#Abby Palmer-Carlsberg the woman that you are…….
maxgicalgirl · 5 months
It was not a good idea to listen to today’s wtnv on my commute to work because as soon as Abby Fucking Palmer’s voice came out of my car radio I about choked and died. Which is NOT a good reaction when you are operating a vehicle.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
For some reason I like to imagine Carlos team of scientists as the WTNV fandom. Like they are not from the town, have the radio as their major form of information and are just trying to go with the flow.
More specifically I think some of Carlos scientist did the same dumb thing early fandom did of thinking Steve Carlsberg was Cecil's ex (not all of them they had bets on the reason Cecil hated Steve) and someone must have let it slip to Cecil at some point. Wich depending on how long it took either made Cecil go into a huge angry ramble about how he would never date someone like Steve and how Steve is just the worst or he just smiled akwardly and said "Steve isn't really my type but Abby is a lucky woman for having him."
Bonus points if they accidentaly convinced Carlos that Steve and Cecil used to date. Except Carlos doesn't even know it's speculation and thinks is a well known fact. So the first time Carlos meets the Palmers he is like: "Wow your ex married your sister? No kidding you hate him." and Cecil is like "What?"
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abby gershwin-palmer carlsberg the woman you are
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WTNV quick rundown - 65 - Voicemail
Featuring the voice of Kevin R Free as Kevin of Desert Bluffs, Dylan Marron as Carlos the Scientist, Erica Livingston as Maggie Penebaker, Christopher Loar as Donald Penebaker, Jackson Publick as Hiram McDaniels, Jasika Nicole as Dana, Retta as Old Woman Josie, Mara Wilson as The Faceless Old Woman, Meg Bashwiner as Deb, Molly Quinn as Fey, Wil Wheaton as Earl Harlan, Symphony Sanders as Tamika Flynn, Hal Lubin as Steven Carlsberg and Kate Jones as Michelle Nyugen. You have reached the voicemail of Cecil Gershwin Palmer. That might seem like an easy thing to do, but think about how long you had to stay alive just to learn how a phone works and who I am. Congratulate yourself on that. Give yourself a vigorous pat on the back. And don’t forget to leave a message after the heavily distorted sample of a man saying “I JUST COULDN’T EAT ANOTHER BITE”
This is one of the few episodes which doesn't start with a 'welcome to Night Vale' segment. As shown in the above opening, this episode is a collection of 'voicemails' left by various characters. I'll write them in the order they are heard in the episode.
The first message is from Carlos. He rings to tell Cecil that they've started building infrastructure in the otherworld, mainly using the rocks from the mountain but also using parts of old settlements. It seems they've just been 'finding stuff' like microwaves and toolboxes. He also mentions the possibility of getting a tattoo with the definition of science according to Webster's (“I don’t know, but I’m trying to find out, ok?”) with possibly a skull and some roses or an anchor for an 'old timey' feel. He also states that he doesn't understand how people can find scientifically inaccurate jokes funny.
The seventh message is also from Carlos. He apologies for 'leaving so many messages' but tells us that he's found people out in the desert otherworld. They are ex-citizens of Night Vale, currently resting in the 'hot yoga' studio Carlos and the masked warriors built as they're somewhat traumitised from wandering for two years in the largely featureless desert with nothing but a distant rumbling and a light they can feel in the roots of their teeth.
The thirteenth message is also from Carlos. This time he tells us that he's studying the people he found and is on the verge of something really big. He follows this up in the sixteenth message, telling us all of the people he found ended up there after they were lured into the dog park during Poetry Week, that the stuff they keep finding is likely things thrown over the dog park wall by citizens and that if Cecil wants to visit all he has to do is wander into the dog park for a few hundred miles.
The second message is from Michelle. She says that she's got the new Woodie Guthrie album for him. She says that he should come down and see the archival records of bees she's been listening to and maybe hang out because she's lonely and needs more human contact.
The third message is from Steve. Steve is asking if it's alright for Janice to stay with him in a few months as he and Abby want to have a couples vacaction to somewhere romantic, like the warehouse district, the sandwastes, or Arby's. He says to get back to him either by the phone or during one of Cecil's rants about him during his show. He also mentions that Cecil tried to convince him that voicemails weren't real so he wouldn't leave any and that he's sorry if the t-shirt's he made with Carlos and Cecil looking at the lights on them upset him (Steve Carlsberg first Cecilos merch maker???).
The fourth message is from Tamika. She's talking about her and the rest of the 'missing' children taking the books on a kind of 'cattle drive' but also admits that books aren't actually sentient so they won't actually be going anywhere.
The fifth message is from Earl. He says he'd love to be on the show again to make pumpkin pie (with much less blood-splatter than you'd think) and that he's still adjusting from going from a childless teenager to a middle-aged man with an 11 year old and trying to balance his job and being with his son. He finally found out that his son is called Roger.
The sixth message is from Fey, technically. She's doing her normal number readings with chimes in between.
The eight message is from Deb. She's running an ad by him which she plans to run whether he likes it or not. It's an ad proclaiming the superiority of sentient patches of haze.
The ninth message is from the FOW. She has carried moths from outside into his closet so they'll destroy his clothes. She can hear some of them eating one of his suits as she speaks. She's pretty mad he saved Dana. She also says to say hi to Carlos, whom she's always liked.
