#Abi is just feeling feral
pedrostylez · 11 months
Hi maybe it’s unhinged but my period is on the way and I can’t stop thinking about Javier Peña’s hair is season 1 2 and 3 okay thank you
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well it's love, make it hurt - chapter one
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well it's love, make it hurt series
one: sharpen your teeth, sink into me
series masterlist | next chapter
dom!Din Djarin x sub!f!reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Summary: You touch yourself when the Mandalorian is away, and he punishes you for the first time.
Warnings: BDSM, d/s dynamics, dom!Din Djarin and sub!reader, soft dom!Din, masturbation (f), anal sex, pussy spanking, crying, dacryphilia, no y/n
Originally written for Kinktober 2023 - Day 10: Anal/Crying. Inspired by @absurdthirst’s Kinktober 2023 prompt list
also on aO3
3 ABY, Summer
You were a little feral. Alone for a very long time, gnawing and clawing for survival. An effective hunter, lethal and quiet, but wound so tight. Always coiled and waiting to run. Not bound or beholden to anything.
He, however, had been beholden to the Creed for as long as he could remember. All the choices he made were in service of his people. He wouldn’t change that, didn’t harbor negative feelings—but it made a particular flavor of power intoxicating. Hunting was an essential part of his life, but also, when he flexed an upper hand and manipulated the situation to his favor? Well, that was everything.
So the way you just… fell together? It made sense.
One day, when he had you pinned against the wall of the Crest, three fingers deep in your pussy, he tilted his head to the side to study you and said, “I’d like to try something.” You were up for almost anything, and so, he had cuffed you and teased you, used you, watched you realize you had nothing, that you had to beg and plead, and—
Well. It was hard to explain. Something had come undone inside you that day, like he had cracked open your ribcage and taken out the rabid mynock that beat against your chest all the time.
It had only escalated from there.
Needless to say, your sex life was leagues better than it had been on Cantonica, you made about 20% more with the bounties you could take now, and best of all—you finally got to see some of the galaxy. Even if most of the planets were seedy at best.
The one thing you missed, though, was some fucking alone time. Mando was always there. And the Crest was not private. You got about five minutes to yourself in the fresher, but otherwise, he could just pop up any time.
And he did.
It was unsettling, actually.
So when you landed on Sullust, a planet you had very little interest in exploring after the first five minutes, you skipped the market trip. You didn’t need anything, and Mando was looking for some part for one of the many systems in the Crest held up by hope and frantic welding during an emergency. With more money coming in, he could afford to fix things before they broke (again).
With Mando gone, you sprawl out on your bed and pull out your datapad. You had started a book, months ago, but hadn’t had a chance to continue. Not because you didn’t get time to read, but because Mando had a terrible habit of appearing over your shoulder, and you didn’t want him to see you reading a romance. It would hurt your reputation.
And also, it was mostly sex.
It wasn’t like you meant to break a rule. It was so new and the habit so old that slipping your hand into your leggings and leisurely stroking your clit was automatic. A muscle memory. It had been, for a time, one of your only physical comforts after long days and nights on the hunt.
Far sooner than you expected, the ramp opens with a hiss. You rip your hand out of your pants, breathing ragged and face flushed. You shove the datapad into the crack between your bed-crates and the wall.
How the hell was he done that fast? Oh, kriff, did it smell like pussy in here? Why were you worrying that the man who was fucking you on a near-daily basis would know you had touched yourself?
That’s when you remember the rules.
“Did I wake you up?” he asks as he enters, noting your messy hair and rumpled blanket.
“Um, no, it’s fine,” you say.
He sets down the hunk of metal and a handful of wires—oh, you should really learn more about ship maintenance if you’re ever going to own one, you think, trying to puzzle out their purpose.
You may have been distracted by the parts, but he was distracted by you. The flush spreading down your neck. The faint sheen of sweat on your brow and between your breasts, the soft, utilitarian tanktop doing nothing to conceal them.
“What did you do while I was gone?” he asks.
Oh fuck, he knows. He absolutely knows. You look down, away, anywhere but his intense stare.
“Cyar’ika, I expect an answer when I speak to you.”
He puts his hands on his hips. “You want to try that again?”
Getting trampled by a Bantha would be preferable to admitting you were afraid. Maybe nervous was a better word. You're sure he wouldn’t really hurt you. But when you had agreed to this—enthusiastically—you hadn’t asked what happened if you didn’t follow the rules.
There weren’t many, and they were purposefully vague. Not in a way that would trap you into misbehavior but allowed for flexibility. Be respectful. Follow orders. And no pleasure without permission. That was his to enjoy, he explained.
“I forgot.”
“You forgot what?”
“I forgot, you know. Um. I forgot I couldn’t…” Maker, was he really going to make you say it?
He sighs. You were so, so new to this, and while so eager to please, he could see you looking for an exit. An escape.
Should he soothe you? Gift you platitudes and reassurances? Grant you a one-time pass? No, it was too soon. You wouldn't be able to trust him to take care of you if he didn't enforce the rules.
Or should he prey on you, taunt you, and make you beg his forgiveness?
No. As much as he wanted to, no. That would have to be for later, when you had let go of your pride and defensiveness, when you stopped suspecting his attentions were a cruel prank.
“Stand up and bend over the bed,” he says, crossing the room to approach you.
For a second, you hesitate.
He holds a breath, letting you choose what happens next.
You work your jaw from side to side and then grit your teeth, something sharp taking over your eyes. You hop off the bed and bend over it, balling your fists in the sheet.
Relief spreads, tickling goosebumps down his arms. “Good girl,” he murmurs, setting a hand on the small of your back. “You were about to tell me what you did?”
“I touched myself. I forgot about the rules.” You were talking into the mattress.
“Where’d you touch yourself, pretty girl?” he asks, stroking your hair.
You squirm. You don’t want to say it. You aren’t a prude, but the weight of his focus makes you feel raw.
“If you don’t tell me, I’ll have to assume it was everywhere.”
“No! No, I promise. It was just my pussy, I promise.”
He hums, continuing to pet you while he thinks. “I’m going to give you a few choices. First, obviously, is that you can use your safeword, and nothing happens other than a discussion of what you do and don’t want. Second: it’s late and you’re tired. We can pause this and handle it after we get the bounty. But I won’t fuck you until then, either.”
You whine a little, and he shakes his head.
“Or the third option: I punish you now and fuck you after.”
“That one,” you say after a minute of real consideration. You are a little scared, but the idea of waiting, possibly days, to find out what would happen made you feel a little sick.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, sir.”
He smiles. “Spread your legs more, baby.”
“Oh, fuck,” you moan into the sheet, sliding your feet apart so he had full access.
One hand still resting above your ass, he brings the other up to cup your mound through your thin, damp leggings. “Why do you need to be punished?”
A whimper. “Because I was bad.”
“Need you to be a little more specific than that.”
You take a deep, trembling breath.
He fights the instinct to demand an answer, a sudden jolt of excitement as your brow furrows. It's been a long time since he met someone who really wanted to do this, truly wanted to submit and not just have rough sex, who wouldn’t just say what they thought he wanted to hear so they could get to the “fun” part.
“I took what was yours,” you say softly after a minute. “I disrespected you by only thinking of myself.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” swept from him on an exhale.
Later, he would recognize the way it hurt for a minute, the way the rush of affection seemed to tighten around his lungs rather than his cock.
For now, he rubs his hand on your back. “I think,” he say slowly, “that since you gave yourself pleasure, I have to take it away.”
“Okay.” You feel like you're shrinking, like your body is folding in. His hands, despite the gloves, burn through your clothes where they molded to your curves. Every contact point between you is alight.
“Ever had your pussy spanked?” he says.
You had suspected that was his intention, but the blunt question has you sucking in a sharp breath. “No, sir.”
“Okay. Then you don’t need to count this time. Just take it.”
Before you can reply, he pulls his hand back from your cunt and brings it down.
