theminecraftbee · 9 months
for the record I AM at the timeskip now and. the fun thing about one piece is the world is so BIG that I can absolutely get away with my one piece AU taking place during canon and having just never crossed paths with it (pending the devil fruit I accidentally predicted I may have to change whichever one that is to keep to the rule of ‘only one devil fruit of any given power exists at a time’). so now I’m like… trying to imagine what my AU cast would think of the summit war, man. the entire world hears of it, after all.
do you think bigb or pearl lost anyone in the battle at marineford? they wouldn’t have time to mourn, not much; with the chaos that erupts thanks to whitebeard’s death, they have their hands full almost immediately trying to keep order on a seas filled with pirates trying to fill that vacuum. they’re both promoted; somehow, Pearl tells bigb quietly, it doesn’t feel earned at all. bigb wants to say that’s for the best, but it’s not, not with the list of names they aren’t allowed to tell anyone so the world government can claim the victory was more of a rout than it was. it’s a sudden, grim reminder of why they do this in the first place; it’s a sudden, grim reminder of the corruption and power that works against their ideals as well.
do you think the ties and clocker pirates find each other again? safety in numbers; if the marines can end the age of such mighty pirates, they’re in danger from them just as much as other pirates, and besides, etho and cleo may not be the world’s most notorious pirates, but they’ve been at this for a long time and made some enemies they’ve outlasted and outsmarted. the breakout at impel down is unlikely to have any of those enemies, right, but—well, just for a bit they’ll be one crew again, just in case. (now, if only their crews could stop fighting about the name. no, the letters don’t make a good acronym, stop trying!)
the unlucky pirates—sorry, sorry, the bad boy pirates—miss the news for multiple islands, because they think they’re too cool to keep up with the newspaper. it’s only after some unusually impassioned attempts to kidnap and/or kill jimmy that they realize something’s… changed. and it’s only stopped on an island where they have a chance to breathe that joel spots the news in the headlines and realizes why.
martyn looks at jinbe in the news and raises an eyebrow. well. he’s still helping humans, but at least he’s no longer a government dog. next to him, scott wonders what will happen at home now that whitebeard can no longer claim fishman island is under his protection from pirates. but—well, neither of them have been home in a long time. they’ll figure it out.
and for a moment, everything seems to hold strangely still for the whole world.
then they just—
move on.
they have their own lives to lead after all. and they may be changed, but they still have their own things to do.
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moonbaby26 · 7 months
Title: Rainy Day Man
(Chapter 4 of Doflamingo’s Marine Series)
*Crossposted to AO3 Here*
Chapter Pairings: Doflamingo x Reader, Aokiji/Kuzan x Reader, Smoker x Reader is in the past
Chapter Warnings: masturbation (male)
Chapter Synopsis: Kuzan knows when something is wrong. And if you won’t tell him yourself, he’ll deal with finding the truth through other means. He’ll do what he has to to protect you, the woman that he still cares about. But Doflamingo will not be letting go either as he already has one eye on the future and what you could become for him next.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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“Ooh, you’re up early. Isn’t that twice in a row now? What’s the occasion?” Admiral Kizaru’s lackadaisical voice drifted in from the open doorway.
Aokiji looked up from his seat at his desk, squinting a little actually. He’d already taken something for his headache, but it hadn’t helped much yet.
“Hina called me.” Aokiji answered honestly. “I’m waiting for her. She had a report she wanted to give me.”
“Uh huh,” Kizaru still sauntered in without specifically being invited. He then came to lean against the corner of Aokiji’s desk. He was carrying a small orange as his breakfast, now peeling it with his fingers. “Hina’s on her way back from Fish-Man island, right?” Kizaru asked as well. “Kind of stormy today for all that.”
Getting in and out of the Marineford gates was definitely trickier in large ocean swells. But Aokiji knew that Smoker’s ship had already made it out this morning. And being that Hina was on a coated ship, coming up from the sea floor instead should have made it easier for her group.
But Kizaru didn’t mind to keep talking when Aokiji hadn’t even answered him yet. “You know, I heard through the grapevine that you were out pretty late yourself last night. My men saw you at that new bar. And then leaving said bar with a certain troublemaking Captain too.”
Aokiji’s eyes were instantly more alert at that, his stare meeting the other admiral’s glance behind Kizaru’s amber tinted glasses.
“Touchy.” Kizaru commented at that look, but not at all intimidated. He’d gotten the peel off his orange now as he kept on. “She’s not your direct subordinate, so you know it’s not against protocol. I just thought it was interesting. Seems like she’s always stirring up something if she doesn’t have Tsuru around to keep her in check. Quite a fuss at Sabaody yesterday too.” He glanced around the office soon after though. “You got a trash can?” 
Aokiji sighed, pulling the small one out from under his desk for Kizaru to toss the orange peel into.
“So gossip travels at the speed of light too then does it?” Aokiji asked the other admiral.
“Always has.” Kizaru answered easily, using the tiniest blades of light to then segment that orange with a brief flash within his palm.
Aokiji really didn’t want to talk about this right now. But at the same time, if he didn’t comment at all, he knew how quickly everyone would just make the worst assumptions for you and he both. “Look. I’ll tell you the same as anyone else that asks. She’s my friend. And nothing happened last night. We had drinks as a group, and I made sure she made it back to the barracks without anyone bothering her. I did not go in her room.”
“Such a gentleman.” Kizaru mused, chewing on one of the orange pieces now.
Aokiji shifted back in his chair, knowing it was still pointless to actually let himself be riled. Not by someone like Kizaru at least who just liked to stir things up a little for the sake of alleviating boredom.
“I thought you had training drills to supervise today anyway.” Aokiji rebutted.
Kizaru only made a non committal sound to that.
“You just don’t want to stand out in the rain and mud do you?” Aokiji realized that a bit afterward, leaning his head further back against his chair.
The dull throb of a headache didn’t get any better as distant thunder rumbled through the walls from outside.
But even more distinct than the thunder was the irritated voice that followed from somewhere down the hallway.
“Where the hell is he!? Kizaru, get your ass out here! Drills are at zero seven hundred sharp!”
“Keep your shirt on, Akainu…” The man with the sunglasses and yellow striped suit replied, calm as anything. Though still seeming a little disappointed in how quickly he’d been found out. He didn’t look back however as he now strolled for the door. 
“Let me know how it goes with the captain if you would.” Kizaru sounded only just slightly curious still, not always the easiest person to read. In fact, more difficult than most in how little his narrow emotional range ever changed. “Sorry if I don’t believe you yet.” He added. “You’re not half the choirboy you pretend to be these days.”
Aokiji frowned a little at that, but still didn’t feel the comment too untrue as he watched the other admiral leave.
He could hear Akainu berating Kizaru further in the hallway as well after they’d run into one another.
But none of that was his problem right now. He hadn’t liked the sound of Hina’s voice on the phone. And he was further concerned really when she’d said it needed to be an in person conversation.
It was hard to explain. This unease he’d had ever since you and Smoker had gone at it that day in Mariejois. He’d felt guilty almost immediately too, embarrassing you both he knew by having to step in like that.
But someone had to stop it. Hina had been right about all that too. From the very beginning she’d said you and Smoker would never work. Just too stubborn, too similar to ever concede to one another. But Aokiji had still hoped for the best. 
He’d wanted to see the two of you be happy. Even if it meant watching something progress that he couldn’t have for himself any longer.
As it was now sitting alone here, tired and waiting for Hina, of course he remembered the mistakes he’d almost made last night. Because it would have been wrong to do anything when you were that vulnerable.
But even with you fully drunk, even knowing that you were still processing through a rough breakup, he’d almost kissed you. And he’d almost walked into your room.
Kizaru was right that he wasn’t as noble in heart as he tried to be in action. Every day was its own struggle of still learning what kind of man he wanted to be in the end.
He was just lucky that he’d had so many good teachers and second chances by this point.
But at this moment, it was Zephyr that had influenced these particular choices the most. And entirely only through tragedy that the instructor never would have wanted to become a lesson for anyone else.
It was something Aokiji could never erase from his mind. He’d been the one with then Admiral Zephyr that day the phone call had come. Zephyr’s only family, his wife and young son had both been killed.
Not accidentally, not by some twisted or horrible turn of fate, but specifically because Zephyr was an admiral. 
That was the only connection pirates needed to hunt down an innocent woman and child and attack them personally and brutally when they knew Zephyr was away and couldn’t protect them.
Never in his life had Aokiji seen a man cry like Zephyr did that day. And not just a man, but a father figure to him if he was being honest. To hear someone’s heart and soul ripped from their body that way, it had done something to him too.
He remembered feeling lost, and coming back to his quarters that night. You were there in his bed too. Already asleep for how late it had taken their ship to get in.
He’d sat in a chair and drank while you slept. He’d drank so much and still it hadn’t been enough to dull that feeling.
Because he couldn’t let it be you next. 
Everyone knew then that he was gunning for the next admiral position as soon as one might open. And he knew realistically that he was going to get it. 
He would be an admiral, and you would be a target. You were too young to put that kind of weight on you. He was sure you’d find someone else and be fine. You didn’t need him to make you happy. He was just lucky enough to have had the short time he did with you.
Lucky enough to be your first.
But it didn’t give him any right to drag you down with him. 
With your hard headed pride, you would have refused to accept his reasoning of not wanting you hurt. Because you still thought that you could fight anyone, take on anything. It’d been easier just to say that you were too young for him then and leave it at that only a few weeks later.
And he thought he had made the right choice with time. He’d even been happy the day Smoker came to him talking about this firecracker of a female marine he’d met. One who Smoker had gotten into a passionate argument with which had turned into much more out on a joint mission together.
Aokiji had completely given his blessing then. Because he trusted Smoker, and he knew he’d take care of you. But here, only two years later, it was now just back to the beginning.
You were hurting all over again. Yet there was still more to it that he couldn’t understand. He absolutely trusted his instincts that this went deeper. Just as much as he trusted the dread in his stomach which told him that whatever Hina was coming here to say was going to be fully related to whatever had wrapped itself around you now.
The thunder rumbled again outside as his back muscles relaxed further beneath the hot water. The shower stream was now as hot as he could stand it as Doflamingo tilted his head back, letting the water run down over his throat as well.
It still felt a bit surreal, to have something he’d wanted for so long this much in his grasp. He wondered if he’d ever really tell you what his thoughts had been even from first sight of you those years ago.
He’d hinted at it in Mariejois, but he doubted you remembered much of what he’d said then. Probably just the fucking and the fighting had occupied your thoughts there, not that that was wrong.
Trading blows with you versus sliding his cock into you, both those experiences occupied very similar pleasure centers in his own brain to be true. And oh how he’d savored it when you’d finally given him the opportunity.
But to this day, Doflamingo distinctly remembered the first time he’d ever seen you.
In the North Blue, at another of Tsuru’s traps. It was in a dirty little town, like so many of them that he’d moved through back then. 
Tsuru herself was occupied at the shore, keeping his current ship pinned in port to block full escape.
But Doflamingo wasn’t on that ship. He’d already decided it was time to sacrifice it. Time for something new. 
Moving back through the island, his foot soldiers had run into more of Tsuru’s forces on the other end. 
And that’s where you’d been. 
Doflamingo had heard the gunfire and stayed above it. In his dark suit at the time, and blond hair more spiked than he wore it now as he’d tried to determine his easiest route through.
He hadn’t wanted any of Tsuru’s crew to see him and report back to ruin the ruse. But hiding above to move across the low rooftops had also given him an excellent vantage point.
You weren’t alone by any means, working with a group of marines beating his soldiers back. But you were new, and extremely noticeable as your rope dart had gone around his field captain’s neck and you’d brought that man who was twice your size down to his knees.
Doflamingo had hesitated, hearing the choking sound even from there and the words that followed as an argument broke out below.
“(Y/N), we’re supposed to take them alive!”
“He tried to shoot me in the face!”
“What did Tsuru say!?”
“…okay, fine!”
And you’d loosened the rope just to promptly be shot at again with a smaller gun that captain had hidden. Of course your stupid friends had nearly gotten you killed with their meddling. 
But Doflamingo had already been smirking as he’d realized what had really happened. The bullet may have been a small caliber, but the aim had still been true.
The shot should have sank right between those nice young breasts. But it hadn’t. It had ricocheted even as you grunted from the discomfort of the strike.
Armament haki is what it was to his surprise, even in a little shit like you. He’d also taken the time to notice your bare legs and nice looking thighs too. All visible with that short skirt as your boot had come up next to crack the captain’s jaw in return and send him sprawling back onto the ground. The man fully unconscious then as you’d argued with your crew some more in the aftermath.
Had his cock twitched in his pants for you even then? 
It absolutely had, but he’d had to be on his way, escaping the island and all of you soon after. From there on he’d paid more attention of course, keeping an eye out for any glimpse of you anytime Tsuru’s crew was close.
And occasionally he’d have a soldier giving a report about how they’d narrowly escaped your ensnarement. On those days especially, as they recounted your violence and the means you were willing to take just at the edge of what Tsuru would allow, he’d known he wanted to get you alone.
You’d been a little too young then in truth, but you acted enough like a woman by Doflamingo’s standards at least. Taking on his men and thwarting his plans like a full grown marine. He’d wondered often back then if you’d even had a man inside you yet. 
It should have been him. It would have been too if Tsuru hadn’t always kept you so close. Even Trebol and Diamante had asked him more than once if he just wanted them to catch you the next time and bring you back to him to get that fixation out of his system. He knew that they had tried several times.
But you remained elusive. And the timing just wasn’t right. Rosinante had disappeared with Law not long after as well and things had just gone to shit for a while as he’d wondered if his plans for Dressrosa would ever come to be.
He’d never forgotten about you, but he’d had to focus on cleaning his own house and that alone. Weeding out the traitor and finding the Op-Op fruit to secure the future.
And then he’d heard about the up and comer Kuzan, the ice logia user. The underworld agreed that that man was going to be a real problem and surely an admiral soon. And it wasn’t that pirates gave a shit about the love lives of marines. But whenever someone got that big, every weakness had to be explored. And so he’d heard about Kuzan’s personal life too.
Oh, he’d been in a terrible mood that day he’d first found out. His officers were absolutely perplexed then until they realized what had happened. You had become a woman truly then, one that belonged only to Kuzan.
But it didn’t last. And he’d become a warlord and then the king of Dressrosa. Years of planning having finally born fruit. He was so busy again.
And then you were with Smoker. Another logia user that the underworld was keeping an eye on. Doflamingo had wondered if you had a fetish for logia types specifically.
In the brief times he had gotten Crocodile to submit, he knew how interesting logia users could be in bed. Though sandy sheets and the grit it made on his cock likely wasn’t as fun as ice or smoke ghosting between your legs had been for you.
But the past was the past. He thought of you back then the same as he thought of you now while he touched himself. Alone here still in his hot shower as he splayed one hand against the wall.
He had been cleaning off the mess of the night before. But he was done cleaning now as he considered all the versions of you that he’d known just for this long.
That brat in the North Blue who he could have made a woman of.
The too proud marine you were now that he was just starting to bend beneath him.
And the intangible partner that you had the potential to become if he kept shaping you in all the ways that he wanted. 
Because he could take even more from you if he chose to. Your freedom, your body, even your life as a marine. You could be so much more than all that.
His hand was moving further back between his legs now. He squeezed his own sack, closing his eyes under the running water.
You could be a queen. You could be on your knees in front of him every day then. So needful for your husband if he only bid it. He could teach you how to hold him like this. Hold him as he’d slide his cock into your willing mouth and ask you to squeeze him while you sucked him off.
He squeezed his sack harder at that idea too, the discomfort only heightening his arousal as his hips began bucking slowly.
You still had no idea what he could really be like as a lover. The two in person times with you this far had still been far too rushed. If he could really get you alone for days at a time, he could show you then.
Slow and steady, working you up to a fever pitch until you’d be begging him for more.
His thigh muscles tightened as he finally let go of his balls to begin stroking his thick shaft again.
What would you want though? Would being offered such things entice you at all? Or would he have to force it all on you? 
He wasn’t above that obviously. He already had forced you, and he’d do it again if you insisted on playing with him that way.
He could rape you. He could kidnap you. He could make you his wife, make you his consort. He could force you to bear him offspring. He could make you raise them as demigod princes or princesses. 
And when the day finally came to tear it all back down, to rip the other gods from heaven and take their places, you and any children you bore him would serve on your knees as his spared favorites.
That is what he wanted for you.
That was the highest form of affection that the madness of Donquixote blood could offer.
And he was finally able to admit it. Even as his toes were trying to curl in the puddle of the shower that he was still standing in. 
He was squeezing his cock, and rubbing it from tip to base as his spine straightened up and he breathed out your name. If he couldn’t have true heaven again yet, cast out to the surface world as those traitors had done to him, he would survive on only these tastes of paradise for now.
He felt it when he buried himself between your thighs. Heaven within hell. 
That’s what you were becoming for him. It didn’t have to make sense. It didn’t have to be explained. He felt it and he couldn’t let it go now. Not now, likely not ever.
Doflamingo cursed as he came hard again. It was wasted seed that should have been all for you as he shuddered and it landed thick against the shower wall.
Somewhere outside the skies were thundering again too, but he couldn’t care about distant threats right now. He sat down in the still running shower. The hot water and steam made him feel more overheated than he was as his hand covered his unprotected eyes when he didn’t want to close them under the water any longer.