The tenth message is from Old Woman Josie. She needs a lift to League Night because she stopped believing in her car. Also she's had trouble using his left hand lately, but is still sure they can win.
The eleventh message is from Dana. She says that she did not buy Lot 37, just some collectable spoons and a baseball autographed by Lee Marvin. She's still unsure if she's the original Dana or the double. She mentions how they work 5 minutes drive from each other and yet talk less than when she was in the otherworld.
The twelfth message is from something unknown making weird noises.
The fourteenth message is from Hiram, pretending to be Frank Chen (badly) to try and figure out if Dana has told Cecil about any plans she has.
The fifthteenth message leads onto the weather and is a 'daily automated weather service' (Donald and Maggie, if not mistaken). Weather: "Tag!" by Scarves http://scarvesmusic.bandcamp.com
The last message is from Kevin, who acts like basically nothing happened but a vague 'unpleasantness' and hopes that things have been pleasant for Cecil since. He says he's been working on something big that Cecil will be jazzed about and to get back to him 'ASAP'.
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writingat-night · 5 years
abby palmer is the most under appreciated character on wtnv and i will die mad about it
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kindcolors · 3 years
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An impressive man with good scones skillz
(id: Abby Palmer and Steve Carlsberg from Welcome to Night Vale. They’re both young adults. Abby is a woman with short, bobbed hair and two eyes beneath her original left one. She is looking at Steve with a soft expression, while eating one of his scones. Steve is a man with short hair and patchy facial hair. He is smiling and throwing a hand up, saying “—and so, you want to add the blueberries AFTER you sift the flour!”. End of id.)
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angelinarecs · 5 years
Welcome to Night Vale Recs
One of my favourite podcasts! You can follow the full rec page here. 
Organized by pairing (or gen) and then alphabetized by title. Summaries (which have been copied from their respective stories) and descriptions are provided. Notation at the end of the description indicates if a story is completed or a WIP.
An Accident of Science - Cecil announces something on the air and Carlos is the most surprised of them all. Romance/Family. Carlos tries to navigate the weirdness of the Night Vale medical system when he learns that Cecil is expecting. Oh look, I’m reccing another mpreg fic. Gee, I need to get a better coping mechanism for the ‘ovaries don’t function’ shit and stop posting these things. But they’re just so cute and my unnecessarily hormonal ass wants more. One-shot.
A Radio Host is Always Tenacious - It had already happened to Carlos, so Cecil really should have seen it coming. But then he was out reporting on the sudden torrential downpour and it was nearing Night Vale’s cooler season and honestly, Carlos was so cute when he was doing science that Cecil didn’t want to bother him with something so insignificant… Sickfic. In which magic rain reveals the truth to the citizens of Night Vale and causes mass pandemonium. Cecil is forced to confront the memories he buried after Cassettes and Carlos tries to keep everything together long enough to get them both out of danger. Slightly weird, oddly written, but fitting of Night Vale. Complete.
for the way across - Cecil is jumped while walking home from work, and Carlos takes him to Abby’s for help. Fluff/Hurt/Comfort.  A blind!Cecil story. It’s not the most original plot, but I did enjoy the look at disability and bloodstone circles in Night Vale. One-shot.
Four Years Later - It’s been four years since Carlos first arrived in Night Vale, and he is planning to propose. Meanwhile, Kevin finally escapes the desert otherworld and decides that the only way he can be with Carlos is if Cecil is out of the picture—permanently. Angst/Hurt/Comfort. A take on the possibility of Cecil being immortal as well as an explanation for his fear of mirrors. This is one of my favorite fanfics and I really love how it ties into and plays with several parts of cannon so well. A must read for angsty Cecilos fans. Complete.
Offspring - “Listeners, I can’t stand it any longer. I have the most exciting news and I just can’t hold it in anymore. Carlos, my beautiful, perfect husband, I hope you’re listening, because this announcement is mostly for you. As some of you might be aware, I experience a cycle every six years and while that would usually be an embarrassment to admit, this time it brings me nothing but joy. After a visit to the Night Vale General Hospital this morning, I discovered that I’m carrying six eggs, all of them occupied. That’s right listeners, I’m pregnant!” Family/Fluff. Cecil is pregnant in only the way Night Vale could allow, but he and Carlos are excited to start a family. This is cute and fluffy and I need it in my life right now. One-shot.
The Night of the Silver Teeth - The sex that started it all is sort of Carlos’ fault. No, that’s not fair. It takes two to tango, they say. Except that in Nightvale they’d say, “It takes two to spawn a vicious, toothed, screaming hell-creature that will chew its way out of your insides in the middle of the night and leave your boyfriend working far above his medical qualifications to save your life. But oh, isn’t it the cutest little button!“ Horror/Hurt/Comfort. Cecil unexpectedly has a child in the middle of the night or, more accurately, the child chews its way out of his abdomen. Poor Carlos has to figure out how to keep everyone alive and in one piece. I love when crack and horror intersect in fun and terrifying ways! Also, some really well done characterization with Cecil’s radio show. One-shot.
Night Vale’s Newest Citizen - The City Council declares Night Vale a “disaster zone,” and puts all citizens on strict rations. Except there isn’t enough food to go around, and Cecil decides that Carlos is more deserving of their food than he is. Angst. Cecil makes stupid decisions, Carlos is oblivious until it’s almost too late, and Night Vale’s emergency systems screws everyone over. Angst in the beginning turns into delightful fluff at the end. One-shot.
