#AND we learn we have 2 new employees coming today so we have to train them
#the last bits of the sinus infection i had last week and this week end are still w me#im so fucking tired#and today be hard did NOT help#im just so sleepy but 1/it's not even 7pm 2/i have d&d from 7:30 to 9:30#this morning was ROUGH#bc our freight elevator is broken i had to reject some of our deliveries last week bc i cant bring up such heavy loads by hand#like it's 3 flight of stairs AND some walk to get to the restaurant#and bc we were closed for easter monday i knew i would get today both what we usually get monday and the tuesday deliveries#AND a redelivery from last week i knew that i was prepared#BUT the elevator was still broken so 1 of our vendors dropped the delivery at another close by restaurant and we had to find time to get it#another vendor still went downstairs and i had to carry the packages up the stairs w a colleague#the girl from another restaurant from the brand that was supposed to come at 7 arrived at 8:20#we can open if we're only 2 but... not when i have this much delivery lol so fuck me i guess#AND we learn we have 2 new employees coming today so we have to train them#which good !! we NEED new employees but lol today of all day#we're getting 80 more places on our outside area next week so we desperatly need new ppl#we wanted them before so they could be fully trained for when the new places arrive but well better late than never idk#so by 10:45 i had : 4 deliveries and only 2 that came via the same guy were delivered actually at the store 2 ppl from another location#that know the work but not the restaurant incl one who didnt speak french 2 new employees we had to shwo around and explain the basics#and i had to take my break at 11 or i would get to eat at all#this rant is a mess
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sarahowritesostucky · 5 months
📖"The Carter Academy for Omega Excellence"
Rated: Explicit (this Part is rated Teen)
Pairing: Bucky x Steve
Tags: age gap, boarding school au, a/b/o, dub-con/non-con, spanking, feminization, dumbification, sexism, misogyny, prostate milking, discipline, D/s elements, societal issues, hurt/comfort, mentions of past self-harm, onlyfans, predatory behavior
Summary: Steve gives Bucky's parents a tour of the school and promises to take excellent care of their son
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Author's Note: *reformatted with a few age and plot changes to adhere to Tumblr's ToS*
(Wait! I haven't read Part 1 yet!)
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Part 2 - A Pedagogy Steeped in Tradition
Most of Carter Academy’s international students are shipped over by their families, arriving with nothing but themselves and their luggage. So Steve is surprised when James’ parents fly in with him and ask for a tour of the campus. He obliges them of course, chatting easily with the mother, Winnifred, when he learns that she’s from Brooklyn, and making due with talk of football and how the Patriots are doing that season when the father, Ransom, insists that they’re Bostonians through and through. 
James, who has been brought to the school under the pretense that this is just a college scouting opportunity and mini vacation to England, is left behind in Steve’s office with Sharon and a security officer. Sharon is the employee whom Steve has decided to assign as Bucky’s alpha Handler. The security officer is just there to ensure that whatever fit the boy throws can be contained. Steve isn’t too worried about it. Omegas are simple creatures, easily molded and contained once you build a small rapport with them. It never takes much to redirect their focus and get them in line.
Steve takes the parents around the grounds. He shows them through the dormitories and some of the classrooms, the library and the dining hall. And though he’s absent his usual helper for an admissions pitch (Peggy always was the better salesman), he still does his best with the pleasantries, asking if they plan to visit long in England, pointing out all of the campus’ amenities, and giving them his practiced spiel about the school’s traditional methods for training up omegas to the very highest standards. “It’s old-fashioned, but we don’t see that as a bad thing. The way things are in the world today? People could do with a little old-fashioned right about now.”
“You don’t know how glad we are to have found this place,” Winnifred says at one point. “I love my son to death, but Ransom and I are at the end of our ropes. We’re both beta. We’ve tried talking with him, punishing him, but every step we take always seems to be the wrong one. … I’m afraid we just don’t understand what’s going on with him.”
“Not to worry at all. You’ve brought him to the right place.”
She worries about how Bucky will react when they break the news to him that he’s staying there. “He’s very strong-willed, you know,” she tells Steve, wringing her hands. “I worry about how he’ll take it—”
“It’s alright, ma’am,” Steve assures her. “This is a reform school, after all. The majority of our students are enrolled after age eighteen, brought in by their parents when they can’t adapt to traditional college life.” He says ‘traditional college life’ with a gigantic fucking eye roll, and Winnifred nods along and parrots her fears about Bucky heading off to college in the real world.
“You always hear the horror stories of omegas like him once they come of age and leave their parents’ control.”
“But you’ve attained an ECO?” Steve checks. *Extended custody order until age twenty* had been marked on the boy’s paperwork, and Steve is relieved when Winnifred confirms it.
“Yes, yes. We applied last year, once it became clear that he was struggling.”
“How did he take it?”
“Oh, just terrible!” she mourns. “He’s been so defiant, almost worse since we got the judge to sign off on it. He’s been so angry and retaliatory. I almost regret getting the order …”
“Don’t be,” Steve advises immediately. “It’s a good thing you had the foresight to do it. Many parents wait too long and then they’re left powerless or slogging through a much longer process with the courts. Especially in the US. Things are very progressive there.” 
He says it with audible disdain in his voice, because it used to be that omegas never reached majority, and were instead protected by their family and community, kept in the family home or supervised in a communal omega “Nest” until marriage. But then the “age of emancipation” was created in the seventies, and the age just kept getting lowered again and again as the first, second, and third wave feminists fought for more changes. First it was thirty, then twenty four, then twenty, until finally the damn fourth wave feminists got it lowered to eighteen, and in the process destroyed nearly any chance an omega in the US has at being guided into a stable, healthy future. 
“The judge said he’ll be re-evaluated in two years,” Ransom says. “We’re counting on this place to help him get straightened out by then.”
“Oh, but I do worry about what his reaction will be when he finds out we’re leaving him here,” Winnifred frets. “We shouldn’t have tricked him.”
“You think we would’ve been able to get his stubborn butt on a plane if we hadn’t?”
“We’re very experienced in these matters,” Steve promises. “James won’t be the first student to have been enrolled against his will. I promise you that we can handle him.” When Winnifred continues to angst over the harshness of leaving her son at a foreign boarding school three thousand miles away, Steve just leads her along and continues to reassure her that she’s made the right decision in choosing Carter Academy to straighten out her son. “You have to remember: this will be very different from his other schools. We specialize in cases like this. Boys like James thrive on structure and guidance. You’ll be amazed at what we can achieve in only a few months.”
“Oh you really think so?” she gushes, looking brightly up at Steve as Ransom shoots him a peeved look from over her shoulder. “That’s so wonderful to hear. I actually had been reading about it on your website, about all the things you offer here. The fact that there’s a one-to-one ratio of alpha support staff is just incredible. Will he get one of those, um, … what do you call them again?”
“Handlers,” Steve supplies with a nod. “And yes, he will. Sharon, whom you met back in my office; I’m trying her on for size with your son first. She’s very good at what she does. Plus, James will have me. I make certain to take a personal interest in each and every one of our students. I supervise their education closely, so I can promise you that he won’t slip through the cracks.”
“Good,” Ransom jokes. “Certainly paying enough for it.”
Steve chuckles awkwardly at the gauche comment. “Ah, yes. I know. Costs can be high when you’re staffing support positions for each and every student, but we find that the benefits cannot be overstated. Having an alpha consistently at their side each day is … well it’s as close as you can get to the real thing, isn’t it?” He points out a student passing by with their Handler. The boy is on a lead, walking peaceably with a serene look on his face. “You see, we prepare our students for the real world, not some fantasy world like the more liberal schools do. We want them to leave here happy, well-rounded, and ready to find their future mates. Handlers are their practice for that. They help them model all the important aspects of a healthy A-O relationship.”
