#Acts 9:1-9
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Saul Becomes a Follower of Jesus
1 Saul kept threatening to murder the Lord’s disciples. He went to the chief priest 2 and asked him to write letters of authorization to the synagogue leaders in the city of Damascus. Saul wanted to arrest any man or woman who followed the way ⌞of Christ⌟ and imprison them in Jerusalem.
3 As Saul was coming near the city of Damascus, a light from heaven suddenly flashed around him. 4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul! Saul! Why are you persecuting me?”
5 Saul asked, “Who are you, sir?”
The person replied, “I’m Jesus, the one you’re persecuting. 6 Get up! Go into the city, and you’ll be told what you should do.”
7 Meanwhile, the men traveling with him were speechless. They heard the voice but didn’t see anyone.
8 Saul was helped up from the ground. When he opened his eyes, he was blind. So his companions led him into Damascus. 9 For three days he couldn’t see and didn’t eat or drink. — Acts 9:1-9 | God's Word Translation (GWT) God's Word Bible Translation Copyright © 1995, 2003, 2013, 2014, 2019, 2020 by God’s Word to the Nations Mission Society. All rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 14:15; 1 Samuel 16:3; Psalm 27:12; Isaiah 6:8; Isaiah 17:1; Ezekiel 2:1; Daniel 10:7; John 12:29; Acts 8:3; Acts 9:27; Acts 10:14; Acts 22:6-7; Acts 22:11; Acts 26:14; 2 Corinthians 11:32; Philippians 3:12
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kyonshi-8610 · 2 months
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more than one week i will be gone
translations and img descriptions in alt thing
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paramasqueradeva · 2 months
The Chara Timeline Epi 6- 10 [Deltarune/Undertale Comic Dub]
(Collab W/ @washerpizza and Project Alpha )
Comic by: @lilybug-02 
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leiazsolo · 5 months
Regarding Tommy (AKA Stop hating him for the “Begins” episodes)
So I’ve been seeing a TON of hate for Tommy specifically because of his behaviour in the ‘Begins’ episodes and how he “shouldn’t be forgiven” so I’m getting fed up and decided to to a TIMELINE of Tommy & why we don’t need to be spoon fed his ‘redemption’ because we saw it across 10-ish years of flashbacks in the Begins episodes and can learn to understand that some stuff can just be implied with storytelling rather than treating the audience like babies and spelling it out for them. I will be starting with his first chronological appearance NOT his first on-screen appearance.
Starting Approx. 2005-2006 2x12 “Chimney Begins” now I’m not sure exactly what dates the episode here but google tells me it’s set around here, If I’m wrong let me know.
This was the big episode of Tommy being an asshole, I will not deny he was an asshole. He was one of the primary assholes of this episode along with the old captain. Let’s look at this episode with what we know about Tommy now, not what we knew then.
Tommy was a closeted gay man in a male-led, white-led field (presumably gay, we haven’t had his label yet) working under a captain we know is Homophobic, Sexist, and Racist. He also was a white man in a white male field back in 2005, prejudice was still a huge thing in 2005 (and still is but we’re not here to talk about that) and this episode shows this well, because it had to fit with the ‘times’. Tommy was an aggressor to begin with Im not going to deny this, but do you know who was also there, standing by and watching the rest of the 118 treat Chimney like shit for MONTHS? Eli! Yes lovey Eli who eventually helped get Chim into the field and let him stay with him in Boston. Yes he ended up being a good guy, but that doesn’t excuse the months he spent staying quiet watching the 118 mistreat Chim. You’ll see this theme pop up again later, funnily enough. Eventually we see Tommy and Chim become civil, after Chimney saves his life. He goes on to befriend Chimney, telling him his favourite movie is Love Actually (that’s fruity) amongst other things.
Fast forward to somewhere between 2009-2010 2x09 “Hen Begins” aka the next time we see Tommy chronologically and the first time we meet him in the show. We know a rough timeline as Sal says his girlfriend took him to see the new Twilight movie, and they reference the Edward vs Jacob, which means it’s most likely New Moon or Eclipse as that was more heavily a marketing thing for those two than the first one. This is also the first time Tommy is implied to be gay (He doesn’t deny the accusation and instead jokes about kissing Sal/Chimney) Now at this point in time I know this probably was not planned, but is something to look back at.
