#About episode 273
dandelionlemonade · 1 year
Loverman... (?)
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antiloreolympus · 2 months
What is LO Cooking?!
I heard Lore Olympus was ending soon, so I caught up, and wow, it somehow got worse. The main thing I'm stuck on is Hera being the fertility goddess.
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I don't know about y'all, but this is NOT the same person. But I assume this is for the reveal to be a 'surprise'.
((If you have to switch up a character's whole look and remove their only "unique" trait (mole) for a surprise, maybe don't do it.))
To continue, while this recent episode (273) depicts Zeus as awful for using Hera's powers. It also doesn't explain why Metis couldn't fight Kronos herself.
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I haven't read the fast pass, but I'm going to make an educated guess that Hera is going to solo Kronos easily like Persephone did.
If this is the case, wouldn't that mean Metis was powerful enough to stop Kronos on her own, and she simply chose not to? Not only that, but she and Hera could've teamed up him if they were this powerful on their own.
It's very odd how this story wants me to believe Zeus did this only out of greed and not necessity if even Metis can't handle Kronos.
Also, Metis not only didn't take Kronos out but kept the truth from Hera? The blame is instead shifted to Zeus as if Metis didn't have the responsibility of telling her daughter.
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If the story is willing to critique Demeter for lying to Persephone, why isn't Metis getting the same heat story wise?
This isn't me saying Zeus is justified using Hera's powers post-titanomachy as that is unacceptable (RIP Zeus Stans). Only in the context of defeating Kronos.
It just feels like another way for Metis to be seen as a "caring mom" as if she didn't sleep with Young Zeus, knowing two of her kids had a crush on him.
- - -
The potential reasons I have are between:
"RS didn't think this through and made Metis such a terrible mother that most of the aftermath could've been prevented if she had either fought Kronos on her own or taught Hera how to use her powers."
"Hera (and Metis to an extent) wouldn't have been able to use the full extent of their abilities without a man using them as a battery first."
Both of these are terrible, and I hate it here.
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risequotes · 5 months
Daily Rise Quotes: DAY 273
Splinter: What about the memories I want to keep private?
Draxum: Not my problem, good luck!
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(Season 2, Episode 13A - E-Turtle Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)
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genericpuff · 2 months
Hi puff I just read EP 273 and I need to know your opinions PLEASE. I feel so upset with the episode hfkfjskfkkd ASL??? AMERICAN sign language before America existed??? Why do Hera's proportions when she says "Did you forget?" look like that???? When Zeus asked if she loved him and her waist was smaller than the width of her head?? Why is Purse Phone running out of the cell with Dio labeled with a *floom*, I didn't see anything grow?? RS please I need food, water, atmosphere, and consistency 😭😭 comparing Hera's queen form with Peer Phony's just makes the art look so jank, I can't 😖 anyways thank you for letting me vent sorry if you already wrote your thoughts on EP 273 elsewhere and I missed it!!
I haven't really written anything concise on Episode 273 aside from the sign language stuff (and the time travelling problems) because I just... frankly don't even know what to say about the most recent episodes besides a very unsurprised "meh". I will give it credit for one thing, every time Hades and Persephone are separated the plot is actually allowed to happen, but the plot that IS there atm is relying a lot on characters being too stupid to solve their own problems and readers being too gracious or too forgetful to realize just how much is being retconned and / or forgotten about for the sake of writing a plot that tries to be deeper than it is. There's a lot of rushed worldbuilding happening at the last minute that's undoing a lot of the reasonable assumptions people had to make to fill in the blanks of the first three seasons and not exactly for the better. A lot of these issues could have been solved if Rachel had actually done any real planning in the beginning, but we're 5+ years too late for that now and the consequences of that have been rolling in every week since S3 began. There's a point where it becomes impossible to analyze because you know there's no logic to it, it's just Rachel writing whatever gets her through the week.
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justmenoworries · 3 months
Lore Olympus Episode 273 Spoilers
You know what?
I actually kind of like this episode.
Hera being allowed to be the one to fight Kronos this time is a nice twist. I think a few people even predicted it, so kudos to you.
Buuut, I wouldn't be me if I didn't have at least something to bitch about.
First of all: What the fuck is up with the Melinoe situation???
So apparently Melinoe is Hades' and Persephone's biological child but she's from the future but Hades has also seen her in his dreams for over ten years??? And Hera has too????
I guess Kronos being able to get to Melinoe is because he's the titan of time (I've said my piece about how that's bullshit) but.... how exactly did he know she existed??? If it was that easy to cradle-snatch her why didn't he do so earlier???
Apart from that, did RS just completely retcon Hades being sterile??? Like, I know Persie and him briefly talked about a different way to have a child but that was iffy even back then.
Also, very cool how Melinoe, a Greek goddess born from two other Greek gods, uses American sign language. RS' actual research-allergy strikes again.
The whole situation also reiterates that hxp are not good parents. They let their daughter get kidnapped and held hostage by her insane tyrant of a grandfather this easily.
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lore-o-hoe · 2 months
Hera, a Goddess Who Deserved Better:
First of all, hello to everyone still here! GOD it’s been a long time, but you now how it goes life and all that. Anyways on with the discussion and of course…
We see Hera floating in an unconscious state having flashbacks to her time with Zeus and all the while her mother is repeatedly calling her name.
The parallels here are heartbreaking but also cathartic in a way. Hera has had a tough go of it despite being Queen of the gods. Raised to fight a war, torn apart to win said war, and being Queen of The Gods in exchange for being married to perhaps the most prolific philanderer the world has ever known.
In chapter 119 we see her being dissatisfied and frustrated with what her life has come to, feeling that she had so much potential and purpose in her younger years, only to be stifled (literally and figuratively) following the war and her marriage to Zeus.
It’s been speculated amongst the community that Hera had been the next fertility goddess before Persephone and to see that vindicated in this way in her declaration to Kronos was more than gratifying to see. I especially loved the parallels between the opening scenes of Episode 119 and this one:
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It was stunning and meaningful
Also there’s more of a sense of finality to Hera’s separation to Zeus following the revelation. He paints it as protecting Hera but as always his true motivations are put into doubt.
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Given his insistence on wanting to know if she loved him, it’s likely he knew from his experiences with her mother, that some kind of love based connection was necessary. And like the men in his line decided to use that connection for his own means. War or no war him withholding the truth from her and siphoning her power is enough to brand him in my opinion. And unknowingly Hera was in turn made to feel as if she needed to limit herself and power as to placate him and make him feel ‘safe’ (again Episode 119):
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I could definitely be wrong, but with all this information I can’t really see a formal reconciliation between the two. And after that cute kiss with Echo as well as that somber goodbye to a comatose Zeus… I can’t see her being around him anymore in any capacity.
What’s even more heartbreaking is the words of the old harpy to Demeter back in Episode 264. When she declares Persephone the Fertility Goddess of her generation, she also states that the one in Demeter’s generation was sapped of her power before she even had a chance to fully come into them.
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Zeus literally stole her youth and power from her for his own gain… god I need a minute. And his b.s about ‘keeping everyone safe’ despite his promise to Métis who wanted Hera to finally be free… is it bad I want Hera to beat him down? That may be too much to ask for.
She literally had no time or chance to discover herself and potential before she was basically stuck with Zeus and her role as Queen and goddess of marriage. While she is adept at her role and enjoys some aspect of being royalty, I can’t help but wonder what her life would be if she had her own choice? If the war had ended and she was more detached from Zeus, what would her world and future look like through her own eyes and merit?
No wonder she was so protective of Persephone, they are one and the same. I’ve always expressed that they are two sides of the same coin with Hera trying to prevent Persephone from falling into her same path that was marred with unhappiness and limited choices.
So the remaining questions seems to be what will be next for her? Past the confrontation with Kronos I’m wondering what she’ll do now know her full potential and being practically reborn? Will she return to her Queen of the gods role or will she just do her own thing for a while? But before we get there of course, her battle with Kronos is going to take center stage for the time being. While Persephone’s power/fight involved mostly nature given her ‘nature’ I wonder if Hera’s will be the same? Or with the star/space imagery will it be more space based somehow?? I’m not sure but I guess we’ll see in the next episode!
Until next time y’all! ✨
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hwaightme · 1 year
Grilled Cheese Philosophy
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🥪 pairing: demon!wooyoung x reader 🥪 genre: angst, dark, comfort, soulmates, angel/demon 🥪 summary: Abstaining from a cruel reality became your one goal, and around every corner you searched for an escape from the turmoil. Until a certain soul-searching demon showed up at your door, adamant to make himself a part of your life. 🥪 wordcount: 14k 🥪 warnings/tags: TW MINORS DNI, su!cide attempt, discussion of ed, depression, discussion of death, demon woo, fallen angel woo, soulmates, reincarnation, souls, slow burn, lmk if anything!🥪 a/n: Hello <3 this fic has very heavy themes so reader discretion is advised. Watching Wooyoung's performance to 'Logic - 1-800-273-8255' I felt a call to rework a fic I had, and thanks to senpai-of-doom was motivated add light in an otherwise dark progression. Remember, you matter, you are loved -"you are never alone and you will never be". Love you all, biggest hugs. P.S.: the song quoted is 'She's In The Rain' by The Rose.
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 “I had a guy sell his soul to me for some toast.”
“Wait a second, really?” You were bewildered. It had never occurred to you that someone would make a deal with the literal devil for such a simple food.
“I say that…” the demon sitting across from you paused, inspected the cuticles on his left hand and sighed, “…but it was not exactly for a single piece of toast. That would make the story unbelievably funny though, I wish it were the case!” To be frank, you were a little disappointed. You had expected more from your interlocutor’s chaotic line of work. “No, what this guy wanted was to have some, quote on quote, mad toast-making skills. I was not sure for what, but then he laid out his whole plan of making the best grilled cheese in the country and opening a grilled cheese food truck and touring around, watching people queue up for something only he could make well… It was enthralling.”
You could only raise your eyebrows and eye your rapidly cooling cup of tea. After earning a questioning glare from the devil, you realised that he was waiting for polite encouragement to continue conversation. You woke yourself up from your daze and hummed once, as if in thought.
“So, what happened then, did you give him the toast?”
“Here’s the fun bit. Well, I say fun, but it was more routine really. I go, ‘why not just ask to be a genius grilled cheese chef?’, genuinely curious, but he was adamant about just having the toast be done right every time. He rejected the heavier deal flat out. I go ‘you are going to miss out on being the biggest name in the grilled cheese world you so love’ and he goes ‘you see, the world is nothing if you have no problem at all’. I did not get what he meant then, but when the deal was over and done with, it made total sense. What this guy effectively did, was got a tailored eternal struggle that he could manage. The bread was guaranteed to be perfect, but the cheese provided him a sufficient challenge to remain interested in what he was doing.” The devil took a break to take a bite out of his, no, your almond croissant, and rather unceremoniously wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
You clasped your hands around the mug more strongly, feeling the last bits of warmth seep away from the untouched beverage. You had no appetite or thirst left in your body, for you believed that it was far more fascinating having control over the decay of your being, especially now that you had been honoured with the audience of an otherworldly power. The devil was rather displeased that you had decided to take the matter into your own hands and go down the path of escaping life without promising him a reward, but you saw no need in making sudden deals. It was your innate passiveness and newly acquired apathy to all things living that prevented you from choosing anything at all.
