cosmojjong · 2 years
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tchaikovskym · 2 years
I've had a couple of days lately
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breadbrobin · 9 months
luke castellan x reader — percy jackson and the olympians
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[child of apollo reader, should be gender neutral]
i tried to write a summary but it sucked so: reader is a child of apollo and luke is always hanging around the infirmary with a new injury. you hate it (do you really?)
(this got so out of hand but im so obsessed with luke castellan rn it’s not even funny. like. help.)
warning: like one or two swear words, mentions of injuries and illness, fluff i think
word count: 1.2k
you’d never been a fan of luke castellan. you knew it, he knew it—hell, everyone at camp knew it.
but a little unfriendliness never stopped him.
children of apollo were meant to be warm and kind all the time, but you’d rather die before being happy-go-lucky all the time like your siblings. you’d rather do your job: healing the campers who injured themselves throughout the days at camp. you’d also rather those campers not include luke castellan for once, but not all wishes can come true.
scarcely a day could pass by without luke coming into the infirmary, or coming up to you elsewhere in camp if you weren’t there, with a minor injury that he insisted needed healing immediately.
“i just don’t think i can continue kayaking with a sprained ankle, y/n.”
“what if it was your knees you skinned? wouldn’t you want to get them healed so you could get back to arts and crafts?”
“if my cut finger isn’t healed as soon as possible i’ll have to sit capture the flag out tomorrow! yes, i know it’s a paper cut. that’s not the point!”
he really was ridiculous.
either way, you had to heal him, technically. at your heart, you were a good person. on the surface, you wanted to punch him. give him something to really cry about.
“y/n, your boyfriend’s here again.” one of your sisters, cassidy, called out to you as you checked the stock of bandaids.
you rolled your eyes, not even bothering to correct her. “what this time?”
“i just have the worst headache, doc. it’s killing me.” luke said dramatically, holding his forehead. the small grin on his face didn’t support his statement at all.
you turned around, eyes wide and face serious, but trying not to smirk. “oh no, you might have meningitis! if it’s the worst headache of your life, we should get to you a hospital so they can do a spinal tap and run some tests.”
the grin on his face faltered as you pulled him to a seat. “uh—“
“lie down. don’t move. i’m going to get chiron.”
he gripped your arm. “no, wait, i think—“
“you’ll be fine?” you turned around with raised brows. “yeah, thought so. drink some water, castellan.”
“what? you won’t be able to do sword fighting practise with a headache? big deal.”
“you need to stop coming in here every time you get bored. we’re not an entertainment space.”
“but, i really do have a headache. like. a migraine.”
you stopped and turned back around, dropping the bandages you had been organising. “oh. shit, i’m sorry. hold on.”
cursing yourself internally, you rushed off to get nectar to hopefully help, along with some painkillers and a bottle of chilled water. when you came back, luke was lying on the bed, eyes closed.
“you okay, soldier?” you patted his shoulder gently.
he cracked one eye open and nodded. “kind of.”
you gently pulled him to sit up. “come on. gotta get some meds in you. eat any food today? drink enough water?”
he shook his head as he sipped the nectar, his eyes squinted. “got busy.”
you shot him a disapproving look and he smiled guiltily. “you need to eat or you’ll die. do you want to die?”
he looked up at you with furrowed brows. “you don’t have a very good bedside manner, you know?”
“then why do you keep coming back here?” you went back to organising bandages, busying your hands.
“i like my doctors prettier than they are kind, honestly.”
you froze your movements and looked over at him. luke was smiling slightly. your cheeks weren’t turning red, you told yourself. they weren’t allowed to. “whatever,” you finally said. “take your meds, drink all of that water—sip it, don’t chug—then get some sleep, alright?”
he nodded, taking a sip of the water. “yes, doc. got it.”
you nodded at him firmly and walked off once he’d taken the painkillers, hoping he couldn’t see right through you.
luke hadn’t been to the infirmary in a week, and you were genuinely starting to get concerned.
every free moment you got, you were staring at the door, or out the window, waiting for him to come in with some stupid injury and even more stupid excuse. but he didn’t.
after watching you pace for the seventh time in one morning, cassidy groaned. “just go find him.”
“i’m sure he’s fine.” you said, wringing your hands. “i mean, he’s probably just busy.”
“just go. you’re stressing me out. i can’t get anything done with you filling the room with your nervous energy. go find your boyfriend.”
“luke’s not my boyfriend.”
“i never said who it was.”
“well, it was pretty obvious—“
“just go!” she threw a bandage at your head, effectively forcing you out the door.
you didn’t even know where he was.
camp was huge, so it took you around twenty minutes to find him, he sun glaring into your eyes and likely burning your cheeks. regardless, you were on a mission. finally, you spotted him in the arena. of course.
you watched for a while until he noticed you, standing in the shade with your eyes squinted in the sun and your arms crossed over your chest. he grinned and jogged over.
“hey, doc. what brings you here?” he asked, sheathing his sword.
your eyes followed the precise movement. “why haven’t you been to the infirmary?”
he shrugged. “i haven’t been injured.”
“didn’t stop you before.”
there was a silence.
then he smiled again. “did you miss me?”
your cheeks burned. “no!” you cleared your through awkwardly. “i just… i get… bored. and you… keep the monotony away.”
“you missed me.”
“i did not miss you.”
he leaned closer, rocking back and forth on his feet. “you missed me.”
you glared up at him, but couldn’t fight the tiny smile that forced itself on your lips. you shook your head, pressing your lips together tightly. “nope. didn’t miss you.”
“well,” he shrugged. “guess i don’t need to tell you that i did actually just hurt my hand while training, huh?”
you frowned. “are you aware that consuming as much nectar and ambrosia as you seem to want to will cause you to burn to a crisp?”
“i don’t need godly food if i have you as my doctor.” he smiled cheekily, clenching his fist then wincing. “seriously, though. it hurts.”
“aw, poor baby.” you pouted, leaning forward and placing your hand on his and trying to feel if there was any injury present.
before you could do anything, his fingers had interlocked with yours and he was stepping closer to you.
you looked up at him, heart pounding and cheeks burning. “what are you—“
“i don’t know what we can do for a date around here, but i’d love to take you on one, doc.” he said, his voice uncharacteristically soft.
you froze, heart fluttering. butterflies danced in your stomach. you found yourself nodding before you could stop yourself, smiling. “okay. yeah. take me on a date, soldier.”
“yeah?” he smiled, squeezing your hand. “great! i’ve been trying to work up the guts to ask you for weeks now. also, can i kiss you?”
“i’ve been trying to pretend i didn’t want you to ask me for weeks.” you said, stepping slightly closer to him. “also… yes.”
his free hand cupped your cheek and his lips pressed to yours, soft and sweet.
you wondered why you ever said you didn’t like him.
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insanermin · 8 months
and still i answer your call when she doesn't answer at all
pairing: ellie x fem!reader
warnings: toxic relationship, no nsfw, mentions of vomit, reader is stupid, soft ellie, curse words, not proof read, will never proof read im so sorry
word count: 1,3k
summary: you find yourself at ellie's place again after you fought with your girlfriend, not a first. or; you don't realise that ellie has loved you for a long time now.
it's probably past midnight but nothing matters anymore. blurred vision, narrow path, broken streetlights. thoughts fleet your mind as cars drive past, your heartbeat picking up the pace.
why on earth were you in a relationship when all you did was fight, get insulted and humiliated?
for god's sake, this is the third time this month you walked down this road, sobbing. your screen lights up, the brightness gives you a headache after all this crying. you ignore it, because you feel like your bones would give up any second if you chose to concentrate on something else.
pacing through her living room, ellie checks her phone twice, even thrice, but no new message yet.
