#and they leave the dinner not closer but with a newfound respect for each other
mattzerella-sticks · 5 months
When Eddie comes out as gay the funniest thing Buck can do is set him up on a blind date with Josh only for Buck to learn too late that Josh and Eddie don't like each other.
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lionhanie · 3 months
myung jaehyun ; voodoo doll
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academic rivals to... crush?, childhood friends turned frenemies, jaehyun has feelings and in SEVERE denial
word count: ~1.9k
warnings: i curse like twice lmao, reader is shorter than jaehyun, jaehyun goes thru insane internal conflict because he’s coping w/ his newfound crush on u
this work is part of my boynextdoor as old 5sos songs series! ↳ if you want to listen to the song, here u go!
a/n: tbh this is one little self indulgent because i feel like jaehyun + this concept would respectfully Ruin my Life so…. voodoo doll fits the scenario well!
likes ♡ and reblogs ↺ always appreciated!
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your families were close, having moved into the neighborhood around the same time. living next to a family with a son the same age as you essentially meant you would be seeing each other often; whether it was leaving the house at the same time to walk to school or being sent next door to return borrowed tupperware, it was safe to say that you were more than familiar with each other. 
it was sweet, really. the picture of you and jaehyun at your kindergarten graduation has been framed in the hallway outside your bedroom for as long as you can remember. jaehyun’s older brother used to treat you guys to ice cream after a test. hell, your families would take weekend trips together over the summer! even when you were young, your mothers always joked that it would be just perfect if the you two started dating, especially when your families trust each other already! and it would be so convenient too, being right next door and all. except, things didn’t work out as they had initially hoped. 
you were almost always competing with each other growing up -- who could get a better test score, who could get the most medals in a certain sport, who would get more votes at a class election; you name it. once, you made a bet on who would be taller than the other by the time you finished middle school; it’s a defeat that jaehyun never let you hear the end of when a routine check-up at the doctor told you that you were done growing. it was friendly competition for a while, until you both started taking the rivalry a bit too seriously. 
the tension at the dinner table was evident every time your families would join together for your monthly dinners. making sneer remarks towards each other, scoffing at the boasting of one’s achievements, ultimately resulting in a one-up battle that would always be shut down by the parents. it was just petty at this point. you really had no reason to feel so… negatively towards each other all of a sudden. 
“everytime you’re near me, suddenly my heart begins to race / every time i leave, i don’t know why my heart begins to break”
until one day, things are different for jaehyun. he catches himself looking at you from across the classroom longer than he normally does, eyes quickly darting away and cheeks slightly flushed when you address his very obvious staring. when it’s time for lunch, he finds himself sitting a little closer to your table of friends, his heart skipping a beat upon hearing your melodious laughter. when he sees you talking to another guy, he grips the notebook in his hand a bit tighter, a pang of jealousy ringing within him-- he dismisses the feeling and goes about the rest of his daily routine.
despite the apparent hostility in your friendship, you’ve never walked home without the other without good reason. making sure he got the both of you home safe was something jaehyun’s father encouraged him to do ever since you guys were in elementary school; it’s practically second nature to him. there’s not as much conversation exchanged nowadays, especially compared to how you two used to talk the entire walk home as kids, oftentimes having trouble stopping your giggles when you part ways to walk into your respective homes. 
he’s sitting on a bench outside of the school’s entrance, earbuds in as he waits for you to walk out the glass doors. a cool breeze flies by while he hums along to the song that had just come on shuffle. it’s a little strange that you weren’t out yet. it’s been over fifteen minutes since all club activities were supposed to end, and you never wanted to stay at school longer than you need to be. jaehyun contemplates going back inside to look for you, even going as far as getting up and throwing his backpack over his shoulder-- oh, there you are. 
“let’s go?” you finally walk out of the doors, fiddling with your tangled pair of earbuds. he feels a wave of relief wash over him, phew. he was worried there for a second. wait. why was he worried? it’s not like something bad could’ve happened to you; you were probably just talking to one of the teachers or something. he’s acting like you’ve never been a little late before. if anything, he’s probably made you wait even longer than he just did, and /you/ never seemed to think twice about it. what is up with him today? 
“give me those,” jaehyun says, referring to the earbuds you were currently struggling to take knots out of. he doesn’t actually wait for you to hand them to him, rather opting to grab them out of your hands, making you roll your eyes. he untangles the stubborn loops with ease, handing them back to you after. “wow, and no thank you? you’re feeling especially cold today, y/n.” he scoffs as he places his hands in his jacket pockets while he walks beside you. 
“and it hurts in my head and my heart and my chest and i’m having trouble catching my breath”
“myung jaehyun, thank you so much for helping me just now! what would i do without you?” you respond, very obviously sarcastic. “i’m exhausted, starving, and i’d rather not deal with your attitude again today, okay?” jaehyun watches as you plug your earbuds in and place both of them in your ears; you usually leave the one closest to him out to hear him better with the few sentences of small talk shared on the trip home. if he had puppy ears on his head, you would’ve seen them droop at the way you were completely ignoring him now.  he wanted to brag about the grade he got back on his english paper earlier, but it didn’t seem like a good time to do so. maybe you had a bad day. 
as you walk on the familiar route home from school, all jaehyun wants to do is crack a joke or make a fool out himself by doing something stupid-- anything that would possibly brighten up your mood a bit; except you’re focused only on whatever you’re listening to and the sidewalk in front of you. his mind is all over the place as he walks in silence beside you; what’s got you so upset? the exams coming up? surely not, you always seem to get higher scores than him with ease. is it the school festival? you’ve been stressing out over planning your club’s performance for a while... why does he want to know so badly? whatever it is, it’s hurting him to see you stray from your usual demeanor. 
“i don’t even like you / why’d you want to go and make me feel this way? / i don’t understand what’s happened, i keep saying things i never say” 
after dinner, jaehyun’s doing homework at his desk before he pauses to look out the window that faces yours, noticing your lights are off already. it isn’t too late, maybe around 11pm, but it’s definitely way earlier than your typical bed time, especially when finals are right around the corner. “i guess y/n had a rough week.” he rests his chin against his hand, internally debating whether or not to check in on you. it’s not weird to send you a text right? he’s just concerned, after all. 
to: my y/n sorry about earlier. are you going to sleep now?
“...are you going to sleep now? myung jaehyun, you sound like a freak, god. let’s just get to the point.” he mocks himself as he deletes his previous message.
to: my y/n i wouldn’t have teased u if i knew u were having a bad day :( need to talk about it?
“should i even bother apologizing?” jaehyun puts his phone down on his desk. why is it so hard for him to send you a text right now? picking it back up, he erases his message again.
to: my y/n u ok?  → sent!
“that should be fine, y/n can talk about what’s wrong if they want to. and i didn’t seem too needy… this is good, yeah.” he tries to convince himself that he crafted the perfect message literally 3 letters but okay lmfao, but he regrets making himself sound so nonchalant when, in reality, that is the last word he would use to describe himself right now. maybe he just needs to sleep on it. 
“tell me where you’re hiding your voodoo doll ‘cause i can’t control myself / i don’t wanna stay, wanna run away / but i’m trapped under your spell” 
jaehyun packs up his laptop and notebooks, arranging them haphazardly in his backpack before moving to wash up for bed. he’s a couple steps out his bedroom door, halfway to the bathroom, when he hears his phone chime three times. you’re still awake.  it’s almost embarrassing how fast he finds himself back in his room, eagerly opening his messages. 
3 new messages from “my y/n”! lmao yeah, life kicking my ass lately tell u more tmr if u want details :p  thanks for caring, jaehyun
thanks for caring, jaehyun. what? of course he would care. honestly, he’s offended; why do you think he wouldn’t care about you? he simply reacts with a thumbs up to your second message-- jaehyun hesitates momentarily, but he ends up reacting with a heart to your last message. he thinks you should get some sleep, you need it. 
now, myung jaehyun is having trouble sleeping. which is odd, because he normally knocks out the second he’s under the covers. his heart is practically beating out of his chest thinking back to your texts, even if it was only a couple words. it’s been a while since you two just… talked normally. it’s a sad realization, especially when jaehyun thinks about the years of history you have together. the thought of you laughing at his silly antics and hitting his arm playfully on your walk home, just like how you used to, gives him butterflies. it’s hard to ignore when he’s trying to rest. he’s searching and scanning every possible explanation in his head as to why he started looking at you differently now. he tosses and turns in his bed, even rearranging his pillows numerous times in a sad attempt to push his feelings for you out of his head and finally sleep. 
jaehyun could’ve sworn he hated your guts, but he can’t exactly explain why the “hate” started in the first place. could he have liked you this whole time? no, that doesn’t make sense… you know what, it’s probably some freaky magic manifestation stuff… yeah, that’s it. maybe a voodoo doll or something… because surely there’s no logical reason as to why jaehyun could possibly be falling for you after all this time. 
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© lionhanie 2024 ; all rights reserved!
a/n: bye i think its so funny to think that jaehyun is just so unwilling to accept his own feelings that he blames it on LITERAL MAGIC looooooool silly boy i love him :,)
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heavenunderthemoon · 4 years
A fic request for Emily and daughter!! Where you are dating a guy and have not told her and she finds out when she comes to you and your boyfriend making out on the couch
“My mom would kill me if she found out I had a boy over. And then she’d resuscitate me, and then kill me again.” You said with a sigh, scrolling through the movie options on the flatscreen.
Harry gave a low chuckle, throwing another piece of popcorn in his mouth.
Harry. You thought dreamily.
You had known him since you were about twelve, a rather annoying boy in your physical education class. You recalled the various times in which the two of you were captains for your respective teams in that class, the rivalries and the fights that ensued. How long had it taken for the two of you to realize that the hatred stemmed from tiny little crushes on each other? Looking at him now, his curly hair overflowing into his eyes- something you adored because it meant you had an excuse to touch it, moving it out of his eyes- you couldn’t imagine hating him.
The two of you had only begun dating three months ago, your mother still didn’t know. You had planned on telling her the minute it became official, really, you had, but she had gone away on a case that night and you didn’t want to tell her over the phone. So then you postponed for when she would be back, staying up late until her flight landed, making her dinner, telling her that way. But, when she had come back you found the case had been a really difficult one and the wariness on your mother’s face, the pure exhaustion, had your lips sealed.
And it went on. Everytime you meant to tell her was just bad timing - and you needed good timing, because your mother really didn’t like Harry. Alright, that wasn’t fair. She didn’t even know Harry, she had never event met him, but you knew she wouldn’t like the idea of him. Your mother wanted you to like nice boys, prim and proper boys, smart boys who had crystal clean records and good intentions and Harry was a little far from the mark.
Harry wasn’t a horrible person, you knew that. He was misunderstood, incredibly so. His past wasn’t very kind to him, and he acted out frequently because of it. He likes to read and write and paint (he was rather good at it but he really only painted for you just to see the smile on your face when he did). He got detentions and was caught stealing (clothes for his little sister, and they let him off with a warning). He rode a motorcycle he found in the dump and fixed up himself, and he was a little rough around the edges appearance wise. But damn, was he good to you. He was caring, like the kind of caring where he always walked you home from school, no matter what. He offered you rides on his motorcycle (even bought a pretty helmet that had plastic bunny ears on the top bc you liked bunnies and he thought you would like it), but you refused. If your mother found out you rode a motorcycle you were sure she’d have a heart attack right then and there. And he was kind. Everytime Emily was away he called you to make sure everything was okay, talking as you walked through the house and double checked all the locks, and sometimes even read to you over the phone until you fell asleep. He wrote you poems and slipped them in your textbooks when he held them on the way to class, and he gave you flowers when you least expected them -no occasion, just because.
He was a boy, a boy you loved, and that was enough to make Emily go a little crazy and you knew that so you kept him away. You kept him a secret. Your little secret love, a piece of you, hidden away and locked up tight.
And that was why he was here, at your house on a Thursday evening. Your mother was off on a case, she had only been gone two days and when Harry had called you, asking how you were (he had been home for the past three days, his sister sick with the flu), you told him how much you missed him. Next thing you knew he was showing up on your doorstep with all your favorite snacks and the gesture had you flinging yourself into him, squeezing him tightly. It hadn’t mattered to you that Emily might get mad because how would she even know? She had been gone for two days, which meant she probably wouldn’t be back for at least another one. You and Harry could have this night.
So, despite the uneasiness in your stomach, you let him in.
“She wouldn’t kill me first? Or is she saving the best for last?” He asked thoughtfully, eyes turning to you. Oh you loved when he looked at you like that, a look thrown your way, a look filled with such...trust. Devotion. Love.
You sighed wistfully. “Me first. She’d be beside herself at the very thought that I hid something from her. She hates lying.”
He snorted. “A little rich coming from an FBI agent. Isn’t her job centered around lying?”
You rolled your eyes, throwing a popcorn at him. He was right. Your mother lied as a profession, bluffing that she had more information than she really did, or even lying that she was dead as the two of you foed to Paris. That hadn’t been very fun. She lied all the time. But that was to protect people. You were just protecting yourself.
“I just feel bad. I don’t want you to think I’m ashamed of you. I just don’t want you to feel her wrath. She’s a lot..you know? She means well she’s just protective.”
Harry didn’t know. He didn’t really get that parents should be protective because he didn’t really have any. Just a dead beat dad that drank himself into a stupor every night and was typically found passed out on the couch. He didn’t get that parents were supposed to love and nurture, and the fact that you had that seemed foreign, but he tried to understand, for you. And you knew that.
He nodded with a frown. “She doesn’t have to protect you from me, though. I would never hurt you. If you ever asked me to go, to leave, all you’d have to do is say the word and I’m gone. But I love you and you love me, our relationship doesn’t concern her.” He wasn’t snippy, just speaking softly, as if not to scare you away because he knew how much you loved Emily and he didn’t want to scare you away by speaking about her badly.
You smiled softly, taking his hand in his. The remote remained abandoned on the table that you had set it upon and he removed the popcorn bowl from his lap, setting it on the table as well, giving you his full attention. “It doesn’t but it also does. She’s my mom, she’s...I don’t know, it’s weird. I shouldn’t need her approval. I don’t. But I want it. I want her to know you, and not just surface level background checks, I want her to know the Harry that I know.”
He scoffed with a smirk. “Oh, you think you know me?” And a twinkle in his eyes showed you a twinge of fear, a fear that maybe you did. That you knew him better than anyone he had ever known. And it was the twinkle that made you nod.
“I do.” You responded confidently, and there was only silence in the room for a small moment. A moment where Harry’s heart was racing, and he was sure it was loud enough for you to hear it, and a moment where you were searching his eyes for an acceptance. Acceptance that he wouldn’t get scared away just because you knew him, knew every part of him, because you knew that it was something he tended to do. He tended to back away when he felt exposed and you were praying that he knew he didn’t have to do that with you.
Finally, he nodded, lips pursing. “Alright. Well then we’ll tell her when she gets back.”
“We?” You asked skeptically, because the thought of him and Emily in the same room had been something you had been trying to avoid for so long.
And he nodded once more. “We. Together. I’ll wear a suit and you can wear that pretty little black dress and I’ll come for dinner. I’ll knock on the door- not ring the bell because that’s a little prentious-“ you giggled and he smiled at the sound. “And I’ll bring her flowers, compliment her home,”
“Compliment her home?”
He gave you an incredulous look. “Well I can’t very well tell her that I’ve been here now can I? Besides, it’s what they do in books. I figure it’s how I’ll make a good impression. And I’ll tell her how very much I adore her daughter.” He set his chin, a blazing look in his eyes, the kind that made you think he might be invincible. One that made you think he could do anything and damn would you follow him to the depths of the earth as long as he had that look.
With newfound confidence, you grinned. “Oh? And just what, pray tell, do you adore about me?” And there was a certain impish tone in your voice that had him smirking mischievously.
He leaned closer, burning his hand up to caress your cheek. “Hmm, well, I love your eyes,” He wiped underneath them, his warm hands making delicious contact with your face. “The way I can literally see into your mind with them. You’re awful at hiding your emotions and just one look into those beautiful little orbs, I know everything I need to know.”
Your breath hitched as he leaned closer. “What else?”
“I love your lips.” And his finger was tracing the contours of your own, claiming his territory. “How you’re never afraid to speak your mind, those words of passion, or humor, or hatred tumbling from your plump lips, ones that I very much like to kiss.” And he bent down and pecked you, lingering just a moment longer to nibble on your bottom lip.
You let out a shaky breath, eyes fluttering shut as you forced them back open. “Is that all?”
He had that god awful smirk on his face and you forced yourself to look away. “Everything about you, baby. Your wit, your determination, your compassion,” and with each word he was peppering your jaw with a kiss and finally you gave out, grabbing his face in yours and crashing your lips onto his. He was grinning into the kiss, savoring his victory but not for long. You wouldn’t let him win.
You flipped positions, pushing him slightly and straddling the boy. Your lips were ferocious against his, a mess of passion and intensity and his hand was going to your sides, sliding under your shirt and running upward. Everywhere he touched was set instantly on fire and you moaned into his lips.
And just as you were about to take it a step further, the door opened. You flew off the boy, landing onto your ass with a groan. Harry was springing upward, readjusting his hoodie and hair, though it was no use. Your hands had gone rampant through his curls and it would take an actual brush to fix it. Both of your lips were swollen from your previous activities, clothes a bit ruffled, and the look on Emily’s face made your heart stop.
She was looking at Harry, and then you, and then back to Harry with an unreadable expression on her face.
She was home. Home incredibly early, and her bag was discarded at her feet, dropped when she saw you and Harry.
No one was speaking, Harry was looking at you as for what to do, Emily was just staring and you...you were standing from your post on the floor, going to Harry’s side as if you protect him. “Mom, this is Harry-you’re home-“ You swallowed when her lips pursed. “He, um-we were- He’s my boyfriend.” And then a look you did recognize appeared on her face.
“Harry, you can go home.”
Your mouth went dry. This was not how this was supposed to happen. Harry turned to you, eyes questioning if that was what y oh wanted, if you wanted him to leave and with a mournful smile you nodded, walking him to the door. He mouthed an “I love you” which you returned before shutting it.
“You had a boy over.”
“A boyfriend, come to find. How long have you been seeing this boy?”
You winced. “Three months. But we were going to tell you, he was going to knock on the door-“ And you were beginning to ramble with panic as she cut you off.
“Three months? Three months of you sneaking around behind my back? And when I’m gone you do...that.” She was shaking her head in disbelief, hand going over her face.
“We weren’t sneaking I just...He came over tonight and that was an anomaly, we don’t do that-“
She scoffed. “And I’m supposed to believe you? You want me to believe anything that comes out of your mouth when you’ve been lying to me for months?” You stayed silent, swallowing. “Go to your room. We’ll discuss this in the morning.”
You sighed, turning on your heel and walking off.
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levis-little-nuggie · 4 years
nuggiiiee!! i wanna request something if it's alright with u!! <3 "10. “If you use up all the hot water again, I swear to god! You’re on the couch for a month!!”"with levi and nsfw if you're up for it 👀 they/them pronouns pretty please ily 🥰🥰
Peach!! 💜💜 I'm SO SORRY for how long this took me to write 😭 but I hope you enjoy!! 💜💜
Warnings: Reader uses they/them pronouns with male genetalia, bottom!Levi, penetration, not sure what else to add but will add more if need be 💜💜
10. “If you use up all the hot water again, I swear to god! You’re on the couch for a month!!” NSFW with Levi
You had an agreement with the brothers. Once a week, every Wednesday after dinner, the bathroom with the giant bath tub had your name on it for three glorious hours. You never really needed the fully allotted time but it was more for security in case you lost track of time.
Every Wednesday was like clockwork. Dinner would be over, you'd get all your bath supplies and a book or your handheld gaming system and head to the bathroom. Lucifer would be there to put up the barrier on the door keeping everyone out and you'd have your peace in the most luxurious bathtub you'd ever been in.
Levi had tried mentioning it before, more like he’d hinted it through stutters and a fierce blush before giving up and changing the subject, that his bathtub was just as nice. You'd even pieced together that he seemed to want you to take a bath in his room. Your interest was piqued, but also didn't want to ask him about it in case you'd misinterpreted.
Sitting by the tub, you turned the faucet and waited for the water to heat up. You waited.
And waited.
And waited.
20 minutes later and the water was still barely warm as it ran from the faucet. You sent out a group text to the HOL brothers.
Y/N: Is anyone using the hot water?
Beel: Belphie and I finished cleaning the dishes a while ago but we didn't use that much.
Asmo: Oh Y/N, is the water too cold? I'll come warm you up~~
Mammon: Oi leave my human alone! If anyone's going to warm them up it'll be me!
Satan: You know they're probably naked right? This is their weekly bathing ritual.
You pulled your robe tighter around your body as if any of them could see you.
Y/N: I'm not naked!
Asmo: Darling that's not how you take a bath, but I'd be more than happy to show you how~~
Mammon: Asmo! Don't you dare!
Satan: Oh sure, are you going to run in to save them?
Lucifer: Enough.
Lucifer: Y/N, there's a problem with the water?
Y/N: It's been almost 20 minutes and it's barely lukewarm.
Lucifer: has anyone heard from Levi?
The otaku cackled as the water ran cold from his faucet, following along in the group chat. He'd successfully wasted all the hot water. Drafting up a private text outside the chat, he bit his lip and hesitated with his thumb over the "Send." His face was warm, the aquarium tank reflected the reddish hue across his cheeks.
"How are they able to talk about Y/N like that, about being n....nak..." the word died in his throat as he felt his sin stir. Why wasn't he given at least a smidgen of the confidence they had? Why was it so hard for him to be upfront with you, to make a move like he'd seen his brothers do so many times before.
"Henry would do it, he'd have the confidence to go after someone who'd caught his eye. If he can go after them, so can I!" With newfound confidence, Levi sent the message and pushed his chair back to his computer desk and drummed his fingers on the surface.
Over in the bathroom, you were completely unaware of the meltdown the otaku brother was currently going through and followed the chats as they came in. The boys kept talking but you weren't getting any closer to figuring out what happened with your hot water.
And then you noticed a separate text come in.
