evilcatgirlwizard · 4 months
yknow i know gorgug knows his bio dad and i know its not bill seacaster but i straight up think its a througline from bill to both gorgug and fabian that they like it when women are better than them at shit and will soundly and thoroughly beat their asses about it. fabian getting flirty when rage!mazey threatens him? gorgug realizing hes probably been so "mad" at mary ann bc hes had a thing for her the whole ass season bc she beat his ass? bill seacaster only marrying and settling down with a woman so good at sword combat she Could Kill Him At Any Time?????? im just saying. im just saying!
gorgug was a little right when he asked bill if he was his dad. hes only gorgugs dad in terms of his taste in women.
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anxiousimpala · 4 months
So I’m trying to figure what the actual narrative parallels the RatGrinders and the BadKids have because the classes being the same are obvious but what else?
So the easiest is kind of Fig and Ruben, they were both sweet sorta preppy kids before rage turned them in the direction of more gritty music, rock and emo. Fig was mad that her dad left and her mom refusing to tell her who her bio dad was and Ruben just got rage crystalled.
Adaine and Oisin are odd because you’d think they’d be sorcerers. A subclass for sorcerer is literally dragon blood so why Oisin isn’t inherently magical is weird. But the biggest thing they have in common is that they were both scrawny weak-ish kids before getting buff in Junior year. (Adaine‘s furious fist and Oisin getting muscles)
I like to think that Gorgug and Mary-Ann parallel each other because they both do something that isn’t typical not them being barbarians per se. Mary-Ann, a kobold, being a barbarian and Gorgug, a half-orc, multiclassing an artifer. Which is great
Kristen and Buddy Dawn are much more obvious because it is said in the show that Buddy reminded Kristen of herself and that they both brought gods into the world in the gimnasium. Also Riz and Kipperlily are compared multiple times in the show so not really sure what to add.
But Fabian and Ivy are really hard. We’ve got no clue what Ivy’s homelife is like besides people theorising that she’s from leviathan. And that makes their dynamic the most interesting because she and Fabian have nothing in common except that they’re popular(not sure if Ivy is). If anything Ivy is more of what Fig would be like if her dad wasn’t Gorthalax. This catty, fashionable, ranger wood elf could easily have been Fig. So it’s kinda unfortunate we didn’t get a lot of characterisation for Ivy.
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thedarkone121 · 2 months
Behold! Drafts of Anne-Marie’s Biological Parents!
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This was meant to be a design study since I already designed Anne-Marie, so I wanted to see how her bio parents would look like. Also I wanted to give a face for these a-holes so we can all hate on them for giving the girl trauma.
However, this also transformed into an idea that wouldn’t leave me alone, so I have decided to make it canon to Anne-Marie’s backstory.
Everyone, meet Anne-Marie’s birth parents: Isabella and Simon Stride…
More undercut to hear my design notes.
In my head, I always had a clear image of what Isabella looked like. Anne-Marie was always meant to take after her in looks so it wasn’t that hard to pin down the face. All I had to do was change her nose.
Now, she originally had a purple color scheme with green eyes — since purple means royalty and Isabella often had visions of living a luxurious life — but I was given a note in Discord that it made her look too much like Rachel and maybe I should warm up the colors, so that’s what I did.
Honestly? I love it. It gives Isabella Mother Gothel vibes and I think it fits her perfectly. Two women who have no right to be mothers.
Now, onto the man of the hour himself.
So, to put it bluntly, I didn’t planned for Simon Stride to be involved in this story. Originally, Anne-Marie’s bio father was meant to a generic rich slime-ball who Jekyll had only seen in passing at parties.
But then my mind played around with the idea of: “What if it was Simon Stride?” Suffice to say, I couldn’t escape that brainworm.
So yeah, this is my Simon Stride design for TGS. Who, as the words of @definatelymrhyde (hey 🤣) described him: “punchable and French”
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twst-rose-prisms · 5 months
Mary Merveilles' profile
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❤️ Bio ❤️
- Dorm: Ramshackle (the Prefect)
- Japanese: メアリー・メルヴェイユ (Meari Merubeiyu)
- Birthday: Aries 11th (Aries)
- Age: 16
- Height: 155cm
- Dominant hand: Right
- Homeland: ?
- Family: Unnamed Mother & Father Unnamed older brother Unnamed older sister
- Voiced by: Ayaka Ohashi
- Other Name(s): Herbivore (Leona) Lil' shrimp (Floyd) Trickster (Rook) Child of Man (Malleus)
❤️ School ❤️
- Grade: Freshman
- Class: Class A (no 9)
- Club: Pop Music Club
- Best subject: Musicology
❤️ Preferences ❤️
- Hobby: Singing, Dancing
- Pet peeves: Dirty rooms
- Favorite food: Apple pie
- Least favorite food: Chili peppers
- Talent: Musical Memory
The prefect of Ramshackle Dorm and Grim's best friend who can "understand him every time" (according to him). A curious, calm and observant girl, she always tries her best to adapt to Twisted Wonderland every day coming from a world where no magic exists. Once she goes past her initially nervous, meek manner, she's actually a really kind, friendly and supportive girl who would do anything for her friends.
❤️ Trivia ❤️
Mary's last name means "Wonder" in French. This could be a pun for the word "Wonderland" and also connected to Twisted Wonderland.
Mary's first name is a reference to Mary-Ann - a character in the Slave Labor Graphics Wonderland series who helps the White Rabbit escape from the Queen of Hearts's execution. She is known for being White Rabbit's maid and is obsessed with cleanliness, in the comic, she said that "all she really wants is to be [herself]".
She loves all genres of music and can easily like a song if it catches her attention. She also loves classical music, it's one of the reasons why she occasionally drops by Mostro Lounge.
She always carries the Ghost Camera with her in case she needs to use it, because of this she grows to like taking photos of other people or scenery.
Her favorite color is red, and her favorite shape is 4-petal flower. She considers the shape as her lucky charm and is shown to have accessories in the said shape.
She likes to spoil Grim a lot despite his attitude, as she always dreamed of owning a cat pet back when she was in her homeland as her family didn't allow her house to have pets. However, if Grim goes too far with his actions then she'll be there to quickly stop him.
She might appear like that but once she gets very serious or angry then she can look decently scary enough to other people (especially Grim).
Before Book 5, she kept her appearance very simple and did not dress up much as she often appeared meek or a bit brooding due to the pressure of being in another world with no hesitation (as seen in the reference sheet). Turns out, she loves cute and girly things a lot and would like to make herself look cuter, but due to confidence issues she had in the past to the present it gives her a hard time until after Book 4's timeline when she decides to change her appearance completely, making her appears more girly and truer to herself more.
She has a talent for music, specifically musical memory as she can remember a song or a melody quickly and retain that for a long time in her head. She also likes singing or dancing in her free time and would often dance with Grim and the ghosts in her dorm.
According to Mary, her family consists of her parents and 2 older siblings and she lives with them, although her brother and father go out to work often and don't stay at home much and her sister is focusing on her schoolwork at the current moment, it's mostly just her and her mom at home half the time.
She doesn't have great stamina, as she often got left behind during her PE class back in her homeland's school, it's also one of the reasons why she got insecure about herself overall and chose to not be overly bright in anything she did.
