capitalisticveins · 9 months
Listen I know shes a gem and ik you all love her and will shit on me for saying this but I need yall to peep game and lock in, just try to see the vision rq
I need Marie to die SOOOOO bad
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asmrrpaddict · 3 months
Since I see Darlin’ as having longish shaggy hair, my hc is that Sam always has a hair tie. (Get y’all’s minds out of the gutter. I mean for things like cooking or it gets too hot on their neck.) I see you. 👁️——👁️
Sam definitely has a first aid kit in his truck.
Milo found an old photo of Darlin’ in his mom’s house and showed it to Sam, who proceeded to ask if he could keep it and it’s in his wallet.
Angel silently comforted David when he got home from the police station after Quinn told Sam everything. He felt raw and conflicted. He was beyond pissed at Quinn, he was distraught about everything his pack member went through, and he was both at how little he could do for them.
When Darlin’ learned what Sam’s favorite food used to be, they would make it to make the house smell like it knowing Sam would love it.
The Mates and Darlin’ (eventually) go out for drinks, dinner, or shopping every now and then. Asher likes to tag along sometimes.
Vincent likes to hustle people at anything. Sam will get in on it if they play pool.
Sam had never been beaten at pool until he went with the pack and played Sweetheart.
Sam likes to kiss Darlin’ nose.
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angel-shaw · 1 month
Had a little mini fic idea inspired by this post
“Hay did you ever get your license?” Asher asked
Darlin had just parked their motorcycle and taken their helmet off right before heading into a pack meeting.
Before they could respond they felt a looming presence behind them.
They turned to be meet with David, looking at them with what could only be described as shock horror and the hope of a man about to be shattered.
“Hayyyyyyy buddy! Was wondering when you’d show up! How’s was your weekend? Have a good time with your mate? Do anything fun? You know we really should get into the meeting cuz we wouldn’t want our own Alfa being late now would weeee?”
Asher reacted a lot faster then Darlin did, also seeing David’s mortified face only a second to late to avoid asking the question but soon enough to start his damage control.
In their heart, they knew, they both knew that they were screwed. Darlin had been driving their entire life, granted most of that had in fact been without a license.
They had drove David sound during said no license time but never bothered to tell him about that. At the time it didn’t matter to them, now they just didn’t want to get a 45 minute scolding from David.
They were both, so so screwed. Darlin for their years of driving without a license and Asher for his now obvious compliance with said crime.
Before they knew it both Asher’s and Darlin’s mates where called and stairing them down as David asked them just exactly what Asher ment by that.
It didn’t take long for the truth to come out. Asher broke first. (Can you blame him? His mate is scary)
“Ok ok ok but don’t be mad!”
“Ok fine! Tank has been driving since they were like 14 but never took their driving test so never got their license!”
“….i have it now..”
“When exactly did you decide to get your license then.” David’s question didn’t feel like a question.
“……when we got the department involved with the quin situation….”
“They had to check my ID and I would have gotten in trouble if they relized I didn’t have a license so I had to get it then! But it’s not like it matters, I’ve always been able to drive and it’s not like I was ever caught”
“What you’re telling me. Is that every time I got into the car with you…you didn’t have a license!?”
“I got on that damn bike of yours and you didn’t have a license?!?!??!?” Sam was more distraught than angry, mostly about the motorcycle thing.
“……if I say no will you belive me…”
(This is short and small but I want to get back tk wrighting so I figured just a little mediocre  blerb is fine lol.
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milogreer · 5 months
i love love love the "healing your feisty werewolf boyfriend" audio for three main reasons:
getting to hear about milo and asher's friendship and their competitiveness and how milo's first reaction to asher being in danger is to throw himself in the way of it, no matter how illogical it may be
the fact that he gets to do dumb shit like race ash in wolf form on top of a mountain always gets me right in the heart thinking about how distraught he was post-inversion before his shifting came back
the revelation that sweetheart's been working on their healing magic for god knows how long and how this audio calls back to their original meetcute when they couldn't heal for shit
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thefirstknife · 1 year
re: shaping Light into things besides weapons: I always thought emotes with projections are Guardians shaping their Light into other them eg. the couch and goblet for Luxurious Toast, Heart Sign, the chicken in Poultry Petting
Yeah! We have one very small direct confirmation of this in the text of an emote:
"Paracausal power? And THIS is what you do with it?"
This is Asher being distraught that we're using our Light to make projections as emotes.
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Redacted-tober 2023 Day Five
Prompt: David & Future
Pairing: David/Angel
cw: fake gore
Summary: David comes home to a supposedly blood-splattered kitchen.
Available on AO3 here!
<- Previous Day | Next Day ->
“Surpriiiiiise~” Angel says weakly, unenthused jazz hands presenting to David his poor, devastated kitchen. The microwave and the countertop beneath it are covered in congealed, copper goo, and the streaks of it across the floor and island make the scene look more like a murder den than a home. The alpha can only begin to imagine what his sink must look like when his angel takes a dejected seat next to the cause of this madness.