As he used a string to pull the lever on the opposite wall, the water finally stopped. Leaving him nude and dripping, sitting on the expensive tile as his muscles trembled slightly once more. 
He was going to make this work, for him and for you. It had to.
Aokiji was staring at Hina’s somber expression, the office door closed to all others as she repeated for him.
“Hina doesn’t understand why either. But Hina knows what the boy said.” Her eyes were sharp, but not unempathetic. “(Y/N) didn’t report it.”
Aokiji had his elbows on his desk, hands up with fingers intertwined and his lips resting against them. But his entire body was tense.
“Kuzan…” Hina tried. “You need to give her a chance to explain.” 
“No.” His voice was short as he lifted his head again from behind his hands.
Hina watched him carefully still, but also glancing down to the small rings of ice now forming where his elbows met the desk.
“Then what are you going to do?” She asked next.
“I’m going to find out from the source.” He had stood now, those tell tale puffs of water vapor also leaving his mouth with the words. The temperature in the room had shifted.
“This stays between us, Hina, until I know more. Understood?” The cold of his voice more than matched the room now.
But Hina wasn’t afraid as she nodded. “She’s our friend. Hina wants to know the truth too.” Though as she watched Aokiji gather his coat and umbrella she looked a little more concerned. “Be careful please. It’s rough out there.”
“Sabaody isn’t far. And big waves freeze the same as small ones.” Was all he replied, walking right back out of the office door.
The heavy rain was now fully pelting the windows. Doflamingo had gotten dressed and had brunch some time ago, now reading through pending contracts in his makeshift office here at the beach house.
He’d planned to leave back out for Dressrosa this morning. But he was in no hurry. There was no reason to risk damaging a good ship in this weather. He and the limited crew he’d brought could either leave tonight or tomorrow morning when the seas had calmed.
So he was only trying to catch up on all the work he’d had with him as always. He had no phone meetings scheduled for the next few hours at least. So besides the blowing storm, it was still quiet enough that he actually had some music playing as he analyzed the documents.
It was just instrumental music. Symphonies recorded generations ago now spinning on a record nearby. The relaxing sound helping him concentrate on the profits he was double checking in his calculations.
He’d found a percentage he didn’t like and was just marking it out to make an amendment when a different snail rang.
It was a short distance one, just for paging him within the house. As of course what he called a simple house was actually a seaside mansion of several floors.
He was a little annoyed regardless, but clicked the connection open. “What is it?” He asked, still staring down at his numbers through the red glasses he’d already put back on.
“Master Doflamingo, sir.” Some random male staff member he didn’t even remember the name of sounded heavily flustered. The warlord didn’t stay at this house often enough to have bothered to learn all the workers.
But he tried not to lose his patience, still waiting for whatever the message was. He didn’t like to be put into a bad mood when doing paperwork, it made room for mistakes.
“Sir,” The staff member did continue just as nervously. “You have an unscheduled appointment here to see you.”
And again Doflamingo tried not to snap back. The nature of the word appointment meant scheduled. It was an oxymoron to say it the way they just had. “Who?” He just asked instead. Was Disco dumb enough to come crying here again? Or maybe some idiot rookie pirate who thought just throwing themselves at him could earn them a place on his crew?
“It’s marine Admiral Aokiji, sir.”
The ink pen in Doflamingo’s hand broke before he’d realized he’d even squeezed it harder. Black ink now flowing all over his hand and the paperwork beneath it.
His heart was pounding and his haki followed suit with the adrenaline spike. His mind had to catch up as he felt his lips stretch into that nervous smile he couldn’t always control.
What had you told the admiral then? Had you betrayed him already after all? 
“Sir?” The peon questioned after the long delay in response.
The symphony was still playing in the background as Doflamingo tried to clean the ink from his hand as if wiping away blood. He could only find the antimacassar, that separate overlay of his chair headrest to wipe it on.
“I’m coming.” He managed a reasonable tone regardless as his mind still continued to race. 
Aokiji would not come here unless he at least suspected something. But it didn’t mean he knew everything either. And even if he did know more than he should, what could he realistically do about it?
Doflamingo knew that even all he’d done to you this far wasn’t near enough to lose his warlord status. The marines might be aghast on principle, but it was the World Government who really made the rules. And they wouldn’t give two shits if a random marine got herself railed by a warlord. 
Maybe her skirt shouldn’t have been so short? Maybe she wanted it and only changed her tune because she didn’t want to be demoted? That’s exactly how those old shits thought. Hell, that was probably how most of the marine brass thought.
If Aokiji did actually care about you, it’d only be your own career that he’d be detonating if he revealed it all. Because why wouldn’t a pirate and even a king fuck a feisty little thing like you if given half the chance?
People would expect it from Doflamingo. But not from a self righteous marine. Double standards were fun that way.
His heart rate had slowed already again as he went through all of this in his head in just moments. He had wanted Aokiji to know a little bit too. He had to remind himself of that. He was just surprised that the admiral would confront him already. It was only supposed to be doubts about you at this point. Not the full blown realization. 
Doflamingo’s hand was now as clean as he could get it for the time being. He slipped back on his feather coat before heading out into the hallway and down the curved staircase.
Aokiji was standing waiting in the massive foyer, rainwater still dripping from his coat and dirty boots. He’d left a light trail of mud across the pristine marble floor.
And of course Doflamingo was smiling, just like anytime he’d ever seen him as the tall pirate emerged at the top of the stairs. Hands in his pockets, and dramatic pink coat moving with him as he took the staircase down in no real hurry to get there.
“Admiral Aokiji.” The warlord spoke so smoothly, the light of the chandelier above creating the illusion that those red sunglasses were actually glowing. 
Like a demon’s eyes, evoking the warlord’s epithet as he continued. “Quite a nasty day to come all the way here for what I’m sure could have just been a phone call. Are we being called to war? Tell me it’s something that exciting for a man like you to come knocking at my door.”
“I’d like a private conversation with you.” Aokiji answered plainly, betraying nothing yet as he did glance around at all the staff still gawking at them from multiple doorways that opened to the foyer.
“Easy enough.” Doflamingo answered, pulling one hand out of his pockets to motion it like shooing away animals. “Out!”
And they did scurry away so fast too. It was pitiful really. Not a backbone left among them. All stolen by the man in front of him no doubt.
Aokiji did allow them all enough time to get away, but he also noticed how much Doflamingo seemed unwilling to come any closer then.
They were facing each other. The pirate still on the stairs, legs actually staggered to have one foot above the other on different steps. As if ready to move quickly if needed. And keeping himself at higher ground.
And Aokiji still near the center of the foyer, forced to look slightly upward to make eye contact with the warlord on the stairs.
“I want to know what happened in Sabaody yesterday.” Aokiji asked. It was not friendly any longer, if it ever had been.
Those glasses were watching him intently, he felt it. “I already gave my statement. Vice Admiral Vergo signed off on it.” 
“Vergo wasn’t there until it was already over. He can’t verify what he wasn’t present to see.” Aokiji carefully moved his hands out of his marine coat in test.
And he saw Doflamingo’s calf muscles tense even from this distance. He was ready to jump. The problem was, that even knowing someone was guilty as sin and giving every sign of being so, that knowledge didn’t help with a pirate of this level.
Because when there was that much sin, Aokiji couldn’t know what thing was really being reacted to. There was no doubt in his mind, standing here in this literal mansion, that every single painting, statue, and elaborate light fixture was dripping with the blood money it’d been paid for with.
“Let’s try it this way,” Aokiji shifted strategies then. He did not mind being fully blunt when needed. His patience was wearing thin. “Captain (Y/N) was attacked. I know her skill level. Of anyone confirmed there at the auction house yesterday, you’re the only one strong enough to have done it. So why wasn’t that in your report, Doflamingo?”
The smile didn’t change, but the tension in it did. The warlord’s jaw tightened as he raised his other hand from his pocket with equal care to what Aokiji had. “This isn’t private enough yet. One moment.”
And suddenly the sound of slamming doors echoed throughout the foyer. Not simultaneously, just in random succession throughout the large room as Aokiji did catch the brief glint of strings moving through the chandelier’s light. 
“Even mice like to eavesdrop at times.” Doflamingo commented once every door out of this room was now sealed.
It was also meant to remind Aokiji that he was easily still within the warlord’s attack range to be sure. But the admiral never moved.
“What did you do to her?” Aokiji asked again then instead, no longer skirting anything.
Last night the merboy had warmed up to Hina enough to ask about you. He’d been so worried that the ‘bad man’ would come for you again. Hina had sworn to Aokiji that she offered no leading questions to the boy after that, but only let him speak of his own experience to work through it.
The boy had likened it to what he already could understand from life on the seafloor. He said Doflamingo had come at you from above, a predator in every sense of the word. He’d used his claws on your neck and his jaws on your face. 
His jaws over your own mouth to be specific.
Hina said there was no question to her that the boy understood what he’d seen. And that he’d also heard your scream even through the closed door after Doflamingo had taken you into the office to fight further.
You weren’t someone who truly screamed. Aokiji had seen you take horrible injuries in the name of protecting your fellow marines. And never had he heard a sound like what the boy described to Hina come from you.
And so he waited now, that question hanging in the air as Doflamingo stood above him on those stairs.
“It sounds like you’ve been talking to eavesdropping mice yourself,” The warlord breathed, his tone colder as well now. Both of his hands had remained out in the open from his pockets. 
“Everyone’s voice is as loud as anyone else’s to me. The source doesn’t matter.” And Aokiji was absolutely watching those hands. He realized one of Doflamingo’s palms was stained with black as well.
“How…human. Everyone equal, is that how it goes?” Doflamingo questioned. His chest was rising and falling a little faster now from beneath his open shirt.
He’d no doubt seen that thinnest layer of frost forming from beneath Aokiji’s boots and beginning to spread up from the admiral’s wrists as well.
But Doflamingo’s tongue was also a weapon as strong as any string. Any marine who’d been around him at all knew this.
So Aokiji wasn’t entirely surprised when that deeper dig finally came. The warlord was daring the admiral to make the first move. Wanting to be able to claim self defense if it came down to it no doubt.
“Were the voices in Ohara just as loud too then, Kuzan?” It was almost a hiss. ‘Come at me if you can’ it said.
A snake cornered in its own den. That’s all Aokiji saw now. Those flat fangs bared in the widest smile.
The fangs that he truly believed had bitten you.
“My crimes are my own.” Aokiji spoke, that resulting twist in his chest would have goaded him only a few years ago. But he was smarter now. “I’m here to talk about yours.”
It was almost a barking laugh so suddenly from the other at that. As if Doflamingo truly couldn’t control it as his hands trembled in what seemed to be frustration. He couldn’t just fight his way out of this if Aokiji wouldn’t attack him first.
“You think I’d really hurt her!?” The warlord’s laugh kept on, echoing through the foyer. “Tsuru raised her. And Tsuru is family to me. Don’t you understand!?”
A look of disgust moved across Aokiji’s face at the nonsensical admission. “I’d say you’re crazy, but we both know that would be the understatement of the century. Tsuru wants you in jail. Nothing more. Don’t insult the Vice Admiral in front of me with whatever sick connection you’ve made up in your own mind.” 
“No. You’re the one trying to insert yourself where you don’t belong! Ask Tsuru-san if you’re so sure. Ask her what I wanted when we first met! What I asked her to do before she left me to my fate anyway!”
It was ridiculous bullshit. But maybe this is what he got for trying to reason with a lunatic. “It doesn’t matter. (Y/N) is the only reason I’m here. Stay away from her. Whatever you got away with before is not going to happen again.”
The pirate didn’t admit it, but he didn’t deny it either. “And what will you do, Kuzan? Kill me? On what grounds? How would the World Government take that? A marine admiral conspiring against a king of a government nation?” Doflamingo’s voice was still getting angrier. The blood vessel on his head showing. “And for what motivation? You didn’t want her regardless. You already had your chance!”
Yet as soon as the resulting ice sheet shot out across the floor to those words, Doflamingo was already in the air. 
But they both knew the warning shot for what it was. No strings emerged even as the warlord now perched on the banister, the ice having swallowed the stair steps he’d been on mere heartbeats before.
“You destroy everything you touch.” Aokiji glowered. Breath coming out in visible puffs once more. “I have no doubt that Dressrosa is doomed too. It doesn’t matter how or when. That country was dead the day it put its faith in a man like you.”
Doflamingo sneered. “You still don’t understand. You can’t because of what you are. You’re a mouse too, Kuzan. Even as a strong one, you can’t escape the limits you were born into. But I’m more than a marine. More than an admiral even. And I can give more because of it. If you’re so worried about protecting your fellow mice, then let me do the guarding. Stay out of my way.”
It had to be true then. It was just too much for Doflamingo to say if it wasn’t. 
But the warlord had such trouble shutting his mouth once he’d already started. “And it’s not your choice anyway. It’s hers.” He added with an additional bit of venom. That was the closest he would come to actually confessing.
And somehow only then did Aokiji feel the full weight settle onto his shoulders. But he wouldn’t accept that there was or even could be consent right now. Looking at the exaggerated silhouette that was Doflamingo, still perched with his teeth bared on the banister, it didn’t seem that a wild animal like that would ever do anything but take what it wanted by force.
“I won’t have this conversation with you twice. I only came here to say what I needed to say. Hurt her again and I don’t care if you really were from heaven itself. You’ll have to deal with me.” 
And something in that amused Doflamingo even in his clear remaining anger. “You have no idea, mouse. So scurry home. Call me again when you have a real job for me.”
Aokiji moved his hand in one sharp motion at that, making Doflamingo jump back again just as instantly. This time to hover between the floor and ceiling on his strings.
But the admiral only put up an ice wall between them, sectioning the foyer off as he turned to walk away at last. The warlord couldn’t sucker punch him with a strike in the back then.
Neither of them said another word either. But Aokiji could still hear the demon’s resulting growl all the way from there. The admiral only paused long enough to collect his umbrella from the entryway, opening it as he disappeared back into the storm outside.
    T⨂  BE 
Thanks for reading!
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nobody-is-here01 · 5 months
back on my bullshit, (im here to spam you Marine Luffy stuff)
Thinking about Marine Luffy’s dynamic with the 7 warlords and it's one of the funniest things ever.
Boa Hancock is going to get her own post because I have SO MUCH to say about her and Canon! Luffy along with Marine Luffy’s dynamic with her.
Anyway, personal headcanons of what I think Marine Luffy and the Warlords dynamics are.
Doflamingo: Luffy is usually the one who during Warlord meetings has to deal with Doflamingo’s bullshit. This is partially because Luffy is the only thing that really puts the fear of god back into Doflamingo. Also, Marine luffy is absolutely feral, and terrifying, and does indeed bite. I think in some twisted ways Luffy in this AU reminds Doflamingo of when he's younger. In some fucked up way of trying to cope with trauma Doflamingo tries to simulate situations that he went through as a kid to see how Luffy reacts. To see if things had been a bit better, if things had been different, if Doflamingo could have been a better person. The Dressrosa Arc still happens in this AU except a bit later. As Doflamingo’s tyrant rein finally falls he realizes that “huh maybe we never were that similar…”
(I have no idea if this AU is a Crocomom AU or not but I’ll go ahead and write up how it would go in either situations.)
Crocodile: Dynamic is definitely more cold and distant than in an AU where Crocodile is Luffy’s other parent. Luffy is seen as a threat, and Crocodile has at least 15 different drawn-up plans on how to deal with him. (none of these plans would actually work in practice.) The dynamic is pretty much just business, you leave me be I’ll leave you be.
Crocomom: Similar to the first one. Except the first time he meets Luffy and he hears that he's Garp's grandkid he's freaking the fuck out. Because holyshit, that's his alive, grownup, kid. Crocodile has no idea how to explain to Luffy that like “hey im your biological mother, now a man, hahaha…” So Crocodile simply doesn't. (The two of them do have a heart-to-heart much later alone in Impel down during the breakout.)
Moria: Honestly I don't have much to say about him. Luffy absolutely hates Hogback and Absolom though. So Luffy has a dislike for Moria and what he does. But Moria out of all the warlords not including Kuma is the easiest to deal with, so that earns him some brownie points.
Kuma: Im not sure if you caught up with the latest chapters. (specifically his backstory chapters) so I will be staying silent for now as not to spoil anything for you.
Mihawk: Mihawk is both intrigued and concerned at the beginning. Because that is Shank’s hat, and Shank’s kid. Why is Shank’s brat in the Marines?? Mihawk also like all the other warlords tends to use Luffy as some form of a coping mechanism. It's not uncommon to hear about Luffy and Mihawk getting into another physical fight. But after a while, Mihawk does realize that he has been accidentally treating Luffy as if he is Shanks. Mihawk realizes that he can't force Luffy to become his new sparring partner. Luffy is not Shanks, and he can't fill that hole either. After Marine Ford Mihawk reads the news regularly, a rare grin on his face whenever he catches sight of a straw hat.
Jinbei: That is Luffy’s emotional support parental figure your honor! The only one who is normal, safe, and sane. Also, the only one to look at Luffy and go “Are you okay?? I don't think healthy humans are supposed to act like that.” Also, the one to get Luffy to open up and heal slowly after Marineford. Also Luffy definitely knows the full truth of what happened to Fisher Tiger in this AU, so yeah that's something.
(I am so sorry, this is a really long post 💀)
Aaaahhhhhh!!! I've missed you and your bullshit bombarding my asks!