Tommy is this episode steps back from being an aggressor, he is still working under Gerrard and still closeted. He is still a part of the problem, but other than being present in the episode and in the scenes where Sal and Gerrard acted as aggressors, he didn’t actually contribute verbally to the mistreatment of Hen. The primary aggressor for Hen was Gerrard and remained to be Gerrard throughout the episode even when her co-workers saw her doing good things. And going back to Eli in Chimneys episode, guess who was also a bystander to Hens mistreatment, filling a similar role to Hen that Eli filled? CHIMNEY. He stood back for also presumably months, didn’t defend Hen against their co-workers, and just let what happened to him happen to her. Then, at the end of the episode it’s revealed multiple members of her team submitted complaints against their captain for the mistreatment of Hen, I’m willing to bet that he was one of those people, him, Chim, and even potentially Sal as he was less of an ass by the end. By the end of her episode we know they are now friendly at work and he thinks she’s a good firefighter.
Skip forward to 2014-ish, 2x16 “Bobby Begins Again.” We immediately see the team meshing, Chim, Hen, Tommy, and even Sal. 9 Years have passed since he met Chimney, and 4-ish since Hen and it’s implied they’re a friendly unit, Tommy is still closeted, and has been working under a rotating number of captains (six to be exact), but has clearly become a better, and more accepting person, the world is changing and he isn’t being held back with the times. He goes out for drinks with Hen & Chimney, laughs with them, has an overall good time being their friend and seeming enjoying working under Bobby for another 4 years, we even see them smash his face into a cake at a surprise leaving party they’ve thrown him. We know Buck took his place at the 118 which was not long before S1 began, so we’re assuming he left the 118 2017/2018.
This is the last time we see Tommy until 7x03, presumably set in 2023/2024 “Capsized”, a whole canonical 16-18 years after we first meet him, and 6 years since he left the 118. In those 6 years we know he:
A) is still friendly with Chimney, we know from 2x14 when he phones him to drop the fire retardant on the house. He is also mentioned to still be in contact in 3x16
B) Has come out/discovered his sexuality.
C) Is obviously not bigoted, or at least as much as he was back in 2005-ish.
In terms of Hen we can assume they haven’t really stayed “friends” since Tommy left, as she states in Capsized that she forgot he worked there. She worked with him for 8-ish years, I’ve worked with people for that length of time and don’t talk to them now, doesn’t mean I hate them, we just don’t really have reason to talk anymore. I just think their friendship was more a “we’re work friends” kind of relationship rather than a “we’re in each other’s lives” one, which is a completely normal and valid relationship. Whereas with Chim we know they’ve remained at least acquaintances to chat, and friends enough that Tommy would risk both his life and job to save Bobby.
At this point in the timeline it’s been approximately CANONICALLY 16-18 years since we met Tommy, and the fandom is still asking for his character to be held accountable for things he said all those years ago, when clearly in the canon of the show has been forgiven. At this point in the show I really don’t think we need to be spoonfed this narrative, it would feel clunky and weird to see an apology on screen for something that’s clearly been addressed off screen. It would frankly be a waste of the limited airtime we have this season.
I also think it’s super important to remember that Tommy wasn’t planned that far in advance, we know he was bought back by Minear because he wanted the person who was part of Bucks coming out to be someone the audience had already met before & Lou was both available and willing to do it. If they had been planning this exact storyline since season 2, maybe Tommy would have been portrayed differently, who knows.
I get we love Buddie and we want Buddie so much, I am not and never will jump ship from Buddie, I love that Tommy is Bucks first boyfriend, I just hope Eddie gets to be his last.
I’m also super glad we’re getting Bucks coming out separately from Eddies potential future coming out, I am on the (seemingly) small majority that thinks that would have been way too much to happen all at once, and also the characters deserve to have their own coming out stories not to be lumped together.
so yeah. TLDR; Tommy has evolved over 16-18 years, 10 years of which we saw across the Begins episodes, and if we want to be spoonfed his accountability for his behaviour in the begins episode, we should also be asking the same from Eli and Chim.
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I am seeing some of the WORST takes about tdp season 4. Sweet, sweet tumblr users. This season was a lot of set up, not everything was supposed to be explained or resolved, or even "should" have been. Season 4 had to do the heavy leg work of re-establishing characters and arcs and the plot moving foreword. It just needs a little time to be able to act on everything it's now established. It did a good job building off of arc 1, and now we are fully indoctrinated into arc 2!
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jackwhiteprophetic · 2 months
Who else remembers when buddie went canon at the shooting and then they pretended to forget about it
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pansysgothgf · 1 month
Consider,,, the 118 is working on the plane crash, Eddie and Chim are teamed up together. The 133 comes to help, Captain Mehta sees Eddie and comes up to say hi.