“I wanted to try making a mirror glaze cake me and Asher’s mate saw on Pinterest-” they whine, arms outstretched towards the splotchy white and pink thing on the counter. “-but the glaze isn’t even the right shade of red no matter how much color I add, and I tried pouring it on, but it’s too thin! So I tried nuking it in the microwave so I could mix it again, and…” Angel trails off, the energy draining out of their body as they properly take note of the bloodbath the room had become. “I wanted to make the cake for tomorrow’s Halloween party so you’d have one less thing to worry about.”
“You need to add black food coloring if you want it to be blood-red,” David says with deep, resigned exhaustion. A sigh, a deep breath, a look at the love of his life’s distraught face, and David rolls up his sleeves to lean against the counter into their space. “You microwaved the glaze, and it still didn’t stick to the cake?”
“No,” Angel sighs, looking at the rivulets of red dripping down the fluffy, white surface.
“That means there’s not enough gelatin,” David says with a confident nod. “You frosted the cake and chilled it?” They give him a despondent nod in return, and David returns the favor with a swift, decisive kiss to the top of their head. “That’s perfect. We’ll put it in the fridge, and we can scrape off the top layer to start new.”
“You’re going to help me fix it? You’re not mad?” Angel looks up at him with wide, adoring eyes that close blissfully when David leans down for a proper kiss.
“Of course we’re going to fix it, and it’s going to be good…” He graces them with one more kiss and an adoring, indulgent smile before shoving a roll of paper towels in their hand. “…this time. In the future, you’re on your own.”
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art--harridan · 1 year
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[Image description: A digital drawing based on the film Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker. At the bottom right corner Billy Lynch lies prone on the floor, arms spread limply by his sides and face in a grimace. He's wearing his basketball uniform and a basketball sits discarded near him. Cartoon blue birds circle around his head. There's a hot pink outline around all of these elements, though the ball is outlined multiple times. Above this drawing there's Billy and Aunt Cheryl in a more painterly style. Billy looks distraught at the viewer, face frozen in fear and confusion. His aunt leans against him, expression vacant as she stares upwards. Her mouth is slightly open. They are both covered in blood, the mess on Billy gravitating towards his face while the blood on her centres around her breasts. A stray pink balloon floats near them. They're outlined in a light purple which makes it resemble a sticker. The background is a purple-toned blue.]
Inktober - Day 9 (Bounce)
Movie - Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker (William Asher, 1981)
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annahxredaxted · 2 years
Shaw pack bois reacting to their partner wiping their kisses off.
You and David were sitting on the couch together just relaxing watching some shitty movie, just embracing eachother when he suddenly pulls you close on him,sitting on his lap, face to face, he looked down, at you and gently pulled you close for a little kissy, and a couple seconds later you wiped it off. Huh? He thought. He gave you another one for good measure, and you did it again. “What are you doing?” He asked. “Hmm? Nothing.” He Rose an eyebrow at them. They couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m- im sorry,” they slapped their knee, absolutely hacking up air, with how much their laughing “,it’s a joke davey- m’sorry come here..” they pulled him close for a long sweet kiss.
“Ash. I’m off to work okay?” They said to their boyfriend, literally inhaling his lucky charms. “Okay baabe, c’mere hold on!” He tripped out of his chair, rising quickly to his feat, he gave them a nice lil kiss and they wiped it off. Wiped it off? “Baabee..” they turned their attention to his pouty face. “It won’t have magic boyfriend powers if you wipe it off.” They couldn’t help but chuckle at that which made Asher suspicious. “Hmm okay. Alright then. Bye baabe.” They we’re shocked “no wait asher please it was a joke.”they pleaded he dramaticly sighed “okay fine.” He kissed them then their nose then their forehead. “Bye baabe luv you..”
“Sweetheart I’m hoommee!” Milo yelled as he shut the door behind him “hi milo.” They said back “how was your day?” He groaned “long, but it’s better now.” He smiled and walked toward them. He grabbed them by their waist and hugged them, they quickly retaliated the action with tight arms around his shoulders. He pulled away and gave them a kiss on their soft face, he pulled away from them and they moved their hand to their face and wiped it off. He scoffed. “What was that?” They bit their cheek to keep from chuckling “oh I had an itch sorry.” They said seeing his visible distraught. “Right.” He grimaced “anyway. What do you want for dinner?” They asked pulling away but he held on. He smirked “wel-,” they stopped him. “Never mind. Soup it is.” They said awkwardly laughing. In the middle of said laugh he kissed them again and they wiped it once more. “Alright what the fuck.” He said sternly, growling Uber his breath “what?” They said trying so hard not to laugh. “You keep wiping off my kisses for no goddam reason? What is it? Do I smell or some’n?” He asked “no milo it was a joke I’m sorry..” they said pouting but somehow smiling at the same time “you menace don’t do that.” He kissed them all over their face “try wiping that off ya goof.”
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What Comes Next?
Summary: Following the departure of the Adventurers from the Hall of Heroes, Llachlan and Aurianna sit down and have a frank conversation about what's going to happen now.
