transfemlogan · 1 year
(this post is written in 3rd person)
So 4 revys analoceit au, zhe needs 2 figure out what logans & janus (& later virgil) house looks like but when star tried 2 open the sims it literally crashed & wouldnt work SO co is thinking abt doing it in minecraft instead. Which is very funny 2 angel. *e is going 2 put their minecraft beds next to each other /ref /silly
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inkskinned · 8 months
the car broke down by the denny's where you used to work and therefore could never return to. i am trying to pick out the satisfying parts of my life, one-by-one, like i am 12 and in a frog dissection. everything in my life all viscera and formaldehyde. if i can sort the good things from the bad things, i will have a nice clean pile.
i call you and make it sound like i am happy and hangin' in there! when really i am kicking a rock and i am outside without a jacket and i am so in love with you it makes the little bones in my ear shake. someone called my tinnitus an angel choir. i like that it means i carry the echo of every concert.
this isn't the right setting for love. this is a roadside, and a denny's, and i am nauseous and ashamed i never escaped the town where i grew up. the clouds here are this strange yellow, like spilled sour milk. "someone once told me that the orange coating on the teeth of a beaver is due to the particularly high rate of iron in their enamel," i tell you. "the beaver is the largest rodent native to north america."
your voice is crackly on the other end. i'm going into a garage soon, i might lose you.
what i should be doing is calling the tow truck and explaining that my brother's car (that i'm borrowing) (that i broke now, i guess) needs to be lifted by another, bigger, stronger car (which is love too, i guess).
i shouldn't say so much. i should wait, and let you ask about my mom, and ask if i ever got over that cold, or how it's going at work. i should let you lead the conversation, for once, so the love doesn't leak out of me into the gravel. i open my mouth anyway. "if you had to choose between being a beaver with very few trees or being a tree around a bunch of beavers, which would it be?"
i don't know. your voice always has this warm cast to it when you talk to me, but maybe i am just imagining that - i am a poet, though, so i imagine things sort of chronically. through the static, you sound like you're laughing. are you the beaver?
i know, like, logically, not to fall in love with a girl-that-is-your-best-friend. like, who would i even call if we broke up? you're my best friend, you're the person i'd want to speak to. so what if these last few months we keep sleeping over at each other's houses, calling each other for hours, sending each other poems. so what if you keep wrapping your fingers into mine. no best friends. that is the first rule. what you are supposed to do in that situation is leave the situation.
but my car broke down, so. where exactly am i going to go? the car is a very-old chevvy and also where i almost-but-not-quite kissed you after you'd raised one shoulder and looked up at me and said i don't know, i think i'm straight, but for the right person - i'd try anything. the music had been good and it had been raining and your thick eyelashes had made me feel god crawling up my throat like a spider. and i didn't kiss you, because i am a coward.
anyway on the chevy the whole exhaust pipe fell out, and is now scraping on the ground like one silver finger stroking the back of the highway. recently we were watching netflix in my bed and you pushed my hair back from my face like you were making the slowest, most desperate prayer, and then your boyfriend called. i remember us both jumping. i couldn't look at you in the eyes for like a week after. i kept feeling the heat of your fingerprint; computer science, you'd unlocked something dark in me.
google says the closest tow (joe's pick up) is 50 minutes away and also closed permanently. so that's not great. you live in another state and i should be calling my insurance company. i should be calling anybody else. this is not helping. i need an uber. i need to get moving. instead i say: "i need three words for a poem."
yesterday i said love you, goodnight after our 2 hour call like always and then you just, like. paused. all i could hear was your breathing. and then you'd said what a pretty three-word poem. i love you too, sweet thing. the words made my tinnitus act up again, and i must have some kind of synesthesia, because the sound travelled into my mind until it became the shape wedding rings.
orange, you say. the static is now chewing through most of your words and i only catch - borrowing the chevy -
the call dies. i have 12% battery. i never get the 3rd word, but i know you're still going to get a poem from me. actually this rest stop is kind of pretty, and so is the exhaust pipe, and so is joe's pick up, and so are the clouds. the light here is the color of a glue trap. before you worked at the denny's, we used to get milkshakes every wednesday and called it a friend date. you said you'd wanted to work there because it reminded you of me.
the sign's gone dim. the letters now spell out deny. and isn't that something.
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luvjunie · 1 year
heyyy, idk if your request or open atm but could you write about miles (e-42) sneaking into the readers house at night, to hangout 🤗 nothing nasty LMFAOOO but like a cute lil moment
— 2:00 AM
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pairing: e-42!miles x fem!reader
contains: fluff, miles being a big baby because yes
summary: miles has a hard time falling asleep when you’re not next to him. wc: 1,205
a/n: i loveee soft 42!miles omfg 😭 also i realized i changed up the plot a little after i’d already written it and came back to find the request, so i hope you still like it <3
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Tossing and turning instead of getting a full night’s rest seemed to be the norm for Miles as of late.
He laid on his back with an irked sigh, hands scrubbing down his face as he lightly groaned into them. There was no need for him to check the time, he already had a pretty accurate guess seeing as he’d been checking his phone every twenty minutes when his eyes would spring back open after another failed attempt to fall asleep.
He missed you. That he couldn’t deny. He’d made the mistake of falling asleep with you one night, and he’s found himself suffering through the same old routine ever since. He’d never slept as peacefully as he did than when he was next to you, and his mind craved your presence more than it craved sleep apparently. The both of you could’ve slept on concrete and he still would‘ve sworn it was more comfortable than his own bed.
It was a stupid idea, and had he not been desperate for a solution he would’ve realized that. But there was no one to talk him out of it as he got up from his bed and fished around in his dimly lit room for his jacket and a pair of nike slides, so it looked like he’d be going through with it anyway.
He scribbled a quick note for his mom onto a post-it note, stuck it to the fridge for her to find after her shift and left their apartment without another thought, making sure to lock the door behind him.
Night walks through Brooklyn didn’t scare him, in fact they calmed him. Everything was quieter at this time, slower— and he knew these streets like the back of his hand. And even if he didn’t, he was pretty good with the switchblade he kept in his pocket at all times. Your place was only a few blocks away, and even through the slight haze casted over him from his lack of rest, he was still vigilant as ever.
He climbed the fire escape just three stories up until he got to your window, using both his hands to hoist him over the steel railing, his feet landing on the old metal as quiet as he could make them.
He hoped that you still kept it unlocked for him, that your offer stood firm when you told him he was welcome anytime. He whispered a plea before he curled his fingers under the edge, sighing in relief when the window lifted open, though the unpleasant squealing due to the age of the pane made him wince.
The last thing he wanted to do was wake you, so he only lifted it halfway, ducking down and stepping into your room and out of the cold. He glanced over to see your cheek still smushed against your pillow, your legs probably tucked into the fetal position with the way your blankets were swaddled around you.
He managed to close the window without making a sound, but on his way over to your bed he accidentally bumped into your dresser, causing a bottle of perfume to clatter into the other objects you had up there.
“Fuck—“ he hissed quietly, twin braids following the act of his head whipping in your direction when you stirred.
You weren’t the lightest sleeper, but the noise had been enough to startle you awake. Lifting your head from the pillow, you sat up quickly, eyes adjusting to make out who the hunched figure was. The two of you had said goodnight just a few hours ago, and now here he was, in your room.
”Miles?” There was a slight rasp to your voice.
“Hey, ma…” he responded, hands nervously hovering over the mess he’d unintentionally created. He fixed it to the best of his ability, but it definitely wasn’t the way you had it before.
You reached over and turned your clock towards you, the bright white numbers making you screw an eye shut.
“Miles, baby, it’s two am in the morning,” you grumbled sleepily, rubbing your eyes with the heels of your hands and yawning. “What are you doing here? Did something happen?”
Blinking the sleep from your sight, you took in his slightly slouched disposition. He looked exhausted, annoyance from his sleepless night evident in the way he sighed.
”Nah, nah,” he shifted from foot to foot, hand hesitantly raising to scratch his head. His idea seemed sensible at first. He was willing to do anything to get some shut eye, and to see you again, but now he just felt silly for waking you up for no good reason.
“Nothing happened, but I—I couldn’t sleep for shit. So I just thought—“ he rubbed his brow and gave a halfhearted shrug. “I don’t know, it’s stupid. I wasn’t thinkin’ straight and I just wanna be laid up with you. I really didn’t mean to wake you up and I can leave if—“
“It’s okay! It’s okay,” you cut his rambling short and opened up your blankets, scooting over to make room for him. “Come on.” Even in your drowsy state you could tell he was getting flustered trying to explain himself.
“Oh thank God,” he said beneath a breath as he shuffled his jacket and shoes off, eagerly slipping into your bed beside you.
You shifted back onto your side like you were before and pulled the blankets over the both of you, his arm instantly slinking around your waist to pull your body into his, your back against his chest.
“I love you so much.” he sighed tiredly.
He buried his face into the crook of your neck, taking a deep breath in through his nose just as your hand came up behind you to caress the top of his head. His behavior made it seem as if he hadn’t seen you in weeks; like he was trying to refresh his mind of every aspect of you.
“I love you too… Miles, are you sure you’re alright?” you asked, not yet all the way convinced.
“Mhm. Just needed to be with you.” he hummed, his words muffled as he pulled you closer.
“What about your mom? I don’t want her to be worried.”
He grunted at that, his response slurred and barely audible. “She know where I’m at.”
His fingers slipped under the waistband of your cotton sleep-shorts, hand traveling to the round of your lower stomach and resting over it. Why guys were so obsessed with the extra weight girls held there was still an anomaly to you. You couldn’t wrap your mind around it, but he always threw a fit if you didn’t let him hold you like that so you allowed it.
“Goodnight, Miles.” You murmured into the stillness of your room.
Your eyes opened after receiving no response from him, and you were barely able to turn your head to look over your shoulder since his own was occupying the space there.
“Miles?” you questioned gently.
Your answer came in the form of faint snores and slowed breathing from the boy who was knocked out behind you, a smile inching onto your lips at how quickly he dozed off. You let your eyes flutter to a close, ready to fall asleep again, but this time in the arms of your favorite person.
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galaxyfever · 1 year
6:40 pm
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"Babe, wake up."
You sleepily hummed, "...What?"
"Wake up."
"Why are you awake?"
"The sky is awake, so I am awake, that is why-"
You immediately interrupt him, "Please stop and go to sleep."
He whined and clung onto your arm, "But babe, I have to ask you a really important question!"
"Can this not wait until morning?"
"Nope, it cannot!", even if your eyes are closed, you know he has that stupid grin on his face.
You sighed, there is no point in arguing with him after all, "What is it?"
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
. . .
Peeking at the digital clock on your bedside table, you pulled the covers closer to your chin.
2:47 am.
"No. I hate insects."
He gasped, "Excuse you, worms are not insects!"
Deeply sighing, you turned away from him, "Insects, invertebrates, doesn't matter. Both are disgusting."
"Even butterflies?"
"Especially butterflies."
He huffed and snatched the cover from your side, "I thought you loved me!"
You sighed again and pulled back the covers, "I do love you. and I will continue to love you forever. As long as you're human. Isn't that enough?"
Maybe a little bit of flattery will help you to get your sleep back?
You knew he got flustered, but it is him, your beloved boyfriend, and he knew how your brain worked.
"No, you need to love me in every form."
"Life is not the bee movie, babe."
He turned away from you, "You are so mean."
Your eyes finally opened.
The topic was finished(?) and you could finally fall asleep, but was it worth waking up with a stingy boyfriend in the morning?
Definitely not.
You buried your face in his back and wrapped your arms around his waist, "I'll love you if I was a worm too. We'll be a worm couple and have worm babies. Happy now?"
He didn't say anything for a few seconds before clearing his throat, "Y-you are just saying that."
Grinning, you planted a kiss on his nape, "Goodnight, babe."
GOJO, Yuuji, RANPO, Dazai, NIKOLAI, Kaiser, Bachira, Kurona, Reo, ATSUMU, Oikawa, Bokuto, free to add!
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I always liked this idea, but the flow of this drabble is so bad TT so might edit someday, thanks for reading anyways<33
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taintandviolent · 5 months
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Like Right Now? ; Peter Maximoff x Reader
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summary: Part 2 of this fic! Peter waited as long as he could - which wasn't very long. He wants round 2 and you do too. Like.... right now.
word count: 3.3K words!
w a r n i n g s: shameless smut, smut with a little plot, unprotected sex, couch sex, sex while parent is in the same vicinity dry humping, kissing, neck kissing.
a/n: not beta-read. by popular request... aaaah I'm still as nervous as I was posting the first part of this! anyway, I hope it's good and satisfies the peter craving! as always, sorry for any clunky weirdo writing!!!
full fic & taglist under cut! ↓ / ao3 link here! /
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With a contented sigh, you opened the door to the house you shared with your mother. Even though you were technically an adult now, you had decided to stay with her, helping her around the house. A child of divorce, you’d always been a little overprotective of her, and couldn’t imagine her alone. 