Even now, you were not motivated to conjure a response for this episode from the devil’s past deals. Instead, you sank into a comfortable silence, enjoying the growing irritation the ‘young man’ was unprofessionally revealing. One tap, followed by two, then one, then three, repeat. A rhythm void of compassion for the mute. Demanding. The devil had nice nails, something you had not noticed before – the only musing to appear in the abyss that was your abandoned mental palace. Whenever your conversations would come to a halt it was as if time stopped. It was holding its breath until one of you would throw an argument into the air and continue the word game. You desired some time in solitude, so you happily challenged the devil with your skilled ignorance of social cues.
The devil exhaled sharply and rolled his eyes, displeased with the death of another attempt to get on your ‘good side’ and stood up. He readjusted his suit jacket and ran a hand through his sleek locks. Like an actor leaving the stage, the demon guest exited the tiny kitchen and turned right, undoubtedly, to check himself in the tiny bathroom mirror, then to disappear behind an old door for two or so hours – his idea of a power nap. For a taker of souls, he surely was too predictable, no matter how his appearance and character attempted to detract from his fondness for structure and patterns. Over the last few days while the devil began to spend longer hours indoors playing the role of a ‘caring friend’ you had the opportunity to grasp the general metaphorical spirit of this ‘man’. In any discussion he had his distinct style. An ebb and flow of the spoken tides, beginning with a head-on collision with either question or proclamation, followed by provoking interrogation and, finally, a theatrical departure once his true goal had been reached.
Nothing was ever direct with the devil. Otherwise, why would you be walking on eggshells when he was talking about grilled cheese? Whenever you got too invested in any of the deviant’s tales, you would remind yourself that the heroes of those stories were, at that exact moment, burning in the deepest pits of hell and feeling the unbearable weight of sin on their shoulders. Then the interest evaporated as quickly as it had popped into your thoughts. Although you must admit, this anecdote was quite amusing. So amusing that you might make a short note of it when the devil would be in his own version of dreaming.
He had explained to you before that the reason he slept so much was so he could preserve his youthfulness, vigour and striking looks, to which you sarcastically replied with the term ‘beauty sleep’, but he misinterpreted it as an honest attempt at relating to his lifestyle. That day, you had involuntarily boosted his already overinflated ego by somehow leading the devil to believe that he was beautiful, and that all of his actions were just how he had expected: rational and justified. You only wondered what beauty there was in him to sleep for.
The devil was not what one would call classically ‘handsome’. As a matter of fact, on your first meeting he insisted that the term ‘devilishly handsome’ was horrendously misleading and the perfect example of a human-conjured myth. Completely out of the bounds of what the media and the average person found appealing, the devil had a total disregard for following mortal aesthetic trends, thereby making his appearance quite jarring. Those to walk past him on the street, would undoubtedly gawk at him and be intrigued by him, and yet, feel unsettled. As though they were prey that had just nearly escaped an apex predator. Of course, he could easily turn up his charms and seduce to his non-existent heart’s content, but that was only if he saw personal gain or needed to fuel his arrogance. Other than that, he was a cold professional.
It was mainly the eyes that gave his true nature away. Eyes that knew. Eyes that were detached from mortality and morality, fixated on business which only he knew. Those unfortunate enough to peer into those eyes would be awestruck to find the deepest chasm of nothing. Not a hint of a personality or a soul, only well-trained responses, and the ideal formula to get an individual talking. That was what the demon had meant when he explained that no devil could be handsome, only frightening.
After making sure that you would not meet the devil in the corridor by waiting for the lock of your guest room, you pushed your chair back and in one motion spun out of it and to the sink, where you watched dark brown, murky liquid pour out of your stained mug you had gotten as a present – a souvenir from The Netherlands. After many years of use and scrubbing the design had faded, leaving only mysterious silhouettes and hints of windmills. Not in the mood to wash up, you left the piece of ceramic to wait for you in the basin and wiped your hands on your trousers. Unlike the devil, your whole disposition and outer image was the closest a human could get to transparency. Your pallid, gaunt face with watery irises that stared out into a bleak grey landscape you had constructed out of your days.
The fiend was a dark-haired lad with a cheeky grin, toned body and a manner of constantly fluctuating between flamboyancy and eccentricity. His pinstripe suit - a tad too big, with a bright crimson handkerchief sticking out of the pocket, messily stuffed and creased. This devil’s eyes were entrancing, even though he had said there was no emotion to see. Not that he would ever hear you admit that you liked them. Deep-set, almond shaped, glowing. A dark, alluring shimmer. If eyes were normally windows to the soul, his were closer to one-way mirror quality. It was the confident stare that had gotten him past the door frame when he showed up in front of your apartment last week.
Inviting himself into your home, the devil acted as if he was an old friend of yours, or like an auntie with a spectacular ability to nag her way through any and all interactions. When you crept out of your apartment and went down to fetch the mail your neighbours had inquired after a certain cousin of yours who was ‘such a charming young man’ and how he showed ‘great promise in the creative arts’. You had to refrain from responding with a guffaw, instead meekly nodding and imagining an actual relative of yours. Last you had heard from San he was working at a beach resort in Mallorca; one of the more adventurous members of your family, he was the only one to bear any resemblance to your unwanted guest, so you did not miss him at all.
San would be the sort of man to think of starting a grilled cheese business. The devil and him would get along well, or it would be more correct to say the devil would find a good client in him. ‘A simple-minded hedonist with no care for the future’, that was what the devil had described ‘deal material’ to be. Truly distant from what you could offer, leading you to question his motives. But he had insisted that you had the potential, and it was only a matter of time before you realised just how much more you could achieve if only you had the devil’s helping hand. You had flatly replied that you hated any form of contact and had departed to your bedroom without a second thought. When you woke up the next morning and walked out to drink some water, the devil was standing in the same place where you had left him. Like so, he had begun hurling success story after success story at you, ceaselessly trying to convince you that soul-selling was ‘not that bad’ and was only going to increase your quality of life.
Why ask for grilled cheese when you are satisfied with a single digestive biscuit? Thatyou’re your philosophy. You need not tread on other meals when something you had tried and tested never failed you. Besides, you had nothing that you wanted to order from the devil. You did not need luck, nor love, nor riches. Your daily activities suited you, and you would not trade them for a sudden burst of foolish, false fame. You ambled down the corridor, inspecting the progress of the crack that had started on the ceiling, and now had gotten behind a painting that you had bought at a second-hand market. An amateur painting of a traditional manor, nevertheless done tastefully and with careful consideration of colour. Pleasant enough to keep in a hermit’s isolation pod.
Having forgotten to undraw the curtains you were met with darkness upon entering the bedroom. The overcast afternoon did not possess enough energy to seep through the gaps. You lazily pushed them aside, accidentally taking the tulle with it. So, you stopped to admire the evergreen outside of your window before returning everything to how it was and looking for a piece of paper and pen in the dimly lit quarters, relying on memory and a stream of light from the rest of the flat.
After settling on an old envelope and a dying pen you heavily abbreviated and paraphrased all you could recall, finishing off with:
Grilled Cheese Philosophy
You nodded and folded the envelope. Chucking the pen into the bin set under my desk you turned and lied down on your bed, hearing the springs creak and curse at you for disturbing them from their peaceful daytime slumber.
Over earl grey and a finger sandwich platter you had assembled from a store-bought set, the devil and you were discussing the concept of business and management. Wooyoung, or at least that was the human name he had picked, out of the blue, for himself, assured you that devil-work was mainly paperwork, and those in his line of speciality rarely had time for the pleasure of direct customer support.
“It is unfortunate. Before, paperwork, archiving and filing was all given to the rookies, but with the increase in regulations and terms of service all of us are neck deep in bureaucratic nonsense. I mean, what’s the joy in writing out a detailed account of how a deal went down? There is no time to form your own style or identity anymore.” This stirred you out of your zoned-out state, and you stopped resting your head on your hand, instead crossing your arms and moving your head as a gesture to continue. You spotted the hint of a smirk dance on his lips, only for a moment.
“Did you know that back in the day, each demon would have their own style of soul collection? That’s right. You could tell who had a contract with who, and when it would end. Back then they really cared about the artistic details, from the devil’s mark to the contract abandonment psychosis… it was all thought through.” Your eyes narrowed at the latter term, so you did not encourage any prolongation of the monologue. Wooyoung caught on quickly, used to your quiet command and with a sip of his drink explained as-a-matter-of-factly:
“Contract abandonment psychosis is a neat thing. See, when you make a deal, that’s it. You can’t back out of it. The psychosis is icing on top of that cake – if you try to avoid your over-written fate then, basically, you start going insane. Think withdrawal symptoms dialled up to one thousand. Once client of mine tried to abandon ship straight after shaking my hand, well, it only took him a week to end up in a mental institution! That guy was unlucky by nature, he never did realise his plans, so I was one happy demon.” He finished, taking a sandwich, and eating it in one bite. You thought that on that your conversation would terminate and you could continue your luncheon to the ticking of the antique clock on the wall, but soon after washing everything down, Wooyoung continued his droning.
At that point you were merely thankful that you were not being forced to reciprocate the enthusiasm for affairs of the literal underworld. You were picking apart the tuna and cucumber sandwich you had moved to my plate, watching crumbs fall and begin to pile. A piece of tuna had managed to slide out as you tore away a bigger piece, and the vegetable’s green flesh was barely hanging on. Wooyoung was watching you, a mixture of contempt and curiosity on his face. He had already devoured two more sandwiches in the time that had passed after his miniature lecture.
“You going to eat that?” He asked, snorting.
“Do you want it?” you shot back, staring right back at him. His lips curled into a smirk, and you saw his expression darken.
“Not when your filthy hands have already contaminated it, you mortal.”
“That, I am. And suit yourself.” you responded, disregarding the threatening tone in Wooyoung’s voice, and keeping on pulling the bread to bits. Now it had become a mission to irritate the demon sitting before you as much as possible. Childish, but one of the rare pleasures.
It had already been two weeks since the beginning of your acquaintance and co-inhabitancy, so naturally you had come to learn of Wooyoung’s pet peeves. One would think that a demon could remain nonchalant for all of eternity, however it seemed that that kind was, on average, more passionate and sensitive than any human you knew. Well, aside from my odd cousin San.
Wooyoung despised loud, open-mouthed chewing. He had mentioned it when talking about one particular client who could not make their mind up about what to trade their soul for. All this over a lunch where this person would not stop chewing in ‘such a barbaric, animalistic way’ – as Wooyoung had described it. That led directly to another one of his annoyances: indecision. As a dealer, businessman, perhaps contract worker, Wooyoung liked the rules and regulations to be impeccable before the final handshake. But too many a times did the poor demon have to deal with hours of following a human around listening to their empty ponderings. ‘Humans have a tendency to become overly philosophical in the most crucial moments,’ he had noted once.
Unrelated to the other two, Wooyoung despised pigeons, which was exactly why it brought you great entertainment to change the location of my casual excursions to a nearby park, populated with hundreds of birds. There you had discovered that he had equal distaste for swans, ducks and, frankly, anything avian. Flying bugs were also not his favourite, for he took great pleasure in disposing of them with your slippers, an old newspaper or a magazine.
Taking notice of the devil’s sources of displeasure allowed you to make note of his emotional cues, highlighting his mischievous and serious demeanours, which were so subtly different you had never taken notice and often had made the wrong predictions in the friendly debates you and him had. A slight repositioning of the shoulders, twitch of the brow, a complex series of taps - all were signs that, upon study, gave you a feeling of control.