Words: 819
Tags: @druidx @homesteadchronicles @flashfictionfridayofficial @asher-orion-writes,@warriorbookworm, @odysseywritings, @blind-the-winds, @thesorcerersapprentice,@writeblrcafe
Warnings: None
Notes: Set during the time of the current campaign. Around 900-ish years after Destiny's New Servants, so Aurianna is all grown up now.
Llachlan stared moodily at the group of adventurers leaving the Hall of Heroes. It wasn't that he was ungrateful– He owed his newfound freedom to them after all– but now that he was free from the clutches of the Black Lady, he had no idea what he was supposed to do now.
He startled as a gigantic foot covered in golden scales landed on the floor next to him. A soft rumble echoed around the hallway,
"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were so lost in thought." Aurianna's voice was soft as she spoke. Llachlan cleared his throat and shook his head,
"It's fine." He muttered. The young dwarf fidgeted for a moment, trying to find the words he wanted to say to this Guardian. There was so much he wanted to ask, but he didn't know what kinds of answers he even wanted for them. 
Aurianna watched as the lanky, awkward young man wrestled with himself. While she had been aware of his birth, her heart ached at the thought that she'd never really had a chance to meet him properly. The gigantic dragon heaved a melancholic sigh as she lay down on the floor next to him, crossing one giant paw over the other and curling her tail around Llachlan. Several long moments passed before either of them spoke,
"I won't condone the way you were treated, but I understand where it came from." Aurianna finally said, watching the airship the adventurers had used to get here fly off into the distance. Llachlan snorted and glanced up at the whiskered face,
"Aye, well, that doesn't undo what was done!" He snapped, crossing his arms moodily across his chest and glaring at the mosaic laid into the floor. Aurianna rumbled,
"It doesn't." She agreed, "I won't ask you to forgive them, Llachlan, that decision rests with you. I will point out, however, that you now have the opportunity to live for yourself, free from any perceived obligations you might have had." 
Llachlan's frown lifted slightly as he looked up at the huge dragon. He bit his lip and fiddled with one of the clasps in his beard,
"I ken," he murmured, "but how do I even start? I've spent ma whole life tryin' to live up to the expectations everyone had o' me a-and…" he broke off as the damn within finally broke and the decades of shame and guilt poured out. Aurianna crooned softly, laying her head next to the distraught dwarf and curling tighter around him,
"None of us expect you to be able to live up to the legacy we left you with." She said quietly, "All we wanted was for you to grow up in a world where you wouldn't have to do the things we had to, and I'm so sorry that you couldn't avoid getting involved in this." Llachlan wiped his eyes on the sleeve of his robe and sniffled,
"Aye, well, I've heard that history has a bit o' a bad habit of repeatin' itself." He took several deep breaths to calm himself down and sat down next to Aurianna's snout, leaning his head against it.
"So what now?" He asked, "My last patron isn't gonna leave me alone now I've rejected her. If anything she's gonna lash oot worse than ever." Aurianna gingerly lifted her head again and fixed the beardling with a determined stare,
"Then we do what we can to stop her." Llachlan gaped as the lining around the dragon's scales lit up, sufusing the whole corridor in a divine radiance. He backed off a little as a small tendril of the light reached out to him. He looked up at Aurianna, unable to hide his fear. The moment they locked eyes, he saw Aurianna's expression soften and he felt, rather than heard,
I'm sorry she taught you to fear this kind of connection. 
Grey blue eyes widened, transfixed by much larger dark, liquid gold. The feeling was warm and comforting; far from the cold and calculating demeanour he was familiar with. Something within Llachlan leaned into it, desperate to hold onto it, like a child seeking warmth and comfort from their mother.
It's ok. Things will be better, I promise.
Llachlan's hand still shook as he reached out to the tendril of light, unsure if he could trust this feeling. He swallowed down his fear, closed his eyes and touched it. 
Warmth flooded into Llachlan as the light consumed the temple, overwhelming the dark coldness that had sat in his heart all this time. And for the first time since he could remember, Llachlan felt safe and secure.
He gingerly opened his eyes, to find Aurianna grinning down at him. The dragon jerked her head,
"Well, let's get started. We've a lot to do and not much time to get it done." Llachlan nodded, a slow smile creeping onto his face,
"No, I suppose we don't."
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uomminecraftsociety · 7 months
She’s Leaving Home - The Beatles
One of the main competition to the Kinks were the Beatles. The Beatles were a popular pop band and the emotion of sadness doesn’t necessarily lend itself well to sadness, happiness sells better than sadness.
As a consequence, one would not expect a significant collection of sad songs from the Beatles however their collection is surprisingly large. I feel that the go to track to anyone less familiar with the Beatles would almost certainly be Eleanor Rigby, a track about loneliness or Yesterday, a song about a breakup.
I would argue that while these are sad, these are probably too heavy for the list and if there is any band I can most comfortably introduce people to the saddest songs to, it most certainly is the Beatles.