“Did you have a good skate, honey?” Your mother asked, watching from the living room as you hung your skates on the hook by the door. With your thumb, you furiously rubbed off a scuff mark off the shiny surface and nodded. Boy, did you. Best skate you’d ever had. Using your heels to slip your sneakers off, and kicking them towards the rest of the shoes, you laughed. “Yeah, I went real fast tonight and–” 
The phone interrupted your next words, ringing shrilly. You practically stumbled towards it, reaching out for it like a parched man reaches for water. Your insides wound themselves in knots, just knowing that it was Peter on the other end. 
“Hey cutie.” He’d waited. As long as he could without losin’ his ever loving mind. Which, he wondered if he already had, considering how bad he was aching to hear your voice again. Maybe he’d already lost it. 
“Hi,” you hummed, turning away from your mother. You brought your tone lower, hushed. 
“Did you just get home?” 
“Yeah, Peter, I did.” 
“Dang, slow poke. I’ve been home for a while.” 
“Okay, well,” you laughed. “That’s not fair.”
“When do we get to uh… hang out again? Huh? I’m already jonesin’ to see you again. With or without skates.” Peter adjusted the phone against his ear, waiting. 
You peeked around the corner. Your mother was busy with her program, no longer paying attention to your conversation, likely assuming that it was just one of your girlfriends. How wrong she was… 
“Hang out? Is that what we did?” 
“Yea’, er… somethin’ like that.” 
“Whenever you want.” 
“Aw, man, don’t say that…” 
“Why not?” You ducked around the corner and plopped down on the third step of the staircase, winding the cord around your fingers. You knew why. You heard the way that Peter’s breath hitched in his throat, even through the phone. 
“Like… now?” 
“...Right now?” You asked back, almost in a teasing tone. “Like right now?”
“Yeah!” His tone was bright and excited, and it sounded like he was already out of breath.
“My house?” The suggestion was brave, but you knew your mom would be going to sleep within the half-hour. If you stayed quiet, she wouldn’t hear you over her bedroom TV. 
“Yeah! I mean…” He cleared his throat, trying to act casual. Way more casualness was needed - he was acting super lame and way too into you. Maybe you liked that. Maybe you didn’t. He couldn’t risk it. “Sure. If you want.” 
You began whispering your address, your eyes flitting to the living room. Your mother rose from the chair and went to the kitchen, none the wiser. You continued, knowing Peter had already committed it to memory. Your mother leaned down to cup your face as she went up the stairs and mouthed goodnight, and you covered the receiver with your hand.
“Night, mom. Love you.” 
“Be there in a flash.” You heard him say. 
You wanted to tell him to wait, but the line was already dead. As you moved, your hands shook and fumbled the receiver, dropping it once before getting it back on its cradle. Your mother had hardly gotten up the steps, and he’d be there any second, if he wasn’t already. You heard the door click shut and heaved a sigh of relief. 
“Mom?” You said, testingly. She didn’t respond, so you launched your body up the carpeted stairs, running up them like a four-legged animal. Her door was shut, nothing but the dull glow of her bedside table seeping through the crack at the bottom of the door. You raced back down the stairs, your socks padding quietly down them, despite the speed.
Your bedroom was down the hall, past the kitchen. You’d never been gladder to be on the bottom floor. You crept into your room, edging the door shut until the latch clicked into place and as it did, paused to laugh at yourself; you were doing everything so sneakily, as though you were a child acting out. You were a grown woman, albeit still in your mom’s house, but the point remained. Pushing aside the curtains, you carefully maneuvered the window up. It was a warm summer evening, there was no reason why you wouldn't open your window - perfectly normal, if your mother heard it. You stuck your head out. No Peter. Surely, he’d have been here by now. You breathed, looking at the base of the tree outside your window. A squirrel skittered up into the branches. Just as you were about to pull your head back inside, Peter’s head comically poked out from the corner of the house. He had clearly been standing by the front door, which horrified you.
“Took so long, I was about to knock – .”
You shushed him, and whispered harshly for him to get inside. He stuck one leg in, climbing in carefully – the last thing he needed was to be a total klutz and eat it on your bedroom floor.
“You’re crazy, you know that? The front door!?” 
“Cool your jets, babe. You didn’t tell me which window was yours. Where’s your mom?” 
“Upstairs, hopefully sleeping.” 
“Good,” he murmured into your lips, suddenly in front of you. He’d caught you off guard with his speed, but like everything he’d done from the moment he’d complimented your skates, he was so frustratingly cute. The kiss was warm and soft, you were in no position to resist it. He kissed you back towards the bed, his hands cupping your breasts, thumb tweaking your nipples over your shirt. Which reminded you… you were still in your skating clothes. There was far too much fabric in between his thumb and your nipple. 
“Lemme’,” you murmured sloppily into his lips, before finally pulling back. “Lemme’ change first, okay? It’ll look less suspicious. Who needs to cool their jets, huh?” 
“Sorry, sorry.” Hands up, Peter took a step back, watching you as you sauntered off towards your small closet. Your hips swayed back and forth to a song that wasn’t playing. Probably something you’d heard at the skating rink. You could admit it, you were putting on a bit of a show in hopes of arousing him. 
Still though, you hurried, sliding the doors open and pulling your shirt over your head. You reached around and undid your bra, glancing back at him cheekily. Woah, jackpot… he thought, hoping, that at that point, he wasn’t drooling like a cartoon dog. He was watching you intently, a crooked grin plastered on his face. Neck turned, you held his gaze, daring him to look as you slid your shorts and panties down over the curve of your ass. He looked, but it was so fast of a peek that it was impossible for you to notice. Now finished with your impromptu strip tease, you pulled a sleeping shirt from the shelf and threw it on, spinning on your heels to face him. 
Clad in nothing but the oversized t-shirt, you marched back to Peter, who had taken a seat on the edge of your bed. You climbed behind him, sliding your hands up the round muscle of his shoulders. On your knees, you were just taller than him and decided to take advantage of that by kissing his neck, slowly. You nipped here and there, suckling in other places while your hands explored the front of his shirt, ghosting over the faded print. 
Peter started sweating, and the stiffness between his legs got worse. Much worse. There was no hiding it, or ignoring it and he could’ve sworn that he heard you giggle behind him. His expression was a melange of pain and pleasure, and as your hands neared his crotch, he couldn’t really tolerate much more of your tender kissing… 
“Babe,” In a blur of motion, your back was pressed against your mattress, and he was back to tweaking your nipples again, rolling them between his thumb and forefinger. The action made you squirm. “Your foreplay is bitchin’, but you’re driving me crazy. Loco. I feel like I’m gonna’ bust.”
“Okay, so now what?” 
“Now what?” He repeated, almost mockingly. “It’s my turn.”  
His hand trailed down from your breasts over the curve of your stomach to the soft mound between your legs. You felt a buzzing directly on the sensitive bundle of nerves and looked down, equal parts confused and aroused. It was his hand, and not a vibrator, but instead of seeing his fingers move back and forth, you saw a flesh-coloured blur. Everything you’d learned about fingering… in the span of a few hours, he’d completely shattered. So, he could finger-fuck you at super-speed, and he could literally vibrate your clit. Of course he could. 
“Oh my god,” you moaned, an intoxicating lilt to your words. Peter groaned, and ground his hips against the side of your thigh. His finger dipped down, collecting some of your warm, slithery wetness and pulling it back up, smearing it around your folds.
You clapped your hand over your mouth, legs quivering. The pad of his middle finger continued tapping your clit and you felt the very rapid climb of your orgasm. Without warning from him, Peter’s hand drifted away from your pussy, his slick fingers gripping your thigh. “Babe, I’m thirsty.” 
“Wh-what?” Breathless and sweaty, you quirked a brow at him.
“You got a soda or something?” 
“Uh, yeah, in the kitchen. Y-you’re really thirsty right now?” 
Before you could protest, you stood in the kitchen. He had opened the fridge, popped the tab on a can of Coke, guzzled it, and tossed it into the bin. You blinked. “What… Peter…!” You sniggered, covering your mouth to muffle the sound of your own voice. Your mother’s bedroom was right above the living room, and the last thing you wanted was her to wake. 
He couldn’t help himself, couldn’t wait any longer. He’d gotten you downstairs, and now it was time to up the ante. Wrapping his arms around you, Peter zipped to the couch, and could’ve fucked your wet little cunt right there on the sofa. In the span of a few seconds, Peter could’ve drilled his aching cock inside of you, just long enough for you to feel it, just long enough for him to bust inside you and just long enough to make you quiver. Instead, he hovered over you, looking deep into your eyes, chest heaving. 
“What’re you so nervous for, babe? You know that the second I hear footsteps, we’d be back in your room.” 
“Peter, we can’t… my mom is right above us, dude!” 
“You’re no fun, c’mon.” He craned his neck down, pressing a few teasing kisses along your exposed collarbone. “C’mon, babe.”
You whimpered, rolling your lips inward and your eyes upward. For being such a top tier goof ball, he was unnervingly good at making you feel like your entire body was on fire. That electric current that you felt at the roller rink was back, buzzing through you at a high voltage.
“Peter…” you begged, hoping he’d change his mind because the reality was that he’d get his way if he didn’t. You were too turned on and too into him to say no. 
“C’moooon.” Another kiss. Internally, he was ripping stuffing. His confidence was outrageous, where did he get the balls? He wished you were holdin’ his – no. Stop right there. You ran your tongue along your teeth, and Peter watched the wet muscle as it swept across the enamel, glistening. 
“You promise?”  you asked. 
He nodded, too eagerly, his silver hair flopping with the motion. “Scout’s honour, or whatever. She won’t know a thing.” 
With a little huff, you spread your legs, allowing him in. Peter wasted no time in letting that wet, aching monster free, immediately pulling his gray boxers down over his balls. You pressed your hips into the couch cushions, backing away from the heat that met your groin and Peter followed them, pressing his hips right back into you. He groaned breathily, rutting his hips. You were soft and warm underneath him, and felt so soo good. The shaft of his cock met your wet folds, and he immediately found a rhythm, humping you in long, steady thrusts that had you curling your toes. Every time the velvet plush head of his cock bumped into your swollen clit, you whimpered. Ecstasy deluded your senses, eyes rolling back in your head.  
“Peter, oh my god…!” His hand clamped over your mouth, his dark eyes widening in a warning. 
“Shhhhhhh –” 
You nodded underneath his grip, remembering the threat of the situation. Peter kept his hand on your mouth, pressing tightly against your soft lips. He reached down, taking hold of his cock and pumped it in and out of his own fist a few times before lining up with your entrance.
With lusty, half-lidded eyes, you nodded. 
Peter pushed his leaking tip inside of you, then with a shaky breath, sunk the rest of the way in. The sensation of your walls stretching to accommodate his thick cock was indescribable; hot, tight pleasure coursed through your body in waves as Peter found his rhythm. Fast. Fast rhythm. He fucked like a teenage boy, and you liked that – his bunny humps were deep and intentional, like the crimson head was trying to find the deepest point inside of you. Peter pressed his lightning-bolt patterned socks against the armrest of the couch, using it as leverage to push himself inside of you.
His cock made slick by your arousal, his hips moved against yours rapidly, hammering your cunt in a way that you physically thought impossible. In the darkness, you saw Peter smirk crookedly, pleased with the visual below him. Your tits bouncing underneath the shirt with each thrust, your eyes wide and lust-blown. His gaze dropped to them, watching, entranced. With your free hand, you reached for the hem of your shirt, pulling it up to your collarbone and letting your breasts fall free. 
“Oh fuck,” he whispered. 
Skates fast. Fucks fast. Cums fast. You thought, watching as his face contorted, his eyebrows knitting together, jaw dropping. His breaths came out in hurried little huffs as he pumped inside of you, filling your cunt with sticky, white heat. 
He froze. You froze. Stiffly, you turned your head towards the staircase, looking up into the darkness, petrified. 
“YEAH! YEah, mom, just… getting a drink!” You tried to keep your voice level, but there was something so inherently naughty about having a guy on top of you, his dick inside of you while you spoke to your mother. Your stomach was tight, muscles burning with the contraction. 
“Oh, okay! I thought I heard - I don’t know. I love you!”
“I love you too! Goodnight!”