“But they don’t, um … you know. Right?” 
“Fuck each other?” Ransom snickers.
“Certainly not,” Steve says sternly. “We take care of the students’ needs, of course, but all of our Handlers are consummate professionals, I can assure you. It’s more the level of constant supervision and dominance that’s so invaluable. That really is the only way to ensure success with these boys. Especially those coming in with any … extra needs.”
Beside Winnifred, Ransom scoffs. “He’s extra, alright.”
Steve’s smile tightens. “Right. Well, that’s one big part of our support system. Constant digital supervision is another.” He points out the cameras as they walk. “The surveillance system. It’s a newer addition, very high tech, outfitted with motion sensors and facial recognition software that allows us to keep perfect track of each and every student.”
“Isn’t that a bit overwhelming for them?” Winnifred wonders.
“Yes, but they need to be overwhelmed. It’s what levels them out. You see, everything we do here at Carter Academy is science-based, backed by all the latest research. We value the research over any ‘modern agendas’. All the studies show that omegas your son’s age have been shown to have decreased cortisol levels and more balanced serotonin and dopamine after even just a few months of close supervision. The cameras add another layer to that support system. You eliminate privacy, and these boys figure out real fast that they aren’t in control anymore.” 
“How long until you whip him into shape?” Ransom asks as they return back to Steve’s office. They’ve just walked in the room, and James is turning around to look at them as they come through the door.
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This story is an ongoing commission for an amazing supporter who wishes to remain anonymous. If you have a story that you'd like to see custom written, send me a message on Tumblr or reach out on my Kofi. My fee is $10 per 1000 words.
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Want to Increase Profitability in Your Cleaning Business? Here's How!
When the country's economy is in such bad shape because of the pandemic, it's hard to make money when you are thinking about how to expand cleaning business.
But you're doing more harm than good if you're trying to make money with your business. Instead of focusing on how to keep your business successful, be more proactive and work on making it more profitable. And this is what we'll talk about today.
1. The first step is to find different ways to make money.
Adding more ways for your business to make money will lead to more money coming in. Here we are. You can make a lot of money if you don't have just one source of income. So here are a few ways to bring in more money for your business.
For example, the demand for services to clean and disinfect after the pandemic has caused the number of businesses offering these services to grow.
You can make money from your site in several ways, such as running ads, affiliate marketing, or getting sponsors. And that's not all: you'll also make more money while your business and brand grow.
You can start selling your cleaning supplies if they fit your company's long-term goals and are financially possible.
The main point is that to grow your business; you need to be creative and look for new ways to do things.
2. Selling cleaning services is an excellent way to make more money.
Even though this is important, many companies still don't care about it. Just leaving and coming back isn't enough. It would help if you always tried to sell more of your products or services.
Are you cleaning the house yourself? If that's the case, learn how to sell your services for more money. You can teach them how to sell more profitable services if they are already doing the work.
Get better at being productive and efficient. Your Training of Employees - There's no question about it: labor costs are a cleaning company's highest cost. Even if you don't have any employees, it's okay. Right now, there's nothing you need to worry about.
On the other hand, businesses hire people to ensure they bring out the best in their employees. Therefore, putting time, money, and other resources into better employee training will pay off significantly. With this tool, you can find out the strengths and weaknesses of your employees and use them to your advantage.
Aside from that, you'll need to teach your staff how to clean and keep them up to date on new tools and equipment.
After providing excellent cleaning services, the most important thing you can do for your cleaning business is to keep growing it. Most business owners want to grow their business, but they are always busy with tedious, repetitive work that keeps them from having time to do so.
Using scheduling software like Maidily, which automates client communication, online reservations, work administration, and calendar functions, can save you a lot of time.
Lastly, a scheduling program will give you more time to work on your business instead of on it.
3. A great way to save money is to buy in bulk.
Some companies make customers buy all the cleaning supplies and tools they need as part of their cleaning service. Some people buy their supplies. If your company is one of them, read this.
Most likely, you already do this, but it's still worth bringing up. The price will always go down when you buy a lot of stock or supplies. So using it can save you money on costs and help you make more money. But you should be careful.
Don't spend money on things you don't need. It's a waste of money to stock up on things that are rarely or never used. Because of this, your business will suffer.
4. 5. Find clients who pay a lot.
Getting clients who pay a lot is the best and quickest way to make more money with your cleaning business. But getting in touch with these clients is the hardest part.
Most small business owners don't have time to work on business growth and marketing.
5. How to advertise your cleaning business the right way
Marketing your cleaning service well is essential for your business's long-term success and making more money. To their disappointment, most business owners choose the wrong ways to market their businesses.
This is not their fault, though. It takes time and a lot of trial and error to find the best marketing channels to get you the most results for the least amount of money spent. So here are some tips on marketing your cleaning business to make money. This should help you get back on the right track.
We are sure your profits will go up quickly if you follow and use any or all of these steps. Of course, we won't be a big hit overnight, but how you measure your business will improve.
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okay I slept nine hours again last night but it’s fine I’m telling myself that I’m just aggressively resting up now in case the coming semester is super stressful. 11 business days and counting with no reply from the foundation (not even an out of office reply??) which is driving me insane because I have such a limited window of time to do all this fall semester planning if we do indeed move forward with recruiting a new cohort. I am loath to waste these last couple weeks of break revamping the whole syllabus and prepping training materials for a new hire if we’re just going to get a no from the foundation, but I also don’t want september to be a living hell for me if I don’t do the work now while I have the time. agh! I think I’m going to try to use syllabus replanning as a chance to concretely apply what I’m learning from this learning & development research book. that way I can tell myself I’m prepping for my new job by practicing with a real world example, and I can get at least a chunk of the initial work done for the program. okay okay. I can do this.
here’s what I’ve done so far this morning:
I rewrote my learning objectives based on the book’s advice to set aside separately defined abstract goals and focus instead on the practical real world skills that I’ve noticed students need to successfully complete their projects. then I subdivided those complex bundled skills into different sub-skills I’ll need to explicitly teach them + made notes on what type of instruction would be most effective for each one. I have started loosely using that list to plan specific seminars but I am leaving that a bit more open for now… that’s going to be more sustained work.
since we are probably going to have to start a couple weeks behind schedule, I think I’m going to require them to attend a paid one-day weekend retreat where we can do some intensive cohort bonding and lay a foundation for the semester in a more deliberate way. I mapped out a rough schedule for that event.
I downloaded some templates for Asana and Notion to experiment with. I’m going to need to use more structured project management tools this year since I’ll be supervising a grad student employee, so I need to teach myself how to use them + also create replicable templates tailored to our program.
to save time for faculty and to get better recs I think we’re going to use a recommendation form instead requiring a rec letter. I sketched out a very rough version of that form though again will put off actually creating it until we have more info.
I mapped out a calendar of deadlines for august and sent it to my boss, then nudged her to nudge the dean about reaching out to the foundation again today.
I am going to pause program work for a bit and get back to reading my L&D book. I have 70 pages left so I might try to finish it in the next hour or so, depending on how dense the last sections are. then I will take a break and do podcast editing for a bit, as I find it soothing. I think a good strategy for this week is to spend 2-3 focused hours each morning on course prep then firmly set that work aside. that way I can feel like I’m making solid progress but I’m not wholly giving over my last precious weeks of vacation time to work that might not even turn out to be necessary.
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lifecarelogistic · 2 years
Why is Excellent Customer Service so Important to your Warehouse?
It is very likely that you are investing in marketing and advertising efforts to attract consumers to your doors. The important part of customer service is to keep happy by providing the best services from your side. It is a key feature to attract customers and once you attract them your business automatically grows day by day. It costs much more to attract new customers than to take care of the ones you already have. Customer service should be the primary thing for any business. When considering ways to improve your customer service levels, you need to focus on warehouse management.