“Fuck,” you bite out, momentum lurching you forward, the edge of the crate biting into your stomach.
He gives you a moment, watching as your face contorts. It certainly wasn’t a hard hit, but he hadn’t gone easy on you, either. Couldn’t. Your first punishment had to be memorable.
“Do you need to use your word, cyar’ika?”
“No,” you huff through gritted teeth.
So he hits you again.
You had tried to brace yourself, but it stings, and you yelp.
This time, he doesn’t wait. He smacks you hard, back-to-back, with no reprieve.
You squirm and writhe to get away, but his hand on your back keeps you pinned. It's only ten, but you're shaking when he finishes.
“C’mere, sweetheart,” he said, guiding you to standing with a hand on your shoulder, pulling you into him. You cling onto him, fingers clutching the top of his chest plate, arms pinned between your bodies, and face buried in his cowl.
“Are you crying?” It's apparently the wrong thing to say, because what were quiet tears turn into full sobs. “Hey, shh, it’s okay. You did so well, cyar’ika.”
“I’m sorry,” you cry. “I’m so sorry.”
“I know you are.” He holds you tight and lets you cry it out until you quiet, sniffling a little. “Feel better?”
You nod. And then you shake your head, and his stomach drops.
“What’s the matter?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I can’t even get punished without—without—”
He doesn’t mean to, but he laughs.
You reel back as far as his arms let you.
“No, no, sweetheart, I’m sorry. I just should have realized sooner. It felt good, didn’t it?”
“No, I mean, I don’t know. It hurt a lot.” You don’t look at him, shame twisting your lips into a scowl. Your streaked, raw cheeks and watery eyes make his dick throb. “It just—I had to try so hard not to cum.”
The Mandalorian’s self control is as strained as his cock. “I’m not mad, sweetheart. Fuck, that’s good to know. Would it make you feel better if I told you that was only half your punishment?”
Your head snaps up, eyes wide, and tears threatening to spill. “Oh.”
“I said I’d fuck you. But I don’t think your greedy little cunt deserves any more pleasure today, do you?”
“No, sir.”
He wonders if you’d hate him if you saw the way he smirked behind the helmet. The way he wanted to grin, wild and teeth bared, and pick you apart just so he could put you back together.
He thinks you’d probably like it.
“You took that so well, sweetheart, I’ll tell you what. You can choose. You want me here…” he brushes a finger across your lips, which part sweetly for him. The tip of your tongue peeks out to greet his glove, and he does grin, then.
“... or do you want me here?” he slides his hand down your back and over the crest of your butt.
“Oh, fuck,” you whisper.
“What’ll it be?”
You take a shuddering breath, another tear falling as you squeeze your eyes tight. “I want whatever will please you most.”
He shakes his head, something fond and soft clawing at his ribcage. “That’s sweet, but if that’s what I wanted from you, I wouldn't have asked. I want you to choose.”
“Okay. Then the second one.”
“Then what? Ask nicely.”
A whimpered moan escapes you. You mumble something.
“Gotta speak up, cyar’ika, or I’ll think you don’t want to be fucked at all.”
“No!” you squeak. “No, please. Um. Please—” Your right leg jitters a little as you chew on the words before spitting them out. “Please fuck my ass, sir.”
“Of course,” he strokes your cheek. “Wasn’t so hard, was it?”
You shake your head and let him turn you back around, pushing down between your shoulder blades until you’re bent flat across the bed.
“Anyone had you here before?” he says as he rolls your leggings down to discover you aren’t wearing any fucking underwear. He helps you step out of them.
“No,” you say, arching a little as he rubs a gloved hand up and down your leg, stopping just below your cheeks.
“You sure you want me to?” He pauses his caresses, weighing his restraint. He’ll have to go slow. Maybe he should just fuck your mouth, where he can take as much as he needs from you.
But then you speak. “Yes, please, sir. I want it to be you.”
He has to ball his hands into fists and release a few times, trying to stay rational and not just give you what you’re so sweetly begging for.
“It doesn’t have to be now. We can wait, and I can make it better for you, when you’re not being punished.”
You turne your head to the side against the mattress, and he can see your bottom lip trembling.
He sighs. “Just tell me first: are you trying to punish yourself more?”
“No, I want it. Please. I’ve wanted it for months. I—please.”
“Okay, cyar’ika. You tell me if it’s too much, though.”
“Yes, sir.”
You hold very still as he peels off his gloves. You won’t be able to see, and there's no way he was doing this with the gloves. Not this time, not with the gift you’re giving him.
When his warm hand rubs over your ass, you gasp. He draws away reluctantly to pour a generous amount of lube into his palm, warming it carefully before coating his fingers.
He sinks to his knees. With your legs spread, he brushes a finger over your hole, watching the way it twitches and basking in your quiet moan. He rubs soft circles, working the lube around before gently pressing in. The first finger goes in so slowly, and you keen low, muffled by the sheet. Your thighs shake with the effort of holding still.
“Good girl,” he croons, withdrawing his finger to add a second. He repeats the slow, cautious process, pressing in and out. “Breathe, cyar’ika. Relax.”
Relax? How did he expect you to relax? The sensations were so intense you thought you might shatter.
When he finally adds a third, you cry out. His fingers are so thick, and you are so, so full. You startto doubt you’ll be able to take him.
But Mando is a patient man, even with his cock angry and leaking. He doesn’t stop until he's sure you're ready. When he withdraws his fingers from you and stands up, you whimper.
“A little,” you tell the sheet.
“I’ve got you, cyar’ika. You’re doing so well for me. Still want to make me feel good?”
He waits until the first “please” before notching himself at your entrance and pushing the very tip in. Anything else you had been trying to say is choked off.
He had prepared you well, but you were still hot and tight enough that he almost loses his composure. Almost shoves hard into you until his hips slam against yours. But instead, he grips them, sure to leave bruises behind.
You hold your breath. The burn is agonizing, but the wait is worse. When he's settled fully in you, he holds himself in place while you squirm.
“Oh fuck,” you whisper. It was the only thought left in your brain other than “Mando” and “full.”
Despite his iron grip, his hips jerk a little. When he speaks, it's around a clenched jaw. “Can I—fuck—can I move?”
He pulls back, a loud groan in time with the tug of his cock. His hips jerk forward immediately, seeking your soft warmth.
“More,” you grunt through a thrust. “Please, sir.”
That was the end of him. Or at least of the calm, collected Mando. Your sweet voice begging snaps something cerebral, and he snarls, pulling out just to slam back in. He sets a rough, rushed pace.
With one hand on your hip and the other pushing down on your lower back, he takes. He takes and takes until you don’t have anything to give, your hands desperately clutching the edge of the crate just to stay where he had placed you.
Each thrust leaves you raw somewhere behind your sternum. You're crying again, hot tears running sideways across your face to the sheet, scrunched and already soaked with spit.
“You can cum if you can do it like this,” he says between pants. “Don’t touch your clit.”
You couldn’t reach even if you dared to, only able to hold on and accept him. To be used and cared for.
You know you won't be able to. It feels good, but the pain is just on the wrong side of sharp. You don’t want him to stop, you might die if he did, but it wasn’t going to happen like this. It was kind of him, anyway.
And there was something pleasant about just existing there for him to fill. It made you dizzy to think about.
“Want it inside, sweetheart?”
You nod desperately, the rough linen scratching at your raw cheeks.
It only takes a few more thrusts until he grinds his hips against you, pushing as deep as he can, crooning praise.
“So good, cyar’ika, perfect fucking girl. Taking me so well, letting me have this. Fuck,” he whimpers as he begins twitching inside you, wet ropes of cum flooding you and leaking out around his cock.
He eases out carefully, scooping you up before sliding to the ground against the crates.
“Hey,” he murmurs, helmet resting gently on top of your head. “Are you okay?”
You tremble but nod against his chestplate. “I’m sorry,” you whisper.