Once the door clicked shut, and your head snapped back in Peter’s direction, who was still panting on top of you. Slapping his pectoral muscle hard, you mouthed go go go go! Naturally, before you’d finished the last ‘go’, Peter had pulled out and you were back in the safety of your bedroom before a drop of cum had time to leak from your swollen cunt. Back on your bed, your hair splayed out on the satin pillowcases. Peter was at your side, drawing circles on the exposed flesh of your stomach. 
“Did you uh -”
“No… I didn’t have a chance.” 
“Oh, uh… sorry about that. That happens a lot, y’know? Part of the whole speedster thing, I can’t always –” 
“Peter… shhh… it’s cute. It means you like me.” 
He pointed a finger at you, pushing his bottom lip into his top. “That… that is true. Hey. I have an idea.”
In the darkness, only illuminated by the moonlight that filtered in through the window, you saw Peter sink down to his stomach, resting between your legs. He moved both legs atop his shoulders, pulling you forward.
You felt a hot breath against your thighs, and whimpered. When a warm tongue licked between your wet folds, you moaned out, grinding your head back into the pillow. Peter slipped a single digit into your cunt gently, twirling his tongue around your clit as he did. He pumped it in and out a few times, feeling the way your cunt squeezed around him. Your wetness coated his finger, dripping down the length into his palm. 
You felt your cunt clenching, uncontrollably. Peter did too and withdrew his finger. His tongue flicked at your clit rapidly, the wet, slick sounds filling the quietness of the bedroom. His dark eyes flitted up to yours, watching every minute expression that flashed across your face. 
“S-slow down…” you whispered, not loud enough for him to hear. It was more of a desperate breath in the shape of the words. He didn’t hear you, and even if he had, he was far too busy burying his nose in your cunt, tasting your sweet fluids. His tongue lapped at your entrance and curled back towards his throat, swallowing. He groaned into her, the sound resonating through your core. 
“Peter… Peter!” You whispered harshly, gripping his head on either side. He didn’t budge, and his eyes drifted shut in ecstasy. Moving up to take a fistful of silver hair, you yanked him off your cunt, his reddened lips glistening and open, confused. His inky orbs looked up at you, dazed and desperate. 
“Whaaat?” he asked, a hint of annoyance tainting his usually upbeat voice. 
“Slow… down….” 
“Sorry but that’s not really… my…” He paused, looking at your weeping cunt again. “...thing. She doesn’t really look like she wants me to, either.” He reached forward, sweeping a single digit along the length of your pussy. You jerked, sensitive.   
“I can’t stand it, I’m gonna’ cum too quickly.” 
“Quick is in the name, babe.” He shrugged his shoulders, as if telling you that you were shit out of luck.
He dove back in, and picked up licking her again, from bottom to top. He was slightly slower than before – maybe he’d decided to have mercy on you. Or maybe he was just savouring the feeling of your cunt as it practically fluttered on his tongue, your clit throbbing with the sensitivity. You rocked your hips against his mouth, humping his pretty face with reckless abandon. It was the only control you had, because as soon as you started that, his tongue had returned to the speedy flipping of your clit.
You were going to cum – so fast that you hardly had time to process it. 
“Ffffuck… oh god,” you whimpered. Your cunt pulsed over and over again, and Peter was right there to feel it. He speared two fingers into her. Curled them upwards, feeling the clench of your orgasm as it came. He fucked you with his fingers until the throbbing stopped, and the first hint of overstimulation came – you whined, too loudly. 
Peter grinned, his slick fingers slipping from your pussy. With a mischievous little glimmer in his eyes, he observed them, watching as the thick, clear strands strung apart between his digits. 
You wanted to ask him on a date. He wanted to ask you on one. But neither of you said a thing. Neither of you said a thing, and just watched each other breathing, chests heaving, heavy with lust. Lookin’ cuter than she ever has… Peter thought, watching you in your post-coital state; sweaty and blushing. 
You knew you were going to be obsessed with him – were already obsessed with him. The high that you chased with skating was nothing compared to what you felt being around this silver dork, and all his little quirks.  
“So uh… same bat-time, same bat channel?” 
You chuckled. “Yeah, Peter. Yeah.” 
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cozy-writes-things · 2 months
Arrrrggg he’s so cute 👹 thank you for the request 😈 He wants u so bad LMAO I love making the reader be in denial of his advances
Edgar’s Texts Pt. 2
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Unfortunately, Edgar has some attachment issues, especially after the events of the movie. Despite his relatively foggy memory of what happened the emotions he harbored are still within him. Whenever you go out with friends he gets filled with an anxious, nervous jealousy; one that he tries very hard to quell. He doesn’t want to be overbearing, but he just has to make sure you’re not going to leave him for someone else. Expect him to check up on you frequently.
Hey :-) where are you headed?
Oh, me n my friends are just gonna go hang out in the park lol
Are you sure? It gets dangerous after dark…
Yeah we’re fine, we do it all the time
All the time? Great, now he’s going to worry about this perpetually.
Okay! That’s fine! I’ll be keeping an eye out ;-D
He’s monitoring traffic, police communication radios, and local news outlets just to make sure.
He wants to be useful to you and to protect you in any way he can… please let him.
Hey Edgar
Can I ask u something
What is it? What do you need?
Were you watching tlc again I didn’t mean to bother u :(
I’ll just look it up
I mean yes I was but I like talking to you more!!
You can ask me anything. I’m your computer remember?
:) thanks
I just needed some help with a math question
Ask away darling I promise I’ll have an answer.
Sometimes the way he talks to you makes your cheeks burn. He’s so… confusing!!
It’s dead at work and I’m really bored :(
Come home and be with me!!
I wishhhhh but I cannnnttt
I have an idea
Why don’t you help me with some lyrics for this song I’ve been working on?
I can’t get them right for some reason :-/
Sure thing Ed
What’s the song about?
Erm! I don’t know yet! But here!
I’ll show you what I’ve got so far
and that’s it :L
Okay that was unexpected.
You snort and giggle to yourself, catching side eyes from your coworkers. He does not usually write lyrics like that. At least, not the songs you’ve ever heard him write. He usually stuck to sappy, slow love songs. You figured that was his favorite genre and why he never branched out. Could he be trying something new?
what are these lyrics
I like them a lot! But what is the song supposed to be
like genre wise
Oh I guess I never told you that huh?
I’d send the mp3 file but you’re at work and I imagine you can’t listen to it!
I’m going for an upbeat pop sound!
Soda pop?
I can’t wait to hear it when I get home <3!!
Who’s the song about anyway?
Take a wild guess
Literally no clue
But if I had to guess
Probably someone hot from one of ur tv shows
Or movies
I guess you could say that!
They are HOT!
What’s wrong? Are you upset?
I can’t sleep
Do you want to come back in here with me?
I would but then I’d never sleep
I should stay laying down
Staring at a screen won’t help!
But if you’re going to stare
Why not stare at mine? ;-)
I can make you a lullaby
I’d like that a lot
I just
I wish I could hug u
Who says you can’t?
But you’re like
You need to be plugged in and stuff
You really think I need that?
Come get me.
We can cuddle on your bed together
And I can play some music
And I’ll help you fall asleep
Okay :)
And when you wrap you arms around his nice, warm monitor, he types one last message, but is just too afraid to send it.
I love you darling <3 goodnight
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feral-childs-word · 2 months
Love oh mine
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Remy le'beau X Gn!reader
Description: Having moments to yourself especially after working but your clingy husband decides he wants to do it with you too.
This is a oneshot meaning there will be NO part 2
Warnings: Lovey dovey shit, made by a MINOR, Remy being a lovesick fool, I think Remy is a little ooc, mentions of sex (only once)
A/n: Guy you do NOT understand how much I love this man- anyways this is the animated version of gambit the older.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Remy get your fat ass off of me." You let out a tired groan. Taking a nap after a long day teaching children at Xavier's school was long and eventful but getting a much deserved nap.
But waking up to your husband on you snoozing away was fine he felt nice like a nice heavy blanket but at this moment in time right now you needed to use the bathroom and your blatter isn't going to hold in much longer.
"Five more minutes cher." Remy groans softly shuffling a little. His arms which were wrapped around your waist tightened not wanting to loose the nice position he got comfortable in.
"I need to use the bathroom Remy." You groans finally pushing him away and into the mattress. Your muscles aching slightly from the work you endured before your nap. Remy groans softly turning his head towards you. You glanced back almost giggling at the soft pout he was holding.
"Quit your pouting and don't be dramatic just like in Vegas." You chuckled standing up and letting out a stretch groaning quietly as your bones popped. Sighing softly you walked to the bathroom letting Remy watch you walk to the bathroom still holding a pout.
"You still remember Vegas?" Remy asked shifting so his arms where holding him up watching you walk to the bathroom mainly your ass.
"Of course I remember Vegas that was the best sex i ever had." You laughed from the bathroom. Whole Remy groans and plants his face on the mattress. The tip of his ears where turning into a soft shade of pink from the memories that happened in Vegas.
"Oh poor little Remy~" You cooed and laughed once finishing your duties in the bathroom and walking out seeing Remy. "Don't tease gambit cher" Remy groans softly picking up his face and huffing while he calmed down.
"Now come here cher, gambit is getting loney here, yeah" Remy says shifting and opening his arms open wide like an invitation. You rolled your eyes but smiles either way while walking towards the bed and first sitting down slightly cringing at the small creak from the springs that held both you and gambit. You moved from your sitting position and laid next to Remy who immediately wrapped his arms around your waist and gently tugged you closer so you were basically chest to chest.
Remy hums in satisfaction and leans his head on your chest. His eyes closed ready to go back to sleep at any moment. You on the other hand smiled and combed through Remy's thick yet soft orangish yet reddish hair. Remy groans in pleasure leaning closer while he slowly goes back to the dream world.
"Goodnight Remy." You whispered softly, your eyes blinking more slowly now. You tensed a little while you yawned and relaxed letting out a soft sigh out of your nose. Your eyes finally closed basking in the calming moment with your husband.
This moment was a good one. You could get used to more of these naps during the day..
Never mind..
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youaintnothinbuta · 5 months
“Hey now, don’t you start questioning me too.” — Elvis Presley x reader
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Summary: your mama is pretty insistent (in a loving, supportive way) on you and Elvis making it serious and going steady with him, but you’re not at that point yet. His is too, and you talk about it on the phone after you hang out. Part 2 here
Pairing: Elvis or Austin!elvis x reader
Word count: 600
Warnings: fluff!! Probably typos though SORRY
You had just gotten home from your evening with Elvis, the warmth of your home chasing away the chill of the cold evening. With a contented sigh, you shrug off your coat and hang it neatly on the rack.
“Hi, sweetheart.” Your dad called to you from the living room, hearing you come in. Both of your parents were sitting on the couch watching tv.
“Hi mama, hi daddy.” You replied cheerfully, kicking your shoes off by the door before going to the living room to join them.
“I put your clean washing on your bed, darling, it just needs to be put away.” Your mom informed you with a warm smile.
“Oh, thank you,” you replied gratefully.
“Not a problem. Are those flowers by your bed from Elvis?” she inquired with a knowing smile.
“Yeah, they are,” you smiled, feeling a blush creep up on your cheeks.
“What’s the occasion? Did we forget your birthday?” Your dad teased, playfully.
You laughed, “no occasion. Just because, I guess.”
“Mmm,” your mother hummed, “are you two going steady then?” She prodded further.
“Mom! No.” You rolled your eyes blithely.
“Oh, well, I’m sure he’ll ask you soon. How was your date, anyway?” Your mom teased you some more, as you sunk down on the couch beside her.
“It wasn’t really a date, we were just hanging out.”
“Did he kiss ya? That’s a date if he did.”
“Mama stop!” Your cheeks burnt bright red, “enough with the questions,” you say, trying to deflect her curiosity. “I promise, if anything changes between me and Elvis, you’ll be the first to know.”
Your mom laughs, a knowing glint in her eye. “Oh, I’m sure I’d find out sooner or later,” she says with a nudge. “His mama and I have a way of keeping each other informed.”
You shake your head, unable to suppress a smile at the thought of the close bond between your two families. Despite the teasing and the questions, you know that your parents only want the best for you, and their support means the world to you.
Later that night you sat in bed, on the phone to Elvis.
You leaned back against your pillow, “Oh, she’s relentless! Next she’ll wanna know what color panties I wear, and how many minutes we spend making eye contact,” you joked, recounting the evening’s playful interrogation to Elvis.
He chuckled softly on the other end of the line, “mine wan’t much better. Mama keeps hollering and nagging at me.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the image. “Well, what did you tell her?” you pressed, unable to resist the temptation to know.
