#ANYWAYS i always have of ideas - they are overflowing in my mind
tuituipupu · 2 months
i suddenly thought: does k realise his cultural impact with his one-off 'it grow' interview answer??
so culturally impactful 🫡💪
ykno he could make a brilliant of caption with 'it grow.' the possibilities are truly endless.
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starillusion13 · 11 months
Winning Dessert
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Pairing: boxer! San x f! reader x manager! Wooyoung
Genre: Strangers to lovers, Mature, SMUT
W.C: 6.3k +
Warnings: sexual themes,explicit SMUT, nipple play, oral (f receiving) , m x f x m, threesome, double penetration,unprotected sex(please don’t do irl),aftercare (please idk if anything more needed to add or not.)
Request from: @kitten4sannie
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Thanks for helping me out to come up with an idea with woosan fic @mymoodwriting
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @vvshere @yeoobin @anyamaris (I thought you may like it) @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames
Note: Thanks for joining the event and loving my works. I love interaction so please do tell me how you all like my works.
*under the cut*
Boxing Clubs? Are you really interested in them? No, not really. Your opinions don’t matter to your friend who is really jumping around like a fool in your bedroom for finally getting the tickets for herself and you to watch the tomorrow’s event of the Django Boxing Club. You have heard about the boxers in your town but never got the interest to dive deeper into the information about them. Your friend has mentioned her favourite’s name a lot in your conversations but you only pretended listening her.
“When are we going there?” You asked her in a bored tone contrast to her over-excited self. She stopped jumping and sits beside you, resting her palms on your shoulder and turning you to face her with excitement overflowing her eyes.
“Finally, I am going to their special show and even with you. I would probably faint there when seeing them that close but you will catch me okay! We will hang out to nearby café before and then we will go the event’s place. It will start at 9 o’clock.”
“No way! We will be out there late at night.” You didn’t expect to be a night event, you never been to any place at late night so you are a bit conscious right now.
“It’s okay Y/N. Many audiences will be there and it would be pretty much crowded to become somebody’s target for bad intentions.”
“I don’t know how to not worry but please we have to come back as soon as possible after the show ends.”
“Deal. Anyways I’m heading out for my home because I need to get a proper sleep today’s night even though I know I can’t sleep knowing I will be meeting Sa-“
Suddenly a ring interrupts her statement. The call was from her boyfriend asking her when will she get back home. She hurriedly makes her way out of your apartment waving you a quick farewell for the end of the day and you smiled in return to see her so excited for every little thing in her life. Maybe, you should also date someone then it would make yourself a little bit more interested in life.
Preparing yourself to the bed, you are still lost in thoughts about tomorrow’s event as to what can happen there. Not that you are expecting something worse but as you never been to such places and also late at night, you are a bit confused and overthinking.
Next day, early in the morning, your sleep got disturbed by a call from your friend to remind you about the events for the later in the day. You spent your Saturday morning as usual with treating yourself a nice healthy breakfast and cleaning stuffs all around your apartment.
Afternoon comes with the arrival of the exciting-self of your friend. Looking at her, you realized how she always dolls her up for every little occasion and being excited for her favorite stuffs. Where on the other end, you are always so bored with your usual plain life and dress up in casuals with no make up and all. Shaking your head to let this thought out of your mind, you picked up an outfit of a baggy pants and an oversized t-shirt.
“Are you wearing that?” your friend made a disgusted expression on your choice.
“Yes. Why? Is there something wrong with this?”
“Of course. Everything.” She moved you aside and starts to rummage through your closet and chose a light pink shirt with a white sketchy skirt. The skirt has a descent height to cover your thighs properly but to you the outfit is a bit too scandalous for the event.
“I’m not wearing that to a place where there will be lot of boys and men.”
“Its not like I’m asking you to wear revealing clothes to attract boys but atleast wear something girly please and perhaps this will look good on you maybe you will get a boyfriend for yourself there.”
Trying out the outfit, it reveals not that bad to wear to such events and eventually you agreed on it with her. You leave your wavy mid-length hair open and put some lip tint to go with the casual look.
Feeling of refreshment hits your body while walking along the side of the streets with your bestfriend. Maybe you should go out often to such exciting events or you will die of boredom in your room someday.
You spent your evening quite nicely with your friend in the café and later hanging out in the nearby mall. It was a thirty minutes way to the club from the mall so you left at 8:00 pm. Due to traffic, you both reached the place at 8:45 and on arriving, you could see how these events actually look like. The place is not bright enough to read the posters in the alley to know the information written on them. The club is situated at the end of the alley and while making your way towards it, you can feel people spread in the alley are eyeing you both up and down which making you a bit uncomfortable but your friend reassures you repeatedly not to mind them because they always look at others in that way. Reaching near the club, you could feel a lot more girls are there which made your anxious self a bit calm. The girls were either in groups of two or many but all were immersed in some exciting topics and with posters in their hands.
“Take this. This is a cheering board. I have only two hands so I can’t hold this and I will be holding these two photo sticks.” She shows her two sticks with one having a picture of an attractive male and other one with a name written on it, ‘Choi San’.
“Is this your favorite boxer?” Taking the cheering board from her hand on which is written,
‘I am cheering for you so do your best Choi San.’
You chuckled on her hardworks on making all these for the event. To your question, she nods her head aggressively with a big smile on her face. You both look towards the entrance finding out that the people have start entering the club because it’s already the time for the start of the event. Not realizing what to do, your friend dragged you hastily inside to get a better place for the best view to the show. Fortunate enough, you both got the front row from where you can see the ring of the wrestling show from an eight feet distance and the bright lights above it is making the surrounding view of the ring clear as well.
“Y/N! I swear if you don’t fall in love with the wrestling shows today. Just have a look on San’s match.”
Nodding your head reluctantly, your gaze focused on the various displayed posters around the ring of San. In every picture, his intimidating sharp eyes with a slick jaw is making you attracted towards him. His black hair complimenting his look even more and now you are hoping to see this individual in person soon. You look to your side to find your friend busy texting her boyfriend and so you start to look around to get in the surroundings more.
The place is only brightly lit in the center where the stage ring is situated so that every audience can have the clear view of the show. To the end of the ring on your right, a table where two judges were sitting and discussing something between them. Behind them, a man was standing who caught you staring there and then he smirked at you while checking you out all over. You shifted in your place and he shook his head and turned back to enter a door. Creep!
To your back, some were either sitting or standing but everyone has an excitement in them with energetic self for the show. You were looking at each person to recognize whether you know anyone or not when suddenly an announcement brought back your attention towards the center.
“Hello, everyone. Welcome to Django Club’s Night Show. This is the most anticipated show for you all and us as we know our boxer Choi San of our district will be competing against the State’s most renowned boxer Johnny. Let’s begin the show and cheer for them.” Everyone cheered on the end of the announcement and not to think otherwise but suddenly you were also excited for the show.
The cheering went wild when San entered the ring, one hand holds the middle ring rope tightly to make a swift entry from beneath it. His other hand is adjusting his white sando on his sweaty body. His muscles are well reflected for the sweats under the bright lights, looking like a fresh exotic meal served in a 5-star restaurant. Oh gosh! What the hell are you imagining now.
The stage is made of wood plank so his sudden steps made a thud sound and your friend is grinning for the excitement to see him so near. There are four steal beams in the corners of the ring stage covered with foam padding and a canvas mat is covering the wooden plank with a fabric skirt on the elevated sides to cover and prevent the spectators from seeing underneath. He made his way towards the bean on your left to lean his back on it when his opponent entered the ring from the other side in a similar way and the cheering from his end was also quite loud. The man whom you saw before behind the judges appeared again but he is having some deep conversation with San. He is whispering into San’s ears and you were squinting your eyes to know what is going on.
Oh girl! The moment that mysterious man turned around and all he found out is you being interested in his private life. He smiled at you and you got startled on this sudden interaction. He tapped on San’s shoulder and again whispered something but now they both looked at your direction and both of them having dirty smirks on their face, while San is smirking with a dark expression and the other one with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Your wide eyes quickly look over your friend, who turned towards you the same moment.
“Have you seen them looking in our way?”
“Yeah, I have but who is that man standing behind him?”
“That’s his manager, Jung Wooyoung like I have heard they are best friends more like brothers but whatever decision one has to make, they always consult with each other before hand. The manager is quite popular among girls because of his flirty nature but as far as I have heard that they both are single so you can have a chance.”
“Shut up! What the hell are you even talking about? Me and them? Never is this happening in this lifetime.” You hit her arm and both focused on the match which has started with San punching Johnny directly to the jaw and making the man stumbled to the floor. Everyone cheered on the act and your friend literally stood up and started jumping. She made you hold up the board a bit higher and then she is waving her sticks to cheer. The match was going quite well for San’s end because he was on the winning edge and now it’s the time for the last round. San is leaning to the beam same as before and Wooyoung came up to him with a bottle to give him some drink. They were talking between themselves when suddenly they abruptly turned their heads towards you. You thought at first that they were looking at someone else but you could see his lips were moving as if he is reading out something.
“Y/N he is reading the cheering board you are holding and see everyone is staring at us.”
Okay! So, all this time, you thought they were having those little interactions with you but it was only them looking at the audience cheering boards and posters. Maybe you are really overthinking. But why are you feeling a bit disappointed on knowing this!
The last round started with a loud whistle followed by the cheering sounds from the dimly lit place from every corner of the club. At this point, the atmosphere is little bit a mixture of smoke and alcohols and even you can hear people betting money on the contestants in a small corner of the club. Suddenly, San made an eye contact with you and you were doing your best to not think it that way and can see his opponent approaching him when he suddenly got a hit on his face and falls to the ground. He closed his eyes on the impact and resting his body on the knees and on two palms to take deep breathes. Panic starts rising your mind as if you are feeling guilty of the cause. You were looking all around to see whether any eyes are accusing you or not but all you could find is eyes focused on the stage and a wave of disappointment washed over the audience.
“What the hell! Where was he looking at?” You look over your shocked face.
“Maybe something distracted him.”
“But what?”
Me? Oh no! it can’t be even possible. This is your first time coming to this sort of shows and probably they have seen lot more beautiful girls in their life. Your eyes travelled back to the stage where san is now wiping the drop of blood from the corner of his mouth and also you can see a cut on his forehead which might be causing pain to him. You failed to notice all this time after the hit, Wooyoung’s gaze was all focused on you and following your every action. San glance at your direction and punched his opponent in such a way that the man couldn’t hit back and didn’t have anymore energy left. San’s white sando is fully drenched with sweat and his squinted sharp eyes are focused on the man before him when he pressed his elbows one on the neck and the other on the lower back to restrain him from getting up and with the time up, San is declared to be the champion of the show.
The digital board above the ring displays
‘ Choi San The Winner 🏆’
You smiled on the result and as expected your friend is shouting his name on top of her lungs. You calmed her down and looked to your phone to see it’s almost 11 at night and urged your friend to head home. San is staring at you while receiving the prize and you hesitated to look that way. You friend is still not willing to go back home but people emptying the place indicates you should head back soon before any worst thing happens.
When you both were about to walk out of the exist, a voice made you stop.
“Hey you girls!” a high-pitched voice calling out in your direction so on turning your head, you found out the manager is on the stairs beside the front row and looking in your way. Your friend smiled towards the man and he winked at her. He comes near to your presence.
“Hello girls! Myself Wooyoung, you can call me Woo in short. I have something to ask and that’s why I made out some time to speak with you.” All this time he is speaking, his gaze was focused on you.
Your friend happily introduced herself and you as well in which he extends his hand for a shake and before you can give in your hand, your friend shakes his hand aggressively. You and him chuckled on her excitement but he suddenly spoke up.
“Well! Can you stay a bit longer? I have something to ask.” You and your friend looked at each other in confusion as to what this man has to talk about.
“No. Only you.” He is directly staring in your eyes.
“We can’t stay here further because its too late for us to stay outside and even in this place.”
“Hey Wooyoung!” A familiar voice calls out from behind you all and you all turned towards it to find out your friend’s boyfriend Yeosang is standing at the doorway. Your friend run towards him and hugged him tightly and then they both quickly exchanged greeting kisses. They walked to where you and Wooyoung is standing.
“Yeosang? Do you know them and is she your girlfriend?”
“Ah yes! I never introduced her to you because I knew how crazy fan she is of San. She would probably leave me for him.”  They both laughed and your friend hit him and yeosang turns towards you to give you a smile. “And she is her bestfriend. Her name is Y/N.”
“Oh cool! I was going to ask her to come help me with something and now when we all know each other then it would be much easy.”
“Help?” You watched how Yeosang and Wooyoung exchanged glances as if they were silently communicating between them. Wooyoung’s expression become dark and Yeosang laughed lightly, “Well we are leaving as am taking her to my house for tonight and I suppose you can help him. Trust me you are safe with him because he is my bestfriend and also knows how to fight well.”
“Y/N I trust yeosang so if he is assuring you on this matter then please trust him for me.”
Your thoughts are debating on whether to trust them or not but deep down you want to escape the boredom of your life and experience something thrilling so you accepted the offer. Your friend and her boyfriend took a leave and you know well what is their plan for the night so you just chuckled and turn towards Wooyoung with raised eyebrows to know why you are here exactly.
His gaze is on your legs and you just brushed your skirt to show your uneasiness for his act. He quickly looked up and grinned, “You are really pretty but you should not have worn this dress which is apparently looking too good on you and getting the attention it needs.”
“Thanks but I don’t usually go out and that’s why I thought to wear this maybe don’t know when again I would get the chance to wear it again.”
“Never.” Wooyoung whispered but when he saw your confused look, he quickly spills out the reasons to keep you here.
“Well Y/N, you did notice how San got the punch there and do you know why did that happen?”
You shook your head when suddenly he came forward and slide his hand around your neck to pull you closer, “Umm Wooyoung….”
“Why did it happen?”
“Because of you. Your pretty face was distracting my boy and it leads to him getting a punch.”
“Me? But I-“
“You are not sorry for that?” you shyly look down but his other hand grips your chin to face him.
“Are you not sorry for that?” You nodded and he smiled when his gaze moves down from your eyes to your pink lips.
“You need to repay for that you know so come with me to our van and clean up his wound. I hope you won’t deny this.”
“I am sorry but I need to go home.”
“I will take you back home only when you help my boy to clean his wound and pain.”
Your eyes taking in his look, he has a sharp facial feature with veiny neck which is revealed due to his black and white Versace-Greca printed shirt which has three buttons open from the top revealing his chest teasingly with a black baggy pant. You quietly agreed with him and he took you to the backside of the club to a darker alley where on one side a van was parked. Every step nearing the van is making your heart beat faster and also being so close with wooyoung is not helping the situation.
Coming to the side of the van, he moved away from you and entered the front passenger seat. You are following his movements to contemplate the situation accordingly. You can only see him turning back inside and removing a curtain separating the back portion of the van which is almost like a travelling mini room with a quite enough space for two persons to sleep and also rest of the space to hang clothes and keeping all necessary place. These were not visible properly so out of curiosity you were leaning a bit forward to see what was inside and suddenly you meet San’s eyes, he smirks.
Wooyoung came out and holds your hand to take you to the back of the van. He opened the door and signalled by his head to you to enter it. The yellow hue light coming from inside the van is the only bright light in that alley right now and then when you looked inside, you can see everything clearly what you were imagining from outside and out of all things, the most eye catchy to you now is that San is sitting leaning his back to the driver’s seat staring at you.
“Hi sweetheart.” The way he said the nickname to you is so seductive and the deep voice is making the nickname a sweet venom from his mouth.
“Ummm Hi….” You entered the van and quickly sit on the seat which is taking the half side of the van to whose other San is sitting. The seat is in a somewhat shape of a sofa which can fit almost two people to sleep. Next in the way, Wooyoung entered the van and shut the door.
“Help me.” He is not asking you, this way he is totally commanding you so you quickly asked them for the necessary medicines and cotton and water and lastly the bandages. His black loose leathery pants are matching with the way his sweaty muscles and neck are shining under the yellow light seems like a smooth buttery material is wrapped around his skin.