'need me to come pick you up?' delivered.
just about when she made up her mind to get dressed and pick you up, the door rings. sighing in relieve, ellie opens the door, while taking a look back, making sure everything's in place. blanket on couch? check. water and snacks? plenty. tissues? ready to be used. she hears the heavy footsteps that belong to none other than you, nervousness starts to creep up on the nape of her neck. even though you've been friends for a year or two, ellie can't help but feel nervous around you and she'd never been able to ignore it. and there you are, mascara smudged, flushed cheeks and a red nose. but it wasn't the only redness ellie was concerned about. her eyes wander down to the bouquet of red roses your holding upside down.
oh, someone fucked up big time, ellie thinks to herself.
but before anything, she pulls you into a hug, mumbling a 'you okay?' into your hair. it's ridiculous how she could still ask this while seeing your swollen from crying face, but you still shake your head. however, you know that she cares immensely about you, otherwise you wouldn't be at her place at 2 am. her arms are no longer around you and she takes the bouquet from your hand and puts it on a coffee table. you take off your jacket, throw it to your left while you let yourself sink into the couch. ellie has watched your every step carefully, she's scared you might faint right in front of her because you've lost all colour in your face. a lot of time has passed sitting in silence, until ellie decides to speak up. she seems to hesitate, her eyebrows furrowed.
"so, what happened today?" she asks carefully, placing her hand on your thigh. you look at her hand placement, then at her. the way she looks at you makes you wish that your girlfriend ever looked at you like this, with so much care. you take a deep breath, then decide it's best to tell your friend what happened.
"i told her she should stop talking to her ex, i saw her ex text her 'i miss you' the other day," you say, feeling your tears swell up. ellie returns a soft 'mhm' signalising that she's listening.
"and then today, she bought me these flowers to apologise, but when she apologised, she fucking said her name instead of mine," you watch ellie gasp in shock, passing you some tissues as tears start to stream down your face.
"then we argued, she said she can't help but think about her, i told her i'd leave and then she started to insult me, threatened me even and i couldn't take it anymore," you spare ellie the details because you don't want her to worry too much, you know that she worries a lot about you.
ellie looks at you, pours in some water for you, all in silence. it confuses you because usually, she'd be much more talkative but today, something is different about her. if you weren't so upset about your own situation you would've asked, however you don't have the strength.
you drink some water, put it back on the table and as soon as your hands were free, ellie pulls you back and lays your head on her chest. you've needed this. you needed some comfort, comfort your girlfriend couldn't give you. you feel ellie's chest rise as she sighs.
"fuck, you don't even like roses..." she mutters disappointed, which surprises you. how did she know? when did you tell her? but her stroking your head seems to make you forget everything, objectively speaking, her big and rough hands had a nice feeling to them, they make you feel protected. you're in no position though to think about this, ellie is just a friend and you're in a relationship. and only now you realise that ellie has prepared all your favorite snacks, ready to be eaten just for you. how often have you been here? you know that ellie hates all of them, but still, they're here just for you. this isn't good, you need to stop thinking, you need this silence to end.
"want to watch something?" you ask, ellie nods. she picks up the tv remote, turns the tv on and stands up. you look at her confused, she holds out her hand, telling you to wait. you sit back, watching her silhouette. has her body always looked this good? you can appreciate when someone's attractive, so this means nothing. she squats in front of the tv, searching through the mini tv cabinet. a triumphant 'aha!' emerges from the front, ellie turns around to you, holding madagascar 2. you honestly don't feel like laughing at all, but you can't help but giggle a little.
"what the fuck, why do you have this?" you question, squinting your eyes to check if it's really that what you think it is.
"we talked about it once—" she's back to squatting, putting the dvd in,
"—and you said you really liked this movie back then—" ellie comes back to the couch, looking up to her sure is an interesting view. objectively speaking.
"—so last week i was on a flea market and saw they had this movie, it made me think of you," ellie says, her arm around you again, pulling you close to her. two things: why are her arms so big and she thought of you?
"wish my girlfriend was a little more like you," you say while leaning your head against her shoulder. a little more like her. for fuck's sake, ellie doesn't know how much longer she can do this. watch you suffer, watch you cry, watch you completely look the other way. you haven't left ellie's mind ever the two of you started talking. at first she thought she was just excited to have a new friend, but the more often you laid in her arms, the more her feelings grew. and she hated to see you hurt like this, when she knew that you could have her. it doesn't even stop there, because how come you wish for your girlfriend to be like her when she is literally there? how come you see all the things she does for you, but never questioned its intentions? fuck, she'd never make you cry or leave her place in the middle of the night, she'd talk it through, she would...
but what are would have's when ellie knows your blinded by the way you're hurting, you'd never see ellie the way she sees you. she'd stop the world for you but until you realise that the world would start spinning again. fuck your girlfriend, she didn't even know you hated roses, she doesn't know you the way ellie does. in fact, fuck her so much, because the last time she made you cry, you started puking and ellie was there the whole time, held your hair up, rubbed your back, washed your face, carried you back to her bed, made you some tea and even tucked you in bed. if she only could speak the way her actions do, her pouring her heart out would've been long overdue.
"i'd treat you so much better than her..." ellie whispers into your hair, but you've fallen asleep in her arms long ago.
a/n: sorry it took me so long to post, also BRYSON TILLER WILL BE ON TOUR OH MY GOD all credits to bryson tiller when i listen to his songs i think about ellie <333 anyway inspo was 'no longer friends' bryson tiller.
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sageworld · 1 year
The Christmas Kids • Rafe Cameron. (part II)
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“the christmas kids were nothing but a gift,
and love is a tower where all of us can live.”
he was really sweet in the beginning but then something changed
WARNINGS • Cheating, mentions of sex work, reader catches an STD, overall just a upsetting chapter
christmas kids masterlist; here
it had been hours and you couldn’t stop the tears. you laid yours’ & rafe’s half full bed in your pajamas sobbing your eyes out.
your bed side clock read, rafe still wasn’t home he had texted you saying he was going out with top & kelce to watch the football game at the local bar around 7:30 & that was the last you heard from him.
you ponder back onto the events that had happened before that. you had walked into your local planned parenthood, complaints of vaginal pain, slime like discharge & a overall smell that you’d been insecure about for about two days now.
“hi mrs. cameron, im maddy & i’ll be your nurse today. i see on file that you want to get STD tested today.” your nurse greets you while closing the door behind her.
“yes, i’ve been having some issues and i just wanna make sure.” the small talk continues on for some time before she gives you the small green lidded cup & you head to the bathroom.
as you finish your business you leave it in the small metal box in the bathroom, going back to wait in the nurses office like directed. the nerves running through you.
your phone buzzed.
rafey💍🧿: hey babe, just checked your location. wyd?
y/n: just been having some cramp issues is all.
you put your phone down when the nurse comes back in, your phone binging as you do so but you choose to ignore it.
“hi again, so we got your results back & unfortunately you’ve tested positive for chlamydia.” you don’t hear much past that. trying to swallow down the lump in your throat, focusing on trying not to cry in her office.
“mrs.cameron?” she tries to gain your attention to which you look up to her from your chair, teary eyed. “you will have to alert all partners you’ve been with-.” “i’ve only been with my fiancé, they’re must be some mistake.” the tears start to fall.
“i know this is hard, you should recommend your fiancé come in for some testing as well.” she rubs your back. “i want to be tested again, there must’ve been a mistake.” you sob, feeling the headache coming.