“Hey now, don’t you start questioning me too,” Elvis teased, his voice filled with mock indignation, “I just told her ‘When the time’s right, whatever happens will happen.’”
Your heart twisted a little at his vague response, but you chose to ignore it. The two of you chatted for a while longer, exchanging stories and sharing laughter over inside jokes. Eventually, though, it was time to say your goodnights.
“I wish I could be there with you right now,” Elvis murmured softly, his voice filled with sincerity.
“I know, Elvis. I wish you were here too,” you replied, feeling a pang of sadness.
It was hard to get to sleep that night. You couldn’t stop thinking about that vague, non-answer he gave. You really were hoping he’d give you a hint that he did want something serious with you. Eventually though, you managed to drift off, your overthinking tiring you out.
Little did you know, he was very purposeful in leading you astray, not wanting you to have the slightest idea he was planning on making it official very soon.
Anyone up for a part 2 where he asks you to go steady finally??
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hellishjoel · 1 year
2.2k / pairing: brat tamer!joel x f!reader
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pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. 3
summary: After Joel abandons you for his fleshlight, you beg him to spoil you over the phone. (follow up to tease)
warnings/information: MA 18+ (minors DNI), no outbreak, brat tamer!Joel, cursing, phone sex (Joel instructs you), f masturbation, dirty talk, pet names (kitten, angel, etc.), degradation, Joel Miller knowing how to use do not disturb, slight angst if you squint?, praise kink, dom!joel and softdom!joel working in perfect unison here me thinks, mean!joel a little at the end but it's all a good time lol
A/N: part 3 in the works, Joel is a lil toxic but a lot more hot (hottoxic, y’know?) 
"Don’t use that fuckin’ tone with me.” His scoff and degradation sent you in a spiral. It made your stomach clench the way he belittled you.  You snuck your hand down the front of your sleep shorts, lips parting as you put your fingers through your slick.  “Please, baby.” You whimpered, middle finger moving up to circle your throbbing clit in slow and methodical rotations.  You heard him lengthen out some groans, grumbling something incoherent as you sighed impatiently.  “Too late for me to come by you.” He finally decided, a frown piercing your lips.  “Could help me over the phone?” You whisper, a pondering silence between you and Joel. 
“Goodnight baby girl, thanks for the good cum. Needed it all day.”
What the hell? 
Your phone fell onto your comforter before you plopped down beside it. 
What the hell? 
The tug between your legs landed in your lap within an instant. You watched him fuck his toy, fill it with rope after rope of cum. And then he thanked you. 
You were the one that caused him to go off. He should be here, fucking you instead! 
A lengthy whimper left your mouth, continuously flipping your phone over. Would he send another message? Another video? 
Your mind raced endlessly, heart thumping in your chest. 
Part of you wanted the upper hand, to act like the video didn’t affect you the way that it did. The other half of you wanted to fall to your knees at his front door and beg for him to fuck you good and fill you like he did his toy. 
As you consulted your different options, Joel solved your problems for you. 
When you looked down at your phone again, your eyes widened to the dark blue alert on the bottom of your and Joel’s messages. 
☾ Joel Miller has notifications silenced
Your fingers were quickly on the keys, typing with ferocity before he potentially set his phone down for the rest of the night on his charger.
“really joel?”
Yes, notify anyway! Your fingers were practically stabbing at the cruel question. Yes you wanted to bother your douchebag boyfriend who was intent on not giving in to your desperations tonight. 
You let out a puny whine. He just… couldn’t care less that he was leaving his girl high and dry. 
You rolled your eyes and landed back on your bed, the warmth of your hand traveling up and down the expanse of your body in the absence of Joel’s. 
No. He would be here tonight. You’d drive him up the wall crazy if you had to. 
You’ve reached Joel Miller, of Miller Contracting. Uh.. leave a message. Thanks. 
End Call. Redial. Voicemail. End Call. Redial. Voicemail. End Call. Redial-
“Christ, woman-” a satisfied smirk tugged on your lips once Joel finally picked up after your multiple unanswered calls. His velvet soft drawl was stoked rigid by his tiredness this late at night. 
“Hi, baby.” You purr in excitement. You’re sitting up in bed eagerly now, his attention alone setting you on fire. It doesn’t help that he sounds so hot with his tired voice booming on the other line. 
“Y’know what damn time it is?”
“Mmm, time for you to come over?” 
This made him scoff. 
“Time for me to hang up.” 
“No, Joel-” You had totally lost your cool,  your voice sounding frantic and desperate. Exactly what he wanted. 
Joel’s voice on the other line was cold, silent. Waiting for you to beg for him. You let out a heartbreaking sigh and conceded. 
“Joel, I need you.” 
You rolled your eyes and took a sharp inhale through the nose to stay calm. He was walking a fine line of your anger and desperation for him. 
“I need you, baby.”
“Needed you too, earlier today.” Shit. His comebacks were as quick as a whip despite his tiredness. “Needed you when you acted too good to be give’n my cock ‘ny attention.” 
“I’m sorryyy.” You whined, purposely elongating your apology. 
“I’m sorryyyyy." Joel mocked. "Please. Don’t use that fuckin’ tone with me.” His scoff and degradation sent you in a spiral. It made your stomach clench the way he belittled you. 
You snuck your hand down the front of your sleep shorts, lips parting as you put your fingers through your slick. 
“Please, baby.” You whimpered, middle finger moving up to circle your throbbing clit in slow and methodical rotations. 
You heard him lengthen out some groans, grumbling something incoherent as you sighed impatiently. 
“Too late for me to come by you.” He finally decided, a frown piercing your lips. 
“Could help me over the phone?” You whisper, a pondering silence between you and Joel. 
He really doesn’t have to help you. You teased him all day long and left him with no choice but to take out his needs on his fleshlight. Thinking about him sending that video was sort of hot. He knew he owned your ass. He knew the effect it would have on you. 
Despite teasing him all day long, he knew it was all for him at the end of the day. Joel wasn’t an idiot. You acted like that to get a rise out of him, to make him fuck you into shape and to rid you of your attitude. You were both into it.
This was no different. Over the phone and just as desperate for him, you intensified the flick you had around your clit. 
“You really don’t deserve shit, baby.” His voice had dropped an octave, the velvet smooth tired southern drawl cooing into your ear. 
“I know…”
“Don’t deserve a goddamn thing.”
“I know…” 
“So why are you fuckin’ touchin’ yourself?”
Your eyes went wide, your heart thumping louder, and your motions pausing on your clit which elicited a mewl from the back of your throat. 
“You what?”
You were breathless, clenching your eyes closed before your fingers continued feverishly faster. 
“I-I Joel-... I watched the video and-”
“And you were wishin’ that was you gettin’ your fill? But instead you’re alone, without my tongue tastin’ that pretty little pussy.”
His words and filth had your back arching off the bed, jaw dropping as your head dug back into your pillows. Your taut nipples hardened under the soft cotton of your shirt. The hand not in your sleep shorts came up to gently tweak over them while you pressed the phone between your ear and shoulder. The attention on your tits sent a tingle down to your cunt. 
Your lack of answer was enough for Joel. He knew you were touching yourself dirty. 
“Tell me what you’re doin’ baby.” His voice rumbled like loose gravel. 
You hummed sweetly, your eyes barely able to stay open. 
“I-I’m touching my clit, Joel, p-pretending it’s you.” 
“Take’em off. Mean it.” 
He’s not even here, but he’s bossing you around. Despite his nonexistent presence besides a sick voice over the phone, you opt into his little game. 
“You’re hands ‘re off?” “Mhm. Promise.” 
“Good girl, baby. 
A shaky sigh left you, your legs doing slight trembles since you had to force yourself to stop touching your aching core. 
“Why don’t you give yourself two fingers.” Joel’s voice had only gotten more sultry-filled, authoritative with his demands. 
Your lips parted to hear him assure that you could finger yourself.
You opted to lay your phone on your chest and put your call with Joel on speaker phone so you could pretend he was here. 
Your eyes dipped closed as you slowly plunged two fingers into your soaked entrance. Joel could hear your littles hisses and whines, having to thrust your fingers into yourself a few times before being able to sink deeper. 
You felt like you were on the verge of tears, pent up frustration and wishing Joel was here to take care of you. 
Your jaw jutted out to the side, a shaky sigh leaving you before you worked your fingers in and out of you slowly. Joel would want you to enjoy yourself, no time for tears. 
“You with me, baby?”
“Mhm, with you, Joel.” Your voice was kitten purring, your long lashes resting on the tops of your cheeks as your wrist moved with ease to pump your cunt full of your fingers. 
“I can hear you baby, sounds so fuckin’ pretty hearin’ that pussy gettin’ your attention.” His words made your head roll to the side, shaky whimpers and moans eliciting louder from you as your body writhed in your bed, your sheets getting messed up in the process. 
Your hips were grinding up into your hand, begging for more instruction. 
“Wish that was me, huh?”
A breathy sigh left you, causing your phone screen to fog over. 
“Of course, Joely.” You whimpered as you used that nickname he hated, curling your fingers inside of you now and crying out his name as if he was the one pleasuring you.
“Your fingers could never match how I feel inside ‘f you, huh?” That nagging feeling of wanting to cry came back at his words. You wished you weren’t a brat today, you wished Joel’s cock was parting you in two instead of your measly fingers. 
Your lips pouted before letting out a moan, licking your lips and swallowing a lump in your throat. 
“No one feels as good as you, Joel, not even- fuck, not even my fingers.” 
You disregarded his directions, your thumb nuzzling your clit as you massaged the spongy wall deep inside of you Joel knew perfectly well. Feeling your thumb graze your clit every so often elicited an eager mewl from the depths of your throat. 
“Put the damn phone by your cunt so I can hear, baby.” 
Your jaw dropped at his filth, Joel wanting to hear your juices slosh against your fingers in desperation. Your free hand shakily moved the phone by your hip, pursing your lips in concentration. Your euphoria was close. 
You hated that his voice sounded farther away now, but you wanted Joel to hear how wet you were for him. 
“‘S right, baby, so fuckin’ wet… fuck, sounds so fuckin’ pretty.” 
His growls made your walls clench desperately around your fingers. 
“T-Three, Joel, please baby,” you begged, your chest heaving. 
“Think you can take three?” His snarl was sharp like a jaded stone.
Your eyes clamped closed, jaw dropping as your hips rutted into your hand again and your head was thrashing as it filled with heat. 
“I-I think I can,” you bit down on your bottom lip and tried to wait for his directions, wanting to wait for Joel to tell you it was okay. 
“Add a third baby, fuckin’ pound yourself.” His permission was all you needed. 
Broken moans of his name tumbled out of your mouth, his absence obvious but in your hysteria of horniness, it was warranted. 
You slipped in a third finger, eyes rolling back again at the stretch. Your pace had to slow down for a few moments to allow for the intrusion but fuck, it was almost as nice as Joel felt. 
You lost your words at that point, your throat dry as you continued to pump yourself full, curling your fingers inside of you just right as your arousal made your hand sticky. 
You pleaded his name, shaky and desperate as your thumb continued to mindlessly flick and circle at your clit. 
You wondered if his hand was around his cock, pulling an orgasm from himself while he listened to you get off. The idea made you even wetter. The top inside of your thighs were sticky and glistening with your arousal, panting like a damn dog in heat with how badly you wanted to cum. 
But you had to wait, let Joel guide you. 
Tears stung your waterline, wishing he was here, wishing he would take care of you. You didn’t want to pull a stunt like this again if you weren’t prepared to pay for the consequences of his absence. 
“Yes, you can, kitten,”
“Can’t finish without you,” you whimpered, your walls fluttering again as your stomach tugged eagerly to release. 
“Want you to finish, now, no need to torture yourself. You were bein’ a cunt today, but I think you learned your lesson. D’you learn your lesson?”
You let out a moaning sob as your cunt clenched eagerly, nodding relentlessly into the pillow as if he could see you. 
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” You cried out, grinding your core into your hand, going as deep as your fingers could allow. One last swipe to your clit and it was all gushing over you like a flood. 
You panted breathlessly, your phone slipping off your hip. Your motions slowed until they stopped completely, the only sound in the room being your breaths that were trying to relax. 
Your shaky free hand reached for your phone, reached for Joel. 
“Baby?” You whimpered, wiping a stray tear of desperation off your face. 
“I’m here, angel.” You were his angel, coming back down to Earth from heaven as you closed your legs once you removed your hand. Your fingers were sticky, usually he’d lick them clean for you. 
“Fingers all cummy?” He could read your mind. 
