouth to speak but Father kept talking.
”Do you know how scared your pa and I were when we woke up and you were gone? Have you lost your mind, lad? I swear you are the reason I am going mad in my old age-“  
“I’m sorry.”  You muttered. “I wanted to be back before you woke up.”
That only seemed to upset Father even more, his eyes nearly going cross in his rage. “Before we woke up? Have you been doing this regularly?”
”I have a good reason!” You protested. 
“Save it.” Achilles said, tucking you under his arm like you were a basket. “I don’t want to hear a single word out of you until we get home, understand?” 
You huffed, sulking as you crossed your arms. 
“Lad, do you understand?” Achilles repeated, his mouth thinned in a disapproving line.
”You told me not to speak!” You snapped back, glaring up at him. 
“That is not-“ Achilles stopped himself, took a sharp inhale through his nose as he closed his eyes. He let out a breath then began the walk home, moving far more quickly.
When Pa saw you both, he rushed over with pure relief on his face. Guilt was a heavy stone in your chest.
”Put him down, Achilles.” Pa ordered and Father obeyed, crossing his arms over his chest once he did so, staring you down. you didn't want to meet either one of their gaze so you stared at your feet.
Pa knelt in front of you, cupping your face between his warm palms, gentle as he made you look up at him. His skin was still a little gray from the stress and the stone became a boulder.
“Lad, where do you go?” Pa asked gently, his dark eyes scanning you for injuries. 
“To the markets.” You told him and Pa frowned.
“Why?” Father asked, as he joined you. He looked a little calmer at least. 
“Father’s Day.” You said. That seemed to surprise them, sharing a glance.
You shoved the poppies right into their faces until Pa took them, then you reached into the satchel and pulled out the bag of candied figs and the scroll, giving them over to their respective owners. 
“These are gifts so I couldn’t tell you about them.” You explained, rocking on your heels. 
“Oh lad.” Pa placed the gifts down and pulled you in a tight hug, his beard rubbing against your forehead as he gave you a kiss. Gross. But it was okay just this once you supposed.
“This was very thoughtful of you but you shouldn’t leave without a single word to anyone. Next time, tell us okay?” Pa sighed. “My heart can’t take this.”
”Okay.” you agreed and Achilles ran a hand over his face before he placed a hand on your shoulder to get your attention. 
“Thank you, I love these.” Then he sighed. “But you know the rules. I still have to punish you, do you understand why?”
”Because I broke the rules.”
”Because what you did was dangerous.” Achilles corrected gently. “What if something happened? We wouldn’t be able to find you.”
You considered his words then nodded. “M’ sorry.”
”It will be tomorrow however. I need to share all these sweets with someone, my lad.” Achilles ruffled your hair, grinning when you smacked his hand away. “Beside next time, the gift will be letting us sleep in.”
He shared a wry glance with Patroclus. “Happy Father’s Day, my beloved.” 
Patroclus laughed, his dark eyes gleaming. “Happy Father’s Day to you too.”
(In the distance future)
Under the dark canopy of faint stars, it was as if the world itself was serene, content with peace and quiet. All there was Hypnos’ soft curls under your chin, his warmth pressed on top of you, legs tangled together. 
You sighed, bushing a kiss on his curls, tightening your arms around him as you settled back into the pillows, fully intending to fall back to sleep. 
Then a noise. Followed by more.
It wasn’t a loud one but the rush of tiny feet against the stone told you enough. It was likely Phobetor. The older children had taken up floating everywhere. Something that bothered little Photbetor to bits since he was still too young. 
You sighed, keeping your eyes closed in hopes that you imagined it. 
Hypnos muttered something, his brow furrowed as he rubbed his cheek against your chest. Then his eyes opened and he peered up at you with a frown. His beautiful eyes were hazy, dark with dreams. His long curls spilled over his shoulders like moonlight.
”One of the kids is awake.” You informed him in a whisper, brushing your knuckle against his cheek.
“Your kid is awake, you mean?” Hypnos grumbled, laying back down with a sigh. You pressed a kiss against his curls, rubbing his back.
Then you heard the door crack open. “Father? Dad? Are you awake?”
“No, starlight. We aren’t.” Hypnos called out, rolling off you with a sigh. You immediately missed his body and copied his heavy sigh.
Phobetor rushed over, climbing up the high bed with ease. He was still so small. You kept your eyes closed as your youngest climbed over you and Hypnos. His little feet and sharp elbows digging into you. 
Then Phobetor lifted one of your eyelids with tiny fingers, peering into your eye with a frown. gods, he really did look like you, save for his golden irises. It was a little disconcerting.
“Wake up Father. You need to be up to celebrate Father’s Day.” Your son informed you, his twisted mouth spoke of how unimpressed he was. 
Hypnos sat up with a wide yawn, and smiled when Phobetor immediately cuddled up to him, wrapping their youngest in a tight hug.
You admired the sight of them, the warmth in your chest impossible soft and tender. There was something about Hypnos holding their children that made you softer than a cloud.
Then Hypnos brushed a stray lock out of Phobetor’s eyes and asked. “Are the rest of your siblings playing?”
Phobetor huffed and crossed his arms. “They left.”
That woke you up. 
“What?” You said as you got up, ignoring Hypnos’ worried glance as you leaned closer to Phobetor. “What do you mean, they left?” 
“I wanted to go with them, they were going to Uncle Charon’s shop but they told me to stay here.” Phobetor grumbled. “They said I was a baby.”
You inhaled sharply, anger growing deep in your belly as you rolled out the bed to find your clothes. Hypnos got up as well, placing Phobetor down on the bed.
”We can go there first-“ Hypnos said quickly, his eyes wide and fearful but you shook your head.
”Stay here in case they come back. We can’t both leave.” You ordered sharply, causing Hypnos to wince. You didn't mean to snap but you always knew where the children were, like you did your own limbs and the idea that they were just gone was unfathomable.
Fear was a living, breathing thing, claws digging deep into your heart. There were constant battles happening and many warriors didn't care that Hypnos’ children, your children, were far too young to fight even with all the training you gave them.
Or what if something worse happens...
Gods, you would drown every soul in the underworld in the river lethe if someone laid a single finger on any of them.
“Ooh, are they in trouble?” Phobetor asked gleefully. Hypnos shushed him as he picked Photetor back up.  
“Stay here, love.” You gentled your tone as you grabbed the spear. You went around the bed to him. You grabbed his chin and gave him a swift kiss. An apology, a goodbye and reassurance all in one.
”I will summon you if they return before you do.” Hypnos told you quietly, trying to keep a brave face for Phobetor. 
When you rushed out of the home, you were thankful to see that it seemed to be a quiet day in Elysium. If there were any battles happening, it wasn’t near the home.   
That didn’t slow your desperate pace however as you traveled the path to Charon’s shop. Hopefully the boatman would realize that the children shouldn’t be on their own and will keep them there when you show up.
The market was busy as always, with far too many fucking shades around. You pushed through the crowd, not giving a damn about the dirty glances you earned. They could all go to Tartarus as far as you were concerned.
When you saw the shop, with Charon looming over the shades like always but no children, you growled in frustration. 
“Lord Charon!” You called out, getting his attention. His glowing eyes rested on you as you approached him.
”Have you seen the kids? Morpheus and the twins left the house.” You said. Your heart dropped when he shook his head. “Can you inform Hypnos if you do see them?”
The god nodded, crossing a finger over his heart. You nodded your thanks, trying to think where to start the search.
“Lad!” Your father’s voice boomed over the crowd and you whirled around. Charon did the same and you heard his groan of relief.
Achilles waved at you from a food shall, grinning widely.  Right next to him was Icelos and her eyes grew wide and flashed you her most charming smile. The one that told you she knew exactly how much trouble she was in. 
Pa was talking to the cook, Phantasos tucked safely in his arms as Morpheus floated over everyone’s head, chatting.
You rushed over, not bothering to hide your stormy expression. Both boys winced when they saw you coming. Morpheus floated down slowly as you came over, guilt clear in his expression. 
And Phantasos gave Pa a hopeful glance but at his head shake, Phantasos joined his siblings.
”Children.” You thundered. “What in the blood and darkness were you thinking?” 
Morpheus opened his mouth but you cut him off. ”I don't want to hear it. Do you realize how much trouble are all three in? You broke the rules that your dad and I had very clearly set! You are to never leave the house without one of us.”
”but-“ Icelos tried to say, getting that head-headed expression that Hypnos claimed that she learned from you. 
”No buts.” You cut her off. “I don’t want to hear any excuses. You are lucky your grandparents found you and not some stranger.” 
They winced, not looking at you and you forced yourself to stop, to cool your anger and you rubbed your forehead, feeling a headache coming on.  
Normally you had a grip on your anger, never wanting your children scared of you. But they had never disobeyed like this before.
You knelt down, getting to their eye level. A mix of gold and purple irises stared back at you, all round and heavy like Hypnos. Like that the anger left your body, but you kept your expression stern. “My stars, why did you leave the house without me or your dad?”
”Father’s day.” Morpheus said with a shrug, kicking at the ground. “We came here to buy you and dad a gift.”
“And gifts are supposed to be surprises.” The twins rushed to say, their voice mixing together.
A ghost of a memory, of rolling hills and candied figs danced in your memory. Old man Tityros and that sweet, overworked mother Iris. Their faces swimmed before your eyes. 