She cherishes her friends a lot despite their weird antics at times, she thinks that's what them special and unique from other people. (Namely, Grim, Ace and Deuce)
Because she went to beaches with her family a lot back then, she has a good surfing skill and can also be good at playing beach volleyball, though she often gets tired easily and has to sit back to watch her siblings play the rest of the match.
She specifically dislikes dirty rooms or things that are dusty and often cleans her stuff and makes sure they stay tidy; this is mostly a reference to the Mary-Ann character; however Mary is not obsessed with cleanliness too much and can still have patience and calmness when facing dusty stuff.
She also likes cleaning and doing chores as she often helps out her parents with it back at home despite her short stamina. All the dorm's chores are done by her with the help of Grim (sometimes he does help too) and the ghosts.
Hi hi~ If you're reading this then first of all, thank you so much for reading until the very end! I decided to design my MC/Yuusona - Mary! I have a fun time designing her ngl, she looks really cute~ I'll post even more OC content in the future too so please look forward to it! 🌹❤️
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quillaffinity · 1 year
Hi! Do you have a web weave about sudden friendship breakup??
Your creations are really touching and poetic (that I’m so inspired of I might just become a poet)
Thank you so much!! Stay safe and take care<333
and with you, my heart
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if i loved you like a lover i think, then, my tears wouldn't hurt so much - my former friend
??? / elio caccavale, richard ashcroft, queen mary, university of london, michael reiss, institute of education, university of london's xenotransplant, from the hybrids: towards a new typology of beings and, animal products project my bio xenotransplant (prototype) / trista mateer / francis alÿs's study for the last clown, déjà-vu / caroline kole, "ex best friend" / jodi picoult / stephen vitiello's my blue sky - samuel beckett's grave, paris; catacombs under paris; marfa mix; canal street - grand central - bronxville (paper tubes, drone, and pocket knife) / sally rooney / robert barry's people, art and places / isaac julien's ten thousand waves / ??? / taylor swift, "peace" / thomas schütte's untitled from united enemies, a play in ten scenes / anne sexton
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You're on Your Own Kid (a.i)
Pairing: Ashton Irwin x Fem! Reader
Summary: Based on YOYOK by Taylor Swift. You and Ashton are two best friends who drift apart even if one of you tries to hold on to the relationship.
Warnings: Angst. Language. Mentions of fatphobia, alcohol, drugs, cheating, eating disorders. Some grammatical errors (English is not my first language im sorry)
Word count: 5.6 k
Author's note: This is very me coded cause I needed to sort out feelings regarding two different broken hearts melted into one and several other things so, enjoy my pain, literally. Remember that we love REBLOGS over here and COMMENTS and TAGS and all of that so please, leave your love and SUPPORT YOUR WRITERS. Hope you like it and happy reading 🦋✨🌻
My Masterlist // Taglist on bio!!
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Summer went away Still, the yearning stays
8 years old.
There was something so beautiful about the first day of summer break. Maybe it was the fact that the alarm clock didn’t go off and that the sun-soaked curtains were the ones that woke you up, softly letting the warm sunlight hit your face as a reminder that the best twelve weeks of the year were going to start.
Or maybe it was the smile that was immediately drawn upon your face as you heard your best friend call from downstairs:
“Oi, Y/N! What are you waiting for, you bugger?!”
Your barefoot feet touched the floor of your room as you ran to your window, watching with bright eyes and an excited smile as your next-door neighbor and best friend, Ashton, was already waiting for you, all dressed up in his bathers.
“C’mon! We don’t have all day!” He yelled again. You rolled your eyes.
“I’ll be there in 5 minutes!”
You closed your window and headed to the bathroom where you carefully prepared your bathing suit the night before when Anne-Marie came to ask your mother if you and Ash could have a playdate today. More specifically, Ashton was really excited to play with the sprinkler they just got to water the plants, and since neither of them got a swimming pool, he thought it’d be the best idea to combat the Australian heat that way.
Once your teeth were brushed, your hair combed, and your bathing suit on, you were ready to take on summer with your best friend. You ran downstairs to the kitchen, putting on your flip-flops and grabbing your strawberry shortcake backpack before grabbing a cookie from the counter.
“Bye mum!” You called, before heading toward the backyard door.
“Not so fast, young lady!” Your mother’s voice could be heard from the other side of the kitchen.
You sighed as you turned around. Looking defeatedly at the ground as you made your way to her. She stood tall with a crooked brow upon her face, pursing her lips as if she asked you a question even though she never did.
“What’d you got there, sweetie?” She asked, pointing her head toward you but to nothing in particular.
“Didn’t we talk already about making healthier choices from now on?” She sighed, grabbing the cookie from your hand and giving you an orange instead. “Last year we let it go because of everything that was going on, but you need to start thinking about taking care of yourself, okay?” You nodded.
It wasn’t difficult to understand what she meant. You ate your vegetables and fruits, except bananas and the weird food grandma made that had seeds in it. But it was summer, and she made those cookies yesterday so, who was going to eat them, then?
“Good.” She smiled, cupping your face and placing a small kiss on your forehead “You’ll look so pretty when you grow up, I promise. Now, go play! But be back before sunset!”
Your smile came back to your face as you walked and peeled the orange, crossing the backyard and opening the fence’s gate that connected your house to Ash’s. There, he was sitting on the ground looking attentively at the gate.
“Finally!” He groaned “I don’t know if you know what 5 minutes are but those were not it”
You chuckled “Sorry! Orange slice?”
“Thanks,” He smiled, getting a whole one in his mouth as he spoke, or tried to, at least “Nough checkth thith outh!”
He walked to the side of the house where he connected the sprinkler to the hose. And suddenly it was like a cascade of rain was falling over you. You squeaked in delight and giggled as you got completely soaked in under a second, watching in awe as the water rose to incredible heights for an eight-year-old and drew shapes in the sky before it fell down over you.
Ashton came running, jumping over the sprinkler and laughing as it moved around, creating new shapes that would soon cover the whole yard in water. You joined him immediately, allowing the water to soak away the heat of the first of many memorable summer days that year.
You played all day and all afternoon. Anne-Marie brought you sandwiches for lunch and stayed with you for a while, even playing with you as she held a small, baby Lauren in her arms, letting her enjoy the water as well. You and Ash would create the most bizarre adventures, imagining you were pirates having a final battle at a waterfall (his idea), pretending you were water fairies (your idea), and trying to see who could outrun the water (both your ideas, neither of you could win).
By the end of the day, you were both exhausted laying on the grass, giggling.
“I don’t want summer to be over!” He said, exaggeratingly throwing his arms to the sky to let them drop to the ground.
“Today’s the first day,”
“But that means one day less!”
“True…” You sighed “Maybe one day we can live on a permanent vacation. Where we don’t have to go to school or work”
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” Ashton asked, turning toward you.
“Like a real job or my dream job?”
“Aren’t those the same?”
“My mom doesn’t think so. At least she says my dream job is not a real job here so it won’t work”
“Your dream job, then”
“I want to be a singer,” You said, smiling.
Ashton looked confused “But that’s a real job!”
“My mom says it’s not” You shrugged “And I haven’t thought about my real job yet. So what about you?”
“I want to be in a band,” Ashton said with a confident nod “And I’m going to make it my real job”
“Can I be in your band?” You asked.
“Sure! You’re my best friend, of course, you can be in it! Now we only need someone who can play the guitar”
That day you went to bed with a smile on your face.