Wooyoung provide you with all the things you asked for and you scooted near san to start clean his wounds but his hands pull you close and made you sit on his lap while his one leg is folded to make you sit on it and the other one is spread in front and near the feet, Wooyoung is sitting eyes bored in his phone.
“You need to come closer to take a proper look at the wound.” You want to scream for this close proximity but keeping your mouth and mind shut, you just nodded on his words.
You are so immersed in cleaning his wound, you didn’t notice a small smile on his lips and the way his hands moving upward to caress your back. The sudden touch made you shift in your place and when you look at his eyes, they are still closed. You brushed off the feeling and continue doing your work when his one hand grabs your neck tightly but not much to make you uncomfortable and the other hand holds your hand which was resting on his shoulder. You stopped what you were doing.
“Did I tell you to stop?”
“I a-am  do-doing it.” You know he is up with something but a tingling sensation inside you is making you excited and let him to do whatever he wants.
“What happened? Is there something making you uncomfortable?”
“Then continue.” You resume your actions but this time his hand holding your other wrist leaves it and put it on your knees and sliding them upward in the way folding your skirt slowly revealing your thighs and the grip on your neck tightens. This cause you to scratch the wound a bit.
“Ah!” your and wooyoung’s worried eyes looked his way. Wooyoung asked him when taking his and yours position precisely, “What hurt you again?”
“Nothing Woo, just someone is being a bad girl here.”
“I’m sorry but……” But? What will you say? That your damn hand is distracting me and now you have to repay me for distracting me from my one-night healer job? You remained quiet.
“But?” Woo asked you from behind so you turned your head to see him smirking.
“I think she is not willing to help me with this so maybe she can help me with something else.”
“Huh?” You didn’t get what San is referring to when he suddenly make you sit facing Woo and leaning your back to his chest. You tried to sit up but he grabs your throat lightly and pressed your torso down.
“Woo why don’t we celebrate the night in our own way?”
“I’m liking the celebration already.”
San whispered in your ears, “You are going to help me in this celebration or you are not getting home tonight. I know your body is also aching with the excitement for this.”
Wooyoung scoots near to your figure and he unbuttons your shirt revealing you in a white bra underneath it. His hungry eyes scans all over the exposed part and in action your hands moved to hide them but got held back by San.
“No need to hide this prettiness from us.” Your eyes following how wooyoung shifted your skirt a bit upward to reveal the dark wet patch on your panty.
“San she is already so wet for us.”
“Mhm….She is equally excited for us to devour her as she is our main dessert for the celebration for my win.” His hands slide down your shirt from the shoulders to prepper your neck and shoulder with wet kisses and biting on some places. You whimpered when he bit you near the ear and then he got to know that is your sweet spot so he repeatedly bit you in that region. Meanwhile, Wooyoung slide down your panties slowly and removing your shoes in the way. He placed himself between your legs and him sitting on his knees holding your knees apart to view your folds.
“San I want to taste her first. I want to taste whether the dessert is as delicious I have expected or more than that.” San chuckled on Woo’s dedication and paused on his way of devouring you. He grabs your chin and made you look at him, “Woo please eat her out and I want to see how long she can keep her little mouth shut from us.” Then San kissed you, a dominating kiss and when he said you are their dessert, he really meant it because the way he is sucking your lips and then he bit you to open your mouth and obediently your mouth opened to which his tongue exploring the inner mouth all over. Wooyoung’s tight grip on your inner thigh and his hot breath fanning over your folds made you alert of his presence between your legs and your exposed parts.
“Mhmmmm” this is what you could manage to say between the kiss when your aching heat comes in contact with wooyoung’s hot breathe.
Suddenly, Woo takes a long strip from the lower regio to the upper fold and this made your body arche but held back in place by San. San detach his lips from you to look at Woo and you also followed his gaze to see him looking upward with lust in eyes and your leaking arousal on his lips.
“She really tastes like the most delicious dessert than I ever had.”
“She tasted exactly the same up here as well.” San replied to agree with Woo.
San pushed your head on his shoulder when his one hand grabs your throat and the other one on your thigh. His mouth attached with the side of your throat to suck on them. Woo is sucking your folds as if that is his favorite dessert he got after years and this is the last time he has his hands onto. The overwhelming sensation is causing to building up a knot in your stomach and you close your eyes tightly to keep yourself enough with the feel of taking you to the edge.
“San….Woo….”You breathily moaned and then San spoke up. You gripped Woo’s hair tightly making him grunt in pain and pushing his face more inward while the other hand is gripping SAN’s thigh, almost your nails digging in.
“You are not going to cum unless we are satisfied enough to let it loose.”
You shook your head as it was already too much for you to control and now his commanding voice is making it impossible to hold it in. To your disapproval san’s hand travelled down to your clit and starts rubbing circle adding to the already stimulated region.
“SAN!......please no….please….I want to….”
“Should we stop?” Your ears are taking in the wet sounds of woo sucking your folds and San’s wet kisses on your throat but his words warned you.
“Then take what we are giving or else we are leaving you here.” You are totally whimpering under the touches and sucking of two males. Woo’s grip on your thigh is making a read handprint and while san’s other hand is messaging your covered tits and one is rubbing circles. Woo’s tongue entered your wet folds and San inserted one finger into the hole making a sloppy sound. Thrusting of tongue and finger is too much for you and keeping you on edge for so long is making you overstimulated with the sensation.
“Cum.” San’s whisper sends an electric wave to your body and you let it loose.
“Woo!…..I- I-…. San.” You are heavily breathing and you didn’t notice that San has removed your cloth covering your tits and woo removed the skirt from your waist. Woo tiredly comes up to take one of your breasts into his mouth and messaging the other one.
San again welcomed you to a more rough and needy kiss this time. During the kiss, San removed his sando and woo got up to free himself from every clothing from his body. You look towards Woo and then you see how well built his body is. Probably he also goes to practices with San. Woo smirked when he caught you staring at him.
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
“Do you need one?” Why is this man suddenly interested in my private life? I mean I know I am having nothing to hide here at this point but still.
“ I don’t know.”
“ But we know.” San suddenly interjects between you and Wooyoung.
“You don’t need boyfriend anymore when you got us.”
“Oh Y/N, our sweet dessert. The moment we saw you in that cute pink outfit, we were determined to make you our only dessert.” Woo made his way near both of you.
“Moreover you are my fan.” San spoke from behind when Woo took you from him to hold in his embrace and facing you both towards San. Your eyes following him how he throws away his pants and quickly get off his boxers revealing his hard length to you.
“I’m not your fan. I just came here to accompany my friend and that’s how you saw me holding that sign board.”
“That’s pity that you are not a fan of my boy but you are still my girl.”
“I’m not your girl.” San quickly made his way in front of you holding you tightly to enter your entrance. His length teasing you and Woo’s hard length poking in your lower back from behind making you anxious to feel them inside you.
“Look at me.” Your eyes quickly look up to meet San’s eyes.
“Have you done this before?”
“We will keep that in mind but we won’t go easy on you .”
“We both will enter you the same time and maybe then we will take turns if you can keep up.”
“ I don’t think-“ San entered you and his big length makes your eyes teary and san kissed away your tears and cooed you.
“Its okay sweetheart. I know you can take us. Trust us and everything will be fine."
You nodded your head on his words and he entered your entrance with ease again and his length widens your holes which cause your eyes to water even more. Your hands move upward to touch his abs and to feel him more close than already he is.
His thrusts are sloppy and he is caressing your back and cooing in your ears to make you calm. He kissed away your teary eyes to make you feel the little comfort in that state. Woo entered you from behind and the pain for taking another length makes you to cry out.
“It’s okay sweetheart. Take it. You can do it well.”
Woo added, “ I know you can do take me too.”
You made your concentration focused on the two lengths inside of you to make you at ease. You didn’t have sex with anyone before but you have taken off this sexual frustration off from you on your own. Relationship is a big deal for you as you overthink about every little thing in your life but tonight you let all of your thoughts to be aside and just go with the flow.
Their thrusts are sloppy and in sync with each other. They are praising you with their nicknames of their own, San is calling you his sweetheart and woo as his girl but the common name they have given you is ‘Dessert’. Why not because tonight you are their desert for the celebration for his win.
You can feel a familiar knot is building up inside of you and their thrusts are increasing in pace. SAN’s thrusts are more aggressive and faster in pace while Woo’s thrusts are rhythmical and a bit gentle.
“You are so tight…agh…” woo growled and sucked on your neck.
“You feel so good wrapped around me. You are doing so well for us.” San praised you and pulled your hairs backward to rest your head on woo’s shoulder and then he leans forward to kiss your chest and gliding his mouth to one of your breast and sucking them hard and messaging the other in process. Woo’s one hand gripping your hip similarly like San to maintain his pace and the other one playing with the nipple of the one San is messaging. They repeated the same action with the other one in the same way.
You are a whimpering mess now and under all these touches with two males thrusting inside of you making you talk rubbish. Your are choking on your words because of the pain and also the pleasure you are feeling making your vision go white. Their pace increase and you are about to let it burst and you can feel by their words that they are also at their edge.
“SAN I’m about to cum. Woo please let me cum. Please San”
“Yes sweetheart. I know , just wait a bit more.”
“My girl. I will cum soon.” Woo thrusted deeply and after three thrusts he came. He rested his head on your shoulders and breathing heavily. SAN’s thrusts increase again and the sloppy sound in your entrance making you to let it go by any instant. Woo hold one of the breast and the other hand rubbing circle on your clit when he suddenly puts his lips on you.
“Woo….please…this is too much.”
You both cum together but he didn’t take it out of you rather sloppily thrusting inside you. The exhausted self of yours is very sensitive to this overstimulation but they didn’t stop their action until you all ride out your high.
“ my girl is the best and did so well.” Woo leaned to his back and let you rest against his body. San pulled himself out of you and pulls a cloth from nearby hanger and wiped your face. He threw that cloth away and take you on his lap and embraced your body as if protecting you from the whole universe.
“Sweetheart you did so well for me and for us. Thank you.”
“Hmmm…” San is rocking you on his lap. Woo sit beside him and caress his hand all over your body to make you feel at ease.
“My girl is so sleepy.” Woo caress your head lightly.
“SAN I need to go home.”
Woo asked you, “ Do you think you can walk?”
“It’s okay sweetheart. You sleep and we will drive you home later.”
“You don’t know my address.” Your eyes are hooded and can’t think of anything as your brain is still foggy brain.
“It’s okay I don’t need it when we can take you to our house as it’s also yours from today.”
Woo added, “ if we need your address then we can ask it from Yeosang.”
You nodded and clinged to San and your other hand hold woo closer to your body. San kissed you on your forehead and woo kissed you on the shoulder and pulls a cover over to cover three of you.
“Sleep my girl. We have so much to talk about tomorrow.”
“Sweetheart don’t worry about anything as you are now with us. We have to take care of you, our dessert who has melted with all the exhaustion and we are not letting you go now. Sleep.”
Maybe this is something you really needed in life. A life with these two about whom you didn’t know anything few hours ago but now they are the ones comforting you in their embrace and protecting you from the whole universe. Your life possibly can be better with them and maybe something more interesting the future holds for three of you.
You fell into slumber and them holding you close tightly in their embrace away from the whole world.
In the silence of the night, there is a sweet dessert kept warm. The happiness can only be ended on a good note with a dessert.
This is my first time writing SMUT so please do tell me whether I should write further any smut fics or not.🥹
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hazelfoureyes · 2 months
Sending in anon because I'm a coward... 😩
I'm a new reader, and I just have to say-- your "a doe in fall" series is just... AMAZING!!
I could go on, and on and on about how much I love it. But what gets me the most is always Alastor's dialogue, because as someone who is also on the aro/ace spectrum, I just get it so much. Especially the subtle hoping that reader can like... Read his mind about how he feels for her, and the weird sort of stockholm syndrome we sometimes develop with ourselves after being alone with only our own company for so long, and it really is, lol, like you just get so used to being alone for so long because you know the idea people have of you, you can't truly live up to, so you don't want to "disappoint" them that you actually aren't like they are, so you just sorta... Keep them occupied at arms length-- Therefore you're forced to adapt to your company being the only love you have for a long time. it's like an obligation.
And when or if the special somebody who understands you comes along, you realize... "Wow, I've been living like this for so long, is this what it feels like to be loved and appreciated, in spite of my oddities, or maybe even in favor of them? Strange..."
Emphasis on the "strange" part because, when you're so deeply entrenched in your own soul, sharing your space for another almost feels more like learning how to swim rather than an instant "click", sparks, fireworks and whatnot. The excitement of the magical "other" has been long since drowned and snuffed out of you.
So, when this somebody who is similar to you, or just simply understands, doesn't try to change you or ignore you, but instead envelopes you and adores you, the appreciation is deep and overflowing. But there's a part of you always pinching your heart, a sort of awareness of something that isn't the case, wondering "Is this a dream? what if it is and I'll wake up and this is not at all what I was thinking?".
Haha... ANYWAY, sorry for the slightly morose and LONG read 😂 But I always think of how similar I am to how you write alastor and it's scary in a way, but comforting (especially since he's my first and biggest fictional crush) except in this case my profession would actually be burlesque. Especially since I work in the exotic dance world. It's fascinating being aro/ace in the SW world, I could go on forever- But yeah, I absolutely love your writing!! Makes me feel less alone in this world. Annnd surprisingly I always feel so sensual after reading, I love love love it!! Reading before work always gets me in the mood to dance and pretend I'm Y/N, lol!!
Much blessings ❤️❤️
*cracks knuckles* listen here babycakes, I eat this shit UP. Exploring Human Ace Alastor is my BREAD AND BUTTER. I go into ESSAYS in the AO3 comments in this 😂
you really understand, which makes me so happy and is confirmation I’m conveying him the way I want to.
Now I’m gonna ramble and echo you basically 😂
I really think Alastor (atleast in this story) feels that excitement and strangeness of how open he can be around Autumn (since she doesn’t have a proper name cuz she’s reader 😂). He’s a fish out of water despite the fact he’s actually being his most authentic self. Like you said, it’s new to him just to be … Alastor. To be honest and upfront. His normal operating mode has been so restricted for so long he’s struggling with how to be himself. And then that fear—- well what if I’m too much? What if I ruin this, when I finally have something worth keeping? He’s never gotten this far and the fear of losing that comfort is terrifying but so is the actual comfort itself. It’s new and foreign.
A deep uneasiness that’s if he fully embraces this he’s gonna just fuck it up and it’ll be his fault this time. Not a misunderstanding or misalignment of needs but a confirmation he wasn’t good enough anyway.
“it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all” he would say that’s bullshit
and because of the situations he’s been in before, he’s never gotten to actually explore physical intimacy in a “safe” environment. He was always going into interactions because he had to if he wanted to keep people around. It was a necessity, not something he actually sincerely wanted to participate. So he tried to keep them happy with other means of affection and intimacy to maintain some safe distance but eventually, always, things would fall apart. At a distance or up close.
that’s why that most recent part was called Learning. Alastor is trying new things to learn more about what he’s okay with or doesn’t care for even offering in the future. Autumn is learning (that night, tho she doesn’t understand it yet) that he’s still figuring out how to meet her halfway (even tho she’s not even asking for that) when he’s used to being forced to meet people where they are. And Detective Brady, of course, is learning he may have found motive for Tommy’s disappearance.
I’m really glad you’re enjoying his portrayal and that you’re resonating with parts of him! That makes my soul hum! 💖 your line of work mixed with your Aro/Ace-ness sounds like such an interesting conversation if we’re honest! That’s a small aspect I love about Autumn. She’s in this field that’s (wrongly) considered to be hyper sexual and full of air headed wanton whores, but she’s the first person to be like “oh! You aren't into this stuff. Let me adjust my expectations. I’ll ask for clear verbal consent, not initiate, and I’m totally okay with never fucking again if it’s for your love and company.”