”Gee, that doesn’t sound familiar at all.” Achilles murmured, a smile tugging at his lips. Patroclus nudged him to be quiet but you saw the same smile played on his face as well. 
You scowled at them. Then glanced at your children. 
“We will continue this conversation at home.” You warned them as you stood, then you gave your parents a glance. “Thank you for keeping an eye on them.”
Pa chuckled, placing a hand on Phan’s head, ruffling his hair. “It is a gift to see my grandchildren. Especially when it is a surprise.” 
You scowled at them. 
“I hope our fishing trip is still on?” Achilles added a moment later and you sighed. 
“Of course it is. But I need to take them home first. They owe their dad an apology for scaring him. And me.”
Your parents murmured their agreement, handing over a basket worth of kebab. You took it, not able to think of a reason to not accept. The children were quiet, sullen as you and them headed back.
And you kept running the conversation through your head, picking apart everything you said. Hypnos was the one who was good with the kids, not you. He always seemed to know what to do.
Then you thought the icy grip of pure fear in your stomach, of the way Hypnos looked, like his heart stopped. 
Gods, what if your parents haven’t found them? Or you never did? They would just be gone and it would destroy Hypnos. It would destroy you.
When you arrived back at the house, Hypnos had pulled each of the children in his arms, checking over them before hugging them tightly.
“I can’t believe you.” Hypnos said, his voice trembling as he collapsed in a chaise, his back against you for support. You placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Do you know how scared we were?” 
“We’re sorry.” The twins said at the same time, grabbing each other’s hand for comfort. 
Phan nodded. “Really, we just wanted to surprise you.”
”Well, you certainly did that, my little stars.” Hypnos grumbled but his smile was already returning, his breathing a little easier.
Morpheus crossed his arms, staying quiet. You gave him a silent, pointed look.
Hypnos turned his smile to Morpheus. “Next time, just tell one of us. We would have arranged something.”
”I was keeping an eye on them.” Morpheus scoffed, waving off Hypnos’ concerns.“I had everything handled. Besides, nothing happened. ”
His disrespectful tone toward Hypnos made you narrow your eyes. Your voice wasn’t kind when you spoke, the jagged anger returning. “Morpheus, you are to never use that kind of tone with your dad. Do you understand me?”
Morpheus flinched but he seemed determined to dig the hole deeper. “But I did, father!”
“And if someone tried to battle you, or tried to steal one of you away, then what? We didn’t know where you were. Everything can change in an instant, lad.” You said darkly. “You’re the firstborn, I expect you to act like it.”
Hypnos touched your hand but you didn’t look at him, keep your hard stare on the children. Morpheus gave a jerky nod, his eyes lowered to the ground.
“Your dad and I will be deciding your punishment. Until then, go to your rooms.” You informed them after a moment, giving all three of them an unimpressed glance. They murmured their agreement as they began to leave, then Icelos paused.
“But are we still going to see our grandparents?” Icelos asked, worried clear in her eyes. 
“Of course, you are.” You responded, suddenly exhausted. Gods, how did your parents handle this? You felt like you were always making a mistake. “But that will be later.”
Once they were safely tucked away in their rooms, you let your shoulders slumped. Hypnos tugged your hand, encouraging you to join him on the chaise. You obeyed, pulling him into an embrace. 
You and him sat in the stillness for a long time. 
“I don’t know if we handled that right at all.” You confessed quietly, your mouth against Hypnos’ curls. 
Hypnos sighed, pressing in closer. “I don’t know if we did either.” 
“I owe my parents an apology.” You muttered after a few seconds passed and that got Hypnos to laugh a little. 
“At least they only had one of you, not four to deal with.” Hypnos teased. 
“I was enough, believe me.” You informed him, kissing his forehead.
As if it never happened, the twins were laughing, squealing as Achilles chased after them, the fishing poles left behind. He caught them easily, laughing as he plopped down with them.
”Forget the fishes, I’m going to have little godlings for supper!” Achilles growled, acting as if he was going to bite them. The twins squealed loudly, giggling and kicking. 
Patroclus and Hypnos were calmer, sitting by the river and chatting about the new goings ons in the House, little Phobetor napping away in his Grandpa’s arms.
You would have been able to enjoy the moment - and a part of you did- but your eyes kept going back to Morpheus. Your oldest son had his back turned to everyone, still quiet and sullen. His small hands plucked more grass out, leaving an ever growing bald spot in the dirt. 
Patroclus also gave Morpheus a glance. He had already been told what happened afterwards. “He is going to pull out every blade of grass at this rate.” 
“Should one of us go speak to him?” Hypnos whispered, his eyes on you. You considered his question. You had thought giving him space, some breathing room would be best but now you were doubting that.
“I think it should be me.” You replied. “But what should I say?”
Hypnos bit on a thumbnail as he thought it over.
”May I offer something?” Achilles spoke up as he joined the group, bringing your eyes toward him. The twins were back at the poles, checking to see if they caught anything yet.
“Yes. Please.” Hypnos muttered and you nodded along. “Today was something else.”
“Just sit with him.”  Achilles smiled, the look in his eyes a little hazy as if lost in a memory. “Sometimes just having company is enough.”
”And when he speaks, listen well.” Patroclus added quietly, smiling down at little Phobetor dozing in his arms.
Mustering up the courage - and patience- you went to your son. 
He glanced up in surprise when you joined him but quickly turned his head away, his pale curls hiding his expression.
Morpheus began to aggressively pull out more grass, this time by the fistful. Oddly enough, you felt a moment of dry amusement. It was such a small, petty thing. Something Hypnos would do. 
You and him sat together, not speaking as the twins began to chase after Achilles with a stick. Their grandfather was a good sport, making sure to be slow enough for them to chase. 
The noises must have finally woken Phobetor and you bit back a smile as you heard him join the chase, demanding for them to wait for him.
Morpheus turned his head toward them, a flash of longing on his face. It made your heart ache.
”You should join them.” You told him gently. Morpheus only shrugged, glancing away and giving up on the grass as he folded his arms over his knees. He very carefully didn’t look at you. 
He looked so much like Hypnos that it tugged at you, it was a bittersweet heartbreak to see the love of your life reflected back in another’s face. 
“I didn’t mean to.” Morpheus said finally. “I really thought that I was doing a good job.”
”Ah.” You said, considering his words. 
”And- I know not to do it next time, I just…” Morpheus paused, clearly struggling with what to say. You just nodded, waiting for your son to speak. You wanted to reach out and hold him. 
In a silent offer, you held out an arm, letting Morpheus decide. He didn’t hesitate, moving over to curl against you, his face tucked against your side. You held him tightly, squeezing when you heard sniffles.
”I’m sorry.” Morpheus sobbed a little, rubbing his face against you. “I really didn’t mean to scare anyone.” 
“Oh, lad.” You muttered, letting him cry for a few moments before you reached over to tip his face up. His face was flushed, golden eyes shiny with unshed tears. You wiped away the ones on his face.
“You know the reason we got scared is because of how much we love you, right? We don’t want anything bad to happen to you or your siblings.” You told him, cupping his cheek to keep his eyes on you.
”I know. ‘M sorry.” He said again. 
Unable to bear it, you hugged him with both arms. Morpheus returned it, his little arms tight around your waist. 
“I accept your apology although you still need to give your dad one as well.”
”I will. I promise.” Morpheus said, giving you a devastating, wobbly smile. Gods help you, he looked so much like Hypnos.
“You know, I did the exact same thing once.” You confessed to him with a grin. His eyes went wide. 
Before he could ask, Icelos let out a war cry. You and Morpheus turned at the sounds of frustration and you chuckled when you saw why. 
Achilles was evading the children easily, parrying with his own stick. He was tossing little out little insults, getting them more riled up. 
You looked down at Morpheus, smiling. “Looks like they could use some help.” 
Morpheus hesitated, his little wings folded tightly against his curls. “Aren’t I still in trouble?”
”You are still going to have to do your punishment. But that is later. Right now, your grandfather is winning and you know he won’t ever let any of you forget it.” 
That seemed to do it, Morpheus’ expression turned determined as he stood. He paused, giving you one last quick hug. “Tell me later?”
”I will.” You promised, returning the hug.
He rushed over with his own war cry, tackling Achilles who saw him coming but acted surprised anyway, going down with a dramatic yell.
You scoffed and returned to Hypnos, who beamed up at you. You took his hand into your, fingers locking together. 
”Patroclus, my beloved! Help!” Achilles cried, laughing as the children continued to show him no mercy.
Pa huffed as he stood, taking his sweet time as he went over. “Careful, little ones. You know your grandfather is a delicate flower.”
Hypnos squeezed your hand, and you leaned down to give him a chase kiss. He smiled against your lips. 
“Happy Father’s Day.” Hypnos whispered. ”I love you.”
”You too.” You told him. “I couldn’t do this without you.” 
“Literally. Considering how they were born.” Hypnos teased, getting an amused eyeroll out of you. 
Hypnos rested his head on your shoulder, his expression serene with his close eyes. The way your parents were laughing, as they played with their grandchildren like they still couldn’t believe they existed.
The bright, happy expression of all four of your children were forever encased in your mind’s eye. Your heart was so full, overflowing with gratitude. 
You kissed the top of Hypnos’ head and whispered so quietly only you and him knew what said. 
Thank you.