I love how with each dynamic all of them are also like, 'alright this kid is fucked up, keep an eye on him' but for different reasons
So here are some of my thoughts on what Marine Luffy’s relationship is with the warlords (love yours so much)
Crocodile : so unfortunately not a coco-mom au, like you said their relationship is strictly business, Luffy doesn't really care for the warlords as long as they don't get in his way.
Domflamingo : Luffy finds him kinda annoying so he tries to avoid any situation where he would meet him, unfortunately he can't at warlord meetings, but he's tried, probably one of the only warlords Luffy wouldn't mind punching out of the blue, dude would punch him without reason (gets away with it too)
Kuma : (no sadly not that far yet but I know a bit of his background not much though) but Luffy likes him
Moria : almost the same relationship as Domflamingo, except he just straight up avoids him, unless he has to deal with Moria then he will and he'll do it quickly
Mihawk : one of the few warlords Luffy actually respects, he admires his fighting and his character, granted it annoyed him a bit to constantly be reminded of Shanks, like you said he also like the other warlords used luffy as some form of coping, but after he realized what he did he stopped and him and Luffy kinda became like gossip buddies, like they'd hang out whenever Mihawk was in the area, but Luffy wouldn't actively seek him out, Mihawk would have to come to him if he wanted someone to talk to or spar with,
Jimbe : only warlord and person that Luffy actually likes from the warlords, yes he likes Mihawk, but Jimbe is different, Luffy has a sort of awe for Jimbe and felt very honored to know about him and his past with Fisher Tiger, Jimbe is the only one who knows that Luffy secretly wishes he was a pirate instead of a Marine, when Jimbe asked why Luffy didn't just become a pirate now Luffy replied saying that he's made so many promises to the people he protects that he doesn't want to go back, not now at least, Jimbe is also the only one who knows about Ace and Sabo and how much Luffy misses them and how proud he is of them
absolutely love your asks 🩷
Have aa good day/night
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zirobitches · 9 months
i am tipsy and thinking about OP so here are my people
if i only i had kept drawing out of high school and could draw them..... i could but if it's not Perfect I'll pull a kafka
anyways here's my list of my OP self-inserts/OCS
Emo bitch with a kabatt (a cat bat named Ciabatta) whose sad edginess rivals Law
A gender ambiguous Mary Jane “I’m so relevant and yet super weak but it makes sense when you consider Buggy’s everything” THEY’VE GOT IT ALL:
Sad childhood!!!!
Adopted by Roger Pirates and sees Rayliegh as their dad and Buggy and Shanks as their brothers
Became Croc’s first mate after Roger’s execution!!!
It goes poorly bc, ya know, Crocodile
Then fucks around doing nothing up until post marineford where they go “Huh I kinda miss his broke ass”
Akainu’s younger sister by like 10/15 years
“I looked up to him until I realized he was the fucking worst”
Tsuru’s student and the dynamic?: “Mom, I fucked up” “Now suffer the consequences”
Rosinante’s friend
She found his body but she had to keep it secret. Worst day of her life
Adopted Drei (X Drake) to cope
She did not react well when he announced he was going undercover as a pirate
A bitch who goes by “Ghost” because OF COURSE HE DOES THE STUPIDASS
Wears a mask and Killer goes “Oh?” then he takes it off when he gets comfy and Killer does not know how to Feel
“I just met Quincey but if anything ever happened to her I will kill everyone in this room and then myself”
On his first anniversary of being with the crew, they gift him a mask with the Jolly Roger on it
He cried under the mask
0 notes
imasimpforshanks · 3 years
omg I am so sorry I completely forgot to put the alphabet 😅 E C J M T for Shanks for the angst alphabet! thank you and sorry for the mistake! ❤️
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Angst Alphabet - Shanks
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a/n: hiii! Thank y’all for requesting! To the second anon, I went with Shanks (I hope that’s ok!!!) 💗💗💗
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A-Accident (would they blame themselves if you died in an accident?)
It would depend on how much he felt he could have prevented it. However, Shanks understands all to well just how cruel the world can be. He can’t constantly be in control of everything, so although it would be devastating, he would have to realize that this is reality.
B-Break up (How would they break up with you?)
Shanks would use the excuse that he is a Yonko. He’s no good for you, and you deserve so much better than an infamous pirate who only brings danger. While these are just excuses - ways to make breaking up with you easier - he really would be speaking from the heart. Shanks has always felt this way but never voiced it, but now it’s finally time to let you go.
C-Crying (how would they make you cry?)
He leaves for long periods of time and refuses to you along. You know he’s only doing it for your safety, but it hurts that he doesn’t think you’re strong or responsible enough to join his crew on their voyages (note: he doesn’t actually think you’re not strong or responsible – his pirate life is just extremely dangerous, even as a yonko).
D-Death (how would they react to your death?)
He’s seen and experienced a lot of death in his life so he’d be a able to cope with it a little better than others would. Even so, your death would still be heart-breaking (he would mourn privately though). Now, if he literally saw you get killed in front of him then RIP to the person who killed you because they will be the one/s to die next.
E-Emotion (what is one emotion they would try to hide the most and how would they do it?)
Shanks is quite an open book. If he’s angry everyone knows. If he’s happy everyone knows (etc.). But, if I really had to pick one… I suppose it would be sadness or grief. He feels obligated to put on a front for his crew (although they can see right through it). He tends to let out his sadness and grief when he’s alone.
F-Fight (do you two ever fight? How big are the fights? What do you fight about? Etc.)
He tends to crack jokes before your fights can escalate into anything too serious. Sometimes it’s intentional, but other times it’s just his personality shining through. And rather than serious fights there’s just a lot of teasing and taunts between the two of you.
If you were to have a serious fight, it would be about both of your safety (As would most fights with any of the One Piece characters).
G-Guilt (what is the biggest thing they feel guilty about?)
More often than not, Shanks finds himself able let go of a LOT of shit. But the one thing he can’t seem to stop feeling guilty about is his failure to show up to Marineford on time. He knows he’s not directly responsible for Ace’s death, but that doesn’t stop the overwhelming guilt. If only he had gotten there a few minutes earlier.
H-Heartbreak (what would cause them pain in the relationship? How would they deal during a break-up?)
Coming back to you after each voyage is something he always looks forward to. However, that happiness is short-lived when he realizes he has to leave again in a few weeks. It’s always so painful having to say goodbye again.
I don’t think he would be too different during a break-up. Perhaps he may crack a few less jokes, but other than that, his personality and demeanour when around others remains the same. It isn’t until he’s alone that he lets his smile fall.
I-Injured (how would they react if you are badly injured?)
Undoubtedly, he’d be concerned, but he knows you’ll pull through (you have to pull through). So, after that initial concern has passed, he’ll be feeling all types of pissed off. Whoever, or whatever, injured you will pay – and honestly, he may not even deal the perpetrator himself (his crew is already on it - you are like family to them).
J-Jealousy (what do they do if they are jealous?)
I honestly think Shanks is just the type of person to just tell you if he’s jealous. But he wouldn’t say “uhh I’m feeling a little jealous” or anything along those lines – no. Instead, Shanks puts on a little pout and does a massive fake sigh until you finally ask him what’s wrong. That’s when he hits you with the “I guess my attention just isn’t enough for you”, and you’re like “HUH?? MF WHAT?” He’s literally such a child HAHA.
But, if there’s one particular person he really does not like you being around and they won’t leave you alone, then he is not at all opposed to just shoving his tongue down your throat right in front of them. That’ll definitely get the message across.
K-Kill (would they kill for revenge?)
Shanks may be a goofy and laid-back individual, but he will resort to violence if the situation calls for it. So, it is very likely that Shanks would kill for revenge. Maybe he wouldn’t necessarily do it himself. But, if he orders it, it’ll definitely happen.
L-Loss (what is their greatest loss?)
Gol D. Roger’s death was probably one of the greatest losses in Shanks’ life. Roger is the reason Shanks is a pirate today, and young shanks was absolutely broken by his death.
(hard to write much for this one seeing as shanks’ character is still quite a mystery to us!)
M-Mistake (what is the worst mistake they ever made with you?)
One time he completely forgot a date night that you spent SO LONG planning. It wasn’t just any date night either. It was a date you planned on his final night before him and his crew had to leave again for a while. You spent hours waiting for to show up, but he was nowhere to be seen. Finally, he showed up at your place, breath reeking of booze. You just looked at him and it hit him (he was like “OH SHIT”). He started apologizing profusely. He didn’t try to make any excuses, he completely owned up to being a shitty boyfriend. But, the moment he knew he had well and truly fucked up was when you just nodded and waved good night to him, wishing him safe travels �� you didn’t cry, get visibly angry you just left alone. Shanks knew that was far worse than any yelling.
N-Nightmares (how often do they have them? What are they about? How do they deal with it?)
I literally am not joking when I say this but I think Shanks practically drinks till he passes out so even if he were to get nightmares he wouldn’t wake up LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO (ok maybe I am joking with this one but also kind of not).
In all seriousness though, I don’t think Shanks has nightmares very frequently. It’s gotten to the point where any fear or things of that matter that could be nightmares for him, have become so common in his life that he almost finds it not frightening to think about.
O-Outrage (how and why would they get mad at you?)
He would get mad at you for placing yourself in unnecessary danger. He’d call you stupid and irresponsible, even though he doesn’t really mean any of those things – it’s just the image of him potentially losing you forever is replaying in his mind and it absolutely terrifies him.
P-Past (what has happened in your relationship that changed the way you saw each other?)
You saw him get serious serious once before. Like the kind of serious where he uses his conquerors haki and everything. It definitely caused a bit of a change in your relationship as it was terrifying to witness. You’ve always known Shanks was strong and intimidating when needed, but that moment really showed you what it meant when people called him an “emperor of the sea”.
Q-Quality (what is their most dangerous/toxic quality?)
Not wanting to openly express his sadness and grief in front of others can be a very unhealthy quality. Shanks doesn’t allow himself good enough opportunities to express him emotions in a safe and healthy manner.
R-Rejection (how would they react to you rejecting their confession (or the other way around))
(First of all WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO REJECT SHANKS ANYWAY LIKE HUBBA HUBBA I LOVE HIM ANYWHOOOOOOOOO…..) Shanks is the type to just shrug it off. He’d be a little disappointed, bc c’mon the hottest most amazing person he’s ever known just turned him down! But he knows not everything in life goes how you want it to. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and this just happens to be one of the things he’s lost. So ultimately, he’ll just shrug it off. (he will definitely get teased by his crew though).
S-Scars (battle or self-inflicted)
Shanks has no self-inflicted wounds. But he does have a scar across his left eye given to him by Blackbeard. He also has a missing arm which he (heroically) sacrificed as he saved lil Luffys life (does a missing arm even count as a scar?)
T-Trust (have they ever broken your trust?)
He’s never given you any reason to not trust him. He’s always open and honest with you. Well, as honest as he can be without placing you in any danger. Trust was something needed from the get-go of your relationship because he would be gone for long periods of time. The two of you wouldn’t be able to last without trust.
Oh, also if shanks ever did do anything to break your trust you best believe his crew will beat his ass (especially Benn). You’re family to them.
U-Urge (how badly do they want to see you after you guys separated?)
My god does he want to see you. He would give his other arm just to be right by your side in an instant. He’s gone for weeks, sometimes months, at a time. Shanks loves his crew, they’re a lively bunch and he trusts them with his life, and vice versa. But they’re not you. They don’t provide him with that same feeling of home that you do. Sure, this could be fixed if he let you join the crew on their journeys, but he absolutely cannot place you in that kind of danger. You’re already in enough danger as it is simply being in a relationship with him.
V-Vicious (what do they do when they lash out on you?)
Rather than lashing out at you, Shanks tends to give you the silent treatment. He looks at you without a word and just turns away. He does this in an attempt to make you feel guilty and as if everything is your fault.
W-Weak (what makes them feel weak how do they try to avoid it?)
There isn’t much that makes Shanks feel weak. But, being unable to be near his s/o is one of the few things that does make him feel weak. It’s a constant struggle between wanting to have them around him constantly, but also not wanting to place them in any danger. Ultimately, he decides that not placing them in danger is the better choice, despite how much it pains him.
X-X-ray (what do they hate and show it most obviously?)
Shanks can handle being picked on and ridiculed himself, but he will not tolerate that sort of behaviour towards his friends. The second someone goes after a friend (or someone else he cares about) they are done for.
Y-Yearn (what is one thing that they want but can’t have?)
Z-Zero (what do they do/say in your dying moments?)
He’d try to crack a few jokes to at least help you feel better. Other than that, he just tries to make the most of your final moments together.
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Reading One Piece pt 302: True Freedom
Chapter 549
- Alright, I KNOW it’s the last chapter in the arc, those are always good. Wrap it up and show me what’s next, Oda!
- Fpos/cs: “The House where Dr. Vegapunk was born” THAT Vegapunk? Damn, Franky sure found a location
- Impel Down, Level 4. I already said goodbye to that prison, come on
- oh, It’s Blackbeard and his team, just after a dose of the anti-poison antidote. They’ll be fine. Yaaaay.
- No but what are they doing here
- “Luck may decide who lives and who dies but whoever get scared first loses!” …this is extremely correct. Blackbeard says smart things. I’m sitting and stewing in indignant rage at that fact
- oh, Shiryu is HELPING them? I didn’t even notice he vanished
- “I welcome you. Looks like you’ll be a great ally for us!” “It’s obvious what the future holds for me here. I’ve been waiting to meet someone like you!” wow, new crew. This is bad news for us but hey, great for you guys!
- on the ship with prisoners
- Inazuma is out for now but he’ll be fine :)
- why is Ivankov’s head still that big
- Luffy and others are still crying after Bon, bless
- Buggy isn’t feeling it
- and for once, Luffy remains serious! Friend sacrificing themselves is a serious business! Straw Hats try to do it all the time but this the first time it worked out and Luffy saw! Don’t start a party now, Buggy!
- while Luffy and Buggy are dunking it out, Crocodile and Jimbei are having a civilized discussion :)
- (does Buggy and other prisoners even know they’re going to Marineford to fight like the whole Navy? Like, did they agree to that? I know Jimbei, Ivankov, Crocodile and Daz Bonez are very much up for fighting here but other prisoners may be not)
- “I thought only mermaids could talk to fish.” “Is it so strange for a fish-man to be on friendly terms with sea creatures?” Trans Jimbei Alert, you heard it here first, folks :D Anyway, I think Jimbei is on friendly terms with everyone, he has the vibes
- “It’s unusual for a fish-man to be on friendly terms with anyone. You must be an exception to your barbaric race.” First of all, what did I just say. Second of all, Crocodile, come on
- “I’ll take that as a compliment. You’re right! Fish-men are barbaric!” …huh?
- niece, Luffy and Jimbei like each other
- …Jimbei knows Arlong? Small world, huh
- “Forgive me for not introducing myself sooner” Both Luffy and Buggy didn’t know Jimbei was a Warlord of The Sea, that’s hilarious :D
- “What Navy Headquarters!!!???” ah, that answers my earlier question
- Crocodile explains situation to everyone. I love how he just hangs around now
- “NOBODY TOLD US THAT!!!” yeah :D well, it’s not like you would stay in Impel Down if you knew so tough luck
- “Get off if you want.” “How can I! I’ll drown!” haha :D
- snail phone?
- “This is Navy HQs” “Hi. This is Luffy.” “DON’T INTRODUCE YOURSELF!!” :D
- anyway, Navy thinks Luffy and Buggy were leaders of the prison break!!!!
- I mean, Buggy caused a riot and Luffy caused, well, everything, but leaders? …Oh well, the point is that their bounties will go up!!! Party time
- wait, what
- “We initially dismissed you as a upstart… but we’ve since discovered that you once sailed with the Pirate King, Gold Roger… isn’t that right, Buggy The Clown?” !!!!!
- …ok, no, I actually knew this. Practically I was spoiled because I saw gifs from anime but TECHNICALLY I could figure it from first few chapters with Buggy! I mean, Rayleigh was in Buggy’s flashback for god’s sake, and we all know Rayleigh was Roger’s first mate!!! Oh, how theorists must have rejoiced back in the day (in 2008 I think. That’s soooo long ago, I need to lay down just to comprehend it)
- “WHAT!!??” haha :D
- “It has also come to light that you are the blood brother of “Red-Haired” Shanks, One of the four Emperors.” “WHAT!!??” blood brother? That I didn’t know. But of course they know each other, Buggy doesn’t like Shanks, he vocal enough about it
- “After this incident, we won’t underestimate you again.” no, please do underestimate him
- Luffy hung up :D bless this boy
- and just like that, Buggy the Clown steal the spotlight :D normal prisoners are so impressed
- “He has an impressive past.” “And yet he’s so weak.” “…” “So why do you play so dirty!!?” “There are a few rotten apples on every ship.” But Big Shot’s opinion is as low as ever :D
- and now Luffy drops the bomb of Knowing Rayleigh The Dark King :D what a good chapter, I just keep smiling
- oh no, Buggy is overthinking this
- me:  Buggy no
  Buggy: BUGGY YES
- oh god, he wants to attack Whitebeard
- and… he’s convincing prisoners that’s a good idea?
- HE DID CONVINCE THEM!!! Buggy, you’re so helpful, wow
- “I guess that’s settled.” And Luffy didn’t have to say a single word :D
- “Buggy seems to have a talent for leadership.” You know what, Jimbei, he does
- damn, what a nice chapt… ACE!! WE’RE WITH ACE!!!!
- “3 hours until the execution” that’s not good
- mini flashback!
- “Listen, Luffy! We have to live our lives without regrets! Someday we’ll go to sea and live however we want!”