No One Said Possession Was Pleasant - “…she turns to look back, and we all see her face and we…” Cecil paused, though not entirely by choice. He felt a push at the back of his mind.
“We….” He struggled to continue speaking, he felt himself floundering in his own mind. Somewhere in his fleeting consciousness Cecil registered panic, a tightening in the vocal chords, which were normally soft and loose. His voice scraped across his throat. He could feel his pupils contract painfully, his skin rippling. “we…. The Woman From Italy, Oh! Merciful Goddess!” Hurt/Comfort/Fluff. Episode tag for The Woman From Italy, mostly just a guilty pleasure excuse to see Cecil affected by the horrors that Night Vale regularly goes through. One-shot.
Palmer, Cecil G. Sertraline - Set sometime before Condos. (31.5) Cecil has certain preferences for transportation and date nights and unusual sleeping habits. Carlos is very accepting of it all, but a little confused. My theory of how Carlos found out his boyfriend has a chronic illness. Fluff. Am I reccing this because I also have a chronic illness that my spouse has to contend with, maybe. But it’s cute and very in character, so here it is. One-shot.
Red Flagged (Or, Five Times Cecil Saved Carlos from Almost Certain Death, and One Time Carlos Returned the Favor) - Does what it says on the tin. If this is terrible, I am not responsible. If it is okay, then yeah. I take full responsibility. Fluff/Romance. Cecil is always there to save Carlos, mostly from himself, as the scientist tries to figure out life in Night Vale. I’m always a sucker for 5+1 because I love the variations on a theme and this did not disappoint even if most of the individual plots are drabbles. One-shot.
Scientific Reasoning - Earthquakes in Night Vale have never been real, have never been felt…until today. So what does that have to do with the radio station, and why can’t anyone contact Cecil? Hurt/Comfort. Carlos has to rescue Cecil after an earthquake nearly destroys the community radio station. Much drama and just the right amount of hurt-comfort ensues. This story was written fairly early in cannon and so some Steve Carlsberg hate, but still a cute read. Carlos is an indulgent boyfriend and Cecil is a workaholic. One-shot.
This is Good - After a particularly vicious punishment from Station Management, Cecil returns home to find a welcome surprise who isn’t as nonchalant about what happened as he is. Angst. Carlos tries to patch Cecil up while coming to terms with the how horrifyingly normal violence is in Night Vale. Oh look, another guilty pleasure fic! One-shot.
You are a Mystery to Me - Carlos has an accident. Cecil causes an accident for himself. Thus, side-by-side hospital beds and a front-row seat for your partner’s suffering. Hurt/Comfort. No matter how romantic matching hospital beds might be, both Carlos and Cecil are just happy that the other one is alright. One-shot.
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Hey all you funky people out there who follow our awesome role play- have you ever wanted to join our little community and role play with us? Well that would be totally awesome! We’re completely open to more people joining our role play!
In fact, we’ve found that there are some characters that we’d seriously appreciate having someone rp for us! Here’s a quick list of those characters:
OCs from Desert Bluffs
Earl Harlan
The Faceless Old Woman
Roger Harlan
Tamika Flynn
And even then, if you want to join but don’t want to rp any of those specific characters, that’s totally chill! We’d be welcome to any character joining us, even OCs.
For reference, here is a list of characters we already have:
Cecil Gershwin Palmer
Carlos Palmer
Pamela Winchell
Janice Palmer-Carlsberg @janicepalmercarlsberg
Gyke Cardinal-Valerii- OC @pasafarianministriesofnightvale
Dana Cardinal-Valerii
Abby Palmer-Carlsberg
DP (possibly Domino’s Pizza)- OC
Sheriff Sam
The Smiling God
Steve Carlsberg
Dr. Maryse Grey (OC)
The City Council
Fear Scouts
Holly Leix
Lauren Mallard
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ao3feed-nightvale · 5 years
Future Results are not a Predictor of Past Performance
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34rhYSd
by Shaeydyrllah
Carlos likes to open doors, Kevin likes to close them.
Carlos finds a door, one which is definitely not old nor made of oak; the door was more of a soft mahogany with a crisp varnished sheen. The door returns him to a point in time before he ever ventured into Night Vale. Aided with future knowledge he is determined to stop Strex before they have a chance to harm Night Vale. The only problem is, telling someone about his endeavor would compromise the integrity of the experiment and introduce more confounding variables. Not to mention time travel's on-again, off-again legality.
Having a persistent news reporter and radio host report on your every action complicates matters; as does being in love with said reporter who doesn't even remember you.