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liquid-luck-00 · 1 year
Marks of Magic
Day 6 Cat of Maribat Spooktober 2023
First *** Previous *** Next
Language and cursing is used
1600 Words
Well shit.
"Miss Marinette how do you know of the kwamii, especially those two?" Alfred questioned and she curled a bit under his gaze.
"I… Paon." She looked up at him, but averted her eyes towards Jay, but he was staring at both herself and Alfred. "August 24th 1944."
She looked up, the words she was speaking didn’t seem like her own. But she knew them all the same. Alfred seemed to pale.
"How do you know that?" He staggered slightly, catching himself on the back of a couch.
"It’s when they were lost." She shrugged, the story that Fu passed to her easily came to her mind, because it wasn’t her memory but Fu’s. (Guardians pass memories along to the next so they wouldn’t repeat the same mistakes.)
"I am so lost, Alfie?" Dick rose and tried to get the older man to talk.
"You are much to young."
"Ha." She snorted. "And you think I didn’t tell Fu that."
She crossed her arms.
"Where are they? You said they were lost, how? I can’t seem to remember." Dick had gotten him to sit down but his every question sent pangs through her heart.
"They have been found, and are safe." She was still fiddling with her ring.
"The miraculous of the black cat." Alfred spoke so certainly that it forced her to look up, away from the the kwamii she had drawn. "Where is he? He can come out, we…"
He looked around at the boys but stopped when his eyes landed on her. Silent tears rushed her face, all the words she has been wanting to share choked her.
Tikki, she wishes she was still here but that will never happen. Plagg, she didn’t meet often but he really did care about her, the other kwamii, and especially Chat Noir. Chat Noir has it worse she has told herself constantly. More than likely Plagg was his friend too and then overnight without warning he was gone, no way to contact her, and not knowing why.
"Nettie…" Jay stepped towards her, quickly glancing between her and Alfred, stopping in his tracks. "What’s going on?"
"They’re gone." She finally choked out. "I got the grimore, Nooroo, and even Dusuu back, but… I miss them."
"What did you do?" Alfred dropped down onto the floor and lifted her chin.
"I won the war in Paris."
"What war?" Dick she thinks spoke but her eyes were on Alfred, his aura calming her.
She pulled out her phone and quickly searched it, turning the device towards the others.
"What is this!" A voice she wasn’t expecting practically growled, Bruce was standing in the room, reading over Dick’s shoulder.
"You made a wish?"
The question wasn’t accusatory, but she flinched. "No, but it might have hurt less if I did." She finally looked away from the group.
"Marinette, who are you?" Alfred asked her, she looked up and something clicked a flash of dark blue light emulated from him. Pinned on his lapel was none other than the miraculous of the peacock. The man tenderly touched the broach as if it was going to disappear forever, she knew she could trust him, so with that she took a breath.
"I am, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Holder of the miraculous of the ladybug, the heroine of Paris, Ladybug, and the guardian of the Chinese zodiac Box of Miracles." She addressed resolutely, her conviction and pride fueled every word, while understanding seemed to flood Alfred’s features.
"If I had known… " Alfred whispered, looking at her like the pieces fell into place.
"Are you saying this happened, that children fought this maniac. Why not ask for help, there are other heroes in Paris, even the Justice League could have sent reinforcements." Bruce seemed to seethe.
"It’s not like I was given a choice, the other heroes left or quit, besides the Justice League knew about it and did nothing." She became defensive, even if she felt she could trust them, Bruce’s tone rubbed her the wrong way. She started this fight at the tender age of 11. Fought a magical war while trying to not feel anything for 3 years. Endured bullying and heartbreak for just as long, but couldn’t let herself feel it. So yes she is angry when someone she barely knows is offering ‘solutions’ when she had exhausted them long ago.
She didn’t even notice how quiet the room had gotten, but was staring at the man who offended her character. She was a child when all this started, of course she tried, but why, why would he be so mad. That is what she didn’t understand.
"Master Bruce calm yourself!" Alfred scolded the other adult in the room. (Who was making a straight beeline towards the grandfather clock to his right.)
"It doesn’t matter anymore, it’s over." She sighed finally deflating, knowing that anything done now won’t change anything.
"Miss Marinette, that is not nothing." Alfred stood and faced her.
"That is not something you should have had to do alone."
"I wasn’t, I had a partner." She mumbled as if it would change the minds of the adults.
"You said you were the holder of the ladybug miraculous, but you are wearing the miraculous of the black cat. Did you wield both?" She was asked by Alfred who seemed to know the most.
"I did a few times, but I wasn’t Plagg’s cat, I was Tikki’s. My partner was Chat Noir, he was the holder of the black cat."
"What happened to him?"
"I don’t know?" She shrugged. She took off the ring and started tracing the face of the ring. "Probably worried, Hawkmoth, Plagg, Ladybug, and Chat Noir disappeared without warning from his life. Black cats really are bad luck."
"Nettie, you’re a hero". Jay was now right in front of her, tentatively he reached out and took her hands.
"Was… the kwamii don’t exist in this universe, not anymore."
"My dear." Alfred placed a hand on the top of her head. "This proves they still can. That they are more of the metaphysical than before."
He tapped the broach before pointing to the ring in her hands before noticing her earrings.
"Why don’t you both go to bed, it’s getting late, and it’s a school night." Bruce finally spoke again. He was still angry, yet she could tell his anger wasn’t towards her. Actually she couldn’t tell who he was angry at, but she knows he is.
"Okay." Mari palmed the last tears from her eyes as Jay stood up and pulled her from the room.
"Alfred tell us all you can." Master Bruce marched down the steps into the cave.
Master Dick and himself followed. "I don’t know what exactly happened to her, but the miraculous, I may be able to shed some light on."
"If my math is correct she was eleven when all of that started. B she was a child." Master Dick was horrified.
Although he went through similar event he was older, the boy was only 13 at the time of his parents accident after all. Master Bruce was also young during his parents death, and although he became the Bat it wasn’t until he was and adult.
"Why did no one take it seriously?" He was scanning all calls to the Justice league, until a call log from Paris showed on the screen marked from two and a half years ago.
‘You’ve reached the Justice League, how can we help?’ A bored voice, the log said Booster Gold, answered the phone with a yawn.
‘Hello! Please Paris needs adult heroes, all the older heroes left and we can’t keep this up!’ A young female voice started to rush their words.
‘I’ve told you before, kid, nothing has happened in Paris. Stop prank calling. This line is only for actual emergencies that require actual heroes.’ Booster Gold seemed to wave the girl off. ‘Don’t call again.’
They continued through the log, some earlier calls were looked into but since nothing seemed to be proven they dropped the inquiry. If what they saw from the site the Ladyblog it was no wonder. All damage all lives taken were brought back in pristine condition. Ladybug, Marinette, and who she called Chat Noir were the primary heroes for the past three years. Few other heroes would aid them, which he recognized the miraculous that they used.
"We can’t do anything about this can we." Master Jason had come down into the cave. "She’s asleep."
"The past is past, unfortunately." Master Bruce dragged his hands down his face. "Besides these children are practically meta, or even magic users, right?"
"Yes. But don’t forget these children grew into child soldiers and more than likely they could not trust anyone with this pressure. If Miss Marinette’s emotional collapse is any indication." Alfred supplied.
"Jay go to bed Dick and I will go on patrol."
"Jason." Bruce snapped at the boy.
"Fine…" The child surrendered, all his fight leaving him at Bruce’s words. The boy trudged up the steps.
"Bruce he’s worried for his friend! Can’t you see that." Master Dick slammed his hands on the desk in front of him.
"She’s a meta Dick."
"She is a child."
"That doesn’t change facts." Bruce spun around to face his elder ward.
"You work with aliens, metas, even magic users, and so do I. Our teams are made up by them, so what’s the difference." Master Bruce didn’t say anything, making the young man even angrier. "Figure it out Bruce." Dick started to walk away, before turning back. "Don’t call until you do."
He left without another word.
"Master Bruce."
@jennifer-rose123 @toodaloo-kangaroo @joydone07 @mizzy-pop
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mischiefmaker615 · 2 years
Maid to Honor (Loki Love Story)
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Summary: This job wasn't quite what she was expecting when Fury assigned her to 'assist' the God of Mischief, where the pampered prince only saw that word as a fancy way of saying Slave. She's headstrong, but so is he, so will his new growing feelings towards the winged female make things better or worse? or will things go a whole different route entirely?
Rating: R story 
Fury wasn't one to really give ridiculous orders, or at least ones that didn't have a purpose to them, but there's a first for everything right? Rose wasn't quite the one to refuse an order, mainly because she was a bit to shy to say no and went along with things, but for the first time in her life, she really wish she had.
The deal was this: she was to be undercover, a maid if you will but assistant seemed a bit less demeaning to the title for.. The God of Mischief. Loki had been allowed to stay on Midgard, a few months after the battle of New York only to be faced with a choice; return to face Asgard's punishment or remain here on earth under strict watch. The second option was eventually picked but day by day the god questioned whether he had made the right choice.
As time went by, threats had been popping up which meant that SHIELD and the Avengers were staying busy, to busy to baby sit. why not a cell forever? Fury had eventually proposed the idea on Rose that had brought her here finally to face Loki for the first time. The idea? act as his ma- assistant only to secretly keep an eye on him as a representative for SHIELD. They aren't the bad guys, they want people to succeed and be free, but freedom had to be earned.