While playing with your food, eyes downcast, you took peeks at Wooyoung’s upper body. It was only a matter of time before he exploded, maybe even literally. He regarded food as something practically sacred, so such table manners and misconduct would drive him up a wall. For you it gave a sublime excuse to not eat and continue to peacefully wear away into soothing oblivion. You did not need the devil to be a so-called saviour, watching over you. You continued your act of defiance, now occasionally rolling up the bread between two fingers into tiny balls.
You admired their mouldability. Their smoothness. That grainy, soft quality that most loved, now turned to a primitive wholegrain ball. But even these were not eternal. Morphing into thin snakes, falling apart at the ends, the ball pieces coated your fingertips, latched onto your skin and happily disintegrated. Perhaps Wooyoung was not enjoying the demonstration for its resemblance to what he enjoyed doing to humankind regularly? Tearing it apart just for the sake of it, only to give some false hope to, then punish them with more zeal and erase their self-conjured identity to nothing more than a tortured soul. You were proud of your own accidental analogy and had made it your task to write it down in privacy. Probably after the demon were to leave you alone.
To your delight, your antics sped up the devil’s tea drinking, and soon enough he shot up with a scoff and stormed out of the kitchen. Habitually, you waited before getting your hopes up. A minute ticked by, two minutes, but still no door slam or locking. Were you in for a telling-off? You had become genuinely curious as to what your demon guest had gotten up to. Judging from the end of a long shadow that was at the entrance to the kitchen, Wooyoung was idolising himself in the mirror. Fixing his hair, pulling at his suit, yet again. A meditation through egocentric routine. That could only mean one thing: the devil was sure to come back. Your efforts gone to waste, you toss the remaining crumbs onto your plate, saw some bounce onto the table, and folded your bony arms.
If someone out of your family were to see you now, there would most likely begin every conversation with: ‘oh dear, how thin you have gotten!’, without any awareness of the fact that you were, in actuality, on a spiritual journey to the discovery of self by means of deprivation. In your mind, deprivation also meant starvation, amongst other things. Before the arrival of Wooyoung at one point you had stopped allowing myself the luxury of going to the grocery store, instead choosing to devour remaining canned and long-lasting goods during sinful bouts. Pasta as an only meal for a fortnight could be considered dull by some, but once your stomach had atrophied to an acceptable size and all that your tongue could register was blandness, pasta was the only nourishment your body did not reject.
Wooyoung did not question your eating habits, and for that you had mentally thanked him. Instead, he had merely requested you be present at every meal he had, aside from those out of your apartment – one on one client meetings, he had instantly elaborated.
Your eyes shut, you were reflecting on your speedy self-inflicted resolution. Before you could get to the part where your flimsy, cheap coffin would begin to deteriorate and you would fuse with the soil embracing you, Wooyoung returned, almost glowing, ever so peppy and up-tempo. Apparently, you had reminded him of another ‘magnificent’ story, which he was metaphorically dying to tell, and you were literally dying to listen to.
“A grilled cheese toast syndicate?”
“Yes. I swear on all of my bosses. The grilled cheese food truckers are surprisingly enthusiastic when it comes to selling their own souls for their art.”
“You have only told me about two people so far, and they are co-owners of the same food truck. Your statement cannot possibly hold true.”
“At this point, take it as axiom. Maybe some day I will tell you about January the thirteenth,” I raised an eyebrow, “… or was it April? Either way, it was definitely rainy, murky, a Wednesday, and the thirteenth.” you did not prod him for details. You did not need him to think that some empty collection of his words was a carrot on a stick that he could dangle in front of you.
“Anyways, those guys are mad dedicated, aren’t they?” you huffed in response, getting an eyeroll in return.
He had been doing it so often, his eyes might as well remain staring into the black hole that was his cranium – the only explanation you could find for Wooyoung’s intense self-centeredness and profound elevation of his being not only above humans but also above his own colleagues. This led you to wonder whether there was a defined system hierarchy in his business, or whether a low-level worker could talk down to the big demons if there was enough evidence to suggest they were right in doing so. Did the right to reprimand and walk on the heads of others warp from zero to infinitely high?
If anything, you would have wanted to hear more about demon administration, not caring a single bit for the grilled cheese men driving around on a truck powered by infernal evil. But, that one mention of paperwork and rookie versus regular employee had long since passed, remaining only in your memory and in the list of displeasures of my guest.
Upon Wooyoung’s insistence, you were now seated in the living room, him splayed out on the couch, you composed in the squeaky armchair. It was almost as if you were the devil’s therapist. Give you a notepad and a pencil, and the scene would be complete. You quietly listened to him, the made-up role giving you strength to remain in the room for a while longer and bear with the excessive social contact.
“So, this guy approached me on a Monday morning, right? I was still a bit groggy from a party weekend – corporate events, you see, so I did not register who exactly I was talking to at first, and how this rando could know me by one of my human names. So, I am sitting there, and hear-”
You could see your reflection in the dusty dinnerware display cabinet. Barely a figure, only partially human. Your wool sweater was exaggerating what mass you had left on your shoulders; made your wrists look like fragile twigs. When you acted out, did Wooyoung have the urge to check if they would snap the same way? But what was the use of such actions, when you were the only one in the demon’s life to care enough about what he was blabbering to note it down on a stray piece of paper here, a napkin there. You had made him quotable, thereby valued. Your wrists will survive longer than your cooling core. You did not mean for Wooyoung to find out, but it was bound to happen eventually. You were living together after all. You thought after his freeloading for so many weeks you might just accept him as a family member.
He was so excited, that poor beast. Giddy and giggling he strolled up to you one morning, a piece of magazine between two fingers. You had just finished watering the only plant that had survived your aunt’s ‘love’. You had asked her to take care of them for only two weeks. She had a magic touch Hades touch, you were sure of it. Ironic that you had to travel for a funeral, when there was misery in your own home. Those plants were pretty much people to you; Although you’d never say it out loud, but you missed Fred the rhododendron. Wooyoung had waited until you turned around and faced him, supressing a toxic glower. You had gripped the miniature watering can so tightly you’re your knuckles turned white.
“Got any more like this?” his voice was almost mocking. Like he had discovered a dirty little secret of yours and was about to go around and tell everybody about it. Who was everybody? If it were people who would listen, you would be impressed and let him talk.
Something had told you that you should be confident and accepting on this one occasion. This stance had allowed you to see a child within Wooyoung. As if he had been praised by someone who he greatly admired. Maybe equivalent to a mother putting up a shoddy etch on the fridge with ‘her favourite magnet’. Good demon.
“Got any more of what?” you feigned your being oblivious, unintentionally batting your eyelashes.
“Oh, you know… sayings of, yours truly, that you like so much you immortalise them… Not that I am emotionally mortal to make anything I do be tainted with such silly things, but I appreciate the gesture. Very human, yet very touching.” He had slid the piece inside of his breast pocket, careful not to crease the pocket square more than it already had been. Wooyoung was waiting for you to spill all but you would not budge. You did not feel like it.
While floating in your sentimentalities you did not notice that the demon was now hovering over you, eyebrows knitted together and a scowl on his face.
“You are not listening to me, are you? Repeat what I said.” you rubbed the inner corners of your eyes and stifled a yawn. This was just like primary school. How long ago that was, and yet even demons treated him the same way. You tried to recall what Wooyoung had said last, out of the things you registered.
“Oh,” you began; the demon was expectant, a bit of the gloom evaporating from his features. “You said the new grilled cheese man knew your name.”
“For- for goodness’ sake. That was five minutes ago, you oaf.” You have not heard that insult in a while. It was refreshing. Maybe your oaf-ness will finally get him to shut up for today and leave you be? Not a chance.
“Okay, just for you I will begin the glorious tale again. You better listen carefully now, or I will literally devour your soul.” Big threat for someone who cannot attack a human out of contract bounds without being banished for all of eternity. You bit the inside of your cheek, knowing it was wiser to leave such comments out of the already tense moment.
You allowed Wooyoung to settle back onto your couch without snarky remarks following him. He crossed his legs and threw his arms onto the back, revealing more of the dress shirt he had selected for today. It was undoubtedly an expensive article, remaining creaseless for over eight hours now. The almost neon quality the orange stripes on the item possessed could hurt anybody’s vision if they stared for too long. Wooyoung was taking his sweet time restarting his storytelling, evidently trying me. And here you were thinking that your lack of listening skill would deter people; your guess this specimen was truly not in any way related to the ‘people’ kind.
Now that you took your time to ponder it more deeply, this was another one of his ‘quirks’ – wearing pricy, loud shirts from the high streets, no matter the occasion. He had first appeared before you in all black, wings of the shirt collar an astonishing shade of crimson. When you had asked who had made the piece, not hiding your admiration, his lips had morphed into a dark smile, and he nonchalantly explained that it was handmade by the tortured souls under his command. You had refrained from ever commenting on his outfits since then, and rightfully so - the shirts were all done in a distinct style. Made in hell.
The dandy demon glanced at the clock hanging on the wall and sighed.
“Time for a cup of tea, don’t you think?”
“If you want one.”
“And you don’t?”
“No, I do not, thanks for asking.”
“I guess I will have one later, I don’t care. So, grilled cheese. Where was I? Oh right, where I lost you. So, this dude-”
It was a cool and bright afternoon, with the signs of spring getting stronger and stronger each day. The flowers were blooming early this year – it had been a weak winter. Daffodils nodding to passers-by, cherry trees giving up petals to the wind, the flurry of pinks and whites spiralling off into an entrancing dance. How long had it been since Wooyoung had become your guest, your accidental friend? You stopped counting, and at the same time had lost track of how many notes you had written, now accompanied by sketches and stored in leather-bound photo albums. Finally, you had put your older sister’s gift to good use. She had bought you these empty albums with the hope that her ‘precious sibling would make some good memories and be able to look at them all any time’. So now your only worthy memory was that demon. And to think you were supposed to take photos of ‘friends’ and ‘nature’ and ‘joyful events’ – you did not see enough of any of those to be able to make a record, so any curious eyes would have to deal with Wooyoung being the embodiment of them all.
For the first time in weeks, you had decided to take a walk outside without the intent of going to buy the demon some food, or to browse the isles of the local bookstore. Wooyoung was more than happy to join me – you did not even ask, and he was ready to go. A young puppy from the underworld. You wondered what breed this guy was most like. Frankly indoors he was more of a cat. Little did he know, you were out on a mission, even this time. You wanted to get one photo. The only photo in all three of the photo albums, which would serve as a conclusion. A depiction of Wooyoung; a way of showing that demons had more human qualities than some members of the species.
You had taken a camera, never used, and a full roll of film with you. The demon suspiciously eyed it as it was swaying left and right, hanging from your neck. As soon as you mentioned your plans, however, he gained an intoxicating exhilaration, so much so that you could not resist and took a snapshot right on my street. Wooyoung was smiling wide, his eyes narrowed, spinning on his feet while avoiding fallen magnolia. In the photo it looked like he was stopped mid-dance, his hands positioned with a refined grace.
To be frank, you were enjoying the time that was passing. The number of frozen memories grew exponentially; you had to admit, Wooyoung was a magnificent model – the camera loved his features, and he certainly did not shy away from it, nor was he disrespectful of the machine. Why machine? He could not have become considerate of you and your preferences in the span of the last ten minutes.