Levi: the hot water still works in my room
"Unbelievable," you scoffed then snorted in laughter. He had used up all the hot water and now was trying to coax you into taking a bath in his room. You weren't sure where his confidence came from but you weren't about to lose out on your Wednesday night bath time. Tying the bathrobe tighter around you, you gathered your stuff and padded down to his room, knocking before you walked in.
Levi had his hands in his hair, his chair spinning but quickly stopped himself as you entered, his face a bright red. He couldn't look you in the eyes. Sure enough as you neared the tub, it was filled with steaming hot water, just like he knew you liked it. Dropping in a bath bomb, you untied the robe, looking over your shoulder and smirking when you saw he was still watching you.
"I didn't know I'd have an audience, Levi." He yelped and turned his chair to face the desk and buried his face in his hands. He was muttering and all you could make out was "bad idea" and "so stupid." Clicking your tongue behind your teeth, you took out your handheld gaming device to power it on. You untied your robe and let it fall to the ground.
Levi heard the familiar tune of your device turning on and snuck a glance over at you, but snapped back his computer screen. He knew you'd be nude for your bath, but he wasn't expecting to see that much of you; of your legs, the expanse of your back, and the curve of your hips and your ass. He gulped, shifting in his seat as more of him started to wake up. For a moment, he listened to the game music and water rippling around from your movements and mentally debated if he should leave or not. Your eyes caught movement from him, frowning as he got up and headed for his door.
"Wait," you called out and he halted, body frozen but not turning around and not responding. You licked your lips and spoke, voice soft, afraid he'd run away. "I was hoping we could play together." Your request was innocent enough but the words, coming from you, made him flinch.  He slowly turned around, eyes looking everywhere but at the tub, a hand scratching the back of his neck.
"P-play with me?" His mind short-circuited as he assumed you meant you wanted to play with him, in the bathtub, naked. He gulped, mouth going dry. "W-why uh, why would you want to p-play with me? I'm just a gross otaku Y/N, I'm not worth playing with. How could you-"
"Levi," you held up your device, pointing to it, "I meant Pokemon Shield." His lips formed an "o" as the realization struck him and he hung his head, a hand coming up to hide his tomato-red face.
"Y-yeah okay, I can do that," he shuffled back to his desk and opened the game, the light from his monitors casting a glow over his warm skin.
Some time had passed, both of you had collected more pocket monsters and filled out your respective pokedex, made various curry dishes, and spent time playing with each other's mons. Gearing up on supplies, you both decided to go den hopping to catch more powerful and rare mons.
"Hey Levi," your voice called out, shifting in the water to rest your arms over the lip of the tub, you paused the game and tossed your device onto your robe. He hummed in response, eyes still glued to the monitors. "Leeeeeviiii," you called out again, resting your cheek on your arm waiting for him to turn around.
Feeling your stare, he paused his game and turned around, eyes widening to see your shifted posture, your eyes lidded and a soft smile on your lips. "What, ah, what's up?" The way you were looking at him, he felt his pants only tighten in response. He had dreamed to see you look at him with the soft, loving, accepting expression you were currently wearing. He wondered what other facial expressions you could make, just for him. His hands clenched the fabric of his pants on his thighs, but he couldn't take his eyes off your face. You couldn't tell in the dim light of the room but you swore his eyes darkened, the thought making you shiver even though the water was still comfortably warm. You lowered your voice and added a slight husk to sound sultry, testing out a theory.
“Did you use up all the hot water on purpose? To get me to bathe in your room?” Your feet splashed in the water a few times to emphasize your question; a subtle hint but you were watching his reactions. The glow from the monitors highlighted his Adam’s apple bobbing with another gulp and you found yourself smirking. Stretching an arm out in front of you, you beckoned the demon over with a come-hither motion. Whether he knew it or not, Levi actually started making his way over to the tub, kneeling down in front of you, his eyes a darkened amber. He stayed silent, the blush on his cheeks growing more evident giving away his ulterior motive.
“Oh Levi, if you wanted me naked in your room, all you had to do was ask.” Pushing against the floor of the tub, you reached out to plant your lips against his, threading your fingers through his hair, pulling yourself with him as he gasped, jumping back in shock. Not wasting the opportunity, you plunged your tongue into his mouth and moaned against his lips in a silent plead for him to kiss you back. As you brushed your tongue against his, you flicked your tongue against the slit in his own, and he started responding instantaneously.
Your body was laying in an awkward angle and started to slip back into the tub. As you felt yourself being pulled backwards, Levi moved with you, his own hands wrapping around you, fingers dancing around the back of your neck and along your waist. His mouth ravaged your own in a flurry of kisses, his own tongue bypassing yours, thrusting itself right to the back of your throat.
He stuttered your name and you fought to control your breathing. “Y/N are you sure? W-with me?” You responded, nodding feverishly, a lust-induced fog clouded your mind chanting yes over and over. You pulled yourself up to kiss him again and he whined against your lips. “But I’m just a gro-”
“If you call yourself a gross otaku again, I’m going to climb out of this tub and edge you until my three hour bath time is over.” His cheeks burned a bright red, a moan fell from his lips, and he allowed himself to melt into you. You lost your footing in the tub and found yourself slipping down. Levi’s arms wrapped tighter around you as he crawled over you, laying you down in the tub, his clothing soaking up the water. You shivered as his hands grazed your torso, the pads of his fingers digging into your skin making you moan as your own hands worked to remove his shirt. Nipping at your lips, Levi pulled back with a small chuckle.
“If you wanted me naked Y/N, all you had to do was ask.” You stuck your tongue out at him as he teased you with your own words and tossed his shirt off to the side, landing on the floor with a plop and descended back onto your mouth. Raking your nails down his torso, Levi sucked in a breath through his teeth and instinctively ground his hips into yours, his erections evident through his pants. Clutching the waistband of the offending material, your fingers fumbled looking for the clasp, humming in victory as you successfully undid the buttons and zipper. Levi lifted his hips helping you push down his pants as far as you could before taking over and removing his pants the rest of the way, tossing them over near his shirt.
Now that he was hovering over you, fully naked and erect, Levi was starting to have second thoughts and it was evident in the hesitation in his face. Grabbing his hips, you thrust your pelvis against his, your grinding against his and you both moaned from the friction.
“I want this Levi, I want you.” Your words renewed his confidence and he rolled his hips down into yours, drinking in your moans with his lips sealed over yours. With his tongue in your mouth, this time you closed your lips around it and bobbed your head, sucking on his tongue. His eyes flew open in shock to see your eyes hooded, staring back into his. He didn’t even notice your hands until they were wrapped around both of him, sandwiching your own erection between his and started pumping in tandem with your mouth on his tongue.
You drank in his reactions as his eyes rolled back, moans and whines crawled out from his throat, his hips bucking into your hands. Releasing his tongue with a pop, he leaned in to lap at the saliva dripping from your mouth, down your chin, and you littered his throat with love bites, teeth nipping and tongue soothing the skin.
“Y/N, please,” he whined and you slowed your hands, coaxing him to continue, humming against his throat.
“Yes Leviathan?” You asked while pressing kisses along the column of his throat as his voice trembled above you.
“I w-want to, want y-you to, to,” his face was beat red as you pulled away to look at him. He was averting his gaze, seemingly ashamed of what he wanted. Releasing one of your hands, he looked at you with wide eyes, almost worried you were about to reject him but was pleasantly surprised when your hand came up to cup his cheek, rubbing your thumb along the tender skin.
“Do you want me to fuck you, Levi? Is that it?” You felt his cocks twitch against yours and you smiled to offer reassurance. “That sounds like a perfectly normal request and I would be more than happy to oblige,” you leaned up to kiss his forehead and he mewled. You had to resist the urge to snort from how adorable it was and instead littered kisses around his face. Your hand moved back down to grip him, your fingers dancing down his entrance but found yourself blocked by, his tail? When had he shifted into his demon form?
Oh. That’s why he looked so embarrassed. Mindful not to tease him about it, you pressed chaste kisses along the skin of his neck as your hands worked his shafts, paying more attention to the gestures and movements that had him reacting more, louder, trying to coax more vocal reactions from the demon. Levi’s arms were losing their grip on the rim of the tub so you ushered him to sit up, shifting positions till he was sitting in your lap. His tail moved to wrap around his erections and he lowered himself. You positioned the tip of your cock against his entrance and looked up at his face to read any signs of hesitation or anything that might tip you off that he didn’t want to do this.
Levi felt your eyes on him and he flashed a smirk, thrusting himself down into your lap, fully sheathing yourself inside of him. You threw your head back at the sudden heat that gripped your length, your hands flying to grip his hips as you muttered a string of curses. He didn’t give you much time to adjust before he started moving, raising his hips till just the tip was inside and thrusted himself back down, eliciting a moan to tear its way from your throat. Your mind went blank as his pace increased, your grunts and moans intertwined as the water splashed about, your fingers dug into his hips and his hands gripping your shoulders to keep him steady.
Your name fell from his lips like a mantra, increasing in pitch as his pace became sporadic and uneven, his grip tightening around you driving you mad as you neared your own orgasm. Moving your arms to the edge of the tub to give you leverage, you rolled your hips up to meet his thrusts. Levi’s body froze as his orgasm crashed through him, his muscles clamping down on you pushing you over the edge, releasing into him and following him into the orgasmic afterglow.
You both fought to catch your breath, Levi reverted back to his human form and your arms wrapped around him, fingers running through his hair and pressing kisses to the side of his head. Slowly, his hands moved to hug you back, accepting your embrace and nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. Feeling your breathing and heart beats slow, you hummed and readjusted your positions, flinching when you realized the water was no longer clean.
“We’re probably going to need to take a shower, Levi.”
You both were reluctant to move but eventually you found yourselves making your way down the halls towards the communal bathroom and hopped into the shower to get cleaned off. Halfway into the shower, Levi pounced causing you to laugh, accepting that it was his turn to take control this time. Before you could get any further, there was a cough from outside the shower and you both froze, watching as Lucifer stood there, arms crossed and foot tapping. Levi’s arms tightened around you, his sin of envy showing itself as a growl rumbled low in his throat.
“Relax, I’m leaving. I was checking on the hot water but it seems to be working fine.” The eldest brother made his way to the door but before leaving and closing the for behind him, Lucifer turned to glare at you both, his crimson eyes glowing with the promise of punishment. “If either of you use up all the hot water again, I swear to Diavolo you will both be sleeping on separate couches for a month.” Lucifer slammed the door and you both settled for a quick shower, faces burning with both embarrassment and unresolved , to avoid that punishment.
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It´s your life
Chapter 6
New home
Setting: Kristanna - Modern AU
Rating for this chapter: M (mentioning of sexual actions, this time at the end…🙃)
Word counting: 2738
Previous chapters (on AO3)
Summary: When Anna had finished unpacking her suitcases, she felt even more at home. She wondered what it would be like to live here for the rest of her life. The thought made her smile, but was she allowed to think that way then?
Another note at the end of chapter…
Again, Anna stood before her suitcases and bags, that waited to get unpacked. She looked around the room. Kristoff must have rearranged his shelf and cupboard in his bedroom, to provide some space for her personal belongings. She liked her new surroundings. The three-room flat was situated right above the neat little carpentry. It was a cosy place.
Kristoff and Sven had got the chance to purchase the whole complex one year ago, when the former owner simply got too old to run the workshop any longer. The old carpenter had been delighted to leave the whole building to the young newcomers and had asked a fair price, that was in the reach to pay off in due time, if their work would flourish soon enough. And with the new project on plan, they would get good chances to make themselves a respectable name in near time. Sven himself lived next to his parents further down the town.
Kristoff and Sven had just met the project manager for the new construction site today to sign the contract for their involvement in this development. She had been so proud of him and was happy for her.
When Anna had finished unpacking her suitcases, she felt even more at home. She wondered what it would be like to live here for the rest of her life. The thought made her smile, but was she allowed to think that way then? She gnawed on her lips and sat down on the bed and let herself fall backwards to stare at the ceiling. Where would she be supposed to go from here? She didn´t want to be in the way or sort of intruder. But when she had called Kristoff right after she had left the family estate, he had not hesitated a second to announce his coming over to pick her up. Apparently, he was happy to have her here. Anna felt a gratefulness that reached deep within her, like a warm bath she could dwell in and relax, letting all anxiety drift away bit by bit.
The box with her study books sat in the corner. Anna sat up and thought for a moment. Yes, she would finish her studies, pass her finals best she could. But there was no reason not to look for a job in the meanwhile, to make her own living. To start her new gained life with some useful tasks.
And when she heard Kristoff rummaging in the kitchen with pans and plates, she decided to give her newfound freedom a good push start.
It had been a troubled moment when Anna had called him right after his lunch break. She had been shaken; Kristoff could tell. But then, had he not expected such a call, and had he not secretly favoured it to be so? Not that he wanted his girlfriend to be devastated, the way she had got kicked out, not at all. But she was here now, with him, and he so hoped Anna would consider this her home, too. But then, compared to her former home… there was not much he had to offer. So, it had touched him deeply that she had just said this to him two hours ago.
“This is all. There´s not much left… I´ve nothing to bring, Kristoff… Nothing to offer that makes me a great catch to be taken home with. Will you still have me?” She had said. If only she would understand how happy he was having her.
He thought of the little gift box that was stored in his living room desk by now. He had carried it around so many times already. If only he could manage to find the right moment to ask her… But then, she surely needed to settle, to get acquainted with her life, that had just turned upside down within a few hours. How could he come her way now and ask her to join his world without her having figured out her own in the first place…
Kristoff had not heard Anna´s approaching and was occupied with the food on the stove, when two slender arms reached around his waist and a small body leaned in against his back. He smiled at this tender touch and patted Anna´s hands on his chest. It felt good, so good, to have her here.
“Have I thanked you already for taking me in?” She nuzzled into his shoulder blades.
Kristoff turned his head sideways and cooed to her, “have I told you how happy I am of having you here?” He shifted slightly to turn down the gas, shoved the pans to the side and turned within her embrace just to pull her close and burry his lips in her hair.
Gosh, I love you! I want to marry you, make you happy, start a family of our own… laugh with you, cry with you, grow old together, keep each other warm during cold nights…
If only he knew the right moment to ask her…
“Are you hungry? Dinner´s ready.”
“Please, Anna, you don´t need to prove anything to me. Why don´t you just concentrate on your final exams for the upcoming weeks and be my guest for the meanwhile?”
“But I don´t want to be some sort of house sitter.” Anna gnawed on her lips, while turning her napkin in her hands. “You are so generous to me; I mean you shifted your things to leave some space to my stuff and on top of all you serve me the best food one could possibly get in this town. I want to contribute!”
Kristoff sighed and reached forward to lay his hand on hers.
“I know you do. But honestly Anna, I mean it. Take your time to look around and whenever you find something suitable, we can figure out how to proceed. I love having you here with me. And I will not hesitate to tell you every day if necessary. Besides, I always thought relationship is about being there for each other.”
Anna couldn´t help but smile at Kristoff with sparkling eyes. His words had stirred something within her. What if I could stay here forever? But yes, she needed to proceed for now, and to be hosted by this wonderful man was the greatest gift she was allowed to accept right now.
“Thank you!” She said simply. “I promise to concentrate on those upcoming weeks. But please let me at least share some chores with you. Imagine me proofing to you of being a capable housekeeper?” She giggled and waved off the thought with rolling eyes.
Kristoff grinned and remarked laughing, “go ahead. My home is your castle.”
Anna thought for a moment and tilted her head with a smirk.
“Suggestion for this first night… You know, I´m off the rag again.”
Kristoff sat at the bedside and bent down to kiss his sweetheart awake. Not that easy a task, for Anna was a good sleeper. He didn´t mind. She was here and it was important that she feel safe and home. So, a good night rest would do her any good.
“Hey beautiful, good morning.” He cooed to her ear.
A mumbling something came from underneath a mess of red hair.
“I must head down for work. Breakfast is still on the table. Will you be alright? If you need anything don´t hesitate to come down, will you? Or give me a call. Yes?”
The mass of red hair moved slightly, and some part of a face came to sight, eyes still closed but the lips forming a “goo-mon… iwill… thx…”
A good hour later, after a shower and some crunchy oatmeal for the start, Anna sat over her books again. There was not lecture in today, so she could make herself a good home study day, which – at the end – turned out to be not very efficient. While she could hear the sawing machine and hammering and screwing activities from downstairs, Anna cherished the realisation of being where she was.
Though, her thoughts would wander off to here and there. Rewinding memory of the encounter with her grandfather popped into her mind. Then, she mused over how and what Elsa might be up to by now. Anna grabbed her mobile and checked her messages. There was nothing from her sister. She hesitated first, but then she sent off a quick note to Elsa, just saying that she was fine and sitting over her books (after all and at least, her study library was spread out before her, so it was no lie).
But most of all Anna could not help remembering Kristoff surprising her with that unforgettable trip to Disneyland. The memory of their partaking in those two parades made her dream off all along. It had been miraculous. It was just then, that she remembered her idea of the photo that must hang out as their reminder. Anna connected her mobile with Kristoff´s printer and looked through the drawers for suitable print paper. Ah, there it was. She reached for the pile of postcard sized photopaper, just to spot a little purple giftbox with a tiny fake sunflower on top, that lay neatly stored right behind the paper pile.
She was always told not to be nosy. Of course, she would not rummage within Kristoff´s belongings. She hastily pushed the drawer close and sat straight to commit herself on printing her pictures. The printer rattled and the photos ended up in the tray. No, she would not peep… But then, she had to put back the left-over photo papers. Okay, close your eyes, pull open the drawer and put back the pile. No. The pile must lay just the way you´ve found it. So then, pull open the drawer, concentrate on the paper pile in the front and then quickly shut that dam drawer!
The rest of the morning, Anna spent crafting a neat little frame for the special picture. She had pulled out a sheet of paper from her study paper and kept crafting and colouring little paper flowers and hearts along the hemline. Then, she glued the photo in the middle, and it was perfect. Around lunchtime she was done, and the lovely memory stuck to the refrigerator (Mickey and Minnie Mouse with Kristoff in the middle).
All the while she had been busy and distracted, concentrating dreamingly on her first contribution to add a little something to her new home. But now? She should go back over her books… What was in that little box?!
It was time for lunch and Kristoff and Sven were waiting. She´d better leave… That box…
“Look, what we´ve got!” Kristoff beckoned Anna closer, when she had come down the stairs. She stepped closer to notice him looking at some piece of paper in his hand, shaking his head smiling. He showed her the content of the received post.
Anna gasped loudly and put a hand to her chest. “Oh my gosh, that´s so neat!” She grabbed at the photograph, that showed them both in costume. They were sitting on the sled and Kristoff had placed his arm around her shoulder, while Anna had put a hand on his knee. They were smiling at each other. It was a zoomed in pic and it was so loveable. A wonderful addition to the Mouse-family!
“Matthias has sent a little note with the picture,” Kristoff continued, “if we were ever looking for a job at Disneyland, we should just give him a call.” He laughed and placed a hand at her shoulder blades.
Anna withdraw her eyes from the wonderful picture and beamed up at him, chirping “good to know! If nothing works, I´d give it a try. Would be lovely to see Honeymaren again, anyway.”
Don´t look to much in his eyes, you will ask… Don´t ask what´s in that box…. Don´t!!!!
Luckily, Sven came in to give her a gentle hug and then they headed for a quick lunch break at the coffee shop around the corner.
Anna was determined to go over her lecture prep for the next day. She must concentrate and focus on her duty… If only she wasn´t so nosy… What if she just peeped a tiny little bit? No! She wouldn´t! For some reason, the little gift was in there. What if it was simply an empty box, waiting for a content? No. She wouldn´t peep… If it was meant to be for her in the first place… The surprise would be worth it! If…
It was her second night in her new home and Anna felt content all over. She was about to get ready for bed and finished her evening routine in the bathroom. While brushing her teeth, she thought of the early evening. Kristoff had smiled at her craft work at the refrigerator and mentioned with a grin that her proof of good housekeeping was paying off already. He had earned himself a good playful punch to his upper arm for that. He hadn´t asked where she had got the photo paper from. Maybe he had been too tired from his work to think of the drawer. A thought hit her mind and she nearly dropped the toothbrush. What if he wouldn´t remember the giftbox? What if he had stored it in there ages ago and had forgotten about it? Okay, stop that brooding! And most of all – don´t say anything about it! You´re not nosy! Best you go to sleep right away!
When Anna came into the bedroom, Kristoff sat on the bed, looking at his mobile. He wore his boxer shorts as always and nothing else. He looked so dam good. Anna couldn´t go to sleep right away like that…
“Sven has texted just before,” Kristoff remarked glancing at her, “he invited us over to his place for tomorrow evening. His sister is coming and would love to see us again.”
“Ah, Susan, yes, that be lovely.” Anna exclaimed and shifted herself closer to Kristoff.
He put his mobile on the bedside table and offered her an embrace, which she eagerly responded by snuggling herself even closer.
“Are you alright so far?” Kristoff asked, while running a hand through her hair, and placing his lips to her forehead.
“Thank you yes. I think I will be fine with the final lectures coming up. I´m so glad to be here. It´s like a lucky twist of things, that I can learn without pressure and know I´m appreciated for who I am and not for what I achieve.”
Kristoff sighed and increased his embrace to confirm his appreciation. “I´m glad you´re comfy here. And I hope you can let go of what has been implicated on you. Maybe time will help. Hey, your family loves you, I´m sure. They just can´t get beyond their boundaries. That´s sad enough.”
Anna smiled into his chest and pressed a kiss to this broad ripcage. “Yes, thank you, I know. I have texted Elsa today that I´m fine and she´d replied I should contact her when I feel like it. I guess I will call her soon. After all, she always cared in her way.”
But for now, Anna didn´t feel like any more talking. There was another urge within her to show her affection and appreciation of the man that had been so loving to her all this time and who would sweep her off her feet in his ways! No matter, what was in that box…
So, she continued her tender work, shifting to straddle his lap, kissing his chest and neck all the while. By now Kristoff had placed his hands on her hips and was fiddling to pull up her nightshirt. Anna moved her hips and then freed herself completely from the gown.