In My Life is another classic song, remembering the moments which you’ve spent with someone dear to you, of which “some have gone and some remain”. I’d say the remorseful nature of the song doesn’t hold the same heaviness of Eleanor Rigby or Yesterday. However the first time I ever heard the song was at a wedding and while it does acknowledge that some have gone, it does work in the context of a wedding and can, if you look at it the right angle be a track of hope for your wonderful future.
Nowhere Man is about the sense of inadequacy which John Lennon felt and while it certainly is high up on the list and nearly made it to the top spot, I would argue it holds a slightly more deprecating view.
For No One is a song about Paul’s break up with Jane Asher and the original title of Why Did It Die? reflects the attitudes which Paul would have felt at the time. That being said, the title does not reflect the tone of the song as while it is upset, it is not quite so down. The breakup presented is so cold, however the composition is so perfect you can not help but enjoy the track for how it is played.
Only a Northern Song is a weird track and ultimately doesn’t sound that sad but considering that this was George Harrison writing about his disputes with Lennon-McCartney and their publishing company Northern Songs LTD and how Harrison ultimately felt kept out and not respected for their songwriting abilities, one can empathise with George’s position.
The chronology of the Beatles gets a bit weird with the Beatles on Let It Be and Abbey Road but while Abbey Road was released first, it was actually recorded after the sessions for Let It Be. This means that when you listen to The End, it really was a farewell track, being one of the last tracks they ever recorded, potentially the last track depending on your view on what your view of a last track is. There are not many lyrics behind the track, but rather a solo for each of the Beatles as a final send off, with a line at the end “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make”, a musical goodbye.
The Long and Winding Road is a song written about the breaking up of the Beatles and the tensions that were forming. Paul at that point was desperately trying to hold the band together but ultimately couldn’t get what he wanted in that. This probably hurt McCartney further as it was clear that they were unsatisfied with the final product of the song, with Phil Spector applying his wall of sound among other issues and would be the most altered track on the album when Let It Be (album) was remastered in Let It Be Naked.
I put She’s Leaving Home as the sad Beatles song pick for this as it discusses the character of a girl escaping from her home, based on a person in the newspaper. The girl ultimately gets the freedom that she wanted but the chorus, seemingly written from the perspective of the parents distraught from losing their girl. This was one of the very few Beatles tracks not to feature any of the Beatles playing, instead getting an orchestra to play the track. The string instrument composition lends itself well to the mood created but also doesn’t hold as heavy of a tone as some of the other tracks does, allowing it to not get to the point of depressing.
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
Low key though all Harry cared about was y/n being in danger. Like she was so distraught over his bestie meanwhile he like yeah my guy got shot but you were kidnapped because of me and for that I’ll never forgive myself. It’s giving you signed the waiver for this shit but my sweet princess y/n didn’t, and for those reason me and her are gone head out, best of luck bud.
Aaa I'm so sorry you feel that way!
Honestly, as the writer, I can assure you that that's not the case at all. In fact, I had a whole section about Harry worrying about Asher but because a few people don't like him, I decided to keep it out in order to keep the story about her and Harry!
Harry cares a great deal about both of them!! And it can sometimes be hard to write only because there are so many things I could explore but choose not to because I know some people aren't interested in those aspects!!
She definitely knows what she's in for by dating him and she knows he cares about her all the time. That's why he's taking her away, so she can be safe!! I just don't always write about the non-dangerous things because that would be kind of boring HAHAHA but also, a majority of the original story and some of the extras focus on just...the connection they have!! It's not always about her safety, at least I don't think so!!
I'm so sorry if this part has upset you, and thank you so much for letting me know your thoughts! 💞
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Connor moving in to show Ollie how serious he is is so cute lol. He doesn’t even want to hear Ollie’s protests. 🩷🤣.
C: “right now you’re the only part of my day I look forward to” 🥺🥺
C&O kissing *connors phone rings* O: don’t answer it
C: it’s my Annalise ringtone.
Also Connor calling Oliver Ollie is my favorite thing ever!
Michaela and Connors friendship is definitely one of my favorites on the show.
Oliver stop putting yourself down, you’re handsome too. Yeah Connor is beautiful, but so are you babe.
The way Connor blames himself for Oliver getting AIDs. .
C: only 1 day till D day and D stands For-
O: I know what D stands for
C: I was good ollie
O: you’ve changed
C: yeah, cause of you 👉🏼👈🏼🥺
C:Just know that meeting you, and everything we have, It’s everything. You mean everything. I love you Ollie.
Connor talking about his feelings for Oliver because he’s scared is so Like we already know how he feels about him, but he’s also someone who doesn’t trust a lot. But he is very vulnerable with his feelings when it comes to Ollie.
Everytime they call each other boyfriends. 🥺💕
C: less nerd more information. 😅
Oliver is a good hacker and he loves to be involved, especially if it means spending more time with Connor, but all Connor wants to do is protect Oliver because he cant have him go down for anything, he feels guilty enough for everyone, and having Oliver go down or get hurt doesn’t help.
Connor getting mad that frank got Ollie involved in the case is adorable. He’s so protective of him. 🥺 like he already has him involved enough, he doesn’t want him anymore involved. He feels bad that he got him Involved this far in.