* I hear it in your voice You're smoking with your boys I touch my phone as if it's your face
17 years old
You halt at the door, take off one of your headphones, and turning back.
Your mother, already huffing her way out to meet you halfway, rolled her eyes.
“I said, what are you wearing?”
“Clothes, mom” You answered, tiredly “I’m going to school, you know? The one I’m going to be late to if I don’t catch the bus?”
“Are you sure you don’t want to change?” She tilted her head, “It looks like that’s one of my shirts and-”
“It’s my shirt, mom. We bought it last week” She seemed to have something else to say but you just didn’t have the energy to hear it “I’m gonna be late, bye”
You put back your headphones again, letting Paramore silence the outside world as you walked in the opposite direction to the bus stop. No, you were not going to skip, but the words your mother didn’t say were clinging to the back of your heads like nails, so what if the normal fifteen-minute ride turned into a forty-minute walk? You had time, and plus, the windy morning could really help dry the tears that were already gathering in your eyes.
Crying is not something you did and you were not about to start now. You just got to toughen up, take her words with a grain of salt and keep going. It's not like you’re not making an effort. Is just that for her it is hard to see it since there’s no progress to be shown as fast as she would like.
You’re not in bad shape at all; you’re not a bad kid; your grades are good. It’s just that perfection has a standard in her eyes that you just haven't met yet.
Brick by Brick played for the third time in a loop before you got to school with a few minutes to spare. You smiled at a few of your classmates that you saw in the hallway and went to your locker, opening it to get the things you needed for your first class.
“Hey, you!” A familiar voice said next to you.
You smiled softly as you mindlessly handed Ashton your bag.
“Hey, Ash. Just one moment, please?”
He shrugged as he leaned against the lockers, watching as you put an oversized sweater over your clothes.
“We’re in Australia in April”
“I’m cold”
“Well, it is the year of the end of the world…” You rolled your eyes as you grabbed your bag from him and started to walk together to your first class “Icebergs will melt, the desert will freeze, kangaroos will take over the world-”
“Oh, I would be long dead before a kangaroo tried to fight me” You laughed.
“I’ll defend you!”
“So that our mothers could bury us next to one another? How charming”
The bell rang just in time for the two of you to take your seats. Biology would be the only class you’d share that day and you won’t be seeing each other again until lunchtime rolled around. By that time you were used to losing yourself in thought, especially on days like these where somehow nothing seemed to fit. Or was it because you felt misplaced? You would watch your classmates, smile at them, and make idle talk. You would take notes for your classes and answer the questions the teachers make. But there wasn’t a future here, nothing that seemed to last or that would make you want to stay.
Weekdays were routine that you would soon forget come the weekend. And now the desolated two-day break felt more like the same futile attempt to make something meaningful without succeeding at it. Looking at the window from your room made no sense anymore knowing that Ashton was most likely somewhere else entirely.
At the end of last year, some boy from another school messaged him on facebook asking him to play a gig with them. Since then, Ashton has joined their little band called 5 seconds of summer. A playful name for a band of high schoolers.
You’ve met them a few times and have watched them play whenever they had a gig near town. They were good and were rapidly growing a loyal fanbase with their youtube videos. But their ambition was bigger than just a hobby, and you could see it not just in the way Ashton talked about them, but in the gleam in their eyes every time they hung out or when they played. They were something else and they were ready for more.
However, that didn’t take away the fact that you missed your best friend.
“Earth to Y/N?”
“Huh?” You woke up from your thoughts in the middle of the cafeteria.
Ashton was sitting next to you, a concerned look in his eyes.
“Are you going to finish your lunch?” He said, pointing to your barely touched tray.
“Uh, no. You can have it”
“You’ve barely eaten”
“I’m not hungry” You shook your head, already sliding the tray to him “And you didn’t bring anything again”
He sighed “I forgot… No, I think I put my lunch in Harry’s lunch box again”
“Lucky him, then” You smiled “You’re still driving me home after school and to Mulligan’s later tonight, right?”
Ashton stopped chewing, closing his eyes as he swallowed thickly. Your smile fell.
“I’m sorry!”
“Ash, you promised-”
“I know! I know, I’m a dickhead!” He said with regret the moment he saw how sad you looked. “But I promised Calum that I would sneak him out of soccer practice to go rehearse at Michael’s for our gig on Saturday and I completely forgot! I’m so, so sorry Y/N”
A sharp pain went through your heart as you took a deep breath before nodding. You looked down to avoid looking him in the eye, knowing that those puppy, hazel eyes would make you weak in an instant. Your thumbs twiddled with each other under the table, trying to take some of the tension away and distract you from the moment. It was no big deal. It was okay.
“It’s okay”
Ashton was not fooled by the whisper in your voice. “Y/N-”
“It’s okay, Ash. Really” You said more firmly this time, looking at him but not directly at his eyes “I can walk myself home, I need the sunlight anyway. And we can do Mulligan’s another day if you’d-”
“No,” Ash shook his head, “I said I’d be there and I will. I can cut the rehearsal short and I’ll meet you guys there! I will not miss it, alright? After all, you can’t wait for the midnight of your birthday another day, silly”
You smiled as you rolled your eyes, letting his arms wrap around your shoulders and bringing you closer to him, wondering if he can feel just how fast is beating.
* (9:25 PM) me: Ash, I’m already at the bar. I was late lol. So it’s okay if you wanted to stay longer with the boys
(9:55 PM) me: are you on ur way? I ordered us some beers ;) I finally got to use my ID
(10:30 PM) me: I drank ur beer
(11:30 PM) me: you’re not coming, are you?
There were two rings before he picked up the call.
“Ash, where are you?” You said into the night air and into the phone. Your classmates were inside the bar, waiting for you to sing happy birthday. But there were still five minutes to go and the person that said would be there was nowhere to be found.
“I- I am Ash,” He said before he exploded in giggles, followed by a fading chorus of familiar laughs at the other side of the line.
Then it hit you. He was still at Michael’s. He never left.
“Ashton, are you- are you high?”
Another explosive set of laughter hit you as an answer. You ended the call. The picture you took at the beginning of the year, with Ashton carrying you on his back as you both wink and make peace signs at the camera, mocks you as you try your hardest to be stoic for yourself.
You looked up to the moon and took a deep breath before coming back to the bar, an already perfect fake smile plastered all over your face as your classmates sang happy birthday at the top of their lungs, half of them already drunk. You didn’t know smiling could hurt that much till then.
By the end of the night, you tried your hardest to ignore the random comments that you happened to hear.
“Where’s Ash?” Someone would ask
“I heard he simply didn’t want to come,” Someone else answered. You didn’t know if to believe them.
The next day you woke up with a thousand messages of apologies and a notebook wrapped in wooden paper.
“For all the songs you’re gonna write”
* I wait patiently He's gonna notice me It's okay, we're the best of friends
21 years old
To put it simply, L. A was a fucking nightmare.
Nowhere in the world have you seen such hypocrites smiling at each other like they were best friends all their lives. People were getting high in the backyard by the pool; couples cheating on each other in the same house; every up and coming having their realities shatter in front of their eyes as they realize what their dream industry actually is. And all of that is happening inside your own house in Beverly hills. Yes, you left the outbacks of Australia behind to chase the dreams you fought bravely to make come true. And without anyone’s help, you made it.