They would run tender hands along their bodies, Anna lowered herself to press her lips to his. She circled her hips on his lap, favouring his hardness increasingly pushing up against her sensitive skin. Her hard nipples touched his chest and the soft groan from his throat sent an electrifying shiver down her abdomen. Kristoff embraced his girlfriend gently but firm and turned them both over to the side. Anna helped to pull off his pants and welcomed him eagerly and ready to unite.
And when they loved each other tenderly with Kristoff whispering “I love you” in her ear, Anna felt herself at home just so much more.
Note: This fic is still dedicated to @justfrozenthings; sometimes we´re meant to concentrate on things... but for some reason we get distracted… Wait, where´s my mind gone…? 😊 And, what´s in that giftbox...🤪 => The next (and probably last) chapter should solve the unnerving curiousness 🤗
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Lu Vresha Eend Howyethnsch
[Excerpt] Long after the lives of the lovers had past, the kingdom fell to ruin, stuck by a great disaster out of anyone's control. Another kingdom would rise, and fall, in its place, just as others had in the past. It would face problems like its predecessors once did, and would be given hope by the few glorious souls that rallied the masses and dared to fight for their values. Yes, the kingdom they fought for would fall too. Yes their hardship would essentially equate to nothing in the ultimate infinity of the universe. But, in their short existences, they tried and did their best to make a difference in their time. They made a difference to those around them. They made a difference in the course of history They made a difference in each other’s lives. And in their end, they had love. What other end could be more joyous than to die in love?
[Ana and Jack rejoin Overwatch. Jack finds himself becoming closer and closer to Reinhardt, who had been pining for years.]
AO3 Link
Long ago, there existed a kingdom in a forest. It was breathing the breaths of life in it's newfound status and growth. It was prosperous, stable. At some point in its history, it began a cruel conquest, fueled by the memories of it's suffering from a recent war. It feared that suffering, and sought to ensure that it would never suffer again.
Reinhard stood at the resting place of his master. He remembers his sacrifice. An honorable death. A death that perhaps could have been avoided if he wasn't so cocky and such a honor hungry glutton. That bit of guilt always resided in him. This is part of the reason he fulfilled his master's last duty. It was the least he could do.
It is bittersweet, but his master's unfortunate death allowed him to become a better person. It was this passed down, sacred duty given to him from his felled master that led to him experiencing and learning so much. It allowed him to meet many great people who he would never forget. It was for the gift of those memories that he would always honor his duty and answer the call. He would keep the memory of his master alive. He would not let it be forgotten.
The scans were completed a while ago, so all that was left to do was pay his respects. He left the medallion entrusted to him all those years ago on the armrest. A piece of those memories for his old friend to hold onto, memories that perhaps could have been his.
Long ago, there existed a forest kingdom. It was ruled by a king favored by many. He brought forth a new era. He was spurred by the memories of old stories he heard in his youth, among them, stories of a grand and prosperous kingdom. He desired to bring those stories to life as much as he could, and he did.
Jack stared at the photo, an old thing that managed to withstand the passage of time and preserve distant memories. So many memories, all filled with so many emotions, many of them never to be felt again, forever just a memory. Yet, it was the memories incited by that photo that spurned him in a seemingly distant past. Even in the present, they still provoked him to fight on.
Ana understood this well, perhaps even more so. Her husband, her daughter, available to her only in memories. Yet, they compelled her to continue the fight more than anything. She never needed to ask why he stared at it in silence for so long, caressing the worn edges. She knew that despite wanting more, they were still content enough with their current lives. He had kept tabs on Vincent, and learned that moved on, and was living a good happy life. She had kept tabs on Fareeha and Sam, and saw that they had come to do just fine.
All was well in the end. The ghosts who were kept alive by memories were accepting of their afterlife in the physical realm. That was, until their shared ghost had come back to life to haunt them. A recall was issued for Overwatch, and suddenly, there was an opportunity to face the present and future, to no longer be bound by the past. At least, that’s how Ana saw it. She wanted to see her daughter, even if she was doing what she had never hoped the girl would do. But, what child always listens to their parents?
She expressed her desire to Jack, just to learn that the stubborn fool desired differently. She honestly expected as much. Their time as ghosts were over. The Shrike and Soldier: 76 had to cease their existence, even if just for a moment, so that Ana Amari and Jack Morrison could face the present: the reality where their dreams were long gone, replaced by the truth, cold and hard it may be at first. Cold and hard it may even always be, but it is the truth.
She decided that she would leave, with or without him. She wanted to face reality so that she could have a decent future, what would remain of it, at least. She wasn’t getting any younger, and she knew it. Still, she tried to convince him one last time. She was his friend, and only wanted the best for him, be it a whack to the back of his head, or a hug.
“Overwatch was our home, Jack. It still is. It is our family. Are you really going to abandon it now that you have this second chance?” she questioned.
“You know as well as I do it was a lot more than just that.” he replied. There was Blackwatch, for starters. And Overwatch was an international organization with the power to help and hinder many, for better or worse. Eventually, it toppled under the weight it carried. When it fell, it was evident it was something the world no longer needed. Talon and its adversaries had bested the organization as well, proving to Jack that it could not be dealt with in the light. Yet…
“Even so, we have a chance to live, to help others learn from the mistakes we made. Will you even abandon that duty just so you can mope all day and beat someone up now and then? The dead can only affect the living so much, Jack. There will come a day when you will truly die. Will you be content to die as someone forgotten, content to die a miserable, delusional old man? You know when I’ll be leaving. You’re welcome to stay here as long as you like, and know that you’ll be missed, again.”
With that, she left him to think. He had been alone for so long, it hardly seemed to matter anymore. But, she had a point. Was he really alright with dying alone. In the crisis, he had his fellow soldiers to live and die with. He was fortunate enough to be among the survivors. In Overwatch, he did not enter the battlefield much anymore. It was indeed lonely at the top, being pulled away from his friends, family, and love. For what? He wasn’t sure anymore. Even so, he was never truly alone. Gabe and Ana were still with him, more often for work related reasons than not, but still. Vincent, the understanding man he was, still loved him despite how often he was away. Jack loved him too, still did, in a way different than before, but it was love all the same.
He considered that she was perhaps right, calling him miserable and delusional. His time as a ghost among mortals was miserable. Even as Strike Commander, working seemingly endless hours, he was able to find moments of repose. A calm night with Vincent, a huge dinner with Ana and Gabe and their families, a simple thank-you letter handed to him from a promising trainee. There was none of that as a ghost.
He missed that, more than he wanted to admit. Did he really think this was how he wanted to live? Even if he wouldn't have any of that if he returned to the living, there were other things life had to offer. He feared he could lose even that too. But, he had to try, didn’t he?  That was what he had always done. There was no reason to stop now, especially not in the name of fear. What kind of soldier would he be otherwise? A dead one, that’s what.
The kingdom went across the lands, conquering and destroying any who opposed it. Soon, their conquest had ended. They gained a vast amount of land, inhabited by an array of peoples. These people were now people of the kingdom, and the people of the kingdom did not suffer. The people of the forest forgot this.
Reinhardt and Brigitte were the first, aside from Lena, to respond to the call. After their short flight, they were at their new base, the base of the new Overwatch. Reinhardt had been there at Gibraltar before, though not often. He remembered it as mostly uneventful, but great for his tan. There, he and Brigitte met up with Winston and Lena. By all definitions, this was the gorilla’s home, and a second home to Lena. It was great to see some familiar faces. Being the only ones to have currently “officially” rejoined Overwatch, Winston and Lena were excited to give them a tour of the new base of operations. It was a work in progress, one knight and his squire would be happy to help complete.
That night, over dinner, they discussed who they thought would answer the call and show up. Winston noted that Angela and Genji were likely candidates, and Mei was en route after a trek through the Antarctic and traveling across the world. They also imagined Torbjorn would be joining, and Ana’s daughter if she caught wind of the revival. Aside from them, it was anyone’s bet as to who would answer the call. It may not be a lot of people, but it was a start, and that was all they would need. Their first mission was already set for a few months time, leaving plenty of time for people to answer, and to work on the base.
Torbjorn was the next to arrive, to the great joy of Brig and Rein. His engineering expertise was invaluable. After that, came Mei. Only Torbjorn and Winston knew her beforehand. Tracer, Brig, and Rein had found her very agreeable, very clearly a wonderful woman who would fit right in. She became incorporated into their friend group in no time. After her, to everyone’s surprise, was Echo, renowned creation of Mina Liao and overall a great companion.
Before they knew it, their first mission came and went, a stunning success. It was no surprise that Fareeha showed up at their doorstep soon after. Rein remembered her very well. She was an adorable little one who loved heroism, and grew into a fine,strong woman. He would play with her with Mcree every now and then.
While he was glad she was among them, fulfilling her lifelong dream, he could not help but feel that he was a bit alone. Among brilliant minds and an advanced AI, he stood out. Fareeha was similar to him, just a simple soldier, but much younger than him, so not as relatable. He was very close to Torbjorn and Brig as well, but he still could not help but feel that something was missing. He realized what it was when Torbjorn had bought it up one night, when it was just them sharing a few drinks. Or rather, Torb had directly said what it was.
Ana, Gabriel, Jack. Things were just not the same without them. Even as things got rough towards the end, they were still family. As Torb had put it, they were as core to Overwatch as “a nano-thermal heat sink was to a intra-dynamic processor module.” Reinhardt could only assume the man was correct. His knowledge of technology and such was minimal, just enough to keep up his armor and hammer by himself. Even then, he trusted Brig to take care of it better than himself. He was just a soldier after all. A Crusader, yes, but a simple soldier all the same. He was only taught what was necessary for battle, same as his long dead companions.
Yet, they still stood out among even the best. Rein supposed he was much the same though. By all means, he was an accomplished man. He could have retired and lived the rest of his life as a distinguished soldier during the Omnic Crisis and honorably discharged member of Overwatch. No. He decided to continue fighting on, to eventually die a warrior’s death, as Balderich had, as Jack, Ana, and Gabriel had. He imagined they would have done the same, except for maybe Ana. In all fairness, she did not have super soldier juice in her, and had a family. Rein certainly wouldn't have blamed her.
That night, as he lay in his bed, he remembered back to the days and nights they all shared together. The revelry of a victory, the woe of loss, the small moments that are difficult to remember, but the feelings they contain never forgotten. Eventually, his mind wandered to the first time he met them, there in Gibraltar.
It was a great honor to be working with them to aid in the creation of a better world for all. They all responded accordingly, in their own way of course. It was when Jack greeted him did Reinhardt swear he fell in love. He did not realize it at first, but he would realize it soon enough. He knew it was a bad idea to fall for your superior, but he did nonetheless. There was something about his smile and the way he spoke.
Hearing that the man had a boyfriend both gave him hope, and crushed him a little. On one hand, he wouldn't be pining after a straight guy, on the other, Jack was taken. Rein might wield a smashing hammer, but he was no homewrecker. Over the years, he would only fall for the Strike Commander more and more.
Yet, for all his bravery, he never told another soul. It is the simple things that time takes away: small yet warm memories, the first time he ever kissed another some time while a soldier, the voice of a friend from his youth. However, his love for Jack was not simple. Thus, it persisted.
The king, fueled by the memories of stories, forgot he resided in the present, in reality. His enemies knew where they resided. By the time he realized he could not attain the greatness he desired, he was fine. He had learned how to deal with reality, and did his best to bring what he could of those stories into reality. It was not easy, but with the memories of his people, he did what he could, and created new memories in the process.
When Jack and Ana had arrived at the Watchpoint, it was well on its way to sliding into the ocean. Smoke bellowed in places as agents, many of them familiar faces, fought off what were obviously Talon forces. Ana rolled her eye, always sure the organization would have collapsed without her. It did fall after she was “killed,” so she might have been onto something.
Without hesitation, they joined the fray as unknown, masked combatants, proving who they sided with very quickly. They eventually found themselves split from each other, nothing concerning in the slightest. Ana found herself working alongside her daughter, the memorable cowboy, and an omnic she recognized as reminiscent of an OR-15 model. She made sure to keep her children healthy in between getting acquainted with the omnic and sleeping any fools who dared get close.
Meanwhile, Jack found himself fighting alongside the Crusader, an ancient bastion unit, and  one very talented, very short, engineer. The giant crusader tried to make small talk with him, but Jack repeatedly responded with a noncommittal grunt or with something basic and unrevealing. Despite this, the German remained as friendly as ever, just as Jack had remembered. He had found the man to be loud, but never really minded so long as he wasn’t having a bad day. If it was one of those days, which were frequent towards the end, he would kindly lower his voice, which honestly wasn’t particularly quiet. Regardless, it was a greatly appreciated gesture when he felt so underappreciated himself.
Eventually, the battle reached its conclusion. Talon robots lay defeated, their remains would later reveal useful information. A few enemy ships were making their escape, Tracer chasing after them in hopes of being able to land a tracker on at least one of them. And to top it all off, Widowmaker had been captured. However, the one known as the Reaper had escaped, as they would learn in a hastily thrown together meeting with some refreshments. It was then that The Shrike and Soldier: 76 spoke up.
“The Reaper is a strong foe, though a dumb one.” the Shrike spoke. “Dumb fool…”
“We also know him as Gabriel Reyes, former head of Blackwatch.” 76 revealed. He was immediately bombarded with questions of how he could say such a thing without any evidence. Not only that, Gabriel had been long dead after all.
“You’d be surprised at how hard it is to kill an old soldier.” she responded, taking off her mask to reveal her face. Of course, her daughter was the first to recognize her.
“… Mom?” Fareeha asked. “You’re… alive.” Her mother nodded her head. A wide variety of emotions covered Fareeha’s face as she stormed out the room. Ana sighed.
“Well, if you’ll excuse me, I have to deal with this. I’m sure you all understand.” she said with the nonchalant wave of a hand as she went after her daughter. A moment of silence followed, all eyes eventually shifting to the masked man who arrived with her.
“You… I know who you are then! You’re Jack!” Reinhardt shouted, pointing a large finger at the man.
“Ahh! Your silence isn’t hiding anything old friend!” he bellowed, moving a few steps to give him a heavy pat on the back, making the smaller man slightly off balanced for a moment. “It is great to have you back.” he said more softly with a warm smile. Somehow, it made Jack soften up a little.
“It…” he began, taking off his mask before continuing. “It’s nice to see you too Reinhardt.”
It was not until they saw their memories played out by the people they conquered, who were now people of the kingdom, that they remembered this. The conquered lands were given an option, they could receive reparations and sever their ties to the kingdom, or receive one half of the reparations and join the forest kingdom in a coalition. They would form a single kingdom, each land in the kingdom equal in power. Many refused. They survived just fine. Those that joined experienced the mixing and melding of their memories that, as a result, birthed new memories reminiscent of their old ones
In the following months, things began to return to normal. The base was quickly rebuilt thanks to the help of friends around the world. More recruits, of faces old and new, had joined as well. Sojourn, Genji and the cyborg's brother were now a part of Overwatch. Other new faces included a friend of Winston’s from the moon, a freedom fighter who utilized the power of music and sonic technology, and a combat medic who was once a part of Talon. Meanwhile, Angela was making progress towards reverse engineering the brainwashing process so she could help Amile.
Ana had slowly been warming up to Fareeha, who was rightfully angry at her mother for deciding to leave. It saddened Ana, but was sure things would be alright in time. In the meantime, Overwatch provided her with a decent amount of work, be it missions, training, or catching up. It was decidedly better than being a ghost, but Hawai'i seemed much more tempting at times. However, she did find much joy in sharing what she had learned over the years to the younger ones, and had definitely missed gossiping at a base over tea. Vishkar representative Satya and former yakuza prince Hanzo proved to be good company in such a pastime.
Jack, on the other hand, was well in his element. He was no longer the Strike Commander, back to being a regular old soldier. Though, his insight from his past experience proved valuable of course. He soon found himself being happier with a smile on his face more often than not. He had Reinhardt to frequently thank for that. They seemed to bond over being two stubborn old soldiers. It was something Jack wished he had the time for back then, but, he had the present to do that now.
Rein was funnier than he remembered. There was also something about him that made Jack want to spend more time with the Crusader. Perhaps it was his hearty laughs that captured the attention of all, or the frequent nights they would spend together sharing a friendly drink, talking about the good and bad of their pasts, ultimately finding comfort in each other through the virtue that they weren’t so alone anymore. Perhaps it was because the man was an inspiration, a glorious sight to those who wished for hope. Jack had been one such person for a long time.
It was during these times did the great king reign. During all this, he was aided by many people who cared for him dearly. His mission of dreams and reality left little room for love in his life, even refusing beneficial marriages as he did not want to be an absent husband. Yet, after many years, he came to realize that there was in fact someone he loved: a knight of great renown who hailed from a conquered kingdom that joined the coalition. However, the king did not confess his love. It was only when the knight lay near death did he reveal his feelings. Perhaps it was that admission that spurned the knight to fight off death. Perhaps he would have lived regardless. What is known is that they kept their taboo love a secret.
This mission was supposed to be an easy one. Both soldiers should have known better than to expect things to be easy, but they were so confident in their teammates, and each other. They had been separated from the group, fighting their way to the drop point to escape. Comms went down after the order was issued to retreat and the coordinates were given. Hacked. Hopefully, the ship they were using to escape wouldn't be hacked.
The Talon machines were typically weak things, but plentiful. The sheer volume of them was what made things difficult. Jack could shoot all day, Reinhardt would hold his shield for as long as it could, and turn machines to scrap when it came to it. It was when his shield was down did his friend get hurt. A bullet to the chest, another to the leg with lots of blood flowing from it. He immediately rushed to the man, scooping him up, holding him close as he ignored the enemies and charged for the escape point. Rein didn’t know if he himself would make it.
“You know… you’re a good man, Rein.”
“Save your breath. I’ll get you to the doctors soon.” he assured.
“Heh. I think… this is fate. A warrior’s death… Honorable, and all that.”
Reinhardt remained silent. A warrior’s death was indeed honorable, but also sad, so very sad. But, at least Jack’s would not be lonely. No. There was no room for such thoughts. He steeled his resolve.
“No. You won’t be dying today! I love you too much to let you die like this!” he announced. I don’t want to lose you!
Just then, the machines froze, as if by command, their glows shifting from red to purple. Rein did not care why. If they were down, they were down. That’s all that mattered. He eventually arrived at the ship, Baptiste and Angela already there. Quickly, they shifted their attention to Jack. Fareeha was already patched up, leaving her to check Rein for any major wounds, thankfully none. His armor had served its purpose. Winston had suffered only minor injuries, and could patch himself up.
Rein could only pray and watch as the two doctors worked their gruesome yet incredible magic. Hearing that he would need a blood transfusion was concerning, but he had faith in the doctors, and hope. He could not bear the alternatives. He did not want to have to actually bury his friend again so soon like this.
It was fortunate that he and Jack shared the same blood type. He did not hesitate to offer his blood. He would never hesitate to sacrifice his blood for those he loved and wished to protect. All he could do was somberly wait, his eyes fixated on the man pale as a ghost.
They arrived back at the base where he was given more thorough treatment. Rein hated that he had to be pulled away from his fellow soldier, but he needed to be examined too, and they couldn’t risk his blood levels getting too low. They had all they needed at the base. All he could do was wait once more.
When he returned to Jack, he was still asleep on the bed in the medical ward. That night, he stood by Jack’s side, falling asleep in a chair was just barely a bit too small. He had the oddest dream that night, one of an ancient king and his lover, a knight.
When he awoke, Jack was still asleep, machines methodically beeping and droning quietly. But, Jack was still alive, and some color had returned to his face. Throughout the day, many came to visit, Brigitte and Torbjorn bringing breakfast, Ana, Winston and Lena drinking lunch, and Fareeha and Mcree bringing dinner. They all recalled old memories and stories, wishing for the best when they left.
It was a few hours after Fareeha and Mcree had left when Rein noticed that he began to stir. He shouted for one of the medics as he quickly returned to focus on Jack. Baptiste was the one to show up.
“What…”, Jack groaned, “Where... am I?”
“Safe and sound, that’s where. You took some pretty nasty hits back there. Let’s see…” the combat medic said as he pulled up the patient notes. “Major blood loss, damage to a major artery, punctured lung. Yup. Pretty nasty. Thanks to our friend here, you’ll live. Hmm, and thanks to some super soldier serum, apparently.” he noted. “Well, you should be good as new by the morning. Rest until then, and take it easy after. We’ll go over it tomorrow.”
“Right. Thanks doc.” he said as Bap began to walk away.
“Finally!” he gasped. “Someone thanked me! You’re welcome. Oh, and maybe get some actual food in you. Holler if you need anything, One of us will answer.” he finished with a wave goodbye.
Once the doctor left the vicinity, Rein practically jumped to pull Jack into a killer hug.
“Ah, thank goodness you will be well!” he rejoiced.
“Ack! They just fixed me!” he shouted.
“Right, sorry.” he sheepishly apologized. Jack let out a light huff.
“It’s alright. It’s nice to see you though.” he said with a friendly slap to the tank’s back. “So, uh, thanks. For helping me out back there.”
“Bah. Think nothing of it. It is what comrades do for one another. But, you are welcome.”
When he left Jack to get him some food, which ended up being warmed up leftover burgers and fries from the night before, Rein got to thinking. He wondered how much Jack remembered. Did he remember getting wounded? The declarations of love? The robots being hacked? How he held him tightly in his arms? Or even what happened in the ship? Rein hoped that he at least remembered the declaration of love. He didn’t think he'd ever get the courage to do it again, even after knowing Jack had moved on from Vincent.
When he came back, he noticed that Jack seemed lost in thought. But, he seemed to snap out of it once he noticed Reinhardt, thanking him for the food.
“It seemed as if there was something on your mind.” he said.
“Yeah… I need your opinion on something.” Jack requested. Rein was eager to give it. “I’ve been thinking, maybe I am getting a bit too old for this.”
“You know, I had been thinking of retirement as well.”
“You have?” Jack asked, shocked. Rein gave a lighthearted laugh.
“Yes, I have. A warrior’s death is honorable, but it would be missing something I want.” he replied.
“It’s love, isn’t it?” Jack questioned. So he did remember. Rein sheepishly turned away.
“Yes. It is love.”
“I think… I love you too, Reinhardt. Sorry, if I read things wrong, I─”
“No! You didn’t!” Rein quickly responded. Jack laughed, his bright smile the apple of Reinhardt’s eye.