I work in the SW industry in a sense (Personal Assistant) and one of my biggest pet peeves is all of the shit people project on SWers.
sorry for the essay I could talk about this for ETERNITY
omg and THANK YOU! 🥺💖💖💖💖
A Doe in Fall (Human Alastor x Burlesquer Fem Reader)
Part 1 - Pretty in Red smut💦 Part 2 - Liar smut💦 Part 3 - A Tragedy smut💦 Part 4 - Enough Part 5 - Too Much Part 6 - Learning smut💦
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thesporkidentity · 10 months
what i love about today's and yesterday's entries is that, up until now, we've mostly seen just the worst (the absolute worst, dear god, man) of seward, both as a doctor and a man, and now we're just starting to see, in contrast to that, some of the best of him.
he can't figure out what's wrong with lucy and thinks it might be something mental, but instead of making up his mind that he knows best what's happening and imposing that over all subsequent interactions like he did with renfield, he acknowledges he that really he has no idea and calls for help rather than insist he has full mastery over the situation (certainly puts him ahead of my doc when my chronic illnesses cropped up...). where he treats renfield as a puzzle to be solved rather than a person, he treats lucy with warmth and compassion.
and then comes van helsing. up until now all we've seen of jack outside of his depression diary and patient notes has been The World's Most Uncomfortable Proposal, which all paint him as a very stiff, cold man. and now suddenly van helsing is here, and he speaks so effusively of jack (and jack of him) that he sounds like a man we've never met. his quick thinking saved van helsing's life? hand? arm? from gangrene. (from this this and later entries, it starts to seem jack might actually be as good of a regular doctor and surgeon as he is a terrible psychiatrist) then van helsing almost immediately roasts him in front of lucy, and rather than getting offended at the disrespect (as he did when renfield refused to acknowledge him as an eagle and not a sparrow) he just takes it and rolls with it to make lucy more comfortable talking with van helsing.
(actually, not to get too into spoilers but, literally everything we learn about jack from van helsing in later entries feels like a complete revelation on his character just. my god, what was their life like together in amsterdam i have so many questions???)
and on top of all that just, the entire tone of his writing has changed. it's basically overflowing with warmth and affection for all these people. his care for lucy (sweet, as she always is), his heartfelt sympathy of arthur's difficult situation, his endless admiration of the professor, and just the very obvious love he has for them all pouring off the page contrasts so starkly with the cold and clinical "professional" tone of his previous entries. (and kudos to jonny sims and re: dracula for really capturing that contrast)
it just feels like up to now we've been looking at a flat picture of his character only to realize that there's an entire dimension we hadn't even realized was there. and it makes him so much more interesting as one of the grayest characters, morally, in the novel. which part is more "true" or are they both true? and how do we (and he) even begin to reconcile those so different sides of him? and how is dracula's proximity going to affect which of these sides he leans into now?
anyway, i just love morally complex characters, and it's just really interesting to me that stoker chose to do this by starting off with his "oh...yikes" moments before showing us any of his redeeming qualities rather than the other way around, when it's so much harder to change a bad first impression than a good one.
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
If you're taking requests is like to requests the riddlers with jealousy scenarios! Thank you
A/N: as much as I don’t like ACTUAL jealousy and try to refrain from jealous tendencies I find in myself…jealousy scenarios are kinda fun to write for rip…is that bad? I feel like that’s bad lmao. Sorry that if some if not most of these tend to repeat the same scenarios (co-worker, waiter, colleague, they’re just such good set-ups asdfgh)
Jealousy Scenarios with The Riddlers:
Arkhamverse Riddler:
Edward was absolutely furious. Why would you ever even begin to comprehend such a thing? Surely, you had to be smarter than this. You knew better than this? From all your time privileged in his presence…
“You would rather be a trembling brain-dead guinea pig than being a productive and useful assistant in a very intellectually stimulating environment mind you!”
“Ed. I just said Jonathan stopped by asking for you…”
“But you let him into my work space!” 
“Upstairs is the living area, not your work space here in the basement or your tracks in the sewers. And his leg was giving him issues, so I let him rest.” 
“Oh please! Our dear, ex-professor has many issues, but that leg isn’t one of them. He moves better with it than when he was in perfect health!” 
“If you’re jealous of another man being alone with me can just say that you’re not comfortable.” 
Edward groaned in frustration. “I’m not jealous of that walking tarp of burlap!” 
You shrugged, but patted Ed’s shoulder and kissed his cheek. “Sure, sweetie.”
Reevesverse/Dano Riddler:
“Wow, he is something, isn’t he?” You remarked at the TV. 
As much as he admired the vigilante another part of him couldn’t stand him.
Ed really should have seen this coming. How could you not be absolutely smitten? He was everything he wish he had an iota of. 
Batman is intelligent, strong, fast, and assertive…
Meanwhile, Edward Nashton is just dull, awkward, quiet, and weird…what the hell did you see in him anyway? 
“Eddie? Everything okay?” 
Your sweet voice knocked him out of his reverie. He was back on the couch with you, watching the news of the Batman’s latest escapades. 
“Oh…uh…y-yeah I’m fine..” 
You quirked your eyebrow, not sure if you were going to accept that answer. 
“He is incredible…” Ed commented as he turned his attention back to the screen of Batman narrowly escaping a gang of thugs in a high speed chase on the highway.
Oh, that’s what it was. For all the admiration one can have for another, there’s still that habit of comparison mentor to mentee. 
“Yeah, he’s all right. But I bet he’s an absolute stick in the mud and not nearly as intelligent as a certain handsome fellow I know.” You scooted closer to Edward on the couch and even sold the comment with an actual nudge into his side. 
Edward noticed you got closer and was confused when you nudged him. Then he took in what you said. He lifted his head up a little with a soft smile on his face. 
“You…you prefer me to Batman?” “I prefer you over everyone and anyone else, Eddie. If I had a choice, it will always be you.”
Gotham Riddler:
The GCPD was full of eligible bachelors. Mostly guys just looking for a good time or friends with benefits. 
You were too good for them, all of them really. Even too good for Edward. Yet he was able to woo you somehow. Despite the two of you being in a very obvious relationship, with approval from Gordon, Lee, even Bullock…it didn’t stop some officers from trying to disrupt what you two had. 
Edward was coming up to your office to take you out to lunch. However, he was surprised to see an overwhelming sight. 
Flowers, cards, letters were strewn all over your desk and overflowing to your floor. 
You looked up at him. Your eyes wide and your skin pale, like you had seen a ghost. 
“E-Eddie…I…I wish I could explain but...I have no idea…w-who these are from? Or w-w-what’s going on?” You looked around looking for any sort of indicator of who sent the gifts. 
Edward’s fists clenched, a snarl growing on his face. He stood there still as a rock, trying to keep his innate reaction to just run amok in the GCPD to find the culprit in tact. 
You noticed Ed was quiet for a long time. You noticed his tense expression and his thousand yard stare into the floor. 
“Y-You…you don’t…like them..do you?” Ed regretted asking it as soon as he grumbled it out through barred teeth. 
You sighed, sympathetically. Walking around the baskets and bouquets and made your way to him. 
“I would have adored them if they were from you, but they’re not. So as far as I’m concerned, these flowers can be re-sent to someone else or tossed. And the cards can go straight into the disposal…you don’t need to be jealous, sweetheart.” You gave him a reassuring kiss on the cheek. 
You smiled as you saw the tension all throughout his body slowly melt away from the kiss. 
Then, as if a lightbulb went off, Edward’s eyes widened in revelation. 
“W-Wait, before you throw anything away!” Edward went to your desk and gathered some of the cards and the bouquet. “While I still have my gloves on anyway…”
“What’re you doing?” 
“...gonna search for prints…” he mumbled quickly, so when you made out what he said he was already too far gone to catch back up with him.
BTAS Riddler:
Something was off with Eddie tonight. However, you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. 
“Eddie…you’ve been awfully quiet tonight…you know how much I love hearing your voice.” Which wasn’t an exaggeration either, and you did miss speaking to him. 
You saw him slightly shuffle his weight on the opposite end of the couch. 
“I’m fine…” 
“Eddie…I know when you’re not fine, sweetie. Please talk to me…” You fluttered your eyelashes at him, and poked out your bottom lip for good measure. 
Edward groaned in defeat. “I hate it when you do that…it’s too effective.”
“That’s why I do it.” You grinned. 
“I just can’t understand how oblivious you are, darling…you clearly couldn’t tell he was…was…”
“He who? Jervis?” 
Edward growled. “Yes…Jervis…”
“Eddie, he was just being polite!” 
“He didn’t have to kiss your hand.” He grumbled, crossing his arms defensively. 
“Aww, Eddie,” you scooted closer to his side of the couch. You wrapped your arms around him and snuggled into his side. 
“You don’t ever had to be jealous, darling. I will always love and adore you, no matter what…you know that.” You looked up at him, smiling reassuringly at him. 
He stole a glance into your eyes, and sighed. Edward knew it was ridiculous, but he couldn’t help it. He wrapped an arm around you and began rubbing your back. 
“I-I know…still doesn’t mean I have to like it though…” 
You snickered into his side as he chuckled along with you.
Zero Year/Capullo Riddler:
“You don’t need to be jealous, Eddie…”
Edward scoffed. “Jealous? Please, I’m not jealous of anyone.”
“So you just threatened my date with a bomb sent to his work place…for funsies?” 
Ed shrugged. “It’s been dull here, lately…and I haven’t been a public menace in a minute.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Well, I’m not stopping you, so stop keeping me from having a dating life!” 
“You don’t need to date anybody…” He grumbled under his breath. 
“Ed, you’re the one that said we weren’t-”
“I’m not going back on my word…I just…” He shrugged. 
“You just want me to focus on you, you needy bastard…”
He put his hand up with his index finger pointed out. “Ah, ah, that’s Mr. Needy Bastard to you…”
“Uh huh, sure…needy jealous bastard…” You smirked as you walked off. 
“I. Am. Not. Jealous! I’m the Riddler! I’m not jealous of anyone! If anything they’re all envious of me.”
“Did you choose to wear green cause you’re just knee deep in envy?” 
“I’m redirecting the bomb. It’s now going to your workplace.”
Twojar Riddler:
“Edward! Ed! Slow down!” You were running to catch up with him as he dragged you by the wrist back to the car parked along the sidewalk. 
He let out a frustrated sigh and let go of your wrist. Edward continued his steady pace as he rounded the car to go to the driver’s seat. You still stood there; confused and somewhat shaken from the sudden action. 
“Can you please get in the car?”
You walked up to the open window and leaned your head in. “Not until you explain what the hell is going on?” 
Ed grumbled. “I just want to go back home–”
“Was it that waiter?” Earlier in the evening a waiter made a couple passes at you while Edward was in the restroom and he walked in on the waiter trying to get your number.
Silence. Edward crossed his arms and sunk in the driver’s seat. 
“Oh my God, Ed…”
Edward rolled his eyes. “Will you, please just get in the car?”
Gotham City Sirens Riddler:
“Oh, hey there, Mr. Nygma. This is Mr. Sale, he called earlier about–” 
Edward barely heard what you said, his brain was too busy taking in the sights of the scene before him. You were sitting, slightly propped up on the edge of your desk. While the presumed, “Mr. Sale” was standing before you mere inches away. Your cheeks were flushed red possibly from laughing and whatever words were just transpired. 
Mr. Sale backed away and walked over to end, holding out his hand for a handshake. “Mr. Nygma! Such a pleasure to meet you!”
It took everything in Edward not to grimace outwardly. He could read this man like an open book. Rental three piece suit. Over-priced cologne. A faint oval outline where the skin was paler around his left ring finger. 
Armed with this, Edward knew his next plan of action. “Ah, well…I wish I could say the same for you, Mr. Sale. But I’m afraid I’m far too busy for your case.” 
Flabbergasted, Sale was gaping his mouth like a fish out of water. “B-B-But, you, you haven’t even heard my case! You can’t just–”
“Oh, but I can…privileges of owning a private firm. And I’m not about to waste my or my assistant’s time…running in circles…because you want to frame your wife of cheating to cover up your own infidelity.” 
“Oh, I can assure you, I’m not wasting your assistant’s time.” Sale stole a glance at you and winked. 
“I’m going to have to ask you to leave, Mr. Sale. Have a good day or not, I don’t care.” 
Sale was about to say something in defense, but growled in frustration instead and took off. He left the office with the slam of the door. 
You came up behind Ed and embraced him from behind. “You’re sexy when you’re jealous.” 
“Oh, please…I wasn’t jealous.”
You squeezed him a little tighter, giggling softly. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
Telltale Riddler:
“What are you staring at?” Ed asked. 
“Huh?” You were knocked out of your reverie with his question. You were looking out the window of your shared apartment. 
“You’ve been daydreaming out of that window for almost half an hour.” 
“Oh, uh, just people watching.” 
Edward looked up from his desk to you. He let out a frustrated sigh when he said, “hm, you could be more productive by assisting me…”
You turned to look at the man; annoyed and confused. “You just told me not to bother you, Ed.” 
“Annoying me and assisting me are two different things. Or you can go and people watch outside…and see what all the troubled idiotic youth is up to.”
Oh…poor Edward. No matter how many times he tried to shield it or ignore it. His age…the age gap between you two was something he was always weary of. 
You shook your head, scoffing in disappointment. You got up from your seat and walked over to his desk. 
“Nah, I’d rather not lose the brain cells, so whatcha working on Eddie?” 
Edward was surprised to see you come to his desk. He was almost certain you were going to walk out the door. 
“Well…for starters…ugh…could you please not sit on the desk! There’s a spare chair over in the corner!” 
You chuckled softly. “Yes sir, on it!”
Young Justice Riddler:
Who was he kidding, he didn’t stand a chance with you to begin with…
No matter how many times you genuinely checked in on him, kept him company, and included him where you could. All those open opportunities that were the building blocks to Eddie’s confidence in a relationship with you was completely knocked down before the foundation could even settle in. Thanks to this new Light recruit you were training. 
“Hey, Eddie!” You called out to him. You ran down the corridor to catch up to him.
“Why such a long face? I’m sorry I haven’t talked to you lately, things have been crazy!” You chuckled nervously. 
“Oh, uh…no worries. I-I get it..” 
“Hey, let me make it up to you! There’s this new place downtown that just opened. Wanna hang out and grab a bite there?” You offered. 
You did feel bad about leaving Eddie in the dark. Despite the increase in the Light’s numbers, training the newbies was taking up a lot of whatever free time you had. You missed talking to Edward, you could actually be yourself around him and not have a care in the world. Plus he was too damn cute for words. 
“Uuhh…umm but what about that newbie? D-Don’t you have plans with them?” Edward asked before he really had a chance to stop himself. 
You grabbed his shoulder to stop him from walking as you turned him around to face you. “Eddie...what’re you talking about?” 
“I-I-I didn’t mean to assume something…I-I-I just noticed that you-you were spe-spending a l-lot of time with th-them and the-they seem to like you..a lot..” 
You put your fingertips up to his lips to seize his nervous panicked rambling. 
“Eddie…” You sighed. “I’m just training them. Yeah, they flirt, but I rebuke them. There’s nothing going on outside of training.” 
“Really?” He mumbled behind your fingers. 
You chuckled. “Yes, really. Besides, I’m interested in someone else. I have been for awhile actually.” You slowly removed your fingers from his lips. 
“W-Wait, really? Uh...who?”
Your eyes widened when you realized he really didn’t get it. Bless him, this absolute dork. 
“It’s you, Eddie.” You stated, figuring bluntness was the way to go as you sealed the confession by taking your hand in his.
You felt his hand slightly tighten around yours. “Wa-really?” He almost squealed. 
You did everything you could to not bust out laughing. You shook you head, trying to shake the giggles. “Yes, you. Now, about our first date…”
Hush (DCAU) Riddler:
Needless to say, Edward was jealous of everyone. He would never admit it, but he was. Secretly, seething, he despised most everyone. Especially those that had things he didn’t. Strength, power, influence, perfect health. Perfect health…
“Hey, Eddie!” You came through the door, dropping your belongings and stepping out of your work shoes. 