“mrs. cameron, we can test again but i can assure you that you’re positive for it, im gonna prescribe you some antibiotic that you can pick up at any local pharmacy.”
fast forward back to now, over pondering on the events of the day. your heart aches, you knew rafe. you knew of his infidelities but the thought never crossed your mind that he wasn’t using protection.
a nervous rumble fills your belly as you hear the roar of his trucks engine pulling up in your drive way.
your clock now reads, football game my ass.
you knew he was never really watching football, rafe had more than a few addictions. somewhere in between the cocaine and money, strippers had fell into it. there was a club about 30 minutes away on the mainland that you’d seen rafe’s location at a few times. and after a few text searches you knew top & kelce had always gone with him.
at first you didn’t think it was bad, you’d looked at other guys before while in the relationship, hell for your eighteenth girls sleepover your friends got you a male stripper as a joke. that was until you woke up and saw nearly 2900 had been withdrawn from your & rafe’s account. it didn’t say what on but you could only assume he had taken out cash.
as time went on & it got worse, you could only wonder. why them?
he was engaged to you but he always found his way back to them. why couldn’t you be good enough? it felt like no matter how many hours you spent in the gym, no matter how clean and lean you ate it wasn’t enough. you always wondered if he was bored of your body, seeing the same things over and over again. but, that’s not much of a topic you should be thinking about.
you try and contain your sobs as he opens your bed room door, stumbling over to you. it’s clear he thinks your asleep. “mm sweet kitty.” he slurs, liquor taken over him as he bends over the bed to plant a kiss on your forehead.
you don’t move or dare open your eyes even after you hear the door to your master bathroom shut & the shower water turn on.
you shove your face into the pillow and quietly sob, the pillow nearly soaked from the hours you’d spent crying, salivating & snot running onto it.
3:26 am
you quickly open your eyes to see the time as the bathroom door opens again, he turns off the light before hopping into his side of the bed, cuddling you under the covers. even though your backs faced to him you can now smell rafe and not some cheap whoreish perfume.
you debating for a bit, should i tell him or wait till tomorrow
but as soon as you get ready to turn you hear his soft snores.
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6:24 am
despite the lack of sleep you’re up early & cannot stand the idea of staying cuddled up with rafe. you quietly get up and sneak away, grabbing a cute gym two piece set.
after doing a few hygiene things and grabbing the essentials, gym bag, pre work out, stanley, airpods & a small protein bar for the road you’re off.
working out was always a good way to clear your mind, just put your airpods in and focus on you.
your body drips in sweat as you’re 30 flights into your stair master. you’d done a few other things and had been here for god knows how long.
buzz buzz buzz
your airpods ring in your ears.
FaceTime call: Rafey🧿💍
you hesitate to answer but decide to anyways.
“mm kitty, why’d you run off so early?” rafe answers, sleepy voice and still in bed.
“just wanted to get out the house.” you simply answers,looking down to focus on the stairs. “should’ve woken me up i would’ve come.” rafe frowns. you shrug on the camera, “what’s wrong?” rafe asks, your attitude upsetting him.
“nothing just have somethings i need to talk to you about when i get home.” you can tell what you said make rafe anxious as his eyes open a bit.
“really kitty? about what?” his voice holds excitement. ok so maybe not nervous.
“im finishing up here and i’ll tell you when i get home.” the conversation goes on for a bit longer with rafe just wanting you to tell him but untimely he agrees for you to tell him at home, after saying your goodbyes and love yous, you make your descend off the machine.
you don’t wanna go but decide it’s for the best, packing your stuff into your gym bag & making your way out the door.
it feels all too soon as you walk into the front door of your house, the tv playing loudly. it’s a saturday so rafe’s off today, the sound off last nights football games highlights playing.
“hi kitty.” rafe smiles, man spread on the couch still in his pajama pants and no shirt. “hey rafe.” you say blandly, the sight of him disgusting you. “c’mere kitty, what’d you wanna talk to me about.” he pats his lap for you to sit. “i-i think i’m gonna shower first.” the definitely wasn’t a conversation you wanted to have with rafe.
you were sure, rafe knew you knew he was cheating. yet the one or two times you had even slightly brought it up he shut it down saying he didn’t know what you were talking about. you knew he saw your face when you once saw a hickey left on his neck that wasn’t from you. when you can smell another woman on him, when he comes home at the late hours of the night/early hours of the morning.
“no, no. i have to shower too but let’s talk first.” rafe’s voice is soft, inviting it usually is when rafe thinks he gonna get home kind of good news from you. what does he think i wanna talk about?
“rafe, have you been using protection like when you’re having sex?” the lump in your throat forms as rafe sits his body up completely, nervous look on his face. “well uh-kitty we don’t use condoms but you’re on your birth control.” he runs his hand through his hair, a tall tale sign he’s nervous or feels like he’s been caught.
“not with me rafe and, i swear to god if you’re not honest with me i will walk right back out that door and i will not come back.” you’re frustration only grows.
“i-i usually do but just sometimes i don’t but i promise when i don’t i pull out or-or-or i make them take a plan b in front of me i swear.” rafe stands fidgeting with his hands as he steps closer to you. “whyre you asking me this?” rafe stops in front of you, voice shaking.
“i went to planned parenthood yesterday & turns out i have chlamydia. we both know you’re the only one i’ve ever been with so, yeah.” you nod your head, a tear falling as you bite your lip.
“so you’re not pregnant?” rafe’s head hangs low as he reaches for you, making you step back. “why the actual fuck would i be pregnant?” is that what he thought?
“well i saw you went there yesterday and you said cramps but i knew you weren’t on your period because we’ve been having sex like everyday, so i just thought.” rafe explains, grabbing his hair in both hands before letting out a breath of air & before you know it he’s hyperventilating.
“r-rafe, calm down.” you wanna tell him it’s okay just to get him out of this state but it’s not okay, it’s not fair to you. you walk up to him and he begins to slowly place himself on the ground, one hand on his chest and one still in his hair and he tries to find his rhythm to breath. “rafe you need to calm down, now.” your tone more stern as you get down next to him.
“i’m so sorry my kitty, im so fucking sorry.” he sobs into your stomach. “rafe, stop fucking cry please and let’s talk.” you’re over it at this point. you’ve been cheated on, embarrassed & given an std by the man who’s supposed to love you the most & he’s here crying.
he looks up to you, shocked by your tone. “o-okay.” he sniffles, sitting his back up against the side of the couch.
“i’m just going to keep it simple rafe. i want you to go to planned parenthood for antibiotics, i want you to stop fucking these bitches, i expect you home by no later than 10:00pm and if you can’t do that then the weddings off.” you shrug and let out a sigh at the last part. “o-okay, i-i promise.” he stutters out when suddenly it hits him, “please don’t take away the weddding.” his sobs almost remind you of a child who’s favorite toy has been taken as he goes back to crying into your stomach.
“rafe, we’re still getting married as long as you get your shit together.” you sigh, scratching his scalp with your acrylic nails which you know he loves.
“i swear baby, im gonna ma-make this right.”
god i hope so.
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love-toxin · 2 years
If you have any more thoughts on this bully!Eddie and bully!Steve dynamic you'd like to share...Cause this had me fucking feral. Older or younger, their partnership has to be deadly.
Constantly in silent competition with each other to see who makes reader cry the hardest, the manipulation tactics, bro. I just want them both to be really mean and possessive over me, you know?
heh. heheheheheh.....HEH!!! i made this a little sweeter cuz im weak
let them eat cake
(cws: older!bully!steddie, f!waitress!angelface, age gap (20s-late 30s/40s), innocence/corruption kink, a singular knife, they're possessive in their own way, crying, sexual harrassment (not them), shitty diner etiquette, steve has sugar daddy tendencies, a little angst with a fluffy ending.)
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The possessiveness is what really gets them. Steve and Eddie love seeing you cry, love making you wet while you work, love talking down to you when you can't talk back and you wouldn't anyways cause you're just so pretty and dumb and sweet, too shy and too nice to have an attitude and they can tell after a while that it's cause you like the attention. Or maybe you have a thing for degradation and you aren't even aware of it, who knows?