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rOP 301  rOP 303
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one-piece-drabbles · 4 years
Can you please do one with Rodger knowing about ace's execution and maybe ace being saved by luffy and reacting idk alive or dead. This doesn't even makes sense but anything like this will work.
Y’know, it’s not really what you’re looking for, but I figured an answer to this ask was better than no answer at all. Between rewriting an old Ace time-travel fic of mine, I’ve been working on a new Ace time-travel fic with...different goals. If you don’t mind, I’ll be using your ask an excuse to post about it.
So if any of y’all out there have facts about Roger and/or his crew (I’ll take headcanons too), send them my way! I could use some inspiration. Read on if you want a taste of what I’ve been up to with all of this.
“This will be my final order as your captain!”
Ace slowed to a stop. Final?
“It’s time for us to part ways! You must all survive and return to the new world!”
Someone was yelling, begging Whitebeard to say he wasn’t planning on dying here, but it was plain on the old man’s face: he was making himself the last sacrifice.
“I’m a relic of a bygone era!” Whitebeard declared, silencing the complaints. “No ship can carry me into the new age! Get away from here, my sons!”
His next quake rocked Marineford, nearly throwing Ace off his feet. Luffy was still tugging him along towards the ships, but Ace couldn’t tear his eyes from his father.
“Pops!” One last word. One last look. One last something.
Whitebeard grinned in the face of the entire navy bearing down on him. “It’s been a long journey. Let’s finish this once and for all!”
All of Marineford was crumbling, the massive structures little more than paper in the face of Whitebeard’s power. The ground rumbled like the sea in a storm, but through all of it, Whitebeard was an unshakeable pillar of destruction.
Haruta broke rank. “We can’t leave you behind, Pops!”
Whitebeard’s response was swift and catastrophic, stopping Haruta in his tracks. “Can’t you follow your captain’s orders?” he roared. “Get away from here, you lousy brats!”
The tide of pirates began to retreat. It pulled at Ace, but he remained rooted to the spot, that pounding need for just one more look crystallizing into its true shape. He broke from Luffy’s grip and took one step towards his father. His only father.
“Ace!” Luffy cried. “We gotta go!” And then, words that cut like knives: “Don’t let the old man’s sacrifice go to waste!”
That was exactly the problem. Ace glanced back at his brother. “Don’t worry, I won’t.” He turned back to the horde of marines closing in on Whitebeard, the heat of his own flames swirling around his fist. It would have to be enough.
“Out of the way!” His hiken tore through their ranks like a torrent. As the flames died down, so did he, dropping to his knees and bowing his forehead nearly to the ground. Tears built in his eyes and he squeezed them shut.
Somehow, impossibly, Whitebeard’s words carried across the distance between them. “I have little use for soft words…but tell me one thing, Ace.” The tears threatened to break through. “Was I good father?”
The damn broke. “Of course!” he cried, his whole body shaking as his voice cracked.
Whitebeard just laughed. Ace, bowing even lower, swallowed and climbed back to his feet, finally heeding Jinbe’s order to get to the front, only for a new voice to cut through all the noise.
“You free Ace and then turn tail and run, huh? The Whitebeard Pirates are a pack of cowards.” Time slowed. “But considering who your leader is, that’s no surprise! After all, Whitebeard is nothing but a loser from a bygone era!”
And suddenly, he wasn’t heeding Jinbe at all. Rage flared high in his chest and his tears burned up. He turned to face the admiral—
But Akainu wasn’t there. Uncomprehending, Ace stared at the tropical forest where Marineford had been. Five distant peaks stretched into the sky like fingers, but there were no buildings, no fortifications. Instead of walls bearing down, palm fronds rustled in the calm breeze while waves gently rolled onto shore behind him.
Even the air had changed. There was no smoke, no gunpowder, only salt. The fallen marines and pirates were gone. He turned around again, but Luffy and all of his crewmates were gone too. No ships sat on the glimmering waves. No ice held fast the sea.
“P-Pops?” His voice sounded strange to his ears. The breeze came again. A coconut broke free and tumbled the long way to the ground, only for it to get stuck in the sand. “Luffy?”
Another spin didn’t change anything. There was no one around. The sun wasn’t even in the right place. It hung high in the sky, dead at its zenith.
His balance rocked and he sank to his knees. Was this a joke? A Devil Fruit? He brought his arms up to hug himself, only to notice something odd about his left. There was no ink in his skin; his ASCE tattoo had disappeared. Yanking off the tank top that had materialized on his torso and tossing it aside, he craned his neck, fingers pulling on his skin to bring more of it into view, but no matter how he looked—over his left shoulder, over his right shoulder, around his sides—his Whitebeard tattoo was nowhere in sight. It was like it had never been there at all. Even his necklace was gone.
He held out his shaking hands, only then realizing just how small they were. His gaze drifted back to the trees. Were they really that big, or was he…
He was. Shaking harder, he tried to summon some fire, any fire, but nothing happened. There was no response at all. When he dug his nails into his palms, though he could feel it just fine. He could feel everything—the breeze tousling his hair, the sand shifting under his feet, the sun warming his skin. The odds that this was a dream or a nightmare were dwindling with every second that Ace spent hoping this wasn’t real.
Something crashed through the underbrush just past the tree line. Ace froze, then scooped up his shirt and gave chase. Branches lashed at his skin, but even though he hadn’t been this small in years, he still remembered all those days crashing around Goa Island. This place didn’t hold a candle to those wild forests.
The shadow darted left. Ace hooked a hand around a tree’s narrow trunk and swung after it, but he overestimated his reach and fell comically short. He tumbled to a stop, backside stinging, pride bruised.
As he raised his eyes from the ground, he met the gaze of a wild boar. It blinked at him, then, with a huff and a snort, turned and walked away.
That was what he’d been chasing? Ace let his head fall and scrubbed a hand through his hair. What was going on?
“And why am I a kid?” he mumbled. Sure enough, his voice came out way higher pitched than he was used to. Letting his hand fall, he tipped onto his back and stared up through the canopy. He hoped Luffy was okay. His sworn family, too. If they’d come all that way to save him only for him to disappear in the middle of it…Well, Pops would probably keep everyone in line. Marco, too.
He squinted as the sun came out from behind a cloud. What did he know? He was a kid again, for some reason. He was on some island he’d never seen before, for some reason. And, of course, he didn’t have his powers anymore, for some reason. The strategy he’d used to escape that island with Deuce wouldn’t fly here.
As the edge of another cloud took the edge off the sun’s glare, Ace’s skyward gaze fell on the mountains punching over the horizon.
Any kind of vantage point was better than nothing, right? At least he could see if there were any other islands nearby. If this was an archipelago, there were probably people on one of them, and where there were people there were ships.
Getting to the mountain was the easy part. As small as he was, and without being able to rocket himself upwards with his devil fruit, he found himself struggling to actually get up the mountain. Strength wasn’t the problem, but something as simple as a handhold being a couple feet out of reach was enough to stymie him until he found another way up.
By the time he got to the top, he was sweaty, dirty, and tired. He’d scraped his knees and bloodied his fingers before he’d realized that he could still use haki to protect himself from the damage he’d been able to ignore as a logia user.
He sat down hard, drawing in deep breaths. That had unequivocally sucked, but at least he was at the top now. He’d picked the shortest and closest mountain, figuring that anything out of sight from its peak would be out of his reach anyway. Once he had his breath back, he pushed himself to his feet and peered out over the ocean. The wind was much harsher up here, and he had to use a hand to shade his eyes from the sun. The light bouncing off the cresting waves was still bright enough to hurt.
No matter how long he looked, he only saw those waves. It was ocean as far as the eye could see. No other islands, no chain, and no people. Even though he’d kind of expected it, frustration still curled his lips into a frustrated scowl.
What was the point? Why was he here?
Releasing his irritation in a huff, he turned to start the long climb down. It would probably be easier than coming up, since he could use his haki to absorb some of the longer drops from ledge to ledge.
A blurry smudge near the horizon gave him pause. He stopped and peered out at it. Was it a cloud? No, it was getting closer. It was on the water.
His heart lifted. It was a ship.
He threw caution to the wind as he scrambled down the mountainside. His rushed haki didn’t save him from everything, but the adrenaline pumping through his veins numbed the pain. He landed hard on the forest floor, rolled to his feet, and then tore through the trees. He needed to give that ship a reason to stop at this island in case it was just sailing by. A kid waving from the beach would catch anyone’s eye, right?
Panting, bruised, and bleeding, he broke through the tree line, stumbled on the sand, and limped up to the water’s edge.
“Hey,” he croaked at the approaching ship. “Hey!”
He drew breath to yell a third time, but as he did, the wind changed. The ship’s crimson sails filled out, its flags snapped out horizontal, and Ace got a good look at the symbol emblazoned upon them all. His voice died.
A mustached skull and crossbones.
The Roger Pirates.
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whirlybirdwhat · 5 years
AU where Morgan reign of terror traumatizes Coby and he leaves with Luffy and Zoro instead of becoming a marine.
ANON I LOVE YOU YOU HAVE INSPIRED ME!!!! I don’t know how to make this a comprehensive story yet so have some headcanons about 
Coby is disgusted by way marines are run
He has a “THIS ISNT JUSTICE” Revelation like in Marineford, but on a smaller scale. He sees how thin Zoro is, from being starved and crucified for saving a young, and how happy the people are now that Axe Hand is gone and is like - this isn’t the justice I wanted.
“I want to catch criminals, not harm innocent people.”
Coby starts thinking about his new companions and thinks Luffy’s rough and luffs feral, but he hasn’t hurt anyone. Axe Hand Morgan and his son have.
So Coby follows Luffy and Zoro into the great unknown.
He’s not entirely sure he wants to be a pirate however. Unlike everyone else he does have a moral compass.
“I don’t think I want to be a pirate.” He says after watching Zoro keep calling Luffy Captain.
 “Then be a bounty hunter? Go after whomever you want” – Zoro, who does not give a shit about Coby’s internal crisis, but wants to support him.
⁃Coby: “Huh. Okay”
⁃Cue nights where cobys just thinking about his future as he drifts in the waves with Zoro and Luffy being dumb idiots together and just heading for their dreams
HE doesn’t know if he wants to be a bounty hunter, because how can he tell which bounties are for genuine crimes and which are for people the government wants to kill?
Potential other au lmao coby becomes a bounty hunter
⁃At orange town, he panics at Buggy and hides - he doesn’t know how to fight, but he does get the key from chouchou the dog. He’s helping, in his own way.
⁃Zoro sees this and is like “NO. You need to learn how to fight cmon we’ll teach you.” Like Luffy, he has an aversion to people who cant stand up for themselves, but he likes Coby so he’s gonna help.
⁃So Zoro and Luffy tag team each other and teach coby how to fight. He learns a weird mix of swordsman ship and punching that really don’t go together, but its better than what he had.  
⁃In the meantime, Coby keeps on seeing all the places the marines dont reach and keeps losing his faith in the system. He starts wondering why the Marines are hailed as this awesome force when really a lot of the times they just abuse their power or do nothing to help people.
⁃At Syrup, he helps get Kaya to safety with Usopp, still unwilling to fight, but starting to regain his resolve to do something – to reclaim a dream thought lost.
⁃Coby’s disgusted at the Fullbuster guy on the Baratie and punches him. 
⁃“YOUR FIRST CRIME!” Luffy says, cheerfully. The chefs applaud. Go Coby.
⁃Now, Coby isn’t advancing as fast in training, because one, luffy and zoro (and Sanji, eventually) aren’t Garp, and two, he doesn’t have that drive anymore. Why does he want to be a Marine who punishes justice?
⁃But when Arlong shows up Coby figures out his new dream. He knows what he is going to do.
⁃“I’m gonna take down the Marines - they can’t be this corrupt forever, and how many people are just innocent people? I want to give the world justice again!”
Luffy doesn’t really care about anybody else, innocent or not, unless his crew cares, but Coby cares. He’s not a pirate, but maybe if the law isn’t right, being free to do as he wish shouldn’t incriminate him?
⁃THEN the Strawhats run into Vivi and Chopper and suddenly there are more caring people like him, and more evidence that the system is corrupt which he already knows but how can he change it. He’s able to fight off some men now, and helps fight off some of Wapols men and the Whiskey Peak people, but that isn’t enough.
⁃All his friends have goals that seem impossible but they are so sure they alone are going to reach it, even without the crew there. Coby doesn’t feel like he can do the same.
⁃But hen theres alabasta - He’s stronger now, can through a punch, hes more lean with more muscle. He helps fight, and maybe it doesn’t do much, maybe the man (Luffy) who opened his eyes to the world is still there bleeding out, but he did something.
⁃And Ace and Robin have a hint for him, for his dream.
⁃(Who is this, Ace asks, referring to Coby. He has no role on the ship, but Luffy is proud to call him my friend, and say he wants to change the world for the better. To bring back what Justice really is. Ace cringes at the thoughhht of Garp but hums, and says theres a group of people who will do that – The Revolutionaries. Look for them, Ace says, and leaves. They will help you)
⁃(Robin, who knows all, tells him about Dragon unknown in the East Blue, his home, buth the most wanted man elsewhere. He has a plan, to take down the World Government, and perhaps Coby can find equal footing.)
⁃The Revolutionaries -  Dragon, Luffy’s father.
⁃Coby has a goal now.
⁃He doesn’t want to say goodbye to the Strawhats, but he does, taking a boat lent to him by Vivi, and setting off to find the Revolutionaries. Pirates don’t care about fair fights and Justice, but Coby does, and the Revolutionaries do. His dream will grow there, but he will always be an honorary crew member of the Straw Hat Pirates (the first in some stories).
⁃At sea he runs into Helmeppo, whose drifting at sea stranded due to the marines, and helps him. They bond, and Helmeppo has done a little growth in character as well, and decides to follow Coby, much like Coby decided to follow Luffy.
⁃They run into Garp who is losing faith in the new generation and believes that maybe his son is right, gives them a few fists of training after asking about his grandson, and goes on his way.
⁃They save a town or two
⁃Coby punches several people in the face.
⁃Still no sign of the revolutionaries, but they have heard things from the grape vine that a pirate ship has fallen out of the sky into a navy base. Coby assumes at least Luffy is doing fine.
⁃Finally they run into - guess who – Sabo, on a information recovery mission, which Coby helps with. He questions them at first and learns their story.
⁃And knocks himself the fuck out when Coby says “Ace” “Luffy” and “Brothers”
⁃“OH SHIT THEY ARE GOING TO KILL ME” - sabo,after waking up, to a confused Coby and then profusely thanking him.
⁃Sabo agrees to let Coby and helmeppo into the Revolutionaries and trains them (wow Coby’s been trained by a lot of ppl at this point) if Coby helps him find Luffy and Ace.
⁃CUE WILD GOOSE CHASE WHICH ENTAILS COBY BECOMING THE HERO OF THE REVOLUTION just like Garp is the hero of the marines!! They just fight ppl but instead of in the name of becoming the pirate king, its for REVOLUTION and JUSTICE because Coby has a working moral compass.
⁃Coby develops new moves combining all that he’s been taught into a rather weird fighting style with a mix of weapons and martial arts. He gets a bounty, and it’s the worst day of his entire life and also the best. He can’t decide, Helmeppo Sabo and Koala (whom he met when Sabo had to explain why he wasn’t on his mission) laugh at him.
⁃Then Sabo runs into Ace, ands that reunion goes as well as you would expect, but that not the important thing, because its still not enough to not send Ace to Marineford. But they don’t know this. Yet.
⁃Sabo and Ace both get news about Ennies Lobby at the same time. Coby, when Luffy mentions knowing Coby to his visiting grandfather, receives a shudder down his spine as if he has narrowly avoided a horrible fate.
⁃But its whatever. Sabo contacts Dragon and plans to meet with him and Luffy at Sabaody, to keep an eye on the Supernovas and let Sabao and Coby see Luffy again.
⁃They never get a chance, as the Strawhat Pirates have disappeared by the time they arrive… and Ace is on the execution block.
⁃Sabo has to go save him and drags Coby along for the ride, who eagerly awaits the opportunity to THROW DOWN SOME MARINES
⁃Luffy still goes through Impel down and all that, but Sabo and Coby still arrive late to the battle.
⁃You know how Sabo saves Luffy and Ace in that one excerpt? Cue coby punching akainu in the face for trying to hurt his friends then dodging the hell outta there as sabo saves ace and luffy.
⁃He Learns his haki! Is like oh shit my crush is gonna die, better do some shit about that! The haki allows him to actually stop Akainu for a second, and stop the fighting, as he attempts to question the people – is this what justice is?
⁃Coby meets trafalagr law and also buggy again. He isn’t afraid anymore, and doesn’t hide. People are quietly proud.
⁃Luffy gets saved and ASL reunion happens.
⁃Luffy decides to train, and tries to get coby to come along with him.
⁃Coby Is just frustrated because he has a moral compass and Luffy is just here saying he’s now best friends with corrupt war lords and the pirate kings right hand man, who is a cool dude, but why luffy, coby is hurt, please stop punching people because you feel like it.
⁃(Coby’s just putting on appearances)
⁃HEs just a good boy who wants to tear down corrupt systems why do you make friends with criminals luffy why do you hurt coby like this
(Again, appearances, he’s not insane, thank you very much)
After leaving Luffy to train and after helping him due his oxbell thing, he leaves with sabo to FINALLY MEET DRAGON
He goes through his own two year training with helpmeppo who is along for the ride. Who Coby has now decided is stuck with him for life.