He didn’t deserve you he really didn’t. He wouldn’t blame you if you dropped him and left him for your co-worker at work that obviously has the hots for you. Of course you were too kind and rather oblivious to see that, but he adored you for that all the same. 
“Hey sweetie,” he greeted back half-heartedly. “How was your day?” 
“Oh, same old same old. Although, something weird happened, you know that co-worker I told you about? Scott? The one that’s been super friendly?” 
Through gritted teeth, Edward nodded. “Y-Yeah, I do…what about him?” 
“He asked me out to dinner tonight, it was so random…I thought he was just being friendly…to be friends.” You shrugged as you plopped beside Edward on the couch. 
Edward could feel his fist slightly clench in frustration. 
“Y-You said no…though right?” 
“Edward!” You practically squealed in disbelief. “Of course I told him no! I have you! I’d never do such a thing.”
“I-I know…I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, that wasn’t right of me to ask…” He sighed in defeat. “I…I haven’t been in the best mindset as of late.”
You nodded. “It’s okay, when you’re ready we can talk about it. But for all the questions and riddles in this world, don’t you dare question my feelings for you…okay?” 
You leaned your head on his shoulder and wrapped your arm around his waist and embraced him in a side hug. 
“Okay, sweetie. I won’t, I promise.”
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effervescentbee · 11 months
I have the useless talent of being able to listen to any song and immediately make a story out of it for whatever my current interest is. This means I'm constantly overflowing with ideas and almost all of them make no sense and aren't even good but I can't get them out of my head, so i recently (like 2 minutes ago) decided it would be a good idea to share my ideas
This one is based on 18 by anarbor
Basically they're regular people and miles, who turned 18 like 2-3 months ago, got into a huge fight with his parents that ended in him storming out and taking his dad's police car because he can. He goes to Hobie, who is 19 and has his own place, and he starts telling him about everything that happened with him and his parents.
Hobie might make a joke saying miles should move in with him and this whole bit happens about them jokingly making plans to move in together. Halfway through it miles will say something along the line of "my parents would be pissed if I did move in with you specifically, I think the only thing they would hate more is if we were dating"
Miles then takes a second to think and actually asks Hobie to be his boyfriend, he's 100% genuine and hes liked Hobie pretty much since they met. Hobie, who hasn't fallen for miles yet, agrees to date miles but doesn't take it seriously. He thinks of it as being miles rebellious phase and doesn't think miles actually likes him, the only reason he agrees is because he thinks if he doesn't say yes miles will go find some other person his parents would disapprove of to date, that and he doesn't mind 'dating' miles for a bit just to see him rebel against his parents.
Now miles is over the moon thinking Hobie likes him back and acts like a boyfriend does, taking him on dates, buying him gifts, being more affectionate and so on. Hobie enjoys it, he doesn't quite get why miles would go out of his way to act like a couple all the time but he plays along because he likes spending time with miles and getting free food and gifts.
Soon Hobie finds himself looking forward to their dates, of course he was always happy to spend time with miles, but now it's become the only thing he can think about once they decide on having the date. He finds himself treasuring every gift he receives from miles and feels all giddy when he sees one of the gifts laying around his home. He finds himself loving that he gets more attention and affection from miles than anyone else in their friend group does. Hobie finds he is falling in love with miles.
Hobie let's himself fall, coincidentally forgetting he thinks their whole relationship is miles rebelling from his parents. Until he remembers when they're on a date and some random person asks how they got together.
Hobie obviously is really sad about it. Here he is thinking of miles like his real boyfriend but miles doesn't think of him that way (that he knows of anyways)
Hobie chooses not to do anything about it though. He chooses to pretend what they have is real and it's just making him more miserable as they go on dates and miles is so sweet to him but doesn't like Hobie back.
Eventually Hobie had to break up with miles for his own mental health, also the fact that miles had noticed he had been upset and Hobie felt bad about making him worry.
It could end like that, they break up for good and both are miserable. Hobie thinking miles could never like him back and being sad about every single moment with miles that meant so much to him but nothing to miles. Miles thinking Hobie didn't like him anymore and maybe never liked him that much to begin with since Miles had been the only one to initiate anything romantic for so long and just as Hobie began to initiate romantic things he began being more distant until they broke up.
They wouldn't talk anymore after the breakup up and one day Hobie is on a walk and as he's thinking about miles he ends up walking by Miles parents home. He sees Miles moving boxes to a car and quickly realizes miles is moving out. Miles notices him and they hold about 3 seconds of eye contact before Hobie looks away and begins to speed walk home. It leaves a bitter taste in their mouths as they both remember how they had planned moving in together the day they started dating.
Orr Pav, Gwen, Margo, noir, peter and everyone else whos there to see the mess that they both are after the breakup convince them to talk it out (convince doesn't necessarily mean getting them to willingly talk to each other, it could also mean they split into groups of two and each group tells one of them they're gonna hang out amd then they go to the same place to hang out by 'accident' and then they leave the two of them together to talk it out)
They start dating again, miles makes sure Hobie knows he actually likes him and Hobie makes sure to initiate romantic stuff so both of them can be sure the relationship isn't one sided
They also move in together at some point and they're so smiley and happy and it's great. They smile the whole day while they talk fondly about how they had jokingly said they would move in together and now it was really happening :))
I feel the need to add that the reason the part of miles recently turning 18 is relevant is because I imagine a part where Hobie says "barely turned 18 and you're already trying to be an adult and move out" maybe not that exactly but something along those lines when they're joking about miles moving in with them
As I was writing the end I did come up with two ideas that are basically the same thing and make the fact miles had just turned 18 relevant
They broke up a month or so before miles birthday, so for miles birthday they aren't together anymore. When they get back together miles is 19 and they have a fluffy moment of talking and saying they left 18 behind as in they've moved on and healed their relationship.
Other idea is the exact same thing except they broke up like 4-5 months before miles birthday and then got together again before miles birthday and they have a party and this time it's them and their friend group talking about leaving 18 behind
I like the 1st one cause it means they were in a relationship for a while before the angst and it leaves a lot more room for Hobie to fall in love
But at the same time I like the second one cause it includes everyone else and not just Hobie and miles
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soleilandpeaches · 1 year
omg, I discovered your account and immediately i fell in love with her, princess peach. So I wanted to give you my request for conclude myself as a fan of yours haha. Ok, how about we talk about a reader who is a little stressed about his exams that are around the corner, and keigo who definitely has intelligence that overflows from his damn head offers to help her study. I don't know maybe something like the two of them snuggling on the couch, on the floor or the bed with some damn math book in his hands. Total creative freedom, dear! I just need Keigo to comfort me in my anxiety about my exams that are coming up. Kisses <3
A/N: AHHHH THANK YOU SM!! This is actually the reason i haven’t been posting as consistently and it makes me sad 😭. Final exams are literally the worst and having to juggle work and studying for finals literally makes me want to die fr. SO I LOVE LOVE THIS IDEA. I needed this, thank you! featuring: KeigoTakamixf!Reader synopsis: Keigo offers to help you study and you have some fun with it. Although, you two seem a little too exited to get it over with. rated: 16+ warnings: implied/referenced future smut, cursing, studying for exams (scary), brief descriptions of female anatomy
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“Ooh I like this song.” Keigo chuckled, you’ve been saying that same sentence for the past half hour you’ve been studying.
You had asked him to help you study for you upcoming exams, admitting it was harder for you to concentrate unless you had someone assisting you—or rather competing. You explained it’s easier for you to retain the information when you had someone you could study with. But now it seems you two had managed to turn studying into a competition to see who knew the most.
With your T.V turned on, you were playing your shared playlist as background noise. To Keigo’s amusement, you were practically in love with every song that managed to play. He didn’t really understand why you always felt the need to repeat yourself; he knew you loved each song on your playlist. It’s wasn’t like he didn’t know you liked them when you seemingly never stopped telling him this.
Don’t get him wrong though, it never bothered him. In fact, it was one of the many little things he adored about you. Still, he could never contain himself when it came to teasing you.
“Oh yeah? Really?” He let out a long laugh when you weakly punched him in the shoulder, laughing with him. “You’re such a jerk, yknow.”
“I know. I’m just so mean.”
“You are!”
“Alright, alright. Next question.”
The rules to your game were rather simple: one person holds a flashcard that reads a specific term and they have to come up with a description that matches the word. The player reading will get a point if they can correctly describe the term without checking your notes, but if they can’t, they get no points. If the opponent guesses it right, they get a point. But if they get it wrong, they don’t. So far, it’s been very fun but now you were nearing the end.
“I think whoever loses has to pay for ice cream later.” You declared after you had correctly answered once again. To be honest, Keigo knew he was at a disadvantage. This wasn’t his class you were studying for anyway—it was only natural you knew more than him. Although, he didn’t mind paying for dessert. He had his own insatiable sweet tooth just as you did.
“I don’t think you’re being very fair, Babydoll. You’ve been studying this shit longer than me.” He pretended to complain, a little frustrated he clearly wasn’t going to win at your game.
“Life isn’t fair.” You rumbled in a deeper voice, clearly mocking him for every time he’s said that very phrase to you. Kicking your shin, it was apparently his turn to call you out for being an ass.
“How about i ‘pay you back later’.” You purred, leaning forward into him, showing off the tops of your breasts hidden underneath your tank-top. Darting his eyes back-and-forth between your eyes and your chest, a flustered smile creeping it way up his face as you laughed, amused by the reaction you pulled from him.
“I think I like the sound of that.”
“Well then let’s hurry up and finish. I’m getting pretty hungry, y’know.” You leaned back, adjusting your straps after they loosened, further teasing him.
“Yeah I bet you are.” He jested, laughing as you kicked him back but when he glanced back up to your face, you had a hand covering your mouth as you laughed. Your eyes were squinted as you giggled into the palm of your hand, though he could still make out the faint coloring to your irises.
He smiled, shaking his head as he pulled the last card from the deck, ready to read off the final label before your voice sounded again, a cute excited gasp followed by:
“Aww I love this song! Mac Demarco makes the best stuff.” And instead of teasing you like he usually does, he couldn’t help but simply admire your unabashed enthusiasm.
“Yeah, he does.” He agrees smoothly, grinning when you catch his gaze. You smile back, eyes flickering to his lips. He does the same before he’s leaning over to meet his lips with yours. He admires the soft-pillowy feel for more than a few moments as your lips meet over-and-over. He’s the first to pull away, peering up into your eyes with his usual charming smirk. He kisses one last time before sitting back, a soft blush to his cheeks as he stares at the word written on the card.
“Alright, last one. Let’s hurry so we can get some ice cream.”
“Yeah, the ice cream.” He shoots you one last comical glare before starting again, no doubt eager for more than just one delicious treat.
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
Welcome to the World
Pairing: Goose x Carole
Author’s Note: Just a little bit of fluffy goodness, starring my favorite family!
Warnings: Mind-numbing fluff and nothing but.
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Lieutenant Nick “Goose” Bradshaw would always remember June 27, 1984 as the day his life changed forever. He’d had big, life-changing moments before. The day he met Carole. The day they got married. The day he graduated from the Naval Academy. But June 27, 1984 topped them all.
It was the day he became a father.
He and Carole had been eagerly counting down the days since the moment she’d taken that pregnancy test in their hotel room in Pensacola, and now the day they’d been waiting for was finally here.
After over ten hours of labor, Bradley Nicholas Bradshaw finally decided to have some mercy on his mother and make his loud entrance into the world.
“It’s a boy!” the doctor had exclaimed, holding him up in the air as the nurse clamped down on the umbilical cord. “A very loud boy,” he added with a grin.
Goose and Carole had both laughed through their tears as their son was placed in Carole’s arms, his warm, squishy body pulsing with life. Life that they had created. Life that they had given him. It was a hell of a thing.
“Look what you did, honey,” Goose murmured reverently, pressing a kiss to his wife’s sweaty forehead as he simultaneously reached down to caress his son’s soft head.
“Look what we did,” Carole replied, grinning as their baby began nuzzling against her chest, clearly hungry for his first meal outside the womb.
“Hmm, a boob man. And they say these things aren’t genetic,” Goose teased, laughing as he avoided Carole’s hand swatting at him.
“Goose Bradshaw! Your son is less than an hour old,” she laughed, gently caressing the back of Bradley’s head as he managed to latch onto her breast and begin feeding all on his own.
“My son,” Goose repeated proudly, stroking his baby’s back with one finger as he wrapped his other arm around Carole’s shoulders. “I like the sound of that.”
“Me, too,” Carole smiled, turning her head to give Goose a kiss, her eyes filled to the brim with all the emotion that had been overflowing from her heart since the first moment she’d heard her son’s cries.
“He’s perfect, Mav,” Goose exclaimed an hour later, using a payphone in the hospital lobby to update his best friend about Carole and Bradley’s condition. He was beaming like the proud father he was. “Absolutely perfect. Just wait until you meet him! Oh, you’re going to love him, Mav. You really are.”
When he returned to Carole’s room a few minutes later, he found her sitting up in bed with Bradley snuggled up in her arms, fast asleep. She held a finger up to her lips, then smiled and waved him over to the bed.
“Isn’t he gorgeous? He’s going to break so many hearts one day,” Carole breathed out, stroking their son’s silky cheek with one finger.
“Carole Bradshaw, your son is less than a day old,” Goose playfully scolded, reminding her of her words from earlier.
“Oh, shut up. You know I’m right,” Carole laughed, grinning when her husband dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “I don’t know, honey. Are we crazy to name him Bradley Bradshaw? What if kids make fun of him?”
“Who could make fun of a strong name like that?” Goose asked, feigning indignance. “It’s unique. It’s got character. Just like him,” he grinned, running the tip of his finger across the back of their son’s tiny hand. “Besides,” he went on, glancing down at his wife. “One day he’s going to have a call sign that he goes by anyway.”
“Oh, right,” Carole laughed, rolling her eyes good-naturedly. “How could I forget? What are they going to call him? Duck?”
“That’s not a half-bad idea, honey,” Goose chuckled, resting his cheek against the top of her head as the two of them gazed down adoringly at the tiny baby in her arms.
Carole let out a soft yawn, her eyes growing heavy with exhaustion as her head fell against Goose’s shoulder.
“Aw, jeez, what am I thinking?” Goose exclaimed quietly, not wanting to wake the baby. “You need to get some sleep, honey. It’s been a hell of a day.” He rose from the edge of the bed and carefully took Bradley into his arms, making sure to mind his head the way Carole and the nurses kept insisting on.
“No, no, I’m fine,” Carole said, reaching out tired arms for the baby.
“He’ll still be here in the morning, I promise,” Goose grinned, kissing her tenderly, even as he continued to hold their son out of reach. “I’m going to keep careful watch. Now get some sleep.”
“Okay, okay,” Carole murmured, her eyes closing before her head even hit the pillow. She was asleep within seconds.
Goose chuckled as he gently laid his sleeping son in the bassinet beside Carole’s bed. Letting out a yawn of his own, he settled down in the chair near the window, keeping careful watch over both his wife and his newborn son, just as he’d promised.
Less than an hour later, just as he was starting to doze off himself, Goose heard a soft gurgling sound coming from the bassinet and saw one tiny fist fly into the air. Jumping up out of his seat, he moved to stand beside the bassinet, his face splitting into a huge grin as he gazed down at a pair of brown eyes that were identical to his own. 
“Hey there, buddy. Can’t sleep?” he whispered, sliding his hands under his son’s body and carefully lifting him up. He turned back to the chair he’d been occupying just a moment before, settling down with Bradley carefully ensconced in his arms. “Me either. Exciting day, huh?”
Bradley just stared up at him with those wide eyes, his tiny mouth opening and closing with soft bubbling sounds.
“Hey, I don’t know if anyone’s said this to you yet, but welcome to the world,” Goose grinned, running a gentle finger down the bridge of his son’s tiny nose. “It’s kind of a crazy place, but I think you’ll like it. That’s your mama over there, getting some sleep,” he explained, lifting Bradley up and pointing to where Carole was lying fast asleep in her hospital bed. “You really put her through the wringer, young man. But she’s strong. Strongest person I know, in fact. Don’t tell her I told you this, but she’s the one who really runs the show. I like to pretend it’s me sometimes, but it’s her.” He grinned, gazing with love at his wife. “Your mama’s a queen, Bradley, and that’s how we’re gonna treat her. You hear me?”