But there are times when your teary-eyed face isn't satisfying, when your trembling shoulders as you approach their table don't make Steve's leg bounce and Eddie's grin twitch up. When you hurriedly try to wipe your face dry before you come up to them, your voice crackly and soft as you whimper out a "wh-what can I get for you today?" with your pen poised over your notepad that won't stop shaking. Those are the times that they aren't the culprits for your misery, and they wanna know who the fuck has been pushing around their dumb little princess.
Yeah, your job at the diner is shitty, and the hag at the front counter likes to bark at you pretty often as the only other waitress--but that's not enough to make you this way. They survey the rest of the diner until their eyes land on another table a ways away, and see the group of happy-go-lucky college boys that are so loud and rowdy that their voices are already giving Steve a headache. And after you bring the older gentlemen their waters and sweet tea (that you make yourself and they always insist on having a taste of even though it's the same recipe every time) they watch you get more and more anxious as you pass those dickheads by, the group of them high off a game win or something because they wolf whistle in your direction every time you get close enough. It's rage-inducing for the two of them, watching those shitty fucking brats make comments and flirt with you and even mock groping you, causing you to flinch away and spill one of their drinks that they laugh about as they insist you clean it up. And the grins on their faces when they lean over to watch you bend down to pick up the cup, hoping to get a glimpse of your ass in the skirt you're wearing today--oh, they both just want to throttle them, but Steve especially so. He may be fucking crusty as he nears his forties, but he's a lot bigger and a lot stronger than those jerks half his age.
The two of them just sit there and marinate in their own fury for awhile, but just when Steve's moving to get up out of his seat because he cannot fucking take another second of this bullshit, and he's mumbling that he's gonna teach those dickheads some goddamn respect--you've got your hand on his arm and you're holding him, clutching at the sleeve of his sweater with panic in your eyes.
"P-Please, Mr. Harrington, don't get in trouble," You whimper, trying not to let the feeling of his thick, firm biceps under your palms distract you. "I can deal with it, I promise. I-I'll make them quiet down, so you don't get a headache."
Oh, you don't even realize. The unexpected sweetness of you remembering such an insignificant detail about him actually makes Steve's heart jump, feels like it's the first time in ages since it's done that. It's baffling to each of them that you're more concerned about them, though--and there's that crack of mercy that forms then, that's slowly gonna get wider and wider as the two of them realize they don't just wanna tease you, they want you.
When you walk away, for once, Steve just stares down at his glass as he sips from it. Wondering how much money you would take from him to quit this shitty job today. Meanwhile, Eddie's worked up a glare to cast at the college kids that they definitely notice this time, their obnoxious laughter turned to head shifting and whispering as they wonder why that freak is staring so hard. The more he does it, the more unnerved they get, so he doesn't look away even when they make eye contact to try and ward him off. It would be a contest, if Eddie didn't produce a little pocket knife from his jacket, and start flipping it around without breaking his stare and without slicing a single cut into his fingers. And that seems to be enough for them to get over themselves and turn away to snap their fingers at you for the check, before filing out of the diner as a group and keeping up that threatened hush over them until they get outside. Then they're boisterous again, laughing and making ill-intentioned jokes about that weirdo perv as they get into their cars, because Eddie knows they're fucking scared of him. They wouldn't be so loudly claiming they weren't if that was really the truth.
Finally, when peace falls over the diner again, they watch you clear the plates and then scurry over to collect the check, and grimace when your shoulders visibly fall, the measly few pennies left over for your tip barely weighing down your hand. Yet you still count them in your palm, picking out a few bits of pocket lint from the pile because it was obviously thrown in half-assedly. Fucking pricks. Only a seriously sadistic group of assholes wouldn't tip their goddamn waitress.
"Honey, come here." You perk up at Steve's voice--how cute--and hurry towards their table, slipping the chump change into your apron pocket on the way. You nearly trip trying to get there in short time, but you stand up straight and smooth out your skirt once you're there, perched nearly on the balls of your feet as you wait for their command. "Closer."
As if on autopilot, your body moves to shuffle towards Steve's side of the booth, and you lean over so your face is closer even though you look more than a little nervous. Worried he's gonna do something bad? Gonna take advantage of you when you're already beat down?
"This is for you." The thick thumbful of cash he had ready gets pushed into your hand--he was gonna stuff it down your top for a laugh, but for some reason it makes its way right into your palm. He closes your hands over it so you won't see how much it is, but you can feel how much paper is unfurling even as it's tucked tightly inside your fist. Your little doe eyes widen, and you shake your head, your first reaction to try and give it back. Whether you don't think you deserve it, or you were raised to be polite and humble, either way it's too fucking sweet for him to resist, and he forces your hand to squeeze it tighter. "Don't get an ego. But, I'm....I'm proud of you."
"Are....are you kidding, Mr. Harrington?"
Oh, for fuck's sakes. Eddie's expression shifts like lightning into shock and concern, seeing you tremble and tear up at those simple words, and hearing your disbelief so strong in your shaky voice that you think it's just a joke.
"Christ, I-"
"One sec!" You suddenly dart away, the cash still clutched in your hand as you skid around the other tables in your way and run into the kitchen, the two of them hearing one of the cooks in the back reprimand you for rushing around, you're gonna slip! Thankfully, they don't hear those telltale crashes of dishware breaking or cutlery clattering to the floor, but the two of them are left wondering and looking at each other until you patter right back out with two plates in hand. They don't even notice what it is because they're too wrapped up in how big your smile is, cheeks still wet cause you didn't have a second to dry them, until you set down both plates in front of each of them and produce two forks.
It's a thick slice of cake for both men, Steve'a a vanilla flavour with lots of fresh strawberries piled on and drizzled around it, while Eddie has a hefty chunk of double-chocolate cake with enough frosting to give him diabetes. Both have a few sprinkles scattered messily around the smudged frosting and whipped cream, and the cake is moist if a little crumbly, but it so screams you that they're left looking back at you in awe.
"Dessert's on the house. I, um...I made it. Both of them. Gladys let me do the new desserts."
You fidget with your fingers anxiously as they each take their first bites, overwhelmed with fruit and sugar and cholesterol. It's so fucking great. Steve at least has some decorum as he swipes up the whipped topping and hums at realizing it's homemade, but you almost seem more eager to hear Eddie's almost piggish grunting as he stuffs his mouth full of cake, his lower lip smeared with chocolate that he's quick to wipe off with his thumb and suck clean. Only once they're eating do you think to rub your face dry, swiftly using the back of your hands to smooth out the streaks before your smile grows brighter.
"Incredible," Eddie moans, and you try to hide your giggling. Steve wishes you wouldn't, he hasn't realized he's been staring until you turn to look at him, and he shoves another bite past his lips to cover it up. "You need to come cook at my place. Forget Harrington, he's got girls lining up to feed him."
"Shut up." He finally meets your eyes, the scowl nowhere near reaching his eyes as they run over your sweet, smiling face. "He's an idiot. Come use my kitchen anytime you want." It's not really until those sober thoughts hit your ears that Steve really realizes that he said them so bluntly, and in a bid to brush it off, he demands you bring them both a coffee to go with their cake.
"Mhm!" You hum, his stern tone not even making you flinch as you practically skip off to the kitchen to make them their drinks, your skirt flouncing up just enough that they can get a peek underneath if they dip their heads. They're a little too involved in their desserts to catch it, though, and Steve has a faraway look in his eyes as he picks a lone sprinkle off and eats it that has Eddie smirking.
"I said shut up."