“All is forgiven, sweet girl. I promise. You took your punishment so well.” He holds you tight and refuses to acknowledge the ferocity gnashing its teeth in his chest. Something that felt dangerously like devotion.
*title from "Sink Into Me" by Taking Back Sunday
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wolfawaycamp · 4 months
Would it be possible to get a Furblyg drabble where the roles are reversed and Nick is taking care of a sick/slowly turning Abi 👉👈
🌦️ um. infected abi wanted to go a little feral my bad. she's insane in the membrane
Something was pulsing, red-hot and crawling, under Abi’s skin. She had never felt so hungry before. She wanted to take that cup of water Nick was trying to give her just to pour it over his stupid pretty hair. She wanted to kick him in the shins, watch him fall to the floor, then kiss him at her height. She wanted to sink her teeth into the flesh of his neck and—
“Abi? Do you… want this?” Nick asked, with awkward posture and with his eyes flitting around. She could hear the water sloshing quietly in the cup and it made her sick to her stomach.
“No!” was what came out of Abi’s mouth before she could even think about it— sharp, angry. She had to be normal. This wasn't her. She was just… tired. “Um— no… thank you?”
Nick looked worried, but put the cup down by Abi. Fuck off, Nick. She was fucking fine. He sat down by her and she found herself salivating. She felt like she was losing her mind.
“Are— are you okay?” Nick asked gently. Why did he think he had the right?
Abi looked at him directly then, anger gnawing at her insides like a wild beast. “Do you like me, Nick?”
Nick flinched back as if he was scared of her. “Yeah,” he murmured.
“Then why did you let me get fucking mauled? Big strong six foot man would rather run than help the girl he likes?” she said, pissed off but distantly aware that she wasn't one to voice things so directly.
“I thought you were behind me— I swear. Then I looked back… and you were gone,” Nick said, on the verge of tears, and Abi felt like she might cry too.
“Oh,” Abi said, wrath still still thrashing inside her, now aimless and making her feel like she was burning. It turned back to Nick with no other target in sight— she grabbed him by the collar, and asked, “How am I supposed to trust that?”
She watched his Adam's apple dip in his throat. “I don't know. But— but I'm not lying, Abi.”
Then she was looking at his lips— they were going to kiss in the woods, but something in her had been… hesitant. She wasn't hesitant anymore. What if they kissed right here? Someone could walk in at any moment but his lips just looked so… biteable. His blood would probably taste good. It smelt good.
His hand was over hers on his collar and pulling it away. “You— you look really sick,” he said, shuffling backwards.
Dizzied by her own mind, she admitted, “I feel it.”
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While all demons can do simple nonspecialized tasks like murder or granting magic power, they all have their unique skillsets. Some do have overlaps. All Aspect Demons are also capable of independent multiverse travel and shapeshifting.
Void Demons specialize in obscurity and mothingness. So, they’re good at digging up forgotten knowledge, erasing information, and setting up darkness. Some can even create by dragging things out of nonexistence. They’re also the most dangerous type of Aspect Demon, because they don’t need their contractors to know any details of a deal to make it. Which is the only reason Demon Puppy’s managed to survive. Shaking hands with a Void Demon, even if it appears to just be a simple greeting, is an easy way to lose your soul.
Their counterparts, Light Demons, specialize fortune and knowledge. Light Demons can manipulate luck and gift any information a mortal’s heart desires. They also just know things without having to seek out the information manually.
Hope Demons tend to have soft angelic looks, making them appear more trustworthy than others. They specialize in fantasies and belief. They have the power to bring any fantasy into reality, they just have to believe, making them the most powerful type of Aspect Demon. However, they’re still bound by normal demonic contract rules, so they’re only the second most dangerous.
Their counterparts, Rage Demons, are the most aggressive and feral type, though the weakest ability-wise. (Canon Homestuck did not give much to go on for the Rage Aspect) They specialize in anger manipulation and vengeance, and are capable of neutralizing Hope powers. They’re the most frequently contacted for contracts relating to revenge, and tie for Blood Demons in murder contracts. Their greatest skill is their raw physical strength and ability to enter berserker states.
Doom Demons specialize in death and depression. They’re best arranging and telling fates, and in manipulating depression. They are most often contacted for predicting deaths or speaking to the dead. They do actually have the power to cure depression as well. Or, for particular twisted individuals, making people suicidal. They’re also fairly popular for assassinations, since they can arrange for a “natural” death to occur.
Their counterparts, Life Demons, are primarily healers. They can nurture and heal, and are usually contacted for help with fertility, curing diseases, and healing permanent injuries like severe nerve damage. 
Breath Demons specialize in freedom and wind. They’re not bound by the same rules as other demons, and can even alter their terms after making the contract, making them the third most dangerous type. They’re only less dangerous than Hope Aspects because they tend to be laidback and value freedom, and rarely make contracts that they’d feel the need to alter. Breath Demons are skilled at weather manipulation and breaking chains, and thus are preferred by slaves, prisoners, and those wanting to escape other contracts.
Their counterparts, Blood Demons specialize in bonds. They’re often contracted for murders and assassinations because of misconceptions regarding the Blood Aspect, but their real talents are in altering bonds. “Make X fall in love with me” or “Make Y hate Z” type stuff. Also granting leadership skills and getting people in desired positions of power. Since it does net them more contracts, Blood Demons don’t normally clear up the misconception.
Heart demons specialize in the soul itself. People often contact Heart Demons for bond manipulation due to misconceptions about the Heart Aspect, but Heart Demons actually specialize in the soul itself. So their real talents are in changing people. But, since altering emotions is something they’re capable of, they don’t feel the need to correct this.
Their counterparts, Mind Demons, are fairly self-explanatory. They specialize in thoughts and logic. They’re best at implanting suggestions, changing minds, and enhancing or diminishing one’s ability to process information.
Time Demons specialize in time manipulation, and calling upon alternate timelines. They can tell the future, change the past, send people into alternate timelines, summon people from alternate timelines, and even help alternate timeline versions of themselves. Time is their domain, and they know how to exploit it.
Their counterparts, Space Demons, specialize in the concept of space and creation. They can manipulate sized and shapes, teleport things around, rearrange where things are, and create things. They can create living things, but they can’t grant those things souls, and people rarely think to ask for that from a Space Demon. Though stealing is an any-demon kinda thing, Space Demons are the go-to for taking things and people, since they can do it instantaneously, and can even shrink big things down to make them easier to store.
Like Crystal’s demons, Aspect Demons cannot violate the terms of their deals themselves. Except Breath Demons, who do whatever they want. Some of them are, however, capable of using their abilities to manipulate shitty contractors directly to make them break their end of deal, provided they don’t think to make a clause about that.
So is puppy a void demon? That’s kind of funny to me, as is the idea of him and void the most quiet people being the most powerful kind of demon. Demon blacky being a hope demon makes sense based on this description, and I’m absolutely going for the same softer appearance idea lol.
Also ghosty just “I diagnose you with depression” XD
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
Hello! So exams are almost over I only have one more class that I need to pass so I found some time and read Gigi's chapter. And I have so many things to say it's a little ridiculous but yeah. Be warned this is gonna be loooong.
Okay I thought that Madeleine was one of the good ones and because of what happened to Joseph(what exactly happened there?) she was filled with so much grief that she wants Lance dead but somewhere along the way she would realize her mistake and join the team again. But now, I'm not so sure. Because Gigi has a great instinct and I trust her. If she says she doesn't like Madeleine's vibes neither do I. Also her name starts with M? And we've established that people who's name starts with M are out to get Mavid so no thank you. However, I reserve the right to change my mind about this.
I'll investigate Aby for Gigi, I think the flowers and her secret boyfriend is someone Izzy won't like and that's why she's hiding him. My guess is Antoine(it just fits for a lot of reasons).