Training is hell, because Coby wants to find his own fighting style which means a lot of different stuff and seeing what works best and it HURTS
 “Just be grateful im not my father-“ – dragon
 Coby feels the shudder again
Yknow how The revs have that steam punk theme? Well
 this is. so cool oh my gosh
 Coby goes around freeing people and when they asked what inspired you hes like “rubber bastard who doesn’t have a moral compass fkdjsha,dk”
Hes gay for luffy he cant deny it
Luffy fanclub #1
Anyway, Coby goes on to take down Akainu and corrupt governments across the world, and makes his dream of tearing down the marines a reality post Pirate King Luffy
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catatonic-writes · 4 years
Breath again - Bastille x Reader
Title: Breath again  Summary: After the war at Marineford you’re looking for your boyfriend, desperate to find him.  Relationship: Bastille x Reader Warnings: - war/blood - Prompt/AU: 120 words - 120 oneshots AO3 Link
"Come on! A little faster, if you please!" you shooed the medics through the smashed Marineford. Everywhere doctors rushed through the area, followed by the soldiers who could still stand on their own two legs. Injured were recovered, the dead covered with cloths and the adrenaline of the fight slowly lost its effect. A dull feeling settled in you, deep in your chest. It was a mixture of exhaustion, the pain of your own injuries and the horror of what had happened. You didn't want to know how many of your colleagues and friends you had lost to the pirates that day. Too many had died and too many would still succumb to their severe injuries. "Miss vice admiral, what about you?" you were asked by a young medic. "You're injured, too!" "It's not that bad." you turned him away. "There are enough other casualties, please take care of them first." He nodded, asking you to say something immediately anyway, in case you got worse. Again you turned him away, sent him to the seriously injured and looked around.
"Mozambia!" You ran to your colleague who was organizing the rescue of some of the injured soldiers from the shattered ice. When he heard his name, he turned around and his face brightened a little towards you. "I'm glad you're okay," he said and you nodded. "Likewise. Can you please keep an eye on the injured?" you asked him and wrung your hands nervously. "I need- I need to check on someone." He sighed heavily and you sensed that this war would leave its traces on everybody, even him. "Of course. I will take care of this." "Thank you!" you shouted and ran over to the western part of the Marineford, where the Red Force had docked a few hours ago. After the war was declared over by Sengoku, a wave of relief went through the ranks of the navy. The tension quickly gave way to the cruel reality and so it was no wonder that you saw many broken soldiers on your way west. Injured or not, they were sitting on the ground, crying or staring silently into nothingness. Good men had lost their lives that day, young and old alike. Families had lost mothers and fathers, parents their children. It was a single nightmare from which no one could wake up. "Onigumo!", the older vice admiral was a bit battered but didn't seem to be badly wounded. He saw you running towards him from a distance and put his hands in his pockets. Most of the vices were gathered here, but you couldn't make out the one you were looking for anywhere. "Let me see." Your grumpy colleague grabbed your chin and lifted it a little. "A deep cut, huh?" "It's not that bad." you replied and tried to get rid of him. It had been a long time since he was your instructor, but he still felt responsible for you, and he was always happy to put you in your place. "Really, it hardly hurts at all." "Let the doctors take a look anyway." he growled and lit a cigar. He was an experienced and always captured vice, but you could see the burden on him. Even Onigumo had not been able to pass this day easily. You looked around searching. Where was Bastille? "In the back, by the parade ground." Onigumo looked at you with a side glance. He knew exactly what was going on inside you. "He's having some scratches patched up, the pansy." "Thank you-!" you whispered to him and you hurried on past Doberman and Momonga, who you only nodded at. It didn't seem that any vices had been hurt too badly, even though some of the pirates had been pretty big fish and could have done a lot of damage.
The whole building - No, the whole island was one big pile of rubble. You had to climb over a lot of wall debris, helped up a commodore on the way and dragged him the short way to the big white tents. Directly on the large parade ground an auxiliary military hospital had been built, a small village of white tents. Doctors hurried back and forth, cared for the critical patients first, and yet for some soldiers any help came too late. The air still smelled of gunpowder, burnt flesh and metal - or was it blood? "Bastille!" You saw the giant standing in front of one of the tents, his left arm wrapped in bandages. It seemed to be bleeding heavily, as red as the white bandage had already turned. You handed over the injured commodore to a doctor and hurried the last few meters to the redhead. Your relationship had been going on for almost a year, but of course it was as much of a secret as it could be in this club full of gossips. Soldiers loved to gossip about their superiors, and you two were no exception. To avoid stupid rumors, you had never talked about your relationship in public or revealed it openly. But at that moment you didn't care about that at all. You fell into his arms, pressed yourself against him in relief and then looked up at him with tears in your eyes. He seemed to understand that the secrecy was over and returned your embrace with the same deep relief. "I'm so glad you're all right!" you said and tried to blink the tears away. "I wouldn't know what to do without you." "Oh please, how weak do you think I am?" he replied to you, but also seemed more than happy to see you unharmed. You broke away from him, but he put an arm around your waist and pulled you to his side. The first astonished whispers came up and you snorted. "We should never have kept it a secret, huh?" you whispered to him as you both made your way back to the other vice. "One way or another, the rumors would've been there." He growled approvingly and pulled you a little closer. "You are bleeding." he noted as unobtrusively as possible, but you could hear the worry in his voice. As hard and serious as he was on the outside, he had been open and warm-hearted towards you since your first met. "Not too bad," you replied gently. "A paramedic should look at it later." "He'd better." You laughed slightly, wrapped your own arm around his side, and so you went arm in arm to the west side of Marineford, where the other vices had gathered and held the first debriefing. Partly astonished looks greeted you, partly amused. "At last they are telling us. Took them forever!" you heard Momonga say to Onigumo and you could swear that after an annoyed groan, Dalmatian handed over some money to his colleague Doberman. Wait, you were bet on?! "It took long enough, really." growled Onigumo, but you heard the warm, fatherly tone of his voice. So your relationship hadn't been that secret after all - you could have saved yourself this annoying secrecy! "So everyone knew about it?" Bastille sighed, but you laughed at his embarrassment. "Of course." said Cancer, and could hardly contain a laugh. "Above all, the walls of the quarters are really very thin." "Yes, the noise level was more than obvious." Maynard agreed, and the group broke out in laughter. You ran up bright red, your face buried in your hands in shame and even Bastille didn't seem to feel very comfortable in his skin. The laughter continued for a few minutes, releasing you all for a brief moment of the icy hand of war. It felt good to be able to forget death for a moment. That it had cost so many lives and that each of you carried a mental scar from it, torn within you by the blood and despair of that day. When silence returned between you, it was overwhelming and seemed strangely unnatural. The cries of pain of a wounded man came from far away, and quickly the summary of the previous counts of the dead began. Gone was the brief moment of normality and your stomach ached at the number of the dead. You felt Bastille pulling you a little closer and you leaned at his side. Throughout the entire fight you were separated, you couldn't take care of him and he couldn't take care of you. But from the moment you fell into his arms you could finally breathe again. The weight had fallen off your shoulders and the relief of having him by your side eased the pain. You would never be able to forget that day, no matter how much you wanted to. But at least you were alive and could finally be honest about your relationship. The thought made you smile with relief and you nudged the redhead slightly. Questioningly he looked at you and you gave him a broad smile. "Love you," you murmur to him, so softly that only he could hear it. "Love you, too."
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theprodigypenguin · 4 years
I'm embarrassed by how long it took me to figure out how to send an ask sdfsdf but here! Two! "what is your absolute favorite ship?" and "is there a ship that you used to ship, but don’t anymore?" :D
My absolute favorite ship right now is, unsurprising to everyone, DeuAce, of course! I quite literally cannot get enough of it and I will hold every bit of content in my hands like precious gemstones. Don’t you just love rare pairs?
As for a ship I used to like but don’t anymore. Regarding One Piece, this is gonna sound like bullshit, but DeuAce is the first ship I have EVER shipped in One Piece. I started reading/watching when I was maybe 13 or 14 (and of course there was a stint of maybe five years where I stopped following it - after watching the Marineford Arc, naturally), but back then I really didn’t give a damn about shipping. So there is no One Piece ship that I used to like but don’t anymore, because I’m just now getting into actually genuinely shipping in One Piece (I’m weird, huh).
In terms of other fandoms I’ve been in... probably everything I ever used to ship during my Hetalia phase (and yes I had a Hetalia phase when I was in seventh and eighth grade, don’t laugh at me, we all have our inner shames). And I’m not really as big of a Sheith shipper as I used to be. Oh but don’t get me wrong, I still like Sheith and support it, but that fandom is a burning wasteland and ruined all the good feelings and fun that’s supposed to come with shipping.
I think that’s it though. Every other fandom I’ve been in I only ever really shipped one or two ships, and whenever I think about them they still make me happy and I still ship them. Even if I’m not active in the fandom anymore. I still ship stuff from H@rry P*tter (though jk terfling can eat my entire ass), I still ship stuff from Magi, and Percy Jackson, and FMA, and Ouran Highschool Host Club, etc etc etc. But yknow, obsessions move and evolve.
Anyway yeah! Thank you for the ask!
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607-608: "A Fierce Battle Gets Heated! Luffy vs. Caesar!" and "A Mastermind Underground! Doflamingo Makes His Move!"
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This one pulls no punches, does he?
Chalk up another pair of excellent episodes with a satisfying payload of reveals. 
The major one? Well, it’s obvious, right? Doflamingo has sidled out of the shadows and is now fully involved in the plot. The mysterious thing Law claimed would shake the New World is a substance/object called SAD which is being manufactured by Caesar on Punk Hazard. Not only that, Caesar Clown is like the Colonel Freaking Sanders of the OPverse, in that he is the only person who knows the eleven secret herbs and spices for making SAD. He also turned Foxfire’s kid into a dragon. 
(Or at least I think he did. That could have been Vegapunk but I don’t think Vegapunk is cruel enough to do that.)
Still have no idea what SAD is, but I will kick back and let the plot guide me slowly towards the answer because I cannot even begin to speculate.
SAD: Eleven Secret Herbs and Spices
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Law is such a plot catalyst. 
He didn’t do much across 607 and 608. Well, not to my eyes, anyway.
All he did was walk down a dark corridor with purpose, stand in front of a big, important-looking door, trigger an alarm opening said door, and entering the room with a smirk, while declaring: “Yes. This will shake up the New World.”
Once I finished 607 and 608, I realised Law is probably in deep shit because a lot of powerful, angry characters are out for his blood. He is also at a major disadvantage until he reclaims his heart from Vergo (as he told Smoker via flashback). Because of Law, the plot is now speeding along at a cracking pace.
Caesar Doesn’t Realise He’s Just Issued Luffy a Challenge
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The action picked up where it left off. Luffy wound up a blistering punch that hit Caesar so hard I performed a sharp intake of breath and cringed for him. 
Still, to give credit to Caesar, he totally tanked the direct hit. The madman got up again just in time to see Luffy speeding towards him, arms outstretched. That pesky rubber boy just insists on trying to grab him! There was a spot of hilarious, “GOT YOU!” “HA, NO YOU DIDN’T!” Then Caesar got fed up, set the place on fire and asked Luffy a really important question.
“Why are you attacking me?”
That was so damned funny to me. They’ve been knocking seven bells out of each other for several episodes now and Caesar had no idea why Luffy decided to noise him up.
Luffy’s answer was even funnier.
“I don’t know why but I’ve been told something fun would begin if I kidnap you!”
If there is such a thing as a Top Ten Luffiest Moments Compilation, that line has to be in mix surely? Why are you fighting me? No idea, but I was promised fun if I do. I have no words. xD
Caesar made a last ditch attempt to dissuade Luffy from an outright punch-up. Probably because he knows Luffy uses haki and that makes him vulnerable to suffering more gut-punches. “You formed an alliance with Law, right? He told you do kidnap me. You can’t trust him. I’m sure he’ll betray you. Don’t do it.”
Luffy’s response? “DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!”
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Negotiations broke down rather swiftly after that. Caesar broke out his karakuni (oxygen removal) technique. It has a limited range, which is good because it would be too overpowered otherwise. Luffy dodged and Caesar tanked another punch right in the word hole. But Caesar is such a mad bastard he actually closed the distance, got right up in Luffy’s face, deprived him of oxygen and slashed at him with a flashy, flaming hot blue sword technique. For good measure, he resorted to a few gastanets to hold Luffy at bay.
Caesar’s fighting style is suprisingly aggressive. xD
Still, when Luffy could huff some oxygen into his rubbery lungs, he was too fast for Caesar. Luffy’s response to Caesar’s aggressive style? “HEY YOU! STAY AWAY FROM ME!” At which point he booted Caesar in the face and he went flying.
“Damn it, that hurt!” Caesar seethed. (He hates haki users, ha!) But he still got back up.
Luffy realised he needed to catch Caesar quickly before he was choked to death. I still think if he hits Caesar hard enough, he’ll be able to do it no bother. It’s just a matter of getting Caesar on his own because Monet is under strict orders from Doflamingo to Not Let Anything Happen to his Cash Cow Scientist.
It was annoying because Luffy was *so close*. Caesar was willing to let him go because he wanted to show the brokers the power of Shinokuni and was impatient to get back to his experiment.  But Luffy stretched his head back, took a deep breath and readied his armament hardening. (Did Vergo use Armament Hardening on his knife stick weapon when he beat up Law?)
He yelled, “If I can’t breathe, I’ll kick your ass in one breath!” (Nice line, Luffy.)
Caesar yelled back, “You want to die, don’t you? Then I’ll give you the death you chose for yourself. Go to hell, Strawhat!”
Caesar almost crumbled. Almost. He dodged the headbutt, but the incoming Jet Gatling was too much. He was saved at the last second by Monet.
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It turns out Monet is in possession of the Snow Snow Fruit, can control snow at will and - from what I’ve seen so far - she seems pretty adept at using it.
She was impressed that Luffy’s hits cracked the solid ice wall she had used to shield Caesar. My jaw dropped when Caesar’s head popped out from the ice shards and he was ready for another round.
Monet must have stepped in because she knows when the red mist descends, Caesar does dumb stuff (like persisting in squaring up to Strawhat Luffy like a belligerent drunk in a bar fight). As Caesar is not allowed to do dumb stuff leading to him being kidnapped, she appealed to his scientist ego.
“You must go, Master. This fight is meaningless.”
Caesar snapped out of his red mist rage and seemed to remember what was at stake. He laughed and swept away. “Goodbye, Strawhat! Be as wild as you want. I already have an idea of how to make you people test subjects. Look forward to it!” Nice to see Caesar can swallow his pride and stick to a plan, even if he needs a nudge.
Of course, Luffy went after him, but Monet wrapped her talons round his shoulders. Access denied. If anything happened to Caesar, Joker would kill her. 
“That’s the bird guy I saw in the war, isn’t it? Who is he?”
Monet almost revealed everything. Almost. I sense a pattern emerging here. xD “He wants to kidnap Master and wants SAD to be...” She smiled, said no more, but added, “Now I know what you guys are going for.” (Referring to Law and their alliance plot.)
It was round about that time that the call from Doflamingo came through. They were to take out Law and Strawhat - but be extra careful around Strawhat as he was able to use Conqueror’s Haki (Doflamingo must have spotted that at Marineford.)
At the moment, Luffy is battling Monet. I’m guessing he’ll defeat her pretty quickly, even though she didn’t seem too phased about his Conqueror’s Haki. Then he’ll be running like hell through the labyrinthine complex hunting for Caesar again. Business as usual!
Sanji is Not Vergo’s Biggest Fan
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This was strangely interesting clash. Not on account of Vergo. It was mostly Sanji. For all the pasting he gets for being pervy (among other things), he shows moments of genuine concern and consideration for his fellow human beings, no matter what side they are on.
While Sanji and Vergo battled, the G5 Marines looked on in shock. Why was Black Leg/Foot/Limb/Appendage Sanji helping them? He was a pirate. Worse still, the gas was seeping through. Even though he’d knocked Vergo into a wall, Sanji told the Marines to run. When Vergo unfolded himself from the impact crater, he readied a final blow - but then the distress call from the SAD Manufacturing Room intervened and he ducked out to pursue Law.
Sanji about to run himself before he spotted two unconscious Marines. He couldn’t help but risk his life to rescue them. Then, when the Marines showered him with praise, he was... well, he was Sanji-ish about it. “I only take praise from girls, etc.” 
But when the Marines thanked him for helping them against the “Impostor Vergo” and when Tashigi kept up the ruse to as not to hurt her men, Sanji went along with it - even though I’m convinced he knows about the betrayal, as he told Vergo: “You’re the type of guy that our Captain hates most.”
So Sanji decided to spare the feelings of these Marines he didn’t know because he sensed, just like Tashigi did, that the truth would crush them.
That was a pretty nice thing to do, actually. Humanity points there for Sanji. And leadership points for Tashigi, into the bargain.
But... while Sanji was being a reluctant hero, Vergo was bouncing through the passage towards Building D. And someone very important was on the line!
The Feathered One Has Finally Arrived!
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While the rest of the cast are currently swimming in the poison-gas-filled hell that is Punk Hazard, Doflamingo (or Doffy as his pals call him) has been living it up on the beautiful island of Dressrosa.** A calm blue sea. Colourful flowers. Architecture that looks Italian. Dressrosa is a nice place. A veritable paradise.