“I’m glad then. I’d be honored to spend the rest of my life with you, if… that’s alright with you.”
“There would be no greater honor, than to spend the rest of my life with the man I love.” he said, placing his hand gently on top of Jack’s. They softly smiled at each other, gazing warmly at the man they loved.
Long after the lives of the lovers had passed, the kingdom fell to ruin, stuck by a great disaster out of anyone's control. Another kingdom would rise, and fall, in its place, just as others had in the past. It would face problems like its predecessors once did, and would be given hope by the few glorious souls that rallied the masses and dared to fight for their values. Yes, the kingdom they fought for would fall too. Yes their hardship would essentially equate to nothing in the ultimate infinity of the universe. But, in their short existences, they tried and did their best to make a difference in their time. They made a difference to those around them. They made a difference in the course of history. They made a difference in each other’s lives. And in their end, they had love. What other end could be more joyous than to die in love?
The honorable beings, who time and time again would arise to help their world, were fueled by the memories of others. And in turn, they fueled the memories of others as well. In a never ending cycle of despair. But, this is where hope and love are reborn, time, and time, again.
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buckysrighthanddoll · 5 years
Look In My Eyes
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader
Warnings: slight angst, mentions of PTSD, PTSD episode, a shit ton of fluff :)
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The first time he saw her, his mind went silent. The ever-calculating, always strategizing, overly cautious Bucky Barnes experienced mental silence for the first time since he was a young boy. It was like she had a magical remote control and had hit the mute button, and all he could even think about was how gorgeous she was. And even then, he couldn’t actually comprehend how the universe had put someone as stunning as her in his line of sight.
And, later that night, when Steve had introduced her to him, Bucky had actually been as suave and charming as he was back in the 40s. He said all the right things, made her smile so much that her cheeks hurt, and fell in love with the laugh that resembled one of those cartoon-like magic wand sounds. Or maybe windchimes. He didn’t know. It was all so gentle yet bright and happy. He could listen to it all day.
The second time he saw her, he was dumbfounded. It was three in the morning, and there she was, in the kitchen of the compound, a cup of tea in hand as she listened to calming music. Her hair was messy, she had on no makeup, she was in a hoodie and sleeping shorts, but she was still the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen.
Bucky didn’t even know that she was a part of the team, and that’s because she was just recruited officially. Tony had Steve train her for the past year while she worked hard to contain her powers. He asked her what she was doing up, she said that she couldn’t sleep, and they talked until they both tired out and went to bed. He had a newfound respect for his teammate; she had PTSD and experienced insomnia and nightmares due to it, and Bucky related a little too hard. He didn’t know what this new feeling was inside of his chest--it was a fluttering, a burning, and a chill all at once.
Sam told him it was his cold, icy heart feeling love for once.
The third time he saw her, they were training together. Steve mandated a team session, and she stood shyly around the mat, next to Steve. Her eyes were trained on Sam and Natasha, who were going at it at the moment. And when Steve called her to the mat to fight Wanda (no powers allowed, girls), (Y/N) looked up at Bucky with a small smirk. She took Wanda down quickly. (Y/N) used what Bucky would consider a signature Natasha move, throwing herself onto Wanda’s shoulders and using that momentum to flip Wanda onto her back and pretending to snap her neck. Wanda smiled up at (Y/N), and (Y/N) smiled down at Wanda before helping her up.
Bucky was ridiculously attracted to her already, but that just made him even more attracted.
“(Y/N)--” Steve started, and then he looked to his best friend with a prideful smirk. “--and Bucky.” Heat rose to the man’s face as he stepped onto the mat next to this beautiful woman. She looked nervous, his experience of people-reading told him that much. Her body stance exuded confidence, but he knew that she was faking it. “And, (Y/N), powers are allowed,” Steve added. (Y/N)’s demeanor changed entirely. Where she was once faking confidence, she now showed anxiety and nerves.
“Steve, I don’t think--”
“It’s okay,” Bucky said. He didn’t know why she didn’t want to use her telekinesis or electric powers, but he knew that the last thing she would do is hurt him.
She steps off of the mat and speaks to Steve in a hushed whisper, and then he excuses her to leave the session. Bucky looks at his friend with confusion before assigning someone else to spar with him.
After Steve says that they’re done for the day, Bucky seeks her out. It took all of five minutes to find her in her room, door locked and silence on the other side. He gives three quick raps on the metal, but no answer ensued. He enters her code and opens the door slowly, not expecting the sight in front of him.
Numerous small objects floated in the room, some sparks surrounding various ones. (Y/N) laid on her back in the middle of her bed, her arms stretched out to the sides with her palms face-up. Her eyes were closed, but not peacefully. They were squeezed shut, and labored breaths passed--in through the nose, out through the mouth.
Bucky takes one step, and her eyes snap open. The objects clatter to the floor, no longer suspended by her. Eyes are wide, and tears are threatening to spill. “Please, no. I-I didn’t know that they were--please, no, no,” She pleaded, fear laced through each and every word. He realizes the look on her face, and he can tell that wherever she is, it isn’t here.
“Sweetheart, where are you?” He asks.
“Red--re--” The words can’t seem to pass her lips, so she panics more when Bucky takes another step toward the bed. “No! Please, no.”
He suspected that she was a part of the Red Room. That she had been tortured endlessly and that she was terrified that Bucky was going to hurt her. His heart broke for her.
“I’m not going to hurt you, sweetheart,” Bucky cooed, sitting on the bed. “Look at me, doll.”
Her eyes shut and she turned her face away, a hot tear falling. He gently places a hand on her knee, making her jerk at first, but she allows the contact. “I don’t want to go, please don’t make me go,” She begs. Her voice is just barely above a whisper. Her eyes open and look up to him, and Bucky feels his heart drop into his stomach.
“(Y/N), look in my eyes,” Bucky says, matching his tone to hers. He moves one hand up to cup her face, and although she remains rigid, she doesn’t flinch, and he supposes that’s a start. “You aren’t there anymore, sweetheart. You’re in New York with me. You’re safe. You’re having an episode, babygirl, that’s all it is.” The words at least make a dent, but they don’t fully register. “Breath with me, okay?” Bucky asks. She nods and together they breathe slowly, grounding her back, back to reality, back to now, back to here, back to him.
Her hand slowly reaches up to grasp his own, and she presses it closer to her cheek. It’s slightly damp and it feels like she’s on fire, but she’s coming back.
(Y/N) looks into his eyes, and she comes back from the Red Room, and she gets utterly lost in his pools of blue. She swallows hard and then nods to tell Bucky that she’s okay, that she knows she’s safe.
“Thank you,” She mutters. He gives a sad half-smile and brings her into him, soothing her anxious mind. “It was the Red Room.”
She shakes her head and sighs. “I was the torturer.” This takes Bucky aback slightly, but he doesn’t let her feel it. “They forced me to do it. I have these abilities and I hate them so much because all they have ever brought is pain. Buck, I don’t want to hurt anybody who doesn’t deserve it.”
“I understand, (Y/N),” He tells her. And he really does. He was the Asset, once upon a time, and he still hasn’t healed. “You’re not that person, doll. You are who you choose to be, and that is a strong, beautiful, pure woman who can do anything she sets her mind to.”
“Anything?” She asks, slight confidence to her voice. He nods her head and notices how she leans in closer to him, slowly, slowly, slowly. He looks at her lips, slightly red from her biting on them, so perfect, so inviting. She presses her lips to his gently, making sure that he could back out at any moment. He doesn’t. In fact, he presses just a little harder, moving his lips in sync with hers, sweet like strawberries, soft like silk, pure, innocent, but passionate all at once. His senses are flooded with her, her, her.
He smiles when she pulls away, pressing her forehead to his. He looks into her eyes, and he is lost, yet he knows exactly where he is.
They look into each other’s eyes many times after. Before they kiss, when he takes her to dinner, the first time they wake up next to each other. It feels fresh every time. It was something new, something different and perfect in so many ways.
Five years later, she turns to face him, so close, yet so far away. The white of her dress makes her skin glow, even more so with the light makeup. Her hair frames her face, the flowers in her hand provided something for her to fidget with. The rows of people stand and take pictures and stare in awe, but neither of them notices. She walks down the aisle, arm looped through Tony’s, one painfully slow step at a time.
Bucky’s hair is shorter now, his face is clean-shaven, and he looks youthful. The spark of love has been there longer than five years, but that smile that he wears now was unlike one that she had ever seen. She and Tony stop right at the altar--well, the garden entrance outside of the compound--and he kisses her forehead before handing her to Bucky.
When it came time for the vows, she nearly cries as Bucky speaks. “I have never believed in fate. Things have never happened for a reason, no God has ever handed me anything--except that time Thor gave me some of his liquor. But, the night I first looked into your eyes, something changed. It might not have been divine intervention, but the universe decided that we should at least meet. And, shit, I’m so glad that it did. (Y/N), you make me feel human. Like I’m exactly where I’m meant to be. And I thank whatever God or Goddess might be listening, because I’m so in love with you, and my only goal in life is to make you feel as happy as you’ve made me.”
She gives her vows (and Bucky actually sheds a tear, off the record) and they are pronounced as husband and wife.
As they share their first dance as a married couple, they look into each other’s eyes. The amount of happiness that each one feels is indescribable and pure and eternal.
The first time he saw her, his mind went silent. The first time she saw him, she heard the voices of angels pushing her to speak to him. It may not have been divine intervention, no, but they were each other’s deity, and that was more than enough.
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inacrowdofchoices · 4 years
a glimpse of relief (The Unexpected Heiress)
pairing: john somerset/MC (Lily Hayes)
word count: 1615
tw:  mention of canon character death, panic attack
also on: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26422654
When John had first given her a tour of the estate, on the evening of her arrival at Windcroft Manor, the room that had stood up to her the most was the library. The gardens, while grand and magical underneath the stars, did not hold the heart the library did. Amelia and her had grown up living out fantasies of incredible and heroic adventures in the midst of Central Park, in the corridors of their mansion; their imaginations fueled by the endless list of books they had shared.
The Windcroft Manor’s library held her strongest connection to her sister, one she refused to let go; this is how Lily found herself curled up on the armchair, a book opened in her lap on one stormy evening. She had forgotten the book hours ago, instead drawn in into her own thoughts. Nothing made sense anymore. A childhood spent acting out fantastical stories with her older sister had not prepared her for the story she walked into, alone, when her boat anchored in England.
Lily did not want her life to turn into a novel. Yet, as the days, weeks, passed by, she walked deeper in what would sound like the premise of a story her sister would have eagerly picked up on one of their trips to the bookstore. Except her sister was gone. Dead. She would no longer be there to catch Lily while climbing up trees, to stop her from falling. The plot was about Lily trying to figure out who had killed the one person she never imagined living without.
She had ran out of tears hours ago, but the weight of everything she had uncovered was weighing on her more than ever. Adding to that having to keep up the pretense of her engagement to Francis, even knowing they were in this together and it was likely as difficult for him as it was for her, the unspeakable feeling she felt whenever she found herself with John no matter the situation and the pressure of the entire Somerset family, she felt like she was drowning.
In an attempt to soften the wave of the panic attack Lily had felt looming over her all day, she closed the book and grabbed the blanket left in the room, most likely by Amelia, to wrap herself in. Mrs Watford would scoff at her for the wrinkles on her evening dress, but in that moment, Lily did not care. Her family was across the ocean, and her sister was no longer there to hold her through the panic as she had done when they were growing up. She felt utterly alone.
She sat through minutes that felt like hours, panic washing over her, trying to steady her breathing through newfound tears. It is when she heard voices in the corridor that she realized she had not completely closed the door to the library: but she did not find it in herself to care if anyone found her like this.
“Effie?” The voice sounded like it was miles away from her, yet closer than ever.
“Yes, Mr John?”
“Do you happen to know where Miss Hayes is? Francis sent me to fetch her before dinner.”
Lies. Francis never had called for her like this, and he never would. If he had wanted to talk to her, he would have found her on his own, especially if it was about their investigation. They did not try to keep up the illusion of their engagement in private like this.
“Oh, I’m sure she is in the library. Is dinner earlier today? I was not aware, I will go get her right now.”
“No need to trouble yourself, I’ll go myself. Francis simply wanted a minute of her time before dinner. Thank you, Effie.”
“Of course, Mr John.”
Steps moved away from her refuge, but others came closer and closer. Lily closed in on herself even further, making her form as small as possible, as if she could disappear from view. On one hand, she was terrified of admitting weakness in the middle of the Somerset estate, where the Dowager Countess could catch her at any moment, but on the other hand, she was simply too tired to care much at all.
The door creaked slightly and more light came flooding into the room.
“Miss Hayes?”
She knew the moment John found her, because his tone went from formal to worried.
In an instant, he was crouched in front of her armchair, hand resting on the armrest, but still careful to give her enough room.
“What’s wrong?”
She wiped at her tears, and tried to steady her breathing enough to speak, in vain. The words would not come out; she had not had to explain her panic attacks to anyone for more than a decade, and in truth, she had not needed to. They were few; and when she found herself feeling this way, Amelia was there to catch her fall.
“It’s okay, take your time. You don't need to talk, just breathe. Do you need anything? Water?”
She nodded.
“Alright, I will be right back.”
And he was back, quicker than she could process he was gone in the first place. He resumed his crouched position, and handed her the glass. She got her hands out of the blanket and took a small sip of water.
“Thank you.” The words came out with difficulty.
He gave her time to find her voice again, and she was grateful. The wave of the panic attack receded, slowly, and she found herself navigating her way back. Long minutes passed by, and he did not leave her side. His presence alone grounded her in a way she would never admit out loud; when her eyes finally found his, her first question was simple.
“How did you know?”
“That you were having a panic attack?” She nodded. “A friend of mine from Francis and I’s childhood had them once in a while. I learned how to help him through them.”
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?” He inquired.
Lily motioned to her general form on the chair and her tearstreaken cheeks. Amelia had told her time and again that she did not need to apologize for feeling, but it was something she could not help.
“Don’t be. You have nothing to be sorry for. They happen, and the last few weeks must not have helped.” John gave her the kindest smile she had ever seen grace his face; not pity, just pure understanding.
“It’s been a … a lot.” She replied.
“I know.”
She felt his hand get closer to hers, and in the silence of the library, she dared take it and intertwined their fingers. Feelings passed between them without the need for words.
“You know you can talk to me. Anytime. I may be Francis’ brother, but I’m here for you too. Anything you need. We’re in this together.”
She quietly nodded. She knew; she just wished she did not feel the way she did in his presence. It complicated everything. They had touched on the subject several times; but it never got easier and the feeling never wavered.
“I guess I was prepared for the pressure of your family, with me taking Amelia’s place. I knew there would be expectations. But with everything else on top of it, learning what … What truly happened to my sister...It got to be too much for a while. I needed to ...”
“Take a breath?”
She nodded.
“I grew up in this family, and I still struggle. You’re not alone Lily. I promise.” His thumb was running circles on her hand, and she felt calmer, one step at a time.
“I’m here for you too, you know.” She said. “Whatever you need. Like you said, we’re in this together.” He acknowledged her statement with a nod. “So, why were you looking for me?” She asked.
“Truthfully?” He asked.
“Of course.”
“I did not see you today, and with everything happening, I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Lily did not ask him if he was worried about her, because she could read the answer in his eyes. With the danger of their investigation, the probability of something happening to her was quite high. Knowing someone cared may not erase the danger, but it made the weight of it slightly lighter.
“Thank you.” She squeezed his hand.
Before she could add anything else, the first bell announcing dinner rang and she almost jumped off the armchair. John was standing and a respectful distance away in a second, hands behind his back.
“I look like a proper mess. I need to brush my hair and splash cold water on my face before I’m more than fashionably late.”
“I’ll keep the wolves at bay for five minutes, you’ll be fine.”
As thanks, she left a quick kiss on his cheek and ran to her room. Effie was there waiting for her.
“Oh Miss Lily, are you quite alright? Did something happen? Mr John was looking for you.”
“It’s all fine Effie. He did find me. I just … I needed a minute to myself.”
“I understand, things cannot be easy. We’ll get you sorted for dinner, and I’m here if you need anything.”
Lily smiled. “I’m truly lucky to have you in my corner, Effie.”
Effie smiled back to her, sat her down, and got to work. Things may not be easy, and they would most likely get even more difficult the further into the investigation they ventured. But in this moment, Lily felt less alone. She would brave each obstacle as they came into view, with the knowledge someone had her back.
Starting with dinner with the Dowager Countess.
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The Veil - Ghost!Xavier x fem!Reader
Description: The attention that Camp Redwood brought to the table in the paranormal field was not unwanted. When a medium informs the group of ghosts of their ability to roam the streets freely between Devil’s night and Halloween, there is only one thing that matters to Xavier : Find the girl he left behind when he died.
Warnings: mentions of death, mentions of smut, people being ghosts. I don’t want to spoil anything...
Word count: 2339
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“Are you aware that you can leave between Devil's night and Halloween?” the voice spoke to the audience of ghosts surrounding her. They all froze at her announcement. “W-What do you mean?” Ray asked, quickly jumping to his feet, a handful of his friends mirroring his gesture.
“Well, on the 30th and 31st of Halloween, the veil between the dead and the living mesh together so closely that the distinction is practically gone. On theses days, you should be free to roam the world as much as you wanted.” the medium, a woman named Cynthia, spoke, seemingly surprised about their lack of knowledge. “What day and year did you say this was again?” Montana wondered, her eyes darting between the woman and the blonde man still sitting on the mattress in the cabin, his eyes prickled with tears.
“Today is October 28th 1988” she tried to smile. Xavier rose from his seat and shook the medium's shoulders, his small tears gathering and the waterlines and threatening to spill. “Are you sure about this?!” his voice broke while she eagerly nodded. “You need to help me find someone! Her name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and she was my girlfriend”.
“Xavier, if she indeed is the same person, seeing you might be a bit of a shock, I think it would be wiser if I came with you”. The taxi stopped in front of an apartment complex Xavier was unfamiliar with. He looked back at the woman seating next to him before quickly exited the cab. She pushed a few bills to the driver before quickly running to him.
The medium's feet walked to the intercom and doubt shook Xavier for a second as he saw the name under the button Cynthia pressed. It was her name for sure but it had been a year and a half. Did she move on? Did she still love him? Did she forgive him for leaving to Redwood besides her protests?
“Hello?” his heart stopped. It really was her. Xavier knew it. “Hi, Ma'am, my apologies, my name is Cynthia and I just require a few minutes of your times”. The silence that ensued nearly pulled the boy's heart out of his chest. “I'm sorry, I'm not inte-”. “It is about Xavier Plympton. I have been told you were his partner before the tragedy?” the medium interrupted. Another pause. Then the loud buzzing of the door unlocked brought a gasp out of his chest.
The woman pulled the door opened, checking the number associated with the name to identify the flat number. They ran up the stairs, the distant sound of a door unlocking brought Xavier out of his silenced trance while Cynthia walked to the entrance.
(Y/N) stood at the door, a hushed conversation occurring between her and another voice Xavier could not identify. When the medium reached the apartment, she gently told the young girl that she might need to sit down. Confusion pulled her brows together before her (Y/E/C) fell into the beautiful blue eyes she has been silently craving for what felt like eternity.
Her expression melted from being puzzled, to a mixture of pain and happiness as she practically launched herself again Xavier, her arms tightly latched against his waist, his closing in against her shoulders. “Is this really you?” she whimpered, her face planted on his chest. “Let's get inside” he responded, his soaked gaze falling onto the open door of her apartment.
Next thing he knew, he was sitting in her couch, Cynthia had explained to her why he was here and she had left them alone and she was pouring him a warm cup of coffee. Xavier was devouring her with his eyes, still damp from his tears. His “girlfriend” had not changed much besides maybe having her hair cut slightly shorter than usual. Her hands looked worked and her body looked different. The blue of his stare wandered against her chest, her hips, her stomach. The more he looked at her, the more in love he found himself.
“You look so beautiful, (Y/N).
- I missed you so much, Xavier. There is someone I need you to meet.”
He gave her a smile, trying to hide the ache in his chest. She had moved one, didn't she? The girl's heart was throbbing in her chest while she lost herself in the cold hues of his eyes. (Y/N) had fell for Xavier long before he did. On the day they went on their first date, she was already head over heels and her feelings only grew stronger during the three years they had been together before the tragedy.
She told him about what he had missed on TV, in music, on the radio until the buzzer of her door surprised her once more. She quickly went to the intercom to open the door to whoever was visiting her.
Her shoulders twisted to meet his gaze with a shy smile before a knock at her door pulled her away from his hungry stare. She gingerly opened the door, managing to exchange a couple of words with whoever stood behind. Xavier rubbed his hands together anxiously.
“I need you to be really good, okay bug?” he heard her whisper. There was a slow shuffle and then he saw her walking into view of the living room, a small body tangled in her arms. A couple of blue eyes looked back at him. It was a little boy, not much older than 3 or 4, Xavier thought.
(Y/N)'s eyes retrieved her “boyfriend's”. “This is... This is James” she informed the blonde man who carefully stood up, a tremor taking his body. “I'm sorry that you have to find out this way, Xavier” she carried on, the toddler looking up to his mother before snuggling tighter.
A lump grew in her throat and she tried swallowing it. Memories were jumbled in his brain and some of them had been erased but there was one thing he remembered as clear as day. It was the both of them discussing the future they so badly craved together. It was the night he told her he wanted to build a family with her, they would have a little girl first, Sarah, then a boy, James. They were his favourite names and his girlfriend liked them enough to agree with him.
“I-I found out I was pregnant about a month after you passed. He was the only thing I had left from you. I couldn't, you know...” her voice shook with a soft hint of sadness. She looked at the little boy, pushing a few stray pieces of his hair away from his face and squishing his cheeks. He was a carbon copy of his father at his age. The little man wiggled out of his mother's grip, shyly scampering to his bedroom.
“Have you been doing this by yourself?” Xavier asked, stepping closer to the mother of his child, rewarded by a soft nod. “My mom picks him up and looks after him while I'm at work but I'm alone for the most parts, yeah”. His arms looped around her shoulders, gently whispering thousands of apologies while they allowed their tears to flow.