He mutters back, his voice soft and barely there like the words are just flimsy things to form it. The smile that turns up his lips as he stares at his plate can't be mistaken, though, the tines of his fork dragging little lines in the icing as he thinks about how happy you looked just now.
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aropride · 7 days
my day today
6am wake up. The Fear. phone in bed time, shower, breakfast. still scared
9am-11am. homework in library until too scared. took anxiety meds.
12pm-1pm. anxiety gets worse. cancel plans with friend bc too scared.
1pm-3pm. severe headache. still scared
3pm-4pm. class. severe anxiety.
4pm-5pm. dinner. severe anxiety. too much mayo on my sandwich
5pm. going back to my dorm. get in the elevator. wearing mask as per usual. Two guys in there. im on my phone ignoring them as one does. one guy starts fake coughing and talking abt how he’s sorry he’s just “so sick” and it’s probably “the freshman flu”. his friend is like “idk what you’re talking about” and he’s like “i’ve been so sick all day bro i think it's the frat flu" and his friend's like "man what are you doing." (in his defense i feel like the friend was a bit offput by this guy being a cunt for no reason but didnt know what to do about it, which, like, it sucks but i get it). Elevator stops at the 3rd floor (im 4th, 3rd and 4th buttons were pressed) and this guy starts talking about how he was at "this frat party and it was crazy were you there. everyone was throwing up and stuff it was like alpha beta delta gamma-" ("that's not even a real frat" - the friend) and as hes doing this he's standing in the elevator door holding it open and now that the door is open and he's not physically in the elevator i feel okay acknowledging him so i look up from my phone and go. "Come on man." and even his friend seems mildly unimpressed and he's like "im just telling a story" and i'm like. "ok? you can text him." And he was like "i dont have a phone" but he left and his friend said something but i was not listening bc i was too busy vividly imagining various scenarios where i commit suicide as revenge for this whole ordeal. Anyway i'm making the executive decision to do drugs in my room alone tonight once i'm finished complaining abt this on all my social media accounts. Also i didn't think of it in time but the thing i've come up with to say when people are fucking stupid abt my mask is to get teary eyed (easy bc i cry when im mad or scared) and tell them my sister has leukemia and i just got back from visiting her. so.
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gojos-fr-bae · 5 months
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Pairing: Levi x fem!reader
Warnings: Angst...Death, mentions of war. Cussing, shouting, crying
Word Count: 649 (AAAHHH, It's short)
A/N: Two in one day AGAIN, damnnn
(Requests open)
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You hated fights with Levi, especially before expeditions. You two loved each other deeply however just like in any relationship, you had your good days and bad days and boy were your bad days BAD.
And today was one of those days.
“The only thing you are is delusional and you know it. So please, stop being a headache and listen for once.” He said in a chilling low tone. 
He didn’t actually think that you couldn’t handle it, if anything, you were more skilled than any other member of the army. But that’s when It’s Titans. The war you were going to fight was against humans and they were unpredictable. He was just worried about you. If anything were to happen to you, it would ruin him. He just didn’t have the best way of communicating that.
“Well fuck that Levi. I’m a grown woman and I can do whatever I want, and I’m not going to sit here at home while people are going to be out there fighting for their lives and that’s final!” You walked out and slammed the door behind you and that was that.
He knew he shouldn’t have let you come. He knew he should have made you stay but you just wouldn't listen.
He was using his 3DMG to get to the medics tent as fast as he could. You were okay. Oh gosh you are going to be okay. He can’t lose you. He needs you. You’re his everything and he wouldn’t be able to survive without you.
Running through the tent flaps. His blood ran cold as he looked down at you in your bed with a bullet wound right in the center of your chest.
He knelt right next to your bed and held your cold palm on his own. Gosh, you felt so cold. Too cold.
“Darling, hey, hey, I’m right here. Look at me, look at me.” He said frantically, trying to grab your attention.
You slowly turned your head to face him, Smiling softly at him when your eyes met.
“Hey sweety.”you responded, although your voice is extremely soft as you’ve run out of energy.
“Hi, look, everything’s going to be okay, just stay with me, you’re going to be okay, I promise.”
“Levi, I’m sorry, I should’ve listened” you said sadly, a stray tear running down your cheek.
“No, no, no, please don’t be sorry, it wasn’t your fault.”
“Remember to take care of yourself.” You said, voice fading slowly
“Y/N please-” he responded, voice breaking ever so slightly as he placed one palm against your cheek, brushing away your tears. Gosh, you were bleeding so much…too much.
“And don’t overwork yourself”
“My love please, don’t do this to me.”
“And you dare, ever, forget that I love you.”
“Also, remember that I just want you to be happy, okay.?” “Y-Y/N I’m begging you-”
“And you dare, ever, forget that I love you.” You said, and then your chest stopped rising and your body went limp.
“Y/N, Y/N please, wake up. Darling, wake up. Don’t go, please please please don’t go. My love, don’t do this to me. I can’t live without you, please. Please.”
He was trembling as tears streamed down his face. You were gone. No matter how much he denied it or how much he prayed to all that was good and just, You are gone. You are gone and there was nothing he could do to change that.
He didn’t even get to tell you he loved you.
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@porridgesblog , @giannitaa , @c0pkiller , @havens-not-here, @starlightanyaaa
© gojos-fr-bae
I Always mix up liar tags and normal tags, sry if that's the case rn.
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nighthaterfrfr · 9 months
take a deep breath for me
1st request from @jben073 , grace getting overstimulated and steph comforting!
im no stranger to being overstimulated, but im still not sure how to write it as someone who im pretty sure is neurotypical?
so fair warning if its inaccurate, i tried pulling from peoples experiences and a bit of my own for grace.
anywho, lets get to it! a nighthater tumblr preview ig
If someone had told Stephanie Lauter, reluctant daughter and overall "girl-who-doesn't-give-a-shit" that she'd have to help someone like Grace Chasity with being overstimulated, she'd look at the them confused and laugh in their face.
So how the fuck did she get into a situation like this?
Ever since she's been hanging out with Pete, Grace, and the rest of the school's so-called "Nerdiest Prudes," most of them have been safe. Well, because of her and Jägerman. Even then, some people still harass the students often. Especially Grace. Yet today was a little different.
It's a rare occasion when Max Jägerman misses school. The boy rarely got sick, and his father never cared enough to take him anywhere besides school and football games. So whenever he's gone, the rest of the school preys upon the prudes. Today was also a good day to go after Hatchetfield High's resident preacher.
Grace has had a relatively rough day already. Her father ended up dropping her off late for homeroom and she's been behind in completing all of her assignments. Her mind's a mess since the Waylon Place, and it has not been treating her good.
On her way to her AP Biology class, two of Max's football friends had decided to smack the notebook she had held and laughed at her while she picked it up. One of them taunted, "Aww, what's the matter? You gonna cry to Jesus about it?" Usually, Grace would easily refute back at them with the very repetitive, "You will all be going to hell!" speech, but today she just let them continue. One more thing to add onto a massive, unstopping headache that left her agitated.
When she got to AP Bio, some of the cheerleaders were waiting there. They immediately took the notebook again, and tossed it over to the two originally picking on Grace. She was mad, but it felt odd. It felt like it was all too much. The louder they laughed, the more that Grace felt like she needed to get out of there and scream. The loud insults, the sun getting in her eyes, the bell ringing? It was all too much for Grace "Chastity Belt" Chasity.
Somehow, Steph was also in Grace's AP Bio period. She may be a bit misguided, but she's certainly not that stupid. Sure, it's almost a failing grade, but hey, a 63% is all right with the mayor's daughter. As she was once again late to her classes, she saw that people were once again, picking on Grace. Steph knows better, and she knows that Grace Chasity always wards people like that easy. However, seeing her run off, tears rolling down her face and a face that looks like she'll kill someone was a different situation.