C: you didn’t text me
O: I knew you’d say no
C: I don’t want you more involved then you already are, you’re putting yourself in danger.
O: so are you. Everything you guys do here is way more fun than my job.
C: 😒
Connor panicking for Oliver. Then showing up to protecting him instead.Then that guy follows him home. 😬.
Ollie 😭😭
Connor having a panic attack when he thought Oliver was missing. And then threatening to hurt everyone if something happens to him. Thank god he was okay.
Oliver taking the straw Philip was drinking! 🙌🏼🙌🏼. Nice one Oliver.
C: do it
O: I still have some stuff I need to save.
C: this is serious. *smashes computer* I feel better, don’t you?
O: 🫣🫣
C: since you need the thrill, welcome to criminal law 101. I’m going to teach you a lesson.
They kiss.
They’re dorks.
Having sex in the classroom is thrill.
O: what was that?
C: I don’t know, probably the janitor.
O: we’ll let’s give him a show.
*they laugh*
They’re my dorks.
Annalise wanting Connor to shoot her and threatening him to do it by telling him she’ll put Oliver in jail if he doesn’t. What an angle man.
Look, they love ash, and Connor is going through the same stuff but coliver needs time together too. Asher needs to talk to someone, he’ll so does Connor. They all need therapy at this point.
They shouldn’t have been talking about Asher like that, but Asher should give them a break. It’s their house.
C: the whole reason I got through any of this was Oliver.
Them talking about their future. 🩷
C: I have a resting bitch face, that’s probably what you’re reading as “distraught”
My bitchy baby! 💕💕
O: I quit my job! Do you think Annalise would hire me?
C: no Ollie, you don’t wanna work for her. I won’t let you.
O: because whatever you say goes?
C: *because whatever she says goes, you’ll find out everything. And at some point you’ll do down like the rest of us*
Ollie, I know you didn’t wanna move, but definitely getting Red of his acceptance email was a dumb move. You should have a conversation like adults. Also Conor, using sex to decide, also not a good idea. 😒😒. Dumbasses.
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dogmomwrites · 2 years
Find the Words Tag
Another I'm late in responding to, but I'll always catch up! eventually... Thanks for the tag, @oh-no-another-idea! Passing it along with soft tags to @asher-orion-writes, @bardic-tales, @elizaellwrites, and @careful-pyromancer, as well as an open tag!
Your words will be sudden, enchant, great, and criticize. If you can't find one, leave a fun fact about your WIP, OCs, or writing process!
My words were friend, married, love, partner, and sibling. These excerpts were taken from books 1 and (mostly) 4 from my fantasy series.
Friend (book 4) Staying where he was as the emperor drew near, Bashkier said in a low voice, “Say nothing. I’m expected here; you’re not.”
“Hail, Kieran, and well met, my friend,” Emperor Saervin called, slowing his horse to a walk so he could hear the response over the hooves. He looked curiously at Theo.
Bashkier inclined his head. “It’s been a long time, lord.”
“Indeed, longer than I’d thought. You no longer look like a young boy anymore. You’ve grown in these past years.”
“Well, they were growing years.”
Married (book 4) Flex Fightmaster was one such person, an expert at hand-to-hand combat, able to break a stack of nearly twenty bricks with one hand, one blow, cleanly down the middle. His speed was legendary, as was his focus and dedication to his craft. He’d trained his body to its peak. He’d trained with dozens of weapons and perfected his form with all of them. When he finally married, at the surprising age of eighty-two, he’d already been going by the name for more than fifty years, so it made sense that the name was made official.
Love They left the door open, and he turned to the tray of food and drink and carefully picked up a crystal decanter full of amber liquid. He upended it over the lovely rug. A guard protested, jabbing the butt of his spear into Bashkier’s side.
Bashkier looked him in the eyes, not stopping what he was doing. “Forgive me, I’m quite distraught.”
Despite herself, Theo couldn’t help a tiny smile as the guard snatched the now empty glass from him.
Partner (book 4) Looking up and down the hall, Lukalt checked that no one else was around. “What rumors have you brought me today?” he asked.
The cat arched his back in a stretch and padded alongside his research partner. “Perhaps I should be asking you that. It’s come to my attention that you had an exceptionally late night last night.”
“Did Captain Nightwish tell you?”
“He told me enough to give me assumptions and not enough for any real certainty. You know how he is.” Flicking his ear, Old Tom craned his neck to look up at Lukalt. “It was very odd to see him without that sword stuck to his back—I thought something had happened. It’s a magnificent blade and a very generous loan.”
Sibling (book 1) “What did they ever do to you?”
It had just come out, the floodgates opening of their own accord. He hadn’t been able to stop it. He felt as though the pain and shame would kill him if he tried, almost hoped it would.
It was a dragon that killed my brother and sister. It was a dragon that I saw tear my baby siblings apart. It was a dragon that gave me the nightmares, that made my only remaining brother hate me. It was a dragon that made me a coward.
He looked down, hiding his face from the others. That wasn’t true. He’d always been a coward. Too scared to even try to save his brother and sister. The dragon hadn’t made him a coward, it had just shown him what a coward he already was.