He placed a chaste kiss to her lips, a tender gesture he had been craving for so long. He felt alive again when he was against her. (Y/N) took his palm in hers and walked to the bedroom where Jamie was playing with a small train. “Can I?” Xavier whispered to his lover, looking back at her. She offered him a large smile, nodding at him as he joined his son on the floor, playing with his train until dinner time came. Looking at the clock, the tall blonde knew he did not have eternity in here.
Silently, (Y/N) let him handle the bedtime under her watchful eyes.
Silently, Xavier crashed his lips against hers.
Silently, (Y/N) guided him to her bedroom once their child had fallen asleep.
Silently, Xavier made love to her for hours.
He cherished the searing feeling of her soft skin against his, his fingers and tongues kissed and stroked the stretched marks on her breasts, then the one on the stomach that had carrier his child. A newfound way of loving her. The flame he had burning deep in his heart was raging more than ever. She had mothered his son, fed him, taught him. James showed great respect and manners at his young age.
It was like having him for herself all over again, forever. But she only had him for a short period now so she had to make the most out of every god damn second the thin veil between life and death provided for them. “I don't want to wake up without you” she whispered as he laid her head on his chest, their limbs still shrouded with sweat.
“I'll come back every year. You could also come over when James is bigger?” he hushed with the same tone. Their daydreamed was broken by the small cries of their son. Quickly scampering for something to wear, (Y/N) wrapped herself in the oversized tank top Xavier had earlier, causing him to pull his lower lip between his teeth at the sight he had missed for so long. He had to shake the idea out of his head to finish pulling up the pair of underwear he discarded hours ago.
Climbing back in bed with their child, (Y/N) smiled dearly at the sight of her boys holding each other. Xavier quickly drifted to sleep, his breathing lullabying the little boy. The mother grabbed her Polaroid camera and snapped two pictures of the three of them tied together in bed, leaving one for her lover to take and one for her to add to the shoe box of pictures she had taken of Xavier in the past.
Waking up that morning was the hardest thing they had to do, knowing he needed to retrieve his way to the camp before the veil thickened again. Like clockwork, James was taken by (Y/N)'s mother before she started to get ready for her day of work. She looked back at Xavier while she looked at her uniform. “I'll take you back there” she gently whispered. He protested, she had to go to work but she simply shushed him by calling in sick. Hours turned into seconds as they held each other on her couch in the comfortable silence of her apartment.
When came the time of leaving, she could feel her heart shatter slowly. His hand clutched her knee while she drove away from the city. “I'm really sorry I wan't here” he whispered as the tree grew taller in his field of view. (Y/N)'s fingers curled tighter around the wheel. “I know now I have a reason to work harder into finding a way to break the curse” he continued. “You better hurry up because he keeps on asking about a sibling and now that he met you, he's going to ask so many more questions” her voice gently spoke. A soft scoff escaped his lips, his fingers tightening against her knee.
“If I didn't have him, I would probably beg you to end my days when we step past the threshold of Redwood so I can stay with you for eternity”. His fingers remained on her leg. “We have other things to look forward to” he stopped her thoughts. “I will visit you every year now. I promise.” Xavier whispered while her car took the side road into the camp.
The thrumming of her car caught the attention of a few of the inhabitants. Out of the corner of her eyes, (Y/N) spotted Chet and Montana, a large smile pulled on their faces. Xavier quickly jumped out of her car, beaming at the idea of being seen with his girl once more.
His lover climbed out of the car after turning off the ignition only to be pulled into a tight embrace from her friends. Once their arms left her, she found Xavier's little smile. Everyone took a step back to allow (Y/N) to bury her face in his neck, his arms holding desperately onto her. “I don't want you to go” he confessed, peppering little kisses against her cheek. “Me neither, Xavy...”. The embrace lasted longer than they both realised and was only broken when (Y/N) pulled away, fishing into her wallet.
She had the same wallet that he remembered. It still have that cheesy picture of the both of them in the middle window of it even though it was now yellowed and aged. Pinching between the folds of it, she pulled another picture, a new one. A picture of James on what he could assume was his first day of school. (Y/N) pushed the photograph in his fingers as well as the polaroid she snapped the night before. Her sad eyes met his and his lips gently met hers.
“I'll be right here next year, okay? I'll come with James, we'll pick you up and then, we'll spend the next couple of days together.” she spoke as if her words could stop her tears from gliding off of her eyes. “And we'll come and visit you, so he can see you more” she carried on, a sob shaking her shoulders. Xavier kissed her once again. She silently climbed in the car and he stole another kiss through the open window of her car. Turning the keys in the ignition, her car started again and his heart somewhat stopped.
“I'll be right here, (Y/N). I'll be waiting for you.” he smiled at her. She agreed and drove off, leaving her puzzled friends behind. Xavier waved as the car disappeared, his fingers clutching on the pictures of his family. “I'll see you next year, my loves” As he turned on his heels and met the confused stares of his friends, the realisation hit him. He had a lot of explaining to do.
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seancekitsch · 5 years
Richie Tozier x Reader: 27 Years Later... Revamped!
You heard it here folks! I’ve updated my big Richie x Reader post to be more inclusive! The reader is now gender neutral instead of female, and I’ve mixed elements from the book and the new movie IT chapter 2! warning, i am a book purist so there are some plot elements from the book that do not occur in the movie! Enjoy!
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-Growing up, you had always been Stan’s. You’d be each other’s go-to people, sometimes even closer than Richie and Eddie. He had been your perfect Boy Scout crush growing up, and after the first encounter with IT, he decided he couldn’t dance around his feelings any longer and asked you out.
-You always felt like the loser on the “outside”, you were at all group hang outs and meetings but you didn’t really hang out with anyone but Stan besides the occasional sleepover with Bev, but after Stan’s bar mitzvah that changed. Richie was the only loser to attend (besides you) and that meant a great deal to you. Despite how Stan used to get annoyed at Richie’s jokes, you always made sure to go out of your way to include him and befriend him after that day.
-Even though the losers drifted during high school, you remained Stan’s partner and Richie’s best friend besides Eddie. You had a lot more in common with Richie than you had originally thought because both of you essentially had to raise yourselves. Stan found a new found respect for the fellow loser over this connection you had.
-Stan was your first everything, from kisses to heartbreak. Yes, heartbreak. You broke up the summer before college. You were going out to California for school on an honours program and he was going to a university in Georgia with his twin sister. It was practical but it didn’t mean it didn’t sting either of you. You had promised to remain on good terms, however.
-Despite him moving on in Georgia, you never really did. He after college quickly married a woman named Patricia and settled in Atlanta. You met back up with Richie after graduation, and moved into a townhouse with him in Beverly Hills. Despite dating around, you never had much luck, probably thanks to your loud tall housemate.
-You and Richie actually flew out to Stan’s wedding, and while your first love was gone, there were no ill feelings from either of you. You shared a dance with him at the reception and told him how much you approved of his new wife. It meant a lot to him.
-After the wedding, you start to drift from Stan. Soon you don’t hear from each other at all. Richie was the only loser left for you.
-As much as he hated to say it, Richie saw this as his opportunity. You see, he had cared about you since the bar mitzvah. He knew there was someone he loved, but he couldn’t remember who. He guessed because he remembered you so vividly and nothing else, it had to be you. He was respectful of Stan and you, so he had never said anything and kept his distance. With Stan married, and Richie as your roommate (and secretly ruining most of your dates, whether he meant to or not) you were free, and he could hope you’d somehow feel the same.
-You and Richie live it up in Beverly Hills, networking and working side by side; going to celebrity parties and drinking with the big wigs.
-You’ve been tipsy and kissed at these parties, always to fend off unwanted company. It became the perfect cover and a casual display of affection for your closest friend. Despite it being a defence, you once kissed in a taxi after leaving one of these parties. It was a deep and long kiss, and there was no audience for it to be necessary, but it was never spoke of again.
-You became a writer on a semi popular TV series and Richie became a stand up comedian. While you hadn’t gone to school for writing, Richie had encouraged you to go for the job. You had always been good at writing, even minoring in it during college. He helped you prepare and edit scripts. He would even act out scenes in his famous impressions.
-Things were going so well, until one day Mike Hanlon calls. At first, you don’t even remember him until he calls you your old childhood nickname. You have to go back to Derry. IT is back.
-The plane ride is long, and both you and Richie decide to knock a few back in the airport bar and sleep it off on the flight. When you wake up at landing, your head is in the hollow of where his neck and shoulder meet and his arm is around you. Your hands are interlaced. Sure, the two of you had shared beds on road trips and when you’d travel for job auditions, but you had never really snuggled like this. You’re both blushing messes when you get to baggage claim.
-When you finally get back in town, you head straight to the Chinese restaurant in town in the car Richie rents. You recognise everyone immediately, embracing each of them with warmth and love... except for Stan who is nowhere to be seen. Mike assures you that he had contacted him.
-Despite his absence, you all enjoy dinner. You notice Bev and Bill still carry torches for one another after all these years. Ben looks amazing and seems very successful. Mike is even wiser than he was when you were all young. Eddie is still just as hyper and fun to talk to.
-After the meal, you all head off from the restaurant to talk strategy. On the walk out of the building, Bev pulls you back to walk and talk with her. It’s as if nothing has changed and you’re having a sleepover again. She specifically asks if you and Richie are a couple. When you deny this, she laughs and says that’s insane because of how you seem so in love with one another.
-You’d never say it, but you had imagined a life with Richie before. You can’t really be roommates with someone you have such a bond with without thinking of these things. But late at night when you can’t sleep you think about how nice it would be to have his arms around you, pressed into his lean and warm chest. There have been times when he’s brought people back, and he has a type in the people he brings home. A lot of them either share your name, or Eddie’s. You realize this isn’t a coincidence that you’d hear him calling out these names. Tozier sounded like a nice title to gain. It would be fun to see his last name, even hyphenated, on yours in any of your writing credits. But you’re snapped out of your thoughts the second Bev gets through on the line she’s trying to reach Stan at.
-Patricia was on the line; she said Stan had slit his wrists in the bathtub just an hour earlier. IT had been written on the wall in his blood. This makes your blood run cold. You can’t even react for a good five minutes even though everyone is watching you very carefully.
-The day you had all made that blood pact, Stan had made an off handed joke about slitting your wrists instead of just your hands. It had made you uncomfortable then, but scares the shit out of you now.
-When you finally do react, it’s like your whole world crumbles. You think you might be screaming, you know you’re definitely crying. You don’t even realize you’ve fled past all of the other losers cars until Richie’s arms are around you and he’s pressing you close to him on the curb.
-He let’s you scream it out, let’s you dig your nails into his skin until he bleeds, let’s you soak his nice dress shirt with tears and spit. Anything to comfort you and be close to you. This is the most thankful you’ve ever been for Richard Tozier.
-When you’ve stopped crying, there’s a newfound hate in your heart. You’re going to kill IT and it’s never going to hurt anyone ever again. You vow to avenge Stanley Uris. The group can’t disagree, even though half of them want to run. You all vow that before tomorrow is over, the clown will die.
-Richie and Eddie tell you how much they want to leave, and they try to get you to leave as well. But between your need for vengeance and Bill and Mike’s ranting about a strategy to kill IT, they don’t end up leaving town. That night, you can’t sleep. You aren’t sure how, maybe it’s a trick of IT’s illusions, but somehow you end up in Richie’s bed. It’s restless and you’re both terrified, but you cling together in solidarity and something stronger than lifelong friendship. But by the time he wakes you’re gone already, looking for your token to burn.
-You find it in the clubhouse, hidden behind one of the wooden boards nailed to the floor. It’s the little paper program from Stan’s bar mitzvah. An important day that quite literally changed your whole life.
-Upon returning to the townhouse, you find It nearly empty, with Eddie patching up a hole in his face. He’s mumbling something about the library while he’s finishing sanitizing his wound, so that’s where the two of you head when he’s done.
-Richie is shaken after killing Bowers, and now it’s your turn to comfort him. He shakes as you slip your arm around his, guiding him as he walks. Your other hand squeezes his bicep every few minutes to remind him to breathe. You’re here, and you’ve got him. It helps.
-Returning to Neibolt fills you with all of the memories you’d struggled to remember the day before. All of the fear and isolation of your childhood filled you so completely that you thought you could be sick. But you enter anyway, nausea and all.
-seeing IT take the form of Stan’s body is what does it for you though. You’re doubled over vomiting and crying, your hands sting against the broken glass and splinters on the floor. You’re only half aware of the chaos going around you until Richie kicks what you can only describe as a spider with Stan’s head and razor sharp teeth away from you. And then everything is so horrifyingly clear. This is only the beginning; it will get worse. When the head spider attacks Richie, you try to pull it off of him, but you aren’t strong enough. It’s up to Eddie, but Eddie is frozen.
-Down in the sewers is even worse. The fight takes a larger toll on all of you than expected. Eddie finally abandons all of the fear he cling to his entire life and charged head first into the fight, only to be stabbed through the torso and not get back up. You’re bloodied by one of IT’s claws, your wrist probably broken and one of your legs is in agony, so much so that you have to fight to stand while dodging the giant spider monster in it’s true form. All of you are injured in some way but team work weakens the creature.
-ripping out IT’s heart and destroying it should have been the end of all of the horror, and at first you think it is. You’re all relieved, until you notice Eddie hasn’t gotten up. Eddie and Richie had always had a special bond. You knew this better than anyone. He was the first one to Eddie’s side and held him as he tried to get him to respond.
-Eddie Kaspbrak is dead, and you can feel Richie’s heart breaking beside you. You hold his hand as he goes, and the rest of the losers hold each other. Richie presses a long kiss to his face, finally allowing tears to fall for the first time in the lifetime you’ve known him. It hurts even more knowing you can’t carry his body out of this place.
-As you leave the sewers, something changes. It’s as if the curse on you all has finally been lifted. You know you all have to go back to real life and finally live without fear, but fear is all any of you have ever known. The water of the quarry is healing to all of you, in the physical case of soothing aching muscles, and spiritually. It’s a rebirth.
-Richie cries again in the water, and you all come together to hold him. Under the water you feel a hand grasp yours, and you don’t even have to open your eyes to know that it’s Richies hand.
-Much to yours, and i think everyone’s surprise, Bev leaves with Ben. You could have sworn you heard her going at it with Bill the other night. Bill stays in town another week to recover before leaving and starting to work on his next novel. Mike resumes his life without the burden of watching Derry for ITs return, even more wise than he ever had been. You and Richie were another story.
-The second he saw you bleed in the sewer, he had gone berserk. Nothing else had mattered in that moment but destroying the thing that hurt you and Eddie. He knew after that he couldn’t ignore his feelings any longer. If his past love was gone, he had to pursue his future.
-He is uncharacteristically quiet on the way to the airport, and without speaking you know why. You’re all each other has now.
-He parks, gets out, walks around and opens the car door for you. Before you can reach for your suitcase, he reaches for you. The kiss is sobering yet intoxicating all at the same time. His hands rake through your hair and your arms rise up and wrap around his neck. The only reason to stop is the lack of oxygen that leaves you both dizzy. For once in your life, neither of you need to talk to be heard.
-The flight home feels weightless. You’re joking and lighthearted and giddy. If you weren’t as clear minded you could have sworn there was music in the air.
-When you arrive home, you decide to convert one of your bedrooms into a guest room. Stan’s letter to you both is framed in the living room. For once, you fall asleep peacefully. You fall asleep next to your best friend, your soulmate.
Request anything you’d like to see! My ask box is open!
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sourbkg · 5 years
constant (part 2)
yandere!erasermic x reader
part 1 part 3
After the villain incident, you were taken to a hospital for your burns. The doctors claimed you had second degree burns up your arm and third degree burns where the villain held your wrist. He explained the third degree burns would scar, but wouldn’t need skin grafting unless you wanted it.
You didn’t.
They gave you an ointment and some pain medication to help them heal faster. You could only stare at your bandaged arms with a frown when it was time to leave.
When you went up to the reception desk to check yourself out and take your bill, the receptionist smiled.
“Your bills already been paid, you’re free to leave.”
You gaped at her, “What? I didn’t pay it—“
There was a tap on your shoulder. You jumped, looking to the offender. It was the hero’s. Yamada and Aizawa.
Yamada was rubbing the back of his neck, a sheepish smile on his face, “Hey, songbird. We wanted to swing by and check on you– are you leaving?”
You nodded, looking between them and the receptionist, “Yeah... I guess I am.” You began to walk away, the two at your side immediately as you moved out to doors.
“How’re you gettin’ home?” Yamada eyed the bandages warily and you shifted slightly.
“I was just... gonna call a taxi.”
“Nonsense!” He all but yelled, planting himself in front of you, “let us give you a ride!”
You shook your head, “I couldn’t do that to you guys, you’ve already helped me so m—“
“We insist.” It was the first time Aizawa had spoken since they’d arrived. When you looked at him, you could tell there was really no room for argument, so you only nodded.
“Okay... I’ll pay you guys for the trouble, then.” They began leading the way to what you could assume was their car.
“You don’t have to.” Aizawa’s voice was soft as he spoke, the complete opposite to his counterpart, “We’re just glad you’re okay.”
You nodded.
Yamada was whistling some catchy tune, a hop in his step as he walked before pausing at a sleek black car. It looked way too nice for you to even stare at, let alone sit in.
But he unlocked it and opened the back door for you, gesturing for you to enter. “M’lady.” He bowed slightly. That made a small giggle leave your lips.
You got in and buckled yourself in, careful not to bump your arm into anything while the duo got in on their respective sides — Aizawa in the passenger and Yamada driving.
Yamada passed you his phone, “Type in your address and I’ll just follow the GPS.”
You nodded and did as you were told, handing back his phone when you were done.
With that, he began the drive. The radio quietly playing in the background as you stared out the window.
“So I’ve been curious...” Yamada started, looking at you from the rear view mirror, “what’s your quirk.”
“Me?” You asked, though you could assume as much. He nodded. “I don’t have one.”
You didn’t notice the worried expression the blond shot his partner. No quirk? How in the world could you defend yourself?!
After a beat of silence, Yamada pulled into your apartment complex. It wasn’t horrible, but it definitely could’ve been better.
You deserved better.
“Thank you for the ride.” You started to get out, Yamada screaming a wait making you pause.
“Give us your digits!” He offered his phone to you, “in case you need anything– and I mean anything!”
You stared at his phone for a second before shrugging. It was the least you could do. Who knew hero’s were so kind? You added your number and sent yourself a text so you could store it into your own phone.
“Thank you again for everything.” You said as you made your final departure. They waited to make sure you were in the apartment building before Yamada sighed lovingly.
“I think I love her, Shou.”
“Yeah.” Was all his partner said, staring at the door you had just disappeared behind.
“And didya hear?! She’s quirkless! No wonder she was so scared with that villain!”
“I heard.” Aizawa looked over to his boyfriend, “So what’re we gonna do about it?”
Yamada paused before snapping his finger, telling Aizawa the perfect plan to make you theirs. To protect you and keep you safe.
About three months had passed since the villain incident. Your burns were healing nicely, save for the discolored and rough patches of skin at your wrist and up your arm. You didn’t even really need to wear the bandages anymore!
Yamada and Aizawa checked up on you constantly. Whether it be by texting, calling, coming to the diner, or even visiting your apartment, claiming to be in the neighborhood on patrol. You weren’t gonna lie, it was... nice to be cared for like this. To have people want to make sure you’re okay.
You and the duo would even go out sometimes, to bars or just out getting dinner when they didn’t have to work late nights. It was nice. Your own family didn’t even visit you after the villain incident.
One night, Yamada invited you over for drinks at their place after you had gone out to dinner. You agreed, seeing no reason to deny them. You didn’t have work tomorrow, anyways. You carpooled to their apartment and damn.
This place was huge.
When you walked into the actual apartment, you just stood there shocked. Their whole kitchen was bigger than your bedroom! What the hell.
The two watched you familiarize yourself with the area, before you settled on the couch with your legs crossed under you.
Aizawa moved to sit next to you, leaving the drinks to Yamada.
“So I’ve been meaning to ask– and don’t take this the wrong way!” You started, turning your body to face Aizawa, Yamada watching you talk as he mixed drinks in the kitchen. Aizawa raised an eyebrow as if to say continue?
“Are you two together?”
They both paused, looking to each other before Yamada burst out laughing. You flushed. Were you wrong? Your detective skills were never wrong.
“You didn’t know?” Aizawa asked, looking you up and down. Scanning your body language for any discomfort at the newfound information.
“No?” You shook your ahead, “I just assumed you were really really good friends— not that there’s anything wrong with you two being together!” You added quickly.
Good. The two thought to themselves
Yamada came in a moment later with drinks, handing one to you and a water to Aizawa.
“You’re not drinking with us?” You asked, sipping on your beverage and scrunching your nose up at the bitter taste.
He shook he head, “I have an early morning tomorrow.”
You nodded, continuing to sip on your beverage. This went on for a couple of hours, Yamada continuing to provide drink after drink. The two of them watched you become a giggling mess.
“I jus don’t understand why ya wear it up!” You slurred, taking a piece of Yamada’s hair between your fingers and twirling it.
“It gets in the way.” He sighed back sadly, swishing his drink around in his cup. He had cut himself off after two, not that you needed to know that. Aizawa had gotten up to make some snacks and get something from their bedroom, you didn’t know what.
You giggled, tugging on the hair and laughing more when he gasped dramatically. He set his drink down and watched as you released it, moving to put your hands up in surrender as he said, “You’re gonna pay for that, little one.”
In an instant he had you pinned down, tickling your sides. You all but screamed, becoming a laughing, gasping mess under him.
“Yama-hahaha- please! I give, I give!” You wiggled under him, trying to move yourself in a way that would make him stop. “Yamada please!”
He paused, watching how your chest rose and fell. How flushed your cheeks were— whether from the alcohol or the tickling, he didn’t know. He loved this look on you, though.
You could only stare up at him, noting how smoothly his hair cascaded over his shoulder. And it was coming closer to you, brushing against your cheek. It took a full second for you to realize he was leaning down to kiss you.
You quickly put your hands to his shoulder, turning your face away from his.