About a week ago, they had moved Loki to his own establishment, a building that quite resembled Stark's tower but not as.. glamorous. If his behavior improved and no funny business was to be seen, Rose was to keep a diary every evening, reporting to SHIELD his progress and the results were to be weighed on how closer he was to be earning his freedom.
Boss and Assistant. that was all. Help with the human things he didn't quite understand and don't argue to reduce risk of danger, after all, it was just her there, and backup might not always get there on time if she needed. which was exactly why Fury had picked her, she was capable. Or at least that's how he saw her, she merely stood in the elevator wondering what the hell she was doing there again and why she had agreed to all this in the first place.
'i am not a slave, just a helper.' was the sentence she repeated to herself, already getting a headache as she prepared to face the god of mischief himself. again.. this was going to be a whole new experience for him in the long run.
The elevator doors slid open, Rose stepping out into the main living room, feeling awkward in her plain jeans and a T-shirt (having to leave her uniform and all SHIELD behind in this undercover job) where she faced Loki's back to her in his usual armor and leather's attire. The only thing she did manage to keep hidden was her wings that she carefully had got into a folding position and they lay pressed against her back tightly underneath her shirt; it was a usual thing when she wasn't on the field.
“A visitor?” He asked, turning around slowly to face her where piercing green eyes met curious blue ones for the first time. They dragged themselves down over her, already making herself feel a bit uncomfortable as a smirk came to his lips at what he saw. ''what exactly brings you here in this humble disguise of a prison?'' he asked, his tone sounding as if it was poking her in the chest where her cheeks reddened ever so slightly. of course.. why wouldn't he remember me..
''my name is Rose.. i have been sent here to act as you're assistant and that's all.'' her voice was careful, knowing that's all she should say but his eyes almost made her want to spill her guts by force.
''a maid?'' Loki almost laughed.
''an assistant.'' she quickly corrected, already hating the related words that weren't even really related.
''a slave.''
''Assistant.'' she said, a bit more firmly with her tone indicating that she already was getting annoyed. that didn't take long.
Loki nodded and chuckled. “Ah yes, tend to my needs.” He said, using air quotations. he walked over to her and furrowed his eye brows, quite taken how beautiful she was the closer he got. ”don’t you really mean watch over? Like an angel in your Christianity religion...or spy on...” he smirked and walked over slowly. at least he wasn't stupid, but she was to not confirm her real position here as she would remain known as his assistant, rather than his baby sitter. “Am I not right Rose?” He asked quietly. His hands clasped themselves behind him as he approached her, an amused look on his face at her mild shock of when he said her name. how much did Fury tell him on her way over here?
''..whatever you need done, i am here to assist.'' she told him slowly, knowing he was waiting for her to slip up, so by her careful words she might have a lasting chance.
''pity, and here i actually thought someone was here to see me'' he smirked, sarcasm dripping from his tone as he turned to sit at the best, arms resting on either side of him as a finger tapped on the arm on the chair in thought, eyes never leaving her.
'as if someone would actually come to visit you'. ''Many might not want to go through the trouble considering your current reputation here..'' honestly, not the best sentence that could have left her mouth as his eyes lowered a bit and he patted the arm of the chair.
“Come here...Before you do, close the door..” his voice deepened after each syllable. He watched her closely before saying, a bit louder this time, in almost a bark. “Now”
Rose stayed put, unable to flinch due to many past interrogations she's had to sit through, but his tone and demands were quite surprising. 'don't argue, we need you to remain safe if tasks aren't threatening.' Fury's words echoed in her head. his tone was a bit harsh but there wasn't exactly anything that said danger right? Slowly, she moved across the room and shut the door that she assumed lead to the rest of the house, bedrooms maybe? she then turned and carefully went over in front of his desk, no way in hell she would expect herself to get down on her knees or anything for him but awaited his next move. ''..yes?''
Loki's eyes seemed to pierce through her as he spoke carefully, almost as if he was making sure she was understanding every word that left his lips. “you’re under my order...you do not disrespect me like that. throughout your time working with me...” he then moved and stood up, the desk being the only thing between them. “You will learn to respect...care...and maybe.. appreciate me.''
That desk almost seemed to be getting smaller and smaller and she seemed to just now notice how much of a difference their heights were. appreciate? in what way? surely he didn't mean anything like- ''i'm not sure what you are hinting at-''
Loki smirked. “Fury has you here to keep an eye on me...yes?” He asked quietly and chuckled. “Then keep an eye on me...watch me...observe me.” He smirked wider. “but darling...don’t you worry...for if you are good, I will make this whole endeavor durable. like i did last time..”
Rose raised a brow in a mix of shock and confusion, her body leaning as it threatened to take a step back and felt a shiver run down her spine. he remembers?. ''..This is merely a job and one i can walk away from if i so choose so you might want to-''
“what will I ever do with you...'' he smirked, a hand slowly reaching down and too hold of the edge of the desk as he slowly moved it to the side and out of his way, his eye contact holding. ''I'm just tempted to keep you here...because I don’t think I will be able to stop this match of wits.” He said softly, taking a step forward to where he was in front of her now. “Trust me darling...you are not as strong as you think you are. you are under orders from Fury yes? one you cannot simply walk away from even if you wanted to; at least not easily.'' He leaned down, dangerously close now. ''it will just be like old times..''
''I believe darling you’re under my orders...” he growled and leaned close to her, taking in her sweet perfume he would love so much. “and I think I’ve got my first little job for you darling...”
Hope You Enjoyed Chapter 1 ♥
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bananadrinkxxx · 1 year
[Aemond Targaryen Fanfiction ]
[Dark Romance / Enemies to Lovers / Revenge]
[warnings: smut, sex content, angst, fights, domination, murder]
[Aemond Targaryen x Original Female Character ! I fem!reader]
Content for adults.
Previous and next chapters: click here
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Aemond’s was boiling with rage. He would love to ride Vhagar and burn down everything that came his way. He stomped his way from the dance hall back to his room. No one dared to speak to him. They all were not tired of life. In his hand he still held Rose's wrist almost clasped. She let him pull her along without protest. He was grateful to her for that, for at the moment he didn't know if he could control himself. Rage seized him, shook his whole body and made him see red. Red like blood, red like fire. His fingers tingled, he didn't know if it was from the beating or if it was the desire for more. Aegon had clearly crossed a line, but he was also ashamed of himself for not being able to control himself. A humiliation for the Targaryen family. Most of all, at that moment, he wanted to simply fly away on Vhagar and never come back. But it was only a momentary state of mind. He would calm down as soon as he reached his chambers. He tried to get a clear head, which was not easier when the image of Aegon and Rose appeared again and again, like this weakling, pressing his lips on hers.
Aemond didn't know how Aegon had found out he was sleeping with Rose, but he suspected Ser Criston Cole was behind it. It seemed the knight was doing everything he could to fall out of Aemond's favor. His former teacher seemed to forget what he was like. The intimate relationship between him and his mother, seemed to have gone to his head. Perhaps Aemond should remind him of who he was.
And Aegon ? He was not surprised that his brother could not miss any opportunity to provoke him. Probably it was revenge for the way Aemond had treated him in front of the small council. He knew his brother.
Once in his chambers, the first thing Aemond did was to pour water into his empty cup and wash it down with a few gulps. The cool water felt soothing in his throat. He took a quick breath before turning to Rose. For a moment, he took the time to look at her. Her dark hair, had come loose from her braid, and fell curly on her shoulder. Her face was slightly flushed, and her mouth was open. She seemed a little out of breath. She was wearing a simple blue dress that suited her perfectly. It emphasized her petite figure and made her look more feminine. Rose was a pretty woman. She had full lips and large brown eyes. Her nose was pointed and straight. Her skin was fair and small freckles decorated her cheeks and nose. She had dimples on her right side that made her look cute and almost childlike.
"Did he hurt you?," Aemond asked and she looked at him in surprise. Was the question so surprising? For a brief moment she seemed lost in thought before she regained her composure. She shook her head and tried to smile. It seemed false and put on.
"I'm fine," she replied, and it was obvious she was lying. He didn't know why she felt the need to lie to him, why she felt she couldn't speak the truth in front of him, but he didn't want to punish her for it. He had gotten her into trouble tonight. Aegon had gotten her into trouble. By asking her to dance in front of everyone, he had put a target on her. The kiss had only made things worse, and the beating had put the nail in the coffin. He would have to try hard not to do Rhaenyra a favor by killing Aegon. Aemond had wanted to keep the relationship with Rose a secret. Not only to protect her, but also to save her from disgrace. Even if she were the mistress of a prince, she would still be a mistress. She didn't deserve it, but he had been too selfish to save her from it.
"Is there anything I can do for you, Aemond?" She asked innocently, snapping him out of his thoughts. He must have looked very upset.
Aemond allowed himself to look at her a little longer before turning around, holding out a book to her. She looked at him in surprise, and took the book. He saw that she recognized it. It had been the book she was supposed to get at the library that time.
"I want you to read to me."
He watched as her eyes widened. Her eyes darted over his face. Her eyebrows furrowed, and he saw the discomfort in her expression. She tried to hide it, but it didn't escape him.
"I'm sorry," she began in a weak voice. There was a hint of reproach in her voice. "I can't read." She said it as if she hadn't already told him. Presumably she thought he hadn't remembered.
"I know," Aemond countered, sitting down. He crossed one leg over the other and slid back. "I'll teach you."