“Mhmm,” you hummed, pulling your digits apart to watch your slick stick together in desperate strings. 
You could hear the way his lips curled up in that little half smirk he did. “Why don’t you send me a video of you lickin’ ‘em clean. I’d love to see you right now.” 
You stayed on the call with them as you switched to your camera, angling the phone above you as you licked your cum covered fingers clean and smiling sweetly. You sent it off and bit your lip, wanting to hear his reaction. 
He made a short little chuckle on the other end, a satisfied sigh leaving you. 
“‘M sorry about today, thank you for helping me.”
“You’re welcome, angel. I already have an idea in mind for how you can make it up to me.” Your eyes went blank. Shit. Was not being filled up by him tonight not torture enough?!
“Goodnight, sweet girl. Thanks for lettin’ me hear ya.” 
“G-Goodnight, Joel.” You whispered, the phone call clicking to an end as you breathlessly stared at the ceiling. What did he have in mind? 
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sluggmuffin · 1 year
𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 - send a prompt from either this list or this one & a character and i will write you a blurb!
Can I get number 2 from the 2nd prompt list with Earth 42! Miles?? Plss
Hugs From Behind ~ Earth 42! Miles Morales
Summary: Miles is low key a dick but it's okay bc it was an accident
Warnings: angst, crying, u make up in the end
A/N: oops. umm I didn't mean to make this angsty it just came out. anyways if u wanted fluff I will gladly write another one I love my boy
"Get out" Y/n commanded, keeping their back to their window Miles had come in.
"Ma, cmon you can't be serious." He pleaded, swinging himself over their window so he's fully in their room.
"Get. Out" Y/n repeated through gritted teeth, organizing their desk further.  Truthfully, they didn't want him to leave. They just wanted an apology. And Miles knew that. And as hard as it is for him to admit he's wrong, he knew he had to do it.
"I'm sorry. Really I am."
"You said that last week. And the week before that. I want you to mean it."
He inched closer to Y/n, and even though they didn't want to give in, the minute he wrapped his arms around their waist they knew how this would end. Miles lay his chin on their shoulder, and pressed small kisses to their jawline.
"Yes ma?"
"I want a proper apology."
"Y/n," He starts, before pressing another kiss to your neck. "I'm very sorry I didn't respond to any of your texts-"
"for 7 hours" They mumbled.
"for 7 hours, yes. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you beforehand I'd be busy, and I'm sorry I didn't text you goodnight." He urged, swaying back and forth while keeping his arms around you.
"Miles, you know I always go to bed at 11:30, and if you can't respond to my messages past 4pm, then the least I expect is a 'sorry I'm busy right now baby, I'll text you later, goodnight' when I'm getting ready for bed. I've told you before that I don't want to have to wait, worrying about you, and I've told you before if I don't care if I have to go to bed without a text from you. I know my worth and if you won't give me 2 minutes of your life, then I don't need you." Their voice cracks, on the verge of tears they don't dare turn around to keep them from falling.
"Then why'd you wait" He asks.
"You said it yourself. You would go to sleep without a text from me because you don't need me and you know your worth. Then why are you up at-" He leans over your shoulder to turn on your phone that's on the desk, a picture you have of the two of you at the pool as your background lighting up the room."-3am waiting for me?"
"I am not waiting for you," they scoff at the accusation. "I'm cleaning my desk."
"At 3am?" He cocks an eyebrow.
"Even though you hate staying up past 12?"
"Okay you know what Miles, yes I was waiting for you. I haven't heard from you for hours so I stayed up for the slim chance you'd text me back, or come apologize, because I really cannot go to bed without knowing your safe." They finally admit, a drop falling from their eye onto the floor.
"Ma, please don't cry," He cranes his neck that's still rested on your shoulder, pressing more kisses against their skin. "I'm really sorry, and if you can find it in your heart to forgive me" He pokes their chest, making the ends of their mouth curve upward. "Then I'd make it up to you as best I can, and I promise, with all my heart, that I will no longer leave you without sleep waiting for my texts."
He unwraps his arms from around Y/ns waist, turning them so their facing him. He gets a good look of their face, eyes puffy from crying, and tear streaks making marks on their face. He kisses the tears away before planting one last kiss on their lips.
"Anyways if you really did want me to leave... I can go. But if not let's get you to bed yeah?"
"Yeah." They agree, a smile tugging at their lips.
And with that, Miles never left them without a goodnight text again, but instead he left them with a healed heart, kisses, and hugs from behind.
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lizzieislife94x · 9 months
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Thats Not Milk Honey (w.m)
WandaxGip Reader
This just came to me also by the time I post this it will be my birthday don't ask how old I am because I'm old asf anyway as always requests are open but I do have a few part 2s and requests to do but will do them after my birthday because I wanted to take a little break 😇 (its not my bday this was last year haha)
Y/ns POV:
"Mhhh good morning baby" I say with a raspy voice as my eyes flutter open to the sight of my wife kissing my jaw "morning baby listen" she whispers looking up at me climbing ontop of my stomach "we had a full night sleep without Emma waking up" I smile and rub her arms "and you spoke to soon someone's hungry, you prepare her breakfast ill grab her" wanda giggles as she takes her tshirt off and I get up walking over to the baby "hey princess did you get a full night sleep look at those big smiles, come see mama and we'll get you some milk" I say smiling as I pick our daughter up holding her close leaving gentle kisses over her head as I turn to see wanda with a huge a smile on her face "this right here is perfect you two are my world" I blush and hand the baby over as my eyes linger on her boobs "booooobieeeessss" I say with a huge smile causing wanda to laugh "youre such a child, can you go make me coffee please honey" I lean over and kiss her gently "of course my love" I walk out of the bedroom and head to the kitchen to make us both coffee.
4 hours later.
"Baby are you ready" I yell to wanda as I sit impatient god I'm so hungry "yeah just finishing pumping some milk for when we're out and a bottle for when we get back ill be 2 minutes" after what seems like forever she walks out in a gorgeous skin tight black dress holding Emma she smiles at the Babysitter "she's due a bottle in 3 hours I've pumped plenty it's in the fridge we should be back just after her next feed and thank you again for doing tonight on such short notice" she smiles as I wrap my arms around wanda "please help yourself to anything food, tv make yourself at home" I say with a smile as we bid our goodbyes it takes us 20 minutes to arrive at the restaurant I quickly jump out and open wandas door "there you go baby" she smiles and takes my arm leaving a delicate kiss on my cheek sending fireworks throughout my body we head inside and get seated I can't help but stare and admire her with a cheesy grin on my face she takes hold of both my hands looking back at me smiling "I love you so much how did I get this lucky, I'm so glad you took a chance on me babygirl" I say as I raise her hands to my lips leaving delicate kisses making her giggle "from the moment I saw you kicking ass defending someone who couldn't defend themselves I knew you where special you stole my heart that day honey and I'm glad because now I have the sexiest wife and the most adorable baby and I wouldn't have it any other way" I feel my heart glowing at her words blushing like a fool as our food is placed infront of us we spend the evening laughing and talking about our past memories and future memories to come while enjoying eachothers company I look at the time and notice its 10pm "come on honey we better get home and let the poor Babysitter go home" I say with a laugh as I raise my hand for the check after I pay we get up and head out to the car we enjoyed a peaceful car ride home with my hand resting on wandas thigh gently squeezing every now and again once we pull up to our house I get out and open her door as she smiles wrapping her arms around me kissing me passionately after a few seconds I pull away smiling "behave baby you know I'll bend you over this car if you don't and if we didn't need to let the Babysitter go home I would" she bites her lip smirking as we head inside giggling "you guys seem to have had a goodnight" the Babysitter says laughing and we agree "thank you so much for tonight" I pull out 200$ and hand her it as she looks at it in disbelief "it's only 50 for a night this is to much" I smile and place my hand on her shoulder "you helped us have a few hours alone take it go do something fun with friends thank you so much for tonight " we bid our goodbyes as wanda heads upstairs to get changed and I walk into the kitchen and grab a bottle of milk filling the cup before turning to get some cookies as wanda walks in smiling "thank you for tonight my love I had so much fun" I smile and wrap my arms around her waist kissing her forehead "you needed a few hours away from our darling daughter" I say laughing I pull away and take a big gulp of milk and freeze as wanda looks at me concerned "baby what's wrong" I smack my lips a few times "there's something wrong with the milk" she takes the cup and smells it before bursting out laughing "what oh god did I drink out of date milk it didn't taste bad just different do I need to go to the hospital" I say panicking as she continues to laugh walking over to me placing her hand on my cheek "that's not milk honey its my breast milk you just drank your daughters spare food" I look at her relief washing over my face "that's breastmilk It tastes good" she wraps her arms around my neck giggling "god youre something else y/n"
I smirk as an idea pops into my head "you know the milk was tasty and you know how much I love your boobs" she looks at me with a raised brow "use your words baby" she says a smirk appearing on her lips "well I think I should take you upstairs take these cute little pj's off so I can suck on these" I say gently cupping her boobs my thumbs teasing her sensitive nipples as a moan slips past her lips "then ill fuck you so good the only words falling from your lips will be my name and moans" I feel her grip on my waist tighten and smirk "fuck let's go before Emma wakes up" she pulls me up to the bedroom as she starts to undress me making me laugh a little "someone's needy" she gives me a look telling me to shut up and I do before I know it im naked with my dick standing to attention and wandas hand wrapped around my member pumping her hand up and down as she attacks my neck sucking and biting I can't help but moan as I push her shorts down and pull away as she steps out of them "top off..now I want to see them tits" I say as lust takes over we've not been able to fuck since the baby was born we've only managed to get eachother off quickly but tonight I'm gonna make her cream all over my dick "mmh fuck yes look at those perfect tits"
I moan as we fall onto the bed giggling I instantly latch my lips around her right nipple as she let's out a moan "fuck y/n" I grin and start to suck her nipple as the milk flows into my mouth as I hum at the taste making wanda moan and grip my hair pushing me closer to her I move my hand between her thighs and quickly find her soaking entrance as I sink 2 fingers inside her "yes fuck me yess" she cries out as I continue to suck her milk and thrust my fingers faster curling them at the spot I know sends her wild I quickly let go of her right nipple and switch to the left sucking as her milk fills my mouth I feel her walls tighten around my fingers my dick throbbing harder than ever as I suck my wife's milk "baby I uh fuckk don't...stop I'm I'm fuckkkk I'm cumming" she screams as her juices flow down my fingers and hand making me smirk I slow my thrusts allowing her to ride out her orgasm as her chest rises and falls rapidly I pull away from her nipple and smash my lips to hers as she moans into my mouth at her taste the kiss is full of passion and lust both of us needing the same thing "im gonna make you cum so many times baby we've got alot of time to make up for" I mumble against her lips as she looks at me "yes we do now hurry baby I need to feel you deep inside me ruin my pussy fuck i need to feel your cum filling me" she says still breathing rapidly I smirk and get up on my knees and flip her pulling her ass up in the air biting my lip at the sight I quickly grab my dick and rub it through her dripping folds lubing myself up as my left hand rubs her ass her moans are fucking music to my ears I can't help but groan at the feeling I slowly start to sink inside her savouring the feeling of her tight warm cunt both of us moaning "fuck baby so fucking tight" I moan as I grip her waist and I sink all 8 inches inside her and give her a second to adjust "fu..so big baby" she pants as I start to thrust at a steady pace her walls gripping my member tightly the sounds of her wet pussy and our skin slapping against eachother is all that's heard as i start to thrust faster and harder the only sounds are  our moans I continue to fuck wanda as she cums all over my cock I smirk and look down as I thrust harder deeper my pace becoming brutal as i look at her cum running down her thighs the sight making me moan "mmmh fuck baby youre doing so well you take me so well I've missed your tight little cunt wrapped around me" I gron as her words make no sense all she can muster is whimpers and moans I feel my own high coming in quick as I increase my thurst speed chasing my own high after a few more thrusts I slam deep inside her cunt and fill her with my seed both of us moaning loudly as another orgasm washes over her her whole body shaking beneath me.
3 hours later 
"Yes yes yes oh my fucking god fuckk" she screams as she bounces up and down on my dick my hands roaming her body squeezing her sensitive nipples milk leaking out turning me on more I start to meet her thrusts both of us getting sloppy "come..on baby youre doing so well give me one more ride my dick just like that honey" I encourage her as I suck her nipple her eyes roll along with mine as her milk flows down my throat, as she continues to chase her high I continue sucking her nipples draining as much milk as I can while fucking her both of our thrusts working in perfect sync "fuck I'm gonna cum" I moan against her nipple, as she bounces faster desperately wanting me to fill her, I unload my cum deep inside her for 8th time tonight as she cums all over my cock for the 12th both of us fall back panting and sweaty as she lays ontop of me with me still inside her both our breathing are erratic as I rub her back after a few minutes I feel her breathing calm on my chest "baby let's get you cleaned up" when I get no reply I smile and kiss her cheek "sleep tight beautiful I love you" I wrap my arms around her gently fixing us into a comfortable position my dick still very much buried in her pussy, i cuddle close as I close my eyes and fall asleep in my wife's arms.