His vigour was infectious, and an unfamiliar passion ignited within you. The desire to act, to function, to contribute to the world had been inhabiting much like a parasite for once. You would not stop taking photographs until all film available to you was used up – you had made a fleeting mental promise. Though you were fully aware that this moment was not to last, you were glad that you had gained something to reminisce when you were to breathe your last.
After a street photo session Wooyoung and you continued on your stroll, headed towards a public garden that had recently been renovated. Soon enough, you were surrounded by fragrant flowers in bloom, flaunting their spring fashion. Beings of the Earth naively blithe at the awakening of their planet. What was so warming about today, anyway? Your body had grown so unaccustomed to supporting itself that your soul had cooled to the dangerous status of near indifference. Frankly, your only pleasure was to command Wooyoung to stand a certain way, crouch down and smell the daffodils, caress a branch… The only authority or meaning you had left, serving as a tether before you could finally let go.
Your cutting away from reality to whatever existed beyond was closer than you had imagined – it almost made you feel as if you had been robbed of some precious hours to indulge in hobbies. It was now that you reflected that instead of the variety of mundane elements of routine, you could have been someone great. You could have written the indescribable, cured the incurable, solved the unsolvable. Your speeches, monologues, soliloquies could have been on the lips of millions, uttered and echoed like prayer. You could have eradicated crime, famine, war… become a martyr for the greater good of humanity. But all you had left was to mull over your options of maggots or ash.
What made people great? Did those great people know of their value? Or were they stuck in the same loop of perceived worthlessness, unable to self-validate and allow oneself to turn off the inner critic for a couple of seconds. The greats did not have the time to breathe, instead sacrificing themselves to the choking depths of their art. At the beginning, they could barely keep their head afloat, wading in the viscous fluids of judgement, struggle and challenge. At one point their muscles would be used to the constant burn, and they could pretend to be walking above it all – a slow crawl in search of a shore that does not exist. But at one point, they would inevitably falter, and then, it is impossible to know whether they will drown or stay motionless above the surface, a splayed-out water strider. How you wished you could have had an ocean of your own to talk about in your darkest hour. Pain to make life worth living.
“Do you see them?” Wooyoung’s soothing voice penetrated your consciousness, and you turned your head towards him.
“Hm? Oh, do you mean those people?” you gestured at the couple sitting on a bench ten or so metres away from us. Their hands were intertwined as they lovingly stared into each other’s eyes. You raised your camera to snap a quick photo of the moment. Wooyoung had gone awfully quiet and waited for the photo to develop with bated breath. What was so special about a-
What? Where did they go? You were confused, fear rising in your throat. They could not have- No, they were still there. How could the camera take a picture of the bench but not the individuals sitting on it? Was this some trick? You furrowed your eyebrows and glared at Wooyoung. It must had been some silly prank.
“This is not funny. Are you entertained by this?” Then, softening my delivery you added, “But I would like to know how you could have possibly done it. The lighting, the trees, the flowers are all the same. It’s just the people that-”
“-Are dead.” He ended your sentence with a shocking truth. It was obvious that, for once, he was not being misleading. If you had not known him at all you would have guessed that he was grief-striken. There was an anticipation of something you had only tentatively explored. He had the look of a worn out, hollow man, faced with a horror he had to harden himself up for, if not for centuries, then for millennia.
You were clinging onto your habitual scepticism, but it had turned to lead in water. You had nothing to protect you from the gravity of the situation. You had no choice but to believe Wooyoung – he was a demon, after all. He knew death better than anyone else. But although the easiest option was to blindly trust him, you played it safe:
“Assuming they are dead, how could I possibly be seeing them? That does not seem reasonable. A regular person cannot-”
“Yes, a regular person cannot see the deceased, or when they do see them, they do not realise that they have just encountered the other side. Dead people have a spectacular ability of being unnoticeable even when present. They are just echoes of who they were in real life, so they would never be as flamboyant, attractive or energetic.” you stared at the photograph you had taken so intensely your gaze could burn holes in the film. Not a hint of their being on the bench. “I can bet a soul you would not have seen the two spectres on the bench if I had not pointed them out.”
“Then why did you?” you had the right to be seething. You would shout and give the demon a piece of your mind. How dare he? He had no right to tell me… but then again, you were making your own conclusions. He did not tell you what you did not need to hear to know. Just yet.
“I wanted to make sure of… you know what.”
“What?” you pressed on. It was going to hurt. You had to muster up all my courage to keep this interrogation going. You needed to be hit with the phrase that simultaneously established your success, but with the appearance of Wooyoung in your life introduced notes of loss and regret.
“You are going to die soon.” That was all you needed.
You knew it. From the lost glances that Wooyoung had been giving you the last few days. It was said that there are certain dogs that can smell cancer; demons can smell death, regardless of distance. Your friend from the underworld had explained during dinner a few nights ago that this power was one of the worst punishments, and it was not even hell’s creation. He had stated that Earth reeked of death, another reason why demons did not come out too often, and when they did, they had to have undergone extensive training.
The smell of death was so strong even humans could sense it sometimes, particularly when in severe distress. However, tasks like demographic classification of a strench, or influencing its diffusion to manipulate living beings, were all beyond any demon’s capabilities. As Wooyoung had kindly pointed out, ‘that was the job of the grim reapers, and they were somewhat above supernatural commonality’.
You only needed to look at myself in a mirror or storefront window to know that you were going to die. Your body was in the process of shutting down. Only skin and bone, you hobbled around with barely any energy. You were no longer a human, but an illusion. You could study the skeletal system using myself as a model. Your only potential purpose currently. You had forgotten the meaning of nourishment, only ever treating yourself to stale bread and a glass of water. Although your primal instincts had been rebelling and begging for you to embrace nature and sustain yourself properly, your mind had prevailed. So here you were, finally coming to the personal revelation that you were going to be parting ways and falling, after balancing for enough years. Or not enough. Depends on who wished to interpret.
You were losing. Be it something, someone or generally. You had been losing this whole time. You did not know when your attitude had changed and you began to walk the tightrope blindfolded, but it had evolved from a manic pursuit of achieving daring stunts to playing with your own wellbeing for kicks. This is where you ended up. At the edge of a cliff, no going back; just one step forward, soaring to purgatory. Your last ever rise, for sure.
“So, this is the beginning of the end, as they call it, huh?” you whispered, with your voice barely audible over the rustling of the trees. Wooyoung did not say anything but pursed his lips and nodded. He did not need to elaborate further, knowing that you were perfectly aware of your condition and what was to come. You began to amble down the gravelly path, quickening your pace once you reached the bench with the ghostly couple. You wanted to get away, but only to see another ever so slightly translucent lady enjoying the sunshine, standing barefoot on the grass. You were about to scoff and make a comment about public health and disregard for the new strands but caught yourself.
These spirits had no mass, just like they had no purpose for the living. They could not influence reality no matter how hard they tried. It was impossible. They did not have the necessary human qualities, or the otherworldly powers of a demon to overcome the death-life barrier and do something as simple as feeling the breeze on one’s own skin. The same one that was making you shiver and wish you had brought a warmer coat.
Wooyoung and you were living in a metropolis of the dead, semi-humans in fading grey tones. You had no idea for how long you had been seeing these half familiar, half grotesque entities, walking on ground that was still yours; what used to be real clinging onto the regular man’s delusion, a madman’s fantasy, a sick man’s nightmare. Oh, how much must your demon friend have seen. Did he see those who were beyond saving so frequently that he lost touch with which was which? Did he treat them all the same? Were you still the person you had known yourself to be? From the day of Wooyoung’s arrival, had you been in this state, and stripped of the knowledge?
And yet… you would not have lived your last weeks with the same passive enjoyment, having a sense of power and control over your choices amidst progressive degradation. Although not confirmed, your demon companion had quite possibly withheld information about your own demise. It was true that the appearance of an entity from the inferno should have started ringing a few bells straight away, but you could not be bothered to make yourself care. Sometimes, it was the omission of fact that gave a person true pleasure.
Your notes disappeared. You had woken up at the crack of dawn just to search for them, but to no avail, and it was unlikely that they were in Wooyoung’s room, for you had never given him permission to touch anything you deemed personal. This was the reason behind your gloominess during Wooyoung’s breakfast. You had a sip of water, which you proceeded to spit out into the sink. You were parched, your lips bitten and chapped, but you could not allow for a single droplet to roll down your oesophagus. The demon was not giving you any attention, instead focusing on the eggs benedict in front of him. It was like you were a family, not having to speak to be comfortable in each other’s presence.
You had gotten used to this demon. Now that he was technically more alive than you, you had a stronger pull towards him, a sense of desperation and longing. He had mentioned, in the early days, some of his clients having similar sensations prior to making deals. Had they been on the same cliff’s edge when they had found solace and a temporary solution in Wooyoung? You were not going to give in, and he did not want you to, obviously resisting any temptation to make you crack or to tempt you. Conscious of his effect on your species’ natural ability of being manipulated, he was all smiles and kindness the last few days. It was really a blessing in disguise. Made your passing far more comfortable than you could have ever imagined.
After Wooyoung finished breakfast, you washed up, immediately drying the dishes, and then walked to the living room. You longed to see the street one last time, crack open the window and breathe the stench of the polluted concrete jungle you lived in. You were not going to get to see your neighbourhood bulldozed and converted to skyscraper haven – for the better. There was the same number of cars, the same average number of people passing by. The same cat from across that went out to sit on a low brick wall was there, letting the rays masked by murky ashen clouds sink deep into its skin. It wasn’t as if the whole planet was meant to slow down just for your ending.
You were just a cog, and a cog that had removed itself from the machine so long ago that it had become a foreign object. You had always had trouble relating to people, this was only proven by the fact that it had been easier dealing with a demon; in any case, your innate lighthearted misanthropy allowed for a seamless disappearance. You would not be making anybody sad – in the best case scenario, somebody would be able to tell who it was they were meant to be mourning. Yet another reason why now you were praising myself for radically isolating, you need not worry about the majority of funeral expenses going to entertaining some guests who were likely not bothered to say anything more than ‘oh poor them’ or know anything more than what you had carved onto your face.
“It’s been a good ride, pal. I’ve had some real nice times with you. You might become one of my stories I tell clients, you never know. The antithesis to the piece of toast.” Wooyoung had positioned himself to your left, resting his arms behind his back and staring off into the smoggy distance.
“What do you mean by that?” you asked, turning once again to the horizon. Was the view from this window always so breath-taking?
“More poetic, I guess.” So informative, Wooyoung. Thank you. It rid you of all your pains.
“Yes, very clear. Cheers.”
“Wow, you sure are impressed. Sorry, I can’t explain it too well. You know… hm. How do I? Maybe it’s kind of like the bittersweet feeling you get after finishing a really good book? People can be like that too, for immortals that is. We know about each person’s birth, life, and death, and in there somewhere is that same beginning middle and end that is within every literary masterpiece.” He was inadvertently inflating the perception of your importance to society.
“Now you are making out my species to be way better than we are.”
“Yep, I know.” That was uncalled for, but you appreciated the brutal honesty in your final hours.
You glanced at the vintage clock, loyally ticking away on the wall. A little past three. Seemed right somehow, to get the end started right that instant. Spun on your heels and slowly made your way to the front door of your apartment. You could not care less to change from your slippers to an outdoor pair of shoes, so you exited into the communal stairwell how you was. Wooyoung was trailing behind you, his hands in his trouser pockets. You decided to take the stairs up instead of the elevator – it was not that long of a journey, but anyways you wanted the sort of scenic route towards your demise. Demon boy did not comment, only one of his eyebrows twitched once you were already halfway up the stairs to the next floor.