He saw many emotions on her face. Surprise, shock, irritation, disbelief, bewilderment, and in the end, hope.
"You will teach me to read?" Her voice was incredulous. Rose's fingers clawed at the book.
"Not just reading, but writing."
"I think you're wasting your time on me," she gave, holding the book out to him. "You certainly have more important things to do."
Aemond snorted and ignored the book.
"I'll decide that," he replied a touch too harshly, watching her wince slightly. Remorse dug into his stomach. It hadn't escaped him that Rose still seemed afraid of him. He didn't mean to be rough with her or scare her. It was not his intention to make her afraid of him.
Aemond signaled her to sit down and after a brief hesitation, Rose did what he wanted her to do.
"Open the book," he prompted her.
Although Rose could not read, her eyes flew over the inscribed page. Her eyes filled with awe and respect, she stared dreamily at the book, letting her fingertips glide over the pages. It was strangely, a very satisfying sight. Then her big eyes locked on him, looking at him in a prompting way. The corners of his mouth lifted slightly, and he leaned forward. Rose listened to his explanations and repeated what he told her. She was a quick learner, he noted with surprise. It felt good that he could finally do something for her, too.
. . . . .
Larys Strong was no fool. Quite the opposite. He pursued his own plans, and he knew that patience and a good dose of manipulation would get him what he craved. He had been born a cripple. Always in the shadow of his older brother, who had been held up as perfect by everyone. The perfect Harwin Strong, who was not only strong, but intelligent. But Larys had wondered where his intelligence had been when he had committed to planting his bastards in Rhaenyra Targaryen. There, instead of punishing him, his father had stood by him. It was always the same. No matter what his brother had done, he had always been forgiven. Not infrequently, Larys had felt envy toward his brother. Harwin had all that he wanted, which is why he had to take it in the end.
His father could have named Larys as lord. He deserved it more. Even then he had been up to the task, but instead he had always stood by his elder son. Larys did not regret that he had made them pay for it with their lives. The death of his father and brother had made him a lord. But his ambitions were greater. He kept hidden, hidden in secret, not visible to anyone, guarding them like a treasure. It amused him that Queen Alicent thought she could manipulate him. He was far ahead of her in intelligence and strategy. Larys made her feel safe, stood by her side as her devoted servant, never forgetting what his real plan was.
He stared out into the courtyard, directly at Alicent and Otto, who seemed to be arguing about the previous evening. The lord regretted that he was too far away to overhear them. But it was probably about the amusing spectacle they had been treated to today. Aemond had a bedmate, a revelation he had not expected. He had been careless, had not paid attention to the girl, had not given her any importance. A mistake he would not repeat.
Larys had a plan, a plan that involved Aemond Targaryen, and in which the girl had no place.
To be honest.
These lines were on my list of things to delete, but now I spontaneously decided to post them after all. However, since the chapter has already been published, but these lines have no place in the next chapter, I was so free to create a second part. This chapter will not be very long, but its importance should not be underestimated.
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yigashimei · 2 months
Little something to make your day, this is a Jean x fem! reader
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She is busy, very busy to the point that you have to drag her out of her office for her own good before she begins to lock herself inside
So when Lisa calls for you, you go straight to her office to check up on her before she forgets everyone around her and focus mainly on her work
Being in a relationship with her is something that feels like a dream till this day after being with her for over 3 years now
But this time it was too much to handle that it left you with dangerous question lingering in your mind
Warnings⚠️: Angst, Fluff ending
Now this is something you never expected, Lisa was in your living room the moment you woke up to make breakfast, there the witch is sitting with a cup of tea in front of her with a book
"Lisa, to what do I have the honor of having your presence in my shady home?" You asked clearly still a bit tired from the work you had to do yesterday
"Oh dear, it seems that you are tired too" she stated while simply closing her book "Yes I am- wait too?" You looked at her confused "What do you mean Lisa?" she picked the tea cup and took a small sip from it before putting it down once more and looking at your way
"Oh? I just came back from Jean's office, she was working so hard to the point that papers and files were stacked on her table and scattered to her floor" she took a sip on her tea "Did she not inform you? She was already working before the sun rose"
"That girl!" rubbing your head you went back to your room to get changed, breakfast can wait, your girlfriend cannot
After changing your clothes to your uniform you picked up your keys along with your satchel that carry your things and started to make your way towards the Knights Headquarters as fast as you can
You didn't know what came over you but when you were right in front of the door that leads to her office you knocked but did not wait for her confirmation to come in and just barged in
"Jean Gunnhildr! You have a lot to explain to me! Especially with how I found out about the activities you have been doing and without my knowledge!" your loud voice echoed in her office taking her and the people with her by surprise
Now Jean was honest but sometimes she has this thinking that she has to carry all of the burden of Mondstadt
So you as her loving and very cheerful girlfriend, you made it your routine that she eats her meals, make sure she gets rest and that she never overworked herself to death, after all you still want your girlfriend to be your wife
Now that Jean saw you she immediately knew what you mean "My flower, I had to get up early to finish my work and commissions that have been requested for me, I can't just not do it" she tried to reason but with how tired you are and adding up are some work you had to do when you get to your office to
You both just have to relax, splitting her work load can be done but you also have work on your hand so that is a no go
Suddenly a voice echoed throughout the room "If I may? I have a proposal" looking back you saw Kaeya "Whatever it is?" Jean asked, she was confused and glad that he stepped in before things could get a bit out of hand
"This better be good Kaeya" your voice was laced with annoyance, not directly toward the man at the door but to your girlfriend who was behind her desk sweating, afraid of what you might do
"The knights have prepared a special surprise for you too, it was an idea from our favorite librarian" he voiced his idea "What kind? And what about our work? If we are to leave our post who will replace us?" Jean being the workaholic she is asked
"Acting Grand Master, you don't have to worry about that, it's just one day, consider it a small vacation so both you and your lover can relax" he said with a smile plastered on his face "Besides what can be the worse that will happen if you leave the city to us just for the day and enjoy this with your lover?"
The blonde was skeptical at the blue haired man at the door step "I don't know Kaeya" hearing this broke your heart, suddenly unknown thoughts flooded your mind 'Does Jean despite the idea of having a relaxing day with me?' 'Does she not want to be with me?' ' Why does she not like the idea of going out with me?'
With these thoughts on your mind, you started to walk toward the door leaving without saying a thing, this action took both Kaeya and Jean by surprise, not only did you leave quietly in which is so out of your character, there was this strange emotion in your eyes that Jean wasn't able to decipher when you look at her before leaving
"W-what was that about?" Kaeya questioned after you left the headquarters, Jean could feel her heart breaking, 'Was she affected by what I said?' she asked herself
"Master Jean?" Kaeya called out to her surprising the blonde, looking at the man before her she then decided on what to do "Kaeya, I will take on the offer, take care of the city while Y/N and I are out, and make sure everything is taken care of, we should be back before the next shift" the blonde said, in a hurry to catch her lover who left
"Huh? Ah! Y-yes Acting Grand Master! You can count on us, and also have fun!" Kaeya shouted after the running blonde before she left the headquarters
Looking around the town was her first instinct, look for you or even just a strand of your hair was enough, but to no avail she wasn't able to catch a glimpse of your wear abouts
Deciding the next best place is your shared home, she started her trek towards her home, it was a weird feeling for her to return so early, she was mostly home very late at the night or sometimes when the sun is about to rise, rare times she does not go home at all
So walking this familiar road under the sun was something Jean can call a new experience
Arriving at the front door of her shared home, she took hold of the handle and gently pried it open after using her keys to open the lock, pushing it forward she looked around, the house was clean and cozy yet you were not there
Deciding to try her luck once more, she went up the stairs and to the door that leads to your shared bedroom, there she saw you seated at the foot of the bed, your back turned away from the blonde, you were so lost in your thoughts to notice your lover
She slowly walked towards you and notice you looking at the picture in your hands, it was the picture of when you and Jean had your first anniversary at Starsnatch Cliff
It was your favorite day, she gifted you a necklace she bought and you gifted her a pair of cross earrings, the ones she is currently wearing
She too loved that day for it was also the first time she told you that she loved you and in which you answered back with a kiss and an I love you back
Though Jean was confused, why are you looking at the picture while lost in thoughts, her mind wanders back to your expression before leaving the HQ
It was a sad look, like you were betrayed by someone, and she was very worried and wanted to know what happened thus she ran after you without any second thought
"My flower" she started to make her presence known "So this is where you went, I was looking all over town for you" her voice was shaky
She was hesitant and did her best to press the right buttons "May I know what you are thinking so hard about?" she asked yet silence was the only thing she received
Debating her next move she sigh and walked till she was in front of your seated form "I will ask once more my flower, what is bothering your mind?" she asked once more while kneeling in font of you and holding your cheek in her palm
It was a long silence before you spoke again "Do you still love me Jean?" she was caught off guard, how could a question like that linger in you thoughts
"Why ask such question that already has a permanent answer my flower?" she asked back, worry was evident in her eyes "I just thought it" you answered back
Trying to process Jean sigh and stood up pulling you with her, she took the picture from you and set it to the bedside table in your side of the bed, she pulled you back to her lap once she took your place in the bed and hugged you tightly
"I do not know what made you think that way my flower" she said and buried her head in your neck "Because in my eyes no one can ever replace you, for you are the definition of future for me" her answer made you gasp
"Thinking about it now I think I know the reason you are thinking this way" she said "I was ultimately at fault for focusing too much on my work that I have seem to forgotten about this lovely girl waiting for me at home" she smiled and caressed your cheek
"I know I have made mistakes, and I will not just promise you but also do it wholeheartedly" her face was full of determination "That for you are the only person that holds the key to my heart" she added
"I may not show it sometimes and we may not have that much of time together but I will never stop loving you" her words were warm to your ears and heart
"I will not just give you promises but also fulfill them till my dying breath" your eyes were blurry with the tears falling from them to your cheeks "I will always love you my flower, now, always and forever, pls remember that" she said and kissed you
Even with your tear stained kiss she did not pull away except pulled you in deeper, she was determined to show you her overflowing love for you
"I love you Y/N, my flower" she paused and looked at you before pulling something from under her pillow "I love you too much that I will not let you go" she continued
"I love you too much that I am willing to do everything in my power to keep you safe from harm" you saw what she was holding a red box "I will also become the happiest woman alive if you accept my promise and commitment by marrying me"
There you saw it a diamond ring inside the red box "So Y/N Y/L, will you do me the honor of becoming Y/N Gunnhildr as my wife?" she asked making more tears fall from your eyes
"Yes" you whispered "What was that my flower?" she asked not catching what you said "I said YES you dummy! I will marry you!" you basically shouted and hugged her tight that you both fall on the bed
"Really?" she asked not believing her ears at the moment "Yes Jean, I will become your wife!" your smile was contagious that small tears fell from her eyes to the soft mattress
"Thank god" she said and sat up with you, taking the ring out of its confinement and holding your hard, she smiled and looked at you before slowly inserting the ring in your hand
"Its beautiful Jean" you said with a smile "Y/N Gunnhildr, that sounds so lovely and rings music to my ears" she said with a dopey smile and kissed you once more
"I love you my fiance" she said "I love you too Jean"
This is where it ends!