Bradley made a loud gurgling sound in response, reaching up to wrap his tiny hand around one of Goose’s fingers.
Goose’s heart melted at the sight and he beamed down at his boy. “I guess you do hear me, huh? Well, and where did my manners get off to? I don’t even think I’ve introduced myself properly,” he said, shaking his head. “I’m your daddy, Bradley. You're named after me, you know. Bradley Nicholas Bradshaw. Well, the Nicholas part. But everyone calls me Nick. Well, actually everyone calls me Goose. That’s my call sign. It’s a Navy thing. Oh yeah, I’m in the Navy, Bradley. But this is probably a lot of information all at once, huh? Am I confusing you?”
Bradley yawned softly, blinking up at his father.
“Oh, boring you, huh? Sorry about that,” Goose chuckled, pressing a kiss to his son’s forehead. “At least you’re honest.”
They sat quietly for a few minutes in the hushed stillness of the hospital room, father and son getting comfortable with each other as their whole world changed.
“I guess all I really wanted to tell you, Bradley, is that I love you. Me and your mama love you so much. Even with all the things I’ve done and seen in my life, nothing compares to you. Nothing could be better than you, buddy,” he murmured softly, taking one of his son’s hands in his own. “I’m always going to be here for you. Always. I’m going to have to travel some, and be away from you and your mama sometimes, but I’ll always be carrying you with me. And I’ll always leave behind a piece of me with you,” he explained.
Bradley gurgled again at that, his small hands flailing as he wiggled in his father’s arms.
Smiling, Goose tenderly stroked his son’s face. “You know what your Uncle Mav always says? You’re gonna love your Uncle Mav, Bradley. He can’t wait to meet you. But you know what he always says when he needs my help? He says, ‘Talk to me, Goose.’ And I do. I always do. If you ever need me, Bradley, all you have to do is ask. All you have to say is, ‘Talk to me, Dad,’ and I’ll be right there for you. Always.”
Bending forward, Goose pressed another kiss to his son’s sleepy face, then slowly rose from his chair. With gentle hands, more gentle than he’d ever thought himself capable of, he gingerly placed Bradley back into his bassinet, where his eyes quickly closed once more.
“Come over here, you big stud,” came Carole’s sleepy voice from the bed as she turned towards him, a smile playing across her lips. God, he loved her smile.
“How long have you been up?” Goose whispered, settling down on the edge of the bed and brushing a few strands of her blonde hair out of her face.
“Not too long,” Carole said softly, taking his hand in hers. “But I didn’t want to interrupt your father-son bonding,” she added with a grin, smiling over at the bassinet.
“Just wanted to give him a little introduction to the world,” Goose grinned, leaning over to kiss her softly.
“God, I love you, honey,” Carole told him, her blue eyes meeting his brown ones.
“I love you, too, honey,” Goose smiled, cupping her face in his hands as he kissed her again.
Carole paused for a moment before asking, “Now what was that part I heard about me being the queen who runs the show?” Her eyes twinkled mischievously as she smirked up at him.
Goose groaned, shaking his head. “That was a private conversation, honey!”
“No secrets between me and my boys,” Carole laughed, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him once more.
Carole and her boys. Goose liked the sound of that.
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riddle means misery |part 11.
Summary: Y/N Riddle. Not much more has to be said. Everyone hates her. She’s evil... she has to be.
Warnings for the Series: 18+, this series is dark. Manipulation, dubcon verging on noncon, abuse of power, violence, ed mentions, death, blood
Pairing: Bill Weasley x black!reader (semi-slowburn)
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: I was thinking about ending it here because I’m genuinely not sure if I have anything else but I also want to explore the relationship so idk 
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist) 
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Charlie blinked three times. When his older brother asked him to have lunch at The Leaky Cauldron, nothing could have prepared him for what Bill wanted to say. He hadn’t seen anyone in their flat for a while now— be it witch or muggle— but he thought it was just Bill taking a break from the dating scene. He wasn’t expecting the answer to be because he was starting to fall in love with you. 
He grimaced as he plainly spoke his mind. “Bill, she probably sees you as a kid.”
“It’s only ten years, barely, considering my birthday is well before hers. She’s not even close to Mum and Dad’s age. They didn’t even cross paths at Hogwarts once.” 
Charlie sighed. “I didn’t mean it like that. I meant look at you, no offense. Y/N’s been through so much. She probably wants to settle down right away and put anything exciting behind her. Do you really think you can give her boring and stable?” 
“I could try.”
“That wouldn’t be you though.”
“Then what do I do, Charlie?”
Both men ordered another round of drinks to discuss. Charlie found his worry for his brother lessening and growing at the same time. He was more on board with Bill asking you out. He was still concerned that you would either say no or not work out— either way, breaking his brother’s heart. Bill wanted to go for it. He didn’t always fall hard for someone. But he remembered those few serious relationships always being pleasant. Usually they only parted ways because of differences in lifestyles or ideas. 
Charlie set down his drink. “I just thought of a potential issue.”
“You’d be her first relationship. That could be terrifying on top of all the other differences with you two. She’s still trying to accept that she has friends now.” 
“So I should just forget about it then?”
“I think you should be prepared for her to say no.” 
Bill nodded. That was a possibility with anybody he asked out. He should go for it anyway. He was already trying to think of ways to ask you out. Charlie was right. If you said yes, he would be your first relationship. The things he saw in your trial couldn’t be unseen. There were no moments of tenderness but he was determined to change that. 
You weren’t at the flat when they got back. You had been using your newfound freedom of not asking permission to leave the house anymore to go anywhere. Quite often, people received little packages on their desks with souvenirs of wherever you had been— Marlene got them in her locker. Both Weasley men assumed you wouldn’t be back until dinner because Gallyrogue was nowhere to be found. That thought was immediately ruined by the sound of something in the cabinet. Charlie opened it to see Gallyrogue looking at his reflection in a shiny pot. You came back, leaving your shoes at the door. Bill immediately moved to help you with your things that were overflowing in your arms. He decided tonight wasn’t the night to ask you out. He’d wait a little bit. 
That waiting a few days turned into waiting the entire summer. He never asked you out but he spent more time with you than ever before. He was even with you at Platform 9 and ¾ when it was time for the new school year. You had only ridden the train once in your first year and couldn’t remember anything about it. So you volunteered to be one of the staff members that helped monitor the train. 
You were letting Remus have his position back as Charms professor and taking the Defense Against the Dark Arts position. It was pretty obvious to everyone why that would happen. No one else alive knew more about Dark Arts and how to stop that than you. Bill held on tight when you gave him a hug before leaving his arms and waving from the train. You’d see him tomorrow night, agreeing to stay at Hogwarts overnight for two days out of the week and every other weekend. The same as lots of staff members that had family that didn’t work at the school— McGonagall, Dumbledore, as well as Sirius and Remus were some of the few exceptions that stayed overnight for the entire school year. 
You weren’t left alone when you got into your train compartment. All of the Marauders’ kids piled into the compartment. Then the Weasleys found them and soon it was another family affair in a compartment way too small to hold everyone. And then their friends came in. Ginny and Reggie Lupin were practically all over you, the same way they had been all summer. They were mildly obsessed with potions. They were your little foraging buddies. Reggie also liked to pet Gallyrogue, officially annoying his dads with questions about getting a niffler as a pet despite the fact that he and his siblings already had individual pets. 
The kids finally left you alone when you arrived at the castle. You left dinner a little early to prepare your classroom and sleeping chamber. Gallyrogue took the time to observe his new stomping ground for the school days. You had been asked to move down to a classroom on the ground floor so the niffler could leave to be outside whenever— Gallyrogue knew how to open the window. You also had a fireplace in the classroom. Partially for warmth and partially for you to use it for the Floo Network.  
Your first class of the day were the sixth years. You wished it was the first years because you would have just taken them down to the Chamber for the first day. It had been such a success last year that every student asked you and Remus if they could go down there and get a basilisk fang. You thought about making it a ‘Welcome to Hogwarts’ tradition for the first years to get old basilisk fangs and a trip to the not so secret anymore Chamber. 
You weren’t sure if you were comforted by the fact that none of your friends’ children were in sixth years. At least you could have looked at them while teaching if you got nervous. It would be your first class ever. What if you weren’t good at teaching children? 
Remus was kind enough to leave his old notes telling you where each year had left off in lessons. The children liked your class so far. You were doing alright, certainly better than Quirrel. It was hard for you at first to get used to everyone’s eyes on you. You turned to write something new on the board. 
James was walking by, having no classes first period. He was picking up supplies for McGonagall from Hogsmeade and finally making his way back. Did he decide to take the long way around to see how you were doing? Maybe. James was glad that he did. 
He made it to your classroom just as the chalk dropped from your shaking hand and you crouched down to hug yourself. He shooed all the students away from where they were starting to leave their desk to see if you were all right. You nearly jumped out of your skin and wanted to scramble backwards when James’ hand landed on your shoulder. He gently grabbed the sides of your face. You started shaking your head. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
“No, Y/N, you’re fine. There’s nothing wrong.” 
“I don’t do dark arts. I’m not bad, I’m not bad.” 
“I know, we all know. Trust me.” James looked at the board. Letting you take this position was a bad idea.  
Your class was dismissed and an emergency staff meeting was called. You slowly entered, wringing your hands the entire time. They tried to look away from your bloodshot eyes. The Marauders had already seen on the map that you had been in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom— it was safe to assume you were crying. You sniffled twice and stood in front of everyone.  
“I promise I’ll do better.” Your words were measured and deliberate. 
Dumbledore shook his head. “It was inappropriate of me to ask you to switch positions in the first place. Considering your situation we should have been more careful and let you keep your position.” 
“But I can’t do Charms.”
Severus raised his hand. “I’ll take her spot. Y/N is a brilliant potion master too, there’s no need to make this a big hassle.”
The switch was finished before lunch with no problem. You kept your classroom but Severus and the house-elves had helped move everything from his potions rooms and closet up to your space. The felix felicis had to be put up on a high shelf to avoid Gallyrogue’s clutches. 
Potions was a lot calmer for you. It was better to be teaching something rather calming. You still agreed to take the first years to get basilisk fangs. Other professors tried not to make their presence known as they walked by your classroom every now and then to check up on you. A smile came to McGonagall’s face as she saw you pass out supplies to your first year class with some Ravenclaws and Gryffindors. 
“I want everyone to look at these ingredients and pick your favorite one by the end of the week. I promise to teach each group all the potions that can be made with their favorite ingredient… everything that isn’t dangerous.” 
Dinner was buzzing with students talking about your class. The Marauders smiled at you as you walked into the hall with an interesting sort of scurry. James and Sirius snorted while Remus sighed. Your niffler was running behind you. One of your shoes was in Gallyrogue’s mouth and they could only assume that the other one was in his pouch. You dropped a bunch of stuff on the staff dining table, including a very large object. 
“I found a drag— Oh, thank you Gallyrogue.” You stopped to put on the shoes he gave you. “I found a dragon egg! The poor baby was abandoned in the forest. I’m going to give it to Charlie.” 
“She’s worse than Hagrid,” Sirius whispered to the other two men. 
“Y/N,” Remus started. “How about we give him the egg after dinner? Aren’t you hungry?” 
“Oh, Bill wants to have dinner together. I’m meeting him there.” 
“You’re going to dinner with Bill?”
“We’re going to France. I dressed up.”
“You’re going to France?” 
“I just said that.” 
“Yeah, she just said that, Honey,” Sirius said, highly amused. “Let her go before she’s late.”
You gathered your stuff, handing it to Gallyrogue who gladly pocketed all of it. The men watched you walk off to your date that you obviously didn’t know was a date. Most of their dinner conversation turned to talking about you and Bill. They didn’t even know he was into you. James was immediately for the notion of you two as a couple. 
You were excited to go out for dinner. Bill had told you the restaurant was really nice. It was on a beach in France. You had only been to France once— staying for a month to learn variations of the Cruciatus Curse when you were nine. It would be nice to go under different circumstances. You met Bill at the Public Floo Network near the restaurant. He was dressed nicely, hair even pulled back. 
“You look lovely,” he said, a bit breathless.
“Thank you.” 
“Can I escort you?” Bill held out an arm. 
You took it with no problem. Bill felt like his heart was pounding out of his chest. He was going to do it. He was finally going to ask you out like he had been planning all summer. Everything was perfect. He had planned for it. You guys were sitting on the outer deck to look at the beach. The sun was setting and the glass jars had fire in them to keep guests warm and give light. You were ordering good food and talking like you had been ever since coming to stay with him and Charlie. A waiter brought out the bouquet that had been planned and Bill was going to spill his guts. 
“I have really enjoyed having you around.” 
“I have too.”
“No, Y/N, not in that way. I have enjoyed having you around, past just liking your presence. You are so strange sometimes and I love it. Your scurries, the way you get excited about potions stuff, your determination to make every single recipe in that muggle cookbook even though we both hate asparagus and it’s in a surprisingly large amount of dishes, I love all of it. I don’t just want to love the things you do or the things about you. I want to love you. I want to get rid of that stupid wall between our rooms and stay with you. And I know I’m a bit younger than you but I’m serious. I’m serious and I’m ready for a future with you. I would like to date you. Would you be my girlfriend?”
“No thank you.”
Bill looked defeated. He still handed you the bouquet. It was always a possibility. He knew that when he talked with Charlie about it. As far as Bill was concerned, ten years wasn’t that ridiculous— not when you both met each other as full grown adults. But he always knew that you might’ve not felt the same way. He didn’t expect the rejection to hurt so much considering he wasn’t always successful with dating. Maybe it was because you had said so sweetly and shortly. Maybe it was because he saw your patronus that he swore was his. 
“Is it okay if I ask why?” 
“You’ll leave me,” you said simply. 
It was simple to you. Everyone else had left in the past so why wouldn’t Bill? It made complete sense to you. What about the man in front of you was any different than everybody you had ever met. It kind of pained you to say it but only three people had ever been on your side with no conditions or out of guilt/remorse. Your parents and Lucius Malfoy. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Bill but somewhere in the back of your mind you were waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
Bill nodded. “Thank you for telling me. I do promise I won’t leave you. Even after my embarrassing confession, I hope this doesn’t change things between us. I’ll always be here for you.” 
“I… believe you.”
Bill smirked. “No you don’t.”
“Nothing to be sorry for. You know if we leave now we can get gelato in Italy before all the shops close.”
“Won’t we have to spend more money on the Floo?”
“It’s only a couple knuts for the extra trip.”
You thought about it for a few seconds before agreeing to go. You and Bill walked shoulder to shoulder eating gelato until it was finished and it was time to go home. True to like he said, nothing changed between the two of you. It created a weird dynamic when it came to everyone else though. As far as the Marauders were concerned, Bill showing up to the school everyday with your lunch was a very boyfriend thing to do. He had made it clear that he knew where the two of you stood which made it all the more confusing. 
You were very comfortable with what had been established between the two of you. You liked Bill. You would never admit it to Charlie but Bill was slightly higher than the other Weasley. You liked how Bill refused to cast ‘muffliato’ on your room so he could actually help you with nightmares whenever you woke up screaming. You liked how he embraced your weirdness. 
Bill was at Hogwarts, giving you your lunch as normal. This time he brought his own because you asked him to stay. You wanted to check on his scars from Fenrir with all of your equipment that was at the school. It was important that nothing was happening beneath the surface of the scars that could harm him. Bill laughed when you started to get your potions ready before scrambling to close the curtains so none of your students would see a shirtless man. 
“Are we all good?” he asked as you moved to check the scars on his face. 
“Your chest is fine and…” You pulled down the bottom lid of his eye. “Your face is perfect. And you don’t feel any symptoms like Remus, right?”
“Nothing past the same ones as last time.” 
You nodded. “Those might be permanent then. You can stop taking the wolfsbane if you want.” 
“Sounds great. You ready to eat?” 