Soon enough, the metal door leading to the roof was looming before you. A map of some outdated emergency exits, the page yellowed, was framed and hung on two screws loosened by poor initial handiwork. There were meant to be two others, but they were long gone, probably lying around somewhere, with the dust bunnies, rusted and most surely extinct to their purpose. That reminded you, you should get going. Your attention had been constantly drifting ever since you had made the choice to abuse yourself into a state of being able to welcome self-elimination – truth be told in the beginning you had not calculated that this was what your actions would lead to, but now you did not oppose it in the slightest.
The wind was freezing cold, attacking you through the layers of clothing you had on. But it gave you natural encouragement to go on, go forwards and position yourself at the edge. There it was, your final destination. You peered at the concrete below; it was unlikely that you would be a pretty sight, alas you had plans and they had to be gone through with. Only a minor inconvenience for the residence – they would look at you the same way they would look at a dead animal; distract the kids, notice the awakening of a morbid fascination with the macabre, then go about their day, never to give the honour of being pondered to the poor animal again. If only you could possess the same altruistic qualities as those creatures that gave their lives away for the greater good. But you were only acting for yourself. You could have been great, but you could not act great no matter how much you tried. Your steps had led you too far from the ocean, so you had found a bog to sink into.
You closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The air was cleaner the closer one was to the sky, dizzyingly sweet, intoxicating. There was a thirst in you after all. Too late for it to ever be satisfied. Some things were meant to be left unfinished and permanently abandoned. You tuned into the howling of sirens, zooming through your neighbourhood; you were wondering who they were, where they were going. Before you could conjure a whole story for the emergency services that dashed past, stopping when you had ideated a man who discovered the body of a stranger in the middle of his living room and, in a panic, had dialled any car that produced the violent shriek, Wooyoung cleared his throat, causing your eyes to flutter open. You turned your head – he was closer to you than you had initially predicted. Had he been here this whole time?
“I have already collected your notes by the way. Sorry to have gotten you into a bit of a panic, I should have told you earlier.” So now he chose to ever so kindly bestow this upon you. A rapid onset of frustration was rapidly abated by Wooyoung’s apologetic smile. This charming bastard. He knew you would let it go.
He had genuinely not meant to cause you harm in your last hours here, or at least that was what you wanted to believe. The demon had wanted to give you a proper send-off, making sure you did not have any unfinished business on Earth. When you had questioned his motives, asking whether on your death bed he would metaphorically back-stab you he waved me off and took offense: “I get that I am a demon, but you are my friend. I don’t eat my friends’ souls,” It was almost touching until “…not a fan of bitter stuff.” He had an odd sense of humour. You will miss it, if that was possible on the other side.
He had told you that emotions were going to be your most loyal companions there. Your only true companions. Memories would make the occasional appearance too. He had given you a rundown on how to properly greet a reaper to impress them and make the walk through all the checkpoints less unbearable. “Those guys have a tendency to be quite morose. Total killjoys, am I right?” Wooyoung was proud of himself for that play on words. It was with regret that you had to part with his bad jokes.
You were standing at the edge of your ten-story apartment building, the same one you had lived in since university. You could say with confidence that this was enough to crack your thin shell. This day had come when your mind had passed the state of believing the internal alert signs that had flashed endlessly, shutting them off, now choosing to agree with the way of termination you had been preparing for. You took half a step forward, so your toes could feel the curvature of the drop through the grimy cotton stuffed with cheap card. Your demon friend was exasperating, choosing to dawdle and rock on his feet right next to you. What had you expected? This was none of his business. You sighed and could not help but give him a glare. He looked up and gave you a wide, practically coy grin – if it were anybody else, you would have been deeply disturbed, given the reason why you two were here. But Wooyoung was Wooyoung; demons were more than allowed to react in strange ways to the ending of man.
For some reason you could not picture the faces of your mother and father. In these moments people usually thought about their family, right? Normally those were who they left behind to pick up the pieces. But for you the postman that came to your street every Sunday was more vivid than your own relatives. It could be because you had not visited them for what could be seven years. Were they well? You had no clue. But it was no longer your business or concern. Might as well muse about the postman. That gentleman in uniform would have to keep on hoarding any spam and bank statements and charity advertisements that would be sent to your address until finally he would either not be bothered with them, or somebody would move in and change the name in the address lines.
The apartment would sell quickly; it wasn’t like you were doing anything funny inside, if anything you were lowering the value of the whole house, or even the street. Huh, you did have impact on the external world! Go you. At least you would be good at being harmful vermin to your neighbours. Parasitic vermin which they could not get rid of because it beat them to the chase. On the other hand, you were giving a helping hand to anyone who was looking to buy an apartment in this area for cheap – assuming a real estate agency would be interested in handling the post-mortem affairs.
You had watched an interview with an agent in Japan who specialised in houses and flats of people who ended up just like you or had passed of natural causes. Living alone, those people spiritually disintegrated, their physical selves following suit. What came after? The agency ordered a deep clean, transformed the housing and sold it off to those who dared. And that was a prime example of good business. Life went on no matter what one did, and you had nothing but respect for that man, who was effectively fighting off evil spirits that people conjured up in their creative little heads by re-making a place of mourning, a place of death into a spacious, minimalist condo for generations of life after life after life. If not you, then at least your apartment will go on. That was all you were hoping for. You could not be great now, but your apartment… For a split second you considered agreeing to give your soul away to Wooyoung in order to guarantee the protection and bettering of your little habitat, but it was not right to meddle with the natural flow of events. If the flat was meant to outlive you for centuries to come, you would be glad. If not, so be it. Demolition was an acceptable way to go too.
After the whole morning had been overcast, the sun was finally beginning to peer out, making leaves surrounding your building glisten. They were waving at you, cheering me on. The only time you had ever felt supported: “You can do it! We believe in you! Go, go!” Pressure was building inside of you, a spring or a coil, ready to be sent off. You moved my feet back, taking off your slippers. That was what you had seen done in movies and anime, so the footwear did not fall off mid-fall. Or was it just a statement that everyone wordlessly agreed upon? You did not mind following the trend. After they were pinched in my right hand, you bent over and placed them neatly on the edge. They fit into the scene perfectly, as if they were meant to be there, and not being used as platforms for striding around a household. An adventurous, risk-taking pair of slippers. You felt ready.
Tiny bits of gravel and chipped off stone pressed into your feet. You balanced on your heels, toes already hovering above the drop. The wind could probably blow you over if it was any stronger. Your hands were dry, your heartbeat somnolent and your will persistent. You nodded to yourself, and with the flash of the sun, appearing from behind a cloud, you gave in. You imagined yourself as a fledgling, finally leaving the nest, ready to feel the wind under your wings for the first and final time. Your head was spinning as you lost balance and gave into infinity.
You felt free. So free that you wanted this fall to last forever. A sigh escaped you as you could no longer feel your aches, neither physical, nor mental. You were a fleeting moment, passing by, ready to-
You were definitely meant to hit the ground by now. You had personally seen the arrays of windows zoom past you, faster and faster. Then why were you staring into the sun, and still very much alive and breathing? It was as though time had been frozen or was going so slowly that motion was barely there – you tried to move a leg, but it did not follow your command. You tried your arm – same story. What was this? Was this some illusion?
In a click, you were back to speeding downwards, but only for a split second before crashing into what felt like a pair of outstretched arms. Arms which barely moved when you collided with them full force, as though they had absorbed all the impact, transferring it to the earth beneath you. Somehow, they had cushioned your fall entirely, cradling you against something, or rather someone warm, safe.
One of the arms was holding your upper body steady, while the other was holding you under your knees. Once you had gotten rid of your initial shock, a panic settled in. You were not supposed to be here, you were not supposed to be seeing this. You had overstayed your welcome. They should let go! What right did they have to decide your fate like this!? What was this cursed act of playing some higher power and turning you into a puppet? Desperate and livid, you attempted to free yourself.
You were unsure of what you were going to do. It was funny, how you had ceased to plan anything, and were clueless even about the next few seconds of your existence. At least that part you were sure of – you were breathing, you had a pulse, and your chest was about to burst. Tears were welling up in your eyes as you tried and tried to claw your way from the strong arms that now pressed you to their owner’s body. You fought against it, weak fists hitting against the broad chest once, twice, until all you could do was let out a feeble wail and give into the flood of emotion that came pouring out of you.
As your frail frame shook with every sob, intermittently replaced with shallow gasps for air, you felt the someone who had caught you from what you had seen as a certain self-conclusion shift and walk towards the brick wall of your apartment building. There were no windows, no one scrutinising you, only you, the one who, in a matter of seconds decided your fate, and a peaceful spring day. The body had lowered themselves together with you, taking a seat with their back against the cool brick wall, continuing to hold you close.
You were blabbering utter nonsense under your misery-soaked breath, chocked up and lost. You had settled for repeating a never-ending stream of questions beginning with why, ones which the suit-clad body could not, or did not wish to answer. The tears, locked away for eons now being released in honour of what could only be described as an accidental renaissance, were rolling down your crimson cheeks, snaking like streams down your neck and leaving stains on your clothing. Embarrassment, guilt, and regret washed over you in feverish flashes as you attempted to cover your face with your hands.
You hated how you looked when you cried. You hated how helpless you were when you cried. You hated every bit of this humiliation, and yet there was nothing you could do to stop it. It was as though it was not you who took the final step, but a manifestation of all the inhibitions, and toxic limitations you had placed on yourself. A cage thrown from a precipice. And now here you were. That same little bird. That little fledgling. Saved. No longer trapped. But with the hurt not subsiding.
What have you done? Another yelp erupted from you as you rubbed your tremoring hands in circles, feeling every pore, every bit of agony-induced moisture on your skin. You wanted it all to evaporate. To disappear. You did not want to face this. Anything but this. You did not want to face yourself after what you had done. You were such a coward. How did you come to this? What had led you to this foolishness? Why did you not succeed? Because you could not do anything. You could not even control your own life.
Your thoughts were monsters, rabid, barking and biting at you, tearing you apart from within. The noise was overwhelming, dialled up to an impossible maximum as one of your wrists began to bang against your temple. You were so exhausted. You wanted this to stop. So badly. Please. Could. It. Stop.
“Do you hear me?"
A solitary plea, reminiscent of a prayer. Reaching out to you. A promise. A sweet release in the form of music, which had been so core to your darkest hours and your battles against them, that you gasped once you recognised the melody.
"회색빛 안개 덮인 Gloomy day Gloomy day covered with gray fog
눈앞이 가려진 게 두려워 I'm afraid that my eyes are covered
이젠 아무것도 흥미가 안 나 No woah…” I'm not interested in anything anymore No woah
This song was so familiar. So close to your heart. It had been with you through many moments in your life. Through times when you had no one to rely on. Through times when you had been losing hope, but at least for a few minutes, felt like there was still something worth holding on to.
The voice that was singing it was mellifluous, each note embellished with gold, clearing your haze. It possessed a steadiness that was so jarring to your state that you could not help but be jolted out, shaken from a horrific nightmare. You wanted to keep on listening, stay like this forever. Maybe this was afterlife after all? When the voice stopped for a moment, as if unsure whether to continue or not, your hand grasped one of the arm’s sleeves, squeezing it, begging for the song to continue. With a soft hum in agreement, the arm supporting your legs slips back, letting you down onto the ground slowly. In a few quick adjustments, you were now sat between the man’s legs, your back flush against his chest, as he continued to embrace you. Your wings. Your shield.