You went to college to please your mom, but finding your joy after Ashton had left soon after graduating high school was not easy. However, in order to pay some of your debts, you started working at the same bar you and your classmates used to hang out at. Cleaning tables and serving drinks was not as exciting as it sounded, but what really made it worth it was the open mic nights where anyone could come and present a bit of stand-up comedy or original songs to the public. That’s where you found your escape. Quite literally.
Soon, you were discovered, signed, and shipped off to Los Angeles where success has been modest but impressive for someone with such a short career. But dreams are not easy to maintain.
To have a dream in the city of dreamers is to be a fish in an ocean. Not rare and not exceptional either. It was intimidating and scary, all the more doing it all by yourself in a country where no one seemed to be your friend. People here knew of you, but they didn’t know you at all. Not really.
Maybe you don’t know yourself either.
Once again, a voice pulled you from your own thoughts and into your party again. From afar you noticed Calum’s wide smile as he headed toward you, pushing through the sea of people.
The only ones you know here in L.A are the ones that got away years before you did and were creating havoc among the younger fans. 5 Seconds of Summer was an absolute hit, and they were barely staying at the same place for more than four weeks straight, but you were thankful anytime they did. They were your friends or at least acquaintances except for Ash. They reminded you of home, and one person, in particular, reminded you that there was more than that to hang on to.
“Cal!” You called, hugging him as soon as he came close “I’m so glad you could make it. I have no idea who any of these people are! Where are the others?”
Calum shrugged “Michael got dragged by someone already. Luke… is complicated”
“And Ash?”
You didn’t want to sound hopeful. You didn’t want to give anything away with the tone of your voice or the way your eyes begged you to look around for him, see if he just got lost among the crowd.
“He said he’d come” Calum said, pretending not to know how you feel “You know how he is. Sometimes he says one thing…”
“To change it at the last minute.” You sighed “I hate that about him”
“It’s Ashton”
“I asked him to come and help me with the recording of some drums at the studio last week, did he tell you?” He shook his head “He said that what I was doing “wasn’t really his thing” so maybe I should just call someone else”
“He said that to you?” Calum said in disbelief.
You nodded “He’s been a real asshole lately. And I did get someone else in the end, but…”
“Yeah, I get it. It’s the principle”
But it was not just that. The Ashton you met at school was not the same Ashton you found as an adult. And yes, people are bound to change and you have changed a lot as well, but looking back it makes you question whether this person made changes to keep themselves in your life or to make themselves a memory of what once was a good old time. And you were scared Ashton could become the latter.
For many years, Ashton was the only one by your side, or at least that’s what you knew of. When he left for London all those years ago, you were happy that he could chase all those dreams he once shared with you in your backyard as little kids. But once you caught on with life and fate decided that it was time to meet again, it was like there were already so many people beside him that you felt out of frame. You were his friend first. But maybe he forgot.
“Ooop, he just texted” Calum chimed in, sipping on his drink “He’s right outside, I told him we’re hiding in the kitchen”
You chuckled as your fingers drummed nervously on top of the counter, trying your hardest not to look at the door. Not yet, don’t let him see you waiting for him. Just one moment more-
“What the fuck?”
Calum’s whisper made your eyebrows turn into a frown as you followed his gaze. Oh, how you wish you didn’t.
Entering your kitchen filled with people was Ashton, a smile so shy and welcoming at the same time, hand in hand with one of the most gorgeous girls you’ve ever seen in your life. Your smile flattered for one second.
“I guess he’s not with Jess anymore…” Muttered Calum. Jess? Who was Jess? And who was this girl if Calum didn’t know?
Your heart grew heavy as the air around you thickened, yet you couldn’t tear your eyes away from them. From afar, Ashton noticed you - or he noticed Calum, you didn’t know - and raised his hand to say hi and kept walking into another room with his new girl following him.
That’s it? Not even a proper hello? This is your house, your party… A sunken feeling enveloped you as you excused yourself to the bathroom, ignoring the pointed look Calum gave you as he let you go without asking questions.
The music was muffled inside the tiled walls. You locked the doors and went to the sink, leaning over it with your hands on either side of the counter. A shaky breath escaped your lips as you counted to ten over and over again, repeating to yourself that you were okay. You were okay, or you would be. You had to be.
As you raised your head, the mirror showed the reflection of a girl whose eyes beat red from tears she refused to shed. You could not be that girl tonight.
So you smiled at your reflection, practicing what muscle memory taught you good girls do when things don’t go their way. You smiled and fixed your hair, and smiled again. It didn’t matter that the image that kept playing inside your head was his hands tangled in hers. It didn’t matter that he didn’t even say hello. This was not about him nor your broken heart. You had to keep going so you had to smile. It’s not the first time it happened, you should be used to it by now.
One last deep breath and you opened the door, going back to the party. But as you made your way back into the kitchen, you bumped into someone going in the opposite direction.
“Woah! Hey, Y/N!” He said, smiling as he hugged you like he used to do.
For a moment you let yourself forget where you were and be hugged by him, letting the smell of his cologne be tattooed somewhere in your brain.
“Hi, Ash”
“How- hey, are you crying?”
“What?” You blinked a couple of times “Oh, no! One eyelash fell into my eye and I had to get it out, you know how that makes me-”
“Yeah, you get weirded out by eyes” He cringed.
An awkward silence set between the two of you, not knowing what to say now that is just the two of them. But you… Oh, you could say so much, you just didn’t know where to start. You wanted to ask about the tour, how it went and what was his favorite place to visit. You were dying to mention their new songs and how they made you feel. You wanted to ask about his family, how is Anne-Marie? Is Harry doing well in school? Has Lauren started high school yet and how does she like it? Do they still live in the same house you grew up with? Do they know the memories you shared? Do they even remember you?
Does Ash?
But standing in front of him you felt as if you had no right to ask those questions anymore. Ashton was not looking at you anymore, but at his phone, even when you were right there. Does he not have any curiosity toward you as much as you have about him? Does he not care?
You used to be best friends. You still were, right?
Yet, those questions were never asked as you just turned and kept walking. And when you looked back you noticed that Ashton hadn’t moved, hadn't noticed you were gone.
And if while you were looking you noticed some freshly made hickeys on the back of his neck, then you decided to ignore that as well.
(3:07 PM) me: saw two kids in a backyard playing mermaids with a sprinkler today. we never had that idea before (6:20 PM) ash 😜: i would've never consented to mermaids, mind you (6:30 PM) me: are you sure? (6:32 PM) ash 😜: nah, i would end up with a tail in the end (6:40 PM) me: do you miss it?
* From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes I waited ages to see you there I search the party of better bodies Just to learn that you never cared
25 years old
“Why am I not surprised?” Ashton laughed.
You didn’t notice his presence until he was standing in between you and the firepit in the backyard. He was wearing a shirt and a trenchcoat, lightly mocking your shivering figure as you sat outside on the last night of 2019.
“I don’t like parties” You answered.
“You never did,” Ashton said, sitting next to you “But that doesn’t give you the right to catch hypothermia”
“We live in L.A”
“I’m practicing”
“For what?” Ashton chuckled.
“Scotland,” You said, turning to look at him.
“Scotland? You’re gonna visit someone there, or?” He smiled, nervously.
“I’m moving there”
Ashton laughed loudly, “Bullshit!”