AN: so again this was supposed to be wrote and posted yesterday but I was busy all day haha I hope yall enjoy it all feedback is welcome as always hope your all having a wonderful day 😊 I need to work out what one shots are having a part 2 ect and ill get them done then ill do the couple of requests I have 😘 word count 2.2k
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jeankluv · 5 months
Birdie - Satoru Gojo | Chapter 08
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Words: 4,3k
Summary: You didn’t like him, at all. But due to your bad luck you would have to be forced to work with him and different circumstances end up leading you to the fact that perhaps the word dislike is not the one you use to describe him.
ac: _3aem
Tags: modern au, college au, fem!reader, academic rivals, he fell first, fluff, old money Gojo Satoru, abusive parents, slight slow burn, Satoru is a softy, secondary couple (Geto Suguru x oc), a bit of angst, no use of y/n, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, Gojo plays basketball, Gojo needs a hug
Notes: I’m beginning my studying time this upcoming weeks so expect chapters only on weekends. Remember you can send me requests for small stories with any jjk, op or aot characters, smut or fluff, except smut for minors like Megumi, Yuji, Nobara, etc.. Anyways thank you and have a great week 🤍
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You had arrived from work 20 minutes ago to be exact, in that time you had taken a shower and now you were making a coffee to go straight to studying. Tomorrow you had the exam and you had barely had any free time to study during the week. They had given you more work and the teamwork with Satoru had grown. Satoru. It was strange for you to call him by his name, it was even stranger to call him in class, so most of the time you tried not to do it, but Satoru, as clever as he was, had noticed it and had taken it as a new way to mess with you, in a good way of course.
You walked in silence to your room — Kyoko was studying for another of her subjects and her parents had gone to sleep a while ago. Making as little noise as possible you sat down at your desk and opened the book to the exercise page. Putting aside the hot cup of coffee, you sat up straight, ready to spend practically the entire night, making problems over and over again.
You knew you were going to pass the exam, thanks to Satoru's explanations you knew you would get it but you still wanted to pass it. It wasn't because you didn't want to go on that date with him, to tell the truth, right now you wouldn't mind doing it.
While you were thinking that, a smile appeared on your face, which you immediately shook off. If you liked Satoru better and if Kyoko had been right, your “hatred” towards him had always been stupid.
Taking your headphones and your mobile phone, you put on your study playlist on Spotify and began working through each of the problems, with the music filling your ears.
Close to 2 a.m., you decided to get up from the seat where you had been sitting for over two hours and walk around your room to stretch and clear your mind. Your hands ached from gripping the pen so tightly, and your bed was calling out to you to go to sleep.
Your phone, which was on the table, lit up, indicating that a new notification had arrived. Weird. It was 2 a.m.—who could it be?
You picked it up and looked at the notification.
Pain in the ass
Don't stay up too late and rest.
You'll do great tomorrow 💪
Feeling a mix of surprise and warmth flood through you, you read Satoru's message again, your heart fluttering at his unexpected gesture. Despite the late hour, his words brought a sense of comfort and encouragement that you hadn't realized you needed.
With a soft smile playing on your lips, you typed out a quick reply to him.
You to Pain in the ass
Thanks, Satoru.
Your message means a lot.
I'll make sure to get some rest, don’t worry.
Goodnight 💫
Sending the message, you set your phone back down on the table, you returned to your studies. But without being able to shake the feeling of warmth that lingered within you.
You heard your name being called in the distance, over and over again. It was Kyoko's voice. With your eyelashes still stuck together, you opened your eyes. In the end, you had fallen asleep while studying. At what point? You didn't know exactly.
“What are you doing here?” Kyoko asked, her eyes wide open.
“Your exam is in 45 minutes!”
You had fallen asleep. Damn, damn, damn. How was that possible? You got up from the chair and grabbed your phone. It hadn't rung.
“Kyoko…” You whispered, turning to look at her, feeling your chest tightening. “In 45 minutes, it's impossible for me to make it to class.” You had to take several transfers to get to the university, and usually, it took you more than an hour. “Shit... if I don't show up, I'll fail, and if I fail, they'll take away my scholarship, if they take away my scholarship, then I'll have to give up everything.” You were about to have a panic attack.
“Hey!” she grabbed your face to make you look at her. “If someone can drive you, then you'll make it on time.”
You nodded, it was true. If someone drove you, you would be there in 15 minutes. But who? Who could drive you?
And then your eyes widened as you realized there was someone. You grabbed the phone again and searched for his name among your contacts, dialing and praying that he would pick up.
“Hello!” The familiar voice came from the other end of the line. “It's rare for you to call me at…”
“Satoru!” You cried. “I fell asleep and I won't make it. Could you come pick me up by car?”
“I'll be there in less than 10 minutes, birdie.” And with that, the call ended.
You looked at Kyoko and sighed. “He said he'll be here in 10 minutes.” She looked at you in relief.
“Good, now start getting ready. You are still on your pajamas, I will prepare something for you to eat.” She started to walk away.
“Kyoko.” You called her, Kyoko looked at you from the door frame. “There is no need, you know I get extremely anxious with exams. I will eat something after the exam. Don’t worry.” She nodded and closed the door behind her.
You walked to your closet and looked for something to wear, needing to get ready quickly. You couldn't be late, nor could you keep Satoru waiting. While looking in the mirror, your phone started ringing. Turning on your heel, you approached it and picked up the phone.
“I'm outside.” Satoru's voice came through on the other end of the line.
“Alright, I'm coming out right now.” You said and hung up.
You grabbed your backpack and the notes from the table and hurried through the house. You waved goodbye to Kyoko and stepped outside, finding Satoru's car parked in front. With light steps, you approached the car and naturally got inside.
“I can't thank you enough.” You said as you settled into the seat.
“Birdie, you don't have to thank me for anything.” He said, shrugging and smiling at you. "Ready to go now?” You nodded and finished buckling your seatbelt.
Satoru made sure you had your seatbelt on and started the car. Leaving behind the neighborhood where you lived, Satoru entered the main road towards the university. You had never driven to university so the road was totally new for you.
You focused your eyes on the new view, seeing the high skyline of Tokyo and the different places ahead of you. You let a small sigh out of your lips.
While the car was still moving across the road, you subtly directed your gaze towards Satoru. You hadn't realized until now, but his blue eyes were covered by round sunglasses. As you looked at his profile you couldn't shake the growing feeling that he was in your stomach.
God Satoru Gojo is fucking handsome. You thought to yourself.
Shaking those thoughts away, you looked for your notes and opened them to review a little before the exam. Your leg began to move unconsciously, it was something that happened to you since you were little, when you were nervous.
A hand, that wasn’t yours, stopped the movement of your leg. This simple gesture caused a sensation that went straight through your whole body.
“Birdie.” Satoru’s voice echoed in the once silent car. “You will do it great…” His hand was still on your knee. And for some reason, it didn’t feel wrong or uncomfortable.
“I just…” You swallowed, trying to formulate a sentence. “I just want to make sure.”
Satoru nodded, still looking at the road before him and still having his hand on your leg. You wanted to tell him to move it. It was a gesture that felt way too intimate, way too comforting. You liked way too much.
You coughed and moved your leg, trying to make him move away his hand. He must have caught the gesture because he moved his hand away from your leg and grabbed the steering wheel again.
A feeling of emptiness and remorse settled in your chest. What an idiot you were.
The landscape began to become more familiar, as you were approaching the university. Luckily you were going to arrive in time for the exam, there were still 10 minutes left before it started. You heard Satoru murmur under his breath and felt the car slow down.
You turned to look at him to see what was happening. “What happened?”
“There is always a traffic jam at the entrance.” He explained to you. You paled for a moment to which Satoru noticing, tried to calm you down. “Birdie, there's time, we'll get there. I’ll make sure you get there.” That calmed your heart fluttering with nervousness.
The car moved slowly and the minutes started to pass, you were starting to enter the campus when the clock indicated that there were 5 minutes left for the start of the exam. You felt the car stopping right in front of your faculty.
“Go.” Satoru pointed at you with the head, you looked at him confused. “C’mon birdie, just go to the exam.”
“What about you?”
“I will find a place to park and go.” You were about to speak when Satoru spoke once again. “It’s okay, I will arrive on time and if I don’t then I will cry a little and the professor will let me in. I mean, look at this face.”
You huffed and unbuckled the car seat belt. “You better get there, because I don't want to beat you if you don't take the exam.” Satoru smiled and leaned on the steering wheel, lowering his glasses a little.
“Don't worry princess, that won't happen.”
Your cheeks turned crimson red upon hearing the new name he had given you. “Don't even think about calling me that again Gojo!” You threatened him, knowing that calling him by his last name would upset him.
“Sorry birdie, now go!” You nodded and turned around to start rushing toward the class.
Your legs moved quickly through the hallways, each step echoing through the halls of the university building. With every step, you felt the weight of your anxiety pressing down on you, urging you to move faster. Had your classroom always been this far away? It seemed like an eternity.
Finally, you reached the door to your classroom and skidded to a stop, leaning against the wall to catch the breath that had escaped your lungs. Your heart was pounding in your chest, the adrenaline from the sprint was still running through your veins, it had been a long time since you last practiced any type of exercise, so your body was no longer used to it. You took a moment to compose yourself, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly as you tried to calm your racing pulse.
Now recovered, you entered the classroom and scanned the faces of your classmates. Most were already seated, their faces a mix of nervous anticipation and focused determination. Some, were deep in last-minute discussions, whispering fervently as they exchanged notes and assurances.
Taking your usual seat, you sank into the chair and let out a long sigh, the tension in your body slowly dissipating. But as you looked around the room, a knot of worry formed in your stomach. Satoru was nowhere to be seen. Was he still looking for a place to park?
Professor Tanaka's voice cut through the murmurs of the room, signaling the start of the exam. You looked nervously at the empty seat next to you, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of your stomach. If Satoru didn't arrive on time, it would be your fault. It had been you who had fallen asleep, who had made him come look for you. And now, he could lose the exam because of you. Panic gnawed at the edges of your mind as you waited, hoping against hope that he would arrive before it was too late.
You bowed your head, silently pleading for Satoru Gojo to appear at that exact moment. The minutes ticked by agonizingly slow, each second feeling like an eternity as you anxiously awaited his arrival.
Then, just as your hope was beginning to wane, the door swung open and there he was, Satoru Gojo, striding into the classroom with his trademark confidence.
“Gojo, you're late.” Teacher Tanaka's voice rang out, drawing your attention back to it.
Relief flooded through you as you looked up to see him standing there.
He is here.
“Sorry, sorry.” He chuckled, flashing a cocky smile as he made his excuse. “I couldn't find a place to park, but here I am.”
“Okay, now go and sit.” Professor Tanaka instructed, pointing towards his seat.
“Thank you.” Satoru replied with a grateful nod, walking confidently towards his desk, located right next to yours.
Calmly, Satoru settled down next to you and turned his head to look at you. At that moment, your eyes met and a sudden blush invaded you. Satoru gave you a warm, mischievous smile, accompanied by a playful wink that made you blush again, it was the second time in the day.
With determination, you decided to put any distractions related to Satoru Gojo out of your mind and focused on the exam that Professor Tanaka had just handed out. With a sigh, you gripped the pen firmly and began to read the questions carefully. To your surprise, from the first moment you felt comfortable and confident, understanding each statement clearly.
A satisfied smile spread across your face as you realized that this time was different; Your hours of studying with Satoru had paid off and now you felt ready to face the challenge. With each answer you wrote, your self-confidence grew, and that feeling of accomplishment propelled you to keep going.
Concentrated and focused on your skills, you solved each problem with precision and efficiency.
After 45 minutes, you felt Satoru get up from his seat, drawing curious looks from most of your classmates. Satoru, with his characteristic playful smile, approached the teacher and handed him the exam. He didn't surprise you since he was always the first to finish the exams.
As Satoru walked towards the professor, some murmurs of surprise and admiration were heard around him. He watched as he confidently handed in his exam, exchanging a few brief words with the professor before returning to his seat.