How can Customer Service Management be Improved for Better Business?
There are several ways a logistics company (such as freight forwarders, carriers, carriers, etc.) can improve the customer experience. For the most part, this involves enhanced communication capabilities as well as data collection and analysis through software. Following are some technics to manage customer service to enhance your business.
1. Communicate quickly
2. Work with a team to reduce customer touchpoints
3. Develop training and learning processes
4. There are many channels of communication, so use them
5. Use the right software
In the rapidly changing financial atmosphere, we have today, such activities are becoming basic to meeting the challenge. While there are modifications that can allow businesses to set aside cash, surprisingly, similar procedures can often be used to provide better support and increase consumer loyalty.
Which Things are Important to Provide Excellent Customer Service
1. The Correct Items in Stock
When you track your inventory, you'll have a better understanding of your inventory. You'll know what items are selling and what items are on the shelves. It becomes easier for you to make sure you have a lot of the right items and get rid of items that don't sell. A good WMS will help ensure this doesn't happen, so your customers don't have to deal with this frustration and you don't have to deal with a raise, on customer service calls.
2. Faster Order Fulfillment
A warehouse management system also makes it easy for you to organize your warehouse space and know exactly where all your items are. Anyone who has dealt with a messy and disorganized warehouse in the past knows that without organization, it can often be difficult to find items. It could take hours or more trying to locate the products that appear in the inventory.
3. Precision
Warehouse management systems help ensure greater accuracy when it comes to picking and packing items. The use of barcode scanners and similar tools helps employees ensure that they are choosing the correct items from the shelves. All of this ties back to the benefit of having an organized space with all the right products in stock.
4. Better Return System
Sometimes customers will need to return items they purchased from you. They may have ordered the wrong item by mistake.  Although a great WMS can help reduce these issues, human error can still occur. In these cases, customers often want the correct items shipped to them or want a return.
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drazzilder · 27 days
Geurdo Gems
Chapter 2: Frist Day 
This morning has gone a lot better for Zelda. Woke up on time, got ready and left her apartment on time. No need for the private ride to work this time, she makes it on time to the office building. Now a new hirer, she goes through all of the boring HR requirements. Papers signed, contracts gone over, and a brand-new badge with her smiling, yet awkward, face on it.
Urbosa welcomes her assistant to her floor with a gentle hug. “How are you this morning? Haven’t encountered and giant red heads, have we?” 
Zelda looks up and smiles nervously. “Much better today Ms. Naboris. And no, I haven’t seen him today. Thank goodness. I don’t know if I could manage that again.” 
A gentle laugh comes out of the CFO “Understood. Now let’s get you started today. Normally someone else would show you what to do, but I like your attitude and with that Ganon situation, I’m not leaving you alone just yet. You never know if he would show his pretty face around here.” She goes around to the back of secretary desk. Showing her everything from the computer system, paper works that needs managed daily, and even the proper way to start a phone call. “And the last thing you need to know is this.” She presses an unmarked button on the phone. “This will ring my cell directly if you need anything. Emergencies, change of plans, or even arguments between employees which has happened on more than one occasion. The last one ended up with someone getting a black eye and a few ruffled feathers.” She laughs. 
“Thank you, Ms. Naboris.” Zelda says while still trying to write down everything she has been taught. 
Urbosa turns Zelda to face her. “Please, call me Urbosa. I don’t like to be called Ms. Naboris. It feels too formal. Now that you got the ropes. I have meetings and other odds and ends to take care of the for the rest of the day. If you need anything, I will be at my computer so just email me your questions. Got it?”  the young lady just nods her head silently. “Good. Now you have a good first day.” Urbosa smiles as she heads into her officer and gently closes the massive doors. 
The office is quiet for a few hours. This gives Zelda time to go over everything she has learned, take time to figure out the computers and check all of her emails from HR. Her tunnel vision is in full effect so she doesn’t notice the elevator doors slide open, or even the large footsteps heading towards her desk. Zelda’s train of though is broken by a booming voice. “Good morning Mrs. Hyrule” 
The young lady is startled from her work and looks up to see Ganondorf standing above her. His towering presence intimidating by itself, let alone when he speaks. The deep baritone practically echoing in the room even at low volume. She can’t help but stare like a deer in headlights at the man before her. This time, she is a little more prepared and can speak. “Good morning Mr. Dragmire. What can I do for you?” She asks with a slightly shaky voice. 
The red head takes off his glasses and pulls a handkerchief from his breast pocket. He speaks again as he polishes his glasses. “Tell Urbosa that the latest jewelry designs will be ready for viewing in Sidon’s office at 3.” Zelda quickly pulls out a pen and paper to quickly jot down what she just heard. She looks up and sees Ganondorf putting his glasses back on. She doesn’t know why but she can’t help herself and ask. “Is there anything else you need?”
The man looks back down at her. Adjusting his cufflinks, Zelda notices the numerous rings on his hands and even a bracelet on his right wrist. “That will be all.” He states blankly as he turns to head for the elevator. Right as the golden doors open up, Urbosa exits her office. She puts a hand on her hip and smirks at the man leaving. 
Heading towards Zelda’s desk. “You could have entered my office instead of frightening the new girl with your presence.”  Her smirk now changed to anger. 
The man turns and presses the button for his floor. “You always tell me I am interrupt too much, so I’m going through the proper channels.” He states with eyes closed. Then a wide grin grows across his angled face. “Plus, this way is more fun.” The smile doesn’t fade as the doors close. 
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hrblusky · 1 month
Is Remote Working the New Norm 
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There has been much speculation that we will find ourselves increasingly working remotely rather than being in a traditional physical workspace in the future. 
Some jobs clearly cannot be done remotely, such as piloting a plane, nursing sick people, or building on a construction site, for example. Other jobs that are primarily office-based provide the greatest opportunity for adopting this new “virtual-first” workstyle, and those that are doing so successfully share some common characteristics: 
1. Distributed work locations 
Before the pandemic, their workplace locations were already distributed across head office, satellite offices and sometimes home working. Employees could already elect to work in the most efficient location for the task. For example, someone needing to do some background research might request to work from home or perhaps from a local library to avail themselves of the resources and quiet atmosphere required to concentrate fully. Another example could be an employee normally based in a satellite office but with several meetings at a head office choosing to spend the day in one location to avoid lost time due to travelling. 
2. Use of virtual teams 
Working in virtual teams is already common practice; for example, project teams made up of employees from different geographical locations. In these cases, the management teams are already trained and familiar with managing, coaching, developing, and evaluating their teams remotely. In addition to line management experience, HR teams also have mature processes and policies to support performance management, workforce diversity, and localized legal requirements. 
3. Technology in place to facilitate collaboration 
The use of technology to support efficient working practices, manage data and facilitate collaboration is already in place. In many cases, systems are cloud-based with access security levels to support different modes of working. 
4. Trust-based company culture 
The company culture and values support and reward a trust-based working environment with open and two-way communication channels. There is less micro-management and greater autonomy for employees to make decisions and manage their work and performance. 
If these critical elements are already in place, organizations find it easier to build a “virtual-first” organization. However, remote working may still not be a desirable or straightforward option for all employees or organizations. 
In addition to the type of role and organizational capability, many other factors come into play when deciding if remote working is feasible. A key issue is individual employee personality. Some people struggle psychologically to adapt to online work and socializing and need to work face-to-face in an office environment. For others, the home environment may not be conducive to work due to family circumstances or access to the required technology. 
Rather than see a default move to remote working, it is more likely that longer-term we will see organizations pivot to a hybrid-workforce model that provides flexibility for employees to selectively choose workplace options as part of their overall benefits package. 
Why not contact us at HRBluSky today to learn how we can help you identify what you can do to enable your organization to pivot to a hybrid working environment. 