But you didn’t laugh along with him. Instead, you looked at him as the penny dropped and then moved your gaze to the fire again, finding comfort in the chaos. The only constant thing in your life.
Ashton blinked at you, elbowing you “You’re bullshiting me, Y/N”
You didn’t move, instead, you answered him in a monotone voice “Why would I?”
“What the fuck are you going to do in Scotland?!”
“The same, I guess?” You shrugged “I bought a house with a studio, my label has a branch there, I don’t do much touring so-”
“Were you going to tell me?!”
At this, you turn to him, almost as if to ask if he was serious.
“It’s not funny, Ash”
“The fuck is not! Of course not!” He shouted, getting up from his seat. The frown on his face deepened “You’re fucking moving away and you didn’t tell me?!”
“Why would I tell you?”
“Because we’re friends!”
At this, you couldn’t help but laugh. Like, actually, wholeheartedly laugh. Tears were at the corners of your eyes by the end of the laughing fit, even more so when you saw Ashton’s confused face standing in front of you.
Once you composed yourself, you shook your head.
“You can’t be serious right now”
“Honestly, Ashton. This- this is not funny, at all” You said, smile still on your face but your eyes getting redder as the tears gathered “You can’t- You can’t just come around every two years or so with a conversation and then yell at me and say that we’re friends as if you know what that means. No. Not with me, I- I won’t let it happen anymore”
You shook your head as a chuckle escaped your lips. “Ashton, tell me, right now. What’s the name of my cat?” He parted his lips but no words came out “What’s the name of my latest single?” Again, no answer “What’s the career I studied in uni before I came to the states?” By now, Ashton was looking down in shame “Ash, when is my birthday?”
That last answer broke your heart completely. You were hoping, wishing that at least that one he would get right. But his silence only confirmed what your heart knew. You closed your eyes as the tears finally slid down your cheeks, tired of being kept hidden all those years.
“No,” You raised your hand to stop him from saying anything else, “If it’s an apology I don’t want to hear it because it’s a little too late for that. Ashton, you have no idea what is like to have no one in your corner, and I pray that you never get to experience that. But all my life- all my life I’ve been waiting to be someone’s priority and when I finally put myself first, you come and try to berate me for it. I hate L.A. I had since the moment I came here. You had Calum, Luke and Michael, and countless other people to make you feel welcomed! but me? I had no one!”
All the feelings that were silenced over the years came crashing through. Unfiltered and uncensored. Like the fire in front of you, ready to spread out.
“And I tried to fit in. When I invited you and the guys and all of your friends, I wanted to make you feel that maybe I can still be part of this life as well! But they aren’t my friends, they’re yours. And you made no effort to even include me in your life as if I was someone that you tolerated from the past that’s long dead and gone. You have my memories, Ash. You have the same scars that I do, the same laughs, and the same tears from when we were kids till we were out of high school. We shared the same dreams and even though I knew you would make them more easily I prayed to god to take me where you would go because I knew that my place was with you, it didn’t matter where or how. I just wanted to be with my best friend, even if with time my best friend didn’t want to be my best friend anymore”
“Y/N,” His voice was small, fragile “That’s not true”
“Don’t lie!” You yelled through the tears “You’re being mean, Ash! You left me behind. You left me! And I’m still here, I was always here and you couldn’t see me, or you didn’t want to see me. You didn’t care! Could you look me in the eyes and tell me you didn’t know everything that was going on when we were kids?”
Ashton tried to keep his gaze up with yours but couldn’t, quickly looking away with guilt. You pressed your lips in a thin line as you nodded.
“I loved you, so so much. And I hate you for making me feel so unloved, so small and unimportant. I don’t think I can shake this now, and I don’t know if I can forgive you for making me hate myself this much when I did nothing to you”
You knew your words hurt him, but there was nothing you could say to take them back. You didn’t want to take them back.
You wiped your tears with the back of your hand and started walking back to the party, ready to ask an uber to drive you home.
Ashton didn’t follow, you knew he wouldn’t. And for the first time in years, you were glad he didn’t.
* (05:25 AM) Ashton Irwin: can we talk, please?
This number has been blocked from your contacts
* ‘Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned Everything you lose is a step you take So make the friendship bracelets Take the moment and taste it You've got no reason to be afraid
28 years old
“You’re on your own kid, you always have been” You sang the last part of the acoustic set of your last album as the crowd went wild. You smiled at the small room, just a small acoustic session to start off the new era of songs about growth and finding yourself again after years of learning how to heal.
“There are many things in life that leave scars, things that we automatically assume about ourselves like muscle memory,” You said into the mic “For years we look for who to blame, and most of the time we carry that blame within ourselves and make ourselves believe that we are not worthy of beautiful things in the world. But I learned that even though these wounds and scars are mine, they don't own me as a person, they do not define me nor who I will become later in life. None of us are less deserving of love or the beautiful things in life just because we’ve struggled. And I-”
The words are stuck inside your throat for a moment, just a moment as your eyes make contact with the person standing in the corner of the room.
His arms are crossed over his chest, his smile is timid and a bit scared. But his eyes, although mature, kept that hazel glow that you’ve recognized anywhere. Even when years have passed.
“I will make my best to remind you how beautiful you all are” * * Tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @hoodhoran @hoodharlow @littledrummeraussie @wastelandcth @bubblegum183 @irwin-fletcher-ash @wiiildflowerrr @in-a-world-of-fandoms @another-lonely-heart @aabc5sauce @in-superbloom @sadcupofcoffee @personalmuyverypersonal @vtte @as-hs-blog @himbohood @sofiaaraee @irwindoll @weasleytwinscumslut @fairytrice @colourfulcal @nibin0912 @hfkait @savagejane1 @youneedtocalumdown @pvnkcloud @ashtonsunflower @nicebasscalum @calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore@alltimesos @wontlastimokwiththatt @cncoangelsss @whywontyoulovemecami @theimpossiblehologramtree @perriexed @abiancajg @rewmuslupin @icelily13 @bookthingz @lendeluxe
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mysticalenclave · 1 month
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Ghosts, Alibis, and Apple Pies by Ann Marie Gideon
Michelle Bishop has spent most of her life hating her nemesis, Georgia Beauregard. When the town beauty queen herself suddenly dies, Michelle is the only one who isn't mourning. But Michelle has just discovered there is something far worse than a living, breathing bully. Try being haunted by a dead one. ~Bio of the book
Just from this, you can tell that this will focus on Michelle and Georgia. First person pov on Michelle. Georgia is supposed to be her nemesis but we aren't automatically taken to their past first. We are only told of it in this book and the next. In this book we learn (SPOILER ALERT) that Michelle was in a car crash with Georgia. We do not learn why in this book. We also learn that Michelle is in the hospital. Where is Georgia? Is she dead? If not, what happened? Turns out, Georgia is DEAD. Sadly she was killed on impact. It is considered a 'car accident'. Michelle doesn't remember why Georgia was driving the car with her (Michelle). Soon there's a murder (why do I always go after ghosts, cats, and murder mysteries?) and Toby (I forgot his last name), who we learn later that he is obsessed with Georgia, is dead. We met Toby earlier at a bakery. Michelle soon is forced to find out who murdered Toby and why a knife was in him. Oh yes, a knife was in him. Later we learn the knife was NOT the cause of death. It was considered poison, actually. No more spoilers though, we have to make sure you get a surprise!!