**(Or at least I think it’s an island. I have seen the Dressrosa arc in the dropdowns on CR and every other arc is a location, so I’m going with island for now.)
Vergo was in the middle of his report: “Trafalgar Law is in the SAD manufacturing room. No doubt he is betraying us.”
Doffy was not pleased with the news. “I have treated Law as my young brother and watched over him as he grew up. What a shame. He’s a the SAD manufacturing room, huh?”
At that point, a gun-handed lady staged a series of violent interruptions that did not phase Doflamingo in the slightest. Her swipes barely even broke his concentration. 
“Here’s what I’d do if I were Law. First, I’d destroy that room-- And kidnap Caesar? No. I’d just kill him. Because Caesar is the only person in the world who knows how to produce SAD. But if Law does such a thing, I’ll be in trouble, Vergo. If Caesar is killed, no one else can produce that gas. Then it will ruin my business. And what would happen next if I got into such trouble? Misfortunes never happen singly.” (An oddly fatalistic viewpoint you have there, Doffy.)
A big dude tried to convince Baby 5 (the angry lady) to chill. “You can’t do that to the Young Master,” he admonished. (Young master. Interesting way of referring to Doflamingo. Is there an older master?) 
An older lady asked Doflamingo what he would do with “that cute boy Law-chan.”
An older guy answered, “You know. Law is rebelling against us.”
Doflamingo ignored them all and gave Vergo his orders. “I need you to take care of Law. I wanna make him wish he was never born. So kill him in a horrific way.”
Vergo eventually offered to cut off Law’s ear and deliver it to Doflamingo.
“I look forward to seeing it!” Doflamingo replied (hilariously, as if Law’s ear were a new car or minor purchase).
He dealt with Baby 5 using his weird puppetmaster/control power and called Caesar and Monet. Once he warned them about Luffy’s Conqueror’s Haki, he announced Baby 5 and Buffalo would be sent to Punk Hazard. They all needed to come to Dressrosa at once.
Oooooooooooh, things are heating up! Now I’m wondering if Luffy and Law will even succeed in kidnapping Caesar. Doflamingo might show up with his big guns and snatch back his Cash Cow Scientist. Then again, that will mean Luffy might need to take an L. I don’t wan’t that to happen yet. It’s too soon after Marineford (well, it’s been over two years in the OPverse, but still.)
Not sure how this will unfold, but I am now majorly hyped for this plotline! :D
Twist Level: M. Night Shyamalan
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Must admit, I have been thinking this Foxfire/Lost Son plot was kind of lame for a while now. It’s nowhere near as gripping as the Caesar/Law/Doflamingo conspiracy (to be fair, that’s a hard act to follow). Even the experiment kids have lost their plot shine in comparison.
Every time the action cut to the kids, or to Foxfire, I’d been thinking, “Okay this is nice but I need more Caesar, Luffy, Law or characters related to that plot strand, plz.”
But Oda suddenly merged them and threw in a major twist that has wrenched back my interest. The little dragon that has been harrying the Brownbeard Express (and hurting Brook’s feelings, HOW COULD YOU? xD) turned out to be Momonosuke: Foxfire’s own son!
Worse still, the Strawhats teamed up to beat the poor, little dragon and Foxfire almost kicked it to death because he bears a serious grudge against dragons. He kicked it to the point Brook actually said, “Dude... what did dragons do to you? You need to chill.” Foxfire almost sliced its scaly head off (his own son’s head!) Luckily, Nami shouted at them to get back on or they’d be left behind.
Once the Dragon Son was felled, the Brownbeard Express ran straight into Monster Chopper, who was desperately trying to wrangle the Candy-Addicted kids. Mocha is off on a mission to dispose of all the candy in the Biscuit Room. I foresee a lot of angry kids in the imminent future.
Another kid was the one who spilled the twist, right at the end of 608. She was about to head back to the Biscuit Room after examination and she mentioned a “secret room where no one is allowed to go.” Where the boy Momonosuke went and transformed into a dragon.
His own dad almost cut his freaking head off.
Can you believe that?
Such a great plot right now.
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All around me are familiar faces...?
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Oh my! First request! I’m not really good with angst but I do enjoy reading it. For you, I’ll give it a try. I don’t know if you want the character or the s/o in grief so I just picked which one was better.
-Your chest was rising and falling at a steady pace. You felt your body slightly shaking out of pain.
- you were actually diagnosed with an unknown illness that slowly ate your life span away. You hated the thought of dying. You hated the thought of not fighting anymore. You hated the thought of…….leaving the man you held dearly so much.
You were currently at Marineford sitting on a wheelchair because you lost the ability to walk, seeing everyone fighting for the sake of the man you loved so much. You were currently guarded by the other Whitebeard Pirates that guarded the ship.
You felt like you were the worst person ever not able to do anything. You did help from afar because you being the sniper of the ship and you constantly wanted to help but you weren’t aloud to move from your spot. You silently cursed almost every second
“Fuck you, Fuck the marines, fuck me!” You muttered.
but the cursing stopped when you saw the last moments of Ace’s life. You saw some damn marine did it. Your eyes widen like it was gonna burst.
-“WHAT THE HECK, ACEEE!! YOU CAN’T FUCKING DIE YET!” you screamed until your throat was hoarse. You force your legs to move stand up. Shaking like a new born giraffe. You walked towards the scene, throwing your weapon in the process.
-you tried running towards Akainu, with your wobbly legs. Activating your haki, you punched him with all the power you tried to muster. Akainu just glared at you. He didn’t do anything knowing how pityful you were. You hated it
- you couldn’t accept it. You were supposed to die first. You landed face first onto ground because your legs could no longer support your weight. You looked at Ace that was in Luffy’s embracement. You fell blood coming out of your nose with your knees scrapped.
-“tch, Ace you jerk. You’re the worst.” You laughed at yourself. Akainu looked at you closely. “Call the paramedics, this girl here has “that” disease!“ He roared.
-what is “that” disease? How come he knows? You asked yourself. You felt cold hands snaking around your body and picking you up.
- you heard the crew shouting to let you go. You gave a sad glance at them “it’s okay, guys. I’m just a burden to you guys anyway. They might know a thing or two about this disease” you said as you remembered the moments where you needed the crew’s aid for almost everything.
-“Please tell Ace after you burried him, thanks for teaching me how great life is. I’ll treasure the memories with you guys forever” you smiled. You made a deal with the marines that if you followed them, they wouldn’t touch a single hair.
- Marco was nice enough and hanged your favourite hairpin at Ace’s grave. They grieved your disappearance the same level as Ace
- so, there you were, shackles on your ankle and wrists. Almost everyday, you were a labrat. Being injected with drugs and undergoing weird side affects. It was a miracle or according to you , torture, that you were still alive.
- you still refused to cry out of stubbornness and maintaining your ego. You just gave a bitter smile to them.
“Ace, I miss you. When can I join you? But for you, I’ll live”
- you couldn’t technically call yourself human. You were a forest spirit that lived in the forest near the Revolutionary base. Forest spirits are usually just a soul with no body but there was a tree that made you have a body. The golden sakura. You were technically one with the tree, of the tree dies, your body dies And you had a special relationship with a blond haired man.
- Sabo enjoyed visiting you from time to time to release stress. You guys would lie on the ground together while looking at the sunset together. You were happy with your current place.
-you were also close with the others. So, you were considered one of them. One day, you heard some bitter news. The Celestial Dragons had plans on the island but they were not pretty.
- you knew about, the revolutionaries knew about it but none of them dared to utter a word about it. They secretly planned on stopping them with hopes they would get to stay at the base
-your were also planning something on your own. You had the ability to control plants and other floral life but you were not a devil fruit user
-you stood infront of the huge army, ready to destroy. The other revolutionaries where captured and chained.You decided to attack using all your strength. Everytime you received an attack, your limbs would just grow back or heal.
-" you brat, hurry up an scram!" The leader shouted as he kept shooting. "Like hell I would" you said calmly. "This is my, no. OUR HOME"
-"Friendship huh?" The celestial dragon laughed. He then pointed the gun he was holding towards Sabo's head. Your expression changed for a mere moment but quickly morphed back.
-you sighed. "How about we trade something? I give you something and you leave" you said as you folded your arms.
- "What would that be?" You put both of your hands onto the rich soil and chanted something. Suddenly, the dear tree that was the one that gave you a 'life' appeared out of the ground.
-Everyones face was painted with shock. "T-the golden sakura...this is worth more than any bounty".
-"yes because it's able to heal any illness" you looked at them with a stoic look. "Fine, I agree with this trade"
-"WHAT!? YOU CAN'T DO THAT (Y/N). DON'T DO SOMETHING STUPID LIKE THAT" Sabo shouted as he protested, trying to free himself.
-you raised your hand Sabo to calm down. You then proceeded "I'll be the one chopping down the tree and you people will have to stay away from here." "How will I know your not lying to us" the cruel man said with a untrusting tone. "A forest spirit is not aloud to lie or I am cursed with a dying forest" you said calmly. "You also need to free my friends"
- the man stayed silent for a while. "fine" he said while telling his army to depart.
-"Are you crazy! Don't do it (y/n)! You're gonna die" Sabo said while the others noded. "Ahahaha, I would never die. Just my body....so, don't worry guys. I'll still be here watching all of you, here" you said while grabbing hold of your axe.
- you swinged your axe. As the blade hit on the bark, you were met with a jolt of pain. You stopped and hissed in pain. You took a deep breath and continued. You felt red liquid coming out of your mouth. Blood, the first time you ever got to see it coming out of you.
- you felt Sabo's eyes stared at you with agony but you didn't look at him. Finally, the tree hit the ground.
-" could you guys help me and send this to them?" You said trying to stop the tears. You felt your body slowly turning into stone. Suddenly, you heard Koala burst into tears. You then saw the others burst into tears but Sabo just looked at the ground out of grief.
-you chuckled. "Don't worry guys, you guys can still visit me everyday". Sabo walked to you and held your cheek while your body was slowly hardening.
- he gave you a sad smile "I'll visit you every damn day". He said stroking your cheek. "Fine then, I'll be waiting" you said smiling while a tear slid down.
-you froze into stone with the most beautiful smile, according to Sabo. He would come everyday and polish your stoned body. He would ask how were you.
- You would respond to him but he couldn't hear. You wanted to touch him but couldn't. You could see and hear him. But it was torture not able to talk to him and touch him
"As long as I can see you everyday is fine even though it's technically torturing myself"
-you were an ex slave but you managed to escape both your master and death at the same time. When you almost died out of your injuries, the Strawhats found you and took you in. For the first time in years, you felt loved.
-the rubbery captain was especially attached to you. He liked how brave and hardworking you were. You knew that you were never technically free from your master's grasp but you decided to ignore it for a while.
-you almost got a heart attack when you knew that your master was able to track you down. He kidnapped Chopper and Nami out of the blue asked for a trade and threatened they would immediately be sent to the government to turn into slaves.
-if course, Luffy was furious and demanded to move immediately. You just bit your lips, guilt slowly eating you on the inside.
-"Why do you look so sad (y/n)? We're gonna save them for sure!" Luffy said when he saw you.
- you just gave him an uneasy smile. You paused and noded with agreement. Alone, you were planning something. You didn't want to burden the others. You were gonna save them no matter what.
- when arrived, you ran after Luffy to look for your master. "YOU, GIVE BACK MY FRIENDS" the young man shouted. "Sure, looks like you brought what I wanted anyway" the master said smirking.
-he pointed to you. Sweat formed on your forehead. Luffy was confused until he figured out you were the 'thing' he wanted.
- as Luffy was about to get ready to attack, you injected a drug to knock out Luffy. You were actually prepared for this and was ready to take full responsibility for this.
-He just looked at you with sad eyes and blacked out. You looked at his unconscious body with guilt. You picked him up then hugged him with all your might.
-"please let me contact someone first". Your master just stood there silently but signalled his minions to free your unconscious friends.
-"Franky, could please come and pick them up. Tell Luffy I'm forever sorry and thank you." You said with a miserable tone. Tears then proceeded to drop down your cheeks and you gripped the den den mushi tighter. "I LOVE YOU GUYS, FOREVEEErrr!IM SORRY I CAN'T COME WITH YOU GUYS ANYMORE!!!UWAHHH!" You shouted with all you can knowing this was your last chance to tell them.
- the other strawhats knew about this except Luffy. They tried to stop you but you were persistent. You didn't have the heart to tell him but you left a note.
-"welcome back, my toy" your master chuckled. "Thank you, master" you said with a insincere smile plastered on your face. You stroked the unwanted logo on the back of your hand.
"Even though it was short, thank you for showing how beautiful the world is, Luffy"
Warghhhh, I think I got a lot of facts wrong but I tried. Sorry if it looked rushed. I'm really sorry it didn't really follow the theme you wanted but I had fun writing Sabo's part. I'm also sorry it's not angsty enough because I'm not really good. Sorry for Luffy's being so bland because I'm used to reading Luffy fluff. Thank you for reading. Love you
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portgas-d-eisu · 7 years
I'm a terrible person. Might I request a scenario with Ace where his S/O gets seriously hurt protecting him, they live and everything there's just a lot of feels from both parties about not wanting the other to get hurt. Sorry if that doesn't make much sense.
Hello! I’m sorry it took so long. I didn’t know what to write. At first, it was about marineford but just the bullet points were too long. So I changed and changed it. I just hope you like it! Imnotgoodwithscenarios 
The Spade Pirates were on their way to hunt down Whitebeard after hearing some intel about his whereabouts.“I’m going to get Whitebeard’s head and prove that I am strong enough to take on anyone! Then, I will be the pirate king!” your captain exclaimed loudly.The entire crew was supportive, well, maybe not Masked Deuce. He personally feels that we are rushing into it. Half of you feels the same as Masked Deuce while the other half just wants to believe in Ace and his abilities.It has been about 2 years since you have joined the Spade Pirates and everything was going well. So well that after you confessed your love to  Ace, he has never made you feel alone or unloved.You went back downstairs to your room and continued working on a special gift for Ace, for entering the New World. An Ace-shaped locket pin. 
After a few hours, the pin was complete. You folded your Vivre card and place it into the locket pin. Looking up at the time, it was already time for dinner. “Urghhh… hmmm…?” Ace yawned, woke up from your bed and went over to give you a hug from the back.“I smell food, it is time for dinner right?” “HUH? When did you get in here?!” clearly shocked. The pin was supposed to be a surprise. You tried your best to hide it as fast as possible. “Hmmm? What is that? The thing you are trying to hide. Let me see!” being curious Ace managed to snatch it from you. Since he already saw it, you gave up and explained what it was and that it was supposed to be a surprise.   “Awww, how sweet~ Man, I’m the luckiest guy on the seas! What did I do to deserve you…” Ace has gotten kind of emotional and gave you a tight hug, burying his face into your shoulder. Noticing that you stroked his hair lovingly, “I’m the one who is lucky that I get to be with you like this.” Then gently gave him a peck on his lips and pins the locket into the edge of his hat.“Time for dinner! We don’t want our food to get cold, Ace!” you smiled at him and held his hand. Ace whined that he wanted to stay hugging longer and that kiss was too short. “I can heat up the food myself anyways.” pouting he reluctantly went up for dinner with you and joined the rest of the crew.
After dinner, Ace carried you to his room and continued the hugging session till both of you fell asleep.
After a few days of sailing, the Spade Pirates were so close to reaching Whitebeard but Jinbe the Shichibukai intervened to protect Whitebeard. “Everyone fall back! I will deal with him.” Ace ordered calmly and began to attack relentlessly with fearsome force. You have faith in Ace’s strength and patiently waits along with the crew. The longer the fight went on, the more worried you became. Is he alright? Isn’t he using up all his strength and stamina here? How long will this last? Masked Deuce felt the same way about this whole ordeal. 
Five days have passed and the sun was going to set. Ace and Jinbe were still at it. Both were clearly tired but refused to stand down. “This fight will end soon,” said Masked Deuce, knowing how worried you have been for the past five days. You nodded in agreement and hope for the best. That he will not be fatality injured. Just as the sun was about to set, both Ace and Jinbe collapsed onto the ground. Seeing Ace falling to the ground, you rushed to his side. The crew all came running to him behind you.“Ace!! Are you ok? Where does it hurt the most?” these thoughts flew pass in your mind but your mouth can’t seem to form these words. Ace could tell that he made you worried so much and he caresses your cheek. He smiled, “I’m fine, just a little tired. That’s all. Don’t worry so much. Trust me.” “Reckless as always, Captain. The fight has ended.” Masked Deuce sighs with relief. 