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beyoutifulwinged · 5 months
Coming out of the cocoon 🦋
Hello, hello, my beautiful fairy followers! 🧚✨
How have you been lately? Or better, how have you been your christmas, the most wonderful and beautiful time of the year? I hope it was so good, full of good vibes and a beautiful ambient, socialization between friends and family, good meals and presents, but mostly, love and joy!
I will go first...well, at first, when i was at work, i was super stressed because of concealing college and work, my manager would make my life in a living hell, and even if i got to work earlier, she wouldn't care and wouldn't let me get off work a few minutes before 2 days per week so i couldn't get to college early, because of public transports ( just so you see, i would have to talk like 20 minutes per day to get to train to get to train to go college, so, yeah, there you go... ) ... Also, she said she had more work for me and i could win some more money, but then broke her word and didn't helped me.
I cried a lot because i couldn't get a second job...this is my first job and i still couldn't find anyone that want to hire someone with so much little experience. Nowadays, it seems nobody wants to help out anymore...but how am i supposed to do something i never was taught to, if they don't even give me a chance to learn?! Do you find this normal? In my opinion, a manager should always be supportful to his employees and help to develop in their career. Don't you agree? Anyways, i really want to start to have my own life and create goals for that, but you know that nothing is ever free in this life, we have to fight for everything. But that is okay, i will eventually figure something out.
Anyway...i'm really thankful my spirits lifted up and i was able to get off all that stress. I was really scared in that time, but now, i feel much more stronger...i really do feel like i am blessed, like seriously, protected. So, as all of your know, new year's is coming and i want to do something with you, of course, if you are willing to. I once read something really interesting about new years achievements. It said sometimes people tell therselves off, per example "Oh, this year, and i'm going to fulfill all this list of stuff"...but it turns out, people use to fill really big lists of stuff of what their are going to do, and in the end, they end up getting overwhelmed and can't do at least everything and then feel unplaced. Hey, but there is no reason for that! Just because you couldn't do something now, it doesn't mean you are a failor or you should feel like an outcast in the crowd! I totally knows how it feel how to be rejected about mean people telling you off you should try harder and why couldn't you do it at the first time. But don't listen to them! LISTEN ONLY TO ME. PLEASE TRUST ME WHILE I'M TEXTING THIS. YOU can do ANYTHING! And i'm here for you, the important thing is i believe you!
So today, i'm challenging you all, instead of a list of realizations, take only 4. Take only the very ones that are very important for you, and if you need, add more stuff to which one you choose. I'm setting 3 of my advices off on it already to help you organize. Then, it's your choice if you want to add more, which i don't recommend... at least for now, take it easy.
Are you ready? Then grab a pen and your bullet journal/ notebook , because things are about to get crafty here, or even better, sassy, hahahaha ;) This will be your year!
Now it's Your Turn! Write after me: ❤
List of 4 realizations:
Organizing yourself - First of all, the key to keep organized and always on point is considering having a diary appointment book, bullet journal, notebook, app, calendar, alarms on your phone... you name it! First step, is chosing the right and most suitable method for you. Then, it's off to organizing yourself. Here is how to organize:
-> At school: Make a pretty timetable on do-it-yourself notes on book, or in your phone. Also, regist in the same way, per class, the grade of the tests everytime you get it, your average, self-evaluation ( if your teacher doesn't do it, you can always search on internet to do it yourself ) and finally, the ending grade of which class in the end of which semester. Also, if you have a hobbie, register them in a cute alarm, with the day/hour your going to in your notes: it is a easy way to not forget it and be prepared some time before.
P.S: In the next post, will put some of my advices to study better.
-> In work: Always prepare stuff you need for work the day before it, so you can have a good presentantion. I sometimes myself have inspection at my work space and it's not so comfortable when they look us down and up to check if we are fit in the function. So always be prepared. Show up yourself confident, cheerful, natural, responsible, talk little, choosing your words and acts wisely... and remember, always listen to your superiors. Be friend with your coworkers and respect them. If there's something off about them and you dislike it, don't disrespect them or tell them off. Just show them your cultered, clever minded and there should be no issues in your side at all. Last but not least, about the payments...obviously you should go everyday to work, but every now and then there will be a day when it appears an unexpected issue and you can't go. If you have to go to doctor, college, or some other public place, always ask if you can a get a presence's justification as you were in that place, and you should be all set; still, that doesn't mean they can cut discount your salary of that day: you should Avoid missing all your commitments mostly as you can. About the payments, the day they pay you off, always think as a accountant: compare the days/ hours you show off work to your salary, and if they don't match, you know what you should do: talk to your manager about it.
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2.Setting goals for 2024 - Between classes, work, and even hobbies, there is something that who knows, for me is even more important than all of that, and maybe even for you too: setting your future objectives.
Okay, now, seriously: what do you really want to have or do in life's present you still haven't? Well, now it is your chance. I will upload some stuff i did, just to help you organize: i will post in on my blog right after i post this.
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3. "What will i do for me this year??" - Okay, now, i do really want you to think about this and set it too on a timetable. SERIOUSLY, this is Really Important! Don't know how? I will help you to start. For example:
For my body i will... try to meditate every now and then / Do more hiking ( with relaxing music to help ) .
For my nutrition, i will...drink more water per day ( 3 liters )/ try to eat more organic vegetals/fruit and lesser processed food possible.
For my mental health, i will...be more patient with me/ control my impulses / not blame myself for what i can't control
For my self-care, i will... Go to bed earlier to sleep one more hour/do on moment me time per day ( for example skincare ).
Now for people...
For my family, i will... Cook for then one or two times per week/ Suggest 1 movie to see on netflix 1x per month.
For my friends, i will... Invite them to go to cinema, have lunch or grab and a milkshake and hang out/Dial them 1x or 2x times per week after classes.
And for my future, i will...Do my college notes over, all organized and beautiful from classes, and summarize the material / Do more exercises about classes material / Learn/ Better an language.
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4. Own's Choice
5. Own's Choice
The rest, 4 and 5, it's about you. You define your life...remember, only you can change your world tomorrow.
Please, work on this and then comment below about it. I will do this too and then we even talk about it, who knows a streaming call through discord, but then we will see.
See you in the next post. The subject will be "New year, new ideas: back-to-school tips for scholars". Until then! And remember... Keep flying away... but always in the direction of your heart!
Xoxo! ❤
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madhukumarc · 10 months
How can businesses adapt to changing market conditions and consumer preferences?
Adapting to changing market conditions and consumer preferences is crucial for any business that wants to stay relevant and competitive.
In today's fast-paced world, where technology and social media are constantly evolving, businesses need to be able to pivot quickly and adjust their strategies accordingly.
“Being everywhere is more important than ever because consumers are quickly adapting to new technology and exploring new channels. Brands need to keep up!” – Convince & Convert
Here are the top 5 tips on how businesses can adapt to changing market conditions and consumer preferences:
1. Stay informed: The first step in adapting to changing market conditions and consumer preferences is staying informed about what's going on in your industry.
This means keeping up with the latest trends, following industry leaders on social media, attending conferences and events, and reading industry publications.
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2. Listen to your customers: Your customers are your best source of information when it comes to understanding their preferences and needs.
Make sure to conduct regular surveys, focus groups, and other forms of customer research to gather feedback and insights. Use this information to tailor your products or services to better meet their needs.
“For a product ecosystem to be beneficial to buyers, you need to ensure your products or services are effectively solve the challenges and pain points of your target audience. To do this, listen to your customers” – HubSpot
3. Be flexible: One of the key characteristics of successful businesses is their ability to be flexible and adaptable.
This means being open to new ideas, experimenting with new strategies, and being willing to change direction if something isn't working.