I won't send the link to the book in this review sadly but will do so after the series is over and am on the last book's review and then will send all book links.
Love, Mystical Enclave
P.S Would you like to learn about Mysteries of Max, a book series with over 90 books and more to come? Learn about these books soon whenever I start my rereading of the series! Yes, I read the whole 90 books, waiting for book 91 and 92 (September 7th, October 5th). Bye!
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arcanespillo · 1 year
it says that ur into poetry in ur bio and thats so cool!!! i like poetry as well and am taking it as an elective at uni but i am actually not too good with poets so was wondering if you had any favourite poets? if not thats totally fine. maybe poetry recs? thanks ☆
i'm not the river / nox by anne carson is tricky to find but there's a fragment here / PORTRAIT OF THE ALCOHOLIC WITH WITHDRAWAL / A BOY STEPS INTO THE WATER / SOME BOYS AREN’T BORN THEY BUBBLE / Thirstiness is Not Equal Division / EVERYTHING THAT MOVES IS ALIVE AND A THREAT–A REMINDER / A Man Said to the Universe / The Worm King’s Lullaby / Cortège / the triumph of achilles by louise gluck / the reticent volcano keeps by emily dickinson / the mirror by louise gluck / i go down the shore / the arrowhead / Brother / My Brother at 3 A.M / I would I might forget that I am I / the second elegy / stripped car / The Saints Come Marching In by Anne Sexton, How to Be a Dog by Andrew Kane, Angel of Hope and Calendars by Anne Sexton / I Remember / WHAT THE BIRD WITH THE HUMAN HEAD KNEW / THE TRUTH THE DEAD KNOW / In The Deep Museum / Lament / The Starry Night / A Curse Against Elegies / jesus suckles / start here / march is march / a bad day by mary oliver / Portrait of the Illness as Nightmare / lord knows / Town of Finding Out About the Love of God / fragments from Avalon Revisited (1963) by Margaret Atwood / from crush by richard siken 'the torn up road', from war of the foxes 'landscape with fruit rot and millipede', 'birds over the trampled field', 'the museum', 'self portrait against red wallpaper'/ from louise gluck's the wild iris 'clear morning' 'spring snow' 'scilla' 'the hawthorn tree' 'april' 'the jacob's ladder' 'matins' 'song' 'vespers' 'harvest' 'retreating light' 'lullaby' 'the gold lily' / from her vita nova 'the open grave' 'roman study' 'timor mortis' 'castile' 'mutable earth' 'inferno' / from faithful and virtuous night 'aboriginal landscape' 'utopia' 'the melancholy assistant' 'a foreshortened journey' 'the horse and the rider' / from meadowlands 'parable of the king' 'moonless night' 'departure' 'rainy morning' 'telemachus' guilt' 'meadowlands I' 'telemachus' kindness' 'parable of the dove' 'purple bathing suit' / from firstborn 'the cripple in the subway' 'seconds' 'letter from provence' 'firstborn' / from the house on marshland 'the pond' 'gratitude' 'abishag' 'the fire' / from descending figure 'the garden (2)' 'origins (4)' 'thanksgiving', from the triumph of achilles 'exile' 'seated figure' 'liberation' 'adult grief' 'horse'/ apostle town / the town of the sound of a twig breaking / strawberry moon by matthew dickman / the wolf god / this poem by mark bibbins (another year on the day/ of class photos/ i scratched at my face/ with a sharpened popsicle stick/ no blood just a few pink lines/ that didn't read/ what else./ i wanted a cast on my leg/i wanted braces and glasses/and my tonsils out/i wanted scars/i don't know when or whether i figured out the difference between wanting to be damaged and wanting to be healed) / ancient text by louise gluck
short talks by anne carson, waiting for god by simone weil, blue horses by mary oliver, dog songs poems by mary oliver, men in the off hours by anne carson, trances of the blast by mary ruefle, autobiography of red, red doc and norma jeane baker of troy by anne carson, richard siken and ocean vuong's books are famous honestly but try to read their stuff if you haven't checked them out yet (i don't like ocean vuong but i did like some bits of his first book) and also i suggest reading 'the journal of albion moonlight' if you find yourself particularly liking red doc, i hope you were not expecting old poetry because that really isn't really in my ropes
this is what i have noted on my journal :p if you can't find some stuff dm me but you can search for most poetry books on archive.org and it's free and legal
+ poems by Margaret Atwood ! i forgot, like this one
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decent0distraction · 9 months
*sigh* ok
I didn’t want to do this. In fact, I have avoided this particular alternate universe as much as I could. But I got bored in Bio and started writing this dumb little thing instead of making flash cards.
I may fail Biology but I’ll never fail making strangely angsty and intriguingly amusing Our Flag Means Death AU’s.
(Update: I got a C)
This AU is, drum roll please….
Yeah, not my best pitch. But hear me out. Or don’t. I won’t know either way. [as]
Sorry, I’ll get to the point now.
Stede Bonnet is a rich kid at a rich private school, King George Academy, until he decides he’s going to the nearest public school, Queen Anne High School. His girlfriend, Mary, only finds out he’s breaking up with her and leaving when her friends message her asking if Stede has a brain tumor or something (sparking the flames of “Stede Bonnet died” rumor)
But Stede isn’t dead! No, no, he just committed social-suicide to…captain the Queen Anne cheer squad??
There’s two problems with this. One, there isn’t really a squad for Stede to captain. I mean, there’s a few students who need the extra credit, a couple that have nothing better to do, and some who need it for their college applications. So yeah, if you count a bunch of weirdos and misfits who have no cheerleading experience whatsoever as a squad, then yeah, Stede’s good to go.
The other problem is that while the school itself doesn’t have a cheer squad, a group of talented students travel to the only top schools and their best games to cheer the teams on. This squad-for-hire is captained by Edward Teach and his head cheerleader, Izzy Hands.
Stede likes to think he and Edward are the same, but let’s get one clear. Edward is a captain because his team is so good that no one sees the need to strap a teacher or coach to the squad. Stede doesn’t need an adult chaperone because no really gives a shit. That lot is a team?? Since when? Ah, who cares?
Got it? Cool.
But by the time Edward and his squad return to Queen Anne, the word has gotten out that a fancy private school twink has built a team that’s attractive in the way that ugly purse dogs are cute. Or something like that. You know, the circulation of the rumor mill at this school is very concerning.
Edward sends the best of his team, Izzy Hands, to check out this new squad.
Total mean girls moment when Izzy approaches Stede with Ivan and Fang, the two of them getting into it and the principal getting involved.
And the principal, who I haven’t put a character to yet but the idea of Spanish Jackie breaking up this fight like the principal in Mean Girls, yk
“Hell no, I did not leave East High for this” or was it north east high? Northeastern high? Someone fact check this quote, please? Thank you.
Anyway, whoever the principal is, they pause bc
Stede Bonnet?? As in father’s the inventor of the toaster strudel, that Stede Bonnet?
Or was it something else?
Who cares; the point is, why is this kid in this principal’s school and why are they just now finding out about it?
That’s not important right now tho because it’s become apparent that this school doesn’t have room for two squads so they make Stede and Edward co-captain one large squad. And since it’s clear this is gonna be a problem, they assign the weird old history teacher, Mr. Buttons, to chaperone.