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casspurrjoybell-18 · 3 months
The Vanilla Scented Rogue
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*Warning Adult Content*
B E N E D I C T - S T A P L E T O N
Chapter 37: Please
[Two months later]
I leant back in my office chair, my head turning towards the wooden door when I hear a knock.
It was quick, two quick taps on the wood, the taps demanding and quite loud.
"Come in," I say in a bored tone, my face or tone of voice never holding any type of emotion.
Beta Sam walked into my office, obviously distraught as he looked at me, breathing heavily.
"What is it?" I spoke, raising an eyebrow as he continued to breathe heavily while staring directly at me.
"Sorry, I just ran from like... from like the pack borders to... to here... which is the top floor of the... of the pack-house..." he spoke, while out of breath, his tone matter-of-fact and approachable even though there were pauses throughout every other word he spoke.
There was also a slight hint of edge to his words.
Like he was on the very edge of making the decision to tell me something or not.
"Get on with it, Sam," I spoke, letting out a sigh as I tipped my head back slightly.
"It's Ashton, he's outside," he finally breathed out.
"He's outside," he repeated.
"What?" I spoke, hoping I misunderstood him, as I directed my head towards Sam, my now sharp golden colored eyes meeting his.
"Ashton's back," Sam finally got out properly, taking a breath before continuing.
"Actually, it looks like he never left with the disgraced Captain Levine.... I've been told Ashton... has been living at the pack borders... these last two months... and by the looks of it... he hasn't eaten or bathed... in quiet some time... His knees and hands are bleeding... and it looks like he's crawled here... crawled here...to ask to talk to you... but the guards... they won't let him in," he finished.
I had quadrupled my amount of guards after the night of the siege, not wanting anything bad to happen to my people again.
The change in the amount of guards helped everyone, Beatrix the most.
She's told me multiple times now that it makes her feel better to know that there's a guard patrolling the hallway where her bedroom resides each night.
Clara's also helped her tremendously, she's helped my sister to not be so afraid, so stuck in her own mind.
Her therapist talks so highly of her, says she's doing a thousand times better and that she'll be fine if she has people to talk to on the days her therapist isn't in, which of course isn't a problem.
I had hoped it would be the same for Asher when he left with Levine two months ago, back it now seems not the case and now he's back and for what?
Why didn't he leave with Levine?
I stood from my chair, walking with my hands clenched at my sides as I pushed past Beta Sam.
"Oh, I'll speak to him, alright," I growled out, walking out of my office and down the two flights of stairs.
"Listen, Benny. Don't go killing him," I heard Sam yell after me but I was too enraged to look back and calm his anxiety for my uncollected anger.
"I don't condone Asher cheating on you... but I've been talking to the therapist Beatrix has been seeing... and he said that there is something called Hyper-sexuality... where a rape victim follows the attack by having sexual encounters with others... someone who has no meaning to them... conversely, some rape survivors become hyper-sexual or promiscuous following sexual attacks... sometimes as a way to reassert a measure of control over their sexual relationships... transient sexual relationships... lasting for a short time... impermanent."
"Many people know about... a rape survivor... such as Beatrix... who have not wanted to be touched by anyone for months or cries, yells and screams... when they're around the gender that attacked them... Ashton went through a hyper-sexual experience... where he couldn't stop sleeping Captain Levine... just so he could have that control... that's why he stayed with him for that short amount of time... for that week that you were in the hospital."
"After you confronted them... and James Levine left... Ashton realized that their relationship was wrong... Ashton tried to fend for himself, too embarrassed to ask for help... but he's come back... guilt and hopelessness probably eating him up. Please don't judge him for that... as I said before, I don't condone cheating, Benny... but Asher couldn't help it... he is a survivor of a gang rape... and he did what he did... to survivor."
There were pack members surrounding me as I walked to my front door, each and every one of them standing slightly to the side so it would seem like they weren't curious and spying in on everything I was doing.
Some stood further away, glancing in my direction every once in a while as if they were afraid I'd catch them and kill them.
All it would've taken for me to have Asher completely was a bite mark on his neck and one on mine but we hadn't reached that far.
Sometimes I regret not claiming him, sometimes I don't regret it at all.
He went and fucked a stranger when I told him 'no' that I though he need more time after his assault.
I think that says more about him than me... right?
I opened the door quickly, trying to ignore the whispers that could be heard behind me.
My hands were clenched at my sides, blood dripping onto the grass from how hard my claws were digging into my palms out of stress.
I stormed my way over to my mate's scent, soldiers and guards surrounding a thin boy kneeling on the grass.
I pushed my way through the group, standing in front of a boy I didn't even recognize.
He was on his knees, his hands folded together as he looked up at a guard who had a sorry look in his eye, the boy begging and sniffling the exact same words.
"I need to see him. I'll do anything. I need to see him. Please, I need to see him."
The sight of him made me nauseous.
He didn't have a shirt on nor pants, he was wandering about with only boxers to shield his body from the world, a torn dirty blue blanket dragging behind him.