The group of people teasing and making fun of Steph quickly left, and Steph went after the crying girl right after they left. Look, she's not one to help comfort people, but seeing one of her closest friends cry is her limit. Following Grace, she ended up in a storage closet in the school. Steph decided not to go in right after Grace, as to give her some time to relax a little.
"Oh gosh darn it!" Grace had been breathing heavily and shaking for quite a bit. She's obviously upset, but for what? She has no idea what in the world is causing this, and it seriously sucks! To be honest, this kind of thing would happen frequently with her, especially when she was younger, but it was never like this. Never where Grace Chasity would have to skip a class to calm down.
The smell of the wood in the room was a familiar sense. Shop Class, from her junior year. She always did like Mr. Houston the best as a teacher. Looking around, Grace's breathing slowing down and her temper cooling, she hears a knock at the door. She quickly backed away and considered hiding, but she knew she'd been caught.
"Chasity? You... you doing better? It's um, Steph. I just wanna check on you, that's all." The voice of Stephanie Lauter soothed her a lot more. Yet, it also scared her. The fact that Steph was also skipping Bio just to see how she was doing? It was charming. And really thoughtful, too.
Grace stood up and walked towards the door, letting Steph in as her notebook dropped on the ground. Steph quickly went to go pick it up as the two of them sat on the floor right by the door. Sitting shoulder to shoulder, the room was silent. Steph had no idea what to do in this situation, so she didn't talk or engage in anything with Grace unless she did it first.
Breaking the silence, Grace had began to ramble, saying, "I'm sorry Stephie, I just kind of freak out sometimes like that. I don't even know why I do this! I mean, I've been doing this since I was young, but I guess I've been repressing like my parents sa-" Steph quickly saw that her breathing got quick and her face was about to cry, so she stopped her, holding out a palm with one of her rings on the inside.
"Just take a deep breath, ok? It's fine, Grace. You're just here in the shop storage room, and- and it's clear that a lot is getting to you."
Steph may haven't been the quietest person, but she's a damn good observer. So much so, she knows that Grace loves to play with a ring whenever she has one on. Steph also knows that Grace frequently taps her foot in a very syncopated rhythm when nervous. She also knows that Chasity repeats the phrase "cool beans" as a way of motivating or calming herself down. Along with biting her nails when nervous, shaking her hands and almost spinning when she gets excited, and biting her tongue when confused.
Steph had quietly noticed all of these traits. Thought it would be no big deal until now. After all, it's just her friend Grace Chasity and all the little things she does.
Grace grabbed the ring, sighing as she puts it on her finger and fidgets with it. "How did you know I liked to do this, Stephie?" Grace asked her, causing Steph to twiddle her thumbs and looking elsewhere. She replied, "Oh, y'know. Just noticed it during AP Calc, I guess." Grace smiled slightly as she put her hands down, mumbling to herself.
"Stephie, do you know what autism is?" Steph looked at her, a bit off guard with the question. "Yeah, I do. How come?" Grace looked a bit nervous, trying to keep eye contact with Steph. "So- uh, I'm on the spectrum? I mean, I was diagnosed when I was younger, but I have just kind of been ignoring. My mommy and daddy says to just pray to God and hope it goes away, y'know. I've prayed and prayed everyday, pleading that I won't be so overwhelmed."
"So why won't it go away?"
Steph looked at Grace, her face filled with concern and a hint of confusion on how to answer a question like this. "Because... it's just a part of you. You've been denying you've been so overstimulated for a while, haven't you?" Steph asked, Grace nodding yes. "Um, I'm not on the spectrum, so I have no idea how you're feeling, Grace. However, I know that, if needed, I'm here for you. If you want, of course." Grace faces Steph fully, her attention on her as she smiles.
"Thanks, Stephie." Grace said, getting her notebook back from the other girl. Standing up, Grace looked around the storage room. SHe didn't want to go to the class, but she also knew that both Steph and herself would be in trouble if caught skipping. Trying to think about the possibilities for trying to hide in the room, Grace walked around.
Weirdly enough, the rows of plywood in the room comforted Grace, letting her think more. Maybe it reminded her of her favorite class, or her favorite class, or her favorite kid to babysit. Nonetheless, she knew that she couldn't be here for long. Breathing in deeply, she walked back to the door, opening it. Steph stood up, peeking out once Grace opened it slightly.
Thankfully, there was never many students that would skip a class so early in Hatchetfield High, so there are rarely any hall monitors in the school. Because of this, Steph and Grace quickly snuck out of the big storage room and returned back to their Biology class in the same hallway they were in. Steph held onto Grace's hand to reassure her and to remind that she has someone to rely on when something like this happens again.
After all that, Steph was still trying to make sure that Grace wasn't too overwhelmed with any of the classes they had together. From giving her one of her airpods to take a break from all the noise and instead listening to Steph's very explicit (and very good) playlist to helping isolate herself during a group activity if it seemed like too much.
Grace was very appreciative of this, and got even closer to Steph. Every time she'd get overwhelmed at school, somehow, Steph was there.
Even then, what's that feeling that Grace gets whenever she's around Steph?
Whatever- she's gotta cool her beans.
Cool, cool beans.
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blkkizzat · 23 days
Hey lovely. Long time no anon! I've had a shitty day. Not from anything in particular. I'm just PMSing real fuckin hard and my body fuckin hates me so! The excellent news is that my book is almost finished (about 4 chapters left til major editing). The better news is that I am about to get myself wine drunk, watch a few episodes of the boys season 4. The most absolutely horrendous amount of smut in one night. That being said...
I'm thinking.
Which JJK man is the most sensitive to you having a shitty day? Like no real reason. Nothing happened. The day just sucked.
We all know it's Nanami. Buuuuutt I feel like Geto would surprise us. Like he seems like he doesn't really care about shit. And maybe he doesn't but he's phenomenal at faking it. Like Geto wants to relax with us. Make the day feel less shitty. So he runs a bath for two. With episom salts cause he knows how to make you feel good. When we get out. He puts lotion on us first. Helps us through a nighttime routine. Tells is it'll all look better in the morning. Wakes us up with cunnilingus and a smirk that said 'I told you it would look better in the morning'
- a very drained 🧠
awe 🧠, babie doll im sorry you are feeling worn down. we moon cycle twins though cause im pmsing too. had a bad headache yesterday, feeling better today tho so i hope you are too!!
omg i just finished the boys s4 like a week ago! be sure to tell me what you think once you're done, shit is poppin AWF lmfao.
but yas you know nanami has a sixth sense to our needs, that goes without saying. he already knows our favorite everything and has a plan on deck to make the remaining hours of the day wonderful for us.
Also i love your hc on geto because to me he also gives twin energy in the sense of he wants to relax and experience things with you, so y'all also have matching robes and pjs for after the bath.
choso will have puppy energy. so he will def notice almost as quickly as nanami but his way of making you feel better is to cling to you, reassure you, very vocally expressive and will totally lift you up in that way. he's also an empath so if you are crying he will cry with you and hold you so you just feel very much seen, understood and validated.
gojo i think he would be rather clueless. like it would take a few lackluster responses for him to notice but once he realizes hes definitely trying to cheer you up. no one can make you laugh like him so he's doing or saying something stupid and you're now crying from gut busting giggles fits rather than whatever went wrong that day.
toji is actually likely more perceptive than nanami tbh. the reason for that is because of body language shifts which he notices because of the uber enhanced perception from heavenly restriction. however the problem is he doesn't know what to do from there. he doesn't wanna come off crass and piss you off more. and if he makes a crude joke at an attempt at humor and you cry more that would be even worse. i think though sense he would be able to sense the tension in you and as his love language is definitely physical touch—he would likely wordlessly just pull you into his arms and give you a huge bear hug. you know how weighted blankets soothe people? like that. he's like a huge weighted blanket and he's not gonna let you go until he feels you completely relax in his arms. trueform!sukuna is just as perceptive tbh, he just doesn't care. i feel like he expects everyone to be as self-sufficient and self-regulate emotions by not expressing them (lol toxic) like he does. however he also knows everyone falls short of him so he will give you your space to mop, cry, etc. thinking you are weak so you just need to let it out. However, i do imagine if you'd been moping longer than usual or to the point that it annoys him, he will try to comfort you in his own way. i feel that would be the way of giving you something to do for him. sukuna probably figures you must be bored if you have the time to waste being sad. i imagine he'd make you read to him or maybe even have you draw him a bath which he'd consequently would just drag you into. or perhaps he'd just blend ur guts up on his two cocks... you wanna cry? he'd give you something to cry about.