Mehta: hey, Diaz! Where’s your partner?
Eddie: ah, he’s working with someone else today, he should be on the southwest side
Mehta: well, if you ever want to bring him on another poker date he’s more than welcome,,, just so long as he doesn’t gain anymore math superpowers
Chim drops whatever he’s holding and whips around to look at Eddie who looks like he’s just been struck dumb. Internally, Eddie is combing through all of his memories of Buck, realizing that maybe their relationship has never been quite as platonic as he thought. That maybe his feelings for Buck have never been platonic.
They’re at a disaster, though, and they can’t talk about it. They don’t say anything until they get back to the station, where Chim drags Eddie outside to talk.
Chim: Eddie…
Eddie: you can’t tell anyone, Chimney. I can’t… I won’t put Buck through any sort of conversation about all of *gestures at himself* this unless I know for sure what I want. Who I want.
Cue Chimney trying to keep a secret, Eddie being so, so fucking weird, and Buck being in his own personal hell because suddenly Eddie is avoiding him and spending all of his time with Chim of all people.
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wavesalwayscrash · 8 months
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Waves Always Crash /// Page 9
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here comes the silly boy!
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moonylouwho · 4 months
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what’s the best three episode run in 9-1-1 history and why is it this one
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ell-begins · 1 month
I’m gonna get absolutely slaughtered for this one but it’s been bothering me for ages so I need to say it 😭😭
I cannot see eddie being gay, like,,,at all
I mean, there is obviously the possibility of bi or pan etc, but I just cannot see him being gay (or tbh even liking men - STAY WITH ME HERE OK READ THE REST BEFORE YOU GET MAD 🙏)
like you’re gonna sit here and tell me that the man who just got walked in on with a woman cosplaying his dead wife is a homosexual and is in love with his best friend? like do not get me wrong at all, I love buddie, and if they were to ever become a couple I would be ecstatic - but I genuinely cannot see eddie being romantically or even sexually involved with a man (especially not at the minute with where he’s at) 😭😭
I could definitely see buck and eddie having a queerplatonic relationship, but at this point I don’t know if I could see them being in a romantic relationship, at least not right now. Eddie is going through it as of the end of season 7, even if they were to decide to make buddie cannon, eddie isn’t in a good place right now, and realistically it wouldn’t be happening anytime soon (and if it did I Imagine it would be slightly unhealthy)
I know some people are gonna be like ‘oh, he can have a revelation like buck’ but (although I am aware lou said it was initially gonna be eddie x tommy, meaning yes that is entirely possible and I completely understand why people think this will happen) the difference is that Oliver has being playing into buck being bi for years, this has been a widely accepted headcanon that even he has agreed with, so it made sense that it happened, and wasn’t just something that came out of nowhere. Ryan has consistently said that Eddie is straight (and while I understand that he isn’t the one who decides that + he has limitations on what he can say publicly) I feel like him having some form of revelation might not work (similar to why it was buck x tommy instead of eddie, as ryan didn’t think it would work for eddie + the whole marisol arc). And, as I said earlier, eddie realistically isn’t in a good place right now, and trying to push buddie after everything that happened at the end of s7 will likely cause it to fail before it truly starts, especially as it’s likely that it could be seen as Eddie using Buck as a rebound of sorts, rather than truly wanting to pursue a relationship
I have been a buddie shipper since late s3 so yall better not come for me for saying this 😭🙏 (Before anyone asks, yes I am a bucktommy shipper too - I am simply happy because BUCK is happy, I think they are cute and Buck is clearly doing well. And no, I am not ‘jumping ship’, I am doing this crazy thing called multishipping, which is common fandom practice 🥰 so if I have anyone trying to call me out for abandoning buddie or whatever I might actually end it cuz there is no way 😭)
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iphyslitterator · 3 months
I don't know if this is a point that needs defending, but I feel strongly that Tommy's love language is quality time.
Evidence with Buck:
We've already talked extensively about how Tommy Shows Up to the wedding even sooty and exhausted.
At the bachelor party, he's not especially demonstrative, but he's THERE when he's sleepy and on standby and the party sucks, and he only leaves when he's called in to work.
They don't touch at the medal ceremony (I headcanon that they agreed not to), but Tommy sits next to him, stands next to him, goes through the buffet line with him.