I just love that no one wants to disappoint Alec, they all just respect him and his achievements so much- what kind of idiot thinks you undermine him in your fics??
I remember David used to spend time with Aby because he liked babies, it really hurts to think about how different things would be if the Clave wasn't fucked up
This Lance is like Lucifer and Arthur is like Raziel and the David comes from Jonathan the shadowhunter/Raziel is always at the back of my mind, just waiting for the connection to drop
If the Clave keeps up with all this bullshit it won't have to worry about Lance because I'm pretty sure Max will burn it to the ground
Also let's not forget the vision Asmodeus showed Max about burning down the Clave because it hurt Magnus, I feel like that never got closure and could be connected to the reason Lance will attack Idris? (Because I'm pretty sure Lance will attack idris)
One word about Maxs reaction when he finds out about the wards/the tests because I feel like when he finds out about it it's all gonna go down pretty fast because my baby will go feral
Rereading LBAF made me realize just how close the gang was and Gigi's chapter really really hurt because we never got to see the new generation like that ever, if I get it correctly there are canon events that if they change the timeline is in trouble and there are things that just happen in every reality(like mavid eloping), do you think you will ever write a reality were they all stay close together and the LBAF 5 gang hangs like the og LBAF gang?
I feel like the the og LBAF gang had a relatively okay childhood and then with the Devlins their world changed and they all have a very screwed up adult life and their kids have a very screwed up childhood but when Lucifer leaves the picture they'll have an okay adult life. And then there's the TMI gang who can't catch a break, love those guys so much
I have so many thoughts Gigi's chapter really got to me I don't know why😭 And I have many theories as well, but I'll share them later👀 I can't wait to see how everything will unfold, I just get more excited with every update and main plot hasn't even started yet, you really know how to keep us in our toes🌷
PS: I read the Mavid one shot just after finishing a big exam yesterday and I LOVED IT! I laughed so hard and I loved the bathroom scene, it was explicit but not in a very descriptive way, it still felt really classy and still very Mavid, your writing is really great and you always manage to stay true to your characters which is really admirable. I can't wait to see you write more of those in the Mavid RWRB au, preparing for a wild ride. Also, some of the scenarios David had in his mind fit Mavid in different fics of yours and that was so cool and funny I loved it😂
UGH I NEEDED THIS AFTER THIS STUPID WEEK (i had no fuel or motivation so i didn't get any of my work done 😔)
I'm not at all surprised that Gigi's chapter led to a lot of thoughts because there is a fuck load of foreshadowing in it lmao.
We'll find out what happened to Joseph. Eventually. I can't wait yall to see whose pov it's gonna be from!! Madeleine is...complicated. She is definitely in the wrong. But I feel there is still time and space for her to understand that she is wrong and do better. Let's just hope she can do that before she does something that can't be fixed...Also I forgot who the M people are knkdfd. Mallory? And who else?? Lol.
Antoine?? And Abby??? I ship it
I'm just going to lean into the whole 'alec underminder' thing. Make it my brand now :P
If I start to think about all the things David lost, I will begin to cry. So, I'm not gonna do that.
Plot twist. LBAF V is actually about Lucifer and Raziel love story (idk if this is incestuous or not fkdndjk)
Can't wait bebe 😏
Fascinated to hear theories about why Lance will actually attack Idris (as Gigi/Camila were saying it's unlikely that Lance will attack unprovoked)
Max is slowly going from 'angry to disappointed' with all the Clave stuff (which I think is more dangerous). We won't see his reaction when he finds about the wards, but we will see him being indifferent because he is no longer in a "how fucking dare you" mentality but rather in a "of fucking course" mentality. He will go back to "how fucking dare" you later when they do manage to piss him off hehe.
I don't I think I will. For me, it depicts a very real reality where you don't always stay friends with people for generations (there are exceptions of course). Like my mom and her friends are super close, but I'm not close with their children at all. But when we hang out once a year at some event, we have loads of fun. I just think it's reality - and shadowhunters are no exception.
Don't forget LBAF gang's experience with Asmodeus and Belial hehe. Also what do you mean "when Lucifer leaves the picture" ckjnks. He is here to stay :)
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airanke · 1 year
As someone who really enjoys all flavors of Dabi headcanons, it’s real nice to have variety. Sometimes sweet and soft and tender is good. Sometimes awful and monstrous is good. I think both readings (and everything in between) with the right kind of background can be valid. You’ve built your own story with your own history behind it, and it breathes a wonderful kind of legitimacy into your head canons, and I love that. People’s headcanons are always going to be colored by who _they_ are and what they want out of a character, though. What someone else wants or needs is no reflection on you. I know you’re down on yourself a lot, but you have every right to feel and want the things you do, and you shouldn’t let other people’s takes on a character rob you of the joy your headcanons bring you and other people who enjoy them.
I know that’s easier said than done of course; I can’t just speak confidence into existence. I like some rotten Dabi headcanons myself, but I come back to see you explore the sweeter, sadder, and more tender side of his character all the time because I love it just as much. That isn’t to say you should subject yourself to both if it hurts you, of course! No shame, no bully. I mean it mostly to say that there are those of us frolicking in hell who still appreciate and love the soft humanity you bring to his character all the same. You’re good at it, and the art you make for it is so evocative. I love the stuff you do with him and Abi. It’s great and I check for your stuff every day, here and on Twitter. ): need my daily dose!
I know times are tough right now (I cannot stand all these new chapters and I am going out of my mind crazy with it all) but c’mon lady! You gotta value yourself. No amount of any one else being feral dinguses (myself included) should invalidate your own feelings and takes. If anyone tries to make you feel bad about it, they’re legit scum sucking but babies.
Dsfasdfjioajf ///////
I am really sorry that I can be super down on myself sometimes, thank you for your kind words and reassurances <3
Honestly I'm super happy that you enjoy my iteration of his character ; - ; and I'm really happy that you enjoy the content I do with him and Abiteth (especially because of how much she means to me personally, it's so difficult for me to fall in love with my OCs sometimes but I definitely fell in love with her). Canon Dabi will always be one of my faves and I know that I can't write him the way Horikoshi does (because I DO like to explore the aspects of his character we don't get to see).
And yeah, the current chapters are just WOO. I will keep trying in the future to have more confidence in my ideas, hopefully soon I can share even more AUs with everyone.
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hircyon · 2 years
How big is the Dread Horizon crew and what are they like?
The Dread Horizon crew is 15 strong, though we haven't named or even fully conceptualized all of those characters.
Their basic timeline, what Moonlenoircrow has figured out so far, is:
0 ABY: Aria Zahir, youngest daughter of a prominent Black Sun family on Ord Mantell, buys a ship from a pair of Xextos on the stipulation that they remain as her first crewmembers. At first, she isn't necessarily decided on being a pirate. About 6 months later, she meets a pair of Duros and Kyuzo ex-smugglers and hires them both as navigator and gunman, respectively. Over the next 5 years, Zahir amasses the majority of her crew by circumstance and turns full time to piracy.
This is mostly a whim for her, as a woman with a significant nest egg back home and an automatic connection with the Black Sun, but she treats the lives of her crew and the success of their enterprise deadly seriously. It does mean they don't deal in spice unless it's for Black Sun contracts, to avoid a conflict of interest that could turn bloody.
6 ABY: Zahir's original first mate is killed on a mission. The crew takes it hard. This is the first death on the team. They're tight knit and loyal, so the crew mourns him and celebrates his time with them. Zahir doesn't immediately start seeking a new first mate; everyone has their place and nobody was as perfectly calibrated for the job as their original man. To hire someone new, now, would be a major adjustment. She waits for providence to provide, essentially. In the meantime, the Duros navigator is persuaded to take the majority of a first mate's responsibilities to keep the ship running smoothly.
7 ABY: Zahir hires a Weequay bodyguard and his younger cousin (who's been traveling with him) as extra muscle and security, specifically in response to the first mate's death.