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tail floofs to make you feel better babes <333
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babyyweebbitch · 2 years
Can i request Vi (Arcane) x overworked female reader?
I go to two schools (one is a music school)
Both schools give a huge amount of homework, the piano teacher is very demanding, I have a piano exam soon (which I don't know if I'll take because I can't remember so many given musical notes) and I also have my high school. I think I'll drop out of one of the schools for my own sanity.
I’m a crying, stressed out and simply tired mess and i feel like i’m losing control. The worst feeling ever🥲
Hug me please 😫
omg baby i’m so sorry! :( that’s a shit ton of stress and honestly i feel u with the stress! im currently very stressed out too and i hope things get better for u :) HERES A HUG
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content warning : female reader , crying , stress
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you were a collage student, currently in your second year of collage plus you also had a good paying job you worked at after school. the schedule was you go to school and mid day you left to go to work. that’s how it’s been since you got this job three years ago. recently there was an exam happening and you had to study during your breaks at work.
you recently got a new boss who has been an absolute asshole to you and a few other people and they’ve been working you like a dog. they changed your hours so you had to go home later leaving you barely any time to study and sleep. now your schedule was all fucked up… Vi noticed and has tried to help you but you always say you got it and that you didn’t need any help. she didn’t buy it honestly
it was getting closer and closer to exams and everything was getting to be too much. during one of your days off from work you studied all morning and part of the afternoon at your desk in yours and Vi’s shared room. she was sitting on the bed with her headphones in scrolling through social media. your phone vibrated and you glanced at it… it was your boss
‘i need you to come in for work today, in about 20 minutes please’ the text read. you don’t know why but reading that made you tear up, you started crying… no, sobbing. you placed your head on your desk and sobbed. vi moved her phone a bit to check on you and saw you sobbing at your desk. she immediately jumped up
“baby?! baby, what’s wrong?!” she asked, going over to you. she rubbed your back and you reached over to hug her, very tightly and just cried into her shoulder. she rubbed you back and she picked you up, carrying you to the bed “cupcake…”
“t…this is too much! vi…. i ca…i cant!” you said through cries. you gripped onto her shirt, she sushed you and held onto you
“i know…. i know — it’s alot…” she said in a soft voice, holding you until you were calmed down. after you calmed down you sat up and looked around “why don’t you take a b—“
“i gotta go to work! fuck!” you said, trying to stand up to get ready but she grabbed your arm. you looked at her and she tilted her head to the side. without saying a word you knew what she was trying to say “Vi i can’t”
“please…. you have too, it’s not good on your body”
“they will fire me…”
“fuck ‘em…. baby, if you take on anymore stress it will cause damage to your body. you’re already getting headaches and i can tell your hands are sore”
“how did you know about the headaches…”
“i saw the three bottles of Tylenol in the garbage when i went to take it out this morning”
you sighed and sat back down on the bed. you looked down
“and taking that much is gonna fuck up your body too”
“what do i tell them…”
“quit… find a new job — i’ll start charging more for my fights until you’re done for the summer”
“but the apartment…”
“we both have enough money to pay for it, plus the fights — i get alot for them. baby we will be fine for a few months” she said “i’ll even text ‘em for you!” she said, going to get your phone and unlocking it. she started typing away at your phone and you realised you’re trusting Vi to text your soon to be ex-boss
“please don’t be mean…”
she paused for a second…. then you heard her erasing the message
“what?! you’re trusting me to do this for you!” she said in a joking tone. you laughed before snatching the phone from her and typing away. she placed her head on your shoulder to see what you were typing as you did. once you were done you placed your phone down and vi smiled. she stood up and started to get you clean clothes and went to the bathroom. you got up to follow her and see what she was doing — especially with your clothes
“whatcha doing?”
“starting a bath — for you! you deserve it” she said, starting to run a bath for you. she did everything the way you liked it and was surprised she got everything right, she’s only ever watched you do it so she decided to try. she helped you undress and get into the bath. she started helping you get clean and she hummed as she did.
the entire time you didn’t talk but the silence between you two was very calming to the both of you.
this isn’t the best but i hope u like it :)
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12gaugefalls · 1 year
Isn't it lovely?
(Bo Sinclair x @ninakuli)
A/N: this is for @ninakuli but y'all can read it too! Im so sorry it took me so long to post this but I hope you can forgive me?? I hope you all enjoy!
Tw: hella angsty, language, arguing, Jonesy gets kicked but shes completely fine and the tourist gets what he deserves, Boham is his own warning, Ninas chaotic self. Let me know of anymore.
(No ones POV)
It had been a long summer day, Ambrose had turned into a hell scape with how hot it was. But it seemed the heat wasn't the only thing that was boiling. Bo hadn't been feeling his best for the past few days, the heat had only amplified it, and nothing seemed to be going his way. First, Nina had pushed him off the bed at some point in the night and he had woken up on the floor. Second, Vincent had beaten Bo to the kitchen, something that rarely happened, and had drank all the coffee Lester makes before leaving in the morning. So, he had to make a whole new pot. Third, Jonesy had started barking at a leaf again, causing Bo's already bad headache to get worse... It really seemed like the world was out for him today.
Nina had seen that Bo hadn't been feeling his best and apologized profusely when she found out she pushed him off in her sleep, he had just brushed her off. So, to help him feel at least a little better, she started to do things that would help Bo out. Cleaning, doing laundry and even tidying around Ambrose! She called Lester to pick up some of Bos favorite beer so he could have it after work.
It was all going to plan... Until it wasn't..
Three tourists were brought in, completely unannounced. Lester hadn't seen them come through due to getting beer for Bo. So when the two women and one guy came into Bos shop, you could imagine how surprised he was. He quickly texted Vincent to tell him and of course got no text back, Bo sent the two girls up to the House of Wax, while he 'talked' to the guy. Turns out the guy was stronger than Bo thought or he was sicker than he thought.
The man had been injured but so had Bo. Jonesy had gotten into the mix trying to help him and ended up getting kicked by the tourist. This is when Bo lost it, he was already not feeling good, his day was shit, the tourists came in unannounced and then one had the audacity to kick his dog?!
Needless to say Bo saw red..
When all was said and done Bo texted both Nina and Vincent just as Lester was pulling up. Bo turned around and started to yell at him, asking him where the hell he had been. Lester had tried to explain to him that he was just out getting something but accidentally slipped out it was for Nina. He hadn't said that it was technically for Bo.
Nina and Vincent shortly arrived, Jonesy hot on their trail (she had run off when Bo went ape shit), when Bo caught sight of Nina, he started to yell at her too. Blaming her for Lester leaving his post and endangering them all. At this point, Nina started to cry, she had just wanted to do something nice and ended up getting yelled at for it.
"I'm sorry! I-I just wanted to do something nice!" She cried out.