(If I find the flash card I wrote on, I’ll update with any extra details I wrote that isn’t already on this post)
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fideidefenswhore · 2 months
philip making mary happy like she was 10 is a line i remember from her Children of England bio. so "for the first time since she was ten, when her father's eye had first lighted upon anne boleyn, she was truly happy." it's anne's fault again! so i guess weir wrote this novel from reading all her old books again, and not updating it with modern theories. which is kind of like endorsing herself.
also, she says mary had "dreams" about philip, "reliving the delights" iykwim. weird she changed that part.
the boleyn years are actually the only section of the book where weir imagined and wrote out long, extended, creatively reimagined scenes and conversations between characters; pretty much everything else, up till her marriage with philip, reads like a summary of events, either paraphrases or literal verbatim excerpts from her previous works. but, as she herself said in the author's note, the only piece of her life weir sympathizes for was her 'victimization' by anne boleyn; after that she says her sympathy for her is over (an objectively wild thing to say...no sympathy for the execution of her maternal surrogate in 1541? fr?). one gets the sense that the dialogue she gives mary concerning this is 100% what weir wishes she had said to her own father's 'other woman', that she never got the chance to say (tl; dr, revenge fantasy...i still have so many questions about that a/n...her mother was threatened with jail??)
she repeats the line about dreams; ('she was tormented by sensual dreams, in which [they were] making love'), however the actual portrayal of their sex scenes makes it explicit that she doesn't experience orgasm with her husband:
"this time she began to feel, in the core of her body, some tingle of response [...] but he was pressing on heedlessly to his climax and the moment was lost anyway."
and that is...the closest she ever gets.
she does this with her AB novel as well, which i just attributed to her hating her, because she portrays that in such a roundabout way...there's 'no alchemy' between her and henry (of like, all historical couples, this seems like a reach), and the evidence she could've used to support the choice (although, i think it's pretty clear now, especially from this A/N, where she says her own mother = coa, and this other woman in her own past = anne, that it was because she found it gratifying to write about anne suffering and unhappy and lacking pleasure in her life, again...revenge fantasy/transference) she dismisses (the 'vigor nor virtue' quote is a 'lie' from jane boleyn out of spite, anne even has the thought that it's 'not true'...?).
#anon#nsfw/#anyway. i have more to say about the portrayal that i'll add to later when i have the time#i think it's either animus for certain women and/or her own personal beliefs about their compatibility or lack that inspired these choices#coa and jane apparently have pleasurable sex with their husband#but with mary i think she honestly wrote it that way bcus like she says. her respect for her as a person is as over as it is for AB once sh#'steals' henry from coa and ruins mary's life etc...#it's kind of a...not sex negative per say...but yk. it's like a harlequin conservative women fantasy. if you get me?#where when they're god of their world the rule is there's no pleasure in sex if it's not 'mutual love'#ie anne doesn't love henry so she doesn't experience pleasure with him#philip (as she pretty much confirms about 20 times...mary tells him she loves him and he never says it back) doesn't love mary so#she doesn't experience pleasure with him.#well. i guess it is sex negative. bcus obviously the men are but the women aren't in these dynamics#no pleasure in sex for *women* if not mutual love etc#also in both cases there's an alternate that weir implies they could've had this with in a 'better world'#for AB it's norris; for mary it's chapuys#well...there's a few. she believes pole would've been a better husband but that she would've never 'loved him like philip'#renard it seems to mainly be lust-based. chapuys is the love connection#that mary constantly wishes she could marry#her main thought when she hears cromwell was executed was that she's flattered he wanted to marry her#and believes that's why he 'saved' her in 1536#so she doesn't seem to doubt that particular facet of the accusations...?
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dolusdiu · 2 months
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Introducing................𝔐𝔞𝔯𝔤𝔞𝔯𝔢𝔱 𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔨𝔢
I've been sleepwalking And I don't know if you can tell This changing skin I'm in I hate this version of myself But now, I'm fading to black Their teeth in me, the way that I bled so easily But when I look back I became what they did to me
quick facts.
FULL NAME: margaret anne stoke NICKNAMES: maggie, marg, peggy SPECIES: witch vampire ( psychometry ) AGE: 29 ( 403 ) BIRTHDAY: october 13th, 1621 GENDER & PRONOUNS: ciswoman & she/her SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual; biromantic FAMILY: anne stoke† — twin sister; martin stoke† — father; mary stoke† — mother; tbd — maker ( wannted connection ) RELATIONSHIPS STATUS: single FACECLAIM: maddie phillips HAIR: blonde, big loose curls or pin straight EYES: blue-green DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTIC: scar on right shoulder blade TRAITS: detached, wounded, creative, somber, judgemental, lost OCCUPATION: writer ( romance ) TIME IN TOWN: a few months INSPIRATION: sabrina spellman, cate dunlap, zoe benson, theo crain, marie d'ancanto, jessica jones
quick bio.
everything goes wrong with a tale as old as time, but that's not the full story, so let's start at the beginning.
maggie was born, as expect to mary and martin stoke—proud witches of crestle cove, but she had an unexpected twin sister. everything was choas for a while as her parents reconciled with the sudden duplication of every task. not long later the waves settled and they were all happy.
maggie always felt anne had been born from the same heart cleaved in twain. she loved her sister more than anyone and being witches it felt like her magic was anne's and anne's was hers. everything was incredible. cheery. too perfect.
although she would curse herself for eternity, a dark spot in her heart grew as they got older. anne was everyone's favourite, slightly softer, slightly kinder. when she married, she always felt her husband hand wanted a reason to stay close to anne and while she could never begrudge her twin anything, she desperately started to hope for something entirely her own. as she failed to have children, her eyes started to wander.
that was when she met a pirate. it wasn't just that they could be hers, they were somewhat forbidden. it was the most scandalous thing she'd ever done and she couldn't help but fall into it fast. but as she secretly betrayed her coven for something only she could have, she didn't realize it was going to cost her everything.
her lover coaxed her into becoming a vampire, and as she slumbered underground, her entire family paid the price. only one life was spare—her sweet anne. and when maggie woke, she didn't realize who she was feeding on before it was too late. she held her sister's hand as she passed and it felt like a part of her died with her. touching her sister she felt as if her own heart was dying.
it wasn't long after the battle of the cove reached the peak and maggie had to flee with the pirates. she didn't have anything left anyway so why bother. her maker did their due diligence to make sure she lived, but beyond that she meant nothing to them it seemed.
as she grew older without age, she started to realize that when she touched something, she could hear and see thoughts and memories that weren't her own. it felt as though it burned to touch. the power has only grown stronger and more painful. maggie thinks it's the last gift anne ever gave her and a curse for killing her at the same time. she wears gloves so that she never uses her powers.
she's come back to crestle cove for the first time since the death of her family. she doesn't know what she's doing here, she just knows she can't avoid it for the eternity she's cursed to.
undeveloped connections.
anyone want to feed a poor lonely vamp??
crew !! come talk to me !!
witches who are descendants of the original coven pls pls
someone come give her love... she needs it so desperately pls
also anyone want to host her??? i have no idea where she is living
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sailor-aviator · 2 months
Hii Liz, how was your day?
Do you like to read a lot? I've been reading this book called Rage Becomes Her and I find it super interesting! (and it opens my eyes more for certain topics) I thought I would share :)
If you do like to read what's your favorite book?