9 ABY: The Dread Horizon is restocking on a planet with a known slave market (by necessity; they've been staunchly avoiding all slave trade because they may be pirates, but they still have subjective morals). A seemingly feral Phindian in slave clothes breaks into one of their ration crates and viciously headbutts the Weequay enforcer, which necessitates a bit of creative problem solving.
The crew doesn't want to shoot what is clearly an escaped slave and draw that kind of attention. Iri'Ka, the Kyuzo gunner, is the one who comes up with the plan to capture the feral little Phindian--and that's how Zeeyal eventually comes to join the crew. Iri'Ka just has a gut feeling that he needs to save Zeeyal, rather than stunning him and leaving him in the street. Zahir trusts him enough to give him the opportunity to prove something to her.
Overall, the crew is loyal to each other and their captain above all else. They work as a cohesive unit because of their unified purpose and strong interpersonal bonds. They're not quite found family as a whole group, but there are smaller groups within the crew that would qualify. There are members (the cook and the engineer specifically) who personally dislike Zeeyal quite a lot, and would disagree with the decision to promote him to first mate later, but they choose to value their respect for Zahir and their understanding of what's necessary to keep the crew alive over their opinions. For the most part. They'll still bitch about Zeeyal being a horny, irritating creature, but he takes his job as first mate seriously and they show him the respect expected of the title when they're working.
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bloodmaarked · 4 months
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sorrowland // rivers solomon
first published: 2021 read: 28 may 2024 – 31 may 2024 pages: 357 format: hardback
genres: fiction; literary fiction; horror (fantasy and realistic); lgbt (queer, lesbian) favourite character(s): i was very apathetic towards them all... least favourite character(s): see above
rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑 thoughts: 2024 seems to be a year of being disappointed by works from authors i previously liked... first faridah àbíké-íyímídé with where sleeping girls lie, then abi daré with and so i roar, and now rivers solomon with sorrowland. i'd anticipated reading this since having 5-starred an unkindness of ghosts back in 2020, but it wasn't nearly as good. from chapter one i was unimpressed and unfortunately, that just continued throughout the remainder of the book.
i didn't recall what the plot of this was before i started reading, and a lot of the time if that happens, i won't make the effort to thoroughly reread the blurb - it's already on my reading list so it can't be that bad right? so i was surprised by the horror and creepy atmosphere of the book, but luckily this was in a good way. i'm not big on reading horror, but i appreciated how it was crafted, and i could envision it all happening (the hauntings in particular) as if it was playing out on screen, imagining it like it was a Mike Flanagan series. vern's body horror i was less keen on, but that might be personal preference. it was grotesque and off-putting; it reminded me of follow me to ground by sue rainsford, which was also weird and gross, and which i also didn't like much. but if you like weird horror then you might enjoy that and sorrowland.
when it comes to the characters, i just didn't care much for them and how they were written. vern was a main character i felt distant from; she wasn't unlikeable (or i don't think she was intentionally written that way), but i didn't like her lol. the kids were a bit annoying, howling moreso than feral. perhaps i would've enjoyed this more if it had a closer focus on cainland, rather than that being a "background narrative"? i found what we learned about vern's mother, vern's husband, (i forget his name), lucy and eamon a little more interesting than the time we spent with bridget and gogo, both of whom i wasn't bothered about.
i don't know what it was but i was quite certain from the very beginning that this book simply wasn't for me. part of it was the writing style, which was a bit more obscure in the first chapter or two but seemed to become more digestible thereafter. having read AUOG four years ago, i can't say for sure but i feel like the writing style was quite different. i can't pinpoint what else it was that turned me off so fast but, although it captured me enough that i could read large chunks in one go, i wasn't actually enjoying the ride. i won't speak on the social commentary because again, i just didn't care. sorrowland was not objectively bad, but in the end i was quite glad to get the whole thing over and done with. the deep is still on my list and i'll still give it a go when i get around to it as i've heard overwhelmingly positive reviews, and it's pretty short so not a massive investment if i don't like it.
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Just curious but,,,what do you think is the most significant episode/arc in the clone wars?
I need time to properly answer this, but I’m just going to go ahead and post this short little thing now to give everyone a chance to unfollow me. If you don’t want a microscopic look into the psychosis of my brain and all my thoughts on the importance of certain episodes/arcs in TCW to the greater themes of the prequels, all of Star Wars, and life—get out now.
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montysstuffs · 2 years
The boys and their kinks 💕
AN: I literally did this in an hour. There’s probably so many mistakes. I’m sorry. Y’all don’t kill me, but I think Nick is an absolute sleaze ball. Y’all saw how rough he was being with our girl Abi! I know Dylan’s isn’t that long and I do apologize. I’ll write more next time!
TW: breeding kink, dacryphilia, body worship, sensory deprivation, humiliation, public play, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), praise kink, edging, overstimulation, role reversal.
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Ryan: He’s my bias, you guys. I love him and will not accept any criticism of him.
Body worship: It goes two ways with him. He’s so touch starved (more than he would like to admit). If you kiss him unexpectedly, his mood will instantly change. He wants to touch every inch of you. He grabs hungrily at the fat of your thighs and ass. The shy demeanor completely melting away when you two are alone. Or better yet, dragging your fingernails slowly against his skin, or under his shirt. Makes our sweet boy feral. Sensory deprivation maybe): He wants you to be tied down and blindfolded while you listen to an erotic audio. You bare all to him. This is what he likes the most. None of the fleeting glances. Not undressing you with his eyes. Just you spread eagle and waiting for him. Anticipating his every move. He finally got to look at you in all of your glory. He can’t help himself but to reach out and touch you. His fingertips grazing over your soft belly, towards your hips. He mind softly as your breath hitches. His reaction is to pinch softly at the rolls there. Savoring every whimper you have. He can feel your body heat up in embarrassment. Smiling to himself, he whispers, “it’s okay baby. I’ll take good care of you.” Knowing you can’t hear him was the best part. He could say every obscenity that has ever crossed his mind about you, and you wouldn’t have a clue. Breeding kink: He just can’t help himself. The way you’re panting and moaning under him only makes him want it even more. Besides, you’re so good with kids. A warmth spreads across his body when you are doing activities with the kids. That’s why he’s got you on your back, lookin up at him with those pretty eyes. Tell him that you love him. That he’s so good. As soon as he hears the magic words, he’ll give you every last drop. That’s the ticket
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Nick: (y’all when he got bit by a werewolf and became toxic! mean.) He’s an absolute sleaze ball. Literally asks you what kinda panties you’re wearing.
Degrading/praise: This man is so FUCKING VULGAR
“Don’t you hide that cute face from me. i wanna see all of you. I wanna see you make those slutty faces while fuck you.
“Atta girl, take daddy just like that. Let daddy use this body” he has those big hands that cup your face lovingly while his cock splits you open.
Dacryphilia: His favorite position is missionary, so he can see how broken his princess is. It’s quite bittersweet, how he’s so lovingly calling you sweet names. And yet he’s getting his fill of you. It’s almost too much: A perverse smirk crosses his face as he rails into you. Your sniveling was getting him closer and closer to his peak. Your overstimulation resulting in tears should have made him pull away. The tears welling up in your eyes should’ve made him ask what was wrong. But until he hears that safe word, he’ll lick up those tears for you. (Maybe even call you a crybaby while he’s at it). Humiliation: he’s a bit possessive of his territory. possessive boyfriend Nick who always wants to be near you and fill you up with his cum. He’s always stealing your panties when he does so, too. He’s an absolute degenerate. Loves to get a reaction out of his shy girl. Will go as far as pulling you over to the nearest, sturdiest tree, and hiking your skirt/dress up. It’s in the middle of the night, so there’s no chance of anyone catching you. But that doesn’t make it any less exciting. Though, the other counselors may have an idea when you come back to the lodge with
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Jacob: I know y’all saw him in that little ass crop top 🥵🥵🥵🥵 and those little ass hoochie daddy shorts. I could just eat him up 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Public play: Has no qualms with taking you anywhere. It’s more of the thought that any of the counselors could hear you, that turns him on. He’ll put his fingers in your mouth to “attempt” to silence you. But you both know that he wants everyone to hear. Role-reversal (I guess?): basically, he loves being topped. He’s already so emotionally vulnerable, but when he’s physically vulnerable like this, he’s in heaven. He loves when you put all of your weight on him when you slam down your hips. Loves how your head is thrown back, revealing your beautiful neck. His first thought is to leave you with so many love bites.