“Experimentation is the gold standard for data-driven decision-making once you have enough samples to do so” – Marketing Examined Newsletter
4. Embrace technology: Technology is changing the way we do business and interact with customers.
Make sure you're staying up-to-date with the latest tools and platforms, such as social media, mobile apps, and chatbots, that can help you better engage with your customers and streamline your operations.
“We’re going to move into a territory where automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence will prevail over the rest, seeking maximum personalization in ads” - Elena Ferreras, Wink [Channable Email]
5. Invest in training: As the market evolves, so do the skills needed to succeed. Make sure you're investing in training for your employees so they have the knowledge and skills needed to adapt to new market conditions.
“Skills have become a critical currency, and companies will need greater visibility into what they do and don’t have. Forward-thinking employers will map the skills of their workers as well as the skills needed for specific positions” – LinkedIn [Future of Recruiting 2023]
In conclusion, adapting to changing market conditions and consumer preferences is essential for any business that wants to thrive in today's competitive landscape.
By staying informed, listening to your customers, being flexible, embracing technology, and investing in training, you can position your business for success both now and in the future.
Here's related information that you may find helpful – How To Stay Up-To-Date With Latest Marketing Trends And Technologies [Top 5 strategies you need to be aware of].
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bookmytalent · 1 year
Outsource Your React JS Web Developer Today
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New websites are coming every day. As of 2022, there are around 2 billion websites worldwide. In fact, thousands of new websites will be created by the time you finish reading this blog. I’m assuming you own a business and are considering creating your own website. It is obviously a mindful thing to do in today’s competitive world. So, instead of hiring an in-house team, choose to outsource your React JS web developer. Because one thing that is going to create a buzz in the market is web development trends in 2023.
Many large companies, such as Netflix, Dropbox, Instagram, and Airbnb, use React.js for the front-end parts of their apps. And now, every other company that is smart enough to read the market and their customers’ emotions and needs will capitalize on these web development trends.
In this blog, we will discuss and provide valid reasons for outsourcing React web development services rather than hiring an in-house team. 
But first, let’s answer
Why Is React JS So Popular for Web Development?
There are many programming languages that help developers design different websites and apps. But one language that experts highly prefer in web development is React JS. Why so?
ReactJS, also known as React or React.js, is a JavaScript library that is used to create interactive apps and websites. It was named the most desired development framework in Stack Overflow’s 2022 development survey. 22.54% of developers said they would really like to learn and work with it. 
It is also the second most popular technology for development, with 42.62% of professional developers, coding students, and businesses using it.
There’s a good reason for this:
Simple to learn and apply
Highly skilled in JavaScript coding
Outstanding cross-platform performance
It is simple to create templates and dependencies.
Flexible in nature
This is only a summary. If you want to learn more about React JS, you can read- An overview of React JS.
Why Should You Outsource React.js Development Service?
React.js is one of the most valuable web development tools when properly tailored to the project’s goals and business needs. It especially does wonders when handled by highly-skilled React.js developers.
Building an internal React.js development team can be time-consuming and expensive for this reason. You will need to look after many things. It will require evaluating the project’s scope, identifying suitable developers, assembling a team within your financial constraints, and supporting them with consistent work and salaries. 
That’s why many businesses choose to outsource their React.js development work rather than hiring an in-house team. 
The software development industry has changed dramatically over the last decade. Outsourcing and distributed teams have replaced the traditional model of in-house development teams. As the benefits of outsourcing become more apparent, this trend will only accelerate.
Outsourcing React.js is a cost-effective solution for web development services:
Outsourcing the software development process has always been a cost-effective option than hiring a team. Similarly, when you outsource React JS development services it benefits you and your company in many ways. It eliminates the need for:
Additional infrastructure, 
Office space, and equipment,
Conducting a lengthy recruitment process, 
Training the new employees, 
Proving employee benefits, etc.
It helps you save money without sacrificing quality by outsourcing React development services from a reputable and reliable business. You can work with a group of talented developers based in a nation with lower living and wages.
You can make use of the latest trends and technologies for developing your website:
Companies without in-house programmers will also gain from contracting with a tech-savvy vendor to handle their project development. Partnering with a reputable software development firm allows you to:
Receive competent React.js consulting, 
Gain access to the company’s latest expertise and battle-tested software development practices
Gain insight into the best-suited tech stack and 
Anticipate potential pitfalls.
Outsourcing lets you free up your internal resources that can be put into some other important official works:
Another issue that small businesses face is a lack of resources. If your employees are overburdened with responsibilities, the quality of their work will suffer. Under pressure, your employees may even quit.
Outsourced teams are more flexible and scalable than an in-house team:
Compared to an internal developer, an external team offers more flexibility in the workplace. You can hire a remote team for seasonal projects without having to pay them throughout the year while maintaining stricter deadlines and budgets.
Outsourcing React development services is advantageous for growing businesses as it allows for future growth. You can add or remove team members, end the collaboration once the project is completed, and make risk-free decisions with no consequences.
Engaging outside developers also frees up your staff to work on important projects that will help the company grow. In this manner, you avoid passing up lucrative opportunities while ensuring that tasks related to development go off without a hitch.
The work will be of high quality:
It can be expensive to hire React developers with extensive experience, strong skill sets, and comprehensive knowledge of the react developer tools. For a lot less money, a remote team can provide the same qualities.
The majority of companies that provide outsourcing services for react development employ highly qualified react.js developers who also have the extensive industry knowledge and their own set of best practices.
Additionally, they would have collaborated with numerous businesses on a variety of projects, guaranteeing a broader knowledge base. An external team’s various members can collaborate to successfully plan, design, and carry out the project. It is challenging and expensive to build an internal team with all these qualities.
Getting professionals outsourced lets you tap an unrestricted talent pool:
Continuous technological development is the lifeblood of the software development sector. This implies that in order to remain relevant, developers must constantly learn new skills. With people competing on a global scale, the competition is also extremely fierce.
When you hire internally, you must hire locals or pay for employees to relocate to your city. However, if you outsource React development services, you can hire anyone with the necessary skills anywhere in the world.
Works are delivered on time:
When hiring a remote ReactJS development company, business owners can specify a deadline. Usually, the project has a time limit specified in the contract, and any delays could cost the company money. By doing this, you can guarantee that your development tasks will be completed on time and that the delivery will occur as scheduled.
If the deadline is short, it is also the agency’s duty to add more people to the project without charging you for each one separately. A temporary project does not require hiring, orienting, or training personnel, which would lengthen the development cycle time.
BookMyTalent can help you find React Developers
As a provider of talent outsourcing services, BMT helps you find the most talented, qualified and committed ReactJS developer. React JS development can now be outsourced to India for a fair price in order to find knowledgeable and experienced developers for your business.
Get in touch with us to explore your project, and our team of experts will work with you to bring it to fruition. Hire Indian developers today, and elevate your business to new heights!
For a seamless search for a highly skilled and knowledgeable professional for your React project, choose BMT. Let us find the best match for your custom development needs rather than going through the tiresome process of interviewing candidates and looking through genuine resumes.
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Reasons Why Custom eLearning Development is the Right Choice
Today's highly competitive and demanding environment demands that we stay on top of the most efficient and effective practices in our respective fields. It means regularly providing employees with the latest and most relevant training and development modules. In addition, a business should prioritize safety, precaution, and compliance associated with its various roles and training to improve efficiency and effectiveness and drive growth.
There are several reasons why organizations choose to use pre-built eLearning courses, including convenience and low cost. Pre-built eLearning courses can be practical, but another more effective option yields superior learning outcomes and is exceedingly rewarding for all stakeholders. So, there is also the option of developing custom eLearning courses.
There usually needs to be more focus on developing essential skills and learning objectives in off-the-shelf programs, resulting in (average) generic content. Personalized content can be created from the ground up, addressing an organization's specific needs and goals while providing complete control over the content. Keeping such prerequisites as a cornerstone of eLearning development is easier when it is customized. Additionally, custom eLearning development uses the latest resources, emerging tools, and technology to deliver specific skills and competencies to a broad audience consistently.