The two of you sat on your desk and set up lunch in between you guys. This time Bill made soup to go with the asparagus meal because both of you really couldn’t stand it. He laughed as you made a face. 
“Why can’t we just skip these meals?”
“We’re finishing the cookbook.” 
“Alright, alright. Gally, come here.” 
You watched Bill feed all of the asparagus to the niffler. His smile made you smile a bit. Some of his hair fell in front of his face. You started to push some of it behind his ears for him. Your fingers paused, still holding his hair.   
Bill sat up straight. “Okay what?” 
“I want to date you, if you still want me.”
He choked on his drink. “For real? This isn’t because of anything I’ve said, is it? If you need space ju—”
“I want to date you. I think. You were right, you haven’t left yet. No one has. I’m always afraid of everything, real or not, so maybe I can try not to be. Maybe you will be a good thing. I won’t know if I’m still scared of everything. I don’t want to be scared of you— of who you might be.” 
“Can I hold your hand?” 
Bill laced his fingers through yours, holding your hand up to his lips with a pause until you nodded that it was alright to kiss it. His thumb rubbed over your skin in a slow, comforting manner. Bill waited until you met his eyes again. His face held the utmost seriousness. 
“I will never give you a reason to be scared. I know your past was awful and you’re new to all of this. We’ll go slow, okay? Your pace for it all. I can’t promise I’ll get everything right, I’ve never been with anyone in your position before. But I promise you, Y/N, I won’t ever give you a reason to be scared of me. I’ll be the place you can go if you feel scared. Does that sound good?” 
“I’d like that.” 
(part 12)
@thirsty4nonlivingmen @0collectiveworld0​ @motomamita​ @queen-stars2​​
@venomsvl @peaches-n-sunscreen @summerellaz @supernaturallover2002 @sambucky8 @9daykrisr @thebitchinleo @23victoria @scarlets-widow @pagetpagetpagetpaget @lovexnatasha @awesomebooklover17 @1234-angelika @imatrisk @blackreaderatrisk @princess-jules47 @alexloveskili @a-marie-a @siriuslysirius1107
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mildiva · 3 months
So I’ve Decided To Start A Blog About Music And Parties
the idea came to me on a break at work after leaving my phone at home, my mind never clearer… i should be blogging about music. pitchfork is dead, first of all, and third of all it’s something i cannot live without, so why not?
I’m not sure of the “” format “” this will take but right now i’ll just write things as they come?? and part of my love for music is of course parties. they’re still so life giving to me and i still think nothing is better than dancing with gay ppl some of whom are my friends and hearing them dj. some of them are even good! it’s just spaces of eternal and endless flowing love. anyways.
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arianka is back!! when i first heard yes, and?, i thought “alright miss grande this is cute!” and it’s grown on me ever since. I’ve been anticipating this album, seeing what direction she would go. i’ve been listening to sweetener every day for the last few weeks mostly because the eating 4 free series on ariana recontextualized her… everything, i guess?? i’d always seen her as just like a Nickelodeon product industry plant which as a certified quirky-not-like-other-girl syndrome haver did not interest me. i was still listening ofc but i wasn’t invested like i was in say lady gaga (and oh how the tables have turned on stefani the pharmacy tech but i digress!) anyways the five part e4f series on her, how she got started with looping covers of imogen heap on youtube, her serious involvement in the production of all her albums, really digging into the pain and scrutiny she’s been through from her time with The TV Producer Who Shall Not Be Named to the donut incident (which i always thought was a slay) to the literal Manchester bombing, her relationships especially with mac miller… not gonna call myself an arianator or w/e but i am a fan now, especially after relistening.
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before i get into the album i just want to say this: the music video for we can’t be friends was adorable! it’s very sad that we don’t get music videos anymore because they’re not profitable or useful for marketing. still haven’t seen the yes and video but i’ll get to it. my main point is that give evan peters a stingy little mustache, grow his hair out a little longer, and he could pass for spongebob slater! so many people on twitter are mocking him for his looks/ariana for being with him but gassing up evan. look, ethan is… not a guy i would approach in a bar let’s say, but i’d let him buy me a drink, you know? and if we’re to believe ariana on supernatural and ordinary things, they have something special! tweets will go viral about “every hot girl needs a medium ugly bf” but she’s not allowed to do it? anyways.
if you detect a pivot in tone here, it’s because i’m no longer blogging with a sour cream donut and 3/4 of a dunkin latte with oatmilk and nothing else fueling my body, sun glowing through the clouds and full of optimism.. there’s a harried blogging now while i try and finish this before i hop in the shower to get ready for a hookup tonight. also, i’ve been thinking and listening to eternal sunshine again, reading and digesting lyrics and of course many many stan tweets about it.
first, i’d like to amend something i stated earlier that i refuse to edit: evan peters represents dalton her ex(?) husband, not ethan. (side note: i wonder if she’s thought back to the line in thank u, next where she says she hopes she’ll only get married once. either way the song is still a smash!) i of course forgive my confusion because, for reasons unknown even to myself, i assumed the majority of this album was about the forbidden romance that soon overflowed into her public relationship with spongebob, but it’s not! this is very much a breakup album and nobody is bored in it.
i’m really fascinated by this because ariana took such a turn in disappearing from the public eye after getting together with dalton (which was certainly aided by the pandemic). as a non-stan, i couldn’t tell you what little she HAS been putting out, but if the inimitable joan summers couldn’t find pictures of her for a two year period, it’s safe to say she was lying low. and yes there have been jokes and supposition about “ariana wasn’t allowed to talk about the divorce as per their agreement but she sang about it~~” BUT! if we take that into consideration (and also rely on the journalistic analysis of e4f), most of the negative press and comments came from dalton and his camp. divorce agreements and technicalities of speech aside, i think she chose a much kinder way to speak about their relationship. even she says she wishes she hated him (knowing very little about their relationship, I’m happy to hate him off of the line about him turning the tv up on her crying) but she doesn’t! even with songs like the boy is mine, supernatural, and ordinary things, she really details a story of a relationship disintegrating with both her and dalton finding other people. it’s certainly not the cheating homewrecker story everybody was running with months ago. even if the arianators turn on dalton, he’s still spared any real damage to his reputation because she doesn’t paint him as a monster, scoundrel, narcissist, etc. not to get too “a man can laugh but a woman can only chortle” about it, but i hope people who wrote ariana off listen and reconsider that despite the tabloids and the lyrics, none of us know what went down in that marriage.
okay but what about the music? this will maybe be the shortest part of this blog (oops!), but I’m really fascinated with the narrative around and in the album. the music, I’ll probably need to listen for another week before i have anything worthwhile to say (i need to go full geek on it). keeping it brief, it felt very airy. sonically it sounds like the imaginary room the cover was shot in: spacious and full of sunbeams. something about some of the songs (wait for your love and yes, and?) felt very 80s to me, but i’d need a psychoanalyst to explain that to me. you still hear an rnb influence throughout, but why wouldn’t you? obviously the boy is mine, but true story as well with the bass straight out of “pony” by ginuwine and a drum pattern (pattern, not sample, don’t get it twisted) similarly to “don’t hurt yourself” by beyoncé. my personal favorite of the album was imperfect for you, but i’m a sucker for a pedal tone that creates dissonance, what can i say?
if you’ve actually read this far thank you? im amazed that you read a 20 mile long blog that frankly, is not even well written yet. xoxo 🐇
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on-noon · 20 days
prompt written by @derinthescarletpescatarian :
It's been raining for ages, but the stormwater drains are empty. The catchment areas are empty. Even your backyard pond is empty. Water tanks fill normally, the plants are all alive and the gardens are as damp as expected, but not a single place in town has standing groundwater, even though it's still raining.
One Friday in April I checked my weather app, it was projected to rain the whole week. I planned to check on the state of a new sand filter the Monday after the rain ended– it had just been installed the past fall, and this rain plus the snowmelt would put it through a pretty good test.
You'd think, as a stormwater guy, I would have noticed something odd earlier, but in my defense I clock out from my job on weekends. On Monday and Tuesday, I was in the basement working on getting some rain gauges to work– the cursed things, they kept working in the lab. We'd already deployed them three times this year, and they kept failing in a new way. I failed to replicate any of the failures in the lab.
On Wednesday, I go out into the field to install the rain gauges, still unsure how they had failed the first three times, but this time it was raining. I installed the rain gauge, hooked it up to a transmitter, and then went on to the next site. While I was driving to the next site, the rain intensified, sheets of rain pounding my dashboard. I pulled to the side of the road, and checked the level in the rain gauge. It told me there was nothing. Once the rain calmed a bit, I turned around to try to troubleshoot the rain gauge. On the way, I realized I was close to the new sand filter, so I took a detour to check it out.
I put on my raincoat, got out of my truck and walked down the park trail to the pond with the filter. At least with the rain I didn't need to look out for any stray frisbee golf disks.
To my surprise, as I approached the sand filter, it was just sitting there. It was designed so that the pond next to it would overflow onto the sand, and that would filter the water before it went into the broader stormwater system before emptying into the river. This rain should be enough to make the pond overflow. I get a sinking feeling in my gut, as I look over to the pond to investigate.
The pond is empty. Cattail grows straight out of the pond muck on one side, I can see clearly a fallen tree on the sand lining the pond's bottom. Try as I might, I can find no reason for the pond to be empty– it's in the low lying part of the park, as always, hasn't had any drains installed directly into the pond, still has relatively steep banks.
I must have stared at that pond for an hour. There's no explanation for it to be empty, in April, during the fifth straight day of rain. It's supposed to only empty in a drought. It's not a drought— and we had an excess of snowmelt lately anyway.
I drive back to the lab, eventually, the rain gauges forgotten. It took me a week before I even realized I had left all but the one I had installed in the truck, never mind how long before I took down the one I had put up.
I went down to the lab to write an email to the watershed director for that area. Jill does often try out new methods– that's why she installed the enhanced sand filter anyways. When I opened my inbox, I found emails from not only Jill, but the other watershed directors, as well as the other stormwater researchers.
The emails had subject lines such as: "No-one has any answers," "Meeting to Discuss the Situation," "Do you have any idea what's going on?" "All The Ponds Are Empty," "where is the water, anyway," "Uhhhh," and "Pond JC–21 is Empty."
I read through them all, it seems my experience today was not unique. The meeting was scheduled for that time, so I went upstairs.
"Calder. It's nice of you to finally join us," Alex says.
I grunt, and sit down. It's not that I dislike working with others, it's just easier not to.
I listen to the discussion.
"If the water's not in the drains, ponds, rain gardens– where is it?" Aditya says. "The river and lake levels aren't rising either."
"At least the lakes didn't drain as well," Hazel adds.
The conversation turns to next steps. I don't know. It sounds no one else does either. I walk out of the meeting and get into my car and drive home.
I get out and run to the pond in my backyard– I don't bother pushing the vegatation out of the way, just let the wet branches hit and splash me.
It's empty. It was full a week ago, I remember pulling buckthorn out around the bank and watching a duck family on it.
I stand in the middle of the pond, and stare up at the sky. The raindrops splash on my face, definitely liquid. I look down at the pond bed. The water hits the ground, and soaks in. But it shouldn't. I know there's clay less than a foot below that foul–smelling muck. This is too much water to infiltrate.
I went to bed early that night. When I woke up, I ran out to the pond barefoot, my feet getting muddy, just to prove to myself that it was a nightmare, that maybe I just need to get a good hobby so my job isn't the one thing that defines me.
The pond is still empty. After some more staring into the rain, my pajamas start to get soaked so I head inside to clean up and eat breakfast. I go to work.
It's been over a month now. The rain hasn't stopped, but we haven't found out where it's going.
It's just our area, that's what's weird. One small part of the world suddenly has inexplicable hydrology.
I've been interviewed in a national newspaper. I had nothing to add, I can't explain what's happening.
A few stormwater researchers have moved to the area. One of them, Panbela, I've started working with. She's got some neat ideas we're trying. And she's fine if I don't respond to an email for a few days.
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redgyl · 1 year
Hi. I was struck with Boatem Knights AU brainrot when I saw fanart for it on youtube when someone retroactively made music to go with it (Thriplerex's "Builders Of All That Extraordinary Municipality (B.O.A.T.E.M.) - V.S. Hermitcraft's Boatem Crew". I like it.), which lead me to Tumblr. Then I sawn what was on here already, saw the writing prompt "Scar injures Grian in Vex form," and a story started forming in my mind. So, I had to actually make an account just so I can share my ideas.
What Applestruda and other creators on here have made is wonderful! I don't want to step on any toes, and I do not wish to be the newbie who knows not the meaning of etiquette. I hope that some of my ideas can be canon, but if not, I hope they're still good as alternative, harmless fan-stuff while still respecting the original creators.
Anyway, here is the first chapter of my story inspired by what everyone else has already made. Enjoy!
Chaper 1
The poor ogres were dead.�� They just didn’t know it yet.
Hunched over to ten feet tall, lazily holding tree logs for clubs, the two green-skinned, filthy monsters chuckled over the knight standing alone in front of them.  They laughed even harder to see the other four knights retreat back up the trail.
“Heh heh, your friends are smart,” one said.
“Heh heh, they left you to die,” said the other.
“You look delicious.”
“We’ll eat you raw.”
The knight, who wore relatively little armor, kept smiling up at them, his dark hair turning a glowing white and his tanned skin turning blue.  A cat-shaped, glowing ghost purred on his shoulder.  It mewed and rubbed on his cheek.
The knight, whose name was Sir Scar, laughed back at the ogres, putting down his crossbow and ignoring his sword.  “You know what they say,” he said, his dark eyes turning white.  The cat jumped down from his shoulder and disappeared into the brush.  The knight switched his stance into a low crouch, fingers hooked like claws and held back, ready to swing forward.
“They didn’t leave me,” he said. ”They got out of my way!”
“And then I beat it over the head with its own arm!” Scar finished as he and his four companions rode their steeds along the road through the woods, shifting his crossbow back to its spot over his shoulder.  He was back to normal: dark hair, dark eyes, easy-going smile, scarred face.  “I always wanted to do that.”
Sir Grian giggled. “That’s so cliche’,” he teased.  “Of course you’d want to do it.”
“You really should have stuck around to see it,” Scar teased back, knowing full well that they couldn’t.
“Sure, Scar, sure,” Grian played along.  “The only time you’re not dramatically tripping over your own feet because you’re feral?  Love to see it sometime, so long as I’m out of reach.”
“You could with those wings, you know,” Scar replied.  “Why don’t you fly more?”
Grian made a face.  “You fly in Vex form, too.  Besides, armor’s heavy,” he explained, tapping his chest plate.  He was an odd-looking person, with a plain, round face and plain, brown hair and an ordinary, sensible taste of fashion, but also with bright red macaw wings sprouting from his back and another matching, silly set from the sides of his head.
The ghostly cat on Scar’s shoulder mewed with jealousy.  “Oh, sorry, Jellie,” Scar said, scratching the pretty little thing behind the head.  It went back to purring.  It was always reassuring to see the blue cat there.  The little familiar helped Scar control the Vex enchantment, keeping the monster inside soothed until it either overflows with bloodlust or is intentionally called on.  Only then does she leave, making space for the beast.  
Scar’s next words were toward Grian, even as he kept cuddling his cat.  “Maybe you should have a boob window, like me.”
Grian laughed.  “I’d sooner die.”
“You know, Grian,” Scar said in his smoothest voice, the tone he uses whenever he's trying to swindle a customer. "You're a reasonable man-bird. Do you know just how light and easy to handle a boob window is? It is like having wings, wings for your chest."
As the two of them continued their friendly banter, the pair of traveling companions behind them eavesdropped.  One was a slight man with a handsome mustache and meticulous hair, his dashing appearance comically ruined by a single clover sprouting from his head.  He carried a rocket launcher — a weapon unheard of in this age of magic.  His eyes danced with amusement at Grian and Scar’s conversation.  Beside him rode Lady Pearl, large scythe casually held in her hand, her eyes rolling at Scar’s current attempt to sell the “boob window.”  She was a beautiful woman with a couple of feather-like antenna coming from her head, her armor white and bright.  