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I headcanon him to be the biggest sub.
Praise kink: Baby honestly just wants a bit of validation. Tell him how good he’s making you feel. How cute and pretty he is when he’s all flustered and needy for your touches and kisses. Every sarcastic comment flying out of his head once you get him alone. Edging: he loves both giving AND receiving the edging. Keep giving him all your lovin until the last minute, then deny this sweet boy his release. Overstimulation: Right after you allow him his release, milk him for everything he’s worth. His salty tears pricking the corners of his eyes and his heaving chest is what sets you over the edge.
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peakyblindersxx · 3 years
hi abi! just wanted to say i love “come home with me” so much! i’ve read it 4 times already!!
if you don’t mind me asking, what do you think happens the following morning? do they wake up in each other’s arms, or does finn wake up to an empty bed and once he gets to work he’s like “where did you go?”
a/n: i’m sorry i took a little to answer this post, i wanted to give it the time it deserved and i hope you like it! i sure as hell did :) this one is a lil short but really special to me cause finn’s my baby 
yours (sequel to come home with me) - finn shelby x reader 
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gif by my queen @michaelgreys cause i really can’t help myself with this scene
my masterlist
warnings: nsfw!! smut, a lil fluffy, literally no plot at all other than finn is sexy i’m sorry (but am i tho)
tag list:@lilymurphy03
You awoke to the sun shining in through the curtains onto the spacious bed where the two of you laid, Finn’s arms firmly tucked around you, skin warm against yours. You’d almost thought last night was a dream, but the lanky boy practically engulfing you confirmed that it wasn’t. A nudge of his nose to the back of your neck let you know he was awake too, breath hot as he pressed kisses to your bare shoulder.
“Look so fuckin’ beautiful in the sun.” Finn’s raspy morning voice was music to your ears as you turned to face him, unable to help the corners of your mouth from turning up.
“Don’t fuck with me, I look like a mess,” you replied, letting out a slight gasp as he was unable to help himself from pressing a kiss just under your jaw, smirking into your skin. 
“Prettiest mess I’ve ever seen,”  Finn muttered into your skin, scraping slightly with his teeth, creating a bruise, causing you to shudder. “Mine now, yeah? And I say,” he paused to kiss another mark into your collarbone. “You look gorgeous.” He slowly guided you back to lay down, pressing kisses down your chest, briefly stopping to bring one of your breasts into his mouth, leading you to arch your back into him as he made his way to your core. He stopped for a second to look at you, his prying eyes fixed on the way you looked for him. “Good enough to fucking eat.”
You didn’t even have time to reply before his mouth was on you, tongue pressed against your slit, working wonders as his nose nudged your clit, briefly pausing to flick his tongue around it. 
“Finn, fuck..” you cried, fingers tangling in his hair, tugging lightly, causing him to practically growl into your cunt. Finn ignited something feral in you; a level of attraction you didn’t know was possible. Yet, he wanted you, he’d said. He wanted you to be his and he wanted to be yours. God help you if that made you want to fuck him even more. There was something in the way he looked at you, just like the way he was looking up at you now, eyes trained on yours, almost worshipping the way you looked with his head between your legs. He had to admit, he’d never felt this way either. The sounds you were making had him hard since he woke up, but he wasn’t mad about it. You were fucking unbelievable, ravishing as you writhed in his bed. He had to repeat that to himself to believe it fully. You were in his bed. You were his. Fuck if he wasn’t going to show you just what that meant.
You were a vision as you arched your back into his mouth, reaching your peak as Finn helped you ride it out, lapping softly at your quivering pussy. He finally let up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he grinned cockily, placing his hands on either side of you and leaning down to kiss you. You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth at the taste of yourself on his lips, the filthiness of it all driving you absolutely insane. Finn was already hard; you could feel him against you, making you buck your hips in anticipation.
“Ready for me, are ‘ya?” He grinned.
“Shut up,” You retorted with a smile as he pressed a kiss to your lips, mouth quickly going slack as he pushed into you, hard and thick inside of you. He couldn’t help but groan softly at the feeling of you so ready and wet for him, walls already clenching around him. He quickly picked up the pace, reaching down to throw your legs over his shoulders to bury himself inside of you, fucking you at a relentless pace. You’d never been fucked like this, let alone in the bed of one of the most notorious gangsters in Birmingham, and it was beyond words. You couldn’t see, eyes rolling into the back of your head as Finn fucked into you without restraint, filling you to the hilt, pressing up against your g-spot every time, pressing open-mouthed kisses to the insides of your lower legs as he made you cum over and over again, sending you into a blissful haze. By the time he was close, you were so far gone, you didn’t even know what day it was, and you didn’t care. All you knew was Finn. Beautiful Finn, who was determined to make you cum again with him, sending you over the edge just before he spilled into you, colors drifting across your vision slowly as you attempted to catch your breath. Finn, who teeth were nipping at your inner thighs while he cleaned you up, unable to resist pressing a kiss to your cunt. Finn, who was running you a bath and wanted to know if you wanted anything to eat. Finn, who was yours.
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palidan-sheep · 2 years
Ya’know, the game has a hard time showing you who the true villain is. Ya could argue that either the Hacketts or Eliza is the villain but everyone is just in the gray for me.
Asides the counselors, they were just a bunch of dumb young adults who didn’t listen to Chris advice and got themselves all wrapped up in the nights problems tho I suspect irl, they’d still get wrapped up in the problems even if they stayed inside.
Everyone seems to have a problem of not explaining their motives or why they are there in the first place which definitely does not helping in clearing the air of whether they are the villain or not.
Eliza was the mother of Silas, she knew him better then the Hacketts. We don’t know if he was constantly locked up in the cage or if he was only locked up around the times of the full moon. Plus we don’t know how Silas got the infection, could have been born with it or Eliza could’ve done some shady shit and used her son as a stepping stone. But we don’t know that, we don’t know anything about her and her sons past.
Eliza was also sorta manipulative when talking to her during the card sessions, “We are friends aren’t we?” “After all I’ve done for you!”, she could’ve been guilt tripping us and also guiding us to a more favorable outcome via the cards.
Silas just seems more like a victim, he’s a young feral boy with no control over his situation and no one to turn to. He’s constantly being hunted too. I desperately wish there was a way to save him without killing everyone.
The Hacketts seem like they genuinely what to fix what they started but are just super evasive about telling other people. If Travis had said that he was Chris’s brother and that Chris wasn’t around, then Max and Laura wouldn’t have gone threw what they did but he didn’t, he was a dick to them and helped further to paint a bad picture upon the family.
If he hasn’t locked Laura and Max up then the chances of Kaylee still being alive would be significantly higher. Not to mention that if she wasn’t there, then like none of the counselors would’ve have know about the werewolf’s weakness to sliver, granted I can see Dylan talking about silver but then Kaitlyn swoops in and asked where they can get silver from and the Abi points out her bracelet.
This could also segway into Abi transforming into a werewolf considering that she can be bit by Kaylee when Nick gets attacked. Then the group would be left without a silver bullet and completely clueless. This could make for a more difficult game, no awareness of weaknesses and no bullets, more lives at stake and toss in another werewolf too.
Enough of what I think could’ve happened in the game, back to my rant.