As he continued to sing, you could feel a pleasant vibration against your own body, with every breath, every sound that filled the air. Slowly but surely, your tears had stopped, leaving only reminders - streaks that had painted over you, and you were stilled to a trance, only following the music. In that moment, the only things to exist were you, him, and the melody. Who knew that this combination could be a safe haven?
“She's in the rain
You wanna hurt yourself, I'll stay with you
You wanna make yourself go through the pain
It's better to be held than holding on, no woah…”
You let out an airy chuckle, lifting a hand wrapped up in your sleeve and dabbing away at the corners of your glistening eyes. This song. Out of all of them. You had not listened to it in so long, though it was always in your memory, like a record left on a turning table. Why now? And how did he of all people, and non-people, know? While still keeping the performance gentle, he went into a cautious crescendo for the final verse, leaving the last line ringing in your very being.
“We're in the rain
떨어지고 있는 이 빗속에서 in this falling rain
흩어져 버린 널 다시 채워 Refill the scattered you
아름다웠던 널 볼 수 있게 So that I can see the beautiful you
No woah, we're in the rain.”
You took the impromptu performance in, relishing in the tranquility that it had given you. As the silence grew longer, however, pangs of guilt made an appearance once more, deciding to pick at your brain and taunt you. You did not deserve this. You had just… you were supposed to… you were told you were going to…
“So, you aren’t even going to say anything about my solo concert? Shame, Y/N, shame.”
You finally looked to the side and up at the man who had restarted your clock. Wooyoung. With his cocky grin and mischievous eyes, and, by total contrast to himself, with the patience of a saint. Otherwise, you could not explain why he was here with you. As though nothing happened. Maybe nothing did. You were now beginning to hope so.
“What’s with the first name basis, demon dearest?” you croaked, throat still hoarse and clogged up from crying.
“I think we have just re-enacted all the standard wedding vows you humans use so I think we can go on first name basis, Y/N.” he jested, mimicking a disgusted tone when saying the word ‘human’.
“But death did not do us part-”
“Thanks to my brilliant, otherworldly reflexes, obviously.”
That was a fair point. Out of all reasons to be alive, you were still hanging on thanks to a demon. To a creature of the underworld. To what one would think is the antithesis to all things valuable on the planet. There had to be a catch.
“You… you said I was going to die.” You mumbled letting your eyes flutter shut and leaning back a little. Wooyoung adjusted your form so that your head could tilt back against his shoulder, and he could rest his chin against yours.
“Isn’t everybody?”
“No, you said, I was going to die soon.”
“Well, oops, I guess.
“Tell me what you thought of my singing, and then I might just satisfy you.” He was unchangeable. But he was here. Still a cunning menace. Reckless, but your saving grace, nevertheless.
“It was good.”
“Just good? I was out there turning my soul inside out for you, damn it.” He retorted. You could hear his smile.
“Your non-existent one?”
“About that…” he trailed off, pausing himself before answering what you had initially thought to be a rhetorical question. This put you on higher alert. You moved a little, so that you were able to speak face to face with Wooyoung. What did he mean?
Instinctively, once you locked eyes with his, you became very self-conscious. Your well-practiced, thoroughly nurtured phobias had stirred from their deprivation-induced slumber and began their routine of hurling insult after insult about how you looked, how you behaved, how you, you were. The last one was a personal favourite of yours: you, an amalgamation of blunders culminating in a virtue-less entity. There you went again, dragged out from the other side only to kick yourself into a corner. But at least you could say you were proof that old habits, did indeed die hard. As Wooyoung saw your previously frustrated expression falter, he could not help but cup one of your cheeks, directing you away from your internal hell.
“Hey, back with me.” He instructed you softly, making you mellow. As he removed his hand, the touch lingered for a little while longer. It was odd, just how easy it was to give into the sensation of being held, being protected, even if it was from oneself. This demon was surprisingly clement and forbearing.
“So, you were saying, Wooyoung?”
Although you were almost certain this had to be trickery, there was a hint at an emotion entirely unexpected from the demon. Upon trying to piece together the bits of body language, and micro reactions that you could capture from your position, you could only read a terribly concealed unease… or shame? Or worry? Either way, it was unlike the conceited hell-bringer you had grown attached to. After his dramatic pause, the man raised his head and gave you an intentionally meek grin.
“I kind of… sort of… maybe used your writing to make a pact?”
“Say that again?” you were bewildered. You had blindly believed him when he had told you he took the ramblings to remove any traces of himself in your life - so much for trying to see the best in demons.
“Well, pacts can be made in spoken or written form, and since I had your writing… well you can guess."
"Who gave you the right to do that?" you asked, venom dripping from the inquiry.
"Look, before you get mad, I have got to say is, I had no other choice!” he blurted out, raising his free hand in front of him in a defensive motion.
Your expression darkened as you peered into his deep brown orbs. As the wind picked up and clouds raced across the sky, you ignored the strands of your dull hair that were making every effort to prevent you from maintaining eye contact for much longer.
“One, you did not answer my question. Two, you could have let me die.”
“Nope. Not an option.”
“Why? And again, who?”
“If I say I am selfish and the answer to both things is just 'me', would you believe me?”
“Partially. Since when do you need me? You wasted enough time already.” reverting to self-deprecation out of habit, you did not wish to argue and instead turned the conversation into a plea for Wooyoung to reevaluate and somehow reverse the process. You were convinced that he had either done it out of pity, or out of twisted sadism.
“Never on you. Do you hear me? Never. Every moment with you is precious.” Again that question. Same one from the song. But now wholly dedicated to you.
You were dumbfounded. This was probably the first time over however many weeks… or was it months, that passed that you had heard him say something so openly positive to you. Previously it had either been a flirtatious comment through which he fished for compliments, or him outright asking for attention from you while he delivered story after story. At least the situation with the missing notes had cleared. They had come into some sort of use, albeit highly questionable.
His phrase. 'Never on you'. Those three little words were giving you room to exist. Providing you with priceless reassurance that to someone in the vastness of space you were not a nuisance. How easily you were swayed now! Nearly cooing because of every word uttered by the demon. Clinging onto every distraction from your own body. You started fading away into your toxic pensiveness, struggling to keep your head afloat.
“You didn’t even ask about the song, and how I knew. Really, we are going to have to work on your ability to ask interesting questions if you are to actually dive into the literary world.” He sounded like a parent, scolding a delinquent child for not paying enough attention in school and skipping.
His mention of the literary world had caught you off-guard. It was true that prior to your spiral your sacred wish had been to become a master of the written word, alas, you had chosen to give it up. But Wooyoung sounded adamant, as though he saw nothing else in your future except the pursuit of your ancient passion. You could not keep up with him, so you remained mute.
“Well, you always did enjoy me taking the lead, so I’ll ask and answer for you, okay?” he added, ever so cheeky. You only hummed in response, preoccupied by your own interpretations of the cryptic introduction.
“I have known you for a while, Y/N. A lot longer than you would think.”
“Okay, continue, sounds promising.” You quipped, making the demon roll his eyes.
“And… how would I say this… there is a reason why I appeared as a demon and not an angel, let’s say that.”
“And that is?”
“It was the easiest way to be with you, Y/N. Otherwise, I would be just a shadow. And I was sick and tired of letting you go. Time, and time again."
"What in the world do you mean?"
"We are bound together.”
You whipped around. Wooyoung was smiling, but it was an evident façade to conceal an excruciating terror that had begun to settle within him as he recounted to you his fall from grace. He revealed to you that he had been a guide for lost souls, tasked to be a bringer of spiritual light to beings of the earth. He was the light heart that one felt when their troubles would be wiped away. He was the freedom felt when a challenge was overcome. He was a candle in a dim reality, fighting in the shadows against people’s troubles. Wooyoung was one to trust easily, fall in love easily, and exist for others.
He was an angel who had been created for continuous self-sacrifice - that was what prophets had told him. And as time went on, he began to crumble harder and faster. It was becoming too much to stand beside these beautiful mortals and see them fall apart, without being allowed to influence their acts directly. Only through cryptic messages, encouraging nothings in moments of somnolence, manifestations… He wanted to do more, so much more!
You had been ‘just another lost soul’ initially. Locked away in your room, moving like an automaton through your human years. Wooyoung had ended up learning a lot about you, memorising your every angle, your every thought. Despite your younger years - a quality that had prevailed through every physical embodiment your soul had, you were composed of suffering wound into a tight Gordian knot – one that he was itching to cut. He wanted to help you. He wanted to be there for you. He wanted to be your guide.
It had been the same in your previous lives. You had burned out before you could produce warmth. No matter the dynasty, nor the nation, you had suffered the same fate again, and again. And every time, Wooyoung had to witness it, and had his heart break into a billion pieces. So much for being soul-bound to a human being.
You reminded him of a little bird. So much ahead of you, and yet the torrential winds of time and circumstance beat down on you repeatedly, forcing your wings back, draining you until you cannot see another way anymore. You had been a wonderful writer in your past life. In three, to be exact. Making a mark on the world - little did you know, you had been quoting yourself all this time in school, in media... a little bird, fatigued, letting out its final cry.
Wooyoung had always been commended for his compassion, but the levels of personal involvement which he had felt towards you over the span of centuries were unprecedented. It was as though he was the candle, and you were the flame itself. In the beginning, just observing you was enough. Seeing how you went about your day and how you glowed. But the wick was never long enough for Wooyoung to be satisfied, and even though he tried, no angel could caress such a flame, reassure it and be present in the moment.
It was easier than he could have envisioned to get used to your presence, and in turn, crave it. Have your attention turn to him instead of the same thoughts, same feelings, same repeating desolation. With every new life your soul experienced, the tiny mark on your body that signified a much deeper connection between you and him was only getting stronger and stronger, more vivid, and it had become undeniable. You were bound together.
He wished for nothing more than to be your bringer of light and break you from this reincarnating melancholic cycle. He wanted to be with you. For you to be with him. To rely on him. To co-exist in nothing but tranquility. And for that, Wooyoung was willing to sacrifice everything. Whatever it took to tip the scales in favour of your survival. He had fallen from grace in the blink of an eye, exchanging status and divinity for a lowly demon rank. Wooyoung was not troubled, making the underworld his home, grateful that his wish had come true. He had a chance to get closer to you before time could run out.
It had not been simple, figuring out the details of his personal contract. He had had to get the blessing of every angel and liaise with his new colleagues to realise the rescue plan he had conjured up in one feverish night. Every step of the way, he felt selfish. Your agreement was out of the question, so he had to act in secrecy, using your written word as proof of your feelings and of mutual attachment to convince the higher powers that there was a kindling hope.
It was not something he wanted, but he had to let you push yourself to the limits so you could be reborn. As his redemption. As his saving grace. He had no certainty that his plan involving you would work, even though there were signs. But he sure as hell was willing to try. And there you were, in his very arms. The chance. His love. The future.
Every pact had an exchange. His was simple. And very 'Wooyoung'. Your healing, for his divine punishment. While he would be burning in damnation, he would be helping you rise above the flood. To him, it was a way that was only natural. And he would not have any other alternative. From the greatest depths he was going to crawl, and claw his and your way forward. You were his divine soulmate after all.