 Let’s understand the Reasons to choose Custom eLearning Development
 1. eLearning is Tailored to the Needs of Your Organization
Every company is different, and even they are serving the same class of customers. Their employees have different needs when it comes to learning. At Core Competency, we understand our customers' needs, sit with them to understand their objective behind Custom eLearning Development, and then find a solution to fulfill the same.
 2. Custom E-Learning is Reliable and Consistent
All your employees will be learning the same thing. After you get a customized e-learning solution for your company, all your employees will learn from the same templates, getting the same instruction to do a particular task that ensures consistency in tone, message, and corporate branding.
 3. Content for the Custom eLearning Development is easy to update
For most organizations staying up to date with the technologies and other materials crucial for their success can be challenging. But with a Custom E-Learning platform, it is easy to update templates or any additional information in the system. So, for example, we can delete the past data related to a topic and update it with the new one so that your attendants can only have the updated information for a topic.
4. Custom eLearning Development is a better return on your investment
For the short term, a Custom eLearning solution seems expensive, but compare it with the long-term goals of your company and how it is helping your employees for their betterment. Overall, it is helping your organization to earn better. Updated content is going to help your employees to provide better results and help them to solve a problem faster.
 5. Custom eLearning Boost Collaboration and sharing
It sometimes takes work to foster collaboration among employees. But Custom eLearning Development Solutions provide different training material according to the roles and responsibilities of the employees. The same learning material for the same position enhances sharing, where the staff knows they have the same training material. They can even ask for help from their colleagues on a specific topic.
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Review Your Commercial Cleaning Contract Now
As an office manager or facilities manager, it’s part of your job to make sure your offices and facilities are clean and sanitary. If you haven’t already, take time before the end of the year to review your commercial cleaning contract. Are you not convinced you’re getting what you’re paying for? Does the commercial cleaning company doing the work leave something to be desired?
It may be time to fire your commercial cleaning company. But don’t be hasty. Ask yourself some questions and weigh the answers.
1.    Do their rates keep going up with no increased service?
This might not actually be a bad thing, in today’s economy. Companies are finding they need to raise hourly wages to attract and retain quality employees. If your commercial cleaning company has notified you of a rate increase, ask why before you decide to shop around. Sometimes quality service is worth paying a bit more.
2.    Are there “people problems”?
Does it seem like you have a different person coming in each time to clean? This can be a problem if they don’t follow the specific checklist you have for cleaning your facility. Did you find out the company has been paying employees “under the table”? Do they have inadequate employee screening?
Companies that cut corners in their hiring don’t get, or keep, quality employees. And that means you don’t get the clean you deserve, because employees who don’t feel valued aren’t inclined to put in their best effort.
3.    Are they unprofessional and inconsistent?
Is everything getting cleaned every time? Or do you find that trash cans didn’t get emptied or floors didn’t get cleaned? Or did they leave a door unlocked? You need professionals who take their job seriously and provide a consistent, high level of cleaning and disinfecting every time. And leaving a door unlocked is reason for immediate termination.
4.    Are they unresponsive?
This one is truly a deal breaker. If your cleaning company representative or staff member (or both!) don’t respond to notes, emails, phone calls, or worst of all, face-to-face complaints, it’s time to find a new provider. Or if they respond and say “we’ll take care of it” but never do, it’s time to move on.
Finding a New Commercial Cleaning Company
Finding a new commercial cleaning company that you can trust to do the job right doesn’t have to be hard. Get references and read the reviews of the companies you’re considering before you reach out to get a quote.
Read through their websites to see what you can learn about their company processes, including employee training. Consider looking at their current job listings to see what they pay, what sort of requirements they have for the job (screenings), and if they offer paid training.
Come up with a list of questions to ask each company so that you can compare their quotes most accurately. Once you’ve met with a representative from each company, decide who you want to work with.
Get a FREE Quote for Commercial Cleaning Services You Can Count On
Whether you’re an office manager, facilities manager, or HR manager looking to keep your employees healthy and your business running smoothly, we would welcome the chance to give you a free quote for commercial cleaning and disinfecting services.
At our onsite visit, we’ll go over your needs and expectations, and come up with a plan tailored to your facility. We serve commercial clients of all kinds in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Harford County.
Call 410-618-4527 or fill out the Get a Quote form to get started.
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Benzne: The Ultimate Agile Consulting Firm And Training Company
Benzne helps companies from start-up to enterprise with needs in Agile Consulting, Strategy, and Digital Transformation.
Introduction to Benzne
Benzne is the perfect agile consulting firm for your organization. We provide expert guidance and support to help you implement agile methodology within your company. We also offer training courses to help your employees learn and adapt to this new way of working. Our services are tailored to meet the unique needs of your organization, and we are committed to helping you achieve success.
 Benzne has a team of experienced consultants who are experts in agile methodology. We will work with you to understand your specific needs and goals, and tailor our services accordingly. We have a proven track record of helping organizations successfully implement agile methodology, and we are confident that we can do the same for you.
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In addition to our consulting services, we also offer an agile training workshop that can help your employees learn about and adapt to this new way of working. Our courses are designed to be both informative and interactive, so that participants can gain a deep understanding of the concepts involved. We also offer certification programs for those who want to demonstrate their proficiency in agile methodology.
Whether you're looking for consultation or training, Benzne is the perfect partner for your organization's journey into agility. Contact us today to learn more about our services, or visit our website to enroll in one of our courses.
What is Agile?
Agile is a software development methodology that values individuals and interactions over processes and tools, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, and working product over comprehensive documentation.
In an Agile environment, teams work in short cycles called sprints to deliver incremental value to the customer. The goal is to have a working product at the end of each sprint that can be demonstrated to the customer. This allows for feedback and course correction early in the project lifecycle, resulting in a more successful outcome.
Benzne is the ultimate Agile consulting firm because we live and breathe these values. We are passionate about helping our clients succeed using Agile methods, and we have the experience and expertise to make it happen.
The Benefits of Agile
The benefits of working with an agile consulting firm like Benzne are many. For one, you can expect a higher level of flexibility and responsiveness from our team. We’re not afraid to change course when necessary and we’re always open to new ideas.
Additionally, our years of experience with agile methodology means that we know how to help our clients overcome common challenges and obstacles. We understand the importance of communication and collaboration, and we know how to keep projects on track.
Perhaps most importantly, we believe in the power of agile to transform businesses for the better. We’ve seen firsthand how agile can help organizations become more efficient, more innovative, and more successful. If you’re looking for a partner who can help you realize the full potential of agile, you’ve come to the right place.
Common Methods of Working in an Agile Environment
There are a few common methods of working in an agile environment:
1. The most common method is scrum. Scrum is a process that helps teams work together to complete a project. It is based on the idea of sprints, or short periods of time, in which a team works to complete a task.
2. Another common method is Kanban. Kanban is a way of organizing work so that it can be easily seen and tracked. It uses cards to represent tasks, and these cards are placed in columns based on their status.
3. A third common method is XP, or extremes Programming. XP is a set of software development practices that emphasize things like customer satisfaction and collaboration.
4. Finally, there is lean software development. Lean software development is based on the principles of the Toyota Production System, and it emphasizes things like efficiency and waste reduction.
How To Implement Agile In Your Organization
Agile is a popular methodology for software development, and has been shown to be successful in a variety of organizations. If you're looking to implement agile in your organization, there are a few things you should keep in mind.
First, it's important to get buy-in from all levels of the organization. Agile requires a certain amount of flexibility and adaptability, so everyone needs to be on board with the change.
Second, you'll need to choose the right tools and processes for your organization. There are many different ways to do agile, so it's important to find what will work best for your team.