Words: 2825, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Welcome to Night Vale
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Cecil Palmer, Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), Kevin (Welcome to Night Vale), Steve Carlsberg, Abby Palmer, Janice (Welcome to Night Vale), Carlos' Team of Scientists (Welcome to Night Vale), Strexcorp Synernists Inc., Lauren Mallard, Josie Ortiz, Erika (Welcome to Night Vale), The Faceless Old Woman, Hiram McDaniels, Dana Cardinal, Pamela Winchell, Earl Harlan, Fey (Welcome to Night Vale), The Sheriff's Secret Police, The Sheriff (Welcome to Night Vale), Tamika Flynn
Relationships: Carlos/Cecil Palmer, Carlos/Kevin (One Sided)
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Post-Episode: e049 Old Oak Doors Part B, The Desert Otherworld, Do-Over, Science, Family, Romance, Fluff and Angst, All the angst first, Flashbacks, Librarians, Eldritch Abominations, Inhuman Cecil, Kevin is Inhuman, Stalking, Watch the author bluff about science, Typical Night Vale Weirdness, Desert Bluffs, Past Abuse, Non-Consensual Touching, Eventual Happy Ending, I'm literally incapable of writing sad endings
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34rhYSd
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The signs: Welcome to Night Vale Edition
Aries: The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives in Your Home
Arsces: Tourniquet
Arrius: Erika
Ariborn: Hugh Jackman
Arittarius: Feral Dogs
Arpia: The Sheriff’s Secret Police
Arza: The Baristas
Arga: Telly the Barber
Aro: Eternal Scout
Arcen: Big Rico’s Pizza
Armini: Simone Rigadeau
Arun: The Museum of Forbidden Technologies
Arist: Cecil’s mom
Arsci: The Shape in Grove Park
Arnius: Erika
Aricorn: Cactus Jane
Arittanius: “Are you an earthworm?  You’re probably an earthworm.”
Arpio: Chad Bowinger
Arra: Megan Wallaby, when she was just an adult man’s hand
Argo: The Moonlite All Nite Diner
Arlo: Leann Hart
Arcer: Sand Wastes
Armino: The Hooded Figures
Arus: The Gray Head of Hiram McDaniels
Taurus: Intern Maureen
Taurist: Frances Donaldson
Taursci: Plastic bags mistaken for a pack of feral dogs
Taurnius: Erika
Tauricorn: Larry Leroy, out on the edge of town
Taurittanius: The Man in the Tan Jacket
Taurpio: Dark Owl Records
Taurra: Pamela Winchell
Taurgo: Chad Bowinger
Taurlo: Janice
Taurcer: The Night Vale Harbor and Waterfront Recreation Area
Taurmino: Marcus Vanston
Taurun: The cactus Telly the Barber was last seen trying to give a haircut to
Tauries: every mispronunciation of “Michigan”
Taursces: Blood Pact Scout
Taurrius: Erika
Tauriborn: The Brown Stone Spire
Taurittarius: The Ralph’s
Taurpia: Lauren Mallard
Taurza: That computer who tried to take over the town that one time
Taurga: Siobhan Azdak
Tauro: Guns don’t kill people, people kill guns
Taurcen: Radon Canyon
Taurmini: The Night Vale girl scouts
Gemini: Fey
Gemun: Wheat and wheat by-products
Gemries: The Dog Park
Gemsces: City Council
Gemrius: Erika
Gemiborn: Eggs aren’t real.
Gemittarius: Nuh-uh, show me an egg!
Gempia: That’s not an egg!
Gemza: What’s an egg?
Gemga: Who let you in here?
Gemo: Cecil’s fun fact science corner
Gemcen: Mission Grove Park
Gemino: Hole in the vacant lot out back of the Ralph’s
Gemus: They come in two’s.  You come in two’s.  Kill your double.
Gemrist: The Traveler
Gemsci: Carlos
Gemnius: Erika
Gemicorn: Michael Sandero
Gemittanius: Flaky O’s
Gempio: Michael Sandero’s other, more attractive and intelligent head
Gemra: The House that Doesn’t Actually Exist
Gemgo: Sheriff Sam
Gemlo: 8,000 Angora Rabbits
Gemcer: The Blood Space War
Cancer: The Glow Cloud
Camino: Desert Flower Bowling Alley and Arcade Fun Complex
Canus: Earl Harlan
Canrist: Soft Meat Crowns
Cansci: The Apache Tracker
Cannius: Erika
Canicorn: Hazelnut
Canittanius: Mystify
Canpio: Lark
Canra: Lurk
Cango: Robert
Canlo: Anglican
Cancen: Pheromone
Camini: Halter top
Canun: Marmalade
Canries: Hardware
Cansces: Laser
Canrius: Pepper
Caniborn: Release
Canittarius: Kneecap
Canpia: Falafel
Canza: Period
Canga: Chaste
Cano: Chased
Leo: Leggings
Lecen: Wool
Lemini: Sweater
Leun: Heartbeat
Leries: Heartbeat
Leiborn: Heart
Leitarrius: Beat
Lepia: Heart
Leza: Beat
Lega: Beat
Lelo: Beat
Lecer: Beat
Lemino: Beat
Leus: Memorize that list exactly
Lerist: John Peters, you know, the farmer?
Lesci: Gino’s Italian Dining Experience and Grill and Bar
Lenius: Erika
Leicorn: Night Vale Community Radio
Leittanius: Trish Hidge
Lepio: The Child of the Glow Cloud
Lera: The Green Head of Hiram McDaniels
Lego: The Underground City located in the pin retrieval area of  Lane Five of the Desert Flower Bowling Alley and Arcade Fun Complex
Virgo: The Woman from Italy
Virlo: Pyramid
Vircer: Fashion Week
Virmino: Strex Corp
Virus: Jackie Fierro
Virist: Librarians
Virsci: A Vague Yet Menacing Government Agency
Virnius: Erika
Viricorn: Intern Kareem
Virittanius: A man who is not tall
Virpio: A man who is not short
Viro: The otherworldly desert
Vircen: Teddy Williams
Virmini: Dreadnaught Scout
Virun: Subway? More like Wowza.