A few moments later, the man that Ace has been hunting for appeared. Whitebeard. Along with his main ship, Moby Dick.“This timing is terrible! Ace, please. Let’s get everyone out of here. You are not in a good state to fight against Whitebeard.” panicking for his and the crew’s safety. “No. Follow everyone and get out of here now. I will handle Whitebeard.” Ace grunts and stood up sluggishly. “What? Don’t be crazy! Look at you, you can’t even stand up straight! Please…” you tried to knock some sense into him one more time.“Trust. me. I will never back down from a fight.” what you said had made him rather mad. He glanced at you and looked away. His stare had never felt this cold. “Whoever wants to take my head, come and get me now if you can! Or else, I would take your head for myself.” Whitebeard bellowed.Ace charged straight at Whitebeard to land the first hit, while the rest of the crew did as what their Captain told. To fall back. You, however, refused to and chased after Ace. “Get over here!” Masked Deuce shouted at you.This made Ace’s head turn and he was shocked that you were chasing after him instead of falling back. Why? Do you know how important you are to me? Why are you doing this? Can’t you see that I am trying to protect you and everyone? Can’t you just trust me?Whitebeard sees that he let his guard down and uses it as an opening for an attack and threw his giant spear towards Ace. “Ace! Look out! Infront of you!” you charged at Ace while pushing you both out of the way. The spear grazed your arm rather deep.  "Please, let’s retreat. We can try again another day.“ practically begging him at this point. That spear could have hit you somewhere fatal. It could have impaled you. This is too dangerous for her. I love her. I can’t. ”No, we can’t continue this. Us? It is not working. Leave.“ Ace said coldly.  "H-Huh? I just want you to be safe. Please, I- ” without finishing your sentence Ace cut you off. “I SAID LEAVE. FROM THIS POINT ON, YOU ARE NO LONGER PART OF THE SPADES PIRATES.” He pushed you away and made a ring of fire around him and Whitebeard. He and Whitebeard continued to fight.
The fresh wound on your arm hurts, but it is not what that is hurting you the most right now. You stood up and slowly walked away from him, the crew, this whole scene. Tears naturally fell and stained your whole face. You can hear Masked Deuce shouting at you. About what happened. Why are you walking away from the crew? But you did not reply and continued walking away. Goodbye.
Ace failed to defeat Whitebeard. The Spade Pirates tried to get back their captain but alas, failed as well. Now the entire Spade Pirates is integrated into the Second Division Ship of Whitebeard’s Fleet. 
After many failed assassination attempts, Ace eventually gave up and accepted the offer to join the Whitebeard Pirates.Sitting on the deck of Moby Dick, he thought about you. He was too harsh and regretted what he said. Where is she now? Are you alright? Does she really need me in her life? I want to see her. “Calm and rational now, yoi?” Ace looked up and sees the First Division Commander, Marco. “I am always calm and rational!” he retorted back.“Hahaha! Anyways, Oyaji says he wants to speak with you. Better hurry.” Marco said while walking away. 
Ace got up and head to where Whitebeard is for their little talk. Ace told his past, his biological father, you and everything to Whitebeard. And Whitebeard just accepts everything wholeheartedly. “You know, I do wish I have more daughters. All these sons made this ship smelled like a pigsty.” Whitebeard’s laughter booms throughout Moby Dick. “Go find her, Ace.”Ace thanked him and rushed off on his striker. He took out your Vivre card from the locket pin on his hat and followed it eagerly. 
On an island nearby, you have settled down in for a few months now. An Innkeeper saw you injured and bloodied that he took you to the hospital and now you are working in his to repay for his kindness. 
“Such good weather today! On an errand for the innkeeper, darling?” the nice lady who sells vegetables grew familiar with me. “Yes I am, may I get the usual please, Madam?” smiling at how bright she is today. “Of course, dear! You can take these extra too! On the house for you!” “Ah, I can’t possibly-”“No worries! Just take it, dearie! If you want to thank me you can marry my son! A daughter like you would make me glad!” The usual banter. “Madam, I’m flattered but-” “But your heart already belongs to someone else. I know, I know! Just pulling your leg, dear! Now off you go. The Innkeeper must be waiting.” she gave me one last smile and sent me off. 
You opened the door to the inn and heard a voice you know too well. 
“Sir, have you seen this girl? About this tall?” He began rambling about your appearances. “Well, she is behind you, at the door. If I am not mistaken, young man.” The innkeeper pointed at you and chuckled a little. You can tell who it was, even if it was from a mile away. Ace. His eyes started watering and he rushed to give you a crushing hug.“I’m sorry, please forgive me. I did not mean anything that I have said. Come back to me. Or… do you not want to?” Ace’s voice was staggering and you could feel his tears seeping into your shirt. “Of course I want to…” affected by how emotional Ace is, you too started to cry on that spot. “Ahem, maybe you two can cry more towards the left so that you are not blocking the doorway?” the innkeeper chuckled once again. The two of you immediately went red and bowed.Simlutationously, you both shouted “S-Sorry for any inconvenience caused, sir!” Which made the innkeeper laughed even more.
The two of you went to the room that you stayed in and had heartfelt talks. Also catching up on what has happened to both of you respectively. Cuddling together for the first time in months. You agreed to go back to the pirate life with Ace and will be a part of the Whitebeard Pirates. Ace promised to never hurt you and to never put them into a situation where you have to save him ever again. You also promised to trust him more and try not to get into dangerous situations.
Ace: I love you.S/O: I love you too.Both: I LOVE YOU MOST!Both: I SAID IT FIRST.
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petite-neko · 7 years
Boyhood Blues - 05
Fanfiction: Boyhood Blues Story Summary: Actions, and inactions, have their repercussions. It may not be immediate but somewhere down the line, the effect will be seen. Chapter Characters: Law, Luffy, Sabo, Jinbei Pairing: LawLu Rating: T Warnings: Swearing, Universe Alteration, canon-typical violence, angst, A/N: I hope this is alright, I had to redo edits D< so. Here you all go.
.xxx. > Time/scene skip
.+++. > PoV change
Read on Ao3
Chapter 4 || Chapter 5: Discrepancy || Chapter 6
Trafalgar Law didn’t have to be told. Oh, he knew. He knew what the problem was. Luffy. Fucking Mugiwara no Luffy.
(It was both a good and bad thing he kept them in separate rooms.)
“Room. Shambles.” Law uttered as he summoned up his ability and just… teleported into the room where Luffy was.
He was screaming. Rampaging. Ace’s name was like a mantra on his lips and there was glass everywhere, papers and books strewn about the room. It was a complete mess.
Law caught a vial hurled in his direction.
“Luffy-ya!” He hollered above the deafening, incoherent screams. Trying, he was trying to reach Luffy in his mental state.
(He just dropped the Strawhat in his hands.)
“Luffy-ya!” He repeated, grasping Luffy’s shoulders firmly. “Luffy-ya! Calm down!”
All he received was a scream of Ace in his face.
Fuck, he looked even worse than he did when he screamed about Sabo all those years ago…
“Calm. Down.” He ordered calmly, putting more pressure on Luffy’s shoulders. “Calm down.”
Thankfully, the screams were becoming whimpers and blubbers now.
(Certainly, it wasn’t any less painful to hear but…)
(His voice reached Luffy.)
“Ace-ya is alive.” He finally said as Luffy was becoming a bit more coherent.
And that downcast gaze shot up to his, and the sorrow there made Law’s stomach drop. The tears streaming down his face, the swollen, redness in his eyes... “B-But I… I saw…” That voice was trembling. Afraid. Fear. Sorrow… Grief.
Law had to take a deep breath. “What you saw was Ace-ya collapsing due to pain and the damage dealt to his body.” He began. “He is still unconscious, but he’s alive. His vitals are stable, and have remained such since the surgery.”
Those hopeless eyes clouded over with disbelief. And he knew, Law knew that Luffy wanted to believe him, but couldn't. Not after what he saw. What he's already been through.
(Law knew, and he understood.)
So, he continued his explanation. “After you passed out, Jinbei-ya carried the two of you to my submarine. Unfortunately, Sakazuki got another attack in which damaged both Jinbei-ya and yourself. You’re the second to wake up Luffy-ya. Ace-ya is still unconscious in the next room, but he’s stable.”
Hopefully that would convince him. He would bring Luffy into Ace’s room if necessary but… he couldn't have one hysterical patient potentially rough housing another.
And Luffy was still staring at him, as if trying to convince himself that yes Ace was alive and that he hadn’t died back in Marineford. He sniffled; he rubbed at his eyes, and continued to look into his eyes as if trying to see the truth or deception within them.
Law knew that this took time and consideration...
“S-so Ace is…” Luffy finally stuttered out after a prolonged silence that was far more awkward than Law would have liked, his body trembling. (Relief. That’s what it was. Relief. Ace hadn’t died. He hadn’t lost his other brother. He still was here.)
But sadly, Law had to shake his head. While he knew that relief was the thing to get Luffy out of his shock, he still needed to be reminded of the realities of the situation. “It is still unknown if he will fully recover. He could take a turn at any moment, but… so far the prognosis is good. Now, will you please stop destroying my submarine?”
“Ace is… Ace is…” And Luffy just… slumped to his knees and started sobbing, the tremors becoming more violent.
(To say he felt incredibly awkward right now was putting it lightly. Just what was he supposed to do here?)
Arms wrapped around his legs. “Thank you. Thank you Torao. Thank you.”
He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “…It’s Sabo-ya that you should be thanking. If it weren’t for his interference, Ace-ya’s injuries would have been fatal.” (Let that revolutionary deal with this sobbing mess for once.)
And while he was expecting Luffy to nod and wander over to Sabo… he wasn’t expecting him to be that enthusiastic. He could only sigh even more before picking up both the strawhat and his sword and just… follow that idiot outside.
He needed to stop that fool before he reopened his injuries…
When he found Sabo he was holding onto a small sheet of paper.
“Where’s Luffy-ya?”
“Huh?” It seemed Law had interrupted his thoughts. “Oh, he went into the forest… he said he needed to think about something…”
…There was the sound of a tree crashing.
“Trafalgar?” Law turned towards Jinbei. “What was it you said about Luffy’s wounds?”
“…That idiot!” He groaned and felt his fingers tightening on Luffy’s hat again. “If he reopens those wounds… I can’t guarantee that I can revitalise him again…” He was too tired for this shit right now…
And there was a scream of frustration.
(Didn’t that idiot know that his lungs were in his chest and his chest was severely injured?)
He glanced out to where the birds flew away from that interruption in their life and felt a hand on his shoulder.
“…I think I know what’s bothering him, let me go talk to him.”
Law sighed and continued looking at the strawhat.
When Luffy had returned there was an exhausted expression on his face. (But Law found that perfectly normal considering everything the boy had been through.)
“Hey Sabo.” Luffy said, a worn smile on his face as he waved at the revolutionary. But then he turned to face Law, and that smile extended. (While it still looked strained, there definitely was some truth in it and in the way his eyes shined ever so slightly.) “Torao!”
Sabo stepped forward slightly, and had put away that paper he had been staring at earlier. “Ah, Luffy, Iva and I will be going now. Law has told me that Ace looks to be out of danger, and since you gave me a piece of his vivre-card I’ll be able to keep up on his progress.”
A vivre-card? So that was the paper Sabo was looking at earlier?
Law gave the revolutionaries a nod in farewell while Luffy was waving at them.
And then Luffy had turned to him, curiosity in those round eyes of his. “What about you Torao?”
Law could only shrug. Why was Luffy curious on what he was going to do and, besides, wasn't it obvious? And so he just lifted up the hat in his hands before placing it on Luffy’s head.
(The smallest of smiles twitched on his face, showing on his lips and in the way the muscles by his closed eyes moved.)
“I’m sticking around until Ace-ya is conscious. I’m willing to bet he will wish to return to his crewmates afterwards, and I might as well give him a lift. I have some things I would like to discuss with his attending doctor anyway about his recovery and treatment plans. His recuperation will be… long. And hard.”
And that idiot’s smile brightened even more, those closed eyes opening to shine up at him. "Yay! Torao’s staying longer!”
(What was it that Sabo said?)
Why? Why was this idiot happy to spend time with him? Why was he smiling even though he had been through so much? It completely baffled him. Aside from saving their lives, it wasn’t as if he did anything to make Luffy enjoy his presence. If anything he had always ignored them…
“Wanna tell me about your tattoos? We never had a chance to back on Sabaody.”
“…And whose fault is that Luffy-ya?”
He laughed bashfully.
Law watched Luffy. He listened. Listened as Luffy explained his adventures to him. How Dadan had bought him a boat for his seventeenth birthday, how that was the start of his adventures. How he met Zoro, and wore a marine outfit to infiltrate a marine base to get his swords for him.
And, Law had to admit, that that was a solid plan.
But apparently it hadn't gone out too well. Instead of quietly sneaking around the base like he should have he ended up taking a hostage and ran out of the base, swords and hostage in tow.
...Mugiwara no Luffy was an idiot, wasn't he?
He talked about Coby too, a young man who wanted to be a marine. (Why anybody wanted to a marine baffled Law honestly.) A young man who ended up in a most unfortunate scenario of being enslaved on a pirate ship. And how he helped Coby appear in the good lights of the marines, because no matter ones origins, they should always be able to follow their dreams.
...Law supposed he really couldn't argue with that logic.
Thankfully, Luffy was content without much input from his side and that all he wanted to do was babble off on what he had done in this last year.
(It only made Law wonder: just who was this young man before him? Luffy was… Luffy was a far contrast to who he was a decade ago…
That tearful, torn, thankful mess at his feet was far more familiar than this bubbly ball beaming up at him.
What had happened?
(And shouldn't he be torn or worried about Ace. And what about Sabo? Wouldn't this be a stark reminder of what happened all those years ago?)
Luffy was going on about his navigator now. Explaining about that clown that had carried him to his submarine.
Huh, so he knew the clown from back then? Well he supposed it explained why the clown knew that the hat was something important to Luffy.
Then he went on a tale about his shooter. Something along the lines of his village being attacked by pirates.
...Wait did Luffy say the Kuro pirates?
“...Didn't that guy get executed?”
Sure, he hadn't been in the East Blue when it happened, but Law always kept tabs on that sort of thing. Not to mention that it was a public execution and not just incarceration.
“Shishishi, that's what I said. Ace and I watched it actually.” He made a face. “I think to dissuade us from being pirates. But Ace left not that long after anyway.” He was laughing again.
Law shook his head. But then again, he supposed they didn't have much of a choice. It was only due to his agreement with his caretaker that he avoided public executions, otherwise he would have gone to numerous ones himself.
“The funniest thing though, was in Logue Town!” Luffy was laughing again. “I mean, after Sanji joined us and we saved Nami’s town, and after my dumb first bounty poster. Can you believe it? I kept telling all the marines I met my name but they decided to call me Strawhat on my poster!”
Law blinked, really, Luffy was so damn different… He supposed that, yes, there were hints of this personality back then but it was masked by grief and loss…
(He probably should have paid those brothers more attention back then.)
“But yeah! When we went to Logue Town, that's where I met Smokey!” And he was laughing again. “Maaaaan, he was pissed to see me. Apparently says it's his life mission to capture me. Of course he didn't tell me that until Alabasta!”
Law sighed. This was going to be a very long conversation…
“Why don't you tell me more about it later? You may be conscious, but you should get some rest. That's the best thing you can do right now Luffy-ya.”
Besides, he knew what Luffy had been up to since he reached the Grand Line.
“B-But Toraooo I haven't gotten to the best part yet! I didn't tell you how Gramps stormed in on us in Water 7 and told my entire crew that the reason why my wanted posters only had my nickname on it was because he was trying to drag me back into the Marines before I got too famous!”
...Oh, Law definitely knew how that would have went. And he doubted that Luffy told his crew that Garp had whisked his grandchildren to be raised by Marines…
(And said grandchildren escaped on their seventeenth birthdays to become pirates, of all things.)
“Well, you've just told me, now get to bed Luffy-ya.”
As Law shut the door, he sighed and shook his head. Who would've thought that that crying, sullen child had turned into this?
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petite-neko · 8 years
Boyhood Blues - 03
Fanfiction: Boyhood Blues Story Summary: Actions, and inactions, have their repercussions. It may not be immediate but somewhere down the line, the effect will be seen. Chapter Characters: Sabo, Luffy, Ivankov, Sakazuki, Ace, Jinbei Pairing: LawLu Rating: T Warnings: Swearing, Universe Alteration, canon-typical violence, angst, A/N: LOOK I AM PRODUCTIVE TODAY. Please note: Mondays/Tuesdays might not be a staple time for posting by the way. I’ll just be ensuring that it’s posted on a weekly basis!
.xxx. > Time/scene skip
.+++. > PoV change
Read on Ao3
Chapter 2 || Chapter 3: Bonds || Chapter 4
The introduction had been brief, for Iva had taken him aside before informing him of everything that had happened so far. Ace’s vivre card, the happenings in Impel Down and their escape. It hadn’t been long until there was a tearful farewell to the man who had opened the gates for them. (One Sabo truly did not understand, merely because he had not known him. But, he didn’t like seeing Luffy cry like that.)
And after it was all said and done, Sabo just sat down, trying to understand everything. Because, simply, he didn’t. Why he was here. What it had to do with these two brothers. And why the hell he hated seeing Luffy doing anything but smile and laugh.
At the very least, he knew he could trust his instincts. It was what had gotten him into this mess in the first place…
“You weren’t in the prison, right?”
Sabo glanced up at that to see Luffy sitting next to him. He wasn’t frowning, but at the same time he wasn’t exactly smiling either. It really unnerved him.
“No, I wasn’t.” Sabo itched to get away. He had enough on his mind right now and he didn’t need Luffy just pestering him and looking at him like that. Couldn’t he just smile already?
“Then how’d you get on this ship? Did the Marines capture you? Iva said you were a revolutionary…” Well, he supposed the innocent curious expression on Luffy’s face was better than that neutral one.
Sabo sighed and shook his head. “No. I snuck aboard this ship and stowed away. I was hoping to end up at Marineford.” And then you went and commandeered this ship, which annoyed the hell out of me. He didn’t add the last point however, as it was moot considering that was their destination at hand.
When Sabo glanced at Luffy, all of his nerves unwound themselves. There. That was much better, the way that Luffy was looking at him, eyes practically glowing.
“Yeah, from what Iva told me, for the same reason as you.”