Mama Hackett is just a bitch but she is trying her best to pull the strings of keeping the counselors safe. Sending her husband and sons out to hunt and protect the counselors. I honestly thought she was going to play a bigger role here but I was disappointed lol.
Tho once she finds out that her granddaughter is dead she’s over trying to help them and I can see that but she didn’t tell Jed or Bobby to explain to the counselors that they were they to help and to not kill any of the wolves expect for the white one.
As a matter of fact, it’s not even any of the adults who start this whole conflict, it’s the children. Kaylee and Caleb. They saw a bit locked in a cage and took it at face value, a young boy locked up and put on display.
This could’ve been all to it but we don’t know that so who can really blame them for doing what they did? Tho they were stupid to set hay on fire, I feel like they were taught that hay goes up quick so perhaps this leaves some room to hint at something darker with the Hacketts. Maybe there were more sinister and darker motives and decided to use the kids as their escape goat. 
Everyone is in the gray here, if any of them just explained what their motives were then maybe there’s be less bloodshed and more reason to chose a side.
Hell, if ya gonna bitch bout lack of final battle or progressive conflict then how bout ya chose sides between Eliza or the Hacketts. Magic vs humans.
This could be where the true villain gets reveled. Maybe Eliza did actual mess with darker magic and used her son as a vessel and cursed him, Maybe there’s some lingering lengthy family history between Eliza’s family and the Hacketts family that shows the Hacketts being massive dicks and chasing harm and misfortune to Eliza’s family.
The whole “who’s the true villain?” Question has been super blurry to me. It all falls down to what you think happened or believe. Personally? I have no fucking clue, both sides can be classified as good and bad.
A family trying to help a caged up boy and a mother who’s trying to get vengeance upon those who kill her family.
And also a family who released a deadly curse upon the world and a mother who caged up her son and possible did something to cause him to have this curse.
What are y’all’s thoughts on who’s the villain?
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thetombedspirit · 2 years
The Quarry: Could Have Been a Better Boss Battle
I feel like the ending of the Quarry could have been so much more boss if all the counselors were trapped in the lodge and separated as they fought all the remaining werewolves, namely Nick, Caleb and Silas (Emma, Jacob, Dylan and Laura could be part of the ending too if they’ve been infected/transformed)
Like, it would be a much bawler ending and it would also pay homage and contrast the ending of Until Dawn. Instead of fighting amongst themselves like the Wendigoes were, the Werewolves are hunting together to get their prey. Except for Silas. He’s an outsider encroaching on Hackett territory and he always hunts alone. Subconsciously, the Hackett pack knows he’s too powerful so have sought to expand their pack. And when the counselors deciding to stay the night, they seized the opportunity. 
Kaitlyn and Dylan (if they’re still around) have the option to either kill Caleb or lock him up in the freezer or just send him off if their both infected like in the original confrontation). If Dylan had stayed infected and transformed, that can open up possibilities for a confrontation and can either be killed or scared off by Kaitlyn’s infection and attacks (Werewolf Emma gave up pretty quickly when she was shot by Infected!Dylan, as did Nick with Abi if she shoots him, so I’m operating under the notion that fresh werewolves are more skittish then older wolves).
Then you can have Abi and Emma (if they’re still around) go against Nick (and Emma if she’s been infected early on), maybe have him be lured away by Abi and Emma away from the ‘hunt’, or escaping from him from the basement, somehow. Maybe give Abi the option of using her silver bracelet to save a cornered Emma or just save herself? Or maybe have a freshly infected Emma shield Abi and give her time to run before she transforms and joins the hunt.
Then have Ryan, Laura, Jacob (if not transformed) and Travis come in, (if Jacob was infected before being released from the cages, then he’ll automatically be sent to the woods. If not, he’ll stay with the group and even help an injured Ryan escape) and they can finally confront Silas as he makes a badass and intimidating first appearance. Maybe have sprouts of white fur sprouting from his body like a diseased dog, make him a little bigger and more lupine-like then the others, really showcasing how different he is from the rest of the pack and how much longer he’s spent as a werewolf. The other wolves don’t like him at all. To them, he’s an outsider, a threat trespassing on their territory, and will fight off the remaining werewolves before focusing on the final group. The Lone White Wolf encroaching on Hackett territory. And he doesn’t care much for expanding his pack. Regardless of if they are already infected or not, Silas will attack to kill. Maybe Jacob can have the option to take the final shot or be a distraction for Silas as a sort of redemption arch as someone else, mainly Laura takes the shot.
They could all live, they could all die, but one thing is certain, Silas must be killed or the curse will continue.
Sadly, there will be no saving Kaylee or Chris. Not unless you want all of the counselors to survive.
And for the epilogue, just cut between different characters as they process what happened. Nick and Abi either promise to see each other or decide it’s best to go their separate ways. Emma can choose to either accept Jacob’s apology and remain friends or deny it and cut all ties with him. Laura can go get Max and get that cute reunion scene if he survives. Travis can comfort Caleb if he wasn’t killed and tell him the fates of his sister and father and maybe the rest of the family if they didn’t survive. Ryan could get comforted by Dylan and Kaitlyn about having to kill Chris and then the cops arrive.
Then, just like Until Dawn before them, they are interviewed, they give a fake story about rabid animals and crazed feral maniac (or maniacs if the Hacketts die before the boss battle) and, depending on how much evidence you collect, will either be convicted or released.
It’s just my personal idea, let me know what you think.
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emmamountebanks · 2 years
God okay wow you with those three really opened up something feral within me excuse the really poorly late night written rambles.
I, with my oh so professional opinion, think these three would be the best (read: worst) wingpeople of all time for one another.
Emma and Dylan wearing hilariously bad disguises (like,,,fake mustaches and sunglasses bad) while stalking Laura and Max's date?? The obnoxious kissing noises in the background when Max and Laura share little kisses that make Max .4 seconds away from throttling the two of them? Laura having the time of her life and kissing Max just to hear Dylan and Emma tease him so his face turns tomato red??? Beautiful. Stunning.
Max and Dylan third wheeling Emma and Abi's dates with off key Timon and Pumba lion king trio's down to 2 singing making Abi laugh so hard she's snorting and Emma is caught between swooning over how cute her gf is and burying 2 lads alive??? Them earning their heads being knocked together so they end up sulking over ice cream but still loving how sweet Emma is being?? Abi drawing it all to remember the look on Emma's face when Max started belting Pumba's part so off key it hurt? I'm losing my mind over here
And Dylan and Ryan, oooh Dylan and Ryan. The. MOST. Awkward people you could ever see on a date. They both look like they want to hold hands. They both DO want to hold hands. Neither of them does until Max and Emma step in. Emma is one second away from taking Dylan's arm and wrapping it around Ryan's shoulders. Max takes a more subtle approach of pointing at Dylan's hand and Ryan's before locking his fingers together to make a point so Dylan gets it (and the look on Ryan's face when Dylan stops chickening out makes Max and Emma's shared stress worth it)
I am writing an essay here oh my god lol. I think they would all have sleepovers and Emma would paint their nails while they discuss their respective partners and dish out advice (mostly to Dylan) because they DESERVE to be BESTIES
(thank you for your work, I love reading all your thoughts on them, you have opened my eyes to the possibilities and I am THRIVING. Forgive the essay, you have me excited over here haha)
OH MY GOD dont apologize for the essay all of this is so perfect and i love it
emma doing their nails is such an amazing idea. like ngl ive thought about her doing makeup on everyone - and i mean everyone - and i feel like max and dylan would def be the most receptive to a manicure soooo. hell yes. and they would 100% just talk about their love lives and help one another out. and again max is the most Voice of Reason guy here because hes in a committed relationship but emma and dylan are STRUGGLING and hes doing all he can to help his gay besties get their shit in order.
genuinely so in love with all of these ideas. they are 100% the kind of friends who would just be absolute menaces when it comes to trying to get their love lives in order and they are not subtle in the slightest but they'll still do it.
the timon and pumba thing has SENT ME and im so happy u have fed me blygbank in the process because it makes it all the more better for me.