“What’re you doing, Yamada?” The softness of your voice caught him off guard.
“You just looked so cute underneath me.” He leaned down again, his lips brushing your cheek despite you trying to push him away. “I couldn’t help myself.”
“Starting without me?” You flinched at Aizawa’s voice. What the hell did that mean?
“Get off of me.” You whispered, though both of them heard you loud and clear. Yamada frowned.
“But we–“
“Get off of me!” You were louder now, pushing against his chest and shoulders and trying to move your pinned legs out from under him.
“Calm down, babe!” One of Yamada’s hands grabbed your own while the other came to rest over your mouth. He looked to his partner in panic, “What do we do?”
You felt another pair of hands start to run through your hair and you screamed from behind Yamada’s hand, somehow managing to bring your knee up and hitting him in the groin.
He groaned, hands loosely gripping you for a second. You took that second, shoving him off you and rushing to the other side of the couch, staring at the both of them with your chest heaving.
Yamada hit the ground beside the couch with a thud, Aizawa crouching to check on his lover before shooting you a glare. “It’s not nice to treat your boyfriend like that.”
“Boyfriend?!” You repeated, climbing off of the couch and stumbling backwards.
Aizawa helped Yamada up. Yamada stayed on one side of the couch while Aizawa moved to the other. They were cornering you. Yamada held his hands up to show he wasn’t a threat. That you shouldn’t be afraid.
“We’re not gonna hurt you, babe. I swear—“
You took another step backward as they took one towards you. You screamed.
Aizawa shot forward, pinning you against the wall with his hand covering your mouth. You struggled against him, feeling tears go down your cheeks.
You were weak against him. Against both of them. It was pointless.
“Hizashi go get the rag.” Aizawa’s eyes never left yours.
“But we didn’t even get to talk about—“
“Go get the rag.” He pressed you farther into the wall and you watched Yamada rush to do as he was told, coming back with a white washcloth dripping in something and oh no.
That’s not what you think it is, right?
Your eyes widened and you struggled harder, screaming out loud for a second as the two switched the hands over your mouth before the cloth was placed over it.
It only took five seconds for it work into your system, your previous gasps for air doing nothing to help you in this situation. Within 30 seconds, your body was going lax and there was darkness on the edges of your vision before you went completely limp, falling into Aizawa’s arms.
And they had you. You were theirs. You would be their constant.
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imagethat · 5 years
A Day With V | V x Reader Fluff
After the events of DMC5, V survives through the magic that the reader had. V x Wiccan reader. Based on my previous post about the house I headcanon V living in. Fluff~ (P.S. I don't know how to do the 'under the cut' thing, I don't have a computer. Sorry for the long post/^\)
Today was going to be a good day. The forecast predicted mostly sunny with a slight overcast. Morning rays dripped into the living room and kitchen as you went about your morning routine. Setting a kettle on the stove, you measured a precise amount of tea leaves to put into each cup. You had grown the flowers yourself and dried them with meticulous attention to detail, wanting each cup to be perfect. While you waited for the water to boil you went over to the couch and sprawled out to enjoy this peaceful moment in private with a book. It was one your roommate had recommend to you. It was of course very descriptive but slightly ambiguous. It had some undertones of romance too, which you couldn't help but wonder if that was his weird way of flirting with you. V was an odd and mysterious person. You knew of his past, where he came from, and of how you had saved him. The bond you shared during the Quipoths reign of tyranny was stronger than even the trees roots. But even at that, V still had a lot to learn and experience in his newfound life. You eagerly helped him at every step, starting with allowing him to stay with you. Dante had agreed to it simply because Vergil needed time to adjust to his new life as well, and having both posted up at Devil May Cry would've been awkward to say the least. You didn't mind his company, even enjoyed it. He was becoming a soothing presence in your everyday life. As your thoughts drifted off, you didn't notice V come out of his room. He turned the stove off because the water was boiling, poured you two both a cup of tea, then took a seat beside you. "Today looks like it'll be lovely, how are you faring?" He questioned and you smiled gratefully while taking the tea. "I'm doing good, and you?" You asked in return. He simply closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. You had opened the windows earlier to let fresh air in and lit a nicely scented candle. You didn't need V to speak to know he was enjoying the moment. While the two of you enjoyed your cups of tea in silence, you pondered what you'd do today. Each day you tried to experience something new with V, to help familiarize him with the world. It's been two months since the Quipoth broke Red Grave but you wouldn't even be able to tell with how tranquil it seemed right now. You hadn't gotten V much clothes since then. Just a few spare outfits from Dante and Nero. Before you could ask if he'd like to go shopping though he spoke up. "This tea is quite good, I think your skills are improving. Though, I think it could benefit from something to balance its sweetness." He commented and you nodded. "Tomorrow we can bake something to go with our tea if you'd like." You offered and he nodded softly, his black hair flowing with the movement of his head. "That'd be wonderful, please do let me do the measuring though." He replied with a teasing little smirk which made you scrunch your nose at him while crossing your arms childishly. After a short while in silence once more you got up. "I'm going to go get ready, you should too." You said. "Where might you be taking me today?" He questioned, with slight excitement in his eyes. "We should probably get you some clothes that are suitable for someone of your caliber." You teased and pretended to bow. He chuckled which you internally blushed at. His voice was deep and could make you flush a deep red without warning. After taking a shower and dressing for the weather you were ready. V was already at the kitchen counter waiting for you by the time you were done. You gave one final check to make sure you had everything before departing. While getting ready you had put some thought into the stores you wanted to go to, trying your best to choose places you thought V would like. If you were honest, it was a bit hard to tell what his fashion sense was. You knew his choice of clothes previously was simply because they were all he could find after being split from Vergil and since then he'd never gotten the chance to choose his own clothes. Fall was starting to change the trees. Leaves made satisfying crunching noises beneath your feet as the two of you walked together. You were too distracted with your thoughts to notice V's eyes lingering on you. He enjoyed the way you seemed to put extra effort into stepping on the fallen leaves. You reached your first destination, which was a mall. Originally you thought he wouldn't enjoy the crowds, but the mall just had so many different types of clothes to offer. Plus you could stop by a bookstore there as well. V seemed to walk closer to you when inside, keeping his head down. He was uninterested in speaking to others, but it was hard not for people to look at him. He was tall and anyone would be lying if they said he wasn't gorgeous. Somewhat to your disappointment as well was the fact that he didn't seem interested in too many of the shops either. And you had to put in a little extra effort to get him to go into any of them. V isn't very frivolous per se, seeking out comfortable and functional clothes over the most fashionable types. When you passed by the bookstore though, he took your hand and practically dragged you in. A testament to how much enjoyed the comfort of a good book. You were okay with this and enjoyed seeing him so happy. The way he got completely lost in the pages or how he'd excitedly explain the synopsis of a book to you never failed to capture your heart. But after a few hours you felt it important to remind him of today's goal. "I think we've spent long enough here, we should go look somewhere else." You said softly, being respectful of the other customers, especially the ones reading. He gave you a sad look, pleading to you with his eyes. "Just a little longer, please?" He asked while placing a hand on top of yours. You couldn't help it, giving into staying for a little while longer. After another hour you brought up leaving once again. "I'll get you that book you're holding, but only if we can leave now." You offered and he seemed to contemplate the offer before agreeing. "We can go to the library tomorrow." You added to cheer him up a little. On the walk to your next destination he continued to read, and multiple times you had to make sure he didn't bump into anything. He could be a real dork sometimes honestly. You decided to go to a thrift store as your second destination, simply because the prices would be more reasonable and there would be a wide range of items. You hoped he could find some decorations for his room too, really wanting to make your apartment as home-y as possible. You left him to look at the clothes while you searched through the stores CD rack. Since the CD's were so cheap, you got into the habit of just buying whatever seemed interesting. Though, you left V a little to long as he found his way to the book section. Much to your suprise though, he had a few items of clothing picked out. "Do you ever think of anything besides reading?" You teased. "Well," he pondered before looking down at you, "I suppose you cross my mind every now and then." He mused and you just rolled your eyes before taking a look at the clothes he had chosen out. A few simple T-shirts, some pull over sweaters, and some jeans. Underneath the clothes though you found an interesting quill pen and inkwell. It looked old so he probably wouldn't be writing with it but it would look nice on his book shelf. You smiled softly before returning his items to the small carry around cart. "Well Mr. Poetry, are you ready to go?" You teased, using the name Dante usually called V. You sorta wanted to have V choose out a real name for himself, and you would have no problems if he preferred V, but you hadn't asked yet. "Hmmm. I suppose so." He responded, clearly half submerged mentally in the book he was holding. You stowed away your thoughts and nudged him slightly to remind him that you were leaving. After paying for everything you hummed softly. "Is there anything else you need? We still have time to go to another shop." You offered and V nodded no. "You've been kind enough already. I am very grateful." He replied. You two promptly started your journey back home after that. Once you got back you put the clothes V got from the thrift store into the washer and started preparing for dinner. When V returned from his room, he was wearing a T-shirt and a comfy pair of sweatpants. Looking grateful that he no longer had to wear the heavy leather jacket around the house as a top. You admittedly found it weird to see him in such normal clothes but cute at the same time. He cleared his throat, you didn't realize you were staring until he did. You muttered sorry and continued what you were doing. He let Griffon and Shadow free. Griffon found a comfy spot on the counter where he was perfectly set to pester you while Shadow curled up on the couch. "Jesus, you think of V all day but what about me? I'm gonna get stiff if I ever sit that long again." The bird hissed out and you rolled your eyes at how overly dramatic he was being. "Would you prefer I feed you to the demons?" You questioned. "Whatever, I'm sure V would appreciate that. Give you two some alone time if you know what I mean." He shot back. You glanced at the man on the couch who had a hand rested idly on Shadows head. He didn't seem to acknowledge the birds comment. "Oh curious are we?" Griffon asked and you gave him a soft tch. "Curious about the way our chicken should be served tonight." To which it was Griffons turn to reply with tch. The night went on without interruption after that, Shadow sitting at your feet trying to get a scrap of food when dinner was served even though she was well strong enough to just take your food. After dinner you cared for the plants and cleansed the space while V continued to read on the couch. His mind really didn't leave his books. You were fine staying friends with the dark gentleman who was always in your presence but you wouldn't deny you wanted more too. Maybe he just needed more time though. The world was so new to him. V called it a night early and left you in the company of Shadow. After you finished with your work you sat down on the couch and petted her head softly. You always loved when it was quiet like this. The moon would be full soon, so watching it rise above the skyline was a treat. It bathed the world in such an ethereal glow. You recalled your times as a kid when you'd sneak into the forest during the full moon. Your parents were heavily against your Wiccan identity and sought to derail it in any way possible. Even if that meant putting a lock on every window and door in the house. You had always felt more connected to the earth and moon than others growing up. Your dreams were mysterious, often speaking to you of the future. Later in life you learned they were not just dreams, but actual demons who you communed with nightly. At the age of 15 you ran away from your home. Something whispered to you in the night, telling you that you'd find yourself in Red Grave. That's how you met Dante, and your demon hunting slash Wiccan healing days began. It hurt to run away, you knew in your heart your parents just wanted the best for you but if you had never ran away you probably wouldn't have been as happy as you are now. You had found your own family, one that accepted you. Nero and Nico playing their music so loud, they had to yell when they bickered. Dante being a lovable train wreck. Shopping with Lady and Trish. Chatting with Vergil about music and nature. Most of all the company of your roommate V. "Are you alright?" His voice was soft but it startled you. So buried in your own thoughts for the second time today, you didn't hear V come out of his room. You didn't realize you were crying either. In a attempt to hide that fact, you quickly rubbed your cheeks. "O-oh yeah! I'm great!" You lied, but your voice betrayed you. V left you for a moment, only to return with a blanket from his room which he draped over your shoulders. He made his way into the kitchen and came back with a cup of hot cocoa. He sat down next to you and fidgeted with his fingers. Trying his best to think of something to say. You spoke up first though. "Thanks… I was just… Well, you know how I am. I sorta get lost in my own head sometimes." You muttered. "I'm fine though, I promise." You quickly added. The moonlight seeping in through the window made him more beautiful. You didn't know that was even possible. The white glow bounced off his pale skin, and his green eyes seemed even deeper before the moon. "If we are going to reminisce about the past, then… I'd like to thank you." He said, you tilted your head softly. "I didn't know it was possible to feel such comfort in the presence of another. Nor did I think I'd be lucky enough to experience life the way I have with you." He continued. "I'm eternally grateful for all that you've done. If you should ever need anything, please let me know." V glanced towards you, and even with the soft lighting that you two were in you could tell he was serious. If you weren't tired from the crying you wouldn't have done this, but the fog from your emotions blurred out your reasoning. You leaned over and rested your head on his shoulder muttering thanks softly before your eyes closed. V tensed for a second. He wasn't yet used to physical contact, but he always enjoyed your hugs. He wrapped an arm around you in return and rested his hand gently on your head. Softly he began humming a melody, which lulled you to sleep. V only stopped after he felt your breathing even out and he was assured you had fallen asleep. Griffon internally teased V about it mercilessly after that, but maybe… just maybe V was starting to feel something for you. Or maybe he always had. He wasn't sure, but nonetheless, he admitted he cared for you deeply on that night.
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kuro-gossips · 6 years
Splashes of Colour
Chapter 3: Shades of Orange
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Newt blearily blinks his eyes and is immediately greeted by Theseus’ and Leta’s faces, anxiety and concern plain as day on them.
“Newt!” Leta’s expressive chestnut eyes soften as he comes to as she inquires about his health. “How are you feeling?”
“W-what happened?” The former Hufflepuff questions, confusion gracing his features. He doesn’t need the other two to explain because his memories come flooding back: he remembers Theseus and himself arguing about the upcoming war, he remembers feeling lightheaded and exhausted, and then he remembers succumbing to that exhaustion.
Theseus’ brow is furrowed, his voice is quivering slightly when he speaks, “You passed out and we brought you to the Ministry’s infirmary. Have you been eating regularly and sleeping enough? I know you’re prone to forgetting these kind of things, Newt…”
The freckled wizard replies, indignantly, because for once, he has been taking proper care of himself, “I have!”
Theseus just gives him a look that says that he doesn’t believe a word coming out of his brother’s mouth. The mediwitch chooses this moment to enter the room, returning with a diagnosis on Newt’s well-being. The three of them stare expectantly at her, to which the brunette can’t help but sigh. She glances at the clipboard she is toting and starts to read from it.
“It’s not exactly clear why Mr. Scamander fainted. The most likely explanation is acute fatigue from overworking yourself.” The witch discloses and the Head Auror sends a knowing and smug expression to Newt.
“Of course I was right about this.” Leta rolls her eyes in exasperation at the Scamander brothers’ antics. These two always have a complicated relationship, no matter how old they are.
“As of now, I would advise Mr. Scamander to get some rest and to abstain from strenuous activities.” With her job done, the mediwitch excuses herself from the room.
“You heard her, now you have to join us for dinner, okay?” Theseus declares, leaving no room for argument. Newt decides it’s time to graciously admit defeat and assents. After his discharge papers are filled and filed, the trio head back to Theseus and Leta’s place in London.
Newt inquires if he can help with anything, but the other two are adamant about him being not only a guest, but on medically-advised rest, so he arbitrarily thinks about what’s going on in his life, while he is seated on their couch. The dark-haired witch moves gracefully around the kitchen, wand in hand, and casting spells to prepare a meal for them. Theseus is busy setting the table and aiding where he can with dinner. Several minutes fly by and the meal is complete. Theseus sits himself at the head of the table, leaving Newt and Leta to awkwardly face each other; although, they try their best to avoid any semblance of eye contact. The blonde Auror attempts to make small talk, but it quickly goes nowhere. Leta grabs ahold of Theseus’ hand, soothing his uneasiness, and her fiancée offers her a sweet and loving look. Theseus never ceases to be amazed with the witch’s ability to understand his underlying feelings at any given time.
The younger Scamander brother can tell that the two of them are deeply in love and he knows that it is the soulmate bond that ties them together even closer, so he has to break the silence by asking, “What is it like to be soulmates?”
Soulful brown eyes turn towards him and after a beat, she retorts, “Why, Newt, you’ve never been one to fancy hearing anything about soulmates.”
“Ah, well,” She has him there, but Newt thinks quickly on his feet, “I came across a pair of Graphorns a couple of months back -- the last breeding pair, in fact -- but it is said that they are creatures that mate only once and for life. I just wanted to see if I could draw some parallels between humans and Graphorns for the second edition of my book.”
Naturally, Newt would raise a question that pertains to his love of magical beasts. Theseus muses. The two lovers exchange a brief glance, before venturing on.
“How to explain it…” Theseus ponders, “It’s like a missing puzzle piece has finally been found or--”
“-- or you never have to voice your insecurities because your soulmate simply knows already.” Leta finishes. The engaged pair nod in agreement and continue blabbering on such niceties about being in a reciprocated soulmate relationship that Newt actually feels sick. He wonders why he couldn’t have had a less difficult soulmate -- Gellert Grindelwald of all people!
A particular portion of the conversation catches his attention, “-- we’ve noticed the strangest phenomenon recently. It feels like we’ve grown stronger, in a magical sense. And when we’re physically too far apart for too long, we can feel it dampening.”
In an abrupt realization, Newt’s dilemma regarding his health makes sense. No one knows that the world’s most infamous Dark wizard is the magizoologist’s soulmate and so undoubtedly, no one has made the connection. His deteriorating strength and weakening magical abilities can be attributed from being geographically isolated from Grindelwald. Hence, after they’ve concluded dinner, Newt makes a hasty retreat back to his house, muttering excuses about how he needs to rest, but he needs to escape from the lovesick couple and the newfound answers he’s discovered. When he’s finally in the warm embraces of his bedroom, he curls up in a fetal position and weeps. He doesn’t want this.
The day has just turned to evening and the sky is overcast, clouds gathering as a storm brews. Newt stumbles through the crowded streets of non-magical London. He notices that Theseus is indeed right about the Ministry assigning a tail to him. He hates the idea that not only could they prohibit him from travelling, but also to add surveillance. His innate reaction is to cross the street, just in time for line of sight of the Ministry’s employee to be cut off from him as a car rolls by, and he ducks behind the corner of a building. He peeks out and whispers, “Ventus.”
An overwhelming gust of wind propels said man back, even as he tries to resist by opening his black umbrella, garnering weird looks from Muggles passing by. Newt smiles, not quite a smirk, and feels the tap of a finger on his shoulder. When he looks in the opposite direction, he catches sight of a black leather glove waving. Then, it gestures to the top of a building, where he can see a tiny figure brandishing the top of their hat at him. Newt shakes his head as he grips the glove and is transported to the rooftop. He steadily makes his way across narrow ledges to where a middle-aged man with greying auburn hair and a full beard is waiting: Albus Dumbledore. The curly redhead presents the glove back to the Hogwarts professor as he greets him with amusement in his voice, “Dumbledore. Were the less conspicuous rooftops full, then?”
Dumbledore doesn’t turn to look at his former student from the sight before him, but he fondly states, “Well, I do enjoy a view. Nebulus.”
Fog descends over the city in front of them and the two of them Disapparate to Trafalgar Square. They stride past the landmark lions as they converse.
“How was it?” Dumbledore inquires and at this Newt frowns, before he responds.
“They’re still convinced that you sent me to New York.” He’s referring to the three wizards he had the displeasure of meeting during all five of his appeal hearings.
“You told them I didn’t?” The other retorts, but the former student seems disgruntled with his reply.
“Yes, even though you did.” The author scrutinizes his professor’s face, looking for changes in facial expressions as he continues with his deductions, “You told me where to find that trafficked Thunderbird, Dumbledore. You knew that I would take him home and you knew that I’d have to take him through a Muggle port.”
The Hogwarts teacher digresses, “Well, I’ve always felt an affinity with the great magical birds. There’s a story that’s passed down in my family: a phoenix will come to any Dumbledore in desperate need. They say my great-great-grandfather had one, but that it took flight when he died, never to return.”
Newt looks at him with incredulity, “With all due respect, I don’t believe for a minute that’s why you told me about the Thunderbird.”
There is a noise behind them as a figure of a man appears through the fog, causing the two to Disapparate away again when they spot him. When they reappear, they have relocated to a bus station and board a parked, empty bus.
“Credence is in Paris, Newt. He’s trying to trace his real family. I take it you’ve heard the rumours regarding who he really is?” Dumbledore reveals, leaning forward from his seated position. Newton is very much aware of the first part, but the rest is news to him.
“The purebloods believe he’s the last of an important French line, a baby whom everyone thought lost…”
“Not Leta’s brother?” The younger wizard interrupts, briefly, surprise written all over his features. He hasn't heard much about the Lestrange’s long lost son, except that he was taken out of Europe in fear of his life. Not to mention, he hasn't been in close contact with any of the Lestrange family in general.
“That’s what they’re whispering. Pureblood or not, I know this: an Obscurus grows in the absence of love as a dark twin, an only friend. If Credence has a real brother or sister out there who can take its place, he might yet be saved.” A beat passes, during middle-aged man's account. “Wherever Credence is in Paris, he’s either in danger or a danger to others. We may not know who he is yet, but he needs to be found. And I rather hoped you might be the one to find him.”
Dumbledore conjures a card with a glowing golden symbol on it and the Hufflepuff examines it with confusion, “What’s that?”
“It’s an address of a very old acquaintance of mine. A safe house in Paris, reinforced with enchantments.”
“A safe house? Why would I need a safe house in Paris?” The magizoologist sputters, raising an eyebrow in question, mouth slightly agape.
“One hopes you won’t, but should things at some point go terribly wrong, it’s good to have a place to go. You know, for a cup of tea.” The wizard’s blue eyes sparkle in amusement as he says this.
“No, no, no -- absolutely not.” Newt vehemently refuses. A Muggle enters the driving compartment, forcing them to depart and they Apparate on to a bridge and Dumbledore spells the bright lights that line the bridge to darken.
“I’m banned from international travel, Dumbledore. If I leave the country, they will put me in Azkaban and throw away the key.” Newt deplores, like he can’t believe that his former Professor is asking him to do such an insane task.