As he divulged his real story to you, his true self, you could catch glimpses of who he had been, all across his features. Though what he had not mentioned yet, instead resorting to an ambiguous 'pact', was your heavenly ties to him. He could not expect you to love him. He could not force you to accept him so quickly. If it took centuries more, he was willing to wait. Time was not an issue; he wanted your heart to heal.
You were perplexed. Why did Wooyoung throw everything that he had away? Was this foolishness? Was this a lapse in judgement? Whatever he was looking for, you were sure he could not find here. There had to be another reason, something-
“Like I said, I am bound to you. So, apologies, Y/N, but you are going to have to deal with me for… a while. Now don’t worry, you are not the only one who will be on a journey, so we will be helping each other. Okay?”
“Like I said. A pact.”
“So, you will take my soul?”
“That’s what demons do.”
“Aren’t you one... now? Don't you sort of have to take souls?”
“Not exactly. I just explained. Had I been a true demon, I would have been able to steal your soul on the first day we had met. Just like that.” He clicked his fingers, representing the speed at which the action could have been performed, had he had the ability. "I have to go through the paperwork to do my present duties. Dull, but at least I am still myself, more or less."
“Then, fallen angel it is.”
“Yes. Much like you, after that stellar dive.”
“Did you just-”
“If there is anything you certainly know about me, is that I adore being tactless.” He reminded you, making you snort.
“That you sure do. Maybe that's why you decided to leave the angelic realm." you stuck a bit of your tongue out, poking fun at Wooyoung, who took to your higher spirits and beamed.
"What will you do, then?” you tried.
“Only what had already been done and determined by fate.”
“Very much so. But we will go in baby steps. Now, let’s get you inside, and get started, together. You ready, Y/N?”
He was searching for hope. For a new life. For fight within you. One that would prove to him that there was, indeed, a chance.
“Reborn ready, Wooyoung.”
As he helped you up and, an arm wrapped around you, guided you back inside, his gaze could not help but linger on the small mark on your ever so slightly exposed shoulder, exactly matched with his. He was going to tell you what it meant eventually. When you were ready to hear and to listen. The stars had long made the decision for you both, and he simply gave in. If this meant that he had to be a demon for eternity, he was willing. If him and you could be redeemed, he was ecstatic. But that was distant for now. In the present, the only thing certain was you, and him. The rest was only a series of embellishments to lead you to healing and acceptance. But it was clear. You were never alone, and you will never be.
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safyresky · 7 months
I am once again asking if tscs even knows what pacing is
Episode 4 once again has my brain itching and not in a good way. I'm so infuriated and also perplexed and also very much just. What?? Did I just watch????
Part of me is like "Man, maybe I should stop watching this show. I dislike it it. Every episode takes down my hp permanently. my brain KEEPS ITCHING AND YOU CAN'T SCRATCH YOUR BRAIN WITH YOUR FINGERS UNLESS YOU DO SOME QUESTIONABLE SHIT THAT WOULD GET A MEDICAL LICENCE REVOKED!!!!" and the other part of me is like "You know what's fun? Getting angry while also still wondering if perhaps it will get better!"
I don't even know WHERE to begin, so I'm just gonna point form this bitch and see what happens (chaos I imagine)
I REMEMBER READING THAT IN A FIC SOMEWHERE and I can't remember what fic it was, but the OC that was the head elf before Bernard exploded into confetti bc of stress. I gotta find that fic again.
Hey. Don't cry, don't cry. I have a list of misdemeanours Scott has done that would surely get him in trouble with the Council. Wanna see it?
Based on really shitty math that I did NOT fact check, about 2 billion counts of exposing the SOS (giving snow globes to all the families that celebrate Christmas to rejuvenate Christmas magic, that HAS to go against magical secrecy things)
Turning EB into a BB. Yes, Sandra did it, but given the "family business" angle...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(one count of Legend-napping?)
Breaking into EB's house
Stealing his basket of tricks
Taking over his holiday and not telling the Council
Using Legendary Figure's powers on and against them
Lying. So much LYING.
So that's about 2 billion and 5? Ish? Penalties?
In Jack voice: I commit 273 acts of upstaging of Santa and I nearly get booted from the Council, but when SANTA commits two point five billion injections, he gets off scoot free! Unbelievable.
Okay. I'm cool. I'm chill. I'm calm. Uh
(clearing my throat)
The way. The ladies are all interacting. Is ICK. It's like, trying to be woke and then going back and doing the EXACT OPPOSITE. Like. Just. I can't DEAL with every woman to woman conversation, especially when Carol is involved. She just keeps going back on things she says, and I dislike EVERYTHING about the ladies and ladies chats. I was SHOOKETH when they went "Let's use EB's house as a rage room!" THE MAN WAS KIDNAPPED AND BUNNY'D GUYS. COME ON! The Claus's really are out here just CRIMING IT UP, HUH.
Man. I haven't done a second watch and I'm not sure I'm going to??? I may attempt it again tomorrow. But it really really does seem like the plot is getting kinda lost. I honestly thought Mad Santa would make it to the Pole this episode, and my guess about him getting there end of episode 5 or beginning of 6 was like. NOT CORRECT
Seeing Sandman was fun! I thought the elves lulling him to sleep was goddamn funny as FUCK. I did NOT like hoe easily he gave into Scott's gaslighting.
Also, holy hell. If Santa can't look like Santa delivering eggs, then perhaps maybe you should uh. MAKE THE WATCH TURN HIM INTO A BUNNY? NOT INTO REGULAR SCOTT CALVIN? HATE THAT. I have always had a hc that Santas totally could poof into their civilian selves for whatever reason, BUT NOT LIKE THIS. And I know it's just bc TA doesn't like the Santa prosthetics. Every single instalment of this franchise has him not being Santa-ie at some point and it is. EXHAUSTING. Scott's just exhausting. I miss movie Scott so gd much y'all
Also love that Mad Santa's plan was "maybe he'll notice me" lol. That's fucking funny. The elves sure did! But they don't want to be EXILED and I'm like, uh, I KNOW there was a clause for it but Scott doesn't know so maybe you guys need to chill? IF SANTA DOESN'T KNOW HE CAN EXILE YOU THEN YOU ARE SET!
Also x2, it has just occurred to me that we are 4 episodes in and have yet to:
meet the other gnomes
see this amulet Magnus keeps talking about
see Kris have any other part that isn't just "look we got fluffy on here!"
see ANYONE make the EB was kidnapped connection
See Befana put EB back
be given more substance on being exiled as an elf
like. do exiled elves turn into gnomes? given Olga's like of marshmallows?? HMM
Man y'all, I'm all over the place, much like this episode. I wonder what the heckeros is going on behind the scenes. I feel like the plot is so derailed and uh also. THEY EXPLODED MY BOY!!
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veliseraptor · 5 months
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re: pumat sol: not quite gods but calculating average length of episodes at 3.5 hours it's about 273, actually
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thishadoscarbuzz · 5 months
273 - Under the Tuscan Sun (Patreon Selects)
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This week, our Patreon Selects episodes continue and they're staying in Europe! One of our sponsors has selected for us an Oscar nomination follow-up star vehicle for the divine Diane Lane, 2003's Under the Tuscan Sun. Loosely adapted from Frances Mayes' memoir, the film follows Lane as a new divorce gifted a Tuscan vacation who decides to feel the rain on her skin (no one else can feel it for her! only she can let it in!) and buys a Tuscan home to uproot her life. Fresh off an Unfaithful Best Actress nomination, the film launched in the fall but was quickly reduced to romcom fare unworthy of awards.
This episode, we talk about Lane's career leading up to the critical groundswell that resulted in her Oscar nomination. We also talk about Lindsay Duncan going all La Dolce Vita, contemporary production design, and the 2003 Golden Globes Best Actress in a Musical/Comedy lineup.
Topics also include being Gay and Away at the Taco Bell hotel, Grey's Anatomy, and the incoming Oscar nominations!
The 2003 Academy Awards
Vulture Movies Fantasy League
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gintama-polls · 5 months
One last call for nominations for the next long tournament, a favorite episode tourney.
Under the cut is the current list of entries, taken from the Gintama THE FINAL-related survey. If there's an episode not in the list below that you want included, feel free to nominate it using the above form by this Saturday, the 20th.
1: You bastards!! Do you even have a silver soul?
3: Nobody with Naturally Wavy Hair Can Be That Bad9: Fighting should be done properly
20: Beware of conveyor belt
25: The hot-pot is a microcosm of life
32: Life Moves on like a Conveyor Belt
38: Only Children Play in the Snow
48: The More You're Alike, the More You Fight
61: On a Moonless Night, Insects Are Drawn to the Light
65: Youngsters learn the value of life from rhinoceros beetles
77: Yesterday's Enemy, After All Is Said And Done, Is Still The Enemy
87: Perform A German Suplex On A Woman Who Asks If She Or The Job Is More Important
99: Life And Video Games Are Full Of Bugs
103: There's A Thin Line Between Strengths And Weaknesses
105: It's All About The Beat And Timing
111: There's Almost A 100% Chance You'll Forget Your Umbrella And Hate Yourself For It
119: Within Each Box Of Cigarettes, Are One Or Two Cigarettes That Smell Like Horse Dung
142: Life Is A Series Of Choices
153: Sleep Helps A Child Grow
166: Two Is Better Than One. Two People Are Better Than One
175: People Of All Ages Hate The Dentist!
180: The More Precious The Burden, The Heavier And More Difficult It Is To Shoulder It
184: Popularity Polls Can…
187: It's Goodbye Once A Flag Is Set
201: Everybody's A Santa
203: Everyone Looks Pretty Grown up after Summer Break
204: Use a Calligraphy Pen for New Year's Cards
205: Meals Should Be Balanced
211: Ghosts Aren't the Only Ones Who Run Wild around Graveyards
214: Tis an Honor!