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five-rat-lore · 2 years
Hackett’s Quarry Summer Camp Tag!
I’ve been tagged by a few people in this and wanted to give it a go :3
original tag list by @lowonmelatonin
Favourite counsellor and least favourite counsellor. Why?:
My favourite has to be Dylan. I read ATLITW a few weeks before I played the quarry and that already set me off struggling with my gender (again), but the moment I set eyes on Dylan something snapped in me. He’s my gender euphoria <3 I wrote A Guy Like Me literally as soon as we finished the game.
First time I played I liked Laura the least (ironic because she’s my husband’s favourite), but I have a new appreciation for her after replaying. I think maybe Abi is my least favourite, but only because I wish she’d had more to do! Same with Nick tbh.
Favourite chapter and least favourite chapter. Why?:
Chapter 5 is my favourite, hands down! I love the scrapyard, but the radio hut is just superior imo
Me and Chapter 8 have personal beef because when me and my husband picked our characters at the start of the game, I chose Dylan, Abi, Nick and Emma, and he picked Ryan, Laura, Jacob and Kaitlyn. Which means I didn’t get to play for the whole of chapter 8!!!
Favourite ship (you can pick a maximum of 3)?:
Dylan/Ryan (also Dylan/Ryan/Kaitlyn)
Biggest counsellor crush:
Dylan. At first I joked that I didn’t know if I wanted to be him or be with him, turns out it’s both lol
How would you survive The Quarry?:
my toxic trait is thinking I would survive the quarry. I’m scrappy and I’ve been waiting my whole life to go horror movie feral.
Favourite The Quarry fanfic writer and fanartist:
My all time fave is @drylan his work is *chef’s kiss* and then I also love @dylan-lenivy-appreciation-day works too, Better Left Unspoken has me in a vice grip. and I can’t talk about my fave fics without mentioning @cloudycaffeinatedcryptid obviously :)
I need to follow more fanartists, I’m like really bad at using tumblr so I pretty much just live in the radioheads tag. But I do love @divomria art, it’s so good!
Also @needsmorewlw for their fandom content, their headcanons and fandom content are up there with the best fanart and fanfics for me
Shoutout some friends you have made being involved in the fandom!
Okay so heres the thing, I have this constant crushing fear that everyone finds me annoying and does not want to be friends with me. I desperately want fandom friends but I’m such a coward. And I also feel that everyone else is already friends and I’m just... here. I think I make content as a way of reaching out but I never know where to go from there.
but my special shout outs go to @mothamcity @stressedanime and @me-ladie (as well as everyone I’ve already tagged)! Maybe this is me finally taking that next step to actually become friends with people in the fandom.
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cangrellesteponme · 2 years
Would you care to share your feral thoughts on The Quarry with the class? 👀 🐺
OKAY OKAY OKAY spoilers ahead ofc (mostly just for the ending mac got, which is all playable characters live, no infected other than nick and at some point ryan, all cured at the end, sylas dies, innocence proven. but also some mention of infected dylan) and trigger warnings for like. canon typical violence (blood, amputation...) and i say some mean things about nick lmao
okay so let's start with my strongest character opinions:
Dylan <3 so smart so dumb so iconic. He is both a himbo and a genius nerd and I love him so much. I think he's the best character along with Kaitlyn, his lines are great, he's the only one who's not stupid in unbelievable ways (why was he the only one who thought Nick's leg needed to be cut off? it was so obvious.) but rather in pretty relatable ways (wanting the gun despite being a terrible shot, never trusting his intuition, the whole radio sos thing...) and I think his character is a perfect guy in horror! And the fact that he wants to get laid doesn't stop him from actually trying his best to survive! (*cough* jacob *cough*) Kaitlyn <3 gaslight gatekeep girlboss except she doesn't gaslight, like ever. she doesn't need to. says she's the smartest? true. says she's the leader? true. says she's the best shot and the only one who can use a gun? true. says she's the hottest? true. also LONDON TIPTON LONDON TIPTON BRENDA SONG I LOVE YOU. Jokes aside, Kaitlyn is one of the first times i've seen a woman in a horror game feel real and in a positive way too. I particularly liked how clearly she expresses her feelings about people.
I hate Nick. Like, not for getting infected like a dumbass, or because you can't just cut his damn leg off and let him suffer or bleed out. Nah I hate him because Abi deserves better. Their romance looked so cute at the start. And then you hear him talk with Jacob about it... which was uncomfortable at best!! And then Truth or Dare happens. I think Emma kissing Nick was a good thing, because we got to see that Nick is your good old typical untrustworthy man. He did not need to put that much effort into that kiss- and I know he says he just likes helping Emma make Jacob jealous, but that's stupid. Jacob did not need that much effort to be made jealous, Nick was overdoing it when he very obviously should have held back out of respect for Abi's feelings (which are supposed to be requited!!). All in all he's cheater material. But I can live with that. The worst part is that he's just a dick tbh. In his final moments before turning, the most raw version of himself is an asshole, being aggressive to Abi like it's her fault that he's pathetic? My guy, I know you want to date her and feel like she's not taking you seriously but get over yourself. Also imagine, you feel like you're dying, you're in horrible pain, you can barely think coherently and you ask for reassurance from the person you love... and when they give it to you you don't believe them and get mad over it? I can't possibly imagine being that much of an ass I'm sorry. And don't tell me turning makes everyone an aggressive cunt. Max visibly tries to stay away in the jail cell before the aggression takes over, and Dylan saves Kaitlyn's life! Nick's a dick. One letter away.
Abi's a well-written simp. Okay I, too, hate the "I can fix him" stereotype but Abi's just... such a good version of it. I find it perfectly coherent that this woman who started with pretty low self-esteem and originally refused to say she had feelings for Nick turned to resilient devotion the moment she got invested. It would not have made sense for her to fight to live like other characters do, otherwise. She's a pretty simple character, living for the chance that she can save someone else just by advocating for them, and I think that's nice! Because. Let's be honest. Who in their right mind would want Nick to live if not for Abi's constant "we must save Nick" bs? I wanted him to drown. Stan Abi for being a better person than I am.
Ryan's an ass. Love that for him. That's it that's the opinion.
now my thoughts about the capybaras werewolves:
Why are they not furry. Why do their hair, skin, clothes, everything, just explode in a spray of blood then everything comes back except their clothes???? The werewolved should be fully clothed but it's all drenched in blood.
Why does everyone turn at different speeds? It takes Nick hours, even longer for Laura, but Dylan turns immediately??? My best attempt at an explanation is that it's based on how likely they are to turn someone. I mean, if fucking rabies could turn into a very well-evolved nightmare that optimises infection in horrifying ways, why can't the werewolf curse (which has A LOT of rabies symptoms) be even better? We know Dylan would never bite someone, so there's no point in him staying human long enough to be with others. Nick, however, would've bitten Abi in front of that pool, because the way he's just absolutely pathetic gets people's guard off (like rabid animals being particularly docile at first) even when he says the creepiest shit about being hungry. Laura can and will take every risk and sacrifice anyone, or do any risky thing, so she could (and does.) bite, so keeping her human gets the infection to spread. But that's just my terrible theory. I don't actually think they thought this through.
aaaaaand the plot:
Predictable plot twists. AS THEY SHOULD I'm here to get spooked not to solve a goddamn nonsensical mystery. I'm so thankful that none of the lore is surprising. Glad the hag is everything literally everyone thought she was. Happy it was werewolves whose curse is transmitted through bites. Overjoyed to see Laura and Max survived the prologue and Laura was bitten.
The ending. Look I know it was rushed. But the Sylas bit was boring as fuck lmao. Also the podcast... let me just say nothing. Nvm I'll talk. I do think the characters were funny, and I liked their back and forth, but I wish we could've seen them.
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