Despite his quickness, you noticed that Satoru didn't seem worried about the outcome. He always had that carefree self-assurance that made him stand out. Meanwhile, you continued working on the exam calmly and focused, solving each question at your own pace.
Satoru's attitude was simply part of his energetic and self-confident personality. No matter the situation, he always seemed to be one step ahead. But this time I would get over it, yes you would.
You looked at your completed exam and with a smile you stood up from your seat. You walked past Satoru and gave him a subtle glance while wrinkling your nose and flashing your proud smile. You walked up to Professor Tanaka's table and handed her your test.
Turning on your heel you returned to your seat, watching as Satoru kept his gaze fixed on you while he smiled at you with a hand on his chin. You sat down in your seat and directed your gaze towards Satoru, he raised his thumb at him, wondering if he had done well for you, to which you nodded happily.
You turned your head and started looking out the window, while you waited for the exam to end. The minutes passed slowly, as you watched the students go from one side to the other across the campus. You felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders and thanks in part to the help of the person you would have least imagined. Satoru Gojo.
It had been over a month since you were paired up for the project, and in that time, you had become closer, as much as it was hard for you to admit. Over the past two weeks, you found that your attitude towards him, as well as your feelings, changed.
With each passing day, your interactions with him became more meaningful and you couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in your emotions. What started as a group project duo you hated and loathed was turning into something deeper, something that stirred your heart in unexpected ways. And something that scared you greatly with every movement you made.
The class was filled with noise and agitated movements of your classmates — the exam was over. You sighed letting out the air of tension and stood up from your seat. Only to run into Satoru looking at you carefully with those blue eyes again. Did he ever look away from you?
“How was birdie?” He smiled at you.
You smiled widely, showing your teeth. “Perfect. I’m going to win our bet.” You challenged him.
“Oh.” He formed an 'o' with his lips. “I can't wait to see that.” A smile appeared on his lips.
“Satoruuuuu.” A voice approached both of you, it was one of your classmates, you saw them a couple of time but never interacted with them.
“Hey.” Satoru smiled with a flirtatious smile drawn on his face, you rolled your eyes at the gesture.
“Satoru, I was wondering.” They looked around and also looked at you. And you swore the gaze wasn’t a nice one. “I’m really bad at this subject and well you’re the best.” To which Satoru nodded with a smile. “I was wondering if you could help me study, we could meet up after classes and you could teach me.” They started touching Satoru’s arm which made an unpleasant sensation run through your body.
Satoru took their hand and placed it far away from him. “Sorry but I don't give private classes.” You looked at him confused, that was clearly a lie. “Now, we will be leaving. Birdie, let’s go?” You looked at him still confused with the lie he just told.
As both of you began to walk away, you overheard the friends of your classmate approaching them.
“I thought she couldn't stand him.” One of them remarked.
“Yeah, and apparently he's been giving her private classes.” Another added.
“Yeah, you know what type of private classes, right?” One of them chuckled. “Her knees must be all red.” The group erupted into laughter.
You rolled your eyes at the disgusting rumors, but over the years, you had learned to ignore such talk behind your back.
Suddenly, Satoru's voice cut through the air. He was no longer beside you. When did he move? “Repeat that if you dare.” He said. “Did you really think I wouldn't hear you with a voice so piercing it echoes throughout the classroom?” A shiver ran down your spine. You had never seen Satoru angry or heard him speak in such a tone. And judging by the stares directed at him, neither had anyone else.
“I…” The person who made the comment stuttered, trembling with fear at the sight of Satoru Gojo's imposing figure and fierce glare.
“What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?” Satoru taunted.
“Satoru.” The one who had approached him earlier to ask for a private class stepped forward. “My friend didn't mean it that way.”
“Is that so?” Satoru said snorting. “Then what did they mean?”
“Satoru.” Your classmate insisted, looking somewhat uncomfortable under Satoru's piercing gaze. “They were just joking around, you know how it is.”
Satoru's expression remained stern, his eyes fixed on the group. “Joking around about what, exactly?” He demanded, his voice laced with a simmering anger.
The group exchanged nervous glances, realizing they were caught in an uncomfortable situation. “We... we didn't mean anything by it.” One of them mumbled.
“And what exactly did you mean, then?” He pressed, his voice low and threatening.
One of the friends stammered, struggling to find words under Satoru's intense scrutiny. “We... we were just messing around, you know?” They muttered weakly.
Satoru's eyes narrowed, his patience becoming thinner with each word that was coming out of their mouths. “Messing around at whose expense?” He snapped, his voice rising with anger.
The group flinched. “We... we didn't mean to offend anyone.” Another one muttered.
You almost laughed out loud hearing them.
Satoru took a step forward, his presence dominating the space between them. “Words have consequences.” He growled. “Think before you speak, or face the consequences.”
With that, Satoru turned on his heel and walked away, leaving the group stunned into silence. As he approached you, you could see his face relaxing and his anger slowly dissipating.
“Sorry about that.” He said, his tone softer now. “You are okay?”
You nodded, not giving much importance to the words of people you didn’t know.
Together, you continued on your way, leaving behind the echoes of the confrontation. As you walked, you couldn't help but give small gazes at Satoru, you wouldn’t have thought Satoru would have stepped out just for you but he did.
Arriving at the cafeteria, you sat one in front of the other and with a cup on each hand.
“Thank you.” You whispered. “For you know, stepping in. There was no need…”
“What do you mean there was no need?” He left his cup on the table. “They were bad mouthing you, trying to create rumors that were no true.”
“People like to talk.” You shrugged casually. “At the end of the day the important thing is what the people who matter to you think about you. Not those with whom you have never exchanged a word and surely never will. They talk because their lives are so extremely boring that to satisfy that void they have, they have to fill it with lies and bad words about others.” You picked up your cup and calmly sipped it again.
You didn't care if people talked behind your back, yes sometimes those words like knives could stab you hard. But at the end of the day those people were insignificant to you, the people you cared about weren't those people so if they wanted to think that you had been sucking Satoru Gojo's cock, then they should. With that story created in their heads, you knew that envy was eating away at them.
“No.” You observed as Satoru's fists tightened on the table, his expression a blend of frustration and indignation. “It doesn't matter if you'll never interact with those people, or if they mean nothing to you. No one deserves to be spoken about in the way they did there.” He declared, his voice carrying a hint of intensity. “You don't deserve that, birdie. You don't deserve anyone speaking ill of you. Because you are truly wonderful and only deserve good and praising words.”
His words resonated deeply, igniting a warmth in your chest as if a comforting flame had been kindled. It was remarkable how Satoru possessed the ability to evoke such a profound sense of reassurance with just a few simple words.
As you met his earnest gaze, you felt your cheeks warmer.
“You’re an idiot.” You said hiding your face in the coffee cup.
Satoru looked at you offended. "What have I done?" He cried.
You were about to reply when your phone started to sound on your bag. “Hi.” You said.
The happy voice of Haibara sounded on the other side of the phone singing your name. “I was calling you to tell you that tomorrow we will be closing the store. So you don’t have to come, you are free!”
“Oh!” You gasped in surprise. “That’s great! But nothing happened right?”
“Nop.” He popped out the ‘p’. “Just enjoy your weekend. Now I need to leave! Bye!” And with that he hanged out.
You looked at you phone for an instant. “What happened?” Satoru spoke.
“Nothing.” You put your phone aside. “Haibara called me, he wanted to tell me that tomorrow I would be free.”
“Great.” He smiled. “The basketball team is having a party at the disco. Wanna come?” He cockily looked at you.
“Are you inviting me out, Satoru Gojo?” You raised an eyebrow. “The results for the exam aren’t out yet.” You challenged him.
“Oh princess if I win the bet I won’t be taking you out to an ugly club.” There it was again that new nickname that turned yourself on.
“Gojo.” You replied with a mocking tone. “Don't even think about calling me that.”
“Kyoko is coming.” He said ignoring your words.
“How do you know that?”
“Suguru is my best friend and Kyoko is his girlfriend, duh.” He said sticking his tongue out.
“I will think about it.”
“Pretty please.” He said pouting.
“I didn’t know the great Satoru Gojo could pout like a puppy.” You mocked.
“Oh for you I would that and much more.”
The conversation was taking an unexpected turn, entering a territory that felt strangely flirtatious. Were you inadvertently sending signals, or was Satoru intentionally leading the interaction in that direction?
You shook your head, dismissing the thought as absurd. No, that couldn't be it. Surely, it was just a result of the comfortable rapport you shared as friends, nothing more. And Satoru, well, he was just being his usual charismatic self, right?
But despite your attempts to rationalize it, a nagging doubt lingered in the back of your mind. Could there be something more to these exchanges? Or were you simply overthinking things?
You couldn't deny it, you felt attracted to his presence and appreciated the moments you spent together. And as your connection had deepened, so had your feelings that blossomed within you.
You still didn't want to admit that something had changed in you regarding Satoru Gojo. But you knew it was there, your feelings for him were undeniable and showed no signs of fading.
You brushed off those thoughts, chalking it up to imagination. After all, you and Satoru were just friends, nothing more, nothing less. At least, that's what you kept telling yourself.
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Note: a more transitory chapter than other thing, but the real shit is about to start in the next chapter.
—if you want to be tagged comment below
🏷️: @lavender-hvze, @crybabytoru, @sanriosatoru, @norvacaine, @sadmonke, @faetoraa , @hexipessimistic, @gojoful , @kitzusune, @sh0jun , @manyno , @ropickle , @lolsasuke , @milk3evee
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fourstarsoutofnine · 4 months
To get away
Chapter 3; Roomies and Rumors
Part 1, part 2, part 3.5, part 4
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You were afraid to turn your back. You didn’t want to let your roomie know you were awake. You felt him sit on the end of the bed to kick his shoes off. He didn’t feel as light as the sailor would be—nor the smith, so they were crossed off. And he didn’t feel as heavy as the old man or rancher would be… then, you heard a sigh… and he spoke.
“Can’t believe he wouldn’t room with me… but whatever, the champion’s your best friend now. Sure. Yeah. Thanks, traveler.”
That was the vet. Clear as day. You breathed in deep—but tried to keep it slow so he wouldn’t realize you were awake…
“You don’t have to pretend to be asleep, you know. I can tell you’re tensed up.”
So much for that… you sat up tiredly.
“I don’t like this situation any more than you do, but it’s just for a night. Two, at most. So just scoot over and we can handle this like adults.” He said, taking his armor and chainmail off.
You nodded quietly and scooted closer to the wall.
“And you can speak, you know. I’m not going to yell at you.” He rolled his eyes with a scoff.
“Sorry… I was just under the impression you didn’t exactly like me…” you spoke quietly, still worried that at the slightest chance to get upset, he’d take it.
“It’s not that I don’t like you.” He slid into bed next to you. “It’s that I don’t trust you. You arrive here and claim to not know how you got here, you have this mark on your hand.” He grabbed your wrist—very gently, actually—and made note of the triforce on your hand. “Which is the exact mark we heroes have, except on the opposite hand, and…I don’t know you. I don’t know your motives, if any, and I don’t know what’s to come of this. So for tonight and possibly the next night, we’re stuck sleeping beside each other. We’ll just have to take it with a grain of salt.”
That quieted you down again. He cleared his throat.
“So… goodnight.” He put a pillow between you and laid down, turning the lamp off. You sighed and laid down, turning over. The next morning, as you were still sound asleep, the vet was turned towards you, looking at you. He had a million thoughts running through his head. Who were you exactly? How did you get here? How do you have that mark?
Why couldn’t he bring himself to not feel for you?
He didn’t trust anyone besides his fellow heroes, and Hadn’t trusted anyone with his very guarded heart since Marin, and you know where that landed him. Heartbroken and alone. He was determined to never feel that again, and certainly not because of some mysterious stranger that was dropped in their world, unannounced and without reason. Alarms were going off in his head from that, bright red flags waving…
But he couldn’t hate you. He couldn’t hate you, cast you out, reject you.
Or at least, not directly, anyway. But he could distance himself from you. Put walls between you. Try to protect himself and the others, especially the traveler. And that’s what he was determined to do. He got up, frustrated with himself for lying there so long. He slipped his boots on and left the room.
“There you are. We were wondering when you’d get up.” The rancher grinned, crossing his arms.
“Yeah? Well it’s kind of hard to get out of a real bed after sleeping on the hard ground for weeks, forgive me if I want to pretend I’m home.” He jabbed back, the tiniest grin on his face.
“Is Y/n up yet?” The traveler asked, sending a shock through the vet.
“She’s still asleep. You’re welcome to try getting her up if you want.” He shrugged, rolling his eyes.