I am very thank full that you all loved my stories! And Thank you for the continuous support!
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the-era-of-shadow · 3 months
What is Paradise?
Written by Ash Rose
Planning to meet up with her long term partner Tails, Cosmo travels to Aerth once more. But the first person she encounters once she gets there is not Tails, but a seemingly gentle giant known as Big. Both parties immediately see through each other's facades, however, and end up having a rather in depth discussion of current events.
THIS STORY CONTAINS: Themes of isolation, mentions of fictional political turmoil
Author's Note: Hi if this is your introduction to TEoS, make it not be plz, I feel like you'll be so confused-
As the sun rises once more as it always does, the sky shifts in hue from the dark indigo of the night to shades of orange and yellow that follow the sun’s path, like attendants to a ruler, before fading out and revealing the sky’s new color - a color that is rather aptly referred to as ‘sky blue’. This event happens every single day, and as it does, a quite large cat with the also rather apt name of ‘Big’, along with his dearest companion Froggy, come out of their home and prepare for another day of fishing along the edge of the river that runs all throughout the very forested area of the Mystic Ruins in which they both live. The life Big leads is quite simple, but he doesn’t mind it at all - after all, he actively chose this life.
Despite that, he has been feeling a bit… uneasy recently. It’s very hard to blame him for this, as there has been a lot going on with his friends recently. Especially Ms. Vanilla.
Ever since the Freedom Fighters came to visit the Mystic Ruins back in early October, they’ve been working very hard to figure out what it is that has been ailing Ms. Vanilla, left with only crumbs to go off of by Amy’s mother Tsunami, who seemed to have known what it was - but was also in a frantic rush to go visit Lady Chaos, likely due to this knowledge. Amy did say that she had felt her presence from time to time in the days that followed, but it wouldn’t be until a week later that she finally caught her mom’s attention and made her confess to what she was suspecting it to be. Even though a good few of the Freedom Fighters and their allies, including Big himself, were starting to fear the worst, it still came as quite the shock to them all when Amy and Tsunami sheepishly - and tearfully in Amy’s case - revealed that due to the multiple years of exposure that Vanilla has had, she is going through the effects of Black Arms assimilation.
While the news certainly hit everyone very harshly, Big in particular was absolutely devastated to hear such a thing - especially due to him being quite convinced that he had some fault in it. When Amy told him, she was very intentional in placing the blame solely on Vanilla’s now ex-friend of multiple years, ‘Wilma Breviar’, otherwise known by her real name, Black Widow - as she wasn’t even fully comfortable with blaming Widow’s young son Garrick. But the guilt still hit Big like a truck as he realized he had basically completely forgotten the fact that he was, indeed, a disguised Black Arms, even if he was rogue, and had very much become irresponsible with being too close to the Aerthlings he cared about, infecting them with chaos energy radiation whether he meant to or not. Even though Amy insisted that he should not blame himself for the current situation, she did eventually come to agree with his idea of isolating himself in order to not make things worse for Vanilla nor cause anyone else to catch it - at least until they find some sort of way to prevent it on either end. 
But just because Big is isolated physically, that doesn’t mean that he is completely unaware of the current goings-on of his friends! Both through the little bit of the old hivemind from before the demise of Black Doom that the three of them maintain for themselves and in person conversations, Big has been keeping in contact with Tsunami and Amy in order to keep up to date on things. The two of them are honestly quite lucky, all things considered, as neither of them have any capacity for assimilation as a ghost with no corporal form and a naturally born hybrid that is more mobian than black arms respectively, while also being black arms enough to not be affected by being exposed to a full-on black arms like Big. With that privilege, they’re not only able to talk to Big, but also everyone else - resulting in them becoming something of middlemen for whenever Big has something to say to the other Freedom Fighters, or vice versa. 
Through this, Big has learned that while any request to G.U.N for assistance was immediately rejected due to their currently very rocky relationship with the Freedom Fighters, there is someone out there willing to try their hand at remedying the situation - that being an old friend of Amy’s named Coral. Coral lives in the underwater city of Meropis, or more accurately, she lives in a temple just outside the city - one that she obtained through her job as the city’s priestess. As priestess, she is quite familiar with magic and alike, and with chaos energy, especially given the fact that her matron goddess is Lady Chaos, and as a citizen of Meropis, she most certainly has at least some knowledge of the Black Arms assimilation outbreak that occurred in the city just a bit over a century ago in the early 1900s, which was dubbed by them as “The Divine Sickness”. These two factors combined to make her a very valuable candidate to possibly cure Vanilla, or at the very least halt the progress of the assimilation spreading throughout her body.
Admittedly, when Tsunami had mentioned the “Divine Sickness” outbreak, it made Big feel a bit nostalgic. Of course, he disliked the situation as a whole and most certainly its outcome, feeling terrible for those who had been exiled by the rulers of the city at the time due to something so completely out of their control. It was more nostalgia for the timeframe when it had happened. Big, back then still going by his given name of ‘Black Onyx’, had just reached maturity at the time, still in the month-long or so period of time between leaving his pod and beginning his training. He was innocent and naive, listening in awe to the various tales of his brethren that he would hear over the hivemind, not knowing the true horrors of them. He even at one point during his training years met the very young man who had been responsible for the whole event, that being a black assassin named Desiev. He was incredibly charismatic and a bit of a jokester, but what always stuck around in Big’s memory about him the most was that he quite honestly did feel bad for the people of Meropis that he affected. He hadn’t planned for an outbreak to occur, he was just on a field trip to Aerth as a part of his training to become a planetary investigator and got wrapped up in some young love with an octopus mobian. The conversation Big had that day with Desiev was what made him start to consider if there could perhaps be another way of doing things for the Black Arms in the first place.
As for the present day, after some discussion between Coral, the royal family of Meropis, and the Freedom Fighters had been made, the three parties came to an agreement. Vanilla would go live with Coral until she gets better. Hopefully she will.
In fact, it is on this very day that Vanilla is going to be taken to Meropis! Oh how Big wished that he could be there to see her off. But of course, he’s still isolating, so instead, he wrote her a farewell/get well soon letter that he gave to Amy to send to her, hoping that she gets to receive it as he casts his line.
Some time passes, and Big is still at the river’s edge, fishing. He hasn’t caught anything just yet, but he refuses to let that get him down. He hopes that the Freedom Fighters hold onto such a mindset as well, not letting the various setbacks that have occurred stop them from continuing to fight for peace on Aerth. It is with that thought that it occurs to him that the reason for why he has not caught any fish yet might just be that he keeps getting lost in thought. 
“Oh well! That’s life, isn’t it?” He says to himself and continues on.
But just as he intends to readjust his focus on fishing and prepare to cast his line again, he notices something rather odd in the water - or more specifically, something odd in the water’s reflection.
Looking up to see if it is also in the sky, Big realizes that what it is that he sees is, in fact, a spaceship. 
The first thought that enters his mind is that the ship is full of his brethren, having finally noticed after just about a dozen years that he ran away from his responsibilities back home and are intending to take him back there. But Big quickly realizes just how irrational that is, remembering that nowadays the Black Arms have been nearly completely wiped from existence, the only few still alive already living on Aerth. After taking some time to have a second thought, Big remembers overhearing about Tails’ family being a part of the ‘Mystic Fox Armada’, a group that has existed since before mobians came to Aerth with the mission of protecting the universe - at first specifically against the Black Arms - but becoming more broad as time went by. Maybe with all of the trouble that the Black Arms have been causing as of late, they’ve decided to swing by and give the Freedom Fighters a helping hand? That answer didn’t seem quite right either - as Big also remembered Tails describing the armada’s ships at one point, and they were apparently much more like aircrafts made by humans rather than spaceship-like. Before he got the chance to speculate further, a bright beam of light came down from the ship, blinding Big temporarily.