“Do you know why I admire you, Newt? More, perhaps, than any man I know?” Newt is caught off guard by the flattery, but the older wizard persists nonchalantly, “You don’t seek power or popularity. You simple ask, is the thing right in itself? If it is, then I must do it, no matter the cost.”
He watches through his fringe, green eyes cautious as he counters, “That’s all very well, Dumbledore, but, forgive me for asking, why can’t you go?”
“I cannot move against Grindelwald. It has to be you.” The Hogwarts professor pauses, taking in Newt’s face. The younger’s face contorts into despondency because Dumbledore is requesting that he partakes in the fight with the rising Dark Lord. The other doesn’t realize that Grindelwald and Newt happen to be soulmates. Even if Newt hates the circumstances that are wrought upon them, he isn’t completely sure he can fight his soulmate while he feels so utterly powerless at the moment. “Well, I don’t blame you, in your shoes, I’d probably refuse too. It’s late. Good evening, Newt.”
Dumbledore disappears with a snap of magic.
“Oh, c’mon!” Newt exclaims, throwing his arms up in defeat. The older’s empty glove returns with the the business card in hand and tucks it into his breast pocket. The auburn haired man is irked to say the least and manages to grumble, “Dumbledore…”
The freckled man returns to his humble abode in London. After the ordeal with the escaped baby Nifflers and addressing the Kelpie’s wound, Bunty and Newt hear a crash from above the basement.
“What was that?” His assistant’s voice shakes with fear as they gaze upwards, the faint echoes of footsteps wandering around upstairs.
A pensive look on his face, the magizoologist answers, “I don’t know, but I want you to go home now, Bunty.”
“Shall I call the Ministry?”
“No, I want you to go home now. Please.” Newt sneaks up the stairs, careful not to make any undue sounds until he is able to see who has decided to drop in on his house uninvited. He’s not sure what to expect when he pushes the door leading to his living quarters open.
Jacob Kowalski and Queenie Goldstein are standing in the middle of his living room, suitcases scattered on the floor next to them. His blonde friend has an air of nervousness mixed with excitement, whereas Jacob seems to be inebriated and is currently bumbling about with the broken pieces of a vase that originally decorated a table close by.
The younger Goldstein sister is fluttering around her beloved, trying to retrieve the damaged parts so she could fix them with magic, “If you could just give it me… Just give it to me, sweetie. Just hand it over. Oh!”
The couple notice Newt’s presence as they spot his head peeking around the corner. Jacob blurts out with undisguised elation, dropping the remnants of the vase without a care, “HEY, NEWT! Get over here, you maniac!”
He flings his arms around a delighted, but surprised Newt. Queenie gives him a grin, looking sheepish at their sudden appearance.
“We hope you don’t mind, Newt? We let ourselves in; it’s raining cats and dogs out there! London’s cold.”
The redhead barely shrugs before he faces the stocky man and says, “But you were supposed to be Obliviated!”
“I know!” The Muggle says, but his features show no sign of shock or disbelief.
“So-- but--” Newt fumbles for the right words to say in a situation like this.
Jacob is quick to break the awkward conversation with his account, “It didn’t work, pal. I mean, you said it, the potion only erases bad memories. I didn’t have any. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I had some weird ones. But this angel… this angel over here, she filled me in on all the bad parts, and here we are, I guess?”
“This is wonderful!” He looks around for Tina, but doesn’t find her. “Where’s Tina?”
“Oh, it’s just us, honey. Me and Jacob.” Queenie tells him.
“I see.”
The room descends into silence before the blonde witch’s sweet voice tears through it, “Why don’t I make us some dinner, huh?”
“Yes!” Jacob shouts, loud and unruly, almost causing Newt to flinch back at the volume. The younger Goldstein observes the dark circles underneath Newt’s normally brilliant green eyes and his slightly sunken in cheeks; his face is more angular than she remembers when she last saw him in New York and it seems like his clothes don’t fit quite as well. The blonde witch notes this in the back of her mind to bring up later.
Once the woman finishes preparing a meal for three, she abruptly states, “Tina and I aren’t talking.”
“Why?” Newt glances up from his meal, making momentary eye contact with her, before looking to the right.
“Oh well, you know, she found out about Jacob and I seeing each other and she didn’t like it, ‘cause of the ‘law.’” Queenie imitates her sister’s voice, mockingly, “Not allowed to date No-Majs, not allowed to marry them. Blah, blah, blah. Well, she was all in a tizzy anyway, ‘cause of you.”
“Me? Why would she be in a tizzy over me?”
“Yeah, you, Newt. It was all over Spellbound. Here: I brought a copy for you.” She summons the magazine titled ‘Spellbound: Celebrity Secrets and Spell Tips of the Stars!’ and Newt’s face is plastered on the cover. The headline reads: ‘BEAST TAMER, NEWT, TO WED!’ The magazine flips open to a picture of Theseus, Leta, Newt, and Bunty standing side by side at his book launch. In the photo, Leta is standing close to him, a hand resting on his shoulder with a soft smile spread over her full lips. Queenie points at the magazine and reads, “‘Newt Scamander with fiancée, Leta Lestrange; brother, Theseus; and unknown woman.’”
“No, no, they got it wrong. Theseus is the one marrying Leta, not me.” He denies, still observing his non-magical friend’s odd actions.
“Oh! Oh dear… Well, see, Teenie read that and she started dating someone else. He’s an Auror. His name’s Achilles Tolliver.” Newt fails to see how Tina’s dating life is pertinent to him, but he doesn’t interrupt his female friend. Jacob and Queenie trade a look before laughing at the man’s last name. A pregnant silence ensues, but then Newt wants to talk about Jacob’s tumultuous behaviour: eating sloppily, humming to himself, and then attempting to drink from the salt shaker. Queenie quickly proceeds to cover for him, snatching it, and replacing it with a glass.
“Anyway… How have you been doing, Newt? I hope New York isn’t still haunting you. You don’t look so well, honey.” She confesses, forehead wrinkled in concern.
“I’ve been well, everything’s good.” Newt brushes off her concerns with a dismissive wave of his hand, but the blonde Legilimens is unconvinced, even if she chooses not to press. She attempts to delve into his thoughts, but they are in such a disarray that she gets a headache from trying to sort through them. Instead, she is only able to feel the most prominent emotions -- despair and confusion. Her immaculate brows pull up further, but a look from Newt tells her not to go further with her line of questioning. Queenie respects his judgment.
“Okay, well… We’re real excited to be here, Newt. This is a-- well, it’s a special trip for us. You see, Jacob and I, we’re getting married!” She showcases her engagement ring and Jacob tries to toast with this cup, but ends up pouring the beer all over his head.
“I’m marrying Jacob!” The man bellows and there is no doubt in his mind now that Queenie has managed to bewitch his friend and he levels her with a fierce glare. He knows she is capable of reading his mind and he uses this to his advantage, You’ve enchanted him, haven’t you?
“What? I have not.” She replies as she hears the first coherent thought pass through his consciousness.
“Will you stop reading my mind?” Newt says aloud, but he is still speaking to her mentally.
Queenie, you’ve brought him here against his will.
“Oh, that is an outrageous accusation. Look at him. He’s just happy. He’s so happy!” Queenie is affronted by the implications of his thoughts. He returns her statement with a disbelieving look.
Newt draws his wand out from his pocket and points it at the dark-haired male, “Then you won’t mind if I--”
Queenie jumps in front of Jacob, trying to shield him from his line of sight. “Please don’t!”
“Queenie, you’ve got nothing to fear if he wants to get married. We can just lift the enchantment and he can tell us himself.”
Several painful moments elapse and at last, she moves aside, her gaze downturned in a sense of shame.
“What you got there? Whatchu gonna do? Whatchu gonna do with that, Mr. Scamander?” Jacob teases, a grin stretching his face wide.
Jacob reacts as though a bucket of cold water has just been poured over his head, shaking, and a cloud of pink smoke forms into the shape of a heart above his head, still wet from the beer. He comes to his senses and glances around, confused.
“Congratulations on your engagement, Jacob.” Newt announces and Jacob’s wide brown eyes stare at him.
“Wait, what?”
Newt looks at Queenie and Jacob turns to see his beloved standing adjacent to him.
“Oh no.” He realizes he has been taken against his will. Slowly, he gets to his feet and she reads his mind. With a sob, she runs to close her case, but her lipstick and a fragment of torn postcard fall out. She then proceeds to flee the apartment. “Queenie!”
Jacob glances back and forth between the departing witch and his close friend, debating on who to address first, “Uh, it’s very nice to see you. Where the hell am I right now?”
“Oh, um, London.”
“Oh, I’ve always wanted to go here!” His voice carries infinite amounts of frustration, before he stomps out, chasing after Queenie with another cry of her name.
Queenie dashes out of Newt’s house and down the street, tears streaking her cheeks. Jacob runs after her, his face red and livid, and it colours his tone as he asks, “Queen, honey. I’m just curious, when were you going to wake me up? After we’d had five kids?”
The blonde whips around and nearly growls uncharacteristically, “Why is it wrong to want to marry you?”
“Okay--” Jacob attempts to butt in, but the woman barrels forward.
“To wanna have a family? I just want what everyone else has, that’s all.” Her eyes are shimmering with more tears, such a beautiful blue, despite the dim lighting of the street. They stare despondently at one another.
“Okay, wait. We talked about this, like, a million times. If we get married and they find out, they’re gonna throw you in jail, sweetheart. I can’t live with that. They don’t like people like me getting married to people like you. I ain’t a wizard. I’m just me.”
“They’re real progressive here in England and they’ll let us get married proper.” She is shaking as she explains how the culture and laws in Britain are not as backwards as they are in America. The man approaches her and wipes a solitary tear from her cheek.
“Sweetheart, you don’t need to enchant me. I’m already enchanted! I love you so much.”
“Yeah, but I can’t have you risking everything like this, you know? You’re not giving us a choice, sweetheart.” Jacob counters, almost pleading her to understand how tough this is for him as well.
“You’re not givin’ me a choice. One of us had to be brave and you-- you were being a coward!”
“I was being a coward? If I’m a coward, you’re a--” The Muggle cuts himself off, but it’s already too late because Queenie has read his mind.
“-- Crazy!”
“... I didn’t say it.”
“You didn’t have to…”
“No, I didn’t mean it like that, sweetheart.”
“Yeah…” Queenie is forlorn as she responds, “You did.”
“No!” He tries, but she has shifted away from his reach and is almost running away from him. He can hear the pain in her voice as she says her next words.
“I’m gonna go see my sister.”
“Fine, see your sister.” The mustached man is exhausted from proving his case and he gives in.
“Fine.” There is a sense of finality in her tone and Jacob instantly regrets everything he’s said as Queenie vanishes from the streets of London.
“No, wait! No, Queenie! I didn’t mean it… I didn’t say nothing…” But he is alone on the street.
Newt is conflicted, miserable at causing such a ruckus, but he catches sight of a torn up postcard. He crosses the room to pick it up and then mutters, “Papyrus Reparo.”
The ripped pieces come together and mend; it shows a beautiful landscape somewhere in Paris. The neat handwriting on the back says:
My dear Queenie, What a beautiful city. I’m thinking of you, Tina X
He can only imagine that the reason Tina is in Paris in the first place is because she is looking for Credence. Just like so many other people are and he can’t help but be concerned for the boy’s well-being. As soon as Jacob arrives back at his residence, the two pack up and head to Paris as well.
Only moments ago, Grindelwald has procured his new hideout in Paris, after killing the occupants of the house. Following the months of his imprisonment, he hasn’t felt quite up to par to his usual self, but it’s nothing that affects or worries him all that much. The pale platinum-haired man has spent much time fascinated with the seemingly weak magizoologist -- the one responsible for his capture -- but after the events in New York, he knows that appearances can be all too deceiving. An uncontrolled vision hits him as he is contemplating how to go about approaching Credence at the circus.
He Sees Newt sitting uncomfortably at a table, fumbling through a meal, with another man who resembles him in some ways and a dark-skinned female, pretty and elegant, but wholly not his definition of beautiful. He is sure this witch is known as Leta Lestrange. Grindelwald only catches the tail-end of their conversation, but he can tell that they are discussing soulmates.
“-- we’ve noticed the strangest phenomenon recently. It feels like we’ve grown stronger, in a magical sense. And when we’re physically too far apart for too long, we can feel it dampening.” Leta explains, gesturing wildly, and it is easy to put the situation Newt and himself in perspective after hearing this. There is a white flash of light, subtle and delicate, and then, his vision changes to Newt conjuring up his Patronus to send a message to someone. The thing that captivates the Dark Lord’s focus is the fact that the animal that is invoked is not some common, non-magical beast, but rather an extraordinary Kelpie. The curly haired wizard speaks in soft words, mentioning someone called ‘Bunty,’ before the Kelpie lends him a nod and bounds off to deliver the message.
Grindelwald returns to reality, slightly befuddled from the experience as he usually is. A Patronus that appears in the form of magical creature is so exceedingly rare that he thinks, How interesting this soulmate of his is.
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lothirielswanmarvel · 5 years
Dinner with the Avengers (and a Turtle)
The clang of iron against wood smacked my ears sharply. Shouts arose in the distance–some out of fear, others were battlecries. A plethora of smells attacked me at the same time in a merciless cycle. I was doing what many would dream to do, but few would dare to accomplish.
Sit at the dinner table with the Avengers.
"Let us feast!" Thor boomed, holding his fork high before it dived into the mountain of lasagna on his plate.
"Wait!" Steve Rogers stared down everyone, mentally breaking our resolve and making us set our utensils down. He reached out to Tony on one side, and Natasha on the other.
"We have to say grace first." He said.
Tony snorted and rolled his eyes, but a sharp kick from Pepper under the table made him take Captain Steroid's hand. Natasha joined hands with Clint, and Bruce, who came in late from the lab and could take the last seat available, was seated next to Thor. We all knew the terror of this position: anyone who sat close to Thor was bound to be peddled in crumbs and stains, along with being scarred for life.
"Bless this food and the hands that prepared it," I peeped open an eye to catch Pepper's smirk, and Thor's excitedness that he made edible human food (not really, Pepper kept him away from the dishes...all of them).
"Many thanks for the meal and company, especially our new friend, Sam."
Sam Wilson, who also contributed to making the heap of lasagna, sat a few seats away from me. I didn't know much about him except that, like Rhodey, he was also from the military. The two were sitting next to each other now, itching to exchange their war stories.
Tony sighed as Steve continued, "What a blessing to come together today. Our thoughts are with Clint as he battles his coffee addiction–"
"And by battling, you mean giving up and living at Starbucks." Clint mumbled, silenced by a nudge from Natasha's arm.
"–And with Bruce, who has survived another day in Tony's lab. Our thoughts are with everyone else as they go through another day in the twenty-first century–by the way, God, the forties were better–may everyone be blessed and filled with happiness."
"You're forgetting someone." Steve opened his eyes for the first time since he started speaking. Bruce gave him a knowing look.
"Come on, he deserves some recognition!"
"Fine." Steve shut his eyes again, and angled his face towards the ceiling. "Our thoughts are also with Bruce's new turtle, who left the dog park to join this circus."
All eyes fell on Bruce, who was holding Thor's hand in one fist and a squirming-green glob in the other. It was Bruce's new companion after a crazy day at the park running from soccer moms. The turtle hadn't been around for long, but Bruce already had plans to make him mascot of the Science Bros cult.
"He had to!" Bruce replied defensively, acknowledging the green-shelled tortoise in front of him. "There was a duck uprising at the park! And the soccer moms were chasing after me for fresh meat!"
"Bruce! Respect your elders!" Steve remarked. He regained his composure, and finished the prayer, "Jesus give me–us!–strength...Amen."
"Amen." Tony the Atheist rolled his eyes in disgust. Thor was amazed by this new custom, at least until he found out it was for another totally different God other than himself.
The mountain of lasagna was eagerly passed around as Thor boasted about his newfound cooking skills. Bruce edged away from the Asgardian right next to him, sacrificing his salad bowl to his turtle.
"The art of Midgardian cooking holds my interest!" Thor declared. "And after assisting Lady Pepper with the main dish, I had time to prepare an Asgardian delicacy for my dear friends!"
Pepper's eyes widened with fear, but she kept her composure. "T-Thor, that's okay. Really, we made tons of food, we can save it for later–"
"I shall bring it forth!" For the first time ever, Thor ran away from a full plate of food for something presumably less edible and more terrifying. There were some panicked glances shared around the room before Sam spoke up.
"You guys have an amazing pad, here." He replied before taking a bite of a breadstick.
Pepper's frigid demeanour vanished. "Thank you so much, Sam! We're happy you could visit us–Steve has told us a lot about you."
"All good, I'm hopin'." Sam replied.
"The best," I spoke up before digging into mouth-watering crimson sauce dotted with spicy herbs. "I heard you're a fan of Marvin Gaye."
"Yes ma'am." He said with a dashing smile I'm sure he learned from Steve himself–that's probably where his manners came from, too. "You're interested in him?"
"Well, I hear it from Tony's bedroom a lot, so I kinda have to." I replied.
Pepper nearly choked on a forkful of lasagna as Natasha shot Tony a dark glare. Clint covered his face with a napkin, snickering underneath the beige veil.
"Are you into Bell Biv Devoe too?"
"Yeah! Steve, why have you been hogging this person all to yourself?"
"And the Commodores?"
"Are you trying to make me fangirl, Y/N?" Sam wiggled his eyebrows at me, his massive arms folded on the table.
"Michael Jackson!" I grinned.
"You're killing me!"
"Do you think that's a good name for him?" Bruce replied.
We all looked at him. "Who?"
Bruce pointed at his turtle, who was nudging a part of the pasta with its nose. "My turtle. I don't know, Michael Jackson is too snazzy–I want to name him after a periodic element!"
At the mention of science, Tony became invested in the conversation. I watched the new entertainment with amusement as I took a bite of the lasagna. Pepper and Sam had done a marvelous job; the mix of gooey parmesan, the soft texture of noodles, and more invaded my mouth as a welcome intruder.
"Does he look like a Seaborgium?" Bruce picked up the squirming turtle who was playing with it's meal and held him right in front of his face, nose to nose. "Maybe we can call him Rubidium and nickname him Ruby?"
"How's Cobalt sound?" Pepper suggested.
"That's pretty cool," Bruce shrugged, and propped up his turtle on his silverware. "Any others, though?"
Natasha patted her perfect crimson lips dry on her napkin. "Boron?"
"Eh, Tony would nickname him 'moron'–don't act like that's not true, Tony."
"Steve would hate him, and Tony would call him Hitler."
"Seriously, Bruce?!"
"Yes I am, Tony."
"Bismuth?" Pepper replied, nibbling on her salad.
"That sounds like meth, Pepper." I said.
She gagged on her food, once again striking Tony's shin under the circular table. The great Iron Man squealed and withered under Pepper's scowl.
"She's right. Tony would think that way." Bruce looked down at his tortoise, disappointed.
"But you're not supposed to." Nat's eyes burned deep into my soul across the table. I shivered and sunk low in my seat, trying to hide under the white tablecloth.
"I can't name him Rhodium. There can only be one." Bruce glanced up at Rhodey.
"How about Xenon?" Tony finally offered, leaning over the table to offer the turtle his entire bowl of salad. Pepper slapped his arm.
"Eat your vegetables, Tony!"
"But mom!"
"It's cuter in the bedroom..." Tony muttered, making my face turn red as I was scarred for life. That was one thing Marvin Gaye couldn't keep me from.
"Eh, I don't want to name him after a noble gas." Bruce watched as his little friend scurried over to a spare piece of lettuce that had fallen out of Tony's bowl and started to devour it.
We all instinctively flinched at Thor's voice, but that wasn't the worst part. My nose wrinkled as another smell wafted into the room, mixing horribly with the spicy herbs of the lasagna. It was a pungent smell...and it was advancing towards the table.
Thor dropped a dish of nightmares on the table, it's true monstrous form hidden under a cloak of tin foil. That didn't stop tons of tiny flies from scurrying over it.
Bruce clutched his turtle to his chest defensively. "Holy cannoli...is that Tony's offspring?"
Tony snapped, "Ha ha. I'll have you know that I am civilized in the lab, Bruce."
"I'm in there with you, Tony-Macaroni. Nothing comes out of there alive again."
"You do!"
"I lost my soul the first time I went in there!"
"Is that because I stole your heart, Brucie?"
Thor beamed down at his disgusting Frankenstein. It's face hadn't even been revealed, and my stomach was ready to run away and leave me behind to rot. I wouldn't blame it, personally.
"Who would like to try it first?" Thor studied the pale faces of the people sitting at the table. "Ms. Potts, would you like to–"
"No thank you! I'm a vegan." Pepper quickly stuttered.
"Starting when?" Tony remarked.
"Starting now."
"Perhaps our new guest should have the honors." Thor turned to Sam, who I pitied more than ever.
I could see the fear in his eyes. Clint, being a fellow bird, stretched out a wing towards a feather in need, "You know what, man? Food is lame. Like, who needs it, anyway? I just live off of dust...and dirt...and Natasha's scraps."
Natasha sipped a wine glass that I knew was vodka. She nodded afterwards. To my surprise, she didn't show any reaction yet to Thor's death plate. Maybe it was all the alcohol–she needed a lot to deal with Tony, so everything was probably a blur to her.
Thor gasped when he laid eyes on Bruce's new pet. He bellowed, "What is this mighty creature?"
"He's my friend," Bruce held it closer to his chest, "I found him at the dog park. He survived the duck uprising."
"Maybe we should call him Thorium," Rhodey said thoughtfully. "Especially if that means our lives are spared from not dying at this dinner table."
Thor grinned at the turtle. "If you do not wish to taste my feast prepared, perhaps I can cook it for you! I can roast it in Clint's coffee for extra zest!"
Everyone at the table shot Thor terrified looks.
"You're not cooking my friend!" Bruce remarked, scooting his chair away from Thor. The sudden movement made the layer of bugs on Thor's platter shift. The insides of my stomach swirled with waves of nausea. I wasn't hungry anymore.
"And you are not wasting my coffee!" Clint stated firmly. I took a closer look at Clint and, loan behold, there was a Starbucks cup underneath the table near him. Steve would kill him later.