Third, training is essential. Agile can be a bit of a shift for some people, so it's important that everyone is properly trained on the new processes and tools.
 Benzne can help you with all of this. We're an agile consulting firm with years of experience helping organizations implement agile successfully. We offer training courses, process consultations, and tool recommendations to help you get started with agile in your organization.
Benzne is the perfect company for anyone looking for agile consulting or training services. Their team of experts are highly knowledgeable and experienced, and they are always up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the industry. In addition, Benzne's prices are very competitive, making them a great value for your money. If you need any help with your agile transformation, make sure to contact Benzne first!
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dtp-index · 1 year
Mindvalley For Business Review: Can It Transform Your Team?
Today I want to talk about a topic that I haven't discussed in any of my articles in the past but I have been asked about frequently. Mindvalley for business: is it a good idea or not?
I haven't used Mindvalley for my own business because our team is relatively small, and most of us take Mindvalley Quests anyway and don't need all the tools that Mindvalley for Business provides. I first joined Mindvalley about 2 years ago and it completely changed both my personal and professional life. It helped me to reach my business goals and set new ones. I like the flexibility that the platform offers and that I can learn at my own pace whenever I have time for that. And while Mindvalley for Business may have additional features that would suit larger teams better, it's not necessary for us right now. But Mindvalley definitely helped not only me but our whole team build a strong company vision and taught us how to cooperate with each other more effectively for better results.
What Is Mindvalley Business?
Mindvalley for Business is an innovative platform that enables teams to access a wide range of live events and growth opportunities throughout the year. The platform provides a series of workshops, conferences, webinars, and more, all designed to help teams reach their goals faster.
So who could benefit from Mindvalley Business and why should you think about getting it for your team? As we all know, the workplace can be an incredibly disheartening place for many employees. According to recent studies, 85% of employees are not engaged in the workplace and 81% are considering leaving their jobs. This is a troubling statistic that speaks to a larger problem - employees feeling unappreciated and unsupported. While there are many contributing factors to this lack of engagement, it seems that appreciation remains at the core of this issue. 69% of employees say they would commit more to their work if they were appreciated more, suggesting that a little recognition could go a long way in improving morale and productivity. Employers need to take these statistics seriously if they want to keep their workforce motivated and invested in their success, but of course, not everyone has time to do that. Mindvalley offers a solution for this problem: they can help transform your team mindset and collaboration with their unique "360 Approach To Growth".
Mindvalley Review: My Experience After 360 Days Is It Worth It?
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To give you an idea of what results you can accept from Mindvalley Business, here is an overview from the company's website:
Enhanced Productivity and Human Excellence
Improved Focus and Increased Intelligence
Immunity to Overwhelm and Stress
Improved Employee Engagement and Retention
Reduce Absenteeism and Eliminate Burnout
Inspire Boundless Innovation and Creativity
Create Stronger Leadership and Ownership
Higher Profits Through Optimized Performance
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By improving focus and increasing intelligence, employees can become more efficient and effective in their work. Immunity to overwhelm and stress is an important factor when it comes to ensuring that employees remain committed to their tasks. It is also a great way to improve employee engagement and retention as employees feel less pressure from their workloads. Increased intelligence helps employees to think more critically about their work, leading to better results.
By inspiring boundless innovation and creativity, employers can help cultivate a culture of enthusiasm and motivation. This will help drive stronger leadership and ownership within the organization, leading to higher profits through optimized performance. Additionally, providing team members with the resources they need to succeed- including access to training, educational opportunities, and mentorship - will empower them to take ownership of their work and contribute more effectively. Improving communication between leaders and employees will also create an atmosphere of trust and respect that encourages collaboration and helps ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal. With these strategies in place, organizations can achieve lower absenteeism rates, higher productivity levels, increased job satisfaction, and ultimately higher profits.
In my opinion, Mindvalley for Business is a cutting-edge corporate training platform designed to help organizations unlock their team’s potential. It offers an array of engaging, interactive, and customized experiences for businesses of all sizes. The minimum number of participants for the program is usually twenty individuals and the fee per person is $299. You can take a free consultation first to make sure that Mindvalley for Business is a good match for your company and ask about custom plans. The membership process is easy and straightforward - you first need to sign up to access the exclusive content library tailored specifically for business users and then customize your learning experience with personal selections from different learning paths. You can choose the type of training that suits your organization’s needs and align it with your existing professional development initiatives. Finally, you can measure success by tracking progress through analytics and reporting tools, ensuring that you achieve your desired outcomes. With Mindvalley for Business, you can ignite innovation in the workplace and create an environment of continuous growth and improvement.
How Is Mindvalley for Business Different From Regular Mindvalley Membership:
- Concierge Onboarding Experience For Mindvalley Business is designed to make it easier for business owners to get started with Mindvalley. The experience provides personalized support and guidance, tailored to each business’s individual needs. It includes a personal call with a dedicated onboarding specialist who will walk you through the process of setting up your account and explain all of the features of the Mindvalley platform.
- Orientation Call With Vishen Lakhiani who is a founder of Mindvalley, the leading personal growth platform for entrepreneurs, companies, and individuals. Vishen has been a pioneer in the industry for many years now, providing innovative solutions that enable people to unlock their greatest potential. He has created a thriving business from the ground up and is highly respected as an expert on personal growth and development.
- Team-Based Transformation Journeys at Mindvalley Business are designed to help teams gain clarity and focus on the goals they want to achieve. Through a combination of workshops, activities, and team discussions, teams will be guided in identifying and addressing any obstacles that may be hindering their success. Mindvalley Certified Coaches and Trainers are there every step of the way to provide personalized support and advice that can help your team reach its potential. With their expertise in team dynamics, emotional intelligence, and conflict resolution, your team will have the tools necessary to create lasting solutions. Together you will explore new strategies for developing collaboration within the group, build trust across teams, and foster meaningful relationships with stakeholders.
Best Mindvalley Courses And Quests To Take
Mindvalley Business Certificates And Reports
With each program the team members complete, they will receive an official Mindvalley Certificate. This certificate serves as a physical recognition of the achievements made by your employees and provides tangible evidence of their progress. Reports from Mindvalley Business can also provide in-depth analytics into how well the team is performing, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and take action accordingly. Additionally, members receive personalized feedback from experts on how to further their development journey, making it easier to stay focused on goals and sustain motivation. These reports are a great tool for tracking performance and helping to get the most out of each member's experience.
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Is Mindvalley Business Worth It?
Yes, Mindvalley Business is worth it. It's a great way for companies to build a strong foundation for success in businesses and improve productivity by giving participants new skills and insights into how to create not just an innovative work environment but also happier more positive team members and bring excitement to a workplace.
Mindvalley Business works with some of the biggest brands and companies in the world. These include Exxon Mobil, Duracell, Vodaphone, Aerospace, and Electrolux. These companies choose to work with Mindvalley Business because of their proven track record for delivering results that exceed expectations.
CEO Of Cosmetic Brand Marini Eliminate recently made an incredible decision to try Mindvalley for business instead of bankruptcy. This move has paid off as the company has quadrupled its revenue and the team is now a much happier and more motivated one to work with. Everyone in the company feels the joy to be part of this success story and they are grateful that the company chose to go with Mindvalley instead of bankruptcy and is excited to see what other positive changes the future holds.
Overall, teams that have taken Mindvalley for Business found it to be a great experience. They reported feeling stronger, happier, and very pleased with the personal customer support provided by Mindvalley. Statistics show that more than 70% of those who attended courses enjoyed them. The team members were able to gain valuable knowledge from the courses and apply it to their own business practices and personal life which has had positive results. This type of learning environment provides an opportunity for teams to come together and collaborate on new ideas and strategies. Mindvalley for Business offers a unique way of helping teams become better organized and more productive in the workplace.