“I’d recommend calling it something else,” Pearl said in a low tone to the man riding beside her, “because ‘boob window’ sounds so stupid, but I don’t want to help him be more convincing.”
“Me, neither,” chuckled the man, Sir Mumbo.  “But I can appreciate his persistence.”
Way up in the front, Sir Impulse smiled.  He was a big, solid man with a friendly face and yellow on his armor, a large sword bound to his back. He had found himself a bunch of good friends, he thought.  They each had a great sense of humor, and each was a good-hearted knight, which made for good company.  That was a blessing, since they would be stuck together for the next few days.
In the back of his mind, Impulse worried about the wisdom of intentionally using Scar’s Vex form.  Yes, they all knew what Scar was when they accepted him as a knight.  Sure, Scar said that the bloodlust would grow and he had to just let it out so he could stay in control, and, sure, it was handy against big monsters like ogres or trolls or minotaurs.  But Impulse wondered, were they treating this power too casually?
It would be a few hours yet before they set up camp for the night.  They won’t be out of the woods for a couple of days, at least.  Then, they could be home.
Far, far away, a good, kind, beloved king received a gift.  
That gift exploded.  When the smoke cleared, that king had been turned to stone.
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gtraccoon · 1 year
part 6
Kyle didn’t realize he was holding his breath. The feeling of Stan’s little body pressed up against his made him feel like he needed to protect him, and since Kenny was pretty accident-prone, he didn’t know if it was a great idea. But he was already walking down the moonlit sidewalk. He couldn’t go tomorrow, because it was a school day—and he needed to spend that time worrying about what to do with Stan. So he had to go now.
He glanced down at Stan one more time before knocking on Kenny’s door. His mom answered, stone faced and clearly drunk. He forced a smile.
“Uh. Can Kenny play?”
“Kid… it’s almost midnight.” She said, frowning and about to close the door.
“Um. It’s important.” He said quickly, and she rolled her eyes, closing the door. After a few seconds of muffled yelling Kenny answered, his eyes going wide when he saw Kyle. Before he could say anything, Kyle grabbed his wrist and pulled him away from his home, not even shutting the door. After they were in a safe enough area, Kyle let go, turning to face Kenny.
“Okay. I have a lot to explain.” He said, raising his hands up slightly in a surrendering position. Kenny raised his eyebrows, tugging off his hood.
“You think?” He paused, glancing at Kyle’s pocket. “Stan’s not hurt, is he?”
“I—no. He’s fine, and actually, he’s the one that suggested we come over here. And I wanted to apologize.” Kyle said, avoiding eye contact.
“It’s okay, dude, I get it.” Kenny replied, smiling. Kyle looked down.
“We don’t know how.. it.. happened. It kinda just did.” He said, his voice soft, as he let Stan out of his pocket. Stan immediately locked eyes with Kenny, his heart rate speeding up. One human 100 times his size was terrifying to deal with, but 2? “I hope you’ll be cool about this. Because seriously, he can get really hurt if anyone finds out. For example Cartman. And then we’d all get in trouble.” Stan pressed his hand against Kyle’s, trying to calm him down. He was talking fast, something he did when he was nervous, and if he was nervous Stan would get nervous, like some sort of fucked up domino effect.
He heard them talking, but he didn’t really pay mind. Their voices were muffled, anyway, so it must not be very important. His head was somewhere else. What if this was a bad idea? Maybe he was being pessimistic or maybe he was overwhelmed. But Kenny’s… kind of friends with Cartman. What if he tells him? He missed being able to be alone. Alone when he didn’t have to worry about anything, like his friends betraying him. Now, he had to be watched over. All the time, like a fucking baby, and it sucked. He hated being so fragile. ‘he can get hurt if someone finds out’, like just a few wrong words could kill him. Tell the wrong person and he’s gone like he was never even there. What would his parents think?
“Stan.” He looked up. “You okay?” Kenny asked, his voice soft. He was always so sweet, and Stan didn’t know why. Sometimes they treated him like shit. He loved Kenny but he just couldn’t deal with it right now.
“Yeah. I’m fine, thanks.” He looked up at Kyle, tears already welling in his eyes. “Can we go home?” His voice was shaking. Kyle frowned, nodding slowly.
“Yeah. That’s fine. See you tomorrow, Kenny,” He said, waving goodbye. Kenny pulled his hood back up, turning and leaving. Stan’s head was overflowing with too much information. School. That’s gonna be a lot of people. And he thought 2 was bad. What if Wendy wondered where he was? Cartman knows, and that kid can spread rumors fast. Kenny might try to shut him down but he’s like a wind up toy, you tell him something and he doesn’t calm down until he tires himself out.
I’m so fucked.
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Azusa Dark [Prologue]
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ー The scene starts in the living room of the Mukami manor
Yui: ( I’m not going to leave Azusa-kun’s side. )
( I want us to stay together, forever... )
Azusa: ...Eve, what were you thinking of just now?
Yui: You, of course.
Azusa: ...I see. 
ー He steps closer
Azusa: Thank you...You’re always on my mind as well.
Yui: Fufu, that makes two of us. 
( I’ll continue doing my best to try and make up for his one missing arm. )
( I want to live alongside him after all... )
Ruki: Anyway, make sure to prepare thoroughly for our set-off tomorrow morning. 
Yuma: Kou, ya better not oversleep.
Kou: Geezー I know!
ー The other three brothers leave
Yui: Azusa-kun, shall we get going too? 
Azusa: Yeah. I’ll come to your room once I’m done packing, okay...?
Yui: Fufu, thanks.
ー Yui arrives in front of Azusa’s room
Yui: ( I wonder if getting ready is taking time...? )
( I finished packing first so I came to his room but... )
*Knock knock*
Yui: Azusa-kun, I’m coming in, okay?
ー She enters his room
Azusa: Ah, Eve...
I’m sorry, I know I said I would come to you...But I can’t seem to decide what to pack...
Yui: ( Wow! His bag is overflowing with all sorts of things... )
I’ll help out. What are you unsure about?
Azusa: Let’s see...There’s just so much I want to take with me...
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Azusa: A change of clothes, a towel....my bandages...
The album which has photos of our family...also...
Yui: Fufu, you can’t take that many things with you, you know?
Azusa: ...You think so too?
Yui: Let’s pick out only the absolutely necessary things together.
Yui: For example...Don’t you think they’ll have towels ready for us to use at Eden as well?
I do think a change of clothes and your bandages are necessary, but...Ah! I’ll let you borrow my hairbrush, okay?
Azusa: ...But...I don’t want to leave all of this behind...
Yui: Why? 
Azusa: Take this towel, for example. It’s the same you used to dry my hair...
Also, this brush is also...the one you usually comb my hair with...
Yui: That’s impressive, Azusa-kun. You remembered all of those moments together...
( It’s honestly a little embarrassing... )
Azusa: I mean, the fact that we’re able to live together like this...is pretty much like a dream come true to me...
That’s why I recall all of them. They’re all happy memories, no matter how trivial they may seem...
Yui: ...Azusa-kun...
Then let’s put all extras in my luggage. 
I’ve got a bit of free space left. I’m not sure if everything will fit though...
Azusa: ...Are you sure?
Yui: Of course.
Your precious memories are important to me as well.
Azusa: ...You really are so kind.
ー Azusa embraces her
Azusa: Thank you, Yui-san. For being with me...
Yui: ...!
Azusa: I lost...my left arm but I promise that I’ll try even harder...so we can stay together forever...
Azusa: So please, stay with me. Yui-san...Nn...
Yui: ...Ah, wait...
( His fangs are... )
Azusa: I’m sorry...I just got overwhelmed by happiness, making me crave for your blood...
But...You feel the same way, don’t you...?
You want...to be with me, right...?
Yui: ...Yeah...
Azusa: Fufu...Then you don’t mind, do you?
Yui: ...Uu...
*Rustle rustle* 
Azusa: This side’s up next...
Azusa: Ah...
Yui: ( The bandage around his arm came loose...! )
*Rustle rustle* 
Yui: One second, I’ll wrap it back around real quick.
Azusa: ...Ah...
Yui: There you go, all done.
ー Azusa steps back
Azusa: ...
Yui: ...Azusa-kun? What’s wrong? 
Azusa: Oh no...It’s nothing. Thank you, Yui-san.
Yui: No need to thank me, really.
( He’s acting a little weird...? I wonder if he’s tired from everything which happened? )
Hey, Azusa-kun. Why don’t we call it a day?
Let’s finish packing tomorrow morning?
Azusa: ...Yeah, good idea.
Yui: ...
( Azusa-kun...There really is something off about him... )
( He was having so much fun packing his things up till now...I wonder what’s gotten into him? )
ー They move to the bed
*Rustle rustle*
Azusa: ...
Yui: ( I want to help him however I can. )
( I wonder if it’s okay for me to ask if there’s something weighing down on his mind? )
Azusa: Hey, Eve. Can I ask you something...?
Yui: Sure, what is it?
Azusa: Am I...unreliable to you...?
Yui: Of course not. In fact, you are very reliable in my eyes.
Azusa: ...I see.
Yui: ( Azusa-kun...Seems like he’s still worried about something. )
( Even though I told him how I feel, perhaps my answer wasn’t quite satisfying. )
L-Listen, Azusa-kunーー
Azusa: Goodnight, Yui-san.
Yui: R-Right. ...Goodnight.
( I feel like I got brushed off just now...Or am I just overthinking it? )
( Azusa-kun already has enough difficulties now that he’s lost his left arm. )
( I have to at least make it so he doesn’t need to worry about unnecessary things... )
ー The scene shifts to the gate to the Demon World
Ruki: ーー Everyone’s here, right? We’ll be setting off to Eden soon. 
Kou: Sure thing! Well then, Yuma-kun, take good care of these~
*Rustle rustle*
Yuma: Ah? ...Yer luggage?
Kou: I mean, I’m an idol, remember? You can’t expect me to walk all the way to Eden carrying such a heavy bag!
Yuma: Aah? And what makes ya think Imma be yer personal porter? If ya can’t carry it yerself, you’re gonna have to leave it behind.
Kou: Ehー!? That’s so petty of you, Yuma-kun!
Yui: ( Those two never change. )
( It almost makes me forget that danger is lurking in the back... )
Azusa: Ah...Eve. I’ll carry your bag...
Yui: It’s fine. You’ve got your own luggage as well so carrying both must be tough, right?
Azusa: ...Yeah.
Yui: ( ...I did the right thing, no? )
( I won’t cause him any worries if I carry my own weight. )
The journey to Eden,
was even longer than I thought.
After making it past the underground waterway,
and walking through the forest of the Demon World for a while,
we were hit by a sudden downpour.
We had faith in Ruki-kun’s prediction,
that it was most likely just a quick shower,
as we decided to take a small break,
inside a nearby cave. 
ー The scene shifts to the cave
Yuma: ...Doesn’t seem like this rain will lift any time soon.
Ruki: It can’t be helped. I suppose we’ll set up camp here for tonight.
Yuma, come with me. We’ll go and gather some branches to make a fire.
Yuma: Sure.
ー Ruki and Yuma leave
Kou: Uu...These wet clothes feel icky...
Azusa: Eve, are you alright...? Won’t you catch a cold at this rate...?
Yui: Oh no. I’m totally fiーー Achoo!
I-I’m sorry...I guess it’s a little cold after all...
( Shame on me. I can’t believe I’m worrying him by sneezing right off the bat. )
Azusa: You should probably wipe yourself dry...
One second...I’ve got a towel in my bag...
*Rustle rustle*
Azusa: ...It won’t open...
Kou: Give that to me, Azusa-kun. I’ll open it for you.
Azusa: Eh? But...
Kou: Oh come on, don’t mention it! We’re meant to help out each other in times like these, no?
Azusa: ...Yeah.
ー Kou opens up his bag
Kou: ー Ah, there it is! Here, M-neko-chan.
ー Kou hands her the towel
Yui: Thank you, Kou-kun.
You too, Azusa-kun.
Azusa: ...
Yui: ...What’s wrong? You seem a little down...
Azusa: It’s nothing. The rain’s...just making me feel a little gloomy, that’s all...
Yui: ...I see. I’m sorry for asking a weird question.
( I wonder if it’s really just because of the rain? )
( I feel as if there’s something else behind it as well... )
L-Listen, Azusa-kun. If anything’s bothering you, you canーー
Azusa: ーー Eve. I’m fine...
Yui: R-Right...
( ...Seems like he didn’t want me to ask. With how he acted yesterday as well, I guess he really is avoiding me... )
Kou: ...
Hmー ...I’m not sure what’s going on here, but why don’t we go look for some dry branches as well?
Let’s collect a bunch more than the other two guys so we can rub it in their faces. Okay?
Yui: G-Good idea.
Azusa: ...
ーー The next day.
After somehow making it all the way to Eden,
the scenery which awaited us there,
was that of the Castle,
which had clearly known better times.
ー The scene shifts to the flower field
Kou: ...I guess this place is no better. I honestly didn’t think Eden was in this dire of a state...
Azusa: ...
Ruki: It would appear that Sakamaki Kanato is unstable after all.
Yuma: Whatcha mean by that?
Ruki: Eden is spiritually connected to its owner, Sakamaki Kanato.
The Castle has fallen into ruin because both his mind and his powers are unstable. 
Kou: So we need to ensure that Kanato-kun gains control over own emotions and powers for Eden to return to normal? 
Hmー ...That might be pretty difficult. I mean, it’s Kanato-kun we’re talking about...
Ruki: Yes. Not only has he always been emotionally unstable, he is not the type of guy who would listen to the advice of others.
I feel that if we were to try and inform him about the situation at Eden, it would only make the situation worse.
Yuma: So we’re out of options?
Azusa: I wonder...if Kanato-san needs Eve perhaps?
Yui: Eh?
Azusa: I mean, I’m sure for him to become stable...He needs to become Adam...
To achieve that...He needs Eve. In that case, I...
Yui: Y-You’re wrong, Azusa-kun...!
I chose to be with you, remember...? So please don’t think that way...
Ruki: She’s right.
Besides, if Sakamaki Kanato were to deem Eve necessary, I am sure he will come to steal her sooner rather than later.
You don’t need to worry. Okay?
Azusa: But...
Ruki: Sure, you cannot become Adam. ...However, you love each other, don’t you?
You are the one Eve needs. Don’t get that mixed up.
Kou: Exactly, Azusa-kun! You shouldn’t be too pessimistic!
Yuma: If that gremlin tries to take her away from ya, we’ll beat his sad ass for ya!
Azusa: Right...Thanks, guys.
Yui: ( I’m glad Azusa-kun seems to have calmed down... )
( But...Will everything be okay? )
( I can tell something has been weighing heavy on his mind this whole time. )
( I just hope that he won’t keep thinking so negatively... )
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secretsign · 19 days
Thematic Headcanons.
🧡 for a friendship-themed headcanon
It's actually not difficult to make friends with HiMERU; you just need to understand that you aren't friends before you can really progress in that direction. However, as with anyone else, all it takes is paying attention to his preferences and reactions, and not growing complacent just because he seems to treat you amicably. Thoughtfulness goes a lot further with HiMERU than he'd have you believe.
😶 for a headcanon about a secret they know of / keep
You thought. Well, you thought wrong. Anyway, I think they know a lot more about certain Godfather-related issues than they let on... While I don't necessarily think Priest told them everything outright, I do believe they did their own digging, and were close enough to the center that they actually found something. It can be assumed that a lot of it is guesswork, but I do believe they came to know a thing or two about Priest's state of mind and his goals, which would make filling in the blanks of how it came to that point quite a bit easier. Of course, the majority of it is relatively worthless to them; they truly could not care less and want nothing to do with it. They saw it as knowledge with which to protect themself. Don't worry, Mr. "He was interested in me because I'm related to a certain big name idol," I see you. This is all just background for the actual headcanon.