Greetings...(idk it sounds better in my first language I think),
Your Dutch nonny
Hi Dutch!! Sorry it's taken me so long to answer this 😅
Anyway, I used to be a VORACIOUS reader, but kind of stopped as I got older and life got in the way. I'm trying to pick it back up again, but the pressure to write (my own doing) usually outweighs my want to read, especially given what's popular these days. I've had looooooooong conversations about how hard it is to find something actually good to read with the rise of Booktok, and not just stuff that's following a formula because it's what's popular or because it has smut. Smut does not a good story make, ya know?
I haven't heard of that book! What's it about??
I have some of my favorites listed on my About Me page (I need to link it on my actual navigation and not just on my mobile bio lol), but here's a list for you!
Coraline by Neil Gaiman
Night Road by A.M. Jenkins
The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell
Earth Abides by George R. Stewart
The Giver by Lois Lowry
Interview With the Vampire by Anne Rice (Also Mayfair Witches)
The May Bird Trilogy by Jodi Lynn Anderson
To Kill a Mockingbird by Lee Harper
Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
This is in no way, shape, or form a cohesive list, so let me know if you want more recommendations!
Also, my day was great! Went and saw Twisters with friends, and then we went and had sushi before ghost hunting!!
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thedarkone121 · 4 days
So… Do you remember this post? There’s art for it now!
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Behold, the Hyde version of Anne-Marie if she ever drank HJ7 on accident. Yeah, she’s a ginger instead of being blonde. I was talking with someone over on discord and they mentioned ginger. We joked how in all of these Taking the Potion AUs, the blondes had taken over so I figured, why not make her ginger? 🤣
Other notes about this design as well as her personality:
Because Annie’s eyes are green, I figured why not make her Hyde have red eyes to be like a parallel to her dad. I know it’s hard to tell because I’m coloring to how they look because of the Chemical Accident, but rest assure those are some ruby red eyes.
Since Annie has long hair, I figured her Hyde should have some short hair while also having more curls. Is it a reflective of Anne-Marie looking more like her bio mother? Maybe.
She… She also has her mother’s nose. A fact that she does not like when she realizes.
Is about the same size she was when she first met Jekyll. Like during her orphanage days. I figured since this Hyde is the manifestation of the kid Anne-Marie didn’t allow herself to be, then she would appear a lot younger.
Like I said before, this is still technically the Annie we all know. But while the regular Annie used anger to deal with her problems or keep them to herself, the Hyde Annie is more open about her pain, fears, and is a bit of a crybaby. One who is desperate to have her father’s attention.
Again, there is no split for both of these girls. They’re still the same. So there’s no communication between the two nor is there a Mindscape. Just imagine a girl that’s under a truth serum.
Still deciding on a name for her. I think someone mentioned Anna on Tumblr a while back?
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mothprincess · 2 years
do you have any tips for someone who wants to get into writing? i feel like i'm too stupid no thoughts head empty kind of person but i still want to attempt it because i want to create something i can be proud of (& i need a creative outlet bc my life is falling apart). i guess this is too broad of a question but maybe you can recommend some books on writing or just books you loved in general? <3
stupid people don't ask such good questions and seek out advice ♡ write without shame or embarrassment write without thinking about what a poem (or prose, but i will focus on what i have the most experience with) should look like write about what the wind sounds like (does it sing? does it warn you of something? is it cold and blistery?) or how you feel about someone in your life (is your heart warm? like it's about to burst? is it cold? cold like what? vanilla soft serve that runs down your knuckles?) write with honesty and introspection (conversely, make shit up whenever you want if it makes the story more interesting) allow your mind to be spontaneous. you don’t have to write about roses or depression. you can write about how it feels in bio lab, how your heart is like a test tube i like to tell people to make their brains as fluid as they can. if you’re at a lack for words, try reading something well-regarded that may expand your vocabulary and scope of knowledge my writing takes inspiration from the following authors and works: PROSE • sputnik sweetheart by haruki murakami • norwegian wood by haruki murakami • the wind-up bird chronicle by haruki murakami • deathless by catherynn m. valente • comfort me with apples by catherynn m. valente • the virgin suicides by jeffrey eugenides  • the bell jar by sylvia plath • cat’s eye by margaret atwood • bunny by mona awad POETRY & OTHER • ariel by sylvia plath • the unabridged journals of sylvia plath • les fleurs du mal by charles baudelaire • the anatomy of being by shinji moon • dream work by mary oliver • the wild iris by louise glück • love, death, and the changing of the seasons by marilyn hacker • the letters of vincent van gogh • the letters of vita sackville west to virginia woolf ^ these are heavily magical realism and/or with psychological and introspective themes. if you want to feel inspired but aren’t sure where to begin, you may start with shakespeare, emily dickinson, or sappho. classics tend to be safe choices that are full of rich vocabulary 
does anything excite you? use that as a compass. if nothing excites you, perhaps explore why. excitement need not be high energy. even an unexpected bouquet of flowers can bring about excitement and romanticism, at least for myself i did not learn to write poetry through formal education or classes. it is strangely intuitive and one may always write free verse poetry. anne sexton started writing poetry at the suggestion of her psychiatrist, for example. if you are interested in learning how to write, i really like skillshare for learning new things (this is my referral code, if you or anyone is interested: https://skl.sh/3Proh0p) otherwise, i own mary oliver’s a poetry handbook but am yet to have read it, myself. i haven’t read much on how to write but it would be wise to look at the syllabi of college poetry and writing courses, like this one and this, where you can find several suggestions anyway, best of luck to you, anon. please feel free to share what you have written with me when you do write something ♡
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tiefling-chaos · 4 months
Some updated versions ( reason for update is that Mary was missing the horn crown that the doctors wear ) and a picture of lily-Ann’s adopted family a year after their meeting
Warning angst
And an old photo of lily-Ann’s bio parents before ……
And how she came to hear the insects of the world…….
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Hear is the angst and the explanation lily- Ann’s mother was a mage but one that lost to her own insanity the last thing she did with a simi rational mind was to bless/curse her daughter to not fall to the madness and for her to always have a friends though she did think that would take the form of being able to hear insects
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natteryaktoad · 5 months
Printer Kids, Day 85, Part 11
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It's party time!
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Neo: Hey Mum.
Dot: How are you doing, son? You look happy.
Neo: I am. College is awesome. Flora Ann's awesome...
Dot: Yeah, enough said. You're being safe, right?
Neo: Of course! Ew, Mum! Anyway, you're one to talk!
Dot: ... What do you mean?
Neo: C'mon, Mum, I know I wasn't planned. You and Dad weren't even really together at the time.
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Quick, someone stop Clover studying before she tanks the party!
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The household were hungrier than the guests, I see.
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Dot: Now all our kids are older, we should put out that album like we always said we would. I've always thought "Rats!" would be a good album title.
Daisy: Why? ... Anyway, our kids might be older, but Rainbow's aren't.
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Joseph wishes he were closed to Hugh, but although he's his bio-dad, he'll never be Dad. Who needs a dad when you have two mums like JoAnn and Mary Ann?
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Joseph wasn't tired after the party, so I sent him out to try his hand at a video games contest again. Lots of people played games, but no one seemed to join the contest he started.
Joseph wanted to throw another party, so this time I had him invite family - his, Neo's, and Daisy and Hugh. Rainbow and her family were invited too, but Rainbow said she didn't want to leave Ryleigh and Garrett didn't want to come on his own.
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