"That's a no on Thorium..." Tony uttered. Pepper was too petrified of the dish on the table to snap at him.
That turtle is in for bad luck: being roasted by Thor, forced to endure the torture of being the Science Bros mascot–
Science Bros.
Science Bros.
"Bromine." I said. "Bromine sounds cool...if you like it."
The turtle squirmed in Bruce's hands, and he took it as a sign. Bruce stared at the little guy, almost asking for permission. "Bromine...I like that. Bro-Bro is the coolest!"
"I deem thee Bromine Bruceson, worthy of living under the roof of the Avengers!" Thor cheered.
"This was much more interesting than a night of Netflix 'n Chill." Sam replied.
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hamilton-one-shots · 6 years
Hamilton Magic AU 2
John blocked the shot like a pro and, in the blink of an eye, shot back the same spell twice as strong, blowing Alexander's wand across the room and throwing Alexander back.
John smiled proudly and went over, offering a hand to Alexander.
He took it and picked himself up from the floor. "Wow.. That was way different from yesterday."
"New wand. Works like a charm from the looks of it. I just finished it last night."
"Finished it?"
He nodded. "I'll explain later. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just a bit sore. I'll be fine." He went across the room and got his wand back before going back to John. "You're really strong."
"Well, when you keep having to use a wand that doesn't work with you, you get better at controlling magic. I'm not at a wandless level of control, but I can control my wand better than your average wizard."
"I'll say... I'm sorry for thinking you were weak."
"It happens." He shrugged. "You just caught me on a bad day."
“I've learned my lesson.” He smiled, then hesitated before asking. “Would it be weird if I asked you if you wanted to hang out? Just as friends.”
“That's not weird at all. Actually, I'm having a birthday party this weekend. Its formal, so, if you do come, you have to dress up... Norm dress up, not robes..." Formal for wizards meant traditional and traditional meant robes. "But try to wear something less stuffy underneath. Thomas and I always do our best to sneak away from all of that and find something to do up in my room."
"Yeah, no problem. I'll be there, just give me an address. You can text me."
"... Text?.." John looked at him, a bit confused.
"Well... Yeah. With your cell phone?.."
It seemed to click for John a bit. "Oh! Sorry, my father won't let me own a cellular phone. I don't have that or a personal computer.. We're a very traditional family, but my father does use those devices for his work... They seem fun.."
"They are.. It's okay. Can you write down the time and address for me?"
He smiled. "I can do you one better. Meet me after lessons."
"Will do."
The pair got back to their spot and back to sparring after a few seconds of getting scolded by their instructor, not that either of them cared. They were both excited about making a new friend.
After lessons, they met right back up again and Thomas tutted, walking away.
"What's up with him?"
John sighed. "Like I said, it's not you.. He's like that around almost everyone. He's a nice guy, but he was raised to not be nice to everyone... His parents are almost as traditional as my father, but I don't listen to my father.." he chuckled lightly.
"Is he your boyfriend or something?.. Just wondering."
"Oh! No, he's not.. But I have had feelings for him for a while.."
"Have you just not told him about it? I know it can be scary."
He shook his head. "No.. We know and we have mutual feelings, but he doesn't want to go out until we're actually 18 and he can court me. We've been out a couple of times, though... So, it's complicated..."
Alexander nodded. All he was sure of is that John was off of the market. That sucked, he was cute.
"You don't think it's weird, do you?.. I know it's not normal for two guys to be together, if you even consider me a guy, but-"
"Woah, of course I consider you a guy. Just because you aren't one physically, nobody can tell you that you are or aren't a guy but yourself. If you say you're a guy, I believe you, you're a guy. And what do you mean not normal? It's perfectly acceptable to be gay these days."
"Gay?.. Doesn't that mean happy?"
"Well... Yeah, but in modern times, it also means homosexual, that you're attracted to people who are the same gender."
"I did not know that." He smiled. "I feel a bit better knowing there's a word for it... Do you think you could teach me a bit more? I only knew transgender because my doctor told me that when I talked to her about how I was feeling."
"I get it. I can tell you more later, but I should be getting home.."
"Oh.. Oh! I almost forgot." He slung his backpack off of his shoulder and dug through it, pulling out a clean, white envelope. "For Friday. Feel free to invite any friends or someone."
"Thank you." He smiled and took the envelope. "I'll see you tomorrow."
John nodded and walked away as Alexander did the same, going over to Thomas.
"He screams norm from a mile away. We shouldn't be hanging out with him."
"Thomas, my dad believes we shouldn't be around norms. I don't know if you've caught on, but I don't do what my dad says most of the time."
He sighed. "Alright.. But he won't be happy about this."
"Oh, come on, he's the only person that's even tried to talk to me besides you.. I just want to make a friend.. Not that you're not great."
Thomas smiled a bit. "Oh, I know I'm great." He put his arm around John's shoulders, holding him a bit closer. "I guess as long as he doesn't steal you, it's fine by me."
"You know he can't steal me from you. You could court me and propose now and I'd say yes." He'd been feeling that way for Thomas since he knew what those feelings were and he doubted they'd go away anytime soon.
"You know I want to wait until we're 18.. Even if that means waiting a bit longer for you." Thomas was two years older than John, he'd moved to France with his parents for a bit and didn't get the chance to go to school there and John had been put in school early because of his father, but neither of them knew about it until after they'd been friends for a while, not until they'd been on a few dates. Ordinarily, it would have been a bit strange, but they didn't care. John being younger had nothing to do with Thomas's interest in him and he was respectful of his every wish. The last word John would have used to describe him was threatening.
"Alright... I guess I just see our classmates getting into relationships and I want to know what that's like.."
"We're in a relationship, just not officially.. Otherwise, we're almost just like any other couple."
John smiled at that and kept walking with him, sighing as they stepped outside and Thomas moved his arm from his shoulders. If his father saw how the two got along as more than friends, there was no doubt that he would have turned it into a business thing, a way to get into Thomas's family's fortune, despite having more than enough for himself. He just got in the car and sat through the same as always silent drive home.
Alexander stared at the envelope as George drove him home, just enough for him to gain interest.
"What do you have there?"
"A friend from school invited me to his birthday party... I don't know whether I should open it now or wait until we get home." The pair were about to do some grocery shopping before heading home.
"Why not just open it now?"
"Because he's a wizard, so I don't know if it'll be something weird... But he's also inviting norms to the party and I might just be overthinking it."
George nodded. "Just wait until we get home, then. Better safe than sorry."
"I guess.." He put the invitation into his backpack and got out of the car with him, going through the grocery store with him and reminding him of what they needed.
After getting everything, the two went home and Alexander once again turned back to the invitation as he finished setting the table, George getting dinner ready in the kitchen. He took a deep breath and opened it.
When he did, a puff of confetti inside of the card morphed into a tiny John and smiled up at Alexander, speaking right at him. "Hi there! I know you, you're Alexander!"
He smiled. "You know my name?"
"My creator gave me some of his memories to make each card personal, if he knew the person and they're magic! Otherwise, I'm just a puff of confetti!"
"Do you know who else got a card where you popped up?.."
It thought for a second. "Just Thomas Jefferson. You must be special!"
Special.. He was special to John. "What happens if a norm sees you, but knows about magic?"
"It's up to you to keep me away from norms that don't. I only know by touch. I'm only paper, so I can't really see anything!"
He nodded. "Cool..."
George walked out. "Alexander, who are you talking..." He trailed off as he saw the small paper figure standing in the middle of the card. "That is amazing.. Is that the card you were going to open earlier?"
"Yeah... You can look, but if you touch him, he'll kind of disappear.."
George went over and did just that, still mesmerized by even the tiniest bit of magic. "It's amazing.."
"Yeah.." He smiled.
The paper John turned to Alexander and tapped his hand. "John's party is on Friday. It starts at nine and everyone just goes around and mingles the entire time, like a ball."
"Cool.. Would I still be able to talk to you if I closed your card?"
"As long as you don't lose me and it's before the party."
"Okay.. I'll talk to you later."
It waved at Alexander as he shut the card, careful to keep all of the confetti in, and put it back in the envelope for safe keeping.
"You have a very interesting world..."
"I know. Magic is really cool." He smiled.
George nodded and went back to the kitchen, coming back out with two plates of food, sitting at the table and eating with Alexander.
When they were done, Alexander went up to his room and began looking through his clothes, picking out a white button up shirt and black slacks, finding some nice dress shoes to go with it. That would look nice, right? He nodded to himself and put the outfit aside before getting his homework done, distracted by his newfound hopes for the week to pass by.
The next few days weren't too exciting. Just the usual school and wizard lessons, and he didn't even get to duel with John, since they were practicing simple conjuring spells. They seemed to fly by for Alexander, who was more than ready for the day as Friday finally rolled around.
"Hey, Alex, I'm going to see you at my party tonight, right?" John asked as he saw Alexander in the hallway.
"Yeah, of course. I'll be there." He smiled and kept walking, afraid of running late for his class.
John smiled at that and watched him leave, frowning as he felt something stir in his heart. This... wasn't right. He liked Thomas, right? So why was he feeling this around Alexander now?..
"Is something wrong?"
Of course Thomas knew. Thomas always knew when something was wrong with John, just as John always knew when something was wrong with Thomas. "I'm fine." He faked a smile.
Thomas raised an eyebrow, seeing right through his facade, but chose not to say anything about it. If John wanted to tell him, he would tell him. It wasn't Thomas's place to force it out of him. "If you say so..."
John nodded and walked with him to class, even more confused as Thomas's arm slipped around his waist, giving him the same fluttery feeling in his chest that he felt around Alexander.
Whatever this was, he had a feeling that it wasn't going to end well.
The rest of the week came and went and it seemed like Friday just appeared. Alexander had been asking as many questions as he could to paper John about what the party would be like and what he'd have to do or bring or how he'd have to act and he was sure that he finally had it down. So, he got dressed and pulled is hair into a slicked back ponytail, then asked George to drive him to John's house.
"Of course. Do you have directions?"
"Paper John should know where it is," he responded, holding up the invitation.
George smiled at that and nodded, going out to his car with Alexander and letting him summon "paper John".
He opened the card and the little figure popped up, giving them directions. Alexander smiled and carefully held the card with one hand, holding John's gift in his other arm in his lap.
"Well, I guess this is the place," George stated as they pulled up in front of a huge mansion. There was even someone guiding cars and a valet.
Alexander's eyebrows raised in surprise. John never mentioned how wealthy his family was, not that it mattered to him. But.. It was so much, he was surprised it didn't show in John in the slightest.
Paper John patted his shoulder. "I have to go now.. Once you give me to the man at the door, I won't see you anymore.."
Alexander frowned at that, but understood. "Okay.. It was nice knowing you." He held the card closer to himself and let paper John hug him, carefully returning the affection before closing the invitation one last time. "I'm going to miss that little guy.."
"Look on the bright side. You'll be seeing the real one really soon here," George pointed out with a smile as he pulled up in front of the house.
Alexander smiled a bit and nodded, getting out of the car and going up to the door, handing over his invitation before going inside, finding John standing a few feet inside.. in a gown?
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blankdblank · 6 years
Man of My Heart
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Had an idea of The Durins assuming you have a lover just by a misunderstanding of your use of the title.
@himoverflowers,@theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455​, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology,   @evyiione, @deepestfirefun, @abiwim​
Kurdûn - heart-man, literally, also “man of my heart” or “man with heart”
Âzyungâl - lover
Working at this dimly lit bank seemed to have mainly monetary benefits at first, at least until you met the Owner’s Grandson. Thorin Durin, impeccably dressed and dazzlingly untouchable, to anyone and everyone it seems. Head to toe in well tailored, practically painted on in more than a few occasions that caused more than a few distracted bruises drawing hushed gasps and squeaks from the injuries that were promptly withheld. Day by day you managed to keep your head down while others did their best to practice their Hobbittish in hopes of speaking with you more privately.
Moving from the Shire had been hard but the money was good and there was very little to be accomplished with an accounting degree, so off to Dwarf territory you went. Returning home to your surprisingly huge apartment for the small price it cost you, the ache you felt in the half bare shelves kept growing so you did something you were never allowed to do before. On a whim after a long day at work you paused on the walk home to stop in at the local pet shop. 
True they only sold small rodents and lizards it stirred something in you, eyeing the rabbits affectionately you wavered as the memory of their kind being mainly silent and requiring a large clean up drove you from the cuddly creatures. But roaming the aisles your eye caught a familiar stern figure with a large bag of cat kibble on his shoulder with his other hand eyeing an adorably fuzzy teasing toy on a long string that did the impossible, it made the giant smile. Granted it was just a flinch of the corner of his mouth but still a smile none-the-less.
Turning to eye the wall of cat trees your hands swung behind you with one hand habitually clasping around the other wrist as one of your feet rocked on the toe of your heel behind the other as you pondered which a cat would find more enjoyable feeling a pair of eyes sliding over your back before suddenly leaving you. Turning back your suspicion was correct in that Thorin was gone, but still the thought lingered all through your walk home and soon through your lunches your eyes were glued to your phone investigating the differences between the breeds as you couldn’t help but wonder which breed belonged to the Stoic man. Short and speckled fur, long and poofy, hairless certainly would be out with the food he chose. Then the questions of snouts and temperament.
All this bringing creeping smiles to your face stirring a rippling curiosity through the bank. Lonely it had been for you yes, but for good reason. The Prince himself had claimed you and all his kin noticed and respected that, maintaining their distance waiting for your link to grow. But this change in you stirred a fledgling fear in each of them at who you might have fallen for that could possibly compete with the Prince you had not-so long ago joined the other countless women in fawning over him. 
Had he been merely a lonely daydream, did he truly mean that little to you, was there possibly a chance to win you back? 
All this had to be answered, and soon. So the youngest of his clan set out to do just that. Easing their way closer to you through the day claiming seats at your lunch table in the break rooms and fail miserably at gaining your attention with their suggestive conversations in hopes you might overhear and join in.
Today was the day. Pulled into your jeans and favorite sweater you made a daily trip to the pet store through the week to gain all the supplies you would need and now the final task. After searching online at breeds an ad for a shelter came into your attention and you joined the back of the line waiting after the line of children at the promotional adoption day. Waiting and listening to the children all voicing their hopes for the available choices, sideways gazing at you and your pleasant smile and quiet demeanor wondering why you wouldn’t bring the child you were obviously picking for to the shelter, assuming it must be a gift.
One by one they went in and left happily holding cardboard carriers with meows and slightly scared jostles with adoption papers being waved. Last in line as the workers had informed the few behind you that only dogs were left, their reluctant shift to return home left you timidly following inside to the last cage of the line with a wondering anxiety of what sort of cat had been left. No matter what you would not turn. No injury or impairment or heightened age would turn you away. Gladly you would welcome the creature into your home and bask lovingly in the company smothering it with every ounce of love and care you could muster. Next to the last cage you turned eyeing the seemingly empty cage the burly Dwarf with the poofy silver beard and long braided ponytail had pointed to. 
Curiously glancing around inside it until the Dwarves’ thick finger reached out to flick the bell pinned to the gated door. Bringing a smile to your face as pink little circles under the white tiny paws of the impossibly small kitten reached out from under the blanket inside to reach out and flick at the bell in return making you giggle. Moving closer on your toes the Dwarf smirked knowing you’d already accepted the small creature causing him to reach out to unhook the gate causing the kitten to duck back inside its hiding spot as the Dwarf held the cardboard carrier and eased back the blanket adding it to the box and the small kitten after. “We aren’t sure why, but he hasn’t grown like his Sisters. Should be nearly full sized by now. Runts nearly always need more health attention as they age.”
You smiled accepting the barely nonexistent weight of the carrier as the kitten gave a pitiful crackling attempt at a meow then ducked back under his blanket before the Dwarf closed the lid and led you back to the desk where he gripped his pen to fill out all the information before asking, “Did you have a name for him already, you can always fill it in later.”
His eyes met yours noticing your smirk remembering the heart shaped white patch around his nose against his mostly black fur, “Kurdûn”
A smirk of his own slid on his face as he added the rune to the line and passed you the paper, “Fitting name. I do hope he sprouts for you and your Hobbit ways.”
You nodded readying to turn as you said, “I’ll keep you posted if you like.”
He nodded and wished you well watching as you eagerly bounced back home gaining curious glances until the Dwarves noticed the package you were holding, bringing their own smiles out brighter at the creature and its newfound loving home.
Back home finally you were stretched out along your stomach with feet crossed swinging in the air above you with the carrier open and on its side as you patiently waited for the kitten to exit its hiding place. With food and water to coax him your fingers poked under the blanket gently tapping the creature stroking the soft fur on what you assumed to be a foot as you softly repeated his name in a calm tone. Barely an hour in a small heart surrounded nose poked out with two green eyes that followed to sit and blink at you before inch by inch creeping out to try at the food.
Nibble by nibble the food was eaten as you softly spoke to little Kurdûn, gaining his confidence and trust before your hand was accepted for gentle and brief pets. But with the chime of your clock your chin was claimed as a hiding spot until the noise hushed and he crept out again leading to you giving him the tour. Granting him some exploring time as you had dinner yourself and found your way off to bed with your new friend curling up on your pillow against your forehead.
Day by day your smile deepened and lingered urging the brothers on to learning what had brought them on. Passing through the break room after finishing your lunch you paused as a tall Dam curiously approached asking, “I have to ask, what has you so happy lately, some new âzyungâl?”
You smirked back, shaking your head you simply replied, “Kurdûn”
She smirked, “So it’s a secret admirer then?” as her friend asked in a love-struck tone, “Or unrequited?”
You simply smiled and said, “I have to get back.” Moving around them adding your lunchbox back to your cubby as the brothers that were listening in rose and went to report to their Uncle.
Glaring and scowling more than usual the Prince moved as smoothly through his normal habits trying not to focus on you without luck until once again his eyes had landed on you through your second sharing of stops in the pet shop. Eyeing your back his head turned away as an employee approached you asking in Hobbittish, “Did you need help with translations?”
You shook your head responding in Khuzdul, “I’m shopping for my Kurdûn.” Your finger pointed at the purple cans marked beef with grave, “I think he wants that one.” Smiling larger at him he nodded his head and turned away as you grabbed the beef and smiled at Thorin in passing and stopped causing his eyes to watch your dress to sway adorably around you when you turned.
“What sort of cat are you shopping for?”
You smiled taking a step closer as a Dam reached for something behind you, “Not certain of the breed. Shorthair, black and white. Yours?”
He swallowed dryly, “Black, poofy with big grey spot sort of looks like she’s wearing a coat. Big breed, got her from the shelter.”
Your smile grew, “Mine too.” You giggled nervously adding, “Not the coat part but the shelter. Though mine’s a runt so I got him as last in line but he’s perfect.”
Thorin’s mouth quirked up into a smile imagining you with the tiny creature as he walked with you to the registers as you did the same. Imagining its proud resting stance on his broad sturdy shoulders which honestly you wouldn’t mind being thrown over. Parting at the door the brief happiness your conversation had brought on stung just as deeply as it had when he heard you utter the sacred title.
What sort of man could it be to have brought you to such bliss? And how could you have such a love for a creature that didn’t belong to you? First it was his and now its yours, could it really be unrequited and your words muddled unable to separate your desires from the truth? Who could possibly not love you in return?
Smiling softly you grabbed your lunchbox and claimed your seat feeling the familiar pair of blue eyes lingering on you from the Prince as you eased the lid open and gasped before closing the lid and rested your chin in your hand covering your mouth with your fingers. Narrowing his eyes Thorin moved forward as his Nephews took their seats across from you and turned as their Uncle stopped between them. Sternly asking, “Is everything alright Miss Pear?”
You looked up at him smiling and nodding as the Brothers eyed the box curiously until Fili asked, “What’s wrong with the box?”
Kili, “Did you forget your lunch?”
Your fingers curled to free your lips to say, “Just didn’t realized something was in it.”
Narrowing his eyes Thorin couldn’t help but ask, “Your âzyungâl sneak something in for you?”
You giggled softly as his fingers reached out to flick the lid open only to see the small kitten asleep on its back on your warm stew thermos stretching its back paws up flexing his toes as the lid swung open driving the three to smile and lean in closer, “He must have snuck in when I packed it.”
Thorin couldn’t help but chuckle reaching in to gently rub the side of his face drawing another stretch as he asked, “What’s his name?”
“Kurdûn” Their eyes met yours with stunned gazes drawing you to giggle as you tapped your nose, “Because of his nose.” Making them peer in again noticing the tilted heart pattern in his fur making them all smile larger and chuckle as Fili asked, “So you don’t have an âzyungâl then?”
You giggled again, “Who told you that? I just moved here, this is one of the longest conversations I’ve had with anyone since the move.”
Thorin smirked nearly purring out, “Grab your bag I’ll walk you home for lunch.”
You smirked hoping just once your ears wouldn’t redden to a blush as you said, “You don’t have to. It’s not far I can make it there and back in time.”
Thorin narrowed his eyes, “No one leaves without approval from management so either I go with you or he stays in the box all day. Like you said, it’s not far.”
You stood closing the lid carefully and watched as he collected his own before joining you for the short trip. Holding the same easy smirk as his Nephews beamed proudly at his own progress before they went to pass the news on to Dwalin who burst out into laughter at the trouble the kitten had caused.
Climbing the short staircase Thorin waited for you to unlock the door so he could open it for you. Then to follow you to the elevator and off to your door. Smiling at the quality of quarters you had managed before eyeing the spacious apartment as you walked in to shift the sleeping kitten onto his bed at the base of his cat tree you were sure he would grow into one day as Thorin sat at your dining room table. 
Turning you raised the box sitting across from him enjoying the quiet lunch that soon grew warmer as he drew his phone showing a picture of his cat allowing you to flick through the few until you landed on one he forgot he’d taken. The pair of them in matching sweaters his Nephew Ori had knitted with small knitted hats to match with giant yarn tassles that drew loud laughs from you that burst from your unstoppable fit of giggles making his smile grow as he laughed in return stealing a glance at the picture again before offering, “Perhaps we should have a rescue play date sometime.”
Giving you a hopeful glance that grew to a beaming smile as you smirked back with a playful spark in your eyes replying, “Perhaps.”
Saw this picture thought of Thorin.
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Pt 2
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