'Was that the same blanket, I saw wrapped around him, two months ago?'
He was dirty, dirt and mud covered him, as I noticed the way his hair laid matted upon his shoulders.
His ribs were on display, each and every line of bone signaling he hadn't eaten in a while.
His heart was beating slowly, even though he was crying out, to one of the guards, the guard obviously not knowing how to respond.
I took a step forward, stopping when I finally noticed my wolf, running around rampant in my head.
I lifted my head and nose up in the air for a second and smelt the scent the boy emitted.
'A Vanilla Scented Rogue.'
"Asher?" I spoke, taking a small step back as frigid eyes turned to meet mine.
He smiled, his once beautiful white teeth, unrecognizably dirty, as I looked closer at him but not with food apparently, as his cheeks were sunken in, as he got on his hands and knees, crawling towards me.
I looked down at him with furrowed eyebrows, my breathing heavy as his eyes met mine.
He stood on his knees in front of me, his voice immediately meeting my ears.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he cried out, reaching for me and grabbing my shirt with dirty hands.
"I don't know what was wrong with me. After the assault, I needed... I needed... and you said no.... and then you thought... I was dirty and disgusting... I thought you didn't... want me anymore... please, please Benedict... please take me back... please, please, please let me come home... I miss you so much... so much it hurts..." he cried out, pulling me down slightly by my shirt.
I looked around at some of the soldiers and guards, rolling my eyes when I saw some of them whistling with their heads turned towards the sky.
"Okay. Okay. Enough Asher," I whispered, looking down at my mate, shrugging off my jacket before leaning down to wrap it around him.
He was shaking, a smile present on his face as I wrapped my jacket around him tightly.
I ignored my guards and soldier's stare's as I leant down further and scooped him up into my arms.
He was lighter than any other time I've held him and it saddened me, immensely.
His head laid on my right lower arm, his skinny legs dangling over my left lower arm.
I held him close to my body, trying to shield him from those who wanted to stare and watch us together.
I walked him back to the pack-house, not letting him out of my arms or setting him down as he played with his own fingers, scrapping the dirt from under his long nails with another nail from a different hand.
"Can you tell Beatrix to meet me here? Now, please?" I spoke to a guard, making sure to watch them nod and say 'Yes, Sir' before leaning against the stair's banister with Asher still stuck in my arms.
His scent, still making my heart beat extra fast, even though dirt and mud somewhat, covered the beautiful vanilla smell.
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grizzledyoungimpact · 9 months
What We Do For Our Friends
Whumpuary 2024 January 5-6th 2024 Used as bait/Stumbling/This is gonna hurt Caleb Timbers/Wyatt Foley/Rory Cullen Mafia AU
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It always boiled down to Vinnie Massaro.
When Rory Cullen had been a young man growing up in New York, his mother Orla had been very adamant about the sort of friends she wanted Rory to make. The Foley boy, Wyatt? Well, Orla had encouraged her son to make friends with the boy with the wide smile and hopeful eyes. And the soft young man with the one good arm? Well, Caleb Timbers needed to be protected. Orla had been very sure about that.
Even more adamant than she had been about not befriending Vinnie Massaro.
In the school yard, Rory could see why. Vinnie wasn't a physical bully and in a lot of ways Vinnie wasn't a mental one. His form of bullying was more verbal. Vinnie was the kind of man who could sell water to a dying man. Vinnie could see to the heart of every person, knew what to say to get exactly what he wanted. As a school yard bully, Vinnie had used it to get the lunch money of others, to use for his own personal gain.
But all school yard bullies had to grow up sometime.
Rory hadn't grown up extremely clean after. From his days as a rabble rousing teenager, Rory had become a petty thief with the rest of his friends. Caleb and Wyatt were his partners in crime under a man by the name of Asher Chance. They weren't the most dangerous threats to the city, no that distinction was saved for any of the various crime families that did their business in the city. Those men, the wise guys and goodfellas of the world, were the real dangers.
And Massaro had become a wise guy.
Massaro had amassed his own little group to do his bidding. Most of them were low-level hoods who weren't capable of much. The only one of the bunch that had given the trio any trouble was Christian Napier. Napier was just a punk kid, eager to do whatever Massaro asked of him.
That was what brought Rory and Wyatt to the dingy little construction site in the middle of the night.
The most dangerous thing about Christian Napier was his closeness to Caleb Timbers. Napier was a cousin to the third man in Rory's little group and, according to the letter comprised of letters cut from magazines and newspapers, that's who had taken their Caleb. Rory and Wyatt were given the place, the time, and the order to come alone and unarmed.
"Think he's bringin' anyone?" Rory lowly questioned Wyatt as he ran the end of his shillelagh over an unfinished brick wall.
"Knowing Massaro? Al and Napier, at least," Wyatt crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned back against the same brick wall, "Alls I know is he better fucking bring Caleb."