"And what the fuck could be so damn important for you to call Lester about it?!" He screamed at her. "CANT YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT?!" Nina took off towards the house after that, Jonesy leaving after giving Bo an ugly look, leaving the three brothers standing in the middle of Ambrose. That's when Lester and Vincent exploded.
"You know she called me to pick you up some beer, right?! She was trying to be nice!" Lester shouted before hitting Bo's arm.
"And she's been doing things around the house and around Ambrose all day!! Hell, she even cooked dinner!" Vincent signed quickly. The more and more his brothers talked, the more Bo felt like an ass. The two eventually stopped their ranting and Lester looked at him.
"You betta apologize to that sweet girl before I kick your ass.." And Bo knew he would do it, so he started walking back up to the house.
Bo had never been good at apologizing, not even to his own family. So he was lost on what to do, by the time he got up to his bedroom door, which was shut by the way, he still had no idea what to say. But he still knocked, hearing the soft sniffles behind the door only served to make him feel worse. A soft 'come in' was heard before he opened the door.
Nina was sitting on the bed, hugging Jonesy close. Jonesy, who gave him the dirtiest look Bo had ever seen a dog give, only moved closer to Nina.
"Look, darlin... I'm sorry I yelled at ya.. I didn't know you were trying to do somethin nice for me and.... Im sorry alright?" He was trying his best and thankfully Nina saw that.
"I really just wanted to help.. I didn't mean to make it worse.. I'm sorry" Her voice was soft as she spoke.
Bo sighed as he sat on the bed, moving Jonesy out of the way and pulling Nina into a hug, which she gladly returned. "I know you're sorry, sugar, but you don't need ta be. This one's on me. I'm the one at fault and Im the one who's sorry. Do you think you could forgive me?" He gently pulled her face up to look at him.
"Always..." She said softly. "I'll always forgive you, Bo." Bo pressed a small kiss to her lips as she said that.
At least not everything went wrong today... <3
A/N: Okay... Wow that was one of the longer ones I've written but I think it turned out great! I hope you like it and Im really sorry it took so long again @ninakuli please forgive me! But I hope you like it!
And please suggestions and feedback are always appreciated! Have a lovely day/night!
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javu7254 · 6 months
On friday i had a C++ class, but since it was the first of the semester i had already forgot everything. So i was doing a summary of 26 classes from last year with an INTENSE, AGONIZING tummy ache. Turns out i was so sick i could barely eat or stay awake without throwing out. This sunday, i woke up jusy fine, checked my friend's stories on instagram because i had been dead for two days... And it was a photo of her studying. Today i had a test, and i forgot about it because of being busy with fever, netflix, headache, and crying. So i had to magically wake up worse than sunday today, and my strategy was to stay until 6 am on my Phone. Worked so well im now sick, dizzy and studying about cells for the 9181818th time since entering school. Life is good. (if my english sucks more than my current state please tell me)
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That song is literally me rn. I have the lyrics memorized, carved into the depths of my brain.
Skibidi sigma ponmi digital fornite chamba free gigachad rizz omaigad floo xxxtentacion hotmail lionel ronaldo junior mewing tercero chiquibai xocas etesech golden toy pupet ohio Rubén tuesta YouTube pro insano globo de texto 51 decadencia 777😔😭
Help idk how to use tumblr im going to decorate this blog as if it was my journal
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moooninflames · 2 years
Twenty two years of living. Oh Lord twenty twoooo!!!!! 8030 days of living!!! Days I've laughed so hard that I almost had tears coming down my cheeks, And days I've cried and screamed so loud i ran out of breath. I'll tell you more about my hard days because they've made me the person i am today.
I've always been a very sensitive and lonely person. I've had so many insecurities, hated myself for everything i was and wasn't. Had the most very horrible teenage years actually childhood too, I literally didn't have anybody in my life to be there for me, a mother who her life turned to hell, a father who became a stranger to me from age of six. The only person who noticed me died and left when i was 10. I tried to fill the gaps in my life with anyone who entered my life mostly girls because I've always wished to have a sister thank God i have one now, not gonna mention the scars they left on my soul cuz I've healed from allll of them long time ago after i met him! The one and only guy who noticed me for what I truly was. Held my hand. Loved me. Appreciated me. He was literally like my backbone. We went through lots of ups and downs.
Now, everyone talks about how hard it is for someone to trust another after they've been hurt and disappointed but literally nobody mentions how hard it is to trust urself again while all ur walls were destroyed by the only person who had ur back no matter what happened and was always there for u, actually the one who taught u to trust urself in the first place. My heart, soul, self love, confidence and my whole world undermined by one person. After that, I couldn't recognize myself anymore!! Who was she!? How could she do the things she does? How could she be so careless? Who the fuck is this person!!!!??? This is nott meee I swear it was never me!!!
I made lots of mistakes that from overthinking some nights woke me up with panic attacks. And i got used to them, the reason was my soul wasn't pleased with what i was doing and it tried very hard to let me know how much I'm hurting myself by those things i'm doing just to get back at the person whom I truly loved but couldn't be with anymore because i did not want to spend my days with someone who made me feel like im worthless with one word and made me feel like i'm on the top of the world with another word, his aggressiveness reached to the level that he'd beat me!!!!!! and blame it on his temper or headache or whatever tf excuses he thought of most of the times was because of my actions made him very angry 🤡. Deep down i knew i deserved better but i never had the courage to give up on him because he made me feel like i owed him my life just because he saved it twice and everytime i left him something worse happened to me that I needed him to remind me of whom i was.
For somebody with trust issues as much as mine, my biggest fear has always been opening up to someone, i was afraid that i won't stop pouring. I was so afraid to become a river of tears and burden to the one whom I opened up to, and i always wondered what gave me that thought? It's totally okey for humans to get weak and feel emotional when life gets tough. Mentioning that, after months of breaking down, crying myself to sleep and waking up from panic attacks i had to heal. The progress was, hmmm I could say killing me slowly but only to help me reborn. That's what I thought and I actually believed it deep down that's what kept me going from may till October. I was very proud of what i became till one day something put me to edge again, exactly!!! After all those years again???!
Well a situation that made me question the last 6 years of my life, those years that I learned how to accept myself, how to love myself, how to stand up for myself and everything else related to me. I thought about it for a long time I thought i was a lie, I thought i was worthless. Me!!! A being worthless???!! Exactly now im laughing at myself writing this but yeah sometimes i'm very stupid and i know itt well then i realized for my healing and my soul to be unattached to my past life i got tested the most, I got tested in a way my mind nor soul ever could've survived from it but i mean it was time for me to elevate!!! What the f should i expect?!!! All i had to do was not to break. Proudly saying I didn't for too long at least 🤡 i seriously was so done feeling guilty over disturbing my peace because of my impulsive actions. I couldn't care less to what happens to anyone in my past🤷🏻‍♀️ that was it, that was the lesson to detach me from the only and most important and effective thing that attached me to my past, and could've been back and destroy everything I built with the power he had over my mind. The question was what gave me that shame not to show my true innocent, pure, loving and caring soul to anyone? I have 2 scenarios to answer that question but that one i'll never write......
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florencepout · 3 years
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@hatchetober Day 4: Song
Black Friday: Take Me Back
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theydoctor · 3 years
Okay, so all the posts tagged “q” today are just queued posts that have mostly been sitting in my drafts for a long time, some even since january, because i’ve either been too lazy at that time to tag it properly, put it in the drafts and forgot about it, or because i wasn’t in the right mind set back then and didn’t have the energy to tag it, and, well, same story as above.
So, yeah, sorry if i accidentally showed up in someone’s notifications months after they reblogged it, idk know how that really works on tumblr and if reblogs only show at the moment they’re posted, but i’m not now randomly reblogging posts from january, sometimes i’m just a bit incapable haha
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