Viries: Megan Wallaby, after her surgery
Virsces: The Registry of Middle School Crushes
Virrius: Erika
Viriborn: Sigrid Borg
Virittarius: Used and Discount Sporting Goods Store
Virpia: “Ask your doctor if right is left for you”
Virza: The Haunted Baseball Diamond
Libra: Tamika Flynn
Ligo: Helicopters depicting birds of prey diving
Liblo: The Whispering Forest
Licer: The Blue Head of Hiram McDaniels
Limino: Deb the Sentient Patch of Haze
Libus: History Week
Librist: Michelle Nguyen
Libsci: Illiterate spiders
Libnius: Erika
Libicorn: Desert Bluffs
Libittanius: Abandoned Mine Shaft
Lipio: WZZZ, the Numbers Station
Libo: Lights above the Arby’s, but not the lights of the Arby’s
Licen: Sarah Sultan
Limini: Lucia Tereschenko
Libun: Double Secret Police
Libries: Poetry Week
Libsces: The Emissary
Librius: Erika
Libiborn: The Barista District
Libittarius: Louie Blasko
Lipia: The Distant Prince
Scorpio: Steve Carlsberg
Scorra: Steve Carlsberg
Scorgo: Steve Carlsberg
Scorlo: Steve Carlsberg
Scorcer: Steve Carlsberg
Scormino: Steve Carlsberg
Scorus: Steve Carlsberg
Scorist: Steve Carlsberg
Scorsci: Steve Carlsberg
Scornius: Steve Carlsberg
Scoricorn: Steve Carlsberg
Scorittanius: Steve Carlsberg
Scorpia: Steve Carlsberg
Scorza: Steve Carlsberg
Scorga: Steve Carlsberg
Scoro: Steve Carlsberg
Scorcen: Steve Carlsberg
Scormini: Steve Carlsberg
Scorun: Steve Carlsberg
Scories: Steve Carlsberg
Scorsces: Steve Carlsberg
Scorrius: Steve Carlsberg
Scoriborn: Steve Carlsberg
Scorittarius: Steve Carlsberg
Sagittarius: Kevin
Sagipia: Shriektronics
Sagiza: Abandoned Missile Silo
Sagiga: The Gold Head of Hiram McDaniels
Sagio: Invisible Clocktower
Sagicen: The Summer Reading Program
Sagimini: Station Management
Sagiun: A Smiling God
Sagiries: Hadassah McDaniels
Sagisces: The Ghost of Buddy Holly
Sagirius: Erika
Sagiborn: Weird Scout
Sagittanius: Leonard Burton
Sagipio: Mountains? More like nothings.
Sagira: The Night Vale Zoo
Sagigo: Nulogorsk
Sagilo: Abby
Sagicer: Bloodstone circles
Sagimino: Street Cleaning Day
Sagius: The Hierarchy of Angels
Sagirist: Basimah Bashara
Sagisci: Khoshekh
Saginius: The Dark Planet
Sagicorn: Poetry Week
Capricorn: Emotions you don’t understand upon viewing a sunset
Caprittanius: Lost pets, found
Capripio: Lost pets, unfound
Caprira: A secret lost pet city on the moon
Caprigo: Trees that see
Caprilo: Restaurants that hear
Capricer: A void that thinks
Caprimino: A face half seen just before falling asleep
Caprius: Trembling hands reaching for desperately needed items
Caprisci: Sandwiches
Caprist: Silence when there should be noise
Capriborn: Noise when there should be silence
Caprittarius: Nothing when you want something
Capripia: Something when you thought there was nothing
Capriza: Clear plastic binder sheets
Capriga: Scented dryer sheets
Caprio: Rain coming down in sheets
Capricen: Night
Caprimini: Rest
Capriun: Sleep
Capries: End
Caprisces: Sorrow Songs Singalong
Capririus: Erika
Aquarius: Erika
Aquiborn: Cal Palmer
Aquittarius: Beagle Puppy
Aquapia: The Violet Head of Hiram McDaniels
Aquaza: Joanna Rey
Aquaga: Auction of Contraband and Seized Property
Aquo: The Air-Filled Earth Society
Aquacen: Hidden Gorge
Aquamini: Old Woman Josie
Aquiun: Randy Newman Memorial Night Vale Airport
Aquaries: The Dark Box
Aquasces: Night Vale Green Market Co-op
Aquanius: Erika
Aquicorn: Fear Scout
Aquittanius: The Night Vale Subway System
Aquapio: Imaginary corn
Aquara: World Government
Aquago: The Monolith in the Dog Park
Aqualo: Harrison Kipp
Aquacer: The Smithwick House
Pisces: Cecil Gershwin Palmer
Pirius: Erika
Piborn: The Green Head of Hiram McDaniels
Pittarius: Ash Beach
Pipia: The Night Vale Transit Authority
Piza: Dana Cardinal
Piga: “Do not trust the angels.  They only tell lies and do not exist.”
Pio: Hiram McDaniels, a literal five headed dragon
Picen: Weird Scout
Pimini: Huntokar
Piun: The Old Night Vale Opera House
Piries: eGemony
Pisci: Lazy Day
Pinius: Erika
Picorn: “Nice try, giant worms.”
