#Absolute peak comedy
sandinthepipes · 7 months
Tales from my re: reed900 brain rot
You can't even begin to fathom how much I love seeing deviant connor being so fucking lame and nerdy and a looser.
This guy who's the apex of evolution, capable of everything nobody else can do, and then he just shows up like fucking mr burns in a t-shirt and a beanie
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Pretty Woman | The Princess Diaries
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thatswhatsushesaid · 5 months
adjudicator shrue, engaging in entirely justified attempts at retributive violence: --and a fucking isotonic GODDAMN energy drink--you tried to MURDER US--
press secretary carson, attempting to avoid entirely justified attempts at retributive violence: if you just tried the tea, shrue, you'd be a whole lot less grumpy about this--
adjudicator shrue, who is at their fucking limit: i'd be DEAD
this is by far my second favourite moment in the silt verses so far, second only to brother faulkner clumsily admitting to his ~thing~ with joe quaid to carpenter during s2
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was looking at the limited info we have on Neuvillette and kind of dying laughing at this quote of theirs
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Neuvillette: if Kusanali is the youngest god then why is it my god that’s acting like a toddler
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fujimiiiya · 3 months
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oblako · 7 months
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finally after 2768 years the long-awaited ressa flashback...... and they're fighting 💔 quimchee why r u like this 💀
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adri-atics · 6 months
Was anybody going to tell me last 200 pages of The Great Hunt were absolutely life-changing incredible or was I supposed to find that out by losing my shit on a plane myself?
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worstloki · 11 months
Tony: I really don't like this whole ‘good guy, bad guy’ routine you guys have going on. Creeps me out. Thor: It is not an act. I am loud and Loki is not Tony: Not in my experience
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airenyah · 1 year
not ben pulling one of the funniest moves jet lag has ever seen entirely on accident
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almostdailymidnight · 4 months
Drawing Midnight everyday until he gets an alter or alternatively I die Day 172
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I've been drawing Dottore this whole day so I didn't really have time for midnight BUT DW BABY GIRL I WOULD NEVER LEAVE YOU FOR A GENSHIN CHARACTER
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coldflasher · 10 months
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it's genuinely hard for me to decide whether my peak moment from this con was dressing up as gary's nipple or when i had matt and adam reenact the distracted boyfriend meme for my photo op
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sunsetzer · 10 months
I found more of my notes from the AU just for some things to sit on and I'll see about rewriting the first part soon.
-When he's not on a job, Setzer's a poker attraction for the inn in Jidoor. They don't ask that he's there every night, so he's able to slip away for "work" and not be questioned. He gets free drinks on Fridays, nice place. They even look the other way when he definitely sets someone he doesn't like up to be cocky with continuous wins and then snatches up all their money by taking it more seriously (and using some maybe magic luck)
-Yknow how Locke and Setzer are already sorta set as rivals in canon by most people? That but they haven't even met yet because Locke thinks the idea of a "gentleman thief" is stupid because you're telling the person you're stealing you're going to rob them when thieves should be Not making a show of it. Meanwhile Setzer just thinks the thrill of it's the best part
-Setzer knows he has magic but he doesn't know Why, he's just practiced the basics he has (Float, Vanish, Thunder/Thundara, Sleep) for the sake of his work (he hates using Vanish though it makes it no fun)
I'm sure I could find more if I look
Absolutely obsessed with this, omg
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s-h-a-s-e · 9 months
i love doctor who :D
transcript attempt below the cut:
(a bandage-wrapped Frankenstein-like figure lies unmoving on a slab. the Doctor and Ian creep reluctantly down a rickety set of stairs towards it. with no apparent cause, the Doctor spins to face Ian, finger pressed to his lips.)
the Doctor: shhh, someone's coming!
Ian: well, take cover!
(the pair move faster down the stairs. they've barely made it into the room, Ian still on the last few steps, when a Dalek appears in an archway.)
Dalek: where are the time travellers?
(the seemingly confused Dalek looks Ian up and down, attempting to move further into the room.)
Ian: the time travellers? they're-
(Ian lunges forward without warning, pulling a lever and sending a portcullis crashing down in front of the Dalek. the eyestalk of which swivels most disgruntledly at the sudden blockade. with a mildly smug head tilt, the Doctor makes to step back over to Ian, only for Frankenstien's monster to sit up. Ian and the Doctor freeze.)
Dalek: do not move!
(whether this command is aimed at the "time travellers" or Frankenstien's monster or both is not made apparent. either way, neither party listens: Frankenstien's monster swings its legs off the slab and stands up, and Ian and the Doctor make quick work of dashing back up the stairs.)
the Doctor: the TARDIS, quick!
Dalek: do not move! i am a Dalek!
(the Dalek shoots Frankenstien's monster as if to prove its point. the shot causes the blacks and whites of the scene to invert for a moment. and that's it. because apart from that, Frankenstien's monster is completely unaffected. almost seeming to enjoy being shot, the thing begins lurching towards the Dalek, movements wild and uncontrolled.)
Dalek: we are invincible!!
(Frankenstien's monster pulls the same lever Ian had before, sending the portcullis back up and giving the thing access to the Dalek. which it wastes no time setting upon. the camera angle changes, to what can only be assumed is the Dalek's perspective, and the whole screen is filled with gleeful snarls and flailing arms as Frankenstien's monster presumably beats it to death.)
Dalek: stop! stop! aargh! aaargh!!
(Ian and the Doctor run across the landing and down the main stairs of a large manor house that looks to once have been grand but is now rather rundown, adding to the "spooky" vibe. or, at least, attempting to. the DARDIS (Dalek time machine) sits in view off to one side. once Ian reaches the bottom of the stairs, Vicki runs onto the scene.)