"Well, now ain't that a far cry from how you boys usually talk?" came a dark, but almost genial sounding chuckle from the shadows. As if he were a demon, Vinnie stepped from the shadows. He had always looked unassuming, a little scruffy but otherwise plain. There was no fancy suit for him or the duo who stood behind him, the smaller Christian Napier and the ever silent Vincent Nothing. "Chrissy boy, didn't ya tell these boys not to bring weapons?"
"Yes sir, I did sir," Napier gave a quick nod of his head.
"Then what the fuck are you holding, Mr. Cullen?" came the question from Massaro as he gestured to Rory's shillelagh. "Slide it over."
Rory growled low in his throat, "Caleb first."
Vinnie glanced at his larger bodyguard, nodding his head in agreement. A few moments later, Vincent appeared from the same shadows, dragging Caleb after him. Rory tried not to look as distraught as he was at the sight of his friend. Caleb's face was swollen around the eye and his nose appeared to be broken. "Now, Mr. Cullen, your shillelagh."
Rory slide the weapon over to Vinnie, breathing slow, "Let him go."
Vinnie bent to grab the shillelagh, admiring it in the moonlight. He let out an appreciative sound before raising the shillelagh to crack Caleb across the face with it. Rory and Caleb let out angered sounds and as they moved toward Massaro, Vinnie pointed the shillelagh at them. His voice was still an eerie calm, ever threatening, "You boys did this to him. I told you no weapons. This is a weapon."
"What do you want?" Wyatt hissed, blue eyes shining with tears.
"Oh, what I want is simple, boys," Vinnie chuckled, "your little operation seems to do very well. Caleb told Chrissy boy here that you all do very well. You want me to give you Caleb, you're gonna start giving me half of everything you make."
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almakhalif · 9 months
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Welcome to Aurora Bay, ALMA KHALIF! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [ALISHA BOE]. You must be the TWENTY SIX year old SURF'S UP SURF SHOP ATTENDANT. Word is you’re GREGARIOUS but can also be a bit [VINDICTIVE] and your favorite song is PAINT THE TOWN RED BY DOJA CAT. I also heard you’ll be staying in OCEAN CREST APARTMENTS. I’m sure you’ll love it!
BIRTH NAME:  alma khalif AGE: twenty six DATE OF BIRTH: april 9th 1997 PLACE OF BIRTH: aurora bay, california, usa ETHNICITY:  somali norwegian GENDER:  cis female PRONOUNS: she/her ORIENTATION: panromantic / pansexual RELIGION: n/a OCCUPATION: shop attendant at surfs up
POSITIVE TRAITS: gregarious & lively NEGATIVE TRAITS: vindictive & stubborn MYERS BRIGGS: INTJ
Alma grew up in Aurora Bay, she’d never lived anywhere else in her life. A product of a loving family, they Kahlif family lived in their small apartment huddled in Ocean Crest. Her parents both being immigrants worked hard to give Alma and her sister what they needed in life, and a little more if possible. As a little girl she was close to her parents, but as she got older and reached  high school, Alma began to be more distant from her family unit.There were a lot of rumours around town about Alma Khalif around this time. Some were mild enough she could get a good laugh out of, but some were downright awful. And it wasn’t as if she did anything to deserve the cruelty, she spent most of her years being a well liked and popular kid amongst her peers. But it was one party, one night, and one whisper that blew everything out of proportion. He was tall, popular, with dark hair and a smile that stretched for miles, and Alma was smitten. And in the corner of the kitchen at house party, Alma realised the boy who she’d been flirting with for weeks had different expectations than she. He proposed sex, Alma denied him. Scared he’d react negatively, surprisingly, he walked away from her seemingly fine with her decision. But as time passed, a game of whispers passed between lips and ears, stretching across the party, changing and adjusting each time. By the time the story got back to Alma, she was mortified. This town must of been starved for entertainment, the judging glares followed her for weeks. Pushed out by most of her friend group, Alma found herself in the incredible position of having to convince her own best friends that she in fact did not sleep with all their boyfriends. The boy at the party was denied her body, so he casually destroyed her reputation. Caught between distraught and fury, Alma found herself becoming vindictive. The few friends that believed her and knew the whispers were only malicious whispers saw a change in their friend. If Alma was going to be called a man-eater and a home wrecker, she’d play into their view of her, and play the role to protect herself from the anger. If she couldn’t convincingly deny the narrative, she’d assume it in order to control it. High school passed and Alma became an adult, but the small town rumours of the ‘vixen’ followed her. Still covered by the protective hardened sleeve, Alma conceded that the softer version of her was destroyed. However with those who didn’t show judgement, Alma would be their life of the party, holding onto whatever validation she can. Her sister suggested finding a fresh start in a new town would help her, but Alma refuses to leave her family behind, despite how stuck she may feel in town.  Despite the changes in her life, Alma’s love for surfing and the ocean remained, the only place she’d find peace. When not catching waves, she’d be found at her job at Surfs Up.
current connections.
Asher Ortiz: Co-worker & Surfing buddy Buddy Wells: Past Bad blood & Acquaintance Maura Cortes: Friend
wanted connections.  ( wip )
get him back!: alma wants her sweet revenge on the one that broke her heart
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