Pittanius: The Masked Army
Pipio: Paul Birmingham
Pira: Skeleton Gorge
Pigo: The National Guard Station and KFC Combo Store
Pilo: Lee Marvin
Picer: Windhind and Hungry Man Brand Frozen Foods Officially Sponsored Illuminati
Pimino: The Weather
Pius: That specific shade of purple
Pirist: “Good night, Night Vale, good night.”
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Good Night, Nightvale , Good Night.
(Also coming soon to wattpad) You arrive in Nightvile, a strange desert town where it's anything but normal. You move into a small apartment next to your qwerky co-worker, Cecil Palmer. Over time, you notice strange and unusual things happening... It's up to you to find out what , along with Cecil and Carlos to help you adjust to the strange new town, and find out whats going on behind it.
Words: 9, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Welcome to Night Vale, Cecil Gershwin Palmer - Fandom, Carlos - Fandom, Fanfiction - Fandom, Roleplay - Fandom, xReader - Fandom, Gay - Fandom, lesbian - Fandom, Steve Carlsberg - Fandom, Welcome to Hell - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Other
Characters: Cecil Palmer, Cecil's Mother (Welcome to Night Vale), Cecil's Family (Welcome to Night Vale), Mini Cecil Palmer, Cecil's Traveling Partner (Welcome to Night Vale), Cecil's Dad (Welcome to Night Vale), Cecil's Sister, Cecil Baldwin (Welcome to Night Vale RPF), Cecil's Brother (Welcome to Night Vale), Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), Carlos' Team of Scientists (Welcome to Night Vale), Janice (Welcome to Night Vale), Janice Rio, Kevin (Welcome to Night Vale), Kevin R. Free (Welcome to Night Vale RPF), The Faceless Old Woman, The Mayor, Mayor Undersee
Relationships: Carlos/Cecil Palmer, Desert Bluffs Carlos/Kevin, Steve Carlsberg/Kevin, Abby/Steve Carlsberg, Cecil Palmer/Steve Rogers, Steve Carlsberg & Janice, Janice & Cecil Palmer, Abby/Janice's Father, Earl Harlan/Cecil Palmer, Carlos/Earl Harlan/Cecil Palmer, Carlos & Cecil Palmer, Khoshekh & Cecil Palmer
Additional Tags: Help, donr judege, Teen and Up
Read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2HumFPb
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ao3feed-wtnv · 4 years
Welcome To Night Vale
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31gyjdM
by CateyBear123
WELCOME TO NIGHT VALE is a twice-monthly podcast in the style of community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, featuring local weather, news, announcements from the Sheriff's Secret Police, mysterious lights in the night sky, dark hooded figures with unknowable powers, and cultural events.
"With its uncanny blend of the macabre and the mundane, the news out of Night Vale sounds like what might occur if Stephen King or David Lynch was a guest producer at your local public radio station." - NY Times Turn on your radio and hide. Disclaimer: WTNV does not in anyway belong to me, it belongs to Joseph Fink and Jeffery Cranor. I made this book for people who need to follow along with words, would rather read then listen. Please support the podcast and the books, thank you!
Words: 2471, Chapters: 2/150, Language: English
Fandoms: Welcome to Night Vale
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Abby Palmer, Adriano Copiello, Agatha Oglivy, Alondra Ortiz, Angels - Character, Annette Traylor, Apache Tracker, Arnie Goldbulm, Barks Ennui, Basimah Bashara, Betty Lucero, Big Rico, Brandy Lance, Cactus Jane, Cal Palmer, Camilla Cortez, Carlos the Scientist, Cecil Palmer, Cecil's Mother, Chad Bowinger, Charles, Charlie Blair, Chelsea Dubinski, clair, Dale Salazar, Dan Cardozo, Dana Cardinal, Darryl Ramirez, Deangelo Flynn, Deb, Diane Crayton, Donald Penebaker, Donovan, Earl Harlan, Esteban, Felicia Good, Fey - Character, Frances Donaldson, Frank Chen, Glow Cloud - Character, Glow Cloud's Child, Gordon, Gordon Moreno, Hadassah McDaniels, Harrison Kipp, Hierarchy of the Angels, Hiram McDaniels, hooded figures, Hugh Jackman, Huntokar, Intern Kareem, Intern Maureen, Intern Vanessa, Jackie Fierro, Jake Camp, Jake Smithwick, Jamillah, Janice Palmer, Janice Rio, Jeremy Godfrey, Joanna Rey, Joel Eisenberg, John Peters, Josh Crayton, Juanita Jefferson, Junius Duncan, Kevin, Khoshekh, Lacy, Larry Leroy, Laura, Lauren Mallard, Leann Hart, Lee Marvin, Leonard Burton, Lisa Smithwick, Lorelei Alvarez, Louie Blasko, Lucia Tereschenko, Lucinda Fierro, Lusia, Lutrice Beaumont, Mab, Madeline LeFleur, Maggie Penebaker, Maliq Herrera, Marcus Vanston, Martin McCaffrey, Martin McCaffry, Mayors of Night Vake, Megan Wallaby, Melony Pennington, Michael Sandero, Michelle Nguyen, Miriam Adelman, Missy Wilks, Mr. Smithwick, Mrs. Smithwick, Nazr al-Mujaheed, Nick Teller, Nilanjana Sikdar, Nina Gordon, Old Woman Josie, Otherworldly Children, Pamela Winchell, Pastor Munn, Paul Birimingham, Prince Reynolds, Roger Harlan, Roger Singh, Sabina, Sarah Sultan, Scientists of Night Vale, Sheriff of Night Vale, Sheriff Sam - Character, Sigrid Borg, Simone Rigadeau, Siobhan Azdak, Station Management, Stephanie, Steve Carlsberg, Strangers - Character, Susan Escobar, Suzanne Thurgood, Tamka Flynn, Teddy Williams, Telly Williams, The Beagle Puppy, The Computer, The Distant Prince - Character, The Faceless Old Woman, The Man in the Tan Jacket, The Masked Army, The Shape in Grove Park, The Smiling God, The Woman from Italy, Them - Character, Thomas Charles Fleming, Trish Hidge, Tristan Cortez, Troy Walsh, Jeffery Cranor, Joseph Fink
Additional Tags: Reading, A lot of reading, for people who like reading instead of listening, please read this
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31gyjdM
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ao3feed-nightvale · 4 years
Welcome To Night Vale
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31gyjdM
by CateyBear123
WELCOME TO NIGHT VALE is a twice-monthly podcast in the style of community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, featuring local weather, news, announcements from the Sheriff's Secret Police, mysterious lights in the night sky, dark hooded figures with unknowable powers, and cultural events.