Offering flying lessons and Muay Thai lessons: This isn't really an act of service, because neither of these is actually useful to Buck -- but they are a way to spend time together. The Muay Thai conversation is literally, "Of course you'd rather hang out with Eddie" / "I'll teach you so you can hang out with me too!"
In the first kiss scene and the 7x10 date night, Tommy shares his own feelings of jealousy. Words of affirmation would have stayed on Buck (you're great, you have nothing to be jealous of, your birth father doesn't deserve you); switching to himself puts the quality in quality time (we're bonding, we're having a deep conversation, this is reciprocal).
And with EDDIE. oh BOY:
Goes to his house THREE TIMES in the first TWO WEEKS, I'm still hung up on this, that's so fast.
Muay Thai
Working on cars
Karaoke trivia night
Trip to Vegas: Kind of an act of service/gift, but if it was easy for him to get the tickets, the emphasis is more on spending a significant amount of time together.
Again. It's been a few WEEKS.
I suspect Tommy is amazing at words of affirmation when necessary, and I like to imagine he's big on romantic touch. But what we've seen of him in season 7 leans heavily toward Being Together, rather than Doing Things, as the way he expresses interest. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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lonelychicago · 2 years
rewatching 911 and i have questions. like...
if not married then why the widower and the divorce arcs
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triglycercule · 4 months
at the beach so we pullin out the mtt beach headcanons GO
horror buys one of those cheap diving kits with goggles and flippers and always ALWAYS challenges killer to races
killer always accepts because he thinks he can beat horror (he loses EVERY time. horror's just too fast with those damn flippers)
dust goes up to random people's beach chairs when they're away and sits in them and then when they come back he sees how long he can gaslight them into thinking that was his chair from the start
while horror is napping killer and dust will fill up his skull with sand. he doesn't wake up until they're like 75% done
dust likes to fully submerge himself in the water and then pop up and jump scare killer (killer always gets scared no matter how much dust does it)
dust tried to scare horror with this prank but then he was pushed underwater and forced to eat the wet watery sand by horror
dust and horror don't play around with sand around killer's chest because his soul is near that area and killer VISCERALLY hates sand on his soul
killer can mix his eye goop with sand and it creates a toxic determination sand bomb that will literally knock a bitch out
dust will still wear papyrus's scarf even while underwater and then complain about how wet it is
killer will see a boat in the distance and bet that he can swim there with dust and horror. dust and horror end up losing a LOT of money once the boat comes back to shore with killer on board
horror doesn't eat his popsicles like a normal person. he waits for them to melt and then licks the melted juice and dust and killer shit on him SEVERELY for this
dust is such a heavy sleeper that horror and killer had enough time to build a sand grave for him and host a fake funeral service before he woke up. then they pretended he was actually dead when he woke up (it took all of horror's willpower not to laugh)
whenever one of those airplanes with posters attached fly over the beach dust always shoots a bunch of bones at the poster to poke holes in them
killer would build a giant dick and threaten kids to come over and look at his sculpture with his knife. then when the kid sees it killer orders them to tell their parents all about "the long schlong". he doesn't even kill the kids it's just to freak them and the parents out
dust doesn't help out while the set up the tents/chairs. horror has to do all the work and killer tries to help but then just ends up breaking something. but dust helps carry all the bags and chairs to and from the beach and car :3
killer brings horror as far out as he can in the water and then tells him to look underwater (connected to the first headcanon where horror has goggles) and then it turns out that killer took off his shorts and is flashing the fish. horror bursts out laughing underwater and almost drowns and then killer has to save him butt naked while trying to hold onto his shorts
when they finally wash off all the sand at the showers by the beach horror is the only one to really wash off the sand. dust doesn't wanna subject papyrus's scarf to anymore water (hc 8) and killer doesn't trust the shitty water pressure to get all the sand out of his joints
at the end of it they went to this nice seafood place and watched the beach while eating peacefully. and then on the ride home horror and killer slept like rocks (dust had to drive)
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tripleaxeldiaz · 2 years
oliver has given so much to this show and this fandom, he was SO proud of this episode, and you assholes tank it because you think you know better than the people who actually work on the show. it’s embarassing frankly i hope you’re pleased with yourselves
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mattzerella-sticks · 5 months
When Eddie comes out as gay the funniest thing Buck can do is set him up on a blind date with Josh only for Buck to learn too late that Josh and Eddie don't like each other.
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tackledkey · 1 year
Local person rewatches their old hyperfixation and is forced to realise that it's actually not as great as they remember. More news at 9
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