215: Odds or Even
216: I Can't Remember a Damn Thing about the Factory Tour
217: What Happens Twice Can Happen Thrice
220: The Bathhouse, Where You're Naked in Body and Soul"
230: It Would Take Too Much Effort to Make This Title Sound like a Text Message Subject
231: When You Go to a Funeral for the First Time, You're Surprised by How Happy the People Are
237: Please Take Me Skiing
241: We Are All Hosts, in Capital Letters
246: Festival of Thornies
247: Letter from Thorny
256: The Meaning of a Main Character
260: Pinky Swear
261: Unsetting Moon
264: Liquor and Gasoline, Smiles and Tears
265: Dog Food Doesn't Have As Much Flavor As You'd Think
268: An Inspector's Love Begins with an Inspection
272: A Reunion Also Brings to the Surface Things You Don't Want to Remember
273: When Compared to Time in Heaven, Fifty Years of Human Life Resembles Nothing but Dreams and Lottery Tickets
275: 9 + 1 = Yagyuu Jyuubei
282: A Phoenix Rises from the Ashes Over and Over
287: He's the Sweet Tooth, and I'm the Mayo Guy
296: Take the Initial Premise Lightly, and It'll Cost You
297: Keep Your Farewells Short
301: Ninja Village
304: Those Who Protect Against All Odds
305: Sworn Enemy
311: Jailbreak
315: Nobume
316: Farewell, Shinsengumi
320: Zura
322: Ten Years
323: Paths
326: Siblings
330: My Bald Dad, My Light-Haired Dad and My Dad`s Glasses
333: All the Answers Can Be Found in the Field
335: The Super Sadist and the Super Sadist
341: Guardian Spirits Are Also a Part of the Soul
342: Try As You Might to Make a Natural Perm Go Away, It Will Always Return
346: Geezers Carve the Things They Shouldn't Forget into Their Wrinkles
355: Rabbits Leap Higher on Moonlit Nights
356: Making a Dull World Interesting
361: The Creatures Known as Humanity
364: Two in Girl Years Is Equal to Ten in Man Years
366: Dun Dun
367: Gintama Final Ending Scamming Trial
Gintama: A New Retelling Benizakura Arc
Gintama: The Movie: The Final Chapter: Be Forever Yorozuya
Gintama The Final
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fanthatracks · 1 year
“A black sheep adventure” was the phrase used by Hebridean sheep farmers, Jack and Morna Cuthbert, to describe their involvement in the excellent Disney Plus Star Wars TV show, Andor. But first let me back up a wee bit here. As a Scotsman, seeing Scotland in Andor (especially those beautiful wide drone shots capturing the Highland mountains) was not only thrilling and gave me a swell of pride, but in just over an hour I could be on set locations, so as I was researching the Aldhani scenes in episodes 4-6, I tumbled down a rabbit hole which led me to Jack and Morna’s website. They had a contact form, so I thought I’d take a chance and drop them a note saying I live 30 minutes from them and asked if it would be possible to take pictures of their sheep used in Andor to share on Fantha Tracks. Being the wonderful couple they are they agreed to my request, so I had the pleasure of not only taking pictures of their sheep, including Excalibur, but was also invited into their home for a coffee and a chat to learn more about their Star Wars story....and their sheep. Jack and Morna began their black sheep adventure with 6 Hebridean sheep in 2011. Twelve years later they have 600. Considering there were only 273 Hebridean sheep alive in 1973 (until the Rare Bread Survival Trust took charge of the breed) making them rarer than the giant panda, Sumatran tiger and rhinoceros, the Cuthbert’s numbers are impressive. Most impressive. Currently there are around 1500 registered Hebridean sheep. Jack is the Trustee of the Hebridean Sheep Society and conservation is very much at the forefront of his mind. As well as playing their part in restoring the breeds numbers, they also help the environment by working with Forestry Commission Scotland. Having 100 sheep in a 25 acre lowland bog eating silver birch saplings in turn helps keep the bog wet. So how did they get involved in Andor? They saw an advert by animal training company Birds and Animals looking for multi-horned sheep for a TV production. Obviously Star Wars was not named in the original ad, but they thought why not?, took a chance and applied. Eventually they were selected, and a black sheep adventure began. Their sheep were wanted by production because they look familiar, yet different. Tony Gilroy was happy he was the first to get sheep into Star Wars. Hebridean sheep are good natured so having that many males, or tups as they’re called in Scotland, together wouldn’t be an issue. As with many animals, when you get them together there’s an order of dominance, and 7 year old Excalibur is the Alpha male that keeps the others in line. Originally the production was due to begin filming in May 2020 but was delayed for a year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Cuthbert’s had given the Andor production 17 tups to choose from. At first they wanted 6, then decided on 11. In preparation leading up to filming the sheep got used to walking on the same boards that were used on the bridge, that was built by crew, to cross the River Tilt. Familiarisation with something they weren’t used to walking on would be vital in getting them to and from their pen on set. Where the sheep live there isn’t a river, so even hearing the water never mind seeing it, was a totally new experience for them, but by training and building their confidence walking across the bridge to get treats they were able to enjoy their new surroundings. With new sights, new smells and new tastes, “they enjoyed their wee holiday.” So did Jack and Morna, even though they couldn’t even tell their 2 children, Orin and Struan, what they were really doing for the time they were away. One of them was always on set for the three weeks of filming, something the production insisted on. Some days they weren’t used, but they were always there just in case. Familiarisation with cast and crew was also vital for filming. Varada Sethu (Cinta Kaz) and Faye Marsay (Vel Sartha) were particularly affectionate with them. Varada would make a beeline for them when she arrived on set to greet them with head pats and tickles.
(Side-note: Varada became my new Andor favourite after hearing this; that’s exactly what I’d do) If you look at the set picture, compare it to the pictures of Excalibur I took and notice something looks different, you’re correct. Excalibur was given a head piece giving him an additional 2 horizontal horns. Around 10% of the 1500 Hebridean breed are multi-horned. The numerical variety of horns is all down to the buds splitting in the skull template. Genes control the split of the horn buds. The more horns the tups have the more brittle they are and easier they get knocked off when they’re young. Jack and Morna have only ever had one tup with 8 horns. Excalibur and his woolly tup friends join the list of elephant, rat, iguana, toad, raven, hamster, rabbit, llama, ferret, chicken, goat, owl and horse seen in Star Wars. The Hebridean sheep play a key role in helping “Clem” and his Aldhani rebel group blend in to the surroundings and hide in plain sight from the arrogant Empire. They’re only Highland farmers, right? We know that Dray milk will make you question your existence after a few days, but what does Hebridean hogget taste like? Jack told me it’s slightly gamey with caramelisation sweet notes to it. White sheep have fat that doesn’t render quite so well. Hebridean bread has a different make up of collateral and fat level accounting for the island life. They need a quick shot of energy for when times are hard and they need that extra energy. They carry more fat around their internal organs, and because they’re a smaller bread they’re slower to the table. A standard sheep is culled at 4 to 6 weeks but a Hebridean is 18 months. It’s tender like lamb, despite being older. They sell their produce to a variety of places, from local Scottish pubs to Michelin star restaurants like The Quality Chop House in London, where they’ve been invited to give evening dinner talks (and describe those events as black sheep adventures too). The couple clearly enjoy seizing opportunities to see where it takes them. They had no idea they were going to work on Star Wars but, “It’s a bucket list ticked. The sheep will still be in Star Wars long after we’re gone.” If you’d like to see Excalibur for yourself and cheer him on, you can do so by attending the upcoming Royal Highland Show at Ingliston, Edinburgh from Thursday 22nd June to Sunda 25th June 2023. It showcases the best of food, farming and rural life. Excalibur will be judged in the Hebridean tup class and is also eligible for the 4 horned trophy. Everyone here at Fantha Tracks wishes Excalibur the best of luck and hope he adds more rosettes to the Cuthbert’s wall. If you’d like to see what Jack and Morna have for sale you can do so by clicking here. Many thanks to Jack and Morna for inviting me into their home and sharing their black sheep adventure story with Fantha Tracks… May the Force be with ewe. https://www.facebook.com/fanthatracks/posts/pfbid034vXsUWPQXpNrXRZNG3AevY3RJ2zqVBxe1EvwPu1Ndg47BhF4tfPH1kJyyYsmCu6gl [amazon box="B0BP5NV3M6"]
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jonquilyst · 3 months
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273. Chapter 9, Episode 27
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(Pink text = Megyn)
(Blue text = Jayden)
*Jayden and Megyn are now seated inside the restaurant*
Megyn: Wow, I just... can't believe I'm sitting in here right now. Everything looks so fancy I can't stop looking around...
Jayden: I know right? This is gonna be amazing.
Megyn: I'm sorry, I know this is a date, but what... do we do exactly?
Jayden: Well, normally people get to know each other on these things, but I already know a lot about you, so...
Jayden: Let's just... talk about us. Anything. I know it's only been a couple of days, but how are you feeling about everything so far?
Megyn: Um... Well, I've noticed that you've been a lot happier and... more like your normal self.
Megyn: I was thinking about this earlier, but I feel like there was this invisible barrier between us that isn't there anymore. And now that everything is clear and we aren't hiding anything from each other anymore, I feel more comfortable and safer.
Jayden: Wow... God, Megyn. You just... read my mind! Everything you just said is exactly how I feel.
Megyn: Wait, really?
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sprinklecipher · 1 year
How long would an audiobook of the AA Trilogy be
So, the other day I randomly thought about what it would be like if the Ace Attorney games were ported to audiobooks somehow (I’m not saying it makes sense, necessarily, just bear with me), and, being a numbers kind of lady, one of the things that I wondered about was just how long they would be if they were. Since I’m a mega nerd, I decided to come up with some estimates using the *Power of Math*.
Here’s what I came up with; details about my sources and the assumptions I used for the calculations below the cut
The First Turnabout:                        ½ hour (25 - 33 minutes)
Turnabout Sisters:                            2 ½ hours (132 - 169 minutes)
Turnabout Samurai:                         3 ¼ hours (170 - 219 minutes)
Turnabout Goodbyes:                     4 hours (212 - 273 minutes)
Rise from the Ashes:                       7 ½ hours (396 - 509 minutes)
AA1 total: 17 ½ hours (10 hours without RftA)
The Lost Turnabout:                        1 ¼ hours (60 - 77 minutes)
Reunion, and Turnabout:              4 hours (213 - 274 minutes)
Turnabout Big Top:                          4 ½ hours (239 - 307 minutes)
Farewell, My Turnabout:               7 ¾ hours (409 - 525 minutes)
AA2 total: 17 ¼ hours
Turnabout Memories:                     1 ½ hours (78 - 100 minutes)
The Stolen Turnabout:                    5 ¼ hours (275 - 354 minutes)
Recipe for Turnabout:                     5 ¼ hours (277 - 357 minutes)
Turnabout Beginnings:                   1 ½ hours (85 - 110 minutes)
Bridge to the Turnabout:               8 ½ hours (446 - 574 minutes)
AA3 total: 21 ¾ hours
AA Trilogy total: 56 ½ hours
(The totals are based on the number of minutes, so the hours might not add up exactly due to rounding differences)
So, basically, what I’m envisioning is essentially an audiobook narrator (or voice actors, I guess?) reading all of the dialogue aloud, which means that you could approximate how long individual parts of the audiobook would be using a formula like this:
Expected audiobook length (in minutes) = Overall total dialogue word count * expected proportion of total dialogue encountered per playthrough / typical spoken words per minute for audiobook narration
Now, you just need numbers to swap in for each of those three components.
For the dialogue word counts, I used the total word counts per episode from this graph I made (details about the data it uses in the linked post)
I went with 0.80 (or 80%) for the proportion of dialogue encountered per playthrough. This specific value is arbitrary, tbh, but it accounts for the fact that there’s a good chunk of dialogue that would normally be skipped or inaccessible (like dialogue for all of the choices that you don’t pick)
I used 160 as the estimate for spoken WPM, based off a note in this study saying that typical audiobook narration ranges from 140 to 180 WPM
That might sound pretty involved, but really what all the above means is I copy/pasted a handful of numbers into Excel and put in some formulas :P
Also, FWIW, Poccigoni made a post on the AA subreddit compiling lengths of YouTube video playthroughs of each episode in the series, and the episode total word counts (and so, corresponding audiobook length estimates) correlate with those at r = 0.97 (i.e., extremely highly), which is strong evidence that the word count totals are a good proxy measure for episode playthrough length. That isn’t strictly relevant to this post, but it is something that I noticed and wanted to document here because I would 100% forget that I checked that if I didn’t
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The new Mr. And Mrs. Smith show is officially out and we can’t think of anyone more excited about it than our own Dallas! Do you think you’re more excited than him? Does the change to the story leave you more intrigued? And what about that cast? Pretty stacked, right? Let us know your thoughts in the comments and check out our trailer reaction in episode 273!
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naturalrights-retard · 10 months
Michael Malice (“YOUR WELCOME”) is joined by Julian Assange’s brother, Gabriel Shipton, to discuss the manufactured lies about Julian, why Wikileaks is such a threat to the politically corrupt, and the insane measures that powerful people will take to silence Julian and his supporters.
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