And for those of you who were disappointed in me for not making everything about Kaname, just wait, because I'm going to make this worse. We already know that the video released during SS about Subaru's father was Priest's fault, but doesn't that sound familiar? A very, very similar video was released in a similar fashion before, one that targeted the sympathies of the other side of the conflict and resulted in the hospitalization of two promising young idols. To accept that HiMERU found out about that video (and they did, that much is very much canon) is to therefore assume they knew who to blame for it. And, after having been given the perfect tools for the task, how could they then not strive to turn HiMERU into a superidol the likes of which were all but history? How could they not use the man's own techniques to make a legend out of the boy he tried to destroy? It is an act of defiance, resistance, and revenge that mirrors Priest's own masquerade as Godfather himself. As they say: they are not building HiMERU for Kaname, but for themself, just to prove they can. Their story is overflowing with mishandled feelings of guilt, but I do believe this is a strong driving force behind their goals, moreso than simply holding the door open for their baby brother. And... this got long, but don't hesitate to ask for more details because this one is always on my mind. TL;DR Priest's obsession is HiMERU's inspiration and motivation both for taking up Kaname's identity.
💕 for a love-themed headcanon
I wanted to make this one about Kaname too, but that's kind of a cop out. So! Let's talk romantic love, which is probably what's intended here. I actually had something else written here, but I decided that it would make a better standalone post, so keep your eyes open for that. Anyway, you will likely never catch him engaging in PDA, but he has the capacity to be very affectionate in private, if his partner enjoys that sort of thing. (For the record, he will likely enjoy it, but he has no idea where he stands with it.) He's simply not used to it, even among friends, and the idea of that kind of vulnerability outside of a "safe" environment is a no no. You know, ignoring the other perfectly reasonable reasons he doesn't and won't, such as the issue of appropriate behaviour for idols to engage in. He will tolerate it in small doses where necessary. Don't think I haven't seen your onstage interactions, mister.
😴 for a sleep-themed headcanon
HiMERU does not tend to sleep restfully. He tries to maintain a very strict routine in order to help with it, and spends as little time near his bed when not sleeping as possible. Staying up late tends to be very disruptive to this delicate process, but sometimes it can't be helped... you know, like when a certain someone needs a babysitter. The proper thing for me to do would be to list that routine now, but I'm not going to do that. xoxo He probably should take sleep medication, but he won't.
🏠 for a home-themed headcanon
HiMERU actually does enjoy a cozy style of furniture that might not be expected of him. When he first began to furnish and decorate his place, aesthetic was secondary to comfort, as he wanted it to be as welcoming as possible for his little brother to come home to. However, even with other priorities, his sensibilities wouldn't allow him to simply bring home random pieces of furniture. The resulting arrangement incorporates gentle colours that would provide a much needed reprieve from sterile hospital whites and beiges without leaning too far into garishness. Given the opportunity, he would likely do something similar again; he came to enjoy the balancing puzzle.
🤕 for a pain-themed headcanon
They actually have a pretty low pain threshold; it's just that hiding it has been drilled into them, and so they keep it to themself, even if it's unbearable. This also applies to emotional pain— they feel it so strongly, and yet will not allow others a glimpse of their turmoil. This isn't really a headcanon. I cheated you again.
🐈 for a pet/animal-themed headcanon
He has had very little interaction with animals throughout his life, in general. He does not go to them, and they do not go to him. There is a mutual understanding to leave one another alone. Therefore, it makes him a little nervous to do so, even to pet a cat or dog. He doesn't enjoy unfamiliar experiences typically, especially ones that can't be prepared for ahead of time.
🌸 for a plant-themed headcanon
Kills them. Just kills all the plants. He's over-attentive and then under. He looks it up and meticulously cares for it by whatever arbitrary guideline list he finds for that specific plant, and then grows complacent because he has more important things to do. Therefore, he doesn't care for plants, period.
🌄 for an outdoor-themed headcanon
Voted very likely to succeed in a survival situation, although it would be messy. He can always, in any circumstance, "make do." But it won't be pretty. He is by no means a survival expert, nor does he have a lot of experience with it— he's just someone with good bodily control and lots of random trivia at his disposal that will help him make it through.
🌂 for a weather-themed headcanon
They love the sound of thunder and rain. Real ones may remember my headcanon about Kaname being afraid of thunder, and I'm here to tell you that this has absolutely nothing to do with that.
🪐 for a universe-themed headcanon
help girl what do you mean you want me to come up with setting themed headcanons for my idol from my idol game... I just think it must have been a terribly tense and awkward period of time studying idols for Kaname's sake given his history and all.
✂️ for a hair-themed headcanon
HiMERU originally allowed his hair to grow naturally, alongside Kaname, but decided to maintain a certain length once he became more successful as an idol. The image is everything. He knows it cannot change. His hair was actually shorter than Kaname's when they first met, and for a time, it was his preference. He's grown quite accustomed to his current style, though.
📱 for a media-themed headcanon
He's definitely one of those kinds of people who won't touch an e-book. Has to be physical. He won't get all pretentious about it right off the bat, but it's not something he prefers for himself and that's all there is to it.
🎵 for a music-themed headcanon
I don't think HiMERU likes music very much, actually. Just something mellow that can be passively listened to while reading or doing something else will do. "But Ember, why would someone who doesn't like music be in the music industry?" Do you remember his backstory? Anyway, the love he has grown for living as an idol isn't the music, it's the job itself. He has a passion all his own, not just for Kaname's sake, and I think the contrast that bears to Kaname's own regrets over choosing the path in the first place is delicious.
🎥 for a film/tv-themed headcanon
They have watched every production that Kaname has ever been in to an exhaustive and disturbing degree, until they memorized every word, until they analyzed every twitch... and then, just to be on the safe side, they watched a few episodes of each show without Kaname for good measure, or other movies with the same writers, directors, or producers. And so, you will find that HiMERU has an impressively broad catalogue of movie knowledge, even in fields they have no interest in.
💰 for a money-themed headcanon
HiMERU found out pretty belatedly about how much money was being passed back and forth to keep "his" name relevant in the months leading up to the incident at Reimei. It took a fair bit of effort for him to fix HiMERU's reputation, but the upside of the situation was that the increase in genuine quality after months of bribes, post production edits, and awkward apologies was likely the reason for his surge in popularity that allowed him to keep up with the unit-favouring changes in the industry. However, to this day, he finds himself very concerned with the flow of money surrounding him: where it came from and why, and where it goes. To him, it's another aspect of his image as an idol that needs to be maintained.
💉 for a medical-themed headcanon
HiMERU continues to frequent the hospital to visit Kaname every chance he gets, and even at times when he shouldn't. As much as he dislikes the scenery for various reasons, he finds it somewhat comforting when he's feeling unsettled. If he is unable to see Kaname, he will still often find himself nearby, just for familiarity's sake. Despite the circumstances, he feels safe there.
🛒 for a shopping-themed headcanon
HiMERU is an incredibly frugal shopper, only purchasing what's absolutely necessary... most of the time. He is not immune to impulse purchases by any means, and as a matter of fact, is more likely to do so as a thoughtful gesture towards others.
❓ for a headcanon of the receiver's choice
HiMERU shares his real birthday with his mother, and before she died, the two of them would share the first slice of cake. While he doesn't care to celebrate his birthday at all, he does still find time to have that slice on that day in her memory, even if that's all it is.
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One scarf.
hiii we were chatting tonight in the obkkrin server about some winter / christmas fluff for them and so I thought I'd throw my hat in.. here it is. Merry Christmas guys!
Hatake Kakashi / Uchiha Obito /Nohara Rin
sort of modern setting
1882 words
Ao3 Link [x]
Rin decides to knit her christmas presents for Kakashi and Obito this year. It goes semi well
Rin looked down at the fruit over her labour. The product of blood, sweat, sleepless nights, desperation and pointy needles lay on her lap in red and black with little stripes. She stared at it as if she couldn’t believe that she had actually finished it.
This year, she had decided a while ago, she wanted to make her Christmas gifts herself. Handmade, at best knitted. Did Rin have any idea how to knit? No. DId that stop her from pushing herself to get it done anyway? Also no. So she bought a book about knitting and watched about ten videos to get ready.
What she had entirely missed in her grand present plan, was that the time of a medicine student like her was incredibly limited, especially in December with the end of the semester approaching and exams and term papers looming. So after the initial phase of hot knitting, a red and black scarf that she was planning to give Obito, she soon got too busy to continue.
December crept on, the days got shorter and Christmas was right there, and still she had nothing to show for her present other than the tiny piece of scarf she had started weeks ago. With shock she realised that there were only four days left and in her overconfidence she had decided to not buy anything else. It was the self knit scarf or nothing.
So there was nothing else to do but to pull all nighters and put her all into what she had already started. It felt a little like going to battle, fighting it out with the present she had decided on, the difficult knitting style she had chosen and her own mind that told her the colours she had picked were too ugly. The time ran on and she kept working on that scarf alone.
Now it was done. The battle won. The enemy lay on her lap destroyed and exhausted like she felt. It was now 2 am on Christmas Day and in the morning she was expected to have her presents under the christmas tree. There was no time to make another scarf for Kakashi, there was no time to go out and buy something instead. No way but forward. Rin packed the scarf into a little box and wrote both Obito’s and Kakashi’s name on it. They would have to share the present.
Still, she felt miserable when she climbed into bed behind Obito who once again had snuggled up to Kakashi so close that Kakashi looked sweaty from the heat he was always giving out. Rin buried her head into Obito’s neck and tried to calm herself down. Presents didn’t matter, the thought counted. The boys would not be upset if she would not give them separate gifts. 
The morning came suddenly and way too quickly, though she was woken with a soft kiss to her cheek. Kakashi tapped his nose softly against hers. “Merry Christmas,” he said and smiled.
“Morning,” Rin stretched her neck to really kiss him and then she looked to the side: “Obito is already up?”
“I think he is wrapping whatever he bought us.” Kakashi rolled his eyes. “Probably forgot.” 
That was how Rin remembered her own subpar present hiding under the tree. She bit her lip and turned away from Kakashi, who didn’t seem to notice her quick shift in mood because he was telling a story about how Obito had come to him the day before and asked for wrapping paper and glue just right before bed time. “I told him where it is, but before he could get it he was already passed out on the bed”, Kakashi laughed. “The pressure of sitting on your computer and playing video games got to him finally.”
“That seems likely”, Rin, who had only been half listening, murmured as a reply. She exited the bed and found some sweats to wear on some chair in the corner, which was overflowing with clothes, mostly Kakashi’s. 
Kakashi followed her in the living room, where Obito was sitting on the ground, head in his hand, some ripped paper opened up in front of him. “This… this is torture… torture… the torture”, he mumbled to himself. Apparently he had not seen them coming.
“Every child can wrap presents, Obito” Kakashi walked over and started collecting the paper shreds on the floor. “Nobody thinks its torture.”
Obito got up and took up the little package that he had just tried wrapping. “Just take it like this. Merry Christmas, bakashi.”
A slightly dumbfounded Kakashi looked at the small box in his hand. It was red and looked kind of like jewellery. “Are you going to ask me to marry you?” Kakashi joked looking at the peculiar box. “You know we couldn’t do that to Rin.”
“Why don’t you open it,” Obito spat back.
Kakashi opened the little box and pulled out what was inside. It was a light, silver dog-tag, one that he could hang around his neck. From the look of it Obito had it engraved with their names together and a few of Kakashi’s family dogs names too. “Oh,” Kakashi said. “That… very lovely.”
“Well I am an excellent gift giver.” Obito put his arms together in front of his body. Kakashi put the tag around his neck and then leaned over to give Obito a kiss right onto his pouty face.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Obito seemed much more happy now. He took a different package that he had gotten wrapped, though the paper looked weirdly wrinkled and he had used a lot of duct tape. “For you.”
Rin couldn’t help feeling bad when she opened her own present and realised it was an expensive branded purple makeup palette. She moved her fingers over the powder and tried the glitter out on her skin. The shades were wonderful and they looked lovely. “Thank you Obito, that is definitely useful.” 
She kissed him by standing on her tiptoes. Obito was now satisfied. Getting praise from both of them was definitely his favourite thing to happen to him. “Well, well, where are my presents?’” He grinned at his partners.
Kakashi sighed and leaned down under the christmas tree. He picked up something very thin, that he had neatly wrapped just like he always did. His narrow handwriting was readable on it. “Obito.” He handed it over.
Obito greedily ripped the paper open and then let out a triumphant scream: “Yesss!!” It was a new video game for his Playstation. 
“Now you can stop crying to me all the time about how much you want to play it.” Kakashi said.
Obito returned the kiss from earlier. “Thank you. And now I will instead cry to you about how I can’t beat it, alright?”
“Can’t wait.”
Kakashi then stretched to get the other package, which was much larger and felt heavy when he handed it to Rin. “It is not so exciting,” he said apologetically, “but I think it might come in handy.”
It was a thick, detailed book about human anatomy, with very clear sketches and images. One of the things she had to do for her recent exam was study anatomy, bones in the body and such, and it had given her troubles. Both guys had helped her remember things several times with conventional methods and others. But in the end what she really wanted was a place to look things up that troubled her to remember. This book would help.
Rin’s hands were shaking as she pulled Kakashi down to kiss him too. She felt bad. There was only one present left and it was hers. One present for both of them. One miserable scarf with a pattern that was all over the place. It was not comparable with the thoughtful gifts they had given her. 
“So Rin, you are always so great with gifts, what do you have in store for us.” Obito grinned and Rin wanted to cry a little. 
She picked up her tiny box from under the christmas tree and handed it over between them. “It’s for both of you.” She was too embarrassed to look at them.
How had her infinite hybris thought she could knit two scarves in time for Christmas Day? Especially when she had no idea how to knit or how to knit well. Why had she been so stubborn to hold on to her belief that she could get it done and refused to buy something different for the boys? Their disappointment would be her punishment for this absurd row of bad choices.
Obito opened the paper and then handed the box to Kakashi. “Now you.” So Kakashi opened the present. Rin looked at her feet.
It was quiet for just long enough for Rin to lose all her nerve, but then Obito said: “Did you make this?” dragging Rin’s eyes involuntarily up to meet his.
Kakashi was holding the scarf in one hand, the unravelled ends very visibly at the bottom of it. Obito’s eyes were wide as if he was amazed.
“I- I mean.. Yes I did make it.” 
“Wow,” Obito said and Kakashi added: “Is that what you stayed up last night for?” Both their voices sounded excited.
Rin didn’t understand why they weren't disappointed. “Yes, but… I barely made it one. Like.. it’s one present for both of you and it's barely a present…”
 “It’s so cute, Rin,” Kakashi threw the scarf around his neck. “The pattern is slightly uneven and that makes it wonderful.”
She almost felt like interjecting that it wasn’t supposed to be uneven. That she had just messed it up. 
Kakashi pulled at Obito: “Come here, this is your present too.” Obito took a step towards Kakashi and let the scarf be wrapped around his neck too. They now stood shoulder to shoulder, their heads almost bumping in together so they could both wear it at the same time.
“Perfect,” Obito grinned.
“It’s so comfortable,” Kakashi noted.
“It really keeps you warm.”
“I think Obito and I should walk around outside like this all the time,” Kakashi laughed.
Rin had a hard time believing they were being serious. “You.. like it?”
Obito stepped forward and by the force of them hanging together, so did Kakashi. “You made this for us with your own hands! You learned knitting even though you were so busy and you stayed up late to finish it.” This was less of an explanation and more of a recap of the past few days.
“Of course we love it, because you made it,” Kakashi took over and then pulled Rin into a hug. 
From her left side Obito also stepped closer to her. “It is in fact, my most favourite gift I have ever gotten.” He ignored Kakashi’s “hey!” from his other side.
“You guys are the worst liars,” Rin mumbled into Kakashi’s chest. She was glad to have them though. Kakashi and Obito could make even the most embarrassing moments feel lighthearted and bearable.
Both men now bowed down to her smaller height, the scarf still limiting them in their movement, and kissed Rin’s cheek from either side. 
 “Merry Christmas!” Kakashi put his head down on Rin’s head.
“And to you,” she replied.
Obito was grinning again: “And most importantly: to me.”
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