"With its uncanny blend of the macabre and the mundane, the news out of Night Vale sounds like what might occur if Stephen King or David Lynch was a guest producer at your local public radio station." - NY Times Turn on your radio and hide. Disclaimer: WTNV does not in anyway belong to me, it belongs to Joseph Fink and Jeffery Cranor. I made this book for people who need to follow along with words, would rather read then listen. Please support the podcast and the books, thank you!
Words: 218, Chapters: 1/150, Language: English
Fandoms: Welcome to Night Vale
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Abby Palmer, Adriano Copiello, Agatha Oglivy, Alondra Ortiz, Angels - Character, Annette Traylor, Apache Tracker, Arnie Goldbulm, Barks Ennui, Basimah Bashara, Betty Lucero, Big Rico, Brandy Lance, Cactus Jane, Cal Palmer, Camilla Cortez, Carlos the Scientist, Cecil Palmer, Cecil's Mother, Chad Bowinger, Charles, Charlie Blair, Chelsea Dubinski, clair, Dale Salazar, Dan Cardozo, Dana Cardinal, Darryl Ramirez, Deangelo Flynn, Deb, Diane Crayton, Donald Penebaker, Donovan, Earl Harlan, Esteban, Felicia Good, Fey - Character, Frances Donaldson, Frank Chen, Glow Cloud - Character, Glow Cloud's Child, Gordon, Gordon Moreno, Hadassah McDaniels, Harrison Kipp, Hierarchy of the Angels, Hiram McDaniels, hooded figures, Hugh Jackman, Huntokar, Intern Kareem, Intern Maureen, Intern Vanessa, Jackie Fierro, Jake Camp, Jake Smithwick, Jamillah, Janice Palmer, Janice Rio, Jeremy Godfrey, Joanna Rey, Joel Eisenberg, John Peters, Josh Crayton, Juanita Jefferson, Junius Duncan, Kevin, Khoshekh, Lacy, Larry Leroy, Laura, Lauren Mallard, Leann Hart, Lee Marvin, Leonard Burton, Lisa Smithwick, Lorelei Alvarez, Louie Blasko, Lucia Tereschenko, Lucinda Fierro, Lusia, Lutrice Beaumont, Mab, Madeline LeFleur, Maggie Penebaker, Maliq Herrera, Marcus Vanston, Martin McCaffrey, Martin McCaffry, Mayors of Night Vake, Megan Wallaby, Melony Pennington, Michael Sandero, Michelle Nguyen, Miriam Adelman, Missy Wilks, Mr. Smithwick, Mrs. Smithwick, Nazr al-Mujaheed, Nick Teller, Nilanjana Sikdar, Nina Gordon, Old Woman Josie, Otherworldly Children, Pamela Winchell, Pastor Munn, Paul Birimingham, Prince Reynolds, Roger Harlan, Roger Singh, Sabina, Sarah Sultan, Scientists of Night Vale, Sheriff of Night Vale, Sheriff Sam - Character, Sigrid Borg, Simone Rigadeau, Siobhan Azdak, Station Management, Stephanie, Steve Carlsberg, Strangers - Character, Susan Escobar, Suzanne Thurgood, Tamka Flynn, Teddy Williams, Telly Williams, The Beagle Puppy, The Computer, The Distant Prince - Character, The Faceless Old Woman, The Man in the Tan Jacket, The Masked Army, The Shape in Grove Park, The Smiling God, The Woman from Italy, Them - Character, Thomas Charles Fleming, Trish Hidge, Tristan Cortez, Troy Walsh, Jeffery Cranor, Joseph Fink
Additional Tags: Reading, A lot of reading, for people who like reading instead of listening, please read this
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31gyjdM
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ao3feed-wtnv · 5 years
Future Results are not a Predictor of Past Performance
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34rhYSd
by Shaeydyrllah
Carlos likes to open doors, Kevin likes to close them.
Carlos finds a door, one which is definitely not old nor made of oak; the door was more of a soft mahogany with a crisp varnished sheen. The door returns him to a point in time before he ever ventured into Night Vale. Aided with future knowledge he is determined to stop Strex before they have a chance to harm Night Vale. The only problem is, telling someone about his endeavor would compromise the integrity of the experiment and introduce more confounding variables. Not to mention time travel's on-again, off-again legality.