Vicki: oh, there you are!
(Ian and Vicki clasp their hands together as they meet.)
Ian: hello, Vicki :)
(Barbara also runs onto the scene, and Ian, in turn, clasps her hand as well. the Doctor joins the trio as he too reaches the bottom of the stairs.)
the Doctor: well, where have you both been, hm?
Vicki: we found some secret tunnels, and we went down-
Ian: well, don't bother to tell us now. the Daleks are here!
Barbara: the Daleks!?
the Doctor: yes-!
Vicki: look out!!
(the camera angle changes to show the other side of the room. a Dalek is sliding sideways towards the group. at the same time, a caped figure with slicked-back hair steps out of the shadows next to it. the Dalek does not seem to notice.)
Dalek: halt! you will be exterminated!
the caped figure: good...ee-vening...
(the Dalek spins around in apparent shock.)
Ian: quick! into the TARDIS while we've still got a chance!
(Ian, Barbara and the Doctor rush over to the TARDIS, parked a little ways away from the DARDIS. but Vicki hangs back with a troubled look on her face, instead vying to warn the caped figure.)
Vicki: look out, he'll kill you! you'll be killed!!
(the Dalek shoots and the camera zooms on the caped figure's face as the colours are inverted. the shot, once more, does nothing, but the zoom allows us to see fangs protruding from the figure's mouth. hand raised, its lips barely move in time to its speech.)
the caped figure: i...am...Count...Drak-cula...
(Count Dracula(?) turns back to the shadows. the camera then flicks back to Vicki as she finally decides to follow the others, dashing towards the TARDIS. but two more Daleks appear, one from within the DARDIS, the other from [convenient location just out of shot]. the pair corner her, blocking her from entering the TARDIS, which then promptly begins to dematerialise without her.)
Dalek (the one that tried to shoot Count Dracula): eradicate her!
(Frankenstien's monster suddenly reappears (now with added suit jacket and pants), lurching behind the Dalek (the one that came from within the DARDIS). the TARDIS then dematerialises fully, stranding Vicki in this utter madhouse. Frankenstien's monster grabs the Dalek by the dome and begins to tip it over as Vicki runs from the scene.)
Dalek (the same one as before): obliterate!
(as the Dalek is shouting yet seemingly too confused to act, Count Dracula steps behind it again.)
Count Dracula: i...am...Count...Drak-cula...
(the Dalek spins around and, not quick to forget their previous encounter, backs away in what can only be described as fear. seeing this, Count Dracula reaches toward it, stepping steadily closer. with each step, he alternates which hand is reaching out, cape flapping as he moves.)
Count Dracula: don't go...don't go...don't go...
(as Count Dracula's mantra continues, the camera switches back to Frankenstein's monster, who proceeds to lift the Dalek before slamming it to the ground with an inhuman yell. the camera cuts abruptly to a ghostly figure shrieking at the top of the stairs. one of the Daleks attempts to shoot the thing, to the continued soundtrack of Count Dracula begging it not to go. the colour inverts once more, but again, it's to no avail, and in fact, the ghost shrieks happily with laughter as if thoroughly enjoying it. the camera switches again to a shot from within the entrance of the DARDIS. two upright Daleks are visible at the bottom of the staircase, along with one laid out across the floor, currently being beaten by Frankenstein's monster. Vicki runs warily inside, trying to escape via the only time machine available, even if it means stowing away on a Dalek-manned ship. the camera shifts one last time as Frankenstein's monster continues to senselessly beat the already defeated Dalek. defeated to the point where parts are falling off. the remaining [see: not currently becoming shrapnel] Daleks scramble to flee in a panic.)
Dalek 1: embark at once!
Dalek 2: at once!
Dalek 1: yes! embark!
Dalek 2: embark! embark at once!!
Daleks 1&2: embark! embark! embark! embark!
(the pair wobble feverishly towards the DARDIS. Frankenstein's monster snarls at them as they pass, before slamming against the defeated Dalek's dilapidated shell once more.)
the end :)
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irregularbillcipher · 7 months
demon show is one of the biggest examples of a fanbase doing a lot of heavy lifting to play around with/explore premises that the show doesn't seem interested in, but are wildly entertaining
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kozuki-hiyori · 8 months
I defended Long Ring Long Land, now it's onto Thriller Bark (okay, look I may be just a teensy bit biased because Perona, hello?? but like, can you blame me)
Anyway, anyway, I think I can say the same thing about this arc as I can about the LRLL. That being that you need to let your story breath. High point after high point after high point his how you get the worlds most insane power creep (which, yeah, OP does have its fair share of this problem, but it's a lot less horrible than it could be :/)
Also, like, do people just forget that the whole "Nothing happened" bit was technically part of Thriller Bark?? Or do they not count it as the same arc?? Like I get that it happened after Moria was defeated, but the set up of Kuma arriving and sending people away (Perona) began before they finished that off if I remember correctly. To me, this is still very much part of the same storyline. Some people seem to put down Thriller Bark while singing the praises of the nothing happened moment, I just don't really get it
Regardless, even if that moment wasn't in this arc, I love it (again, I may be biased). It's so funny!! And we get Brook!!! "IT's nOt As impACTFul aS tHE ARCs suRrOunDing iT" I don't care!! Again, pacing, for the love of god, relativity even more (why do you think those moments are so memorable?? How do you think they stand out so much??? I swear) but also, just enjoy the rid! Enjoy the comedy and the characterization and the lessons learned!!
This arc is so wonderfully entertaining, allow it to be that
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