Original Source: https://sites.google.com/site/videoblocksreview/online-learning/mindvalley-for-business-review
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cheapcourses · 2 years
Be taught The best way to Run FACEBOOK ADS (for ANY eCom Enterprise and ANY Ability Degree) in 2021 Learn the way Alex Fedotoff’s staff of media consumers make the most of Facebook Advertisements to recover from 2.0 ROAS CONSISTENTLY, whereas spending $100,000/day+ throughout over 50 accounts in numerous niches (NO 100s of pages of ineffective principle, simply actual, actionable, to the purpose content material and REAL outcomes) Be the FIRST to Be taught HOW Me and My Media Consumers Spend $100,000/day PROFITABLY " My media purchaser used your trick inside a marketing campaign that was trending out of KPIs and increase 7 ROAS marketing campaign vast immediately." - Bilel Rais, 7 determine eCom entrepreneur, scaled from zero to $1.4 million in gross sales with Facebook adverts in 4 months Over the past 12 months we now have spent $30,000,000+ testing Facebook adverts campaigns within our personal and shoppers’ accounts. Wanting again, we’ve made so many errors. We've examined issues we shouldn’t have, we now have waited for too lengthy for campaigns and advert units to “optimize”, we now have tried to scale unscalable campaigns. The benefit of it? You don’t must do all Fb adverts errors as a result of we’ve carried out them! And you'll be taught the very best methods for testing, optimizing and scaling your Facebook adverts all from the consolation of your house. How a lot it would value you? My shoppers pay me $20,000+ monthly to strategize and scale their Facebook adverts campaigns. My consulting shoppers pay $30,000+ per 12 months to get entry to my greatest performing frameworks and techniques. IF you needed to order 1 hour consulting name with me it could be $3,295 and you would need to wait for 2 weeks for your spot. Now with the 7-Figure Media Buyer coaching you don’t must pay $30,000, you don’t must pay $20,000, you don’t have even to pay $3,000. 👉 You should utilize it as a enterprise proprietor operating adverts for your self! 👉 You should utilize it as a media shopping for company trying for a framework to coach new media consumers! 👉 You should utilize it to get your worker do the Facebook adverts for you! GET INSTANT ACCESS for Simply $197 Why I do that? I've a really egocentric agenda: I do know you'll LOVE these methods and as soon as you'll apply them you're going to get AMAZING outcomes. Upon getting wonderful outcomes and make a variety of $$$, you'll want to purchase my different companies and consulting to get it to the following stage. 10 DETAILED video classes (over 6 hours of in-depth coaching) with the TRENDIEST Facebook methods demonstrated on REAL ACCOUNTS 10 Mindset Shift Classes that can assist you to UNDERSTAND the eCom and on-line advertising world! 5 EXPLICIT Facebook adverts troubleshooting classes to have you ever BMs and advert accounts ‘insured’! SECRET BONUS A DIVE into the MOST POPULAR funnel constructions – see -> copy -> use -> succeed (normal eCom funnel, free+transport provide, subscription mannequin, and so forth) Examined by tens of millions of dollars to validate and refine the very best Fb adverts formulation Discover ways to correctly check eCom merchandise (or every other product) with Facebook adverts for most profitability from day 1 3 Speedy testing Facebook adverts frameworks to go well with any price range designed for profitability How my Media Consumers Group obtain 2-3X ROAS on COLD site visitors spending $100,000+ per day utilizing this Facebook adverts Copy my Facebook adverts scaling methods that allowed us to spend $40+ mil. In 2020 alone Print and use as your step-by-step information in months to come back Discover ways to create your personal distinctive hyper-profitable Facebook adverts frameworks for your personal accounts Apply these frameworks for info-products and eCom/ dropship companies Copy and paste my consultants’ “retargeting blitzkrieg” framework for 10X ROI Actual Case Research & Demonstration (no fluff or 10s of pages of principle) PLUS: a particular 50% low cost on ESS program if purchased along with the Blueprint - the right praise! This coaching is 10+ hours of insider information and actionable recommendation on constructing a worthwhile Facebook adverts MACHINE – WRITTEN by an EXPERT hands-on Media Consumers’ Group It’s solely for individuals prepared for a quick development and profitability. It’s NOT for these trying for magic answer. Like with all the things even you probably have the very best components and techniques you continue to want to check and discover your distinctive method. They do not exist. It’s BOTH for advertisers already spending cash on Facebook adverts, from $100 a day all the best way to these spending $50,000- $100,000 a day! AND those that HASN’T spent a penny but however REALLY WANTS to search out the best way I'll present you within advert accounts spending this a lot with precise formulation and clarification. I’m utilizing the identical formulation to promote $10s of tens of millions of eCommerce and knowledge merchandise per 12 months plus serving to my shoppers spend tens of millions of dollars monthly with unbeatable ROI. However this coaching will cowl far more than simply Facebook adverts. It is going to cowl my eCom entrepreneurial mindset, testing methods, retargeting hacks, funnel constructing methods, troubleshooting cheats, and KPI’s we use to attain profitability for the provides we run. You might need seen theory-packed e-books and programs. This coaching is essentially the most up-to-date 100% PRACTICAL useful resource you've gotten ever seen. DISCLAIMER: Adspy, in addition to Slack and e-mail help are usually not included within the course anymore
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infradapt · 2 years
Busting Four Popular Cybersecurity Myths
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  As the business world becomes increasingly digitized, you’ll have to tackle several dangers that come with doing business online. Cybercriminals nowadays have several methods to target organizations, from credential hacks to sophisticated ransomware attacks.
  This is why it’s critical to think about measures to protect your organization in every possible way. If you are unfamiliar with technology and the cyberthreat landscape, it might be hard to know the best strategy to protect your organization. With so much noise about cybersecurity out there, it can be challenging to distinguish between myth and fact.
  Understanding current and evolving technology risks, as well as the truths behind them, is critical for providing a secure direction for your business. This blog can help you with that, and after reading it, you’ll have a better idea of the threat landscape and how to protect your business against it.
  Cybersecurity myths debunked
  Busting the top cybersecurity myths is essential to keep your business safe:
  Myth #1: Cybersecurity is just one solution
There are many different aspects to cybersecurity and they’re all crucial in keeping your business safe. A robust cybersecurity posture includes employee security awareness training, physical security measures and a web of defenses for your network and devices. You can create a solid cybersecurity strategy for your business by considering all these measures.
  Myth #2: Only large businesses become the victims of cyberattacks
If you fall for this myth, it could severely damage your organization. The truth is that small businesses are targeted more frequently by cybercriminals since their network can easily be compromised and they are less likely to recover from an attack unless they pay a ransom.
  Myth #3: Antivirus software is enough protection
Nothing could be further from the truth. Antivirus software doesn’t provide comprehensive protection from all the threats that can exploit your vulnerabilities. Cybersecurity is about much more than just antivirus software. It’s about being aware of potential dangers, taking the necessary precautions and deploying all the appropriate solutions to protect yourself.
  Myth #4: I’m not responsible for cybersecurity
Many businesses and their employees believe that their IT department or IT service provider is solely responsible for protecting them against cyberthreats. While the IT service department/IT service provider bears significant responsibility for cybersecurity, hackers can target employees because they are usually the weakest link. It’s your responsibility as a business leader to provide regular security awareness training and your employees’ responsibility to practice good cyber hygiene.
  Infradapt can help
  Cybersecurity myths like the ones you learned above can lull businesses into a false sense of security, leaving them vulnerable to attacks. This is where an IT service provider, like us, can help. We can help you separate fact from myth and make sure your business is as secure as possible.
  We have the experience and expertise to handle matters such as cybersecurity, backup, compliance and much more for our customers. We’re always up to date on the latest security landscape and provide you with the tools and guidance you need to stay safe. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you secure your business.
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