Having a persistent news reporter and radio host report on your every action complicates matters; as does being in love with said reporter who doesn't even remember you.
Words: 2825, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Welcome to Night Vale
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Cecil Palmer, Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), Kevin (Welcome to Night Vale), Steve Carlsberg, Abby Palmer, Janice (Welcome to Night Vale), Carlos' Team of Scientists (Welcome to Night Vale), Strexcorp Synernists Inc., Lauren Mallard, Josie Ortiz, Erika (Welcome to Night Vale), The Faceless Old Woman, Hiram McDaniels, Dana Cardinal, Pamela Winchell, Earl Harlan, Fey (Welcome to Night Vale), The Sheriff's Secret Police, The Sheriff (Welcome to Night Vale), Tamika Flynn
Relationships: Carlos/Cecil Palmer, Carlos/Kevin (One Sided)
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Post-Episode: e049 Old Oak Doors Part B, The Desert Otherworld, Do-Over, Science, Family, Romance, Fluff and Angst, All the angst first, Flashbacks, Librarians, Eldritch Abominations, Inhuman Cecil, Kevin is Inhuman, Stalking, Watch the author bluff about science, Typical Night Vale Weirdness, Desert Bluffs, Past Abuse, Non-Consensual Touching, Eventual Happy Ending, I'm literally incapable of writing sad endings
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34rhYSd
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ao3feed-nightvale · 7 years
Good Night, Nightvale , Good Night.
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2HumFPb
(Also coming soon to wattpad) You arrive in Nightvile, a strange desert town where it's anything but normal. You move into a small apartment next to your qwerky co-worker, Cecil Palmer. Over time, you notice strange and unusual things happening... It's up to you to find out what , along with Cecil and Carlos to help you adjust to the strange new town, and find out whats going on behind it.
Words: 9, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Welcome to Night Vale, Cecil Gershwin Palmer - Fandom, Carlos - Fandom, Fanfiction - Fandom, Roleplay - Fandom, xReader - Fandom, Gay - Fandom, lesbian - Fandom, Steve Carlsberg - Fandom, Welcome to Hell - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Other
Characters: Cecil Palmer, Cecil's Mother (Welcome to Night Vale), Cecil's Family (Welcome to Night Vale), Mini Cecil Palmer, Cecil's Traveling Partner (Welcome to Night Vale), Cecil's Dad (Welcome to Night Vale), Cecil's Sister, Cecil Baldwin (Welcome to Night Vale RPF), Cecil's Brother (Welcome to Night Vale), Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), Carlos' Team of Scientists (Welcome to Night Vale), Janice (Welcome to Night Vale), Janice Rio, Kevin (Welcome to Night Vale), Kevin R. Free (Welcome to Night Vale RPF), The Faceless Old Woman, The Mayor, Mayor Undersee
Relationships: Carlos/Cecil Palmer, Desert Bluffs Carlos/Kevin, Steve Carlsberg/Kevin, Abby/Steve Carlsberg, Cecil Palmer/Steve Rogers, Steve Carlsberg & Janice, Janice & Cecil Palmer, Abby/Janice's Father, Earl Harlan/Cecil Palmer, Carlos/Earl Harlan/Cecil Palmer, Carlos & Cecil Palmer, Khoshekh & Cecil Palmer
Additional Tags: Help, donr judege, Teen and Up
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2HumFPb
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ao3feed-wtnv · 7 years
Welcome Neighbor!
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2GmENv9
(Also coming soon to wattpad) you arrive in Nightvile, a strange desert town where it's anything but normal. You move into a small apartment nest to your qwerky co-worker, Cecil Palmer. Over time, you notice strange and unusual things happening... It's up to you to find out what , along with Cecil and Carlos to help you adjust to the strange new town, and find out whats going on behind it.
Words: 9, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Welcome to Night Vale, Cecil Gershwin Palmer - Fandom, Carlos - Fandom, Fanfiction - Fandom, Roleplay - Fandom, xReader - Fandom, Gay - Fandom, lesbian - Fandom, Steve Carlsberg - Fandom, Welcome to Hell - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Other
Characters: Cecil Palmer, Cecil's Mother (Welcome to Night Vale), Cecil's Family (Welcome to Night Vale), Mini Cecil Palmer, Cecil's Traveling Partner (Welcome to Night Vale), Cecil's Dad (Welcome to Night Vale), Cecil's Sister, Cecil Baldwin (Welcome to Night Vale RPF), Cecil's Brother (Welcome to Night Vale), Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), Carlos' Team of Scientists (Welcome to Night Vale), Janice (Welcome to Night Vale), Janice Rio, Kevin (Welcome to Night Vale), Kevin R. Free (Welcome to Night Vale RPF), The Faceless Old Woman, The Mayor, Mayor Undersee
Relationships: Carlos/Cecil Palmer, Desert Bluffs Carlos/Kevin, Steve Carlsberg/Kevin, Abby/Steve Carlsberg, Cecil Palmer/Steve Rogers, Steve Carlsberg & Janice, Janice & Cecil Palmer, Abby/Janice's Father, Earl Harlan/Cecil Palmer, Carlos/Earl Harlan/Cecil Palmer, Carlos & Cecil Palmer, Khoshekh & Cecil Palmer
Additional Tags: Help, donr judege, Teen and Up
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2GmENv9
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