As the light faded, Big began to notice a subtle, yet eye-catching change in the scenery before him in the form of a pair of dark pink hibiscus flowers planted in the grass. Though at first glance they were still bulbs, both of the flowers very rapidly bloomed as Big continued to stare at them in curiosity, and then after they bloomed, their base seemed to grow taller - all in a matter of seconds. As the base began to change shape into something almost humanoid, that is when Big finally realized what it was that had appeared before him - and subsequently, to what the spaceship belonged.
A seedrian.
Finally, the seedrian in question had fully sprouted and detached from the ground, her features having formed as well, which made her quite recognizable to Big.
“Cosmo? What’re you doing here?” He asked as they locked eyes.
Instantaneously, Cosmo recoiled slightly and her face changed to one of embarrassment.
“Oh, h-hello Big! I didn’t know you were in this area. Sorry if I scared you, I know none of you have seen how I initially appear to new worlds - aside from Tails.” She greeted and apologized within the same breath.
“It’s no problem! I’ve seen worse!” Big remarked light-heartedly, hoping to calm Cosmo down. It seemed to work as intended, as she returned to a more confident stance, and the blush on her cheeks lessened. Though, after a moment, she began to look confused.
“Wait, really?” Cosmo wondered.
“... Do you not know?” Big hesitantly replied, thinking very carefully about his next words.
“Know what?” Cosmo inquired, tilting her head slightly.
Big thought long and hard about how he would respond to Cosmo, especially trying to take into account his less than perfect English.
“That I’m a Black Arms?” In the end, he went for the most blunt approach. The bluntness seemed to strike Cosmo fast and hard, leaving her with a stunned expression. But that expression only lasted for about a minute, before she began to giggle.
“Goodness me, how in the great galaxies did I never catch onto that?” Cosmo uttered in between laughs. “For crying out loud, you’re as tall as the average black warrior!” She continued, teasingly. “Granted, you’re not much taller than I am, but still!”
“I am taller in my true form!” Big remarked.
“Really now? How much taller would you say that you are?” Cosmo quiered, sitting down on the grass next to Big.
“About four more feet than I am now!” Big answered. “I was a black oak!”
“Oh my!” Cosmo reacted. “Though, if I may ask, if you have reduced your height by that much already, why not go even smaller and match the height of an average mobian?” 
“It takes a lotta energy to be small. Energy I don’t have much of.” Big admitted.
“Do you have Chaos Energy Deregulation Disorder?” Cosmo asked right after Big had finished speaking. Big tilted his head in confusion. “CEDD? Or, wait, wouldn’t it be KEDD-?” Cosmo reiterated, trailing off into her own thoughts at the end.
“Oh! Yeah. A mild case.” Big replied. “I think they use both acronyms, since most Black Arms know a language that spells ‘chaos’ with a c. I forgot what it stood for.” He explained.
“Well either way, it must be a shame being confined to a mission you can never really complete - with the Black Arms now so few and all.” Cosmo assumed, catching Big’s attention.
“Oh, no. I’m rogue.” He corrected her.
“Oh! My mistake.” Cosmo responded. “May I ask why?”
“I like being on Aerth,” Big began. “I like how nice and kind and pretty it is here. But I don’t like how violent and mean the Black Arms were. That’s why I stayed here instead!” He did his best to explain, internally lamenting that his amaetur English skills made it so that some of the nuance of his thoughts were lost.
“Well, I really can’t blame you for feeling that way…” Cosmo remarked, sounding a bit somber. “I’m not much for violence myself either. After all, it was because of the violent actions of the Metarex and later the Multi-Galactic Unity Council that Green Gate has been in such disarray for almost a decade now…” She lamented.
“What happened?” Big asked.
“You know that us seedrians were originally created by the Black Arms for a mission that never came to be, right?” Cosmo asked.
Big nodded.
“Good, and you remember that after it was made clear that the mission wasn’t going to happen, that Lord Doom granted us seedrians independence but we stayed allies?” Cosmo continued to quiz Big.
Big nodded again.
“Okay, so, one of the last planets the Black Arms raided before attempting to invade Aerth was the one that the Metarex lived on. Being the prideful bunch they were, the vast majority of them refused to abide by the Black Arms’ ways of chaos - so they were massacred. Though, unlike most of those types, some of the Metarex still survived. In fact, enough of them had survived to form a small army that decided to invade Green Gate and attack us as ‘revenge’ against the Black Arms, having somehow found out about our secret allyship,” Cosmo began to explain. “With the allyship being secret to everyone else still, however, our prime minister at the time, Cherry Blossom, wanted to have those remaining Metarex charged with having committed a war crime. The case had reached the court of the Multi-Galactic Unity Council, and everyone had been on Cherry Blossom’s side at first… But…” Cosmo paused for a moment to wipe away some tears that had begun to form and re-composed herself. “Evidence of Cherry Blossom continuing to ally herself and even do work for Lord Doom and the Black Arms had reached… one of the members of the council, and since the trial had occurred shortly after Lord Doom’s demise, the council decided to be petty and charge Cherry Blossom with his crimes as well, since they ‘never got the pleasure of punishing him for them’, condemning her to execution… We still don’t have a new prime minister to this day. Cherry Blossom was the only one we had ever known, and we were too messed up from the Metarex attack to find a suitable replacement, especially since her right hand woman had disappeared around the time of Cherry’s sentencing.” She finally concluded.
“I’m sorry all that happened…” Big did his best to console her, hoping that the words he had were enough to convey his immense sympathy for Cosmo’s situation.
“I’m just so… tired of the instability we’ve been forced to face, ya know? And we couldn’t even fall back upon the Black Arms because they were and still are in an even worse spot than us! There’s also quite a few seedrians that even before the Metarex attack happened have been advocating for Green Gate to fully sever ties with the Black Arms, so the people that are technically left in charge who came to be eventually known as the Green Gate Restoration Effort vetoed the idea…” Cosmo vented. “That decision was made before I joined… And… I-I know it makes me look bad, b-but I have to disagree with it…” She then revealed, turning away from Big. “I-I know, I hate how violent their methods can get sometimes too! But I just want things to go back to normal!! A-And… Okay!! I feel bad for them too!! I know the pain of constant instability and the loss of a beloved leader all too well, and I can only begin to speculate how it feels to have lost so many of your brethren on top of it all!!” She tearfully admitted. “I just want everyone to be happy and okay!!” Big placed a hand on her shoulder, which seemed to quiet her down as well as slow her tears.
“I want everyone to be happy too.” He said to Cosmo. She turned around to face Big again and quickly flew herself into his fluffy chest, clearly signaling to him non-verbally that she wanted a hug - to which Big complied.
“I started keeping tabs on the few Black Arms that are left behind the rest of the restorators’ backs… It was originally just to see if they were doing alright, but at some point I just… Caved. I knew we both needed help to recover what we had lost, so I tapped into the Black Arms Hivemind to the best of my ability and asked them if I could possibly help them with anything with the hope that they’d help us seedrians in return… They told me about Amy being part Black Arms and that one of the surviving Black Arms was her half brother… And that he was trying to get in contact with her to convince her to join them… So I told Amy about the letter he had sent.” Cosmo confessed. “It’s not much for now, but it’s still a line crossed that I can’t go back on… And sometimes I’m not sure if I’m proud of it or not.” She finally pulled away from the hug she and Big were having.
“I… heard about that.” Big sheepishly replied. “... From Amy.”
“Oh, you’re probably helping the Freedom Fighters in all this then, aren’t you…?” Cosmo awkwardly surmised.
“Mhm…” Big confirmed. “Sometimes they aren’t the nicest either, even mean enough to feel like home. I know how it feels to work with people you don’t agree with.” He added, which caused Cosmo’s eyes to widen.
“Really…?” Cosmo questioned.
“... Yup. That’s why I’m trying to stay out of it, really. That and not wanting to hurt anyone.” Big elaborated.
“... That does kinda make me feel better about what I’m doing, honestly.” Cosmo stated. “Though I certainly envy your ability to just avoid it all together… As much as I want to, I can’t. Not when my world is in such dire need…”
“... I hope this isn’t a bad question, but how does Tails feel about what you’re doing?” Big inquired after a little bit of silence, feeling a bit of guilt that only got worse as he saw Cosmo start to look more upset.
“They… They’re not a fan…” Cosmo muttered.
“I could’ve guessed that… Sorry that I asked.” Big replied, trying to do whatever he could to help Cosmo feel better.
“No, it’s a fair question to ask, really,” Cosmo said reassuringly. “I know that Tails still loves me… For now, at least. But there is a part of me that worries what me trying to get help from the Black Arms will do to our relationship long term…” That’s when Big got an idea.
“Why don’t you ask Tails and their family for help with the stuff on Green Gate? I hear they’re really powerful!” Big suggested, placing a hand on Cosmo’s shoulder again.
“I did think of that, yes, but the Mystic Fox Armada is plenty aware of us seedrians’ ties back to the Black Arms, so I’d rather not mess with Tails’ standing with them any more than I already have by dating them… I… I also haven’t yet forgiven him for what he did to us…” Cosmo replied.