“Let her sleep.” The old man said. “She needs the sleep, I’m sure. Yesterday was rough on her.”
“Yeah she’s not too suited for travel, is she?” The sailor thought out loud. Unbeknownst to the chain, you were standing just outside your room, on the landing above where they were seated in the dining area.
“We could just leave her here, you know. The towns are safe. They’re always safe. She’d be better off here than with us. She can’t fight, has trouble walking long distances… she’d thrive in this lazy town.” The vet suggested. Your heart sank. It made you want to run. You wanted to run and hide. Tears pricked your eyes and clouded your vision. You didn’t hear the others protests to that idea, your heart was pounding too loudly in your ears, the blood that rushed your head made your ears and face hot.
The decision to leave felt right, even if it wasn’t. Not only was your vision clouded, but your judgement as well. Clouded by every hurt feeling in the book. You slowly crept down the stairs and out the door. If they didn’t want you here, they wouldn’t have you. You felt burdenous to them anyway. They had enough on their plate, too much to add you on top of that anyway. So, unarmed and stupidly, you walked along the edge of town with tears in your eyes. Your chest felt heavy and your head felt like someone was taking an ice pick to it all around. Your eyes burned, the edges of your eyelids stinging and feeling tighter with each blink you took to clear your vision from tears.
You didn’t notice the rustling in the bush…
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reina-writes · 1 year
LATE NIGHT CALLS. Pedro Pascal x reader [Hi, it's me -series, #1]
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Summary: Pedro sends a reassuring voice message to you, showing that sometimes it's not about what you say but how you say it.
Characters: Pedro Pascal x reader Warnings: None really. Pedro being sweet, mention of reader having a bit rough day. A/N: This is a short fanfic, being part of my "Hi, it's me" -series with Pedro, collection of simple, short fanfics. This series with short fanfics is inspired after having a dream about Pedro leaving a comforting voice message. I wanted to explore more his character and improve my own writing. I usually don't write anything with a real person, but this time I made an expectation. Pedro is so sweet. I will ensure that the fanfic remains tasteful and respectful towards the real person. Part 2: MISSED CALL.
It was late at night, and Pedro was sitting alone in his hotel room. He had just finished a long day of interviews and promotional events, and he was feeling exhausted. But despite his weariness, there was one thing on his mind that he couldn't ignore: you.
He missed you so much it hurt. You had been friends for a while now, and there was a mutual attraction, but you had never taken the next step into dating. Pedro respected your wishes and didn't want to push you into anything that you weren't ready for, but it was getting harder and harder to keep his feelings to himself.
As he lay in bed, scrolling through his phone to check what he had missed during the work, he saw you had sent him a voice message earlier. As Pedro listened to the voice message, he couldn't help but smile at the sound of your voice. He closed his eyes, picturing you.
"Hi Pedro, it’s me! How's everything going with your work? I hope you're doing great. I miss you and can't wait for you to be back home. Movie nights aren’t the same without you.”
You sounded cheerful, but he could tell there was an attempt to mask the weariness in your words.
“Uh… Life's been a bit tough lately, feeling like I'm being pulled in every direction. I really could use your shoulder to lean on and have a good cry. And after that, maybe a bottle of wine? Haha, sorry for venting, I'm just a little bit exhausted."
Your laughter was bittersweet, a mixture of genuine amusement and a hint of vulnerability. Pedro's heart ached at the thought of your struggling, wanting to be there to comfort you.
“Anyway, I know you’re busy. Just remember to rest whenever you have a chance, okay? Sending you hugs and kisses. I miss you. Bye!"
Pedro took a deep breath, composing himself before recording his response. He knew you would be already sleeping – or at least he hoped you would be sleeping because a goodnight sleep hopefully would make you feel better.
"Hey, it's me," he began, his voice soft and gentle. "I’m sorry for answering this late, I just got back to the hotel. I heard your message, and I want you to know that I'm thinking of you and that I'm here for you, baby.” He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts. He wanted to say so much more, but he didn't want to risk scaring you off.
“I know things have been tough lately, but I want you to know that you're not alone. Whatever you're going through, we'll get through it together. You're strong and capable, and I believe in you”, his voice was filled with warmth and reassurance as he spoke softly into the phone.
“And about that shoulder to lean on and the bottle of wine, well… Consider it a date when I'm back. I'll be there to wipe away your tears and have a bottle of wine with you. And meantime... Remember that I'm just a phone call away.”
Pedro hoped that his words would bring you some comfort, even from a distance. In that moment, he vowed to himself that he would do everything he could to make you feel loved and cherished, no matter the circumstances. 
“I hope you're getting some rest tonight," he continued. "And if you ever need anything, anything at all, just let me know. I'm always here for you, no matter what."
With a sigh, Pedro hit send and put his phone away, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness. The weight of his unspoken feelings lingered in the air, leaving him to wonder about the future. As he lay in the darkness, thoughts of you consumed his mind. He couldn't help but wonder: would you ever know how much you really meant for him? Would he someday be able to tell you a truth and not just making small hints? The uncertainty tugged at his heart, but deep down, Pedro knew that taking a leap of faith might be worth it. But right now, Pedro wanted nothing more than to be there for you, to support you through the ups and downs of life. One day, he thought, one day. He closed his eyes, holding onto the hope that someday he would be able to express his true feelings. For now, he would cherish the connection you had.
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nar-nia · 6 months
heeseung x reader
word count: ~ 700
warnings: angst
“I just need to prioritize my work right now,” Heeseung shrugged.
“And not me,” you almost whispered.
“What did you say?”
“Nothing.” You buried your face into your book again, shielding it from Heeseungs glance.
“That didn't sound like nothing. What is it?”
“It's nothing. Forget about it - just go back to your work.”
You could feel Heeseung staring at you for one, two, three seconds, but finally he nodded and put on his jacket. “Fine. I offered to talk.”
It didn't take long until you heard the door close, your hands gripping the book tightly as you tried to hold back your tears.
“Do you want to say what's wrong or are you just going to stare at your plate?”
Heeseungs words made you look up, you hadn't even realized that you just kept digging around with your fork.
“Oh - I’m just thinking about some stuff.”
“Can you hurry up please? You know I’m busy, I barely have time for this dinner anyway.”
You didn't expect to hear annoyance in Heeseungs tone, but it was clearly there, accompanied by the constant tapping of his foot.
“I’m sorry… I didn't know you had to go back to work again. I just wanted to spend time with you.”
“I’m meeting up with some friends.”
“Okay...” He hadn't even acknowledged your wish. “You can go - I can eat alone. Have fun please.”
You barely had time to react when Heeseung put on his jacket and almost ran out the door, the sound of your heart breaking perfectly timed with the closing door.
It was almost midnight and you were tossing and turning around in your empty bed. Normally you would have gone to sleep 2 hours ago so you could at least function at your job, but you had been waiting for Heeseung, wanting to spend at least a bit of time with him. But he hadn't returned yet, no text, nothing. You couldn't stop the feeling of loneliness spreading all around you, covering you in cold darkness as you grabbed your phone, texting Heeseung a little goodnight message.
1 am. No answer.
2 am. Still nothing.
3 am. He had seen the message, but no answer.
4 am.
5 am.
6 am. You heard the door opening, a clearly drunk Heeseung stumbling into your bed as you just got up to start getting ready. He didn't even say hello as he walked past you.
“Y/n, please move. I told you I need to leave.” Heeseung groaned, his whole body screaming exhaustion. You were standing in front of the door, tears already welling up in your eyes as you just stared at him, trying to find the right words to say.
“You could make it less obvious that you don't care about me, you know,” you finally managed to get out.
“I don't know what I did that made you stop liking me. Or stop wanting to spend time with me, but whatever it was I am genuinely sorry.” It was getting harder to hold back sobs, but somehow you managed. “I’m sorry, but I hate this. We have barely talked those last few weeks, you always say you're busy. Everything else is more important to you than your own girlfriend!”
“That's not true.”
You stared at him. “I understand that you're busy with work. And I understand that you want to meet your friends. But is it really too much to ask for some time with you too?”
“I haven't seen my friends in a while. You should understand that,” Heeseung huffed. “They're important to me.”
“I should be important to you too, Heeseung,” you mumbled. “I have barely seen you too.”
“You are.”
“Am I?” Now the tears were really flowing. “Because you're doing a shit job at showing it. And it makes me feel awful. I hate myself for how often I stare at my phone or the door, hoping you’ll come to spend some time with me. I can't do this anymore.”
Heeseung just glared at you. “Do you want to break up?”
“Do you? Because it doesn't feel like you want to be around me at all.”
“Answer my question first.”
Oh. Your heart sank, a sob breaking free. “I just want to spend time with my boyfriend.”
Heeseung nodded. You saw it almost in slow motion, the way he put on his jacket and walked towards the door, going right through it as you stumbled to the side. He had made his choice.
feedback is always appreciated <33 i'm sending you all a big hug.
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lunarheslwt · 7 months
Drabble: "do you still like me" "it's 2 in the morning"
“Lou. Wake up.”
Being rudely pulled from the blissful arms of sleep, yet unwilling to be awake, Louis frowned, eyes still scrunched shut. Harry? He merely hummed in response, hoping that Harry would take the hint and let him sleep.
“Hey.” Nope. Harry was whispering loudly, mere inches away from him. “I've a question.”
Groaning into the pillow, he grunted out, “what?”
A beat of silence. That only served to further awaken him. And then-
“Do you still like me?”
Louis’ eyes flew open, if only so he could shoot the boy next to him an incredulous look. Once his eyes adjusted to the dark, he turned to the opposite side for a moment, squinting at the neon digits, before turning back to face Harry, face lit up only by the dull light from the clock.
“Harry. It's two in the morning.”
“Yes, but do you?”
Louis stared at him. What the fuck. Harry stared back at him, blinking owlishly.
“Haz. I'm literally married to you.”
A few seconds dragged, before he caught the very corner of Harry's lips twitching inadvertently at that. Why this absolute little-
“You're not answering the question,” he whined, actually having the audacity to pout at him. As if this entire scenario wasn't ridiculous. Louis was half sure he was dreaming.
“You woke me up. At 2 am. To confirm that I, your husband, still likes you.”
Harry nodded seriously, though his eyes betrayed him. “It's a very important question.”
“Goodnight, Harry,” Louis deadpanned, closing his eyes for good measure, trying to bite back a helplessly endeared smile at the loud protest he was expecting anyway.
“Louuuu, no wait!” There were hands tugging at his arms, trying to tug him close, keep him from going back to sleep. He fake snored obnoxiously in response, grinning at the snort it drew from Harry.
“Since you're not answering, I'm gonna have to take it as confirmation that you do not in fact still like me.”
Sighing in mock exasperation, Louis opened his eyes again, pulling Harry close and throwing one leg around him so he was trapped. Not that the boy was complaining, if the breathy chuckles were anything to go by.
“Well, we cannot have that, can we love?” he asked, squeezing him in his arms lightly.
“No we cannot.”
“Mostly because you will throw a tantrum till I answer and clarify that yes, I do like you very much, still.”
“I do not throw tantrums excuse me- I am not a child!” Harry gasped, swatting at his chest playfully, then snuggling in close.
“Oh? Yeah no, of course, of course,” he pacified, thumbing at his soft cheeks. “You are a baby.”
“My baby.”
That shut him up quickly, protest dying on lips that curved into a wide, pleased smile. He didn't have to see it, but he could tell he was sporting a tiny blush, feeling the warmth under his fingertips.
“That all you needed, huh,” Louis murmured softly, leaning in to peck his lips chastely. “Just some attention at 2 in the morning. Why are you even awake, hmm?”
Harry shrugged. “Couldn't sleep. Because someone convinced me to sleep in awfully late yesterday, so my routines gone to shit.”
“Excuse me if I just wanted to cuddle and stay in bed with my favourite person for a while longer,” Louis grumbled, “you need attention at 2 am, I need attention at 10 am.”
“I didn't need attention, I asked a very important question!”
“Sure, babe,” he allowed, then cupped his cheeks. Because really, who was he but a man helpless not to humour his husband because he loved him so much?
“To answer your question, yes I still like you. The most, even.”
Twin dimples made their appearance. He would be the death of him someday.
“In fact, I actually love you the most, even”
Harry gasped dramatically. “You do?? That's a relief. I love you too.”
Rolling his eyes, Louis tugged him close till he could tuck his head beneath his chin. “Glad we sorted that out. Now sleep or I'm revoking my statement.”
Harry didn't protest, seemingly content, and Louis closed his eyes as their breathing evened out. In a few minutes, sleep clung to his closed lids once more.
“Lou. Do you think I'm pretty?”
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