Luffy made some strange sound of happiness. “Really? How do you know Ace? I mean, I hadn’t seen him in three years so I don’t know all of his friends and.. ”
…Goodness he was just going off on tangents, wasn’t he?
“I don’t know Ace.”
And that put a complete halt in Luffy’s spiel. “…Huh?” He looked confused again, but still happy, and that was good enough for him he supposed.
“Don’t ask me why, but for some reason I can’t let this happen. It…it makes me angry. It turns my stomach I just…” He shook his head. “Let’s leave it at that, shall we? I can’t exactly explain why I am the way I am.”
It was just… fact. Luffy just didn’t know him or who he was or his past and while he didn’t think Luffy would understand hopefully he wouldn’t pry.
“It’s just your instincts right? I understand that perfectly fine.” He was laughing now. “I don’t get why your instincts tell you to save Ace, but I’m happy they are.”
Luffy was currently telling him about Ace. Explaining what he looked like and his personality and his devil fruit and Sabo, well, he listened. He might as well learn just who this man was that he had decided to risk his life for.
“And, and then I met him in Alabasta! It was funny because he was waiting for me there but people forgot to tell me his message, but I met him anyway.” He laughed sheepishly. “That’s where he gave me this.” And Luffy pulled out a burning piece of paper from his hat. He made a sad expression before putting it back. “It was so nice to see him after three years. He invited me to his crew but of course I refused. The pirate king has to be the captain!”
There was more laughter, and yes, Sabo was more confident that this was how he liked to see Luffy. Smiling and laughing and just having fun. He’d question why later.
“And! Oh!” Now Luffy was grinning. “I showed him my prized possession.” Now, oh that grin had turned into this expression. It was just… so happy. “You see, my friend Vivi, she was secretly part of this organisation…” Then Luffy had a sour face, gesturing towards Crocodile. “And she had wanted posters and!” Luffy’s eyes lit up again as he returned to the topic at hand. “You see, there’s this really cool pirate and I have his wanted poster and Ace and I knew him as kids and I showed Ace!”
…This idiot was giddy. What the hell.
“And I met him a few days ago at the tree-islands and Torao has all these cool tattoos when he became a pirate! He’s got this cool beard too! And this really awesome-looking sword! And this bear and…”
…That wasn’t telling him anything Luffy. Nothing at all. And he wasn’t aware of any pirates named (or nicknamed) Torao either…. And Luffy was going on about just how cool this Torao character was…
He doubted they’d be getting back to the subject of Ace anytime soon…
More news came out about Luffy and Ace and Dragon however. How apparently Luffy and Ace were not brothers by blood, but by bond.
(It only made him remember that image of sake and the taste as it burned down his throat…)
What was it? And why?
Sabo sighed and just rested his head against a wall.
“Someving the matter, Sabo-boy?”
He opened his eyes to look up at Iva. “Headaches.” He explained, and truthfully, yes, he getting them in droves right now. Whenever that fog came in or certain things were said… And they just kept happening.
“Ah. Are vou vinking vhat I vink vou’re vinking Sabo-boy?” Iva said, gesturing towards Luffy.
…Now that Iva pointed it out, yeah, it was starting to make some sense…
“Vi vould suggest vou vait on vat Sabo-boy. Not vat Vi’m saying it’s not possible but…”
Sabo nodded. “He has enough on his mind right now.”
Iva nodded. “It’s highly possible, vou know. Vou both originated from East Blue after all.”
Not to mention, well… he doesn’t exactly remember it at all, and wouldn’t that be a slap in the face? No, let Luffy worry about Ace, and not some kid from his past whom he may or may not be.
This? It was war. Completely and utterly, and those damn Marines had the upper hand with Ace in sea-stone cuffs. And after hearing that this publicity was all over the fact of who Ace’s biological father was, well it only ignited that fury within him even more. In fact, it was almost blinding, that anger. He had to save Ace, he had to save Ace. He couldn’t let the Marines have him.
And he fought. Luffy fought. They all fought. Many fell, allies and foes alike.
(All of this, over a fucking bloodline!)
Here the Marines were, demonising these two brothers based on who their fathers were. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t righteous. Not one bit of it. And finally when they achieved hope, when Ace was freed and on the run…
Sakazuki descended, and he attacked. Not only with lava, but with words.
Sabo saw it coming. They all probably did. Except Ace. (Or if he did, he didn’t care.)
Ace refused to keep running, and Luffy was trying to convince him to continue. Begging him. Telling him that this wasn’t what Whitebeard wanted and Sakazuki was just goading him on and they needed to leave.
(The others were too preoccupied with the other admirals. He needed to get there, it wasn’t boding good. Not with Luffy’s condition, or Ace’s temper…)
And he saw it. Saw the way Sakazuki had aimed his molten fist towards Luffy. Saw the way that Ace had stepped in the way to protect his younger brother… Saw as red exploded everywhere. Fire. Lava. Blood. Saw the fist as it impaled Ace… Saw Luffy as he tilted back, screaming to the heavens...
He saw Ace die.
He saw Luffy break.
(No… no, his mind screamed. No!)
The shock shook him and brought him back to the present. And he watched… Watched as Sakazuki brought his fist back…
“NO!” Sabo screamed as he charged towards the admiral with a haki-infused claw. Anything. Anything. He needed to stop him from killing Ace…
And Sabo diverted Sakazuki’s attack.
He heard Ace’s scream of pain, and Luffy’s strangled cries of worry, but he had to ignore it for now. No. He needed to keep Sakazuki handled, he couldn’t let this… this monster harm these brothers anymore.
“Another revolutionary?” The man of magma spat at him. “How dare you…”
Sabo hardened his gaze on the admiral. “You will not harm these brothers!” He channelled all of his fury at this man. The man who hunted down Luffy and Ace. The man who tried – and almost succeeded – in killing them.
(He could hear sobbing and muttering behind him. In fact, he heard his name muttered, but whether or not they were referring to him or the other Sabo, he wasn’t too certain.)
He didn’t allow himself to be distracted, no. He used his Haki to disrupt the magma from seeping behind him. God dammit, couldn’t somebody just fucking grab them already?
(He heard the sound of a body hitting the ground and a heartbreaking scream ripple out into the air. What happened? Fuck. what happened?)
“I’ve got them now! Ace is still alive!”
(…That was Jinbei. Oh, thank god...)
Chaos, it was chaos everywhere, and in his relief, that damned Sakazuki broke away from him, and began to chase after the fishman carrying the two unconscious brothers away.
He was able to spare a glance at Ace finally, and the sight was not pretty. If he didn’t see a doctor soon… (And if he hadn’t diverted Sakazuki’s blast…)
Sabo narrowed his sights on the admiral once more… He couldn’t let that bastard win.
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petite-neko · 8 years
Boyhood Blues - 02
Fanfiction: Boyhood Blues Story Summary: Actions, and inactions, have their repercussions. It may not be immediate but somewhere down the line, the effect will be seen. Chapter Characters: Sabo, Luffy, Ivankov, Koala Pairing: LawLu Rating: T Warnings: Swearing, Universe Alteration, Angst A/N: Decided to post this for the birthday boy xD
.xxx. > Time/scene skip
.+++. > PoV change
Read on Ao3
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2: Instinct || Chapter 3
There were two children.
Who were they? Always, always, he would see them, and always he would feel this… this something.
(He knew them, but he didn’t know how or why or even what their names were. But he knew them. He knew these children – boys – but… How?)
(And never mind answering the question on just how he knew they were boys either…)
Who were they to him? Who was he to them? Were they friends? Rivals? Classmates? Or just a figment of his imagination?
Whoever they were… they were the key to his past. They were somebody he knew in his past. In that time he had still forgotten completely about.
(Still, it was a foreign entity to him – his past. The time before the accident.)
And those boys, they always called out to him. Calling his name, gesturing to him and smiling warmly at him. (Even if those smiles were shrouded in that mist.) They laughed. They ran. They invited…
Who were they?
“Sabo! Hey, Sabo!”
The boys faded away as Koala called out to him, holding today’s paper.
“The news coo came by!”
Who were those boys?
This wasn’t the first time, and Sabo wasn’t an idiot to think that this would be the last time either. No, and it wasn’t just those boys either. Sometimes he would just read the paper, sometimes it would just be somebody talking to him and he’d space out as that fog returned to the forefront of his mind. And there would just be those things he knew that he shouldn’t have known otherwise.
(How to fight was just one of those things.)
Just who knew who he had been as a kid…
Certainly there were those things that kept with him – instinctual things. Muscle memory. Habits… Certainly, his name was just presumed from being on his things, but… it fit.
(Perhaps those boys calling him by his name was just a subconscious overwriting of the memory as it were, considering he had become so accustomed to being called by that name but… hearing a foreign voice calling out his name? The voices seemed so… natural.)
Today’s paper huh?
Sabo turned to a rather impatient looking Koala and smiled sheepishly at her before he took it. And actually, he really didn’t need to flip the page because it was on the front page.
The fog was returning, but no, it wasn’t important right now…
Sabo didn’t know why, but he was furious.
His hands shook as it gripped the edges of the paper. He could hear the blood as it thrummed through his body. Why? Why was he so angry?
(This pirate, again. Again. He had already caused one suspicious element: his name. For some reason Sabo knew his name without even fully hearing it.)
Portgas D. Ace scheduled for execution.
Something deep down within him told him: No.
He couldn’t let the Marines get away with this. He couldn’t let them do what they were planning on doing. He couldn’t let them succeed.
That’s what his gut was telling him.
“Koala, how far away are we from a Marine base?”
He just… he needed to put a stop to this.
He promised Koala that he’d come back. That this was just something he had to do.
After snooping around at the base, Sabo found a very fortunate opportunity for him. From the article, he had highly suspected that the Marines were calling all of their forces to the headquarters. With that article, they were all but declaring war on the Whitebeard Pirates, and the Marines would need their entire force to fight them.
(Hence why he knew going to a base would bear fruit.)
And true to his suspicions, the Marines were going out. Now, they weren’t exactly going to Marineford, as he initially thought, but to Impel Down instead. Apparently they suspected that Whitebeard would attempt something at the location that Ace was imprisoned.
So the revolutionary stowed away on one of the ships. Certainly, he was just making this up as he went but…
He’d figure something out. He’d find a way to free Ace and put a stop to what the Marines were planning on doing.
(For some reason Portgas D. Ace couldn’t die.)
Just what he was going to do, well, that would just have to wait until the circumstance arose. He needed to get there after all, and this was the first step of many.
From the eavesdropping he had done, Sabo learned quite a few things. First and foremost: They were moving Ace ahead of schedule, and were likely to execute him prior to the posted time.
(Pitiful cowards, the lot of them.)
So, Sabo couldn’t go and kidnap Ace away from under their noses, or when he was being transferred, that was a certainty. (Not that that plan was a very intelligent one. He had no ship and there were probably more than a dozen ships out there.)
Ace wasn’t there anymore.
But there was more than just the suspicion of Whitebeard that caused them to move the schedule up. No, there was something else going on.
A lone pirate. A supernova, as they called him.
He had broken into Impel Down – the most secure prison in the world – and was currently leading the world’s most unprecedented jail break.
Sabo was most definitely not expecting that.
(Was that what he might have done if he succeeded in getting there on time?)
He didn’t think anybody else would be as stupid as him to take on the Marines alone.
So why? Why was he here and what was he doing?
(Never mind why he was doing this. He didn’t even know why himself – just that it was something he had to do in order to live with himself.)
So why was this pirate doing this?
Unfortunately, Sabo couldn’t get close enough to hear if the Marines had any idea themselves. Many of them were whispering but…
(Sabo had a suspicion that they knew – at least some of them anyway. But certainly it wasn’t something anybody thought of or made the connection until after the fact simply because there wasn’t any speculation prior.
And so, there was a change of plans. Considering that the situation in Impel Down was… unfavourable.
The ship he was on was designated to deal with the escapees if it resulted in that.
Sabo needed to be at Marineford, not stuck around to deal with some idiot and his band of prisoners!
Just who did this upstart think he was? Upsetting his plans like this…
Luffy. Mugiwara no Luffy.
…And there it was again, that strange fog. But something was wrong about it. Incomplete maybe? It was like it almost rang a bell, but not completely. He just… he couldn’t place it.
And so Sabo just mulled on that and tried to eavesdrop on the Marines’ conversations while he waited for the situation in Impel Down to either settle or explode. And explode it did. In fact, his ship was currently under attack by a fraction of the band of prisoners.
Lovely. Just lovely. Stop ruining my plans dammit!
Was he going to have to side with the Marines on this one?
(The thought disgusted him.)
Well, he might as well wait and observe until he received more information. That was something he was good at, and patience was a virtue, right?
And thankfully, he didn’t have to wait long. No, soon he started hearing arguments about who got to take Whitebeard’s head, and something about Ace and relief filled him.
This ship was bound for Marineford. Excellent. He didn’t have to attempt to stow away on another Marine ship, or fight the prisoners for control of this one.
He could just sit here, lay low and…
Sabo wasn’t about to fight back however. They all wanted to get to Marineford after all. So he held up his hands. “Listen, I’m not going to fight you guys. We all have the same destination at hand.”
“How about you tell that to Jinbei?”
Jinbei? Wasn’t that the fishman that…
“No, no Buggy!”
They began to bicker a bit, and soon Sabo began to recognise a third group of people…
Well… he wouldn’t say he recognised their faces but… the manner of which they dressed…
That’s right, wasn’t Iva imprisoned in Impel Down as well?
Sabo smirked. Just his lucky day. Of all the ships he ended up on…
“Oi!” He called out to the other group. “Iva’s here, right?”
This caught the attention of that group and they begun to murmur amongst themselves.
“Take me to Iva!” He implored. “I’m a friend!” Yes, Ivankov would most definitely recognise him.
And while it took a bit, thankfully the band of misfits had decided, yes, Ivankov was the person who should see him. Especially since he was asking for the Queen by name. They didn’t transport him however, no, Ivankov had come to meet him instead. (Not that he was resisting or making things difficult for the jail-breakers.)
“Ah! My Candies! It is okay, vou can let him go. He’s a friend!” Ivankov declared dramatically, and his restraints were released. “Sabo-boy just vhat are vou doing here?”
And Sabo sighed in relief, flexing out his arms after they were released.
“To be honest, I really have no idea, but… I just… I can’t sit by and let this happen. I can’t let the Marines go through with what they are planning. I… I just…”
It made him sick to his stomach. His body shake with this uncontrollable rage.
“Something inside of me is telling me that I need to stop this.”
“Does Dragon know vou’re here?”
Sabo shook his head. “Koala and I haven’t been to the base in over a month. We had been returning after our many missions when the paper came in…”
“Vell, vou certainly got on the vight ship ma boy! Ve’re off ta save Ace-boy! Vou see, his brother is here!”
Ace’s brother?
Sake. Sake. The clinking of cups. Laughter. It tasted bitter…
Apparently Ivankov was still talking when he had zoned out and just realised that the revolutionary’s mind was elsewhere. “Sabo-boy?”
And, just as quickly as the vision came, it vanished.
“I-I’m fine.” His head was hurting again. “It’s nothing.”
What was that?
However, thankfully Ivankov understood and just nodded. Things like that happened all the time and it just became second nature. Sabo would sometimes space out. That was completely normal.
(Should it be?)
“And vould vou believe it? Mugiwara-boy is Dragon’s son!”
Wait, wait what?
The implications of that send him reeling because if Luffy was Dragon’s son and Ace was his brother…
“So ve’re going ta help Mugiwara-boy in saving his brother!”
Sabo just nodded. More allies to his cause anyway.
Ivankov was insistent on introducing him to Dragon’s son. And on letting this young man who was three years his junior meet his new ally.
The boy he had been mad at earlier for messing up his plans.
Mugiwara no Luffy. The boy who had broke into Impel Down. Who broke out of it. And who was going to save Ace.
(When the boy turned, there was something off with the expression on his face, and why Sabo knew not, but it was lacking something. It was… well it was serious.)
“I heard you’re gunna help rescue Ace?” He asked, and that expression softened a little with a smile. (There, that looked better…) “You’re Iva’s nakama.”
And when Sabo looked at him, this? This was Dragon’s son? And yet… just what was it? (Again. It was happening again…)
“Vy apologies, Sabo-boy is sometimes like this. But yes, vis is Sabo-boy.”
And Luffy? He was tense now. There was a flinch, and that soft expression faded from his face, and hardened a bit.
(Why? Why did he dislike that?)
“…Sabo…?” His voice was quiet, sullen almost. And then he smiled sadly. “I knew a Sabo. He was… he was an amazing, wonderful guy…”
Was? What did Luffy mean by that? Did… did that Sabo die? Was that why Luffy looked so sad? Why he flinched?
“Shishishi…” Luffy forced a smile on his face and put his hat back on his head, hiding his expression for a moment. “I’m sure you’re just like that too Sabo, since you’re helping me rescue Ace. My Sabo would’ve helped too.” He was quiet for a few moments before holding out his hand. “Nice to meet you, I’m Monkey D. Luffy.”
Again. Again. There that haze was, blurring over his consciousness, and for some reason Sabo couldn’t stop his lips.
“The man who’s going to be the Pirate King.”
It was just like with Ace… when he first heard his name…
What was it? What was with these brothers?
“Oh, you already knew that?” Luffy was laughing again.
Sabo let himself nod, trying to concentrate through that haze. “Sabo,” He said, referring to himself, “it’s a pleasure to meet you Luffy.”
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