“Him?” Big echoed with confusion.
“... Tails’ dad. It was Tails’ dad who gave the evidence against Cherry Blossom during that trial…” Cosmo revealed with utter vitriol in her voice. “I don’t blame Tails for his actions, in fact, I feel they were taken advantage of in a sort of way, in fact - the fact that they were and still are dating me exploited in order to sentence the prime minister of my world to death. But I still hate their father. And I don’t hate people often.” She elaborated with just as much rage. “... He was the one who put us in this turmoil, why would he ever help us out of it?” She finally concluded, having calmed down slightly.
“... Maybe someone else in that place would be able to help? Maybe it can just be Tails themself who helps you?” Big advised.
“... Would they even be willing to do that? They have so many other responsibilities with being a Freedom Fighter, and their role as the sole heir to the Mystic Fox Armada, and their inventions under the Twin-Tail Electronics brand… I’d hate to put more stress on them…” Cosmo wondered.
“Tails would have a better answer to that than me, I think.” Big pointed out. “You should talk to them!”
“Yeah… Maybe I should.” Cosmo realized, her eyes widening and her tears finally fading fully. “Would you like to come with me? Moral support and all.”
“Sorry, I can’t. I don’t hang out with the Freedom Fighters in person much anymore… I may be rogue, but I can still…” Big seemingly didn’t have to finish the sentence for Cosmo to understand what he was getting at.
“Oh, right… That’s alright! Thank you for the help regardless.” Cosmo said to him with a kind smile. Though, that smile suddenly changed into a face suggesting that Cosmo had just remembered something she had forgotten. “By the way, where is the Sky Patrol right now? Do you know?”
“They’re likely near the Merop Sea! They’re bringing Ms.Vanilla there today!” Big told her.
“Ah… A nice trip to the beach…!” Cosmo remarked dreamily. “Thank you again, Big!” She then said before beginning her way out of the Mystic Ruins.
“Do you have money for the train?” Big suddenly asked just before Cosmo left earshot range.
“Yep! Thanks for checking in though!” Cosmo responded.
And so Big then returned to his regular ol’ fishing.
“You know, Froggy, I wish more people would just talk about things.” Big eventually spoke. “Maybe a world where everyone just talks and gets along is what ‘paradise’ really is.” He speculated.
Froggy croaked in response.
“Trust me, Froggy. I’d really like to make Aerth that paradise!” Big replied. “I just… wish I knew how to make others see my point of view!”
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reborrowing · 1 year
a mouse in the basement, part 3/6(?)
First | prev | Kíkítok masterpost | AMITB Translations
not sure how I feel about finishing here, but the next decent stopping point made everything feel disorganized so...here she is.
David gets no more clues about why he's being held here. Kiwi's determined to make an escape using any means available—but mostly David. tagging - @whumpsday (dm/comment to be tagged please) word count: ~1300 cw: continued captivity blood/injury and restraints, and of course language barrier. nothing new if you've made it this far.
David flinched as the masked man grabbed his chin.
He could name a dozen movies that would tell him his next move was to spit at his captor, or at least offer up a good glare, but he was still afraid of making things worse. He was taken aback when he met the masked man’s eyes. Blue eyes flashed with some realization and the hard anger that permeated the mask loosened into fear.
“Fuck me,” the man muttered, shoving David back.
The masked man said nothing, only ripped off a fresh length of tape to use as a gag. He cursed a second time as he gave David a final look before disappearing up the stairs. David slumped against the wall and stared after him, wondering what that was about. His mind was eager to have a new problem to chew on and came up with a host of fantastical answers.
Maybe David was a friend’s relative. Maybe it was love at first sight. Maybe David was some secret Chosen One. It hardly mattered, because none of them got him any closer to home.
Somewhere between fifteen minutes and two hours passed before he noticed Kiwi making her way along the wall towards the stairs. He leaned forward to watch, intrigued that she might be able to climb out of here.
She paced back and forth at the bottom for a while before making a proportionately impressive jump towards the bottom step, but still didn’t clear it. Her hands scrabbled against as she struggled to heave herself over the edge, like a kid who hadn’t quite figured out how to pull themselves out of the pool.
David unsteadily rose to his feet to check on her, but she was upright again before he had shuffled halfway across the room. She sat up, clutching at her side, and stared up at what must seem an endless distance to the door.
He was still a few feet from the stairs when the chain around his ankle pulled suddenly taut, knocking him off balance. Kiwi’s ears perked up, then pressed back in a show of terror. She leaped back to the cement floor and scampered beneath the cover of the floating step. A second passed and she stepped back into view, hands covering her face in embarrassment.
“Ah, I’m sorry, caiyacaiyacosach nábnáb. Hú, David. Tsokay me,” she said, her voice barely louder than a whisper. 
David wondered if the gag hid his smile or if she could see his face at all from her low vantage point. He squatted down to better meet her gaze, but it was an awkward task with his arms pinned behind his back. It hardly made a difference. She was so little that even bent over, he towered over her.
“Fwo, fí kyírowén, sáqá nat piyískamarus…?”
She sounded uncertain as she trailed off. She leaned against the narrow riser behind her and fiddled with the shoulder strap of her bag as she stared up at David with wide, green eyes. He gave her a wary nod to continue even if he couldn’t understand her.
“Kyépasach pé wun, ah, up-sih-tairs,” she said carefully, shaking her head. Her little eyes glittered as she shifted to point at the handrail. “Ayibíabítú tsú. Fí f-fékyépasaró, nat íchowóts swa páfóts pé hyo tsú páf.”
David shook his head. She had watched the masked man cuff him, hadn’t she? She had to know that he couldn’t do anything to get either of them up the stairs.
If I could get over there, I would’ve already left.
“Pease. Fópóyofiyór téwu. Pokyó you,” she pleaded.
David pulled the chain before the chain clattered taut again. Kiwi flinched at the movement, then her shoulders fell as she put together what he was trying to say. She tilted her head to the side and thought for a moment.
“Íkyekikumi pé krát pen pá? Krát?”
She pointed and David turned to follow it, his eyes landing on the window that she had fallen from last night. He nodded in recognition and Kiwi gave him a split second of a smile.
“Áqámpisi séchi fwé sou de íchowóts tik bó pén,” she said. She held up her bag and pointed back at the window, then mimed dropping something. “Ryó kou só kuh fí íkyekikumi…nat faibaiyasat pískpísk sou de fékyépór pé.”
She gave him a firm nod and another expectant look. David wasn’t sure what she meant, but understood that step one was at the window, at least. He trudged in that direction, but it wasn’t much closer to his anchor point than the stairs.
It was almost as if the person who had kidnapped him wanted to keep him from mounting an escape. Not that David would fit through such a small window, but there could be neighbors out there he could signal to. He didn’t actually know if he was in a populated neighborhood, but he’d imagined it once or twice or so since being dragged down here.
Kiwi sighed as she caught up to him. She leaned herself against the the tight chain that hovered around her chest level.
“Kuh pópama pé séchí sou pá? Wi íkya sou? Pease?” she asked.
She patted her bag several times. David furrowed his brows and leaned closer to…try to take it? Maybe? He wasn’t sure. She staggered back and clutched the pack to her chest as if it were her child. Her lip curled up to show off a teeny-tiny fang as she pressed herself against the wall and shook one hand up towards the window.
“No, krát, hyo krát! Chyawúnén pá? Séchí sou bó hyo krát pá?”
David’s brow furrowed, but he gave her her space and looked back at the window. Grayish light filtered in from an overcast sky. As he stood up, the light caught on something metal stuck in the window frame. He strained against the chain for a better look. It looked like a twisted bit of wire, maybe tied to something, maybe just a bit of poor workmanship by whoever built the house. Maybe it was what Kiwi was after? 
He nodded hesitantly. Kiwi tilted her head and considered the short distance between David and the wall. After a minute or so, she ran a hand through her curls and groaned.
“David, hyápén ne. Ma éfamarus mókmók,” she said.
On the last word, she pressed her hands together, mimicking handcuffs. She gestured for David to squat down again. He gave her a skeptical look but lowered himself down. She encouraged him to keep going until his hands rested against the floor. He watched the last of the faint color drain from her face as she stepped forward.
“Rótsusu wun yétsiyétsi ném. Ma…Don’t hurt me.” 
David inhaled sharply as she crept close enough to touch. It was much closer than she’d dared to get at breakfast. He froze, afraid that any sudden movement would scare her off—or worse. She disappeared behind his back.
He tensed as sharp little fingers dug into the side of his palm and she pulled herself up onto the cuffs. She weighed an impressive nothing at all. He could almost forget she was there if it wasn’t for the way her furry arm occasionally brushed against his skin as she picked at the cuff. 
“Tsokay, ma áyapama. Tsokay?” she called after a long minute.
David cautiously tugged against the restraint. His heart jumped as a metal arm fell away and the cuff clattered against the floor. He laughed behind the gag, then gleefully pulled the duct tape from his face and sucked in a full breath. 
“Holy shit, thank you. Did you know you could do that this whole time?”
She sat on his other wrist for several seconds more, not moving. He held his hand still to let her do whatever it was she wanted to do, climb down or pull off the other cuff. Several seconds passed. He started to think that she had jumped down without his noticing until something soft slumped against his bare skin, then slid limply to the floor.
More silence.
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