#Aaaaaaah . . .
datkat08 · 2 months
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I need to be put down immediately
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mistofstars · 28 days
I just noticed that Thorin made himself smaller to give Bilbo directions and now I'm having *emotions* 😭🥰😩
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grison-in-space · 3 months
also I am swiftly reaching the point of wanting to smack the word "dopamine" out of people's hands until they can correctly define what it does and doesn't do. adhd and autism almost certainly have weird dopamine firing patterns in the midbrain but it's not as simple as saying "not enough of X."
...I still need to do that ventral pallidum post, but I should probably add "dopamine 101: what DOES it do" and "dopamine 102: why do people keep talking about motor movements?" as well as "dopamine 201: when reward isn't pleasure" and "dopamine 202: learning, motivation, and compulsion" to the rota.
also the one about why yes even though people with ADHD have a distinct tendency to forget our meds and those meds are not addictive at the doses that are therapeutic for ADHD, amphetamines do actually have a robust and long history of abuse and they are quite capable of becoming habit forming. This does not mean that the War on Drugs hasn't overcorrected substantially given that therapeutic value, but it does mean that we should be careful not to overcorrect back the other way in response.
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thebibliosphere · 5 months
tw compulsive behavior, skin picking, self-harm, acne. I am perfectly fine; this is just a vent post because I'm driving myself bananas.
So, like a lot of people with ADHD I'm a chronic skin picker.
Except I never used to call it that. I've called it "skincare" for the last 20-odd years and kidded myself that because I used skincare tools to "extract imperfections," I was actually taking care of my skin.
That I've left myself with serious scars from doing this was neither here nor there in my mind.
I've since realized that was bullshit and started tackling it in therapy for the problem it is after my therapist finally helped me realize that it's a form of self-harm that's been masquerading as a skincare routine, so really, I need to get a handle on it because, yeah. That's not great.
And it was going fine. Great, even. Until the mild drugstore cleanser meant for sensitive skin that my old dermatologist recommended, but I never tried until recently, gave me the worst cystic acne breakout of my life.
Because, of course, it did. And, of course, it's taking a glacial age to heal, so that's fun. Love that. Love feeling like my jawline is glowing with pain from all these little lumps and bumps.
Anyway. I'm being so brave right now and not tearing my skin off the way I want to. So, so brave. Not at all having a bit of a breakdown over my face having Textures I can't compulsively gouge out. Nope. No sirree. All fine here.
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roboticchibitan · 7 months
Me: I desperately need to finish something. Anything. I need the Project Completed brain chemicals. Please.
The socks I started for exactly this reason: 👀
Me: not you
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idontwantrobyntodie · 2 months
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“She has to trust someone. She loves her true friends but she doesn’t trust them now. She has to trust someone. She has to trust someone, and it has to be Steel.”
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stefsimz · 7 months
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𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚍𝚒𝚍 𝚒𝚝!
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azellene · 2 months
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There is something about this little red man at makes me think a lot...
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tobytost · 1 year
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when the freaky force you don’t understand is trying to translate the whole vastness of the universe to your cool wizard boyfriend but his body is still a fragile thing and the knowledge is like a star turning supernova so he’s shortcircuiting and you don’t know what to do and-
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lonelysocksclub · 7 months
Oh boy I need patience this weekend. My cousin is visiting and he just explained to me, a biologist who has worked with maize genetics, how to make a kind of supermaize by using electromagnetic fields to manipulate DNA expression. The goal is to trick the maize to express the genes it had millions of years ago, a time when maize as we know it definitely existed and agricultural yield was famously high. And it's only Friday.
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the-merry-otter · 6 days
The thrill, the exhilaration, the sheer terror, of cutting into $55m fabric 😰😰
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quanblovk · 21 days
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Covered in blood version below
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mabel-pines-rpblog · 28 days
kf someone makes a pacifica rp blog i will kiss you 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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sincericida · 2 months
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From "WE LIVE IN TIME" first trailer, the new romance starring Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh.
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chellsiememmel · 2 months
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